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"Exercices C# et POO : testez vos connaissances" |
"Ce test C# vous permet dvaluer vos connaissances de base en C#. Il comprend des questions rponse unique, et d'autres questions rponses multiples.Ce test C # se compose de deux parties :Partie de questions autour de la programmationOriente ObjetPartie de questions autour du C#Ce testcomprend des questions sur les types de donnes, la gestion des exceptions, etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Exercices ASP .Net Core" |
"Ce test ASP.NET Core teste vos connaissances de base sur ASP.NET Core. Il comprend 20 questions et chaque question comprend 4 options. Vous aurez le choix entre 4 rponses.Ce test comprend des questions relatives la configuration d'ASP.NET Core, au middleware, au dmarrage, la configuration Vous obtiendrez 1 point pour chaque rponse correcte. Le score maximum est de 20 points.15 rponses correctes sont ncessaires pour russir le test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Exercices JavaScript - evaluation des connaissances" |
"Ce test comprend 20 questions et chaque question comprend 4 options. Slectionnez une rponse approprie parmi 4 options. Ce test JavaScript comprend des questions sur les variables JavaScript, les fonctions, la porte, les boucles... Rsultat du test :Vous obtiendrez 1 point pour chaque rponse correcte. Le rsultat sera affich la fin du test. Vous devez avoir un taux de 70% de bonnes rponses pour russir le test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Exercices Linq" |
"Ce test LINQ vous permet dvaluer vos connaissances de base sur LINQ. Il comprend 20 questions et chaque question comprend 4 rponses. Slectionnez une rponse approprie parmi 4 options.Ce test LINQ comprend des questions sur la syntaxe LINQ, les requtes, des oprateurs, etc. Vous obtiendrez 1 point pour chaque rponse correcte. Vous devez obtenir 70% de rponses correctes pour russir le test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking Pentester lab- Kali-linux uygulamal dersler" |
"Bilgilendirme: Suan bu bilgilendirmeyi okuduunuza gre kursumuz tamamlanmamtr. younluundan biraz gecikmeli gidiyoruz.Kayt ileminizi bu bilgilendirmeyi gz nnde bulundurarak yapmanz rica ediyoruz.Eitim sresi boyunca pentester ortamlar ve kali-linux ile olabildiince amaca ilerleyen bir eitim amalamaktayz.Kali-linux tarihi v.b gibi zaman kaybettirecek veya kiinin rahatlkla okuyup renebilecei ksmlar es geip.Temel balang dzeyinde temel komutlar,aralar,bir saldrgan sisteminize saldr hazrlnda ne gibi bir yol izler.Bu sre nasl iler gibi eitim ieriini oluturan temel balklar altnda Xss,Sql njection,Xml Attack ve dier zafiyetler.Manuel zafiyet tespiti ve manuel bypass yntemleri.Shell kullanm,Server bypass yntemleri ve ayrca kali-linux aralarnn zaman zaman yar yolda brakmasn bizzat tecrbe edeceksiniz ve neden eitli lab. ortamlar ile manuel zafiyet tespiti ve exploit ilemlerini yaptmz daha iyi anlayacaksnz bylelikle sisteminizi daha iyi test etmeyi reneceksiniz.Eer dier insanlardan farkl ve dier insanlara gre uuk dnebilirseniz ite o zaman tam anlami ile olmak istediiniz olabilirsiniz.Bu kurs bize sadece aralar ve zafiyetleri deil en nemli olan yani bir SALDIRGAN GB DNMEYretecek.Kurs ieriimiz tamamlannca veya tamamlanmadan nce bizim kursumuzdan esinlenenlerigreceksiniz ve buda bizim ne kadar doru bir yoldan ilerlediimizin kant oalcaktr.Oluturduumuz lab ortam: Kali-linux videolarna gemeden nce iin mantn azda olsa kapmak amacnda iermektedir.Dorudan kali-linux dersleri ile balayabilirdim fakat bu sefer gerekten dar bir adan ve kendinizi yeterince gelitiremeyecek bir yoldan ilerlemi olacaktk.Videolar ierisinde bunlar birebir tecrbe edeceiz.Gemi yllarda Google,Facebook,Yahoo,Youtube ve bunlar gibi devlerde zaman zaman bug(hata/zafiyetler) bulunmu ve bu zafiyetlerin bir ou kali-linux,parrot ve benzerleri ile deil manuel olarak bulunmutur.Google'nin/etc/passwd xml injection ile okunmutur kali-linux nasl ihtiyasa manuel tekniklerde o denli ihtiyatr.BU ETM LEGALSIZMA TESTLER VE SSTEM GVENLN VERLMEKTEDR.ETM SREC BOYUNCA OLUTURULAN LABORATUVARLAR ZERNDEN ETMLER VERLECEKTR.KLERN ETM SONUNDA HERHANG BR YASA DII UYGULAMALARINDAN KENDLER SORUMLUDUR.HERHANG BR YASADII UYGULAMADAN DOLAYI ETMC SORUMLU TUTULAMAZ.ETM ALAN K TM SORUMLULUU STNE ALMI OLMAKTADIR."
Price: 329.99 ![]() |
"Espionaje Digital Avanzado. Metodologas y Herramientas." |
"Nuestra vida es completamente digital. Toda nuestra informacin se encuentra en internet, y nos guste o no, muchas personas pueden estar accediendo a ella.Yo soy lvaro Chirou, tengo ms de 160 Mil Estudiantes que ya me han elegido como parte de su educacin, y voy a ser tu Profesor.En este curso aprenders, adems de mejorar tu privacidad en internet, tambin a cmo cuidar la informacin de tus seres queridos e inclusive brindar el servicios de proteccin de datos en internet.Saber cmo buscar y encontrar informacin en internet ya es necesario para cualquier profesin.Las empresas e instituciones contratan a profesionales con conocimientos en OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) que sepan investigar de forma online para encontrar la informacin que necesitan.Cules son las ventajas del OSINT? Permiten acelerar y mejorar la obtencin de datos e informacin en fuentes abiertas (principalmente internet) sobre personas, empresas e instituciones clave, contribuyendo as a una mejor toma de decisiones a nivel operativo, tctico y estratgico.En la era de la informacin, toda persona y profesin necesita saber obtener informacin de forma eficaz, gil y segura. Los conocimientos sobre investigacin online son ms necesarios que nunca.Empieza a aprender ya mismo y acompame en este increble curso.Nos vemos dentro !Alvaro ChirouInstructor de Udemy"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Los Secretos del Marketing Digital en Redes Sociales. 2020." |
"El Marketing Digital en el Mundo Digitalizado que vivimos, es el nico medio a travs del cual podemos llegar a las personas con nuestro producto o servicio.El marketing digital es Fundamental para poder realizar ventas y ganar clientes. Es la forma ms efectiva de llegar especficamente al pblico que buscas, que sabes que le interesa tu producto o servicio.En este curso, adems de ensearte todo lo que se de Marketing, te mostrare, CON NMEROS REALES mis RESULTADOS. y sobre todo:Como consegui en un ao y medio ms de 140 mil estudiantes, trabajar desde mi casa y vivir a travs de internet, todo a travs de la prctica.INSCRIBETE YA y comparte este gran curso conmigo!Nos vemos dentro !Alvaro ChirouInstructor de Udemy"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Seguridad Informatica para Principiantes. Empieza desde 0 Ya" |
"+++++++ Descripcin del Curso +++++++ Los dispositivos no son seguros, todo es vulnerable y la informacin se encuentra al alcance de personas dispuestas a lo que sea por sacar provecho de ella, por eso es necesario que las organizaciones de hoy cuenten con personal altamente calificado en la proteccin de sus datos.En la actualidad se libra una batalla global por la seguridad informtica que abarca gobiernos, empresas, industrias, organizaciones de todo tipo y hasta individuos.Desde la filtracin de informacin privada, hasta la difusin de fotos y vdeos ntimos tomados de sitios, supuestamente, seguros, ponen de manifiesto la importancia de capacitarse para estar protegidos y prevenir situaciones de vulnerabilidad que pueden poner en riesgo nuestra integridad.Mi trabajo en la Polica, especficamente a cargo de la investigacin, prevencin y combate de delitos en los que la informtica es una cuestin medular, me permiten aportar, a travs de este curso herramientas de probada eficacia para cuidar los dos recursos ms importantes de una organizacin, su informacin y su gente.Te invito a que recorramos juntos este camino de prevencin. Nos vemos dentro del curso!INSCRIBETE YA y comparte este gran curso conmigo!Nos vemos dentro !Alvaro ChirouInstructor de Udemy"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Crea Pgina Web y Tienda Virtual sin saber Programar. 2020." |
" TE INVITO A VER LAS RESEAS Felipe Ugalde Realmente un curso maravilloso. Lo recomiendoJose Luis Favro Me encanta que el instructor actualiza el curso y responde rpido y siempre a las dudasDaniel Soto He tomado otros cursos con el instructor y realmente lo RECOMIENDO tanto este curso como los otros.Oliver Atom Excelente curso. No solo cree mi pgina web sino que con la ayuda de este curso mejore las ventas de mi negocio. Increble instructorPedro A:Rodriguez el instructor es claro y consiso , todo es muy directo y ameno++++++Descripcin del Curso+++++++ Internet a Roto las barreras geogrficas de la comunicacin. Hoy podemos llegar a todo el Mundo con nuestro producto/servicio.En este curso te enseare desde 0 como crear tu pagina web, y tener una tienda online en internet que funcione las 24hs para que cualquier persona, en cualquier momento te pueda encontrar y as comprar lo que le ests ofreciendo.No pierdas mas tiempo y utiliza esta herramienta fundamental en estos tiempos para poder competir y aumentar tus ventas.INSCRIBETE YA y comparte este gran curso conmigo!Nos vemos dentro !Alvaro ChirouInstructor de Udemy"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Financial Freedom through Personal Finance Management" |
"Most people struggle financially because they don't recognise the importance of ""Net Worth"". They often get carried away with their entire focus on increasing the salary for the job they do instead of creating newer income streams which are ""Passive"" in nature i.e. they income streams which produce cash flows and don't require them to be working for it. This is the reason why some people go broke while others get rich. I have created this course only to help people get their focus right and help them achieve financial freedom. Financial freedom is a state where is the assets of a person create enough cash flows to cover for his and his family's expenses without he having to work for it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FORMAJEUX - Matriser Marvelous Designer" |
"Dans ce cours je vous apprendrais comme utiliser ce logiciel extraordinaire pour raliser des vtements de toutes sortes avec un ralisme exceptionnel.Vous pourrez par exemple crer des pantalon en jeans, en cuirs, des jupes, des robes, des chemises et des T-shirts, mais aussi des vestes, des casquettes, des cravates, ou tout autre ides qui pourrait vous inspirerA la fin de ce cours vous serez mme de raliser vous-mme tous les types de vtements que vous imaginerez sur tous les types de personnages possibles."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"FORMAJEUX - Matriser 3ds max" |
"Dans ce cours vous apprendrez matriser 3Dsmax avec diffrentes techniques qui vous permettront de monter vos comptences un niveau professionnel.Vous verrez dans un premier temps toutes les possibilits offertes par ce logiciel.Vous apprendrez comment utiliser au mieux les fonctions qui vous sont proposes.A l'issue de ce cours vous saurez modliser toutes sortes d'objets, (des armes, des vhicules, des lments de dcors...) mais aussi des personnages, des animaux des cratures.Vous apprendrez comment rigger et skinner vos personnages et objets pour l'animation avec diffrentes mthodes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"FORMAJEUX - Matriser 3Dcoat" |
"Bienvenue dans ce cours sur 3DCoat!Ce logiciel est tout simplement indispensable dans votre workflow pour:Conceptualiser des modles en High poly partir de voxels. Faire la retopologie d'un modle high poly ralis dans ZBrush, Modo, ou autres logiciels, avec une ergonomie simple et idale.Raliser la projection (baking) des textures vers un modle low poly.Dplier les UVs Raliser les textures sur diffrents canaux en mme temps (couleur+normal map+ metalness+roughness d'un seul coup de brosse !).Avec ce cours, ce logiciel n'aura plus aucun secret pour vous, et vous serez capable de raliser de magnifiques modles 3D, professionnels en un rien de temps.A l'issue de ce cours, vous saurez:Utiliser 3Dcoat 100% de ces capacits.Travailler des modles High poly en voxelFaire la retopologie de tous vos objets avec une optimisation logiqueDplier les UV pour optimiser la place sur vos textures.Raliser de superbes textures"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"FORMAJEUX - Matriser ZBrush" |
"Dans ce cours vous apprendrez bien connaitre le logiciel ZBrush,Vous apprendrez ensuite l'utiliser au travers de diffrents exercices.Vous apprendrez diffrentes mthodes de travail utilises par les professionnels du cinma, des effets spciaux, et du jeu vido.Vous serez capable d'utiliser ZBrush pour raliser toutes vos ides rapidement et sans limite."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"FORMAJEUX - Le Character Design (ZBrush + 3DCoat)" |
"Dans ce cours vous apprendrez mes techniques de travail pour raliser vos personnages pour le jeu vido ou les films d'animation.Je vous donnerais dans un premier temps mes conseils avant de vous lancer, pour commencer par dessiner vos personnages suivant un cahier des charges.Je vous expliquerais mes techniques et astuces pour raliser de beaux modles avec ZBrush, puis comment utiliser 3DCoat pour transformer votre travail et pouvoir l'utiliser dans un moteur de jeux.A la fin de ce cours vous serez capable de faire vous mme vos propres personnages et prsenter un portfolio professionnel."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Professional 10 Hour Acting MASTERCLASS" |
"WelcomeThank you for joining us today. I wanted to create a personal program where you could engage in online acting classes and learn from the convenience of your own home at your own personalized and designed pace. Online acting classes are not always the easiest to come by, nor are the choices out there always so easy to decide upon. So I made it my goal to put out a program that was easy to decide on, leaving any confusion or hassle to deal with at the door. I also wanted to make the program affordable for actors, because I know how tight money can sometimes be, so I put the program at a targeted price that you couldn't find anywhere else, nor would you find the guaranteed return policies that I made sure to include. I did this for the actor, so there would be no worries to decide upon this course or not. This course offers over 10 hours of acting knowledge from some of the best and most trained actors I've had the privilege to work with. I mentioned all of the benefits above, but here's what I didn't tell you, there's still so much more to be offered through this course that hasn't been talked about. If you see the benefits of enrolling in online acting classes and having the ability to work from your own home at your own personalized and designed pace, than I can tell you with the deepest confidence, that you're on the right track.Many of you may already know who I am, depending on how you found me, but for those of you who don't, I'll take a moment to explain. Trust me when I say this, in the beginning, my acting wasn't anything to be admired, it was horrific, if I'm being completely honest, the initial training I received, made it that much worse. Nothing was working for me, but I truly had something that NO other actor around me possessed... work ethic. As I mentioned before, my acting didn't start out being anything special, but I sought to make a change and not let where I started be a definition for what I could achieve. So I did what I believed I had to do, because I really wanted to be the best. I didn't want to settle for mediocrity or just being ""okay,"" so I sought out to get the best instruction in the world. I acquired a new set of mentors to guide me on the successful path and through this journey I discovered what truly worked and what didn't. I found out what acting nonsense I could get rid and only kept in what truly mattered. My goal was to break everything down to the bare essentials. I don't care for having to spend 20 hours creating a character when I know I could easily achieve the same results in two or less. From this journey, I really started to question everything and asked myself, ""Why is acting made out to be so complicated... Why must I learn a thousand approaches in order stand up and talk in a given moment with a given circumstances?"" If we can break acting down simply, it becomes much easier to comprehend and much smoother of a process to work on/develop.My mentors have come fromJulliard,Harvard,Yale,RADA, andA.C.T, I also took it upon myself to work with phenomenal actors who NEVER went to drama school (we call them Street Actors) to see what commonalities they all shared. As I began to learn what those things were, I took it upon myself to create an easier way to working, which then brings us to this course.Throughout this 10hr experience, I will only be giving you what works. All the random nonsense instructors have tried to teach you in the past, stays at the front door. I do not want to hear how you have previously worked or the poor training you have obtained from your instructors, because I've heard it all before and I know what they've been teaching you. IDO NOTwork with random ideologies, it does not get us anywhere, it will only slow your process down and force you to over exert yourself unnecessarily. My approach, is the practical one. If it's not practical or reasonable for the actor, I won't teach it. Through this course, I will give you all I know.I hope to see you soon."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"10x Your SOCIAL SKILLS and Make Friends INSTANTLY!" |
"In this course, you will learn how to make friends in business, college, and/or life. Making friends an important life lesson anyone can learn. It doesn't matter if you've just moved to a new town, are interacting with others in a business setting, or are starting at a new school. It is a skill that ANYONEcan learn. All this course asks from you is your full attention and a mindset that is willing to learn.Making friends is a social skill and I want to share everything I know with you.Why Are Making Friends Important?-Creates more happiness-Allows you to gain new experiences-Builds confidence in social environments-Opens oneself to new opportunitiesThis is what leading scientist say about the friends you surround yourself with. It's said that the 7 closest people you surround yourself with is who you're most like. So if you spend your time with less than ambitious individuals, their personalities can rub off on you, just as surrounding yourself with excited, outgoing, and motivated hard workers can rub off on you.Start working on this course today and find out what you really need to make friends. You'll find that making friends isn't as hard as you might think."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Become CONFIDENT in 30 DAYS!" |
"Confidence We all deserve it, yet most of us miss it. How many of you would like the confidence to talk to that dream person, or to walk into that job interview, or to take that adventure you've always wanted to go on? Most of you would probably want to do all those things. Confidence is a skill that anyone can attain. I don't care how old you are or what you say, it is a skill and anyone can achieve it. Do yourself a favor and get the confidence that you deserve. I made it my goal to help as many individuals as I can to achieve this sort of confidence. I spent hours creating and developing this course in a way that would be easy to understand and could be implemented today. I wanted the individual who enrolls in this course to get exactly what they deserve, because confidence can be at your fingertips. The goal is to have this course be the only confidence course youll ever need to enroll in. Here at the Academy, we do our best to give you the results you desire. We want to see you reach your goals and we believe that in one month, following this course, you can grow your confidence. This course, for your confidence, was also intended as a life journey for massive success. Which means what you learn/apply in just one month, could also be implemented into a single year, which could 10x 50x 100x your confidence in that time span. The course was made for your short and long term personal goals. With a massive amount of confidence, you can begin to reach your life goals. Were so confident in the course, that we love our 30 day money back guarantee period, because it shows us how confident we are in our course and it allows you to decide if this unique experience fits your needs (which we truly believe it will). With this course, you can build the courage to talk to that one person youve always wanted to meet, or go for that new job interview, or travel that one new adventure youve been dreaming of, whatever it is, a high level of confidence can get you everything that you deserve. STARTTODAY! Begin to take the steps needed in order to gain what you already deserve. Start the course today and begin your journey towards unwavering confidence. START TODAYANDSEEYOUR NEWSELFINJUST1 MONTH!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Practitioner Exam Questions (CLF-C01)" |
"The AWSCertified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) exam is a foundation level AWS is intended for individuals who have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively demonstrate an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles.In this course, you will be able to use the provided exam questions to test your ability to pass the actual AWSexam and receive your certification as an AWSCertified Cloud Practitioner. Ipersonally hold multiple AWS certifications and can assure you that these questions are incredibly similar to the ones you will see on the exam and they can independently be used to help you sit for and obtain your certification as an AWSPractitioner. The first three modules in this course are multiple choice and the last module is based on multiple selection. If you can pass each exam module with an 85% pass rate, then you should have no problem taking the real-world exam and achieving your first AWScertification."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grow Like a Superpro - Become an Indoor Gardening Superstar" |
"This new series hosted by none other than Growing with Rory will impart you with the skills necessary to achieve record breaking yields and the highest quality results.There is just too much information out there on indoor gardening. The forums, YouTube videos, blogs, etc., just make hydroponics and indoor gardening feel overly complicated and intimidating. The truth is that there are just a few key proficiencies needed at each stage of growth in order to realize far reaching success. This video series focuses on simplifying indoor gardening by honing in on the key details of growing at each critical stage of plant development, while keeping things light-hearted, entertaining, and fun. The episodes progress in a logical, chronological order that flows perfectly with your growth cycle at home. Sit back, relax, and get ready to laugh and learn with this new series that will have you growing like a SuperPro on your very first try."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Natural Recipe For Wonderful View Saves Money And Time.Try!" |
"--You Will Not Regret Using This Recipe. But You Will Regret For Not Use This Recipe. With My Experience I Guarantee You Of Its Results 100%. -Why use this recipe: First is a natural recipe that contains a huge amount of protein and saturated fats, like the very rare Argan oil , Which is found only in the small Atlas Mountains of Morocco, There is nowhere else in the world, according to Wikipedia. The saturated fats moisturize and strengthen the hair Blackheads, as well as moisturize the skin and soften.--Amazigh women have very moist skin and soft hair, Because of this recipe. And I got them from them. You can search this on the Internet--How to use: When the recipe is finished, let it stand for an hour until it Coagulate. Then apply this recipe to your hair or skin. Leave it for 90 minutes and Then bathed. For women and men.In the name of this great recipe, I swear to you that you will benefit greatly. You will not buy expensive Cosmetics like mac makeup . With Modest results. Further explanation will be in the lesson.-Third, this recipe contains nutrients, I mean even someone who does not suffer from dryness and hair loss can use it. The expensive cosmetics are left.--THE DESIRED RESULTS:1. Enjoy beautiful hair.2. Goodbye to dark circles.3. Get rid of cellulite.4. Remove the blackheads.5. Treatment of sunburn.6. Pure skin.7. Freshness throughout the day8. A refreshing smell"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Diplomado Floral TopClass Nivel I" |
"TopClass OnLine Nivel I TopClass es un curso online, que te convierte en Florista Profesional, lo puedes tomar desde cualquier parte del mundo, ya que solo necesitars de un computador o cualquier dispositivo mvily acceso a Internet. Adems de ser un curso flexible con respectos a horarios, porque las clases estn dictadas en vdeos que puedes ver cuando quieras y las veces que quieras. Con un TopMaster de alta talla en la industria floral:Eder Flores. List@ para convertirte en Florista Profesional?Este taller va dirigido a personas que no hantomado clases o bien a aquellas que han aprendido este hermoso oficiopor si solas. Si ya eres floristas Profesional; apoya a tu personal con suformacin y reglale este curso.El Nivel I, incluye 17 vdeos tericos y 16 vdeos prcticos, 1 Manual con toda la informacin impartida y diploma de valor curricular. En este nivel vamos a viajar entre los conceptos bsicos para un Florista: Parte Terica: Historia del arte floral, Herramientas de un Florista Profesional, Manejo de las flores, Tipo de tallos y su mantenimiento, Punto vegetativo, Psicologa del color, Significado de los colores, Armonas del color, caracteres de los elementos, Simetras. Y nuestras prcticas irn desde Ramos de brazo hasta Estilo Bohemio, pasando por Bouquets con tcnica de espiral, arreglos florales en agua, Estilo floral redondo, Ramos de novia redondo, Body Flower y centros de mesa. Trabajaremos tcnicas de encartado, agrupamientos, acojinamientos y entraremos a fondo en la armona monocromtica y anloga. Tendrs acceso a una plataforma, la cual ser tu saln de clases, y en ella podrs ir avanzando hasta convertirte en una Florista Profesional. No esperes mas e Inscribete a TopClass!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Diplomado Floral TopClass Nivel II" |
"TopClass OnLine Nivel IITopClass es un curso OnLine, que te convierte en Florista Profesional, lo puedes tomar desde cualquier parte del mundo, ya que solo necesitars de un computador y acceso a Internet. Adems de ser un curso flexible con respectos a horarios, porque las clases estn dictadas en vdeos que puedes ver cuando quieras y las veces que quieras. Con un TopMaster de alta talla en la industria floral > Eder Flores.DescripcinTopClass OnLine Nivel 2List@ para continuar tu formacin y convertirte en Florista Profesional?Este taller va dirigido a personas que ya han cursado Nivel 1 o Principios bsicos es decir que tienen nociones del diseo floral y han practicado o trabajado con flores al menos 3 meses. Si tu hiciste el nivel 1 en nuestra Escuela ya sea OnLine o Presencial ya ests listo para tomar el nivel 2 sin ningn filtro. Si vienes de otra escuela es necesario que tomes un examen de evaluacin con un cargo de $ 1500.00 Pesos MXN, si no aprobaras el examen este dinero se te abonara para el Nivel 1 en cualquier modalidad que elijas. El Nivel 2 de El Nivel II, incluye 13 vdeos tericos y 12 vdeos prcticos, 1 Manual con toda la informacin impartida que viene en cada leccin para descargar e imprimir o archivar y diploma de valor curricular. En este nivel vamos a hablar acerca de la tica del Florista, a aprender el uso de la Navaja y las pinzas de corte, Practicaremos Arreglos de estilo lineal como son los triangulares, alargados y cascadas y veremos sus diferentes usos que van desde toda ocasin, ceremonias o fnebres, haremos tambin un arreglo floral a 3 puntos y un canasto frutal-floral, aprenderemos la armona triada y la de contrastes, nos adentraremos en la asimetra en el espacio y aprenderemos concepto 8/5/3 y lo aplicaremos en nuestro trabajo. Aprenderemos a cobrar y valorar nuestro trabajo y recibiremos concejos de cmo manejarnos en nuestras redes sociales. Sera un curso muy didctico que nos ayudara en nuestro camino para ser Floristas Profesionales. Bienvenidos."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trading de Futuros - Siguiendo al profesional con Wyckoff" |
"Este curso se centra en el anlisis tcnico, entendiendo que hay detrs de cada movimiento, como se gestan las manipulaciones por parte del profesional y que pautas tomar para seguir sus huellas, como pequeos operadores no podemos mover el mercado y nuestra mejor opcin es seguir los pasos del profesional.Me encargar de llevarlo de la mano desde lo mas bsico como el funcionamiento de la plataforma y los patrones bsicos que todos conocemos, hasta todo lo tcnico que hay detrs de ese movimiento y como es que el profesional utiliza puntos claves para llevarse partida del dinero de los novatos.DIVULGACIN COMPLETA DEL RIESGO:El Trading contiene un riesgo sustancial y no es para todo inversor. Un inversor podra perder todo o ms de la inversin inicial. El capital de riesgo es dinero que se puede perder sin poner en riesgo la seguridad financiera o el estilo de vida. Solo el capital de riesgo debe ser utilizado para operar. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar Meu Site." |
"Nocurso Como Criar Meu Site eu vou te ensinar a criar um site fantsticoutilizando a plataforma mais completa e de melhor custo benefcio domercado que a BuilderAll .Nofinal deste curso, voc dominar uma Soluo em Marketing Digitalpara pequenos negcios como padarias, mercados, bares, lanchonetes euma infinidade de pequenas empresas que precisam de baixo custo eeficincia para terem uma boa presena na internet.Ocurso como criar meu site foi projetado para ensinar de forma simplese rpida a construir um website do zero dividido basicamente emcabealho, corpo e rodap, com vrias faixas interativas, menus eformulrios de captura de contatos.So18 vdeo aulas pticas e direto ao ponto, sem enrolao, paragarantir que voc construa um site fantstico, completo e eficientecom um excelente custo benefcio.Euprojetei esse curso para o pequeno empreendedor que quer desenvolverseus prprios sites incrveis e quer ajudar a melhorar a qualidadeda internet e ainda ser bem recompensado pelo seu esforo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ICS/SCADA Cyber Security" |
"Our world is growing more and more dependent upon technology and systems that monitor and control industrial processes. The electric power grid, water and sewage systems, oil and natural gas pipelines, and many more critical infrastructure utilize Industrial Control Systems/Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (ICS/SCADA) systems. ICS/SCADA is used to monitor and control these infrastructure processes. This ICS/SCADA Cyber Security course will provide you with a strong foundation in the field of ICS/SCADA Cyber Security. You will learn about various topics such as What is ICS/SCADA?What is the current ICS/SCADA Threat Landscape? How to defend yourself? and many more topics."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Curso para la certificacin de EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation" |
"Este curso te ayudar para acreditar la certificacin de Exin Agile Scrum Foundation, los temas estn basados en el temario del examen, se realizan exmenes de prueba con la misma dinmica que tienen el examen de certificacin, ademas abordaremos los temas de manera terica-practica, si no esta en tu inters realizar la certificacin el desarrollo de los temas te permitir entender la cultura de agile y el marco de trabajo Scrum con el cual podrs realizar proyectos enfocados en el lanzamiento rpido del prototipos al mercado introduciendo las mejoras observadas por los interesados.El curso esta dividido en una introduccin y 5 unidades se realizarn exmenes con la intencin de familiarizar al alumno con el tipo de preguntas que puede encontrar en el examen, al concluir este curso estars listo para realizar el examen de certificacin de Exin y acreditarlo.Scrum ah tenido un gran crecimiento en los ltimos aos, el aprender este mtodo te dotar de las siguientes habilidades y herramientasMejorar la productividad de tu equipo.Mejorar la calidad tus proyectos.Obtencin del ROI (Retorno de inversin) de tus proyectos.Equipos motivados e integrados.Rpida reaccin y adaptacin ante los cambios.Generar transparencia y confianza entre los miembros del equipo.Obtener resultados anticipados.Validar con el cliente el proyecto realizado.Entrega continua.Facilita la escalabilidad del proyecto."
Price: 1995.00 ![]() |
"basic cosmetic chemistry for beginners PART-1" |
"cosmetic chemistry course series first part is free for the students .This includes the introduction of core chemical ingredients of chemicals ingeneral. Soap chemistry part includes soap ingredients fats, oils, lye, essential oils, colorants etc. explained in detailthe process of saponification.Surfactants, shampoos, skin formulations will be included in the next part of course"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Mix & Scratch -Tutorial" |
"Dup 6 ani de experiene n coachingul de DJs n Bucureti precum i workshopuri laElectric Castle,Summer Well,Ideo Ideis,Awake Festival, lansmprimul tutorial de mixing i scratch n limba romn, o replic online a cursului pe viu.8 Motivepentru a participa la cursul theDJ (Online):Primeti informaie gata selectat, testat, aplicabil imediat.Clarifici pe loc orice ntrebri ai avea despre DJ-ing.Vezi ce echipament i se potrivete nainte s investeti bani i timp n ceva ce nu i folosete.Corectezi cele mai importante greeli pe care le poate face un DJ la nceput de drum.Te conectezi cu like minded people adic oameni care mprtesc aceai pasiune cu tine (networking de calitate).n 5 module (27 lecii) nvei cele mai importante secrete din acest domeniu.Vezi ce i se potrivete n funcie de stilul i genul muzical preferat de tine."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de Blender (hasta versin 2.79)" |
"Comenzamos un nuevo curso bsico sobre un tema apasionante y al mismo tiempo muy complicado: El modelado tridimensional. Para ello vamos a utilizar un programa multiplataforma y totalmente gratuito: BLENDER. Que nos permitir hacer muchas cosas, algunas de ellas:- Modelado 3D.- Animacin grfica.- Efectos especiales.- Creacin y animacin de vdeojuegos.Un sin fin de posibilidades que iremos aprendiendo poco a poco. Este curso bsico est preparado y diseado para Blender 2.79 o versiones anteriores."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D- Trivia Bilgi Yarmas- (Firebase Storage ve Json)" |
"Unity 3D kullarak Firebase Storage database'inde ekeeimiz json verilerini cihaza yazdraz ve bu verileriTrivia Bilgi Yarmasnda kullanacaz.Json editor ile json veri yazmay reneceiz.Yazdmz bu veriler firebase ykleyip eriim nasl yaplr onu grm olacaz.Firebase database'den ektiimiz verileri cihaza yazmay greceiz.Sorularmz cihaza yazld iin kullanc internet olmasa bile verileri kullanabilecek.Arayz tasarm yapp bilgi yarmas formatn hazrlayacaz.Player pref kullanacaz.Ksabir animasyon yapacaz.Loading panelinde.Batan sona hazr bir bilgi yarmas hazrlayacaz....imdiden kolay gelsin..."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |