Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Conquiste Mais Clientes Usando O Mtodo Adestrador Vendedor" |
"(TREINAMENTO - DIRETO AO PONTO)Muitos ADESTRADORES DE CES so timos NO DIA A DIA COM CES mas NO obtm os mesmos SUCESSO nas vendas dos servios de adestramentos. Ansiedade, nervosismo e medo de perder o cliente so sentimentos que tomam conta dos na hora de fechar a venda. Durante meus ltimos 20 anos como ADESTRADOR EXPERT utilizei diferentes tcnicas para CONVENCER os clientes a tomar a deciso, pois se voc deixar na mo deles, no tempo deles, simplesmente NO obter o SUCESSO.Normalmente um bom CLIENTE no vai se mostrar ansioso para fechar o negcio, vai tentar disfarar o quanto necessita da soluo que voc est oferecendo. a que entra as tcnicas ministradas nesse treinamento em que voc ouve atentamente o que ele tem a dizer, faz sinais e gestos para que ele prossiga e tenta perceber se ele est realmente interessado. ''Esse tema abordado com muita clareza durante as aulas''.Para se ter uma ideia, aproximadamente 50% das negociaes terminam sem FECHAMENTO. Grande parte das negociaes no so concludas, e pasmem, a objeo PREO que no a principal duvida do cliente durante uma negociao. ''Esse cenrio exemplificado e explicado no decorrer desse treinamento''.Saber falar corretamente, expor, impressionar e finalizar o fechamento so habilidades que conquistamos com muito treinamento e dedicao e esse a sua oportunidade de saber mais como isso possvel.Seja um Adestrador Expert, aguardo voc na sala de aula!At l!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master bare metal embedded system programming with AVR uC" |
">>> Your Search for In-depth Embedded System Programming Course ends here!! <<<If you want to know how to kick start embedded programming skill and level up your career, read on. Hello, my name is Arabinda Verma and I have spent more than 15 years in research & software development, trained hundreds of graduates in programming and software engineering. When I ask students to tell me what their biggest challenge while learning Embedded Programming is, they all say the same thing: Fundamentals are not clear. To really become comfortable with embedded systems, students need guidance, mentorship, and practice. This isnt always the case in programming schools and universities despite the high investments in time and money that they require.This made me design this course, which will take you from the basics of embedded training to the advanced microcontroller architectures.Why this course?Embedded systems might appear complex to newcomers or even experienced programmers. With a different pedagogic approach, this course will help you become familiar with different aspects of this area, which will prove particularly helpful regardless of your experience in programming.The course helps you build a sound understanding of C & Assembly programming. It discusses the architecture of the ATMega328 microcontroller and how software and hardware interact. You will gain here foundational knowledge, applied skills, hands-on programming exercises, proper guidance and mentorship.I strongly believe that even the most complex contexts can be broken down to be assimilated by all students, regardless of their level.Plus a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you're not satisfied for any reason.What you will gain from this course?You will rig-up the development board using the basic electronic components like capacitors, resistors, LEDs, microcontroller etc. And interface the development board with PC through USB-serial adapter and in-circuit programming. You shall setup the development environment on PC, configure the microcontroller and flash the bootloader.You will learn memory management through the C compiler, microcontroller architecture, instruction execution, interrupt handling and cross-language programming. You shall implement programs using the C and Assembly programming languages and implement pre-main functionalities to bring up the development board. These topics not only introduce you to the programming but also prepare you to deal with the ecosystem of programming an embedded system.What other students are saying about this course?Lots of students have already taken the right decision by enrolling in the course. Following is what they are saying.""........ Arabinda Verma has done an excellent job of making the basic of microcontroller for anyone who is struggling in developing embedded concepts. Furthermore, after completing internal's and peripherals very clear through his tutorials. It serves as a good foundation course the course I am more confident in writing my own drivers for the microcontroller. For the best result, I would suggest to purchase any hardware board of AVR architecture and implement the code discussed in the tutorials. I am also looking forward to Arabinda's other tutorial. Happy Learning :)"" -Yousuf""Awesome course for beginners to build foundation of embedded system and C programming. The best part of the course is to build the development board on the breadboard and run/test programs........."" - Akash""Very useful course to learn and understand embedded systems."" - AjagannaPlanned updates to this courseOn the demand of our students we are continuously bringing updates that could help you more in this topic. Updates to this course are life time free for enrolled students Lets talk more about this in the discussions section inside this course.Update 4 (5th, Feb'19): Added EEPROM programming &driver development.Update 3 (22nd, Jan19): Added a section for programming challenges solution.Update 2 (15th, Jan19): Added section on GPIOUpdate 1 (1st, Jan'19): Restructured the course.My promise!Now you dont need to spend hours finding out a right course, instructor, study material for embedded programming. If you are in any way not satisfied, for any reason, you can get a full refund from Udemy within 30 days. The course comes with a No questions asked money back guarantee for 30 days"". So, there is nothing for you to lose.Enroll today and jump into the fascinating world of embedded systems to gain top skills and knowledge in this so-promising area of programming."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Crea un monstruo peludo en Cinema 4D usando una letra" |
"Esta es una clase sobre ilustracin 3D en Cinema 4D en la cual aprenderemos sobre diseo de personajes, conceptos bsicos de modelado en 3D y aprenderemos a usar el mdulo de creacin de cabello de Cinema 4D.El proyecto de la clase ser crear un personaje peludo basado en una letra del alfabeto, aplicando los conocimientos aprendidos durante el curso.Esta clase es para cualquier persona, incluso si no tiene experiencia en Cinema 4D o cualquier otro software de 3D, pues todos los conceptos estn explicados desde cero y las primeras dos clases estn dedicadas a los conceptos bsicos necesarios para el curso."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de estudio efectivas para cursos universitarios" |
"Este curso gua al alumno a travs de un sistema que le permite ir de manera eficiente por los objetivos de conocimiento que tenga. Mediante una metodologa terica y con ejercicios se busca que el alumno vaya utilizando los conocimientos que capture a lo largo de los mdulos de cursos. El curso tiene como objetivo que el alumno sea capaz de identificar los objetivos de aprendizaje que tenga y alcanzarlos mediante un sistema eficiente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Rysunku uczenie od podstaw MEGAPACK" |
"Co oferuje unikalnego ten kurs? Praktyczne wiczenia bez potrzeby instalowania adnego software! Wystarczy kartka papieru i owek. W tym kursie rysowania zobaczysz od czego najlepiej zacz rysowa i jakie wiczenia moesz wykonywa eby rysowa jeszcze lepiej.eby nauczy si rysowa trzeba zacz od podstaw. Takie podstawy moesz zobaczy w praktyce i wiczy ogldajc ten kurs. Jest to wietny sposb na uczenie si czego co mona zawsze wykorzysta - gdziekolwiek jeste. Poznaj ten nowy cykl szkole, w ktrym przedstawiamy: Rysunek jako podstawowe narzdzie projektanta.Rysowanie owkiem odrczne lub dugopisem swoich pomysw czy wizualizacji jest umiejtnoci, ktra mona wiczy wszdzie! Taka natura kartki papieru i Twojej rki, nie potrzebujesz niczego wicej. Musisz tylko zacz. Dlatego kurs ten zawiera nagrania profesjonalnej projektantki, ktra na co dzie maj styczno z rysunkiem. Oprcz praktycznych rad kurs zawiera szereg wicze posugiwania si narzdziem do rysowania. Nie wiesz od czego zacz? Ten materia to wietny start na to eby zacz swoj przygod z rysowaniem na tablecie w photoshopie.To czego si naucz po tym kursie?wiczenia rki wykonywa eby rysowa pewnej, lepiej i efektywniejJakie s najwaniejsze narzdzia do Digital Paintingu?Jak rozstawi interface w programach Photoshop?Jak uywa i ustawia potrzebne kolory w Photoshopie?Jak zacz nowy rysunek od zera?W jaki sposb rysowa cienie oraz przewietlenia?Jak miesza ze sob rne kolory?i wiele innych umiejtnoci, ktre moesz wykorzysta do wasnych projektw!Musz umie rysowa by korzysta z tego kursu rysunku?Nie, nie potrzeba umiejtnoci rysowania. Kurs bdzie pomocny dla osb, ktre potrafi rysowa wspaniae rysunki na kartce ale niechtnie podchodz do tego kiedy pojawia si komputer zamiast kartki. Po przejciu tego kursu osoby te bd mogy przenie swoje umiejtnoci na ekran komputera. Jeeli chodzi o osoby, ktre nie potrafi rysowa, to rwnie znajd tutaj wszystko czego im potrzeba eby zacz robi to lepiej. Rozpoczniemy od omwienia narzdzi i nastpnie pokaemy krok po kroku jak zrobi prosty szkic. Kade umiejtnoci rysowania bd przydatne ale nie s konieczne.Kurs prowadzony jest krok po kroku dziki temu pozwala podejrze co jest istotne w treningu i jak najlepiej do tego podchodzi. Swoimi rysunkami moesz podzieli si na forum kursu i zobaczy jak kady ma rne style i moe wiczy umiejtno przenikania midzy nimi wedug potrzeb. To wietna inicjatywa, ktra pomoe ci chwyci za owek! Rysowaniu krok po kroku pomagaj rysunki szkice i s zaczone jako rda do tego kursu.Kto tutaj uczy? Wicej o autorzeMichalina BlochTo praktyczna kompilacja - krtkie treningi jak rysowa proste linie, jak rysowa uywajc wyobrani (bez komputera!), oraz podstawy rysowania w perspektywie i cieniowania (z pomoc komputera!). To na co czekasz? Docz ju dzisiaj i zacznij rysowa!"
Price: 459.99 ![]() |
"Using Corel's Paintshop Pro in Graphic Design and Tee Shirts" |
"This is a course for those who are trying to learn how to use PaintShop Pro. If you are a beginner then this is a perfect course for you! The things I'm teaching here are more for graphic design and a lot of it I apply to t-shirts and KDP but you can use the same practices on any project. I will keep adding lessons to the course as time goes on. The price will increase as I add more videos. If you buy my course at the current price you will have access to the new content without paying additional fees!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Lenguaje C en Espaol con xsEasyC" |
"Con este curso podrs aprender a programar en C y en Espaol con xsEasyC.xsEasyC es una librera en Espaol que Facilita y Extiende la programacin en Lenguaje C.Aprenders los conocimientos bsicos y fundamentales del Lenguaje hasta los ms avanzados que te permitirn realizar programas para manejo de Archivos de Informacin."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Learn To Play Saxophone In Under 2 Hours!" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn to play the Saxophone but not known where to start? Are you overwhelmed with the random videos you find online that dont teach the skills you really need? This is where the course ""Learn How To Play Saxophone in Under 2 Hours"", aimed at absolute beginners comes in. The course covers ALL you need to know to get started playing your Saxophone - and in under 2 hours too. Even if you have never put your sax together or played a single note! In fact you may not even have your saxophone yet, but know its coming and want to get a head start. This course is for you!Learn To Play Saxophone In Under 2 Hours is a value packed course and you will leave armed with the skills you need to competently play your saxophone.The video sessions are set up in small, easy to understand lectures, grouped into modules and the pace is suitable for someone with no prior knowledge of the saxophone.Your instructor is well qualified to teach you how to play your saxophone. She has played at the Montreux Jazz Festival, sessioned with Paul Wellar (The Jam) and recorded on the Acid Jazz record label with Northern Soul guru, Andy Lewis. Michelle has managed and played in a top Corporate function band and currently plays with a 17-piece Jazz big band. She has a passion for the saxophone and has taught many students over the years.In this course you will cover:How to assemble your saxophone and correctly put the reed on your mouthpieceEmbouchure - what is it? Breathing and playing positionPlaying your first notes - every note from bottom Bb to top F# is coveredAn introduction to timing, counting and common time signaturesEssential music notation - learn to read the notation you NEED to knowA step by step guide to playing by ear. You will use this skill to ""transcribe"" two songs with Michelle, as she shows you the secrets of playing by ear.++ PLUS: a full finger chart to help you find the notes we cover in the lessons.++ PLUS: MP3 backing tracks for you to perform the songs we learn together to impress your friends and familyAnd dont forget, this course comes with a FULL 30 day, no questions asked money back guarantee - the risk is entirely on Michelle.So, if youre ready to become a saxophone player, click the Enroll button now !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kindle Marketing: How to Write a Best Selling Book Blurb" |
"Learn how to write a Bestseller Book Blurb and 10x your sales on KindleDo you want to be a bestselling author on Kindle?Would you like to make passive income so you can work from anywhere in the world and take time off whenever you want?There is a secret fast track to achieving this that most authors dont know about. Many writers spend weeks, months, sometimes years toiling away on their book hoping that it will become a best seller. They pour their heart and soul into their manuscript. The savvier authors wisely put a lot of effort into their book cover as well. But when they get to the blurb they draft a quick summary of their book slap it up on Amazon Kindle. And*Crickets*No readers. The lucky ones make a handful of sales during launch week only for their book to quickly fade into oblivion buried by the other one million titles on Kindle.And then there is Kindle Royalty, the authors who consistently make the top 100 list with each new release. They know the secret. And now you can too!The key to becoming a bestselling author is knowing how to write a bestselling book blurb.Whether you sign up for this course or not I want to give you a tip that will supercharge your sales. Are you ready?Your blurb is not a book summary. Your blurb is a sales page that should be designed to make readers buy and read your book.There is a formula to blurb writing that works every time. Hollywood uses this formula to sell movies. The advertising industry uses it to sell. well everything. Almost all Kindle best sellers use it to sell thousands sometimes millions of books. And once I discovered this formula I used it to 10x my Kindle revenue. And now I want to teach it to you!In this course, I break down the 3 most common bestselling book blurb formulas step by step with examples. Once you master at least one formula you will know how to hook readers with the first line of your blurb so they cant click off your sales page. Many of them will be so hungry for your book they will one click buy before they even get to the end of your blurb!Think about how much money you could save in your marketing budget if every time you drove traffic to your Amazon page through an ad or paid list people actually bought your book, and you made a profit instead of losing money on ads. Thats the power of the bestselling book blurb formulas.Imagine how much time and energy you would save if you could take the headache out of blurb writing and just follow a step by step system that works every time. That too is the power of the bestselling book blurb formulas.Knowing the bestselling blurb writing formulas is a seductive super power that can super charge your sales, bring you more fans and popularity and grow your platform as an expert.See what others are saying about Kindle Marketing: How to Write a Best-Selling Book Blurb...Having an engaging, emotion-evoking description is KEY to getting readers to buy your eBook. Without having a description that really draws in readers, your eBook will be destined to fail. Avoid this all-to-common pitfall by taking Jasmine's awesome course! Her extensive experience as a writer shows as she effectively lays out step by step how anyone can learn the art of seductive and persuasive description writing. I highly recommend Jasmine's description course to any authors or publishers who are eager to massively improve their descriptions, attract more readers, and ultimately make more money from their ebooks.- Karla Marie, 6 Figure Kindle Publisher and CoachJasmines course has been a tremendous help to me. Before taking her course, I would sit in front of my computer wasting time trying to figure out how to put together a spectacular description that grabs the readers attention. Jasmines course gives you step by step instructions and examples to help streamline the description writing process. She is an expert at her craft and was generous enough to offer her course to help others. This course boosted my confidence in description writing and I know that will contribute to highly successful publishing business for me. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity I had to take this course. -Vanessa C., Full time MompreneurYou dont have to have a Stephen King or J.K Rowling level manuscript to make it to the Bestsellers List. You just have to know how to make enough readers click the Buy button. And it doesnt have to be hard it can actually be simple and fun!Find out for yourself. Try this course today! If you dont like it, return it within 30 days and get a full refund no questions asked. Theres no risk to you. Youve got nothing to lose and so many readers to gain. I cant wait to help you write your own bestselling book blurb and increase your Kindle revenue!P.S. The price of this course will increase as more students join. So be sure to get your copy today before the price goes up!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Gerador de Hidrognio Experimental - Conceito e montagem" |
"O atual avano tecnolgico no processo de construo de placas de ao e acrlico utilizando laser, possibilita a fabricao com preciso e baixo custo de dispositivos geradores de hidrognio. Um gerador de hidrognio no estado da arte um componente simples constitudo por trs elementos: o eltrico, o dialtico e a carcaa. Uma forma de viabilizar o seu uso buscar mtricas bem claras.Este curso aborda a verificao e a prototipao do gerador de hidrognio, gerando HHO. Esse gerador separa o hidrognio do oxignio por meio de uma soluo de gua destilada com soda custica e gera como produto duas molculas de hidrognio e uma de oxignio, entregues para o processo de combusto. De forma resumida explicaremos tambm sobre um tipo de gerador que realiza o processo de separao, porm entrega os gases separados.Os dois geradores so obtidos de forma bem similar atravs de medidas em ambiente controlado, utilizando eletrnicos. Neste curso, as caractersticas como distncia entre as placas, concentrao da soluo e consumo de energia, entre outros detalhes, sero explicadas.Uma sequncia de experimentos foi desenvolvida em um gerador de hidrognio sob demanda, utilizando clula seca, sendo dois tipos: o primeiro tem como produto HHO e o segundo, HH (hidrognio) e O (oxignio) separados. Em ambos foi utilizada soluo com Soda Custica, devidamente monitorada, visando observar as caractersticas necessrias de funcionamento obtendo a maior produo de gs por minuto. Depois desse curso, voc ter subsdio para entender a viabilidade, bem como as medidas de segurana para experimentos com gerador de hidrognio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Nomadic Music Producers: How To Travel & Produce Music" |
"Travel the world. Make music. Learn about the tools you'll need to make your dreams as a mobile music producer a reality! This online course is based off of the Nomadic Music Producer's Handbook by Arthur Galestian. It covers everything from planning your departure, adopting the traveler's mindset, and overcoming fears to travel gear, mobile music production equipment, health and fitness while traveling, and how to make the most of your experiences as an artist on the road. Take advantage of modern times and produce music fully independent of location!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Japanese Language Crash Course" |
"Japan is a fascinating country and this crash course in conversational Japanese is perfect if you are planning to go to Japan one day and are completely new to the language. You will learn basic survival expressions and important cultural insights in the shortest possible time frame. This course is designed with efficiency in mind and focuses solely on the spoken Japanese language. Reading and writing in Japanese are not covered."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Ecommerce Site From Scratch!" |
"Learn how to build ecommerce sites using ASP.NETand C#!This course teaches you how to build complete E-commerce sites using ASP.NET, with C#, HTML/CSS, and Javascript. Go from scratch to publishing a full website onto the Internet with Microsoft Azure, and making money with StripePayment.Topics covered include:- C#- Entity Framework- HTML/CSSwith Bootstrap- Javascript/JQuery and AJAX- Stripe Payment API- SQL Databases- Microsoft Azure- And more...Go from beginner to developer by building your very own E-commerce site, and kick start your business and web development career."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Java Programming Bootcamp 2020 - Become Java Developer" |
" ********** MUST WATCH THE INTRODUCTION VIDEO BEFORE PURCHASING THIS COURSE **********First of all I welcome you to this course of Java programming for Complete Beginners. We will start from beginning and move towards all advance concepts by the time. You are going to join a community of java developers. Now this course is going to give you a lot of concepts about Java core or Java standard edition.Now after taking this course:You can apply for Java programming jobYou can create professional applicationsAlso you can give exams and you will easily get pass in oracle certificationYou will get all concepts from basic to advance level and much more benefits like that..........Why you need to learn Java Programming?You may thinking that there are many other programming languages in the world like C++, Python and much more like that then why we need Java. Well, every programming language has it's own features. Java is ranked in top 3 powerful programming languages because of it's immense features and also it a general purpose language that can be used in almost every field of computer science.Also the big companies like Google, Microsoft, Bing, Amazon are hiring Java developers with vast vacancies. Especially if you want to work in Android, Server side programming or Desktop application development then it is 100% necessary for you to learn all core concepts of Java.Also if you are stuggling to get a job as a Java Developer then this course is just for you. Because this course will give you all skills that you want for a java programming job.Java is everywhere is slogan. It is 100% right. If you look around you will find Java every where.Course Update:If you are thinking that I will update this course or not? Then definitely, I will update this course with the time and add more videos on different concepts and advanced concepts. So, calm down and take lectures. I will update this course with the time.Who can take this course?Everyone who wants to learn Java programming can take this course. If you have never touched programming then don't worry about that you can also take this course. I have started from scratch like variables and data types and end up with data base and other advanced concepts. ******* If you have any questions in your mind then contact with me before purchasing this course. *******"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Linux - Course For Beginners" |
"In this linux course you will learn from zero. In this course you will start to learn from how to create files and directories in linux. This course will give you complete knowledge about basic linux administration tasks. Linux demands incresing day by day. Companies are focusing on opensource based technologies. May be you know already opensource are 100% free. No any license required to install it. Linux is more secure than other operating system. You can say virus free operating system.Compared to windows very few linux professionals available in the market. Linux professionals demand is high but supply is low. If you have knowledge of linux you can get benifits of it.In this course you will learn with ease. Covered topics steo by step so you can understand easily. In this course you will learn about text editors like (vim , vi , nano , gedit) , User management and group management in linux , Managing processes in linux , Installing softwares and removing it , Remote management using SSH , Managing Logs information in linux , etc....We also provides free updates for this course. We are also providing full support to the students. If you have any queries related to this course please raise question in QA we will give you quick response."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking - Most Advanced Level Penetration Testing" |
"In this Ethical Hacking Course you will learn from zero. In this course you will start to learn from installations and lab setup so you can prepare ethical hacking lab at your home to practice and perform penetration testing. First , you will learn how to install windows , linux based operating systems into virtualization. In this course we are using vmware workstation.In this course you will learn Ethical Hacking step by step. You will learn to setup hacking tools in computer and then usage of it to perform most powerful attacks. In this course you will learn about penetration testing so instructor will demonstrate how you can perform attack on your own devices in your computer network safely to find vulnerabilities of it and secure them.This course will brief you about computer network also. If you are already working as IT professional in IT industry, this course will help you a lot to secure computer network, operate computer network, designed computer network , monitor computer network.This course will give you more confidence to work as cyber security specialist in the production environment. This course is designed in a way you will learn from basic to advance level. In this course you will learn about most powerful hacking attacks like system hacking , password craking , web server hacking , scanning networks , sniffing , DDos , web server hacking , web app hacking , enumeration , virus , trojan , buffer overflow , sql injection , firewall , ids , ips , cryptography , wireless , session hijacking , mobile platform hacking , social engineering , steganography , etc.... In this course every attack perfomed in my own lab. This course mainley focusing on practicals. This course will teach you step by step that how you can penetrate your own computer networks and defend it from hacker's attack. This course will give you complete white hats skills.This course is devided in phases like footprinting , scanning , gaining Access , maintaining and covering track. We tried to make every practicals to be simple to understand however we are giving support to solve queries of students. Students can contact through Q.A to solve queries.This course is designed for educational purpose only. We are not motivated to you to launch attacks on internet to damage other. We are giving you a tricks that how attackers attack on our network and how we can defend it by attacking on our own computer networks and devices. We are using our own computer network to perfrom Ethical hacking that we have full permission to launch attack."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sharpen Your Linux Skills By Attempting Practice Test" |
"Are you ready to test your Linux skills?Are you afraid to attempt interview on Linux?Do you wants to create more confidence on Linux ?This linux practice test course will help you a lot to enhance your linux skills and give you more confidence. This course is created by industry expert who is already working as linux server administrator in production. This course will registered every commands on your mind smoothly. We tried to covered every topics that necessary to understand for linux user and linux administrator.This course will also help you a lot to pass linux examination.This course will covered every basics commands to advance level commands. It is made for every level of linux users. If you are really eager to test your linux skills so this course is really best for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CEH - Practice Exam #UNOFFICIAL# Part 1" |
"This Ethical Hacking practice test will help you a to be master in every ethical hacking topics and concepts.We divided every practice test with topics so students can take mastery with every topics one by one. This course will really help you to understand every theory and practicals of ethical hacking.After completion of this course you will get more confident to perform ethical hacking , attempt interview to get the job and pass examination related to ethical hacking.We created this course by keeping every types of students in our mind so everyone can get success with this course.""Certified Ethical Hacker"" and ""CEH"" is a registered trademark of EC-Council and this practice exam course is not licensed, endorsed or affiliated with EC-Council in any way."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CEH - Practice Exam #UNOFFICIAL# Part 2" |
"You must learn part 1 first before start this course. If you are already master with part 1 topics , you can go with this course.In this part 2 course we covered rest of the topics that didn't covered in part1.We divided every practice test with topics so students can take mastery with every topics one by one. This course will really help you to understand every theory and practicals of ethical hacking.After completion of this course you will get more confident to perform ethical hacking , attempt interview to get the job and pass examination related to ethical hacking.We created this course by keeping every types of students in our mind so everyone can get success with this course.""Certified Ethical Hacker"" and ""CEH"" is a registered trademark of EC-Council and this practice exam course is not licensed, endorsed or affiliated with EC-Council in any way."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) - Practice Tests & Exam Dumps" |
"Welcome to my course CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) - Practice Tests.Are you ready to attempt exam?Are you ready to pass your interview?Find out yourself by attempting these practice tests. This course will confirm your ability to pass exam. This practice test will give you full confidence to pass exam.In this course we covered all the exam topics that need to prepare for pass exam."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching - CCNA 200-125 Exam Dumps" |
"This course will prepare you to work with cisco based routers and switches. This course designed for those who already studied ccna. If you wants to test yourself by attempting real world practice test,this course is perfect for you. If you are planning for attempt ccna international exam , you must complete these practice test first. This course will give you more confident and perfection in every topics of ccna R & S . This course will also give you skills to crack interview.We are providing free updation with this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Most Advanced Level Ethical Hacking Using Kali Linux" |
"Complete Kali Linux Course - Covered Most Powerful Ethical Hacking Tools To Hack Into The IT System And Secure Them. This Kali Linux based ethical hacking course covers beginners to advance level ethical hacking topics.This course will give you a perfect skills to work with production environment. Complete network based ethical hacking skills covered. This course will give you a skills to harden security of IT systems so no one can hack your organization.This course mainly covers penetration testing frameworks like footprinting target , information gathering , network scanning , enumerating target, vulnerability mapping, social engineering, target exploitation, privilege escalation, maintaining access .This course designed to give real world penetration testing skills. If you are a new in the field of ethical hacking or penetration testing this course will boost your ethical hacking skills and grow your career in IT field.This course will also give you some basic skills to implement servers and network systems into your organization. Before performing any attack using Kali Linux we teach to configure server first like web server , dns server , iis server , dhcp server so students can build own lab at home to practice this course and can perform safe attack over the systems.This course covers complete network offensive topics but in safe manner. Penetration tester take permission first before performing any network offensive attack over the system. Penetration tester perform network offensive attack over the systems to gather weakness of it. Penetration tester perform attack same like hacker but difference is that penetration tester attack on own system to find vulnerabilities and secure them and hacker attack over the target to steal information or down the entire IT system.This course is encourage you to work as ethical hacker or penetration tester to secure your organization.Features of this course:-Course will start with lab setup (course will go as zero to hero)We covered basic commands first to work with Linux environmentStep by step practicals coveredNo more theory , try to covered topics with to the point discussionPractical based courseGet full support with the courseJob oriented topics coveredThis course is designed for educational purpose only. We are not motivated to you to launch attacks on internet to damage other. We are giving you a tricks that how attackers attack on our network and how we can defend it by attacking on our own computer networks and devices. We are using our own computer network to perform Ethical hacking that we have full permission to launch attack."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Coaches Brainery" |
"Are you a life coach who wants to have every opportunity to support clients to achieve success? It doesn't matter if you're new to the industry or an ""old hat"", this course is designed to refresh your tool kit and re-engage you into your coaching practice. The Coaches Brainery covers linguistic skills, coaching processes and gives you the opportunity to experience it as a client and then shows you how to implement it into your own coaching practice."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Business Success Foundations" |
"In this course I will share with you business basics to get you started with purpose, direction and confidence. When you understand what drives your actions, and what your ideal client needs, being about to find them online and connect with them is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Creating offers both free and paid become easy and then the flow on effect is easy sales."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Solve 2x2 Rubik's Cube" |
"WELCOME TO MY COURSE ON HOW TO SOLVE A 2x2 RUBIK'S CUBE.Within just 30 min, you will have the knowledge required to solve any 2x2 Rubik's Cube from ANY random scrambled order. I encourage students to practice in their free time to get the most out of this course. Other follow on courses will delve into larger matrix cubes.This course also includes documents, quizes and other exciting material that will help you solve the cube easily.In this course, you will learn :1. Introduction on 2x22. Movements3. Simple Formulas4. First Layer5. Orienting The Final Layer6. The Final SolutionI have also added a BONUS Section which teaches you on how to solve the 2x2 Rubik's Cube faster, i.e. within 4 to 5 seconds!!!Thanks for checking this course out!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strategic Radical Transformation: 6 Steps to True Potential!" |
"Namast Seeker,Strategic Radical Transformation (SRT) is a framework, to living your truest potential on this planet.SRT is built on 6 Cores, it is a 6 step ladder towards a Holistic and Meaningful existence. We use Ancient Spiritual Teachings and Techniques, along with learnings from Modern Science including; Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Quantum Theory, and more, to bring about Strategic Radical Transformation in Seekers from around the world.This is an evolving and essentially unending course, that will act as an ever-growing guide, which should be referred to time and again.The Course is designed with sections that flow. The earlier lectures will create a solid foundation, on which we will build advanced concepts in the later lectures.So, don't skip ahead. Simply follow the flow. The following is the Course Overview, as it evolves:Introduction to SRT:Orientation The Device ~ Brain Mind Interface: The Brain Setup The Mind InterfaceThe Thought Apps The Everlasting Now InterludeMindfulness and AwarenessMeditation ~ Emptying the TrashUniversal Divine IntelligencemyOS ~ Emotions: FeelingsThe Life Force ~ Breathing (Pranayama)Creating Reality with EmotionsChoosing the Emotional Response.The Vessel ~ Body:The Body BrainThe 21 Chakra BeingYogaaaah..The Science of Sleep ~ Yoga NidraSunshine - Prn EnergyThe Science of Cold ShowersThe Fuel ~ Diet: Ayurveda ~ The other sisterFeeding the Body BrainPlant Based Super FuelThe Science of FastingThe Passenger ~ Spirit: Energy of the OmniverseSpiritual Being Having a Human ExperienceGodSelf & The Multiverse RealityChanging the Vessel (Death)The Purpose ~ Liberation:Skill Talent MatrixThe Human OrganismLet us Begin the Journey!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"International Teachers Course" |
"Teaching is one of the most important jobs in every society. As teachers, we are life changers and shapers of society. Teachers enable society in all aspects of human lives, they wield great influence in shaping opinion and thoughts in our generations. Teachers are the producers of a whole spectrum that is needed for nations to thrive from ordinary workers to other nation builders including leaders. In effect, we are what we are today, thanks to the teacher. However, studies have shown that teachers are highly valued in some countries, there are significant disparities in the way teachers are treated, rewarded and appreciated. 2007 OECD[User1] Report shows a strong positive correlation between the prosperity on a nation and the status of teachers or how well they are paid or treated.The fact that China and South Korea ranked among the highest on the Global Teacher Status Index coupled with Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, South Korea as places where teachers are best paid and looked after is no coincidence how these countries flourish and prosper economically. In effect where a nation values their teachers, it forms the basis for growing the human capital needed for development and prosperity.The good news is that the demand for teachers in these countries is prepared to take good care of teachers. There is an increase in demand for International Teachers from China, Middle-East. To those that are not in pursuit for just green pastures, there are opportunities around the globe that can be explored. That could be anything from voluntary work via non-governmental organisations and charities, to United Nations Agencies, Teacher Exchange programs, and so on.However, it is almost certain that not all teachers and teacher aspirants would like to leave the shores of their land and the value in acquiring International Teacher status can be equally phenomenal. However, their national value is undoubtedly enhanced both for progress and promotional prospects. In effect, this kind of status opens up opportunities not only beyond borders.Further exciting news is that with advancement in technology, there are increase in number of teachers that are being recruited to teach online and get paid and rewarded accordingly without leaving their homeland. For these to happen, it may not be enough to have just the basic teaching qualification at home and some local experience. One needs to consider a couple of steps that may enhance their qualification or experience. In some cases where there are no qualifications, several routes into teaching may be explored at home or through programs suggested in this course.This course is designed to:- Provide the learner with ideas and pathways towards national and international success in teaching as a career- Enhance the Teachers Curriculum DevelopmentIt is my hope that as learners go through this course they will discover the path that fits their purpose towards International Teaching or progression in their career."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Customer Service & Team Building Training Course" |
"Customer Service Excellence : Team Building Ideas : Customer Service Training For ExcellenceEverybody in every organisation:Helps customers directly orHelps colleagues who serve the paying customerYour personal benefits of delivering good customer service: This course is put together with the hope that the following are achieved:Youll get more satisfaction at workOthers will be friendly towards youYoull have less re-work if you get it right first timeYoull waste less time fire-fighting problemsYoull have more control of your time and workload#customerservice #teambuilding #training #customerservicecourse"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Start Your Own Business with the 9-5 Dropout Academy" |
"""The best things in life are often waiting for you at the exit ramp of your comfort zone.""~Karen SalmansohnFun Facts:90% of workers worldwide are frustrated and NOT fulfilled by their jobs85% of American workers are ""emotionally disconnected"" at workOver 70% of people are currently looking for a new jobIt is nowonder that550,000 people decide to start their own business every month.Everyone wants a flexibleschedule, freedom, fulfillment, greater income potential, and a chance to be really successful,but leaving the security of a 9-5 can be terrifying.Insert the loop of paralyzing thoughts....[""I know nothing about business."" ""What if I fail?"" ""What if I lose everything?"" ""It's just not worth the risks.""]If yourealize you need more in your lifeand will never be satisfied wasting your years making someone else money, the9-5 Dropout Academyis your first step to freedom.This detailed program takes you through every step of starting your business, from developing and validating your idea, to financial planning, to marketing, and finally launching your business.This is more than the average business course.You aregiven all material immediatelyand havelifetime accessafter initialenrollment so you cango at your own pace.You can complete this course in two weeks or two years. Everyone is different. Every business idea is special. Thisallows you tocreate a personalized plan that sets you up for success.Here is what you will know after this course:1. What type of business fits perfectly with your goals, values, lifestyle, and budget.2. How to create a successful business plan.3. Little known strategies to create a business that is better than all of your competitors.4. How much money (realistically) you will need to start.5. How much money you can expect to make.6. How to start a business on any budget.7. Different ways to open a run and business that many do not tell you.8. How to set up your business legally and with the IRS.9. Simple and effective marketing plan.10. Everything you will need to launch you business!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de animaciones cortas en After Effects" |
"Este curso es creado para todos quienes desean iniciarse en el arte de contar historias, diseadores, ilustradores, publicistas y quienes siempre desean aprender cosas nuevas. Es un curso bsico pero a su vez muy completo ya que empezando con la redaccin adecuada de nuestra historia, pasando por el diseo grfico de los personajes, su transportacin de Photoshop a After Effects, animacin facial, sincronizacin de labios y un render adecuado para su publicacin.No necesitas tener conocimientos previos de After Effects ni Photoshop ya que todas las herramientas y procesos usados sern detallados para una fcil compresin, de ese modo no debes temer s eres novato en la materia.Lo nico que necesitas es un deseo de ver tus ideas hechas realidad.Si deseas iniciar en el proceso de crear dibujos animados de forma sencilla, este curso es para vos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diseo Sismo-resistente en Muros de Corte con ETABS-1" |
"El objetivo del curso es proporcionar al participante las herramientas bsicas y avanzadas del programa para el modelado, no solamente se llegara a un Diseo de los elementos estructurales de la edificacin, adems se analizar la edificacin en funcin del detallado de los planos, utilizando la herramienta ms poderosa del mercado en la elaboracin de proyectos estructurales softwareCSIETABS Ultmate 17.0.1En este proyecto se realizar el clculo estructural de unaedificacin de 8 niveles para uso tipo vivienda, con la incorporacin de la escalera en el modelo, ascensor, y Muros de corte que es el enfoque principal de este curso.Se explicara al detalle las hojas de clculo internas del software CSIETABS Ultmate 17.0.1. En funcin de la normativa ACI 318-14. Se llegara al detallado de los elementos Estructurales (Muros de Corte) en el software AUTOCAD."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |