Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Este curso foi estruturado para ensinar aos profissionais que precisam fazer projees financeiras quepodem ser usadas tanto para a apresentao do negcio a um investidor potencial quanto para preparar o oramento anual ou mesmo de longo prazo para sua empresa.Para isso usaremos uma planilha que ser montada pelo aluno no decorrer das aulas e essa ser a ferramenta que ele ter em mos para utilizar em sua empresa no final do curso podendo adapt-la a suas necessidades.. A estrutura do curso a seguinte:Aula1 - Aula de apresentao com exemplo de um plano denegcios completo.Aula 2 - Admisso das premissas- Premissas Econmicas- Premissas de Receita- Premissas de Custos- Premissas de DespesasAula 3- Elaborao da DRE - Demonstrao do Resultado doExerccioAula4 - Elaborao do DFC - Demonstrao do Fluxo de CaixaAula 5 - Elaborao do Balano PatrimonialAula 6 - Tcnicas de Valuation e respectivo relatrioO aluno recebera uma planilha do excel com a qual trabalharemos no desenvolvimento da ferramenta e que o aluno poder usar para seu prprio negcio. As aulas sero apresentadas em vdeo edisponibilizadas em PDF."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC for Beginners: An Essentials Course" |
"This course is created using Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 (with 2019 updates), though most projects are compatible with most versions of Photoshop. The course is created on a Apple computer however most functions are identical on as those on a PC. The most notable difference is the key commands which I will make note of while working.I will teach you techniques that I have learned over the years while working as a professional graphic artist. Photoshop has an overwhelming amount of functions and tools, many of which most professionals never use on a regular basis. The focus of this course is not on the specialty tools, but on the essential tools you need to learn to edit and manipulate photographs on a professional level. My goal is to teach you the basics and teach you to do them well.You will learn about Layers and how to use them effectively, youll learn to work non-destructively, youll learn to make clean selections as well as how to color correct your images."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Modelagem 3D Bsica" |
"Alm de te ensinar a modelagem 3D, tambm te orientarei a divulgar seu trabalho, sem ser de maneira intrusiva e muito menos esperar likes neles ou curtida na sua pgina.Mdulo 1 - Aprender a Modelagem 3D RefernciasMdulo 2 - Aprender a TexturizarMdulo 3 - Aprender a AnimarMdulo 4 - Como Praticar e Divulgar seu Trabalho"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Masa Kostoprawa. Stopie I: Masa Domowy." |
"Jest to Kurs Masau stworzony przez profesjonalnego Masayst i Kostoprawa dla NIEPROFESJONALISTW.W Kursie omawiamy podstawy technik prozdrowotnych i masau kostoprawskiego jzykiem prostym i dostpnym, bez uywania jzyka profesjonalnego. Techniki masau pokazujemy take w prosty sposb z dokadnym wytumaczeniem jak je wykonywa.Umiejtnoci jakie dostaje si w tym kursie:- szybko usun bl w miniach, spowodowany nadwereniem lub stresem- pomc szybko zasn osobie z problemami przy zasypianiu- usun uczucie zmczenia i cikoci w nogach- ukoi bl w plecach i krzyu- przypieszy regeneracj - pozbawi stresuZapraszamy do obejrzenia otwartych lekcji tego kursu i zapisw na Kurs!:)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to do business with the Federal Government" |
"This course will guide you step by step on how to prepare your entity as a Government vendor ofgoods or services by outlining the necessary steps needed to acquire proper business credentials and certification necessary to prepare emerging or existing business entities for obtaining government grants, providing goods and services, and bidding on federal contracts."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"The 5TT Gap System Overview" |
"This course has been designed for the Forex trader (particularly thebeginner and intermediate trader) who desires to learn a time-tested strategy for making consistentprofitsin the market. This system is based on simple price action, so not subject to personal opinions or gimmicks that work for a while and stops later. The course showsRules for identifying valid signals for both buy and sell tradesWhen to enter the tradeHow to manage risk (trade sizing, setting stop loss and targets)How to manage the trade (taking sequential profits, trailing stop loss, etc)There are multiple examples of the success rate of the 5TT Gap System across many currency pairs."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"GenY Founders University 2.0" |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Starte Dein Business in 30 Tagen" |
"In diesem Videokurs bekommst Du DEN GUIDE fr das Starten Deines Business innerhalb von 30 Tagen. Erfolg ist 80% Psychologie und 20% Umsetzung. Daher konzentrieren wir uns im ersten Teil des Kurses voll auf Dein Mindset. Wir schauen uns an, wie Du eine starkes inneres Fundament fr den Launch Deines Business legst und mit welchen DenkartenDu Dein Business im Flow Modus startest, anstatt immer wieder gegen innere Barrieren zu rennen. Wir gehen aber auch darauf ein, wie Du Geschftsideen entwickelst, wie Du Dein Business startest, selbst wenn Du heute noch keine Geschftsidee hast und wir schauen uns an, mit welchen Tools und Vorgehensweisen Du innerhalb von ein paar Tagen den ersten Umsatz und Profit machen kannst."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Wie Du Geschftsideen findest, die zu Dir passen" |
"Herzlich Willkommen beim Generation Y Founders Geschftsideen Kurs - dem schlanken, 100% praktischen Kurs zum Entwickeln Deiner idealen Geschftsidee - Schritt fr Schritt. In diesem Kurs wirst Du bei der Entwicklung Deiner Idee an die Hand genommen und Schritt fr Schritt begleitet, bis Du eine Geschftsidee hat, die Dich inspiriert, auf bewhrten Geschftsprinzipien aufbaut und die sich mit wenig Budget testen lsst. Und anstatt darauf abzuzielen einfach nur eine 0815 Geschftsidee zu entwickeln, mit der Du irgendwie ein paar Euro verdienst - halten wir uns an die Grundidee der GenY Founders Kurse: Mit unseren Inhalten zu bewusstem Unternehmertum beizutragen, indem wir Herz und Kopf in Gleichklang bringen, uns auf das WARUM fokussieren und Entrepreneurship so denken und fhlen, dass Dein Business Deinen Kunden Mehrwert liefert und Dich mit einer starken Vision und einem Warum das Dein Herz anspricht, inspiriert."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrapping - Wie du dein Business fr unter 100 startest" |
"Dieser Kurs ist der Mitschnitt eines 5-stndigen Online Workshops zum Thema Bootstrapping. In dem Kurs lernst Du:Strategien, Prinzipien und Mindsets, mit denen Du fr unter 100 Euro Dein Business startest und die ersten Kunden bekommst...Wie Du auch ohne eigene Webseite, Dein Business starten kannst und was Du dafr brauchst...Wie Du auch ohne eigenes Produkt ein Business starten kannst...Mit welchen Tools wir arbeiten, um schnell eine Business Infrastruktur fr unter 100 aufzusetzen und wie Du sie nutzt... u.a.Wie Du Dir innerhalb von einer Stunde ein professionelle Webseite baust, auch ohne ProgrammierkenntnisseWie Du innerhalb von ein paar Minuten mit dem kostenlosen Tool Jotform eine Bestellmglichkeit fr Dein Produkt oder Service auf Deiner Webseite einbaustWie Du Deine Eintrage- & Anmeldeconversions mit Mailmunch erhhst und...Mit Mailchimp Deine ersten Email-Kampagnen baustWie Du Deine Glaubensstze nderst, eine just freaking do it Attitde entwickelst und das Boostrapping Tier in Dir hervor holstBootstrapping ist mit Abstand eine der absolut wichtigsten Fhigkeiten, die ich mir als Grnder angeeignet habe. Kein Zweifel. Mit Boostrapping haben ich und meine Geschftspartner:Ein Outsourcing Unternehmen mit ber 30 Festangestellten MitarbeiternEin Social Business, das in ganz Ostdeutschland Festivals mit mobilen kologischen Toiletten beliefertEinen Co-Working Space in BerlinEine Seminar-& Workshop CompanyEine Film-Produktionsfirmagestartet.Hinzu kommen eine ganze Reihe an Projekten, die wir auf genau diese Art und Weise getestet und dann aber auch sofort wieder eingestellt haben, weil das Geschftsmodell doch nicht zu uns gepasst hat. Das gute daran war, dass wir mit unseren Markttests kaum finanziell ins Risiko gehen mussten, weil wir wussten, wie wir mit absolut limitiertem Kapitaleinsatz eine Firma starten konnten. Vermutlich hast Du aktuell nur eine vage Vorstellung davon, wie sehr Dir Bootstrapping dabei helfen kann, nicht nur ein Business aufzubauen, sondern auch positiv die Welt zu verndern. Egal ob Du ein Social Business aufbauen mchtest, eine Charity oder auch einfach nur eine Idee in die Welt bringen willst, die Dir schon lange im Kopf herumschwirrt.Wenn Du noch keine Ahnung hast, wie Du ein Projekt bootstrappen kannst aber etwas eigenes an den Start bringen mchtest, dann ist JETZT die Chance es ein fr allemal zu lernen."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing Masterclass 2019: Get certified!" |
"This Facebook Marketing program is designed To Walk You Step-By-Step Through the Process of Creating Massively Compelling Profitable Ads and Engagement For Your Brand.Facebook Marketing is the New Cool.With dying organic reach of pages and growing populace on this platform, every marketer needs to upgrade their skill on Facebook Advertisements. This program is exclusively designed for anyone and everyone who wants to master the art of marketing and advertising on Facebook.I am a big fan of Facebook Advertisement Platform! Because it allowed me to reach out to you to tell you what I have in store for you! Once you walk out of this platform you will probably see me coming back to you with a video and that's the power of this platform.This platform allows you to target people in different ways, re-target your website visitors and create unique techniques that can drive more leads for your business. I am going to teach you all those secrets.6 Key Things You Will Learn In This Masterclass:Number 1: Understanding Potential Of Facebook AdvertisementsIntroduction to Facebook Ads CourseIntroduction to Facebook Ads DashboardTypes and Objectives of Facebook AdsDefining your Audience's Personality, Budgeting and Practices.7 Ways to Targeting Your Customers on FacebookNumber 2: Crash Landing Page Course [Bonus]What is a Landing Page. What are those 12 crucial things that make an awesome landing page.Examples of Landing Pages.How to design Effective Landing Pages using Leadpage.What is Thank You page and How to Create One.How to crack Facebook Blueprint CertificateNumber 3: Cracking Facebook Pixel With EaseIntroduction to Facebook PixelWhat is Custom and Conversion Pixel - How to Integrate with Landing Page.How to Create Different Types of Custom Audience on Facebook.Number 4: How To Design Effective Facebook Ads On Your OwnPsychology Behind Successful Facebook Ads.How to Design Facebook Ads on Your OwnUsing CanvaNumber 6: Awesome Lead Generation TechniquesBy Running Facebook Conversion Ads.By Running Facebook Lead Generation Ads.By Running Basic Engagement Post and Driving Leads in the Comments.Comparison of All 3 Ad Format and understanding results.How to Target Custom Audience.Facebook Messenger ChatBot [Bonus]How to Create Facebook Messenger Chatbot.How to Run Facebook Messenger Ads and Grow Your Messenger Subscriber Base.How to Broadcast Messages to Subscribers.That's Not About It! You Will Also Receive The Following Bonus Lessons with Up-To-Date Lessons. Instagram Marketing (Bonus Video)- How To Run Ads on Instagram, How to Engage AudienceEngaging Your Audience (Guide) - 75 Ways To Engage Audience on Facebook, 15 Effective Ways To Host A ContestHold On! There is Lot More...You wanna be Job ready?Complete this course and earn an industry recognised certificate exactly after 30 days. Well, I am not guaranteeing you any job after this course. But, I promise you will learn a lot and if you implement those things for your brand or client they will be bowled by your skills.Please note: I will send a certificate to your email ID only after 30 days once you complete the entire course. This is to ensure that you have learnt everything from my course and put it to practise. Other Freebies include: 1) Avail free eCopy of Sorav Jain's Social Media for Business Book. It will be sent along with your certificate. 2) Free Lifetime Access to Social Media Community, Join other people taking up this course and ask questions if you have any."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
charti-13 |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Complete Java Course for very beginners" |
"Want to go from no previous coding experience -- overwhelmed and confused about where to even start -- from""Complete Java course for very beginners"" course, you will beable to seamlessly build creative and exciting programs with confidence?Whether you want to:- become an in-demand Java developer for exciting software companies- go freelance and work from home, setting your own schedule and rates- sharpen your core programming skills to reach the advanced level- simply bring your own ideas to life with your first profitable program...this complete Java developer course is exactly what you need,and more.(Youll even get acertification of completionto add to your arsenal)This course assumesno previous coding experienceand takes you from absolute beginner core concepts, like showing you the free tools you need to download and install, to writing your very first Javaprogram. Well then explore the advanced Java feature set to create awesome programs from the ground up, finishing with your industry recognisedcertification of completion.Why learn Java compared to other programming languages?Thats easy.Java is themost popularprogramming language in use (TIOBE index) since its theonlylanguage that works across all computer platforms (and android mobile) without needing to be recompiled (edited) for each one.You code once, and the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) does all the work in making sure your awesome new programme runs smoothly on any platform, whether Windows, Mac, Linux or Android mobile.Who is the target audience?This course is perfect for absolute beginners with no previous coding experience, to intermediates looking to sharpen their skillsThose who love letting their own creative genius shine, whilst getting paid handsome amounts to do so"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint Presentation Slide Design and Animation" |
"Join the community of 132000+ people. PowerPoint School is the largest platform for sharing and exploring the knowledge of PowerPoint over the internet.Do you want to learn PowerPoint from the very beginning to end?Do you want to surprise your audience with your PowerPoint slides?Do you want to know the secrets of PowerPoint animations?Do you want to get most free PowerPoint templates?Then is course is perfect for you. Without any hesitation, you should take this course and I can guarantee that you are going to love it. Moreover, this is going to be the most updated PowerPoint course on Udemy. We will upload new videos in every single week. So, take this course and enhance your creativity of using PowerPointThis Course is mostly about designing creative PowerPoint presentation slides with animations. Nowadays, using traditional PowerPoint slides can make your presentation boring. As time is changing so you must have to change the way of presenting your slides in front of your audience. In this course, I will show you the modern and engaging ways of creating your PowerPoint presentation slides. If you have no knowledge of PowerPoint without any hesitation you can take this course. Cause I will start from the very beginning and at the end of this course you will be the master of PowerPoint. But if you have a very good knowledge of PowerPoint still I will recommend you to take this course because I think it will inspire you for more Creative ideas.Whats inside this course?We have divided this course into few different sections so that you can learn everything about PowerPoint step by step.Introduction: We will introduce you with PowerPoint and also you will get to see our best PowerPoint portfolio works which may inspire your creativity.Basic knowledge: We have added this section for those who want to start from the beginner level or those who want to recap their previous knowledge.Advanced knowledge: In this section, we will show you some advanced use of PowerPoint such as editing pictures, use of merge shape, choosing custom colors etc.Basic Slide Design: This is starting of our practical slide design session. Here, you will learn how to design good presentation slides using all the basic tools of PowerPoint.Infographic Slide Design: Infographics are the modern way of presenting your PowerPoint slides. Here, I will show how to design attractive and engaging infographic slides through step by step tutorial videos.Slide Design with Transition: This section is dedicated to learn everything about PowerPoint slide transitions. Here, we will have few practical slide design sessions also which will definitely surprise you and your audience.Knowledge of Animations: Here, you will get to know every single details of PowerPoint animation tool. We have tried to deliver the knowledge with few practical implementations.Animated Slide Design: In this section, you will get to see how to add attractive and relevant animations on a particular slide. This section will definitely surprise you with our professional level of making animated presentation slides.Free PowerPoint Templates: In this course, as an extra benefit, we are providing few PowerPoint ready templates that you can easily edit and use.We are going to add few more sections very soon. So, stay connected with this course we will let you know everything that you really need.Extra benefits of taking this course:I think you will be very happy to know that with this course we are providing very unique and attractive PowerPoint ready templates that you can use in your presentations. And also you will be able to download all the slide templates that I will show how to create.Frequently Asked QuestionsDo I need any prior knowledge?No, obviously not. If you are not that much familiar with PowerPoint, you can still take this course. We have made this course in a way so that you understand PowerPoint from the very beginning to the very end.Why should I take this course?This is going to be the most updated PowerPoint course on Udemy. In every single week, we will upload new and quality works which will enhance your level of creativity.How often you update your course?We will update this course in every single week with two or three new videos and templates. So, make sure you stay connected with this course.Do you provide any free templates?Yes! We are providing so many PowerPoint templates that you can never imagine to get with a PowerPoint course. So, you will be able to download every single slides that we are creating in this course as well as we are also providing fully editableand ready few free PowerPoint presentation templates.So, take this course and experience the awesomeness of PowerPoint with us."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crea un cortometraggio fantasy con Blender e il Chroma Key." |
"Ti sei mai chiesto come vengono realizzati i film di fantascienza in cui gli attori si muovono in paesaggi virtual ricostruiti in 3D?In questo corso non abbiamo naturalmente la pretesa di insegnare come si realizza un film di Hollywood, ma molto pi semplicemente mostrare i concetti chiave che stanno dietro a tale produzioni.E i concetti chiave sono, in estrema sintesi: realizzazione delle riprese con la tecnica del chroma key (ossia su un fondo volutamente verde per essere poi reso trasparente in post produzione), ricostruzione del movimento della videocamera reale per trasferirlo a quella virtuale (tecnica detta ""motion tracking"", ricostruzione dell'ambientazione 3D e infine compositing finale.In questo corso vedremo tutti i passaggi che portano a questo risultato: le riprese col green screen, il keying dei video in After Effects (ossia la rimozione del fondo verde), la realizzazione passo per passo dell'ambientazione 3D in Blender, il motion tracking, alcuni effetti speciali utili alla scena e infine in compositing finale.Accedendo al corso puoi anche scaricare i video in chroma key utilizzati per poter realizzare tu stesso il tuo cortometraggio.Alla fine del corso gli studenti avranno appreso le tecniche pi importanti per realizzare in autonomia un piccolo cortometraggio mixando riprese di attori reali che si muovono in un mondo virtuale.Questo corso non ha lo scopo (come molti altri su Blender o After Effects) di spiegare come funzionano questi programmi esaminando ogni singolo comando e funzione: per questo ci sono centinaia di corsi online. Il nostro obiettivo semmai quello di guidare lo studente passo per passo a realizzare un progetto complessivo finale.Questo non significa che per seguire il corso necessario avere gi una grande esperienza con questi software: ogni passaggio infatti spiegato nel dettaglio, cos che anche un neofita pu riprodurre in autonomia i contenuti delle varie lezioni.NB: il corso si basa sulla versione 2.78 di Blender, la cui interfaccia in vari punti differenti rispetto all'ultima versione.Tutti i comandi e le impostazioni sono esattamente gli stessi, ma possibile che la posizione di qualche menu, pulsante o pannello sia diverso e quindi vada ricercato."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Chroma Key e Green Screen: tecniche di compositing" |
"Il corso fornisce una panoramica di tecniche per poter effettuare il compositing di video in Chroma Key in differenti situazioni e con differenti problematiche da affrontare.Il corso rivolto a principianti o comunque a persone che affrontano per la prima volta il tema del compositing in chroma key.Vedremo ad esempio come trattare un video per preservare i dettagli pi fini (esempio i capelli della persona inquadrata), come regolarsi in caso di elementi sfocati o con rumore di fondo, ecc.Vedremo inoltre come realizzare dei compositing anche con tecniche avanzate, come ad esempio il posizionamento del primo piano e dello sfondo su piani differenti per poter creare degli interessanti movimenti di camera virtuale.Come software di compositing utilizzeremo After Effects.Trovi in allegato per ogni lezione i files sorgenti di After Effects e tutti i video in Chroma Key utilizzati."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Esercizi di compositing video Chroma Key con After Effects" |
"Il corso si struttura come un insieme di esercitazioni per imparare a realizzare dei compositing tra video ripresi in studio in chroma key e del materiale da usare come sfondi e ambientazioni diverse.Sono esercitazioni adatte a dei principianti, in quanto espongono concetti base utili per chi ha poca o nessuna esperienza nelle tecniche del chroma key.La particolarit di queste esercitazioni la grande quantit di materiale messa a disposizione per esercitarsi.Ogni sezione tratta una tipologia di materiale fotografico e video differente: foto, timelapse, foto HDR e panoramiche, video, rendering, ecc.Per ciascuna di queste sezioni puoi scaricare tutto il materiale messo a disposizione per esercitarti in autonomia sulla tecnica volta per volta presa in considerazione.Inoltre, fattore esclusivo del corso, abbiamo appositamente realizzato numerosi video in chroma key che puoi scaricare e utilizzare per le tue esercitazioni. Si tratta di un aspetto importante perch i video in chroma key sono difficili da trovare e, se acquistati su un sito di stock, hanno dei costi abbastanza elevati."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Houdini FX step to step - Visual Effects made easy" |
"This course has a clear objective: to make simple enough the complexity of Houdini, and make your first step in the way of visual effects.It is addressed to people with little or no knowledge of Houdini, so if you are already experienced with this software, maybe the course is not fo you!Also take a look at my last course, ""Houdini FX - How to add Visual Effects in Real Videos"", it is specifically addressed to show how to create special effects to be composited with live footage.Houdini is a very complex software and it takes months just to understand how it works.So we decided to create simple lessons that will guide you in the basic concepts of Houdini.In this course you'll get right to the point. For each lesson, only simple and essential explanations.With this course, you'll learn the basic technics about Houdini's modelling and special effects.You can use the lessons as a reference or a starting point to learn the basics of Houdini.We will update the course regularly, in order to add new topics every week.The course is the result of a personal experience. When I started studying Houdini, I had great difficulty finding courses or lessons that clearly explained the steps to achieve an effect or a simulation.Even in the tutorials for beginners, there was always something unclear.Sometimes there weren't all the steps explained, sometimes there were advanced concepts that a beginner can't know.And above all, in order to complete a tutorial, you had to know concepts explained in other tutorials.In short, an endless road.But that's not all. Often the tutorials are extended on topics of little importance or the teacher talks about things that have nothing to do with the lesson.Have you ever followed a tutorial that lasts 40 minutes just to explain a concept of 5 minutes?Continuous pauses, concepts repeated several times, continuous comments often of little use.If you don't remember a passage, you have to listen again 40 minutes of the lesson just to get to the point where the teacher talks about the concept that interests you!In short, from all these experiences, I wanted to create a course that explains clearly, but without delay, each step to achieve effects and simple simulations.If you already have a good knowledge of Houdini or if you are looking for a course to achieve spectacular and cinematic effects, maybe this course is not for you.This course is for beginners and is a practical guide, made up of short lessons, simple steps and clear explanations on how to use Houdini.For each lesson you will also find the attached project file with all the explanations to be able to repeat the exercise independently.You will learn how to make simple animations, create materials and apply textures to an object.We will also see the principles of the procedural system that is the basis and the strength of Houdini.Please send me your comments, suggestions or other topics of interest to improve the course and help all the people who want to learn this great software!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"La fotografia in studio: tecniche di illuminazione di base" |
"Questo uncorso base di fotografia, che riguarda principalmente glischemi luceche si utilizzano in studio.E rivolto quanti non hanno alcuna o poca esperienza di fotografia e illuminazione.Vengono infatti spiegati i concetti base di utilizzo deiflash, di come prenderelesposizionee comeregolare la propria reflex.Ogni passaggio spiegato in modo dettagliato e semplice, senza la pretesa di affrontare tutti i concetti e le tecniche della fotografia in studio.Ci concentriamo in modo particolare suglischemi luce pi diffusi, su come allestirli e i casi pi comuni di utilizzo.Per l'illustrazione degli schemi luce, faremo ampio ricorso a delle simulazioni realizzate con dei software di renderind 3D.Il software gestice la luce e tutti i modificatoriin modo fisicamente corretto, quindi gli esempi riportati rappresentano esattamente cosa si pu ottenere utilizzando le stesse impostazioni degli schemi riportati.Per ogni set troverai in allegato i rendering di esempio e un pdf con l'esatto schema luce utilizzato.Per questa ragione, il corso pu anche considerarsi una guida pratica all'uso e alle impostazioni dei principali schemi luce.Iprincipi di illuminazione appresi possono essere applicati in ogni circostanza, non solo a foto realizzate in studio."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Python 3" |
":1. Python 2. PyCharm3. , , 4. , , , 5. , 6. 7. 8. JSON 9. 10. 11. PyGame , 12. PyGame 13. .exe14. SQL15. 16. Django v117. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Flask API 23. Flask AWS Elastic Beanstalk"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Linux ()" |
": Linux Windows Linux Linux : find, cut, sort, wc grep : tar, gzip, bzip2, xz, zip : top, free, ps : vim, pico, nano Linux Linux Linux Bash : Linux Professional Institute - Linux Essentials : : IP : SSH Linux : : crontab"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS - (Amazon Web Services)" |
"Amazon Web Services - . AWS, , , . : AWS AWS Free Tier Windows Linux AWS CLIIAM - , , S3 BucketsEC2, EBS, AMI Windows Linux, Bootstraping , IAM Roles AWSPrivate IP, Public IP, Elastic IPMetadata Load Balancer - Auto Scaling Groups AWS DevOps Engineer Professional VPC - CloudFormation - Serverless, Lambda + API GatewaySNSSQS Route53CloudFrontSSL Elastic Beanstalk - RDS - , Data Migration AWS, System Manager AWS, Hybrid Windows AWS - Cross Account Switch Roles AWS, AWS - p.s AWS, System Engineer, Network Engineer, DB Administrator ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ansible -" |
"Ansible - "" ?"", . -, DevOps .Ansible Puppet, Chef, Saltstack. . : DevOps Ansible Linux Ubuntu Linux CentOS Ansible Amazon Linux PIP Linux Windows Inventory YAML Ad-Hoc group_vars Ansible Playbook : debug, set_fact, register : block, when : loop, with_items, until, with_fileglob - Jinja Templates Roles - extra-vars Import, Include Task - delegate_to - Ansible VaultDynamic Inventory AWS - Amazon Web Services AWS - Amazon Web Services"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Git, GitHub GitHub Actions" |
"Git GitHub - . Git . GitHub Actions. : Git GitHub Git Linux (Ubuntu, RedHat) Git Windows .gitconfig Local Repository , .gitignore GitHub GitHub, git pushH GitHub SSH Key Linux H GitHub SSH Key Windows - git branch Git + GitHub GitHub Actions - DevOpsGitHub Actions - DevOps CD/CD Pipeline Flask AWS"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AWS - (Amazon Web Services)" |
"Amazon Web Services - . AWS. : AWS 30 AWS - Service Limit Increase - Resource Groups - VPC Peering VPC - Multi CIDR VPCVPC Endpoints - AWSRoute53 - Health Checks - Web Route53 - Cross Region Load BalancerApplication Load BalancerNetwork Load Balancer AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner AWS Certified Solutions Architect - ProfessionalLifecycle Manager - EBS Backup/Snaphot Cost Reduction Directory Service Simple AD - Windows Domain Controller Directory Service Microsoft AD Windows Domain Controller FSx - Windows ServersEFS - Linux ServersECS - Elastic Container Service - -1 - DockerECS - Elastic Container Service - -2 - AWS DockerECS - Elastic Container Service - -3 - ECR RepositoryECS - Elastic Container Service - -4 - ECSECS - Elastic Container Service - -5 - ECS Cluster, Task Definition TaskECS - Elastic Container Service - -6 - ECS Fargate ECS - Elastic Container Service - -7 - ECS ServiceECS - Elastic Container Service - -8 - ECS Services ALBElastic Transcoder - WatermarkLambda Function Target Application Load BalancerGuardDuty - AWS Organizations - Multi AWS AccountsAWS Organizations - AWS Organizations AWS WorkSpaces - Desktop AWS Certified Security - SpecialtyAWS SSO Microsoft Azure Active DirectoryAWS Transit Gateway VPC AWS AWS Transit Gateway VPC AWS AWS Resource Access Manager AWS - AWS China"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Porque es importante el ingles?El ingles es uno de los idiomas ms hablados del mundo y considerado por excelencia el idioma universal, ya que se ha convertido en la segunda lengua aprendida por la mayora de la poblacin mundial. Por lo que el hablar ingles te dar muchsimas oportunidades y te har crecer a nivel personal y profesional.Para quin es este curso? Personas que quieran aprender el idiomaPersonas que quieran recordar conocimientos bsicosProfesionales que quieran posicionarse en mbito laboralEstudiantes que deseen prepararse para lograr un fcil ingreso en el mercado laboralPersonas que les gusta viajar y desean comunicarse por si mismo en otro pas.Dueos de negocios que quieran expandirse de manera internacionalQue incluye el curso?Son 17 video clases para aprender de manera simple, practica y divertidaEjercicios aplicado a cada uno de los temas, para poner en prctica lo aprendido. Material de apoyo descargable, herramientas y recomendaciones para que puedas practicar ingles, no solo con ejercicios bsicos si no tambin, incluyendo actividades cotidianas.Respuesta inmediata a cada una de tus dudas para acompaarte en cada una de las etapas de tu proceso de aprendizajeNO LO DUDES MAS, INSCRIBETE TE HOY Y TE AYUDAREMOS A LOGRAR TU META!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn HTML5 & CSS3 full course" |
"In this course you will be able to be a Front-end developper With HTML & CSS , A fter finishing the first section you will understand what html & css stand for And in section 2 you will start learning html , in section 3 You will learn css 3 , And at the end you will be able to creat your web page"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso pratico di Machine Learning con R" |
"Questo corso ha un solo focus: abilitare all'uso del Machine Learning in R.Tutto dunque orbita attorno all'obiettivo di consentire agli studenti di realizzare i loro modelli di Machine Learning in autonomia, usando R. Per raggiungere questo risultato sono stati inseriti molti tutorial, dove si eseguono tutti i passi uno alla volta. Al tempo stesso ci sono delle sessioni teoriche che consentono di capire i principi dietro i vari algoritmi o strategie.Con questo corsoimpareraii principi alla base del Machine Learning, gli algoritmi pidiffusi ed i comandi R per poter creare modelli sia per problemi di Regressione, sia di Classificazione, sia di Clustering.Ciche distingue spesso un Data Scientist mediocre da uno eccellente la sua capacitdi valutare e scegliere i modelli migliori. Per questo motivo nel corso verranno insegnate e messe in praticatecniche specifiche proprio per fare questo.Nel complesso presenteremo ed utilizzeremo 8 diversi algoritmi, potraiseguire pidi 11 ore di video suddivise inoltre 120 lezioni. Avrai inoltre a disposizione quasi 300 pagine di slide in formato pdf che potraiscaricare divise per sezionie consultare in ogni momento. Anche il codice sorgente degli script R che realizzeremo durante il corso sara tua disposizione, e potrai scaricarlo ed usarlo nella tua console di R. Infine, per facilitare l'apprendimento, ho realizzato degli appositi Quiz di fine Sezione. Grazie ai Quiz potrai ricordare pi facilmente quanto studiato durante la Sezione e quindi imparare di pi e meglio ;)Conquesto corso apprenderai quellecompetenze concrete che ti servono per applicare il Machine Learning a problemi reali.Spero di vederti presto nel corso!Luca-"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Noivinhos em Biscuit ( Porcelana Fria )" |
"Este curso inclui a produo completa do comeo ao fim de 4casais de noivinhos em passo a passo, com uma linguagem simples e dinmica,mais bouquet e acessrios ..vdeos online e em HD , penteado bouquet, acessoriose todas as dicas de acabamento e montagemO primeiro Casal e a noiva tirando uma selff e o noivo com a bola de futebol O segundo casal Noivinho MarinheiroO Terceiro Noivinho Jogando Vdeo GameO quarto Noivinho Careca e noiva de salto alto e vestido curto"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"illustrator 3D in-Depth Course" |
"This is what we are going to learn in the course:3D Text Designing and applying Gradient while keeping Text Editable. Its Tricky;)Curved 3D Text (still keeping Text Editable)Ribbon DesigningRibbon Design withPattern3D Icon Design (Solid and Textured)Dog House (Modeling and Texturing)Tyre Designing (includespixel perfect Tyre pattern designing)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Animao de personagem no Dragon Bones" |
"O mercado de Games exige cada vez mais profissionais de arte com domnio de ferramentas e tcnicas diversas. Este curso oferece uma capacitao em animao de personagens atravs da tcnica ""cut out"" utilizando o software Dragon Bones. Aqui voc aprender a trabalhar com formatos corretos de arquivos para animao, e tambm a criao de sistemas de rigging, skinning epor fim como produzir uma animao de personagem consistente para jogos digitais."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |