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"Kurs WordPress ZEROdoPRO / Strona.Blog.Sklep Krok po Kroku" |
"Jak wyglda ten Kurs WordPress i czego si nauczysz?Kurs jest podzielony w poszczeglne moduy, a kady modu w poszczeglne lekcje. Te lekcje przekazuj Tobie w formie Video, np. stojc/siedzc w moim biurze przed kamer i przedstawiajc, czy tumaczc Ci konkretny temat.Wiksza cz kursu jest w formie Video-Tutoriali, to znaczy ogldasz nagranie mojego monitora na ktrym pokazuj i tumacz Ci po kolej i szczegowo pojedyncze kroki budowania i tworzenia strony internetowej. Na Twoich oczach buduj Krok po Kroku Bloga/Stron.Ty w tym samym czasie, pauzujc na przykad co jaki czas video, rwnolegle budujesz Swoj stron.W ten sposb nauczysz si i wsplnie ze mn Krok po Kroku, zaoysz wasnego Bloga. Samodzielnie zbudujesz wasn Stron, jak chcesz stworzysz Sklep Internetowy, bez umiejtnoci kodowania i bdziesz umiaa/umia ni zarzdza i dalej rozbudowywa.86 Video-Tutoriali/Lekcjizgrupowanych w 6 moduw + modu Q&Acznie ponad 12 godzin materiau1. MODU Podstawy (Instalacja WordPress, Panel admin., Konfiguracja )2. MODU Krok po Kroku (Budujemy Bloga/Stron)3. MODU Wygld (Motywy, Zdjcia/Grafiki, Video, Facebook )4. MODU Tre (Tematyka, Warto dodana )5. MODU Dodatki (Newsletter/Lista Mailingowa, SEO, Statystyki )6. MODU Sklep internetowy (Produkty, Patnoci, Wysyki )X. MODU Aktualizacje, Q&A (WP 5., Edytor Gutenberg ) absolutnie wszystko czego potrzebujesz aby zbudowa Swoj wasn Stron Internetow."
Price: 594.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan PHP ile Ynetim Panelli Web Sitesi Yapmay renin" |
"Sfrdan veya temel PHP bilgisine sahip olup, ynetilebilir ve profesyonel web siteleri gelitirmek iin hzl bir destee mi ihtiyacnz var?Bu eitim seti sayesinde en ksa srede PHP (PDO) & MySQL teknolojilerini kullanarak ynetim paneli olan profesyonel web siteleri gelitirebilecek, web tasarmlarn kolayca dzenleyebileceksiniz.Yazlm ister hobi olarak, ister kariyer olarak renmek istiyorsanz, PHP sizin iin iyi bir balang dili olacaktr. Bu kurs ile aldnz bilgileri hayal gcnz ile birletirerek hedeflerinize kolayca ulama ansnz olacak. Kursun son blmnde sfrdan ynetim paneliyle birlikte kodladmz Blog web sitesi sizin iin gzel bir yardmc kaynak olacak ve daha nce hi site gelitirmediyseniz bu eitim seti sayesinde ilk web sitenizi am olacaksnz.PHP'ye hakim olacak, ksa srede web siteleri kodlamay reneceksiniz.Mobil uyumlu (responsive) web tasarmlar ve bunlarn dzenlemesi hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Ynetim paneli (CMS) ile sitenin arayz nasl balanr, site daha hzl nasl alr, hack (saldr) giriimlerine kar nasl gvenlik nlemleri alnr, Google'de nasl st sralara kolayca kabiliriz (SEO) gibi detayl bilgileri renmi olacaksnz.Site sunucuya (hosting) nasl alnr, cPanel nedir, nasl kullanlr gibi sorulara cevap bulacaksnz.PHP (PDO) ile yazlma hzl bir adm atabilir, MySQL ile veritaban ynetimi salayabilir; HTML+CSS+Javascript ve Bootstrap ile temalar hzla dzenleyebilir; etkileimli - ynetim panelli web siteleri oluturabilirsiniz.Not: Bu kursun amac ""EN HIZLI EKLDE"" ve ""EN KISA YOLDAN"" sizlere internet siteleri aabilmenizi retmeyi amalamaktadr. Bu ama dorultusunda, srasyla blmlere ayrlm 12 saatten fazla HD ders videolar birletirilmitir. Yeni dersler eklenmeye devam etmekte olup, mr boyu kullanma aktr!"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"(GUIDE) Comment crer un ebook rentable de A Z avec 0" |
"Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre crer un ebook rentable qui va immdiatement vous rapporter de l'argent et qui sera un vritable revenu passif, c'est--dire qu'il vous rapportera de l'argent toute votre vie ! Avec mes diffrentes techniques, vous serez capable ""d'crire"" un livre par semaine. Attention, je mets le mot ""crire"" entre guillemets puisque dans cette formation, je vais te dvoiler le SECRET pour t'apprendre crer des ebooks sans crire un seul mot !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"(GUIDE COMPLET) Comment transformer ses rves en ralit" |
"Ce cours est fait pour toutes les personnes qui souhaitent transformer leur vie. Si vous voulez arrter de rver votre vie et commencer vivre la vie de vos rves, vous tes au bon endroit car je vais vous apprendre les techniques pour atteindre TOUSvos rves. Alors, qu'est-ce que vous attendez pour rejoindre cette formation?Faites partie des personnes qui se bougent et qui vivent la vie qu'elles mritent !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"(GUIDE) Les 10 secrets des gens qui ont confiance en eux" |
"Ce cours est fait pour vous si vous faites partie des personnes qui souhaitent transformer leur vie. Si vous tes dsireux de dvelopper votre confiance en vous pour atteindre TOUSvos objectifs alors vous tes au bon endroit.Alors, qu'est-ce que vous attendez pour rejoindre cette formation?Votre nouvelle vie n'attend plus que vous."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Cloud Computing - Part 1- A Beginners guide" |
"Many Organizations across the world are adopting Cloud as part of their Enterprise Journey.With Cloud becoming mainstream across Enterprises, its extremely important to get the basics of Cloud right before undertaking such a journey. This course provides a basic premise and overview of what Cloud Computing is. This course is meant for beginners who are stepping into the journey of adopting or learning Cloud."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design your Journey for Change- Survive uncertainty & Thrive" |
"This is a course for those who are planning or going through a change or life transition. The intention is to help you develop the right mindset for any change and to give you tools for the creation of a strategic plan to be implemented within one year. The Mission of this Course is to give you basic and practical information for you to start designing the life you want and take it to the next level where not only you will survive but also you will thrive in alignment with your heartfelt dreams. THIS WEBINAR IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN:a) Principles of Neuroscience to help you attract what you want in lifeb) High Performance Habits related to change and life transformationc) Tools such as EFT and Meditation to improve your drive and clarityd) How to develop a Strategic Plan to help you implement your goals.AT THE END OF THIS WEBINAR YOU WILL BE ABLE:1) ToIDENTIFY blocks and old patterns that no longer benefit you2) To LEARN practices and tools to increase CLARITY, to create a change inMINDSET and to develop HIGH PERFORMANCE HABITS3) To CREATE a STRATEGIC PLAN to implement your heartfelt goals in a way your lifemoves to where you want to go."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Build A Website On WordPress Using SEO 2018" |
"In this course, you will learn how to build a WordPress Website using SEO. Throughout the video, I shy away from using tech terms like SEO and concentrate on getting the website built for beginners. Even though this website is SEO completely. The lectures are sorely for someone who are not tech savvy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Stress Management Tools to Trigger Happiness" |
"At long last, it's finally here! A mental health workshop that gives you all the basic tools you need to successfully get you through those long, stressful days.Do you ever feel overwhelmed, frustrated and unhappy with just about everything?Do you sometimes feel mentally exhausted and want to completely shut down?You're not alone...Welcome to Trigger Happi, your guide to navigate you through those stressful moments in your life and transform them into happiness. This workshop will give you the necessary tools to find the emotional balance in your life. In addition, you'll learn to tap into the core of your stress which will provide you with longer lasting relief and resolution. You'll learn to become more productive, instead of feeling stuck focusing on your stress.What makes this workshop unique?It's short - Your time is valuable, thus this workshop is designed to be brief yet effective.It's easy - The videos are engaging and use everyday examples with conversational language.It's visual - We absorb information better when we can actively see what we're learning.There's action steps - You'll get loads of tools you can use daily that are practical and effective. The step-by-step tools can be hacked to your liking and personal style."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your Mental Health and Productivity" |
"Are you tired of having the same old arguments over and over again?Do you find yourself taken for granted and a push-over for others?Do people call you overly-sensitive and do you find it difficult to manage your emotions without hurting others?Welcome to the Trigger Happi workshop to overcome all this using fundamental tools that's easy to use for everybody. Create boundaries to establish a sense of self and identity. Reframe disagreements and defuse any argument in 3 simple steps. Create healthier dialogue and improve your relationships through simple and effective skills. Promote self-awareness to improve your coping skills for a healthier balance between your emotions and mental health.Why take this workshop?It's short! Your time is valuable and I give you ONLY the information that is useful and applicable so you can get started on solutions right away.There's action steps - I believe change happens only when there's action steps. I provide you with tools that can be applied immediately.It's easy - My workshops are designed for everyone and my approach is teaching through everyday lived experiences that's relatable to everyone."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Heal Your Life from Childhood Abuse and Trauma" |
"According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 4 adults worldwide were physically abused as children. In the USalone, around 6 million kids are abused annually which results in a report of child abuse every 10 seconds.Whether physical, sexual, emotional or verbal, the experiences have long term effects that we painfully go through as adults. It is often times the root source of many of our daily struggles and can affect us unknowingly in how we conduct ourselves in our relationships, with our family members, people at work and with friends. We often feel ashamed to talk about our past, but until we do so in a healthy manner, our struggles will continue throughout our lifetime and likely get passed on for generations.Childhood abuse can have lifelong effects such as: Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Fear, Low self-esteem and Loneliness.Many people who experienced abuse as children, are unaware of the impact it can have on us as adults. This introductory workshop will provide you with:Validation of your personal experiences with abuse.Tools you can use to begin to undo the effects.Insight to your current behaviors and how you can change them.In-depth lectures on how the abuse affected your belief system.Why take this workshop?It's short! Your time is valuable and I want to make sure you get all the basic information needed to get you started in your healing journey.My workshop is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about childhood abuse and the effects. My approach is by teaching through everyday lived experiences that you can relate to.Taking the first step in acknowledging your past can be painful. I designed this workshop with a casual yet gentle approach to make sure you can hear the messages without feeling discomfort.Anyone who has experienced abuse as a child deserves to be heard. Your experiences are real and you're not alone. Millions of adults (including myself) can relate with their own personal experiences. I understand how difficult it can be to address the past, and I also believe you deserve to unload the weight of your experiences so you can lead a more enriched life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Win US Federal Government Contracts" |
"""Finally, an actual strategy for winning government contracts...Not just terminology, facts, and figures""From the ages of 26-29, I won 32 US Federal Government contracts worth over $15M. I did this with no prior experience and with very minimal guidance working for a woman-owned small business.At the time, I wish I had a course or some way of learning how to sell to the government. Everything online is so confusing (like alphabet soup), and learning to do business with the US government is like learning another language.Once you learn the language and the terminology, what about an actual strategy to win contracts? I have yet to find anyone teaching an actual step-by-step strategy to win contracts.I decided to evaluate everything I learned, and boil it down to the most important elements that anyone can easily learn and apply to actually win government contracts. What came from that process resulted in the outline for this course.In this course, you will learn the strategic steps that I took to win U.S Federal Government Contracts. Any small business owner, regardless of socio-economic status, can apply these steps and formulate their own strategy to begin winning government contracts.This course includes 6 Sections, 27 lectures, 6 quizzes, 13 Word Doc Downloads, and over an hour of premium content.In this course you will learn:How to identify agencies that actually buy what your company sellsThe right way to market to these agenciesAll of the key persons that you must develop relationships with at your target agenciesHow to respond to government market research and RFP bidsLong-term strategies for continuing to win government contractsCommon distractions to limit or stay away from"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Vocal Variety 101: Enhancing Your Vocal Techniques" |
"The human voice is a very powerful tool which can alter one's mindset. It can totally change the meaning of a sentence. It can either charm or harm your listeners.Find out how we can make full use of our voice in storytelling or public speaking through Vocal Variety.This class focuses on the basics of vocal variety and how we can apply it in storytelling.In this class we will learn:What Vocal Variety isThe 4 elements of vocal varietyUsing vocal variety techniques in storytelling and public speakingIn addition, we will also do a project to showcase your talent in vocal variety by recording an audio clip between 2 3 minutes (ex. Short story, informative, educational, or entertaining short speeches like a podcast)This class is highly recommended for people who are engaged in storytelling or public speaking.In addition, this course is going to be useful for those who are into digital storytelling, podcasting or radio broadcasting."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creating Your Own PowerPoint Themes" |
"---MAY 2020 UPDATE--- - I added a new video about hyperlinking slides in PowerPoint. - This additional video course demonstrate on how to create hyperlinked slides in your PowerPoint which is good for adding more interaction and excitement to your presentation and even online teaching. - Enjoy the new video!-----------------------------------As an online ESL instructor, I regularly create and use PowerPoint presentation for my online classes. I realized its difficulties in customizing and designing my layouts in order to suit my teaching style. Furthermore, having a consistent or uniform layout such as object placement or positioning, font size, font types, etc on all my PowerPoint presentations was very time consuming until I came across the Slide Master View function. In this class, Im going to share my techniques on how I use the Slide Master View function in creating layouts for my online Powerpoint presentations and at the same time keeping all my PPTs consistent or uniform with less time consumed. This class hopes to provide additional information on using PowerPoint especially to those who regularly create PPTs, design PPTs for online classes or even presentations and for online curriculum developers like me. This is going to open up creative possibilities in your Powerpoint creation while spending less time on designing so you can focus more on the content you want to put. In this class we will:A. Explore and understand the basic use of the Slide Master viewB. See how we can edit, design and create themed layouts in the Slide Master viewC. Realise its benefits as we go through the actual process of creating a Powerpoint presentation There s going to be a project assignment as well where youre going to show us your Slide Master edits and come up with interesting and an engaging Powerpoint Presentation. Target students:- Online curriculum developers who create lessons through Powerpoint- Presenters"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness for Busy People" |
"Are you feeling stressed out?Well, youre not alone. Millions of people around the world are feeling overwhelmed by their busy lives. The good news is that overcoming stress is a lot simpler than you might think. Dozens of studies have revealed that you can easily overcome stress through mindfulness, and achieve real happiness and inner peace. The practice is simple, effective, and has no side effects.In this course, youll learn the basics of the mindfulness practice, and how to incorporate it into your busy lifestyle without taking up much of your valuable time. Youll learn mindfulness in a simple and easy-to-understand approach that author and meditation teacher, Charles A. Francis, is known for."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"De novato sin brjula a listo para emprender" |
"PRESENTACIN Hice este curso bien bsico para emprendedores, aunque contundente, por el simple hecho de que un edificio sin una buena zapata jams alcanzar las alturas. Y si llegara a alcanzarlas, se derribara. Por eso hice esta master class, para que los emprendedores comprendan lo importante que es entender su propio entorno y como este influye en la salud de su emprendimiento, adems, entender la importancia de darle forma a la idea inicial.Hay muchos estudios que sostienen que es la actitud que hace alcanzar la altitud, no as, necesariamente, la aptitud, aunque es muy importante, y creo en eso................................................................................................................................................Presento por primera vez al desnudo, todo lo que necesitas saber antes y despus de emprender, donde te digo cmo poder detonar el poder que llevas dentro y emprender con tu idea.A travs de este curso podrs descubrir los principios INMUTABLES que debe conocer todo emprendedor, ya principiante o en ejercicio.Es un curso que describe las los principios innegociables que todo emprendedor debe saber antes de emprender. LA BASE DE TODO EMPRENDIMIENTO."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Windows 10 IoT Core Development" |
"This course gives an introduction to all needed topics for getting started with the application development for Windows 10 IoTCore devices. It is the course that I would like to have had when I started to get interest in Windows 10 IoTCore application development. Throughout the course you learn how to set up all needed tools like on your developer PC,how to set up a target device, which is a Raspberry Pi in this course.Furthermore, you learnthe basics of programming foreground and background applications in C++,and how to package your application for distribution.The final section of the course explains the usage of typical developer tools like SSH or FTP that will be helpful throughout your development activities.The whole course is organized into individual sections that have a dedicated focus on one of the topics learning topics mentioned above. Each lecture within the section starts with a clear description of the lecture goal and is followed by a compact video presentation and description. All the videos are prepared such that they could be followed with you sitting in front of your developer machine and replicating the presented content. Each lecture closes with a brief summary.Since Windows 10 IoTCore is targeted to embedded devices, part of the course makes use of some electronic components and circuitry. These area Raspberry Pi, SD card, power supply, network access,a breadboard, an LED, a push button, some jumper wires.To learn the basics about Windows 10 IoTCore application development it is not absolutely necessary to have these components at hand. However, to get most out of this course I recommend to have these components at hand.Thanks a lot for your interest in this course. Let me know if you have any questions and hope to see you in the course then!Florian"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Unity Designpatterns" |
"If you already possess a fundamental understanding of C# and the Unity Engine and want to improve your coding skills further, then this course is for you.The Ultimate Guide to Unity Designpatterns introduces you to best practice solutions for common problems in gameprogramming. You will discover how you can improve the quality of your code by using these important Designpatterns, which are specifically adapted to make use of the unique features of the Unityengine, like for example ScriptableObjects.In this course you will:Implement best practice Solutions to common problems in gameprogrammingDiscover the Singleton - Designpattern- Structure your game more elegantlyDiscover the ObjectPool - Designpattern- Improve the performance of your gameDiscover the Command-Designpattern- Implement a history of player-actions with an Undo-Functionality- Queue Actions of a player, so they are executed one after anotherDiscover the Flyweight - Designpattern- Improve your game's data-structure by using ScriptableObjects- Reduce the RAM-Usage of your gameThis course is very project-based and practical, so you will implement the concepts directly in small games.For each Concept you will be challenged to implement it yourself, but if you don't feel up to the task you will also be shown a well explained step-by-step guide how to implement it.The course also features several Demo-Projects, where you can look up best practice implementations. It also features Projects which are specifically designed to compare the performance of different approaches for implementing these Designpatterns.Why learn from me?I have been a game-programming teacher for more than 5 years now and as a result have plenty of experience in what works and what doesn't when teaching programming. Also I am a firm believer, that you can only learn the high craft (some might even say art) of programming, if you practice it. Which is why I put much effort into making the advantages of these designpatterns clear by giving you small practical assignments where you are challenged to improve an existing game's code with these designpatterns.Become a better Programmer, now! I'll meet you inside the course!Who is the target Audience?Unity users who want to improve their programming skills beyond basic tutorialsProgrammers who want to improve the Performance, Quality and Expandability of their CodeCoders who want to add a few battle-proven solutions for common problems in gameprogramming to their toolkit"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Een Gispen stoel met klemmen herstofferen" |
"Altijd al willen weten hoe je de zitting en rugleuning los krijgt van een gispen stoel waarbij je geen bouten of schroeven kunt vinden? De rugleuning bestaat uit twee delen. De stoffering is vastgemaakt door middel van nietjes. Heb je een soortgelijke stoel die je graag zelf wil herstofferen, dan is deze cursus uitermate geschikt om een professioneel eindresultaat te krijgen. Je krijgt uitleg over gereedschap, stof en schuimrubber. Stap voor stap wordt de stoel ontdaan van de oude bekleding en schuim. Daarna wordt de stoel opgebouwd en kan ie weer jaren mee. Dit model is uit de serie Cirrus. Er zijn vele modellen van dit type stoel. De rugleuning bestaat uit twee delen. Twijfel je of jou model bij deze cursus past, neem dan contact me me op"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"From Burnout To Breakthrough" |
"Are you stressed? Do you wonder why you cant sleep at night and tired of being tired all the time? Is stress damaging your career, health and/or relationship? Have you been putting on or losing weight through stress? This 4-week programme will help you de-stress and get you back to your optimum health."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"React Native: Balangtan leri Seviyeye Mobil Uygulama" |
"React Native ile iOSve Android iin ayn anda mobil uygulama gelitirmeyi renmek istiyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre!React Native ile Objective C, Swift, Java ve Kotlin gibi dilleri renmeden, native uygulama gelitirebilirsiniz. Bu framework' ok kolay ve hzl bir ekilde renebilirsiniz. Bu kursu almak iin nceden herhangi bir programlama bilgisi sahibi olmanza gerek yok. Eer uygulama gelitirmek iin birok dil renmekten yorulduysanz, kursumuza kayt olabilirsiniz.Kurs ierisinde reneceimiz teorik bilgilerin yannda pratik olarak da yapacamz 5 adet uygulama ile React Native'i reneceksiniz.Hesap MakinesiOnline Dviz eviriciKimlik DorulamaKitap ListesiTwitter KlonKursun ierisinde deineceimiz konulardan bazlar unlardr:Javascript TemelleriFirebase: Hem Authentication hem de veri taban zellikleriRedux FrameworkAPI Axios ile asenkron istek atmakReact Router ile uygulama iin ynlendirmelerUygulama ikonu deitirmeyiJSON data kullanmHem Android hem de iOS iin build alabilmekProps ve state ynetimiAkll ve yeniden kullanabilir komponent oluturmaTabii ki bunlar ve ok daha fazlas kurs ierisinde. Kurs Udemy'de 90.000'den fazla renciye mobil uygulama ve siber gvenlik eitimleri veren Atl Samancolu Akademi altnda Burak Alparslan anlatmyla sunulmaktadr. Kurs boyunca anlamadnz yerleri, aklnza taklanlar ve genel olarak tm sorularnz soru & cevap ksmndan sorarak hzl bir ekilde dn alabileceksiniz."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Excel Bsico - Simulado" |
"Conceitos de planilhas eletrnicas bem como suas aplicaes;Formatao de planilhas eletrnicas utilizando recursos bsicos do Excel;Criao de frmulas utilizando os operadores aritmticos;Aplicao das funes bsicas do Excel (matemticas, estatsticas, de data e hora, lgicas, pesquisa e referncia):1. SOMA()2. MDIA()3. MXIMO()4. MNIMO()5. HOJE()6. SE() , CONT.SE(), SOMASE();7. CONT.SES(), MAIOR(), MENOR(), PROCV(), PROCH();outras...Criao de Grficos.Este simulado indicado para voc que quer obter uma colocao no mercado de trabalho e j possui conhecimentos de Excel bsico, necessitando apenas de um Certificado que comprove a sua COMPETNCIA."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica Bsica - Mdulo I" |
"Contedos abordados:Nmeros inteiros- Soma e subtrao- Produto e Diviso- Potncia- Expresses Numricas- Expresses Numricas com sinais de separao- Sinais de separaoNmeros fracionrios- Representao de uma frao- Leitura de fraes- Fraes equivalentes- Soma e subtrao de fraes- Produto de fraes- Diviso de fraes- Potncia de fraes- Exemplo de potenciaoFatorao- Fatorao em nmeros primos- Fatorao na radiciao- Exemplo de fatoraoPotenciao- Potncia com expoente nulo e com expoente natural negativo- Produtos de potncias com a mesma base- Potncia de base- Potncias literais- Potncia de dez- Expoente negativoRadiciao- Leitura e propriedades dos radicais- Introduzindo um elemento externo para dentro da raiz- Extraindo um elemento interno para fora da raiz- Soma e subtrao- Produto e diviso"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Algoritmo e Lgica de Programao" |
"Este curso aborda conceitos de lgica de programao, tais como: algoritmos, diagramas de blocos, pseudocdigo, estruturas de deciso, estruturas de repetio, linguagem para algoritmos, procedimentos, funes, vetores e matrizes.Considerados necessrios para dar incio rea de programao.Estaro disponveis materiais para impresso (.PDF), vdeoaulas e questionrios para fixao dos conceitos abordados."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Banco de Dados - SQL Server" |
"Voc aprender a criar um Banco de dados e tabelas, como tambm os comandos DDL para criao de tabelas, alterao de estrutura de tabelas, excluso de tabelas, comandos DML para insero, atualizao, excluso e consulta de dados em tabelas. O curso dividido em 7 sees, sendo:Seo 1: Introduo ao SQLComandos para Definio de Dados (DDL)- Create Table- Alter Table- Drop TableSeo 2: Comandos para Manipulao de Dados (DML)- Instruo Insert- Instruo Select- Clusula WHERE- Operadores Lgicos- Operadores Relacionais- Operador Between- Operador LIKE- Operador IN- Clusula ORDER BY- Clusula DISTINCT- Instruo UPDATE- Instruo DELETESeo 3: Integridade Referencial- Chave Primria (PRIMARY KEY)- Chave Estrangeira (FOREIGN KEY)- Integridade referencial- Inserindo registros em tabelas relacionadasSeo 4: Funes de agregao de dados- AVG( )- COUNT( )- SUM( )- MAX( )- MIN( )Seo 5: SubConsultas- Exemplos prticosSeo 6: Juno de Tabelas- INNER JOIN- OUTER JOINSeo 7: Sumrios- Clusulas GROUP BY e HAVING"
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica Bsica - Mdulo II" |
"Contedos abordados no curso:Porcentagem- Conceitos, exemplos e exerccios resolvidosProporo- Grandezas inversamente proporcionais- ComplementoRegra de trs- Grandezas inversamente proporcionaisFunes- Leis de formao- Domnio e Imagem- Classificao das funes - Injetora - Sobrejetora - Bijetora - Grfico da funo Injetora - Grfico da Funo Sobrejetora- Funo Crescente- Funo Decrescente- Funo Par- Funo mpar- Funo Constante- Funo Inversa- Funes de primeiro grau"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"EPLAN P8 - Der Einsteigerkurs (2020)" |
"Verwendete Software: Eplan P8 2.7Die beste Eplan Tutorial Reihe onlineLerne in diesem Eplan P8 Online Training die verschiedenen Mglichkeiten die du in der Software hast. Der Perfekte Einstieg in die sehr umfangreiche Software Eplan P8!Du bist von den vielen Mens und Buttons in Eplan berfordert und weit nicht wo du klicken musst um das zu erreichen was du erreichen willst? Du hast vielleicht sogar Angst etwas kaputt zu machen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich! Du wirst innerhalb von ca. 3 Stunden die Grundlagen der Software erlernen und du wirst dich in der Benutzeroberflche bestens zurechtfinden. Und was noch viel besser ist: Du wirst deine Probleme selbst lsen knnen. Schreibe dich am besten gleich ein und erlerne noch heute den professionellen Umgang mit Eplan P8! "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Adobe After Effects CC - How to add Motion to your Photos" |
"Add Movement and Effects Easily to your Photos Today with Adobe After Effects CCBROUGHT TO YOU BY PROFESSIONALANIMATIONANDMOTIONDESIGNER SUNNYHEERAAdobe After Effects is used by professional Animations and Visual Effects Artists worldwide. This course will teach you the best way to add movement to your imagesBy the end of the course, youll be able to confidently take any photo and apply movement and effects to make your images stand out from the crowdIn this Beginners Guide to add Motion to your Photos, I'll be teaching this course using the built-in features from Adobe After EffectsYou can follow along with the projects I give you in this course, or you can apply the principles or techniques to any of your own photosThe techniques and principles I teach you in this course will allow your social media post and images to stand out from the crowd!What makes me qualified to teach you?Sunny Heera has been using After Effects professionally for over a decade and has a Masters Degree in Animation and has worked with some of the top Animation Companies worldwideWhat is this After Effects course all about?In thisguide to Adding Motion to your Photos in Adobe After Effects course, youll learn how to add Movement into your images in a step-by-step easy to follow wayThis course will cover everything you need to know about adding movement into your photos, including:LayeringMaskingEffects and PresetsParticlesExporting and RendingAnd much more!Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Sunny."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Adobe After Effects CC : Logo Animation with Motion Graphics" |
"Adobe After Effects CC : Logo Animation with Motion Graphics CourseGetup to speed on the techniques and pipelines used to create stunning logo animations for your videos or projects!This online course will teach you how to use Adobe After Effects CC to create aPRACTICALREALWORLDprojectfor your next client!Do you want to learn special effects and expressions, but don't know where to begin?Have you spent time and energy Googling After Effects tutorials online, only to find out that it never covers exactly what you need?Do your renders look plain and boring, and you want to know how to take your productions to the next level?If you answered yes to any of these questions,you'rein the right place!I know it can be frustrating watching other people post gorgeous looking animationsonline, while always wondering how they did it. You can spend hours or even days trying to find the right tutorial online to recreate different motion graphics.That's why wecreated this course - to teach people just like you how to easily get started with After Effects.This course has been specifically designed with you in mindand wehave developed a system to allow you to learn just what you need to know, only when you need it.Have fun while learning!Learn by actually doing!After enrolling in this course, you'll be taken through a completeproject that will show you how to recreate a logo animation from start to finish.Follow along and practice while learning!The best part about a course like this is that you won't waste time learning tools and functions inside of After Effectsthat you will never use. Most courses will tell you about every little part of the program, which is daunting to most people.Adobe After Effects CC : Logo Animation with Motion Graphics willshow you the necessary tools as you apply them.This course will cover every aspect of:Adobe After Effect CC's Interface and How to Navigate ItCreating and Using The Particle World GeneratorAdding Additional Assets and Effects to your AnimationApplying Lense Flairs to the Logo for Extra EffectCreating a Write-On Effect for Extra Pizzaz!Rendering and Exporting Your Final Logo Animationand so much more!Whether you want to create animations just for fun, or you work in a production studio and need this information done right this instant, this course is for you. We will guide you every step of the way and are here to make sure you succeed in your ventures. Wearealways available to answer any messages, discussions, questions, or feedback that you have.Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!With our 30-Day 100% money back guarantee, there's no reason hesitate!ENROLLNOW"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"First look at Adobe After Effects CC - Motion Graphics 101" |
"First look at Adobe After Effects CC - Motion Graphics 101Learn the essentials of Adobe After Effects today so you can't a clear understanding of this powerful software. This online course will teach you how to effectively use Adobe After Effects CC Are you brand new to After Effects and don't know where to begin?Have you spent time and energy Googling After Effects tutorials online, only to find out that it never covers exactly what you need?Do you wish you could just open up After Effects and start effectively using this software?If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're in the right place! I know Adobe After Effects can seem intimidating at first, but in this course I am going to show you exactly where to begin and how to use this software in a step by step manner.That's why I created this course - to teach people just like you how to easily get started with After Effects.This course has been specifically designed with you in mind and I have developed a system to allow you to learn just what you need to know, only when you need it. Follow along and practice while learning!The best part about a course like this is that you won't waste time learning tools and functions inside of After Effects that you will never use. Most courses will tell you about every little part of the program, which is daunting to most people. This course will cover every aspect of:Adobe After Effect CC's Interface and How to Navigate ItEffects and Presets Shape layers MasksKeyframesRendering and Exporting Your Final Animationand so much more!Whether you want to create animations just for fun, or one day you want to be a professional Motion Designer then this course is for you. I am always available to answer any messages, discussions, questions, or feedback that you have.Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!With our 30-Day 100% money back guarantee, there's no reason hesitate!ENROLL NOW"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Der perfekte Ernhrungsplan" |
"Du hast das Ziel abzunehmen? Oder mchtest du lieber zunehmen? Oder bist du zufrieden mit deinem Krpergewicht und mchtest einfach lernen dich bewusst zu ernhren?Egal, welches Ziel du in der Ernhrung hast - Mit diesem Kurs erreichst du es. Das Ziel dieses Kurses ist, dass du deinen perfekten und persnlichen Ernhrungsplan erstellst. Das geht nur, indem man seinen Krper kennt. Deshalb ist der erste Schritt immer eine komplette Analyse des aktuellen Stands. Nachdem wir das geschafft haben geht es ans Eingemachte: Du wirst lernen, woraus sich Ernhrung auf berhaupt zusammensetzt und wie viel du von davon zu dir nehmen solltest bei deinem persnlichen Ziel.Auerdem wirst du lernen deine Ernhrung zu berwachen und zu tracken, um nie den berblick zu verlieren und dein Ziel zu erreichen.Nach dem Kurs wirst du keine teuren Ernhrungsplne im Internet oder in einem Fitnessstudio kaufen mssen, da du nun ganz einfach selbst immer wieder eine erstellen kannst - 100% personalisiert und angepasst auf jede Situation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |