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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Practice Exams" |
"If you're preparing to take the PMI-ACP Exam, on your way to earning a PMI -ACP: Agile Certified Practitioner certification, you must download this useful resource. Literally everything you will need to study and know, to pass the exam, is contained in the practice exams. The author, an Agile Certified Practitioner himself, has compiled the necessary information into a single, concise practice questions to help you achieve your goals. The guide is effectively an FAQ of questions, which are common to the PMI-ACP exam. You'll be challenged with 5 practice exams with detailed answers and Explanations. There is nothing lacking from this unique, instructional guide. This Practice exams covering every aspect of the exam, and the information needed to pass. Master the Knowledge and Information Needed to Pass Without Fail For those who know the information, but under the pressure of taking the exam, choke and stumble to get the answers out, there is a section on exam strategies. Consider some methods that will actually make writing the exam easier. Build your confidence going into the exam by knowing what to expect and how to cope, should you falter. That might sound like everything you'll need, but we're not done. The author does not want to leave anything to chance, so he's also included the eligibility requirements for the PMI-ACP exam. Includes 5 Fully Simulated Practice Exam (500 Q &A's with Detailed Explanations), And as a bonus it covers the entire syllabus.This practice exam covers everything, no stone has been left unturned and no question left unanswered. It's an essential resource for Information Technology (IT) Project Managers, Project Leads, and anyone practicing the Agile Principles/Manifesto. A word about the author: Raj, as friends and co-workers know him, is passionate about his work and life, in general. He's traveled these same educational roads, and knows the importance of setting and achieving goals. As a highly certified leader in the ACP community, he is offering his help to further the education of new students, adding vitality and 'new blood' to the profession. Relevant and Updated to the Current Syllabus In this practice test set, well cover the exact PMI-ACP exam syllabus: Agile principles and mindset Value-driven delivery Stakeholder engagement Team performance Adaptive planning Problem detection and resolution Continuous improvementPMI-ACP Eligibility Requirements:Associate degree or global equivalent2000 hours of general project management experience within the last 5 years or an active PMP /PgMP certification1500 hours of experience working on agile project teams within the last 3 years. These hours are in addition to the 2,000 hours required in general project experience. These hours must be earned within the last 3 years. 21 contact hours of agile trainingAbout the PMI-ACP EXAMS:This exam contains 120 questions, but only 100 of those questions will count toward the passing score. The other 20 questions are experimental questions from PMI. These 20 questions do not count towards the grade.3 Hours to complete the Examination.Multiple choice.Closed book and computer based testing.A satisfying, fulfilling career and successful future are hinged on your ability to pass this exam. Take a step towards assuring your advancement buy this practice exams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DERECHO PENALEl Derecho Penal pertenece al mbito del Derecho Pblico. La relacin jurdica existente entre el Estado y el imputado es una relacin de jerarqua en donde el Estado acta como acusador ejerciendo el IUS PUNIENDI; a travs de un rgano especializado y autnomo, llamado MINISTERIO PBLICO. La teora del Delito pertenece al Derecho Penal, siendo una de las bases, pilares fundamentales para la formacin del estudiante de Derecho, en este curso abarcaremos de manera interactiva todos los elementos que lo compone, tales como:Estructura de la Teora del DelitoACCINComportamientoConducta AccinComisinComisin por OmisinTIPICIDADObjetivaSujetos Activo y PasivoBien Juridico ProtegidoRelacin de CausalidadElemento NormativoElemento DescriptivoSubjetiva.Dolo .Dolo directo.Dolo Indirecto.Culpa.Culpa Consciente.Culpa Inconsciente.ANTIJURICIDADDefinicin y Aplicacin de la Antijuricidad.Efectos de las Causales de Justificacin.Limites de la Causales de justificacin.Elementos de las Causales de Justificacin.Legitima DefensaCULPABILIDADSupuestos de Inimputabilidad.Elementos de la Culpabilidad.Casos de Ininputabilidad.Error de Prohibicin.Miedo Insuperable.Estado de Necesidad Exculpante."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"VUE para imagens com realismo do incio ao avanado" |
"Ol pessoal! Com este novo tutorial estarei demonstrando como possvel se transformar num profissional para produo de imagens digitais com alto grau de realismo. Alm de produzir montanhas e vegetao digital convincente, voc tambm aprender como trabalhar exportando para 3Dmax e ver como possvel aplicar efeitos naturais e texturas com alto grau de definio. Espero voc no curso. At mais!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3DS MAX 2019 do incio ao avanado" |
"As necessidades de profissionais nas reas de games e demais projetos virtuais tem aumentado a demanda de profissionais que conheam os poderosos softwares de 3D. No fique fora do mercado, comece agora sua profisso e engrandea seu currculo com uma das ferramentas mais impressionantes e poderosa para a indstria de jogos, filmes, arquitetura e muito mais. Comece j seu futuro!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Biologia Geral Para Enem e Vestibulares" |
"O curso Biologia Geral para provas de vestibulares e Enem traz uma abrangente viso dos tpicos mais clssicos para as avaliaes em todo o Brasil. Alm do curso ser altamente direto e focado em contedos mais destacados em avaliaes, o aluno ainda poder resolver questes de vestibulares que iro trazer mais reforo para o seu conhecimento. Nota importantes para todos os interessados! Este curso apresenta importante atualizao sobre o tema coronavrus! Portanto, estar preparado para um grande desafio sempre uma ttica dos grandes vitoriosos. Ento, o que est esperando?! Inicie j sua preparao para o seu vestibular e torne-se um candidato mais preparado para sua futuras avaliaes! "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to write Blog Posts that Your Readers Will Love" |
"Welcome to How to write Blog Posts that Your Audience Will Love.Just like the title says, this course will teach you how you can write great blog content so that you can :Build your brandBuild trust with your readersTurn your readers into paying costumersMy name is Rafik, and I'm a college graduate in software engineering with 2 years of experience creating content for my blog and over 50 000 people reading my content on platforms like Reddit and Medium.In this course, you're going to learn :How you can generate (almost) unlimited blog post ideas that your readers loveHow you can get free high quality stock photos for your blog posts (or anywhere else)How you can improve your blog writing with 5 simple tips that will really make a differenceHow to create amazing graphics for your blog for freeThe best blogs to start learning bloggingIn addition to this, you'll also learn an awesome trick to compress your images so that it doesn't slow down your blog.This course is for you if you are a blogger wanting to learn how to create blog posts that your readers will love, using a simple method."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Increase your chances of becoming a FB verified musician" |
"Are you a musician or band that is yet to be verified on Facebook? We all know that little blue tick means ALOT. Follow my simple tips to boost your chances of becoming a verified artist. Im sure if you take note of what I say in these short clips and stay patient, that you too will become a verified Facebook band or musician."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Arduino, Proteus, PCB Design, IoT , Industry 4.0" |
"- IoT?- IoT Kart Nedir- IoT Kart zellikleri Nelerdir- Temel Elektronik Bilgisi - Industry4.0 le Sanayi'ye Gelen Yenilikler Neler- Yapay Zeka le Industry4.0 Arasndaki liki- Industry4.0 ile - Industry5.0 Arasndaki Farklar Neler Olacak- Industry4.0 Sanayi de Hangi Alanlarda Kullanlacak- Industry4.0 ile Industry5.0 Arasndaki Farklar Neler Olacak- Industry4.0 Yapay Zekay Neden Zorunlu Klyor- PCB retimi ve detaylar- Arduino eitimi ( orta ve ileri dzey iin)- Arduino programlama(ileri dzey)- G Devresi Tasarlarken Nelere Dikkat Edilir- G Devresi Tasarmnda Dogru Deerde Komponent Nasl Seilir- SMD Nedir- SMD Dizgi Yaplacak Elemanlar Nasl Seilir- PCB Devre zerinde EMKNasl nlenir- PCB Devre zerinde EMK'y nlemek inNe Tr nlemler Alnr- PCB zellikleri ARES zerindeNasl Belirlenir- PCB Kart Kalnl Ne Olmaldr- PCB Kart Yol Kalnl Ne Olmaldr- PCB Kart zerine Wfi Ekleme lemi- PCB Kart zerine Eklenecek Wifi iin G Devresi Tasarm- Orta dzeyden ileri seviye'ye kadar Arduino programlama ve hardware design- Proteus eitimi- PCB Eitimi"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SAP BASIS Netweaver - Administrao de Sistemas SAP Dominado" |
"Quer deixar de parecer um Aliengena quando se envolve em projetos que envolvem solues SAP?Quer Surpreender no Prximo Projeto de Infraestrutura para Ambiente SAP falando a mesma lingua dos Administradores SAPBASIS?Quer turbinar seu Currculum e aumentar o seu valor como Profissional de T.I? Esse curso pra Voc!Planejado e Desenvolvido para Profissionais de T.Ide todas as reas de Infraestrutura e Administrao, o curso Rene o Melhor da Teoria e Prtica na Administrao de Sistemas SAPBASIS.- Descubra como Administrar Sistemas SAP Crticos desde tarefas mais Bsicas at as Tarefas mais Avanadas- Arquitetura de Sistemas SAP- Processos e Estruturas de Memria- Monitoramento Bsico e Avanado de Sistemas SAP- Backup e Restore de Sistemas SAP- Administrao de Usurios- Segurana e Controle de Acessos- Gerenciamento de Impresso de Sistemas SAP- Cpia de Sistemas SAP- Administrao de Rotas de TransportePblico Alvo:- Se Sistemas SAP parecem uma caixa preta, esse curso pra voc!- Se voc trabalha com Linux e quer ter mais Fluncia nos Projetos que implementam SAP, esse curso Pra Voc- Se voc trabalha com Windows e quer ter mais voz nos projetos que implementam SAP esse curso pra voc- Se voc acha que os Profissionais SAP BASIS so a Elite e que so como Moscas Brancas, esse curso pra voc- Se voc quer ter um conhecimento Avanado em SAP mas precisa comear do Zero esse curso pra Voc- Se voc gerente projeto e vive correndo de projetos que envolvem SAP por no conhecer nada esse Curso Pra voc- Se voc um DBA Oracle, DB2, Sybase, SQL Server e quer entender porque os Ambientes SAP so cheio de Frescura esse curso Pra voc!- Se voc quer aprender com quem conhece na prtica Sistemas SAP operando com Oracle, DB2, SQL Server e Sybase esse curso pra Voc"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Administrao de Bancos de Dados com DB2 - Junior DBA" |
"O Que serei Capaz de Fazer?Instalar o Banco de Dados IBMDB2 no Sistema Operacional Parceiro da SAP: Suse Linux EnterpriseDominar o Conceito e a Implementao de Bancos de Dados e InstnciasPlanejar e Implementar Design Fsico com Tabelas, ndices,Tablespaces e Datafiles(containers)Como Otimizar o DB2 para performance de acordo com as aplicaes com apenas um Comando como num passe de MgicaAplicar Regras de Negcio com ConstraintsAutomatizar Regras de Negcios com TriggersAplicar os Conceitos de Relacionamento de Chave Estrangeira e Chave Primria na Prtica Compresso de Dados para Melhoria de PerformanceComo Fazer o DB2 Totalmente Compatvel com ORACLE, MYSQL e SYBASE...Configurando a Instncia para Receber Bancos de Dados e Aplicaes Oracle de Forma TransparenteAplicar as Features de Gerenciamento Autnomo do DB2Self Tuning MemoryAutomatic StorageGerenciamento de Workloads com Distribuio Inteligente de Recursos de CPU e I/ORealizar Operaes de Backup e de Restore:Backups OFFLINEBackups ONLINERestore e Recover Point-in-timeObtendo Muito Mais Performance com Particionamento e outras Features..Preparando seu Banco para Ambientes Analticos..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SAP BASIS Netweaver para Iniciantes Sem Mistrios" |
"Domine os Principais Conceitos e Atividades que Todo Administrador SAPBASISNETWEAVER precisa saber para Comear como BASISJUNIOR.Caro Profissional de T.I ou estudante...Todo mundo sabe que extremamente difcil iniciar uma Carreira de Administrador de Sistemas SAPNetweaver. E isso no acontece porque Sistemas SAPso mais difceis do que outros sistemas.Isso acontece principalmente porque muito difcil encontrar cursos disponveis sem gastar o equivalente a um dos seus rins...Por isso se voc quer aprender o Bsico suficiente para falar a mesma linguagem do Mundo SAPBASIS Netweaver esse curso pra voc...Esse curso pra voc se...- Voc um estudante de T.I e ainda no se decidiu sobre o futuro da sua profisso- Voc um Administrador de Sistemas Operacionais e quer perder o Medo de projetos que envolvem Arquiteturas SAP- Voc umDBA e j teve oportunidades de entrar em projetos SAP mas no pode contribuir muito por falta de conhecimento- Voc um Profissional de Qualquer rea de T.I e no quer mais parecer um Bobo nos Projetos que envolvem SAP."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Escrita cientfica p/ Tcc/Dissertaes/Teses" |
"Aprenda a produzir textos cientficos para trabalhos de final de curso, tais como TCC, dissertaes e teses. Nessas aulas voc ir aprender vrias peculiaridades deste tipo de escrita alm de diversas dicas sobre a estruturao e diviso de seu texto. Com esse curso, ser reduzida de maneria considervel a quantidade de retrabalho em seu texto desde a primeira verso at a que ser utilizada na sua defesa. Muitas das dicas aqui fornecidas so baseadas em experincia na correo de trabalhos acadmicos e iro lhe facilitar o processo de escrita mesmo que no possua nenhuma experincia no assunto."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Mendeley: Pesquisas e bibliografias" |
"Este curso apresenta uma soluo aos alunos universitrios em trs campos muito importantes para a formao do acadmico, seja ele graduando ou ps-graduando, sendo:Pesquisa de referncias: incluindo diversas dicas e tcnicas sobre como e onde encontrar referncias de maneira eficiente e em pouqussimo tempo. Com estas aulas, sero melhoradas a sua velocidade de busca de artigos e a qualidade/objetividade das referncias encontradas.Gerenciamento de referncias: tcnicas de organizao de um banco de dados prprio com as referncias encontradas, utilizando o software Mendeley.Citao e bibliografia: ensinando o aluno a utilizar o software Mendeley para automatizar o processo de citao e gerao da bibliografia j formatada (isso mesmo, o Mendeley ir gerar toda bibliografia pronta de uma vez s e j na formatao ABNT);"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Excel para engenheiros e universitrios" |
"*Esse curso no no momento dedicado ao ensino de Excel para as reas administrativas e de logstica, de forma que no so abordados temas como: juros, fluxo de caixa, anlise de vendas, organizao de estoque ou similares. Favor verificar a ementa antes de adquirir o curso!Pode-se dizer que para um Engenheiro ou universitrio de cursos de exatas, h a necessidade de saber lidar com anlise de dados e produo de grficos que descrevam o comportamento de experimentos ou estudos cientficos. Existem muitas ferramentas disponveis na internet para a anlise de dados e produo de grficos de alto impacto para publicao em trabalhos como relatrios, psteres de congresso, TCC, dissertaes, teses e artigos cientficos, cada qual com as suas qualidade e defeitos. Dentre essas ferramentas destaca-se o Microsoft Office Excel, que das ferramentas, a que melhor alia uma excelente capacidade de trabalhar e analisar dados com a produo de grficos de alto impacto.Nesse curso voc ir aprender como tirar o mximo proveito de todas as capacidades deste software, aprendendo temas relevantes para cursos de exatas tais como: importao de dados de outros equipamentos, funes importantes, formas de trabalhar um dado antes da anlise, operaes matemticas no Excel e como criar grficos de alto impacto no software. Se por acaso ao longo do curso sentir falta de algum tipo de operao ou possuir algum exemplo que gostaria de incluir para ajudar outros universitrios, favor entrar em contato pelo email que irei providenciar a incluso caso julgue passvel.Futuramente ser lanado um mdulo administrativo para este curso!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Complete Twitch Streaming Tutorial Series: PS4, Xbox One, PC" |
"The most complete Twitch streaming video tutorial series on the internet!This course will tell you what you need, how to set it allup, and how to make money from Twitch.TV by gaining and growing an audienceusing custom overlays, Twitch alerts, donations, chat, giveaways, song requests and a tonne of insider tips and tricks.Set up a professional Twitch stream easily and broadcast your Playstation 4, Xbox One, or Gaming PC game play to the world.With so many online tutorials using buzzwords and unnecessaryfiller, my course gives you a set ofstraight to the point videos with no wasted information.If you want to know how to set up a professional Twitch stream then this is the ONLY video series you'll ever need.So stay locked, enjoy, and lets get it done.x_0Compatible Gaming Platforms:Playstation 4, Playstation 4 Slim, Playstation 4 ProXbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One XGaming PCRequirements:PC to stream from (Intel i5 or better)Elgato capture card (single PC users excluded)Webcam (or smartphone + Droidcam app)Microphone (USB, XLR, Jack, or Headset Mic)Internet connectionAbout me:Professional YouTuber (F4Cepa1m) and musician15 years video and audioproduction experience3 years teaching game recording + Twitch streamingThousands of people taught through online mediaOver 2 million views on myonline channelsMore than 97% satisfaction rate from online videosGamer and musician at heart"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The essentials of Electric Car Automobile technology" |
"This course is for everyone who is looking to study about Electric car and benefits that can be obtained for mankind. You will learn about each aspect of electric vehicle , in particular about Electric car. Brief discussion about History, Working, Types and much more is done by video Presentations. It is explained in simple and easy language , so quick to learn and understand. Moreover, a Case study is also included so that you may have a glimpse over how different measures are taken to promote electric vehicle by authorities. After finishing, you will have general knowledge about electric vehicles and how it different from gasoline vehicles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
personalstatement |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guided Quick Math: Mastering Fractions in Less Than 30 Days" |
"Instead of hiring a tutor for $40+ an hour to cover one lesson, you can receive 17 lessons with no time restraint and become a master! Guided Quick Math provides you with self-paced, easy step-by-step instructions on solving all types of fractions. This course is easy enough for a beginner and consistent enough for any age to learn. This course will provide you with the rules and steps to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. Each lesson is short and to the point yet still provides all the tools needed to pass the practice questions included at the end of each section. Therefore, whether you are seeing fractions for the first time or simply need a refresher course before taking an entrance exam, this is the course for you!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Corso GIS BASE con QGIS 3" |
"Con questo corso GIS apprenderai le conoscenze basilari per confrontarti al meglio con i dati GIS. Sarai in grado di acquisire manualit con i dati vettoriali e saprai come modificarli al meglio o crearne di nuovi. Capirai come georeferenziari sia i dati vettoriali che raster. Al termine di questo corso GIS BASE sarai in grado di creare e gestire un piccolo progetto GIS.Le competenze apprese in questo corso sono fondamentali per la tua carriera professionale e ti aiuteranno ad aumentare produttivit e competitivit.I GIS infatti sono un settore in netta espansione e molto trasversale. Il motivo di ci intrinsecamente legato al prodotto dell'analisi GIS cio la mappa, a prescindere dalla sua forma finale(cartacea o digitale).Il corso strutturato in modo da bilanciare la teoria e la pratica; avrai quindi lezioni totalmente teoriche contrapposte a lezioni pratiche ed esercitazioni che ho creato appositamente per te. Troverai anche alcune verifiche autovalutative che ti saranno utili a capire se devi o meno rivedere degli argomenti.Nel corso incontrerai questi argomenti:Rudimenti di cartografiaLa GeodesiaI sistemi di riferimentoDifferenze tra Vettori e RasterUno sguardo al software usatoGeoreferenziazione di vettoriGeoreferenziazione di rasterLe selezioniLe regole topologicheL'editing vettoriale e tabellareDurante il corso rilascer sia le slide che il materiale usato nelle varie lezioni ed ovviamente i file che serviranno per le esercitazioni.Il software utilizzato per questo corso QGIS nella versione 3.x, oramai diventato uno dei migliori software in ambito GIS. QGIS sviluppato da un decennio, in continuo aggiornamento, ha un'ampia platea di utilizzatori e tantissimi forum di supporto. E' usato da tantissime realt pubbliche ma anche private. La Regione Toscana, ad esempio, anche nell'ottica del rispetto del Codice dell'Amministrazione Digitale(D.L. n.82, 7 marzo 2005), rilascia i dati cartografici sotto forma di progetto QGIS."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"CISSP Quick Reference 2018 Edition (for all 8 Domains)" |
"CISSP Quick Reference course provides you with detailed, graphic-based information highlighting the key concepts and topics.With this course as your guide, you will review topics on all CISSP domains.These materials allow you to get important information at a glance, helping you to focus your study on areas of weakness and to enhance memory retention of essential exam concepts.also CISSP Quick Reference Course provides a final exam preparation tool, providing a concise review of all objectives on the new CISSP exam, with the recent 2018 updates.Update: Additional Quick Practice Tests Section is included, for more CISSP exam preparation experience."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"ManyChat Chatbot : Build a FB Chatbot Messenger Marketing" |
"Build Winning Sales funnels and grow your brand using Chatbot (Manychat), From Scratch Without Prior Experience or Coding Skills.Messenger is the future of the business to consumer communication, and it can be a hugesales channel for your brand. In this training, we show you how to create chatbot, grow your email list, run promo, launch products and more.What Is Messenger Marketing?Messenger marketing is a new and increasingly popular way to communicate with prospects, leads, and customers.As a marketing channel it boasts better engagement than any other channel out there, including.Email.Direct mail.Social media.Push notificationsNOTE: I update this course on a regular basis as there are more features come out with ManyChat, I will share them with you. What You'll Learn:. (ManyChat Fundamentals) How to quickly create a messenger bot sequence that converts...even if you've never written copy or ""programmed"" a bot. ManyChat Growth Tools. Building Your First Bot. Broadcasts, Auto Posting and Sequences. quick steps to crafting eye-catching, engaging Facebook messenger conversations. How to stay compliant with Facebook's ToS (Terms of Service) - Facebook TOS Guide for Messenger Bots. The 5 elements of engaging bot conversations, and how to implement them in your campaign. Resources, Swipe Files & Bot Templates. Facebook Messenger AdsThe Future of Messenger Marketing:Imagine youve just spent a night at a hotel.After you check out the next morning, you look at your phone and notice a notification from Facebook Messenger. You check it, and see that the hotel has sent you an automated message asking, on a 1-5 scale, how your stay was.If you respond with a 1-3, the chatbot automatically asks you if anything was wrong and what they can do to improve. Youll be able to set up chatbot that automatically send a message based on the last interaction the person had with your companyMessenger Is Quickly Becoming A Mainstream Channel For BusinessesManyChat Chatbot : Build a FB Chatbot Messenger Marketing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kundalini Yoga: Awaken the Chakras and Purify Consciousness" |
"Would you like to learn a sacred Yogic Path that transforms and uplifts mind, body and spirit? Would you like to learn how to unlock a powerful, transcendent yet earthy energy called Kundalini into your life? During this course we will practice Kundalini-Yoga, often known as the Mother of all Yoga's and the Yoga of Awareness. We'll explore, activate and journey through all of the seven major Chakras (energy centres) of the human energy body and explore the Yogic technology that lead to Kundalini Activation. Doing this will support you in unlocking and growing into your deepest potential. Through your engagement with the course you'll learn how to sensitively tap into the powerful Kundalini-Shakti Power, and will develop flexibility, core strength and stamina. You will find out how to awaken, transform and integrate the energy of the seven Chakras and will learn through this ancient technology, how to completely purify and illuminate your stream of conscious awareness. Through your practice of Kundalini Yoga, which includes, breath-work, postures (asanas), and Kundalini Meditation's you will learn how to purify consciousness from the root up, and regain and experience truth, pure being, consciousness and bliss. As you reach into the deepest state of Being, you'll also regain the presence of the Divine in your life. #Course Bestseller on Udemy as of June 2019 Outline, Benefits and Outcomes of Course - Practice 7 full classes for each of the Chakras (each class contains breath-work, warm-ups, postures, Kundalini Meditation and gong relaxation) - Learn about the signs and stages of the Kundalini Awakening Experience - Learn how to awaken the Kundalini Energy within you- Learn about each of the 7 main chakras, their symbolism, what they are and how they function - Get fit, develop core strength and stamina! - Learn pranayama (breath-work) and how to deeply relax the body and mind - A certificate of completion will be be given to the students from Udemy and also a separate one from facilitator (the later available upon request)After completing the course you will feel revived, refreshed, motivated and vibrantly connected with life. You will feel healthier in body, mind and spirit and you will have learned how to tap into the sublime energy of Kundalini-Shakti. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Bridge Between Kundalini Yoga and Lucid Dreaming" |
"Would you like to learn both the powerful Path of Kundalini Yoga and the exciting and joyful path of Lucid Dreaming. During this course we will explore the bridge between the profound and liberating practices of Kundalini Yoga and Lucid Dreaming. We will embark on the exciting voyage of Kundalini Shakti Yoga. Often known as the Mother of all Yogas, we will explore and dive deep into this rich, powerful, far reaching and liberating tradition. Within this course there are many exercises (Kriyas), meditations and breathing exercises (pranayama) drawn from the Kundalini Shakti Yoga Tradition. We will learn how to open and enliven the chakras and awaken the coiled sleeping serpent Kundalini-Shakti and open the way for her ascent up the mountain of transcendent spiritual consciousness. Through our exploration of Lucid Dreaming we will learn how to become conscious in our dreams, grow in our understanding, go on exciting journeys of consciousness, engage with dream characters, expand the realm of what we believe to be possible and have fun! Drawing on nearly 20 years worth of spiritual practice I will guide you through this fertile and far reaching terrain. We will explore the links between these two paths, and find out how they are deeply relevant to one another. With nearly 10 hour worth of material this course we give you all you need to walk these two paths, and see how these two paths meet! #Bestselling and Most Highly Rated Course on Udemy as of July 2019 Outline, Benefits and Outcomes of Course - Explore the practice of Kundalini with full classes, which combine breath-work, warmups and sepcially designed exercises, meditations and gong sound relaxations - Learn how the practice of lucid dreaming helps to unlock the Kundalini experience - Learn to tap into, activate and integrate Kundalini Energy into your life - Learn the foundation techniques and principals that allow lucid dreaming to arise - Find out about the exciting and extensive terrain of the lucid dreaming - Through the course you will grow in awareness, sensitivity and develop heath in mind, body and spirit -- A certificate of completion will be be given to the students from Udemy and also a separate one from facilitator (the later available upon request)After completing the course you will feel vibrant, energized, inspired and will be empowered with all the knowledge and practices you need to access, explore and develop these two sublime spiritual practices."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Yoga and the Spiral Path" |
"Would you like to learn powerful techniques to awaken your full potential? Have you ever wondered if it's possible for consciousness to travel beyond the physical body? Do you have an interest in OBE / astral projection and would like to learn how to create the foundations to nurture a healthy and grounded engagement with out of body experiences? On this course you will learn and explore the 'spiral path' of meditation, kundalini yoga, lucid dreaming and astral projection. You will be guided through the foundation practices of meditation, and the will to deeper conscious awareness and you will be shown yogic exercises of kundalini yoga that will develop and prepare your energy body for the journeys of lucid dreaming and astral projection. This course that includes a Guide to Astral Projection and techniques to activate the Astral Body is suitable for people of all levels and has a particular focus on the practice of astral travel / obe / out of body experiences. You will be shown and taught how to access the states of consciousness and 'key marker points' that allow astral projection to begin to open up and how to navigate through the astral world once you are there. Overall this course offers a comprehensive path of spiritual development that will allow you to reach and express your deepest spiritual potential. Course by #Bestselling Udemy Course FacilitatorBenefits and Outcomes of the Course: - Gain a solid, experiential and practical understanding of the foundations and principles of the spiritual life.- Learn how to bring the mind to a point of stillness, presence and bliss through innovative and dynamic meditation practices. - Learn how to effectively train your body, mind and spirit through Kundalini yoga that combines physical asanas (postures), pranayama (breath-work) and simple mantra. - Learn how to build on this secure, grounded foundation an effective practice of lucid dreaming and astral projection.- Learn how to access the key states of consciousness that give rise to lucid dreaming and astral projection. - Learn to awaken the Chakras (energy centres) that are most relevant to Astral Projection and activate the Astral Body - Learn how to explore the terrain of lucid dreaming and astral projection. - Learn how to integrate what you learn from lucid dreaming and astral projection into your everyday life. A certificate of completion will be be given to the students from Udemy and also a separate one from facilitator (the later available upon request)After completing the course you will feel inspired, aligned and equipped with all the knowledge and techniques you need to access explore and navigate through the worlds of astral projection, lucid dreaming and Kundalini Yoga. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
dpudropship |
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Price: 220000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 220000.00 ![]() |
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Price: 220000.00 ![]() |
"[ MBA ] ." |
"The University of Texas at Austin - McCombs Business School MBA. 2011 8 Class of 2014 , Cisco Business Consultant / Data Scientist , / . 1 MBA . ."
Price: 220000.00 ![]() |
onlinesaup |
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Price: 220000.00 ![]() |
"Social Media Designe -Artes profissionais para Redes Sociais" |
"Nesse Curso voc vai aprender a criar artes profissionais para mdia social em alguns minutos usando o Photoshop. Do bsico ao avanado.Tudo passo a passo. e vou mostrar como agencias trabalham com gerenciamento de redes sociais Voc vai aprender a:Gerenciamento de redes sociais. como algumas agencias trabalham Usar as teclas atalho tornando-se mais produtivoCriar um arte limpa e organizada Criar suas artes em poucos minutos.Voc tambm vai conhecer os principais sites para que uso para baixar fontes e imagens gratuitas para o seu projeto.E irei disponibilizar pacote de Templates prontos pra voc editar.Seja bem vindo ao Criar Imagens profissionais para as Redes Sociais. Aproveite bem o seu curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |