Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Automatizacin de dropshipping en ebay + redes sociales" |
"Con este curso aprenders a abrir una tienda de dropshipping en pocos minutos y de forma automatizada.Nos daremos de alta tanto en eBay como en Amazon, para posteriormente emplear un bot que nos facilite las tareas y nos ahorre mucho tiempo.Adems del funcionamiento del bot, os ensear tcnicas bsicas de mrketing y os recomendar el acceso a una herramienta que automatiza el uso de redes sociales.Os espero"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vdeos con audio adecuado para plataformas de enseanza" |
"Tienes un smartphone? Con el uso de una simple app logrars audios dignos de los cursos de UDEMYMediante la siguiente prueba, podrs demostrarte a ti mismo que ya ests listo para grabar tus cursos y subirlos a UDEMY superando sus exigentes criterios.Aprenders a subsanar los errores ms comunes a la hora de usar la APP WOMIC"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Beauty Blogging 2020 Optimized" |
"You have a deep passion for Makeup or Beauty, and you've always thought about the idea of making money while writing about what you love!But here do you start?There are so many other bloggers, so many confusing tools and strategies. How To Start a Successful Beauty& Makeup Blog: Proven Method gives you everything you need to get started, accelerate your growth, and earn as much money as possible. The course covers in detail:The success mindset for a successful Makeup bloggerHow to build a WordPress siteHow to choose a sophisticated hosting platformHow to write amazing blog content that readers will love and shareHow to promote your content to ensure people actually see itThe hidden secrets of various social media platforms for maximum exposure.How to build and leverage an email list to generate traffic and revenue on demandHow to turn your blog into a business that generates revenueWhy would you want to build a blog? Well, there are many different motivations, but here are a few of the most common:Passive Income: A Makeup blog can be a fantastic low-cost, location-independent, lucrative business. The Cosmetics industry is exploding with growth and there is no better time than today to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.Pursue your Passion: Get paid to do what you love while receiving free products from brands and getting the opportunities for paid travel, sponsorship, and more. If you're thinking of starting a blog this year, there's never been a better time. This course will walk you through the entire processsetting up WordPress, writing stellar content, promoting that content, building an email list, and implementing a revenue model to turn your blog into a business. It's all here."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Master Guide to Beauty Blogging 2020 Optimized" |
"You have a deep passion for Makeup or Beauty, and you've always thought about the idea of making money while writing about what you love!But here do you start?There are so many other bloggers, so many confusing tools and strategies. Or maybe you've already have a blog but you're struggling to see growth.How To Start a Successful Beauty& Makeup Blog: Masterclass Edition gives you everything you need to get started, accelerate your growth, and earn as much money as possible. The course covers in detail:The success mindset for a successful Makeup bloggerHow to build a WordPress siteHow to choose a sophisticated hosting platformHow to write amazing blog content that readers will love and shareHow to promote your content to ensure people actually see itThe hidden secrets of various social media platforms for maximum exposure.How to build and leverage an email list to generate traffic and revenue on demandHow to turn your blog into a business that generates revenueThe must-have Wordpress plugins for successWhy would you want to build a blog? Well, there are many different motivations, but here are a few of the most common:Passive Income: A Makeup blog can be a fantastic low-cost, location-independent, lucrative business. The Cosmetics industry is exploding with growth and there is no better time than today to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.Pursue your Passion: Get paid to do what you love while receiving free products from brands and getting the opportunities for paid travel, sponsorship, and more. If you're thinking of starting a blog this year, there's never been a better time. This course will walk you through the entire processsetting up WordPress, writing stellar content, promoting that content, building an email list, and implementing a revenue model to turn your blog into a business. It's all here."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Master en automatizacin con AutoIt" |
"AutoIt:Tiene una sintaxises sencilla.Simula los movimientos delratn.Automatiza la interaccin del usuario emulando pulsaciones de teclas en los programas, y en controles individuales dentro de una aplicacin.Manipulaventanasyprocesos.Se ejecuta con rapidez, permite controlar a otros programas.Tiene generador demacrosy editor grfico deformularios(IDE).Puede llamar afuncionesen archivosWin32DLL.InterfacesGUI, creacuadrospara mensajes y cuadros de entrada.Reproduce audio y sonidos.Una comunidad de usuarios muy avanzada lo respalda."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rubik's Cube using Memory Tricks" |
"This course will teach you to solve the Rubik's Cube by using stories, analogies and memory gimmicks to help remember the sequence of moves needed for each layer of the cube. If the phrase ""Pink Elephant"" causes you to picture a pink elephant in your mind then your imagination skills are sufficient for this course. If you have tried or even succeeded in solving the cube using instructions but have been unable to retain that knowledge or have been unable to perform without the instructions in front of you then you will enjoy this course which will guide you in creating new neural pathways by relating the cube movements to things you are acquainted with."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Breathing Essentials: The Anatomical Details" |
"Dysfunction of the respiratory complex, trunk muscular imbalances, muscular inhibition and weakness, myofascial restrictions, loss of axial rotation and chronic hyperventilation, all have significant effects on posture, trunk stability, chronic pain, upper extremity and lower extremity function and motion. This seminar is the second of six seminars that will enable the student to connect the negative effects of dysfunction of respiration and generate answers on the management of these issues. This seminar deals with the anatomy and function of respiration. Taking one or all of the seminars will provide the essential tools necessary for recognizing and strategies for alleviating Breathing Pattern Disorders in the Pursuit of Ideal Posture and Motion."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Breathing Essentials: Sleep Apnea and the Consequences" |
"20% of males, 10% of females in first world countries are now being diagnosed with sleep apnea. Studies in other countries are lacking. Menopausal women have the same incidence as males at 20%.Are you waking frequently at night to use the restroom?Are you experiencing daytime sleepiness, morning headache?Are you aware that sleep apnea and cardiovascular incidents have a higher mortality rate?Sleep apnea is disordered breathing and needs to be treated if it is present. Many people are not aware of the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea and the consequences. This course will explain the types of sleep apnea, causes, signs and symptoms in an easy to understand format. Learn the different types of sleep apnea. Gain knowledge of the risk factors and symptoms that exist with sleep apnea and understand the importance of getting the correct treatment. Practice basic exercises that can be done to improve the strength of the tongue and airway dilators. This course is evidence based and will provide the latest research that is available on the statistics, risks, symptoms and treatments for sleep apnea."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Breathing Essentials: Foundation Form Function of the Core" |
"The respiratory system is a vital component of spinal function. The rib cage is the center of trunk rotation and is important in transferring loads from the lower extremities and upper extremities through the various regions of the spine. The rib cage is a prime base for muscle and fascial connections that affect the cervical and lumbo/pelvic regions. If we don't breathe properly, the rib cage can be altered and become dysfunctional with poor rotation and poor breathing patterns. The diaphragm functions in posture and respiration. It's intimate connections, muscularly and neurologically with the lumbar spine, deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles and its ability to maintain intra-abdominal pressure, are vital for spinal stability. Dysfunction of the respiratory complex, trunk muscular imbalances, muscular inhibition and weakness, myofascial restrictions, loss of axial rotation and chronic hyperventilation, all have significant effects on posture, trunk stability, chronic pain, upper extremity, and lower extremity function and motion. Discover the correct core. Learn what will inhibit the core and how to facilitate an inhibited or delayed core. Improve your core and trunk stability by improving the function of the diaphragm and the other three vital core muscles.This three and a half hour class has comprehensive, research, evidence-based information on the rib cage, respiration, core anatomy and function and how to regain your movement length and core strength."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Breathing Essentials: Breathing Pattern Disorders" |
"Altered breathing patterns brought on by life, stress, pain, and injury can alter the biochemistry of the blood system and produce negative effects on the health of the body. Faulty breathing patterns are rarely looked at as being a possible cause of spinal dysfunctions as well as propagating continued pain patterns in fibromyalgia, somatic dysfunctions, and neck pain and upper extremity pain. In this course, you will learn the effects of altered breathing patterns, what somatic dysfunctions are, the effect of an overriding autonomic nervous system and paradoxical breathing. You will also learn what happens when the diaphragm goes into dysfunction and when altered breathing patterns alter the biomechanics of your cervical spine, shoulders and lower back. This course deals with the details of physiology and biomechanics of poor breathing patterns. Again everything is evidence-based on studies from the research.There will be a breathing exercise section as well as breathing exercises interspersed throughout the course to demonstrate ways to change your breathing."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Breathing Essentials: Athletic Performance" |
"Have you ever wondered why your legs are exhausted and you are tight as a drum after a long training run or competition?Are you looking for faster times and fewer injuries? What is the true core?Do you want to dominate your next race?What is good posture and how can you apply it to your sport?Join Debra Dent, world known Physiotherapist in this 2.5 hour seminar learning how to breathe correctly and learning to improve your Athletic Performance and your posture. This research backed seminar will give you the tools to improve your breathing, your muscle length, your posture.If we don't breathe properly, the rib cage can be altered and become dysfunctional with poor rotation and poor breathing patterns. This can markedly affect athletic performance. Our diaphragm functions in posture and respiration and if it becomes fatigued with heavy breathing brought on by exercise, it can alter our circulation to the extremities as well as our control of our trunk. Constriction of blood flow to the extremities can cause cramping and fatigue.Dysfunction of the respiratory system, trunk muscle imbalances, core inhibition and weakness, tight IT bands and loss of trunk rotation, all have significant effects on posture, trunk stability, and performance.Discover the correct core.Learn what will inhibit the core and how to facilitate an inhibited or delayed core.Discover your core and improve your trunk stability by improving the function of the diaphragm and the other three vital core muscles.Learn the causes of leg fatigue, constant tightness of hamstrings and back muscles in the athlete.Follow the Rules of the Road given in this course for better athletic performance.Come join Debra and learn."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Monetizing Your Blog" |
"Monetizing Your Blog is a course designed to help business and casual bloggers make reliable income doing what they love. Blogging. With these proven tips and techniques you can focus on your content while spending minimal time hustling. This is a beginner level course designed to help you get started, get growing, and get earning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda HTML5 e CSS3" |
"Neste curso aprenda a desenvolver pginas na internet de qualidade e com recursos modernos e elegantes. Crie sites responsivos com muita facilidade unsando HTML5 e CSS3. Mostre seu trabalho para seu pblico alvo de maneira inteligente. Com este curso tambm vamos entender conceitos de uma tecnologia de linguagem mais usada atualmente, que o CSS (Cascading StyleSheet)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Gatsby: Crie seu site pessoal usando React" |
"Voc tem um site pessoal? Sabia que um site desses muito importante para sua marca pessoal?O objetivo do curso publicar o seu site e aprender a usar o Gatsby, framework para criar sites e apps. Vamos aplicar e usar:ReactBoas prticas de web performance e otimizaoSEO (Search Engine Optimization)ResponsividadeAcessibilidadeVamos usar o React, mas s o bsico dele. Sabendo o conceito de componente, render e state suficiente. No precisa saber configurao de Webpack e Babel, o Gatsby j vem com eles configurado.Vamos usar um framework de CSS, o Bulma, para aplicar responsividade no site. No precisa conhecer essa ferramenta. Vamos usar para evitar ficar escrevendo muito CSS, deixando nas referncias das aulas a documentao. Bulma funciona muito semelhante ao Bootstrap.Ao longo do curso vamos ver muito sobre desenvolvimento Web moderno, boas prticas, otimizaes e desempenho do site.No final vamos publicar o site usando o GitHub Pages, assim voc vai ter um domnio para o seu site.Ento, o que est esperando? Publique seu site hoje mesmo com este curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Python for Everyone" |
"This course will teach you python as you would learn in a computer science course at a university. Not only will you learn syntax but also relevant algorithms and problem solving skills to help you think like a programmer. What sets this course apart from others is that it is well rounded and designed to help you progress as a programmer while teaching you a new language. You will not be force-fed lectures that are only about memorizing syntax. Python is a powerful language that is used for a variety of applications. Whether you want to just learn your first programming language, or develop skills that could lead to a future in software development, this is the course for you."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Developer to Architect: The Complete Journey" |
"Learn how to make the transition from developer to architect, how to identify the knowledge gap and what steps to take in order for you to take your career to the next level.I will share with you my story, on how I made my career move from developer to architect, tripling my income after doing so. Being an software architect is very rewarding, in both personal and financial growth."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LinuxCentOS 7" |
"CentOS 7LinuxLinuxLinux OSLinuxCentOS"
Price: 4000.00 ![]() |
"MSSQL Server DBA Ynetim Aralar" |
"Her lekteki irkette ihtiya duyulan veritaban sistemlerini ynetme ve teknik destek salama gibi faaliyetleri yerine getirebilmek amacyla hazrlanan bir eitim programdr.Veritaban sistemelerinin ynetimi konusunda ilk gvendii firmalar arasnda olan Devart 1997 ylndan itibaren gelitirdii aralar ile sektrde en ok tercih edilen yazlmlar arasnda olmay baarmtr.Fortune 100 ierisindeki bir ok firmann kulland DB Forge for SQL server ile sorgulama tekniinizi en verimli seviyeye karmanz iin olumlu ynde etkisi olacana inandm bir eitimdir..Bu eitimde Sql Serverin ynetilmesi hakknda bilgiler verilmekte olup DbForge For SQLServer rn zelliklerinin ve aralarnn nasl kullanlmas gerektii anlatlmaktadr."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"MCSE Yolunda / 70-761: Querying Data with Transact-SQL" |
"Dnya bilgi teknolojileri sektrn incelediimizde; iletim sistemi, sunucu teknolojileri ve yazlm gelitirme aralar alannda Microsoft sistemleri en byk pazar pay ile lider konumdadr. Nerdeyse tm kurumsal firmalar sunucular, kiisel bilgisayarlar ve zerlerinde altrdklar uygulamalar iin Microsoft sistemlerini kullanmaktadr. Bu aamada Microsoft tarafnda T-SQL yetkinliini kazanmak isteyen arkadalarm iin oluturduum bir eitimdir. Mfredat ; Database Functions Join Fundamentals SELECT Examples SELECT with GROUP BY Common Table Expressions (CTE) GROUP BY with rollups, cubes, and grouping sets Pivot and Unpivot Subquery Fundamentals Temporal tables Try/Catch Transaction Statements Tutorial on basic T-SQL operations"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Recording Music" |
"In this course you will learn how to record a full band set up (guitar, bass, drums, and vocals) layer by layer. Starting by going through a number of approaches that will help you make sense of the process, we then go through the pre-production process, recording set up, and recording itself. At every stage concepts are clear explained, and then you will follow me as I apply them to recording one of my songs. By the end of the course you will be in a position to apply this structure to recording your own songs.Initially planned as part of a series this is now a stand alone product focused purely on recording. The mixing course is currently on hold."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Early Childhood Music PlayPart I - Class I" |
"Early Childhood Music Play 1 1 1 5 This is the 1st class of Part I from Early Childhood Music Play. Part I contains total of 3 classes. -Early Childhood Music PlayEarly Childhood Music Play -"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Loci Metodu le ngilizce renmek" |
"Bu kursta Sherlock Holmes dizisiyle byk ilgi gren ve antik Roma dneminden gnmze gelen Loci metodunu kullanmay ve bu metodla ngilizce kelime renmeyi gstereceim. Bu eitimi, sizlerin ngilizce renimini hzlandrmak ve dier alanlarda da hafzanz kuvvetlendirmeye yardmc olmak iin hazrladm. Sadece ngilizce iin deil dier diller iin de bu metodu kullanabilirsiniz. lk bata ngilizce'ye kulak ainal olduu iin bu metodu hi bilmediim bir dilde, Japonca'da denemek istedim. Eer gerekten ie yaryorsa Japonca kelime ezberlemek de benim iin zor olmayacakt dedim ve denedim.Gerekten ie yaradn grdkten sonra eitim hazrlamaya karar verdim. Bu metodla ok sayda dil renmi insan grdkten sonra kursa isteiniz artacak. Daha iyisi siz bu metodu kullanmay renince ve gerekten ie yaradn grdkten sonra eminim eski usl ezbere yntemi bir daha kullanmayacaksnz. nternette Trke kaynak yetersizliinden dolay elle tutulur bir ey olmad ve bilgi kirliliinin arasndan syrlmann imkansz olduu iin bu yaln ve kullanl platformda sizlere bu eitimi sunuyorum."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Oyun Yayncs Olun" |
"Oyun yayncl hakknda sizlere tek seferde bitirilebilecek bir eitim hazrladm. Bu eitimde canl yayn yapmak iin gereken tm bilgileri sizlerle paylatm. Yeni gelen bir gncelleme vb olursa bunu sizlerle paylaacam. Donanmlar hakknda bilgi sahibi deilseniz, biraz aratrma yapmanz tavsiye ederim. Oyun oynamak zaten iin en zevkli yan :) Umarm beenir ve tavsiye edersiniz. Aklnza taklan bir ey olursa her zaman sorabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Diagnsticos frequentes em Puericultura [Medicina]" |
"EXCLUSIVO para MDICOS E ESTUDANTES DE MEDICINA.Neste curso voc saber como realizar o diagnstico de problemas frequentes que surgem durante as consultas das crianas e ainda saber quais os melhores tratamentos propostos a nvel ambulatorial.Contedo totalmente voltado para mdicos(as) que atendem crianas em seus primeiros meses de vida e querem aumentar sua competncia para ter melhor e maior resolutividade junto aos seus pacientes.O estudantes de medicina tambm podero entrar neste curso com grande benefcio de aprender melhor atravs dos estudos de casos apresentados durante as aulas.Entre hoje e se no gostar, pea reembolso, simples assim.Contedo totalmente voltado para a prtica mdica e direto ao ponto."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tratamento do tabagismo [Medicina]" |
"EXCLUSIVO para MDICOS(AS) E ESTUDANTES DE MEDICINA!Este contedo servir para apoio acadmico e prtico para mdicos e estudantes de medicina que querem aprimorar suas competncias para o manejo inicial e tratamento de pacientes que almejam abandonar o tabagismo.Contedo acadmico com foco na prtica mdica.Para acessar voc precisa estar matriculado em uma faculdade de medicina ou j ser formado em medicina."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 [Medicina]" |
"EXCLUSIVO PARA MDICOS(AS) E ESTUDANTES DE MEDICINA!Curso no permitido para outros profissionais da sade ou outros estudantes de cursos diversos da sade. Foi produzido especificamente para rea mdica! S para Mdicos(as) e Estudantes de Medicina.IMPORTANTE!- No h material de apoio em pdf.Este curso sobre: DIABETES MELLITUS TIPO 2 Melhore seu desempenho na clnica ambulatorial!O contedo deste curso composto por WEBAULAS, ESTUDOS DE CASOS, TEXTOS e SIMULADOS que vo te proporcionar um domnio sobre o manejo das pessoas com DM2.Voc vai entender as variveis relacionadas ao diagnstico, alm de quando e por que solicitar os exames complementares . Voc saber exatamente qual o segundo passo aps o diagnstico e assim livrar seus pacientes de complicaes severas.Atravs de Estudos de Caso e contedos em texto, voc vai entender quais frmacos deve prescrever, seus efeitos colaterais, o que fazer em situaes apresentadas na clnica e como prescrever insulina!Voc vai finalizar este mdulo e com muita tranquilidade, abrir um turno (ou mais) de atendimentos ambulatoriais aos pacientes diabticos tipo II, pois ter conhecimentos suficientes que vo atestar sua competncia.Contedo totalmente voltado para mdicos(as) e estudantes de medicina que querem ampliar seus conhecimentos para atuao AMBULATORIAL.Entre hoje e se no gostar, pea reembolso, simples assim.Contedo totalmente voltado para a prtica mdica e direto ao ponto.MELHOR ATUALIZAO SOBRE DIABETES TIPO II QUE VOC PODE ENCONTRAR!"
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Liftoff - The secret keys to launching your goals" |
"The liftoff course is based on the best selling book ""Liftoff - the secret keys to achieving your goals"". This all inclusive course includes the Liftoff book and workbook, which will allow the student to follow an easy step by step approach to goal setting and achievement. This course and book was created after a decade of research into the Ontology of goals. Everything you will ever need to set and achieve worthwhile goals will be found in this course.Using an easy to follow process, Stanley Beckett will lead you through all the steps you will ever need to set and achieve your goals. Along this journey you will learn the following:> What is a goal? Do you really understand what a goal is, and what it's true purpose is?> What type of goals you should set. Goal setting can be a daunting task at the best of times - do you really know what the right goals for you are?> The power of the mind. Very little is understood about the power of our marvelous minds. Do you understand how this applies to goal setting and achievement? > Where does your true power come from? This is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts in Ontology. Where does your true power to achieve goals come from? And even more importantly, how do you go about increasing that power?> The burning desire scale. Why do so many people get excited about new goals (As in setting new years resolutions) only to lose that motivation the next day. How do we continue taking action when we no longer feel motivated and inspired to do so.> The birth of your goal. How do you move your goal from the realm of the spiritual to the realm of the physical?> Changing habits. What are habits? How are they currently stopping you from achieving your goals? How do you go about creating habits which serve instead of hinder you?> What happens when fear strikes? No matter what the goal, when we attempt to change something in our lives we experience fear. Where does this originate, and how do we overcome it?> How to overcome excuses. Excuses is one of the main things which keep us from achieving our goals. How do we identify our excuses, and how we we turn them around?> The secret final ingredient. What is that last ingredient we need to ensure that we move forwards towards the achievement of our goals.So come and join us on this journey. You will understand the power of setting and achieving your goals on a higher level than ever before."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gestin Cultural 3.0" |
"La formacin de Gestin Cultural 3.0 de Rookiebox tiene como principal objetivo dar al alumno una experiencia real llevando a cabo su propio proyecto.Para ello se ofrecen 10 temas con contenido audiovisual y texto que llevan al alumno a pasar por todas las fases de un proyecto cultural 3.0 hasta ejecutarlo. El curso est apoyado con un anexo con contenido audiovisual que servir para dar unas nociones al alumno para optimizar el uso de la herramienta Rookiebox.A quin le puede interesar el curso?Gestores culturales, Tcnicos de Turismo y cultura, mediadores culturales y animadores socio-culturales con inters en conocer las ltimas herramientas innovadoras para llevar a cabo sus proyectos de forma ms ptima y con mayor impactoEmprendedores que quieran vivir su primera experiencia como emprendedor de forma low-cost: diseando, organizando y ejecutando su primer proyecto, que le servir para conocer todos los pasos que debe seguir a la hora de crear su empresa.Influencers o personas que quieran llegar a ser influencer para obtener ingresos a travs de Rookiebox y de las empresas interesadas en contratarles por el impacto que tienen.Aquel que quiera dinamizar su barrio o municipio y desee impulsar el turismo.Cmo es la evaluacin?La evaluacin es totalmente objetiva y depender del impacto final que tenga el proyecto que lleve a cabo durante la realizacin del curso. Rookiebox, a travs de gamificacin, obtendr los resultados de impacto y calidad de su proyecto y sobre ello establecer su evaluacin. Cuanto mayor sea el impacto y la calidad, mejor ser la evaluacin final.Quin est detrs de Gestin Cultural 3.0?Esta formacin ha sido diseado por el fundador de Rookiebox, David Jess Gmez Verdejo, quien ha sido premiado por:Impulsa visin de RTVE como mejor propuesta innovadora de Espaa y Latinoamrica en 2017Factoria Cultural de Madrid en su rea de Emprende Turismo en 2017Segittur servicio de innovacin del Ministerio de Turismo en 2017Finalista en los premios Princesa de Girona en 2018"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estatuto da Criana e do Adolescente - Aspectos Infracionais" |
"O curso Estatuto da Criana e do Adolescente - Aspectos Infracionais segue com mais de 130 minutos de vdeo-aulas, acompanhadas de material escrito no formato PDF repleto de dicas e observaes importantes, abordando temas com alta incidncia nos mais diversos concursos pblicos. Esta a sua oportunidade de realmente aprender a parte infracional do Estatuto da Criana e do Adolescente (Lei n 8.069/1990) e melhorar seu desempenho nas provas de concursos e tambm em seu ambiente acadmico e profissional."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Vendendo no Facebook" |
"O treinamento Vendendo no Facebook vai te levar do zero at vendas recorrentes utilizando o poder das redes sociais. E o melhor, voc pode ser um completo iniciante que conseguir aplicar as tcnicas ensinadas neste curso.Aprenda como atrair, engajar e fazer vendas constantes utilizando o Facebook com apenas um computador ou celular e uma conexo com a internet."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA: Dominate The #1 Page & Get Reviews Fast in 2020" |
"Amazon FBA Success CourseThis course is short and straight to the point. I gathered only the most important & necessary information, for you to understand how to rank on amazon correctly and how to do a proper Amazon seo. Give me just 30 minutes and i""ll show what are the real secrets behind ranking on amazon and getting a lot of reviews.This course won't talk about the theory on how to rank on amazon. I""ll show you step by step what exactly you need to do, to get your product to rank on the first page in just 4-6 days (with my method, i usually get to the first page in 3 days, i wrote ""4-6 days"", just in case).This is a brand new 2019 course, but the method i use to rank my products and get reviews i found in 2016. Since then, i launched every single product of mine, successfully (i have 14 products in total). This course will probably keep working forever, the reason for this i explain in the course.Lets be honest, every single person that starts an amazon fba seo business, has the same goal. TO LAUNCH SUCCESSFULLY AND EARN PASSIVE INCOME MONEY. And if you want to achieve this goal, i think you""ll make the right choice and join my course. See you soon!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |