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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ourives" |
"Um Curso que visa dar aos alunos informaes tericas sobre a arte da Profisso Ourives, desde informaes bsicas sobre todas as ferramentas a serem usadas, como funcionamento de mquinas.Com uma srie de exerccios propostos a fim de desenvolver habilidades para os prximos passos que a fabricao de joias, desde Aneis, Pulseiras, Pingente, Correntes e Brincos com desenhos explicativos, sendo ensinado passo a passo sua fabricao."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"What are startup scams and how do you avoid them?" |
"At least once per week a friend or acquaintance would reach out to share another horror story from their startup journey. In July Ifinally hit my breaking point and decided enough was enough. I locked myself to my computer for two weeks and wrote out the script for this course. This course is literally the result of my abhorrence for bullies preying on good and honest people who are just trying to make an honest living in the startup world."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Programacin en java desde cero. Algoritmos" |
"Nos apasiona la programacin ,nuestro objetivo es brindarte la mejor experiencia en el mundo de la programacin, a travs de la educacin virtual, no pierdas la oportunidad de conocernos, tratamos de acercarte paso a paso, en el mbito educacional virtualmente, para que tu mismo puedas desarrollar tu propio sistema, pagina web, un grandioso diseo web. no pierdas esta gran oportunidad entre mas apoyo mas contenido tendrs para ti mismo."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"RabbitMQ & Java (Spring Boot) for System Integration" |
"New Update!More advanced concepts and technical-hands-on for RabbitMQ. OF course, working source code included :Automatically convert Java objects to / from JSONSchedule consumers to stop / start at given timeConsumer prefetchHandle message orderingNew way to write consumerConsistent hash exchangeRequest-reply patternCreate RabbitMQ structures (queue, exchange, binding) from Java code----High level difference between RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka. Both are popular messaging system, and Spring has good support for both. But still, there is a difference. This is just a short video highlighting the difference. More detail on RabbitMQ regarding advanced topic will covers things explained. That update is on progress and will be released soon!Minor update on Spring Retry Consideration, previously is just a text. Now with video for better understanding----Major update on RabbitMQ course is done.These are the changes:All lectures : better audio qualityAll lectures : Nice presentation layoutAll lectures : Update to Java 11 & Spring Boot 2.1Install RabbitMQ using Docker. Works for all operating system!Use RabbitMQ plugins to extend functionalitiesDon't want to install RabbitMQ? Use it on cloud!Retry mechanism without any code! (direct exchange)Again, do retry mechanism without writing code! (fanout exchange)Additional bonus for modern architecture!----1. Linux installation (Ubuntu / Debian)2. Create generic REST API that publish message3. Scheduler a ""sweeper"" for queues that has unprocessed message------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Messaging SystemNowadays, we work with multiple systems and data that runs among them. It's a common thing that one system triggers another system(s) process, or data needs to be transferred among systems. Whether your systems built on monolith or microservice, whatever database you use, you need those data moving from one point to another. And you need those movement FAST to be processed immediately (otherwise your life will be ruined).That kind of demand is so common, and fortunately today's technology has an answer for that. Say hello to messaging system, where you can send message easily from one system to another system(s) asynchronously, in almost-real-time interval. There are some popular messaging system in the market, and in this course we will be talking about one of the most popular : RabbitMQ.RabbitMQRabbit MQ is like central hub where you place all data from source system(s), and the other corresponding systems takes the data, and process it. RabbitMQ is open-source, reliable, and able to works on cluster. It has small learning curve to get started, yet powerful enough for system integrations.This course includes everything you need to know about basic RabbitMQ, and implementation using Java (Spring Framework). After finishing this course, you should be able to install, configure and use RabbitMQ from Java Program. In this course, we will walk through detailed step-by-step from concept to hands-on Java coding. Given such way, you will learn have the understanding of logic behind and experience how things are done using Rabbit MQ and Java source codes.Java and Spring BootJava itself has been a popular language for years. Java is recognized as world's most used programming language by several programming language index. Due it's popularity and long history, Java has a lot of open source projects or framework to helps developer works more efficient. One of the popular Java framework is Spring Framework. Over years, Spring Framework has grown substantially among Java community. Almost all software components required by a Java application is available within Spring Framework. However, configuring Spring requires some effort. This involves setting up library dependencies, then configuring the required Java Spring beans using XML or annotations in Java code. Spring developers soon realized that it is possible to automate much of this work. So in 2014, Spring Boot 1.0 released for Java community. Spring Boot gives Java programmers a lot of automatic helpers, and lead to quick large scale adoption of the project by Java developers. In real-world application, Java with Spring, combined with RabbitMQ, can gives benefit for data transfer among systems. Rabbit MQ itself is popular among Java developers, although RabbitMQ developers provides client for multiple programming language other than Java.What You Will GetAfter finishing the course, you will learn:Installation of RabbitMQ and Java (In Windows. Currently I don't have Linux/Mac)RabbitMQ key conceptsManaging RabbitMQ from web user interfaceCreate publisher and consumer using Java (Spring Boot)Basic error handler if there is a failure during processing Rabbit MQ messageRetry mechanism on RabbitMQ if there is failure messageHandle message orderingThe course will explains to you not only the theory of Rabbit MQ, but also a lot of hands-on coding to get your hands dirty and your brain working. Whether you are a hobbyist, beginner, or experienced developer, this course will surely brings added value for you! Road to MicroservicesMessage broker is one important pillar of microservice architecture. In micro service, we use asynchronous messaging for inter-service communication. Services communicating by exchanging messages over messaging channels like RabbitMQ. In this course, you will learn the theory and hand-code of messaging with RabbitMQ, and also introduction to REST API, which is another pillar of microservice architecture."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Practical Java : Spring Boot REST API with Elasticsearch" |
"New Update on August 2020Updated to Elasticsearch 7.x and Spring Boot 2.3Updated all videos with better audio----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As a developer, we need to work productively. In Java programming, one way to achieve this is by Using Spring Framework. Recognized as one of the popular framework in Java world, Spring will increase developer productivity a lot. It has wide arrays of technology that can be used on almost any enterprise use-cases.This course is suitable for you, if you already write codes (especially Java) for some times, and want to know new things, that relevant to today's job demand. Or you just tech savvy that want to sharpen your Java programming skills to get more advanced level. In some of companies, you might have been work with legacy Java systems that already 5 years old or more. In that case, this course is suitable to refresh your mind, keep updated and get ready to adapt to new technology.You don't have to be advanced Java programmer to learn this course, although some basic Java programming is required. I will teach you step by step, started from little theory to give you some clarity, and most of the times we will do practical hand-codes, or using tech-related-tools.What Will You Learn?In this course, we will use following technologiesJavaSpring & Spring BootEclipse & Spring Tools SuiteGradlePostmanElasticsearchSpring Data for ElasticsearchGit & GithubLogging with logbackAutomatic API documentation with SwaggerYou will get introduction and practical lesson how to using them during your journey as Java developer.Note for Non-Windows UsersIm very sorry, but currently I dont have Mac or Linux environment, so I cant show you step-by-step video to install our tools in environment other than Windows. You can find step-by step installation guide on each product's page but currently not in this course. However, the content of the course is applicable for any operating system.What ""Practical"" Means?As the title says, we will learn practical things about Java, especially Spring Framework. This course's purpose is preparing you to be ready to handle real-life applications. Of course, real-life applications has a lot more complexity and a lot more difficult that what we will learn in this course. Java framework itself has been around for 20 years, with Spring Framework has been live since 2003. With such long history, it is impossible to tell everything in just one course. This course is to preparing you to take the first few steps for begin journey as advanced Java developer, particularly using Spring Framework.In this course, you will get several hand-on code, and tips for best-practice in REST API programming with Spring Boot.Is This Course Suitable for You?To answer this, please see the preview video on section 1.If you have basic understanding of Java, and eager to learn, then this course is suitable for you. But if you are a seasoned Java developer that constantly update your knowledge, you might even smarter then me, and this course might be too easy for you.Please check the course content to find out if this course can meet your expectation.You Get Involved in This CourseBeing a programmer need discipline and persistence. You need to learn. You will get errors, fix, and improve it -again and again- until you become good. This course will give you some quizzes and coding exercises, where you can get involved, and practice what you have learned. Of course, not all of you happy with this approach. So I design the quiz and coding exercises to be optional. Work with them if you like, or straight to the answers and practice directly.Why Choose Me as Your Instructor?-- Experience --I have been developing Java apps for enterprise since early 2010, from old-style JSP & JDBC, up to Spring framework which is currently most popular Java framework. Based on real-life experience, I know what should be done to create program that not just functionally runs, but also technically good. I experience programmers pain point, or operation team pain point and how to handle them.I have been lead team as Engineering Manager & Architect for several years, and as a part of responsibility, coaching and teaching tech skills also part of my job. So I can deliver good lectures, based on real-life experience on Java programming.-- Serious --I became instructor not for social purpose, but to earn some money. Thus, you are my customers, and I try my best not to disappoint you. I will try to give best value for you, so you feel happy spend your money, and take another of my course. I will try to answer your question, as long as it still in this course's scope.Elasticsearch & Kibana for Java DevelopersIn this course, I will introduce you to technology that maybe you're not familiar with: Elastic search & Kibana. These two technologies are quite popular. Knowing those two things will be an added value for every developer. Elasticsearch is commonly used as search engine because it is very fast. We will learn basic data manipulation with Spring Data Elasticsearch.We will also learn about Kibana, an open source tools to visualize data (example : create real-time chart) and creating dashboard from several charts.API Unit Testing & DocumentationYou will learn how to write unit testing. That is a source code to test source code. We can do unit testing for repetitive test tasks, and helping make sure that no broken code due to some changes.Also, in this course we will learn how to create API documentation with almost no effort, because we will use library to help us create API documentation automatically. The API documentation output are: HTML, or JSON format that can be transferred to more sophisticated API documentation tools. Full English SubtitleThis course comes with perfect English subtitle. I myself not a native English speaker, so to give better experience for students (you), I provides accurate English subtitle for all lectures.This course is safe!This course comes with a 30 day money-back guarantee. That means if you are not satisfied with this course, just let me know and Ill give your money back 100%. So no risk at your side for taking this Java course. You can be equip yourself with knowledge for real-world: Java, Spring, database, version control with github, REST API, and many more. You can go on, develop good enterprise or start-up software, potentially make an awesome career (and money) for yourself. Or you get your money back if you dont like it.Of course, you can see some preview course, all for FREE. Just find out the course content marked as Preview and play the video. No credit card required, no question asked, just play the video.Road to MicroserviceREST API is one important pillar of microservice architecture. In micro service, we use REST API and asynchronous messaging for inter-service communication. Services communicating by exchanging messages over REST API, or messaging channels like RabbitMQ. In this course, you will learn the theory and hand-code of messaging with REST API your one step ahead toward modern micro service architecture."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"REST API Design, Management, Monitoring & Analytics" |
"NOTE:This is NOT a coding course. The focus is on API management tools using off-the-shelf (ready to use) softwaresYou don't need any credit card or payment to use tools in this course. All softwares (including API manager itself) are available as free edition. Some might even open source their codes.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update November 2019Minor Update:Added video about correlation id plugins on section 14Update October 2019Minor update :Changed kong version on docker to kong 1.3Added script & description for Elastic stack version on docker to 7.x. However, the video still use Elastic stack 6. I will update it soon to Elastic stack 7, maybe before christmas.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before We BeginIf you want to learn, you simply need a web browser. For running tools and hands-on, specific hardware and software required. Please see requirements on Lecture One (with title Readme First : Hardware & Software Required).PrerequisitesWe will use Docker (which is container technology) to install tools required for this API management course. In this course, you will learn basic knowledge of Docker. To install docker, you need to be familiar with:Windows : basic command prompt usage & command, administrator accessMac / Linux : basic terminal usage & command, root / sudo accessI provide Docker installation instructions for Windows 10 Professional Edition. For any other operating system -including other version of Windows-, I provide reference to official documentation, but not the video. I'm sorry about this, since I don't have Mac / Linux machine.Don't worry, the official documentation is complete and easy enough to follow.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Works with REST APIYour workplace adopt modern architecture and relies on REST API. Having REST API give benefits, but the benefits comes at cost. For most teams, the processes of setting and enforcing standards or policies across their APIs is entirely manual. Often that process involves multiple teams or team members and becomes even more painful as the number of APIs grows. Now that you have provisioned your APIs, you also need to have visibility on your APIs. How is your API traffic trending over time? Which API used most? Which API has large error rate? Having this data will help you analyze and take correct decision for further API development.Implementing policies, securities, or analytics can be done by writing additional logic on your APIs. You can even write your own analytics tools for monitoring & analyzing your APIs. But those process will be redundant and time-consuming. Why don't we find a more efficient way so developers can focus on business needs? That will ultimately maximize the productivity of the developers who build on the API, and in turn give benefits to company. API Management SoftwareAPI management tools can be an answer. API manager tools in market likely provides common API capabilities, like:API gateway, a single communication point for accessing APIBasic security for accessing APITraffic control, like rate limiting or quotaMonitor API health (is API accessible or down?)Load balancingAPI Analytics (hit rate, error rate)Logging your trafficDeveloper portal, act as API documentation. A common API documentation format is swagger / Open API specificationBig players like Google, IBM, or Axway provides good features for API management -if you are willing to pay some amount of money-. But if you prefer open source, start-small approach (but still good), there are also several API manager tools in the market,one of it is Kong API Manager (which we use in this course).In this course, we will learn API Management using several tools. All software available as free edition. Some comes with option to upgrade into premium edition with more features. The tools we will learn here are:Kong API managementThis is the main focus of this course.Docker and docker composePopular container technology to speed up our installation and configuration. However, this course is NOT a docker course, so we will no go deep on docker.ZipkinAn open source REST API tracing tools. Useful for distributed tracing on different services, even if the API services scattered on several machines.Elasticsearch, Logstash & KibanaA Popular search engine and it's visualization tools. This course is an introductory course on how to use these stacks to analyze your API traffic. But this course is not focusing on Elastic stack.Prometheus & GrafanaOpen source monitoring tools to gather performance metrics and display those metrics as time-series charts.Benefit of API Management (for Engineering and Business)Let's face it : we have time constraints. Business needs those API. And they need it fast.Writing API that just functionally works but not secure, or technically flawed, will bring trouble sooner or later. Maybe somebody find a security hole in your API, and exploit them. Or you work on a place where API is used in many places by many people / systems? Without having transparency of API analytics (usage, error rate, etc), it is difficult to know whether your API works fine, or need improvement.Writing codes for implementing API security, analytics, or some other technical aspects are nice. Either veteran programmer or new kids on the house will love the challenge to write such codes and solve complex problems.But the time constraints speaks loud. Writing such codes can be time-consuming. It is a good thing to focus developers effort to delivering business logic, which in turns, keep the business stays ahead.API management can be used to helps you solve common API aspects, like security, analytics, or who can access which API. And most of the time, you don't need to write any code. Put your API behind some API management, and configure it to works with your API.That means, productivity increases. Whatever role you have in the company, productivity always a good thing, and API management (even the open-source) can helps you to boost it.Kong API ManagementKong provides API gateway for REST APIs with plug-in architecture to enable users adding functionalities to the core Kong gateway. Kong's API management platform is attractively lean. It should appeal to users with basicrequirements who want to get an initial platform that they can then add as they go, eitherwith Kong-or-community-provided plug-ins, or with developments of their own (yes, it's possible to develop Kong plugin based on your own requirement, although we don't cover it in this course). Companies aim to use Kong API management platform can start fast as you can see in the course -less than 1 hour to setup and run-. Users looking to execute digital strategies will find Kong useful for enabling their platforms.API Monitoring & AnalyticsIn this course, we will learn to do analytics and monitoring not only using Kong API Manager, but also some other tools, and most importantly how to integrate them. One tools only is quite powerful, but integration will give us more benefitsAPI management tools usually comes with API analytics module. We can use the analytics to gain visibility of the entire API ecosystem. The analytics will automatically and continuously collect all API-traffic data, like performance time, hit rate (how many hits in second), error rate. By leverage the API analytics, we can know the data about which API has good value, and which one needs to be improved.In operation side, we can use API monitoring tools to proactively detect API traffic and performance issues. Imagine if a service down at 10 AM, and nobody knows until one hour later, which means problems already arose and some business opportunity might already lost. With leveraging open source Kong API management (and several other free tools), we can get notification in less than 5 minutes after the service troubled."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To First Aid" |
"Could you help somebody in an emergency? Could you help save a life?Our Introduction To First Aid course will empower you by teaching you life saving skills.We will guide you through the basics of how to save a life, whether you're a beginner or simply looking to refresh your knowledge. COURSECONTENT:Roles Of A FirstAider: Understand the role of the first-aiderPrimary Survey: The importance of a Primary Survey and how to conduct one correctlyRecovery Position: How to place a casualty into the correct positionThe Chain of Survival: The importance of efficient and effective First AidCPR: How to perform CPR correctlyAED (Automated External Defibrillator): How to use an AED correctlyPreventing Cross Infection: How to prevent cross infection by appropriate care when giving first aidHeart Attack: How to identify signs and symptoms of a heart attack and be able to assist the casualtyChoking: How to help somebody who is suffering from chokingAssessing The Scene: Establish and learn what to do when an emergency situation arises The Need for Recording Incidents and Accidents: Learn how to and when to records incidents and actions Our videos are straightforward and easy to understand. We don't use technical jargon. There are short quizzes after each module to help reinforce your learning. We hope you find this course engaging and invaluable. We will be publishing other First Aid courses soon, so please keep your eyes peeled.Thank you for choosing us. The FAV Team x"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA - A'dan Z'ye - cretsiz Yazlm, Gncel Taktikler" |
"Eer sen de Amazon'dan para kazanarak kendinize daha ok zaman ayrmay ve zgrce yaamay istiyorsanz, bu kurs tam da size gre!cretsiz yazlm program ile rn bulmay, gncel ve st dzey taktikler ile ticaret yapmay reneceksiniz.Bu kursta Amazon FBA ile alakal bilmeniz gereken her trl bilgiyi reneceksiniz ve gncel deiiklerden haberdar olacaksnz.Amazon ve Payoneer hesap almnrn bulma yntemlerinirne nasl karar vereceiniziTedariki bulma ve pazarlk yapma taktikleriniAz bilinen Amazon taktikleriniAmazon'da rn listelemeyiReklam ve sat yapmayTm bunlar renmek istiyorsan, bu kurs tam sana gre!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
sales-cube |
". . ."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Master Facial Recognition C# - EmguCV Face Recognition" |
"Want to develop a Facial Recognition software but hurdled by Math Heavy Articles?Want to learn deep concept of Facial Recognition procedure ?Want to learn key methods and concepts use in computer vision specially for Face recognition systemsor whatever you want to know about facial recognition system development, I can assure you that you can learn every necessary concept (A-Z) about face recognition in this course. This course covers every topic by using step-by-step approach and my approach is very simple. You will learn from very basic to advance level. I designed this course to give complete concept of Facial Recognition to beginners. Students can learn Facial Recognition software development using OpenCV library. Course designed in a way so that students can first learn fundamentals of face recognition and its important techniques. Moreover visual data like flow chart designed for students so that they can understand face recognition system easily.This may not be your first course related to facial recognition , but trust me - It will definitely be your last. In course first, i have explained all about important classes and methods & then implemented using windows form application (C#). All procedures explained step by step. Visual studio project file will also provide to student, so that student can learn as well as can implement system using C#. After this course student will able to develop any facial recognition system for any industry.Moreover course is updated on regular basis to add more new and exiting content.I am available for more than 10 hours on the platform, you can ask me any doubt any time.Enroll now to get the best of knowledge about Facial Recognition system. Hope to see you inside :)"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Writing Robotic Arm using Arduino (Develop Your First Robot)" |
"- Do you Want to develop a robotic arm which can write just like human ?- Do you Want to learn writing robot Algorithm using graphical material ?- Do you Want to develop your own custom robotic arm which can write any alphabet ?- Do you Want to develop your first robot ?Writing Robotic Arm is Arduino based project. It is a programmable robot with similar functions of human arm. Writing robot able to write different alphabets. Writing robot can write in our handwriting style. An algorithm designed for this purpose which provide different angles to robotic arm on which robot moves to write alphabets. Algorithm is completely designed by me. Graphical material will allow the students to learn algorithm from A-Z easily without any complexity.This course will cover theory to practical implementation of writing robotic arm development step-by-step. It doesn't matter you are beginner or advance robotics developer. I designed this course so that everyone can learn basics to advance concept of writing robot. Why Should You Enroll in This Course ?You should:- If you are super psyched about robotics - If you want to develop your own Writing Robot which can write any alphabet like human- If you want to develop a custom robotic arm- If you want to learn writing robotic arm algorithm and its implementation using ArduinoMoreover if you learn how writing robotic arms actually work then you can develop other robots very easily, like Welding Robot, Painting Robot, Assembly Robot, Material Handling Robot, Palletizing Robot."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Unreal engine: Desenvolvendo um jogo VR" |
"Neste curso vocs iro aprender sobre a Unreal engine (criao de materiais, blueprints, geometry entre outras coisas), e a partir dela iremos criar um jogo de labirinto em realidade virtual, iremos criar armadilhas e puzzles para nosso game, aprendero tambm a empacotar o jogo para que rode em um celular android com as configuraes necessrias."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gerencia Estratgica de Minoristas - La esencia del negocio" |
"En este curso se repasan las caractersticas bsicas de un negocio minorista o de retail. Se introduce un modelo de posicionamiento estratgico llamado ""Las ocho claves del xito en retail"". Este modelo, claves y caractersticas del negocio minorista sern analizadas con mayor profundidad en los siguientes cursos y mdulos. Aplica para todo tipo de minoristas, pero en particular para los de consumo masivo, farmacia, mejoras del hogar, moda y electrnica."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Gerencia Estratgica de Minoristas: Las 8 Claves del xito" |
"En este curso se repasa el modelo de posicionamiento estratgico minorista de las 8 Claves del xito en Retail. Este modelo ha sido seleccionado personalmente por el Profesor Jean-Marc Franois por ser el modelo ms completo y exhaustivo de todos los que ha estudiado en ms de 20 aos de investigacin. El curso repasa el modelo y sus premisas para luego entrar a repasar en detalle cada una de las variables del mismo. Las clases son complementadas con fotos, ejemplos y demostraciones de las mejores prcticas observadas directamente por el Profesor Franois durante sus viajes de trabajo."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Gerencia Estratgica de Minoristas: Anlisis financiero" |
"Este curso es la tercera parte de los cursos de Gerencia Estratgica de Minoristas. Los contenidos de 'La esencia del negocio' y 'Laas 8 Claves del xito en Retail' no tienen prelacin sobre este curso (aunque se recomienda tomarlos en el orden sugerido). El curso utilizar la Ecuacin o Frmula Dupont y sus indicadores como herramienta de anlisis del negocio minorista. Los aprendizajes derivados del estudio del negocio minorista permiten extraer aprendizajes para todos los sectores de la economa. Los mismos principios de los indicadores financieros de la Frmula Dupont usados por la direccin y la funcin de finanzas, sern desglosados hasta llegar a los indicadores comerciales utilizados por las funciones de compras y operaciones (de los minoristas) y ventas y trade marketing (de los proveedores)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gerencia Estratgica de Minoristas: Formatos de retail" |
"Este curso es el ltimo curso de la serie 'Gerencia Estratgica de Minoristas' del Profesor Jean-Marc Franois. En este curso sobre 'Formatos de Retail', cada formato es clasificado de acuerdo a un modelo desarrollado por el mismo Profesor Franois. Este modelo puede ser usado como mapa competitivo dentro de cada mercado para identificar oportunidades de negocio. El curso incluye un rpido repaso fotogrfico de algunos de las cadenas y formatos que ms le han llamado la atencin en sus viajes por ms de 27 pases en los ltimos 15 aos."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Gerencia Estratgica de Minoristas: Gerencia por Categoras" |
"Este curso ensea al participante a clasificar y asignar roles a distintos productos y categoras dentro de un portafolio para luego tomar decisiones comerciales adaptadas a dichos roles. El modelo enfoca la atencin sobre las variables de desempeo ms relevantes para la toma de decisin. El curso incluye ejemplos prcticos as como tendencias en el diseo y asignacin de espacios en piso de ventas."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Dinheiro: modo de usar" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender a pensar e a usar o seu dinheiro de forma consciente e sustentvel, assim poder viver com tranquilidade e segurana financeira, transformando o dinheiro num verdadeiro aliado. Voc tambm aprender a usar o seu dinheiro para impulsionar a sua vida de acordo com seu estilo de gerao de renda, aprender a fazer sua prpria planilha de organizao financeira pessoal e o mais importante, aprender a extrair indicadores financeiros dessa planilha que te guiaram para tomadas de decises e para a conquista de seus objetivos.Ainda nesse curso voc aprender a criar e a gerir seu fundo de reservas, construindo assim a base para sua segurana financeira.E ter de bnus uma aula especial, sobre As 3 principais categorias de investimentos que uso."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Perfecting Your Offer" |
"As an entrepreneur are you struggling to get your offer out there in a way that feels comfortable to you?Do you feel awkward talking about your offer because youre not sure if its must-have?Are you struggling to get your offer in front of the right people (who want to buy from you)?In this program, you'll learn everything you need to:Design your signature program or package in a way that feels amazing to you and resonates with your perfect clients so you can finally feel exited talking about your offerLearn where to make your offer to your high-level clients so you can attract your perfect clients (who are willing to buy) effortlesslyGet comfortable talking about this offer (in a way that doesnt feel pushy) so you can feel totally confident presenting your services to your people consistentlyCreate an offer that feels authentic, aligned and that fits into your ideal lifestyle from the very beginning so you dont have to change it (again!) 3 months down the roadSo what are we really diving into?...Module 1: Craft an Offer Your Clients Will LoveIn module 1 we will be diving into crafting an amazing offer that is just what your clients need, during this week you will:Get clear on your target market and your ideal clients so your offer can speak directly to them and resonate with their needsDiscover how you uniquely help your perfect clients transform so your offer becomes an obvious solution and they cant wait to work with you, andLearn how to make your offer stand out from the crowd so that you dont sound like everyone else and can attract your perfect clients easilyModule 2: Where to Comfortably Make Your OfferIn module 2 we will be diving into how to get your offer in front of the right people, during this week you will:Discover where your perfect clients are hanging out all day so you can get your offer in front of them in ways that feel enjoyable for youLearn how to simplify your visibility strategy so you dont drain your energy trying to do everything, andGet clear on the value of your services so you can speak to your clients needs and feel good about asking to be paid for your giftsModule 3: Structure Your Offer to Fit into Your Ideal LifestyleIn module 3 well dive into making sure your offer is something you absolutely love, during this week you will:Create your package/offer around your dream life so you can have more time for travel, fun, and hanging out with loved onesDiscover how to structure your package or program so you can give your clients what they need while also doing only what you love, andDesign your business around your ideal lifestyle from the very beginning so you can love your life NOW and build out your business in a manageable way.Module 4: Confidently Price and Package Your Irresistible OfferIn module 4 we will be diving into pricking and packaging, during this week you will:Discover how to feel comfortable with the price of your offer so you feel totally confident when making a pitchFind the perfect price point for your packages so you can be sure youre always charging what your services are worth (and feel good about it!), andCreate an amazing title for your program to make it even more irresistible to your perfect clients and more fun for you to talk about.Module 5: Step into Your Spotlight and Make the OfferIn module 5 we will dive into making your offer consistently without feeling pushy or aggressive, during this week you will:Design a visibility formula that works for you so you can continue to build strong relationships with your community (without burning out)Discover how to speak to the benefits of your program/package so your people know how you will help them and are attracted to your offer, andStep into the person you were meant to be so you can feel confident and excited when presenting your offer to the word and bring in more clients.Module 6: Cultivate the Confidence to Consistently Present Your OfferIn module 6 we will dive into the mindset needed to keep bringing your offer to the world and not give up when it gets tough, during this week you will:Learn how to uplevel your mindset practice so you continue to put yourself out there, make more offers, and attract your perfect clients,Create a plan for testing and tweaking so you can continue to step into the spotlight and course correct as you go (no more procrastinating!), andDiscover where to get additional support as you move forward in your business so you can continue to feel comfortable bringing your offer to the spotlight.Ready to feel confident about your offer and comfortable putting yourself and your program/product/service out there?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Increase Your Net Worth Without Money" |
"Your net worth lies at the intersection where personal responsibility meets Meaningful Excellence. It's bigger than than the assets you own minus your debt liabilities. Increasing Your Net Worth Without Money is the number one responsibility for personal growth. It reveals hidden assets that increase your ability to live from a place of strength, achieve more goals, and add value to the world in new ways. Completing this course will help you: Tell your story from a place of strengthIdentify hidden assets to remove unknown liabilities that prevent you from designing the life that gives you the most valueCreate new models for auditing your personal growth for breakthrough successMaster secrets for living from a place of strengthBecome the CEO for building a bridge between where you are and where you desire to go in life"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Las 7 Claves Para Seducir Mujeres De Forma Natural" |
"Deseas atraer mujeres hermosas y sexys de forma natural y sin esfuerzo?Descubre las 7 Claves para Atraer las Mujeres que Deseas en tu Vida.Sin Ser Guapo, Famoso ni Rico.Sin Frases Tontas o Memorizadas.Sin Manipular o MentirLa Forma Ms Sencilla Y Veloz Para Seducir A Una Mujer Que Te Guste.La mayora de mis alumnos se han sentido inseguros e intimidados por la idea de acercarse a una mujer que les gusta para seducirla te ha pasado? Crees que es complicado? Te sientes frustrado? Consideras que necesitas esforzarte demasiado?Por fin, tendrsun mtodo que te ayudarn a seducir a las mujeres ms hermosas y sexysde forma sencilla, natural y sin esforzarte.Aplicando todo lo que te cuento en mi curso te convertirs en un hombre irresistible para las mujeres y te vern como alguien distinto, autntico e interesante a diferencia del resto de hombres.Descubrirs:Ser Atractivo Sin Ser GuapoAprenders las actitudes y caractersticas de un hombre que ATRAE a cualquier mujer. Conocers los elementos para desarrollar una personalidad seductora. Ligar Mujeres Hermosas y Sexys FcilmenteUsa estrategias que te permitirn conseguir que las mujeres quieran tu nmero y puedas salir con ellas.Ser Feliz y Salir Con Mujeres HermosasTe revelar estrategias que te permitan disfrutar de la vida y tener citas con mujeres atractivas en cualquier lugar.Conseguir Citas con WhatsAppDescubrirs cmo hacer que las mujeres DESEEN verte una y otra vez. Podrs tener citas y momentos geniales desde el primer encuentro.Ests listo para Seducir Mujeres Hermosas?Deja tus datos y accede GRATIS."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aumente Seu Score e Consiga Crditos e Financiamentos" |
"Bem-vindo ao Curso Aumente Seu Score e Consiga Crditos e Financiamentos!Cansado de no ter financiamentos aprovados? De tentar fazer um carto de crdito e no conseguir de jeito nenhum e ainda ter que depender de transporte pblico por que voc no consegue financiar um veculo?Neste Curso voc vai aprender Passo-a-passo a conseguir crditos em Bancos e instituies financeiras como voc sempre desejou.Voc vai conseguir crdito no mercado para fazer o que deseja, como um carto de crdito, financiamento de um imvel, uma carro ou qualquer bem que voc tanto sonha."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Formao em Edio de Audio utilizando seu Home Estdio" |
"A proposta deste curso ensinar o bsico ao avanado a edio de udio em um home estdio(Estdio em Casa) de uma maneira rpida, fcil e direta. O curso aborda todo projeto de edio de udio, desta maneira voc obtm resultados imediatos.O curso foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de ensinar home estdio para todos os tipos de pessoa, seja o seu motivo trabalho, ou desenvolvimento pessoal. Como se trata de um curso bsico at o avanado, ele bastante abrangente porm sem ser superficial pois o contedo foi bem selecionado.O curso ensina claramente o que necessrio e importante para garantir o seu sucesso na Edio de udio.Os modelos que sero abordados so : Equipamentos e nveis de Estdio, Mixagem, Pr-Produo, Gravao, Planejamento, Gravao Multipista, Masterizao, essenciais para se tornar um profissional na arte de editar um udio."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Business Analytics 101: Become A Business Analyst" |
"The goal of this course is to give you all the knowledge, tips and resources you need to start your career as a business analyst.The field of business analytics is growing like crazy. Ambitious, and technical students can quickly develop the skills and knowledge needed to help businesses use data to grow and become more optimized.In my course you'll learn the following:What exactly does a business analyst do?What skills and knowledge is needed to do this business analyst job professionally?What your salary should be as a business analystWhat tools will I need to know in order to do my job?What are some of the important topics which I need to know as a business analyst?How can I find a job as a business analyst?How should I prepare for an interview as a business analyst?I want to learn SQL, Google Analytics, Mixpanel and SalesForce, where do I get started?Tips on how to accelerate your career as a business analystTake your first step towards a new career with this course. Let's get started!Why you should learn from me?I've been working as a data and analytics specialist for a number of years. During my time as the Director of Business Performance at Yotpo I interviewed over 80 business analysts while building my team.During this time I've hired, trained and directly managed both senior and junior analysts and know first hand what it takes to perform as a business analyst.Since leaving Yotpo I've worked with over 25 companies as a freelancer, specializing in analytics, data infrastructure and operations.Enjoy the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rank Higher on Amazon FAST : Get More Sales on Autopilot" |
"Being an Amazon Seller for almost 5 years and having helped more than 1000+ sellers across 125 countries with our SEO copywriting business, I have built a step by step process for anybody to start selling on Amazon FBA.This mini crash course will discuss:1- Strategies to get more sales in a short period of time in order to boost your ranking.2- Strategies to increase reviews while being 100% TOS compliantThis course is for you if :- You already have an Amazon account- Your products are ready to be sold on Amazon- You're having difficulty getting these first few sales and reviewsI look forward to help you out, build the business and life you want!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement: Advanced developer Topics" |
"This course will teach you how you can customize your Dynamics 365 CRM application beyond basic UIcustomization.A must to have course for developers who want to polish their development skills on Dynamics 365 CRM. In the industry for every 1 functional consultant you need 5 developers. With the introduction of Dynamics 365, the need for Customer Engagement(CRM) developers have increased multif-fold. So companies need more trained developers who knows the development basics and methodologies well.Start from the architecture of Dynamics CRM you will learn how to crate web resources, implement javascript event handlers for form events, develop plug-ins to implement custom and complex business logic, extending workflows using custom code( custom workflow activities), custom .NETapplication integrate with Dynamics 365 etc. You will learn all the major development topics. Course Contents:Introduction to Extending Dynamics 365Understanding Web ResourcesJscript for Form Event ProgrammingDevelop Plug-insDevelop Custom Workflow activitiesCustomize CRM Ribbons and SitemapDevelop Reports using Report Wizard and SSRS.Tools for Extending Plugin Registration, SiteMap Editor"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Plugin Development in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement(CRM)" |
"This course is a must to have course for any Dynamics 365 developer who want to sharpen his development skills by learning how to develop Plugins. Plugins are the most important and commonly used way of developing custom login in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement(CRM), so every developer should have this skill.This course focus on the topics from the very basics of plugin till the plugin debugging.Module 1: Intro to Custom Development in Dynamics 365Intro to Extending Dynamics 365 CRMXRM PlatformWhy Custom Development is needed?Dynamics 365 CRM Extensibility Architecture Different methods to extend Dynamics CRMSupported Vs un-supported customizationHow to use SDK for custom development? Module 2: Plugin DevelopmentUnderstanding Event Execution pipelineDeveloping PluginsModule 3: Deploy and Register pluginsDeploy and Register pluginsUse Plugin Registration toolDevelop plugins for CRM onlineModule 4: Debug pluginsDebugging Pluginson CRM online and on-premiseModule 5: Advanced Plugin ConceptPre-entity and post - entity imagesUse Shared Variables in PluginsSecure and Un-secure configuration in Plugins"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Prtica da Aprendizagem Mediada" |
"O que voc vai aprender neste curso?Voc vai aprender tanto na teoria quanto na prtica a como elaborar, aplicar e avaliar os resultados de atividades que tm por objetivo o desenvolvimento cognitivo. Algumas das tcnicas e conceitos que voc vai dominar:VerbalizaoMapa Cognitivo Operaes Mentais IntencionalidadeSentido(s)TranscendnciaMultimodalidadeMomento para pensarDissonncia cognitivaRepetioVerbalizaoFunes CognitivasTodos estes conceitos so tratados em detalhe e com exemplos prticos de sua aplicao.Este curso para voc?O aluno ideal para este curso so pais que queiram melhorar o desenvolvimento cognitivo dos seus filhos, professores que queiram que seus alunos de fato aprendam e se sintam motivados, e trabalhadores e responsveis de empresas que queiram atingir um melhor resultado atravs da capacitao de seus colaboradores."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Easily Setup A DigitalOcean VPS With A Free Control Panel" |
"Digital Ocean is one of the biggest VPS and Cloud Computing Companies out there thats why in this course we shall be setting up a full VPS and install a free Control Panel ZesleCP then we will cover most of it's features which includes; FTP , Email , Private Nameservers , Domains & Subdomains And the free Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Farmakoterapia kobiet ciarnych" |
"Czy wiesz, jak dostosowa zasady leczenia popularnych dolegliwoci i chorb do potrzeb kobiety ciarnej?Czy wiesz, ktre witaminy powinny by suplementowane, a ktre nie?Czy wiesz, ktrych zi pacjentki powinny unika, a ktre mog bezpiecznie stosowa?Sprawd si!Odpowiedz na ponad 70 pyta poruszajcych ten niezwykle istotny i interesujcy temat. Ciesz si prawidow odpowiedzi, ale te ucz si na popenianych bdach.Pytania s opatrzone wyczerpujcymi komentarzami, ktre bd dla Ciebie rdem przydatnej wiedzy.Osoby zainteresowane dalszym zgbianiem wiedzy zachcamy do zapoznania si z pozycjami poniej, z ktrych korzystalimy wybierajc dla Was najciekawsze i najbardziej przydatne informacje:Schaefer C, Peters PJW, Miller RK. Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation Treatment Options and Risk Assessment 3rd Edition, Elsevier Ltd. ISBN 9780124080782uczak A, Nowak M, Szaek E. Bezpieczestwo lekw rolinnych w ciy. Farmacja Wspczesna 2017; 10: 140-146Szaek E, Grzekowiak E. Bezpieczestwo farmakoterapii w okresie ciy. Farmacja Wspczesna 2008; 1: 109-1Opinie lekowe ekspertw Polskiego Towarzystwa Ginekologw i Poonikw dostpne na stronie Internetowej PTGINKurs nie jest przeznaczony dla pacjentw. Udzia w kursie nie moe zastpi konsultacji medycznej. Informacje zawarte w kursie maj charakter informacyjny. Podejmowanie decyzji terapeutycznych wymaga kadorazowo dogbnej, wielokierunkowej analizy przypadku. Autor nie ponosi odpowiedzialnoci za utrat zdrowia czy inne komplikacje, bezporednie lub porednie, wynike ze stosowania zalece umieszczonych w kursie."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |