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"Principles of Stock Trading" |
"This course has been specifically designed for investors who are new to stocktrading or investing in stock market. In 14 modular lessons, you will learn what I learned in years of investing.The knowledge you will gain could also be a key input be a key input in your stock trading or investing strategy. This course is excellent for prospective investors who want to improve their practical skills, learn new insights, and gain more confidence when it comes to investing in stocks."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Disea un negocio rentable 2020 Intensivo" |
"A veces cuando queremos hacer un negocio no sabemos por dnde empezar, o cuando ya tenemos uno y comenzamos a ver cierto estancamiento, no sabemos qu cosas nuevas hacer para sacarlo de ah y llevarlo al crecimiento.Hasta hace poco no hablbamos de modelos de negocios sino de planes de negocios, entre otras razones es porque la nica ruta de financiamiento que tenamos, adems de familia y amigos, era ir al gobierno o al banco a pedir prestado, y ellos precisaban de un documento lo ms detallado posible para disminuir el riesgo de prestarnos, esa prctica contina y desde luego sigue siendo necesario hacer planes de negocios, pero en un mundo tan dinmico como el nuestro, es fundamental tener rpido la mayor evidencia posible de que nos ir bien, por lo que ms que hacer un plan detallado hay que ir a probar al mercado las ideas y supuestos que vayamos teniendo, al fin y al cabo por ms hojas que adicionemos al plan no necesariamente se convertirn en algo real. Ningn plan sobrevive a su primer encuentro con la realidad, en el camino siempre se hacen muchos ajustes, as que conviene ms bien comenzar ya, con pasos concretos que vayan revelando poco a poco la oportunidad y ah es donde disear una ruta inicial se torna relevante.Sea que ests pensando en un negocio nuevo o en crecer el que ya tienes, te conviene consolidar informacin y estrategias sobre las 4 Ss de todo negocio rentable:1) Segmento: an y cuando hayas identificado una necesidad en el mercado, an as hay que estimular la demanda, ten una estrategia.2) Solucin: configura un producto o servicio que d beneficios a tus clientes y rentabilidad a tu negocio.3) Sistema: que tu negocio opere en automtico, eslabona procesos repetibles.4) Seguimiento: el negocio se construye da a da y para siempre, hay que innovar todo el tiempo para seguir en el mercado.Cuando lees un libro o vas a una conferencia te quedas solo con los puntos ms importantes, piensa en esos puntos, de mltiples fuentes, combinadoscon la prctica diaria de casi dos dcadas frente a pymes y emprendedores ycondensados en bloques accesibles en video:eso es lo que hacemos por ti.Aqu algunas reseas:""La actitud para mi lo es todo, y el instructor es lo que me transmite, una actitud explosiva, plasma en los videos su generosidad y capacitacin para ensear. Tambien el curso tiene unos documentos en los cuales te puedes hacer tu propio proyecto, costos, rentabilidades y totalmente aplicable al mundo real, y sin rodeos ni palabrera barata. Pondra herramientas o indicaciones para generar mas tipos de modelos o ideas de negocios pero bueno, en realidad nos toca a nososros buscar esa necesidad del cliente y resolverla plasmada en un negocio. Gracias y totalmente recomendado. (no creo que se pueda dar mas informacin y formacin en menos tiempo, totalmente aplicable a la vida real). saludos desde Espaa, ;-)""Manuelngel Martnez Rubio.""Excelente curso. Muy til, prctico, aplicable"".GeorginaSnchez Raso.""Claro, muy buenos tips a aplicar en mi negocio actual y uno que estoy por emprender!""Celso Prez CruzDisea tu negocio con nosotros, como siempre, te ponemos en el curso indicado para crecer."
Price: 1095.00 ![]() |
"Basic credit repair 101" |
"Credit Repair 101 is for people that knows little to nothing about credit repair. Why paid billion dollar companies like LexingtonLaw to do something so simple. My course is very easy to understand I will provide some visual aids. After following my steps provide you will be able to raise your credit score with little to no effort."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan nternet Sitesi Kurarak Para Kazanma" |
"Birlikte 0 dan internet sitesi kuracaz ve bu nternet sitesini kategorisine gresizin bilgi kabiliyetinize odaklanm ekildedetayl pf noktalarn renerek nternet sitesini nasl geni kitleye ulatrp para kazanabiliriz internet siteleri nasl gelitirilerek insanlara ulatrlrbunlar anlatacam.kursun sonunda sizlerde istediiniz sektr de site aarak iin en ince ayrntlar renmi biimde kendinize belirlediiniz hedeflerin sonucunda baarya ulaacaksnz. Kursun sonuna kadar bende dahi olmak zere birlikte atmz sitelerin bymesini takip edeceiz venternet sitelerini sosyal medya platformlarnda yaynlayarak hangi seo tekniklerini kullanp sosyal medyadan ziyareti ekeriz bunlar greceiz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SOLID - praktyczny kurs" |
"Na kursie dowiesz si w krtkim czasie czym jest SOLID. Nastpnie w duszym czasie zobaczysz jak zmieniam i refaktoryzuj aplikacje tak aby bya zgodna z wczeniej opisanymi reguami SOLID. Wreszcie na koniec zrobi krtki przegld zmian, opowiem o tym co si stao, dlaczego tak si stao i co mona robi dalej. Powiem take czego nie warto robi."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"How To Design A Typography Logo - A Beginners Course" |
"Creating logos isn't easy, especially when working with particular clients. And with so many designers out there, differentiating yourself can be difficult.Knowing how to effectively map out your ideas will be the foundation on which you can craft extraordinary logos and bring something fresh to the table that clients can't refuse. This is how you make clients happy, draw attention to your work, build your client base, and potentially earn more money.Learning and improving upon your type-based logo designs is one of the most important investments you can make in your design career. In this course we'll go over the entire process of creating a type-based logo, from idea to implementation. Let's get started!In this course we'll cover:the categories of a logoBest fonts used in creating typographic logosUse both Traditional and Untraditional tools to create your logoSpecial techniques to refine your designHow to structure letterforms and overall compositionSketch design thumbnails"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Personal Transformation Tools For Success & Inner Wisdom" |
"Hello. Glad to meet you here,This course is for Action Takers who love to work on their inner self. This training contains various topics related to your inner empowerment such as training on mindfulness, authenticity and using the powers of subconscious mind, relationship health check and a few more. This course has real life applicable information explained with examples and case studies which will help you to invoke your inner wisdom for your own life's success. You can master the self awareness, self control and be able to build strong, loving and healthy relations for your external success as well as emotional stability. This will surely lead you to the journey of your self empowerment where you pursue your life goals fearlessly and on your own terms. See you in the course..."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Linux Command Line - How to become Power User." |
"This course is designed for learning to use GNU/Linux Command Line and it's utilities and to enhance the capability of whoever takes this course. Apart, making him effective user of any GNU/Linux distribution.It covers, installation, using basic and advanced command line utilities, programs which have been always part of Unix, GNU/Linux Operating systems.This course has pragmatic approach to teach you practically working with any distro of GNU/Linux."
Price: 7680.00 ![]() |
"Cracking Programming Questions (Digital VLSI DV Interviews)" |
"In the present day scenario where Digital VLSI Designs are trending towards SOC designs with increased complexity, the Design Verification job is visibly becoming more and more software oriented. Both Design and Verification Engineers need to possess strong hardware and software skills surrounding the hardware and software interface. Additionally, with verification testbenches and simulation models becoming more and more complex, software programming knowledge has become a must-have skill for any Verification Engineer.A Design Verification Engineer should know at-least one programming language thoroughly (C/C++/SystemVerilog), should have strong scripting skills, working knowledge and familiarity with UNIX/Linux environments, and a good understanding of object oriented programming concepts. Due to these reasons, questions that test a candidates understanding of programming basics are part of almost all Verification job interviews. Ability to think and code algorithms, and model design behaviors forms a vital component of an interview.Hardware Description Languages (HDL) areused to model behavior of digital logic circuits independently of any underlying implementation technology. VHDL and Verilog were the two popular HDLs used for digital logic design, and in the recent years SystemVerilog (which is a super set of Verilog) has become more widely adopted as it supports object oriented programming concepts and several other features which are very useful for implementing testbenches that are used to verify designs.This course (practice tests)is therefore organized into six time boundtest papers coveringsome of the most commonly asked interview questions (180+ questions) with their answers. Targeted topicsincludeBasic Programming concepts, Object Oriented Programming concepts, UNIX, Linux,C, C++,PERL, Verilog, andSystemVerilog(Basics).DisclaimerEvery effort has been made to make these practice testsas complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty is implied. The authors shall have neither the liability nor the responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in these practice testsor other resources accompanying these tests. These practice tests areindependent work of the authors and arenot endorsed by their employers."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Power of Perl :: Learn Basic and Advanced Perl Programming" |
"Perl stands for Practical Extraction and Reporting Language. Itwas developed in 1987 by Larry Wall, and it has evolved over time. Its a High-Level Scripting Language supporting powerful regular expressions.This course aims at showcasing the power of Perl using Perl5.26.2. It starts with a video on how to get a working Perl setup and progresses on to discuss very basic concepts in the beginning. Moving further, itsheds light on more advanced Perl constructs and capabilities, which are more useful and relevant to the present day Industry.It's pretty hands-on course where each line of the code is discussed in-depth and impact of change in any line of the codeis shown real-timeon a Perl Interpreter.Perl is used extensively in the Digital VLSIindustry. Its used across multiple verticals - Design, Design Verification, Automation, CAD, Tools, etc. and hence this course is usefulfor anyone and everyone looking to learn about(or enhance) Perl, and land a Job in the Industry (Semiconductor or IT)Advanced Perl Constructs discussed in this courseincludes:Regular Expressions,File Read and Write Operations,Excel SpreadSheet Read and Write Operations,Interfacing with MSSQL databases,Generating HTML formatted content, andCreating/Using Perl ModulesAim of this CourseIs to help:Beginners get started with Perl,Professional hone their Perl skillset, andExperts refresh their Perl knowledge,Topics Covered1. Introduction2. Course Overview3. Finding Perl4. Perl Basics Getting Started First Perl Program, Data Types, Operators, Loops, Conditional Statements, Subroutines5.Regular Expressions Special Characters, Quantifiers, Anchors6. File Read and Write Operations Few Facts, File Checks, File Read, Write, Append, and Read Write7. SpreadSheet Read and Write Operations (including various formatting operations) Relevant Modules to use, SpreadSheet Read, SpreadSheet Write (with various formatting operations)8. Interfacing with MSSQL databases SQL Basics (How to create a database and table, how to use a database, how to insert into, query from and delete from a database), Using Perl to connect to MSSQL database and perform various different table operations.9. Generating HTML formatted content (Using User created Perl Module) HTML very brief overview, How to create and use a Perl Module, Generate HTML formatted content in Perl using the generated Perl Module.Why Use Perl?Perl isHigh Level Interpreted language with faster development time and is well suited to perform many automation tasksCan help secure a Job as its widely used in the Industry (IT and Semiconductor)In Digital VLSI Industry, its used across multiple verticals - Design, Design Verification, Automation, CAD, Tools, etc.It facilitates easy creation of multiple applications using large number of inbuilt modulesDisclaimerEvery effort has been made to make this courseas complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty is implied. The author shall have neither the liability nor the responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this courseor other resources accompanying this course.This course is an independent work of the author and isnot endorsed by his employer."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Self-contained animated SVG buttons and form controls" |
"Does your websiteorhybrid appnot use animated creative buttons and formcontrols because it's to hard?This course will show you just how easy it is to do.You will learn how to create self-contained SVG that:Are animatedWire up to HTML form elementsWork with AjaxHave Dynamic parametersUse Media QueriesContain Sound effectsAnd can be reused in multiple projectsAll in 30 minutesCheck out the introduction video to see what we make."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mastering VirtualBox: From Beginner to Expert!!" |
"In this course I will help you understand basics of Virtualization and configurevarious features available in Oracle VirtualBox. I will go over the following topics: Basics of Virtualization.Download and install VirtualBox.Creating your first virtual machine and installing ubuntu desktop as guest OS.Snapshots and clones.General settings like import and export, group etc.Various networking options available in VirtualBox for example, Bridged mode, NAT, port forwardingetc.UnderstandVBOXMANAGEutility.Configure DHCPserver using VBOXMANAGE.Create a virtual machine using command line interface.Collect host/virtual machine related resource usage data using command line interface."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Linux Master Class : Skill up to become a Linux professional" |
"====================================Testimonials==================================================================""I've been in IT for almost 20 years so the first few lectures didn't do much for me because I'm not a beginner with Linux. The content gives a great foundation I think the part of Linux that scares most people away is having to let go of the familiar tools from the Windows world. This course may not relieve that fear but it makes letting go much easier."" ~ Erick A Wellnitz *****""This is a very excellent course. The instructor is very knowledgeable and uses a practical approach in his videos. His instruction is very clear and concise. If you need to learn linux look no further. I really enjoyed the course. I can say I am very comfortable with most foundational and intermediate linux concepts after taking this course. Thanks Vikas for this informative course."" ~ Helga T *****""Yes it is. As of now i have learn so much in linux."" ~ Joseph Margay *****""Initially when I started watching this video I was not sure how use this learning journey is going to be, but just after spending 5 minutes on a video I realized that this course can be viewed and learnt by even a layman who has 0 knowledge and experience cause the instructor (Vikas) has explained it with right set of examples which will help you enhance your knowledge and gain good learning which in return will help in your career. Thank you Vikas for making things simple :-)"" ~ Mohammed Soheb Mohammed Iqbal Patanwala *****==================================================================================================================New to the world of Linux? Awesome ,this course assumes you are an absolute beginner and I will teach you everything from scratch. Why this course?This course has been created to skill you up from zero to an expert by a combination of concepts and hands-on lab exercises so that you can apply the concepts learned in this course in the real world whether to crack a linux interview or for commercial enterprise projects to advance your career.What is in this course?You will master the Linux command line , understand the Linux file system , install applications using package managers and how to manage security in your linux environment using users, groups and permissions. Automation should be the key element of any course on Linux and in this course i will teach you how to automate common tasks using Shell scripts. You will learn common scripting constructs such as a if else etc that will help you progress on your automation journey using Linux.You will also learn various networking options in linux such as firewall etc. and since i want you to be able apply the knowledge learned in this course straight in in the real world i will also tech you how to troubleshoot issues in your linux environment. You will learn all this through hands-on exercises because we will setup your lab first so that you can practice what you have learnt. We'll finish strong by installing and configuring a LAMP(Apache web server, MySQL database server, PHP) stack on Linux servers as your course project.Why me?I have been supporting , implementing and designing applications for over 12 years now, in this period i have trained colleagues and team members on Linux and want to share this knowledge with you. I understand the power of hands-on training and therefore i have designed this course so you can learn by doing. So , don't worry and hit that Enroll now button and i'll help you be a Linux Master. You will not only get 24/7 access to the course content but will also get a certificate of completion when you complete the course.With Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee you have nothing to loose and you can alway get your money back if you don't it.What is Linux?Linux is the best-known and most-used open source operating system. As an operating system, Linux is software that sits underneath all of the other software on a computer, receiving requests from those programs and relaying these requests to the computers hardware."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCENT 100-105 Prepare for Success" |
"These are timed practice tests with questions covering all topics from CISCO 100-105 CCENT/ICND1 exam. Each practice test has 45 questions and is of 60 mins duration rather than 90 min (duration of CCENT) because there are no simulation question in these practice tests. I have also raised the pass marks to 90% from the CISCO standard 85%."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Compelling Fiction Writer" |
"Learn how to build a compellingpremise, plot, outline, chapter scenes and how toedit with easy accessible tools. This is the foundation of book writing. When you have these key things in place your book will be compelling.Learn what is in the book plot, and whytwists, reversals and danger (TRD's) are so important. Learn where to put TRD's in your plot and how to use your outline to manage their placement. Learn how to write in subplots and keep them significant to your story."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Build an Excellent Authors Platform" |
"Heres the thing, there are tons of writers out there with great book ideas and work ethic. So, why cant you find them online and why dont they want visibility? There may be one key ingredient that is missing. Finding simple resources. The right resources will help your dreams become reality. Youve made a good start by signing up for this course. Through the video and bonuses Im sending you this week youre going to learn how to:1. Build Your Brand and Identity2. Build Your Logo3. Build Your Website4. Schedule Your Social Media5. Learn Why BlogThis will transform your online presence and author's platform."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como fazer um currculo de Alto Nvel" |
"Neste curso, voc vai aprender:Como ter um Perfil Campeo, que Vende e traz resultados imediatos de buscaComo preencher as suas experincias Profissionais de forma brilhanteComo ser objetivo na descrio de sua formao AcadmicaEnfim, Estruturar um Currculo Completo e de Alto Nvel, possibilitando inmeras possibilidades de entrevistas e visibilidade pro Mercado.E tm Bnus surpresa!!EntooooVamos comear??Um forte Abrao,"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Data Driven Decision Making" |
"Data Driven Decision Making is designed for teams, managers, and executives to learn how to use data driven thinking to design decisions aroundstrategy, process, business intelligence products, business structures and the customer experience. Big data is a symptom of our times, a challenge, but ultimately THE opportunity for the modern enterprise to differentiate and disrupt. There is almost no latency for business decisions in todays hyper-competitive climate. Data driven thinking empowers the enterprise to act. Companies with purposeful, data driven approaches to decisions outperform their peers in output and productivity. In fact, the highest performing organizations use data driven approaches five times more than the lowest performing organizations.This course provides a foundation for how to curate data to support decision making at all levels of the enterprise. Thecourse also provides instruction on systems thinking with a focus on complex systems, and lastlydecision engineering. Four use cases are included to provide real world examples of data driven decision making."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Complete WordPress Dashboard Course: Beginner to Advanced" |
"What if you could log in to any WordPress dashboard and confidently navigate through the menu and all of the settings?What if you didnt have to feel like your website wasnt running on full capacity because you didnt have the knowledge to make all the changes needed in the dashboard?Learn everything you need to know about the WordPress dashboard and make sure that every website you create is running on its full potential. The Complete WordPress Dashboard Course: Beginner to Advanced is a course that gives step by step instructions to every inch of the WordPress dashboard. Its organized into 13 sections and 54 lectures with in-depth content to help you quickly and permanently improve your skills. We'll cover everything the dashboard has to offer, from getting started with posts and pages to advanced settings and the new GDPR privacy tools; this will give you the knowledge and confidence to edit and customize the settings on any WordPress website you get your hands on. You'll learn how to:Add New and edit existing Posts and PagesEdit, Add New and Delete ThemesEdit, Add New and Delete PluginsAdd, Edit and Remove WidgetsAdd New, Edit and change MenusFind Powerful Free Themes and Plugins in SecondsExport and Delete Personal DataAnd we'll also arm you with some advanced knowledge about the WordPress dashboard.You'll learn:Why the New Personal Data Options is There and What That May Mean to YouHow to Use the Toolbox Importer And ExporterThe Difference Between User Roles and Their CapabilitiesWhat Settings You Should Edit and What You Shouldn'tHow to Edit Themes and Websites Using the CustomizerMultiple WordPress Tips, Tricks, and Hacks*Check out what other students are saying about this course*"" I'm loving watching it.-Hanki *Complete WordPress Dashboard Course: Beginner to Advanced comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee* Because I'm confident that you'll become an expert in the WordPress dashboard and that this course will provide the building blocks for you to continue growing and learning WordPress, you can try the entire course risk-free and then decide if its right for you. If you dont love it within the first 30 days, ill refund your money, no questions asked. Why not just learn this stuff for free online or watch some YouTube videos? Chances are you'll find this stuff out there somewhere completely for free. In fact, I post a lot of valuable information for free on my blog and my YouTube page. So, if you want to spend hours and hours searching through advice that ranges from horrible to valuable just to find those few dots of information you need and then figure out how to put it all together so that you'll actually learn something from it, you absolutely can. But for those of you that want results now, from real experience put together in a step by step guide that will boost your knowledge and skills in just a few of hours, The WordPress Dashboard Course: Beginner to Advanced is for you. Why Youre Here Youre here because you want to learn everything you need to know and more about the WordPress dashboard, so why not take a proven path that will take you from beginner to expert in just a couple of hours? Why not arm yourself with easy to follow step by step instructions and premium support? And why not give yourself the best possible start? Enroll now and get started! I'll see you thereDennis"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"WordPress from Scratch: Create Websites the Right Way" |
"The biggest challenge is how quickly technology changes. If you dont stay on top of what works today, youll get stuck, and you wont be able to keep up with the competition.And will the competition slow down any time soon?According to recent surveys, WordPress powers over 19,500,000 million websites worldwide and is the fastest growing CMS, with 500+ new sites being built daily in the top 10 million websites on the web!So, how do you make your website stand out? How do you get noticed in today's environment? You have to be strategic, engage your visitors and stand out from the crowd.Proven Step by Step ProcessFor the past 12 years, I've built websites for clients in industries ranging from Real Estate to Healthcare, from simple information websites to e-commerce and marketplaces. What I've learned over the years is that the website creation process doesnt have to be complicated or time-consuming, Following a proven step by step process thats being used today to build websites for real clients with high budgets.Now, Id like to take you behind the scenes for a more in-depth education. An education that will give you hands-on experience and the knowledge to plan, design and create a WordPress website like a professional.This course is your opportunity to get started with WordPress websites or to speed up your existing creation process.Youll learn:How To Plan Wordpress WebsitesHow To Design Amazing Wordpress WebsitesHow To Create Professional Wordpress Websites With No Coding Needed WhatsoeverHow To Find And Choose FontsHow To Choose The Best ThemeHow To Choose The Best Color SchemeHow To Perform A Real Audit To Your Website Before Going LiveHow To Choose The Best PluginsHow To Set Up And Install Wordpress LocallyHow To Set Up And Install Wordpress On A Web HostAnd you'll also get access to actionable resources you can use to save time and make your WordPress website creation process even more effective.Youll get:Top 5 Theme RecommendationsA Professional Website Launch ChecklistTop 3 Must Have Plugins RecommendationWebsite Features RecommendationsTop Recommended Plugins For Each Of The Features Your Website NeedsAnd More!*What other students are saying about this course*""It's an A++ course. Dennis, you are very understandable, everything that you said was useful. Thank you very much for that because I have to say that I am not English- speaking and I didn't expect that I will finish all of your lectures without any problems."" P. Dankova*This Course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee*Because I'm confident that this will be a game changer for your when it comes to WordPress, you can try the entire course risk-free and then decide if its right for you.If you dont love it within the first 30 days, Ill refund your money, no questions asked.From beginner to expertYoure in this for the long run, so why not aim to be the best?Why not give yourself access to the best resources you can get your hands on?Why not arm yourself with premium support and best practices from a professional WordPress developer?And why not give yourself the best possible start?Get started now!I'll see you thereDennis"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Social Engineers Complete Guide To Information Gathering" |
"What if you had the knowledge to gather information about anything and anybody whenever you needed to?What if you knew exactly what kind of information to look for and where to get it?What if you knew the real-life techniques social engineers use to get hold of your information and how you could prevent that from happening?The Social Engineers Complete Guide To Information Gathering is a course that distills real professional information gathering techniques into understandable concepts that you can apply directly to your business or personal life right away, whether its to learn social engineering as a profession or to better secure your information.In a time where social media rules our day to day lives and privacy is nothing but an illusion, the only thing that limits your ability to gather information is your mind.Get a complete understanding of the Information Gathering process organized into ten sections with in-depth video lectures to give you everything you need to master the art of Information Gathering from A-Z.Well cover everything you need to know about information gathering techniques used in Social Engineering today. Youll learn:What Social Engineering isWhat kind of person a Social Engineer usually isHow Social engineers thinkWhat Information Gathering isAnd how to:Use Physical Methods to Gather InformationUse Information GoldminesPerform Technical Information Gathering, and the Best Tools AvailableProfile a Target Using Proven StrategiesAvoid Being TargetedPrevent Social Engineering AttacksSecure Your Information*Check out What Other Students are Saying About this Course*""Instructor seems genuine, matter-of-fact. Covers many aspects of the subject. Even if you know the subject pretty well, there will likely still be insights and reminders useful to you."" - Chris. H*This Course Comes With a 30-day money-back Guarantee*Because I'm confident that this will provide you with all the knowledge you need to effectively gather information about anything or anybody, you can try the entire course risk-free and then decide if its right for you.If you dont love it within the first 30 days, Ill refund your money, no questions asked.Why Youre HereYoure in this to learn everything you need about information gathering, so why not do that?Why not give yourself access to the best knowledge you can get your hands on?Why not arm yourself with premium support and best practices from an experienced Social Engineer?And why not give yourself the best possible start?It's time for action!I'll see you thereDennis"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Social Engineering: Build A Virtual Lab From Scratch" |
"What if you could walk up to any computer and know exactly what to do to get a virtual social engineering lab up and running on it?What if you could see the words penetration testing, social engineering or ethical hacking without feeling like its some kind of foreign language you dont understand?What if your friends, family, and clients came to you for advice about social engineering because you have hands-on experience in the field?Get started with social engineering by learning to build a virtual lab with Kali Linux, Windows 10 and Ubuntu from scratch and how to use the social engineering toolkit (SET) to perform credential harvester attacks.Social Engineering: Build A Virtual Lab From Scratch is a course that gives step by step instructions to build your virtual lab and get started with Kali Linux. Its organized into 7 sections with highly actionable content to help you quickly and permanently improve your skills.We'll cover all the basics to get you up and running with your virtual lab in no time; this gives you a strong foundation to practice and grow your skills.You'll learn:How To Create A Professional Virtual Lab FastHow To Add Kali Linux As An Attacker MachineHow To Add Windows 10 And Ubuntu As Target MachinesHow To Install The Correct Versions For Optimal PerformanceThe Best Settings To Get Everything Up And Running Without ProblemsWhat Type Of Problems That Can Occur And How You Solve ThemWe'll also get you started with some fundamentals in technical information gathering and Social Engineering attacks.You'll learn:What Kali Linux IsHow To Use The Kali Linux TerminalBasic Kali Linux CommandsWhat Maltego IsHow To Use Maltego To Gather Valuable Information About Targets QuicklyWhat Social Engineering Toolkit IsHow To Use Social Engineering Toolkit To Perform A Credential Harvester Attack*Check out what other students are saying about this course*""Great introductory Course, gives you the kick start you need to understand social engineering techniques Great instructor, looking forward for more courses."" Omar A*Social Engineering: Build A Virtual Lab From Scratch comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee*Because I'm confident that you'll get up and running with your virtual lab and that this course will provide the building blocks for you to continue growing and learning social engineering, you can try the entire course risk-free and then decide if its right for you. If you dont love it within the first 30 days, I'll refund your money, no questions asked.Why not just learn this stuff for free online or watch some YouTube videos?Chances are you'll find this stuff out there somewhere completely for free. In fact, I post a lot of valuable information for free on my blog and youtube page. So if you want to spend hours and hours searching through advice that ranges from horrible to valuable just to find those few dots of information you need and then figure out how to put it all together so that you'll actually learn something from it, you absolutely can. But for those of you that want results now, from real experience put together in a step by step guide that will boost your knowledge and skills in just a couple of hours, Social Engineering: Build A Virtual Lab From Scratch is for you.Why Youre HereYoure here because you want to build your virtual lab and get started with social engineering, so why not take a proven path that will get you up and running in just a couple of hours?Why not arm yourself with easy to follow step by step instructions and premium support?And why not give yourself the best possible start?Enroll Now!I'll see you thereDennis"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Papiroflexia" |
"Curso bsico para aprender a crear figuras de papelcon la tcnica japonesa del Origamipara jugar, organizar el escritorio, decorar la casa o la clase, etc. En este curso aprenders a hacer los diseos bsicos tradicionales: barco, pajarita,sombrero, juego comecocos, flor, punto de libro, marco para fotos, pulsera, soporte para tarjetas, una caja con asas,base para mbil, pez, y una grulla"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Backup & Restore with CommVault,Get a High paying JOB" |
"This course is designed for an anyone who knows nothing about backup and restoring files and wants to use the skills taught here to Get an IT JobYou will learn how to installGet a High paying IT JobCommVault version 11Open Filer Storage Amazon Web Services AWS CloudUbuntu on a Microsoft Windows DomainMicrosoft Windows Server 2012Microsoft Active DirectoryMicrosoft SQL server 2014Oracle 12cVMware 6.7These skills also transfer into other Information Technology fields, giving you the tools to separate yourself from your competition."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Violo do Zero Rpido e Fcil" |
"Curso dividido em 4 fases com todas as aulas gravadas em vdeos Exerccios / Ritmos / Progresses HarmnicasAcordes MaioresAcordes menores Acordes Maiores com 7Acordes menores com 7 O objetivo principal aprender o contedo, e no apenas terminar o curso. Leia todo o contedo com ateno redobrada, no tenha pressa. Explore profundamente as ilustraes explicativas, pois elas so fundamentais para exemplificar e melhorar o entendimento sobre o contedo. Quanto mais aprofundar seus conhecimentos mais se diferenciar dos demais alunos dos cursos. O aproveitamento que cada aluno faz, voc que far a diferncia entre os alunos certificados dos alunos capacitados. Busque complementar sua formao fora do ambiente virtual onde faz o curso, buscando novas informaes e leituras extras, e quando necessrio procurando executar atividades prticas que no so possveis de serem feitas durante o curso. A aprendizagem no se faz apenas no momento em que est realizando o curso, mas sim durante todo o dia-a-dia. Ficar atento s coisas que esto sua volta permite encontrar elementos para reforar aquilo que foi aprendido. Critique o que est aprendendo, verificando sempre a aplicao do contedo no dia-a-dia. O aprendizado s tem sentido quando efetivamente colocado em prtica."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner- Updated:400+ Questions" |
"I have created this set of quiz to help AWS aspirants who are planning to give AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam. It will help you to pass the exam as well as improve knowledge on AWS services with the help of answer explanation and reference link.These are full length practice tests which will give you real exam simulation. I am adding 5 complimentary Questions to each sets. I have included recommended white paper as well along with the quiz as you will find most of the relevant questions from whitepapers.Recommended General IT KnowledgeCandidates should have a basic understanding of IT services and their uses in the AWS Cloud platform.These training courses and materials will help with exam preparation:AWS Training on amazon site AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials course AWS Technical Essentials course AWS Business Essentials courseAWS Whitepapers: Overview of Amazon Web Services whitepaper, April 2017 Architecting for the Cloud: AWS Best Practices whitepaper, Feb 2016 How AWS Pricing Works whitepaper, March 2016 The Total Cost of (Non) Ownership of Web Applications in the Cloud whitepaper, Aug 2012 Compare AWS Support PlansResponse TypesThere are two types of questions on the examination: Multiple-choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors). Multiple-response: Has two correct responses out of five options.Exam ResultsThe AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) examination is a pass or fail exam. The examination is scored against a minimum standard established by AWS professionals who are guided by certification industry best practices and guidelines.Your results for the examination are reported as a scaled score from 100 through 1000, with a minimum passing score of 700. Your score shows how you performed on the examination as a whole and whether or not you passed. Scaled scoring models are used to equate scores across multiple exam forms that may have slightly different difficulty levels.Try to practice as many time you can. If you are getting 85% in the quiz then I can say you are ready to schedule your exam date.Wish you good luck.RegardsDhananjay Singh"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Exam-Pass in 1st attempt(Q-210)" |
"We have created these realtime full practice tests based on our real exam experience and over one and half decade industry experience.With the help of these practice test you would be able to pass your CSM certification exam in first attempt. Real exam has 35 questions and out of which minimum 24 answers should be correct to clear the exam. While this is Practice only test course, we have tried to add explanation for each question to help you understand the right choice and fundamental knowledge on Scrum Principles.Wish you good luck for your practice and final exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autocad 3D para iniciantes" |
"AutoCAD um sofware do tipoCADcomputer aided designoudesenho auxiliado por computador- criado e comercializado pelaAutodesk, Inc.desde1982. utilizado principalmente para a elaborao de peas dedesenho tcnicoem duas dimenses (2D) e para criao demodelos tridimensionais(3D). Alm dos desenhos tcnicos, o software vem disponibilizando, em suas verses mais recentes, vrios recursos para visualizao em diversos formatos. amplamente utilizado emarquitetura,design de interiores,engenharia civil,engenharia mecnica,engenharia geogrfica,engenharia eltricae em vrios outros ramos daindstria."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Escribe historias y personajes memorables con mtodos claros" |
"Quieres tener todo lo necesario para hacer realidad tu historia, pero solo encuentras informacin confusa que te deja a medio camino?Crear una historia no tiene por qu ser frustrante o una cuestin de inspiracin y talento, ni tampoco necesitas aos y cientos de libros para comenzar a crear cosas increbles. No nos malentiendan, eso no quiere decir que los libros y la prctica no sirvan para nada, sino que muchos sienten que no hay otro camino para hacer historias ms que aos y aos de trabajo y lectura a ciegas hasta llegar a ser una especie de maestro en la materia. Esto no tiene por qu ser as y te dir por qu. Mira, toda disciplina requiere prctica, pero si tienes un proyecto entre manos, sea de ndole personal o comercial, estoy seguro que habrs sentido la frustracin de que no importa cuntos videos te hayas visto o cuantos libros hayas ledo, las cosas no acaban de cuadrar, has reescrito el mismo captulo ms veces de las que te gustara y sigues usando tcnicas que se basan en el instinto, lo cual, seamos honestos, cobrar factura en forma de tiempo e incluso dinero. Lo s porque yo tambin he estado ah. Es por eso que quiero mostrarte que hay otras formas de trabajar, una centrada en objetivos, con trminos claros, metodologas prcticas y que NO, no limitan tu creatividad e imaginacin, simplemente hacen tu vida ms sencilla y mantienen el reto donde debe estar, en tu creatividad y capacidad para crear un producto que llegue a la audiencia y tenga una unin en todas sus partes. Esto se logra gracias a una forma de trabajo, mindset y una serie de metodologas que hemos desarrollado a travs de la experiencia, todo basado en muchos libros y teora que, si bien fueron invaluables en su momento, raramente daban herramientas y respuestas concretas. Es por esto que quiero invitarte al curso ms completo que vas a encontrar sobre cmo crear historias que funcionan y como escribir personajes que mueven la trama a nuestro favor. En este curso aprenders: Los errores ms comunes que hacen reescribir una historia ms de lo que nos gustara. No hay porque regresar despus de escribir 50 paginas El mindset correcto que necesitas y que nunca ensean para crear de forma eficiente, ahorrndote tiempo y generando resultados Cmo crear historias que mueven, emocionan, generan tensin y tienen profundidad, pero que a su vez son amigables para el espectador. Si! Esto es posible Una metodologa de nuestra autora que te permite generar tu propia brjula narrativa para no perderte y poder diagnosticar rpidamente si estas por el mal camino, ahrrate tiempo y frustracin Las principales estructuras dramticas, cmo funcionan y que hay detrs de ellas El significado detrs del mito moderno, porque las historias nos atraen y cmo implementarlo en nuestro relato Y muchas cosas ms Si ests listo para comenzar a trabajar de forma eficiente, creativa y con una gua clara para hacer realidad tu historia, no lo pienses ms. Toma el curso, aprende tcnicas practicas, conceptos reales, ponlo en practica y lleva tus historias al siguiente nivel."
Price: 1470.00 ![]() |
"Psicologa para escritura de personajes" |
"Quieres escribir personajes ms profundos y entender la mente humana para llevar tus historias al siguiente nivel?No es necesario nacer con una sensibilidad especial o pasar aos observando el comportamiento humano para lograr escribir personajes humanos. La realidad es que hay un gran cumulo de conocimiento que, por alguna razn, casi nadie ha explotado para la creacin de personajes: Estudiar directamente conocimientos de psicologa y entender como funciona la mente humana. Los dibujantes aprenden anatoma para poder deformarla a su gusto Porque no se hace lo mismo con la psicologa de nuestros personajes? Esto no tiene por qu ser frustrante, tardar aos o una cuestin de inspiracin y talento, aqu te presentamos conocimientos concisos, claros y especialmente seleccionados para ser prcticos y tiles en la escritura de tus personajes basndonos en aos de estudios cientficos en la psicologa y prctica narrativa.Es por esto que quiero invitarte al curso ms completo que vas a encontrar sobre cmo escribir personajes con deseos y motivaciones que transmitan los sentimientos que quieres.En este curso aprenders: El por qu, cmo y el sentido de las acciones y sentimientos humanos El cmo las interacciones y experiencias pasadas afectan el presente de tu personaje Cmo entender el conflicto interno de tu personaje y usarlo a tu favor Cmo crear un trasfondo profundo pero coherente y cmo se refleja en los conflictos de la historia Una metodologa completa para esquematizar la psicologa de tu personaje Cmo se estructura la mente humana, cul es su lgica y que elementos nos son realmente tiles Cmo crear personajes tridimensionales con una psicologa real Y muchas cosas msEste curso tiene como objetivo proveerte de una visin bien seleccionada de la psicologa humana para lograr salir con conocimientos suficientes de la mente para la creacin de tus personajes, extender tus lmites y ser capaz de construir personajes tan humanos como desees."
Price: 1470.00 ![]() |
"Entiende el porqu y cmo de tu vida - Cambia tu vida" |
"La vida puede llegar a ser confusa, en ocasiones sofocante y lo peor es que muchas veces ni siquiera sabemos por qu, lo cual muchas veces nos deja indefensos. No sabemos que hacer si para empezar no sabes que nos pasa. Te imaginas poder entender el porqu de tu sufrimiento, de aquello que te frena? Esto es posible y est a poco de ser una realidad para ti.Hola, Soy Angel Rodriguez Bustamante. Actualmente soy Psiclogo, terapeuta, escritor, consultor narrativo, emprendedor y lo que falt por venir. A lo largo de mi vida he logrado competir nacionalmente en artes marciales, cuando estaba en la secundaria abr y administr mi propio blog llegando a las 5000 visitas diarias, he sido ponente en eventos sobre salud mental, videojuegos, cine y narrativa, he dado conferencias frente a cientos de personas, he logrado ejercer la terapia psicolgica lo cual era mi sueo y adems de todo esto y entre otras cosas, he trabajado profesionalmente en el desarrollo de videojuegos y comics as como fundar mi propia escuela de narrativa Online. Ha sido una aventura increble. Ahora no te digo esto para presumir, sino para hacerte ver todo lo que he podido lograr conocindome, trabajando en mi persona y asumiendo el deseo honesto de cambiar y mejorar. De hecho, las cosas no siempre fueron asDjame decirte que, as como me ves ahora, hablndote a travs de una pantalla, hubo un tiempo en el que no poda ni siquiera hablar normalmente con otra persona, cuando una mujer estaba a 3 metros de distancia temblaba y lo nico que deseaba era ser invisible para que nadie me viese y nadie me hiciera sentir mal literalmente me identificaba a m mismo, como un insecto. Me daba asco. Ahora quiero que lo pienses un poco, una persona que no poda hablar sin temblar, que deseaba ser invisible est aqu, haciendo cursos en video para que miles de personas lo vean... Increble no?Este cambio es la muestra del poder que conlleva adentrarnos en nosotros mismos, conocernos, entendernos y comprometernos con avanzar. Ahora, no te voy a mentir, es doloroso y difcil. Esto no es una pldora mgica o un curso motivacional donde te prometer que si lo pides se te dar. Ningn cambio viene sin algo de caos antes, sin esfuerzo. Entendernos y conocernos puede dar miedo, pero la recompensa no tiene comparacin alguna. Es por esto que quiero invitarte a formar parte de este estilo vida, quiero invitarte a cambiar tu vida, la manera en la que te ves a ti mismo, porque te lo mereces. Quiero invitarte al mejor curso que he creado para desvelar el misterio, unir las piezas y por fin entender por qu y cmo de quienes somos. Y una vez que lo hacemos, recobramos las riendas de nuestras vidas y comenzamos a dirigir el camino. Te hablo del curso Resolviendo el rompecabezas de mi vida donde te llevo paso a paso a traves de psicologa real especialmente seleccionada para ayudarte a entender de forma sencilla y efectiva tu pasado, presente y planificar tu futuro. Entiende de donde sale la ansiedad, los miedos, el sentimiento de que debes hacer algo, aunque no quieres y muchas otras cosas ms. Comprende cmo funciona tu mente, descifra el cdigo secreto, lelo y decide que deseas cambiar. En este curso tambin te doy consejos e informacin sobre como buscar terapia psicolgica, los tipos de terapia y a cul acudir, la diferencia entre un psiclogo y un psiquiatra al igual que recomendaciones generales para la ansiedad y la depresin, los dos padecimientos que ms se han expandido en el mundo actual Este curso est pensado para darte todas las herramientas que necesitas para retomar las rindas de tu vida a travs del conocimiento. Y que as, des el primer paso a una nueva vida. Si ests listo para tomar esas riendas y cambiar el rumbo de tu vida conocindote y entendindote, inscrbete al curso. Es hora de avanzar."
Price: 1545.00 ![]() |