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"SEO Texte richtig schreiben und formatieren" |
"Wie schreibst du Texte, die im Internet gefunden werden? Wer gute SEO-Texte schreiben will, die in den Suchergebnissen wirklich ranken, muss einige Sachen beachten.Ich zeige dir in diesem Kurs zuerst, wie Suchmaschinen funktionieren und welche Resultate sie auf Position 1 sehen wollen. Danach gebe ich dir noch eine kurze Einfhrung in die Keywordrecherche. Anschlieend sehen wir uns an, was du beim Schreiben von SEO-Texten beachten musst: Du erfhrst unter anderem, wie Menschen im Internet lesen, warum du immer den Fokus auf Human-Friendly-Texte legen solltest, ob es wirklich eine ideale Lnge gibt, mit der du Ranken kannst und wie du berschriften verfassen kannst, die sowohl fr Suchmaschinen als auch auf Social-Media funktionieren.Im nchsten Abschnitt fokussieren wir uns auf das richtige Formatieren der Texte: Wir gehen auf die URL-Struktur ein und schauen uns an wie die Headings verwendet werden sollen. Auerdem zeige ich dir, wie du deine Texte mit Videos, Bildern und Infografiken fr deine Leser spannender machen kannst, damit du die Absprungrate auf deiner Webseite reduzierst und eine hhere Verweildauer erreichst.Du erfhrst auch, wie Keywords in den Texten richtig eingebaut werden, damit du die richtigen Signale an die Suchmaschinen sendest, ohne Spammy zu wirken. Danach schauen wir uns noch die interne und externe Verlinkung an und wie du mit der richtigen Anwendung der Meta-Daten deine Click-Through-Rate erhhen kannst.Zum Abschluss zeige ich dir dann noch, wie du Evergreen Content erstellen kannst, der langfristig in den Suchergebnissen vorne bleibt.Ich freue mich darauf, dich im Kurs zu sehen!Philipp!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"So schreibst du unwiderstehliche Online-berschriften" |
"Die 4-5 Wrter deiner berschrift sind die wichtigsten Wrter deiner Online-Texte. 20% der Leute klicken wirklich auf den Content, 80% lesen nur die berschrift. Mit berzeugenden berschriften, kannst du die Click-Through-Rate zu deinem Gunsten verschieben!Egal ob PR-Profi, Blogger, Suchmaschinenoptimierer, Journalist oder Hobbytexter. Die Kunst des berschriften-Schreibens will gelernt sein und ist absolut notwendig, um Leser zu bekommen.In diesem Kurs lernst du kompakt, auf was du beim Schreiben von berschriften beachten musst, damit die Leute wirklich auf deinen Content klicken. Auerdem wird dir gezeigt, welche Unterschiede es beim Schreiben von berschriften fr Webseiten, Social Media und Newsletter gibt.Dank dieses Kurs wirst du das ntige Wissen und die ntigen Werkzeuge haben, um endlich mehr Traffic auf deine Web-Projekte zu bekommen.Mein TippWende die Lektionen dieses Kurses zeitnah anMache es dir zur Gewohnheit, jeden Tag mehrere berschriften zu schreibenVerbessere die berschriften deines alten ContentsSammle gute berschriften, die du im Web siehstAuerdem beinhaltet dieser Kurs einige Bonus-Lektionen:Wie werden Texte im Internet gelesenEinfhrung in die SEO-OptimierungHTML-Headings richtig verwendenSEO-Freundliche URLs verwendenWas sagen die Teilnehmer?Ich htte nicht gedacht, so viel aus einem so kurzen Kurs mitzunehmen! Auf den Punkt gebracht, kurz und knackig erklrt! Ich kann ihn daher weiterempfehlen :)Ich freue mich schon, dich im Kurs begren zu knnen. Viel Erfolg und viel Spa!Philipp"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"PMP exam 6th edition - Situational questions - 400 Questions" |
"These mock tests will support you to pass the PMP exam. Most of the questions are situational, random, and totally based on PMBOK 6th edition, which is a major requirement for passing the PMP exam. Do not hesitate to do it before you exam. Prepare yourself well. Questions were created on reverse way from PMBOK, which more efforts were done on closing, controlling, executing processes, planning processes, and initiating, respectively. Usually people studies most of the times well in planning, but when is in executing or controlling their energy is lower, their yield is lower than expected. Your overall score will be given by knowledge area, where you can see your weaknesses.Answers are given in the following format: ""Ans. C. PMBOK, 6th ed. Pg 63 ( - Descriptions of the answer"". >>Recommendations<<Read PMBOK at least once. Twice is fine. Three is quite good;Remember that PMBOK is your primary source of information for PMP's exam;Do not waste too much time on collecting various books and materials because in reality no one can read all the books. Go lean, collect only what is required and really focus on them;As per experience, I've used to read one process at a day (49 days);100 hundred questions answered a day;Review the questions that you got wrong;Note all of your scores somewhere, in this way can obtain your overall average;Take exams from different sources;Focus first on chapter wise questions;Answer 3000+ questions;Do not get stuck reading on the same question for a long time. If you are not able to answer, mark it and get back afterwards for review. Your brain might be overwhelmed at this time;Be careful when reading those questions which fries your brain. Make sure whether answers are referenced by PMBOK page or chapter;Pay attention in the questions that says: ""Which of the following items does/are/is NOT.."";Attention at difference between EEF's and OPA's;Understanding logical flow of each processes, inputs and outputs which is very important for the exam;PMP achievement is such a marathon preparation. Small daily work you will advance deeper. Each steps counts;Don't be in a hurry to pass it. Patience and focus;As long as you feel confident, better for you to pass the PMP exam;PMP exam is not the end of the world as people around are used to say it. Focus and dedication you will obtain the results. Please, do not get stressed;Just follow your own clock, no need to compare with anyone else;Join various PMP WhatsApp groups, it is a great way to keep the momentum, share and discuss and improve knowledge together with diverse members with different perspectives;At least a day before the exam, close the book. Stop reading. You need to calm down and have enough sleep, relax which is very important to think logically and perform well in the exam;I know how hard it is to prepare while you are actually doing a Job and having a family (of course you need all stakeholders support to complete the project successfully, so manage them closely who has more power). You need to really analyze to gather non value-add and time-wasters such as social media, movies and avoid or at least mitigate them. Instead exploit those sources to improve your understanding of PMP concepts;If you wish, you'll do it;Enjoy the learning experience;Follow us on instagram:@tacitknowledgepmp"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Matrices, Determinantes y Sistemas de Ecuaciones Lineales" |
"Curso para alumnos pre-universitarios con el cual aprobaran sus estudios reglados y tendrn la base suficiente para iniciar la universidad en la asignatura de lgebra. Tendrn un conocimiento slido de las matrices, de los determinantes y sus propiedades, junto con la discusin de los sistemas de ecuaciones y la resolucin de los mismos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Flat Abs Fitness workouts- Beginner to Advanced by Diana" |
"30 Days Flat Abs Workout .Practice regularly and don't missed a day if you want the best results. 30 Days Workout schedule for those who want to have a flat and toned abs. This course consists of 25 variations of workout starting from beginner level and gradually building up to advanced level."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
pestov01 |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gua para ensear a leer a nios de 5 a 7 aos en 3 meses" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Reinvente sua Carreira" |
"Esse curso foi criado para quem no est feliz com o seu trabalho e precisa de novas oportunidades, para quem quer ficar de bem com a carreira, mas no est sabendo para onde ir. um treinamento bem objetivo, com etapas estruturadas e exerccios para voc criar o seu mapa profissional, descobrir quais so os possveis caminhos para a sua carreira, entender o que necessrio para voc tomar as melhores decises, definir sua nova carreira ou reinventar a mesma, comear a investir seu tempo e dinheiro no que realmente importa e ter o seu plano de ao estruturado para fazer tudo isso acontecer."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"30 Day Digital Agency" |
"30 Day Digital Agency takes you through all the necessary steps required to get your digital agency up and running. We'll take you through the process of developing your agency's niche, who to sell to and how, and how to do the work you're selling to businesses.Starting your agency requires networking, perseverance, and hard work especially if you're going at it alone with hopes to build a team eventually. 30 Day Digital Agency was designed by myself with reference to my journal, networking notes, meeting invites, and more all while I was starting Calaboration to begin with. These are the exact steps Itook along with many things Iwish Ihad done when first starting out."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing & Lead Generation For Real Estate Agents" |
"Digital marketing is crucial for any and every business if you're in something as competitive as real estate, you must stand out from your competition. The easiest way of doing this is by being where your leads are:Facebook, Google, and anywhere on the web where you can target.Creating your website, online profiles, and generating paid traffic will help you become the best real estate professional you could be."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build a Lead Generating Real Estate Website" |
"Generating dozens of leads online isn't difficult.We see real estate agents, mortgage lenders, real estate investors, and everyone else create systems and platforms that generate steady and quality leads through the web. How are they going about this?They have a quality and high-performing website you can too.Creating a website is not difficult.Writing sales copy is not difficult. Refining your website so perfectly that it works for you 24/7 and constantly brings in leads that convert into deals is the skill that we're going to be talking about in this course.We're going to go through the reasons why you should be eager to build your own website all the way to getting our server spun up and building out the entire website from scratch.You're going to learn the ins and outs of how your website works for you and exactly what you need to implement to ensure it works best for you.What are you getting with Build a Lead Generating Real Estate WebsiteNick walks you through the entire process of having an idea for your real estate website to implementing and launching the entire site All while keeping in in mind the main goal:Generating more leads. Nick takes you through everything including:Why you need a real estate website Determining the goals of your websiteThe anatomy of your real estate websiteThe tech used in your websiteThe plugins that are installed on our WordPress instanceStep-by-step tutorials on designing and developing the websiteWalkthroughs of funnels that we can implement in our real estate websiteHow to generate leads using the tools on the websiteand more!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads Succes Strategie" |
"Met deze cursus leer je hoe je succesvolle Facebook advertenties kunt opzetten om meer klanten, verkopen en leads te genereren. Daarnaast leer je ook om een goede online marketing funnel op te zetten welke voor een beter en stabieler resultaat zal zorgen. Je leert Landingspagina's te maken, Email Marketing, Copywriting, Webinars maken en het Optimaliseren van je advertenties en funnel voor een zo hoog mogelijke ROI! Met de kennis uit deze cursus kun je jarenlang elk product en/of dienst succesvol promoten via Facebook!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Afiliado Iniciado - Como ganho dinheiro com anncios grtis" |
"Neste curso vai poder aprender tcnicas secretas usadas pelos maiores Gurus Mundiais do Marketing Digital.Ao Longo de alguns meses tive oportunidade de trabalhar diretamente com os alguns dos melhores Marketeiros mundias que trabalham no mercado americano e europeu.Neste Mini curso vai aprender em poucos passos e rapidamente a usar o Google Adwords e Bing a seu favor e a custo zero.Ao adquirir este curso ter ainda como Bnus acesso a uma conversa comigo, via Skype ou Whatsapp, onde durante 1h Tirarei todas as suas dvidas."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Basketball Training for Beginners/Intermediate" |
"This course is about developing a foundation for your game. It doesn't matter what level you are at, these concepts are fundamental to your growth. You will learn moves that Division 1 athletes use in the off season to strengthen their ball handling, jump shot, and moves at the rim."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Keywords - Social Media and Internet Marketing" |
"SEO is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies, and using keywords is an easy way to improve your SEO. Having a good keyword strategy will help accomplish the following:Improve brand awarenessCornerstone to developing an effective and methodical social marketing strategyIncrease website trafficHelp you effectively communicate different messages to different target audiencesImprove search engine ranking positions for commonly searched words"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Link Inc Digital: Finding Your Business Niche" |
"""Finding Your Business Niche"" is intended for those who are new to online business, and want some insight on where or how to start. Therefore, the intent of this course is to teach you the fundamentals of an online information business, and provide you with a much more clear vision and sense of direction when starting your online business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
mobilepikhighlights |
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Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Fracciones y Operaciones Aritmticas con Fracciones" |
"Este curso tiene el objetivo de lograr que aprendas el concepto y las operaciones aritmticas entre fracciones interactuando con los videostutoriales que te proponen estrategias innovadoras para facilitarte tu aprendizaje y dominio de este tema.Cada uno de nuestros vdeos desarrolla una didctica ldica e innovadora, donde hemos incorporado colores para recalcar puntos y operaciones importantes, las animaciones en cada uno de estos vdeos te muestran una manera dinmica de ver las operaciones aritmticas entre fracciones."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ReactJS y redux: experto en frontend en espaol" |
"El objetivo de este curso es poder entregarte lo ms importante sin tanta grasa, para que aprendas los conceptos fundamentales que ms se utilizan en la vida del desarrollador, adems veremos conceptos avanzados que te ayudarn a reutilizar al mximo el cdigo sin tantas vueltas. Tu tiempo es valioso y debes poder tener lo ms importante.Aprenderas:ReactJSReact-RouterReduxRedux-FormRedux avanzado, ac vers como reutilizar el cdigo lo mximo para que te demores lo menos posible en entregar valorEste es el curso ms completo que podrs encontrar sin rodeos."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"React, Redux, Typescript, Firebase: Fullstack Serverless" |
"Todos queremos construir aplicaciones pero no gastar dinero hasta que vemos que nuestra app est teniendo xito. Ac construiremos 2 aplicaciones con ReactJS, Redux, redux-thunk, react-router, redux-form, Typescript y Firebase, explicaremos paso a paso lo que estamos haciendo y subiremos nuestra aplicacin a produccin SINUTILIZAR una tarjeta de crdito.Construiremos nuestro backend en Firebase Function, guardaremos nuestros datos en Firebase Firestore, asignaremos permisos de lectura y escritura, subiremos imgenes a Firebase Storage y nos autenticaremos en nuestra app con Firebase Auth. Y por ltimo manejaremos el estado de nuestra app con redux.Todo nuestro cdigo tendr tipado hecho con Typescript."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Serverless RESTFul API con NodeJS: gua fcil y definitiva" |
"Las APIs RESTFul se han convertido en un standard para poder conectar aplicaciones mviles y sitios web con los datos que son almacenados en el servidor, pasando a ser parte fundamental de un sistema distribuido.En este curso aprenderemos a construir una API rest en muy poco tiempo, ser sin servidores por lo que el costo inicialmente para nosotros ser totalmente gratis.Utilizaremos un ejemplo prctico donde crearemos un mantenedor de mascotas, pensando en entregarlo a una veterinaria.Luego de eso lo conectaremos con un cliente web construido con HTML, CSS y javascript puro."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"TDD en NodeJS, gua de tests con Jest" |
"Toma tu cdigo escrito en NodeJS y llvalo al siguiente nivel escribiendo test unitarios y de integracin con Jest! una poderosa y flexible herramienta construida por facebook para que la redaccin de tests unitarios y de integracin sea sencilla. Comenzaremos aprendiendo:Funciones puras e impurasTests unitariosTests de integracinInyeccin de dependenciasPorque deberas aprender a escribir tests?El desarrollo dirigido por pruebas o Test Driven development te va a ayudar a escribir mejor cdigo, ser mantenible a largo plazo y tendrs menos errores por lo que iterars menos en el desarrollo. Empleadores de todo el mundo buscan desarrolladores que puedan testear el cdigo que escriben.Algo de teoraVeremos buenas prcticas de como debemos redactar nuestro cdigo de manera de que sea fcil de testear y tambin fcil de extender, a nadie le gusta un cdigo que sea testeable pero que parezca un spaghetti!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Curso eSocial Fase 1 - Legislao, Conceitos e Eventos" |
"O objetivo do curso de eSocial orientar de forma clara e objetiva os impactos que sero gerados nas empresas com a futura eSocial (EFD-Social), destacando os provveis pontos que devero ser ajustados na implantao do novo sistema, revisando e atualizandoprocedimentos praticados pela empresa, com foco na correta aplicao da Legislao Trabalhista e Previdenciria para evitar o envio de informaes incorretas ou extemporneas que geraro autos de infrao.As principais competncias trabalhadas neste curso so: Orientao para ao atravs de exerccios; aprendizado tcnico atravs de orientaes legais; informaes, raciocnio lgico e segurana."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"EXCEL Bsico - As 30 Frmulas mais utilizadas" |
"Frmulas no Excel sempre foram o bicho de sete cabeas para voc? Sempre te disseram que voc deveria aprender algumas frmulas no Excel, mas nunca disseram quais so essas formulas?Voc nunca conseguiu aprender frmulas no Excel?Antes de tudo, saiba que voc no precisa ser um Expert no Excel para aprender frmulas. O Excel possuicentenas de frmulas e funes e nenhum expert consegue lembrar 100% de todas as frmulas de cabea. Ento, fique tranquilo, possvel aprender.Aps o curso voc ter conhecimento para utilizar as Frmulas em seu dia a dia."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"eSocial - Eventos No Peridicos" |
"Aprenda de forma prtica e objetiva os pontos que devem ser revisados e atualizados pelas empresas na implementao do novo sistemado eSocial, cumprindo todas as obrigaes trabalhistas, previdencirias e fiscais pelos empregadores.Quem pode fazer o curso de eSocial?O sistema eSocial destinado para empresas que precisam fornecer de forma unificada os dados previdencirios, trabalhistas e tributrios de seus funcionrios ao Governo Federal; os profissionais em Departamento Pessoal, Recursos Humanos, Contabilidade e demais interessados em aprender a utilizao do sistema."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda e domine MuseScore 2" |
"Quer entrar para o mundo da msica e ser um Escritor Respeitado de Partituras? Eis aqui o seu passaporte para o mercado musical!Com este curso, voc se tornar apto escrever rapidamente partituras para orquestra, banda, mtodos, livros de msica, instrumento solo, coral, registro e muitos outros fins no computador. Durante o curso, voc aprender a usar com eficincia uma gama enorme de recursos que essa poderosa ferramenta nos disponibiliza gratuitamente, podendo inclusive alavancar os seus estudos de leitura musical!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lendo e escrevendo partitura" |
"Quer entender como funciona o sistema de notao musical de partitura?Ento este o curso para voc!Com este curso, voc aprender a ler e escrever partituras com eficincia. Este um curso feito do zero, no necessitando ento conhecimento prvio musical. Voc que nunca tocou nenhum instrumento ter a base necessria para:- comear a estudar seu instrumento favorito utilizando livros e/ou mtodos de msica; - entrar em um conservatrio de msica onde a comunicao toda via partitura;Caso voc j toque um instrumento, esse curso te dar a oportunidade de:- entender melhor as possibilidades do seu instrumento ao ler os trabalhos escritos para ele;- poder expandir seu repertrio musical, visto que voc agora ter como ler Song Books, Real Books e partituras em geral;- escrever suas composies musicais para registro na Biblioteca Nacional em partitura;"
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"Violo Popular para Iniciantes" |
"Se voc quer dar os seus primeiros passos neste instrumento maravilhoso e no sabe por onde comearento este o curso indicado para voc!Repleto de exerccios e explicaes de fcil entendimento, este curso foi feito para trazer ao aluno iniciante um ambiente de aprendizado rpido, conciso e direto, mostrando toda a bagagem necessria para que ele possa comear a tocar violo sem problemas e avanar ao prximo nvel."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Educao de Bebs" |
"O curso ""Educao de bebs: Ampliando olhares"" um curso que pretende auxiliar professores e demais profissionais da educao infantil a lidar com algumas particularidades que envolvem o desenvolvimento e a constituio do beb, seu objetivo principal a reformulao de algumas ideias tradicionais sobre os cuidados com os bebs. Ultimamente o que se percebe um manejo robotizado e carente de afeto, o que pode interferir negativamente no desenvolvimento do beb. Temas como a formao do vnculo, as primeiras relaes e as emoes geram dvidas e so cheias de conceitos tradicionalistas. O mundo mudou, a criana mudou e ns ainda utilizamos os mesmos mtodos, por isso, este curso essencial voc que busca repensar suas prticas e almeja um desenvolvimento mais significativo aos bebs."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Options, Futures and other Derivatives - Incl CFA Level 1" |
"This course covers financial derivatives. The course covers key topics such as the payoffs and profits from those derivatives and their usefuleness for both speculation and for hedging. The course is useful in several contexts, such as revising for CFA, studying for university courses, and for learning about speculation and hedging with derivatives. Further, derivatives are a core part of securities trading and investment banking."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corporate Valuation Made Easy - Incl CFA L1" |
"This course discusses how to value firms. Key topics covered include:Cost of capital, including cost of equity and cost of debtDividend based valuationFree cash flow based valuation Bond valuation and calculating the cost of debt from bondsIt covers all major aspects of valuation. The course discusses the main approaches to valuation. The course covers how to calculate the firm's cost of equity, cost of debt, and weighted average cost of capital. The course also covers how to value firms using dividend-based models and by using free cash flow models. The course also considers how to value firms' bonds. The lectures contain illustrative examples."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |