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"Investing for Busybees" |
"My DNA is made up of Trading and Investing.This session is the outcome of my constant endeavour to make people understand the basics of investing. Always, I have noticed that people (students, professionals, businessmen, employees, housewives and retirees) are busy doing something, constantly running and chasing money. Honestly, that does not work. Anyone would love to attain financial freedom at their earliest part of life often ends up with messing and missing to secure their future financially.This session ensures the so called Busybees to learn, relearn, recollect and refresh on how to handle investments and why invest in the first place. Hence, the title Investing for Busybees. Though one might know most of the topics discussed here, there are high chances that you would learn something new everytime. Update yourselves!Go ahead, create abundance and secure your financial future. All the best!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 - BASE" |
"Il corso di Excel BASE strutturato in 6 lezioni della durata media di 30 minuti.All'interno di questo corso potrete imparare a:Conoscete la struttura di ExcelIl contenuto dettagliato delle barre multifunzioneCome modificare le righe e colonneInserire le prime formuleEsempi pratici su l'utilizzo delle formulaSOMMAMEDIACONTA NUMERIMINIMOMASSIMOCome creare un GRAFICOCome creare un TABELLAInserire forme e immagini in un foglioAprire, salvare e stampare un nuovo documentoAvrete poi a disposizione un GRUPPO RISERVATO su FACEBOOK, per porre tutte le domande che vorrai."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Mzakere Becerileri" |
"Pratik ve hemen kullanlabilecek becerileri ieren mzakere becerileri eitimi sayesinde daha krl ve iki tarafnda memnun kalaca grmeler gerekletirebileceksiniz. Her blmde farkl bir konu ilenecek ve ilenen bu konular sonras rendiklerinizi uygulamanz tavsiye edilecektir. Eitim sonunda ksa bir snav yardmyla da rendiklerinizi snayabilecek ve zorlandnz konulara geri dnp tekrardan aktarlanlar deerlendirme frsatnz da olacaktr. Bu eitim program kapsamnda ele alnan yaklamlar birok baarl mzakerecinin bavurduklar teknikleri, becerileri ve davranlar kapsamaktadr. Eitim de teoriyle birlikte bol bol pratik ve gerek yaamdan rnekler de bulabileceksiniz. ayet, finans sektrnde (banka, sigorta, faktring, vs) alyorsanz bir kat daha fayda elde edeceksiniz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Sucesso na Empresa Familiar" |
"Um curso 100% online, com mdulos completos e profissionais altamente capacitados que vo apresentar mtodos na prtica para garantir sucesso na gesto de empresas familiares. A falta de preparo, tanto dos colaboradores quanto das pessoas da famlia na empresa familiar, muito grande. O principal motivo, geralmente, por a empresa familiar ter sido constituda por uma gerao que ainda acredita muito na informalidade, em burlar o fisco, que o mais importante conhecer a expertise do negcio e no a gesto. Dessa maneira no consegue ser competitiva para observar os concorrentes, o mercado e as tendncias. muito comum na empresa familiar as pessoas ficarem restritas aos problemas, serem solucionadoras de problemas, apenas olhando para o prprio umbigo e esquecendo de olhar em volta e o direcionamento estratgico costuma ser o bsico do bsico.O que voc alcanar ou ser capaz de fazer depois que fizer esse curso?Os alunos que assistirem esse curso estaro aptos para orientar cada ao e projeto necessrio para criar um planejamento de sucesso na empresa familiar. Uma viso global de todos os passos pelos quais so imprescindveis que uma empresa familiar passe para criar um ambiente de resultado.Habilidades que voc aprender:Saber identificar, interpretar, planejar e resolver as principais causas de problemas na gesto da empresa familiar. Como usar e potencializar os benefcios de uma empresa com gesto e controle familiar. 8 Passos da sucesso: PROPRIEDADE / PRINCPIOS / PODER / PROPSITO / PAPIS / PESSOAS / PRTICAS / PERPETUIDADE (como utilizar cada um desses passos na gesto e sucesso e criar resultados efetivos dentro da empresa e tambm entre a famlia). O que essencialmente ensinado nesse curso?Todas as ferramentas que eu tive a experincia de aplicar em milhares de empresas familiares em todos os meus anos de consultoria focada em preparar a empresa para um ambiente de gesto sem conflitos, estruturada para a sucesso correta da gesto e o compartilhamento de ideias entre as pessoas da famlia que muitas vezes conflituosa. o caminho essencial para toda empresa familiar que deseja ter um mnimo de gesto e profissionalizao para alcanar um nvel alto de sucesso e resultado, focada em manter as pessoas da famlia presentes e comprometidas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Planejamento e Orientao de Resultado na Empresa Familiar" |
"Um curso 100% online, com mdulos completos e profissionais altamente capacitados que vo apresentar mtodos na prtica para garantir sucesso na gesto de empresas familiares.O que voc alcanar ou ser capaz de fazer depois que fizer esse curso?Os alunos que fizerem esse curso estaro aptos para criar um planejamento estratgico efetivo e focado nos princpios e legados que vo transformar a gesto da sua empresa familiar. Tero em suas mos a estrutura essencial para gerar resultados, alinhar metas, criar objetivos, melhorar a comunicao, melhorar o ambiente de trabalho e direcionar as pessoas da famlia e tambm as que no fazem parte da famlia em prol da empresa. Habilidades que voc aprender:Ferramentas prticas para utilizar na modelagem da gesto do negcio familiar, criando uma cultura focada nos resultados e no nos conflitos e problemas da empresa. De forma simples e prtica todas as aes e ferramentas que so utilizadas na formatao de uma nova estratgia no negcio da empresa familiar. O que essencialmente ensinado nesse curso?Esse mdulo o detalhamento de um dos passos essenciais para a gesto da empresa familiar, toda empresa familiar precisa antes de mais nada criar uma viso nica seja de pai e filho, entre irmos, marido e mulher.... E a nica maneira de isso sair do papel e do mundo das ideias planejando de forma eficaz e contundente. Nesse mdulo eu coloco toda a experincia de milhares de empresas familiares atendidas ao longo dos anos, entendendo exatamente quais so as frmulas para que um planejamento do negcio familiar seja de sucesso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Conselho, Comits e Definio de Poderes em Empresa Familiar" |
"Um curso 100% online, commdulos completose profissionais altamente capacitados que vo apresentar mtodos na prtica paragarantir sucesso na gesto de empresas familiares. O que voc alcanar ou ser capaz de fazer depois que fizer esse curso?Os alunos que fizerem esse curso estaro aptos a compreender, analisar, criar e desenvolver um sistema de governana na empresa familiar. Habilidades que voc aprender:De forma prtica e intuitiva, baseada nas experincias de anos em empresas familiares, o aluno ter em suas mos a forma mais prtica de criar toda a estrutura e arquitetura organizacional atravs de conselhos, comits e saber como definir e dividir poderes dentro da empresa familiar. O que essencialmente ensinado nesse curso?Esse mdulo um material focado e essencial para as pessoas que desejam entender quais as ferramentas e habilidades so necessrias para a criao de uma gesto integrada e sem conflitos. Uma das maiores funcionalidades e resultados da governana na empresa familiar a gesto da responsabilidade entre familiares, diminuio dos conflitos, compartilhamento da gesto e foco no resultado de longo prazo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Negcios em Famlia" |
"Um curso 100% online, com mdulos completos e profissionais altamente capacitados que vo apresentar mtodos na prtica para garantir sucesso na gesto de empresas familiares.A falta de preparo, tanto dos colaboradores quanto das pessoas da famlia na empresa familiar, muito grande. O principal motivo, geralmente, por a empresa familiar ter sido constituda por uma gerao que ainda acredita muito na informalidade, em burlar o fisco, que o mais importante conhecer a expertise do negcio e no a gesto. Dessa maneira no consegue ser competitiva para observar os concorrentes, o mercado e as tendncias. muito comum na empresa familiar as pessoas ficarem restritas aos problemas, serem solucionadoras de problemas, apenas olhando para o prprio umbigo e esquecendo de olhar em volta e o direcionamento estratgico costuma ser o bsico do bsico.O que voc alcanar ou ser capaz de fazer depois que fizer esse curso?Os alunos que assistirem esse curso estaro aptos para orientar cada ao e projeto necessrio para criar um planejamento de sucesso na empresa familiar. Uma viso global de todos os passos pelos quais so imprescindveis que uma empresa familiar passe para criar um ambiente de resultado.Habilidades que voc aprender:Ferramentas prticas para utilizar na modelagem da gesto do negcio familiar, criando uma cultura focada nos resultados e no nos conflitos e problemas da empresa. De forma simples e prtica todas as aes e ferramentas que so utilizadas na formatao de uma nova estratgia no negcio da empresa familiar. O que essencialmente ensinado nesse curso?Esse mdulo o detalhamento de um dos passos essenciais para a gesto da empresa familiar, toda empresa familiar precisa antes de mais nada criar uma viso nica seja de pai e filho, entre irmos, marido e mulher.... E a nica maneira de isso sair do papel e do mundo das ideias planejando de forma eficaz e contundente. Nesse mdulo eu coloco toda a experincia de milhares de empresas familiares atendidas ao longo dos anos, entendendo exatamente quais so as frmulas para que um planejamento do negcio familiar seja de sucesso."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Resoluo de Conflitos na Empresa Familiar" |
"Um curso 100% online, commdulos completose profissionais altamente capacitados que vo apresentar mtodos na prtica paragarantir sucesso na gesto de empresas familiares. O que voc alcanar ou ser capaz de fazer depois que fizer esse curso?Os alunos que fizerem esse curso estaro habilitados com ferramentas prticas e resolutivas para eliminar o conflito na gesto da empresa familiar. Habilidades que voc aprender:Ferramentas de coaching e gesto aplicadas durante anos na gesto de conflitos em empresas familiares sero ensinadas neste curso. O aluno ter capacidade de reconhecer as causas do conflito, a estruturao do ambiente para melhoria do clima organizacional e ferramentas para resoluo do conflito interno. O que essencialmente ensinado nesse curso?Esse mdulo foi construdo atravs de anos de atuao em empresas familiares como consultor e conselheiro e nele esto todas as experincias de resoluo de conflito na gesto da empresa familiar. Conflitos tanto entre familiares como tambm entre famlia e funcionrios. Os alunos encontraro nele ferramentas e prticas para usar e eliminar o conflito na gesto da empresa familiar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Liderana na Empresa Familiar" |
"Um curso 100% online, commdulos completose profissionais altamente capacitados que vo apresentar mtodos na prtica paragarantir sucesso na gesto de empresas familiares. O que voc alcanar ou ser capaz de fazer depois que fizer esse curso?Os alunos que fizerem esse curso estaro habilitados com ferramentas prticas e resolutivas para gerenciar equipes, estabelecer a liderana produtiva e nutritiva, criar uma cultura organizacional de resultado. Habilidades que voc aprender:Ferramentas de leader coach e gesto de equipes de resultado aplicadas na gesto de empresas familiares. Atravs de prticas e experincias vividas em milhares de empresas familiares o aluno ter acesso ao mais alto nvel de liderana. O que essencialmente ensinado nesse curso?Esse mdulo foi construdo atravs de anos de atuao em empresas familiares como consultor e conselheiro e nele esto todas as experincias de lideranas e gesto de pessoas aplicadas de forma prtica e construtiva. Como executivo de grandes empresas, consultor e mentor de empresas pude adquirir experincia necessria para desenvolver pessoas e criar um ambiente de relacionamento capaz de gerar resultado. Em essncia o que esse curso oferece, ferramentas prticas para quem busca ser um lder diferenciado e que consiga extrair o mximo de sua equipe e empresa."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"A New Mindset, Change Your thinking an Change Your Life" |
"My hope is that all who read this will be open to receive my message lovingly, with grace and ease. For some time, I like many of you, have witnessed a lack of respect for one another and an entitlement mind-set that is growing in our world. I am sure many of you have observed that manners, morals, integrity, and respectalong with core valuesare missing in our current society and that there is a mind-set that this behavior is acceptable. Our need for instant gratification and the hunger to make money and gain status has overridden saying and doing what is properat the expense of our own society and each other. This behavior has created quite a bit of havoc in our world, and it is not okay! The act of common courtesy has nearly slipped away, not to mention respect for other human beings. There is a mind-set that you can do whatever you want whenever you want with no rules applied. Consider the number of shootings in the world today. This behavior is completely out of control with no solution in sight. Unfortunately, this behavior ends up on television and social media with no censorship applied. Many of our information sources use the shock effect to raise their ratings and to bring in more revenue. The hype is what entices us to tune in, and ratings soar. As a result, the medias revenue increases, and the destruction of our civilized society continues. We need to change todays mind-set and concentrate on projecting a positive example for ourselves and our children. A good example is the scary movies of today. They arent scary, they are twisted, sick, and dark! What happened to using our imaginations to create interesting and intriguing shows that dont have naked people, foul language, and gruesome and grotesque scenes! Many of us grew up watching Halloween and The Shining. These movies were scary yet had a story line that kept you on the edge of your seat. Music, television, movies, and computer games and YouTube videos are shaping the youth of today. Life lessons about the importance of honesty, respect, kindness, love, and integrity should be integrated into our schools and in all forms of our media. This way, not just our youth, but all of us, will be exposed to the importance of these core values in our own lives. It is important to understand why these principles work. When we are not respectful of each other, we are not a strong, happy, prosperous people. The anything goes obnoxious behavior has gotten completely out of control! There are now several generations of men and woman with this mind-set. A belief that they will get what they are after at any cost. Values and morals have been tossed to the side by many. There has become a mind-set that says, I deserve the best because Im special. They have an entitlement mind-set. Some people have the mind-set that they are owed. Its up to us to make a change. There are few people in todays world willing to stand up for old-fashioned morals and values; the simple rules that make us a civilized people are vanishing quickly. We as a people have gone too far and have accepted the anything goes attitude. The negative thoughts and actions of people are outweighing the good. If you feel this way too, please help guide others in the proper direction. We all have a choice. We can go about our life and not share our knowledge from lessons we have learned, or we can all help each other with what we know. No judgment, no arrogance, just pure love of helping another person along lifes journey. When you help others, a sense of joy will come over you and elevate your soul. However, on the other side of the spectrum, there are many of us who do have integrity and hold morals, values, and respect close to our hearts. The world is filled with many hardworking people with backbone who remember where they came from and remain kind and giving people. We are the ones who will teach others these core principles that make us come together as a people. We cannot leave it up to somebody else. Today its time to make a change. You have the power to contribute to the change. If we can change the mind-set of just one person, we have made a difference."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Breaking In : the yachting industry" |
"In this course Ill give you the very basic necessities and teachings of industry standard professionalism, tact and efficiency.Youll learn how to revamp your resume, self presentation,give impeccable service, dress, set a formal dinner table, napkin folds, boat etiquette (in terms of cabin sharing), some boating terminology and of course, most importantly, how to find a job!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Google App Maker Part 1 of 5" |
"In this course, you will learn how you can effectively use Google App Maker to build simple web applications. App Maker is Googles low code rapid application development platform designed for businesses and is part of the G Suite. Unlike traditional development that is very expensive, takes months to complete a project and requires highly skilled programmers, App Maker helps you to go from concept to working application in only a few days. This new technology makes it easy for anyone to quickly learn to build apps for their business, no programming experience required."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Google App Maker Part 2 of 5" |
"In the Introduction to Google App Maker courses, you will learn how you can effectively use Google App Maker to build simple web applications. App Maker is Googles low code rapid application development platform designed for businesses and is part of the G Suite. Unlike traditional development that is very expensive, takes months to complete a project and requires highly skilled programmers, App Maker helps you to go from concept to working application in only a few days. This new technology makes it easy for anyone to quickly learn to build apps for their business, no programming experience required. This course introduces Pages and Layouts."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Google App Maker Part 3 of 5" |
"In the Introduction to Google App Maker courses, you will learn how you can effectively use Google App Maker to build simple web applications. App Maker is Googles low code rapid application development platform designed for businesses and is part of the G Suite. Unlike traditional development that is very expensive, takes months to complete a project and requires highly skilled programmers, App Maker helps you to go from concept to working application in only a few days. This new technology makes it easy for anyone to quickly learn to build apps for their business, no programming experience required. This course introduces Data Models."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Google App Maker Part 4 of 5" |
"In the Introduction to Google App Maker courses, you will learn how you can effectively use Google App Maker to build simple web applications. App Maker is Googles low code rapid application development platform designed for businesses and is part of the G Suite. Unlike traditional development that is very expensive, takes months to complete a project and requires highly skilled programmers, App Maker helps you to go from concept to working application in only a few days. This new technology makes it easy for anyone to quickly learn to build apps for their business, no programming experience required. This course walks you through Building an App."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Google App Maker Part 5 of 5" |
"In the Introduction to Google App Maker course, you will learn how you can effectively use Google App Maker to build simple web applications. App Maker is Googles low code rapid application development platform designed for businesses and is part of the G Suite. Unlike traditional development that is very expensive, takes months to complete a project and requires highly skilled programmers, App Maker helps you to go from concept to working application in only a few days. This new technology makes it easy for anyone to quickly learn to build apps for their business, no programming experience required. This course introduces Scripts and Deployments."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint Flat Character Design-In PowerPoint 2016" |
"ThisComplete Awesome (gamificacion) PowerPoint Flat Character Design in PowerPoint 2016 will obviously improve your PowerPointPresentation Skills (presentaciones ) to another level. This course just beginning of my PowerPoint Flat Character Design in PowerPoint 2016. I'm trying to give better continuously.This course is mainly for Minimising the text quantity on presentations by using PowerPoint Flat Character. If you want to show your Breathtaking presentations skills on your work, then start mingle with PowerPoint flat character designs. You do not require any other expensive graphic design software's like adobe Photoshop or adobe illustrator or CorelDRAW for creating Breathtaking Flat Character Designs.This course absolutely will match for beginners & all level people. Just need passion to learn the things. I hope this course will give you the confidence to all people to create creative flat characters in PowerPoint.Do you know we CAN CREATE FLAT CHARACTERSDo you want to learn how to create FLAT CHARACTERS in PowerPoint 2016?Do you want toIMPROVE YOUR PRESENTATIONS SKILLS with working in PowerPoint?Do you know how to create FLAT DESIGNS in PowerPoint 2016 for your presentations?Learn how to use size, color, shape, and position of your elements to create contrast and make your point crystal clearRapidly improve your workflow and design skillsBecome one of the top PowerPoint users with graphic design knowledge in your teamFeel more confident when delivering presentations at the conferenceMake an impression at work and achieve your professional goals with stunning character design & Infographics.Music Used for this Video Tutorial: Music Credits,Track: Raven & Kreyn - Biscuit [NCS Release]Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python WebDjangoWeb" |
"Python WebPythonPython WebFlaskDjangoDjangoPython Web1.Web2.Django3.4.5.6.Django7.8.URL9.10.11.12.HttpRequest13.HttpResponse14.Cookie15.Session16."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Python WebFlaskWeb" |
"Python WebPythonPython WebFlaskDjangoFlaskPythonWeb1.Web2.Flask3.4.Flask5.6.Jinja27.8.Request9.Response10.Cookies11.Session12."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
JavaScript |
"WebWebJava WebPython WebPHP.NET WebJavaScript1.JavaScript2."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Python |
"cocos2d-pythonPython cocos2d-python1 Cocos2d1.1 1.2 Cocos2d1.3 Cocos2d1.4 Cocos2d2 Cocos2d2.1 Cocos2d2.2 2.3 2.4 Cocos2d2.5 3 3.1 3.2 4 4.1 4.2 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 6.2 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Zippo9 9.1 9.2 9.3 1 2 13 2Loading4 3Home5 46 57 68 7"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Python GUIwxPython" |
"Graphical User Interface GUIPythonPythonwxPythonwxPython1 Python2 wxPython3 wxPython3.1 wxPython3.2 wxPython3.3 wxPython4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 5.1 Box5.2 StaticBox5.3 Grid5.4 FlexGrid6 wxPython6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 9"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Python20Python |
"Python:Pythonre1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 re5.1 search()match()5.2 findall()finditer()5.3 5.4 6 6.1 6.2"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Kotlin1Kotlin |
"KotlinKotlin1 1.1 Kotlin 1.1.1 Kotlin 1.1.2 Kotlin 1.2 Kotlin 1.3 KotlinJava 1.3.1 Java 1.3.2 Kotlin 1.4 2 2.1 JDK 2.1.1 JDK 2.1.2 2.2 IntelliJ IDEA 2.3 Eclipse 2.3.1 Eclipse 2.3.2 Kotlin 2.4 Kotlin 2.4.1 Kotlin 2.4.2 Kotlin 2.5 2.5.1 Sublime TextKotlin 2.5.2 Sublime TextKotlin3 Kotlin 3.1 REPL 3.2 IntelliJ IDEA 3.2.1 3.2.2 Kotlin 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.3 IntelliJ IDEA+Gradle 3.4 Eclipse+Kotlin 3.4.1 3.4.2 Kotlin 3.4.3 3.5 +Kotlin 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.6 4 Kotlin 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 varval 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 5 Kotlin 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.5 6 6.1 Java 6.2 Kotlin 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 ?. 6.4.3 !! 6.4.4 Elvis?:7 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.2 7.2.1 String 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 7.3 7.3.1 StringBuilder 7.3.2 7.4 7.4.1 Regex 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.4.5 8 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9 9.1 if 9.1.1 if 9.1.2 if 9.2 when 9.2.1 when 9.2.2 when 9.3 9.3.1 while 9.3.2 do-while 9.3.3 for 9.4 9.4.1 break 9.4.2 continue 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 in!in10 10.1 10.2 10.2.1 Unit 10.2.2 Nothing 10.3 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.4 10.5 10.6"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to Build a Tailored Resume!" |
"Hello! Thank you for your interest in this course. Over the past several years as a business professional and MBA student I have created, reviewed, read and had my own resume critiqued many times! This lead to friends, family, coworkers and classmates coming to me for advice on how to improve their resumes and prepare for interviews. I realized a few things (1) creating resumes can be very intimating (2) I started to see success with those I was helping - landing interviews and jobs (3) I really enjoyed the process of helping people!With that said - I wanted to create a guide to help serve as an active process to get you started on a new resume or help you improve an old one. This course will NOT be focused on how to create a resume (i.e what options to click in Microsoft word), but it will be focused on the WHATis in your resume. Our focus will be creating strong bullet points that find areas of alignment between you and the company/job.We will do this by reviewing the following: Resume Basics & Formatting Tips Steps to improve your bullet points Activities to tailor your resume Tips & Tricks After completing this workshop, you should feel confident in how to create a resume that is relevant for your career focus and role you are applying for. As a caveat, you should recognize everyone will have a different opinion about your resume. It's important for you to be an educated consumer and know there is no perfect trick to creating a resume, but an ongoing process with lots of varying opinions. With that said, this course will give you solid takeaways and tools to help you create a great resume, because although there may not be a perfect resume, there are certainly ""bad"" ones."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to create Dance Fitness routines that FILL your classes." |
"This is a short, yet EFFECTIVE, course that teaches you how to create an ARSENAL of dance fitness routines. The ""SOSO DEF"" formula, created by Rodney Bacho, is an easy to follow formula breaking down the NECESSARY components of creating dance fitness choreography. Through this formula, you can put your own STYLE and CREATIVITY into your MASTERPIECE! This course will also touch on the fundamentals of Hip Hop moves. Hip Hop is a culture and has trademark dance styles, so why wouldn't you use them? You will learn these dance styles so that you can implement them in the creation of your dance fitness routines. Rodney Bacho has been a dance fitness instructor for over a decade! Participating in multiple big events, masterclasses and is the CEO of an online dance fitness platform, Rodney has the proven track record and skills to turbo charge your dance fitness potential!No need for wasting an ENTIRE DAY learning someone else's platformNo OVERPRICED courseNo more lame cookie cutter routinesApply this formula over and overUnlock YOUR CREATIVITY and UNIQUE STYLE in YOUR routine"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Management skills for a successful business" |
"Hello everyone !I'd like to share with an online course which is : MANAGEMENT SKILLS FOR A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSas well as doing the job,people spend years working with other people also doing the job of management .Training them,coaching them ,mentoring them .that's a lot of experience to dip into .So,i want you to prepare to make your management life easier.I want you to experience the thrill of knowing you manage your team well.And i want you to have a reputation as the sort manager that people imitate.The Management skills that experts and top professionals useThis course include how to : -Build a goal-oriented team -Successfully manage people and projects-Set clear goals and give quality feedback-Get things done on time and to budget-Deal with difficult situations"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Top Best known Moroccan dishes cooking classes" |
"The course is about the top Moroccan cuisine dishes cooking classes and i consits of an overall introduction plus four dishes recipes that are simple and easy to made at home and one of them (tajine) in picnics as well the aim of this course to make the Moroccan cuisine -as one of the most powerful and diverse around the world - handy to every one As a Moroccan citizen,i'm happy to share with you part of my culture as well as identity Enjoy to the max!!!!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python & Introduction to Data Science" |
"Python is the most important language in the field of data, and its libraries for analysis and modeling are the most relevant tools to use.In this course we will start building the basics of Python and then going to deepen the fundamental libraries like Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.The four main features of this course are:1. Clear and simplified language, suitable for everyone2. Practical and efficient3. Examples, illustrations and demonstrations with relative explanations4. Continuous updating of contents and exercises"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |