Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Introduo BioEstatstica usando SPSS" |
"Por que fazer este curso?A Estatstica tem sido fundamental para a rea de Sade, porm existe uma grande dificuldade dos estudantes e profissionais desta rea em aplicar os mtodos estatsticos.Este curso um guia passo a passo para quem deseja aplicar em dados reais ferramentas de anlises estatsticas usando SPSS.Para quem este curso?Estudantes (graduao, mestrado, doutorado), pesquisadores e profissionais da rea da Sade que desejam ter destaque profissional na carreira.Qual o diferencial deste curso?A Abordagem simples e direta, sem frmulas e focada em casos reais da rea da Sade.Ao final do curso, o que serei capaz de fazer?Ao final deste curso voc ser capaz de realizar suas primeiras anlises estatsticas no SPSS por conta prpria."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Job Workshop" |
"It is good to aspire to get a job as soon as you complete your education. However, the grim reality is that there are thousands of applicants and only a few jobs. It is critical to stand apart from the other job applicants in this ever-crowded job market. Unless you possess the uniqueness to push away the queue in front of you, your aspiration to achieve your dream career will always remain a dream. So how do you differentiate yourself in the market? How do you create a brand of yourself? This 3-hour course helps under-graduates and fresh graduates to create a brand of themselves in the job market. The powerful course is a blend of videos, simplified content, activities and resources. The key outcome of the program is to increase your chances of getting a good job. A byte size learning helps you to take this course at your own pace and convenience."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Medicina Ayurvdica para Principiantes" |
"La medicina Ayurvdica se remonta a ms de 5000 aos de antigedad y viene desde India. Sin embargo el conocimiento del Ayurveda no se limita nicamente a todo lo que proviene de India, sino que al entender sus bases uno lo puede aplicar en cualquier parte del mundo. El Ayurveda es una medicina muy completa que ve el paciente tanto en su aspecto fsico, mental y espiritual. Para que de esa forma podamos tratar a raz los desequilibrios. Con implementacin de hbitos, dieta, herbolaria y terapias de desintoxicacin as como de rejuvenecimiento, los pacientes pueden experimentar una mejor calidad de vida."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Non Profit Organizational Governance." |
"This four module presents on overview of the risk and responsibilities of non-profit organization board Directors. The course explains and introduces issues and topics of concern relevant to the discharge and liabilities associated with governing the typical non-profit organization. We review the duties and responsibilities every board director is bestowed with and we provide guidance on managing said duties. Lectures explore such topics as: duty of loyalty, the duty of care, conflicts of interest, insurance, tax exemption, volunteers and employees as well as the impact of the internet on the liability of the directors."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar um Site para o seu Negcio com Wordpress" |
"Voc quer Criar um Site profissional com qualidade de dar inveja a qualquer designer ou programador? E o melhor, sem conhecer nada de programao!Ento voc precisa assistir o vdeo ao lado e ler cada palavra desta pgina. Isso porque voc descobrir uma oportunidade para economizar tempo e dinheiro.Nas ltimas 2 dcadas tenho trabalhado duro como Instrutor e Consultor de Marketing Digital. Neste perodo tive a honra de conquistar diversos prmios, dentre os quais destaco o 1 Lugar no Prmio Apple de Criatividade na categoria sites criativos. Obviamente o reconhecimento individual gratificante, mas a minha maior conquista foi ter ajudado centenas de empresas e negcios a prosperarem utilizando a internet.Enfim, tenho MUITA GRATIDO por todas as pessoas que me ajudaram nesta caminhada.Por tudo isto, meu grande propsito de vida desenvolver pessoas atravs de experincias, utilizando o ensino a distncia para entregar conhecimento e um futuro com novas possibilidades.O fato que, h 4 grandes problemas que pequenas empresas, startups e empreendedores individuais (acham que) tem para desenvolver seus sites.Budget para investimento limitado;Pouco tempo;Outras prioridades na empresa;Falta de experincia com marketing.A verdade que estes problemas, te foram a procrastinar com a criao do seu site.E se eu te dissesse que estes problemas so menores do que imagina, ou melhor, que no existem?Ento, por no conhecer o assunto, sua mente te sabota e cria dificuldade onde no existe.Como passei os ltimos 19 anos resolvendo estes problemas, posso afirmar com propriedade, hoje qualquer pessoa pode criar um Site Profissional de maneira gil e fcil.Claro, tendo disciplina, dedicao e seguindo a metodologia que ensino neste curso, voc ser capaz de publicar seu site em at 7 dias.Meus alunos mais dedicados conseguem publicar seus sites em algumas horas.Mas enfim, todos eles economizaram muito tempo e dinheiro pois tiveram a atitude de fazer este curso.Em resumo, este curso te oferece tudo que precisa para Criar seu Site Profissional sem a necessidade de fazer grandes investimentoscontratando uma agncia ou um freelancer.Aqui alguns tpicos que voc aprender:Registrar um domnio;Contratar um servio de hospedagem;Criar uma conta de e-mail;Utilizar o CPANEL;Instalar Wordpress;Planejar o escopo do site;Instalar Google Analytics;Criar as pginas e formulrios;Publicar seu site.Bonus do curso:Como adquirir os melhores temas Profissionais;Top 10 Bancos de imagens Free;Dica com os melhores livros de Marketing Digital;Os melhores Sites de Vdeos Grtis.Agora um aviso rpido: se voc do tipo de pessoa que gosta de navegar pelos cursos da Udemy e no os segue, este curso provavelmente no para voc!No entanto, se voc estiver disposto a dedicar-se pelo menos 30 minutos todos os dias seguindo as videoaulas, ento este curso ser a soluo que precisa para ter seu site em at 7 dias!Ento, vamos tirar o seu site do papel? Bora agir?Oua: no precisa decidir agora!Aproveite a garantia de 30 dias. Assista as videoaulas e invista 30 minutos por dia.Se voc no ficar satisfeito com o treinamento, seja qual for o motivo, basta solicitar o reembolso pelo prprio painel do curso que a Udemy ir lhe devolver o valor investido, sem perguntas e sem aborrecimentos.Voc pode inclusive ficar com os bnus como agradecimento por ter experimentado meu curso.Com todas estas vantagens e garantias s te resta uma alternativa. :DClique no boto ""Compre agora"" para comear este curso. Lembre-se: quanto mais cedo voc puder comear, mais cedo ter seu Site Profissional publicado. Te vejo l dentro!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Utilizao do iDox - Mdulo final" |
"O ""Treinamento Avanado de Utilizao do iDox"" um complemento do treinamento bsico e vem para especializar o conhecimento do usurio, uma vez que poder se tornar expert na automatizao. O curso de curta durao, de fcil entendimento e, ao final dele, voc saber montar uma contestao automatizada sozinho."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Purebasic pour les nulles" |
"PureBasic est un langage de programmation natif et compil, mme si sa syntaxe est simple apprendre ce langage na rien envier dautre langages plus connu tel que le C. Dans ce cours, nous allons voir les bases de la programmation standard tout type de langages mais bien videment adaptes au langage qui fait lobjet de cette formation. travers diffrents exemples vous verrez comme il estfacile de crer un logiciel avec Purebasic."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Java pour tous" |
"Le Java fait partie des langages les plus utiliss dans le monde, sa portabilit et ses performances en font un outil remarquable. Mme la prise en main ne semble pas toujours aise, nous aborderont ensemble dans cette formation ce formidable langage en toutes srnits et pas pas. Avec de la motivation et de la patience, vous parviendrez vite concevoir des logiciels robustes et stables. Je me suis attach ne pas vous imposer trop de thorie mais bien dassez vite pass la pratique avec des cas concret et amusant. Cette formation ne se limitera pas son contenu actuel, mais sera volutive avec un contenu en volution suivant vos remarques et requtes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Show your design in its best form using Sketchup" |
"This course is laser-focused on showcasing your design in its BEST form, with Sketchup. The purpose of this course is to captivate the viewers of your projects AND to boost your creativity using Sketchup's full potential.This complete 3+ hours course goes beyond the technical capacity of this amazing software. In fact, as an architect-photographer, Nizar Bredanshares the essence of his photographic learning and combines it with a10-year experience designing with Sketchup.Sketchup's flexibility also allows for your creativity to be expressed, so you will get some pretty useful ideas you can apply directly into your current or next project.Your feedback is more than welcome. Please share your thoughts, which part you liked the most, what kind of advice you wish to be deepened, or simply if you enjoyed the content."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crie seu fluxo de trabalho no Adobe Lightroom" |
"Curso voltado para entusiastas, fotgrafos amadores e profissionais que querem aprimorar seu processo de edio e tratamento de imagens.Voc conhecer o Fluxo de Trabalho Inteligente, um processo contnuo e simples, desde a importao das fotos, edio, tratamento e at a gesto de um portflio incrvel e atualizado.No tratamento em 7 passos voc ver como produzir imagens mais atraentes e com seu estilo prprio. E ainda gerenciar backups e arquivamento automticos, e nunca mais perder uma foto. Isso sem ocupar todo o espao livre de seu computador.E para deixar suas fotos ainda mais especiais, voc ganhar 28 presets, que so as predefinies de cor e ajustes feitas exclusivamente para o voc personalizar da maneira que quiser. Eainda, vrios presets de exportao e de perfis de backup. Se voc j tem alguma familiaridade com o Adobe Lightroom Classic CC, venha conhecer essa nova maneira de fazer mais na fotografia, com qualidade, rapidez e estilo."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
blockchain_basic |
"2017?Proof of Work"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Java Servlet, JSP and Hibernate: Build eCommerce Website" |
"This Java Servlet, JSP and Hibernate course helps you master Java programming skills you need to create professional real-world websites from begin to end - Adding an awesome experience to your rsum.You learn how to build a sophisticated, functioning e-commerce website that sells books!By completing this course, you will be able to confidently apply for any Java web development jobs, or doing Java freelance projects online.This is a complete hands-on programming course in which you will see I type every single line of code. No theory.""Covers every detail of a real world application"" - said student Anastasios LelakisWhat makes this course different?In this course, I use a lot of UML diagrams and pictures to help you understand how things work so you can follow along the course easily.""I enjoy the way and approach you have used in demonstrating with diagrams, tables and step by step explanation"" - said student Ioryaasa Godfrey AkperaThis course is built and taught by a Java expert who has been programming Java for 15 years.With over 51 hours of video, you learn every step of the development process. So you can learn from zero experience.You learn to build a complete e-commerce website with all functionalities.You get rapid support from the instructor who will reply your questions within few hours, not days.""The course is very well structured and the teacher Nam explains everything step by step in a clear way. Whenever you have a question, he usually replies within 1-2 days and helps you out. Very much enjoying this course and hope to use this knowledge to start building out my own webapps!"" - said student EugeneIn this course, you will learn how to apply core technologies in Java EE like Servlet, JSP, JSTL and Hibernate framework to build a complete website to sell books online.In the back-end (admin) you will develop the following features:Users management (include admin login/logout)Category management.Book management.Review management.Customer management.Order management.Statistics (admin dashboard)In the front-end, you will develop the following features:Homepage: List newly published books; best-selling books; most-favored booksList books in a categoryView book detailsSearch booksShopping CartCustomer RegistrationWrite reviews for booksPlace order (Checkout)PayPal Payment Integration (include credit card payment)In addition, there are also many assignments from easy to hard to help you practice.Why should you buy this course?Acquire the skills to build e-commerce websites with JavaTo learn fast from expert - this will save you a lot of time and avoid trials and errorsBy completing the project in this course, you earn an awesome experience which you can proudly include in your resume - so you can get Java programming job easier.If you're a final year student, consider to make your final year project from this course.Advance your Java programming skills to a new level.""Amazing experience after this course. Thank you instructor."" - said student Dhara Patel*** SPECIAL BONUS ***You will get a copy of my book ""How to Become a Successful Freelance Programmer"" (sold on Amazon) in which you will learn the strategies to build a successful freelance career (I completed 142 projects with average rating 4.8 during 5 years - so you can too). Therefore, by taking this course and being gifted this book, you will be having much greater confident in your programming career.Feel free to explore the full course content and watch the free previews.Enroll this course today! I'm looking forward to see you inside."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Expression: Be an Emotionally Intelligent IT Leader" |
"DescriptionCyber Expression is a unique leadership course tailored to meet the special needs of IT and cybersecurity professionals.According to Harvard University, Emotional intelligencethe ability to, for instance, understand your effect on others and manage yourself accordinglyaccounts for nearly 90 percent of what moves people up the ladder when IQ and technical skills are roughly similar.According to TechGenix(.)com, IT professionals who can work in the direction of developing a combination of technical, business, and soft skills are likely to get preference over others who are solelylimed to tech expertise.CIO(.)com quoted the CIO of Ford Motor Company who said, Not starting out as a pure technologist helped me leading with relationships, building trust, and seeking to understand first, and then come with the solution next.This course helps IT and cybersecurity professionals understand how to apply the soft skills of emotionally intelligent leadership and communications to transform themselves into effective leaders. IT and cybersecurity professionals will receive the knowledge required to adapt their leadership behavior and their communications stylesto manage relationships, build trust, and influence people from diverse backgrounds.PurposeIT and cybersecurity professionals face a leadership dilemma. Research shows two-thirds of information technologists are introverted. However, researchers have also found that extroversion is the factor most strongly related to leadership. I created this course to provide IT and cybersecurity professionals a resource to help them adapt their communications and leadership styles and become effective leaders, overcoming this dilemma.Why Cyber Expression? While leading a large IT and cybersecurity program for a US government agency, I found that most of my team leaders had little or no leadership training. They were excellent technologists, and as a result, their previous managers promoted them into leadership positions. However, the technical skills that got them promoted were not the soft skills they needed to succeed as leaders. As a result, they suffered in their positions and their projects were prone to failure.The Target AudienceThis course is perfect for technical and non-technical professionals. IT and cybersecurity professionals who have worked hard to gain technical experience, education, and certifications, but need leadership and communications soft skills to improve their performance will enjoy and appreciate this course. It provides the soft skills training to complement their hard, technical knowledge, the soft skills needed to advance their careers and to succeed in leadership positions.This course also can help non-technical professionals increase their emotional intelligence and communications soft skills, improving their collaboration and leadership ability.Cyber Expression is UniqueMost leadership courses provide generic, one-size-fits-all training. Cyber Expression is different because I tailored it for the unique needs and interests of IT and cybersecurity professionals.I have over 33 years of experience in IT and cybersecurity, and I use IT and cybersecurity anecdotes and stories to help you understand communications and leadership concepts.I started my career as an analyst and as a developer. Now, I am a retired US Air Force communications and information systems officer with experience managing several multimillion-dollar IT and cybersecurity programs for several US government agencies. Along the way, earned elite certifications - I am one of few people worldwide who have PMP, PgMP, and CISSP certifications. Also, along the way, I learned to overcome my communications and leadership challenges, my anxiety and lack of confidence, to lead effective and successful teams. I developed this course, Cyber Expression, to help you do the same."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Advance Your IT Career" |
"Are you an IT professional who wants a promotion? Do you need an increase in income that comes with career advancement? Do you feel stuck in your current position? You dont have to feel this way. Your IT job shouldnt frustrate you. This course, and its free companion ebook, can help you make the changes you need to advance your ITcareer.What Will I Learn?You will learn how to escape from your frustrating IT job and build a fulfilling IT careerYou will learn to set and reach career goalsYou will learn how to stand out from your peers and earn recognition for your hard work You will learn how to build self-confidence by taking control of your IT careerI have mentored and supervised many IT professions who felt their employer was responsible for advancing their careers. Many company executives feel training is an unnecessary cost. Instead of training new hires, they seek to save money by hiring people who already have the needed skills.Purpose of the CourseThis course provides you with the motivation and inspiration you need to become an Information Technologist who can add value to any organization and who can outperform his or her peers. Companies offer these types of employees the opportunity to advance their careers.I developed this course and wrote the companion ebook to help people like you succeed. Throughout my career, I have experienced great joy when someone I supervised or mentored gets a promotion or a higher paying job. Through this course, I want to feel the joy of helping you in the same way.Why Course Is UniqueThis course includes a companionebookthat will motivate you to be the best IT professional on your team, in your company, or in your industry.If you are an IT professional who needs direction and motivation to get a promotion or a better job, then this course, and the companion ebook, are for you!Why I Developed this CourseAs an IT professional, I've enjoyed promotions from an entry-level position up to an IT executive over a 33+ year career. This course includes not only advice from my experience but also advice and experience from industry experts. Its presented in a simple and effective format. This course is not only beneficial to entry-level and mid-career IT professionals, senior IT professionals can also use it as a resource to mentor their junior colleagues. How I Can HelpI have interviewed, hired, and promoted dozens IT professionals. Through this experience, I have learned several lessons about IT career advancement, and through this course, I will share those lessons with you.In this course, I discuss each career advancement topic and provide not only the lessons Ivelearned but also lessons from industry experts.This gives you a broad view, a map you can use to chart your course to success.At the end of this course, you will have the perspective that enables you to understand the gap between where you are now in your career and where you desire to be, enabling you will have the confidence to take the steps you need to close that gap."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Flow" |
"Microsoft Flow is a cloud-based software tool that allows users to create and automate workflows across multiple applications and services without the need for developer help. Automated workflows are calledflows. To create a flow, the user specifies what action should take place when a specific event occurs. In this course you will learn how to use Microsoft Flow and all it's important features. You will learn how to create a flow and how to use different connectors. We'll first get started by talking about thetypes of flows and how to run a flow. Next, we'll get into how to create flowsfrom a template, and take you through connecting with SharePoint, creating approval flows, and using mobile apps. We'll explore how to use the Flow mobile app to do things like track working hours. Then, you will learn how to create an approval flow, including how to define the trigger, add actions, and set conditions. By the end of this course you will be able to create and manage Flow from desktop, laptop, or mobile devices and connect with multiple services such as SharePoint, Twitter, Facebook, and other networking sites."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Microsoft PowerApps" |
"Microsoft PowerApps makes iteasy for virtually any business or employee in a company to build basic mobile and web-based business apps . No programming or app development skills required. With PowerApps, users can more easily create mobile apps that communicate essential data to other employees and stakeholders. They can do this without having to requisition developer resources, thereby cutting overhead, costs, and enterprise red tape. This course will teach students how to design, build and publish modern mobile first and interactive forms using Microsoft PowerApp without the need to write a single line of code. In this course, you will get up and running with PowerApps and learn all the important features. We'll go through how to create and share apps using data from SharePoint, Excel, Dynamics, and Salesforce. We'll also get into the different PowerApps templates and how to use a template to create an app."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autonomous Cars: How Do They Work and Impact Us?" |
"In 20 years driving a traditional car will feel like riding a horse on the highway today.The development of autonomous cars is changing not only the way we buy and use cars, but also our cities, economy, society, the environment and our way of life in general.Talking to friends, family and business partners, I noticed a great interest in the subject, which includes concepts such as fully autonomous cars, vehicles and driving as well as self-driving, driverless, automated and robot cars.If you are a motorist or generally interested in autonomous cars, what they are, how they work and influence us, this course will give you exciting insights into the race to autonomous cars and prepare you for what's coming.Major questions which will be answered for you are the following: What are autonomous cars? Is it safe? How do cars perceive? How do cars think? How will it impact us?I will be contributing my 7 years of experience at Continental, where I was deeply involved in research and development of Advanced Driving Assistance, Vehicle Dynamics, Intra Vehicle and Vehicle2X Communication Systems. Enriched by the autonomous driving study I did during my MBA, I will show you what matters and what doesn't.Each video is produced in English, avoiding deep technical terms and explanations. Anyone with a general education should be able to follow.Just like the race to the moon, the race to fully autonomous driving was started. On the one hand, we have a development driven by traditional players such as Audi / Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, Volvo, Ford, GM, Toyota. On the other hand, start-ups like Google / Waymo, Uber, Cruise and Byton and other disruptive players invest to beat them in a revolutionary way.Instead of rockets and spacecrafts, the race will be decided by acoustics, camera, radar, laser/lidar sensors and algorithms using deep learning and closed loop theory.The goal is a multi-trillion-dollar mobility as a service market that not only changes the industry, but everything from personal to everyone's life. Join the race and see you inside the course. You'll enjoy it!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Delegate or Die! Delegation Masterclass" |
"I know, nobody can do it as well as you can. But you know as well as I do that nobody can do it all (even you).If you find yourself overworked and overwhelmed by all the things you need to do, this masterclass is for you.In this practical course youll learn.The benefits of delegation (why you need to start delegating, today)Whats stopping you from delegating (spoiler alert: it might be yourself)What tasks you should delegateWho to delegate toHow to stop getting in your own wayThe four key steps of delegation suCCCCessYoull use your own real life examples and the course action planners to workshop how YOU can delegate like a boss and go back to the office with a strategy for success.Previous students at the Delegate or Die classroom workshop said they loved the...""great content... very conversational... effective takeaways""""new insights [on delegation]... we need more managers doing this to improve how we do things""""four Cs - a clear process to go through for effective delegation"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Primavera P6" |
"Course Content Project Management ModuleInstallation Guide Bars ExplanationEnterprise Project Structure (New EPS)Adding New Project in EPSToolbarsActivities Addition Setting up ColumnsSetting up Top & Bottom ViewCalendars Setting & Applying CalendarApplying RelationshipsTotal Length of ProjectImporting and Exporting ProjectRelationship Editing & Applying RelationshipTotal Float (Slack)Formatting Customization (Date, Currency etc)Progress Spot Light Writing Comments in Timeline AreaPhases of ProjectTime ScalePrint SetupWBS, WBS Dictionary, Adding Activities in WBSOrganization Breakdown Structure (OBS)Activity Codes Addition Assigning ResourcesResource LevelingMilestones (Finish Milestone, End Milestone)Activity TypesResource CurvesCost Usage (Cash Flow, S-Curve, Cost Account)Tracking(Baseline, Update Progress, Progress Calculation)Risk and Its Impact on Activities"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Salesforce Administrator Certification Guide" |
"Youll learn about 12different topics in this course that will take you from beginner to expert!The Salesforce administration course will teach you how to understand every aspect of Salesforce administration, quickly and efficiently, by using step-by-step Instruction.The course is your track to obtaining Salesforce CRM Administration skills like you always knew you should have! About 85% of the top 100 most valuable brands in the world use Salesforce. Now it is your turn to learn.This course will take you from having little knowledge in Administration to being able to handle advanced use cases, and having a deep understanding of cloud CRM softwarefundamentals.So what else is in it for you?Youll gain instant access to all 12 sections of the course.The course is setup to quickly take you through the process of Salesforce Administration step by step. It will equip you with the knowledge to handle the exam!Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the 12sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of Salesforce CRM administration from the ground up. The course is supported with over 4 hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.All at your fingers tips instantly. The course starts with the basics. You will get an in depth understanding of the Salesforce UI and Standard architechture. You will learn everything from how to manage your org UI all the way up to how to create complex object relationships. Next youll learn how Salesforce security worksand how to manage users in and Organization. You will be learning how to create your own custom settings as well. Once youve learned security, you are going to learn about the different features available in the Sales cloud, like managing leads, opportunities, and all of the tools Salesforce has to offer to make sales reps more efficient and capable. Then you are going to learn how to operate the service cloud. At this point youll be ready to go into this more specific features of Salesforce, such as process automation, data validation tools, and reports/dashboard. We will spend 4 whole sections learning about these different tools. Lastly we will go over Salesforce mobile management, integration with Outlook, and the AppExchange marketplace, where you will learn all of the ways to operate Salesforce with outside apps.Over the 12chapters you will learn: Organization and User Setup Standard and Custom Object, Field, and Record settings The different levels of Security in Salesforce How to use the sales and service clouds Activity and Data Management tools Data analytics tools How to create and manage Workflows/Process Automation How to integrate and use Salesforce with external applicationsWhat else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding of how professional Salesforce Organizations are created and managed.This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up nowand change the Salesforce world today!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Admob para iOS y Android" |
"Eres un desarrollador Android o iOS y sientes pasin por tu trabajo?Eres un estudiante interesado en el mundo del desarrollo de aplicaciones Android iOS y quieres ganar dinero con ellas?Si la respuesta es s, este es el curso perfecto para ti!En este curso vas a aprender a:Crear una aplicacin para Android y para iOSUtilizar varios componentes como botones, mens, etiquetas, manejo de eventos, etc, tanto en Swift como en Kotlin.Crear una cuenta en Admob.Integrar Admob en tu aplicacin Android e iOS.Desplegar anuncios de tipo banner, intersticial y vdeo en tus aplicacines Android e iOS.Google Admob es un servicio que permite monetizar aplicaciones a travs de publicidad integrada en ellas. Esta publicidad puede mostrarse en forma de banners, anuncios intersticiales , o videos, de manera que podemos hacer que la publicidad se ajuste al diseo de nuestra aplicacin proporcionando con ello una experiencia de usuario ptima.Este curso utiliza los lenguajes Swift y Kotlin, es necesario tener unos conocimientos bsicos o muy bsicos para poder seguir el curso con facilidad.OBJETIVO:El curso tiene por objetivo ofrecerte todo el conocimiento necesario para poder desplegar los distintos tipos de anuncio de Admob en tus aplicaciones para dispositivos mviles iOS y android en Swift y Kotlin.Cada ejercicio est desarrollado de manera simple y explicado de una manera precisa y clara, para que cualquier alumno sea capaz de realizar los ejercicios siguiendo los vdeos desde su dispositivo sin dificultad.Si eres un desarrollador iOS y/o Android tanto principiante como experto, te interesa el mundo de la programacin para dispositivos mviles, o si tienes un proyecto por el que te gustara monetizar a travs de publicidad, este curso te proporciona un punto de partida prctico para que puedas hacerlo de forma sencilla. As que A que esperas para comprar este curso y empezar a recibir dinero por tus aplicaciones?Nos vemos en clase!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Struktur & Ordnung erschaffen" |
"Videokurs inkl. To-Do-Listen fr deine innere Zufriedenheit und uere Ordnung.In 6 Schritten lernst du, wie du Struktur & Ordnung indeinem Zuhause umsetzt und dadurch mehr Freizeit und innereZufriedenheit erschaffst.Hole dir ber 14 Stunden mehr Freizeit zurck, in dem du die Schritte in dein Leben integrierst, umsetzt und zur Routine werden lt. Erschaffe dirinnere Zufriedenheit, weil du dein Problem der Unordnung & fehlendenStruktur gelst hast und ab sofort dir Ordnung & Struktur leicht fllt. Lerne Projekte die dir wichtig sind zu Ende zu bringen, in dem du Zuhause beginnst.Der Kurs ist genau richtig fr dich wenn: Du einfach nicht weit wo du anfangen sollst und endlich ein ordentliches Zuhause willst. Du dich tglich ber dich selbst rgerst, dass du wieder etwas nicht findest und berall Chaos herrscht. Du den ganzen Tag etwas tust, und du trotzdem am Abend das Gefhl hast nichts wirklich geschafft zu haben. Wenn du endlich hinter das Geheimnis kommen willst, wie Struktur & Ordnung funktioniert und wie auch du es lernen kannst endlich mehr Freizeit zu haben fr die schnen Dinge im Leben. Fr das Ich bin so stolz auf mich Gefhl, welches du ab sofort tglich haben wirstIn diesem Online Kurs erhltst du ein Programm das du sofort umsetzen kannst. Sehe direkt erste Ergebnisse, starte eine neue Routine und erschaffe in deinem Leben Struktur & Ordnung.Erhalte ein super 6 Schritte Programm, bei dem du Schritt fr Schrittangeleitet wirst, damit auch du mit Leichtigkeit & Freude Struktur& Ordnung in dein Leben holst.Du bekommst das Chaos in den Griff. Es ist wichtig, dass du lernst wiees funktioniert und dann geht es einfach nur darum immer wiederumzusetzen.Durch Struktur & Ordnung erreichst du eine hhere Lebensqualitt& besseres Zeitmanagement mit mehr Freizeit und Strkung deines Selbstwertgefhls.Fr einmalige 19,99 EUR mit Geld zurck Garantie, lernst du strukturiertund ordentlich zu sein. Beginne sofort deine Zukunft zu verndern, du kannst nur gewinnen!Ordnung mit Plan, anstatt irgendwie!Es geht darum dir einen Ablauf anzueignen, der durch die Routine dein Leben erleichtern wird.So schaffst du Struktur & Ordnung und kannst viel besser ber deine 24 Stunden tglich verfgen. Mit dem Programm wirst du Herr deiner Zeit und Chaos und Unordnung gehren der Vergangenheit an."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre la clarinette en 10 lecons" |
"Debuter la clarinette et pourvoir jouer 3 morceaux en 10 lecons .Les premieres videos permettent d'aider l'eleve a se familiariser avec l'instrument, le monter, mettre en place la anche sur le bec, tenir sa clarinette, avoir une bonne respiration, et comprendre l'embouchure pour sortir ses premiers sons .les 4ieme, 6ieme et 8ieme videos sont consacrees a l'apprentissage de morceaux simple et connu !Rathathat, Bessame mucho et la pantere rose !La gamme chromatique et le registre des aigus sont abordes et expliquesQuelques plans d'improvisations sont expliquesLes accompagnement Audio sont fournis (2 tempos differents, avec et sans la clarinette) Pour permettre a l'eleve de pratiquer et de progresser en musique ! Apprendre en musique est toujours plus agreable !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Comuncate bien de una put... vez!" |
"Inicio rpido para mejorar los principales problemas de comunicacin. No te quedes nunca ms, por fuera de los equipos por tus problemas de comunicacin. Reduce los problemas interpersonales en que te metes por culpa de los chismes o los rumores. Mejora la actitud con que te comunicas para tener mejores respuestas por parte del entorno en el que te mueves. Convirtete en la personas de la empresa con la que todos quieren relacionarse. Asume la responsabilidad de tu bienestar mejorando la comunicacin a travs de abandonar estos vicios que analizamos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 - O curso mais completo de design" |
"Illustrator para criao de Logotipo, Peas Grficas, Comunicao Visual,Design GrficoConhecendo as principais ferramentas para criao de design avanado.Ideal para quem quer trabalhar comDesignGrfico ou melhorar seus conhecimentos em uma ferramenta sensao do mercado grfico. Agora voc vai aprender e aprimorar tcnicas de criao do mercado. Com o illustrator CC voc vai poder dar asas a sua imaginao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC 2020: Seja um artista digital completo" |
"OCurso mais completo de Photoshop para voc se tornar um artista digitalNeste curso voc aprender do bsico ao avanado do software mais amado e respeitado no mercado grfico.O curso foi pensado e projetado para que seu aprendizado ocorra de maneira eficiente e divertida. E em poucas aulas voc j notar a diferena na sua evoluo como profissional. Voc aprender neste curso: Edio de imagens, tratamento de cor, ajustes, composio digital, mscaras, recorte perfeito, manipulao de efeitos e filtros, pintura digital e muito mais."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Linux pentru Incepatori [Romana]" |
"Te salut!Am o intrebare pentru tine: ""Iti doresti o cariera in IT?""Daca da, atunci acest curs te va invatabazele teoreticesipracticecand vine vorba cum functioneazaLinuxsiServerele.De ce este important? Pentru ca serverele (implicit si Linux-ul) sunt peste tot, iar in IT te voi ""lovi"" foarte des de concepte care au de legatura cu acesta.In schimb,dacaesti deja in IT, atunci acest curs te va ajuta sa inveti mai multe despre IT si sa avansezi mai repede in cariera.Dupa finalizarea cursului de Linux si Administrarea Serverelor iti recomand sa-ti iei certificareaLPIC Essentialscare este recunoscuta la nivel mondial. Asta o faci printr-un examen online in orasul tau (sau in zona).Dupa aceea poti aplica cu usurinta pentru urmatoarele joburi:Tehnician ITAdministrator de Sistem (Servere)Administrator de ReteaHelpdesk Support"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Livre-se das dvidas em 5 passos - Finanas Pessoais" |
"No curso ""Livre das dvidas em 5 passos"" voc vai saber o exato passo a passo para organizar as sua vida financeira e planejar a sua liberdade das dvidas. O curso rene mais de 11 anos de experincia prtica com finanas e um conhecimento de como funcionam os bancos por dentro, o que vai te trazer informaes valiosas na hora de negociar os seus dbitos. Voc ainda vai receber ferramentas prticas para fazer isso agora."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"FuelForward to the Career You Deserve" |
"Do you know where you want to be in 2 to 5 years?What obstacles will you need to navigate to achieve success in your chosen career? As a professional you may have been told to keep your head down and work hard, go with the flow and see where you end up...but, if your vision of the most impactful factors in advancing your career is limited, you may miss out on the opportunity of promotion...simply because you won't see the icebergs underneath the surface...until it's too late...and you can't steer around what you can't see! That's why FuelForward gives you a clear vision of your career success,uncovers the secrets to navigate your way through the hidden dangers of the corporate world, and go all the way to the top in your chosen career...safely!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"VFX'n'GO - Houdini Rocks - Volume 1" |
"Hi there and welcome in course ""Houdini Rocks - Volume 1"".In this course I cover a variety of material and I introduce you to Houdini. In the first lessons I talk about proceduralism and interface, but we touch also advanced subject like VOPs and VEX. Finally you have a good approch to Houdini and you can start to work with it.All you need is Houdini"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"VFX'n'GO - Houdini Interior render with Mantra" |
"In this fast lessons I show you how to managment and how to setting the lighting for interior with Houdini and Mantra engine. We started with the lighting setup and after see how to create the GI. Also we see the difference of PBR andRay Tracer.All you need is Houdini"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |