Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Expert DIY Pardot Implementation & Training Course" |
"For questions about the course and discounts, please message udemy@marcloudconsulting.comA Pardot implementation course created by a marketer, for marketers. This course is designed for marketers wanting to implement Pardot and become a proficient user.We will walk through the technical setup of Pardot, but this course is about much more than that. We'll look at WHY you are you doing what you're doing, how you approach the technology from a marketing perspective and what it means for you as a marketer. The context is everything and this course will arm you with the knowledge you need to be successful.Enroll now to gain access to hours of useful content that you can apply to your own marketing context. **Includes Free Downloadable Implementation Checklist**"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Descomplicando as formas de Recrutamento e Seleo" |
"PROMOOUSECUPOMDEDESCONTO - Digite: DESCONTOGESTAOEste trabalho tem como objetivo principal averiguar o processo de recrutamento e seleo de empresas, analisado em trs seguimentos de atuao como indstria, comrcio, pequenas e mdias empresas.O trabalho embasou-se em referenciais tericos onde foram descritos o processo de recrutamento, o processo de seleo, os tipos de fontes de recrutamento a fim de confrontar as diferenas apresentadas nos devidos ramos de seguimento para tentar identificar o perfil de candidato desejado pela empresa alm de verificar a eficincia do processo estudado e identificar os seus fatores crticos.Contedo Abordado:1. Anlise do Mercado de Trabalho2. Processos de Recrutamento de Pessoas3. Principais Fontes de Recrutamento e Seleo4. Tcnicas e Mtodos de Seleo 5. Consideraes Finais"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reisebro Marketing: Suchmaschinenoptimierung" |
"In meinem Kurs wirst du die Grundlagen der Suchmaschinenoptimierung kennenlernen und anhand von Tipps aus der Praxis erfahren, wie du durch bestimmte Massnahmen deinen Umsatz maximieren kannst. Lerne den Umgang mit Suchmaschinen und verstehe wie Google funktioniert. Sei dir bewusst, dass du ohne Suchmaschinenoptimierung in deinem Reisebro nicht wettbewerbsfhig bleiben kannst. Viel Spass mit meinem Kurs!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Jenkins bsico para Sysadmins e Developers" |
"Aprenda sobre uma das ferramentas de CI mais utilizadas na atualidade e d um UP em seu currculo. Como seu instrutor, irei ajuda-lo nessa jornada!Neste curso abordaremos os conceitos basicos e ensinaremos voc as melhores prticas para instalao e configurao do Jenkins de forma interativa, expandindo seu conhecimento em assuntos que iro lhe ajudar na sua rotina.Os beneficios que o Jenkins pode oferecer a sua equipe so vrios, entre eles:-Ferramenta flexvel de fcil de implementao;-Totalmente escalvel, adaptando-se necessidade de seu negcio;-Criado com o intuito de automatizar tarefas relacionadas a entrega de softwares, reduzindo seu trabalho manual.IMPORTANTEO Jenkins apresentado no curso est em ingls.Diferenciais desse curso-Vrios contedos adicionais para ajuda-lo em tarefas especficas;-Pouca teoria e mais prtica, para maior aproveitamento das aulas;-Atualizaes e novos contedos adicionados constantemente;Fico totalmente disponivel para responder perguntas atravs do painel de perguntas e respostas, onde as responderei o mais rpido possvel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Pyrography and Watercolor" |
"Ever dream of creating something but feel confined by choosing a single medium?Well, you're in luck. In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of pyrography (the art of wood burning) and combine that with the basics of watercolor painting. For the beginning of this course, you should have something sketched out on a piece of wood, have access to a wood burning pen, and have a set of watercolors."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Level Up Your Humor - Become Twice As Funny Within 1 Week" |
"This course teaches you a set of exercises, lifestyle hacks and mindsets that take your natural sense of humor to the next level.Many people think that some people are just born super funny.You know, like that one person from your high school that would crack one joke after another.While you were sitting there thinking: ""How does he/she come up with this funny stuff all the time?""Well, as it turns out there is an answer to that question. And the answer is: To come up with funny stuff spontaneously, you have to train your brain to be funnier.You see, in real life humor is spontaneous.You chat to someone, something inspires you and BAM, a joke pops into your head.And to become funnier, you want these ""moments of inspiration"" to happen more often. And that's exactly what this course is about. No preplanned jokes, no ""Stand up routines"", but real life humor.Who am I to teach you?My name is Felix, and I love self-development. When I find something that interests me (whether it's strength training, drawing or humor) I read every book I can on it and love ""nerding"" out on it. So a while ago I wanted to work on my humor... and did exactly that. While I never REALLY struggled with humor, with certain people I found it easy to be funny... while with others it just didn't quite ""click"".So I read a few books, and tried different ways to work on my humor.I started to realize that while there are millions of different ways to make people laugh, there are certain patterns in humor, that come up again and again.And once you become aware of these patterns, humor becomes less mysterious. I also realized that every person's ""unique"" sense of humor, just comes down to a preference in certain humor patterns. Once you truly ""get"" someone's preferred humor patterns... you get their taste in humor... and it's super easy to make them laugh, and resonate with them on that level with them.As my discoveries worked well for me, and I love digital courses myself... I decided to create one for you guys, teaching you how to be funnier.SO, here's what you'll see inside ""Level Up Your Humor""INSIDETHECOURSE:6 Humor Mindsets: This is the ""inner game"" section of the course. Adopting these 6 Mindsets will make you learn humor much faster. This is a short and sweet section, that will get your mind set in the right place, to make sure you get maximum gains from the exercise portion.Humor Lifestyle Hack: Here I'll show you a simple lifestyle hack, that will make ""becoming funnier"" a habit and part of your life. It's straight forward, and after watching the video you can implement it straight away.3 Step Process To Exercise Your Humor: This is the heart of the course and where things get practical. Here you'll learn a 3 Step Process (or a 3 Step Exercise, if you will) that you can use anytime you hear or see something funny to exercise your humor. This section builds on the lifestyle hack. So by implementing the lifestyle hack, you'll automatically have countless opportunities each day to practice the 3 Step Process... and put ""Humor practice"" on autopilot...And Last But Not Least:""10 Examples"" Video + Cheat Sheet: Here I show you TEN examples, of how I apply the 3 Step Process. I use examples from Comedians, from my own life, and low-key everyday humor, and walk you through the 3 Step Process with each. After watching this section you'll know exactly how to apply everything you learned in the course, and the sky is the limit.BONUSES:Summary PDFs for each section1 Week Implementation PlanPrivate Members Facebook GroupSo once you finished watching the videos, you can download the 1 Week Implementation Plan, and you'll know exactly how to apply the lessons and get results. And if you have any questions you can ask them in the Private Members Facebook Group where I'll answer them personally.Sounds sweet enough? To help you decide, let me tell you who this course if for, and who probably wouldn't enjoy it as much:This course is for you if:-You want to get that ability to ""vibe"" with people through humor, that normally you have a hard time resonating with (work colleagues, friends of friends, strangers,...etc.)-You struggle with TRULY understanding why people laugh, and when you're funny it just somehow ""happens to you"", instead of being something you know how to do.-You can make your close friends laugh who""get"" you, but wish you'd be able to joke around with a wider range of people-You want to learn how to exercise your humor muscles in a proactive wayThis course is NOT for you, if: -You want to become a stand up comedian or expect to learn jokes of by heart-You just want to watch passively and not take actionSo, that's it from my side -if Humor is an area of your life that you wish you'd be better at...... then this 1 hour long course is a fast way to get it handled once and for all.Hope to see you inside!-Felix"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprender a programar para desarrollar Videojuegos con Godot" |
"Hola y bienvenido al curso de Aprender a Programar para desarrollar videojuegos con Godot Engine 3.Este es un curso terico/prctico de las bases de la programacin en Godot Engine 3, todo de manera muy simplificada y amena. Habrn explicaciones, ejemplos, ejercicios propuestos, consejos, etc.Aprenders a utilizar el lenguaje de programacin GDScript para que puedas realizar tus propios videojuegos.Empezaremos con variables y al final llegaremos a la programacin orientada a objetos. Veremos muchos conceptos de forma muy prctica. De modo que sirvan de herramientas para poder crear tus propios juegos.GDScript es un lenguaje de programacin sencillo, eficiente, limpio y elegante. El cual es un buen comienzo para aprender a programar. Ya que no nos concentramos mucho en como escribir, sino en como resolver problemas.Tengo en cuenta que aprender programacin al principio no es fcil y por eso me pondr en su lugar, y veremos todo de una forma clara, directa y objetiva.Adems en este curso podrs conocer las caractersticas bsicas del engine. Qu es un nodo?, Qu es una escena?, etc.Si deseas aprender a programar para desarrollar videojuegos este es un comienzo claro, objetivo y didctico para que empieces tu camino en el desarrollo de videojuegos.Mi nombre es Matas Muoz Espinoza y tengo experiencia desarrollando videojuegos, he publicado algunos juegos en la Play Store de Android y tambin en tiendas ms independientes como Itchio."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Criatividade e Processo Criativo Para Designers" |
"Criatividade o motor do Designer e do Publicitrio!No importa o quo bom voc com o Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel... sem boas ideias, voc s: ""mais um designer"".Torne-se um designer criativo com um curso rpido e efetivo. Aprenda as melhores tcnicas de processo criativo do mundo!Com este curso voc ir ter resultado muito mais criativos, originais e assertivos!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
globalcareerkr |
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Price: 33000.00 ![]() |
"The 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Freelancing" |
"Are you thinking about taking the freelance route? This course is perfect for you!. You know, becoming a freelancer is a decision that will completely change your life and having proper information is key, especially at the beginning. Still remember when I started I had no clue on what was I supposed to do, little less was I aware of the challenges I would be facing and as a consequence I made all sort of mistakes that pushed me to limit of thinking is this was the path I should follow. Luckily for me, I was able to overcome all those issues and became a successful freelancer.I don't want you to suffer as much as I did and that's the reason why I have created this book so that you are aware of the problems you'll most likely be facing and put action plans in place to prevent them or correct them. Also, this will give you a glimpse of what it takes to be a freelancer so that you can make an informed decision on whether this is the correct path for you or not. These areThe 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Freelancing:You'll never feel you're ready enough.Clearly define the product or service you're going to sell.Know your finances.Freelancing is like running a small business.You'll have to deal directly with clients.Unusual worktimes.Freelancing requires investment.Don't put all your eggs in one basket.You'll never get your money on time.Driven but not stubborn.I sincerely hope this information is useful to you.Cheers,David"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"7 Keys to Succeed as a Freelancer" |
"Well, you have taken the leap of faith, and right now you are either a full time or a part-time freelancer; you have already chosen a product or service to offer, and you are most likely doing all you can to get your business rolling, but are you getting any results?Back when I started freelancing besides an inherent desire for success, I didn't have much else, and this meant that my business dragged for a long time before I realized that I wasn't taking the right action. And don't get me wrong, this realization didn't come overnight; It took several years of consistent learning and lots of trial and error.This course compiles the 7 key strategies that over my 7 years of experience as a freelancer I've found most helpful and efficient in regards to achieving results. These keys will help you towards:Getting new clients.Having a steady stream of work.Managing your time wisely.Problem-solving.Being more productive overall.Welcome to the class!."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Basics of American Sign Language" |
"In this course, we will take 3-9 minutes and learn and review each of 25 topics, all culturally relevant to life in 2018. At the end of this course, students will have a basic understanding and grasp of the foundation that makes up ASL, a truly unique and beautiful language."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Signing with Sight Words, combining Sign and Literacy" |
"Studies show that when we bring Signed language into literacy curriculum, developing readers thrive. Adding the kinesthetic learning component to the visual requirement that reading demands helps young readers significantly, because Sign language makes reading and spelling multi sensory learning. Children move their body as they learn, which is how children learn best!Research shows us that brining signed language into learning increases focus, engages childrens visual attention and helps bridge comprehension and increases reading level. We use Dolch Sight Words, found to be the most frequently used Sight words found in literature. It is fun to move our bodies and learn at the same time! Signing with Sight Words is a great way to move your body and learn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kindergarten Signing With Sight Words" |
"Studies show that when we incorporate sign language with reading curriculum, readers thrive. By adding the kinesthetic with visual learning style, we offer a multi sensory approach to learning which compliments other modalities. Adding ASL to curriculum has shown to give children higher levels of visual attention, focus, a higher reading level throughout the year and a better knowledge of the most common Dolch sight words, the words we see most frequently in literature."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"First Grade Signing without Sight Words" |
"Signing with Sight Words brings a multisensory method of learning into literacy. When we use our bodies and learn kinesthetically as well as visually, the information has been shown to retain much better. Studies also show that children intoduced to sign language while learning display better visual attention, stronger spelling skills and their reading levels improve more than their peers who do not learn Sign language. In this course, we will learn to sign, read and spell 41 Dolch Sight Words, the most common words found in 1st grade literature, helping your child to have a firm grasp on literacy presented to them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Third Grade Signing with Sight Words" |
"Signing With a Sight Words brings Dulch Sight Words, or the Sight Words most found in literature in this age group, with sign language. Doing so uses both sides of the brain, further solidifying literacy. When we incorporate sign language with literacy we increase visual attention, spelling ability and literacy skill. Signing helps children master literacy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Signing with Sight Words: Second Grade" |
"In this class, we use Dulch Sight Words are the most commonly found Sight words in literature and are an anchor when a child at this reading level is reading. We use our hands to activate both sides of the brain while learning Sight words and this helps anchor in learning in a way that combines both a kinesthetic and visual experience. Bringing sign language into learning and literacy has been found to increase visual attention, spelling ability and reading level when children engage their bodies. Because of this research, Signing With Sight Words came to be!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Liderazgo Efectivo a travs del Coaching" |
"Descubre las razones que hacen necesario desarrollar habilidades de coaching para transformarte en el lider efectivo e inspirador que las empresas y organizaciones actuales necesitan. Descubre y entrena como mejorar tu impacto como lider y progresar en tu desempeo y en tu carrera profesional. Es un Curso estructurado en 3 partes basicas que te permiten entender las necesidades de los entornos actuales a nivel empresarial y como puedes entrenar tus habilidades para destacar y ser una parte activa de la transformacion que actualmente estamos viviendo. Aplicar los principios y habilidades basicas del coaching a tu rol como lider para mejorar el desempeo de tu gente y lograr resultados extraordinadinarios en tu organizacion es posible si tu asi lo decides. En este programa podras encontrar las claves para empezar a lograrlo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Indoor Air Pollution: Ways to improve indoor air quality" |
"This course is designed to provide you a thorough knowledge about the ways to combat the increasing indoor air pollution. This course focuses on providing detailed knowledge about the various indoor plants suggested by scientists from NASA and other research institutes that can purify indoor air, including their basic requirements like water requirements, light conditions, temperature, humidity, and soil etc. Keeping your lovely pets in mind, the course also distinguishes these air purifying indoor plants based on their toxicity for pets Beginners or people who dont have a green thumb will get to know about the hardy and low maintenance air purifying plants that they can bring homeIndoor air at your homes, offices, schools etc is 2-5 times more polluted than the outdoors. And on an average, we spend 90% of our time indoors. Therefore, you can imagine how much critical it is to combat this menace for our health and wellbeing. You will learn how and what are those common household items that are responsible for degrading the indoor air quality of our house. The course also includes suggestions on how to ward off indoor pollution by using some of the simple, inexpensive and natural preventive measures."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain applications in Food Safety, Healthcare & Pharma" |
"Blockchain technology has gained a lot of popularity recently. It is claimed to be a game changer by many of the industry experts and is even believed to rule the next decade. The invention of Blockchain technology can be compared to the invention of wheel, motor and internet that changed the world. All of you must have heard about various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum etc which are powered by Blockchain technology but that is just the tip of the iceberg. The applications of blockchain are far more diverse than what you can even imagine today. The course will make you understand how Blockchain can be a solution for todays burning problems like: How to know that the medicines that you trust with your life are authentic and not some cheap counterfeit?Or when it comes to buying organic food, how to validate if the food is really organic than to just trust what the label says?Though there are computers in nearly every medical facility and mobile phones in every pocket why do you still face difficulty in collecting, exchanging and sharing your medical history with your new doctor and how this can be solved?How to minimize the time for settling insurance claims?Here in this course you will learn how blockchain is going to revolutionize pharma, food and healthcare industries and we will also explore the possibilities that lies ahead in many of these multi billion industries. This course will explain Blockchain Technology in a way that even beginners can understand. And if you run a business, you will learn how you can use Blockchain Technology to build trust and transparency in your business ecosystem. This course is perfect for a person who is:1. A beginner and is looking to understand the latest buzz word Blockchain or 2. An expert and who wants to explore more about the practical business applications Of Blockchain Technology 3. A Blockchain Developer and who is looking for potential business use cases of Blockchain Technology to build the next Google or Microsoft4. Looking for startup ideas in Blockchain TechnologyFurther with a 30 day return policy, there is nothing to lose for you here. If you feel the course is not worth your money, you can return it and get your money back. Though, we assure you that you will not be disappointed by your wise decision of buying this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Web Scraping with NodeJs in 2020 - The Crash Course" |
"Get into the world of Web Scraping and Data Mining with NodeJs. Learn modern methods of scraping with NodeJs - Puppeteer and with direct NodeJs Requests.Introduce yourself and improve your knowledge on Scraping Learn Scraping with Puppeteer, NightmareJs or Manual RequestsBuild scraper modules for various websites ( Imdb, twitter, instagram..etc)Learn multiple ways of scraping and when to choose themGet familiar with the ethics, do's and dont's of ScrapingEnjoy coding and learning Web Scraping with real world examples and real world problem solving while building scrapers with NodeJs.Web Scraping is a very gray area and not many talk about it or even teach about this. You are going to find valuable scraping informations and techniques that you can directly put to practice for yourself.I've been working with Data Mining with NodeJs for more than 2 years on dozens of websites and I've learned many ways of creating a scraper and the best practices. All of which you are going to find out and learn in just a few hours in this course.OverviewI designed this Web Scraping Crash Course to be easily understood by absolute beginners and people who already have some knowledge about the subject. Complete crash course with all files and code samples, youll be able to work alongside with me as we work through each concept and scraper module. This is not some random tutorial that you usually find on the internet with extremely simple examples. I am showing you everything that you need to think about when starting to build a scraper with NodeJs, while building, problem solving techniques and all you need to know that by the end of the course to be confident and create one for yourself."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Aprender Ingls en Casa Rpido con 3 Tcnicas Fciles" |
"Con este curso no solamente aprenders ingls, llegars a DOMINARLO en poco tiempo...y desde tu casa.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yo viv en los Estados Unidos de Amrica por 3 aos y durante ese tiempo literalmente vi como muchas GRANDES oportunidades se me escurran por las manos por el simple hecho de NO HABLAR INGLES! Tuve meses muy difciles en los cuales me senta extremadamente solo y como un verdadero fracaso.Fue entonces cuando tome la determinacin de tomar ese fracaso y convertirlo en mi mayor xito. No iba a parar hasta encontrar la manera de aprender ingls y dominarlo en poco tiempo. Estaba comprometido.Despus de arduas horas y meses de investigacin y estudio descubr y cree mis propias estrategias de aprendizaje de ingls acelerado que al implementarlas me permitieron obtener un nivel de ingls tan bueno, que ahora trabajo como intrprete mdico de ingles profesional.En este curso comparto todas las estrategias de aprendizaje de ingls acelerado que yo utilice y sigo usando actualmente para que tu tambin domines el ingls rpidamente y desde tu casa.Imagnate todas las puertas de oportunidad que abren ante ti cuando dominas el ingls:La habilidad de obtener un trabajo mucho mejor pagado.La habilidad de darte a entender en casi todo el mundo con el idioma universal.La capacidad de expandir tu negocio de manera global.Conocer a gente del extranjero y expandir tu red de contactos.La capacidad de leer y entender libros o material de entrenamiento ( videocursos, webinars, paginas web, videos en youtube) en ingls.!Ligarte al chico o chica de intercambio del colegio que tanto te gusta! Te das cuenta de la importancia de aprender ingls rpidamente y abrirte a ti mismo a un mar de oportunidades que esperan ser TUYAS ! ?Yo soy un gran creyente de que la mejor educacin que podemos recibir es aquella que nos damos a nosotros mismos. Estoy hablando de la gran importancia de ser autodidacta. Con las estrategias de aprendizaje acelerado que aprenders en este curso veras que no es necesario pagar una alta cuota mensual o semanal a alguna "" Academia de Ingls"" donde te ensean mtodos ineficaces y obsoletos con la esperanza de seguir recibiendo tu dinero y no tanto con la meta de realmente ayudarte a aprender ingls.Con las tcnicas de aprendizaje que aqu veras, solamente requieres tu computadora o Laptop y conexin a Internet. Tomaras tu aprendizaje de ingls en tus propias manos y podrs llevar tu destreza en el idioma hasta el nivel que tu desees. Sin maestros, altas tarifas, ni aburridas listas de verbos y sus conjugaciones que tienes que memorizar.Con el curso "" Cmo aprender ingls y DOMINARLO en poco tiempo desde tu casa"" aprenders lo siguiente:Cmo puedes aprender a HABLAR, ESCRIBIR y ENTENDER ingls con una sola tcnica. Cmo YouTube puede convertirse en una poderosa herramienta en el dominio de este idioma. La importancia de leer textos en ingls en voz alta y como hacerlo de manera eficaz. La mejor tcnica para memorizar vocabulario de forma PERMANENTE y nunca olvidar.Cmo el uso de tu imaginacin y tus 5 sentidos pueden ayudarte a aprender ingls de manera veloz.Aprenders la manera en la que un bebe aprende su idioma materno y sabrs cmo imitar esa misma estrategia en tu aprendizaje de ingls.En este curso tendrs tambin acceso a lo siguiente:Video-lecciones que van directo al grano. Tal como tu yo tambin odio el ""material de relleno"" y no desperdiciare tu valioso tiempo con material que no sea relevante para tu xito Resmenes de las lecciones en formato PDF para que no haya duda en cuanto a los conceptos que veamos.Video-Demostraciones en las cuales veras cmo implementar cada una de las tcnicas y as logres el dominio del ingls mucho ms rpido.Seccin de preguntas y respuestas para que puedas realizarme cualquier pregunta que tengas en cuanto a los mtodos de aprendizaje que veremos y no quede ninguna duda.Recuerda que una vez inscrito tendrs acceso a este curso de POR VIDA. Podrs regresar a este curso cuando as lo necesites para reforzar algn concepto que necesites recordar.Para que puedas tomar una decisin en cuanto a si este curso es para ti o no, me gustara enlistar lo que NO veremos en este curso:No seguiremos los mtodos tradicionales de aprendizaje de ingls como lo aprendes en la escuela con un libro de textoNo veremos listas interminables de reglas gramaticales, sus aplicaciones y excepciones (y aun as aprenders cmo hablar y escribir ingls de manera correcta y coherente)No veremos cosas como el presente continuo, conjugaciones verbales, etc, y an as aprenders a utilizar tiempos verbales y conjugaciones correctas al momento de hablar y escribir ingls.Entonces recuerda que el enfoque de este curso es muy diferente a los mtodos tradicionales de aprendizaje de ingls que encontramos en libros de texto o ""escuelas"" de ingls, pero lo importante es que las innovadoras tcnicas que aprenders en este curso FUNCIONAN si las pones en prcticaRecuerda que al inscribirte a este curso seras capaz de obtener las actualizaciones que vaya realizando de manera gratuita y me asegurare que las actualizaciones y nuevo contenido que vaya agregando sea material que realmente te ayude a progresar mas rpido en tu meta de dominio del ingls.Si tu tambin ya estas cansado de perder muchas oportunidades en tu vida por no dominar el ingls, te invito a unirte a este curso y ver como dominar el ingls SI ES POSIBLE con herramientas de fcil acceso que tienes en tu casa y de una forma completamente autodidacta. Si te quedaste con la idea que aprender ingls es tardado, tedioso y aburrido y que es necesario aprenderse TODAS las reglas gramaticales y listas interminables de verbos y sus conjugaciones, veras que con el curso "" Cmo aprender ingls y DOMINARLO en poco tiempo desde tu casa"" aprender y dominar el ingls se convierte en una actividad sencilla y divertida pero que te dar resultados que difcilmente puedes ahora imaginar!Recuerda que tienes garanta de 30 das para la devolucin de tu dinero. INSCRBETE HOY !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Psychology Of Gifts" |
"Are you fed up whith standard GIFTS, Perfumes, Ring, Choclat Jeweleries ?!! !!!! Colonize the brain and soul of your soulmate or your beloved ones by offering something that only YOU CAN GIFT. This video will teach you a whole new way to surprise your partner. To tell him or her that she /he is as agreeable and special as the GIFT your giving them. Never again will you have to buy expensive yet classic GIFTS. This Video will teach you how to impress your gift receiver with a little effort and less money."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Se faire connaitre sur Internet sans publicit" |
"Module 1 : Pourquoi se faire connatre sur internet sans publicit est la meilleure des choses ? (valeur 57)Dans ce premier module, je vais t'expliquer et te prouver qu'en 2017 le mieux est de sefaire connatre sans publicit en appuyant mes sources par des tudes et des thories des meilleurs du marketing. Ainsi ce premier module t'ouvrira l'apptit pour continuer la suite du repas.- Le sondage inquitant qui devrait freiner tous les entrepreneursde faire de la publicit sur le web- Ma mthode qui m'a permis d'atteindre 10 000 abonns sur Youtube dans une niche peu rentable (les tudiants)et de gagner pourtant entre 500 et 1000 par mois juste avec cette chane- Ton audience te dira ""C'est exactement ce que je cherchais!"" :Comment lire dans les penses de 90% de ton audience pour leur crer du contenu adapt ? - La nouvelle faon de faire du Webmarketingqui va attirer toi comme un aimant tes clients Module 2 : Ce que je dois appliquer dans mon contenu pour avoir la confiance de mes prospects (valeur 57)Dans ce deuxime module, tu auras des lments ajouter dans la faon de faire du contenu, comme une recette de cuisine. Ainsi, avec les petites pices qui feront toute la diffrence dans la saveur, tu auras en mainces petites choses imperceptibles qui rend un contenu attractif.Les 2 qualits oublies pour obtenir la confiance de ton audience comme le fait ta meilleure amie: Pour ne jamais tre vu comme quelqu'un qui en veut juste pour l'argent mais de profondment sincreComment crer du contenu quiobsdera ton audience au point d'y penser mme sous la douche ?: Mise en place d'un plan d'action en 4 tapes pour ne pas exister juste le temps d'une vidoLa solution pour transformer tes abonns touristes en abonns fidles :Rendre drogu ton audienceUne astuce qui prend 2 secondes pour tre vu comme une personne sympathique et pourtant utilise depuis des centaines d'annes par les leaders de ce monde :Simple adapter sur internetComment crer du contenu qui sera partag sur Facebook :En suivant ce procd la lettreModule 3 : La mthode pour faire parler de moi rapidement et gratuitement (valeur 57)Dans ce troisime module, tu sauras quel type de contenu tu devras crer dsormais pour peu d'efforts et beaucoup de rsultats. Mthode 100% adapte la loi de Pareto et plus encorePourquoi et comment faire du contenu haut de gamme ?Devenir une ""grande marque"" dans ton marchComment crer du contenu adapt ton audience ?- Mes astuces pour faire des vidos impactantes et viralesRendre fan tes prospects de ton contenu -L'tat d'esprit avoir pour faire du business qui les touchera motionnellementModule 4 : Pas deux comme moi ! Voil sur quoi je dois me focaliser pour tre unique (valeur 57)Dans ce quatrime module, on parlera de personnel branding, un sujet passionnant o tu vas apprendre te dmarquer de tes concurrents et avoir un style qui te correspond 100%Les lments physiques qui feront ta marque: En un coup d'oeil tu auras ta propre atmosphre colle ta personnalit (les filles vont adorer)Comment devenir un leader d'internet comme la chaine de ""Je ne suis pas jolie"" ou ""Tibo inshape"": Voici leur petit secret et comment faire de mmeMettre en avant ta libert de penser pour faire du bruit sur le web :Voici comment extraire ta vision du monde pour tre uninfluenceur sur le webModule 5 : J'applique l'essentiel des techniques de webmarketing pour attirer mes premiers fans (valeur 57)Dans ce cinquime module je te donnerai mes meilleures techniques en webmarketing pour tu puisses maitriser le fait d'attirerune audienceDoubler les emails de ton audience: Il fallait juste y penser !Hacker ta fuse marketing pour transformer une simple adresse mail en client :Je te montre l'envers du dcorFaire travailler ses concurrents pour soi :L'astuce maline pour gagner du temps et mme les dpasserModule 6 : Je m'inspire des techniques de Growth hacking qui ont fait leur preuve (valeur 57)Dans ce sixime module nous verrons ce qu'est le growth hacking et les techniques qui te seront adaptes pour un petit business sur le web, tu pourras piocher dans celles qui t'intressent pour gagner un temps trs prcieuxAugmenter sesinscriptionspar mail de 20 50% sur son blogVendre 3 fois plus sans effortsLa nouvelle faon ultra simple de faire une vido virale enhackant ce qui a fonctionn ailleursFaire exploser son business grce au dernier outil franais rvolutionnaireTransformer ses prospects en fan FacebookTout le monde voudra suivre votre pageFacebook grce cette techniqueComment utiliser la frustration de vos visiteurs en prospects ?Pour des titres 100% adapts au web grce cet outilComment tre au courant dans la seconde si on parle de vous ou votre business sur un site webComment en savoir plus sur vos prospectsFacebook (ou amis privs) grce ce hackModule 7 : Comment tre ou paraitre un expert dans son domaine mme si on est 100% dbutant ? (valeur 57)Dans ce septime et dernier module, tu auras 4 astuces pour avoir de l'autorit aux yeux de ton march mme si c'est ton premier jour en tant qu'entrepreneur du web4 astuces pour avoir de l'influence mme en dbutant"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Business English Email Writing Skills for ESL Students" |
"Alain's friendly WARNING: ""You may already know about some of the techniques and ideas in this course, but please work through all the parts to get the full benefit""""If you have some experience at writing Business English emails, you may already be familiar with some parts of this course. However, by completing the whole course and using ALL the techniques correctly, the replies you get from your reader will arrive more quickly and be more positive.""""This is due to the psychological impact the system will have on your reader, created by the Structure, Focus, and Tone of your writing. It is the combination of the techniques that produce the results, rather than the individual parts of the system, which you may already know.""____________________________________________________All EZSteps REAL Business English Courses (ESL) on Udemy are for people whose first language is NOT English, and who want to develop superior Business English Communication Skills for their company or career, and persuade their readers to answer quickly and positively.Business English Email Writing is often only taught as an English exercise focusing on grammar, standard expressions, and vocabulary, without any information about what works well and what doesn't in the REAL business world.Business English Writing (ESL) as taught in schools and universities is really just adding specialized vocabulary to an ordinary English lesson, and you were being taught about the use of Business English (ESL) by an academic who probably has little or no experience of REAL business.Im sure that they are very capable of teaching vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation, but without any hands-on experience in REAL business situations, or the logistics of using English for business, how can they possibly know what is likely to happen in everyday life, and how to handle it.This is the first online REAL Business English Email Writing course to explain what damaging writing errors are, how to recognize them, and how to avoid making them.You can learn how to love writing your Business English Emails with confidence and speed.If youre going to the hospital to have major surgery, would you prefer that your doctor had real experience of actually doing operations?Would you be happy if an intern doctor, who has a lot of academic knowledge about surgery, and has read all the scientific journals... ...would you be happy to let that intern do your operation?I have a feeling that youd prefer, in fact, insist upon, an experienced doctor, wouldnt you? You may have learned how to write your Business English emails at school, university, or even with a 'Learn to write effective Business English Emails' writing course.Maybe you still can't get your readers to respond quickly, and often the replies are not what you want.Many Business English Writing Courses teach standard formats, grammar, and 'cut and paste' phrases, and fail to reveal the problems, or offer solutions for you to get fast, positive results.This revolutionary, yet simple business English email writing system, if followed correctly, will transform the power of your written communications.You will learn how to communicate more effectively, using the English you already know, and be able to choose the wording and style that will most effectively inform, influence, or persuade your reader in the REAL business world.You will reduce the time it takes you to create powerful and effective business English emails by clearly identifying the important parts of your message.By using the most efficient structure, formality, and format, you will be able to achieve responses from your readers that are quick, and positive.You will communicate more professionally, by editing your messages efficiently, making sure they are properly formed, and easy to read, which will get you the results you are looking for.You will build a reputation as both an excellent communicator and someone who gets results quickly and effectively.Let's see how much you can benefit, by working steadily through this Business English writing course together,AlainREMEMBER: It's the combination of the effects of all the techniques that will produce the results you are looking for."
Price: 49500.00 ![]() |
"Install a Snap-on Boat Carpet" |
"Learn how to install a customized snap-on carpet onto your boat. It's easy with the help of Cap'n Mike Vadala and it can be done for any size marine craft. With the snap on button design, you can take the carpeting on and off for an easy way to clean off the deck of your boat. The snap-on carpet will be tailor made for your specific deck. Upgrade your boat with this stylish carpeting. All your boat buddies will be asking you where you got it. Will they believe that you did yourself?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"01. Beynini Tan & Kendini Ynet" |
"letiim ksiri 01 Beynini Tan & Kendini Ynet kursu toplam 14 derste aadaki konular ilenmektedir.Beynini Sen YnetBeynimizBeynin letim SistemiSa Beyin Sol BeyinSa Beyin Sol Beyin Testidev UygulamaBilin, BilinaltBilinaltBilinalt Oluumu ve ProgramlamaOlumlu Dil Kalb Etkisidev UygulamaBen Olmak, Anda KalmakBEN Kimdir?Beynimizin alma ekliOdaklanmakGezgini Takip UygulamasGezgini Eve AltrmakGezgini (Bilinci) YnetmekZihnimizin ifalandrma zellii ve RitimOdaklanma ve Enerjimizi YkseltmekAnda Kalmak - UygulamaUygulama Kitabn ndirinDerslerde anlatlan konular kapsayan, toplam 27 sayfa Uygulama Kitabn pdf olarak indirebilirsiniz.letiim ksiri, farkl konularda hazrlan 11 Kurstan olumaktadr. Toplam 245 sayfa Uygulama Kitab pdf formatnda sunulmaktadr.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri SerisiBireysel olarak kendini gelitirmek isteyenler ve kurumsal yap ierisinde personeline eitim aldrmay planlayan profesyonel yneticiler, eitim aratrrlarken hep u ikilemleri ynetmek durumundadrlar;Bir taraftan kursun ierii dolu dolu olmaldr, dier taraftan eitim iin ayracak fazla zamanlar yoktur!ok nitelikli eitim olmaldr ancak kurs bteleri her zaman kstldr!Ksaca aradklar eitim;ok zaman almamaldr.Nitelikli bilgi ve beceriler vermelidir.Uygun bteli olmaldr.Materyaller ile desteklenmelidir.Bireysel yada kurumsal eitim ihtiyalarn karlayacak ekilde letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisini Mini Kurslar olarak oluturduk. Ksa, etkili ve kapsaml kiisel geliim serisi olarak letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisini ortaya kardk. letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi iindeki kurslarn her biri tek bana bir anlam ifade eder. Her bir kurs ayn zamanda btnn parasdr. Seri iindeki kurslar sra ile alarak btn oluturabilirsiniz. Ya da sadece ilgilendiiniz konudaki eitimi alabilirsiniz.Kurs ierikleri dolu doludur. Zira sunulan ierikler Profesyonel Koluk eitimi ieriklerinden derlenmitir.Her bir blm z bilgiler ierir en fazla 20 ders ile snr tutulmutur. Kurslarn her birinin toplam sresi 60 dakika ile 200 dakika aralndadr.Kurslarn fiyatlar btenize uygun olarak belirlenmitir.Kursu istediiniz zaman, gnn her saatinde, her platformdan (bilgisayardan, tabletten, mobil ve TV'den) eriebilirsiniz.Satn aldnz kursa mr boyu eriim hakkna sahip olursunuz.Her ders iin pdf formatnda Uygulama Kitabna sahip olursunuz. Her konunun nemli yerlerinin yazl olduu Uygulama Kitab ile dersleri ilemek, derslerden alacanz verimi kesinlikle arttracaktr. Ayrca Uygulama Kitabna kendi notunuzu da alabilirsiniz.Her dersin sonunda verilen dev uygulamalar ile ders konularn hayatnza katabilirsiniz.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi ile kendinizi veya kurumunuzu koluk becerileri ve aralar ile donatarak dntrebilirsiniz.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisinin Hedefleri;Kiinin kendini tanmasn ve kardaki kiiyi anlamasn kolaylatrmay hedefler.letiim Becerilerini gelitirmeyi ve etkin ekilde kullanabilmeyi hedefler.Kiinin sosyal hayatnda iletiimini gelitirmeyi ve potansiyelini ortaya karmay, ilikilerinde doyumu yakalamay hedefler.Kiinin iletiim becerilerini profesyonel hayatnda da etkili ekilde kullanarak potansiyelini ortaya karmay hedefler.Kiinin kendini ok ynl olarak gelitirmesine katk yapmay hedefler.Kiiyi, ynetim aralar donatarak kiinin Ynetim Becerilerini gelitirmeyi hedefler.Koluk Aralar ve Koluk Becerileri ile kiiyi donanml hale getirmeyi hedefler.letiiminizi dntrerek; Koluk Becerileri ile letiim yapar hale getirmeyi ve iletiim kalitenizi arttrmay hedefler.Ynetim tarznz dntrerek; kiiyi Koluk Becerileri ile Ynetim yapar hale getirmeyi hedefler.retim faaliyetleri ile ilgiliyseniz; Koluk Becerileri ile retim yapar hale getirmeyi hedefler.Tm personelinizi eiterek Kurum Kltrnz dntrmeyi ve Kurumunuza Koluk Kltrn yerletirmeyi hedefler...Eitimlerle adm adm Tam ve Btn BEN'i oluturmay hedefler...letiim ksiri ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi aadaki 12 fakl kurstan olumaktadr. 1. Beynini Tan & Kendini Ynet2. Duygusal Zeka ve Duygularn Ynetimi3. Alg ve Gerek: nyarglar, Kk nan ve Paradigmalar4. letiime Giri ve letiimde Temel Tutumlar5. Dinleme Becerisi ve letiim Tarzlar6. letiim: fade Stratejileri, Sen Dili Ben Dili, Tam Mesaj7. Etkili Geribildirim ve letiimde Kendini Ama8. Beden Diline Giri9. letiimde Uyum, Gizli Gndemler10. Soru Sorma Sanat ve letiimde zel Beceriler11 Kurumsal & Bireysel Vizyon ve Hedef Belirleme12 Ynetim AralarKoluk Kltr Serisindeki kurslara kayt olanlarn letiim ksiri ya da Ynetim ksiri kurslarna kayt olmalarna gerek yoktur. Koluk Kltr Serisi Modlleri, letiim ksiri Serisindeki kurslarn bir btn halinde sunulmas ile oluur. ...Mkemmellie lerle"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"03. Alg ve Gerek: nyarglar, Kk nan ve Paradigmalar" |
"letiim ksiri - 03 Alg ve Gerek: nyarglar, Kk nan ve Paradigmalar kursu toplam 24 derste aadaki konular ilenmektedir.Alglarm YnetiyorumAlg ve Algda SeicilikAlgsal Eilimler zlenimTurlarllkPigmalyon EtkisiAlgsal Eilimler Halo EtkisiYanstma Eilimidev Uygulamarenme Srecimrenme ve Beyin ok Duyulu renmerenmenin Alt AamasEletirel Dnmerenme ve Alkanlk Kazanmadev Uygulamanyarg ve Kalpyarglarmn FarkndaymnyarglarKalpyarglarnyarg Nasl Oluur?nyarg, Kalpyarg Uygulamalardev UygulamaBenim Dncelerim, Benim nanlarmDnce Kk nanlardev uygulamaBen ParadigmaymParadigmalara GiriTemel Paradigmalarrneklerle ParadigmaSen, Ben, Biz Paradigmasdev UygulamaBenim GereimGerek Kavramznel gereklik - Nesnel Gereklikdev UygulamaUygulama Kitabn ndirinDerslerde anlatlan konular kapsayan, toplam 30 sayfa Uygulama Kitabn pdf olarak indirebilirsiniz.letiim ksiri, farkl konularda hazrlan 11 Kurstan olumaktadr. Toplam 245 sayfa Uygulama Kitab pdf formatnda sunulmaktadr.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri SerisiBireysel olarak kendini gelitirmek isteyenler ve kurumsal yap ierisinde personeline eitim aldrmay planlayan profesyonel yneticiler, eitim aratrrlarken hep u ikilemleri ynetmek durumundadrlar;Bir taraftan kursun ierii dolu dolu olmaldr, dier taraftan eitim iin ayracak fazla zamanlar yoktur!ok nitelikli eitim olmaldr ancak kurs bteleri her zaman kstldr!Ksaca aradklar eitim;ok zaman almamaldr.Nitelikli bilgi ve beceriler vermelidir.Uygun bteli olmaldr.Materyaller ile desteklenmelidir.Bireysel yada kurumsal eitim ihtiyalarn karlayacak ekilde letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisini Mini Kurslar olarak oluturduk. Ksa, etkili ve kapsaml kiisel geliim serisi olarak letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisini ortaya kardk. letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi iindeki kurslarn her biri tek bana bir anlam ifade eder. Her bir kurs ayn zamanda btnn parasdr. Seri iindeki kurslar sra ile alarak btn oluturabilirsiniz. Ya da sadece ilgilendiiniz konudaki eitimi alabilirsiniz.Kurs ierikleri dolu doludur. Zira sunulan ierikler Profesyonel Koluk eitimi ieriklerinden derlenmitir.Her bir blm z bilgiler ierir en fazla 25 ders ile snr tutulmutur. Kurslarn her birinin toplam sresi 60 dakika ile 200 dakika aralndadr.Kurslarn fiyatlar btenize uygun olarak belirlenmitir.Kursu istediiniz zaman, gnn her saatinde, her platformdan (bilgisayardan, tabletten, mobil ve TV'den) eriebilirsiniz.Satn aldnz kursa mr boyu eriim hakkna sahip olursunuz.Her ders iin pdf formatnda Uygulama Kitabna sahip olursunuz. Her konunun nemli yerlerinin yazl olduu Uygulama Kitab ile dersleri ilemek, derslerden alacanz verimi kesinlikle arttracaktr. Ayrca Uygulama Kitabna kendi notunuzu da alabilirsiniz.Her dersin sonunda verilen dev uygulamalar ile ders konularn hayatnza katabilirsiniz.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi ile kendinizi veya kurumunuzu koluk becerileri ve aralar ile donatarak dntrebilirsiniz.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisinin Hedefleri;Kiinin kendini tanmasn ve kardaki kiiyi anlamasn kolaylatrmay hedefler.letiim Becerilerini gelitirmeyi ve etkin ekilde kullanabilmeyi hedefler.Kiinin sosyal hayatnda iletiimini gelitirmeyi ve potansiyelini ortaya karmay, ilikilerinde doyumu yakalamay hedefler.Kiinin iletiim becerilerini profesyonel hayatnda da etkili ekilde kullanarak potansiyelini ortaya karmay hedefler.Kiinin kendini ok ynl olarak gelitirmesine katk yapmay hedefler.Kiiyi, ynetim aralar donatarak kiinin Ynetim Becerilerini gelitirmeyi hedefler.Koluk Aralar ve Koluk Becerileri ile kiiyi donanml hale getirmeyi hedefler.letiiminizi dntrerek; Koluk Becerileri ile letiim yapar hale getirmeyi ve iletiim kalitenizi arttrmay hedefler.Ynetim tarznz dntrerek; kiiyi Koluk Becerileri ile Ynetim yapar hale getirmeyi hedefler.retim faaliyetleri ile ilgiliyseniz; Koluk Becerileri ile retim yapar hale getirmeyi hedefler.Tm personelinizi eiterek Kurum Kltrnz dntrmeyi ve Kurumunuza Koluk Kltrn yerletirmeyi hedefler...Eitimlerle adm adm Tam ve Btn BEN'i oluturmay hedefler...letiim ksiri ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi aadaki 12 fakl kurstan olumaktadr. 1. Beynini Tan ve Kendini Ynet2. Duygusal Zeka ve Duygularn Ynetimi3. Alg ve Gerek: nyarglar, Kk nan ve Paradigmalar4. letiime Giri ve letiimde Temel Tutumlar5. Dinleme Becerisi ve letiim Tarzlar6. letiim: fade Stratejileri, Sen Dili Ben Dili, Tam Mesaj7. Etkili Geribildirim ve letiimde Kendini Ama8. Beden Diline Giri9. letiimde Uyum, Gizli Gndemler10. Soru Sorma Sanat ve letiimde zel Beceriler11 Kurumsal & Bireysel Vizyon ve Hedef Belirleme12 Ynetim AralarKoluk Kltr Serisindeki kurslara kayt olanlarn letiim ksiri ya da Ynetim ksiri kurslarna kayt olmalarna gerek yoktur. Koluk Kltr Serisi Modlleri, letiim ksiri Serisindeki kurslarn bir btn halinde sunulmas ile oluur. ...Mkemmellie lerle"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"04. letiime Giri Temel Tutumlar & Kuaklar Aras letiim" |
"letiim ksiri 04 letiime Giri, Temel Tutumlar ve Kuaklar Aras letiim kursu toplam 16 derste aadaki konular ilenmektedir.letiime Giriletiimin Be BoyutuSokratesin Filtresiletiimde lgi Alan Etki Alanletiimi Etkileyen FaktrlerTemsil Sistemleri Testiletiimde Grsel fadelerletiimde itsel ve Dokunsal fadeler letiimde Temel TutumumGiriretmeye almakRehberlik YapmakDanmanlk YapmakYneticilik Yapmak Koluk Becerisi ile letiimMetaforlarla Kolukdev uygulamaKuaklar Aras letiimKuak, Nesil, JenerasyonSessiz Kuak X KuaY, Z KuaklarGkkua Nesilldev UygulamaUygulama Kitabn ndirinDerslerde anlatlan konular kapsayan, toplam 23 sayfa Uygulama Kitabn pdf olarak indirebilirsiniz.letiim ksiri, farkl konularda hazrlan 11 Kurstan olumaktadr. Toplam 245 sayfa Uygulama Kitab pdf formatnda sunulmaktadr.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri SerisiBireysel olarak kendini gelitirmek isteyenler ve kurumsal yap ierisinde personeline eitim aldrmay planlayan profesyonel yneticiler, eitim aratrrlarken hep u ikilemleri ynetmek durumundadrlar;Bir taraftan kursun ierii dolu dolu olmaldr, dier taraftan eitim iin ayracak fazla zamanlar yoktur!ok nitelikli eitim olmaldr ancak kurs bteleri her zaman kstldr!Ksaca aradklar eitim;ok zaman almamaldr.Nitelikli bilgi ve beceriler vermelidir.Uygun bteli olmaldr.Materyaller ile desteklenmelidir.Bireysel yada kurumsal eitim ihtiyalarn karlayacak ekilde letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisini Mini Kurslar olarak oluturduk. Ksa, etkili ve kapsaml kiisel geliim serisi olarak letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisini ortaya kardk. letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi iindeki kurslarn her biri tek bana bir anlam ifade eder. Her bir kurs ayn zamanda btnn parasdr. Seri iindeki kurslar sra ile alarak btn oluturabilirsiniz. Ya da sadece ilgilendiiniz konudaki eitimi alabilirsiniz.Kurs ierikleri dolu doludur. Zira sunulan ierikler Profesyonel Koluk eitimi ieriklerinden derlenmitir.Her bir blm z bilgiler ierir en fazla 25 ders ile snr tutulmutur. Kurslarn her birinin toplam sresi 60 dakika ile 200 dakika aralndadr.Kurslarn fiyatlar btenize uygun olarak belirlenmitir.Kursu istediiniz zaman, gnn her saatinde, her platformdan (bilgisayardan, tabletten, mobil ve TV'den) eriebilirsiniz.Satn aldnz kursa mr boyu eriim hakkna sahip olursunuz.Her ders iin pdf formatnda Uygulama Kitabna sahip olursunuz. Her konunun nemli yerlerinin yazl olduu Uygulama Kitab ile dersleri ilemek, derslerden alacanz verimi kesinlikle arttracaktr. Ayrca Uygulama Kitabna kendi notunuzu da alabilirsiniz.Her dersin sonunda verilen dev uygulamalar ile ders konularn hayatnza katabilirsiniz.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi ile kendinizi veya kurumunuzu koluk becerileri ve aralar ile donatarak dntrebilirsiniz.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisinin Hedefleri;Kiinin kendini tanmasn ve kardaki kiiyi anlamasn kolaylatrmay hedefler.letiim Becerilerini gelitirmeyi ve etkin ekilde kullanabilmeyi hedefler.Kiinin sosyal hayatnda iletiimini gelitirmeyi ve potansiyelini ortaya karmay, ilikilerinde doyumu yakalamay hedefler.Kiinin iletiim becerilerini profesyonel hayatnda da etkili ekilde kullanarak potansiyelini ortaya karmay hedefler.Kiinin kendini ok ynl olarak gelitirmesine katk yapmay hedefler.Kiiyi, ynetim aralar donatarak kiinin Ynetim Becerilerini gelitirmeyi hedefler.Koluk Aralar ve Koluk Becerileri ile kiiyi donanml hale getirmeyi hedefler.letiiminizi dntrerek; Koluk Becerileri ile letiim yapar hale getirmeyi ve iletiim kalitenizi arttrmay hedefler.Ynetim tarznz dntrerek; kiiyi Koluk Becerileri ile Ynetim yapar hale getirmeyi hedefler.retim faaliyetleri ile ilgiliyseniz; Koluk Becerileri ile retim yapar hale getirmeyi hedefler.Tm personelinizi eiterek Kurum Kltrnz dntrmeyi ve Kurumunuza Koluk Kltrn yerletirmeyi hedefler...Eitimlerle adm adm Tam ve Btn BEN'i oluturmay hedefler...letiim ksiri ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi aadaki 12 fakl kurstan olumaktadr. 1. Beynini Tan ve Kendini Ynet2. Duygusal Zeka ve Duygularn Ynetimi3. Alg ve Gerek: nyarglar, Kk nan ve Paradigmalar4. letiime Giri ve letiimde Temel Tutumlar5. Dinleme Becerisi ve letiim Tarzlar6. letiim: fade Stratejileri, Sen Dili Ben Dili, Tam Mesaj7. Etkili Geribildirim ve letiimde Kendini Ama8. Beden Diline Giri9. letiimde Uyum, Gizli Gndemler10. Soru Sorma Sanat ve letiimde zel Beceriler11 Kurumsal & Bireysel Vizyon ve Hedef Belirleme12 Ynetim AralarKoluk Kltr Serisindeki kurslara kayt olanlarn letiim ksiri ya da Ynetim ksiri kurslarna kayt olmalarna gerek yoktur. Koluk Kltr Serisi Modlleri, letiim ksiri Serisindeki kurslarn bir btn halinde sunulmas ile oluur. ...Mkemmellie lerle"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"05. Dinleme Becerisi ve letiim Tarzlar" |
"letiim ksiri - 05Dinleme Becerisi ve letiim Tarzlar kursu toplam 13 derste aadaki konular ilenmektedir.Dinleme BecerisiDinlemeDinleme Engelleriletiim Hatalardev uygulamaEtkin Dinlemence anlamak, Sonra Anlalmakyi - Kt Dinleyici zellikleriEtkin Dinlemedev UygulamaDineme Seviyeleridev uygulamaletiim Tarzlarletiim Tarzlar Testiletiim Tarzlar Testi Deerlendirmeletiim TarzlarEdilgen Tarz letiimSaldrgan Tarz letiimKendini Ortaya Koyan Tarz letiim dev UygulamaUygulama Kitabn ndirinDerslerde anlatlan konular kapsayan, toplam 30 sayfa Uygulama Kitabn pdf olarak indirebilirsiniz.letiim ksiri, farkl konularda hazrlan 11 Kurstan olumaktadr. Toplam 245 sayfa Uygulama Kitab pdf formatnda sunulmaktadr.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri SerisiBireysel olarak kendini gelitirmek isteyenler ve kurumsal yap ierisinde personeline eitim aldrmay planlayan profesyonel yneticiler, eitim aratrrlarken hep u ikilemleri ynetmek durumundadrlar;Bir taraftan kursun ierii dolu dolu olmaldr, dier taraftan eitim iin ayracak fazla zamanlar yoktur!ok nitelikli eitim olmaldr ancak kurs bteleri her zaman kstldr!Ksaca aradklar eitim;ok zaman almamaldr.Nitelikli bilgi ve beceriler vermelidir.Uygun bteli olmaldr.Materyaller ile desteklenmelidir.Bireysel yada kurumsal eitim ihtiyalarn karlayacak ekilde letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisini Mini Kurslar olarak oluturduk. Ksa, etkili ve kapsaml kiisel geliim serisi olarak letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisini ortaya kardk. letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi iindeki kurslarn her biri tek bana bir anlam ifade eder. Her bir kurs ayn zamanda btnn parasdr. Seri iindeki kurslar sra ile alarak btn oluturabilirsiniz. Ya da sadece ilgilendiiniz konudaki eitimi alabilirsiniz.Kurs ierikleri dolu doludur. Zira sunulan ierikler Profesyonel Koluk eitimi ieriklerinden derlenmitir.Her bir blm z bilgiler ierir en fazla 25 ders ile snr tutulmutur. Kurslarn her birinin toplam sresi 60 dakika ile 200 dakika aralndadr.Kurslarn fiyatlar btenize uygun olarak belirlenmitir.Kursu istediiniz zaman, gnn her saatinde, her platformdan (bilgisayardan, tabletten, mobil ve TV'den) eriebilirsiniz.Satn aldnz kursa mr boyu eriim hakkna sahip olursunuz.Her ders iin pdf formatnda Uygulama Kitabna sahip olursunuz. Her konunun nemli yerlerinin yazl olduu Uygulama Kitab ile dersleri ilemek, derslerden alacanz verimi kesinlikle arttracaktr. Ayrca Uygulama Kitabna kendi notunuzu da alabilirsiniz.Her dersin sonunda verilen dev uygulamalar ile ders konularn hayatnza katabilirsiniz.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi ile kendinizi veya kurumunuzu koluk becerileri ve aralar ile donatarak dntrebilirsiniz.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisinin Hedefleri;Kiinin kendini tanmasn ve kardaki kiiyi anlamasn kolaylatrmay hedefler.letiim Becerilerini gelitirmeyi ve etkin ekilde kullanabilmeyi hedefler.Kiinin sosyal hayatnda iletiimini gelitirmeyi ve potansiyelini ortaya karmay, ilikilerinde doyumu yakalamay hedefler.Kiinin iletiim becerilerini profesyonel hayatnda da etkili ekilde kullanarak potansiyelini ortaya karmay hedefler.Kiinin kendini ok ynl olarak gelitirmesine katk yapmay hedefler.Kiiyi, ynetim aralar donatarak kiinin Ynetim Becerilerini gelitirmeyi hedefler.Koluk Aralar ve Koluk Becerileri ile kiiyi donanml hale getirmeyi hedefler.letiiminizi dntrerek; Koluk Becerileri ile letiim yapar hale getirmeyi ve iletiim kalitenizi arttrmay hedefler.Ynetim tarznz dntrerek; kiiyi Koluk Becerileri ile Ynetim yapar hale getirmeyi hedefler.retim faaliyetleri ile ilgiliyseniz; Koluk Becerileri ile retim yapar hale getirmeyi hedefler.Tm personelinizi eiterek Kurum Kltrnz dntrmeyi ve Kurumunuza Koluk Kltrn yerletirmeyi hedefler...Eitimlerle adm adm Tam ve Btn BEN'i oluturmay hedefler...letiim ksiri ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi aadaki 12 fakl kurstan olumaktadr. 1. Beynini Tan ve Kendini Ynet2. Duygusal Zeka ve Duygularn Ynetimi3. Alg ve Gerek: nyarglar, Kk nan ve Paradigmalar4. letiime Giri ve letiimde Temel Tutumlar5. Dinleme Becerisi ve letiim Tarzlar6. letiim: fade Stratejileri, Sen Dili Ben Dili, Tam Mesaj7. Etkili Geribildirim ve letiimde Kendini Ama8. Beden Diline Giri9. letiimde Uyum, Gizli Gndemler10. Soru Sorma Sanat ve letiimde zel Beceriler11 Kurumsal & Bireysel Vizyon ve Hedef Belirleme12 Ynetim AralarKoluk Kltr Serisindeki kurslara kayt olanlarn letiim ksiri ya da Ynetim ksiri kurslarna kayt olmalarna gerek yoktur. Koluk Kltr Serisi Modlleri, letiim ksiri Serisindeki kurslarn bir btn halinde sunulmas ile oluur. ...Mkemmellie lerle"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"06. fade Stratejileri, Sen Dili Ben Dili, Tam Mesaj" |
"letiim ksiri 06fade Stratejileri, Sen Dili Ben Dili, Tam Mesaj kursu toplam 13 derste aadaki konular ilenmektedir.fade Etme StratejileriBozuk plak Yn DeitirmeOyalamaAra vermeEletiriye Karlk Verme Stratejileridev Uygulamafade Etmek Sen Dili Ben DiliSen DiliBen Dili Sen Dili - Ben Dili Uygulamalarocuklarda Ben Dili Sen Dili dev Uygulamaletiimde Kendini fade EtmekTam MesajKark MesajTam Mesaj rnekleridev UygulamaUygulama Kitabn ndirinDerslerde anlatlan konular kapsayan, toplam 15 sayfa Uygulama Kitabn pdf olarak indirebilirsiniz.letiim ksiri, farkl konularda hazrlan 11 Kurstan olumaktadr. Toplam 245 sayfa Uygulama Kitab pdf formatnda sunulmaktadr.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri SerisiBireysel olarak kendini gelitirmek isteyenler ve kurumsal yap ierisinde personeline eitim aldrmay planlayan profesyonel yneticiler, eitim aratrrlarken hep u ikilemleri ynetmek durumundadrlar;Bir taraftan kursun ierii dolu dolu olmaldr, dier taraftan eitim iin ayracak fazla zamanlar yoktur!ok nitelikli eitim olmaldr ancak kurs bteleri her zaman kstldr!Ksaca aradklar eitim;ok zaman almamaldr.Nitelikli bilgi ve beceriler vermelidir.Uygun bteli olmaldr.Materyaller ile desteklenmelidir.Bireysel yada kurumsal eitim ihtiyalarn karlayacak ekilde letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisini Mini Kurslar olarak oluturduk. Ksa, etkili ve kapsaml kiisel geliim serisi olarak letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisini ortaya kardk. letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi iindeki kurslarn her biri tek bana bir anlam ifade eder. Her bir kurs ayn zamanda btnn parasdr. Seri iindeki kurslar sra ile alarak btn oluturabilirsiniz. Ya da sadece ilgilendiiniz konudaki eitimi alabilirsiniz.Kurs ierikleri dolu doludur. Zira sunulan ierikler Profesyonel Koluk eitimi ieriklerinden derlenmitir.Her bir blm z bilgiler ierir en fazla 25 ders ile snr tutulmutur. Kurslarn her birinin toplam sresi 60 dakika ile 200 dakika aralndadr.Kurslarn fiyatlar btenize uygun olarak belirlenmitir.Kursu istediiniz zaman, gnn her saatinde, her platformdan (bilgisayardan, tabletten, mobil ve TV'den) eriebilirsiniz.Satn aldnz kursa mr boyu eriim hakkna sahip olursunuz.Her ders iin pdf formatnda Uygulama Kitabna sahip olursunuz. Her konunun nemli yerlerinin yazl olduu Uygulama Kitab ile dersleri ilemek, derslerden alacanz verimi kesinlikle arttracaktr. Ayrca Uygulama Kitabna kendi notunuzu da alabilirsiniz.Her dersin sonunda verilen dev uygulamalar ile ders konularn hayatnza katabilirsiniz.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi ile kendinizi veya kurumunuzu koluk becerileri ve aralar ile donatarak dntrebilirsiniz.letiim ksiri Serisi ve Ynetim ksiri Serisinin Hedefleri;Kiinin kendini tanmasn ve kardaki kiiyi anlamasn kolaylatrmay hedefler.letiim Becerilerini gelitirmeyi ve etkin ekilde kullanabilmeyi hedefler.Kiinin sosyal hayatnda iletiimini gelitirmeyi ve potansiyelini ortaya karmay, ilikilerinde doyumu yakalamay hedefler.Kiinin iletiim becerilerini profesyonel hayatnda da etkili ekilde kullanarak potansiyelini ortaya karmay hedefler.Kiinin kendini ok ynl olarak gelitirmesine katk yapmay hedefler.Kiiyi, ynetim aralar donatarak kiinin Ynetim Becerilerini gelitirmeyi hedefler.Koluk Aralar ve Koluk Becerileri ile kiiyi donanml hale getirmeyi hedefler.letiiminizi dntrerek; Koluk Becerileri ile letiim yapar hale getirmeyi ve iletiim kalitenizi arttrmay hedefler.Ynetim tarznz dntrerek; kiiyi Koluk Becerileri ile Ynetim yapar hale getirmeyi hedefler.retim faaliyetleri ile ilgiliyseniz; Koluk Becerileri ile retim yapar hale getirmeyi hedefler.Tm personelinizi eiterek Kurum Kltrnz dntrmeyi ve Kurumunuza Koluk Kltrn yerletirmeyi hedefler...Eitimlerle adm adm Tam ve Btn BEN'i oluturmay hedefler...letiim ksiri ve Ynetim ksiri Serisi aadaki 12 fakl kurstan olumaktadr. 1. Beynini Tan ve Kendini Ynet2. Duygusal Zeka ve Duygularn Ynetimi3. Alg ve Gerek: nyarglar, Kk nan ve Paradigmalar4. letiime Giri ve letiimde Temel Tutumlar5. Dinleme Becerisi ve letiim Tarzlar6. letiim: fade Stratejileri, Sen Dili Ben Dili, Tam Mesaj7. Etkili Geribildirim ve letiimde Kendini Ama8. Beden Diline Giri9. letiimde Uyum, Gizli Gndemler10. Soru Sorma Sanat ve letiimde zel Beceriler11 Kurumsal & Bireysel Vizyon ve Hedef Belirleme12 Ynetim AralarKoluk Kltr Serisindeki kurslara kayt olanlarn letiim ksiri ya da Ynetim ksiri kurslarna kayt olmalarna gerek yoktur. Koluk Kltr Serisi Modlleri, letiim ksiri Serisindeki kurslarn bir btn halinde sunulmas ile oluur. ...Mkemmellie lerle"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |