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"SHAKOREE COURSE OF AMC MCQ Exam passing Recalls JULY 2018" |
"Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Exam is not so hard to pass it, you need to be prepared and Here you will find THE MOST IMPORTANT MCQs OF JULY 2018 collected from every website and social media and brings together month by month.Coaching lecture will help you more understanding why to choose this option.The recalls for passing AMC MCQ Exam are very important, some will get 90% of recalls during there exam, others may get 10%, the average of repetition of recalls is about 45-60% of your exam.My advice to you is to read the last 6 months of recalls before your date of examination.This collected data MCQs and Answers will help you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Exam is not so hard to pass it, you need to be prepared and Here you will find THE MOST IMPORTANT MCQs OF JUNE AND MAY 2018 collected from every website and social media and brings together month by month.Coaching lectures will help you more understanding why to choose this option.The recalls for passing AMC MCQ Exam are very important, some will get 90% of recalls during there exam, others may get 10%, the average of repetition of recalls is about 45-60% of your exam.My advice to you is to read the last 6 months of recalls before your date of examination.This collected data MCQs and Answers will help you."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SHAKOREE's Course preparation of AMC MCQ of FEBRUARY 2017" |
"Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Exam is not so hard to pass it, you need to be prepared and Here you will find THE MOST IMPORTANT MCQs OF FEBRUARY 2017 collected from every website and social media and brings together month by month.Coaching lectures will help you more understanding why to choose this option.The recalls for passing AMC MCQ Exam are very important, some will get 90% of recalls during there exam, others may get 10%, the average of repetition of recalls is about 45-60% of your exam.My advice to you is to read the last 6 months of recalls before your date of examination.This collected data MCQs and Answers will help you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SHAKOREE's Course preparation OF AMC MCQ Recalls MARCH 2017" |
"Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Exam is not so hard to pass it, you need to be prepared and Here you will find THE MOST IMPORTANT MCQs OF MARCH 2017 collected from every website and social media and brings together month by month.Coaching lectures will help you more understanding why to choose this option.The recalls for passing AMC MCQ Exam are very important, some will get 90% of recalls during there exam, others may get 10%, the average of repetition of recalls is about 45-60% of your exam.My advice to you is to read the last 6 months of recalls before your date of examination.This collected data MCQs and Answers will help you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Exam is not so hard to pass it, you need to be prepared and Here you will find THE MOST IMPORTANT MCQs OF APRIL 2017 collected from every website and social media and brings together month by month.Coaching lectures will help you more understanding why to choose this option.The recalls for passing AMC MCQ Exam are very important, some will get 90% of recalls during there exam, others may get 10%, the average of repetition of recalls is about 45-60% of your exam.My advice to you is to read the last 6 months of recalls before your date of examination.This collected data MCQs and Answers will help you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SHAKOREE's Course preparation OF AMC MCQ Exam September 2018" |
"Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Exam is not so hard to pass it, you need to be prepared and Here you will find THE MOST IMPORTANT MCQs OF SEPTEMBER2018 collected from every website and social media and brings together month by month.Coaching lectures will help you more understanding why to choose this option.The recalls for passing AMC MCQ Exam are very important, some will get 90% of recalls during there exam, others may get 10%, the average of repetition of MCQs is about 45-60% of your exam.My advice to you is to read the last 6 months of recalls before your date of examination.This collected data MCQs and Answers will help you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SHAKOREE Course preparation OF AMC MCQ Exam NOV & OCT 2017" |
"Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Exam is not so hard to pass it, you need to be prepared and Here you will find THE MOST IMPORTANT MCQs OF NOVEMBER & OCTOBER 2017 collected from every website and social media and brings together month by month.Coaching lectures will help you more understanding why to choose this option.GET Bonus of TCA Drugs Notes in this course.The recalls for passing AMC MCQ Exam are very important, some will get 90% of recalls during there exam, others may get 10%, the average of repetition of MCQs is about 45-60% of your exam.My advice to you is to read at least the last 6 months of recalls before your date of examination.This collected data MCQs and Answers will help you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SHAKOREE's Course preparation OF AMC MCQ Exam FEBRUARY 2018" |
"Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Exam is not so hard to pass it, you need to be prepared and Here you will find THE MOST IMPORTANT MCQs OF FEBRUARY2018 collected from every website and social media and brings together month by month.Coaching lectures will help you more understanding why to choose this option.The recalls for passing AMC MCQ Exam are very important, some will get 90% of recalls during there exam, others may get 10%, the average of repetition of MCQs is about 45-60% of your exam.My advice to you is to read the last 6 months of recalls before your date of examination.This collected data MCQs and Answers will help you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SHAKOREE's Course preparation OF AMC MCQ Exam OCTOBER 2018" |
"Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Exam is not so hard to pass it, you need to be prepared and Here you will find THE MOST IMPORTANT MCQs OF OCTOBER 2018 collected from every website and social media and brings together month by month.Coaching lectures will help you more understanding why to choose this option.The recalls for passing AMC MCQ Exam are very important, some will get 90% of recalls during there exam, others may get 10%, the average of repetition of MCQs is about 45-60% of your exam.My advice to you is to read the last 6 months of recalls before your date of examination.This collected data MCQs and Answers will help you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
(CNC) |
". : () : 1. () .2. .3. .4. 5. This course presents the basics and fundamentals of CNC, starting from zero and proceeding towards the level of mastery. The course is divided into 3 sections covering 3 topics: part programming, hardware, and open access CAM simulator. Kindly note the following: 1. All concepts covered through this course are general, not focusing on a specific CAM software or CNC controller.2. The expressions are kept simple and the emphasis is on practical tutorials to illustrate the topic. 3. The course is presented in Arabic, but using English terms4. There are many assignments annexed to the lectures, to allow students the opportunity to applywhat they learn on their own.5. Slides are attached to lectures for the student's convenience.By the end of this course, you will be qualified to deal with various commercial CNC controllers and CAM software."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor (from Zero to Professional)" |
"28 6 . .. . .. .This course comprises 28 lectures, divided into 6 sections, focusing on mechanical design, using one of the most famous CAD software (Autodesk Inventor). The course starts from zero, as it deals with the early level students and it gradually reaches the level of sophisticated mechanical designs. The course focuses on both theoretical concepts and practical tutorials to reach professionalism.The lectures are presented in Arabic,while using English terms."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ansys static analysis - FEA basic course -" |
". . 10 . 7 .(( )) This is a basic course that focuses on finite element analysis and its applications. The course provides an essential theoretical background for any FE solver user. The evolution of FEM, basic definitions, types of elements, analysis types, model fidelity, pre-processing and post-processing are all discussed with the aid of some mathematical and technical applications. Besides, the course includes 8 static analysis tutorials on Ansys software to link the theoretical background to the software application. Finally, there are 7 assignments annexed to the lectures, to allow students the opportunity to applywhat they learn on their own, also the slides are attached to lecture for thestudent's convenience.((The course is presented in Arabic, maintaining English terms))"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ansys Dynamic Analysis -" |
"A course presented in Arabic with English subtitles.This course focuses on dynamic analysis using finite element method. Academic background is first introduced to the following topics: Normal mode analysis, damping systems, transient response, and steady state response. Besides, the course provides tutorials to learn how to perform dynamic analysis professionally using Ansys software. As a prerequisite, the course requires knowing the basics of FEM and working with Ansys static analysis module as a start. Slides are attached to the lectures for the student's convenience. . : . . . ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ansys & Lsdyna Explicit Dynamics-" |
". . . . This course focuses on explicit dynamic analysis using finite element method. The course first provide academic background to the topic. It also provides applications like: tension and impact test simulation and simulation of metal forming process. As a prerequisite, the course requires basic knowledge of FEM and working with Ansys static analysis module as a start. Slides are attached to lectures for the student convenience.The course is presented in Arabic, while maintaining the English terms."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Optimization Analysis using Ansys-" |
". .. . 8 . . .(( )) ((The course is presented in Arabic, maintaining English terms))"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ansys Basic Course-Basics of FEM & Static Analysis Tutorials" |
"This is a basic course that focuses on finite element analysis and its applications. The course provides an essential theoretical background for any FE solver user. The evolution of FEM, basic definitions, types of elements, analysis types, model fidelity, pre-processing and post-processing are all discussed with the aid of some mathematical and technical applications. Besides, the course includes 11 static analysis tutorials on Ansys software to link the theoretical background to the software application. Finally, there are many assignments and working files annexed to the lectures, to allow students the opportunity to applywhat they learn on their own, also the slides are attached to lecture for thestudent's convenience."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Firebase para Aplicativos mobile" |
"Tem ideias de aplicativos genias e precisa do Firebase?precisa de uma tela de login ?Com o curso de Firebase Android, voc ir tirar suas ideias do papel e conseguir por em prtica!O curso 100% prtico e orientado a projetos, voc vai aprender criando apps de verdade!ContedoFundamentos da programao Java, utilizada para desenvolver Apps para Android.Entrada de dados, botes, elementos de interao com o usurio.Aprenda a usar todas funes do Firebase:AnalyticsMessagingDatabaseStorageAuthenticationTest LabCrash ReportingPerformance MonitoringAprenda como projetar interfaces com o Android Studio.Construa vrios Apps durante o curso.Ganhe dinheiro com seus Apps, monetizao atravs de anncios.Comece agora mesmo, e em 2 semanas voc estar desenvolvendo suas idias, alcanando uma nova carreira profissional, tudo de forma prtica."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Fusion 360 hands on course" |
"It's a screen cast for Fusion 360 workflow starting from beginner level to more advanced. the courseincludestutorials,active learning resources and practice exercises. at the end of the course you will be able to handle Fusion efficiently to make anything...I mean anything!!! read the course description PDF and follow the instruction and I guarantee that you will master Fusion in around 20 hours of practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Experiencia de Cliente y Experiencia de Usuario ( CX / UX )" |
"Hoy en da, el mundo de Internet, Software, Apps, y venta Online es cada vez ms duro y competitivo; los usuarios tienen muchas opciones donde elegir y cada vez son ms exigentes; ya no solo buscan buenos precios, tambin quieren buen servicio, buena atencin, confianza,... en resumen, quieren que su experiencia antes, durante y despus de interactuar con la empresa sea lo mejor posible.Para que nuestra Web, Tienda, Software, etc. sea efectiva, atraiga a los usuarios y destaque sobre las dems debemos ofrecer una excelente Experiencia de Usuario (UX) y/o Experiencia de Cliente (CX).Tanto la CX como la UX son aspectos que cada vez cobran mayor importancia para los usuarios.En el curso Experiencia de Cliente y Experiencia de Usuario ( CX / UX ) descubriremos la relevancia que tienen la CX y la UX en el xito de nuestra herramienta.Aprenderemos a mejorar Webs, Tiendas Online, Apps o Software para hacerlas ms efectivas y atractivas para nuestros usuarios.Dado que la UX es una de las partes que engloba la CX vamos a centrarnos en CX, siendo casi todos los puntos que veamos aplicables tambin a la UXAprenderemos a analizar una Tienda Online basndonos en el punto de vista del cliente; veremos cmo se tiene que disear, gestionar y dirigir una Tienda Online para cubrir todas las necesidades y expectativas de nuestros clientes, descubrir los puntos clave que podemos mejorarpara que sus sentimientos, percepciones y experiencias sean positivas.En definitiva: aprenderemos a mejorar y optimizar nuestra herramienta ( Web, App, Software o E-Commerce ) a travs tanto de la Experiencia de Cliente como de la Experiencia de Usuario."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ANLISIS UX - Anlisis y Tests de Experiencia de Usuario" |
"No siempre nuestra pgina web, software o App ofrece la Experiencia de Usuario que necesitan nuestros usuarios.Seguro que hay ciertos aspectos que se podran mejorar para que nuestros usuarios tuvieran una mejor experiencia al interactuar con nuestra herramienta.Con el curso Anlisis UX descubriremos los aspectos ms relevantes tanto estticos como dinmicos y funcionales que afectan a la Experiencia de Usuario y aprenderemos cmo podemos mejorarlos.Mediante los Anlisis UX ( Heursticos y funcionales ) seremos capaces de detectar las carencias o insuficiencias de una web, un software o una App y podremos ofrecer unas recomendaciones de mejora para que la herramienta ofrezca una Experiencia de Usuario ms ptima y que sea as, ms efectiva en su objetivo.Tambin aprenderemos a elaborar y utilizar Tests UX y a presentar un informe de un Anlisis UX.Al finalizar el curso estaremos preparados para mejorar la Experiencia de Usuario de cualquier herramienta que se nos presente ( tanto Online como Offline) ya sea, una pgina web, una App, un Software, un sistema ERP, una plataforma..."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"QGIS Bsico-Intermedio" |
"Este curso esta pensado para toda persona, profesional o estudiante que desea conocer y adentrarse en el aprendizaje sobre los sistemas de georeferencia, y quieren llevar a un siguiente nivel sus conocimientos en esta rea. Encontraras ejercicios prcticos y reales para convertirte en un experto en el manejo de datos e informacin de sistemas SIG."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Delightful C - For Anyone and Everyone" |
"Become the C programmer who not only knows the language syntax but also understands the underlyingprinciples and inner workings of the language.This course is created in themost comprehensive, yet easy to understandway as it is explained with real world analogies.This course has150+ lectures, 21 hours of video in high quality HD resolution,115+ coding sessions, 65+ programming assignments(bonus assignments which will be updated continuously throughout the course).Whether you have never programmed before, already know some basics, find pointers to be challenging, or want to understand the language in great depth and how it works under the hood in easy to understand and fun way, then this course is for you.This course will teach you C in a practical manner. Each C concept is taught with a full coding screencast and a set of hands-on assignments (solutions included).You can write C programs, regardless of your operating system,whether its Linux, Mac or Windows. All installation steps are clearly explained.Here is exactly what we cover in this course:# All the C and programming fundamentals: things like data types, functions, loops, conditionals, arrays, strings, pointers, structs, unions and more.# Everything you need to know in order to gain a deep understanding of how C works behind the scenes: inline assembly, C to assembly, writing to memory, manipulating memory with pointers# Learn how to structure code using header files, extern keyword and usage of flags# Learn how to debug code using debuggers# Learn how to build and write make filesYou will get lifetime access to over 150 plus HD quality lectures and related coding assignments.Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.Downloadable starter code and final code for each programming assignment.Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions.This course comes with a30 day money back guarantee!If you are not satisfied in any way, youll get your money back. Plus you can have access to all the coding assignments and bonus assignments as a thank you for trying the course.So what are you waiting for?Learn C language that will broaden your knowledge, feed your curiosity, open new career options all in a fun and practical way!Join me in the only C programming course that you will need!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"WordPress pentru incepatori [Romn]" |
"> UPDATE 2020 <* Acest curs a ajutat mai multe persoane sa inceapa un business online construindu-si websitul singuri sau o cariere in freelance avand constant clienti locali pentru serviciile lor de web design *Cursul te va ajuta sa intelegi mai bine cum functioneaza un CMS (Content Management System) si de ce ai opta pentru WordPress in locul unui website construit de la 0. La finalul cursului vei avea un website de prezentare complet.Cursul te va invata cum sa construiesti 2 website-uri.Pe langa construirea unui website Wordpress mai inveti si:Cum sa instalezi un server web pe PC-ul tauCum sa creezi virtual hostsCum sa lucrezi cu o baza de date MySQLCum sa muti un site Wordpress de pe PC pe un WebserverCum sa construiesti un website responsive (folosind Bootstrap)In cadrul cursului vei invata sa folosesti si unele pluginuri precum:AddToAny Share buttonsContact Form 7MetaSlider"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Java Programming from Scratch with Examples and Demos" |
"*******************SPECIAL NOTE: WE KEEP ADDING NEW LECTURESPlease note that we keep adding new lectures to this course on a regular basis! We want to make it the best Udemy course on JAVA Programming for beginners, and we are glad more than 10000 students trusted us!*******************With over 100 lectures and more than 12 hours of HD content, this course will help you become a Java developer and teach you how to write cool Java Programs.You will get lifetime access to the course's content!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, youll get your money back!The main goal of this course is to teach beginners and school students Core Java Programming in easy way. Each and every topic is explained elaborately with demos and examples. By the end of this course, you'll be able to get clear idea about core java programs and able to write Java Programs easily. As you are a new user so we are using BlueJ IDE, which is a best and easy to use IDE for new Java Programmers.Writing Java Programs are tricky. You would need to get a good understanding of new features and revise concepts you used in your preparation. This course helps you prepare for Java at beginners lavel. We have covered more then 101+ programs in this series. This course will be very helpful for absolute beginners and highschool students. Ill personally be answering any questions you have and Ill be happy to provide links, resources and any help I can offer to help you master Core Java programming. What are you waiting for?! Click ""Take This Course"" and let's get started!What are the requirements?No Programming Experience is RequiredNo Programming Knowledge RequiredPassion to Write Java ProgramsA Windows PC, Mac or Linux ComputerWhat am I going to get from this course?Clear concept of Core Java ProgrammingNumber of Demos and Examples for a single conceptBring your own Programming Idea to LifeBuild a fantastic resume in order to show to employersMaster Core Java Programming LanguageWhat is the target audience?People who have no programming experienceBeginner Java ProgrammerSchool Students who want to learn javaPlease Leave a Positive feedback and give 5 star rating if you liked this course. You can ask any question that you have. I will definitely reach you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn C Programming From Scratch for beginners With Examples" |
"How it Works ?Complete All ModulesTake the final ExamDownload the Certificate image file and showcase your new qualification on Linkedin and your CV.What you will learn ?Understand the fundamentals of the C Programming LanguageFeel yourself more marketable for entry level programming positionsCreate your first C ApplicationLearn one among the foremost popular, widly used languages within the worldUnderstand variables and the different data typesApply for real-time programming positionsUnderstand the core language that the majority modern languages are supportedLearn how to write high-quality codeRequirementsA computer running Microsoft Windows, Linux or the Mac operating systems or a smart phone. If you are using android then download ide from play store.No programming knowledge required, all concepts taught in this class!*******************SPECIAL NOTE:I believe it may be the best course on C Programming for beginner users, and I am glad more than 10000 students trusted me on Udemy!*******************This course guarantees to form the scholars fall crazy with programming. Easy to find out methodology employed by a seasoned teacher who has been teaching programming in several computer languages for the last 15+ years.Flood gates for a lucrative career in programming are bound to open for those that undergo this course diligently and passionately.This course helps both the Beginners and the intermediates to learn and grow. C learning is simplex but needs attention and practice. This course is meant in such a difficult way that it'll help newbies to simply build its outlook and intermediates to revise and remember.I assure you that if you complete this course it'll pave how for you to become a consummate programmer as all the advanced programming languages and technologies are based on C only. There would not be any looking back once you deeply immerse yourself with all the contents.I will come up with more courses like JavaScript, PHP, HTML, Java etc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ionic 4 Crash Course with Heartstone API & Angular" |
"Would not be great to write just one code and ship it to Android, iOs and Browsers? Well, that's what is Ionic exactly good for. Angular is a well known and popular framework for writing amazing web apps. If you combine Ionic and Angular you have just right recipe to create awesome mobile hybrid apps. Ionic framework gives you a power to compile your Javascript, Html and Css code into a code that can be run on iOS, Android and of course Browser.Is Ionic useful just for compiling your code ? Not at all. Ionic provides you with tons of UI components, modern cutting edge stylings, icons, animations, transitions and much more you can use easily out of the box. Ionic let's you focus on writing code instead of spending time crushing your head into the wall why header moved 10px. There was never a better time than now to learn how to write extremely popular hybrid apps. Ionic might be just a right choice for you.My name is Filip Jerga. I am a freelance software engineer and course creator here onUdemy. My previous course met with amazing feedback of 4.6+ rating and more than 1000 students.I will take you on a quick but a knowledge-grained tour of Ionic 4. You will learn how to create an application usable in a real life. You will not spent endless hours watching boring presentation but rather writing real code. Learning by writing is the best way.You will build an application connected to Heartstone api with every playing card listed in it. We will go through basics of Ionic. Later, I will explain some of the UI Components. You will connect applications to HeartstoneAPI. You will work on more useful features like search and functionality to make a card favourite. You will use amazing Ionic storage.In last lectures you will learn what is a Firebase and what is it good for. Let's not forget about push notifications. You will learn how to send push notification from firebase straight to your applications and notify your users.You will run application in browser and as well in emulator and real device.In this course you will exactly learn:What is Ionic and what is a good forUnderstand Ionic ArchitectureUnderstand routing and navigation in applicationFetch data from Heartstone APIHow to create a page and display data in your appYou will refresh your knowledge of AngularHow to use Ionic UI components.Create search and favorite cards featureHow to use Ionic storageHow to work with FirebaseHow to send push NotificationEmulate application in Xcode and Android StudioHow does it sounds ? Let's find out if this course is right for you. I hope to see you in lectures."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"React Native QuickStart, Build Real App with Deezer API" |
"Would you like to write native applications for mobiles but you don't have time to learn different programming languages?Well, here comes React Native. You can write you mobile apps in javascript! Both for iOS and Android.React is popular and well known framework from Facebook for writing cutting edge web apps. React Native contains everything from React +provides your with components, API and functionality to build applications to be fully native ready. Just with one code base written in Javascript you will experience development of native applications.React provides you with tons of UI components, modern cutting edge stylings, icons, animations, transitions and much more. All of this you can access easily out of the box. React let's you focus on writing code instead of spending time to learn different languages for writing mobile applications.There was never a better time than now to learn how to write native applications with ReactNative. React Native might be just a right choice for you.My name is Filip Jerga. I am a freelance software engineer and course creator here onUdemy. My previous course met with amazing feedback of 4.6+ rating and more than 1000 students.I will take you on a quick but a knowledge-grained tour of React Native. You will learn how to create an application usable in a real life. You will not spent endless hours watching boring presentation but rather writing real code. Learning by writing is the best way.You will build an application connected to Deezer api. We will go through basics of React Native. Later, I will explain some of the UI Components. I will explain React Navigation and core concept of State and Props. You will connect applications to DeezerAPI. You will work on more useful features like search and functionality to make a track and an album favourite. You will use native Async Storage.In last lectures you will learn what is a Flat List and Touchables and what are they good for. You will run application in android and as well in iOS.In this course you will exactly learn:What is ReactNative and what is a good forUnderstand React Native ArchitectureUnderstand routing and navigation in applicationFetch data from Deezer APIHow to create a screen and display data in your appYou will understand State and PropsHow to use React Native UI components.Create search and favourite album and track featureHow to use Async StorageWhy you need Flat ListHow does it sounds ? Let's find out if this course is right for you. I hope to see you in lectures."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Complete Next.js with React & Node - Beautiful Portfolio App" |
"Is this course right for you ?If you are planning to start your career as a developer or you just want to improve your programming skills, then this course is right for you. Learn how to build amazing portfolio website you can share with your colleagues or future employers.Get all you need to start web development in one course! Start with technologies of Web Development to more advanced topics until your application will be deployed to Heroku or Vercel and accessible online on the internet.This resource is the only thing you need in order to start Web Development with Next.js , React and Node. During this course you will get confidence and skills required to start your own projects, you will get the right mindset to apply for a developer career and to improve in modern frameworks like Next.js , React.js and Node.What is Next.js ?Next.js is React framework that provides infrastructure and simple development experience for server side rendered(SSR) application.An intuitive page-based routing system (with support for dynamic routes)Pre-rendering, both static generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR) are supported on a per-page basisWhat are we going to work on?First we are going to integrate base layout of the application. We will brake layout into small pieces and we will create lots of reusable components such as a navbar, portfolio card and many others. I will explain you how server side rendering works, how to use different data fetching techniques and what are the differences and benefits of fetching on server versus client.First big feature we will be working on, will be authentication. Authentication will be handled by Auth0 provider, nevertheless there will be lots work to handle.Users will be able to register and login and experience features only for authenticated users. You will learn how to restrict access to pages and how to manage authentication state through you application which will results in UI changes of the application layout.Next we will work on portfolios features. We will implement functionality to create portfolio and I will explain you how to easily manage forms. Then we will take a look on update functionality where I will show you how to populate inputs with existing data. In the end of the section we will work on delete functionality. All of the features will be reactive and updating view in real time and You will learn how to create fast static pages with new Next.js functions.Blog feature will be the biggest one. Users will be able to create blogs using slate editor that offers different formatting options. Each blog will be saved initially as a draft blog and it will be an user responsibility to publish it. For this purpose we will create dashboard page displaying all user blogs with option to publish or make a draft from the blog. All Published blogs will be highlighted on blogs page and created as static pages assuring better performance. We will create delete and update functionality as well.Next we will work on SEO(search engine optimisation) improvements. I will explain you basics of SEO and how to get it working with Next.js.Last section will be covering deployment. Express API server will be deployed to Heroku. Next.js portfolio application will be deployed to serverless Vercel platform which will make our application super fast on internet."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Notes & Scales Memorization Magic" |
"This course provides a new, magical, fast way to memorize all the notes on the guitar at once. With it, you can finish the scale graphic in 10 minutes, which has helped many guitar students who are newbies or confused about note position on a guitar. Now, it is on Udemy.The best memorization method for our brains is undoubtedly image memorization. Scott has discovered magical rules for the guitar fretboard, which is a kind of image memorization method. You only have to memorize five images, and you have all the note positions on the guitar.This course also teaches you to memorize a ""three notes per string"" scale quickly, which is good for shredding.Now, welcome to this magical memorization online course which can improve your playing and allow you to go further if you are interested."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Asp.Net Dersleri" |
"ASP.NET Dersleri Bu eitim videosu serisi gerekten titiz bir ekilde hazrlanmtr. Eitim serisini bitiren kiilerin, ASP.NET teknolojisine btnyle hakim olup, hzl ve doru bir ekilde kod yazmas kanlmazdr. Tkettiiniz her blm sonrasnda zgveniniz artacak ve bir sonraki blm izlemek iin sabrszlanacaksnz.Bu kursta ileyeceimiz konu bal aadaki gibidir:* ASP.NET Temelleri ve Bir Web Uygulamasnn alma Mant"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to brand your church to attract more people" |
"If you confuse people you will lose people, clarity is a key to attracting people to your church helping them to stick.This course is designed to help church leaders implement branding principles that companies use all the time to reach more customers. These principles are provided through the lens of a branding specialist and passionate church consultant, Michael Persaud. Michael has a branding agency, Persaud Creative, that serves organizations all over the country to develop logos, websites, graphics and videos to help the reach more people. Church Brand Guide is a specific part of the agency that specializes in serving The Church with resources, a blog and a podcast. This course contains materials that Michael has used to help dozens of churches that range from established churches to brand new church plants. This material is guaranteed to provide you with applicable insights that will cause you to refine the perception of your church."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |