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"Ultimate Ableton Live 9: Part 7 - MaxForLive" |
"This course is ""5-Star Certified"" by the International Association of Online Music Educators and Institutions (IAOMEI). This course has been independently reviewed by a panel of experts and has received a stellar 5-star rating.For years I've been teaching Ableton Live and Max in the college classroom. As a University Professor, my classes are sought after, and, frankly, expensive. I believe Ableton Live can be learned by anyone, and cost shouldn't be a barrier. This class uses the same outline and syllabus I've used in my college classes for years, at a fraction of the cost.This is Part 7: MaxForLiveMaxForLive is a powerful tool that lets users design their own instruments, effects, and devices. It isn't without its drawbacks: MaxForLive is notoriously difficult to learn. I've developed an approach for teaching MaxForLive that focuses on teaching it like a language: You will learn small blocks and patches, understanding the how and the why along the way. As we grow our vocabulary, we ""learn how to learn"" more and more. Topics include:The unique and quirky history and development of MaxWhat we can do with MaxForLiveMax vs. MaxForLiveThe MaxForLive DevicesFinding and Sharing MaxForLive DevicesGetting Help: Help Windows in MaxForLivePresentation Mode & Patching ModesThe Max EditorMessagesBangs & ButtonsProject 1: Building a MIDI DelayProject 2: Building an ArpeggiatorWorking with Audio SignalsProject 3: An Audio Delay~ Objects (tilde objects)Presentation SetupControlling LiveAbstractionsControlling anything in LiveProject 4: A Beat-Quantized Randomized FilterFinding the Beat from LiveProject 5: Artificial Intelligence (sort of)... And much more!!!Also included in this class is 6 of my own MaxForLive patches for you to download, dissect, use, and build on. And of course, once you sign up any part, you automatically get huge discounts to all the upcoming parts of this class. You will not have another opportunity to learn Ableton Live in a more comprehensive way that this.J. Anthony Allen is an Ableton Certified Trainer, and a PhD in Music Composition and master of Electronic Sounds. His music has been heard internationally in film, radio, video games, and industrial sound, as well as the concert hall and theater.He currently as an adjunct professor of composition at the University of St. Thomas, Macphail Academy of Music, and the CEO of Slam Academy in Minneapolis.Praise for other classes by J. Anthony Allen:""I've had Live Lite for a while but never quite understood how to use it because of the different options in how to arrange audio. This course explains exactly how to do that and get the most out of Live.""""Great overview - I would start here for sure if you are just getting your feet wet with live. clear and to the point. session walkthroughs are great. looking forward to more""""I have never had any formal training in music at all. Trying to learn all the notes and how everything translated was a serious challenge. After going thru this class, Dr. J has totally brought down the barriers. The content was very useful and was easy to grasp for me."""
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"MaxForLive: Creating Your Own Audio Tools in Max For Live" |
"For years I've been teaching Ableton Live and Max in the college classroom. As a University Professor, my classes are sought after, and, frankly, expensive. I believe Ableton Live can be learned by anyone, and cost shouldn't be a barrier. This class uses the same outline and syllabus I've used in my college classes for years, at a fraction of the cost.MaxForLive is a powerful tool that lets users design their own instruments, effects, and devices. It isn't without its drawbacks: MaxForLive is notoriously difficult to learn. I've developed an approach for teaching MaxForLive that focuses on teaching it like a language: You will learn small blocks and patches, understanding the how and the why along the way. As we grow our vocabulary, we ""learn how to learn"" more and more.Topics include:The unique and quirky history and development of MaxWhat we can do with MaxForLiveMax vs. MaxForLiveThe MaxForLive DevicesFinding and Sharing MaxForLive DevicesGetting Help: Help Windows in MaxForLivePresentation Mode & Patching ModesThe Max EditorMessagesBangs & ButtonsProject 1: Building a MIDI DelayProject 2: Building an ArpeggiatorWorking with Audio SignalsProject 3: An Audio Delay~ Objects (tilde objects)Presentation SetupControlling LiveAbstractionsControlling anything in LiveProject 4: A Beat-Quantized Randomized FilterFinding the Beat from LiveProject 5: Artificial Intelligence (sort of)... And much more!!!Also included in this class is 6 of my own MaxForLive patches for you to download, dissect, use, and build on.And of course, once you sign up any part, you automatically get huge discounts to all the my other Ableton classes. You will not have another opportunity to learn Ableton Live in a more comprehensive way that this online.J. Anthony Allen is an Ableton Certified Trainer, and a PhD in Music Composition and master of Electronic Sounds. His music has been heard internationally in film, radio, video games, and industrial sound, as well as the concert hall and theater.He currently as an adjunct professor of composition at the University of St. Thomas, Macphail Academy of Music, and the CEO of Slam Academy in Minneapolis.Praise for other classes by J. Anthony Allen:""I've had Live Lite for a while but never quite understood how to use it because of the different options in how to arrange audio. This course explains exactly how to do that and get the most out of Live.""""Great overview - I would start here for sure if you are just getting your feet wet with live. clear and to the point. session walkthroughs are great. looking forward to more""""I have never had any formal training in music at all. Trying to learn all the notes and how everything translated was a serious challenge. After going thru this class, Dr. J has totally brought down the barriers. The content was very useful and was easy to grasp for me."""
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Geodjango ile corafi bilgi sistemi uygulamar" |
"Standart veri tabanlarna istediimiz hereyi kayt edip ardndan sorgular yapabiliyoruz mesela bykten ke sralamak , ismi a ile balayanlar gstermek gibi ? Peki konumu yani enlem ve boylam nasl kayt ettiimizi hi dndnz m ? Peki bu konumlar yakndan uzaa , uzaktan yakna , km snrlandrma gibi sorgularn nasl yapldn ?Eer konu lokasyonsa alla gelmi veritabanlarna ek olarak baz yeni veri trlerinin kullanmn renmemiz gerekiyor mesela pointfield veya polygonfield gibi.PointField nedir ?Basite kullanclarn koordinatlar (enlem ve boylam) kayt ettiimiz veri tipi.PolygonField nedir ?Eer veri tabanna bir arsa , arazi , lke, ehir gibi alanlar snrlar ile birlikte kayt etmek isterseniz kullanmanz gereken veri tipidir.PointField' nerede kullanabilirm ne iime yarar ki ?Mesela siz swarm'da bir check-in yaptnzda swarm uygulamas sizin o an ki enlem ve boylamnz alr ve server'a gnderir serverda bu enlem ve boylam point'e evirip pointfield'a kayt eder. Ardndan sizin konumunuzu herkes ile rahatlkla paylaabilir.Swarm baka ne yapar ?Mesela siz check-in yapmak isterseniz size neriler sunar . rnein Alsancak semtinde burger king 'te yemek yiyorsanz ve yannzada starbucks varsa ve check-in yapmak isterseniz nerilenler mutemelen.Burger KingStarBucksAlsancakDierlerieklinde olacaktr peki swarm sizin buralara yakn olduunuzu nasl biliyor ?nk mekanlarnda konumlar swarmn veri tabannda point field olarak ykl ve serverda sizin konumunuza en yakn olan point field'dan en uzak point field'a doru listeleme yapyor aslnda. Sizlerde bu eitimi aldnzda byle filtreleri rahatlkla yapabiliyor olacaksnz.Ek olarak mesela 10 km iindeki kiileri gster ve bunlar yakndan uzaa doru listele eklinde KM snrlamalarda koyabileceksiniz.Birazda Tinder'dan bahsedelim ..Tinder'n yapt nedir ? size yakn kar cinsinizi gstermek.. Beenmezseniz baka birisini gsterir ilk gsterdiinin mesafesi 0.3 km iken zamanla mesafe 2km , 5km , 10km olarak artar ama eer izmirden tindera giriyorsanz almanlar grmezsiniz deil mi ?Tinder'nda yapt basite sizin lokasyonunuzu pointfiled olarak kayt edip dier kiileri sizin lokasyonunuza gre yakndan uzaa doru listelemektir.Tinder unuda yapar sizin baka birisine olan mesafenizi gsterir mesela 1km 0.3 km Bu eitimde bu ekilde mesafe hesaplamayda km veya mil cinsinden reneceksiniz.Tebrikler artk swarm , tinder veya foursquare gibi appler yapabilirsiniz .Pekala baka neler yapabiliriz ?Find my friends : tm arkadalarnz harita zerinde gsteren uygulamalar yapabilirsiniz.insanlarn kz arkadalarn haritada takip edebilecei zel bir uygulama gelitirebilirsiniz.Rent a carlar iin ara takip uygulamar gelitirebilirsiniz.Mesela patronlarn fr vs gibi ii darda olan iilerini takip edebilecei bir mobile app gelitirebilirsiniz byle eyler iin genellikle pahal gps cihazlar vs gerekebilir ama siz sadece iisine bir mobile uygulama indirterek izlemesini salayabilirsiniz.Sadece bunlar deil .Bir emlak siteniz varsa sattnz arazi veya evlerin ka km2 olduunu yazmak yerine konumunu haritada gsterip (alan ile birlikte) daha fazla detay vermek istemezmiydiniz ?Sadece bunlarda deil bu eitimde Google MAPS ile yaplabilecek temel btn hereyi reneceksiniz.Kayt ettiiniz kiileri direk google haritalar zerinde gstereceksiniz.Map marker 'lar hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz .Complex map markerlar hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Markerlar olarak veritabanndan ektiiniz resimleri gstereceksiniz ve markerlara link nasl verilir bunu reneceksiniz. Geodjango'u rendim , veri tiplerini rendim google maps 'de anladm gzel ama kullanclarn enlem ve boylam diyorsun srekli bunu ben nerden bulcam ki ?Sorun ok zekice , eer bunu webte yapmak istersen html 5 geolocation zellii ile bu eitimde geolocation kullanmndanda bahsediyorum merak etme.Eer mobile bir uygulaman varsa ios iin objective-c veya android iin java ile enlem ve boylam almakta ocuk oyunca . Mobil uygulamadanda yaptn ey yine bu enlem ve boylam servera post etmek zaten..Wow inanlmaz bir eitim sanrm hepsi bu kadar.Hayr , son olarak GEOIP'dan da bahsedeyim ve kapataym geoip ksaca kullanclarn ip adreslerinden lke, semt , ehir , adres gibi bilgileri edinmeye yaryor evet bu eitimde geoip ktphanesini nasl kullanacanda reniyorsun..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Online Vegan Vegetarian Cooking School" |
"Learn how to cook vegan in whether you've cooked before or are an expert cook. This vegan vegetarian online cooking school uses videos and a lesson book. The 60 to 90 minute video lessons include 1 to 3 demonstrations of the 8 to 12 delicious vegan recipes in the lesson, vegan cooking techniques, health information, and more. Keep in mind this was filmed over 10 years ago. So please watch the first 2 videos to see if this course is right for you!We do a lot of baking and healthy desserts. Why desserts? Because they are great for breakfast or supper. Desserts should be a meal not added on. We'll explain why in this course.In this course:You will receive all the materials you need including recipes and nutritional handouts.Complete this course fast, in under 12 days, or take your time and do it over several weeks the choice is yours.This course is structured with videos and printable handout lesson book with the recipes, tips, and health info.Each lesson has a particular focus such as: quick cold breakfasts, filling hot breakfasts, easy sack lunches, wholesome dinner meals (lunch or supper), and light meals. There are also lessons on holidays, breads, soups, and more.If you'd like to be able to cook vegetarian dishes that wow your family, learn how to make healthy vegan meals and create tasty morsels of vegan food, then you've found what you've been looking for!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CS6 prctico de retoque fotogrfico" |
"Una de las grandes ventajas de la fotografa digital es la posibilidad que tiene a su alcance el fotgrafo de editar sus instantneas una vez realizadas. Mediante un software, aplicacin o programa especfico de retoque fotogrfico digital, puede corregir determinados defectos cometidos al disparar o mejorar notablemente la calidad con respecto a la fotografa original. Pero tambin le permite enriquecer la imagen con un mayor realismo, agregar efectos impactantes o transformarla hasta convertirla en una composicin totalmente diferente.Desarrollado en 24 claros y pedaggicos video tutoriales, con resmenes en .PDF"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Forex Mastery Program" |
"The Comprehensive Forex Mastery Program is a perfect place for the brand-new trader and the seasoned trader who hasn't quite found their niche. We provide a unique perspective on trading the Forex market that is unmatched in the industry. This program is designed to take both the new and existing trader to new levels of success by teaching them the fundamental skills, tools and mindset they will need to become consistently profitable. We focus on price action technical analysis and avoid all the gimmicks and robots that are being pushed in the market today. The entire course has over 75 videos compiling over 10 hours of video training segments. It also contains several trading strategies that were custom designed by Jared Passey, and have been traded by him and his students for years.The course also includes a complete tutorial on the Meta-Trader 4 trading platform. If you're still looking for a way to change your trading from an expensive hobby to a profitable endeavor then you need to take a good close look at this program."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Anyone can edit videos: Movie Maker" |
"Video editing is not hard. Like many things, you just need to get started. This course will show you how to edit videos using Movie Maker. To illustrate the concepts, I made an actual short video of a trip I did in Mexico. It's a compilation of videos I took at that time. Watching this course and following along on Movie Maker will give you the skills to edit your own videos. I hope you find the course easy to follow and inspiring."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress SEO" |
"Your business website needs traffic. Not next month, next week or even tomorrow but NOW! This course, learning Wordpress SEO, will teach students to properly optimize critical areas of a business website. There are few more effective tools than Seo (short for search engine optimization) to make immediate impact within competitive online keyword markets. Here are just a few course highlights; Wordpress CMS (Content Management System) specific Establishing effective 'bread crumb trails' Onsite SEO tips and strategies to immediately increase traffic Keyword mastery to improve product sales conversions Quick Google, Yahoo and Bing search engine indexing tips Multimedia asset upload optimization to increase online presence Creating killer image Alt Tags to increase website visits Inter-linking onsite content to keep visitors engaged Anchor text insertion to increase product and service profits To name just a few! We, through more than 10 hours of expert video lectures, take you through every critical area of website development while demonstrating search engine optimization tips so join us today! Free Video Viewers - to view in best quality which is 720HD, once video is launched, go to bottom right area of video player and switch from '360' to 720HD."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Feng Shui The Easiest Way" |
"Feng Shui Basics: Feng Shui Tips for Home & Office is a detailed, yet easy to follow program, in which I teach you how to Feng Shui your entire home and create balance as I reveal all the inside secrets to improve the health, bring more money into your home, create harmonious relationships, and increase happiness of all who live within your walls.In this video Feng Shui basics course, I will show you how I arrange each of these rooms: the entrance way and front door, the living room, family room and master bedroom, a childs bedroom, a teenagers room and a guest bedroom, plus the kitchen, bathroom and home office.In this Feng Shui basics program, you will discover how to avoid the common mistakes most people make with furniture arrangement and basic Feng Shui principles. Course Content of Feng Shui Basics: Feng Shui Tips for Home & Office:</p>Section 1 Feng shui Overview 01. Welcome from Glenda 02. Your Entry Way & Front Door: Where Prosperity Flows Into Your Home 03. Feng Shui Basics: Preventing Prosperity Leaks 04. How to Use The 5 Elements of Nature in Feng ShuiSection 2: Begin Walking Through Homes With Glenda 05. Curb Appeal, Your Driveway, & Your Living Room Part 1 06. Curb Appeal, Your Driveway, & Your Living Room Part 2Section 3: Feng Shui Your Bedroom: One of the 2 Most Important Places in Your Home 07. Your Master Bedroom: Are You Set up for Romance? 08. Guest Rooms & Child's Room: Setting Your Child up for SuccessSection 4: Where Money Draining From Your Home: Bathroom, Kitchen, Dining Room 09. Why You Don't Want to Ignore Your Bathroom When it Comes to Feng shui 10. The Heart of Your Home: How to Double Your ProsperitySection 5: 11. Final Words From Glenda"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Use Photoshop by Turning Your Photo into a Vampire!" |
"A Vampire in Photoshop, is a fun way to learn how to use tools & techniques in Photoshop to manipulate images. Over the course, we'll show how to not just add fangs, but also show exactly how we made our model go from tan, to pale whiteWITHOUT losing her skin texture! We take you step by step from the original image, to a pretty convincing vampire.This course takes the average beginner about 2 hours to get through, if following along, and has plenty of tips and tricks to sink your teeth into sorry for the pun :)Enjoy!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking Made Easy" |
"This course will give you all the tools and information to give a great speech. This course follows the same outline that an introduction communication course at the junior college level would use. By the end of the course students will haveacquiredthe knowledgenecessaryto craft and present a speech confidently. Topics covered include speaking ethics, research and support, outlining and organization, delivery, and dealing with anxiety. Keywords: Speech, Public Speaking, Presentation, CommunicationThe course is broken into three components;1. The Audience; covering the communication model, introduction to public speaking, speaking ethics, and attention factors.2. Crafting the Speech; covering the basic organization of a speech, thesis development, writing introductions and conclusions, structuring and supporting main body points, patterns of organization, difference between informative and persuasive speaking, and doing research for your speech.3. Delivering your Speech; covering visual aids, language usage, delivery skills and anxiety reduction, non-verbal communication and vocal qualities."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Photograph Kids - Naturally" |
"Ever hear the saying "Don't work with kids and animals"?There is a reason for that saying, because when you first attempt to work with kids, they can be very difficult to photograph. They never sit still, don't want to do what you suggest, have temper tantrums and how do you get them to smile properly - not that fake smile?Photographing Kids can be FrustratingAre you frustrated with the average-looking kids photos you are getting with you digital SLR camera? Do you have problems controlling kids, getting them to do what you want & keeping their attention throughout photo shoot? "Where is the best place to shoot kids, what camera settings are best & how do I edit these images so that they look awesome?" If you have ever asked any of these questions then this Kids Photography: Mastering Photography for Kids course is definitely for you.</p> Brent will teach you how to photograph kids in a natural & fun way - creating the most amazing, visually stunning images every single time. His portrait photography business depends on capturing great images of kids on every shoot. Brents' Unique Photography SystemCome along with him on real photo shoots where he shows you what works and what doesn't when it comes to photographing children. Use his unique system to create a playful environment where it's really easy to capture great child photos. Short & Sweet Videos LessonsIncluded are 23 short videos (average length 4-5 minutes), quiz's and original images that you can edit step by step with Brent. Easy Self-Paced LearningTake this Kids Photography: Mastering Photography for Kids course at your own pace, come back and re-watch sections if you like, or watch the entire course in one-go. It's recommended that you watch one section at a time and then go out and practice what you have learned.</p> If you have ever wanted to know the secrets to capturing amazing kids images, then this course is for you. Brent reveals all of his techniques here - nothing has been left out. Recommend taking his Essential Photography Skills Course (Introduction to digital SLR photography) before taking this course, unless you already know the basics of how your camera works. Who is Brent?Brent is an award winning photographer who runs a very successful portrait photography studio near the beach in Australia, that focus's on kids & family photography.Take this ultimate Photography for Kids course right now and master your Kids Photography skills.</p>"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Engineering Mechanics for 1st Year Engineering Students" |
"Never go to an Engineering Mechanics Tuition Class again! When you sign up for this course, we offer premium services and exclusive content. - View offline: Slow internet, no problem - download and watch offline on your iPad and iPhone - Track Preparation: Track how much and what you have completed - Resume: Continue from where you left off - Watch at 2x: Watch videos twice as fast, finish your preparation in half the time - Learn anywhere: Prepare for your exam without the travel overhead of tuition classes Pay Securely Online via PayPal, Debit Card or Credit Card This course is directed towards the 1st year engineering students. Students of Mumbai University will also find solutions to previous exam papers solved in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"World's Fastest Piano Method - The Piano Revolution!" |
"DecPlay is the World's Fastest Way to Learn Piano, designed for people who want to experience the joy of playing popular music, without wanting to spend time learning traditional notation.The DecPlay range of piano methods are designed for popular music (although it includes some classical music eg Beethoven), and provide the fastest way to enjoy the pleasure of playing piano, using a simple 'numbers and colours' system.DecPlay simplifies complex combinations of notes into numerical patterns; through the use of our revolutionary song sheets, you will be able to understand which keys to play within 10 minutes. By combining such song sheets with video tutorials, learners will be able to play their first song within one hour - both chords and melody and then as you become more familiar with playing, be able to play the song smoothly by the end of the first day. If you practice a few minutes each day, you should be confident enough to play for your family and friends within 1 week! The FastPlay course guides you through the 3coreskills required to play your first song on the piano and then teaches advanced skills to improve your playing style.You should take this course if you want a fun, fast and simple way to experience the joy of playing piano. You then have choices to learn more songs from famous artists, or improve your playing style with advanced techniques from the DecPlay range of tuition methods. If you wish to learn to read traditional notation, a lesson within the course explains how you candirectly convert from the DecPlay notation method to traditional notation.Take this Revolutionary Piano Tutorial course right now and learn your first song on piano in 1 hour."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Subnetting Made Super Simple" |
"Whether you're just starting to learn subnetting or have been struggling with it for awhile, this guide will show you the easy way to learn to it and have you subnetting like a pro in no time. Starting with how to read binary numbers and IP addresses, you will then be walked through the process of breaking them down and creating any kind of network."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to WordPress for Beginners" |
" This course is designed to help the new user get used to all the functionality offered in WordPress. This course is filled with detailed screencasts that show you step by step how to install, configure, and use WordPress. Who is this course for? Anyone who is looking to learn WordPress from an experienced WordPress educator Anyone who is looking to learn how to build, manage and maintain a website using the WordPress platform Business owners with a limited budget who need to get a website online If you have a WordPress website already and are looking to learn how to use WordPressMaterials Included:Over 30 screencast videos showing you in detail how to :Use all the aspects of the WordPress dashboardCreate contentCreate custom menusBasics on domains and hosting from a 15 yr veteran of that space.Quizzes are included in the course to reinforce what you have learnedHow to manage your imagesHow to update your WordPress websiteBeginning in August 2013, weekly Live sessions where you can get your WordPress questions answered!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beyond Compliance" |
"Traditional classroom management approaches tend to focus on getting students to comply with rules through the use of extrinsic rewards and punishments. These coercive approaches produce, at best, short-term obedience and have the potential to thwart the development of many positive student behaviors and dispositions that we promote in our classrooms. This effective classroom management course presents an alternative classroom management approach rooted in intrinsic motivation and designed to create a learning environment in which children work hard, work together, and work with purpose. This effective classroom management course is divided into four sections that contain a total of 20 video presentations. It will take approximately 5 hours to complete the effective classroom management course. Take this ultimate effective classroom management course right now.</p>"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Training - Beginner to Advanced Level" |
"Excel skills are in high demand by most of the organizations. In this course I will teach you Step by Step how to generate Summary reports, formulas from basic to advanced level including Vlookup, IF Condition, Multiple IFs and lot many which you can use in your reporting.Each topic in this course is presented in a separate video lessonThis course will teach you how to save time and be productive. You should Pause the video, rewatch, and repeat exercises until you mastered them.Happy Learning ! Thanks & RegardsRamzan Rajani(Microsoft Excel Specialist and Certified Trainer)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Perfect Golf Swing - Timeless Golf Instruction" |
"The Perfect Golf Swing is the internationally acclaimed course taught by golf pro Jim McLellan. Jim has been featured by the New York Times, NBC, CBS, Entertainment Tonight, Today's Golfer, and ABC. He is also prominently featured in John Richardson's bestselling book, "Dream On" Jim has helped tens of thousands of golfers improve their Golf Swing Basics when all other instruction has failed. Volume I is ten lessons that cover the basics of how to transform your swing into a perfect Golfswing. All that is required is a golf club and your willingness to do what Jim says. In fact, in the beginning you don't go to a golf course, you don't even hit a golf ball. Whether you're just starting or have been playing for years, this is about starting out right or about un-learning all of the bad habits and bad instruction that other magazines, books and videos have put in your head about Golf Swing Basics. Volume II is about taking your game to the next level. Increasing power and distance, fixing your slice, chipping, putting, sand shots, etc. All of the instruction is delivered via video, and Jim will be available to answer questions you post to Udemy. Here is an overview of what you will learn in Volume I and II: The Perfect Golf Swing: Volume I 1. Good Golf: The 2 key points that contribute to great golf. 2. Back Swing: What is a good back swing and are you making the biggest back swing mistake? 3. The Hat: The most important element of the golf swing. 4. Goob: A story you will never forget. 5. Follow Through: The easiest part of the golf swing and the least understood. 6. Tie it all Together: 1 golf swing, 1 motion. 7. Grip: How to find the grip you were born with. 8. Stance: Finding your perfect stance. 9. Hot Tips: The 3 things that prevent you from becoming as good as you can be. 10. Practice: Practice makes permanent. Perfect practice makes perfect. The Perfect Golf Swing: Volume II 1. The Perfect Swing: Fine tuning your good golf swing into a perfect golf swing. 2. Power/Distance: What is the source of the power? How you can harness it. 3. Slicing/Hooking: How to cure your golf slice in 5 minutes or less. No kidding! 4. Clyde: Questions from the gallery. 5. Irons: Keys for superb iron play. 6. Ball Placement: Proper ball placement. 7. Truth and Lies: The 4 lies. Do you know what they are? 8. Practice: Are you practicing intelligently? 9. Scoring: The little known secret to a lower score. 10. Chipping, Putting & Sand Shots: Made Easy 11. Sage Advice: The way to your best golf and the dangers of more information. 12. Visualization: The beauty of a perfect golf swing.</p>"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Digital Photography: Capturing the Moment" |
"If you're interested in photography and taking beautiful or creative photographs it's essential to know your equipment, and how it works. Learn how to take better photographs by taking control of your camera in this less than 1-hour online course. In this course we'll cover:Exposure (shutter, aperture, and ISO)MeteringCamera settings to optimize your photographsIncluded with the course is are downloadable PDF training and planning guides, homework assignments, a quiz, and project planning guide to help you successfully tell a story or show a moment."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kick start your memoir - writing exercises" |
"Kick start your memoir - writing exercisesThis course has been designed to take you on a journey through various memories to help you to find the slice of life that you may want to share. It isn't a how to write a memoir. It is a kick start. A kick start that will help you to later plan, outline, write, edit and publish your book.The course is split into what I call the chapters of your life. Each invites you to explore your life, has a teaching point and some writing exercises. Writing about your life is a way to make sense of your life, it helps you to heal and it is an amazing way to leave behind a legacy - your legacy.Memoir lets you share your stories, in a way that lets others see what you went through (good or not so good), shows who you are and says 'maybe I can help you, maybe you can learn from me.""That feels good, doesn't it?To get you started I have some great memoir writing exercises. Once you start to pull all of these together you will be on your way to your first memoir.This course writing exercises for writing a memoir delivers:Ten chapters of your lifeLots of writing exercises to kick start your memory and your writingTake your time and enjoy this adventure through your life. You will be pleased that you did when you come to writing your story.Take this course right now and soon you will be on your way to writing a memoir."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Instala MySQL y SQL Server 2008 R2 en unos cuantos pasos" |
"A través de este curso, se aprenderá a instalar 2 de los motores de Base de Datos más comunes, MySQL y SQL Server 2008 R2.Esta compuesto de 3 videos y de 2 lecciones que incluyen información valiosa sobre las herramientas usadas.Este curso en total, les tomará al menos 1 hora de inversión.Si deseas aprender a instalar estos motores de Base de Datos, este curso es para tí!..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Digital Photography: Shooting in Manual for Beginners" |
"If you're interested in photography and taking beautiful or creative photographs it's essential to know your equipment, and how it works. Learn how to take better photographs by taking control of your camera's exposure in this 1-hour online course. In this course we'll cover the following through over an hour of video lectures, downloadable outlines, and assignments that reinforce:Exposure (shutter, aperture, and ISO)Metering, and metering modesShooting checklist to know what to do and whenStudents will best learn when they take as little as a week to go through the lectures, outlines, and assignments. We recommend taking anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks to complete this course.Students benefit from taking this course by engaging with the material, and putting it in to practice with their DSLR or digital rangefinder cameras. In doing so they will learn to how the camera ""sees light,"" how to communicate their creative goals, and dial in the appropriate settings to reach these creative goals, which all leads to better exposed and more creative photographs. Students also benefit from engaging in their learning with peers, and are encouraged to participate in peer-to-peer learning by introducing themselves and starting discussions in the question area. Christine, the instructor, gives over an hour of video lectures, based on her nearly 10 years in the professional wedding photography and portrait industry. She is available by the contact form for any questions students may have and responds to questions on a weekly basis."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Grant Professional Certification (GPC) Exam Prep" |
"Attention experienced grant writers: Have you written at least 5 successful grant proposals over the past 7 years and have a minimum of 3 years of professional experience in the grants field within the last 5 years? If "yes", you may be eligible to take the Grant Professional Certification (GPC) exam and become certified. This course is perfect for you! The GPC Exam Prep home study course helps you become certified by helping you complete your eligibility packet and preparing you to pass the GPC Exam! It includes polls, group discussions, scenarios (case studies), presentations, Google library, orientation and unique practice exam. The GPC exam (and practice exam) have two parts: a writing sample and multiple choice section. Some skills measured include funder research, project design, crafting an effective grant application, post-award management, ethics, and writing a convincing case for funding. GPC Exam Prep covers all 9 core exam competencies and 65 sub-competencies. It was designed by certified faculty. The GPC Exam is independently administered by the Grant Professionals Certification Institute (GPCI). Cost for taking the GPC exam is separate. GPC Exam Prep is for advanced grant writers."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft OneNote 2013 Training Tutorial" |
"Learn Microsoft OneNote 2013 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering OneNote Made Easy features 67 video lessons with over 4.5 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual, additional images and practice exercises. You will learn all about creating and formatting notes, organizing information, researching with OneNote, sharing and collaborating on notebooks and much more. Whether you are completely new to OneNote or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch a video lesson or open the manual and youre on your way to mastering OneNote. This course also includes bonus material for versions prior to 2013, making an upgrade from earlier versions a breeze."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel 2013 Training Tutorial" |
"Learn Microsoft Excel 2013 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc.Mastering Excel Made Easy features 222 video lessons with over 10 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each Microsoft Excel 2013 lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our three printable classroom instruction manuals (Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced), additional images and practice exercises. You will learn how to effectively create and format spreadsheets, charts, pivot tables and much more. Whether you are completely new to Excel or upgrading from an older version, this Excel 2013 course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply click to launch a video lesson or open one of the manuals and youre on your way to mastering Excel. This course also includes lessons for versions prior to Microsoft Excel 2013, making an upgrade from earlier versions a breeze.</p>"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Training Tutorial" |
"Learn Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering PowerPoint Made Easy features 102 video lessons with over 5.5 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our two printable classroom instruction manuals (Introductory and Advanced), additional images and practice exercises. You will learn introductory through advanced concepts - from creating simple yet elegant presentations to adding animation and video and customization.Whether you are completely new to PowerPoint or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch a video lesson or open one of the manuals and youre on your way to mastering PowerPoint.This course includes bonus lessons for versions prior to 2013."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Robust Scrum Master" |
"Although I have been doing project management for quite some time, it had been mostly waterfall based, and I started my first agile project using scrum six months ago. I had taken some classes in agile and scrum, and this project was the first time I had to apply what I had learned and I realized that I had many gaps.The Robust Scrum master course was incredibly detailed and helped fill in those gaps. It provided wholistic guidance and practical how-to advice for facilitating the planning, review, and retrospective meetings. It helped validate what I was doing well, what I was missing, and where I could do better.I highly recommend this course to those who want to improve their skills as a scrum master.-Mia TurpelUpdated in Spring 2020. Over 2500 students enrolled.Do you feel like you're not yet a confident and successful Scrum Master?Do you want to build confidence and clarity to facilitate the key Scrum meetings?Do you want to collaborate effectively with managers?Do you want to learn how to communicate through conflict?Then this course is for you!This course is the fastest path you can take to 'level up' your Scrum Master skills.This course is for people who have taken a one to three day course on Scrum (or have equivalent experience) and want to raise the bar on their skills. Introductory Scrum courses tell you what you need to do but not how to do it. This course shows you, through detailed examples and checklists, how to be a Scrum Master.In this course, you will learn:The mindset of successful Scrum Masters. You will learn how your mindset influences your actions and how to construct an effective mindset.How to create your daily, weekly, and monthly rhythms. What do you need to do every day as a Scrum Master? What do you need to do every week and every month?The ABC technique: How to build relationships with key people in your organization to increase the success of your Scrum teams.EXACTLY how to facilitate the planning, review, and retrospective meetings. When you become an effective facilitator, you will radically improve your teams cohesion and velocity.A way to communicate through conflict. Learn how to break down every difficult conversation into four steps.How to collaborate with managers on Scrum. You will learn what managers care about and how they think about Scrum. You will learn how to set up and launch an Enterprise Agile Team.The characteristics of a servant leader and how to increase your ability to serve the team.You will get tools and checklists that take the STRESS out of being a Scrum Master.In addition to the course material, you will receive two one-on-one 25 minute coaching sessions with me. I will share with you what Ive learned training and consulting at Carbonite, edX, Paypal, Symantec, Philips, Verizon, and a dozen other companies. You will also be invited to a group monthly coaching call. In addition, youll be able to ask questions at any time using the questions area of the course. This is like having a PERSONAL TUTOR as you level up your Scrum Master skills.Who am I? I am the co-author of Professional Scrum with Team Foundation Server, Why Agile Works: The Values Behind the Results, and Agile Coaching:Wisdom from Practitioners. I am a former VP of Corporate Strategy at Softricity, founder of Inquira (acquired by Oracle), and a PhD in Computer Science from MIT.I am here to pump you up as you deepen your understanding of Scrum and improve your Scrum Master skills!The course is designed to be taken over eight weeks. If you follow this plan, you will spend approximately half an hour per day on the course. The first one or two days of every week will focus on videos and during the remainder of the week you will be doing assignments.Warning: This course is HARD. I like to say, Practice in proportion to your aspirations. If you are ready to sweat blood to become a better Scrum Master, I invite you to look at Section 3 of the course to see if this course is a good fit for you.If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at or 617 575 9707."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint Animation Deep Dive: Office Ninja Training" |
"For most people, PowerPoint is a necessary evil. But you're not most people! You've stumbled on the course that will teach you how to properly use PowerPoint animation to enhance any pitch, presentation, or discussion. How, you ask? With easy to follow, practical lesson that reinforce key concepts with quizzes and hands on exercises. Join me as we follow a well paced progression starting with ""white belt"" training. This section will cover the fundamentals of animation including: Different animation types Animating bulleted lists Animating SmartArt Soon, you'll advance to the ""black belt"" section, where you'll learn how to utilize the most effective parts of PowerPoint, Use animation to enhance, rather than distract, from your presentations Combine animations and control timing for powerful effects Animate charts and other object to emphasize a point This deep dive office ninja course will propel your slide deck into the realm of awesome so you can focus on communicating a message people will remember. Come join me!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Tutorial - Video & Animation Masterclass" |
"If you already use Photoshop you know it's packed with amazing and powerful features that can preform stunning transformations and enhancements on digital imagery. This course shows how you can take your already learned skills of image manipulation and apply them directly to video.In this Photoshop for Video Editing training course, Infinite Skills introduces you to using the highly effective tools to use Photoshop in a way you never thought possible.Photoshop is not usually the first program that comes to mind for managing your video, but Adobe has added powerful video editing and animation tools to Photoshop, and we can show you have to use them!The course starts off by explaining who can benefit from the Photoshop video features, and what prior knowledge you will need to get the most out of this tutorial. You will cover the basics of the production workflow in Photoshop, then jump right into managing your video assets. You will learn how to arrange and trim your video, add, adjust and mix audio, how to apply transitions to your clips and how to animate using filters, layer styles and more. This tutorial also covers adding text to your video, and even animating it! Finally, you will learn how to export your finished project. Extensive working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons with the same assets that he is using.Once you have completed this computer based training course for Video and Animation with Photoshop, you will have the skills to manage your video projects right through Adobe Photoshop. You will be confident in importing your video, editing it, adding fancy transitions and fun animation, and finally exporting it to share with your friends and family!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adventures in Classical MusicMusic Appreciation for All!" |
"Music appreciation for the 21st century. Learn about Classical Music in the Western world from the Middle Ages to the present. Youll begin with an introduction to the various elements of music -- for example, melody, rhythm, pitch and harmony to give you the basics and vocabulary of music theory to understand and appreciate any type of music. Youll then explore the History of Classical Music through its various stylistic periods, from medieval chant right up to the current cutting edge. Anyone interested in classical music will benefit from this course. ______________________________________________________________________ About this course: Over 3800 happy students Updated regularly Full, free lifetime access All future extra and upgraded lectures are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee See testimonials from former students below ______________________________________________________________________ This course is structured in 32 sections; the first section is devoted to the elements of music in order to give you a detailed primer in music theory: melody, rhythm, pitch, harmony, texture, tempo, dynamics and form. Section 1 includes a Short History of Rock and Roll to illustrate the musical elements and musical style. After that, each section is devoted to one of the broad eras of music history: The Middle Ages. Learn about early music beginning with monophony and how polyphony developed during the period of the building of the great cathedrals. The Renaissance. What was happening in music during the period in which Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel? A return to some Ancient ideals led to a rediscovery of the science of acoustics, providing a basis for the theory of modern harmony. How the course of music changed as a result of Martin Luthers break from the Church. The Baroque. Here we have the origins of opera, as well as a flowering of instrumental music, culminating in the works of Bach, Handel and Vivaldi. The Classical. In reaction to the florid complexities of the Baroque, and influenced by the Age of Reason, the Classical period focused on simplicity and elegance, producing such composers as Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. Romanticism. The Age of Reason was too reasonable for the the Romanticists. They valued heightened emotion over elegance. The music of Schumann, Chopin, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Verdi and Puccini were some of its greatest accomplishments. The Modern Period. Formerly referred to as the 20th century period, it now needs to reflect its expansion into the 21st century. Some of the greatest composers of this period have been Stravinsky, Bartok, Schoenberg, Britten, Shostakovich, Ives, Copland and Barber. We conclude with a retrospective and some final remarks to wrap it all up. ______________________________________________________________________ Testimonials from former students. I concurrently teach this course at Santa Rosa Junior College (for core Humanities credit). Please take a moment to read a few testimonials by Santa Rosa students about this course, as they testify to my passion and command of the subject matter. I wanted to thank you, Bill Neely, for sharing your knowledge with us. This has been a super-duper class, and I find myself a little sad to find it drawing to a close. I've always enjoyed classical music rather passively; I now feel that I can be an active participant, with a deeper understanding of the musical concepts, the composers themselves, and their historical context. Very cool! Sandra L My love for classical music has grown as I understand more now the times and styles and detours of styles these great composers took. I have found these lectures easy to understand and digest into my appreciation and education of classical music. Kathy J I wanted to thank you for this wonderful class. I have a doctorate degree, and this has been one of the most thorough and informative classed I have ever taken. It has deepened my understanding and enjoyment of the music I have been listening to for the past 35 years...I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the depth and clarity of presentation of this class. Do you offer any other online classes? I have recommended it to many of my friends Loretta Z I really like your lectures, very informative, interesting and filled with a lot of information This is what I hoped for in an online course. Great lectures, this is the first online class I've taken that I felt the instructor was as dedicated to his online students as his in-person ones. Thank you! Stephanie M ...lectures were terrific, especially the use of the history of Rock 'n' Roll to begin a very clear and concise exploration of the basics of music ...Thanks very much for teaching such an excellent course. Sincerely, Daniel N Many more testimonials available on my musicappreciationonline dot com website."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |