Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONAL: Como manejar tus emociones" |
"Aprenda cmo los desencadenantes mentales para mirar sus emociones, su salud mental, sus pensamientos y sus sentimientos en cualquier situacin, usando la psicologa positiva, la alquimia de la mente y la neurociencia para reforzar sus actitudes, tratando mejor con su ansiedad, sus miedos, sus creencias limitantes, fobias, su control emocional y su inmediatez en su vida para reforzar sus actitudes, entrenando y creando una metodologa eficiente de emociones durante momentos tensos y negativos y creando un condicionamiento vencedor para expresar sus sentimientos y sus emociones.La Inteligencia Emocional es uno de los constructos que mayor popularidad ha ganado en las ltimas dcadas en el mbito de la psicologa, pues ha mostrado ser clave en el rendimiento laboral, educativo y deportivo; y es esencial para el bienestar de las personas, su felicidad y su desarrollo personal.Fundamentalmente, se trata del conjunto de nuestras habilidades mentales orientadas a identificar y regular nuestras emociones y sentimientos, as como de reconocerlos en otras personas para empatizar mejor.En el ao 1993 Daniel Goleman public un libro titulado ""Inteligencia emocional"" que recoga diferentes estudios que se haban realizado en ms de 300 ejecutivos de 15 empresas a nivel mundial. As se pudo apreciar que los grandes directivos que escalaban posiciones y tenan ms xito dentro de la compaa no eran los que tenan un mayor cociente intelectual, sino los que se mostraban ms seguros de s mismos. Estos eran capaces de influir en los dems y tenan una mayor capacidad para concentrarse en sus objetivos.A lo largo de los aos se han continuado recogiendo evidencias de este tipo, por lo que en 1995 sali a la luz una obra que cambiara por completo la manera en que los psiclogos y los profesores comprenderan la inteligencia, me refiero al libro Inteligencia Emocional de Daniel Goleman.A partir de ese momento, el concepto de inteligencia emocional se ha popularizado y hoy prcticamente todos sabemos que las competencias emocionales son tan importantes como la habilidad para resolver problemas lgicos. La buena noticia es que la inteligencia emocional no es una cualidad innata, sino que se puede desarrollar a lo largo de la vida. Si quieres aprender ms sobre la inteligencia emocional aqu tienes un enlace a nuestro curso de inteligencia emocional."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"izim Eitimi - Balangtan leri Seviyeye" |
"Doru eitim ile herkes bir izer olabilir. Eitim boyunca ne greceiz?--Temel izim Malzemelerini reneciz-Temel izgi ve ekil Altrmalar Yapacaz-Fomlar ve Tonlamalar Greceiz-l Almay ve Oran Orant Kurmay reneciz-Portre izimini Detayl ekilde Greceiz-nsan Figr Nasl izilir?-Ve Profesyonel izerlie Adm Atacaz.Eitim boyunca tm arkadalarmzla tek tek ilgilenmeye, izimlerini deerlendirmeye alacaz. Eksiklerini grp gidermeleri iin destekte bulunacaz. Sizde hemen eitimlere balayn ve profesyonel izerlie adm atn."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Communication skills: feedback in a nutshell" |
"How the course is Structured:5 big blocks:1. Feedback importance and procrastination of feedback2. Planning feedback session3. Giving positive feedback4. Giving negative feedback5. Recap and examplesConsists of:1. Pre and post-tasks. The goal is reflection and analyzing your own experience2. Video course work with necessary course information3. Reference Check-lists main ideas in nutshell"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Increase Visibility and Attract Design Clients" |
"This course is for you if youve struggled to find your first or your next client. Were breaking down branding basics to fight the client drought. So were talking building your niche, knowing your audience, developing quality content and attracting clients.Here are a few commonly asked questions when it comes to this topic:How do I really get to know what my ideal tribe will want from me?To get to know your audience you need to ask them what they want. If you dont have an audience, create polls in FB groups that match your ideal client. For more tips, check out the valuable content inside THIS course.Is branding basically my logo and website?Nope, not at all. Its time to go beyond the pretty website and logo. How will you drive traffic to your site? How will you get potential clients into your sales funnel? You may be thinking a blog which is fine. Can your blog be successful? Yes Will it be successful? Probably not. Again, if you have mediocre content and not actively promoting (i.e. influencers) you will be writing to yourself for a while.How do I make my content visually appealing?Well with amazing photography of course. People love pretty photos! Make sure that eye-catching content includes photos of you as well. Remember people are getting to know you and decide if they want to work with you. They cant relate to just things. If you can afford it, schedule a photo branding session. For cheaper options, check your networks to see if there are any decent photographers looking to grow their portfolio. Take progress photos from past jobs, staged photos, your own home or help a friend in decorating need in exchange for photos and reviews.More tidbits are in the lectures..."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Grow an Authentic Social Media Following w/ Real Engagement" |
"A lot of creatives and specifically interior decorators spin their wheels when it comes to having a presence on social media. There are so many questions from what channels to focus on, the best ways to let your brand stand out to what to post, how to post and when to post. Well let our seasoned professionals turn you on to what works and what doesn't work. Ready to bring on the Instagram followers? Ready to get clients from Facebook? Ready to finally set up that YouTube page? Then let's get started on these informative and high-value sessions..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Make 6 FIGURES A Year with Your Creative Business" |
"A lot of creatives and specifically interior decorators doubt their abilities and creativity when it comes to closing the sale. They may be confused on how to price their services and what systems to put in place to become profitable. It's time to change your mindset which will transform your entire business. So let our seasoned professionals turn you on to what works and what doesn't work. They are sharing their proven strategies and formulas to get your pricing in order, provide high-value services and make recurring revenue even during the slow times."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to INCREASE Your Productivity and Get More Done" |
"Get the SHORTCUTS Rather than Trying to Figure It Out on your Own. Benefit from the combined experience of people who have already done what you want to do. As creatives, we often have a hard time with the behind scenes tasks to keep our businesses running smoothly. This often times leads to frustration and confusion that could cause you to lose clients and/or repeat business.That's why I gathered a group of seasoned professionals to turn you on to what works and what doesn't work. They've been in the exact same position and want to share their expertise so you can avoid business pitfalls. So join us as we talk about what's hurting your business and how you can turn it around starting today!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to Convert Website Peepers to Paid Clients" |
"Get the SHORTCUTS Rather than Trying to Figure It Out on your Own. Benefit from the combined experience of people who have already done what you want to do. Website design can be tricky especially with all the behind scenes tech. Readability, content optimization and flow are important parts of your website beyond the pretty photos of our work.That's why I gathered a group of seasoned professionals to turn you on to what works and what doesn't work. They've been in the exact same position and want to share their expertise so you can avoid business pitfalls. They're sharing first hand the foundations of building a website that converts, copywriting 101, opt-ins that work, SEO tactics, why blogging still drives traffic to your business and creating eye-catching visuals."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Beginners Guide to GameMaker Studios" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a game using GameMaker Studio! Module 1 discusses the basics of game design and in Module 2 you will go over the basics of GameMaker Studio. In Module 3 you will learn what the different rooms are and delve into different level designs. Modules 4 through 7 go over coding the player, score, lives, energy, and the enemies in the game. Finally, in Module 8 you will talk about animations and applications."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cook 3 Couscous recipes easily!" |
"In this course, you will enter the Algerian cuisine and learn how to prepare couscous, this course is designed and structured foreasy understanding. You will know the benefits of couscous, the difference between Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian couscous, the types of couscous, how to choose the right couscous, the most common mistakes, the most important tips that you may need to prepare couscous.You will have a detailed explanation of the steaming process of couscous which is the most important step in the preparation of couscous, and you will learn how to prepare three types of couscous: couscous with chicken the sweet couscous and couscous with big grains. When you finish this course, you will be able to prepare the original recipe of couscous by yourself and you will see that making couscous is as easy as making a cup of tea. Nina"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RUSSIAN PRONUNCIATION GUIDE: Learn Russian Pronunciation" |
"Are you struggling with Russian pronunciation?Don't worry. All you need is my Russian Pronunciation Guide video course!Russian Pronunciation Guidevideo course will teach you the correct pronunciation and will help you build confidence pronouncing Russian words and speaking Russian fast and with confidence. GET ACCESS TO:8 video lessonsPrintable PDF lessonsPrintable PDF slidesWorkbooks with exercises to help you practice Russian pronunciationPDF and Audio Keys to all exercises There are 8 lectures in this video course where you will learn everything from Russian alphabet to how to pronouncing individual Russian sounds and combination of sounds. You will have tons of opportunity to practice! This video course comes with the Workbook with exercises and PDF and Audio Keys (answers to all exercises in printable and recorded format)giving you plenty of opportunity to practice your Russian pronunciation.With Russian Pronunciation Guide you will learn everything you need to know about Russian pronunciation and will have tons of opportunity to practice!Topics covered in the Russian Pronunciation Guide Video Course: Lecture 1:Russian AlphabetLecture 2: Russian VowelsLecture 3: Russian Vowels , , , Lecture 4: Russian Hard and Soft ConsonantsLecture 5: Russian Voiced and Voiceless ConsonantsLecture 6: Practicing pronouncing and , and , and , and , and letter PLecture 7: Russian Letters and . Pronunciation of combination of consonantsLecture 8: Russian Stress and IntonationSPECIAL BONUS:Russian Tongue Twisters10 Video lessonsFocusing on difficult to pronounce Russian letters and sounds , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , c, and many moreDownloadable MP3 recordingsDownloadable slides of each lessonDownloadable scripts of each lessonStress above all Russian words that are longer than one syllableAll Russian tongue twisters have been translated into EnglishEvery Russian tongue twister is repeated twice (slowly and fast)My special BonusRussian Tongue Twistersfocuses on Russian letters, sounds and combinations of sounds that are usually very difficult to pronouncefor Russian language students.You can watch the videos, print the lessons, download the recordings and practice Russian pronunciation with Russian tongue twisters on the go: while jogging, driving, taking your dog for a walk, and so on."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Inversin en Criptomonedas" |
"El presente curso trata todos los temas necesarios para que cualquier persona, aprenda a invertir en el mercado de criptomonedas con una estrategia eficaz y con una gestin del riesgo ptima. No se requieren conocimientos previos para superar el curso con xito.Los alumnos tendrn a su disposicin sesiones de introduccin a las finanzas y a las criptomonedas. Sesiones tericas para poder entender cmo se producen las fluctuaciones de precio, el funcionamiento interno de los Exchanges, distintas estrategias de inversin Tambin habr sesiones prcticas donde se mostrar en pantalla las distintas maneras de operar con algunos de los principales Exchanges (compra/venta a mercado, ordenes automticas, colocacin del Stop Loss).Otra parte importante del curso se centra en anlisis fundamental y anlisis tcnico. En otras palabras, enseamos a filtrar las mejores criptomonedas y a encontrar las mejores oportunidades de inversin. Esto lo conseguimos con un sistema de doble filtro. El primero a nivel fundamental, es decir enseamos a valorar de manera objetiva un listado de parmetros para identificar los proyectos y criptos con ms potencial. El segundo consiste en aplicar un filtro tcnico para distinguir, de entre todas las monedas con potencial, las que se encuentran en el mejor momento de compra. Finalmente se mostrar un sistema de gestin de riesgo eficaz que limitar las perdidas en todo momento sin limitar las gananciasA lo largo del curso los alumnos se irn encontrando distintos ejercicios prcticos con los que tendrn que aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos. Tambin encontrarn la solucin con el desarrollo paso a paso."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
liuxinghui |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
luntanweb |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como Explorar seu Networking e Encontrar Vagas no Linkedin" |
"Curso voltado para profissionais que desejam melhorar o networking e aprender como explor-lo no Linkedin. Descubra os principais recursos dentro do Linkedin e como voc pode gerar mais trfego de recrutadores e headhunters no seu perfil, aumentando de forma exponencial o recebimento de propostas profissionais. Alm disso, aumente sua rede de contatos e o nmero de convites para participar de entrevista, atravs das vagas orgnicas e os potenciais contatos da rede."
Price: 474.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to build a business with digital products" |
"Have you ever wanted to sell digital products online? If so, youve likely researched many of the different options available to online vendors. From ecommerce software to shopping cart plugins and applications, there are many ways to get your storefront up and running. The great news is that anyone can sell digital products. Better yet, with no overhead, or inventory to worry about, you can easily set up shop over the course of one weekend! So, the question is; how do you get started?This course will help you to quickly start selling digital products without getting confused or overwhelmed along the way. With the digital economy booming, and over $100 billion dollars in digital products sold yearly, theres never been a better time to create your own digital products and get in on the action."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Start your Own eCommerce Business" |
"For many years, creating an online store was a long, complicated process. When something invariably went wrong, you had to figure out which of the 20 things it was it just went on and on. It could take weeks or even months to open the doors!Then many different platforms came along such as Shopify and Woo Commerce which made it easy for anyone to set up an online store in a few hours. Even if you only have a little time each day, you can have a site running and making money in as little as a weekend!This course is going to take you step-by-step through the process of setting up an eCommerce store, traffic, pricing and sales writing strategies to make you successful and allow you to be up and running in no time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build your first app with React Native" |
"Start building apps today!React Native is used to power some of the most popular apps in the world such as Facebook, Instagram, Uber and Pinterest. All that is needed to create an app in both iOS and Android is React Native using Javascript. This is the easiest and fastest way to create an app that can thrive on both app stores! This course will take you step by step into the React Native ecosystem, starting with the core elements and even all the way to creating your very own app ready for distribution on iOS and Android. You will also be taught how to use Expo - a framework that enables developers to develop and test quickly, saving you time.This course will run through both React Native and Expo and show why together they are the best way to create apps for both iOS and Android.The course will cover:What is React Native?Why use the Expo Framework?Components, State and Props in React NativeCreating our first basic appMaking a real world example app (Weather App)Followed by bonus videos & downloadsThe ideal student is someone who has some background knowledge of Javascript and is interested in being able to create apps for iOS and Android."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build the original Instagram with React Native & Firebase" |
"In this course you we cover all the steps from creating an app in the command line all the way through to build an app very similar to the original Instagram. We will start by quickly looking at how to use Firebase User Authorisation. Using email and password or Facebook login.From here we will then cover the Firebase realtime database and look at how to set, update and delete data.Next we look at fetching data from the database and look into the Firebase security rules and how to structure your firebase database, before we look into firebase storage.Now it is time to start building a real app with these techniques. We will build an app based on the idea of the original Instagram, the next sections of the course will cover each step to create this app.At Rusty Courses we regularly update our courses with new & updated content to keep things fresh.Enroll now and get started on your journey to build mobile app for both Android and iOS today!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Shopify. Le Web Marketing du moment" |
"Shopify est un support qui facilite la tche pour chaque personne voulons ouvrir une boutique et faire des bnfices, c'est simple a utiliser, efficace, tout en ayant un support qui est l'coute. Je souhaite dans cette formation, vous guider vers le chemin de la russite dans le domaine de l'Ecommerce."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Productivity with Trello and GTD" |
"This class will teach you how to boost your productivity by applying the methodology ""Getting Things Done"" in Trello. A simple and effective way to be productive and efficient, and track and checkout all your to-dos on time. You don't need any previous knowledge of GTD methodology or experience using Trello in order to succeed in this class."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel - Bsico / Intermedirio" |
"Curso de Excel bsico passo a passo por vdeo aulas!Neste curso voce aprendera a criar uma planilha do zero conhecendo :* Formatao: Tudo sobre como criar e formatar uma tabela!* Funes : Como utilizar as principais funes para tornar nossa planilha automatizada.* Ferramentas : Veremos tambem a importancia de diversas ferramentas que nos auxiliam a trabalhar com as planilhas com mais facilidade.* Grficos : Aprenderemos a criar um grfico do zero at sua formatao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Excel para entrevista de emprego" |
"Bem vindo ao curso de Excel bsico / essencialO curso ir abordar as principais ferramentas e funes que voce precisa aprender para se dar bem em qualquer teste.- COMO GERAR GRAFICOS - Criao e edio.- COMO CONFIGURAR PARA IMPRESSO - No uma tarefa to simples- PRINCIPAIS FERRAMENTAS - As principais ferramentas pra auxiliar na manipulao de dados- FUNES ESSENCIAIS COMO SE E PROCV - Diversas funes para facilitar a fazer clculos e buscas.Ainda tem dvidas? Nos envie uma mensagem!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
fundamentals-of-gis |
"-, ..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
build-application-android-studio |
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Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Adestramento de Sanitrio para Ces - Xixi e coco no Lugar" |
"Voc Comprou um cachorrinho novo , ou j tem um com certa idade , no importa a DOR sempre a mesma "" COMO DIRECIONAR O XIXI E COCO EM UM S LUGAR ""??? Esta Pergunta Causa Brigas Familiares e Muitas Vezes o ABANDONOdo Filhote que Veio para UNIR e trazer ALEGRIAa Famlia ,Mas Com este CURSORPIDO Abrimos o Segredo de Direcionar o XIXI e COCO de seu Cachorrinho no Lugar que VOC QUER Podemos Ajudar a Todos a Sanar de uma Vez Por Todas este PROBLEMA Sem mais Delongas e MI MI Mis , Nos Vemos Nas AULAS"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"3d scanning course training for vector software; 3d printing" |
"In this course, we will talk about creating 3d files and vector software. We will create 3d designs, and you will be given some fun designs to keep and play with! We will also be showcasing how to use certain software to create original topology files that anyone can use. This can be used in animation, design, or any type of vector based style of usage. Hopefully, you will greatly enjoy this course as you will be acquiring 3d files!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"3d Modeling course" |
"In this course, you will acquire tons of 3d files. You will also learn how to render and create pixar quality animations! In this course, you will be given several downloadable 3d files. You will learn the innovation behind 3d rendering science. You will learn how to sell and distribute 3d files. Creating tons of 3d files simply from an iphone, you will be given the ability to be innovative with scalable vector graphics. It does not matter the file type, vector graphics are interoperable with one another."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"human anatomy and physiology" |
"In this course, you will learn about human anatomy and physiology. This can be applied to undergraduate students or even high school students. Overall, this course will teach any individual the basics of anatomy and physiology. One will learn origins, insertions, and actions of common muscles. Additionally, various systems of the body will be referred to within this course as well. We feel that we have a very creative approach to teaching anatomy and physiology at any level. Using various pieces of software that were crafted for human anatomy education, teaching this subject is a breeze for us! We hope you enjoy this course. We have used several resources to craft this course in a way that is fundamental to any student's understanding of the human body. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bitmex Leverage Trading course for Beginners" |
"In This course, I have explained the Bitmex Platform and its verious tabs such as trade (main dashboard), Account (how to deposit and withdraw your bitcoin), your referral link, your 2 factor security. Then I have discussed how to buy (Long) or sell (Short). How to buy with current market price also how to buy with limit (your desire price for both short and long). I have briefly explained stop loss to minmize your loss and also different stop loss strategies. Leverage scale is also explained in detail. verious sources I use to predict bitcoin price (personel opinion). students should do there own research and adapt there own trading style. Good luck"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Structure Music For TV & Film Placements" |
"Knowing how to structure your music for TV placements can be challenging and confusing. The last thing you want is to miss out on your music being used on the latest popular TV show due to improper structure.Join the owner of Clint Productions Anthony Clint Jr. for this visual music production experience dedicated to teaching you how to structure your music for TV & film. Using the same methods he has used to secure hundreds of placements on networks such as CBS, NBC, Fox Sports, E!, VH1, MTV and others."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |