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"Akupressur fr Notflle: Punkte fr sehr schnelle Hilfe!" |
"Willkommen bei der Akupressur fr Notflle - Der Ort bei Udemy, um zu lernen, wie man sich selbst und anderen in Notfallsituationen hilft! Helfen Sie sich und anderen in Notfallsituationen ohne Medikamente mit altbewhrten Chinesischen Massagepunkten Finden Sie die richtigen Massagepunkte leicht mit einfachen und kurzen Full HD Videoclips Akupressurpunkte fr Muskelkrmpfe, Ohnmacht und Nasenbluten sind im Kurs enthalten. Akupressurpunkte fr Diabetisches Koma, Insektenstich und Bluthochdruck sind im Kurs enthalten. Akupressurpunkte fr Atembeschwerden, Erbrechen und Menstruationen sind im Kurs beinhaltet. Akupressurpunkte fr Wettervernderung, Reisekrankheit und Schnupfen sind im Kurs enthalten. Akupressurpunkte fr Kopfschmerzen, Rckenschmerzen und Magenbeschwerden sind im Kurs enthalten. Akupressurpunkte fr Vergiftung, Mdigkeit und Migrne sind im Kurs enthalten. Akupressurpunkte fr Allergie, Asthma und Angstattackend sind im Kurs enthalten."Kurz gesagt, [Akupressur] bietet den maximalen Nutzen ohne gefhrliche Nebenwirkungen, die mit vielen Anstzen der konventionellen Medizin verbunden sind." -William Michael Cargile, B.S., D.C., F.I.A.C.A., Forschungsvorsitzender des Amerikanischen Verbunds der Akupunktur und Orientalischen MedizinDie Akupressur ist wunderbar fr Sie geeignet und mit dem Kurs sofort anwendbar. Denn: Zeitraubende Arztbesuche sind nicht erforderlich. Nennenswerte Geldausgaben sind nicht notwendig. Es besteht keine Gefahr der Verletzung, Infizierung oder Schmerzen. Sie massieren die Punkte sanft mit Ihrem Finger.Die angebotenen Massagepunkte sind: besonders wirkungsvoll leicht und ohne fremde Hilfe zu finden mit professionellen Full HD Photos und Videos dargestellt"Mit dem Kurs konnte ich mein Nasenbluten selbst stoppen als ich auf Reisen in einem fremden Land war! Mit den im Kurs angebotenen Videos sind die Akupressurpunkte sehr einfach zu finden. Ich bin so froh, den Kurs immer dabei zu haben, auf meinem iPhone und iPad!" -Dr. Umin, Manager bei Siemens in DeutschlandTausende haben es bereits gemacht. Jetzt haben auch Sie die Mglichkeit, an diesem Akupressurkurs teilzunehmen. Damit werden Sie sich selbst ohne Medikamente und Arztbesuche behandeln knnen! Fr einen Bruchteil der Kosten eines Arztbesuchs bekommen Sie einen bewhrten Akupressurkurs zur lebenslangen Nutzung mit kostenlosen Updates, die weitere Massagepunkte beinhalten werden.Ich wnsche Ihnen viel Spass mit dem Kurs! Melden Sie sich jetzt an! Ihr Dr. Bargak - 30 Jahre efolgreicher Akupressurpraxis Haben Sie noch Fragen? Gerne wrde ich sie bei Facebook beantworten: suchen Sie einfach nach Dr. Bargak"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Master Backbone JS: A Course For Web Developers & Designers" |
"Learn how to develop dynamic web applications using BackboneJSThis course teaches you how you can make the most of BackboneJSThis course covers all the topics from basic to advance1. Introduction to BackboneJS2. Understanding Models3. Understanding Views4. Understanding Collections5. Exploring Collection Views6. Working with Routers & History7. Working with Forms in BackboneJs8. Organizing our Application CodeYou will also learn to develop a web application right from scratch using BackboneJS which will help you understand the core concepts and will make you ready to develop your own dynamic web applications using BackboneJSThis course also focuses on how to write manageable modular code using BackboneJSSo let us start learning BackboneJS"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Learn Nodejs by building 12 projects" |
"Update March 31, 2016: Course updated for latest software versions and project code updated to reflect new changes in the node ecosystem. Two more projects added in the course as per user demand. Happy learning..Nodejs is open source cross platform environment for creating server side and network applications. It is built on the Chrome's JavaScript Runtime and can be used to build large scale web applications to quick time. It uses non blocken I/O and even driven model to allow creation of lightweight and highly scalable web applications. Our training program emphasizes on practical application of this amazing technology and will teach you nodejs development using real world application development. You will learn about JavaScript Server programming, Node and NPM modules, the use of other associated technologies and frameworks while building the twelve projects. The technologies covered in the course includes HTML/CSS Frontend technologies, Nodejs NPM, NoSQL database, Column Databases, Database ORM, Express Framework, Asynchronous programming, Karken layer, Drywall user management, Bcrypt encryption, Socket IO and REST APIs Project 1: Simple Web Server Project 2: Basic Express WebsiteProject 3: User Login SystemProject 4: Node Blog SystemsProject 5: BookStoreProject 6: Chat IOProject 7: Doctor DirectoryProject 8: Portfolio AppProject 9: Elearning SystemProject 10: Recipe BookJoin us and be have the first mover advantage in this amazing emerging technology and learn to build the next generation apps."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Increase student engagement with teaching styles & activties" |
"Simply put, student engagement and student satisfaction are key to a successful E-learning course. On completion this course you will:LEARN, BY EXAMPLE, HOW TO INCREASE ENGAGEMENT AND STUDENT SATISFACTION ON YOUR E-LEARNING COURSEThe aim of this course is to introduce you, by example, to teaching theory's and tools that you can use to increase engagement, satisfaction and completion rates on your E-learning course.CONTENTS AND OVERVIEWThis course is an interactive course, packed with activities, learning breaks and opportunities to interact with other students and the course facilitator.Section 1 of this course is very much a warm up and introduction. Throughout section 1 you will get an understanding of what you can expect from this course, how to get the most out of this course and we will also set down some guidelines. You will be given an opportunity to get to know me and the community of fellow students through an interactive activity.Understanding teaching and learning styles will help you reach and engage more students. Section 2 of this course will introduce you to a number of teaching and learning theory's, methods and styles from Teaching for Understanding to Constructivism. You will also have the opportunity to take this learning to a deeper level by partaking in the section activity. Don't worry, it's not all just learning, we have a nice little learning break for you to enjoy in this section.In section 3 of this course, we will look at tools such as Google Forms, Wikis, Discussion Boards and course Announcements to name a few and you will get some fantastic tips on how you can use these in your course.The fourth and final section of this course wraps up what you have learned throughout this course. You will be given a final project, allowing you showcase your work through a peer review. A project that focuses on the aim of this course. The aim of this course is to introduce you to teaching theory's and tools that you can use to increase engagement on your e-learning course."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Modern UI Development in Unity 4.6/5.0" |
"Create a FULL, UI DRIVEN GAME using Unity 4.6, or the latest version, Unity 5.0! Start out by learning the core concepts of the new UI system. Unity's new UI system gives you the flexibility and WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) experience to create quickly! You will take what you learned about the UI system and apply it to your game, digging even deeper into advanced features of the system. You'll also see how to put together a solid, event driven architecture that powers your game, all from the UI. Nothing will be left out: you will get the experience of building a production-ready application. Section 2 really brings everything together into a wider context, showing that if we work with the UI, we are given all of the power and flexibility we've been promised by Unity Technologies!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo de Videojuegos 2D en Unity 3D 5" |
"En este Curso te introduciremos en el fantstico mundo del desarrollo de videojuegos en 2D utilizando el Motor Unity 5. En la Unidad 1 Aprenders la interface grfica de Unity para que puedas desenvolverte correctamente dentro del programa . Luego podrs comenzar a escribir las primeras lineas de cdigo para dar vida a los diferentes componentes de tu juego, esto lo vers en la unidad 2. En la Unidad 3 comenzars a trabajar con los elementos grficos llamados Sprites, tanto Animados como estticos. Comenzars a ver Scripting avanzado en la unidad 4. En todo vdeo juego es necesario que se detecten las colisiones entre los diferentes objetos que componen el mismo, para de esta forma ejecutar un determinado evento. El trabajo con colisiones lo vers en la Unidad 5. En la unidad 6 aprenders la tcnica parallax para mover a diferentes velocidades los fondos. Actualmente. esta muy de moda la creacin de juegos que implementan Fsicas como por ejemplo "Angry Birds". En la Unidad 7 aprenders a usar el componente de fsicas que trae Unity 5 para que los GameObjects interacten entre s, teniendo en cuenta leyes fsicas. En todo vdeo juego es esencial que contenga efectos sonoros y msica para ambientar en el desarrollo a jugador, esto lo vers en la unidad 8. Por ltimo desarrollaras un vdeo juego completo de plataformas donde aprenders a crear las mecnicas necesarias para implementar un juego de este estilo, esto lo vers en la ltima unidad del curso la unidad 9. Al Finalizar el curso habrs aprendido los fundamentos bsicos para aprender a desarrollar cualquier tipo de Juego en 2D."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to Digitally Paint -- Paint with Manga Studio 5" |
"Master how to paint with Manga Studio 5, but this course is much more than just how to digitally paint. It also teaches all the fundamentals of painting, such as, how to paint thumbnail sketches and their importance, color theory, how to use color palettes, composition, values, making it look 3D, how to fit objects in your painting, how to tell a story with your painting, how to start a painting, etc. We will do a few full paintings from sketch to completion. This is where we put it all together. So by the time you finish this course, you will have painted a few full paintings. The course is structured so you can easily find the subject you are looking for. If you want to go back and watch how to paint that woman's shirt again in one of the lessons, you can, because the course is broken down into sections. Just find the lesson "painting her shirt."You need this course if you are struggling with painting digitally. It will be a life saver, or your money back. This is an eight-hour-long mega course, packed full of all the information you need in order to master digital painting with Manga Studio 5. However, much of the information can be used for any digital painting program. You will not find a course out there like this that teaches so much and cost so little."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Clean Your Computer: Clean your Computer like a Pro" |
"NEW VERSION 2016!Take back the control and give your PC its POWER back!***This course is perfect for beginners who want to clean a PC! I designed this step-by-step guide to help you get rid of all the dangerous viruses, spyware and more. From the basics to the more advanced techniques, to help you fix your computer!***Is your computer running very slow lately? Are you trying to get things done but it takes FOREVER to load anything? Or maybe you enter in a website and your screen gets flooded with windows and annoying pop-ups? Your PC might be infected with viruses and spyware!Have you ever taken your PC to a repair shop or hired a specialist"" to take care of your computer problems? Aren't you tired of paying people hundreds or even thousands of dollars to clean your PC OVER AND OVER again? If you answered to yes, then this course is for you!In this course you'll discover how to install, use and even set-up in automatic mode all the tools to clean your PC, so you can worry about nothing! I'll give you a list of the most used and powerful tools to maintain your PC clean and fast!And the best part is: You'll see the results for yourself without even finished my course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Teacher Training: Teach the Perfect Lecture Students Love!" |
"This two-hourpublic speakingprogram shows you three dozen practical strategies that you can use tomorrow to give a more compelling lecture, and how to generate excitement, enthusiasm, and passion for your lectures even if your topics are dry or boring.We know how it feels when you have to give a lecture to a room full of students that wouldn't listen to you if they weren't required to. In fact, we asked people just like you and here were their top 11 concerns. See if any of these ring a bell for you...How to you deliver value to students?What if you're a researcher, not a teacher?What if you get resistance right off the bat?How do you show confidence with 75 students on laptops?How do you hold people's attention for an hour...or more?How do you cover everything? (There's just so much!)How will you be seen in front of other people?What is the balance between content and process and skill?How do you look credible regardless of cultural background?How do you deal with different levels?How do you make it audience focused rather than information focused?...and I'm sure there are many more.We will cover all these concerns. In this program, Jason unveils the presentation skills neededto make dry topics come to life and generate the kind of excitement that will make your lectures entertaining and useful for your listeners.Don't take our word for it...Here's what others have to say who attended the live program: ""I think this program is something you're going to want to look into. I've been blown away by itRule the Room identifies some needs in Education that are being very much neglected by instructors who are very well intentioned, who desperately want their students to learn, but they just don't know what they're missing and I've been one of these instructors."" - Paul Olson -- University of Michigan TA ""The key to success is shared here in a way that can be personalized to match your own style...Jason does for public speaking what style guides do for effective writing.""Peggy Burns -- Assistant Dean for Advancement, University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts""I figured Jason Teteak's programs might have a few new tricksbut not much that I hadn't heard before. I was wrong. Jason integrates the latest research on presenting, learning, and audience dynamics with a captivating style that plays with the ironic fact that he is doing presentations about presentation skills. And therein lies the secret to these marvelous programs.""Philip Deloria -- Professor and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies University of Michigan - LSAHow is this program different?This isnt just theoretical fluffor even just a video of me taking about public speaking and presentation skills......this is Jason actually doing it!In front of a real audience!Youll get to see the meta in the meta of Jason modeling everything he does.It drives us crazy when people tell you to do something in public speaking and they dont do it themselves.If you want that then this program isnt for you...Our goal is to give people practical and actionable presentation skillsthat create a real connection with your audience......not pie in the sky ideas, one hit wonders or concepts that sound good on paper but are impossible to execute, that come off as disingenuous or that are just plain ineffective. Jason will show you exactly how to take your lectureskills to the next level......and use them to seize opportunities, BIGand small!So you can have the confidence you need to deliver your message, because our guess is what you have to say is pretty important. Meet Your InstructorInternational Public Speaking Coach, TEDx Speaker and Best Selling author Jason Teteak has taught more than one million people how to flawlessly command attention and connect with audiences in their unique style.Hes won praise and a wide following for his original methods, his engaging style, and his knack for transferring communications skills via practical, simple, universal and immediately actionable techniques.Or as he puts it No theoretical fluff.Jason gained recognition at EPIC Systems in the medical software industry, where he was known as trainer of trainers of trainers.He has developed more than fifty presentation and communication training programs ranging in length from one hour to three days that serve as the basis for The Rule the Room Method.In 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 he was named #1 Best Selling coach on Public Speaking for his on-demand video teaching tools that quickly took off for over 100,000 online students around the world.Teteak has flipped the model and changed the approach to great Public Speaking for even the most seasoned veterans."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Start & Operate Your Own Successful Office Cleaning Business" |
"----------------------------------------------------------------------Amazing! You can start your own business today. This course will show you how. This course is easy to understand andput into practice quickly. This exciting course is a no fluff course. I will show you how I got the contracts, how I priced them for profit, how I marketed by business with success. You will also save time and money by learning which cleaning jobs to go after and which ones to avoid. You will also learn my 2 methods of starting and scaling up your cleaning business to any income level you desire. Are You Tired of Working Hard To Make Someone Else Rich? Are you tired of having too month left at the end of your paycheck? Are you tired of not being able to move ahead financially? Then read on!==> Check out more benefits of this course below and also check out what others are saying about my teaching.In an economy where business are shutting down and massive layoffs and downsizings are happening all around us - there is a business that is little affected by our failing economy.You can easily start and operate your very own Office Cleaning Business and begin prospering to the point of experiencing financial freedom, which in turn, brings a changed life for you and your family.=====================================================================This is a powerful income generating business that is very easy to start with little or no money and is very easy to scale-up to whatever level you would desire. =====================================================================The Perfect Home Based Business? The Office Cleaning Business is an evergreen business that is almost never affected by the current economy. This business just keeps on growing and growing. The cleaning industry is a 78 Billion Dollar industry. Why not get your share too!This business can be run out of your own home. But how do you get started in this lucrative money making business without wasting time and quickly learn:How do you get started the right way and avoid costly mistakes so you can excellorate profitability?How do you get the right contracts and which contracts to avoid like the plague and why?What is the basic equipment and supplies that you will need to get started? This will be a pleasant surprise.Now - Free Pricing Calculators to help you price even fasterHow do you price your cleaning contracts the right way and boost your business income?What is a professional cleaning routine that works and boosts productivity and profits?How to submit a successful cleaning quotation?In this Certificated Course with fun, exciting and informative video lectures with a few downloadable pdf notes, 25 year veteran Office Cleaning Business professional, James Revie, reveals all the hidden secrets of successfully starting and operating your own money making Office Cleaning Business.If you want to be in charge of yourown financial future - then this IS the course for you!.James has started and operated 5 successful office cleaning business and has taught many others to walk in his foot step of success. It is now your turn.This course will be of great benefit to both the beginner and the seasoned professional.Taking a step by step approach, in this course, James clearly lays out all that is needed and the How Tos - so you can begin your own Office Cleaning Business quickly and see income fast.You could actually take this course today and be in business within the next couple of days. It is that good and that fast. It can be truly life changing for you and your family. Every point and method that you will learn in this video course has been time tested over 25 years and proven to be gold, so you don't need to waste time with trial and error and costly mistakes trying to figure things out. It is all clearly laid out for you in easy to understand steps.Click the ""TAKE THIS COURSE"" button now and begin your new future. Kudos from others for James's teaching on this subject: covers all aspects of starting, operating, and selling a cleaning business ""in detail"" Robert WilsonComprehensive and clear advice provides a well laid out and extremely detailed and comprehensive set of information and advice for those wanting to start, or improve a cleaning business. Absolutely recommended - good sound business advice all roundKim L.Great Outline for beginners and professionals does a great job of outlining all the important facts about the cleaning business. Any questions u might have about cleaning offices for ex, how should I do this or that he explains it all. Thanks for the infoby JoeEnjoyed this! Have already tried several of the straight forward marketing tips and can't say how confident I felt afterward. This is great edition to my business libraryby K. BarrantiThanks for sharing such a detailed approach to getting started and running a cleaning Mike B.Very straight forward and provided good steps to be taken from beginning to end. From how to start the company to getting the contractsby Jonesvery informative and includes great examples of service outlines and advertising letters! I would highly recommend it if you are looking to start your cleaning business, as I am!C. AbnerVery useful information from beginning to end. Would recommend to anyone needing to know about running their own business. Great job!by JennSimply Excellent! Thank you for sharing that priceless info. by M. Blade - sent by email.Join the ranks of those who have hugely benefited from James's teaching on starting and operating your own Office Cleaning Business now. Just click the Take This Course"" button.Bonus 1.James has included all needed forms for your Office Cleaning Business - so you can easily download them, customize them with any word processor and be ready for business in just 5 minutes. That easy! These forms include sample invoice, letterhead, Service Outline, advertising letter and Office Tour Notes.Bonus 2. James is prepared to answer any and all questions you may have regarding this course material. This is just like having your own mentor to help you succeed in your own financially secure business.Bonus 3.James is planning on adding additional Bonus lectures to further help in your success. You will have lifelong access to not only this course, but also to the Bonus lectures as well.Every moment you delay you are throwing away money. Click the Take This Course"" button now and let's get started! Don't forget - you have a 30 money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA Made Easy Simple Introduction to Amazon FBA" |
"Attention! Do You Need To Create A Second Income Online? Amazon FBA Might Be The Answer++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Discover Amazon FBA and WHAT this online business framework can do for you!Find out whether Amazon FBA is for YOU!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I have co-authored a SIX HOUR course on Amazon FBA - but I thought you might want to find out about Amazon FBA before launching yourself into that much comprehensive studying!So here it is: Six Steps to Amazon FBA Success!Discover:How to Sign up for Amazon FBAHow to Find a Product to Sell on Amazon FBAHow to Find a Supplier of your Amazon FBA ProductHow to get your Product into the Amazon Market PlaceHow to Drive your SalesHow to Manage your Amazon FBA Business+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This is what one student said about my comprehensive Amazon FBA course:""Excellent CourseI was toying with the idea of Amazon FBA for some but had a lot of unanswered questions and kept putting it off and after this course I believe all the bases are covered and I am definitely going to do this. Thanks John and Sergey for this comprehensive course."" Paul K.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++As with all my Courses: You will have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, ever All future additional lectures, bonuses in this Course are always free My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++30 Day Money Back GuaranteeDon't forget, all my Courses have an unconditional, no quibble, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. This means you have absolutely no risk when signing up to one of my great Courses. I never ask questions and always refund 100% in full.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Click on the Blue Take This Course"" Button at the Top Right Hand Side of the PageThen follow the instructions to register and pay for the CourseDon't delay, start learning how you can make money from home with an Amazon FBA BusinessClick on the Blue Take This Course"" Button Now!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Craigslist Mastery: Comprehensive Guide to Offline Arbitrage" |
"Experienced seller over ten years experience this is the only course you need to take on this topicCraigslist Mastery: Comprehensive Guide to Offline ArbitrageIn this course you will learn how I made an amazing amount of money by selling on Craigslist. This method will teach you all you need to know how to get started right away and make money today. We will learn how to deal with buyers and sellers on Craigslist and how you can money in the process. Course will cover arbitrage and how you can profits from buying something low on Craigslist and making more either on eBay or reselling it back on Craigslist. We will explore other profitable ways to make money, where to look for bargains and how to find free stuff to sell so you never run out of things to sell ever! Teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to be successful. We skip all the boring and time-wasting stuff you are getting short quality lectures each one you will learn something awesome and new. This course also features...What to avoid selling How to stay safe on CraigslistWhere to find free stuff to sellBumping up your listings************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Punctuation Mastery" |
"From the creator of one of Udemy's most popular courses, Writing With Flair: How To Become An Exceptional Writer, comes Punctuation Mastery, a non-technical guide to using commas, dashes and other types of punctuation more stylishly.""Every once in a while, you find that one person who understands you, and teaches you exactly what you wanted to know..."" -- JAYANTH S, UDEMY STUDENT""Didn't realize punctuation could be so cool..."" -- RYAN, UDEMY STUDENT""Exactly what I needed to clear up all confusions I had about punctuation without reading through boring grammar lessons..."" -- NIKKI BRUSOE, UDEMY STUDENTPLEASE NOTE: This program is not for you if you're seeking a strict guide to formal punctuation rules, which can be obtained from any number of books and grammar experts. It offers the author's personal, often unorthodox, take on punctuation based on decades of experience in the news business. The program adopts mostly a non-technical, intuitive approach to the subject with the aim, above all, of fostering clear and elegant writing that is easy (and pleasurable) for readers to navigate. Are you among the growing army of people seeking to make a mark on the world by writing an outstanding book or creating a magnificent blog read by thousands?If so, you will find it easier to make an impact once you discover how to use punctuation more stylishly.Conversely, if you don't yet know how to use commas, colons, semi-colons, hyphens, apostrophes and dashes with a certain kind of flair, you may never be able to weave magic with your words.While studying all aspects of grammar in a formal setting is highly recommended, a strictly technical approach to punctuation can often leave students bored and uninspired. That's why, here, you will find a more intuitive and flexible approach: one that focuses exclusively on the purpose of communicating powerfully and beautifully, rather than on just blindly following rules. The goal is to help make your writing more effective, while steering clear of the dense jungle of jargon that can destroy your enthusiasm. ""One of the best courses I have ever taken..."" -- RICHARD HAKE, UDEMY STUDENT""Good for any writer looking to work on their clarity and form..."" -- BRENDAN TERRY, UDEMY STUDENT""Will agonize less when editing..."" -- JOAN SALANITRI, UDEMY STUDENT""Puts you behind the steering wheel..."" -- CHRIS HEMMES, UDEMY STUDENT""Take this course if you want to write like a pro..."" -- AARON LEBLANC, UDEMY STUDENT""Thought I knew how to effectively use punctuation..."" -- IGOR MILOSAVLJEVIC, UDEMY STUDENT""Covers just about everything..."" -- KNOWLEDGE GATHERING, UDEMY STUDENT""Will now write with more confidence..."" -- DEVON HALL, UDEMY STUDENT""Clarified a lot of questions..."" -- ARIEL JACOBY, UDEMY STUDENT""One of those people whose products I don't even think about buying. I just buy them..."" -- IVAN JURAS, UDEMY STUDENTSo, if you spend ages wondering whether a comma should go here or there, and then doubt yourself straight afterwards because of all the complex rules around comma placement... Or, if you frequently end up with a random mess of semi-colons littering the page and distracting from your message... Or, if you don't yet know how to use a dash or colon to create dramatic tension in your writing....Then this course, developed by someone who has written edited for top news organisations, including The Wall Street Journal, should help put you on a firmer footing.To reiterate, this course is NOT for those interested in a ""purist"" approach to punctuation based on traditional grammar rules. There is certainly a place for such an approach, and you can, if you want, find it elsewhere. The program is for nonfiction writers seeking a more intuitive and commonsense guide to punctuation, as well as for those interested in learning about some of its more hidden aspects.Some of the best professional writers don't treat punctuation as a set of rigid rules to obediently follow. They see it, rather, as a tool for making their communication more engaging and captivating. Your school and college tutors may have discussed punctuation in a largely jargon-laden way that may have left you bored or mystified. You may even dread going back to the subject.This course steers clear of all that. By the end, you may wonder why nobody told you punctuation could be so interesting. You'll discover, for instance, that a comma doesn't just help create useful pauses in a sentence, but that it can be a mighty weapon letting you express your ideas with more clarity and gracefulness. You'll discover that colons don't just give you a neat way of introducing lists; they can be used to heighten drama and anticipation.In fact, you'll come to see that each little symbol that you thought was so mundane has its own unique power to create special effects right across your writing."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Business Models for the 21st Century" |
"Business Models for the 21st Century is a course for anyone interested in going into business for themselves or already in business but looking to branch out into other areas of business. In the 21st century things have changed for business people all over the world. With new technology, the internet, and more competition than ever, some older business models no longer work like they once did, and some totally new business models have been born.In this course we will identify and explore business models that will work in the 21st century while revisiting traditional business models that STILL WORK in the new environment. We will look at WHY these business models work, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various models and strategies so that you, the student, will have ammunition to take with you into the world of business that will help you be successful no matter where you live.Whether you're in business for the freedom of being your own boss, looking for financial independence, or simply love you product or craft, this course will help you to understand business more clearly, so that you can make more money in your chosen field, or purpose branch out into a totally new area of business where the future is bright. For either goal, this course is for you!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Build iOS apps, Android apps, Games and Websites!" |
"This course was funded through a massively successful Kickstarter campaign.Have you ever wanted to build apps or websites? This is the course for you! You get to build iOS apps, Android apps, HTML 5 games and build websites with this course. Learn app development, game development and web development all in one course. One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to. This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately. Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future. You will get full lifetime access to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.What makes you a good teacher? I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store. I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making money I have been teaching since 2002 I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroom I am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachers I have been a Udemy instructor since 2011. I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations. I have over 110k students worldwide Who is this class for? People who want to improve their technical skills Complete beginners People who want to make money. I show people the tools on how to make money through various methods of passive income People who want to get ahead of the pack by learning online. How you will make money by learning new skills Learn practical skills Learn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealth Learn through practical examples Why should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Building a Digital Business Strategy" |
"This course will help you quickly establish a company wide vision and framework for developing and implementing a winning digital business strategy.Align Your Company on Developing a Successful Digital Business Strategy Learn what an integrated digital business strategy is Learn why an integrated strategy is critical and how to communicate it Align your company on the process required to create a winning strategyThis course helps you understand, communicate and build the consensus required for your company to develop and execute a successful digital business strategy.It is designed to provide you the insight you need to help your company understand and support the development of integrated digital strategies for products, marketing, operations and develop the competencies required to sustain digital leadership.It includes 19 lectures, discussion guides and work books that help you organize and execute quickly and effectively.This is Part One of a Two-Part course titled Kick Start Your Digital Strategy and Transformation Program"".Part One includes: Market drivers and digital disruption Transformational opportunities and threats Working with visionary customers and partners Development of transformational digital product, marketing, and operational systems strategies. Capabilities and competencies required to build and sustain your company's role as a digital leader including: Always-On"" Customer and Technology Insight Leading Edge Data / Analytics Continual Innovation Development of a Digital Culture And, and overview of the key phases of digital transformationPart Two titled Defining a Digital Transformation Roadmap"", provides an in-depth guide to developing a phased digital transformation program. Part Two is available for purchase separately. Part One & Two may be purchased together for a discount under the title Kick Start Your Digital Strategy and Transformation Program"".These courses are part of the Competing for the Digital Future Leadership Program for Digital Strategy and Transformation"". The program passes on lessons based on years of experience working within Silicon Valley for companies like Apple and Adobe as well as startups, helping them and their customers transform emerging technologies into business momentumThe Competing for the Digital Future Leadership Program will save you and your company months of precious time by helping you organize and align the efforts required to set your company on a path to digital leadership and avoid the pitfalls that lead to digital disruption."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fear Proofing for Entrepreneurs" |
"Are you an entrepreneur? Do you want to be one? Or just start a small business on the side?Being an entrepreneur forces you to confront some of the biggest fears you have. If you never overcome these fears, they will hold you back at every step of your entrepreneurial journey. Fear number one is fear of failure. Fear of losing everything and not having a job or anything to fall back on. Fear number two is fear of meeting new people. In this course you'll face both fears head on through an experiential project. You'll learn how I went on my own fear proofing journey several years ago, and the various steps I took along the way as well as the strategies that helped me succeed. You'll learn how to build a small camper van, which you will live in for a month, to get the experience of what it is like to live homelessly for a month while traveling. This experience will help you eliminate your fears of failure and losing everything because you'll learn that you can survive, be productive and feel fulfilled with almost nothing. You'll also be reliant on other people in the new towns and cities you visit to learn where to go and what to do. You'll be forced to get comfortable talking with strangers and getting help. When you go back to your business, you will see everything in a new light. You'll feel more comfortable picking up the phone and calling people, sending emails to people you want to meet and getting help from strangers when you need it. Business is a game, take this course so you can play the game without anything holding you back.Timothy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create Beautiful Music On The Piano Like a Pro In Minutes" |
"The piano is a very beautiful instrument that most people wish they could play. Unfortunately, one of the reasons stop people from learning:1. Cost - The price to hire a professional piano teacher, someone who really knows what they're doing is too much of a financial burden for those that really want to learn. It's easy to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars learn the skills you need.2. Time - Learning how to play the piano the traditional way requires a lot of time of which most people don't have. Going to piano lessons three day a week for 1-2 hours is not feasible to most people.Because of these two reasons, most people never pursue their passion of learning how to play the piano...until now!Finally, the secret is revealed how to make beautiful music on your piano with or without any prior experience. This course is designed for all levels. So even if you've never played a single note your entire life, at the end of this course, you'll be able to create beautiful music in minutes.If you've ever wanted to sit at the piano and play something beautiful, then this course is exactly what you're looking. You'll learn chords, progression and melody that some of the most popular songs ever created used.This is a get to the point course which means that you'll learn how to use chords and make them sound amazing.Benefits of taking this course includes:1. One to one training - It's like having your personal piano teacher sitting next to you and showing you exactly what you need to do.2. See It In Action - This is a very interactive course which means that you'll not just watch but also follow and play along.3. Virtual Screen - The latest virtual screen technology is used to help you identify the chords as they're being played.4. Pace Yourself - There's no need to rush through the course. You'll be able to watch in the comfort of your home on your laptop, tablet, PC, or any video device.5. Forum Support - Have questions? No problem. Post them in the forum and get a fast response.Here's the bottom line, if you've ever desire to sit at the piano and play something beautiful, then you need to sign up for this course today. Within minutes, you'll be on your way to making beautiful music.To sign up, click on the TAKE THIS COURSE at the top right hand of this page. It takes less than a minute to sign up. Once you've signed up, you'll get instant access to the course including future lessons and updates.NOTE: You have 30 days to try it. If you don't like it, Udemy will refund your money questions asked! You have absolutely NOTHING TO LOOSE.So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Calibre Converts Ebooks to Epub for Sales at Major Retailers" |
"Use Calibre to create Epub files for sale at major retailers. Write in MS Word or other format and easily convert to Epub for selling ebooks at:AmazonApple iBooks StoreGoogle PlayBarnes & NobleKoboSmashwordsScribdDraft2Digital and moreEpub (electronic publication) is a standard file type. Epub files are preferred because they're optimized for any reading device (reflowable).Calibre is open source (free) software and the one-stop solution for your Epub needs. Calibre enables you to convert documents to many file types and edit them. You can also edit metadata: the ebook title, author, cover image, series info, publisher, tags and more. Calibre makes it easy and this course shows you how.Converting file types is amazingly simple. You'll love what this program can do.The course is taught by Jason Matthews, bestselling author and self-publishing expert. In less than 1 hour you'll be creating Epub files that are ready to upload to major retailers.(If any students want one on one consultation with me, I can be reached through Superpeer with user name /JasonMatthews)"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Defining a Digital Transformation Roadmap" |
"This course will help you quickly establish a company wide understanding and framework for defining a successful digital transformation program.Define a Phased Digital Transformation Program That Will Establish Your Company as a Digital Leader Learn what successful digital transformation requires Learn to avoid pitfalls that cause 70% of transformation efforts to fail and Learn how to define a phased program that aligns your company for successThis course helps you understand, communicate and build the consensus required to implement a successful digital transformation program.It is designed to provide you the insight you need to help your company understand and support the development of an integrated and phased approach to digital transformation. It provides a framework that helps you continually build the competencies, capabilities and momentum required to establish and sustain your company as a digital leader.The course includes 12 lectures, discussion guides and work books that help you organize and execute quickly and effectively.This is Part Two of a Two-Part course titled Kick Start Your Digital Strategy and Transformation Program".Part Two includes: An Overview of Successful Digital Transformation Phase One Introduction Phase Two - Team Development Phase Three Discovery Phase Four - Vision and Strategy Phase Five Identification of key initiatives and priorities Phase Six Engagement with customers, employees, and partners Phase Seven Development of product, marketing and operational initiatives Phase Eight - Transformation Defining and implementing the programs required to establish the competencies of digital culture and leadership throughout your organization.Part One titled Building a Digital Business Strategy", provides an in-depth guide to developing an integrated digital business strategy. If you don't have experience or training in developing an integrated digital business strategy taking part one before taking this course is strongly recommended. Part One is available for purchase separately. Part One & Two may be purchased together for a discount under the title Kick Start Your Digital Strategy and Transformation Program".These are all part of the Competing for the Digital Future Leadership Program for Digital Strategy and Transformation". The program passes on lessons based on years of experience working within Silicon Valley for companies like Apple and Adobe as well as startups, helping them and their customers transform emerging technologies into business momentumThe Competing for the Digital Future Leadership Program will save you and your company months of precious time by helping you organize and align the efforts required to set your company on a path to digital leadership and avoid the pitfalls that lead to digital disruption.This course will help you quickly establish a company wide vision and framework for developing and implementing a winning digital transformation program that establishes your company as a digital leader."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Affiliate Marketing In A Day" |
"Would you rather make big money with me or watch me make big money?Whether or not you take this course, there are thousands of internet marketers who make money online and they are enjoying a piece of the billion dollar pie. Save time by learning a system that can guide you through the entire process of creating your own profitable internet business! You can have your business up and running by the end of the day!If you want to be able to change your lifestyle and have the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, then click "Take This Course" on the top right corner now! This course will not be available forever and I may take it down anytime without warning!NOTE: This is not a "get rich quick" scheme. This course is for people who want to learn how to create a sustainable income stream from the internet for the long haul. If you are looking for quick riches, that is not the right mindset to have and you're not likely to succeed no matter which course you get."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Print Photo's Like A Pro" |
"In my course, ""Learn to Print Like a Pro"", you will learn all of the important aspects of preparing an image for inkjet printing. This course is designed for beginners all the way up to experienced printers. For this course, you will need an inkjet photo printer, computer, and some sort of image editing software. The course is structured so you can complete it in a day or two, so you can get to the fun part of making great prints. You should take this class to sharpen your printing skills and to produce a final project, a completed and professional looking final print!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master EmberJS : Learn Ember JS From Scratch" |
"The course now covers Ember 2.0 and Ember CLIThis course is all about exploring Ember js in a way which will put you at ease to work with any version of it.The course covers all the topics from basic to advance and provides you a custom approach of creating web applications using Ember js framework.Using this approach you will be able to learn all the nuances of this framework and understand how exactly each component is tied together.We will be developing a real-world course based website which will allow users to browse and see details of each course that is in our inventory, using this project we will be exploring all the concepts of Ember js and we will see its practical useWe will also be covering precompiling our templates using Grunt which will help in deploying our Ember js application with lesser filesHere's what we will be covering in this course1. Introduction to Ember js2. Templates in Ember js3. Routing4. Models5. Views6. Routers,Controllers & Route7. Models & Adapters8. Working with ArrayControllers & Property Binding9. Ember Components10. Controller Action,Custom Views and Events11. Externalizing Templates12. Precompiling Templates using Grunt13. Enumerables14. The Object ModelBy the end of this course you will be comfortable enough to develop your own Ember js application.So let's get started"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn Git for Beginners" |
"So here's the deal. Being a marketer and "learning how to code" is all the rage these days. But what does that actually mean? If you're a marketer who works with developers to get things done, it's time you learned how version control (Git/Github) works. By learning the fundamentals, it will make you more self-sufficient and accomplish more in less time. This course guides you through the the basics, and how to get up and running quickly.This course is designed for marketers who are interested in understanding how version control works, but don't know where to start. For MarketersThis course teaches you everything you need to know, and avoids the stuff that you won't use. This course is taught by a marketer who understands what marketers should use on a daily basis. Highly RelevantIn this course you won't learn pointless commands, but instead, tutorials will be geared towards real-life examples. This will enable you to use your learnings tomorrowinstead of never.This class won't teach you how to automatically favorite posts on Twitter (or whatever the latest growth hack is), but instead teaches you a very important skill that will make you extremely valuable and give you a competitive advantage over your peers. Using version control is a normal part of working at a technology company, don't you think it's time you learned what pulling, pushing, merging is and how to do it?Don't believe me? Ask an engineer what's more important. Auto-favoriting Twitter posts, or learning version control? Here's what developers are saying already:"Version control is a rare tool that I would say is absolutely required, even if you are only using it as a solo developer. Some people say that it's a tool that you live and die by, I agree with that assertion.""Version control is almost impossible to live without after you start using it. It is indispensable if more than one developers are working on the same code base...but it also quite useful for a single developer."If this is so important to developers, and you need to work with developers to get things done, don't you think it's time you learned how this works?Maybe you've tried learning in the past - you've spent hours Google searching how to get started, and still have trouble understanding what everything means. That's totally okay! The reason why this happens is because 95% of the articles written about version control are written to developers, not marketers. This course is tailored to you, a marketer.These other articles assume that you know things, that you probably don't know. Let me guide you through this maze, and show you how awesome version control is, and how you can use it daily as a marketer.This course is a culmination of my learnings over the past 3 years. Let me help you not make the same mistakes I've made. You'll also save a ton of time in the process.What people are saying about this course:"To work effectively with developers, learning Git is essential. There are many resources out there, but Luke's course is designed with marketers in mind. I'd recommend this course to any marketer working on growing their skills."- Jack McDermott. Product Marketing @ Panorama Education"As marketers, we can sometimes be a liability to the dev team. Learning git enables us remove friction in the day to day work and become even more helpful to our organizations"Maxime Salomon - Cofounder of Growth Bakery"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Identifying and Building Digital Leadership Talent" |
"This course will help you and your company understand the types of people you need to lead a cross organizational digital business strategy and transformation effort, their roles and responsibilities and the support they need to succeed..Identify, organize and develop your company's digital leadership team Learn the requirements for digital leadership team Learn who to bring on to the team and who to keep off Learn how to organize, develop and support the team to ensure its success This course helps you define, and build the consensus needed to establish and support a high performance digital strategy and transformation team It is designed to provide you the insight you need to help your company understand and support the development of an team of exceptional group of people who can successfully define and lead your companies digital strategy and transformation. It provides a framework for identify your requirements, identifying and qualifying potential team leader and helping the develop the competencies, capabilities and momentum required to establish and sustain your company as a digital leader.The course includes lectures, discussion guides as well as roles, responsibilities and team structure that help you identify, organize and launch and integrated digital business strategy and transformation team quickly and effectively.This is Part One of a Two-Part course titled Building a Digital Strategy and Transformation Dream Team"".Part One lessons include: An intro to building a digital dream team Team leader qualification Where to look for Candidates How to qualify team leaders An overview of team roles and responsibilities Detailed roles and responsibilities for the team members Management process and practices Team professional skills and capabilities development Part Two, titled Leading Digital Strategy & Transformation Planning"", provides an in-depth guide to helping the team prepare for, plan, and facilitate a powerful planning meeting. The course helps you guide the team in gathering, assessing, and integrating the company's current perspectives and status and developing a prioritized plan to accelerate implementation of a successful digital strategy. Part Two is available for purchase separately. Part One & Two may be purchased together for a discount under the title Kick Start Your Digital Strategy and Transformation Program"".These are all part of the Competing for the Digital Future Leadership Program for Digital Strategy and Transformation"". The program passes on lessons based on years of experience working within Silicon Valley for companies like Apple and Adobe as well as startups, helping them and their customers transform emerging technologies into business momentum"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Property List Driven Apps with Swift" |
"Have you ever wanted to update an app without resubmitting a new build to Apple? Have you ever wanted to dynamically display web pages in your app, each with the potential to contain embeds of YouTube videos, Vimeo video, Vine embeds, images, etc. Or have you ever thought about pulling in data from a web page into your app, perhaps with a little sprinkle of PHP? How to do all that and more awaits you in this latest iOS video tutorial series with Swift 1.2! Read the course curriculum below.Initial Setup with Auto LayoutIn this first video we will look at the initial layout of the app. This involves adding a UITableView, UIWebView and Navigation Bar to our Main storyboard file. If you have no interest in learning (or relearning Auto-Layout) than this lesson is completely skippable and you can download the starting project, with the layout already included.Displaying a Web View and Parsing the Property ListIn these next video tutorials we will connect our IBOutlets and IBActions, make our first web request (display any site/page you want in the app), do a quick parse of the Property List, then fully parse the property list and feed all of our data into a UITable. The data is sub-sectioned so for example, we will click on a broad section of data (like Topics), then click another section (like Courses), then choose from links within that section (for example, a specific Lesson to view). This setup can be used for any kind of data.Sending Query String Variables from the App and Receiving HTML Data BackIn this video tutorials we will learn how to send query string variables from an iOS app and use them within the content shown in our UIWebView. So for example, we might open a webpage like.video_player?id=12345 , where the page then displays a YouTube or Vimeo embed with the ID of 12345. So using this method your Property List can open a single page and feed in countless variables for different links, or information of any sort. Along with that we can include custom titles within the app based on what we're displaying. We will also experiment with reading data back in from a webpage (without actually showing it). So for example, this could be used to act as a kind of gateway within the app, if a particular webpage's content displayed the word no", then the app wouldn't allow a particular set of functionality. Or this could just be used to display the message of the day" . Finally we will setup a back button so users can reverse back up the Property List data in the UITableView.Updating the Property List from a copy stored on your websiteIn these next videos we mostly deal with an optional add on to the course which involves uploading a second copy of the Property List to a server and making the app use it as the primary source of data. If that Property List is unreachable, the app will fallback to checking on a locally saved version of that updated property list, and if that fails, the app will resort to using the original Property List submitted with the bundle to the App Store.Adding Thumbnail Images to the UITableViewThis video tutorial teaches how to include an image (of any size) in the UITableView to make for an obviously more eye-popping visual experience to a normal list-only table view. The property list can define either an image in the main app bundle, or an image stored on a server (both can be used in the same table). We will then write the code to load either. If an image stored at a URL is defined, we will cache that image, so after the initial load, our UITableView loads only the cached version. Creating an image cache sounds fancy but it is simply a mutable dictionary (which is useful for many projects!)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The One Day Website" |
"This course is for you if you've not got a website, but know you should have one - or you have a website but know it no longer meets your business goals. You're likely to be a creative entrepreneur or a small business owner, who would not describe themselves as especially 'techie'. You'll be making an entry-level site which you can upgrade later.As you travel through the course, you'll have a workbook to fill in and lots of practical exercises. To save your time, you'll be given formats to choose the best content for your customers and to create interesting content, however 'unsexy' your subject area is.You'll discover how to best measure and link your site to your other social media platforms and how to audit your site - and other people's, if you so wish - for irresistibility.The course will take about a day or the equivalent, say 6-7 hours,to work through, and there are pieces of research homework en route. You'll be building your website along with Jan, Lara and Matt, three different types of small business owner, with their own distinctive needs.We'll work through:Your goals - business and websiteDesign - what host to choose, your most important decisionContent - using formats to create content and content strategy quicklyLinks - how your site sits within your social media and marketing worldIrresistibility Audit - key components to make your customers convert and revisit"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AngularJS Crash Course for Beginners" |
"Learn the essentials you'll need to get started with AngularJS, a popular open-source web application framework maintained by Google. During this two-hour introductory course, your instructor will introduce you to the basics of AngularJS. The course is designed for individuals and web development professionals that need to understand the fundamentals of AngularJS.Learn about data binding, controllers and creating simple apps, along with additional ways to control the data of AngularJS applications with multiple rows of data and scope binding.Discover how to use CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) capabilities via scope binding.Learn advanced topics, including using Angular in IDE projects, the Angular HTTP service, using custom directives, and combining binding, validation, and directives.By the end of this course, you will be confident in your knowledge of the fundamentals needed to effectively use AngularJS. All of our videos are high-definition videos, therefore, they are best viewed with the HD setting on, and the videos enlarged.What People Are Saying: Clear concise and easy to follow. Concepts are explained in detail and each concept flows to the next with a clear thread. Hennie Grobler I was completely new with Angular and this course made me see the next steps more clearly, also, the presentation of the course is clear. I recommend it! -Jorge Ibarra Delgado"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to Start and Run a Web Hosting Business from Home" |
"""This was an excellent course. I've been in this business myself for quite some time and was curious how someone else would approach it. I'm glad I did. I picked up a few great tips!"" - Jim Galiano____________________________________________________________________Web hosting is a trending business that isn't slowing down. With over 550 websites created every single minute, they each need a hosting account.A web hosting business allows you to:Earn recurring income every single monthIncrease your earnings month after monthWork from home (or anywhere you want to work from)Add a new service to an existing web design or internet marketing businessIf any of these reasons have you thinking about starting a web hosting business, this course will teach you:What you will need to be successful in this businessThe different ways you can make money with a web hosting businessAll about hosting so you understand what you will need and be able to help your customers better understand hostingWhat software you will need to automate your business and salesHow to proactively support your customers to build loyalty____________________________________________________________________""This course is a complete course about making a hosting company from scratch. This course covers everything I may need to start a hosting company. I loved the course, and I loved Christine's way, and the organization of the course."" - Amr____________________________________________________________________Of course, knowing how to start a web hosting business is great but it doesn't mean much if you don't have any customers to start making money. That's why we're also going to cover 15 ways to market and promote your web hosting business to continually build sales. You'll also find out when to expect higher sales and lower sales throughout the year so you can plan accordingly and what to do when your sales stop increasing. This course walks you through everything you need to set-up your web hosting business, how to grow it and you have access to the instructor for questions and feedback as you get started. Let's start setting up your web hosting business now so you start earning recurring income month after month.Music: BenSound"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Dreamweaver CC" |
"Delve into the world of web design and Dreamweaver with this hands-on, step-by-step course hosted by award-winning software trainer and designer, Geoff Blake. First, Geoff will run you through the basics, getting you comfortable in the Dreamweaver interface, working with documents, and defining new websites. Then, it's on to building a fully functional web layout from the ground up. You'll learn how to construct your design, insert navigation menus, and test your work for usability. Handling text, graphics, and setting up a well-built set of site-wide CSS rules to control it all brings your site together; and Geoff even takes you through the process of rolling out your website, and taking your site live by uploading it to a live web server. Roll up your sleeves and delve into this practical, task-oriented look at building contemporary websites in Dreamweaver CC!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to edit a promo video in Apple's FCPX" |
"This course is for students who are keen to learn editing using Apple's Final Cut Pro X.The course is made up of 54 videos with a duration 5 hours and 28 minutes.Section 1 introduces the course.Section 2 contains 15 videos taking you through FCPX interface and how to make it suit your working style. Section 3 takes you through creating a library, event and project. You will be shown how to sort files in preparation for importing into FCPX and shown how to use Audacity to convert MP3 files into AIF or WAV files. You will see how files are copied from an SD card to the hard drive and finally imported into FCPX.Section 4 takes you through the whole editing process n FCPX, using a short course promo video as an example. You will see how clips are added to the timelines, how music is added and how B-roll shots are used to illustrate what is being said in the piece-to-camera. You will see how the material is built in layers and the issues surrounding using FCPX compared to using Adobe Premiere. Section 5 takes you through using FCPX's animated title templates and how to add basic titles for end credits. You will be shown how to do colour correction and work with sound effects.Section 6 shows you how to share you finished video via YouTube and how to send projects to Compressor so you are more in control of the types of CODECs you might choose to use.Section 7 provides a course conclusion.This is an ideal course for someone wishing to learn the basics of editing using Final Cut Pro X, as uses a course promo video as an example. Students are encouraged to shoot their own material and edit in FCPX using the demonstrations as a guide."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |