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"DevOps, CI/CD with Heroku, Bitbucket and CircleCI" |
"In a World where Agile is no longer an option but a business requisite, DevOps comes to fill in the gaps in the delivery process for our code, from unit test automation to continuous deployments that happen on a daily basis and without the intervention of developers, and under a fully automated process. This will translate into less mistakes, faster responses to the market and happier developersandend-users.Follow along this tutorial to understand the core concepts in DevOps and to also start implementing an automated process in your company."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Sharpen your telepathic and psychic abilities." |
"During this course you will learn about the techniques that I use in my daily practice as a Holistic Healing Practitioner and Spirit Medium.You may learn of a new level of awareness during this course as many of my past students have. Some of the topics will include; guided meditation, automatic writing, psychometry, and something that I call photomapping.I am pleased to offer this course and will be available for any questions you may have. If you have become involved in a missing person's case, please always proceed with caution and never search alone.If you wish to help from a distance, then this course may be exactly what you are looking for. I will walk you through safe methods of connecting with others on a telepathic level from any distance. Thank you again for your interest. I look forward to your attendance in class.All the best,Alisa Fierro LMT 6th Gen. Reiki Master Former Public Safety Officer"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Neuroplasticity to Heal Chronic Pain & Emotional Distress" |
"Join the Control My Pain ProjectChronic pain is at epidemic proportions around the world but it doesnt have to be this way. Everyday we are learning more about why we experience pain & distress & more excitingly how we can rewire our brain to heal our pain. Not that long ago people were resigned to living with pain but exciting new discoveries in pain science and neuroplasticity mean we can say no more. We no longer have to be trapped in a life of pain.Neuroplasticity, pain science & a holistic approach built on the integral connection of the mind, body & social well-being has the potential to help people all over the world.In this course, you will learn cutting edge science on how to heal pain & distress through the power of neuroplasticity & more importantly how to create pain-free pathways and calm an overly sensitive nervous system. This course will show you simple, effective and proven strategies to:Unlock your own natural medicine cabinet Ease your anxiety, frustration & sadness Boost your energy levels Improve your mobility Feel more resilient and better able to handle all of lifes challenges; and Improve your relationships with family, friends & colleagues Sounds good right so you are probably wondering how? Knowledge is power so you will learn evidence-based strategies to help you to rewire your brain & take control of every facet of your life - your body, mind & social wellbeing.This course will cover the following topics:1) Why do we feel pain? 2) What is standing in the way of your recovery? 3) Painful thoughts & feelings 4) Coping & Calm5) Strength & Fitness6) RelationshipsBy the end of this course you will have gained the necessary tools and insights to heal yourself the natural way."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Self-Leadership By Your Own Precision Words for Beginner's" |
"Description Whether youre a successful mastermind with words or a person at your lowest place in life you have the power inside you to tap into to create and build a whole new world of your own words that becomes your protection and base from which to drive success into your life and your environment. However you define that success, Mangaliso Fweta MSc IS MBA shares his first-hand practices to guide you to create and build your own worlds of words. In this course, Mangaliso shares invaluable formulations, using personal qualities, to create and build potent words, phrases and sentences to speak into your life, and how to remain principled in face of testing situations and circumstances useful skills for anyone overwhelmed by the current information overload and lifes pressure or anyone who wants to create his or her own worlds of words. Mangalisos wealthy history of personal ideological, spiritual development and extensive knowledge across multiple disciplines, combined with experience living amongst different cultures and peoples, has produced a special blend, opportunity and leading insight from a mental self-leadership perspective. Mangaliso believes that words are truly a type of action since words are capable of both hurting and inflicting pain to the same, if not worse magnitude than physical action and equally soothing, comforting and calming highly charged situations and he has put this belief into self-leadership practices by using his own precision words. Using precision-formulated words, phrases and sentences in his practices, Mangaliso speaks, declares, converses, instructs, promises, warns and sings into his life truths, purity, justness, virtuousness and all types of goodness to continually create, build and sustain worlds of words for every situation he finds himself in; a precondition to restedly pursue and achieve his purposes and goals in a world full of multi-dimensional human challenges. Leading by example in todays world, Mangaliso Fweta MSc IS MBA explains how to immerse you into your personal qualitiesusing Aware, Engage, Based, Oriented, and Driven (AEBOD) action framework. Moreover, he provides formulation and speaking examples you can use now to help you create and build your own worlds of words that become your home base for you to speak precision words, especially during significant and decisive seasons of your life, that instigate your inside to produce your relevant physical actions to fulfill your purposes and goals. What will you be able to do when you finish this course You will paste yourself between your personal qualities using Aware, Engage, Based, Orientated and Driven (AEBOD) Framework and be able to exercise: Awareness of your words giving rise to your productive actions (deeds) Engage your words to make them count, they are your first actions Base your actions on your good instructions, declarations, promises, warnings about what you want Orientate your actions to align to your precise words, and Drive your actions so that your precise words become your passengers Contents and Overview After an introductory lecture to self-leadership by your own precision words, where tools, support and bonus materials are explained, youll dive into the aware lecture starting with theory on becoming aware as to who you really are talking to when you open your mouth to speak together with the implicated quality of response from the audience you are speaking to, including yourself, and are expecting to receive response to your precise words In each of the five lectures, delivered through video, that runs for between 15 minutes and 30 minutes approximately, youll be taken through a theoretical part to understand and grasp the theoretical basis and a practical part where you are required to think, formulate and write down, for your self, a word, phrase, or sentence using selected personal qualities from the chart and then speak your written words. You will perform these beginning with the aware lecture, where you become aware of the significance of your precise words and what this means for your practical formulation, speaking and follow through with your next round of speaking. Next, youll look at what it means for you to engage your own spoken words, where you seek to convert your words into your developed mind as the primary product and secondary your tangible products or services, thus you gain key discernment of the capabilities that your words target inside you. Youll learn how, like a well-maintained habitat or a well-organised army base, to work with your worlds of words as your home base and then to go ahead and work from home while drawing another analogy with the fact that every operating institution has a physical address where its headquarters are located or based. Youll further learn how to, using orientate and drive, cause yourself to be directed and transported by your spoken words, phrases or sentences to act in a manner consistent with the meanings and implications of your words. In each of the five lectures during the practical sessions, Mangaliso will share his personal practices on how to formulate and speak your thoughts using the two tools personal qualities chart and the AEBOD framework some downloadable screencasts and written lectures for each personal quality used in each course lecture practical session. You will be able to download all the 10 lectures used in the course. In the course of each lecture you are encouraged to answer a quiz for yourself, which answer you may also share with Mangaliso so that he can help your with the essentials of inserting personal qualities into your phrases and sentences.You will get the following core content in this course: The course introductory video The Aware lecture Video The Engage lecture Video The Base lecture video The Orientate lecture video The Drive lecture video Lecture support materials in form of formulated application images and lecture for each personal quality used for your download A Speaking Video Explanation of AEBOD (using the Zulu Ayibo term) The How to use personal qualities chart video Your will also be able download the following pre-lectures materialsYou will also be able to download a bonus cards to kick-start you on the road to creating your own worlds of words. Who is the target audience? Anyone who is tired of their current words and seeks a renewalAnyone who appreciates and loves good human personal qualitiesAnyone seeking to create and build his or her world of words.Anyone who desires or currently lives a life guided by personal principle"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel: Curso Bsico para Principiantes" |
"Bienvenidos aMicrosoft Excel: Curso Bsico para Principiantes Por qu es tan importante saber utilizar Excel?Es claro que cada vez es ms importante dominar nuevas herramientas que permitan mejorar nuestra productividad, bien sea para darle forma a un proyecto personal o bien con fines laborales. Microsoft Excel representa una de las herramientas ms potentes y ms utilizadas en el mercado, por lo cual cada vez es ms importante dominarla.Si has llegado hasta ste curso, es muy probable que tengas muchas dudas acerca de por dnde comenzar? o qu tan complicado puede llegar a ser aprender a utilizar Excel?Mediante las lecciones yprcticas vistas en el transcurso de ste curso, no slo busco brindarte esos conocimientos y respuestasque ests buscando, sino ademas que puedas ganar confianza para lanzarte en tus propios proyectos.Como toda buena historia, este curso cuenta con un principio, un desarrollo y un final. De esta manera abarcaremos los aspectos generales del Excel, para luego comenzar a practicar con sus herramientas y funciones, y as finalizar con ejercicios decasos reales para as consolidar los conocimientos y temas vistos a lo largo del curso.Qu contenido se tratar durante el curso?Introduccin a la plataforma.Aplicaciones en casos reales.Uso de Frmulas.Uso de Grficos.Uso de Formatos y Formatos Condicionales.Introduccin al manejo de Tablas Dinmicas.Introduccin al uso de Macros.Recomendaciones sobre diseo y productividad.Cada tema estar acompaada por su respectiva prctica para aplicar la teora.Para quienes est diseado ste curso?Este curso se encuentradiseado para todos aquellos que desean y/o necesitan aprender a dominar el Microsoft Excel. No es necesario tener conocimientos previos, de hecho, el objetivo es que aquellos que no posean conocimiento alguno tengan una introduccin a la plataforma y a su vez aprendan a manejar las funciones bsicas.Los invito a ver el material disponible sobre mi curso, permtanme compartirles mi experiencia con sta potente herramienta, y brindarles los medios y herramientas para que cada uno pueda dar sus primeros pasos."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"couscous Tunisien : comment prparer un dlicieux couscous" |
"tape par tape pour savoir comment prparerun dlicieux couscous Tunisienmanger bio et faire attention votre santun couscous royal tunisien c'est la fois bio et dlicieux c'est le meilleur plat en Afriquen'hsitezpas savoir comment prparer le couscous tunisien c'est pas compliquer et vous gagnerez beaucoup en le prenant"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"how to modify the contents of a pdf document for free" |
"In this cours I will show you how to modify the content of a pdf content or modify a jpg or bmp or the content of any other document Finally you can modify your document for free and easy to doAfter this cours you can do many things with the technical"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GDPR e as novas regras de Proteo de Dados Pessoais" |
"Evoluo Histrica e Fundamentos da Privacidade e da Proteo de DadosA importncia da proteo de dados pessoais para a organizao Principais Conceitos Itens de controles trazidos pela Regulamentao GDPR Papel do Controlador e do Processador e como fica a Responsabilidade Solidria A autoridade supervisora Legitimidade para tratamento dos dados pessoais e limites Direitos dos titulares de dados A Transferncia de dados pessoais para pases terceiros e o uso de nuvem (cloud) Violao de dados e procedimentos relacionados Regras Corporativas Vinculantes e a proteo de dados nos contratos Proteo de dados por design e ciber segurana Avaliao de Impacto na Proteo de Dados (DPIA)"
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"LGPD: Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados - por Patrcia Peck" |
"Ol, sou Patrcia Peck e quero te convidar para participar deste curso sobre a nova Lei Brasileira de Proteo de Dados, tambm conhecida como LGPD.Neste curso voc ir compreender as principais caractersticas desta legislao e seus impactos sobre a indstria.Tambm ir entender quais so os princpios e melhores prticas que devem ser atendidos tanto pelas empresas privadas quando pela iniciativa pblica.A LGPD surge como uma resposta s cobranas para que o Brasil tivesse uma legislao para proteo de dados no mesmo nvel que a Europa (GDPR).Se voc um empresrio,executivo ou responsvel por projetos que envolvem base de dados, inteligncia artificial ou profissionais e empresas que possuem aplicativos publicados na Internet. Este curso para voc!A Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados Pessoais (LGPD) alcana empresas de todo e qualquer segmento e porte e inclui todo dado coletado em territrio nacional.Sendo assim, convido voc a fazer curso super prtico sobre tudo que voc precisa saber sobre a Lei de Proteo de Dados Pessoais no Brasil."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Comunicazione efficace" |
"Questo un breve corso molto utile per iniziare ad apprendere le nozionifondamentali che regolanola comunicazione. Attraverso questo percorso lo studente potr conoscere e capire come la gente comunica e quanto importante siasapere osservare e conoscere tutti queisegnali fondamentali che vengono trasmessi attraverso il nostro corpo, oltre che riflettere sui consigli ed esempi proposti che possono tornare utili in ogni situazione. Il corso rivolto a chiunque e non necessita di alcuna conoscenza o requisito"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Il successo ovunque" |
"Quante volte hai immaginato di essere una persona famosa? Quante volte hai immaginato di essere una persona piena di gloria e successo? Pensa di aver successo nel tuo lavoro, con le donne o gli uomini. Bene attraverso questo corso avrai tutti gli strumenti necessari per avere successo e migliorare le tue relazioni nella maniera pi semplice ed immediata"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Cryptomonnaies 2018 : du 1er investissement au 1er bnfice" |
"Mise en ligne : 29/06/2018Vous tes ici parce que vous souhaitez dcouvrir la mthode la plus rapide et la plus efficace pour investir sur les cryptomonnaies / cryptoassets et faire des bnfices importants.Ce cours vous apprendra comment acheter vos premires cryptos sur ce que j'appelle les ""Portails d'Achats"" (Coinbase, Kraken etc.) avant de les transfrer sur les places de marchs de cryptos (Binance, Bittrex etc.) afin que vous puissiez commencer investir immdiatement. L'objectif est surtout de vous montrer la simplicit du procd d'investissement, et de vous enseigner la bonne mthode pour slectionner les meilleures valeurs.Vous tes aussi ici parce que vous avez ralis que cette anne 2018 pourrait bien devenir l'anne la plus fulgurante pour les cryptos.Nous verrons ensemble comment faire en sorte de faire partie de ces investisseurs qui sont parvenus raliser des x100 sur UN SEUL investissement.J'ai eu la chance de commencer faire mes recherches sur les cryptos il y a deux ans et demi lorsque le march commenait dj montrer les signes d'une des plus grandes innovations de notre poque. tant expert de la donne scientifique, je m'en suis servi pour pouvoir trouver les bonnes informations au bon moment, ce qui m'a permis de naviguer calmement dans un contexte d'informations trs opaque, et de faire des gros ROI.J'ai dcid de tourner ce cours le jour o j'en ai eu ASSEZ de constater que la grande majorit des informations qui transitent en ligne taient biaises et que mes amis et proches qui dcidaient de se lancer sur les cryptos, finissaient pas prendre des mauvaises dcisions d'investissements.C'est aprs ce coup-de-gueule que j'ai constitu la structure de ce cours qui vous prsentera comment crer correctement votre premier portefeuille, et vous montrerai au moins 5 techniques d'investissementdont 1 mthode d'analyse d'assetspersonnelle dveloppe au cours de ces 2 dernires annes.Grce ce cours vous pourrez identifier le prochain coin qui crvera le plafond et vous positionner dessus au meilleur moment.Nous aborderons donc aussi toute une partie qui traitera de l'analyse techniquesur les cryptos.Lancez-vous sur ce march avec ce cours ds que vous le pourrez, et vous raliserez les bnfices exceptionnels quevous attendez, car mme au dbut 2018, de nombreux investissements auraient pu vu faire gagner beaucoup.Placez-vous en amont du march, devancez-le et vous ferez des bnfices colossaux. Quelles sont les conditions ? Vous devez avoir un compte en banqueVous devez avoir un accs internet pour pouvoir vous positionner sur les marchs Seulement 10 pour commencer Que vais-je apprendre grce ce cours ? Paramtrer votre portefeuille scurisIdentifier les meilleurs investissements, avec des potentiels de gains colossaux la fois sur le court, moyen et long termeAnalyser les charts (courbes) afin d'identifier les bons points d'entre et de sortiePrendre part aux meilleures ICO Quel est le public cibl ? Toute personne qui est curieuse de dcouvrir les cryptosToute personne qui veut assembler un portefeuille qui VOTREprofil et de VOSexpertises particuliresToute personne qui veut apprendre pratiquer le swing-tradeToute personne souhaitant dcouvrir comment identifier les crashes avant qu'ils surviennentToute personne souhaitant constituer un portefeuille crypto SECURISEavec des gains qui restent levsThis document is intended for informational purposes only. The views expressed in this document are not, and should not be construed as, investment advice or recommendations. Recipients of this document should do their own due diligence, taking into account their specific financial circumstances, investment objectives and risk tolerance (which are not considered in this document) before investing. This document is not an offer, nor the solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any of the assets mentioned herein."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server Query For beginners" |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"STRATEGIE FACEBOOKADS: corso pratico che illustra in maniera semplice come costruire efficaci strategie per vendere su Facebook.ELENCO DELLE VIDEO-LEZIONI:1. CONCETTI INTRODUTTIVI BASE: funnel, buyer personas, fasi consapevolezza acquisto.2. STRATEGIA COPY ANGLES: come scrivere inserzioni che partono dalla persona e non dal prodotto.3. STRATEGIABACK-END: strutturare il percorso dal prodotto-esca ai diversi prodotti in ascensione.4. TARGETING & RETARGETING: come usare i 2 livelli di targetizzazione nelle diverse fasi di inserzione.5. AUDIENCE INSIGHT: come usare gli strumenti di FB per trovare il giusto pubblico.6. CAMPAGNE EVERGREEN: schema pratico per impostare campagne automatiche per i tuoi prodotti.7. FACEBOOK FUNNEL 3 STEP: semplice strategia in 3 passi per attirare--> interessare---> far agire.8. STRATEGIE INTERAZIONE POST: come sfruttare la riprova sociale delle interazioni per vendere di pi.9. STRATEGIA DAFAN ACONTATTO: come trasformare i tuoi fan in contatto diretto con le LEAD ADS.10. STRATEGIE FAN GRATIS: carrellata di esempi su come acquisire nuovi fan gratuitamente. ALCUNE RECENSIONIDICHILOHAGIA' COMPRATO:Vanessa Favaro""Molto interessante!!! Pratico, piacevole e chiaro!!! Una bellissima scoperta!!!""Helder Monaco""Avevo seguito anche i suoi corsi dal vivo, Gabriele spiega le cose in maniera chiara e alla portata di tutti. Questo corso non richiede una conoscenza particolarmente tecnica dello strumento ed adatto a chiunque abbia dalla piccola attivit in proprio (anche amatoriale), fino al negozio e alla piccola impresa.""Paola""Pieno di idee interessanti per migliorare la propria pagina Facebook. Ascoltando questi corsi capisco che tanta gente non ha una vera strategia nei post che pubblica e sicuramente le parole giuste e il metodo giusto possono fare la differenza nei risultati.""Simone Truglia""Ottimo corso, trasmette il giusto mindset per approcciarsi alla creazione di una strategia per le proprie campagne facebook. Esempi pratici e concreti e concetti spiegati molto bene!""Santo Vitellaro""Il corso ben strutturato e aiuta a comprendere diverse strategie da applicare per ottenere risultati concreti grazie a Facebook.""---------------------------------------------------------------GARANZIA SODDISFATTO O RIMBORSATO---------------------------------------------------------------Ti ricordo che hai 30 giorni per studiare il corso e testarne la validit.Credimi, troverai tantissimi spunti pratici da applicare subito per migliorare la tua comunicazione scritta.Non hai nulla da perdere, ISCRIVITI e PARTIAMO!Gabriele Prevato"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Benvenuto nel CORSO COPYWRITING pi apprezzato su UDEMY!!Se scrivi sul WEB e sui SOCIAL ma ottieni scarsi risultati sei nel POSTO GIUSTO!Oggi sempre pi difficile:Catturare l'attenzione delle personeCoinvolgerle e farle interagireCreare in loro interesse verso la propria attivit Farsi lasciare un contattoVenderePer vendere non basta postare sui social una BELLA IMMAGINE.Non basta fare un'offerta scontata con la scritta "" COMPRA"".Non basta dire che sei il pi bravo e che il tuo prodotto il MIGLIORE. Per VENDERE devi saper guidare, influenzare e convincere tramite la SCRITTURA.Saper SCRIVERE PER VENDERE una competenza seria, gli americani la chiamano COPYWRITING.L'arte di usare le PAROLE per innescare una REAZIONE in chi ti legge.E' quello che imparerai nel CORSO COPYWRITING: SCRIVERE PER VENDEREUn CORSO PRATICO dove tra le tante cose imparerai a:La differenza tra scrivere in maniera efficace, persuasiva e influenteCreare titoli magnetici per i tuoi articoli, post ed emailScrivere partendo dalle persone e non dal prodottoUsare modelli persuasivi di apertura e chiusura per far leggere i tuoi testiScrivere partendo dalle obiezioni dei clientiCreare un'offerta di marketing direttoCoinvolgere e guidare il lettore verso le tue offerteUsare le metafore per rinforzare il tuo messaggio e il tuo marketingApplicare le tecniche del neuro-marketing per colpire e smuovere Usare le transizioni per creare curiosit e interesse...questo e molto altro ancora!RECENSIONI:E' il CORSO COPYWRITING pi apprezzato su Udemy, ecco alcuni commenti di chi lo ha gi frequentato:Valentina Montagna""Ho acquistato il corso perch lavoro come copywriter e volevo approfondire alcuni aspetti. L'ho trovato molto pratico ed esaustivo. Soprattutto la parte dedicata ai titoli e a come scriverli. Visto che sono un elemento fondamentale della copy, sono rimasta entusiasta delle lezioni. Lo consiglio.""Michele Leali""I video sono brevi e molto facili da comprendere, alla fine di ogni video c' un esercizio, grazie al quale sono riuscito a comprendere a pieno quello che illustra nella lezione, corso completo e aiuta molto a comprendere i vari tipi di scrittura. mi ha aiutato a scrivere al meglio la mia pagina prodotto su amazon, lo consiglio vivamente a tutti.""Roberta Decorte""Corso molto interessante e coinvolgente. Semplice ma pratico e diretto. Lo consiglio!""Edoardo Debelli""Ti rende consapevole di come l'uso corretto della scrittura ti permetta di ottenere post pi ""impattanti"" per il tuo pubblico. Corso pratico ed in parte impegnativo. I consigli e indicazioni vanno poi calate nei singoli contesti dell'attivit che si andr a promuovere. Consigliato!""Ilaria Raso""Molto chiaro e preciso, spiega in maniera chiara e semplice i concetti, schematizzandoli. Ottimo!""Paola""Il corso mi piaciuto tantissimo, viene spiegato tutto in maniera molto semplice e chiara con esempi e schede . Ascoltando Gabriele si capisce molto bene che la differenza di linguaggio nelle cose pu veramente fare la differenza e cambiare tutti i risultati. Bastano poche parole dette nella maniera giusta per coinvolgere e attirare l'attenzione delle persone che stanno leggendo. Con le parole giuste si possono creare grandi cose per ognuno di noi. Consigliatissimo!!""-------------------------------------------------------------------------------GARANZIA SODDISFATTO O RIMBORSATOTi ricordo che hai 30 giorni per studiare il corso e testarne la validit.Credimi, troverai tantissimi spunti pratici da applicare subito per migliorare la tua comunicazione scritta.Non hai nulla da perdere, ISCRIVITI e PARTIAMO!Gabriele Prevato"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Coinvolgere persone sui social sta diventando sempre pi difficile.In questo corso ti insegno diverse tecniche e modelli facili che puoi adattare al tuo settore per creare interesse e attenzione nelle persone e avvicinarle a te.PROGRAMMADELCORSO:1. INTRODUZIONE AL FACEBOOK ENGAGEMENT:Cosa vuol dire, come si misura e cosa capisci se stai facendo bene o male.2. TRUCCHETTOTECNICO PAGINE FB:Prima di scrivere i tuoi contenuti ricordati di settare questa impostazione nella tua pagina che in pochissimi fanno.3. COPY ANGLES:Per coinvolgere chi ti legge c' un metodo infallibile: scrivere partendo dalle persone e non dal prodotto. In questo video vedremo come fare con diversi esempi.4. ENGAGEMENT BASATOSULLEDOMANDE:Probabilmente sai gi che fare domande aiuta ad avere maggior engagement sui tuoi post. Quello che forse non sai che ci sono tantissime tipologie di domande e nel video vedremo quali sono e come usarle nei tuoi post.5. ENGAGEMENT BASATOSULVOTO:Le persone adorano esprimere la loro opinione su temi e argomenti di loro interesse. Ecco come sfruttare questa tipica caratteristica umana per creare engagement sui tuoi post e guidarli alle tue promozioni e offerte.6. COMEPROMUOVERE SENZAVENDERE:Le persone su Facebook se la danno a gambe levate appena capiscono che sei l solo per vendere. Ecco come ovviare a questo grosso problema prendendo spunto da alcune famose pagine.7. ENGAGEMENT BASATOSULLAVIRALITA':Come sfruttare l'instant marketing per coinvolgere chi ti legge e usare la viralit come strumento di promozione.8. USOSTRATEGICODELLACOPERTINA:Tantissimi esempi utili e concreti di come poter usare l'immagine di copertina della tua pagina facebook per comunicare e coinvolgere i tuoi fan.8. USOSTRATEGICODELLACOPERTINA:Tantissimi esempi utili e concreti di come poter usare l'immagine di copertina della tua pagina facebook per comunicare e coinvolgere i tuoi fan.9. MICRO-STORIE:Un modello in 3 fasi per creare post basati sullo storytelling che catturano, creano empatia e stimolano l'engagement.10. ANSWER THEPUBLICCome usare 2 strumenti gratuiti per scoprire quali contenuti desiderano le persone del tuo settore e creare post ad hoc per loro.11. SOFTWARE PER AUMENTAREENGAGEMENTTool gratuiti per migliorare le performance della tua pagina tramite le impostazioni corrette e l'analisi dei dati e del pubblico.12. PINTERESTCome usare Pinterest per scovare idee sempre nuove per i contenuti della tua paginaE' uno dei corsi pi apprezzati su Udemy per l'argomento Facebook Marketing.RECENSIONI:Massimiliano Montanari""Ho seguito vari corsi sull'argomento, questo uno dei migliori. Sintetico, conciso ma efficace. Insegnante molto preparato e coinvolgente oltre che simpatico.""Loredana Spano""Finalmente un corso dinamico, ben strutturato, con un docente professionale e preparato, con il giusto ritmo. Pratico essenziale. Consigliatissimo per i diversi case Study e per gli ottimi spunti.""Paola P.""Ogni volta che ascolto un corso di Gabriele imparo tantissimo. Mi aiuta a pensare cosa potrei fare per migliorare. Il corso pieno di belle idee e suggerimenti che devono diventare automatici per ognuno di noi .""Federico Curci""Ottimo corso, molto coinvolgente e sopratutto mi ha dato molti spunti sul tema.""---------------------------------------------------------------GARANZIA SODDISFATTO O RIMBORSATO---------------------------------------------------------------Ti ricordo che hai 30 giorni per studiare il corso e testarne la validit.Credimi, troverai tantissimi spunti pratici da applicare subito per migliorare la tua comunicazione scritta.Non hai nulla da perdere, ISCRIVITI e PARTIAMO!Gabriele Prevato"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Panorama Spoeczna" |
"Czy chcesz czu si lepiej wrd ludzi? Zwikszy swoj pewno siebie, poczucie bliskoci, otwarto na innych? A moe po prostu chciaby ich bardziej polubi lub zapomnie o kim? Panorama Spoeczna to narzdzie, ktre umoliwi Ci atw modyfikacj tego jak mylisz o ludziach i reagujesz na nich - wszystko po to, by wzbogaci Twoje ycie!E-kurs Panorama Spoeczna to dziesi lekcji, podczas ktrych zrozumiesz czym s Personifikacje, nauczysz si je odkrywa i zmienia tak, by czu si z ludmi lepiej, pewniej i przyjemniej. Kurs skada si z zestawu lekcji wideo, wzbogaconych o tekstowy opis wicze. czny czas trwania nagra kursu to 95 minut. Kilku-kilkunastominutowe materiay maj idealn dugo by obejrze je przy kawie lub w przerwie w pracy i od razu wdroy w ycie."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Reading the fascinating Italian Poetry" |
"The course is addressed to Upper Intermediate and Advanced students of Italian. During the course the students will have the opportunity to listen and get useful and fascinating information about some poems written by this great Italian poet, Eugenio Montale. Students will also receive facts about the Italian culture and will improve their listening skill by watching my lectures with a real educated native speaker."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
R-() |
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"TOEFL iBT Preparation Complete Course" |
"This course providesyou with the necessarytools strategies and tips in order to avoid traps and wrong answers. You will manage to deal with time and focus. You will know where is the key information in the lectures or conversations.You will master the speaking templates that will enable you to speak fluently and to the point. You will learn the writing templates that will help to write a well-organized and focusedessay."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"50 Ferramentas de Gesto" |
"Quando voc precisa colocar um prego, voc utiliza um martelo ou uma chave de fenda?Cada situao exige uma ferramenta especfica, portanto reuni neste curso uma ""caixa de ferramentas"" que todo empreendedor, empresrio e profissional de gesto precisam ter. Desde j importante destacar que este NO UM CURSO ESPECFICO para cada ferramenta. Portanto, trata-se de uma BREVE INTRODUO. Todavia, o material complementar faz deste um curso completo. Para qu servem as ferramentas? Neste curso reuni ferramentas para priorizar e resolver problemas; melhorar e padronizar processos; implementar projetos, tomar decises, fazer anlises grficas, avaliar portflios e fazer diagnsticos; planejar, organizar e executar; fazer melhorias e aumentar o valor dos processos; criar negcios, formular ideias e desenvolver solues criativas; controlar a execuo a partir de objetivos, metas e indicadores; e, por fim, acompanhar e verificar processos. Qual o material complementar? Neste curso voc ter acesso s principais ferramentas de gesto criadas em Excel. O material complementar composto por 50 modelos editveis em Excel + 50 artigos de terceiros + 50 videoaulas com explicaes rpidas + E-book sobre as ferramentas + 50 Slides com esquemas grficos + Outros recursos para download. E o que mais? Uma ""caixa de ferramentas"" com 50 Ferramentas de Gesto que ser, continuamente, atualizada no Trello, onde artigos e materiais complementares sero adicionados. Como que o curso est organizado? Dividi as ferramentas em algumas sees para que voc possa acess-las em blocos. Portanto, se voc quiser as ferramentas para diagnosticar problemas, voc as encontrar na seo: ""diagnosticar"". Quais as ferramentas apresentadas? Diagramas: Ishikawa, Pareto, Diagrama de rvore, 5W2H, Diagrama de Afinidades; Diagrama em setas; Mtodo: Mtodo FMEA, Ciclo PDCA, Ciclo DMAIC, SIPOC, Benchmark; MASP; PDCP; Canvas; Q de Yule; Cinco Sensos 5 Ss; KABAN; Matriz: GUT; B.A.S.I.C.O; Matriz Trade-off; Matriz SWOT; Matriz BCG; Cinco Foras de Porter; Tcnica: SMART; Brainstorming; Cinco Porqus; Grfico: Grfico de Gantt; Grfico de tendncia; Controle CEP; Folha de verificao; SERVQUAL; Histograma; Mapa da empatia. Outras: Ficha tcnica; Contrato; POP; Grfico de Disperso; Anlise DRE; Checklist; Organograma; Fluxograma; PCO; Jobe to be done; e Misso, Viso e Valores; Design Thinking; Effectuation; Indicadores - KPI; Balanced Score Card; AIDALA; Funil de vendas. Aumente ou melhore o seu arsenal de ferramentas. Inscreva-se!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Acelerador de Vendas - Argumentos que Vendem Mais" |
"Roberto Silva um dos maiores estudiosos da Cincia do Consumo. Estes estudos o levaram a observar e a testar em centenas de empresas sua tese de que nossas decises de compras esto ancoradas em nossa estrutura emocional. Nosso desejo e nossa vontade comandam as decises ""racionais"" que tomamos enquanto clientes. Este curso ensina claramente como funciona esta estrutura de tomada de decises e, com tcnicas simples, como usar este conhecimento para o aumento imediato de suas vendas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como Falar em Pblico - Os Oito Segredos" |
"O Curso Mestre da Oratria o nico que revela, ensina e capacita voc a dominar os Oito Segredos dos Mestres Oradores. Roberto Silva, mestre de oratria, ensina de forma clara, didtica e simples, como falar com persuaso para os mais variados pblicos e para qualquer quantidade de pessoas. Com este curso voc aprender a dominar a Verdade Visual, Valorizao do Contedo, Ateno Permanente, Abrir, desenvolver e finalizar o discurso de forma correta, alm de aprender a lidar com falas de improviso. trata-se de segredos guardados sete chaves pelos maiores oradores da histria.Roberto Silva considerado o Professor de Oratria que tem a melhor didtica e o maior especialista no Mtodo Mestre da Oratria."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Create your first strategy: masterclass on strategy planning" |
"If you want to increase your impact and implement your best business idea, you will need to think strategically. Strategy planning may sound complicated, but in this course, you will have the chance to try it out for yourself.In this practical course, you will create your first strategy, following a simple tried and tested method used by many companies. You will apply effective tools to develop your own strategy, from start to finish. And you will learn key concepts about strategic planning.After completing this course:You will have a complete strategy document, and you will be ready to start making it a reality;You will have applied a range of recognised strategy planning tools used by businesses around the world; and You will have a practical understanding of what makes a good strategy.This course is the complete toolkit for creating and delivering an effective strategy.An effective strategy:Can make your business more successful;Inspires others by creating clarity and getting people committed to your goals; andSets out a clear plan to change or improve your business faster.You will learn key concepts of strategic planning:You will be able to identify the key elements of any good strategy;You will learn the benefits of having a robust strategic plan; We will discuss some common misconceptions about strategies.Then you will build your strategy:You will produce a situation analysis using effective tools, such as SWOTand PESTLEanalysis;You will create your vision, defining the target situation to create clarity about what you are trying to achieve; Then its time to make your vision a reality. You will come up with a proposal, setting the direction of how to deliver your strategy, through scenario planning;Finally, you will develop with a step-by-step plan to put your business idea into action.And you will come up with a plan of how to engage others in the strategic process. And you will also have access to a Q&Avideo, so that you have everything you need to make your strategy a success.A good strategy can set a clear direction through an inspiring vision. It can make businesses more effective, by prioritising the resources available. And best of all, strategy planning doesnt need to be complicated. Some of the best tools in this course are great exactly because they achieve great results by being simple.Its time to create your first strategy. Sign up to get started now."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Basics of Xero Accounting (Beginner)" |
"This course is all about mastering the basics of Xero software for your accounting needs. This is a beginner course, so you dont need to know a lot about accounting to get started. Xero makes it very easy to start out, which is great for a small business owner, or anyone who doesnt want to have a steep learning curve when it comes to bookkeeping.In this course we have the following goals in mind: Will master basics of Xero software to take charge of bookkeeping for your own businessTake control of your record keeping and have your finger on the pulse of your business cash flow and profitability.Save money and increase your understanding of your business by handling your own bookkeeping rather than outsourcing to a bookkeeper or accountantAs a bookkeeper or accountant, be able to better serve a wide range of clients through knowledge of Xero Accounting SystemIn this course you will learn:how to set up a Xero account, how to use the banking feature to automate your bookkeeping, how to record sales and send invoices to customers, how to record expenses and how to use and read Xero reports to keep an eye on your business success"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Editar Videos para o Youtube" |
"Voc sabia que Nos prximos anos mais de 90% do contedo da Internet ser em vdeosNo Youtube a cada minuto so postados milhares de vdeosO youtube o segundo maior buscador de informaes do mundoNesse curso eu vou te ensinar tudo aquilo que voc precisa saber para se tornar um editor profissional, Aprenda a Filmar a tela do seu computador para criar tutoriais, demonstraes e apresentaes, entenda as diversas opes e ferramentas para edio de udio e video. voc aprender como adicionar msicas, narrao com microfone e capturar o udio de seu computador.O Camtasia Studio 9 o mais reconhecido software de edio de mdia, uma ferramenta incrvel para quem precisa fazer vdeos e apresentaes rpidas e profissionais.Este treinamento lhe ensinar a criar e editar suas aulas no Camtasia, e utilizar em seus projetos pessoais ou profissionais, crie apresentaes incrveis e utilize para qualquer finalidade."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SAS for Data Analysis and Visualization" |
"This Course is Designed for Beginners/Professionals to learn Data Visualization, Data Manipulation, Data Handling using SAS PROC procedures and SAS SQL, this learning process is going to give a great edge for the people who are working in the field of Data Science/Data Analysis/Data Management/Data Mining or wants to transform their career in any of these fields. SASis an amazing tool to manage and work on complex data."
Price: 11200.00 ![]() |
"SAS for Data Science" |
"This Course is designed for the Beginners/Professional who want to learn to work on SAS as a tool for their data handling work, This course is going to give you a very easy step by step learning edge on how to run and use SAS as a tool for data work, It is a very easy to understand tutorial which will help you to go to the next level of expertise whilst working on SAS tool."
Price: 11200.00 ![]() |
"El curso est enfocado a dotar al estudiante la capacitad de implementar una mesa de ayuda o Help Desk funcional en ((OTRS)) Community Edition, con la creacin de colas de atencin, agentes, estadsticas,etc, la administracin de tickets y su asignacin a los respectivos agentes segn prioridad. Los tickets son creados de manera automtica a travs de un correo electrnico.((OTRS)) Community Edition es la suite de cdigo abierto lder en innovacin de servicios, que incluye HelpDesk, una solucin para la gestin de servicios de IT (ITSM) compatible con ITIL,una aplicacin para iPhone, as como la plataforma tecnolgica de soporte. Ms de 100,000 grupos corporativos a nivel mundial utilizan OTRS para mejorar su servicio, la satisfaccin del cliente y disminuir sus costos. ((OTRS)) Community Edition est disponible en 32 idiomas. Compatible con ITIL."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Writing your Business Story to Increase SALES" |
"The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Compelling Business Story: Building your Business and Brand Identity through StorytellingThis course - The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Compelling Business Story, will teach you how to build your business story step-by-step for greater success in marketing, networking, sales presentations & branding.Present :: Engage :: SellYour InstructorsMeriel Bradley will be guiding you through the course.Meriel began her career in the television industry, producing and hosting shows for HGTV and Discovery. She transitioned into the corporate world of Sales and Marketing where she co-founded Lean Web Tools and has since helped hundreds of businesses build, launch and market customer-focused websites and e-commerce solutions.The course co creators who make up the Lean Web Tools Team are Bill Rasmussen, who has spent more than 18 years planning, designing and coding hundreds of websites and web applications, and Sam Rasmussen, who brings a fresh modern eye to the graphics team with 4 years of web design experience.What you will be learningWhats Your Story?Stories showcase and define who you are and what you do in the most compelling and honest way possible engaging both your existing and potential clients.If used well business storytelling can become a corner stone of success across all aspects of your business, making a positive difference to both clients and employees alike.Lets face it we all love and remember a good story, and if you learn to tell your story well, your customers will tell it too.It can however be a challenging task to build out a good library of stories for you to use.To help you make this task easy and manageable, our team at LeanWebTools has created Ultimate Guide to Creating a Compelling Business Story course.We kick off the course with a simple step-by-step process using question and answer worksheets to help you start collecting your content.Weve loaded the course with multiple worksheets as well as working samples to inspire you.These worksheets will help you discover how to:Build your business storiesUnderstand the impact of those storiesHow best to uncover the hidden gems everyone should know about you.We will then explore and add in additional tools to help you build out your full company story set.By the end of the course, you will end up with a large amount of interesting and engaging material to use at:Networking eventsIn company speechesFor presentationsIn sales meetingsAs marketing materials with use across multiple platformsThis isnt a course in writing the perfect elevator pitch, but rather a journey to help you become engaging, interesting and someone who is best of all memorable.Why? Because you have some really good stories to tell.Lets take a look at the elements of the course:Introduction: Why Every Business Needs a Good Business StoryLearn why you need a strong business story, how the course will help you build your full company story, understand the impact of your stories & uncover the hidden gems everyone should know about youCollecting Core Content: Discover Compelling Material to Craft your Authentic StoryYou will create a comprehensive set of content to draw from including: your back story, why you do what you do, your business today & purpose, your motivation and where your are going as a businessA Strong Memorable Introduction: Use Storytelling to Leave a Great Lasting ImpressionUsing your core content learn to craft a strong memorable introduction to use in business meetings at networking & sales events and learn how to making meaningful connections to build your brandThe About Us Page: Tell the Story of Your Business With an Authentic VoiceBuild your About Us Page with a genuine voice & build trust by weaving in your true story leaving the reader with an impression of who you are, why you built your business & how you can help themUnderstanding Your Target Audience: Define Who You Are Talking to Achieve Your Business GoalsLearn to define your Target Audience to ensure you are creating business stories that will engage your audience, ones that they can relate to or are interested in and therefore make you memorableBuild a Business Presentation: Use Your Business Story to Build a Powerful Presentation Your Foundation StoryCreate a well-structured presentation to act as a blueprint, learn how to weave in your business story to allow you to sell with out seeming to be selling, learn to engage your audience & build trustBuild a One-Page Business Story Canvas: A Visual One-Page Business SummaryCreate a Business Story canvas, so you can see the results of your work presented on a single one-page document. Use as a reference to remind you how much of an impact your core business story hasCollecting More Stories: How to Collect More Business Stories for Your Marketing and BrandLearn how to grow your business story beyond the core content you have collected and by add compelling new chapters to your story from the perspective of your customers and your employeesWho Should Take this Course:Anyone who wants help to build a trusted brand identity using storytellingAnyone who wants to learn how to become engaging, interesting and memorable through the use of storytellingAnyone who is interested in easy to use tools to start building content marketing materialBusinesses who want engaging memorable content for use in presentations and networkingBusinesses who want engaging memorable content for use sales and marketing to help grow their businessAnyone who wants to define their company story set for use across multiple platforms"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day" |
"Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day: An Easy Step by Step Guide for Beginners: How to get started in Digital Marketing using Social Media to drive new sales and grow your business in just 10 minutes a dayThis course - Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day: An Easy Step by Step Guide for Beginners, will teach you how to master Social Media Marketing step-by-step to unlock the value Social Media can bring to your business.Your InstructorsMeriel Bradley will be guiding you through the course.Meriel began her career in the television industry, producing and hosting shows for HGTV and Discovery. She transitioned into the corporate world of Sales and Marketing where she co-founded Lean Web Tools and has since helped hundreds of clients build comprehensive marketing plans to build their brand identity and grow their business.The course co-creators who make up the Lean Web Tools Team are Bill Rasmussen, who has spent more than 18 years planning, designing and coding hundreds of websites and web applications, and Sam Rasmussen, who brings a fresh modern eye to the graphics team with 4 years of web design experience.What you will be learningMaster Social Media in Just 10 Minutes a DaySocial Media may seem daunting, but it is without a doubt, an incredibly valuable marketing tool.With all the options available, it can be tough to know where you should start, and then once you have started, what you should do next and how to find the time and resources to maintain your momentum.To address these challenges, our team at Lean Web Tools has created this easy-to-use course to help you build a Social Media Marketing Plan you can execute in just 10 minutes a day.Through the course, we will be sharing with you tools and techniques we use with our clients so you can master Social Media Marketing and make Social Media easy and manageable to gain all the benefits and overcome the challenges.We will help you eliminate the confusion and guide you step by step through our planning tools to allow you to use Social Media to drive new sales and grow your business in just 10 minutes a day.By the end of the course, you will be well on your way to being rewarded as you unlock the value Social Media can bring to your business.Lets take a look at whats included in the course and see how it all works together.Course ElementsIntroduction: Social Media in 10 Minutes a DayLearn how the Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day course will help you unlock the value that Social Media can bring to your business, how to drive new sales & grow your business in just 10 minutes a day.Master Twitter in 10 Minutes a DayWith our 5 day plan, you will set up your twitter identity, create a keyword list, content calendar, practice key engagement tasks & start using Twitter for marketing spending just 10 minutes a day.Master Facebook in 10 Minutes a DayLearn how to use Facebook and best practices to apply, create your social profile and add a business page, build a Content Planner and Weekly Calendar and deploy your 10 minute a day schedule.Master LinkedIn in 10 Minutes a DayLearn how to use LinkedIn, the difference between posts & articles, build your LinkedIn content & engagement calendar, LinkedIn Introduction Card and deploy your LinkedIn in 10 minutes a day strategy.Master YouTube in 10 Minutes a DayLearn how to set up your YouTube Channel, easily create video with PowerPoint and add in audio, create a 10 minute a day deployment calendar, content calendar & create your first YouTube video.BONUS SECTION: PowerPoint Tutorial Series: Create a video for Social Media using PowerPointThis tutorial is broken down into 6 easy to understand parts.1. Building your framework with a content planner: Structure and PlanningLearn how to use the PowerPoint Content Planner to build strong, engaging content for your PowerPoint with a good story flow.2. How to create your outline in PowerPoint: Building your slide deckLearn about slide layouts and build your PowerPoint outline using a blank design template.3. Designing in PowerPoint: Easily build a custom design using imagesLearn about design template options and build a custom design with your own images, learn to crop and scale images and add custom font colors, slide duplication and text layout.4. Transitions: Add transitions and effects to your slidesUnderstand how to add in transition effects, sound effects and timed slide transitions.5. Export: Discover PowerPoints export options including MP4 for videoLearn how to export your slides as a PDF or movie file.6. Add a Sound Bed: Create a video with a music sound bed for Social MediaLearn how to add a sound bed to your video file using a simple edit tool and export as a video file ready for Social Media.We will be showing you how to use the power point tools step by step in each of the 6 lectures, using a bakery business as our working sample.Workbook and Guide with Bonus Multi Channel Planning ToolDownload your comprehensive course workbook that includes all of the course notes, calendar templates, content templates, cheat sheets & working samples as well as a bonus multi-channel Marketing Planner.By taking this course:You will know how to get started in Digital Marketing using Social Media to drive new sales and grow your business in just 10 minutes a dayYou will master Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube with our simple step by step process Know how to unlock the value that Social Media can bring to your business Know how to drive new sales and grow your business using Social Media spending just 10 minutes a dayWho Should Take this Course:Businesses who want to unlock the value of Social MediaAnyone who wants to learn the Social Media in 10 minutes a day systemAnyone who wants to learn how to master Social MediaAnyone who wants to build a simple and effective Social Media Marketing PlanBusinesses who want a cost effective Social Media strategyBusinesses who want to use Social Media to grow their brand"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |