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"Create a Blog with Mezzanine CMS - The Best Django CMS" |
"Looking for a WordPress alternative?Enjoy programming in Python? Do you love Django but wish you could have the core features there already by default and with a friendlier interface?Well Mezzanine might be exactly what you are looking for.Mezzanine is a powerful Content Management System that is built using the Django framework,but differs in that instead of having to build outmodels/view/templates for basic features, Mezzanine provides many of them by default, including the ability to create pages and posts in the admin with a beautiful, user-friendly interface.Mezzanine can also be added onto a Django project and can be extended withe-commercefunctionality.In this course, you will learn all about its features as we build out a clean, responsive blog with dynamic blog posts, custom hero images, a contact form, and much more using Mezzanine's toolsand templates.Why this class?Because aside from the docs, there are hardly any tutorials out there for using Mezzanine, and any that you do find are from 4-5 years ago.Therefore, I decided to create one comprehensive, thorough course on it myself.Also, it's common for clients to ask for blogs to be built, but are opposed to using WordPress for various reasons. Mezzanine offers the perfect alternative for them!RequirementsThis is a course on Mezzanine, not on HTML or CSS, so it would be good to havean understanding of the two. This will be assumed in the course.Also, since Mezzanine is built with Python and on the Django framework, the student should have a basic understanding ofthose as well,however because of the dozens of templates shipped with Mezzanine, these can be picked up rather quickly as we use those as ""guides.""Who should take this course?Anyone who wants to learn more about MezzanineAnyone who is looking for a WordPress alternative for their blogAnyone who finds Django overkill for creating blogs for their clients.Anyone looking to add a new tool to theirweb development portfolio.Whether you fit into these categories or not, Mezzanine is an excellent CMS and I am certain you will be as excited to use it as I am."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn 30 JavaScript Methods in 12 days!" |
"One trait of a good developer is a person that canwrite code, notcopy and paste it only. Or at least doing the former much more than the latter.I was a copy and paste developer for a long time, relying heavily on Stack Overflow code that I would snatch and then alter to meet the conditions of my own purposes.Now Im not saying you cant do this, but you should reach a point where you can produce a lot of code from scratch, talking through it out loud and actually writing code.So in an effort to get better at typing code without looking everything up, AND in an effort to become better acquainted with the syntax and methods of JavaScript, I created this12 day, blueprint course.With this course comesa commitment to schedule out 12 days in order to devote 20 minutes to learning individual JavaScript methods one bite at a time; methods like split(), map(), slice(), join(), indexOf(), toString(), reduce(), etc.You can complete the lessons in sequence, i.e. 12 days, or you can plan to do them every other day, perhaps 3 days a week and complete it all in 4 weeks. It's up to you.Here's what you should do to get the maximum benefit of this course:Follow along with each lesson and attempt the challenge exercises that I give.Devote 20 minutes of undivided attention to each lesson. Get the feel of typing that method, that array, that syntax from scratch. Build that muscle memory. Get the feel of what the parameters do. Try out your own combinations and tests until 20 minutes is up.Continue on your predetermined schedule until the course is done.Finally, print out a quality copy of the cheatsheet and hang it up by your desk. After going through the methods once, the cheatsheet will make complete sense and will be a valuableresourceas you code in JavaScript.So what are you waiting for?Go ahead and sign up and level up those Javascript skills!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"C++ Software Developer Interview Preparation" |
"Are preparing for software engineer interviews in a top tier tech company? Are you looking to change to a senior developer role?Do you want to impress the interviewer with advanced knowledge of C++?Chances are that the company you are applying requires C++ proficiency. C++ is still the king. All top tier companies ask for C++ proficiency from their candidates. The questions may seem hard and tricky. But these questions are made to teach you the complex intricacies of the C++ language, the STL containers, algorithms and the new additions to modern C++. And if you are applying for a senior developer role in a top-tier company, then they expect you know these. Check where your C++ knowledge ranks.BEFORE you go any further, please keep this in mind about the questions:The questions are designed to examine your knowledge in advanced parts of C++ and also parts of C++ language that are not obvious.There are trick questions. The purpose is not to trick you but to make you aware of the ways C++ can confuse you.There are difficult questions. You might not be asked to this level in the interview, but if you learn these you can impress the interviewer.The questions sets can seem long. DONOT attempt to complete a set in one sitting. Take your time.There are 6 practice question sets:Question set #1: C++ Language Fundamentals (35 questions)Question set #2: C++ Language Fundamentals (35 questions)Question set #3: C++ Standard Template Library (STL) (75 questions)Question set #4: Data Structures and Algorithms (65 questions)Question set #5: Linux System (25 questions)Question set #6: Modern C++ (Updating)The questions are based on numerous sources. From personal interview experiences and other sources such as StackOverflow, Geeks for Geeks, CareerCup and textbooks.The references for explanation for the answers are also given. So make sure to go through the results once you completed the tests.Good luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Financial software developer interview preparation" |
"Are you preparing for interviews at companies like Goldman Sachs, Bloomberg or Morgan Stanley as a software engineer?Financial institutions like these are known for much higher than average salaries for software engineers. This is because they expect their software engineers to take on unique challenges than at an average software development company.As a software engineer at a financial institution, you are expected to develop applications that have fast and deterministic performance. You must have an in-depth knowledge of concepts such as memory models, cache performances, pipe-lining, branch-prediction, computationally efficient algorithms, pitfalls of multi-threading, lock-free programming, etc.This set of practice exams are prepared to cover these topics.For example, Do you know why high-frequency-trading applications would disable the Nagel's algorithm in networking?Do you know about the Google's dense_hash_map and spare_hash_map that can have better performance than STL's std::unordered_map?Do you know about the Binet's formula?Do you know how to efficiently check if a matrix multiplication is correct, without doing the O(N^3) complex multiplication?Do you know about Red-Black trees and B-trees?Do you know how to keep a FIX protocol session alive?Do you know what is cache warming and how to do it?Do you know about kernel by-passing and how you can do it with library functions like sendfile()?Do you know the cost of branch prediction misses and how to minimize it?Do you know under what conditions quick sort is faster than merge sort?Do you know about catastrophic cancellation of floating-point arithmetic?Do you know about the zero-cost exception model of C++?Do you know how to efficiently initialize a shared_ptr to minimize dynamic memory allocations?Do you know about small-size-optimization and small-string optimization (SSO) of C++?Do you know how to perform compile-time calculations to minimize run-time execution delay?These set of practice questions are carefully prepared to focus on the needs of a software engineer in a financial institution, who is required to write fast, deterministic and memory-aware applications.Please note that the questions are focused towards C++ language and Linux systems.The questions may seem too specific or too far-fetched to be asked in an interview. But knowing these concepts would allow you to showcase your deeper understanding of the OS, memory model and algorithms so that you can impress your interviewer and stand out from the rest of the candidates.I wish you all the best of luck."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blender. Modele, Texturize e Anime. Bsico ao Intermedirio!" |
"Com o uso da aplicao aberta de modelagem 3D denominada Blender, voc aprender do zero os conceitos relacionados elaborao de um projeto tridimensional por meio da computao grfica. Alm disso, entender como se d o processo de ""estampar"" este projeto com texturas e materiais, a fim de simular diferentes tipos de superfcies como metal, vidro e etc. Tambm conseguir manipular a iluminao do ambiente, ver como construir uma atmosfera terrestre virtual e entender o processo de animao de cenas para ambientar e criar um vdeo com o projeto do curso: uma aeronave de combate!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Blender. Model, Texturize & Animate it. Basic 2 Intermediate" |
"With the use of the open 3D modeling application Blender, you will learn from scratch the concepts related to the elaboration of a three-dimensional project through computer graphics. In addition, you will understand how the process of ""stamping"" this project with textures and materials work, in order to simulate different types of surfaces such as metal, glass and etc. You will also be able to manipulate the ambient lighting and see how to build a virtual terrestrial atmosphere to place the object of the course: a fighter plane! Initial concepts on creating your own animation, including animated fire for the afterburner are within the materials covered."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn periodic table with it's basic concepts in Chemistry" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Learn periodic table with it's basic concepts in Chemistry''Theperiodic tableis a tabular arrangement of thechemical elements, ordered by theiratomic number,electron configuration, and recurringchemical properties, whose structure showsperiodic trends. Generally, within one row (period) the elements aremetalsto the left, andnon-metalsto the right, with the elements having similar chemical behaviors placed in the same column. Table rows are commonly calledperiodsand columns are calledgroups. Six groups have accepted names as well as assigned numbers: for example, group 17 elements are thehalogens; and group 18 are thenoble gases. Also displayed are four simple rectangular areas orblocksassociated with the filling of differentatomic orbitals.The organization of the periodic table can be used to derive relationships between the various element properties, but also the predicted chemical properties and behaviors of undiscovered or newly synthesized elements. Russian chemistDmitri Mendeleevwas the first to publish a recognizable periodic table in 1869, developed mainly to illustrate periodic trends of the then-known elements. He also predicted some properties ofunidentified elementsthat were expected to fill gaps within the table. Most of his forecasts proved to be correct. Mendeleev's idea has been slowly expanded and refined withthe discovery or synthesis of further new elementsand the development of new theoretical models to explain chemical behavior. The modern periodic table now provides a useful framework for analyzingchemical reactions, and continues to be widely used inchemistry,nuclear physicsand other sciences.Whether you have a test coming up or just want to learn something new, the periodic table of elements is a helpful tool to know. Memorizing all 118 elements may seem tricky, especially since each one has a unique symbol and atomic number. Fortunately, if you start early, you can learn a few elements every day. Mnemonic devices, phrases, and pictures will boost your memory while making studying enjoyable. If youre ready to test your skills, try a few games or even draw a table completely from memory. If you find the periodic table confusing and difficult to understand, you arent alone! Understanding how it works can be hard, but learning how to read it will help you be successful in the sciences. Start by recognizing the structure of the periodic table and what this tells you about each element. Next, you can study each element. Finally, use the information provided on the periodic table to find the number of neutrons in an atom. An element's atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of a single atom of that element. The atomic number of an element or isotope cannot change, so you can use the atomic number to help figure out other characteristics, such as the number of electrons and neutrons in an atom. If you find the periodic table confusing and difficult to understand, you arent alone! Understanding how it works can be hard, but learning how to read it will help you be successful in the sciences. Start by recognizing the structure of the periodic table and what this tells you about each element. Next, you can study each element. Finally, use the information provided on the periodic table to find the number of neutrons in an atom.Course covers important steps to learn and memorize the periodic table easily ant to understand it's basic concepts to do well in chemistry.So we will coverLearn to read the periodic tableWays to memories the Periodic table easilyLearn methods to study the elements of the Periodic tableLearn to write electron configuration of any elementLearn to find atomic number of any element"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn Simple English & Do well in High school English class" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Learn simple English and Do well in high School English class''Englishis aWest Germanic languagethat was first spoken inearly medieval Englandand is now a globallingual francs.Named after theAngles, one of theGermanic tribesthat migrated to the area of Britain that would later take their name,England, both names ultimately deriving from theAngliapeninsula in theBaltic Sea. It is closely related to theFrisian languages, but its vocabulary has been significantly influenced by otherGermanic languages, particularlyNorseas well as byLatinandFrench.English has developed over the course of more than 1,400 years. The earliest forms of English, a set ofAnglo-Frisian dialectsbrought toGreat BritainbyAnglo-Saxon settlersin the 5th century, are calledOld English.Middle Englishbegan in the late 11th century with theNorman conquest of Englandand was a period in which the language was influenced by French.Early Modern Englishbegan in the late 15th century with the introduction of theprinting pressto London, the printing of theKing James Bibleand the start of theGreat Vowel Shift. If you're struggling in English class, you're not alone. From famous writers like H.G. Wells and Mark Twain to politicians like Teddy Roosevelt, lots of highly intelligent people have struggled with spelling, usage, and other basic grammar issues. Full of quirks and contradictions, the English language isn't the easiest to learn and use correctly. By addressing the most common errors and concerns, however, you can start actively correcting your errors, improving your vocabulary, spelling, and writing, to give yourself the best possible chance at success in English. If reading and writing don't come naturally to you, high school English classes can seem difficult and intimidating. Putting forth your best effort both inside and outside of class will show your teacher that you genuinely care about your education and your grades. Incorporating helpful studying and learning strategies will assist you in acing your English class.Learning to speak basic English is the first step to communicating in many of the world's global circles. With today's technology, you have a virtual world of resources at your fingertips. Get started today with these tips and soon you'll be on your way to speaking the world's lingua franca. If youre trying to add some punch to your resume, or looking to spruce up some lackluster sentences, go for action verbs. Action verbs are active, positive verbs that keep your reader engaged and your potential employer interested in your resume. Course covers important methods to learn simple English with easy steps for doing well in English.So we will coverLearn simple EnglishLearn to do well in high school English classLearn to be good at EnglishLearn to prepare well for an English examLearn use of Action verbs"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"DIY beauty Hacks to look Drop Dead gorgeous and attractive" |
"Welcome to the course on ''DIY beauty hacks to look drop dead gorgeous and attractive"" Looking beautiful is one of the things many teenager girls strive to be. Luckily, it is not hard to do, although it does take some time and effort. There is much more to looking beautiful than slapping on makeup, styling your hair, and putting on a trendy outfit, however. You have to takecareof yourself, your skin, your hair, and your body. After that, the styling parts will come a lot easier. You dont need to spend a lot of time and effort to look naturally beautiful! Just take the time to groom yourself so you look and feel fresh and clean. Then, style and present yourself in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Incorporating healthy habits into your routine can also help achieve natural beauty. Youll be looking and feeling great in no time!Being the ""prettiest"" is about more than just the way you look, it is also about how you feel. Taking care of your body by eating better, working out, and taking care of your skin and nails can not only make you look better but feel better and more confident, too. Working on your look, especially by wearing clothes that flatter your body shape, and style can also make you look and feel prettier. You can be naturally pretty by making small changes in your beauty and dietary routines. Knowing how to keep your skin healthy, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and taking care of your hair is key to feeling more attractive. With a few changes to boost your health and confidence, youll be on your way to achieving natural beauty in no time.The greatest beauty tip of all is knowing that you are already beautiful as you are! Sometimes, though, it's hard to acknowledge your own beauty when you just don'tfeelbeautiful. Public opinion may have some say in who is labeled as ""beautiful"" on the outside, but inner beauty takes on a whole other meaning. Feeling beautiful on the inside has more to do with your character than your appearance. Learn what beauty means to you and have the confidence to live by your own rules starting today.Want to be noticed and admired for your breathtaking looks? If so, then you have to work your hardest to maintain healthy skin, tone your body and to find the clothes and make-up that make the most of your looks. Nobody said it would be easy, but when every person in the room turns to stare at how amazing you look, you'll know that the effort was worth it. We know that ""Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"", but we forget that we are the beholders. Instead we hope that someone will come and see in us what we cannot see ourselves. We have to believe that beauty is not only in our form, but in our hearts also. Like diamonds, we are and always have been beautiful. And as diamonds we must be willing to be found, to be cut even and to be polished.Course covers DIY beauty hacks to make yourself look attractive and pretty.So we will coverLearn to look attractive and beautifulLearn to get rid of body odor naturallyLearn to stop face sweatingLearn to make makeup last all day long"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Makeup applying Techniques 2 look Flawlessly beautiful" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Learn makeup learning techniques to look flawlessly beautiful''Makeup may do magical things, but it doesn't have to be a mystery. Applying a basic, natural look doesn't require a lot of skill or tools. You can do lots of the blending with your fingertips, and choose to leave out certain products if they don't appeal to you. Applying makeup can be fast, simple, and easy; however, using the wrong shades and improper technique can make your makeup look fake and unnatural. This course will not only show you how to apply basic makeup, but also give you a few tips for choosing the right colors and shades. Don't be afraid to experiment with the amount and type of makeup you're using. Trying a few different application techniques can also be helpful in finding the perfect makeup look just for you.Anyone can have a flawless look if they have the right products. First, prepare your skin by washing your face and moisturizing it. Next, apply foundation and powder to smooth out your skin and make your complexion flawless. Finally, enhance your facial features with blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipstick. Bright and colorful makeup is an excellent way to have fun with cosmetics. It can seem hard to pull off, but it isn't! With a little practice and help from this article, you can start having tons of fun with your makeup. Many people choose to wear makeup every day, either to cover up blemishes or simply enhance their natural beauty. However, coming up with a makeup routine when you're just starting out can be a daunting task. Knowing which products to use and in what order seems complicated and time-consuming, but is actually very simple and easy to master.When it comes to applying makeup, the key is using it to accentuate and embrace your natural beauty. If you have brown eyes, youre one of the lucky ones there are so many different ways to enhance the richness and complexity of your eye color. With just a few key products and techniques, youll create a gorgeous eye makeup look that will make your eyes pop. When it comes to sexy, sultry makeup looks, it's hard to top the smokey eye. If you're new to makeup, though, pulling off the look can be intimidating -- it's just so easy to wind up looking like you got punched in the eye. The key to successfully applying smokey eyeshadow is choosing the right shades and knowing exactly where to apply each. With practice, you can create a perfect smokey eye in no time. If you have deep set eyes, your eyes are likely large and you have a prominent brow bone. To apply eye makeup to deep set eyes, you should start by washing and priming your eyelids. Then, you can apply your eyeshadow with either your finger or a brush. After your eyeshadow, apply eyeliner and mascara to finish your face. For deep set eyes, focus on highlighting your eyes rather than adding shadows to your face. For those prone to oily skin, the makeup application process revolves around combating excess oil. During the actual application, this battle is fought with oil-free, mattifying moisturizers, foundations, and finishing powders. Throughout the day, you must fend off unwanted shine with blotting paper and pressed powder. If you have dry skin, you know how difficult applying makeup can be. Makeup tends to cling to the dry areas of the face rather than getting absorbed by the skin, making it look patchy and badly-applied. Before you apply makeup to dry skin, prime your skin to give it the moisture that it needs. Also make sure to use products specifically formulated for dry skin. Preparing your skin and using the right products will help makeup to glide on effortlessly, so that even from up close, your makeup will look flawless. Course has important makeup applying techniques in it and also has makeup applying methods for different skin types to look flawlessly beautiful.You will learn to do basic makeupYou will learn to do your makeup flawlesslyYou will learn to create Smokey eyeYou will learn to do everyday makeup with easy stepsYou will learn to do eye-shadow blendingYou will learn to do face contouringYou will learn to choose and use different makeup items"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Sew using Patterns & Sew a comfy Patchwork quilt" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Learn to Sew using patterns and Sew a comfy Patchwork quilt''Sewing is both a useful skill to know and a great way to pass the time. With just a needle and thread, you can stitch pieces of fabric together, patch holes, and create unique designs and patterns. Its simple to learn, fun to master, and can be picked up by anyone. or new sewing machine users, threading the machine can seem daunting, and even put you off the task of sewing altogether. But after you learn how to thread your machine once, youll find it becoming a habit and getting simpler every time.Making your own sewing patterns can save money and allow you to size garments to your measurements. The simplest way to make a sewing pattern is to copy a garment you already have and make any alterations you desire based on that. You can also make sewing patterns from scratch using nothing but your own measurements, but you will need to research how the particular garment you want to design comes together so that you know how to plot out the different pattern pieces. After learning to sew, it's a natural step to learning to sew with a pattern. Being able to sew using a pattern will provide you with many options for creating garments, costumes, soft furnishings, toys, and other items that can be sewn. Smocking is done by using small stitches to gather fabric in a pattern. You can use it to create little rows of pretty pleats with colorful stitching, the perfect detail for a child's dress or the bodice of a blouse. Patchwork quilts are enchanting to look at, to own and to create. One of the first craft projects many young girls learned to create in generations past was to make a patchwork quilt. Getting started is really simple and you will grow in your creative abilities each time you complete a quilting project. The zigzag stitch is stretchy, durable, and nice to look at, making it very versatile in nature. Most sewing machines have a zigzag setting, but the zigzag stitch can also be worked easily enough by hand. Course covers different stitching methods to create something beautiful.So we will coverLearn to sew using patternsLearn to create a comfy patchwork quiltLearn to do smockingLearn to do Zigzag stitch by hand"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Speak well in Public & Overcome your fear of Public Speaking" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Speak well in Public and Overcome your fear of Public Speaking''Speaking in public is a fear for a lot of people, whether it's giving a speech, a toast at your friend's wedding, or being called on in class. Fortunately, you can make speaking in public less anxiety inducing by following some of these types. It may never be your favorite thing, but you'll be far less likely to throw up in front of your audience. Did you know that public speaking is the number one fear in North America? The second greatest fear is death! If you have the fear of public speaking, you are not alone. You must first recognize what ""fear"" is. Fear is the anticipation of pain. Is your fear real or imagined? Good communication is the key to success, whether you're speaking in front of a large audience or trying to get a point across to a new friend. If you want to know how to speak well and confidently, you've got to believe in yourself, speak slowly and carefully, and have strong convictions about what you're saying. Public speaking skills can be a hassle if you are insecure or an introvert. However, a little bit of practice and a confident outlook can help you to be a fantastic public speaker. Whether you're giving a presentation or in a social setting, you can use a few simple tools to improve your public speaking talents. Speaking clearly and effectively can make it much easier to communicate ideas accurately. You'll need to slow down your speech, enunciate each syllable, and practice your diction. Take the time to practice speaking, and correct yourself if you mess up. Do you dread giving a speech, or have an extreme fear of public speaking? It is possible to lessen your nervousness with some advance preparation. Start off by speaking to groups of people as often as you can. Practice your speech with your friends and family. Try to connect with your audience and dont be afraid to make a few mistakes. Working off your extra energy before a speech will help you to focus as well. Even accomplished public speakers worry about whether or not their presentation is effective. Fortunately, improving your effectiveness as a public speaker is very simple! To be an effective public speaker, prepare a well-developed speech that fits your audience. Then, practice your delivery prior to giving the speech. Finally, connect with the audience, articulate your words, and use gestures as you give your speech. Course covers important things to improve your Public speaking skills with easy and effective steps. With the help of these steps you will be able to speak well and confidently in Public.We will coverSpeak Confidently in Public Overcome your Fear of Public speakingImprove Public speaking skillsWays to give a speech without getting Nervous"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Yoga Meditation & best ways to do Yoga for Beginners" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Learn Yoga Meditation and Best ways to do Yoga for Beginners''Yoga may seem intimidating, but it is a great way to exercise, even for absolute beginners! You can do yoga in your home with no equipment, or you can take a class to have access to mats, pillows, bricks, straps, and other helpful yoga tools. Start by getting into a comfortable seated position. Then, work on youryogic breathingand try some simple poses to begin practicing yoga. Yoga is an ancient set of beliefs in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions that strives towards spiritual discipline.In the West, yoga is less understood for its spiritual component and more commonly known as a physical workout of specific poses, or asanas. Yoga has a variety of applications and philosophies, including strengthening, relaxing, energizing, and stretching our bodies and minds. Any person can practice yoga, from Asana practice to meditation and breathing. The Sanskrit word ""yoga"" actually means ""union with the divine"". The stretching exercises that we in the west associate with yoga were originally designed, thousands of years ago, to help the practitioner gain control of their own life force, a spiritual energy known as Kundalini. The stretches, however, are not the only aspect of yoga. Meditation is also a key facet of yoga. Ensure you choose the right location and prepare yourself adequately, your yoga meditation will be a very beneficial experience. With more than 400 laughter clubs across the United States alone, and 6000 groups worldwide, laughter yoga is growing in popularity.Besides being easy to do, laughter yoga can help to reduce stress, encourage a more positive outlook, and help you feel more refreshed and energetic. Laughter yoga can be practiced alone or with a partner. You can also join a laughter yoga club or class in your area to practice it with a large group of people. Yoga is intended to be a meditative, relaxing form of exercise. But dressing for yoga can be intimidating for beginning students. Generally, it is important to wear clothing that is both comfortable and made from breathable fabric (like cotton, bamboo or jersey). It will also help to know what type of yoga class you are attending in order to determine the best outfit. Kundalini yoga is said to be the most powerful yoga and it can generate results much faster than other types of yoga. Kundalini is considered to be a large pool of potential that exists in everyone and is often not used. Visually it is seen as a coiled or sleeping serpent normally at the base of your spine. Using Kundalini yoga helps to awaken this serpent so your body can take advantage of its power. Eventually youll notice a beneficial difference in yourself. Course has best ways to perform yoga for absolute beginners. Yoga keeps your body healthy and fit. Yoga is very beneficial and effective.We will coverLearn to do Yoga for absolute beginners Learn yoga meditation Learn to do Kundalini yoga and meditation Learn to do computer Yoga"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn clear & easy ways to Draw & draw Basic Human figures" |
"Welcome to the course on '' Learn clear and easy ways to Draw & Draw basic Human figures''The human figure has inspired artists to pick up their pencils for thousands of years. Drawing the human form allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the curves and lines that make up male and female bodies. The human form, like any figure, is easy to draw when you break it down into its most basic shapes: ovals, circles, and rectangles. Once you master the basics, you can hone your skills by drawing figures whenever you get a chance. Drawing a person may sound difficult, but it's really a simple process if you approach it systematically. The easiest way to draw people is with the Ball-and-Socket technique, a method in which the artist sketches several conjoined ovals to form the body parts of the human figure and draft the figure's pose. It may seem basic, but many professional illustrators routinely use this technique to make their artwork, and this technique is both versatile and easy to learn. Since the earliest times, humans have spent a great deal of time trying to capture the essence of the human face. This can be enjoyable, but it's better if you know how. While our bodies add dynamism to artworks, the face is filled with expressionthe very soul of our being. Learning to bring that out starts with learning how to draw a basic human face. Where you take it next will be in your charcoal- or paint-stained fingers. Drawing is an enjoyable artistic skill to learn and makes for a great hobby. When you are first starting, the quality of your drawings can feel like a major hurdle. You may think that you need professional lessons to make something good, but this isnt true. By simply drawing for fun, you can save money and improve your skills. To draw without classes, sketch in short lines, shade in shadows, draw figures out of shapes, and practice as much as possible. here are many times that you would like to illustrate a page or tell a story without using too many words. Stick figures can be modified depending on how you want to use them. Start with the basic figure, then make changes as you go along. Learning the art of creating and using them will open up a new and long line of art. We will coverLearn easy ways to drawLearn to draw basic human figuresLearn basic ways to draw people step-by-stepLearn clear and easy ways to draw Cartoon characters"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Determine your face shape & apply makeup according to shape" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Determine your face shape and apply makeup according to shape''Sometimes we apply makeup only to discover its not flattering. This can sometimes be attributed to not knowing how to apply makeup according to your face shape. Figuring out what shape your face is will help you apply makeup in a way that accentuates your best features. The shape of your face can affect which hairstyles, glasses, or makeup effects look best on you. To determine your face shape, start by getting familiar with the basic shape categories. Identify your face shape with a few measurements, and use your new-found knowledge to help you pick hairstyles, makeup styles, and accessories that flatter your face. Blush is an essential makeup item that can give you a pretty, youthful glow. However, it can be challenging to know exactly how to make it look the best on your unique face. Use the right application methods, apply in areas that best complement your face, and choose a color and texture that work well for your skin to make your blush look fantastic. Highlighter sticks are so fun and easy to useone swipe is all it takes to make your complexion glow! Start by selecting a highlighter shade that compliments your skin tone. Gently swipe the stick once across each cheek bone, down the bridge of your nose, and below each eyebrow arch for a sun-kissed glow. For a more dramatic strobing effect, lightly blend out the edges of each highlight. For a more natural-looking sheen, blend out a little more to get rid of hard lines. Lock in your look with a makeup setting spray and youre ready to go! There's nothing wrong with having a round face, but you may be interested in making your face appear thinner and more defined. Fortunately, there are a variety of tricks you can use to achieve the look you want. Contouring your face helps define your features, creating the appearance of higher cheekbones and a slimmer nose and chin. It's a technique that was popularized by celebrity makeup artists, but with the right products and equipment it's easy to do on your own. Once you've applied your contouring makeup, remember to blend well for a flawless, natural look. Blush is a great way to highlight your cheeks and shape your face. However, how you apply blush depends heavily on your face shape. First, figure out the shape of your face. From there, apply your blush accordingly. Make sure to avoid placing blush in the wrong places, such as under your cheekbones, as this can look awkward and unflattering. Course has easy and important steps to determine your face shape and apply makeup according to your face shape. So we will coverDetermine your face shape by following easy stepsApply makeup according to your face shapeMake oval face look thinnerLearn to apply Highlighter stick"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazing home Decoration ideas for each room step-by-step" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Amazing home decoration ideas for each room step by step''A new home is a blank canvas; you get the opportunity to transform each and every room into a personality filled space that you'll adore. Whether you're tired of your old space or you're moving into a new one, decorating it is imperative to adding coziness and charm. Try changing up large aspects of your home along with incorporating small details, for the best results. Decorating a room requires creativity and craft. Luckily, there are hundreds of blogs, magazines and books available to help you navigate the world of home decor. Decorating is successful when you budget, research and sketch out your new dcor before you start to make changes. There are a lot of things to consider when designing your living room. The best place to start is to determine what you plan on using the living room for, and moving from there. Depending on what you plan to do in the living room will influence the choices you make when deciding on a layout. Make the most out of your living room by following a few furniture guidelines and keeping the room properly lit. Add some artwork and a few decorative plants to tie the room together. Modern style is all about minimalism and neutrality. Clean lines and simple color schemes define a modern living room. Go with a neutral base color, then work in a few bold, simple colors in the form of accents and accessories. In addition, choose angular pieces and geometric forms for a modern touch. Select square furniture, simple designs, and accenting colors for a modern, styling living room. Good guest room decor should make your guests feel relaxed and welcomed, as though your home is a ""home away from home."" Stick with a soothing color scheme and fill the room with decorative furnishings that have practical uses. Consider the amenities that a nice hotel room might offer and strive to provide the same level of comfort and convenience with a greater personal touch. Maybe youve just moved into a new house or apartment and want to figure out how to make your bedroom look great, or maybe youre finally tackling a re design of your messy, cluttered bedroom. Whatever the reason, your bedroom is one of the rooms in your home you will likely be spending a lot of your time in, so you want to make sure its a welcoming and well designed space you can feel good about sleeping and relaxing in. Course covers easy and creative steps to decorate your home very pretty.So we will coverDecorate your bedroomDecorate your living roomDecorate your guest roomDecorate your Kitchen"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to start your Own successful Beauty salon & Barber Shop" |
"Welcome to the course on ''How to start your Own successful Beauty Salon and Barber shop''If your dream is to open a hair salon, now might be one of the best times to do it. According to areport from the Professional Beauty Association,the salon industry is growing. Since the recession, the industry has rebounded and analysts expect continued growth for at least the next five years. No business can function properly without abusiness plan.You need a road-map, a document that will guide your business to success. It doesnt have to be a long drawn out process. In fact, youve probably already put together a lot of the information mentally, or even scribbled a few notes on paper. The point of a solid business plan is to figure out what your business is.Starting a home salon involves attention to detail, but there are plenty of perks. You'll be your own boss, and working from home is convenient, creates an intimate atmosphere for clients, and lowers your expenses. Start by registering your business, purchasing insurance, and obtaining permits. Acquire equipment and products, and arrange the space so it's functional and comfortable. It might take time to gain clients, so offer a range of services to broaden your customer base. With a little hustle, you can grow a successful business from the comfort of your own home. Because of their straightforward business model, salons are often easier to break into than other types of startups. This means you can spend more time doing nails and less time chewing your own. After youve applied for your operators license and found a suitable location, your chief concern will be getting your hands on all the equipment and supplies youll need to carry out business on a day-to-day basis. From there, it will just be a matter of managing your resources and polishing your image to leave your clients happy and looking fabulous. Beauty Salon's! A shop where hairdressers and beauticians work! While your hairdresser cuts and styles your hair, a beautician, does your nails and other cosmetic treatments. Salon's can either range up to being posh and fancy or run down and old.Starting your own barbershop is a big decision. However, if you are passionate about cutting hair, it can be a rewarding line of work. Identify the requirements necessary to obtain a barbers license in your area and get some experience working as a barber. Develop a business proposal and get a loan for your shop, if necessary. Outfit your shop handsomely and promote it via advertising and social media. We will coverLearn to start your own Beauty SalonLearn to start your Own Nail salonLearn to Decorate your Beauty salonLearn to advertise your beauty Salon"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Quantum Theory and Understand mass Energy equation" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Learn Quantum Theory and Understand mass Energy equation''Quantum physics (AKA quantum theory or quantum mechanics) is a branch of physics providing a description of the behaviour and interaction of matter and energy on the scale of subatomic particles, photons and certain materials at very low temperature. The quantum realm is defined as being where the ""action"" (or sometimes the angular momentum) of the particle is within a few orders of magnitude of a very tiny physical constant called the Plank constant. In one of Albert Einsteins revolutionary scientific papers published in 1905, E=mc2was introduced; where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light in a vacuum.Since then, E=mc2has become one of the most famous equations in the world. Even people with no background in physics have at least heard of the equation and are aware of its prodigious influence on the world we live in. However, most people do not exactly know what the equation means. In simple terms, the equation represents the correlation of energy to matter: essentially, energy and matter are but two different forms of the same thing.This relatively simple equation has altered the way we think about energy and provided us with numerous technological advances. A lab report describes an entire experiment from start to finish, outlining the procedures, reporting results, and analyzing data. The report is used to demonstrate what has been learned, and it will provide a way for other people to see your process for the experiment and understand how you arrived at your conclusions. The conclusion is an integral part of the report; this is the section that reiterates the experiments main findings and gives the reader an overview of the lab trial. Writing a solid conclusion to your lab report will demonstrate that youve effectively learned the objectives of your assignment. Though computers are our closest analogue when it comes to discussing the human brain, increasing processing power in the brain is not as simple as plugging in a stick of RAM. When neurologists and neuroscientist talk about the processing speed of the brain, theyre referring to the rate at which a human can take in a new piece of information, reach a judgment about it, and formulate a response.Based on this definition, the key to improving processing speed lies in making stronger connections in the brain, which allow brain signals to travel at higher speeds. Though most of this type of hard working of the brain occurs during childhood, you can still take action to sustain and even potential improve your brains processing speed.So we will coverLearn Quantum theoryLearn to understand mass energy equationLearn to increase your brain speedLearn to make best lab conclusion"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Improve your Handwriting & enhance your Learning abilities" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Improve your Handwriting and enhance your Learning abilities''Having good handwriting is useful for writing letters and cards and filling out important paperwork. If you wish your handwriting was a little easier to read, dont worry! There are a few techniques you can use to make your handwriting more legible and aesthetically pleasing. Perhaps you have dreams of becoming the next Great Novelist. Or maybe you just want to be able to better express your thoughts and ideas more clearly. Whether you want to improve your writing skills as a creative writer or simply perfect your skills for schoolwork, you can take some steps to learn how to be a better writer. Becoming a great writeror even a good writertakes practice and knowledge, but with enough hard work perhaps someday somebody will aspire to be the nextyou! Grammar is the system that structures a language, and every language has its own guidelines. But grammar isnt so much about rules as it is the conventions that determine how we speak and write, and it includes things like spelling, inflecting words for different purposes, and the way words are arranged to form sentences. While its good to remember that languages are living things that constantly change, its also important to know that proper grammar is still necessary for communication. Luckily, there are plenty of resources and style guides available to help people who want to improve their grammar. Many people have trouble with reading. Reading well takes practice! The most important thing to figure out is the purpose of your reading: looking at instructions to build furniture and studying a textbook are not the same thing! Once youve figured out your purpose, you can choose to focus on what are known as intensive reading techniques that stress things like vocabulary and speed, or instead on extensive techniques that will help you engage with the meaning of a text in a deeper way.Having good communication skills is important. They can help you with presentations in class, during job interviews, when handling arguments, and in a variety of other situations. Fortunately, there are some tricks you can use to improve your communication skills so you come across as more confident and friendly. Course covers important methods to improve your handwriting, Grammar, Reading and learning skills and to develop good communication skills.So we will coverImprove your handwritingImprove your learningImprove your reading skillsImprove your Grammar"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Become a Jewelry designer and Start your own Jewelry Line" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Become a Jewelry designer and Start your own Jewelry Line''Becoming a jewelry designer gives you the freedom to express yourself creatively, and share your designs with the world to enjoy. You have the opportunity to be self-employed or work for reputable jewelers across the globe. It is your choice to learn the trade through on-the-job training or gain formal training at a school. This job is perfect for driven people who need a way to share their creativity and style others. There's nothing like the right piece of jewelry to finish an outfit. Sometimes, however, that right piece can be difficult to find. Solve that problem by designing your own piece of show-stopping jewelry. You can work from scratch, or redo a vintage piece. Pricing jewelry is one of the most important parts of jewelry making, because it will both speak to the quality of your product and determine whether your business can be profitable. There are many formulas for setting the price of your jewelry, but most of them should give you similar prices. After you have a good estimate, you can adapt the price according to the market. If you have a talent for creating jewelry designs, starting your own jewelry business can bring you extra cash or a full-time income. Jewelry remains a popular item for both gift giving and personal use, and there are hundreds of different jewelry designs and materials to work with. While it could be lucrative, there is also a lot of competition. You'll have to work hard to get your jewelry designs noticed. Find out how to start your own jewelry line to see if it is an endeavor that will work for you. Jewelers combine artistic ability and fashion consciousness with excellent hand-eye coordination and finger and hand dexterity. Theres no hard and fast route to becoming a jeweler some jewelers pursue higher degrees and certifications in the field, while others say going straight to work is the best choice. Whatever education path you pursue, networking, on-the-job training and self-marketing will get you on your way to becoming the next jewelry industry success story. A jewelry armoire is a jewelry box that can hold a large amount of jewelry and is typically tall enough to hang chains and necklaces inside of it. Some are mounted to the wall, while others stand up on their own. If you would like to make your own jewelry armoire, you can make one from scratch that will suit your needs. To begin with, you need to decide how big your jewelry armoire should be. Then you can plan and build your own armoire. Course has creative ideas to become a Jewelry designer and much more about Jewelry designing.So we will coverBecome a Jewelry designerDesign your Own jewelry pieceStart your own Jewelry linePrice your Jewelry designs"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Learn to draw Fashion Sketches and Become a Fashion Designer" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Learn to draw fashion sketches and become a Fashion Designer''There is no formal education or certification required to become a successful fashion designer, but that doesn't make the feat any easier. To become a fashion designer, you will need to have a combination of drawing, sewing, and design skills, a knowledge of the fashion industry, and unparalleled perseverance. You'll also need to create a strong fashion portfolio and strengthen your knowledge of business and finance in general. Fashion design is an exciting, constantly evolving field. It also takes a lot of work, and can be incredibly competitive. If you want to become a successful fashion designer, you have a long road ahead of you, but there are some straightforward steps you can take to begin the process.Making fashion designs means either designing great fashions, or actually making your designs into fashion items. It's easy to do just for fun, but hard to do for any serious purpose, such as a career or in a project if you are studying design. You can keep it very simple, or, make fashion designs like a professionalfashion designer. In the fashion world, new designs are presented in the form of hand-drawn sketches before theyre actually cut and sewn. First you draw a croquis, the model-shaped figure that serves as the base of the sketch. The point is not to draw a realistic-looking figure, but a blank canvas of sorts on which to display illustrations of dresses, skirts, blouses, accessories and the rest of your creations. Adding color and details like ruffles, seams and buttons helps to bring your ideas to life. It's obvious what you should do after you leave high school...but what can you do as a teen to prepare for a career in fashion design? It's not as hard as it seems and there are lots of ways that you can set yourself up for real success as a fashion designer. Don't expect to become the next Alexander McQueen overnight. Designers use fashion figure drawings to express their ideas on paper. Generally, each designer has a signature fashion figure they use over and over. This figure is generally lanky, with extremely long body and thin limbs. This course will show you how to draw a generic fashion figure that can be versatile and suit your desired needs. If you've ever wanted to design fabulous fashion pieces but didn't know where to start, there are simple ways you can get your creative energies flowing! Start with putting together a fashion design notebook so you can have a tangible collection of your designs all in one place. It's a great way to impress your friends and colleagues, and it's easy to get started. Course covers important and easy methods to become fashion designer and to design clothes and much more.So we will coverLearn to become a Fashion designerLearn to Design clothesBecome a fashion designer without SewingLearn to draw Fashion sketches"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Become a Wedding planner & Plan a Elegant Beach Wedding" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Become a Wedding planner and Plan a Elegant Beach wedding''Planning a wedding is a challenging, exciting, and sometimes crazy process. If you want to plan weddings professionally, start by interning at a wedding planning company and planning events for family and friends. Experience is your golden ticket! Make sure you understand your responsibilities as wedding planner. Besides organizing the entire wedding from scratch, youll need to have great people skills, think on your feet, and be prepared for irregular hours. From flowers to food, planning a wedding is a big boon to businesses but a big kick in the wallet to a lot of couples. Getting hitched doesn't have to break the bank, however. With the average wedding floating around the $25,000 mark, a do-it-yourself-er can save a tremendous amount of money by following a few simple steps in the course.Beach weddings offer a sensible yet elegant solution to the expense and headache normally associated with a traditional wedding. Typically, a beach wedding is easier to plan, cheaper to pay for, and a whole lot more fun for everyone. To plan for an even more affordable beach wedding, decide on the basics, like the location, the details, and a reception where everyone can celebrate this wonderful moment in you and your partners lives. Planning what could be the happiest day of your life requires creative input from both partners and any family members and friends you've decided to include in the planning, and also rigorous preparations to make sure the day goes smoothly. Wedding planning can be a wonderful part of life but it can also be very challenging and stressful. Indeed, you can be assured that some plans won't go as you'd like them to, so plan for that eventuality too! The key is to stay organized, to stick to a budget and to give yourself plenty of time to achieve everything. Planning your wedding reception can take a lot of effort and it all begins with deciding on the location of the reception and the type of reception. Fear not, it's a fairly methodical process provided you're aware of which things need to be covered and what's more, you can have a lot of fun with it too! Planning a wedding can be one of the most exciting and stressful things that anyone will ever have to do. While many weddings cost a lot of money, they don't always have to. If you are low on cash but want to have an amazing wedding, there are ways that you can minimize your costs and do things yourself. By making a solid plan and sticking to your budget by reducing your spending, you can have an amazing wedding with just a little money. Course covers important ways to become a wedding planner and to plan elegant beach wedding.So we will coverBecome a wedding plannerPlan a wedding in six monthsPlan a affordable beach wedding"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Effective/Safe ways to Lose/Gain weight fast within Few days" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Effective and safe ways to Lose/Gain weight within Few days''Tired of carrying around those extra pounds? The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to create a low-calorie eating plan that you can stick to for a long time. If you just want to drop a few pounds fast, there are plenty of techniques and tips you can adopt to help you reach your short-term goals, too. Ideally the best weight loss methods include a combination of a healthy diet plus exercise, the proper amount of sleep, and reduced stress and anxiety. One way to kick start your weight loss program is to perform a fast. Fasts are believed by some to cleanse your body of toxins and mucus before the longer term diet is started, which may help make you more successful over the long-term.Speak with your physician before attempting a fast and do not fast if you are under 18. Water retention is a body's response to a change in hormones, environment, or disease. It's not uncommon to experience excess fluids in your body causing bloating and weight gain. While severe fluid retention may lead to painful limbs and stiffness, many people first notice an increase in weight. Unless caused by an underlying disease, this ""water weight"" can be controlled through diet, exercise, and preventative habits.Water weight refers to the extra water that's stored all over your body in your fingers, face, legs and even your toes; however, water weight is temporary and should not be confused with chronic, long-term water retention (which may be due to disease or medications and should be addressed by a doctor). You may notice the difference on the scale after a salty meal, a few days after overindulgence, if you're dehydrated or right before a menstrual cycle.Hanging on to these few extra pounds can make you feel bloated, sluggish and a little uncomfortable especially if your pants feel a bit snug. Whether you have a big event coming up, feel unusually bloated or just want to shift the scale down a few pounds, losing water weight is a temporary solution to looking and feeling better in a short amount of time. If you make a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle you may be able to see your weight drop back down in addition to decreased bloating. For some women, gaining weight can be just as difficult as losing weight might be for others. There are many ways, however, to safely and effectively gain 12 pounds (0.450.91kg) a week. Larger portion sizes and more frequent meals are a quick way to add extra calories into your day. Aim for nutrient-dense, high calorie foods to fill out your meals. Dont forget to incorporate healthy exercise and other lifestyle changes into your routine to maintain the weight over time. Lots of people struggle to lose weight, but gaining weight can also be a challenge. The key to gaining weight fast is eating more every day and sticking to a workout routine. By being persistent and committed, you can achieve your weight goals and improve your self-confidence. Course covers safe and effective ways to Lose and Gain weight fast within few days naturally and easy ways to Lose water weight fast.So we will coverSafe and effective ways to lose weightWeight gain methods for boysWeight gain methods for girls"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Get rid of Acne scar,Blackheads & Pimples with Home remedies" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Get rid of Acne scars, Blackheads and pimples with Home remedies''Acne can be a painful and embarrassing skin condition, and the scars it leaves behind are an unwelcome reminder of that. A dermatologist can help remove raised or pitted scars. While hyper-pigmented blemishes may fade after several months, you can help speed up the process. Realistically, you will not be able to make acne scars disappear in a single night, but the remedies, products, treatments, and skincare tips outlined below will certainly produce a noticeable difference over time. You just need to find the right method for your individual skin type. Cystic acne may be frustrating and painful, but it is treatable. Most cystic acne won't disappear overnight, but you can take steps to reduce it in a matter of weeks. Your dermatologist can offer creams, pills, and procedures that may offer dramatic results. A good daily skincare routine and healthy practices might also help. Scars can result from cystic acne, but these can be reduced through proper treatment. Keep in mind that while some people may see results quickly, others may need more time to heal. Blackheads usually occur when your pores becomes blocked by oil and dead skin. The black color is not dirt. When the oil and dead skin are exposed to the air they oxidize, which turns them black. There are many ways to get rid of them, from home made remedies to medical treatments. If you get it wrong you could make it worse so be careful and try not to get too frantic. Everyone gets blackheads sometimes, and everybodys skin is different, but you can find a method that works for you. Zits, spots, pimples... call them what you will, but they are an unfortunate skin problem that most people have to deal with at some point in their lives. Luckily, there are many, many options when it comes to getting those pesky pimples under control, from rigorous skin care regimens to medications, herbs, and creams, to innovative home remedies. Finding what works for you may be a process of trial and error, but not to worry -- this course contains a solution for everybody! When you think of a pimple, you might immediately picture a whitehead, a blackhead, or a large painful-looking pustule. But, some pimples form deep in the surface of the skin, appearing like large reddish bumps with no head. These blind pimples are nodules or sacs filled with sebum (oil) and cell debris. They can be painful and appear just like other pimples along your nose, forehead, neck, chin, cheeks, and even behind your ears. Clean the surface of your skin and deep clean it using steam to quickly heal any blind pimples.Course covers everything for getting rid of pimples, blackheads and Acne scars with easy home remedies.So we will coverGet rid of Acne scars fast with home remedies Methods to remove blackheads Methods to stop or cure pimples"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Basic concepts of Computer Science & Problem Solving Method" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Basic concepts of Computer Science and Problem Solving Method''These days, understanding how to use a computer is helpful in many areas of life, from work to school to socializing. Computer science is a field of study that takes computing to the next level, understanding not just how to use the computer but how the computer itself works, and how to make it do new things efficiently. More and more people are learning computer science and turning their knowledge into a lucrative career in fields like business, health care, engineering, and many others.If you are interested in learning more about computer science as a hobby or career, there are several ways you can get started. BASIC, (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). Computerprogramming language developed byJohn G. KemenyandThomas E. Kurtz atDartmouth College. One of the simplest high-level languages, with commands similar to English, it can be learned with relative ease even by school children and novice programmers. Since 1980, BASIC has been popular for use onpersonal computers. As we know computer science is the study of ""computing, programming, and computation in correspondence with computer systems"". This field of study utilizes theories on how computers work to design, test, and analyze concepts. Computer science usually has a stronger mathematical foundation than a scientific one. Computer science resonates as being vital for any industry to succeed in this day and age. Solving problems is the core of computer science. Programmers must first understand how a human solves a problem, then understand how to translate this ""algorithm"" into something a computer can do, and finally how to ""write"" the specific syntax (required by a computer) to get the job done. It is sometimes the case that a machine will solve a problem in a completely different way than a human. You will gain the knowledge that you need for academic and professional development and to learn that how computer science is playing important role in our professional and educational life. At the end of this course, I hope that you will have the material to meet your educational goals. This course will enhance your appreciation forthe study of computer system in our world. So We will coverProblem Solving methodBasic understanding ofBASIClanguage and commandsImportant Built-in-functions and their useUsing Graphics inBASICand drawing simple shapesMS Wordwith various important features."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn to make Shoes and Become a Shoe Designer" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Learn to make Shoes and Become a Shoe Designer''A shoe designer, also called a footwear designer, is a type of fashion designer who specializes in creating shoes and boots. In addition to being practical for covering the feet, shoe designs can be original, innovative works of art. Becoming a shoe designer takes talent and skill, but it is something that can be achieved with dedication. Designer shoes, especially those in good condition, can fetch an impressive resale price. This is an excellent way to make a little money back on shoes you no longer wear, or to finance your next round of shoe purchases. What's more, selling your shoes online is convenient, environmentally friendly, and relatively simple.All you need is a suitable marketplace or consignment shop, and a little bit of know-how to protect yourself from dishonesty online.If you have creative ideas about footwear, you may consider starting your own shoe line. Though undertaking such a large project can be daunting, breaking it down into smaller pieces will help you get organized and realize your dreams. By starting your business, hiring the right team, and creating your brand, you can achieve your entrepreneurial goals in the shoe industry. Originally, shoes were made one at a time by hand. Traditionalhandicraftshoe making has now been largely superseded involumeof shoes produced byindustrialmass productionof footwear, but not necessarily inquality, attention to detail, orcraftsmanship.Shoemakers may produce a range of footwear items, includingshoes,boots,sandals,clogsandmoccasins. Such items are generally made ofleather,wood,rubber,plastic,juteor other plant material, and often consist of multiple parts for better durability of thesole, stitched to a leather upperTradesthat engage in shoe making have included the cordwainer's and cobbler's trades. Today, shoes are often made on a volume basis, rather than acraftbasis. Course covers simple methods to become a shoe designer and to start your own shoe line by learn to make shoes,So we will coverLearn to become a shoe designerLearn to sell your designer shoes onlineLearn to start your own shoe lineLearn to make shoes"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn Significant & Fundamental Concepts of Physics" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Learn significant and Fundamental Concepts of Physics''Physics is thebranchofscienceconcernedwiththepropertiesofmatterandenergy andtherelationshipsbetweenthem.Itis basedonmathematicsandtraditionally includesmechanics,optics, electricityandmagnetism,acoustics,andheat. Physics is the science that deals with all of the physical aspects of the universe, though basic studies focus mostly on matter and its motion and behavior through space and time. Due to its heavy emphasis on problem-solving, it can be a challenging subject to learn. With continued practice and focused study, though, you can master it. The most important aspect of learning any subject is the right attitude. Be enthusiastic about your studies!To pass your physics exams, you'll need to pay attention in class and regularly study the subject matter so that you have an understanding of the core concepts that you were taught. To do this, you can employ several studying tactics with your classmates that will help solidify your knowledge. On the day of the test, it's important that you're well-rested, have eaten properly, and remain calm during the test. If you studied adequately before you have to take the exam, you'll feel much more confident the day of the test. or some lucky individuals, being good at physics comes naturally. For the rest of us, however, getting a good grade in physics requires a significant amount of hard work. Luckily, by learning important foundational skills and practicing often, almost anyone can master their physics material. However, even more important than getting a good grade is the fact that a better understanding of physics may shed light on some of the seemingly mysterious forces that govern the way the world works. Modernphysics,basedonquantumtheory,includesatomic,nuclear,particle,andsolid-state studies.Itcanalsoembraceappliedfieldssuchasgeophysicsandmeteorology.Physics is an experimental science and the scientific method emphasizes the need of accurate measurement of various measurable features of different phenomena or of man made objects.The study of Physics involves investigating such things as the laws of motion, the structure of space and time, the nature and type of forces that hold different materials together, the interaction between different particles, the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter and so on.Measurements and Physical QuantitiesSignificant figuresPrecision and AccuracyBasic concepts of Vectors and EquilibriumTorque and Equilibrium of TorqueMotion and ForceNewton's laws of motionLaw of conservation of MomentumApplication to Ballistic missilesWork and energyPower and types of energy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Become a Superstar Nail Art Tech & Start Your Own Nail Salon" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Become a Superstar Nail art tech and Start Your Own Nail Salon''Looking for a beautiful and gorgeous way to add flair to your look? Nail art can complement your outfit for a special event or add a unique touch to your personality every day. While very detailed nail art is best left to professionals, there are a number of designs you can create yourself. Try duo-tones, glitter and jewels, polka dots, blended colors, marbling or stamping to create a gorgeous effect. Nail art is a fun way to beautify your nails. Whether youre into intricate designs and stickers or a simple French manicure, there are a few things you will want to do to make sure your nail art lasts for more than a day or two. With a bit of preparation and good technique, you will be able to care for your nail art and enjoy it for many days. If youre tired of plain old nail polish, nail art pens are a great way to take your nails to the next level. With fine tips that are great for detail, nail art pens let you draw intricate designs and patterns. Plan out a unique design, practice using your pen to sharpen your skills, and get drawing! Making 3D designs on nails requires some special nail art materials and lots of patience, but the results are worth it. 3D designs can range from simple to complex and the only limit is your imagination. Some of the most popular 3D nail art designs include bows, simple flowers, and roses. You can learn to create these designs and give yourself or a friend a professional looking 3D manicure. Growing long and strong nails is a multi-step process. As long as you take good care of your nails, you can grow them to the length you desire. You need to start by making sure you stop bad nail habits. After that, taking appropriate vitamins and manicuring properly will help you grow long, strong nails. You might dream of a beautiful set of healthy, natural fingernails, but you may not be sure how to get your nails to grow fast enough to fulfill your every wish. While you cant make your nails grow inhumanly fast, there are things you can do to boost nail health and make them grow as fast as possible! While you can't speed up nail growth in five days, you can do things to maximize your nail growth. Strengthening and protecting your nails can make it easier to grow them out. You can also incorporate good nail care practices to enhance the health of your nails. If you are prone to nail biting, then there are some things you can do to prevent yourself from biting your nails. Manicures and pedicures are a great way to add some polish to your look (pun completely intended), but regular visits to the salon are a luxury that not many people can afford. Thankfully, its easy to give yourself a manicure or pedicure, using products that are readily available in your neighborhood drugstore. Getting your nails done is a fun way to pamper yourself. Looking down to see colorful, un-chipped nails can make you feel beautiful and polished pun intended. If you want to treat yourself to a gorgeous manicure without the price tag, learn the techniques and do it in the comfort of your own home. By learning how to properly clean, shape, and paint your nails, you can get salon-quality results. Save that manicure money, and discover how to be a pro manicurist.Because of their straightforward business model, salons are often easier to break into than other types of startups. This means you can spend more time doing nails and less time chewing your own. After youve applied for your operators license and found a suitable location, your chief concern will be getting your hands on all the equipment and supplies youll need to carry out business on a day-to-day basis. From there, it will just be a matter of managing your resources and polishing your image to leave your clients happy and looking fabulous. Course covers easy and important methods to do nail Art and to do manicure and to grow nails faster.So we will coverDesign for beginnersPolka Dot designBlended color designWater marbled designManicure using Salon techniquesMethods to grow nails strong and long"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Welcome to the course on ''Improve your drawing Skills / Basic skills''While you might be great at drawing, when it comes to refining your drawing skills, this requires dedicated practice rather than sheer talent. Fortunately, there are lots of things you can do to improve your drawing skills. At times drawing may seem frustrating or even embarrassing when you don't want to show other people your art work. Every artist goes through this 'phase' everyone, yes everyone, starts off pretty bad or common. But those who carried on practicing no matter what got there. Those who gave up however didn't get there, and are still bad artists. You need to learn to overcome embarrassment or fear of failing. Once you overcome this phase you will enjoy drawing, people will look at your drawings in jealousy. If you follow these steps in the course, within months maybe weeks you will see a massive improvement. You won't get perfect overnight, but you will soon enough.Drawing is a skill that many people think stems purely from natural talent. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth! With a careful eye and plenty of practice, anyone can become a better drawer. Drawing is something you can practice continually and still find room for improvement. If you're looking to sharpen your skills, there are three areas you can focus on. The first is the construction or build of your subject; making construction sketches lightly on the page is an essential habit that saves time and produces consistency when drawing the same object in different poses. Another area is simplification, or breaking things down into their most basic elements. Finally, focus on expressing volume and weight through highlights and shadows. Of course, it takes time and hard work to improve your drawing, but following these tips will help you get there! The art of drawing a good picture involves practice and a willingness to keep trying. A good picture requires a focus on technique and style. The more you learn about drawing techniques and the more you practice, the sooner you'll end up creating good pictures. Faces are the basic part of the human anatomy, and can display a wide variety of emotions. In a portrait or artwork of people, faces would be the main focal point, so each stroke has a significant effect on what mood is portrayed. Drawing a face correctly is a huge step towards becoming a great artist. In this course, you will see the technique for drawing particular face-shapes. Course covers easy steps to draw faces and to improve your basic drawing skills,So we will coverMethods to improve your basic drawing skillsMethods to get good at DrawingMethods to draw Faces"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Reduce Aging, Get Rid of Blemishes & Wrinkles/Home Remedies" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Reduce Aging, Get rid of Blemishes and Wrinkles / Home remedies''The human body naturally goes through changes as it ages. But there are ways to slow the aging process, and keep your body going strong well into your later years. A healthy diet and regular exercise can keep your muscles, bones, and heart healthy. Meditation and physical exercise can also help stimulate the brain, and may slow the onset of memory loss or early-onset dementia. It is possible to look and feel younger, if you start taking better care of yourself now. You know that you cannot stop yourself from aging or reverse the aging process, but that doesn't mean you have to look your age. Even though genes play a role in the aging process, there are things you can do to look more youthful. From lifestyle changes, to products and procedures, there are ways to appear younger that anyone can do. Smooth skin can be a sign of health, vitality, and youth. Many people try different ways to keep their skin wrinkle-free as they age. Wrinkles can develop on your skin due to age, exposure to ultraviolet light, smoking, and repeated facial gestures such as smiling or squinting.Although there are many anti-wrinkle creams, serums, and supplements available, you may prefer natural ways to get rid of your wrinkles. You can do this by keeping your skin moist, encouraging firmer skin with lifestyle choices, and preventing wrinkles. As we age our skin loses moisture and elasticity, making it prone to wrinkles. Dermatologists have many tools for tackling those little lines that mark the passage of time. They include prescription creams, chemical peels, and Botox. But perhaps the best option is to protect your skin just as it is. Large pores or blemishes on your face can make you feel self-conscious, but theres no need to hide under a paper bag. Both large pores and blemishes are easy to get rid of with a little daily care. Skin blemishes can include any type of visible imperfections, but the term usually refers to inflamed pimples (acne) or the dark red or purple marks left behind after a pimple has healed known as a post-acne mark or post-inflammatory pigmentation.Blemishes on the face are common during adolescence due to hormonal changes, poor hygiene and dietary triggers, but adulthood usually brings some reprieve. Regardless of age, facial blemishes can detract from beauty and cause some embarrassment, so learning how to prevent, eradicate or fade them is valuable information. A blemish is a small mark, flaw, or imperfection, typically on your face. Sometimes they appear out of nowhere and at the worst time. When you have blemishes on your face, it is easy to be self-conscious about them. Luckily, you dont have to let them ruin your day. You can cover them up by lessening the inflammation and layering your makeup properly. Course covers best home remedies to reduce aging and get rid of Wrinkles and Blemishes naturally.So we will coverGet rid of wrinkles with home remediesReduce the signs of AgingGet rid of Blemishes and Large pores"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Train Your Puppy and Learn to Take Care of Your Dog" |
"Welcome to the course on ''Train Your Puppy and Learn to Take Care of Your Dog''Are you thinking of adding a new dog to your life? Would you like your current dog to be better behaved? Would you like to train your dog to serve your needs instead being trained to serve its needs? Attending dog classes led by a professional trainer is the best approach, but not everyone can afford classes. These tips are a good start to training your canine companion. There are many philosophies and approaches to dog training, so do your research and learn what works for you and your dog.Regardless on which approach to training your dog you take, building a good relationship with your dog is essential to being able to train effectively. House training a puppy or adult dog may seem daunting, but almost any dog can be trained to wait at the door and relieve himself outside, instead of going in the house. Create a schedule for feeding your dog and taking him outside. Then, reward your dog with treats and praise when he relieves himself in the designated outdoor spot. When he makes a mess in the house, just clean it up and stick to the routine, since punishing a dog will simply make him afraid of you. Patience and a good sense of humor are all you really need to help your dog adapt to life as a pet.Before bringing a dog into your family it is important to know how to take care of it. You need to provide for its needs, both physical and emotional. This means providing nutritious food, clean drinking water, shelter, and the opportunity to live in a safe home. It also means ensuring that the dog is happy by providing ample play time, plenty of exercise, and stimulation for its mind. Caring for a dog is a big responsibility, and dog ownership is not something to enter into lightly, however this work will help you to successfully build a bond of love and trust with an important new member of your family. Are you considering bringing a dog into your home? Dogs are loyal and loving friends and usually give us back way more than we give them however, they do require a lot of care to stay healthy and happy. If you are planning on bringing a dog into your home, there are many things to consider to ensure a long and healthy friendship. Course covers Important ways to train your Puppy and simple ways to take care of Your Dog.So we will coverTrain your PuppyApply general training PrinciplesTeach different commandsTeach your dog Positive behaviorTake care of a DogExercise, Socialize and Play with your Dog"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |