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"Career Development and Career Success Course" |
"Let me ask you a questionDo you go from one job to the next?Or maybe you cant seem to keep a jobMaybe you just dont find it enjoyableYou've heard that obtaining meaningful and impactful employment makes you happy and boosts your self-esteem...But did you know that obtaining meaningful and impactful employment keeps people off drugs, off the streets, and out of trouble I am here to tell you that it is absolutely true...The research is clear on this. But where do you start?You know there are people that love their jobsYou know people who are very successful in their careersWhat makes them different from you? What should you be doing differently?Is there something youre missing? I am here to tell you there isAnd thats why you are here, right?Or maybe you are here for someone else, someone that you are trying to help A loved one, a spouse or a client.Whoever it might be, youre tired from feeling frustrated, arent you? Is it really too much to ask for?A career you care about, something you are good at, something that motivates and excites you?Let me tell you a little secretIf you want to find a job that motivates and excites you, it doesnt start at the job boardIt first starts with YOU It starts with knowing who you really are, and understanding yourselfSomething that MOST people miss Over the last several years, I have helped thousands of people discover their passion, what they are good at, and what environments they thrive in.. And I've got to tell you that when you find the job you love, it changes youYour happiness increases. Your confidence in yourself increases and you find life enjoyable.When you thrive in a career, you thrive in lifeYou see, a job is something you do to earn moneyBut a satisfying career is something that fulfills your interests, personality and skillsIt is long-term and defines who you are It becomes part of your self-identityIve attended and met people from worldwide and national trainingIve studied all sorts of different personality, interest, skills, and ability assessmentsAnd I've become certified in manyOver the last several years, I have helped individuals overcome countless barriers because they obtained employment in an area that allows them to flourishYou may have thought that youre introverted because being around people drains youMaybe you think you're extroverted because people energize youMaybe you have a knack for picking up on details Or maybe you are excellent with tasks that require physical skillOr maybe youre good at persuasion, selling or motivating othersBut unless someone points it out enoughOr you discover it for yourself through assessments and exercises, you may never know for sureOnce you discover your strengths, you'll be able to use them to thrive in life!The Career Success Course includes:22 step-by-step videos and tools showing you how to understand yourself, your skills, interests, personality and what environments allow you to flourish in life. There is a reason psychologists, clinicians and legislators keep saying that purposeful and impactful employment leads to life satisfaction. It first starts with self-discovery, who you really are and knowing what environments you'll thrive in!Discover how now..."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Evidence-based Way to Manage Urges and Cravings" |
"Most people, when they have a craving to use or an intrusive thought to use, they try to suppress or fight itSuppressing and fighting cravings, thoughts and urges, actually strengthens them. This is because it comes from a part of the brain that is subconscious and very powerfulAnd when people experience these cravings, they think that they are a bad person or that they are weak-willed This isnt true at all, and this type of thinking makes matters worse. What you cant control, is not you and you can separate yourself from itThe non-reactivity principle, teaches us to just observe these cravings as you have them. Just acknowledge themAnd if you do it properly, what you will find is that they will leave quicklyThey will lessen in intensity and you will find that you have greater cognitive controlIn a sense, using certain cognitive techniques that are also backed by science, can give you a third person perspective, where you can just observe and not actInstead of reacting aggressively to these cravings, or trying to suppress them, or fight them, or get them out of your head, you allow them to pass by simply acknowledging them, observe them naturally increase and diminish in intensity, and then refocusing your attention Separating yourself from them, and being okay with existing with them, makes them leave quickly, and soon, they dont bother youThese and similar methods have not only helped thousands of people world-wide, but also heavily supported by researchAnd whats better, is that the effects of using these techniques are long-termOnce you start using these techniques, the easier it becomes because your brain starts to gain greater cognitive control over unhealthy thoughts and urgesKeeping unhealthy thoughts, cravings and urges out of your mind becomes easier and easier to do because your brain is changingYou see, scientists refer to the brain as a team of rivals, because the brain is a multiple structured system in which different structures fight against each other for dominanceIn order for the brain to operate properly, it must be at balance.To put this into perspective, there are essentially two parts of the brain, the Prefrontal Cortex and the Limbic System The prefrontal cortex is a higher functioning part of the brain which is rational and logical and it understands consequences... But the limbic system, is a primitive brain. It has no ability to delay gratification. It is pleasure-oriented and selfish. It is concerned with seeking pleasure and avoiding painThis limbic system is also called the reward system because it is responsible for making us feel better by releasing feel good chemicals in the brainDrugs, alcohol, sex, pornography and even eating, activate this ancient reward system in the brain And from an evolutionary standpoint, researchers have found that this reward system goes back to the simplest of life forms, nearly 600 million years before rational thought was upon this earth...The reward system was found in anthropoids, invertebrate phyla and mollusks. This is because this limbic system is very necessary for survivalOur ancient ancestors were able to survive because they were rewarded through engaging in behaviors, such as eating and sex. But today, our brains arent designed to deal with such ready to access rewardsDrugs, pornography and other addictions over-simulate the brains reward system Addiction, whatever it may be, becomes hard-wired in a survival process It has become a part of life just as eating or sleepingBut using researched backed techniques have been shown to change the brain, and in the same sense, rewire the brain"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sewing Machine 101" |
"Ihear from so many friends and acquaintances who have sewing machines but dont know how to use them! If you fit in that category, you have an amazing tool at your disposal!in this course, I'll take you through all the dials, buttons, features and accessories. We'll wind the bobbin together and thread the needle to stitch through different settings and see how stitch width and length change the stitch.Then we'll make a tote bag to apply what you've learned.I cant wait for you to take this course, conquer any fears you may have about your machine, and unleash your creative potential! Once you know the basics, its just a matter of practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desmistificando as Finanas Pessoais" |
"A vida no s pagar boletos! Ter um planejamento financeiro adequado garantir a voc a no ficar no vermelho e ainda conseguir realizar os sonhos que voc e sua famlia sempre tiveram! Aprenda a controlar suas receitas e suas despesas e como fazer o seu dinheiro render neste curso rpido e fcil de entender."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Questes Comentadas CPA 10" |
"Neste curso voc tem acesso a 70 questes comentadas da certificao CPA 10 com um dos professores mais renomados do pas. So 10 questes de cada mdulo para auxiliar a sua aprovao. Eu ajudo investidores a entender melhor o mercado financeiro de forma que eles alcancem a independncia financeira sem que eles precisem passar horas e horas analisando investimentos.Sou um apaixonado por finanas e investimentos.Comecei no mercado financeiro comprando minha primeira ao aos 16 anos e deste ento nunca mais parei de investir e j se passam mais de 13 anos.Durante minha carreira profissional atuando na rea tive as mais diversas experincias mas a maior de todas como professor de certificaes financeiras. Isso mesmo, desde 2011 eu j ajudei milhares de profissionais do mercado financeiro a se capacitarem e serem aprovados em suas certificaes financeiras.Durante toda esta jornada e um contato dirio com centenas de profissionais do mercado financeiro tive um aprendizado imenso sobre os mais variados tipos de investimentos e criei este blog para que voc tambm tenha uma oportunidade de se aprofundar sobre este mundo incrvel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tesouro Direto do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Curso completo para voc aprender a investir no Tesouro Direto, o investimento mais seguro do Brasil, e construir a sua aposentadoria usando essa estratgia. Este um curso voltado tanto para os investidores iniciantes quando os intermedirios. Pare de perder dinheiro nos bancos e aprenda ganhar at 25% a mais SEM CORRER RISCOS.Durante o curso voc ter acesso ao Portal do Aluno com contedo terico e prtico que voc assiste onde e quando quiser.4 Mdulos e 01 Bnus, mais de 30 Vdeo AulasTesouro Pr-Fixado (com e sem CUPOM)Introduo com conceitos bsicos sobre a estratgiaTesouro Ps-Fixado (SELIC)Vantagens de Investir no Tesouro DiretoTesouro IPCA com e sem juros semestraisQuanto dinheiro precisa para comear a investirAula pratica Negociando TPF no Tesouro DiretoComo escolher uma Corretora de ValoresMelhor Tesouro para Curto, Mdio e Longo PrazoComo funciona o Mercado de CapitaisCustos do Tesouro DiretoEste curso sobre Tesouro Direto um grande guia sobre investimento em ttulos pblicos federais. Nesta curso abordo muito mais do que somente o programa de investimentos em ttulos pblicos federais que chamamos de tesouro direto. Voltado para todos investidores tratamos questes sobre o que so os ttulos pblicos federais, como surgiu o programa do tesouro direto , qual sua funo, valores mnimos para investimento e muito mais.Para que o investidor fique ciente dos riscos e das funcionalidades nesta obra tambm falamos sobre a funo dos ttulos pblicos federais para o financiamento da dvida Brasileira e porque isso no necessariamente ruim uma vez que todos os pases o fazem para financiar investimentos e o progresso da nao.Tudo isso sem esquecer do objetivo da pblico que investir melhor. E claro, a melhor forma de faz-lo conhecendo bem todos os ttulos disponveis e suas caractersticas para tornar possvel o melhor casamento entre o objetivo do investidor e as possibilidades do mercado "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Illustrator 2020 do Zero ao Profissional" |
"Seja bem vindo ao ""Curso mais completo de Illustrator do mercado"", aprenda a criar peas grficas para segmentos diferentes da computao grfica. Atualizao Mensal do CursoSe voc um Profissional ou gostaria de aprender a utilizar o Illustrator de forma profissional esse curso para voc.Sou profissional de design grfico a mais de 10 anos e compilei toda a minha experincia prtica nesse curso. No curso vou te passar de forma simples e direta todos os segredos do Illustrator, alm de liberar gabaritos e materiais complementares que faro toda a diferena na sua jornada.Ento se voc quer trabalhar com:Design;Sublimao;Estamparia;Comunicao Visual; Brindes;Mdias Sociais.Esse curso para voc! Independente do seu nvel de conhecimento de informtica. Voc vai se especializar no Illustrator, uma das mais poderosas e populares ferramentas de ilustrao e desenho vetorial profissional do mundo.Alm do curso, disponibilizei uma pasta repleta de materiais que uso em meu dia a dia na agncia, s esses materiais j pagaria o valor do curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Blueprint For Small Business Owners" |
"New Course Reveals How to Kickoff Your Business using Secret Financing strategies even if youre having challenges now securing financing for your business or dont know which program fits you. From the desk of Nasir El Ameer Los Angeles, CA Dear Student, If youd like to have financing for your business that is flexible, easy to get approved for, and make an impact on your bottom line, this will be the most important course youll ever read. BUT FIRST READ THIS DISCLAIMER: Please understand that your results as a business owner is unique to you and your situation. I m not implying that you wont get results but seeking financing as a business owner is an uphill battle. Statistics show that 80-90% of small business owners are denied financing. The factors that affect these decisions are: No credit history To risky to lenders Lenders not lending to small businesses due to new regulations Not applying for the right financing Not working with the right financing partners Small business owners lack of program offerings However, I have the benefit of practicing financing and providing expedited funding packages and programs for business owners for 5 years, and have an established track record as a result. The average business owner who buys any how to information for financing their business gets little to no results. I m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors. But not limited to your background, experience, business positioning, relationships, and mindset. All business entails risk as well as massive consistent effort, action, and key relationships. If youre not willing to accept that , please DO NOT GET THIS COURSE. Here are a few questions you may be asking yourself right now. Does This Apply To My Business Or Industry? Youre probably wondering if this course only applies if you run a business that has severe cashflow problems or is in deep debt or on the brink of going out of business. The lectures were designed with the application across multiple businesses and industries whether youre a startup or an existing business. Not to mention those who want to scale up their operations and take things entirely to a new level or break through a plateau. Conclusion: This course covers all indsutries,groups, businesses, and entrepreneurswhich makes for maximum benefit you learn, apply, and deploy the ideas. Will I Learn Anything New Or Is This A Re-Hash? There is nothing worse than buying a course or product and wishing that the person who wrote the sales letter wrote the course. Well, in this case I did. And these amazing secrets come from years and years in the business. Theyre the very fabric of my being, my life, my business. Conclusion: Unless youve processed 1,000+ financing programs and hobnobbed with dozens of lenders and the most famous high achieving underwriters, bank executives, hedge funds, private lenders then absolutely. And Ill stake my reputation on that statement How Much Money Will These Secrets In The Lectures Require Me To Spend? Many of these secrets require no money. But Lecture #17 & #11 shows a clever way to getting financing fast while increasing your return on investment. Conclusion: Many of the secrets in the lecture dont require money. Others should largely have an immediate impact on the bottom line and are self funding. How Quickly Could I See Results And How Much Will I Make? The faster you implement secrets in your business, the faster youll see results. Extremely fast action takers could see almost immediate results. Slower than molasses implementers may never see painfully slow results! Are you a doer or a talker? Thats the bottom line. Youll make as much as you sell not a penny more. Fortunately youll discover financing up methods that could make that happen 10x faster and 10X more revenue potentially. Conclusion: Bottom line is the faster you implement, the sooner you see results. How much results, response or money you see depends on you, your business or model. But you will discover financing up secrets. Why Am I Sharing These Financing Secrets If They Are So Darned Great (and they are)? You may be wondering why Ive decided to share these secrets and teach a course if theyre that great (and they are)! In fact, I debated if I was going to let the cat out of the bag on some of these secrets. Thats just how potent they are. Heres the thing. Im in my late 20s now. And I have lived a very abundant life. I realized that many business owners are struggling to make it each year statistics show new business starting but going out of business within 12 months. Ive been fortunate to meet, work and know incredible people in the financing space. Along with running my dream business helping small business owners live their dreams. Why shouldnt I share this knowledge? I really cant lose anything. These secrets come from many different industries and the number of ways they can be applied are as varied as a kaleidoscope. The chances any two people will use them in the same exact way are slim to none. Not only that I still have something to prove and be of service to small business owners. Although I am not a pessimist by nature the small business lending space has more players than ever before in times past but they are still not showing you as a small business owner how to access the financing. Worst of all is that banks, and government funding programs are not lending to small businesses due to risks and regulations they rather serve the big corporate businesses. These are secrets and lessons that could only come from me , and my experience of working with several business owners to secure financing for their business. They are the cream of the crop of everything I know. Im proud to give them to you and to be of service to you. And Ill be grateful if they not only help you in your business as well as your life, but if you become an ambassador and help me spread the word in a grassroots way about this course. With that said. Let me jump right in and show you.EXACTLY WHAT YOURE GETTING First of all this isnt like any business course youve ever taken. Theres no fluff or filler- just battle tested tactics that are working right now. And its easy to finish. At 19 modules with an average time of 6 mins per module you can finish the course in the afternoon. And Its About More Than Just Financing. See, you can use the strategies in this course to apply to your mindset, secure financing today, leverage real estate, improve marketing performance, hire more talent, and expand your business operations or kickoff your startup.For example, Ive also used the same strategy to turn my business around from failure to success while also improving my personal life. An IT startup recently used the same strategies in the course to acquire a competitor after being in business for 2 years. A investor in the real estate industry is using the same strategies to acquire properties fast before they hit the market at bargain prices and then using the same strategies to expand her working capital in her businesses. So like I said, theres more to this little course than financing. Heres a fraction of what youre getting As student here is what you will learn:The new approach to get financing for your business. Its like nothing youve ever seen before and it positions you to have lenders knocking at your door. Lecture-5 You need a high business credit score to get financing for your startup right? Wrong! The usual stuff totally backfires when it comes to getting financing for your business. Lecture- 6 Why you should never tell the bank you need money. Lecture -12 The truth about banks and lender and why the government hates small business owners Lecture 15 How traditional lenders are not your friend no matter how long you have had an account with them Lecture 15 Famous Billionaire gives tips on financing anything and how he financed 50% of his 3.3 Billion Net Worth Lecture 12 When its ok to borrow money even if you dont think you should- Lecture 17 How to eliminate fear, regret, and worry as a small business owner. A simple approach to a more abundant business Lecture 7 I built my entire business and other businesses using these 3 simple tools to get expedited funding before I needed it Lecture 11 The truth about credit and why Apple still borrows billions of dollars while keeping billions in the bank and you can too- Lecture 15 Ever wanted to know how to close a big deal fast while keeping out your competitor for good- Lecture 18 The 4 sins of every business and the unforgiving truth to being debtfree- Lecture 4 The only tool you need for your business besides oxygen Lecture 3 3 right wrong mistakes every business makes when financing their business Lecture 6 Why the frame of apicture can make you more successful in your business- Lecture 7 The financing magic trick that every business owner can learn to 10x their business- Lecture 11 Strike one and your out, the one thing you must avoid so you can hit a homerun- Lecture 13 Keep your nude selfies private and run your business without being exposed- Lecture 16 The one costs every business owner gets wrong unless you have the secret formula- Lecture 3A The one partnership every business owner should have- Lecture 7 Where to find approvals instead of applying- Lecture 14 Say goodbye to stressful sleepless nights and countless applications- Lecture 16 What to do if youre a start up business that didnt make it on Shark Tank- Lecture 14 How to eliminate your biggest fear and worry as a business owner- Lecture 7 What you should never do when you walk into a bank- Lecture 12 The 1 person to hire in your business team costs no money, or health insurance but will 10X your business Lecture 17 Yourre right that is a lot of battle-tested strategies and tactics. And its really just the tip of the iceberg. But it gets better because youre also getting An advanced Stealth Financing Framework system for securing financing fast without being rejected! At the end of the course you will know the most powerful framework for financing your business ever deployed in any industry. Youll learn how to apply, when to apply, who to apply to, and establishing key relationships to get financing on demand- without fear of rejection, loss of reputation, or begging. This simple but effective method has helped me finance multiple businesses for almost 3 years running, but nobody else does it! The best part of this is that its Specifically Designed For People Who Hate Rejection Listen if you dont like rejection, your not alone. I cant stand it either. Id literally rather not ask than be rejected. And thats why I ve spent years developing the framework Ill be giving you in the course. When you use it, two things will happen. First, youll be of genuine help to lenders and investors. Theyll come away from the experiences with you viewing you as the go to business for making big deals and will give you access to funds whenever the opportunity calls for it so you can continue making an impact and serving others.This is really important to you because it sets you up for a long term relation with them and helps you increase revenue for future growth and get the best financing terms even in a recession. The next thing youll notice is this Youll Know How and When To Finance! And youll do it without fear of regret or hesitation, you wont have to worry about losing your business or have to go to a bank for hours to convince banks to give you money. You will simply run your business efficiently with the right amount of capital to grow to increase your ROI. Heres What To Do Next Enroll in the course start with Module one today and I will be here with you every step of the way to answer your questions and concerns."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Create Great Content - Mastery Skills for Success" |
"This Masterclass Program is a combination of several courses on content creation my team and I have put together. In its entirety, this course is the most extensive of its kind. We spared no area to teach that you need to know in order to be successful in content production and marketing today!!! How to Create Great Content - Mastery Skills for Success Do you want to understand the skill and success strategies of Content Marketing? Have you listened to the supposed Content Marketing Internet gurus only to be left with questions? I have put together all the resources you need to succeed with your Content Marketing Strategy. Master Content Marketing and Design Content Marketing Revolution will show you: How to get started with Content Marketing. Why is research crucial for effective content marketing? What are the essential elements for strong content marketing? How to develop the right strategy and documenting it. What are the latest tips for effective content marketing? Developing a successful editorial plan. How to create awesome headlines. Mistakes to avoid while doing content marketing. Tips to create awesome content How to audit and optimize content marketing campaigns. What are the latest Content Marketing Promotion Tactics? How to make money with content marketing. How to avoid wasting time on wrong content by creating minimum viable content. Will the Content Bubble Burst? Whats next? And much more This really is well researched and up-to-date content! Everything you need to create a powerful online marketing presence... After youve gone through this guide, youll know EXACTLY how to set up your Content Marketing Strategy, so you are able to maximize your inbound marketing efforts, get more social media followers and traffic, improve brand reputation and relationship with customers and maximize your return on investment (ROI). Topics Covered in This Course: This is a complete collection of 15 HD videos with step by step content. Heres the breakdown: In Video #1: On the Introduction video, you will get a detailed explanation of what will be included in the complete training, so that you can have a clear vision of what to expect from it. In Video #2: You will learn the basics of content marketing and getting started with it. In Video #3: You will discover the importance of doing research as the most crucial step towards effective content marketing. In Video #4: You will understand the essential Ingredients to build a successful content marketing strategy. In Video #5: You will learn the process of developing a strong content marketing strategy and documenting it. In Video #6: You will find the latest pointers and actionable content marketing tips that are working now. In Video #7: You will come across the common mistakes to be avoided to enable you to enhance your companys profit potential. In Video #8: You will find tips to create awesome content. In Video #9: You will learn amazing tips and tools to design actionable headlines that make your content attractive. In Video #10: Youll discover methods to make money from your content marketing campaigns. In Video #11: You will understand the best tactics for your content marketing promotion. In Video #12: You will find out how to Create Minimum Viable Content and Stop Wasting Time on Wrong Content. In Video #13: You will learn how to audit and optimize your content marketing campaign and how Analytics can help you measure and improve it. In Video #14: You will find out what the future of content marketing is. Will its bubble burst? And whats next to look for. And way, way more...Join Us You will learn how to become a smarter content marketer inside this guide. Discover what content marketing means now and how to start building a community of fans and followers, to increase engagement and traffic to your website, and to drive sales. Everything is from planning to writing to promoting your content so you have all the information you need to be insanely successful and prosperous online all in one place!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Camtasia 9 Video Production University Immersion Course" |
"In this 100+ Module - 8.5 Hour Course, Youll Find Out How to Use Every Aspect of Camtasia 9, Screencasting and Animation To Make Your Video SizzleYouve come to this page because you're a new Camtasia user, or you have the old version and you're wondering whether you should upgrade. Youre probably tired of buying.New software only to have it collect digital dust on your hard drive...A New Application Only to Paralyze You When You actually want to do something with itA program that everybody says is ""awesome"" but you're only able to do really basic thingAnd you start to wonder how it can be YOU to create the kind of eye-catching videos that get results... If youre like most people, youre going to be super excited about what youre about to learn about video production and editing strategies.But, its possible that you also may be like most people in that the tech-y stuff slows you down. In fact, it makes some people give up altogether. But dont worry, Ive got you coveredI recorded a hands on, over the shoulder, step-by-step video course showing you all of the technical tricks that youll need to know to bring the strategies out of the classroom and into your business.Camtasia 9 Makes Video Creation Dead SimpleIn this course, which is one of the most in-depth courses of its kind on Udemy, all of the micro-learning lectures and videos are just long enough for you to learn one skill at a time. This helps you to prevent information overload. You will also love the added resources and case studies that you will not find in other courses.If you are just starting with Camtasia 9, I suggest you follow the pattern the sections and lectures are laid out. If you are a more seasoned user, feel free to pick and choose where you would like to start. With several hours of jam-packed training and too many resources to list, Im sure you will agree that this training can teach anyone how to become a master using Camtasia 9 to create YouTube videos, presentations, mp3 files and more. Dont be afraid to post your questions. I respond to most student questions and comments within 2-3 days, but most times faster. I will create a video to fully answer awesome questions that are submitted. Video answers & questions will also beposted in a Bonus Section within the course.Enroll now and I'll see you inside the course.P.S. - Get ready to be swept away with the added hours of Bonus Training we have added that no one else teaches. You'll discover all the steps, tools and resources to help you finally succeed and get results! Click the Add to Cart button to get your copy today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trello, Zapier, Evernote and Basecamp Masterclass" |
"Theres nothing like this video series. This is the most extensive course of its kind on Udemy.Watch as I show you how to get your business processes streamlined and accelerate your team productivity within days from now.I reveal my best tips for using these amazing platforms. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guess work. All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Trello Masterclass: You will Discover:Learn how to work with Trello and how it's going to help your business.Learn how to work with the interface and background.Learn how to correctly configure your settings before starting to use it.How to use Trello Power Ups feature and some very interesting tips you should know.Learn how to use labels and comments the right way.Learn how to create checklists, teams and boards very quickly.Discover how to integrate it with your Google Drive.Learn how to use the tracking and storage featuresThe fast and easy way to share files and open up discussions.How to integrate Trello in your mobile.With Basecamp Mastery, Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:Understand what Basecamp is all about and how it can help your business.Learn which Basecamp version to use and how to get started fast.Getting familiar with the interface and understanding the main features.Discover how to create a project and invite people in.Learn the simple technique used to create to do lists and also create discussion threads.The dos and donts of Basecamp and how to organize your work efficiently.Learn how to navigate through the site so that you can manage projects efficiently.Learn how to set up tracking and notification settings properly.How to use calendars and navigation shortcuts easily.How to import content into your account and also use templates for your projects. With Evernote Mastery, Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:Learn how to get started with Evernote and discover how it's going to help your business overall.Discover which Evernote plan is appropriate for you and some valuable tips you need to know.How to set it up on your PC for the maximum efficiency.Learn how to use it on your mobile phone and access it anytime and anywhere you wish.How to share files, notes and many other cool things with other people.How to integrate it with Zapier and IFFTT quickly and easily.Learn how to scan documents and share them on Evernote. Learn how to use voice notes and dictation to increase productivity.Learn how to take notes, organize your files and integrate them with your calendar.Learn how to do integration with services like Wordpress, Trello, Pinterest, Twitter and Google Drive.In the Zapier Mastery Section, You Will Learn:How to get started by creating your account very quickly.How to navigate through the site and also get use with the main features.Learn the simple ways to configure your settings and preferences before you start any work.Understanding the logic and flow of the platform.How to do Zapier integration by internal and external searchHow to use this Zapier to integrate it with your autoresponderUnderstanding how to use it with your social media platformsHow to use Zapier with Go-To-Webinars and Google Docs.Learn to integrate it with PayPal, QuickBooks, WordPress and so on.Discover the hidden gems of this platform and how you can use it to accelerate your success.AND MUCH, MUCH MORE...Click the Take This Course button and get started today.FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - If you are not satisfied with this course and you don't know more about Business Productivity than anyone else you know, you can get your full money back with Udemy's 30 Day Guarantee."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Digital Product Creation & Launch Masterclass" |
"Hey there.How would you like to develop the digital product design and sales skills just like the top internet marketers, and make MORE money in a month than what you're making right now in a year? Im not saying everyone can do this, but those who hone their technical skills can most certainly have the best chance.In Digital Product Creation & Launch Masterclass you will learn everything from developing your ideas to how to create digital products in many forms and launch them online for sale. Compound your results...... Without putting in more effort?This might sound unbelievable, but BELIEVE it.Because ordinary folks like you and me are making an extraordinary income right now simply by putting a different 'twist' to how they sell their digital products.Which is a stark contrast to most other people struggling to see even mediocre results!This isn't entirely your fault, though.It's just that you have yet to crack the code.And in just a few minutes from now, you will discover how to achieve that breakthrough you've been desperately looking for! LEVERAGE - Make more money for the same effort! EXPERT STATUS - Catapult yourself into any niche and become the go-to expert overnight!BUYER LEADS - Build your super targeted, hyper responsive list at warp speed!MORE OPTIONS - Consider this a stepping stone to greater things to come...If you like the sound of everything I've just mentioned then you're in for a treat!Because if you've been struggling to make just some money online...Or you're looking to break out of the 'status quo' and start making serious money like the marketing stars you know...Your search ends here.I will show you how to launch your digital product and get yourself properly positioned to making money online.Irresistible Offer Creation SecretsHow to make people not be able to resist your offer? You must make it as great as possible for them not be able to reject your offer. If they rejected, its their lost. I will reveal to you how to create a No-Brainer offer. Create Digital Products with Your iPhoneNowadays, almost everyone has a smart phone. Whether you use an iPhone or an Android phone, the techniques are about the same. You need to go no further than your phone to start creating, editing, and selling your digital products. I show you in 30-Plus over-the-shoulder video lectures exactly how to do this. This is training that no one else is sharing.Sales Letter FormulaA piece of good and convincing sales letter will be able to pull in a lot of sales. However, there are 3 different ways to present your sales letter, its in either pure copy, video copy or hybrid. Also, I will guide you on how to come out with a good selling angle to achieve more sales! How to Create Marketing MaterialsA high-quality product needs effective marketing materials for it to reach a larger crowd of people (It means more sales!). I will teach you how to write promotional emails. Besides, banner is important to be used as your promotional tools. So, I will teach you how to create them in 5 different sizes to suit your needs. Epic Sales Funnel Secrets for Epic EPCsSales funnel is an essential in product launching. If you want to earn more from your product, you need to set up a series of sales funnel to earn more from your upsell and backend. I will teach you specifically how to do it with effective methods.How to Win the JV Building Game JV is important for your product launch as you need them to promote your product for you with their mailing list. I will teach you in details how and where to recruit JV to join your launch.Launch TimeThere is no perfect timing for product launch instead I will teach you how to set a suitable timing for your launch. Also, you will learn how to set up a pre-launch campaign using video demo, social media and through JVs.Product Launch TechniquesPeople are always hesitating when it comes to buying (Because they are unwilling to commit when it comes to money!). Therefore, I will teach you how to offer bonuses and discount coupons to make your offer looking worth. Also, I will teach you how to utilize the technique of scarcity offer and dime sale to motivate your subscribers to BUY NOW instead of later.And Many More... There's more covered in this training - as long as you're selling anything online and you want to make MORE than whatever you're making right now, you NEED this.Even if you have no prior experience, all the more you NEED to get this.So you can level the playing field in YOUR favor.And that you too can be a product launch master in your own rights and make money on demand. Before I get to the good stuff, I want you to imagine...Of course, this doesn't come with a seminar experience, hotel room, and the networking sessions. But surely you can save a small fortune on that and know what you need to know to start launching your digital product - RIGHT NOW.Are you ready to change the game of digital product creation and launch them online for sale? Youre just one click away to making that happen."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Online Business Mastery Insider Program" |
"How To Create A Money-Making Online Business As Done By Top Marketers Around The World...How would you like to be able to build your very own wildly profitable Internet Business...Join the ranks of top marketing gurus...Achieve financial freedom... and live life on your terms? While these financial levels cannot be guaranteed, the strategies outlined in this program are derived from interviews with many of the top internet marketers today.The Only Way To Success (That Most People Know)....... is buy e-books, courses, training programs - one after another - from different teachers and 'experts'...Nothing wrong with that, except that you'd wind up with a bunch of contradicting schools of thought and advice...That even if some of them are legit in their own rights, you'd be more confused than ever!And There's One Problem Most Internet Newbies Are Not Even Aware Of...Sometimes This Gets Even The Best Of Seasoned Marketers...Everyone is so obsessed with shooting for the stars that they forget to ask where they are in the first place!In other words: you need to know where you are right now before you know where you want to go!Most people are so fixated on goals like hitting a high income level, and when they fall short of their mark they quickly get discouraged.Or when things don't work out, they quit!This Program is Broken Down Into the Steps Of Ascension All of the Top Marketers Have Gone Through...4 Stages - and I think this describes everyone on the same journey perfectly. So here's how it goes...Stage 1: NewbieThis is self-explanatory. A newbie is someone who is just starting out and knows almost nothing, except wanting to succeed and make money online.Stage 2: BeginnerWhile closely related to newbies and used interchangeably, to me a beginner is someone whos been around for a bit of time (a few months) but hasnt made money or seen any real results yet.This is also where a lot of people are stuck at validating a proven business model and making at least a few thousand dollars.Once youve cracked the code, and consistently make income of at least $5,000 to $10,000 every month you move up the ladderStage 3: AdvancedIn my opinion, anyone whos making at least $10,000 per month and above CONSISTENTLY are advanced marketers and skilled in their own waysFor most beginners, this is usually the most immediate income goal and state to be in.I imagine that for a lot of people, earning a cushy 6 figures per year can get them the financial freedom they want.This is often seen as the first stepping stone to achieving a deeper level of freedom, but it doesnt end hereThe next common struggle at this stage is SCALING the business.How do you take it to 7 figures and beyond?At this point, marketers of this caliber scale what they already have: more traffic source, grow a team, increase their product pricesAnd when they do, they reach the coveted level of being aStage 4: GuruI know this term carries a negative connotation among some people in the Internet Marketing space, but its an embraced term nonetheless.Few people I know call themselves such, but well you have no control if other people call you a Guru Sensei Expert you get my drift. At this stage, youre in the Million-dollar range and business is seriousThe best part is: there is still more to come!However, you get the ideaOf course, everyone has their own definition and yard stick of success. And this is mine, in a very simplified explanation.The most important thing right now is to recognize where you are at FIRST...WHERE you want to go...... And HOW you want to get there!And That's The Problem...Most people don't know where they are at right now. And if they don't know where they are right now, how do they plan on going to the next level?Also, assuming they KNOW what to do! (big assumption right there)Look, this couldn't be more imperative. Because I believe in the saying, ""What Got You Here, Won't Get You There.""Sure, you can do MORE of what you are doing right now but sooner or later you'll find there's a limit to your current model. You can only do so much with it.So if you want to make an explosive income or get to the next level, this means you have to reinvent parts of your business, change your approach, and pivot along the way...THAT IS SCALING DONE RIGHT THERE.Unfortunately, most people aren't even aware of this.And it took me a long time to figure this out.That's why my business took on different forms and changed approach over the years. How I do business today is nothing quite like when I started.Here's The Full List Of The Modules Covered In This Training Program...STAGE 1: NEWBIEJust starting out? Fundamentals are more important than ever at this stage. You don't want to be building a castle on sand!1-0 Setting Up Your Online Business2-0 Spying on The Market3-0 The 7 Figure MindsetSTAGE 2: BEGINNERWhere most people find themselves in... struggling and wandering aimlessly for months, sometimes years... with little to no results to show for! This is the make-or-break stage and we cover the popular ways to make money for beginners:1-0 What Is Affiliate Marketing2-0 The CRAFT Strategy3-0 The Myth of Affiliate Marketing4-0 How to Choose the Best Product To Promote5-0 Criteria of The Best Product6-0 Killer Promo Secrets7-0 How To 3x Your Commissions8-0 Bonus Techniques9-0 Types of Bonuses10-0 Solo Ads to Market Your BusinessSTAGE 3: ADVANCEDYou're minting some income now. It's time to take it to the next level by developing your own Products, funnel and scale your traffic sources...1-0 Sales Funnel - The Basics2-0 Components of a Sales Funnel3-0 Introduction - Marketing Your Offer4-0 Copywriting - Writing to Sell5-0 Google Adwords - The Basics6-0 Google Adwords - Strategies and Tactics 17-0 Google Adwords - Strategies and Tactics 28-0 Optimizing Your Google Adwords Campaign9-0 Media Buying - Research and Analysis10-0 Media Buying - Your First Banner and Offer11-0 Facebook Ads - The Fundamentals 112-0 Facebook Ads - The Fundamentals 213-0 Warrior Special Offers (WSO)14-0 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)15-0 Marketing on Instagram 16-0 Marketing on Tumblr 17-0 Marketing on Pinterest MarketingSTAGE 4: GURUSo, you've made a cushy income, by my estimation a comfy six figures per year! But what's next? Now it's time to propel into gurudom by offering your own high-end Programs that seal your reputation as a tier-1 Internet Marketer (and be on your way to 7 figures!)1-0 Your High-Ticket Offer2-0 Your Step by Step Guide"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Complete Social Media Marketing Masterclass - Insider Guide" |
"Are you ready to succeed with modern video marketing today? Its About Time For You To Learn The In's And Outs Of Successful Online Video Marketing! This Masterclass is the combination of several complete video marketing courses by the team of top video marketing pros and course designers at HiPer Media.Regardless of what youve heard, video marketing as a whole is not exactly a new phenomenon. Video marketing content is increasingly plugged into a larger marketing infrastructure. Thanks to four major changes, video marketing has become the killer app.Video marketing is not actually new.Video has always been around. In fact, its marketing potential has always been apparent to a lot of online marketing professionals. But heres the problem. The challenge to video marketers nowadays is that video may have been the victim of its own success.Theres so many videos out there that most of them simply dont have an impact.They dont get people to convert to buyers.You have to wrap your mind around the fact that modern video marketing is both new and old.Depending on how you navigate these factors, you will either succeed or fail.Either your video is going to convert people into buyers or theyre just going to sit there on YouTube getting zero views.The good news is you can do something about it.Heres where my advice for you comes in.Inside Become a Video Marketing Master course You are going to understand the old elements that sill remain alive in video marketing. You will learn to identify the new and old factors that make up modern video marketing. You will understand the concept of return on effort. You can begin to understand the KLT (know-like-trust) buying process. You are going to learn exactly how to create a human connection with your prospects.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done. No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now. You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside... Effective video marketing in a nutshell Video marketing: the modern (and EFFECTIVE) way Let your competitors do your video marketing homework for you Modern video marketing essentials Figuring Out the Different Types of Video Marketing Article-to-Video Marketing: Is It Right for You? VideoScribe and Other Whiteboard Video Creation Tools: The Inside Scoop Slideshow Creation Tools: Are They Right for You? Personality-Focused Videos Marketing Videos on Social MediaPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually succeed with video marketing!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Course?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this You want videos that close the deal on a consistent basis. You want to maximize your ROI. You know you have to start with the basics. You want to be systematic and methodical. You want to spend as little time doing something while getting as many dollars out of that activity as possible.Does This Sound Like Exactly What You Need? Is there a guarantee?You bet. You get a full 30 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all, youre not 100% satisfied, simply ask Udemy to refund every penny of your tiny investmentNo questions asked!Click the Buy Now button now"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Kindle Success: Self Publish & Market Your Dream eBook" |
"Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Speed Your Publishing With Kindle.Dear Friend,If you've always been wondering how to sell more of your information products......then this is probably the most important letter you'll ever read.On this page you'll learn a simple but yet so effective way to reach more people without spending a fortune on advertising.How? In one word: ""Kindle""Heard about it? Of course, you did.Expand Your Market Reach In Just A Few Clicks.With millions of downloads per day, its an untapped goldmine for information marketers, like us, to make a lot of money with it.What if you can get your ebooks exposed to literally millions of people on a day to day basis?With Kindle you can.And you dont need to be a marketing genius to succeed with it.The fact is Kindle has made it so simple for author to publish their info-products that even a child can do it.The Worlds Biggest eBook MarketplaceWhy You Need To Get Started Now:Kindle publishing has high returns.Kindle can lead you to become an authority in your niche.Amazon Kindle is designed to sell books.Generate income without spending any money upfront.Publishing on Kindle is easy.Theres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with Kindle to publish your ebooks in just a few clicks.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:How to get started with Kindle.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to upload your information product and what are the options to select when doing it.Learn how to work with Kindle features and templates and which one you should choose to publish your ebook fast.How to quickly and easily work with the templates provided in the members area.How to create attractive covers that will attract more readers.How to use benefit from the no cost publishing and how to make it work for you.How to get your link to promote your first kindle report.Learn how to get your product listed on the Kindle marketplace.Learn the different techniques involved in using Kindle to grow your business.And so many more...Click The ""Take This Course"" Button Above Now To Start Your Journey To Become a Best Selling Author!I look forward to have you in the members area and be able to help you get started today. Ive shared by best tips and tricks inside."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"The Ketogenic & Vegan Diets: Eat Clean and Be Energized" |
"Warning! Only Read This If You Want To Stop STRUGGLING & Feeling Frustrated With NOT losing weightIf you've been struggling to lose weight even if you've been exercising regularly, this could be the solution for you. Here's why:I'm going to reveal to you in this program the diet that will help you to turn your body into a 24/7 fat-burning machine so that you can even burn fat while you sleep! There is no way in the world you will find a better strategy for rapid fat loss... This scientifically proven & tested weight loss diet is THE REAL DEAL. Today, Im going to share with you the Ultimate Diet that helped me to shed away my stubborn body fats, feeling healthier and happier. Now is the time for you to do the same. Your frustration ends here. Introducing...The Keto & Vegan Diets: Eat Clean and Be EnergizedThe Complete Health & Rapid Fat Loss BlueprintThe Ketogenic Diet is thought to be the fastest and safest way for you to lose weight. Researches has been made that proves Ketogenic Diet can not only help with rapid fat loss, but to reduce the symptoms of Epilepsy, High Blood Pressure, and Diabetes! You get to reap all the health benefits of Ketogenic Diet as well as achieving your dream body. The time to transform your body is now!Here's What You Will Learn From this Ketogenic Diet Blueprint:How Does Ketogenic Diet Enhances Fat Loss?How To Turn Your Body Into A Fat Burning Machine All Day Without Going Into Starvation ModeThe Only Side Effects Of Keto Diet? (Hint: It's A Good Side Effect)8 Hidden Benefits Of Keto Diet Other Than Losing Weight EasilyHow To Eliminate Sugar Spikes For Diabetic People Once And For AllHow To Get Higher Mental FocusHow To Improve Your MemoryAvoid The Types Of Food That Can Cause Foggy Brain.How To Increase Energy Level Without Relying On Sugar Rush.How To Get A Clearer, Healthier And More Glowing Skin In Matter of Weeks.How To Prevent Your Body To Go Into The State Of HungerAccidental Discovery In 1924 That Made Keto Diet A Breakthrough Diet For Weight Loss10 Foods Rich In Potassium That Helps In Treating Hypertension8 Main Food To Eat And To Avoid On A Ketogenic DietWhy You Should Switch From Paleo To Keto DietWill Keto Diet Affects Your Athletic Performance? Check Out This Study On A Group Of Crossfitters10 Easy Steps On Getting Started With Keto Diet18 Yummy Keto Recipes That You Can Easily Prepare Even If You've Never Cooked In The Kitchen Before!4 Things To Do After You've Already Achieved Your Fitness Goals With Ketogenic DietWith a Ketogenic Diet, you will:Turn Your Body Into A 24/7 Fat Burning MachineBe Healthier, Happier & FitterBe At Your Very Best Self, Physically and Mentally.Have A High Mental Focus To Be Productive At WorkMelt That Stubborn Belly FatsMost Important, You Will Reach Your Fitness Goals Much Sooner Than You Think!All you have to do is to simply apply this diet to start turning your body into a 24/7 fat burning machine for the next 30 days.If you choose to do nothing, you will remain the same at where you are right now.You will remain confused, puzzled and even frustrated to see why you are still struggling to lose that unwanted body fats that can be detrimental to your health in long-term.You can keep dreaming about 6-pack abs - but if you don't do anything about it, a dream can only remain as a dream.If you are still not convinced that this diet can help you, I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors. And I'm thankful that you took the time to read up to this point.But if you are still here, I can assume that you had enough of ill health and mediocre physique!If that is so, then I urged you to take action right now.This is the ONLY way for you to achieve that dream body that you always wanted.All you have to do is to click above to enroll in The Keto & Vegan Diets: Eat Clean and Be Energized and watch your life TRANSFORM."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Live Marketing Mastery Success System" |
"SHOCKING! YouTube Genius Shares Secret Tricks To Instantly Rank YouTube Videos In Literally Seconds, Generating Huge Profits At The Same Time, All On Complete Autopilot!Finally! This Is YOUR Chance to Cash-In Huge From YouTube Videos, Quicker Than Ever! Proven Method Gets You:Instant Rankings!All Eyes On You!3x More Engagement!More Sales!9 Reasons Why You Absolutely Need To Dominate YouTube Live Before Your Competitors Do: Increase in Demand: Advertisers are targeting the audience with various live streaming applications.Get Eyes All Over You: More than 2.4 million television subscribers have left television with new streaming devices.Viewers are Switching: Now days, viewers are preferring to watch online streaming of particular channels.More Sales: After Watching a Video, users are more likely to buy a product online.More Engagement: People spend 3x longer watching a video which is Live compared to video which is no longer Live.Instant Rankings: It's proven you can rank a YouTube Live Video to the top of YouTube and Google, in seconds.20% Growth: Live streaming by authenticated channels has driven nearly 20% growth compared to previous year reports.Google Owns YouTube: This alone is one of the most convenient facts for your business.The Second Top: Besides being the top video-sharing website in the world, YouTube is also the Second most visited website in the world.Dear Friend,Let's be straight here...Anyone Who Has Tried to Generate Huge Profits from YouTube Videos Has Run into One Problem After Another.Its no secret. Trying to Profit from YouTube Videos is extremely difficult, if you dont know what you are doing.You must probably haveHit yourself hard against the complicated learning curve wall, trying to figure out the exact tricks used to rank YouTube Videos, and make them really profitable.which ended up inSpending hours, days learning how to create videos, figuring out how to rank them, having no success, no matter how hard you try.You must probably haveHired a Video Creator, and even a YouTube Video Ranking Service, spending a lot of money in something you can easily do yourself, if you only knew how to do it.Which only resulted inWaiting for the video to start getting some views, and hopefully bring you some sales, without having a clue about it.and oh yeah, you probably have evenSpent more money to send some traffic to your top ranked video, desperately waiting to at least get your investment back.Which led toSadly, hitting your head harder against the wall, waiting for your wife to ask you: did you recover back your childrens money with that silly video? Thats even worse!Its really no wonder that most people who try to at least make a Profit from YouTube Videos just give up. But the truth is...Finally, Being Able to Instantly Rank YouTube Videos In Literally Seconds, And Generating Huge Profits, All On Complete Autopilot, is much closer than you think!Revealing The ""Secret Tricks"" Which Will Lead You Straight Into Generating Huge Profits From YouTube Live Videos like Never Before.If you want to know how I was able to Instantly Rank YouTube Videos In Literally Seconds, Generating Huge Profits At The Same Time, All On Complete Autopilot!... well this is it.And trust me, this solution is likely going to frustrate you. Not because it doesnt work. But because youll be shocked at how simple it is (I honestly couldnt believe it myself!)What Type of People Should Urgently Dominate YouTube Live, TODAY?OFFLINE MARKETERS...Looking to offer marketing services for offline clients.OFFLINE BUSINESS OWNERS...Looking to expand their business and find new sources for leads and sales.INTERNET MARKETERS...Looking to create several additional income streams online.REGULAR FOLKS: Looking for a way to quit their job and start making money online.SPEAKERS, BOOK AUTHORS & COACHES: Looking for a new, and outstanding approach to launch webinar presentations, training videos, and coaching programs.The YouTube Live Video Training is comprised of 40 PLUS HD training videos organized into specific sections.Here Is What Makes It A Truly 5-Star Quality Video Course:-Professional, studio-quality content makes the training polished-Top-notch HD videos recorded and edited by video experts-Actionable, over-the-shoulder videos keeping you learning-Most of the videos are a screen share which is a more engaging type of video than regular, -boring slideshows. You will learn faster and get more out of the trainingHere Is What You'll Discover Inside This HD Video Training:What is Live Streaming and why should you bother with it?Why YouTube would be your best choice for Live Streaming?What is required before starting live Streaming?Setting up your YouTube ChannelVerifying your YouTube Channel AccountWhat types of Live Streaming YouTube Offers you?How to start live streaming the Easy WayManaging the Google Hangouts ToolsManaging the Live Control RoomQuick-Top-Ranking Tricks by Using Money KeywordsQuick-Top-Ranking Tricks by Using Your Name or Business NameQuick-Top-Ranking Tricks by Using Product NamesQuick-Top-Ranking Tricks Using Product LaunchesQuick-Top-Ranking Tricks By Replacing Old Ranked VideosPromoting your Live Event Before the eventPromoting your Live Event During the eventPromoting your Live Event After the eventWhat things should you do and not do with YouTube Live?Tips to Improve Live StreamingHow you can have someone else do the hard work for youAndmany advanced techniques and strategies!!!How does it sound to you to get cheap access to my step by step, proven HD Video Training, where you could easily set everything up in 60 minutes from now, and on top of that, using 100% free services, that will surely bring you awesome results?100% Money-Back GuaranteeWhat Makes Us Different?Im a full-time online instructor who strives to create products that shine from their premium quality, care for detail and top-notch content.Ill be with you for your whole journey to answer all of your questions. Simply post your questions to the course page or send me a direct email. Its that simple.To Your Success,Dr Dave HaleThe YouTube Live Mastery Professor"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Live Masterclass - Complete Guide to Audience Growth" |
"Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Quickly & Easily Launch Your YouTube Live Streaming Today.Dear Friend,Do you want to captivate people's attention?If the answer is a big YES......then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.Organize Better. Work Smarter. Accomplish More.LIVE streaming videos from YouTube.YouTube Live makes it possible to broadcast live, save it and upload the video on a users YouTube account.Anyone can use YouTube Live, all you need is a Google account.There are so many benefits in using YouTube LIVE to build and grow your business very rapidly and if you're not using it, then you're missing out big time.YouTube Live is a YouTubes streaming API that makes it possible to create, update, and manage live events on YouTube.Why You Need To Get Started Now:A valuable platform for YouTube users with a following.YouTube Live supports for long-form content.Engage the audience with fresh and spontaneous live videos.Build personality and engagement with YouTube Live.YouTube Live videos can build awareness and grow your audience.Captivate. Engage. Sell More.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training: How to get started with YouTube Live. Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings. Learn how to create your first broadcast and which features to select when doing it. Learn how to work with the settings when broadcasting. How to quickly and easily schedule your live event. How to generate your link so you can invite people to your schedule event. How to use the configuration settings and organize your ideas properly before going live. And so many more...Improve Your YouTube Channel, Get More Views & SubscribersRegardless of your level of expertise, or what camera you use, this over-the-shoulder training is designed to provide you with all the knowledge you need to launch your own YouTube Live Show.Whether you want to promote your business, yourself, teach a skill, or just tell a story through video, YouTube Live is the way to grow your audience and interactivity.By the end of the course, you will have your YouTube Channel dialed in and ready to start your first YouTube Live Stream that will have your audience coming back for more. Youll learn how to build your brand to get your image plastered across all of your social media channels too. And, youll also learn how to start making money from your YouTube Channel.About the instructor:Dr. Dave Hale started teaching online university graduate and PhD courses in 2007, when online learning was just beginning. He has designed well over 500 courses for universities and corporations around the world which have made his clients over 50M Dollars. Dave continues to design cutting-edge courses for clients, teaches online university business psychology and social media courses, and is looking forward to helping you start and grow your YouTube Live audience.Just scroll to the top of this page and click the enroll button, and Ill see you inside the course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Chatbot Framework Design Secrets" |
"Chat + BotChat from conversation and bot, short for the word robot. Then Chatbot would be a conversation with the robot.A FB Chatbot is an automated conversation on Facebook. This is the simplest way to introduce the concept and explain what Chatbot is. It allows you to provide customer service, deliver content, acquire customers and a lot more, all 24/7 and in a seamless, automated way. Chatbots are already available and working on Facebook Messenger. Many of the multi-hour courses available on designing and using Chatbots are over-complicated and require an in-depth knowledge of coding. Using readily available online tools, you do not need to be a coder or know anything about coding. It is all step-by-step and paste in your messages.So, imagine the following, You call the telephone, cable tv or any other service company, and then immediately hear a message saying something like press 1 for this, two for that, 3 for something else and 9 for talking to attendant. So, Chatbots are to Facebook what auto-attendants are to business phone systems.They have been around for some time, and the idea is that now, you can mirror this system on your Facebook page.Chatbots enable you to automate the answers to those questions you already answer daily, weekly or monthly.For example, the person who selects a product 1 would only receive content related to product one; if product 2 is chosen, they would receive only information about product 2 and so on. This way you can deliver the right content for the right person at the right time.Imagine... Whenever the visitor requests info, there will be your robot, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, responding to their requests, without any problem. This is basically a Plug-And-Play Course. 1. Watch the videos2. Edit the provided Bot and email sequences3. Add the sequences to your ManyChat and autoresponder accounts4. Start making money and building your list!!!This Intro and 80 pages more are included in the course workbook provided with this course along with many other resources like:Chatbot sequences Mindmaps mp3 files of the videos Comprehensive Workbook Email FollowupsCheat SheetsAdvanced Training"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing Income Masterclass - 5 Courses In One" |
"How To Build Your Brand, Grow Your Business, Get More Leads And Get More Sales...If your business is not on social media yet, then I hate to break it to you...You're leaving a LOT of money on the table!How much exactly? Well check this out:There are more than 3.4 Billion Internet users worldwide - 2.3 Billion of them are on social media! (that's nearly every 7 in 10 people!)And, not too long ago...Facebook had 1.59 Billion usersInstagram had 400 Million usersPinterest had 100 Million users""If I Could Have Done It, I Would Have Already Done It Right?""And... what's wrong with email and other forms of 'old school' marketing? Now there's absolutely nothing wrong with these tried and tested ways but you need to be privy to the BIG picture and ultimately where most of your potential customers are heading to.Check This Out Too...Social media advertising budgets DOUBLED worldwide over the last 2 years going from $16 Billion in 2014 to a whopping $41 Billion in 2018!Social media spending in the U.S. alone is expected to increase to $17.34 Billion in 2019In 2016, Facebook brought in $6.8 Billion in advertising revenue, up from $4.3 billion the year beforeIn the same year, Instagram brought in $1.53 Billion in mobile ad revenueThe number of YouTube channels earning 6 figures per year is up 50% year-over-yearIt's hard not to see where this is going.Quite Simply: If You're Not Using Social Media To Build Your Business, In A Few Short Years You'll Be Left Behind (If Not Yet!)Now if you're having a tough time finding new customers...Or keeping your current database of buyers engaged and interested...Or standing out from the rest of your competitors and other me-too marketers...... Then this might just be the missing puzzle.And what if I tell you, it doesn't have to always to be like this?Until now that is.Because I am about to show you how you can instantly 'modernize' your business and give it the presence it deserves.While most people casually use social media for rewardless debates and spending idle time...I'm going to show you how to turn your social media accounts into an instant ATM!(And even if you don't have a business yet? That's okay, because THIS is a business in itself...)Social Media Income is HUGE 36-part course on how you - or anyone - can use some of the most popular social media platforms to:Grow your businessBuild your brandGenerate leads, andGet salesThis isn't some 'theoretical' stuff - it's backed by ten of thousands of dollars and countless hours spent cracking the code. And unlike most courses out there that cover just 1 method or 1 social media platform... This Mega Training Program Covers 5!- Facebook - LinkedIn - Pinterest - Instagram - YouTubeHere's What You Will Learn:How to utilize Facebook Live as a sales funnelHow to generate more leads after your Facebook Live broadcastHow to use Facebook ads to market your online businessHow to optimize Facebook ads using Facebook insightsHow to reach thousands of followers with Facebook fan pageHow to turn your Facebook profile into an authority figureHow to reach targeted audience by optimizing Youtube SEOHow to make viral videos for ultimate business branding How to utilize LinkedIn to grow vast business connections How to customize LinkedIn messaging to expand networkHow to optimize Instagram photos to increase viewershipHow to hold Instagram contests to gain fame and exposureHow to use Pinterest to get targeted traffic and customersHow to gain more views with Pinterest rich pinAnd more..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sale Funnel Mastery: Profit With OptimizePress 2 & JVZoo" |
"Attention: Internet Marketers: Ready To Start Using Optimize Press Sales FunnelsWho Else Wants To Learn the Secrets of Optimize Press And Start Creating Sales Funnels With Ease?Youve come to this page because youre the kind of marketer that wants to see results in their business. And one of the things that probably holds you back is the ability to do things quickly when youre thinking about them. You know that if it takes you too long to do something, its likely that youll lose the inspiration and get caught by something else.Something else like a new software programSomething else like a new hot methodSomething else like a new traffic methodIt happens to everyone in this business. But what can you do?Start Creating Pages When the Idea Hits YouThe key to moving forward in your business is to launch your ideas as soon as the moment hits you. Getting them onto your sales pagesGetting them out in front of people.The problem with this is that creating pages isnt easy or fast. In fact, even all of the drag and drop, page builders have manuals that are sometimes hundreds of pages long. The problem with this is that creating pages isnt easy or fast. In fact, even all of the drag and drop, page builders have manuals that are sometimes hundreds of pages long. But OptimizePress Is Easy(er), Right?Optimize Press is a Wordpress Page builder that Internet Marketers use but most have been unable to fully unlock its full potential. When working at its best, Optimize Press can help marketers create business pages including sales pages, bonus pages, squeeze pages, webinar pages, thank you page, webinar pages, blog pagesjust about everything your business needsand at lightning speed. As long as you understand a few tricks to help you to navigate the system. And weve put those tricks into a step by step video course. IntroducingCreate Funnels with OptimizePressHow to Create Business Pages with OptimizePress 2.0Heres Exactly what Youll get in this CourseThe Create Funnels with OptimizePress Step By Step Over the Shoulder Video CourseWhat Youll Discover In Over 100 High Quality Mp4 Videos Installation of OptimizePress (2 Videos) Understanding the Global Settings (8 Videos)Understanding Analytics and TrackingUnderstanding Integrations (3 Videos)Understanding the Page DashboardUnderstanding Editing Basics (2 Videos)Understanding the Layout Settings (6 Videos)Understanding the Page Settings (2 Videos)Understanding the Side Panel (3 Videos)Understanding How to Put it All Together to Create Pages And Much, Much MoreSo Is it a Deal?How Can You Start Creating Pages Quickly Right Now?When you consider all of the ways that you can turn this into profit, this is a fantastic deal.GUARANTEEI know youll love Create Funnels with Optimize Press and get use from it month after month.Please Click the Enroll Button Above to get this value video course TodayYes, I want instant Access to Sale Funnel Mastery: Profit With OptimizePress 2 & JVZoo Today which includes over 100 PLUS Over the Shoulder Screencast VideosTo Your Success,Dr. Dave HaleP.S. Youll discover all of the steps, tools and resources to get you moving with this awesome theme and plugin. Click the Add to Cart Button To Get Your Copy Today"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Content Marketing With Udemy (Unofficial) & Skillshare" |
"Welcome to the Content Marketing With Udemy (Unofficial) & Skillshare, a complete guide to growing your business in the modern world using the power of digital content.This is down and dirty to the point over the shoulder teaching content. Not fluff that many instructors add to their courses to amp up the number of training hours so you think you are getting more actionable instruction than you actually are.Here's What I am Including In this Complete Course:1. The Unofficial Udemy Profit Program2. Market Your Courses on Skillshare3. The 30-Minute Blogger4. The 60-Minute CopywriterIn this course, you'll learn exactly what it takes to create and launch a content marketing plan that drives your business into the profit zone. By the end of this course, you'll have all the knowledge and skills you need to successfully create and profit with your products and services.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThe Unofficial Udemy Video Training:Learn how to get started with Udemy and discover how it's going to help your business overall.How to correctly set up your Udemy Account within just a few minutes.How to select the right topic of your online course.Learn the easiest way to create and deliver your online course on Udemy.Learn the fastest way to create your course outlines, checklist and text content.How to use case studies in your content for maximum credibility.Harness the power of Udemy's online community and get help from other people when you need.How to effectively use free coupons and other promotional strategies.How to build up your business brand and maximize your revenue.Protecting your content and understand the rules to follow.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThe Skillshare Video Training:Learn how to get started with Skillshare and discover how it's going to help your business overall.How to correctly set up your Skillshare Account within just a few minutes.How to select the right topic of your online course.Learn the easiest way to create and deliver your online course on Skillshare.Learn the fastest way to create your course outlines, checklist and text content.How to use case studies in your content for maximum credibility.Harness the power of Skillshare online community and get help from other people when you need.How to effectively use available promotional strategies.How to build up your business brand and maximize your revenue.Protecting your content and understand the rules to follow.Heres What Youll Discover InsideThe 30 Minute Blogger Video Training:Learn the Big Picture of Blogging that will give you a better understanding of every important aspects of building a profitable blog.Discover the topics which are not only easy to monetize, but also surrounded by hungry crowds who craves more and more information about the topic.How to create an interesting content that will get a lot of shares on social media faster that youve ever dreamed possible.How to establish a home base for all of your contents, offers, and events.Learn the smart way to monetize your content from scratch with various methods that you never know before. (Hint: Its not only ad revenue and affiliate marketing)Discover my secret personal method to grow email list from every content I made.Find out The Eight Bes of Blogging that will literally take your blogging business to the next level.Heres What Youll DiscoverInside The 60 Minute Copywriter Video Training:Find out all the copywriting information written by the legendary copywriters to jumpstart your copywriting skills immediately.How to write personalized offers for specific ideal prospects that will resulting in more sales.How to write an attention-grabbing headline that stops your ideal prospects at the very first time they see your sales copy.Find the proven strategy to create a killer sales copy that make your offers be more irresistible.Why story-telling is a simple tactic that used by A-list copywriter, but ignored by almost all internet marketers.How to introduce your product and its features that will make your prospects curiosity levels wont go down so makes them crave your products.Why social proof is the important factor in your sales copy.How to make your prospects adrenaline levels goes up like crazy, cant wait to send you their money.And so much more...Many people that try to figure things out on their own end up wasting a lot of time and get frustrated and end up with nothing.Thats because they spin their wheels, follow bad advice, and just dont get the right roadmap to success.This video series will prevent that from happening When you invest in this training today, you watch as I do it and you replicate it.Its THAT simple.And without wasting too much of your precious time, Im going to make this offer so good that you simply cannot miss this.To get instant access, all you have to do is click the button above...Click The Button Above Now To GetInstant AccessTo ThisVideo Training!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"EZ Facebook Messenger Bot Design Mastery Bootcamp" |
"Announcing The Brand New, 9 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You...How to Build a Facebook Messenger Chatbot to Generate Leads Starting Today Messenger can become one of your most important marketing channels, and youll learn how in this step-by-step video course.Dear friend, Youre probably here because youre interested in learning how to use Facebook Messenger to generate leads or semi-automate your customer support. According to Facebook - On average, there are over 7 billion conversations taking place on Messenger every single day. Messenger is growing bigger than Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter combined, every day, so theres a lot of opportunity for your business. Many businesses are building Facebook Messenger chatbots to generate leads and semi-automate customer support. But the big roadblock that a lot of people face is trying to figure out how to do this. It takes a big technical learning curve to create them unless youre a tech savvy person. So, if you want to be able to create chatbots without learning how to code - look no further because were going to be talking about that in this video course.Introducing...EZ Facebook Bots Here's a breakdown of this 9-part video series in more detail.Video #1: Introduction and Getting Started Messenger is way bigger than Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter combined. Its easy to get excited and want to jump in without much planning, but dont. To make sure you start off right - well, give yourself a birds eye view first.Video #2: Different UsesBefore we jump into the course, itll help you to know what you can create in terms of a chatbot. There are 100s if not 1000s of ways, but our goal is to help you pinpoint a general idea of what you want to accomplish.Video #3: Major Chatbot Mistakes Its best to start on the right foot, so in this video were going to go over some common mistakes that can potentially lower your conversion rate. A lot of these are simple and sound like common sense, but are common mistakes you want to avoid.Video #4: Bot Breakdown Now that you understand some common mistakes and what you need to do to get a good head start, lets take a look at some bots and break them down a little.Video #5: Increase ConversionsWhether your bot is focused on customer support or converting prospects into leads this quick and easy method will help you.Video #6: BrainstormAs noted earlier, having a mockup of your bots layout is crucial before you jump in and create one. But before you can create a mockup, you need to do a little bit of brainstorming.Video #7: Organize Your IdeasNow that you know how to implement the brainstorm platter method, its time to dig deeper. Lets organize your questions and answers...Video #8: MockupsIts almost time to create your bot. Now, lets work on creating the final mockup first so you can do it successfully.Video #9: Implementation Congrats! Youve reached the end of this course. Its time to take what youve brainstormed and turn it into a chatbot. Lets jump right in.Grab this video course and learn how to use Facebook Messenger to engage with your prospects and customers."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Do you have an idea about Egyptian Food? flavors, ingredients ? do you have the chance to taste one of the most popular dish in Egypt? have you think how you can prepare it?But what is the recipe ? Ah , its the Egyptian kushariDo you want to learn how to cook a delicious Egyptian kushari recipe by the traditional andhealthyway ?Now its your right place.In this course youll discoverkushari dishtypeofkusharithe way how to combine componentsmaking the kushari additionsIn each section, you will take step by step cooking the kushariHave fun with healthy food.Who is the target audience?this course is designed for Mam's looking for a healthy food to their family. it's not suitable for you if you want fast foodthis course is destined for chief who want discover new culture and a different way of cooking.this course is directed for people who love the savor of kushari and don't know how to prepare itthis course is designed for anyone love the traditional Egyptian cuisine."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"10 Minute Hell: The Ultimate Weight Loss Home Workouts" |
"This Weight LossHome WorkoutCourse CoversEverything YouNeed To Know To Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life!""This is a workout plan I can actually see myself doing. 3 ten-minute workouts are perfect for someone like me who doesn't like to spend hours in the gym.""******************************************************************************************Learn The 3 MOST EFFECTIVEWeight LossHome Workouts:- The ultimate10 minute fat shredder workout!- The best 10 minutecore blasterab workout!-The most effective10 minute upper body muscle builder!- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30 days you get your money back!No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!******************************************************************************************How much you lose is up to you, the average student sees serious results in only a few weeks.******************************************************************************************This course is a small investment that will repay itself many times over in the amount of smiles and energy you'll get.You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.This course is seriously life changing, I hope you take this opportunity to learn it! It only takes 30 minutes per week, don't waste your time with any other workouts! These weight loss home workoutsallow you to save trips to the gym and avoidcostly gymmemberships.This course is the best wayto start lose weight and get in shape.Learn from years of fitnessexperience, all the Industry Secrets and Weight LossTricks/Tips are included in this course.Let us share our fitness and weight loss secrets with you.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. What have you go to lose?******************************************************************************************See What Everyone's Saying:""Greg and Dakota are both very personable and have great energy. I am definitely motivated to start this workout plan and start seeing some much needed results!""""What a wonderful crew to get you moving! I cant wait to see what more I can do with their help. Thank you for getting me up and back at it!""""This course was very easy to follow. Everything , all the exercises and supplements and instructions were to the point with no extra fluff.""You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!Remember, this course is only available here on Udemy, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Violo Gospel" |
"O SIMEJ - SISTEMA INTENSIVO DE MSICA, administrado por Jonathan Santos e Eric Bandeira, h um tempo atrs, decidimos que um dia iramos ajudar as igrejas em dificuldades com a rea musical.Foi ento que Deus permitiu esta oportunidade de estarmos estendendo nossos conhecimentos no s as igrejas locais, mas a todas que estiverem ao alcance da internet.Por mais de dez anos vnhamos contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da msica nas igrejas, atuando diretamente com os pastores e lderes, a fim de sempre ter algum da igreja local a estar conduzindo o momento de louvor.Quanto mais igrejas ajudvamos cada vez mais pastores e lderes nos procuravam, e procuram at hoje, pedindo que os apoiemos nessas dificuldades.Certos do nosso chamado por Deus e confiantes que Ele nos tem aperfeioados, surgiu essa oportunidade, atravs das ferramentas tecnolgicas podermos ir alm das limitaes locais, temporais e custos demasiados, atender a todos quantos queiram ter grupos, ministrios, departamentos ou outras atividades na parte da msica.Nesta primeira etapa j esto liberadas as aulas de violo e em breve os demais instrumentos como: teclado, bateria, baixo, guitarra e flauta. Tambm auxiliamos com orientaes para Ministrio de Louvor.As aulas esto divididas por mdulos e cada mdulo tem sete aulas, ao todo sero sete mdulos. O primeiro mdulotem como objetivo fazer o aluno tocar 20 msicas em apenas 7 aulas sem nenhum conhecimento prvio, acreditamos que os 4 primeiros mdulos j deixaro o violonista confiante e seguro de como tocar nos cultos e reunies, visto que ser bem orientado quanto a isso.WhatsApp: +55 21 97935-7755 (Eric Bandeira)"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"YouTube: Generate Passive Income With Simple Review Videos" |
"Would you like to make an extra $1,000, $3,000or even$10,000 every monthpassively with small, simpleYouTube Channels?Imagine waking up in the morning knowing that your own YouTube channel was working to make you money even while you slept? Wouldn't it be nice knowing you had a nice chunk of money coming in every month to help pay the bills or allow you to buy something you've always wanted?It really sounds to good to be true. I get that. However with the right strategy and action you too can reap the benefits of YouTube.Hello, My name is Kyle Custis and I've been an online entrepreneur for 5 years now. Ihave run a variety of different business through the years, but the one income stream that Icould always count on was YouTube.The reason Iloved YouTube for my business is all Ihad to do is make a few good videos and they would make me money forever. Meaning Ionly had to work hard for a little bit to get the benefits long term.Another reason I love YouTube is youDON'Tneed a lot of subscribers to make a lot of money.If you follow the techniquesI teach in this course you will be able to make videos for an audience that is already looking for your videos. You won't need to already have a subscriber base. Simply because there is already a huge audience of people looking for the videos you are trying to make.Here is exactly whyyou will start to make REALmoney with YouTubeYou will finally get a real overview of a real business plan to start and run a YouTube channelYou will learn how to find unlimitedlucrative offers to promote.How to get access to these offers so you can make videos most people can'tHow to structure a video so it is built to sell without sounding fake.How to record videos without ever having to show your faceHow to upload your videos the get views and make commisionsThe simple plan to rank your videos on Google andYouTube so you get more viewsMuch much moreBesides all of this incredible value, you also get a 30 day money back guarantee. There is literally no risk to join this program!All you have to do is click the Buy Now button and you can get instant access no matter what time is or where you live in the world.It's time to make a change and create a better life for you! Iwant to help!Thanks for the time and Ihope to see you on the inside!-Kyle CustisWARNING:Special discount only today! Make sure you get in now before this special price goes away."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Almanca B2 - C1 (leri Seviye Gramer)" |
"Bu kurs, Goethe B2 ve C1, telc B2 ve C1 ve TestDAFsnavlarna hazrlanrken, ileri seviye gramer konularnda Trke aklamal kaynak ihtiyac duyanlar iindir. Nisan 2019 itibariyle u anda dokuz blm ve 48 dersten oluan (48 video - 12 saat) kursumuza alt ay boyunca her ay yeni bir blm daha eklenecektir. Bu kurs, sz konususnavlarda karnza kabilecek gramer yaplarnn nemli ksmn renmenizi salayacak. nmzdeki aylarda eklenecek blmlerde, gramer konularnn yan sra, snavlara hazrlk amacyla Leseverstehen ve Schriftlicher Ausdruck becerilerinizi gelitirmek iin rnek snav sorularnn zmleri de ayrntl olarak aklanacaktr.Bu kursu tamamladnzda, snavlara hazrln yan sra, gndelik hayatta Almanca konuurken, okurken ve yazarken ileri seviye gramer yaplarn daha rahat kullanabileceksiniz, karmak cmleleri anlayabileceksiniz. rnein, Kojunktiv II ve modal fiillerile olaslk ve tahminleri anlatmak, sollen ve wollen fiilleri ile bakasnn iddialarn aktarmak, reneceiniz ilk konular arasnda olacak. Ayrca, modal fiil gibi davranan zel fiilleri renmek, Relativsatz yerine Erweitertes Partizip kullanmak, iki paral balalarla yan cmleler kurmak, Verbalstil - Nominalstil arasnda gei yapabilmek, fiillerin yannda sfatlar, zarflar ve edatlar doru biimde kullanmakta ustalamak gibi pek ok konuyu da bu kursta reneceksiniz."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"German for Engineers - Level B1 B2 - Deutsch fr Ingenieure" |
"""German for Engineers"" language course addresses a specific target group: It is designed for engineering students and engineers who are interested in study or work opportunities in German spoken countries. Students of this course should have completed a minimum A2 level in German, ideally with some experience in B1 or B2 levels.The course contains grammatical and structural analysis of sample sentences that can be understood with basic knowledge as well as more demanding texts selected from real-life cases in technical education and engineering communication. As of July 2020, the course has 21 lectures (4 hours of video). When we reach 30 lectures, all grammar topics of B1 and B2 levels will be covered. The balance between different fields of engineering:It is a fact that the field of engineering has an enormous variety of subcategories. Even though informatics and computer science comprise a bigger part of our sample sentences in the beginning sections, we have sought to find a balance between disciplines and current technical issues in different fields of engineering. Many examples from the disciplines of materials science, electrical engineering and computer science will be highlighted with subject-specific language characteristics. Grammatical structures:And we have tried to find another balance between learning grammatical structures and useful phrases in daily life communication. Actually there is no real difference between grammars of technical jargon and daily German. The only difference is the usage frequency of certain structures. For instance, we can mention the passive voice and alternative substitutions of passive. They show up more frequently in technical texts than in daily conversations.Once you have learned the grammatical structures in a certain field of engineering, they are surely transferable to cases in other areas of engineering and daily life communication."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Doktorlar iin Almanca B1 B2 C1" |
"Kursumuzda B1 ve B2 seviyesi genel Almanca gramer konularnn yan sra, bir doktorun iyerinde ve gndelik sosyal hayatta kullanabilecei / karlaabilecei cmleleri de yine B1 - B2 seviyesi gramer aklamalaryla birlikte reneceksiniz.Bu kursun amac, Almanyada alacak olan doktorlarn meslektalaryla ve hastalarla etkili biimde iletiim kurmasn salamaktr. Nisan 2019 itibariyle u anda 36 dersten oluan kursumuza (36 video - 11 saat), alt ay boyunca her ay yeni dersler eklenecektir. Derslerimizde, detayl bir anamnez almak, klinik bulgular hakknda konumak ve hastaya tedavi admlarn anlatmak iin ihtiya duyduunuz Almanca cmleleri, hem kelime bilgisi hem de gramer yaps asndan reneceksiniz.Ayrca, hastanedeki grev alanlar, gnlk rutin iler, kurumsal hiyerari ierisinde meslektalarnza hasta hakknda bilgi aktarm, tehis ve tedavi aamalar gibi pek ok konu hakknda konumak iin gereken Almanca cmleleri reneceksiniz. Bu konularda sizin doru ve anlalr Almanca cmleler kurabilmeniz iin gereken kelime bilgisi ve gramer altyapsn ayrntl biimde reneceksiniz."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Data Management and Analysis with Advance Excel" |
"This course will give you a deep understanding of the advanced formulas and functions that transform Excel from a basic spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool. While most Excel courses focus on simply what each formula does, I would teach you on how to apply the formula and understand its business and analytical application as well.By the end of the course you'll be writing robust, elegant formulas and functions which would help you to analyze data by allowing you to:Understanding basics:AutoFill a SeriesCreating a Custom ListData ToolsData ValidationDrop-Down ListsText to ColumnspmtGoal SeekScenario ManagerData TableVlookuphlookupImporting and Exporting DataIdentifying and deleting duplicatesOutline, Sort, Filter and SubtotalIntroductionGroup and Ungroup and subtotalsSubtotalsConsolidatePivot TablesIntroductionCreating Pivot TablesChoosing FieldsPivot Table LayoutFiltering Pivot TablesModifying Pivot Tables DataPivot ChartsSpecial FunctionsCount / Counta / Countif / CountifsSum /sumif / sumifsMacrosMail merge"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |