Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Treinamento de Goleiro / Profisso Goleiro" |
"Um dos primeiros cursos online do mundo a falar sobre o treinamento de goleiros leva at voc um contedo inovador e que vai explicar de forma clara e objetiva o que e como realizar cada movimento tcnico do goleiro.Eu Renan Monteiro Queiroz autor do livro Profisso Goleiro e com experincia nesta rea da preparao de goleiros e goleiras convido voc a fazer parte deste curso e se caso voc no tem onde ou com quem treinar no se preocupe, elaborei tambm um contedo para treinar sozinho e em espaos reduzidos.Um bom curso e boas defesas!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Emprendimiento e Innovacin La gua para lanzar tu startup" |
"Empezar tu propio emprendimiento es algo emocionante, pero tambin genera muchos retos. Este curso est diseado para ayudarte en tu camino como emprendedor y para ofrecerte los consejos y herramientas esenciales para lanzar un startup exitoso. Yo personalmente he iniciado 4 emprendimientos diferentes y tuve que pasar varias veces por el proceso de evaluar una idea, desarrollar y lanzar un producto, y hacer crecer la empresa. Varias veces comet errores, y por eso he armado este curso, para ayudarte en evitar los errores ms comunes. Mi empresa actual es mucho ms exitosa que mis emprendimientos anteriores. Logr lanzar una startup con mucho crecimiento y logr levantar capital de un fondo de Silicon Valley. Y con este curso comparto mis consejos esenciales esperando que te ayuden en tu emprendimiento!Con este curso vas a aprender todo lo necesario para empezar tu camino como emprendedor. Entre otros temas vas a aprender cmo: Evaluar una idea de negocioRealizar un estudio de mercadoAplicar Design ThinkingLevantar capital para tu startupLa metodologa del Lean StartupDisminuir los riesgos de tu emprendimientoDesarrollar un modelo de negocioEn corto, vas a aprender todo para ir de 0 a 100 como emprendedorEl curso consiste de 8 secciones: 1. Conceptos esenciales del emprendimiento2. Cmo generar ideas para productos y negocios3. Mentalidad del emprendedor y estrategias para preparar tus primeros pasos4. Estrategias del emprendimiento innovador5. Estudio del mercado y anlisis competitivo6. Cmo encontrar product-market-fit7. Desarrollo del modelo de negocios8. Financiamiento para startupsAcerca del instructorGeorg Berger (M.A.) ha trabajado como emprendedor y para empresas de Silicon Valley por los ltimos 7 aos, desde el ao 2013. Empez su primera startup durante sus estudios de Maestra en el King's College, University of London, y desde entonces ha fundado 4 empresas. Desde el ao 2014 ha dado clases del emprendimiento y estrategias de innovacin en varias universidades en Mxico, como el Tecnolgico de Monterrey (Ciudad de Mxico, Campus Santa Fe), y la Universidad Mondragn, Quertaro."
Price: 1395.00 ![]() |
"Mastering ansible in an hour and the half" |
"Mastering Ansible is a journey of learning Ansible for configuration management and orchestration tool. After this course you will understand ansible and best practice of usage this awesome tool. You will be able to automate infrastructure configuration and configuration. You will learn how to safely store secure data inside of ansible using ansible vault and how to use community playbooks using ansible galaxy. You will learn how to operate ansible facts how to use facts in ansible conditions. You will learn how to use jinja2 language for template creation and dynamic file configuration using ansible templates"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build and manage Kubernetes with Rancher and RKE" |
"What is this Kubernetes course about: Kubernetes is a powerful engine for orchestrating containers. Rancher includes a full Kubernetes distribution, but adds value around Kubernetes in three key areas: Cluster Operations and Management, Intuitive Workload Management, and Enterprise Support. You will learn how use Rancher to build Highly Available Kubernetes cluster on AWS, Azure or Google cloud. Also you will learn how your cluster can be imported in Rancher. You will build your own cluster with RKE just in few click. You will be able to manage Kubernetes cluster from Rancher UI and control access using RBAC"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Devops Bootcamp" |
"This course provides a basic introduction to the concept of DevOps. It seeks to give the student a working knowledge of what DevOps is and how it impacts IT in the real world. This course explains the culture of DevOps as well as some of the main practices and tools associated with DevOps. It also introduces the student to the close relationship between DevOps and the cloud.This course will cover Three Ways of DevOps and most popular tools from DevOps tool set such as Docker, Vagrant, CI/CDProcess and tools, Jenkins and etc. Also course will cover most popular services which proposed by AWS."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator: Entrenamiento esencial" |
"El diseador Mariano Caino explica los conceptos y tcnicas centrales que aplican a cualquier flujo de trabajo en Illustrator, desde diseo para impresin, la web, o activos para otras aplicaciones. Este curso incluye una explicacin detallada de los elementos que le dan apariencia a los grficos vectoriales trazos, contornos, y rellenos y muestra como utilizar cada herramienta de dibujo. Tambin demuestra las tcnicas para combinar y optimizar trazados, organizar elementos en grupos y capas, editar texto, trabajar con color, efectos, y mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Presentation Mentor: A Public Speaking Masterclass" |
"A great presenter has the power to motivate, inspire, persuade and educate. But most of us settle for simply covering the information on the slides. We get done speaking and no one is standing at our booth or rushing up to meet us. Theres no standing ovation or hugs from an audience member telling us how our speech transformed their life. We simply pack up, go home and wait until the next time were asked to present. But what if there were a better way? What if there was actually a proven formula that great presenters used to woo their audiences and wow their listeners?You see, many people believe that public speaking is a blend of art and genetic advantage. As if some people were given a special slice of DNA that enabled them to be magnetic and form a special connection with their listeners. But what if it weren't genetics at all? What if they simply had learned the framework of a great presentation? For over a decade, Ive designed presentations for brands like Google, Coca-Cola, Nike and NBC, and during that time, Ive uncovered the secret ingredients that make a speech truly great. And now, I want to share those with you through the all new Presentation Mentor online course.Presentation Mentor provides leaders, just like you, with the same proven formulas used by mega-brands to give speeches that actually get a response. Sign up today, and youll learn how to...1 - Discover your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter2 - Become a presentation master 3 - Catapult your career using your new-found communication skills Imagine how incredible it would feel to know exactly what to do the next time you got in front of a group of people. How much more confident would you be? Whether in a boardroom or a ballroom, picture the audience responding exactly as you had hoped. Presentation Mentor will help you get there. Settling for run-of-the-mill speeches is costing you. People arent hearing you, and because of that, youre missing out. Youre missing out on new customers, on that promotion youve been waiting for and on each opportunity to educate and motivate a person towards a better life. So sign up today, and get results - every time you speak. What Does the Online Course Include?The Presentation Mentor Blueprint: A 7-module masterclass that shows you the exact elements needed to craft award-winning presentations. With over 21 training videos, you'll learn the ""insider"" formula used by the most sought after keynote speakers on the planet.The Presentation Mentor Training Guide: A step-by-step guide to becoming a presentation master including practice activities, worksheets and more. The guide includes some of the greatest hits from Scott's best selling books and walks you through each video.What's Your Presentation Persona? (additional purchase): The best presenters are often introverts. Some are teachers. Others are motivators. What kind of speaker are you? The first step to becoming a master presenter is to discover your Presentation Persona. Using his groundbreaking system called 'Badge', I'll help you determine your Persona and leverage it to your advantage.Your Presentation Guide - Scott SchwertlyI'm a best-selling author, speaker and founder of Ethos3. I have guided some of Americas most admired brands to presentation greatness. This includes providing presentation design work or presentation training for companies like Google, Cisco, USA Today, NBC Universal, NewsCorp, Carnival Cruise Lines, and many more.After over a decade of research, I've distilled down the formula used by mega-brands to give speeches that actually get a response. And now, for the first time ever, I'm sharing those secret ingredients through this jam-packed online course."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo concerniente a cada una de las fases que componen la elaboracin de un proyecto Arquitectnico. Partiendo desde su desarrollo BIM, a su correspondiente documentacin, publicacin, exportacin a otras plataformas y finalmente su adecuada presentacin.Que hace a este curso especial?El hecho que diferencia este curso de otros radica en que a primera instancia, el mismo esta compuesto por tres cursos en uno, donde se han de tratar aquellos programas que justamente en conjunto, permiten abarcar la trayectoria misma bajo la cual se desarrolla un proyecto Arquitectnico.Que quiere decir esto?Nuestro propsito se enmarca bajo la promesa, que tras terminar este curso seas capaz de abarcar tanto la elaboracin de tus proyectos con la metodologa bim, hasta su respectiva presentacin, para ello vamos a disponer de tres programas complementarios, Archicad, Lumion y Photoshop.En primer lugar hemos de tratar Archicad, desde el cual daremos marcha a la elaboracin de nuestro modelo bim, y desde donde estaremos conociendo las distintas herramientas que nos permitan derivar de nuestro modelo toda la informacin concerniente al mismo, como planos, elevaciones, secciones y documentos 3d. Ademas, estaremos aprendiendo todo lo concerniente a la publicacin y exportacin a otros programas.El segundo programa a tratar es Lumion, a travs del cual daremos vida a nuestro proyecto, haciendo uso de las distintas herramientas, materiales y objetos que nos ofrece este software, con la finalidad de aprender a lograr una adecuada representacin de nivel profesional, tanto a nivel de renders, como de animaciones.Finalmente y como no poda ser de otra manera, nos incorporaremos a photoshop orientado a Arquitectura, donde aprovecharemos las distintas herramientas que nos ofrece este popular programa, para aprender a realizar tcnicas de post-produccin, como tambin la elaboracin de laminas Arquitectnicas."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Learning R through an Example" |
"This is an introductory program on RProgramming. We go through the basics of RLanguage and take on some advanced topics like connecting to a Database and creating Presentations.This course is targeted for people who are getting started with Rprogramming. This course can be useful for student and professionals. This course is design especially for professionals in Executive positions who would like to process data for making managerial decisions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Resilience: Guide To Eliminating Unhealthy Stress" |
"Feeling overwhelmed? Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you feeling a bit down? Could you be suffering from burnout? We all experience stress, but sometimes stress can leave us physically and emotionally drained. It can be difficult to regain a sense of balance in our lives.Within this course youll discover: What stress is so that you can understand whether youre affected. The difference between stress and burnout, so that you know which of these youre dealing with. The many sources of stress, the key triggers, and how to halt stress in its tracks. Different coping strategies, so that you can see how your current coping strategies might be modified for better results In the moment stress reduction strategies, so that you can lower your stress levels today. And much, much more!There are answers. Discover how to manage unhealthy stress and start feeling more calm and peaceful today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Success: Guide to Beating Procrastination" |
"Procrastination is a very common problem, with over 70% of students reporting procrastination behaviours. Whether you're a student, run your own business, or work for an organisation there may be areas of your life where you procrastinate. Procrastination occurs for many reasons; it may be because of how we feel or because we have a fear of failure or a fear of success. Within this courseyoull discover:What success is and what it means to you.What procrastination is and how you are procrastinating.Why we procrastinate.Tools that will help you to beat procrastination.There are answers. Discover how to beat procrastination and live a more successful life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beat Anxiety" |
"Anxiety and worry are a huge problem in the world today. It is estimated that the number of people living with anxiety disorders is 264 million. And that figure doesn't include those people who are sub-clinical. This course aims to help you understand this prevalent concern and teaches skills to help you to address it. What are anxiety and worry?Why does anxiety get worse so quickly?Early intervention and prevention.Accepting anxiety vs pushing it away.Working on your thoughts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NO CONTROLE - Manuteno de controles remotos 2020" |
"CURSO COMPLETO de manuteno de CONTROLE REMOTOSabe aquele seu controle remoto (da TV LG, ou TV samsung, Home Theater da philco, receptor da Sky)enfim, que parou de funcionar ao cair no cho ou est falhando algumas teclas?VOC SABIA QUE POSSVEL CONSERTAR ESTE CONTROLE REMOTO?Sim, possvel e no curso NO CONTROLE voc aprender a como fazer isso de forma fcil e prtica, com mtodos simples e direto ao ponto que te tornaro capaz de abrir o controle remoto, Descobrir o defeito, reparar e fechar o controle remoto e por fim, testar e ver o resultado. importantssimo lembra que: Voc no precisa ter nenhum conhecimento prvio para comear o curso NO CONTROLE, mas importante voc ter este perfil.- Gostar de tecnologia- Ter vontade de aprender- Capacidade para ver, entender e aplicar os mtodos apresentado no curso NO CONTROLE- Ter um controle remoto com defeito, para aplicar os testes e descobrir o defeito como mostrado no curso NO CONTROLE.Se voc tem este perfil, NO CONTROLE para voc ADQUIRA AGORA o curso e comece HOJE mesmo a reparar o seu controle remoto.E NO S ISSO...Adquirindo o curso NO CONTROLE AGORA, voc vai ganhar 02 #BNUS EXCLUSIVOS#BNUS 01:*O CONTROLE DO PORTOUma aula EXCLUSIVA ensinando como abrir e reparar o problema mais comum do controle remoto de porto eletrnico #BNUS 02: *MTODO SOLDA: Se voc no sabe como soldar aprenda, como soldar de forma prtica e Eficaz com esta vdeo-aulaADQUIRA AGORA o curso e comece HOJE mesmo a reparar o seu controle remoto.obs:Por mais que os mtodos ensinados podem ser aplicados em qualquer controle remoto, NO CONTROLE foi desenvolvido para efetuar o conserto de controles remotos padres de TV, rdio, som, DVD, Home Theater, SoundBar etc. das marcas PHILCO, LG, SAMSUNG, PHILIPS, TCL, SEMP TOSHIBA, CCE, H-BUSTER, SONY.Alguns CONTROLES REMOTOS tem um sistema mais complexos, como controles de comando de voz, com teclado QWERT etc. Estes dispositivos exigem uma anlise mais criteriosa e complexa, por este motivo, no recomendamos aplicar os ensinamentos de NO CONTROLE nestes dispositivos. Termos usados que voc pode encontrar NO CONTROLE:Consertar controle remoto com grafite, Consertar controle remoto samsung smart tv, controle remoto em curto, consertar controle remoto lg smart (controle remoto simples e no o de comando de voz), consertar controle remoto da claro tv, abrir controle remoto lg, consertar controle quebrado, tinta condutiva para controle remoto, controle remoto no funciona algumas teclas, infravermelho do controle remoto no funciona, arrumar botao controle remoto, conserto de controle remoto em bh, conserto de controle remoto em salvador, loja de controle remoto em campinas, assistencia tecnica controle remoto samsung, tv aoc nao reconhece controle remoto, como abrir controle remoto panasonic, como consertar controle quebradoADQUIRA AGORA o curso e comece HOJE mesmo a reparar o seu controle remoto."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
ARKit2.06ARKit |
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
"Master Ethereum & Solidity Programming:Build Real-World Apps" |
"Welcome to this updated and practical course for learning Ethereum Blockchain Development and Solidity Programming Language, taught by a Software Engineer and Professional Trainer. Just starting out with Ethereum Smart Contracts Development and Solidity Programming? Perfect. This course starts out assuming you're new to these technologies.Or maybe you've already tried to learn Ethereum Blockchain Development and Solidity Programming by yourself and now you want to put all pieces together? I'm here to help you, this course has everything you need to know about Ethereum Blockchain Development and Solidity Programming Language.You'll have life time access and you can return and look for a specific Ethereum feature or Solidity syntax anytime you want. All presentations and Ethereum Smart Contracts used in this course are available for download.Many Ethereum Smart Contracts such as the ERC20 Token, the ICO etc are ready to be used with none or very little changes.There are many courses on Ethereum Blockchain Development and Solidity Programming. Why should you learn from me?I'm a Practitioner and a Blockchain Enthusiast. Welcome to the real world! I have almost 20 years experience as a Full Stack Developer. Since I've started with Ethereum and Blockchain Development, I've been using or studying the technology almost on a daily basis.I'm an Educator and I know how to make asyllabus. For the last 10 years I've trained thousands of people on Linux, Networking, Security or Programming.This course doesn't cover JavaScript Frameworks, Front-Ends or details about Web3 interaction with the Ethereum Blockchain. It's focused on Back-End Smart Contracts Development.TESTIMONIALS""Very detailed and well explained. Andrei completely broke down the barriers to understand Solidity programming, so many basics that are fundamental to understanding this tech was clearly explained. Very Impressive!"" by Peter Olisa""Highly recommended course. Goes directly to the point, explaining many examples of real-life smart contracts. Instead of a lot of JavaScript front-end programming, as other courses, it goes directly to dApp development. Very useful indeed."" by Jose Ferdandez""The course is well structured and really in-depth. The instructor does a really good job explaining the concepts, with examples. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in the subject."" by Andrei BuiuThe topics covered in this course are:What is Ethereum Blockchain PlatformEthereum Accounts, Addresses, Transactions &Blocks, Gas, Opcodes and MiningTools used for Ethereum DevelopmentEthereum Smart Contract Compilation, ABI, Bytecode and Deployment to different Ethereum BlockchainsSolidity SyntaxIn-depth details about Solidity State Variables and FunctionsSolidity Fixed-Size Arrays, Dynamic Arrays, Structs, Enums, Mappings, Global Variables, etcContract Address and Balance: Sending Ether to a Contract, Payable & Fallback FunctionsAccessing the Contract BalanceVariables and Functions Visibility: Private, Public, Internal, External EventsContract Inheritance, Abstract Contracts & InterfacesReal-World examples on how to create secure Smart Contracts for a decentralized unstoppable Lottery, Auction or FundRaising Platform, ERC20 Token and ICO Go Ethereum (geth) How to Set Up a Private Ethereum BlockchainHow to Deploy and Mine Contracts on the Private Ethereum BlockchainWhat is InterPlanetaryFile System (IPFS) and how IPFSworks. IPFSExamples.Installing and Running an IPFS Node on LinuxInstalling and Running an IPFSNode on WindowsEvery topic includes many live examples. This course will show you the best design-patterns for developing production-ready smart contracts with Ethereum Blockchain and Solidity.After taking this course, you'll be able to:Have in-depth understanding of Ethereum Blockchain and SolidityUnderstand what are the components of Ethereum Blockchain PlatformUnderstand why Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technologies are revolutionaryCreate different Smart Contracts to solve different kind of real-world problems Plan, Design, Develop and Deploy your own Fully-Compliant ERC20 TokenPlan, Design, Develop and Deploy your own Initial Coin Offering (ICO)Use gethSet Up and Run a Private Ethereum BlockchainInstall and use InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) an Linux or Windows"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux Security: The Complete Iptables Firewall Guide" |
"***Fully updated for 2020*** This Iptables course covers every major topic related to Netfilter and Iptables including Ipset, Advanced Matches and Targets, NAT, Fort Forwarding, User-Defined Chains and many more!Welcome to the most complete and up-to-date course for learning and using Netfilter & Iptables Linux Firewall, taught by a DevOps Engineer and Professional Trainer.Just starting out with Linux Security and Iptables? Perfect. This course starts out assuming you're new to Netfilter, Iptables and Linux Firewalls.Or maybe you've already tried to learn Iptables by yourself and now you want to put all the pieces together? Then, I'm here to help you! This course has everything you need to know about Netfilter and Iptables. You'll have life time access and you can return and look for a specific Iptables match, target or option anytime you want. All presentations and Iptables examples used in this course are available for download.The course contains many quizzes for you to take and test your knowledge.There are many courses on Linux Security or Iptables. Why should you learn from me?I'm a Practitioner and an Enthusiast. Welcome to the real world! I have almost 20 years experience as a Linux Sysadmin, Security Engineer and Full Stack Developer. I use Linux on a daily basis.I'm an Educator and I know how to make a syllabus. For the last 10 years I've trained thousands of people on Linux, Networking, Security or Programming.The topics covered in this course are:Iptables chains and tablesChains and tables traversalAnatomy of an iptables rule Filter large collections of IPs and Networks using IpsetFilter traffic by countryIptables matches (implicit & explicit).Filter Traffic by IP, Network, Port, Protocol, Interface, MAC, TCP Flags, Date and Time, Quota etc.Iptables targets: DROP, REJECT, ACCEPT, LOG, REDIRECT, TEE, SNAT, DNAT, MASQUERADE etc.NATPort ForwardingAutomation using shell scriptsHow to use Iptables Best-PracticesEvery topic includes many live examples.After taking this course, you'll be able to:Have an In-Depth understanding about Netfilter/Iptables architecture.Understand Iptables chains and tables.Understand how a Firewall works.Create Iptables rules that filter incoming, outgoing or routed traffic based on any possible criteria including country the packet is coming from or destined to.LOG malicious traffic.Prevent DoS Attacks.Use Ipset to drop tens of thousands of Networks with no performance degradation.Optimize Iptables firewalls.Automate different firewall security tasks using shell scripts.Configure NAT and MASQUERADE.Configure Port Forwarding (DNAT).User efficiently Nmap and Netstat."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master Network Automation with Python for Network Engineers" |
"***Fully updated for 2020*** This Network Automation with Python course also covers every major General Python Programming topic and is a perfect match for both beginners and experienced developers!Course Updates:Update: September, 2020 - Manual Captions (Subtitles) in English addedUpdate: June, 2020 - NEW Section: Async IO in Python (async/await, aiohttp, aiofiles, asyncssh)Update: May, 2020 - Network Automation with Telnet re-recorded entirelyUpdate: April, 2020 - Network Automation with Netmiko (SSH) re-recorded entirelyUpdate: March, 2020 - Network Automation with Paramiko (SSH) re-recorded entirelyUpdate: April and May, 2020 - Tens of NEW Coding Challenges with Solutions for real-world network automation tasksUpdate: October, 2019 - NEW Section: Data Serialization and Deserialization in Python (Pickle, JSON and REST APIs) Update: June, 2019 - NEW Sections on General Python Programming: Strings, Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries, Functions, Flow Control, Working with Files and many moreWelcome to this Python hands-on course for learning Network Automation and Programmability with Python in a Cisco or Multivendor Environment, taught by a DevOps Engineer and Professional Trainer.Boost your Python Network Programming Skills by learning one of the hottest topic in the Networking Industry in 2020 and become one of the best Network Engineer!This course is based on Python 3 and doesn't require prior Python Programming knowledge. Everything is included within the course and you'll also learn in-depth general Python Programming.Just starting out with Python Programming, Network Automation or Network Programming using Python and have the desire to learn the future of Network Programmability in a practical way? Perfect. Then, this course is the right one for you. You'll boost your career with hands-on Network Programming Skills!Or maybe you've already tried to learn Network Automation with Python by yourself and now you want to put all pieces together? I'm here to help you, this course has everything you need to know to automate network configurations with Python.Most examples in this course are for Cisco IOS, but they can also be used in a multivendor environment (Juniper, Arista, HP, Linux) with no or little changes. This is a vendor neutral course and teaches you Python from scratch.You'll have life time access and you can return and look for a specific Python library or example anytime you want. And let's not forget, if you don't like the course, you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!You'll have access to all Slides and Python Scripts (ready to be used) from this course.TESTIMONIALS ""This course was much better than I expected. It's high quality Python Programming in the area of network automation and the instructor is really experienced. Thank you!"" by Joseph Heinrich ""Wow! This is an amazing course on network automation and python. It goes directly to the point. Netmiko section is the best. I'm just waiting to test this at my work. Thank you!"" by D. Schmidt ""This is without doubts the best course on Network Automation with Python out there!"" by Muhammad AliThere are many courses on Python Programming and Network Automation or Network Programming with Python. Why should you learn from me?I'm a Practitioner and an Enthusiast. Welcome to the real world! I have almost 20 years experience as a Network Engineer and Programmer. Since I've started with Networking, Linux Systems and Programming, I've been using or studying the technology almost on a daily basis. I also have a bunch of Cisco certifications: CCNP Routing & Switching, CCNP Security, CCNP Service Provider, Cisco Certified Instructor etcI'm an Educator and I know how to make a Syllabus. For the last 10 years I've trained thousands of people on Linux, Networking, Security, Ethical Hacking or Programming.You'll learn not only Network Automation but also general Python Programming. After this course you'll MASTER all the Python 3 key concepts.The topics covered in this Python Network Programming course are:Working with Files in Python (text, csv, json, yaml)Data Serialization and Deserialization (Pickle and JSON)Bytes and String Objects in Python 3. Encoding, DecodingAdvanced Python Concepts: Multiprocessing and Multithreading with real-life examplesThe standard Telnet Python Library. How to create your own Class based on telnetlib to simply the configuration automationParamiko Library. How to use SSH to automate the configuration of Cisco, Linux or other DevicesHow to create your own Python module based on Paramiko to simplify the development workNetmiko. Automate the configuration of Cisco, Arista and Linux using NetmikoNetmiko best-practices and real-life examples for backup configuration of multiple devicesBuilding Concurrent Applications using Async IO (async/await, aiohttp, aiofiles, asyncssh)The NAPALM Library - Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor supportHow to use NAPALM to retrieve information about devices and protocols and manage the devices configurationWhat is Ansible and what are its components: Modules, Tasks, Plays, Playbooks etcHow to execute Ad-Hoc commands against networking devices and servers using AnsibleAnsible modules: command, shell, raw, copy, file, apt, service, ios_command, ios_config etcHow to use create and run Ansible Playbooks against Networking Devices (Cisco, Arista etc) and Linux ServersAnsible VaultAutomation of networking devices configuration through a serial connections. Pyserial Python moduleImprovement of pyserial moduleHow to setup the Python Development Environment: PyCharm, GNS3, Cisco IOS, Arista vEOS, Juniper vSRXArista vEOS installation in GNS3 and basic configurationJuniper vSRX installation in GNS3 and basic configurationThe topics covered in the General Python Programming sections are:VariablesOperatorsBuilt-in TypesStrings in PythonLists in PythonTuples in PythonSets and Frozensets in PythonDictionaries in PythonFlow ControlUser-defined FunctionsErrors and Exception HandlingOOP (Object Oriented Programming)Every topic includes many live examples in Python. This course will show you the best practices for developing production-ready Python Networking Automation Scripts for Cisco and Multivendor Environments."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Master Python Programming: The Complete Python Bootcamp 2020" |
"***Fully updated for 2020*** This Python course covers every major Python topic, including Object-Oriented Programming, Decorators, Working with Excel, Working with Databases, Web Scraping, Data Science with Pandas, Data Visualization with Plotly, Network Automation and many more!Course Updates:Update: July, 2020 - NEW Section: Sending Emails with Python (SMTPLIB)Update: June, 2020 - NEW Section: Async IO in Python (async/await, aiohttp, aiofiles, asyncssh)Update: April, 2020 - FIVE NEW Sections of Coding Challenges with Solutions: Data Structures, Flow Control, Functions, Working with Text, CSV and Excel Files. Update: November, 2019 - NEW Section: Decorators In Depth (one hour of videos, coding sections and a Quiz)Update: October, 2019 - NEW Section: Data Serialization and Deserialization in Python (Pickle, JSON and REST APIs) Update: June, 2019 - NEW Section: Interactive Data Visualization with Plotly (2 hours of videos, coding sections, a Project and a Quiz)Update: May, 2019 - NEW Section: Data Analysis with Pandas (2 hours of videos, coding sections and a Quiz)Update: May, 2019 - NEW Lectures: Jupyter Notebook (Installing and How to Use)Update: April, 2019 - NEW Section: Massive Section of Coding Challenge Exercises (over 25 coding exercises directly in Udemy Platform), Quiz Updates, NEW Videos about List, Set and Dictionary ComprehensionClosed and Exclusive FB Learning Group Created: March 30, 2019 Course Launch: March 20, 2019This course IS NOT like any other Python Programming course you can take online. At the end of this course you will MASTER all the Python 3 key concepts starting from scratch and you'll be in the top Python Programmers.Welcome to this practical Python Programming course for learning Python, the most in-demand programming languages across the job market in 2020.I am constantly updating the course to be the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, Python Programming course on the planet Earth! 2020 Upcoming Course Updates:Building Web-Based Analytics Applications with Dash Python GUI Programming with Tkinter Python Web Development with FlaskGUI Automation with SeleniumOther Useful Python Built-in Modules (time, datetime, zip, pdf etc)Generators In Depth ""This is the only course you need in order to MASTER every key aspect of Python. Don't look for other Python courses because it's a waste of time."" by Daniel A. ""This Python course, though I am still half way through, is the best I have seen so far, that is why I am giving it a 5 star. I am enrolled in two more Python courses in Udemy, and this is the most useful. Keep it up!"" by Malvin Arceo ""This is an excellent course for anyone who wants to learn Python from scratch or just do a refresher of a language. Everything is well explained and lots of quizzes and coding exercises are very helpful. Highly recommended :)"" by Tomaso ""Overall a great Python course, with lots of extra details added, to make it as comprehensive as possible. At the moment, I consider it the best Python course for anybody who wants to learn more about this subject."" by Racz Tamas This course, taught by a Senior Software Engineer and Professional Trainer, is the only one you need in order to become a complete professional Python Programmer. After this course you'll have an in-depth knowledge of core and advanced Python 3 and can move into specific branches: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Data Science, Network Automation or Web Development.Why this Python Programming course?This Python course is a unique experience on Udemy. There are tons of existing Python courses you can choose from, but this course is completely different.For every Python key concept, you'll get NOT ONLY a video but also:1. A complete E-Book companion (250 pages)2. Quizzes3. Practice Exercises directly in Udemy platform4. Coding section full of examples (some of them ready to be used)5. Slides6. You'll have access to my closed and exclusive Group in order to provide you with improved, faster and better support for your course-related questions. I am always available to guide you personally, and answer any questions you might have. ""Exactly what is required for someone who is familiar with programming languages. Andrei dives into basics and explains very well. Assignments are helpful. Highly recommend for someone who is interested in learning Python."" by Nara ""What can I say, it's a great course. Well explained, quizzes and code exercises. It's up to date and I'm having a blast learning Python. No regrets!"" by Adam LeoHave you ever programmed before? Just starting out with Python Programming and have the desire to learn the employers' most requested skills of 2020 in a practical way? Perfect. Then, this course is the right one for you. This Python course will help you go from beginner to pro in Python. You'll boost your career with hands-on Python Programming Skills!Or maybe you are coming from other programming languages such as Java or C++ and want to learn Python? I'm here to help you and we'll put all the pieces together. This Python Programming course has everything you need to know to become a proficient Python Developer.You'll have life time access and you can return and look for a specific Python library or example anytime you want. And let's not forget, if you don't like the course, you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked! In this course, you'll learn the best practices of Python programming language and how to write code the ""Pythonic"" way. Together we will go deeper into Python and you will understand every key concept of Python deeply. Then, after taking this course, you will be able to code on your own.This course is based on Python 3 and doesn't require prior Python Programming Knowledge. Everything is included within the course. This Python for beginners course teaches you the Python Language fast. Why should you learn from me?I'm a Practitioner and an Enthusiast. Welcome to the real world! I have almost 20 years experience as a Full Stack Developer. Since I've started with Programming and Networking in the early 2000s, I've been using or studying the technology almost on a daily basis. I also have a bunch of certifications in the area of Programming or Networking: Python Institute Instructor, Cisco CCNP Routing & Switching, CCNP Security, CCNP Service Provider, Certified Instructor etcI'm an Educator and I know how to make a Syllabus. For the last 10 years I've trained thousands of people on Programming and NetworkingYou'll learn not only general Python Programming, but also advanced concepts for real-word projects. After this course you'll MASTER all the Python 3 key concepts. "" ""This is actually one of the best courses around regarding Python. Andrei is taking the students from the basic stages all the way to advanced ones ."" by Alex PascuThe topics covered in this Complete Python Programming Bootcamp are:Installing Python 3 on Windows, Mac and LinuxRunning Python code at console, IDLE or PyCharmVariables, Constants and Comments in PythonMath, Comparison, Identity and Logical OperatorsBuilt-in Types, Dynamically vs. Statically Typed LanguagesStrings in PythonLists in PythonTuples in PythonSets and Frozensets in PythonDictionaries in PythonList, Set and Dictionary ComprehensionFlow ControlUser-defined FunctionsInner Functions and ClosuresDecoratorsWorking with Text Files in PythonError and Exception HandlingObject Oriented Programming: Classes and ObjectsWorking with Python Modules. Installing modules using pipVery Useful Python Built-in Modules: Sys, Os, Shutil, Random, Decimal, Subprocess etcLearn how to send Emails with Python (SMTPLIB)Working with CSV Files in PythonWorking with Excel Files in PythonWorking with SQL Databases in PythonRequests and Web Scraping with PythonInstalling and Using Jupyter NotebookData Analysis with PandasPandas Series, Pandas DataFrames, Filtering Pandas Data Interactive Plotly Charts: Scatter Plots, Line Charts, Bar Charts, Pie Charts and HistogramsParallel Programming In Depth: Multithreading and Multiprocessing in Python Async IO in Python (asyncio, async/await, aiohttp, aiofiles, asyncssh)Network Automation with Python (Telnet, SSH, Paramiko, Netmiko)Course BonusesEvery topic includes many live examples in Python, a complete E-Book companion, a coding section, tens of quizzes, slides and practice tests. At the end of this Python Course, you'll also have acquired the prerequisite Python skills to move into specific branches: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Data Science, Network Automation or Web Development using frameworks like Django, Flask or Pyramid.If you want to take ONE COURSE to master Python Programming you should choose this one and you'll have no regrets!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Complete Oracle ADF 12c Fast Track Course" |
"This is the first ever complete course available on Udemy to get started with Oracle ADF 12C. Course will give you complete in depth knowledge of Oracle ADF. Step by step instructions from installing necessary tools to development, deployment and troubleshooting on server. I have edited all the videos to keep them shorter and more informative, Removed unnecessary server starting wait time so that students don't have to wait and can focus on only useful information and that will save learning time. All the ADF concepts will be demonstrated with use-cases. Student can also download demonstrated project and practice on own machine to learn with every lecture.You will learn :Understanding of Oracle ADFUnderstanding of ADF faces, jsff, taskflows, View, Model, Application module, View Objects, View criteria, View Links, Bind variablesValidations, Taskflow parameters, Taskflow reset, Contextual events.Installing and configuring Oracle JdeveloperDeveloping Oracle ADF fusion web applicationDeploying your first ADF application on weblogic serverTroubleshooting issues on weblogic server"
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"FL STUDIO (expliqu ma grand mre)" |
"En 2009, le rappeur Souljaboy compose son plus gros (seul ?) tube : ""Crank Dat"" en 10 min sur fruity loops version dmo... (A l'poque il n'avait pas assez d'argent pour acheter le logiciel)Ce logiciel - aujourd'hui appel Fl Studio - s'est depuis largement professionnalis.Il est notamment utilis par tous les plus grands producteurs de la scne Hip Hop et Electro (Metroboomin, Avicii, Lex Luger...).Exemple de musique compos sur fl studio :- Lil Uzi Vert - Xo tour life- Avicii - Wake me up- Martin Garrix - Animals- Future - Mask OffFl Studio est logiciel de musique sur ordinateur (MAO) qui permet de composer, mixer et masteriser une musique de A Z. La particularit de ce logiciel est qu'il a t dvelopp pour les personnes qui ne sont pas musicien, qui n'ont jamais touch un instrument de leur vie, qui ne connaissent rien la thorie musicale... C'est vraiment pour tout le monde ! :)I) Pourquoi apprendre la MAO sur ce logiciel ? Pour :Sa facilit d'utilisation (avec ce cours, vous pourrez matriser les bases en 20 min !)Son rapport qualit/prix : C'est le logiciel professionnel le moins cher du march. A noter, toutes les mises jours sont gratuite vie !Sa version dmo : Vous pouvez pratiquement tout faire uniquement avec la dmo ! Si vous tes dbutant, je vous conseil de ne pas acheter la version officielle avant d'avoir suivi ce cours (ou un autre hein ;) )*Les VST intgrs : Dans Fl Studio vous avez TOUTce qu'il faut pour composer un morceau professionnel (plusieurs synthtiseurs, une basse, des batteries, un piano, rhodes etc.) *Le seul blocage de la dmo, c'est le fait de ne pas pouvoir enregistrer vos projetsII) Pour qui s'adresse ce cours ?Ce cours est ouvert tous.Vous n'avez pas besoin de connaissance ou de matriel en particulier.Vous avez juste besoin d'un ordinateur basique*, d'une souris, et l'envie de crer de la musique.En 2018vous n'avez besoin de rien de plus pour faire de la MAO* Atitre d'info, j'ai commenc avec un ordinateur bas de gamme de 4go Ram, Intel Core I3... et a marchait comme sur des roulettes ;)III) A la fin du cours - Vous serez capable de :Crer une musique simple dans n'importe quel style (hip hop, electro, lofi...)Utiliser Fl Studio comme un chef""Mixer"" rapidement et partager votre musique vos proches, sur les rseaux sociaux etc.- Donc je serai capable de faire le prochain tube grce cette formation ?Evidemment, non. La seule promesse que je peux vous faire, c'est que pourrez crer votre propre musique. Vous allez apprendre crer des accords, des mlodies accrocheuses - sans faire de fausses notes - une ligne de basse cohrente, une rythmique de batterie puissante etc.La qualit de votre musique dpendra :De votre bonne assiduit de cette formationL'application des conseils que je vais vous donnerEn continuant faire de la musique et vous former par la suite IV) Comment a marche ?C'es trs simple, - Vous suivrez les vidos votre rythme sur ordinateur ou smartphone. Elles seront disponible 7/7j et 24/24h- Vous pourrez apprendre en faisant en mme temps sur Fl Studio OU vous pourrez prendre des notes et faire de vous mme aprs.C'est selon votre prfrence d'apprentissage ;)- Vous pourrez me poser toutes vos questions dans l'espace ddi, j'y rpondrai en 24-48h ;)Si vous n'tes pas satisfait vous pourrez demander un remboursement dans les 30 jours aprs l'achat de la formation."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Strength of material OR Mechanics of solid" |
"This course is designed specifically for students those have a bit lacking in core knowledge. The main idea behind these 7-8 lectures is to infuse in the minds of young ones, the fundamental concept behind strength of material. Topics covered are :- Stress strain relationship, true stress & strain, elastic constants, Bending & shearing stress, Beams & many more along with a bonus lecture containing important formulas & tips."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Engineering Mathematics - Numerical Analysis & more" |
"This course is focused upon engineering mathematics. After completing the tutorial, you will be able to understand the basic advantageous knowledge of numerical analysis techniques. Certain bonus lectures are also included. This course is specifically designed for engineering students who suffers a lot of problems while dealing with numerical analysis. HAPPY LEARNING !!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoDesk Fusion 360" |
"3D CAD reinvented.Fusion360 is the first 3D CAD, CAM, and CAE tool of its kind.It connects your entire product development process in a single cloud-based platform that works on both Mac and PC. Learn the basics of the software (AutoDesk Fusion 360) & how to get a 3 year license version (Educational not commercial) of the same. Bonus features are also added in the last section."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Internal Combustion Engines - IC Engines" |
"This course covers in details about ICengines,its main components,Valve timing diagrams,4-stroke & 2-stroke engines,Actuator indicator diagrams,Scavenging,Detonation,Fuel ignition system,Injection system & many more. Prior to be on board, Let'shave a brief description about IC engines .... Please read below.Theinternal combustion engineis an engine in which the burning of a fuel occurs in a confined space called a combustion chamber. This exothermic reaction of afuelwith an oxidizer creates gases of high temperature andpressure, which are permitted to expand. The defining feature of an internal combustion engine is that useful work is performed by the expanding hot gases acting directly to cause movement, for example by acting on pistons, rotors, or even by pressing on and moving the entireengineitself.This contrasts with external combustion engines, such assteam engines, which use the combustion process to heat a separate working fluid, typically water or steam, which then in turn does work, for example by pressing on a steam actuated piston.The termInternal Combustion Engine(ICE) is almost always used to refer specifically to reciprocating engines, Wankel engines and similar designs in which combustion is intermittent. However, continuous combustion engines, such as Jet engines, mostrocketsand many gas turbines are also internal combustion engines.Internal combustion engines are seen mostly intransportation. Several other uses are for any portable situation where you need an non-electric motor. The largest application in this situation would be an Internal combustion engine driving an electric generator. That way, you can use standard electrictoolsdriven by an internal combustion engine.Being a mechanical or automobile engineer, it requires to have a good grasp over this particular topic. I hope this course lives up to your expectation. HAPPY LEARNING !!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Turbocharge your Influence to the Top!" |
"Do you wish you could have a better relationship with a colleague, friend or loved one? Did you regret not having the right thing to say at the most critical moment to an important person? Do you wish to be able to connect with people from all walks of life with ease? I will teach you in simple practical ways via this video training series how to immediately level up your game in life by improving your influence, persuasion and communication capabilities via bite-sized videos and practice lessons that you can immediate put into use in your work and life.In this course, I will combine personal experience consulting top multi-national companies as well as the latest technologies in human behaviour, neuroscience and psychology to help you achieve success."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Perguntas Eficazes" |
"Curso Perguntas Eficazes trs bases de como o aluno pode elaborar boas perguntas. Com tcnicas fortes, e aulas rpidas. O Aluno ser direcionado a desenvolver suas perguntas de forma eficaz.Perguntas Eficazes Perguntas desafiam pensamentos! Domine a ateno de sua platia, dos seus alunos, dos seus clientes, com perguntas que ajudar a dirigir os pensamentos deles. Conquiste melhores resultados em sua consultoria, em seus processo de seleo, em seus estudos. Curso Perguntas Eficazes ajudar a voc conhecer as melhores tcnicas de perguntas no Brasil. Perguntas ajudam a voc determinar aonde focalizar, como pensar e como fazer. O curso Perguntas Eficazes administrado por Fabiano Travassos. No curso ele mostrar como tem aplicado suas tcnicas em seus clientes e alunos, tendo assim muito sucesso nas abordagens, e aplicao de suas aulas e treinamentos."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Tire seu PMP agora - Gesto Aquisio e Partes Interessadas" |
"Mdulo completo (12) de Gerenciamento de Aquisio. Voc gerente de projetos que est interessado em tirar a certificao deve aprender esse contedo para passar na prova. Este mdulo completo com todo contedo para se passar na prova no quesito gerenciamento de partes interessadas do PMI.Contm os seguintes processos:- Processos de Gerenciamento de Aquisio- Planejar o Gerenciamento de Aquisio- Declarao do Trabalho de Aquisio- Tipos de Contratos- etcMdulo completo (13) de Gerenciamento de Stakeholders ou Partes Interessadas. Voc gerente de projetos que est interessado em tirar a certificao deve aprender esse contedo para passar na prova. Este mdulo completo com todo contedo para se passar na prova no quesito gerenciamento de partes interessadas do PMI.Contm os seguintes processos:- Processos de Gerenciamento das partes interessadas- Identificar as partes interessadas- Anlise das partes interessadas- Registro das partes interessadas- Gerenciar as partes interessadasetc"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"HSK1 Basic Mandarin 101-Daily Chinese" |
"This course is a basic Chinese course. We will study pinyin (basic pronunciation), and work on pronunciation, basic grammar and common phrases. We will not only cover the grammar points but also practice what we learn together. We will learn:Greeting: How to say hello, goodbye, thank you and other basic phrasesName: How to introduce yourself ; eg. What's your name? My name is...Number: We will know how to count numbers and practice numbers.Basic pronoun: We will learn different pronouns. eg. He, she etcLocation: Vocabularies for different places. eg. School, library, museum..Fruit: Vocabularies for fruits. eg. Apple, orange...Color: We will learn how to name different colors. eg. Red, black, white...Family:We will learn how to say mom, dad, grandparents...Nationality: We will cover the most common countries and languages. eg. U.S., U.K., English, Japanese, French...Profession:We will learn how to name different jobs and professions. eg. teacher, police officer...Comparison: We will learn the most commonly used adjs, and learn how to sayI am taller than you. This one is more expensive than that one etc.Directions: We will learn direction and prepositions. We will have different practices: how to describe your room, as well as how to get to school from your home...How to get around in ChinaHow to tell time in ChineseDays of the week in ChineseHow to say Year, Month and Day in Chinese. The date in Chinese Weather in ChineseIntroduction to Chinese Currency Chinese MoneyHow to shop in ChinesePractice how to buy things in ChineseAnd so much more is coming! We updated our content regularly!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Arduino by developing Advanced Clock Alarm IR system" |
"This course will teach you how to Make your own Arduino Alarm Clock and set the Alarming time and interact with Time and Date You will begin by wiring the system and the hardware setup supported by Fritzing project and diagram imagesThis Clock is controlled by an infrared remote control you can use any remote control even your TV remote control because you will learn how to decode any incoming IR signal and recognize it.This Clock has the adjust features so you can adjust the time,date,alarm easily with the remote control's digital buttons (0-9)Step by step on each lecture we will add a new features until we will finish up with a full clock system built from scratch without any RTC module Each section is provided by its own source code to downloadAfter completing this Course you will not just be able to build a real time clock system, you will be able to interact with any Infrared system and any remote control to make your own actions and also you will be able to build a menu displayed on any LCDsize and the way you want it to be.Feel free to watch the Promotional Video to see its features"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Oracle databases (Arabic tutorial)" |
" Is it not time to learn Oracle? Oracle really is a useful tool for managing companies of different sizes, it helps you to insert large amounts of data in one database, and facilitate a task queries that create very useful indications about how company employees. During this session you will learn sql and some of PLSQL and more useful topics about Oracle. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PMP Practice Real Exam PMBOK 6th Ed 2018 by Knowledge Area" |
"Unlimited access to complete simulated preparation for the PMP exam PMBOK 6th edition in 2018. You will have access to 1,000 unique and commented questions organized in 10 Knowledge Areas that thoroughly address the PMBOK 6th Edition 2018 Guide, including prepared simulation with issues pertaining to Chapters 1 through 3. There are 6 simulations in Learning Mode where you will gradually and consistently learn each Knowledge Area separately, which will give you greater insight and understanding of the PMBOK Guide 6th edition 2018 and will pass approval in the first attempt of the test.All 900 questions are unique without repetition and completely cover the 10 Knowledge Areas of the PMBOK 6th Edition 2018 Guide.KNOWLEDGE AREAS: Integration Scope Weather Costs Quality Resources Communication Risk Acquisition Stakeholder ManagementWHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE COURSE: Study Mode: Learning Mode Number of simulations: 6 simulated with random questions Question base: 1000 unique and commented questions Language: English Formats: multiple choice, multiple correct and true / false Timer: variable proportional to the time of the test Approval score: 70% of hits Reports: with detailed performance chartsPerformance Report:After finishing the simulation, you will have immediate access to your performance report with percentage of hits per area of knowledge.Additional Resources: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you want. Progress bar with simulated time remaining. If time runs out, you can still complete the test. You may skip the questions to return at the end of the exam. You can also ""Mark questions for review"" and then return to respond before sending the test. You can complete the test and see your results immediately if you wish. The questions are commented out and you can check after finishing each simulation. You can practice from anywhere and access through desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.All simulations are complete and reflect the same dynamics of the official exam, providing a set of questions that will allow you to optimize your study time and validate your understanding of the 10 Knowledge Areas of PMBOK Guide 6th Edition 2018. Practicing and repeating all simulations up to above 95% correct, will significantly increase their confidence and prepare you to pass the PMP exam PMBOK 6th Edition 2018 PMI on the first try!Note: PMI, PMP, CAPM, PMBOK Guide are trademarks of Project Management Institute (PMI), USA. Our courses are neither endorsed nor affiliated with PMI."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |