Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Venda Mais O Poder dos Gatilhos Mentais, Agora Revelado" |
"Voc vai continuar perdendo clientes para a concorrncia? Finalmente uma estratgia testada e comprovada para a alavancar suas vendas de forma agressiva. 12 Gatilhos Mentais Poderosos de fcil compreenso, que voc pode e deve usar para persuadir o consumidor a adquirir seus produtos e servios, e que garantir um aumento agressivo no seu faturamento.Vrios exemplos reais e na prtica de Gatilhos Mentais utilizados por empresas de sucesso como a Vivo, Fiat, Tigre e muitas outras, que convencem voc a adquirir seus produtos e voc nem percebe que est sendo persuadido por eles. Esse curso destinado a vendedores, empresrios ou pessoas que desejam e necessitam melhorar seu poder de convencimento frente a seus clientes, atravs de abordagens simples, porm, eficazes e convincentes que tornaro a deciso de compra um processo mais fcil a ser tomado pelo consumidor.Adquira j esse curso!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"C# Eitimi: Sfrdan leri SeviyeUygulamal 5 Adet Proje" |
"C# ile Masast programlamaya giri yapmak istiyorsan doru yerdesin.C# dilini balang dzeyinde anlattm ve kursun sonlarna doru ileri dzey rnekler ile kursumu bitirdim.Elimden geldiince bol rnekler ile konu anlatmlarn pekitirdim. Ylan Oyunu Projesi (Snf ve List<T> lerin nasl bir arada kullanldn reneceksiniz) Bilgi Yarmas Projesi (Snflarn nasl kullanldn reneceksiniz) renci Takip Projesi (Basit Access DB ilemlerini reneceksiniz) Personel Takip Projesi (Basit MSSQL ilemlerini reneceksiniz) Ktphane Otomasyon Sistemi (MSSQL veritaban ile leri Dzey bir csharp projesi nasl kartlr onu reneceksiniz.)Bu kursu bitirecek olan rencilerin orta dzey projeler gelitireceine eminim.Hepinize iyi kodlamalar."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Android Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme Kursu: Java 2020" |
"Android ile Mobil dnyaya giri yapmak istiyorsan doru yerdesin.Dersleri anlatrken balang dzeyinde anlattm ve kursun sonlarna doru ileri dzey rnekler ile kursumu bitirdim.Elimden geldiince bol rnekler ile konu anlatmlarn pekitirdim.Baz Konu BalklarJava Temel KonularLayoutVeri Listeleme lemleriSQLiteFirebaseChat UygulamasHaritalarKonum Tabanl lemlerJson lemleriWeb Tabanl lemlerBu kursu bitirecek olan rencilerin orta dzey projeler gelitireceine eminim.Hepinize iyi kodlamalar."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"DIY - Apprendre rparer ses vtements la main" |
"Les cours de couture virtuels pour dbutants dvelopps par Gaia & Dubos sont conus pour vous enseigner les bases de la rparation de vtements et accessoires afin de prolonger la dure de vie de vos produits. En apprenant raccommoder vos vtements, vous dvelopperez votre autonomie, rduirez votre empreinte cologique et sociale, et conomiserez sur les frais de couturire!Les techniques enseignes dans ce cours:Comment (bien) coudre un bouton trousComment (bien) coudre un bouton tigeComment coudre une agrafeComment poser une patch autocollante pour boucher un trouComment recoudre une dchirureComment refermer un trouComment recoudre une couture dcousueComment faire un ourlet invisibleNos lves acclament nos cours de couture Moi, je croyais que je savais coudre un bouton... Quand jai visionn la premire vido, jai compris... ce que jignorais! Quelle bonne technique! Jamais plus un de mes boutons ne me lche seulement quelques semaines aprs lavoir recousu. - Jose Leclerc, Montral Les cours de couture virtuels de Gaia & Dubos sont excellents! Les explications sont claires et faciles comprendre. Je les recommande sans hsiter! - Nancy Potvin, Qubec"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DIY- Apprendre rparer ses vtements la machine coudre" |
"Les cours de couture virtuels pour dbutants signs Gaia & Dubos ont t penss pour vous enseigner les bases de la rparation de vtements et accessoires afin de prolonger leur dure de vie. En apprenant rparer vos vtements, vous dvelopperez votre autonomie, conomiserez sur les frais de couturire, etc rduirez votre empreinte cologique et sociale!Les techniques enseignes dans ce cours:Comment recoudre (solidement) les courroies dun sac rutilisableComment imiter un surjet pour viter les effilochuresComprendre le sens (droit fil) des tissusComment recoudre une poche dcousueComment ajuster la taille dun pantalon avec un lastique invisibleComment raccourcir et coudre un ourletComment ajuster un chemisier ou une robeNos lves adorent nos cours de couture C'est la premire fois que je m'essaie la couture et c'est une vraie russite! Les explications sont claires et prcises. - Anthony Massez Les cours sont super! Ils sont trs clairs et concis. - Sarah Paradis, Qubec Les cours de couture sont vraiment bien faits pour les dbutants comme moi! Les explications ne vont pas trop vite et elles permettent de bien comprendre toutes les tapes ncessaires pour rparer ses vtements. - Anne-Marie Saulnier, Qubec"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"DIY - Learn to Repair your Clothes by Hand" |
"The virtual sewing courses for beginners developed by Gaia & Dubos are designed to teach you the basics of clothing and accessories repair in order to extend the lifecycle of your products. By learning to mend your clothes, you will develop independence, reduce your ecological and social footprint, and save on seamstress expenses!The techniques taught in this course:How to (properly) sew a two or four-hole buttonHow to (properly) sew a shank buttonHow to sew a hook and eye claspHow to cover a hole with a thermobonding patchHow to fix a tearHow to fix a holeHow to fix a cut seamHow to stitch a blind hemOur students acclaim our course""I thought I knew how to sew a button... When I watched the first video, I understood... what I didnt know! What a good technique! My buttons will never fall again only a few weeks after being sewn back on. - Jose Leclerc, Montreal""The online sewing courses of Gaia & Dubos are excellent! The explanations are clear and easy to understand. I recommend them without hesitation! - Nancy Potvin, Quebec City"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DIY - Learn to Repair your Clothes with a Sewing Machine" |
"The virtual sewing courses for beginners by Gaia & Dubos are designed to teach you the basics of clothing and accessories repair so you may extend their lifecycle. By learning to mend your clothes, you will develop independence, save on seamstress expenses, and reduce your ecological and social footprint!The techniques taught in this course:How to sew a tote strap back onHow to imitate an overlock stitch to avoid fraysUnderstanding fabric grain linesHow to sew a patch pocket back onHow to adjust a pants waistband with an invisible elastic bandHow to shorten and sew a hemHow to adjust a blouse or dressOur students acclaim our course""It's the first time I try to sew, and it's a success! The explanations are clear and precise."" - Antony Massez""The courses are fantastic! They are very clear and concise."" - Sarah Paradis, Quebec City""The sewing courses are really well done for beginners like me! The explanations are not progressing too quickly, which allows us to understand all the steps required to mend our clothes."" - Anne-Marie Saulnier, Quebec City"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"New to Linux? Get started with this." |
"If you are still thinking on how to start using a Linux Operating System then you probably want to start with this course. We are going to learn how to use the Linux Terminal and do normal daily operations.If you never used a Linux computer before, then this is the place where to start. We are going to learn how to set up a virtual machine running Ubuntu and then start to use the terminal to accomplish daily tasks.You will be amazed on how fast the Linux terminal can be, the only thing needed is just practice and in this course is exactly what we are going to do.I will cover for my students practical exercises giving also information about how linux process information and what type of errors you could encounter."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start A Web Hosting Business From Home" |
"Why Your Own Web Hosting Business?One might be looking for a real opportunity to have their own work from home.It is an ever growing niche which is vital to having internet visibility, companies, individuals & online businesses needs the services.This is an opportunity for you to own a business that is always in demand. Web Hosting is a never ending business which makes profits on autopilot. Over 500 websites are launched each minute and they all need affordable & reliable web hosting service providers.Imagine having your own business which is lucrative and easy to handle without having start up fee? What You Archive With Your Own Branded Web Hosting Business:Earn profits on autopilot every single month, quarterly 3&6 and annually for life.Increase your earnings easier & grow your business.Maintain the business yourself with no business skills or web development knowledge.Work from anywhere you are in the world.Add a new services, adjust prices, view orders and more from one panel.Handle only what you have time for, customers receives customer care services from live chats and calls you do not deal directly with your customers.Receive help from instructor.Weekly added videos about how you can market your web hosting business."
Price: 800.00 ![]() |
"Uterine Fibroids" |
"Have you been diagnosed with Fibroids, know of someone who has been diagnosed and/or suffers from Fibroids? This course gives you a basic overview of Fibroids, the symptoms, how to go about diagnosing it, symptoms and many more. You will leave learning up to date information that may help give you a better understanding of this condition, and what therapy options are available for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Le jeu d'checs de A Z" |
"Le jeu dchecs : 2 couleurs, 32 pices, 64 cases. Et pourtant, au bout du 3me coup, il existe plus de 3 millions de possibilits.Depuis la nuit des temps, il fascine les rois les plus clbres, obsde les mathmaticiens les plus renomms et a conquis des millions de joueurs travers le monde et les poques.Simple loisir pour certains, exercice de dveloppement mentale ou stratgique pour dautres, les bienfaits que peuvent vous apporter la pratique de ce jeu sont multiples.Votre professeur sera la Grand Matre russe Dina Belenkaya. Championne de Saint Ptersbourg et classe dans le TOP 30 Russe, elle enseigne en parallle depuis plus de 12 ans partout dans le monde et matrise parfaitement la langue franaise.Ce cours est destin aux personnes qui ont toujours voulu apprendre jouer aux checs sans n'avoir jamais os franchir le pas. Il est dcoup en vido permettant dassimiler les diffrents concepts et comprend de nombreux exercices pour vous entraner facilement."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Decorao Em Gesso 3D" |
"Eu vou te ensinar como fazer uma parede 3D desde a escolha do molde passando pela fabricao da placa clculo financeiro finalmente instalao e acabamento.Vou te ensinar passo a passo como fazer uma sanca aberta.So os pequenos detalhes que fazem um bom profissional, e o que vou ensinar neste curso exatamente todos os detalhes que voc precisa saber para fazer uma sanca aberta. Eu vou te ensinar como os gesseiros ganham at sete vezes em cima do material para fazer uma parede 3D.Voc vai entender como possvel ganhar dinheiro com gesso nas horas vagas"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Odontlogo, aprende a conseguir o cambiarte de trabajo" |
"Con este video tutorial vas aprender como CONSEGUIR TRABAJO siendo un joven odontlogo sin experiencia, o si sientes que te estn EXPLOTANDO en tu trabajo actual, igualmente ser de gran utilidad este curso.Es un curso totalmente prctico, en donde te llevo paso a paso desde cmo cambiar tu mentalidad al momento de buscar trabajo, crear tu hoja de vida, prepararte para la entrevista de trabajo, negociar tu salario y muchas temas ms y puedas conseguir trabajo YA!Se te hace familiar algunos de estos casos?Haz intentado de mil y un formas no encuentras trabajo.Eres joven y no te contratan por no tener experiencia.Te piden muchos requisitos para contratarte, a pesar que no tienes mucha experiencia laboral.Te quieren contratar como auxiliar dental y no como odontlogo tratante.Te quieren pagar muy poquito por no tener experiencia de trabajo.Te encuentras trabajando pero sientes que te explotan y no te valoran?Es hora de tomar accin y marcar la diferencia frente al resto de odontlogos que tambin estn buscando el mismo trabajo que tu. Entonces no esperes ms y dale A COMPRAR, que ests a un click de cambiar tu vida profesional."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn html easy for starters." |
"This is a html course for people with no html experience.If you want to build a blog or a simple website this course is for you. In this course you will learn the basics of html.You will to style background colors in html.You will learn about adding images and creating outstanding webpages try it now and learn to code html."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como falar sobre dinheiro com crianas e adolescentes" |
"Ol. Seja bem-vindo(a).Voc sabe como falar sobre dinheiro com crianas e adolescentes? A maioria das pessoas no sabe, ou no utilizam as ferramentas apropriadas. Se for esse seu caso, voc no est s! Saiba que muitas pessoas no tiveram educao financeira, no tiveram algum para lhe ensinar como lidar com o dinheiro. Pensando nisso, constru o curso COMO FALAR SOBRE DINHEIRO COM CRIANAS E ADOLESCENTES que foi elaborado para voc que pai/me, educador(a) ou que tem alguma criana que voc ama tanto que quer ensin-la, desde a mais tenra idade, como ela deve lidar com o dinheiro para ter uma boa sade financeira e uma vida prspera. Este curso tambm uma oportunidade para VOC refletir e aprender mais sobre: crianas, jovens, famlia, dinheiro, sonhos, prosperidade, bem-estar. Ao longo das aulas, eu ensino TCNICAS LDICAS, conversando com voc sobre dinheiro e famlia, tudo pautado nos ensinamentos da Educao Financeira, da Psicologia Econmica e da Psicologia aplicada a crianas e adolescentes. O que voc vai aprender com o curso:- A importncia da Educao Financeira- O que Educao Financeira?- Educao Financeira na infncia- Quando comear a educao financeira com as crianas?- Quais as estratgias usar?- A importncia do cofrinho- Os cofrinhos e os sonhos- Os adultos podem complementar o cofrinho?- Juros e poupana- O tempo e os sonhos- Autocontrole- O poder do No- Criana, consumo e publicidade- Quando comear a mesada?- Qual valor estabelecer para a mesada?- Ferramentas para administrar a mesada- Tipos de mesada- Erros mais comuns na implementao da mesada- A entrega do carto de dbito- O primeiro salrio- Primeiras reflexes sobre aposentadoria e independncia financeira"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Showing you how I taught my Guitar to sing, so you can too." |
"There is a unique Tune in almost everyone. If you can sing,that's great. But if you can't then that song my stay locked in you and never be heard. The Piano, Banjo and Guitar are great accompaniment instruments for people who can sing. But if you are not really a singer?Most Guitar lessons start with Chords. But ""The tune is in the chord"" so in this course we are starting with the Guitar scales (Pentatonics) just like a singer would. I am sure that you will have noticed that most Instrumentalists rarely have the music in front of them when playing in public. How? They use Sound(the ear) locked and linked to their finger muscle memory and pattern memory. When they are paying they are listening to the tune in their head finger muscle memory and Chord pattern memory just click in automatically, If You Have Practiced Enough.That's what this is all about. The exercises in this course will show you how you can teach your Guitar to sing and maybe give the world a wonderful, wonderful, new TUNE....."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Pronncia: Ingls de Gringo" |
"Aprenda todas as tcnicas para entender e falar como um nativo da lngua Inglesa. Esse conhecimento ser a base principal para voc colocar de vez o Ingls como seu segundo idioma no curriculum. fundamental conhecer as regras de pronncia antes mesmo de iniciar os estudos desse idioma, isso ir aumentar a velocidade do seu aprendizado, e trar resultados muito mais eficazes. importante ressaltar que este no um curso completo do bsico ao avanado, tudo que iremos ver aqui focado no aperfeioamento da pronncia do Ingls, OK?Em apenas 8 passos, irei explicar tudo isso para voc! Assista uma de nossas aulas grtis, e voc vai entender o que estou falando!Te vejo l no curso. See you!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Wellness Transformation" |
"With this course you will gain the knowledge necessary to change your perspective on overall health. You will learn the relationship between your mental, physical &spiritual health and understand how it impacts your overall wellness. You'll be able to address any areas of weakness and you'll also learn different tools to uncover any issues you may want to strengthen in your life, regarding your wellness. You'll also be able to utilize the exercises on a consistent basis to change your life!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"whatsapp clone with video and audio call" |
"My name is ini hood and i will be teaching you about android development:You will learn a lot about android development, firebase development (firestore), and webRtc technologywhich is used for video or audio communication. And then we will talk about quickblox which makes use of webRtc but in a more understandable way"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"PMP - Professional Music Production (In Burmese language)" |
"THISCOURSEISINBURMESELANGUAGEThis course is aiming for those learners who have little knowledge on Computer Music Production and are willing to proceed to the professional level.It was based on very basic knowledge of music to the advanced professional level of producing EDM music. This course is mainly focused on handling FL Studio and Studio One software. Other learning aids materials like instructor's notebook will be provided to all students. For apple users, Logic Pro X, Fl studio Mac Os version will also be provided.Courses Curriculum are basically divided into 3 parts: Producing, Recording, Mixing and Mastering. Being an e-learning course, it will be less time consuming and more effective for all learners. If you have any difficulties while learning our courses, don't hesitate to get our instructor's support.We all are ready to help you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Easy Android Persistence with ObjectBox Database" |
"Have you ever been frustrated by how hard it is to use SQLite to persist application data? How you ever thought that it is too low level and requires too much boiler-plate code? Have you ever hoped there would be an alternative, user-friendly approach to store and retrieve data? If you have, then this course is for you. We are going to be talking about ObjectBox a fast, easy to use, non relational database for Android devices. In this course we will examine the advantages and main features of Objectbox. We will learn how to perform some basic create, read, update and delete operations. Were going to find our about Objectbox queries, as well as one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relations. Finally, well have a look at Objectbox entity inheritance which will help you to model your data more effectively. By the end of this course youll be comfortable with Objectbox and will be able to use it in your real world projects. Are you interested? Then Lets get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Use Git Branches To Speed Up Android App Development" |
"You are welcome to take this course if you are an Android developer and you have learned the basics of git version control system. You know the differences between commits, branches and tags. You can create, delete and checkout branches. You can browse commit history and probably you know how to do all of these using the command line. But you are still wondering how Android app development and git fit together? How can all these git skills actually help you develop android applications? Where can you find an actual code example of developing a simple android app while using git? If you have ever faced these questions, than this course is for you! Im going to introduce you to a successful git branching model. You will learn how to use master, develop, feature, release and hotfix branches in your project. You will learn the best practices of using git while working on individual features, fixing critical bugs and preparing your product release. You will learn the theory of using git branches, as well as see some actual code examples. We are going to to examine a simple command line example and then we will be using Android studio command line and graphical git interface to develop a simple android app. By the end of this course you will be very comfortable with using git in real world projects. Actually you will probably wonder why havent you used git before? Next time youll be working on a successful android app, you are very likely to be using this git branching model."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to Use WordPress Gutenberg Editor" |
"Are you ready? WordPress Gutenberg is scheduled to be launched with WordPress 5.0 in 2018. It is the major change in editing history that allows you to create content in a manner that closely resembles to the page or post on the front end (page-builder style interface) of your website.Find out how this new standard editor works!This course contains some must watch videos and includes 5 separate lessons. The brand-new WordPress Gutenberg Editor is super fun. You need to be all set now and Ill show you how!WordPress Gutenberg Editor is all about the blocks. Please do check out the free preview of the course and Ill see you inside this cool course!So, whats covered?1. Introduction to WordPress2. What is WordPress Gutenberg - Features of WordPress Gutenberg editor - Comparison between the current TinyMCE editor and Gutenberg Editor 3. Why you should use WordPress Gutenberg Editor4. How to use Gutenberg Editor to create blog post - How to create blocks - Gutenberg Headings Blocks - Paragraph Blocks - Customization of individual block - Gutenberg Pull-quote Blocks - Duplicating, Moving and Removing Blocks - List Formatting - Adding Image blocks - Featured Images - Editing source code - Adding videos using Gutenberg YouTube Embed Block - More Control Options - Previewing and Publishing blocks, etc. 5. Conclusion"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MCSA 70-762 Developing Databases" |
"Welcome to this course: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Certification (70-762) - Developing SQL Databases. This exam is intended for database professionals who build and implement databases across organizations and maintain high levels of data availability. Their responsibilities include creating database files, data types, and tables; planning, creating, and optimizing indexes; ensuring data integrity; implementing views, stored procedures, and functions; and managing transactions and locks.In this course, you'll learn:Design and implement database objectsImplement programmability objectsManage database concurrencyOptimize database objects and SQL infrastructureAt the end of this course, you will have deep hands on knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Developing SQL Databases Exam. So let's get started."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MCSA 70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL" |
"Welcome to this course: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Certification (70-761) - Querying Data with Transact-SQL. This exam is intended for SQL Server database administrators, system engineers, and developers with two or more years of experience who are seeking to validate their skills and knowledge in writing queries.In this course, you'll learn:Manage data with Transact-SQLCreate Transact-SQL SELECT queriesQuery multiple tables by using joinsImplement functions and aggregate dataModify dataQuery data with advanced Transact-SQL componentsQuery data by using subqueries and APPLYQuery data by using table expressionsGroup and pivot data by using queriesQuery temporal data and non-relational dataProgram databases by using Transact-SQLCreate database programmability objects by using Transact-SQLImplement error handling and transactionsImplement data types and NULLsAt the end of this course, you will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Querying Data with Transact-SQL Exam. So let's get started."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Statistical Modeling for Data science" |
"On the off chance that you are going for a profession as a Data Scientist or Business Analyst at that point looking over your statistics abilities is something you have to do. In any case, it's only difficult to begin... Learning/re-adapting ALL of details just appears like an overwhelming undertaking. That is precisely why we have made this course! Here you will rapidly get the significant details learning for a Data Scientist or Analyst. This isn't simply one more exhausting course on details. This course is exceptionally pragmatic. I have particularly included true models of business difficulties to demonstrate to you how you could apply this learning to help YOUR vocation. In the meantime you will ace points, for example, dispersions, the z-test, the Central Limit Theorem, theory testing, certainty interims, measurable criticalness and some more! So what are you sitting tight for? Select now and enable your profession!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Biohacking - Entfalte neue Power in dir" |
"SOFORT mehr Energie & Lebensqualitt!Du fhlst dich mde und abgeschlagen? Durchschlafen ist ein Fremdwort fr dich? Stress ist dein stndiger Lebensbegleiter? Dann ist der Kurs absolut richtig fr dich! Biohacking ist der geniale Weg, um wieder zurck zu frischen Krften zu finden. Und nicht nur das: Du wirst sogar noch mehr Power aus dir herausholen! Es gibt verschiedene Bereiche, die du ""hacken"" kannst, um nie geahnte Energie in dir zu entfalten. In diesem Kurs erfhrst duwas Biohacking istwie positiv es sich auf dein Leben auswirktwie du Stress bewltigstwie du deine Konzentration und Fokus verbesserstwie du deine Energie steigerstwie du deinen Schlaf optimierstwie du sofort mit Biohacking startest: Ein UmsetzungsplanDer Kurs ist ideal fr Biohacking Einsteiger. Fr viele ist dieser Begriff noch neu. Du erhltst im Kurs die tollsten Tipps und Hacks, um fokussiert, aktiv und voller Energie durchs Leben zu gehen. Es lohnt sich, die verschiedenen Bausteine in sein Leben zu integrieren. berwinde Schlafstrungen, Stress und steigere deine Leistungsfhigkeit und Konzentration.ber den Kurs-TrainerDer Life-Coach Dennis Streichert hat die Vision, die Lebensqualitt von vielen Menschen zu verbessern. Dieser Kurs ist ein Weg, dazu beizutragen. Denn mit Biohacking wirst du deine persnliche Lebensqualitt merklich steigern knnen. Du wirst dich besser fhlen, mehr Erfolg haben und abnehmen knnen.Zgere nicht lnger, sondern starte direkt jetzt mit Biohacking!Schreibe dich direkt jetzt in diesen Kurs ein!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"UCAS Application & Medical School Interviews" |
"This course guides you through the UCASapplication for universities in the UK. It is not your typical course as it gives you my personal insights into what makes a successful applicant from my experience of going through the process myself and tutoring students 1 to 1 for more than 4 years now! It is a course I wish I had access to at the time I was applying as it would have made everything much easier! It is fundamental knowledge I wish I had as early as possible in my academic career!It also gives you a fantastic in depth insight into the Medical School application process! Teaching you how to excel in the admission tests by going through how to approach the BMAT and the UKCAT. Giving in depth insights into how to write a fantastic Personal Statement for Medicine and also guiding you through how to succeed in the daunting interview stage."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine (4.20) Votre premier jeu (Dbutants)" |
"Bonjour tous,Bienvenue dans cette formation de dveloppement consacre aux jeux vidos via l'Unreal Engine (4.20), un des moteurs les plus puissant du march.Au cours de cette formation acclre d'une dure avoisinant les 3h30, vous apprendrez, au cour de ces 25 sessions, raliser pas pas, un jeu de plateforme composant quelques mcaniques de jeu de rflexion, un style parfait pour commencer explorer un maximum de choses.A la fin de cette formation, vous aurez toutes les cartes en main afin de, par la suite, raliser vos propres projets, et d'explorer plus en profondeurs, les possibilits de ce fabuleux moteur.Depuis tout petit, j'ai toujours rver, d'un jour, russir crer mon propre jeu vido. Grce mes connaissances dans ce logiciel et ma pdagogie, j'espre russir aujourd'hui, vous transmettre ce rve, afin que vous puissiez, vous aussi, le raliser.Je m'assurerai de rpondre, bien entendu, toutes vos questions.Florian."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Want to be Agile Professional Coach" |
"The course aims to provide a complete walk through of the Agile Standard offered by Project Management Institute (PMI). This course will enable you to understand basic concepts of Agile Approach in line with the Agile Standard developed by PMI . This course will enable you to apply Agile practices within your organization and enhance your skills to become agile practitioner."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Contract Management for Project Managers" |
"The crash course aims to provide you with understanding of contracting required by the project managers. The course provides walk through of the procurement management and its processes. This course will enable you to apply procurement management and contracting related practices within your organization and improvise your project management skill set."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |