Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Kamu Personeli Mlakat Teknikleri" |
"KPSS ve sonrasnda girilen kurum snavlarn kazanan adaylarn byk bir blm maalesef mlakatlarda elenmektedir. Mlakat bir adayn sadece salt teknik bilgisini deil, ayn zamanda adayn kurumu temsil edebilecek nitelikte olup olmadn anlamada nemli etkiye sahiptir. Kii, kurumun yazl snavn dereceyle kazansa bile mlakattaki performansndan dolay elenebiliyor. Bu nedenle mlakattaki klk-kyafetiniz, duruunuz, oturuunuz, beden diliniz, sorulara cevap veri ekliniz, sizlerle yaptklar ksa sohbet ve tartmalardaki performansnz hatta ailenizi, evrenizi ve kendinizi tantmanz gerektiren sorulara kar verdiiniz cevaplar sizin tm yaamnz deitirecek etkiye sahiptir. Bu eitim sizleri mlakata en iyi ekilde hazrlayacak ksa ama ok etkili bilgiler ve tecrbeler iermektedir. Faydal olmas dileiyle.."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Mikro ktisat (KPSS- Hakimlik- Kaymakamlk )" |
"KPSS ve Kurum snavlarnda arlk paya sahip mikro ktisat hem tketici dengesi hemde piyasa analizleri asndan ayrntl bir ekilde incelenmelidir. Bu anlamda temelden balayarak talep arz piyasa dengesi, tketici ve retici davranlar ile piyasa trleri ayrntl bir ekilde tm ine detaylar dikkate alnarak soru zmlemeleriyle incelenmitir. Bu deerlendirmeler gireceiniz tm snavlarda karmza kacak engelleri kolayca amanz saplayacaktr. imdiden baarlar dilerim.Do.Dr. lkay Dilber"
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"SMMM / KPSS A - Muhasebe ( Ayrntl Soru zm )" |
"Muhasebe dersi rencilerin genellikle zorland ve ilerletemedii bir ders olarak bilinir. Osman Kozan, sizlere karlaabileceiniz tm soru tiplerini ayrntl zerek hem pratik soru zm tekniklerini gsteriyor hem de bu anlarm ok sade bir dille gerekletiriyor.Bu paketi satn aldnzda mr boyu sahip olacaksnz ve gireceiniz tm snavlarda yararlanabileceksiniz.Paket iinde muhasebe konularnn tamam yer almaktadr."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"KPSS Tarih Soru zm" |
"Tarih dersi birok snavn ana konularndan biri olmakla beraber standart sapmas da en yksek alanlardan biridir. Bunun nedeni snava giren adaylarn net saysnn olduka az olmasdr. Tarih'e nasl almalym sorusu ise bize en sk sorulan sorulardan biridir.e gzel bir konu anlatm kitabn almakla balayn. Kitab nce sadece okuyun. Sonra 2. kez okuyun fakat altn izerek okuyun bu defa. Sonra 3. kez okuyun ancak bu defa altn izdiiniz yerleri not almay unutmayn. Uzun bir sre olarak gelebilir fakat en etkili yntem budur. 3. kez almada her blm sonunda soru zmek (mmknse zml sorular) konuyu daha iyi anlamanz salayacaktr. Tm bunlarn bitiminde km sorularla tekrar yapmanz konular iyice pekitirecektir. Bu kursumuzda Tarihin tm konular konu konu ayrlarak her soru tipine yer verilmitir. Kursumuz sizlere en hzl/pratik/ksa yoldan soru zm stratejilerini retmeyi planlamaktadr."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Volkan ampiyon hocamz tm gemi ALES sorularnn zmlerini sizlerle cretsiz olarak paylayor. 2018 ALES matematik sorularyla da kursumuzu ayoruz. SYM son yllarda salt bilgi len snav sisteminden uzaklaarak ""ksa zamanda doru cevap verme"", ""snav formatna uygun zm tekniklerine sahip olma"", ""yorumlayabilme gc"" ve ""bilgiyi doru kullanma"" yeteneklerini len bir formatla rencileri snamaktadr. Bu nedenle mfredata hakim olan renciler dahi zaman problemi yaamakta ve tm sorular gremeden snav tamamlamaktadrlar.ALES'te rencilerin en ok sknt yaad konulara daha da detayl yer veren hocamz ayrntl anlatm ve pratik zm taktikleri ieren youn bir kurs program ile dzenli bir video eitim seti sunmaktadr."
Price: 349.99 ![]() |
"ktisat (KPSS A -Kaymakamlk - Hakimlik vb. Kurum snavlar)" |
"Kpss A grubu bata olmak zere, buna benzer tm uzmanlk ve mfettilik snavlarnda, bununla birlikte bankaclk snavlarnda ihtiyacnz olan soru zme, soru zerinden konu tekrar etme ve grafik yorumlama gibi iktisat snavlarnda oka ihtiya duyulan yetkinlikler bu kurs ile size kazandrlacak, bunun yannda kurs her ay gncellenerek gncel tutulup, uzun vadede kurstan yararlanmanz salanacaktr. Srekli iletiim halinde olarak snav sreciniz boyunca iktisat adna eksiklerinizi tamamlanmaya allacaktr.Emir Kudube"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso Express de Laravel 5.6 + Angular 6 + Bootstrap 4" |
"Este curso express te permite introducirte de manera rapidsima a 3 nuevas tecnologas: Angular 6, Laravel 5.6 y Bootstrap 4. Crearemos un CRUDpara gestionar una base de datos de pelculas y con esto aprenders la base fundamental de una web app moderna.A travs de un ejemplo prctico, se te muestra cmo:Configurar tu ambiente para correr un backend usando Apache, PHP y MySQL tanto en Mac como en WindowsCrear una app de Laravel y usar artisan para generar tus recursos y acceso a datosUsar las caractersticas que Laravel ofrece para servir un APIRESTConfigurar tu ambiente para usar Angular 6Crear una app de Angular desde ceroCrear servicios para acceder a los datos de Laravel"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Forex-Stock Trading -Improve your Results up to 80% accuracy" |
"Less than 5% of Forex and stockTraders make money, if you are losing most of your trades you are just gambling and you don't know what are you doing, so stop gambling and start learning. Here is your chance if you are interested inlearning an advance strategy of trading the Forex or StockMarkets. In this course, you will discover and see thebest Forex tradingstrategy, and how effective this strategy is in predicting 75% to 80% price movements. You will discover how you can make more money, and waste less time with losing strategies. Heikin-Ashi and Renko charts are the best charts to present financial price with nice movements. I like them because they allow me to easily visualize the market and analyze recent price actionbefore doing anything.Learn the secret and the biggest lie the top 5% of Forex Traders know about Forex Trading.On this course, you will precisely discover how to use Heikin-Ashi and Renko charts, EMA & MACD.Youre also going to learn in 3 steps:How to know the direction of the market.How to determine the trend.How to determine the entry trigger & the exit. So if you are ready foradvance Forex or stock Trading strategy take this course.RuleNo. 1: Never lose money.RuleNo. 2: Never forgetruleNo. 1. warren Buffett rules."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Desenhista / AutoCAD" |
"Se torne um desenhista / projetista de sucesso com esse curso.Aprenda como passar suas ideias para o AutoCAD de forma dinmica, direta e objetiva.O AutoCAD apenas uma ferramenta, o artista voc.Curso com o AutoCAD 2012 e adaptvel para verses mais recentes at a 2016.Aprenda detalhadamente os principais comandos desta ferramenta."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certification Training BOOTCAMP + AWS Practice Exam 2019" |
"Do you want to PASS theAWS Certification? Looking for sampleAWSCertification ExamQuestions and Answers?Learn how to become Amazon Web Services(AWS)Certified today in this top-rated AWS Certification Training Bootcamp! Join this course and you will not only get a full AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate training course, but also HUNDREDS of AWSCertification exam answers andquestions to practice!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You get lifetime access to lectures!You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully in the course discussions section!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed!In this course, you will learn:-Overview Cloud Computing-Overview AWS-EC2-EBS-S3-IAM-RDS-CloudWatch-ELB-Auto-Scaling-Route 53-VPC-Dynamo DB-CloudFront & ACM (for SSL)-Elastic beanstalk-AWS Pricing-Architecture Best Practices-AWS Certification tips & tricks...AND STUDY 100'S of AWSCertification ExamQuestions and AnswersIm just scratching the surface of all the things taught in this course, so make so to scroll through the lectures to see all the great topics we delve into. This course is designed for anyone wishing tobecome an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate and passthe AWS Certification !TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW BECOMING AWSCERTIFIEDWILL HELP INCREASE YOUR SKILLS ANDINCOME!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Web Development Bootcamp" |
"DON'T LET THE UNDER ONE HOUR COURSE LENGTH FOOL YOU! THIS COURSE IS WELL OVER 20 HOURS OF PDFs ANDWEBSITE CONTENT TEACHINGYOUWEBDEVELOPMENT!Are you intrigued by the high paying salaries you see linked with coding job postings? Do you want to learn how to develop a website or app for your own business? MasterWEBDEVELOPMENT starting today! Learn how I taught myself how to code in this simple and easy to follow Web Development Bootcamp! Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You get lifetime access to lectures!You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully in the course discussions section!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed!In this course, you will learn:-Computer Science-Front End Web Development-Back End Web Development-HTML-CSS-JavaScript-React-Content Management Systems (CMS)Im just scratching the surface of all the things taught in this course, so make so to scroll through the lectures to see all the great topics we delve into. This course is designed for anyone wishingtobecome a Web Developer!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW CODINGWILL HELP INCREASE YOUR CAREER SKILLS ANDINCOME!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C Programming For Engineering Students In Malayalam" |
"This course cover basics of c programming in Malayalam language. As you know from the curriculum we are covering both theory and practical in depth. This course is designed for students who are good at Malayalam . I put my best effort to make this course a number one , I would like to hear from you, and change this course according to your opinions . . . , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SOLID Principles in Php programming (Create project)" |
"We intend to focus on creating PHP programming projects based on the principles of SOLID in this training course. In this collection, we try to avoid the unnecessary coding as much as possible, and explain the rules and principles of standard programming. So, in many parts of our training, were going skip the boring coding parts and only show you the final structure of the methods with an overall view to avoid wasting your time. At the end of this training, we expect you to have the ability to design your PHP object oriented projects according to the SOLID standards."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ISTQB Foundation Level 2018 syllabus Exams" |
"Why should you choose these sample exams?During my career, I have helped more than 1000 students to prepare for the ISTQB exams. I have more than 800 hours of teaching experience, giving lectures on the different ISTQB Certificates (Foundation Level-Agile Tester-Mobile Tester). That's why I can guarantee you that this course will help you in passing the exam. If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me.=======================================If you decide to buy this course, then I can guarantee you the following:1-All questions in these sample exams are solved correctly, there are no questions with wrong answers2-All questions are based on the new 2018 Syllabus3-I will solve any question that you send to me in the Q & A section=======================================These are some of the reviews of the students who used these sample exams to prepare for the exam:""The sample questions cover almost each module of the syllabus. This helped in gaining confidence about my understanding of each topic in the syllabus.""Blessy Devassy""Happy to say that i passed the exam with 83% pass mark.Practicing these exams were huge help for passing the exam.The instructor did a good effort on making these questions especially chapter 4 questions.""Anjaly Nair""Almost 75-80% questions in my exams were from this course. Although wording were different but questions were almost same. Thank you sir""Arif Bangash""This course helped me a lot, I have passed my exam with 95%. So big thank you.""Gjoko Parlapanov""Hi, thanks to this course I passed the ISTQB exam at 71%. These sample exams gave me a better understanding and confidence. I would like to recommend it to everyone who's gone through ISTQB Syllabus 2018 and would like to check the knowledge. Thank you, Tarek for your effort.""Karolina Sobczak======================== "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ISTQB Agile Tester Sample Exams" |
"These are some of the reviews of the students who used these sample exams to prepare for the exam:""This course proved helpful for me for preparation of exam. I passed the exam :) , Well done Mr. Tarek Roshdy!""Zakria Riaz Dar""This course helped me to clear the AGILE exam last week with a score of 77.5.I strongly recommend it. I'll be using your material to prepare for the ASTQB Mobile exam. Thanks Tarek Roshdy""Peter Sage""This sample questions were the best i ever found. After i completed this exams i have successfully passed the exam with a good rate. I 100% recommend that course and thank to Mr.Tarek for his effort, time and the continuous support.""Hesham Belal""I passed the exam after solving these exams , covers the syllabus in a very professional way .handle all kinds of questions .""Ahmed Zanoon""I got my certification. This course was helpful for that. Thanks!""Kavitha Samraj""awesome course exams help me to practice and to test my study really awesome""Mohamed Magdy AttiaWhy should you choose these sample exams?=========================================During my career, I have helped more than 1000 students to prepare for the ISTQB exams. I have more than 800 hours of teaching experience, giving lectures on the different ISTQB Certificates (Foundation Level-Agile Tester-Mobile Tester). That's why I can guarantee you that this course will help you in passing the exam. If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certificao AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate" |
"*******************************************************************************************O curso contempla o contedo da ltima verso da AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate*******************************************************************************************Ol, meu nome Edgar. Sou desenvolvedor web h anos e hoje trabalho como Analista de Sistemas. Desenvolvi esse curso a fim de ajudar os colegas de TI brasileiros a tirarem a certificao AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, uma das certificaes mais valiosas do mercado. Hoje a Amazon desponta na liderana entre as empresas fornecedoras de servios relacionados a nuvem e suas certificaes esto entre as que oferecem maior retorno financeiro. O curso completo e extremamente objetivo. Contm aulas tericas, prticas, simulados e centenas de questes comentadas em vdeos. Dominando o contedo voc estar capacitado e apto a ser aprovado no exame sem precisar recorrer a nenhuma outra fonte. O curso indicado no s para quem pretende adquirir a certificao mas tambm para todo profissional de TI que queira conhecer os servios da AWS e evoluir profissionalmente.Assista s aulas iniciais para conhecer melhor o curso e junte-se a ns! Um forte abrao."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Smart Startup Strategy: From Strategy to Execution" |
"Business plans and strategic planning can be overwhelming topics for many entrepreneurs and small business owners who just want to dive into the creative, more enjoyable aspects of owning your own business. However, having a solid business strategy can mean the difference between remaining competitive and being beaten by your competitors. In just one hour of video lessons, this course will step you through the process of developing a simple, sustainable business strategy, followed by an easy-to-follow methodology for breaking down your strategy into the actionable solutions you need to start achieving your strategy."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Speed Control of Induction Motors using MATLAB" |
"Induction motors are the most widely used electrical motors due to their reliability, low cost, ruggedness and robustness.However, induction motors do not inherently have the capability of variable speed operation.This course starts off covering some basic subjects which are needed so that you can understand how speed of induction motor can be varied and controlled. The course consistsof the following sections :-Induction Motor ( Equations & its equivalent circuit).Performance Curve of Induction Motor.Changing number of poles of the motor.Stator Voltage Control Method.Rotor Voltage Control Method.Frequency Control Method.Stator Voltage and Frequency Control Method.Stator Current Control Method.At the end of the course you will understand all of the fundamentals of speed and torque control of induction motor and understand how to create its performance curve successfully using MATLAB."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"After Effects para Motion designers: Do zero ao mercado" |
"Eu sei que o After effects parece assustador primeira vista. J estive no seu lugar. Acredite, esse programa poderoso no difcil, mas se voc estud-lo com a abordagem incorreta ele pode se tornar um labirinto monstruoso. Hoje com quase 9 anos de experincia, esse monstro foi domesticado. Mas no foi fcil, a maioria dos cursos que eu participava no tinham uma estratgia de didtica adequada. Muitos deles na maioria das vezes focavam apenas em descrever o programa de cabo a rabo sem nenhuma prtica associada aos conceitos ensinados. Esse modelo de ensino, no final das contas, apenas entulhava a minha cabea, consumia a minha energia de maneira ineficaz e me deixava desanimado para seguir em frente.Percebi que para conseguir aprender esse programa fantstico teria que desenvolver a minha prpria estratgia. justamente esse mtodo que eu estou abrindo aqui. Esse curso foi formulado totalmente baseado nessa didtica que eu desenvolvi. Funcionou perfeitamente comigo e vai funcionar para voc. Graas a essa abordagem, hoje atendo clientes do mundo todo e empresas de grande porte, inclusive algumas que esto na lista da FORBES das maiores empresas do mundo.Como ser?A ideia desse curso ensinar a ferramenta com um direcionamento para a demanda do mercado real! Eu quero que voc termine o curso e j esteja preparado para sair caa de trabalho. Por isso a ideia que ao final voc tenha o seu prprio demoreel (portfolio) com os tipos de videos mais solicitados do mercado. Pois todo cliente antes de te contratar vai pedir que voc mostre algum material seu que se assemelhe ao que ele est precisando. Sem ter o que mostrar, no tem cliente.Mas no se preocupe, a cada mdulo vamos produzir uma categoria de animao escolhida de acordo com os tipos de animao com maior demanda no mercado: KinectType (animao com textos), whiteboard, animao de logo, animao de personagem bsico e avanado, Infogrficos, Vfx. Bnus:Alm de tudo isso, ao final do curso vou te presentear com um bnus incrvel: ""Como conseguir clientes de qualquer lugar do mundo, receber em dlar e trabalhar da sua casa"". Nesse mdulo eu vou passar todo o mtodo e estratgia que eu uso para captar clientes globais e trabalhar remotamente. Esse curso rene tudo o que eu aprendi ao longo de 9 anos nesse mercado. Vou passar o melhor caminho para voc driblar todos os erros que eu cometi. Com todo esse conhecimento voc ser capaz de comear a ganhar dinheiro remotamente com o After Effects e construir uma carreira de sucesso."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Dynamic Link: Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects" |
"Bem vindo ao curso de dynamic link.Antigamente se voc quisesse compartilhar arquivos de media entre o Adobe Premiere e o After effects, voc tinha que fazer isso por meio de exportao e renderizao antes de importa-lo. Esse fluxo de trabalho no era nada prtico e eficiente. Qualquer alterao no arquivo tinha que ser feita no projeto original e renderizado novamente. O Dynamic link oferece uma soluo para esse tipo de problema. Esta ferramenta permite que voc crie links dinmicos entre os projetos do Premiere e do After effects. Dessa forma os seus projetos se atualizam em tempo real. Ao final do seu projeto, apenas um render ser necessrio. Essa ferramenta ideal para equipes e profissionais que trabalham constantemente com o Premiere e After effects.Aumente a sua eficincia e agilidade com o Dynamic link!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"After Effects Definitivo em 30 Dias para Motion Designers" |
"O que ele : Um curso intensivo que vai te ensinar as ferramentas essenciais para se tornar um motion design em 30 dias.Pra quem ele : Para quem quer aprender e trabalhar com motion design. Para quem no sabe nada e deseja comear do zero; Para quem quer fazer uma transio de carreira, as doses dirias so perfeitas para esse tipo de situao. E pra quem j sabe o after e quer aumentar o repertrio de animaes.O que ele faz: Te ensina a base para que voc quebre a resistncia inicial do after effects. Alm disso, as ferramentas e tcnicas ensinadas so as que tm valor de mercado. Isso significa que o que voc aprender aqui j vo te fazer ganhar dinheiro.Como ele faz: Ns vamos produzir uma super animao de logo. Cada passo que voc tem que dar para conseguir chegar nesse resultado foi cuidadosamente pensado para gradativamente te ensinar alguma ferramenta essencial para voc se tornar um motion design. Cada etapa ser acompanhada da parte lgica e do raciocnio que est por detrs. Aqui est o que voc vai aprender dentro desse curso:Mdulo 1:Como usar a bezier e os shapes para desenhar qualquer coisa dentro do After effects. Voc vai evitar perder tempo indo pra outros programas como o illustrator. Voc vai sentir que voc est trabalhando da maneira mais rpida possvel.Mdulo 2: Aqui ns vamos comear a animar. Vou te ensinar as ferramentas essenciais para se tornar um motion design. Nesse mdulo voc ir:Entender como funciona uma composio e organizar os seus projetos como um profissional.Como dominar a animao de shapes. Isso um ponto central que todo motion design tem obrigatoriamente saber para ser um profissional de qualidade.Ns vamos dissecar a timeline e eu vou te mostrar como animar qualquer coisa dentro do after effects.Vou te revelar o plugin que torna a sua animao profissional.Como usar efeito mirror para reduzir o seu trabalho pela metade.Como criar e animar textos, lineares e curvos.Como deixar sua animao 10x melhor usando efeitos sonoros.Vou desmistificar o render e vou te ensinar como renderizar sua animao em uma super qualidade sem deixar o arquivo pesado.Esse conhecimento que eu estou te entregando aqui tem potencial para mudar a sua vida, para trazer uma porta de sada para sua situao atual: o seu emprego que voc no aguenta mais, aumentar o seu ganho no fim do ms, ter a liberdade para morar e trabalhar de qualquer lugar e etcBNUS!!Mdulo bnus: Animao de logo extra. Coloquei esse bnus aqui para voc ver na prtica o que voc capaz de fazer com os conhecimentos que acabou de aprender.Ele traz mais uma srie de aulas onde voc ter mais oportunidade de revisar e firmar o que voc aprendeu.Passo a passo ns vamos construir uma animao de logo onde voc vai revisar o que j aprendeu e ainda conhecer novas tcnicas.Voc ficar ainda mais seguro nas suas habilidades de motion design. Ver que est pronto ganhar dinheiro com o after effects.O segredo para conquistar clientes do mundo todo, receber em dlar trabalhando de casa. Aqui eu vou revelar para voc o meu mtodo pessoal para conquistar clientes globais e receber em dlar trabalhando de qualquer lugar. Para voc ter ideia, usando exatamente esse mtodo eu consegui trabalhar com a exxonmobil. Um das maiores empresas do mundo e est na lista da forbes.O ponto chave aqui a liberdade que voc ter. Primeiramente por que voc que escolhe com quem vai trabalhar e alm disso ter de fato a liberdade de fazer isso de onde quiser. Voc pode fazer isso de um airbnb em amsterdam ou enquanto passa uma temporada na tailndia. Basta ter wi-fi, lgico.Aula como construir o seu portflio(DEMOREEL)Curso Dynamic linkComo muito dos meus alunos j editam no Premiere eu decidi liberar para voc um curso completo sobre a poderoso Dynamic link. Esse curso vai te ensinar a maneira mais eficiente de se trabalhar com o after e o premiere. Aqui voc aprender o fluxo de trabalho correto para no perder tempo e nem dinheiro.Ento clique no boto ""comprar agora"" aqui ao lado, que voc vai pra uma tela onde coloca os seus dados e escolhe a forma de pagamento. E em seguida o seu acesso j liberado e voc comea a aprender o After Effects! E a cada aula que passar tenho certeza que voc vai se empolgar com o mundo do motion. E uma nova possibilidade de uma profisso que super bem remunerada, te d liberdade e cresce a cada dia estar na sua frente. Eu te garanto! Por isso eu te dou 30 dias.Testa o curso! V como voc vai aprender rpido e sem sofrimento! O que voc j for aprendendo j vai postando nas suas redes e voc vai ver como as pessoas vo atrs de voc para pedir oramento. Se por qualquer razo voc no ficar satisfeito.basta clicar no boto de reembolso e o seu dinheiro est de volta na sua conta! No precisa dar explicaes. isso pessoal! Eu estou te entregando todo o meu conhecimento de como aprender o after effects que eu colhi em 10 anos de experincia! Est aqui por 129,99. Eu com toda certeza gastei centenas de vezes mais que isso para descobrir tudo que eu estou te entregando. E eu estou fazendo isso porque eu j ajudei milhares de pessoas a aprender o after effects e eu quero te ajudar tambm! A escolha agora sua, seguir por um caminho com menos obstculos ou seguir por conta prpria.Espero te encontrar l dentro do curso. Grande Abrao!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"French Online: Use Past Tenses in French like a Native -1" |
"ObjectiveThis course explains how to use 2 most common past tenses in French language and makes you talk about any of your past experiences.In less than 1 hour you will learn the basics of the French language system of past tenses and you will feel confident talking about any of your past experiences, such as professional and academic background, your childhood and anything you want to share in French about your past.100% of language practiceThis French language class itself is a training for all essential language skills listening - the course is entirely in Frenchreading - all videos are captioned in French and include reading activitieswriting - the Exercise File (to be downloaded) includes various writing activities with provided answersspeaking - the course is given in an easy speaking French and uses everyday life vocabulary that is why it is accessible to beginners (A1-A2)This course is for you if you study French and you are starting using past tenses (A1-A2 level)you have an intermediate level in French but you are still confused about the choice between ""j'ai parl"" and ""je parlais""you are a beginner French teacher and you need tips for your grammar classesStructureThe course consists on 12 videos with detailed explanations, simple examples, lots of practical exercises and a final test.In the end of each video there is a practical exercise with answers and comments. Exercise FileThe Exercise File (in French - Fichier d'exercices) is attached to the Lecture 3. It is to be dowloaded or printed before starting the course. Here are the possible ways to do exercises:The best way to work on this course is to print the Exercise File and to write all exercise in there. If you use a tablet with a stylus pen, download your Exercise File and write your exercises on your tablet.If you can't print the file and don't use a tablet, open the pdf file on your screen and write your exercises on a sheet of paper.Progress guaranteeThe course is a product of 20 years experience of successful work with adults students all over the world, in classroom and online.It combines all the best techniques and activities of offline and online teaching.You are guided from theory to practice, from one activity to another, you just can not not to progress.Part 2The Part 2 of the course is available in my profile. It contains more practice with particular verbs and prepositions pendant, depuis, il y a, etc.Coming featuresRussian captionsMandarin captions"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"French Phonetics 101 - Part 1. French Language for Beginners" |
"The Ultimate How-To-Read Guide in for all beginners in French Language. Part 1. Most textbooks in French Language for beginners don't include a detailed section on phonetics. That is why I created this short and complete guide for all beginners in French. To build it I have used my more than 15-years experience in teaching French Language to students all over the world and my own e-learning experience.This course is an online version of a French Language Phonetic Course I used to teach as a university lecturer. The university course lasted about 2 months. The online version takes about 3 hours. The amount of information is almost the same.This course is:short: Part 1 is completed in about 1 hour, Part 2 - in 2about hours. easy-to-follow: simple explanations, practical activities, quizzes, remindersprogressive: each lesson is about a new topic, so every 2-3 minutes you learn a new rule and practice a new soundnot overwhelming: step-by-step approach and short videos (1-3 minutes)complete: the course covers and resolves all difficulties a student might face at the beginner level (A1) multi-purpose: whatever French Language Course you are attending or planning to attend, the French Phonetics 101 is a must-have basis for your quick progress in reading, speaking and writing.HD quality: high quality sound and imagefeedback guaranteed: I am open to all your questions. If you don't find the answer in this course, just ask. Your progress is my concern.100% practical: you listen and you read from the first to the last class. I just don't give you any other choice but to progress.This is Part 1 of the French Phonetics 101. The second part is coming while you are completing this one.Part 1 covers:letters and soundsbasic rules of French pronunciationaccents: , , vowels a, e, i and their combinations ei, aiconsonants b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l and their combinations ch, gn reading simple words and sentences you can use in your every-day lifeTo be discovered in Part 2:nasal soundsvowels o, u, y, w and their combinationsconsonants m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, x, z and their combinationsreading simple words and sentences you can use in your every-day lifeunderstanding transcription symbols"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"French Online: Use Past Tenses in French like a Native - 2" |
"ImportantThis course is the Part 2 of my course Use Past Tenses in French like a Native. It starts where the Part 1 ends. To get a better understanding of the topic, start with the Part 1 so that you can progress gradually without missing any important detail. Then proceed with the Part 2.ObjectiveThe course explains how to use 2 most common past tenses in French language and makes you talk about any of your past experiences.By the end of the course, in about 2 hours (the time you need to complete Part 1 and Part 2) you will feel confident talking about any of your past experiences in all kind of situations, from sharing memories with your friends to answering questions about your professional and academic background at a job interview. The Part 1 covers the basics of the French language past tenses and includes a lot of practice to make your choice between Imparfait and Pass compos easy and natural.The Part 2 includesmost common prepositions used with Pass compos and Imparfait (depuis, il y a, pendant, en)a how-to guide for modal verbs: jai d/je devais, jai voulu/je voulais, etc.a how-to guide for verbs of perception: jaimais/ jai aim, je savais/jai su, etc.a how-to guide for verbs avoir/tre: javais/ jai eu, etc.difficult cases when both tenses are possiblequizzes and assignments to check your progress with provided answers and commentsASURPRISE !100% of language practiceThis class itself is a training for all essential language skills listening - the course is entirely in Frenchreading - all videos are captioned in French and include reading activitiesspeaking - the course is given in an easy speaking French and uses everyday life vocabulary that is why it is accessible to beginners (A1-A2)typing - with quizzes and assignments you just dont have choice: you will start using the French keyboard! ????This course is for you if you are starting using past tenses (A1-A2 level in French)you have an intermediate level in French Language but you are still confused about the choice between ""j'ai parl"" and ""je parlais""you never know which preposition to choose between depuis, pendant or il y a and what tense goes afteryou are a beginner French language teacher and you need tips for your grammar classesStructureThe Part 2 consists in24 video classes with detailed explanations, simple examples, 10 quizzes with provided answers and 2 assignments to practice what you have learnt.Progress guaranteeMy online French language courses are a product of 20 years experience of successful work with adults students all over the world, in classroom and online.It combines all the best techniques and activities of offline and online teaching.You are guided from theory to practice, from one activity to another, you just can not not to progress.Coming featuresEnglish captionsRussian captionsMandarin captions"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Applied Social Media Marketing: strategies and analytics" |
"Want to masterSocial Media Marketing to increase your revenue, but you are tired of working 24/7?Then, you will LOVE mycourse, because:You will learnhow to improve your resultsbyusingSocial Media Frameworks (Process/Metrics/Technology).You will learn how to increase your productivitybyusingmy system,my Social Media Analytics Master Sheetand Audit Master Sheet.What elsewill youlearn?Creating and executingsocial mediacampaigns with easeMeasuringtheperformance and business impact of yoursocial mediaImplementing the must-measuremetrics into yourcampaignsPractical application of Facebook Pixel and Google AnalyticsAvoiding common mistakes in social mediathat can ruin your progressTworeasonsto TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You get lifetime access to lectures with my Social Media Analytics Master Sheet and Audit Master Sheet You can ask me anyquestion related to social media!Enroll to my course today to bring your social media to the next level."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Auto Cad 1" |
"Neste curso iremos aprender os principais comandos do Auto Cad para criao de uma planta baixa: Seu desenho, sua escala e sua impresso. Principais comandos abordados:- Line;- Circulo;- Arco;- Retngulo;- Rgua;- Polyline;- Hatch;- Move;- Copy;- Rotate;- Scale;- Trim;- Mirror;- Extend;- Offset;- Explode;- Pedit.Alm da criao de Layers (camadas) para organizarmos o desenho. O curso foi elaborado com o objetivo de facilitar o estudante ou profissional da rea da eltrica (por exemplo), que necessita efetuar um projeto no Auto Cad, mas ainda no possui nenhum conhecimento na ferramenta. destinado tambm para os eletricistas que precisam passar a limpo seu projeto ou trabalho para o Cad."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"The 100 most common verbs in French" |
"This class is made for beginner learners willing to get familiar with the most used verbs in French.It's also a good resourcefor new vocabulary and forms as each verb are put into simple sentences so that students can be exposed to spoken French as they learn how to use the different verb, tense and subjects.Learners will find in this class:One video per verb, (roughly 3h30min) including:3 different sentences3 different tenses3 different subject (I, you, He, She)French pronunciation coming along with English translation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Daily spoken French" |
"Daily Spoken French is a list of lessons based on contextual daily situation and provides you with the necessary sentences and forms regarding these specific situations.All along the different classes learners will be provided with videos and audio records showing them how to say the sentences and providing them with the written forms and translation in English.By the end of the 10 Chapters of Daily Spoken French, students will be able to listen to, to understandand to use the daily French sentences in different everyday life situations.In this first lesson, we'll introduce the first necessary things to say when you arrive in a French-speaking country.This lesson is dividedinto different topics:to greet peopleto introduce oneselfto ask about newsto approach someoneto give/ask for helpto promiseto thankin townin case of emergency"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Daily Spoken French" |
"Daily Spoken French is a list of lessons based on contextual daily situation and provides you with the necessary sentences and forms regarding these specific situations.All along the different classes learners will be provided with videos and audio records showing them how to say the sentences and providing them with the written forms and translation in English.By the end of the 10 Chapters of Daily Spoken French, students will be able to listen to, to understandand to use the daily French sentences in different everyday life situations.In this first lesson, we'll introduce the first necessary things to say when you arrive in a French-speaking country.This lesson is dividedinto different topics:at the phonemeetingshang-outsto receive someonethe passing time and weatherto wish something to someone"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Daily Spoken French" |
"Daily Spoken French is a list of lessons based on contextual daily situation and provides you with the necessary sentences and forms regarding these specific situations.All along the different classes learners will be provided with videos and audio records showing them how to say the sentences and providing them with the written forms and translation in English.By the end of the 10 Chapters of Daily Spoken French, students will be able to listen to, to understandand to use the daily French sentences in different everyday life situations.In this first lesson, we'll introduce the first necessary things to say when you arrive in a French-speaking country.This lesson is dividedinto different topics:to describe a personto talk about the aspect of a personto talk about activitiesto talk about physical state and healthto describe an objectto talk about a placeto talk about a changeto compareto talk about a quantity"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Daily Spoken French" |
"Daily Spoken French is a list of lessons based on contextual daily situation and provides you with the necessary sentences and forms regarding these specific situations.All along the different classes learners will be provided with videos and audio records showing them how to say the sentences and providing them with the written forms and translation in English.By the end of the 10 Chapters of Daily Spoken French, students will be able to listen to, to understandand to use the daily French sentences in different everyday life situations.In this first lesson, we'll introduce the first necessary things to say when you arrive in a French-speaking country.This lesson is dividedinto different topics:"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |