Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Parlare in pubblico in 4 mosse" |
"Il public speaking larte della comunicazione efficace, labilit che ti permette di migliorare te stesso, la tua vita e la tua carriera.Quello che conta, nella vita e nella carriera, sono le relazioni interpersonali. Costruirle, svilupparle e renderle solide la chiave del successo.Arriva per ognuno di noi, il momento di salire sul palco, parlare ad un pubblico ampio, magari impugnando un microfono, magari dovendo sostenere un discorso di unora, due, tre!Ma arrivano anche le riunioni tra colleghi, arriva la data di presentazione di un progetto al resto del team, arriva il giorno di un colloquio con una grande aziendaSe vuoi diventare padrone della tua comunicazione smetti di procrastinare e passa allazione.Sono Carlo Loiudice, sono un attore professionista dal 1996, di base a Berlino dal 2011, e la mia mission farti scoprire lo speaker che in te, perch ognuno pu essere leader, in tutto quello che fa, giorno dopo giorno, discorso dopo discorso.Parlare in pubblico in 4 mosse un corso pratico e intensivo che segner linizio di un affascinante viaggio, quello del miglioramento personale."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Leggere ad alta voce in 4 mosse per imparare a comunicare." |
"Leggere straordinario, ma leggere ad alta voce lo ancora di pi. Leggere ad alta voce significa dare corpo ai personaggi e tridimensionalit ai luoghi; significa far risuonare le parole scritte in un libro, portarle fuori e se si legge a qualcuno, condividerle, celebrarle; significa tuffarsi ancora pi a fondo dentro un libro, sviscerarlo, carpirne i segreti. Cosa ti blocca? Provo ad indovinare:non ti piace il tono della tua voce; quando leggi ad altri, ti senti ridicola/o; ti mangi le parole; non hai ritmo.Questi sono solo alcuni dei classici problemi che riscontra chi legge ad alta voce, niente paura, non sei sola/o.Lavoreremo sulla tua voce e attraverso l'apprendimento di diverse tecniche potrai acquisire sicurezza in te stessa/o (self-confidence) e smetterla di essere vittima del tuo auto giudizio (self-judgment).Leggere ad alta voce una via di mezzo tra l'interpretazione, la lettura e il parlare in pubblico (public speaking).Quattro mosse: gli strumenti, per esempio la voce; il mixer, la tua potenzialit di lettore; la grammatica del lettore, che diversa da quella di chi scrive; la costruzione dei mondi, un vero e proprio viaggio attraverso le pagine di un libro.Armati del tuo romanzo preferito e comincia questa nuova avventura. Alla fine di questo corso, amerai ancora di pi leggere e di condividere storie e racconti con il tuo pubblico.Vedrai che questo viaggio ti garantir sviluppo e miglioramento personale.Cominciamo subito.Carlo"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Steam Boiler for Layman" |
"In this course, you will learn about the critical components of the steam boiler. This is done without formula, complicated diagrams or sophisticated technical sentences. Comics are used to make illustration simpler and friendly. The steam boiler is compared to daily household appliances to enable more straightforward understanding. By the end of these lessons, you will be able to know the purpose of these components and terminologies on the steam boiler:1. Essential Fittings2. Main Stop Valve3. Burner4. Safety Valve5. Water Gauge6. Boiler Tubes7. Heating System8. Low Water Alarm9. Low Water Fuel Cut Off10. Feed Check Valve11. Blowdown Valve12. Pressure Gauge13. Other Requirements on the boiler"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to make subtitles and captions (SRT) in 30 mins." |
"In this course you will learn how to make subtitles and captions for videos in just 30 mins. I'm 100 percent sure that you can do it cause its super easy. If you are a freelancer, most of the clients searching for people who has a skilled like this. If you search in other freelancing sites, this skill is in the top 10 of most growing skills in the freelance world. In this course you will learn:Generate SRT fille for Subtitles and captionsPerfectly Sync the Subtitles To The VideoEmbed or Attach Permanently to the VideoSo what are you waiting for, come and join me and learn how to make captions and subtitles. And after that go to the freelancing world or use this in making your job successful."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Become A Social Powerhouse" |
"Are you shy, lonely and depressed? Do you find it hard to connect with people and make new friends? Perhaps you've moved to a new place and you don't know anybody there?Whatever your case is, I will teach you how to get a lot of friends and acquaintances using some highly effective techniques that apply to anyone, anywhere. It doesn't matter if you're 15, 25 or 75 years old! Anyone can create expand their social circles if they what I teach in this course.Sign up today for a social future and to become a social powerhouse!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IOS Development with NodeJS + Google Maps API + Firebase" |
"This course is project based designed to teach you how to build full-stack application on IOS, Desktop, and Web applications as well.You will build an intuitive iphone application using swift 4 and the latest features of IOS 11. Throughout the course, you will learn how to integrate and use other exciting libraries and APIs like Google Maps API and Firebase to store your images. You wont only learn how to build iphone apps, but also how to design them. Together, we will design our application interface using Sketch and then we will learn how to break the design parts into assets for the development in Xcode.The course is packed with cutting edge technologies where we use the popular NodeJS technology along with MongoDB to build fast, scalable and secure RESTful APIs from setup to deployment in the most efficient way. You will learn how to set up heroku to work with your nodejs server.In the last section of the course, we will cover an intriguing technology called MeteorJS to build our admin panel in desktop with the help of third party libraries.There are many exciting things to learn in this course, so join me in the journey and lets get right into it"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing: How to Make and Grow Facebook Page(Fast)" |
"Facebook Marketing: How to Make and Grow Facebook Page(Fast)How to : Get 10k+ Facebook Page Likes In Less Than A Week Grow Your Facebook Page Super FastAfter you complete this course, you would have gained the knowledge to create a Facebook fan or business pageYou will have inside knowledge on were to find free high quality images to use for your pageYou will have the secrete knowledge to generated likes on a world wide range, fast!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Deliver a Presentation and initiate Conversation" |
"Have you done a Presentation and you weren't happy with it and you don't know how to improve? Or are you going to do one for the first time and you simply don't know where to start, especially if English isn't your native language? Well Don't panic!! This comprehensive course will guide you step by step, to help you produce a Presentation that you will be proud of.Grace will teach you how to prepare it by providing work sheets including connectors and questions to preempt what your audience could ask you, so that you should be prepared for every scenario. Moreover she will also explain the best way to deliver your presentation and why.In addition you will learn about what not to do during your presentation as well as how to engage your audience and encourage them to become involved by asking questions, also what and what not to include in your handouts.There is even a check list to ensure that you have included everything such as making sure that you are satisfied with the venue and that your equipment such as your laptop is compatible. The check list also includes whether you've got your passport, booked the hotel and much, much more!To complete the package of doing a Presentation especially if you have had to travel abroad, there are additional worksheets on how to start a conversation for example during a coffee break or during a meal at the end of that day's session. Furthermore, there are vocabulary worksheets including UK versus American English, what to look out for on a menu and what certain expressions mean, not to mention what to say when you arrive at the airport and hotel.This course provides everything you need to prepare and deliver a successful Presentation and initiate a conversation with confidence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matrisez les fondamentaux de Builderall" |
"En ce 21 sicle, si votre Business nest pas sur Internet, alors vous navez pas de business .Et pour russir sur Internet, vous avez besoin dune panoplie doutils ou de services web pour crer et dvelopper votre entreprise sur internet.Tous les web entrepreneurs savent que pour dvelopper une entreprise sur internet, vous avez besoin de payer les services dhbergement, dautorpondeurs, et pleins dautres outils dont les couts plombent rapidement les entrepreneurs dbutants.MAINTENANT IMAGINEZ...Imaginez-vous en possession d'un systme simple utiliser mais vraiment efficace qui vous permettrait en quelques jours seulement de Dmarrer l'Activit de vos Rves Pendant que vous Gagnez de l'Argent avec ce Systme Innovant ?.Un systme simple que vous pourrez utiliser aussi souvent que vous le dsirez pour crer, dvelopper et rentabiliser votre entreprise en ligne et mme hors ligne. Est-ce que a ne serait pas comme possder une machine imprimer des billets? OUI !Alors si cette ide vous intresse,Cette nouvelle formation indite "" Comment Dmarrer votre entreprise sur Internet sans Capital de Dpart"" est faite pour vousLe but de cette formation?Vous aider mettre en place un systme simple et efficace, une sorte de machine, pour crer presque instinctivement votre entreprise sur Internet qui vous gnrera sans mal des revenus rcurrents et passifs allant de quelques dizaines deuros des milliers voir des centaines de milliers deurosAu programme :Module 1: Paramtrez les informations gnrales de la plateforme BuilderallChanger la langue du bureau virtuelExplorez les fonctionnalits de BuilderallComment rcuprer vos liens d'affiliationComment connecter un nom de domaine personnalis votre site Comment associer une adresse mail professionnelle votre site Module 2 : Comment crer vos pages web facilement et rapidement par simple copier-collerComment crer une page de capture en moins de 10 minutes chronoComment crer une page de confirmation : Comment crer une page de vente Comment crer une page de commande et configurer les moyens de paiementsComment crer une page de livraison de commandeModule 3 : Comment maximiser vos taux de conversion grce des entonnoirs ou tunnels de ventesComment crer un tunnel de vente simple de A Z Comment crer un tunnel de vente pour lancement orchestr Comment crer des offres irresistibles croises avec remise Comment crer des offres additionnelles en cascade (up sell flow)Comment crer des facilits de paiement pour vos clients Module 4 : Comment maitriser l'autorpondeur intgr de Builderall - MailingBoss -Paramtrages gnraux de l'autorpondeur Comment vrifiez un nom de domaine sur mailingbossComment crer une liste sur mailingbossConfigurez votre liste dans mailingbossComment paramtrer des rgles d'automatisation dans mailingbossComment lier un autorpondeur et un formulaire de captureComment crer une campagne broadcast Comment crer une squence d'email follow up Module 5 : Comment crer des webinaires en quelques minutesCrer votre premier webinaire Editez les options de diffusionParamtrez les options de date et de chatConfigurez la squence automatique d'email associe votre webinaireAu fil des semaines, vous allez pouvoir vous constituer un empire sur internet qui vous permettra de vivre vos reves...S'il y a UN systme que vous devez absolument acqurir si vous voulez gagner votre vie en ligne, c'est sans conteste Builderall et cette formation vous permet de le maitriser de A Z."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Comment devenir super affili avec Builderall" |
"L'affiliation est sans nul doute la manire la plus simple et la plus facile de dmarrer son entreprise sur internet. Seulement, quand on n'a pas les bons outils, ni la bonne mthode, elle peut s'avrer une source d'chec et de frustrations.Avec cette formation, vous allez dcouvrir comment dmarrer votre business d'affiliation avec un seul outil tout en un et en un aprs-midi depuis le confort de votre domicile.Et ce qui est le plus intressant, c'est que vous n'avez pas besoin d'avoir un prrequis. Juste votre ordinateur et une connexion internet et je vous montre pas pas, comment choisir un produit rentable et dmarrer sa promotion aujourd'hui-mme."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"El rbol de mindfulness" |
"En este curso vamos a aprender sobre mindfulness, y estaremos recurriendo a las investigaciones cientficas que se han llevado a cabo, y que se convierten en el fundamento que respaldan los beneficios de esta prctica. Exploraremos desde nuestro interior, para ayudarte a construr una vida significativa y plena.Al finalizar este curso contars con herramientas prcticas que te permitirn entender de dnde provienen muchos comportamientos que nos daan, y mucho ms importante, cmo hacer para que, aprovechando la propia naturaleza de nuestro cerebro y nuestras propias tendencias naturales, encauzarlas hacia nuestra mejora personal y nuestra felicidad.Te estar enseando con un mtodo que desarroll a partir de mi propia prctica, experiencia y aprendizaje, que ha probado su solidez en los diplomados y talleres que imparto. Este incorpora tcnicas del mindfulness based stress reduction, desarrollada originalmente por Jhon Khabat-Zinn, y elementos de neuroplasticidad de la ciencia del cerebro. Encontrars informacin relevante sobre la evolucin del sistema nervioso, la plasticidad del cerebro, meditaciones e introspecciones que te ayudarn a aclarar tu propio camino hacia la salud. Por supuesto, te estar acompaando paso a paso en el estudio de todo este material.Mi motivacin principal para desarrollar este curso es ayudar a otros, a ti, a adquirir herramientas para vivir una vida floreciente, por lo que estoy tomando muy en cuenta el procurar que sea accesible para todos. Encontrars que los videos cuentan con subttulos, pensando en quien tenga alguna dificultad auditiva, y procurar aumentar esta accesibilidad en el futuro, en la medida de mis posibilidades.El propsito de la prctica es poder expandir el rango de experiencias en donde nos sentimos en libertad."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Learn Pro Mobile Photography in 1 Hour iPhone or Android" |
"This course is for beginners and intermediates who want to take their mobile photography to the next level. Great photography is not just about having an expensive camera, lenses, or gear. It is not impossible to take professional looking pictures from your everyday smartphone! In fact, it is actually possible to have a super nice DSLR camera but still take bad pictures! In this course we look at both the creative and technical side of things, and I show plenty of on-screen examples. I believe you will greatly benefit from investing just 1 hour in this course. I demonstrate on my iPhone so there will be a few things that don't apply to another type of smartphone, but 95% of what I teach and what I demonstrate could be applied on a different type of smartphone."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Create Digital Products Like The Pros" |
"Finally discover exactly how to create and market your own product and make real income online.In this broad overview of digital product creation and product marketing, you'll be introduced to the systems and tools the professionals use to make 5-6 figure product launches. Discover what goes into a quality digital product, how to drive traffic to your offer, keys to writing good copy, creating sales pages and launches, and the tools best selling product creators use."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ways To Become An Authority Online For Non-Writers" |
"We will go over alternatives to creating written blog content to build authority as a coach, counselor, wellness, fitness expert or any other professional who wants to become known as an authority in their field. If you're overwhelmed with the thought of writing constantly for a website, I'll show you easy ways to use podcasting and video instead to grow your influence online andwhy these are possibly better alternatives. By the end you will know the tools you'll need and the steps to take to get started with your very own show."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Entendendo Economia em 10 Princpios" |
"Atravs dos dez princpios de economia, so apontados os caminhos pelos quais a cincia econmica pode, de forma simples e prtica, fornecer elementos para que o indivduo seja mais proativo, assertivo, evite a procrastinao de seus objetivos e projetos, aprenda a olhar para o mercado pelo prisma da economia, esteja mais alerta as oportunidades e ameaas que estejam em pontos cegos dentro do mercado, alm de desenvolver capacidade crtica quanto poltica, e desenvolver uma viso holstica da economia."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"5 Ways To Start A Successful Online Business in 2018" |
"Are You Struggling To Make Money Online, And No Matter What You Do, Thing Dont Even Appear To Be Working The Right Way? Then You Need To Enroll In This Course.In this course you will be learning 5 business models you can immediately implement for require NO INVESTMENT to get started. These streams of income create PASSIVE INCOME for anyone that implements.A Simple No BS Internet Marketing Course That Will Teach You To Create Online Businesses That WORK.If your a newbie to making money online, this course is PERFECT for you to dive in and ""earn while you learn."" If your an experienced marketer already this course is PERFECT for you to learn new strategies that are working for your competitors.& if your simply just struggling with not knowing WHERE or HOW to start a online business, this course is PERFECT for you to get started with SMART, PROFITABLE business plans with little to NO INVESTMENT that will give you great return almost instantly, as well as build up your passive streams of income."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instalacin del Sistema Operativo Windows 8" |
"El curso va enfocado a las personas que no tengan conocimientos de sistemas, con el fin de saber cuando es necesario realizar un mantenimiento de nuestros equipos. con estos pasos se beneficiaran de tal forma que lograran efectuar un formateo de nuestra PC, de esta manera no van a depender de algn tcnico en sistemas, van hacer autnomos de su equipo a la hora de ejecutar estos items, con la realizacin del curso les sera de gran ayuda a las personas que quieran encaminarsen al tema de la tecnologa."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Javascript Full Stack Mega-Super intensivo!" |
"Tenemos poco tiempo para todo en nuestra vida y en este curso quiero que inviertas tu valioso tiempo para que pruebes el mundo del desarrollo web. Estableceremos un punto de partida desde las bases del HTML y CSS, tambien incluiremos Bootstrap 4 para que tengas un panorama mas general de como llevar a cabo un sitio web, luego utilizaremos Javascript y Jquery para realizar tareas de FrontEnd y finalmente utilizaremos Node, Express y MongoDB para crear nuestro servidor a travs del cual podremos enviar, persistir y recibir datos.No quiero hacerte perder el tiempo, edite los videos para hacerlos lo mas breve posible e ir directo al punto que te quiero ensear, sin vueltas para que as te aporten mayor valor en menor tiempo. Ante cualquier duda o te trabas en algn momento del curso, te invito a que te contactes conmigo por esta plataforma para que puedas avanzar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Node + Express, comenz a programar hoy!" |
"Tenemos poco tiempo para todo en nuestra vida y en este curso quiero que inviertas tu valioso tiempo para que pruebes el mundo del desarrollo web. Con una lista de tareas armada vincularemos el Frontend con el Backend que construiremos una API Rest en Node, Express y MongoDB conMongoose para poder enviar, persistir y recibir datos.No quiero hacerte perder el tiempo, edite los videos para hacerlos lo mas breve posible e ir directo al punto que te quiero ensear, sin vueltas para que as te aporten mayor valor en menor tiempo. Ante cualquier duda o te trabas en algn momento del curso, te invito a que te contactes conmigo por esta plataforma para que puedas avanzar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MongoDB + Mongoose, desarrolla en NoSQL" |
"En este breve pero intenso curso programaremos una Lista de Tareas haciendo mucho incapie en el backend. Para ello vamos a construir una API RestFul con Node y Express, lo cual nos permitir comunicar nuestro Frontend con el Backend para persistir las tareas creadas en la base de datos.Si sos un desarrollador frontend que quiere ampliar sus conocimientos sumando tecnologas de backend a tus servicios este curso te va a servir muchsimo, ya que a medida que vayas programando a la par conmigo aprenders y aplicaras varios conceptos y tcnicas que te permitieran mejorar desde pequeos a grandes sistemas web.Ademas si estas dando tus primeros pasos con tecnologas como Node, Express o Mongoose, te servir para reforzar conocimientos y afinar la tcnica para dominar este tipo de entornos.En detalle y resumiendo utilizaremos Node y Express para hacer una API REST y poder as crear todas las operaciones CRUD para manipular los documentos de nuestra base de datos NoSQL, osea, MongoDB.Estamos usando las ultimas versiones hasta el momento que te permitir tener una visin actualizada de estas tecnologas, Node 10, Express 4, Mongo 4, Mongoose 5.No quiero hacerte perder el tiempo, edite los videos para hacerlos lo mas breve posible e ir directo al punto que te quiero ensear, sin vueltas para que as te aporten mayor valor en menor tiempo. Ante cualquier duda o te trabas en algn momento del curso, te invito a que te contactes conmigo por esta plataforma para que puedas avanzar.Curso de MongoDB, Tutorial de MongoDB, MongoDb, Mongoose, Express, Expresjs, Node, NodeJs, Javascript. NoSQL, No Relacional, Tutorial en espaol"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking For Absolute Beginners in hindi" |
"Short, concise and straight to the point. This is how this course will guide to into your first hack in next few hours!You want to learn hacking but you don't know where to start? Then this is the course for you. Hacking for Absolute beginners course requires zero experience, zero programming knowledge and zero Linux knowledge.We start with the assumption that you know nothing about hacking, networks or the web. And step by step we will build up your knowledge so you can perform you first hack next few hours!***********************************************The course is divided into Six parts.Part 1 - Introduction To Ethical HackingIntroduction To The CourseWhat we are going to learnSolid Introduction To Ethical Hacking Part 2 - Setting Up Your Hacking EnvironmentHow To Make Kali Linux Bootable USBHow To DualBoot Kali Linux With Windows 7Part 3 - Fix Some Common Errors While Installing Kali LinuxHow To Fix Grub Rescue Error With Kali Bootable USBHow To Fix Grub Rescue Error With Windows Bootable USBHow To Fix Your USB After Installing LinuxPart 4 - Basics of Kali LinuxHow To Install Your First Program in Kali LinuxHow To Install Windows (.exe) Softwares in Kali LinuxLets Make Your Terminal Like a Pro HackerPart 5 - Lets Begin HackingBasic Concept of Password Stealing USBHow To Make a Password Stealing USB PracticalHow To Become Anonymous Using TORHow To Setup TOR Network On Windows Become Invisible On InternetInstall TOR Browser On Kali LinuxFundamentals of Encryption and DecryptionHow To Perform DOS AttackHow To Hack Your Victim PC With Keylogger How To Make Unlimited Facebook Accounts Using Disposable EmailsHow To Trace Location of Any Device Using Kali LinuxWhat is Ransomeware MalwareHow To Hack WPA2 Secure WiFi Password Using Android PhonePart 6 - Parrot Hacking OS Introduction to Parrot OS How To Install Virtual Box For Parrot OS How To Install Parrot OS Virtually Basic Overview of Parrot OSBy the end of the course you will have all required skills to Start Your Carrier As A Ethical Hacker"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Persian Language Learning" |
"This course is created for those students and employees who are in high school, college, university and workplace and have language problems. vocabulary of each sentence and topic is translated according to its sentence and topic.This method is one of the best method and used very less, because the instructor must hard work so much. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Painis administrativos com um NINJA com Laravel Voyager" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender como criar painis administrativos completos utilizando o Laravel Voyager, que uma ferramenta maravilhosa que nos permite desenvolver desde painis simples, at painis complexos com validaes, sistemas de uploads, menus dinmicos, ACL, relaes complexas entre tabelas, entre outros.Com esta ferramenta, voc estar apto desenvolver painis rapidamente e se preocupar apenas com o front-end do site, poupando tempo, linhas de cdigo e aumentando sua produtividade em at 70%. Pare de perder tempo criando inmeros CRUDs para seus sistemas e aprenda como fazer isso sem sofrimento!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fix your T-Spine now!" |
"Immer mehr Menschen haben eine schlechte Haltung. Es gleicht schon fast einer Epidemie. 8 von 10 Menschen haben mittlerweile leichte bis starke Haltungsschden. Zunchst sind es nur funktionelle Einschrnkungen, das heit, dass diese Einschrnkungen leicht zu beheben sind. Je lnger man jedoch unttig ist, desto schlimmer wird das Problem. Auch wenn noch keine sprbaren Symptome vorhanden sind, lohnt es sich regelmig prventiv zu ben, um gar nicht erst Beschwerden zu entwickeln. Sind bereits erste Symptome vorhanden sollte schnellstmglich gehandelt werden. Ist es schon zu einer manifesten Fehlstellung gekommen, sind hchstwahrscheinlich andere Gelenke bzw. der gesamte Krper betroffen.Im Zentrum dieses Videokurses steht die eigenstndige Behandlung der Wirbelsule mit Fokus auf den Abschnitt der oberen Brustwirbelsule. Warum du dich genau auf diesen Bereich fokussieren solltest erfhrst du schon in den ersten Videos.Du lernst zunchst die Ursachen und anatomischen sowie funktionellen Grundlagen kennen. Dieses Basiswissen hilft dir, die bungen aus dem praktischen Teil besser anwenden zu knnen.Der praktische Teil ist unterteilt in Mobilisationsbungen und Krftigungsbungen. Dort zeige ich dir die effektivsten und effizientesten bungen um ganzheitlich deinen Krper zu untersttzen. In den angehngten pdf Dateien bekommst du noch Zusatzinformationen und eine detaillierte Beschreibung, wie, wie oft, wie hufig usw. du die bungen ausfhren solltest.Da der individuelle Lebensstil eine entschiedende Rolle spielt sowohl bei der Entstehung von Haltungsschden als auch bei der Therapie bekommst du noch eine Bonuslektion oben drauf."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction into Adobe After Effects (For beginners)" |
"A SHORT COURSE TO GET YOU STARTED QUICKLY!So maybe youve followed a few After Effects tutorials and you understand the basics of how to use the software. But what if you needed to create something from scratch right now, would you feel confident doing it?This course is quick, easy and will get you started with After Effects immediately!With so many resources and tutorials out there utilising After Effects, its hard to decide which ones are the best to start with. In this short bitesize course, well be going through the most important parts of After Effects and the best ways to use those tools for your projects.Within this course, youll gain the knowledge on how to manipulate keyframes, masks, 3D layers, text animations and more!A bitesize turorial.This course is designed to get you started quickly and easily. We're literally starting from the very beginning and you'll be amazed at how much you will come away with, in such a short space of time.Helping you to become a confident Motion Designer.Its really important to us, that you come away from the course feeling confident! Sometimes after you follow a tutorial, you may still feel dependent on that course to accomplish your specific goals for your project. Thats why weve designed this course so that you will understand HOW to carry out tasks, but more specifically, WHY youre carrying out that task.Not just a software tutorial.Unlike traditional software tutorials, this course has been designed for you specifically in mind. I dont just ask you to follow along. I invite you to build a core understanding of every exercise, by combining theory with practical tasks. There will also be fun quizzes to test your knowledge and to make sure youre truly understanding the process behind motion graphics design.Become a Motion Designer, not a software operator.The goal is for you to come away from this course with confidence in how to use the software but more importantly, confidence in yourself on how to create motion graphics in a more beautiful and functional way.Gain the skills for a professional career in Motion GraphicsThis course will equip you with the software skills, practical knowledge and experience, to apply in your professional career. Whether you wish to go into freelancing, change your profession, or gain promotion in your current role, these set of skills will support your growth tremendously. The need for Motion Graphic Designers is consistently growing, and with the average salaries of motion designers rising consistently, it is a great investment to learn motion design today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maitrisez Final Cut Pro X (2019) et le montage vido" |
"Vouscherchez un logiciel de montage et vous voulezapprendre utiliserce formidable outil ddition vido FCPX 10.4.6 dit par Apple, ou alors tout simplement vous perfectionner. Que vous vouliez monter, apprendre monter, que vous soyez un dbutant ou un monteur au niveau avanc.Que vous recherchiez une mthode dans le montage, ou la gestion des effets, des fcpx plugins, le classement des donnes, le mixage son voire la comprhension et la matrise du puissant outil dtalonnage.Alors cette formation est pour vous!FCPX est un logiciel trs puissant, fun, trs accessible et ultra professionnel. Sous ses allures la cool, il cache en ralit des trsors. Il peut alors sduire le dbutant comme le plus averti et expriment des monteurs. Les Graphistes pourront galement s'essayer au logiciel Motion 5 qui complte FCPX.Aussi ludique que imovie!Ce logiciel est volutif et vous voluerez avec lui de la faon la plus plaisante et amusante qui soit, mais aussi la plus prcise et la plus professionnelle qui soit. Je vous le promets! Mon but dans cette formation surle logiciel FCPX 10.4.6 est de vous rendre autonome. Pour cela nous dfinirons plusieurs objectifs: 1- Vous comprendrez le logiciel dans sa globalit (importation, bibliothque, exportation...). 2 -Vous classerez les vidos en utilisant les mots clefs et les puissantes collections intelligentes. 3- Vous monterez des vidos en utilisant tous les outils du logiciel et vous serez un matre du TRIM. 4- Vous talonnerez vos films qui n'auront plus rien envier Hollywood, et vous deviendrez un expert en colorimtrie. 5- Vous mixerez vos pistes sons comme un pro. 6- Vous serez un expert sur ce logiciel votre tour. Pour ce faire, nous aborderons toutes les fonctionnalits de montage qui servent la plupart des projets, allant de l'importation des mdias l'exportation de squence, en passant par la cration de titre, de gnrique, de sous titres, la retouche audio, la cration d'animations ou l'ajout d'effets et la correction colorimtrique.Le but de ce cours est de vous donner toutes les clefs du logiciel ainsi quune mthodologie forte de mon exprience professionnelle sur le terrain, car je suis ralisateur et monteur de films de fictions et jutilise Final cut pro depuis 15 ans. Jenseigne la version X depuis 5 ans dans des centres spcialiss auprs de professionnels, d'tudiants et de dbutants. Pour ensavoir plus sur le contenu de la formationje vous propose de consulter le plan de cours et les vidos depreview en libre accs.Alorssi vous voulez monter des films avec votre mac, apprendre une mthodologie qui a fait ses preuves, vous amuser, crer, fabriquer, gagner du temps. Etre le monteur que vous rvez. Suivez moi, cest ici, cest maintenant."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"IoT for Absolute Beginners ESP8266 Smart Lamp Project" |
"Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology to interconnect objects using internet basically to share information using sensors and then we can analyze the data using software based tools there by enhancing operational effectiveness or creating intelligent products.If you have ever been excited to develop IoT applications, then this course is for you! This course is based on hand-on approach where you will learn to make DIY (Do-it-yourself) Smart lamp project using ESP8266 IoT chip. ESP8266 is an amazing Wifi enable micro-controller which can be used to prototype our IoT Projects. ESP8266 is quite cheap and very useful for IoT projects due to its ability to connect to internet. ESP8266 now a days form basis of many IoTbased prototypes and projects. Join in to make your first IoTProject."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Do Social Media Marketing for Businesses (Facebook)" |
"In this course you'll gain the ability to completely manage the social media of a local business or your own personal branding business that's managed around getting leads and getting customers.You'll learn step-by-step:The Formula forGetting Leads for ANY Business/Niche despite it being through social media. This is powerful and really uncaps your potential and skill-set, unlocking the confidence for you to produce for any business and even your own business.How To Create The Perfect Ad that has work for me 100%.Ever since I've learned the tactic from a successful 6 figure entrepreneur I started generating leads instantly.The Full Process to Acquiring Sales by getting attention on Facebook, creating the ads, making the perfect copy, generating leads forms, getting signups, and converting them all within the span of 24 hours.And so much more resulting in a greater R.O.I. when you are social media marketing."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
frenchfortravelers |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Seja CRISC: Gesto de riscos para certificao ISACA" |
"CRISC uma das certificaes que mais pagam no mercado! Esse um curso essencial de gesto de riscos, sem enrolao. Contedo cuidadosamente consolidado para ajudar voc a passar no exame. O melhor aproveitamento do seu tempo e o melhor retorno do seu investimento.Voc pode alavancar sua carreira com essa certificao que com certeza ir te diferenciar perante seus concorrentes! Voc pode agregar mais valor para a empresa onde trabalha e realmente fazer a diferena!Esse curso lecionado por um instrutor certificado CRISC:Mais de 15 anos trabalhando com TIMais de 5 anos trabalhando com riscosCRISC e PMPITILv3, CCNA, CCDA, CCNA Wireless, LPI-1, LPI-2Voc deseja passar na certificao e precisa de um treinamento que te ajude no seu papel de especialista em riscos. Este curso preparatrio totalmente baseado no material oficial da ISACA, o CRISC Review Manual 6th Edition e ir te proporcionais mais de 4 horas de contato com um contedo cuidadosamente elaborado para te ajudar a compreender todos os conceitos de gerenciamento de riscos e a passar na prova de certificao!Alm disso inclumos 20 questes para voc praticar para a prova de certificao, atividades prticas com estudos de caso e templates de artefatos de gerenciamento de riscos."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a desarrollar aplicaciones mobiles con matr" |
"El curso bsico est orientado a usuarios que tienen muy pocas nociones tcnicas o nulas, y que es la primera vez que se enfrentan al ecosistema matr.Tiene como fin permitir que el desarrollador puedacrear aplicaciones bsicas, tomar conocimiento de todas las capacidades dellenguaje matr script, y buscar, una vez completado el curso, su exposicin en las pginas amarillas de matr.El curso intermedio tiene como fin permitir que el desarrolladorpueda crear aplicaciones bsicas, tomar conocimiento de todaslas capacidades dellenguaje matr script.Finalizando este curso tendrs la capacidad de desarrollar aplicaciones complejas para dispositivos mviles, y podrs publicarlas en el hub de matr.Tendrs un entendimiento mucho ms profundo del lenguaje matr y descubrirs cmo utilizar el UI Builder para darle estilo a tus aplicaciones.El curso avanzado tiene la finalidad de explicar con extremodetalle los puntos ms complejos dellenguaje matr script.Finalizando este curso sers un programador experto en matr script, podrs crear cualquier tipo de aplicaciones para dispositivos mviles, utilizars Cloud Persistance, servicios y componentes, tambin aprenders a descargar los proyectos y todo lo que necesitas saber para publicar en los Stores."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |