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"- iOS-, Swift Xcode" |
", . Swift Xcode. JSON , . , - iOS., , AppStore."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crash Course in Microsoft Excel for Absolute Beginners!!" |
"*** WAIT !!!!! - USE CODE DECEMBERDISCOUNT2018 TO TAKE THE COURSE FOR 9.99! ****** Attention all students, job seekers and career enthusiasts!!! ***Hello and a very warm welcome to this crash course in Excel for absolute beginners! My name is Jaleel, and in this course I will teach you how to use Microsoft Excel. Imagine being able to add Excel to your CV. Get ahead of the competition and get the job or promotion you deserve. Whether it's accounting and finance, project management, data analysis or any other office profession, having Excel under your belt could be the difference between getting that job or promotion, or not.So, what can you expect from this course? Well, as the title suggests, the absolute basics of Microsoft Excel, presented clearly in a series of short videos and practice workbooks. Ive designed this course so it's easy to follow. It's structured in a way that lets you dip in and out of the sections most relevant or of interest to you. Everything from opening the application to macros. Youll also be able to work through practice examples, making sure you really understand and grasp these new skills. Taking this course and practising what youve learnt will give you the confidence to say: I can use Excel. If a particular area is too basic, please jump ahead to the next section, keeping in mind I did create this for absolute beginners. As this is a crash course, Ill do my best to explain each topic area and ask you to complete practice examples where possible. By the end of the course, you should have the confidence to create your own spreadsheets, graphs and pivot tables. Save yourself time and money. You dont need to spend 100s or waste hours trying to figure out the basics. This course has been designed to teach theabsolute basics quickly. Put aside any fears and anxiety, and lets take thisstep together, right now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to 3D Studio Max" |
"Introduction to 3D modeling with 3D Studio Max.You will learn all about the interface, its shortcuts and gain an excellent grounding in the core funcationality of 3d modeling helping you to build as the course goes on. You will create your first 3d models and learn how to add detail and textures to your creations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Leadership Essentials for High Performance Teams" |
"Winning teams require coaching, purpose, collaboration, and candid feedback. When you lead your teams well, you boost competence, confidence, and shared vision. That's what leads to high performance! You MUST invest in the development of yourself and your teams. If you don't, performance stagnates, burnout results, and toxic work environments prevent talent from being recruited or retained. Your team needs your leadership! Are you ready?? What's holding you back?! This course helps you analyze your strengths, biases, and emotional intelligence to lead your team to successful outcomes. Then you'll learn techniques for building and sustaining high performance, analyzing team dynamics, and applying problem solving techniques for immediate results. You'll also discover tools to mediate conflict and lead through change! Our consultants offer each of these lessons to organizational leaders for hundreds of dollars per hour. Here, YOU get a targeted primer in each for just pennies on the dollar! Isn't it time you invested in your success? Learn essential leadership skills to impact and influence, all while leading your teams to sustained high performance!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Creating and Selling your Product Using Printful + Shopify" |
"Creating and Selling yourFirst Product Using Printful and ShopifyThe easy way for entrepreneurs to get started creating and selling their first custom drop-ship item.Have you thought about selling custom items, but didn't want to worry about the hassle of production and fulfillment?By using a drop-ship provider, you don't have to worry about producing your product, fulfillment, shipping or inventory.By the end of this course, you will be ready to start your very own shop.In this course, we will cover:Creating Graphics with Low-Cost ToolsGetting started with PrintfulCreating productsAdding Products to Shopify & moreThis course is for:Aspiring Store OwnersExisting businesses that provide digital products and would like to add physical products without an overheadEnroll now and start learning with me today... See you in the course!Shopifyis one of the top e-commerce platforms for entrepreneurs to start selling their products or dropship items. Start your store today"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Increase Focus and Stop Procrastination in the Digital Age" |
"Sick of getting nothing done? Tired of getting distracted and staying unproductive? This course delivers. No B.S. No overblown claims. Just straight results. This is the types of investment that can pay you back well into the future. Imagine how much more work you'll get done over your lifetime with just a small increase in your productivity. That can lead to increased income, happiness, and freedom in your life. You'll have more time for relationships, family, and health.The course takes a holistic approach to productivity and efficiency because doing the most to achieve your life goals in the least time means more than just making money or getting work done. It means achieving whatever your goals are, family time, happiness, or travel.The goal of this course is to teach you at least one new idea or mindset shift that can change how you approach your work.Tired of productivity courses that are so long that you need productivity just to finish the course? This course focuses on quality over quantity. It's designed to give you the most impactful how-to techniques in just six 10-minute videos because I understand that you don't want to spend 500 hours taking a course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Immigration! Applying for a ""U.S Family Based Green Card""" |
"This course is designed to assist anyone who is interested in filing for a Green Card for a family member that is LIVING OUTSIDE the United States. The information provided is intended to give an overview of the procedure and process of filing for a ""Family Based Green Card ""(Petition for Alien Relative), as granted by the United States Immigration. Disclosed are detailed instructions regarding how to apply for a Green Card on your own and hopefully avoid paying an expensive Immigration Attorney. If you the (petitioner) and the alien relative (beneficiary) have no prior criminal offense or immigration violations, this course will save you thousands of dollars in attorneys' fees. Hiring an attorney does not expedite the processing time. The processing time for any immigration filing is the same with or without an attorney because the timeline is set forth by Immigration Processing Center.At the completion of this course, you would have gained the knowledge and confidence needed to successfully file for a ""Family Based Green Card"" without the assistance of an attorney. This course will teach you how to complete all required forms, which supporting documents are needed, immigration filing fees, how to apply for an Immigrant Visa, preparing for the interview, securing a Social Security Card for work authorization, and when to renew the ""Green Card"".When my parents expressed their interest in joining me in the U.S to live permanently; I was instantly overwhelmed! Not about the thought of them coming to live with me, but the thought of how I will manage the immigration process. Why would I be so overwhelmed? After all, that is why we have Immigration Attorneys! Well, as you may have already realized that attorneys can be very expensive and more importantly, Immigration Attorneys, in my opinion, are overpriced! I will teach you the step-by-step process of how to save your hard earned money by filing the immigration paperwork yourself. I did it and I'm confident that you can do it by yourself with the information provided in this course. I have successfully filed for many ""Green Cards"" including my own, my parents and clients to name a few. If you are ready to be reunified with your overseas relatives and want to give them the opportunity to live the AMERICAN DREAM, then let's get started with the course. Thank you for your time!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"La verdadera Gua de Criptomonedas, Blockchain y Trading P1" |
"Bienvenida o bienvenido a nuestro curso,Hemos creado esta gua en respuesta a las preguntas ms comunes que hemos detectado en nuestra experiencia a lo largo de los aos en el mundo de las criptomonedas, el trading y el blockchain. El curso est diseado tanto para las personas que quieren empezar en el mundo de las criptomonedas pero que no saben cmo, tanto como para las personas que ya tienen experiencia pero que quieren empezar a profundizar al respecto.En la seccin 1, empezamos describiendo las principales criptomonedas como el Ether de Ethereum y el Litecoin (entre muchas otras), as como la verdadera historia del Bitcoin, su inspiracin e ideologas que han favorecido su nacimiento. Explicamos qu es una criptomoneda, qu es la criptografa y el por qu la importancia de la ""descentralizacin"".En la seccin 2, cubrimos todos los aspectos bsicos del trading de criptomonedas. Te explicamos qu son las wallets de criptomonedas, adems de que aprenders dnde comprar y vender stos activos digitales.En sta seccin cubrimos los fundamentos del anlisis tcnico como: qu son las lneas de soporte, las lneas de resistencia, la importancia del precio, qu nos indica el volmen, cules son las tendencias del mercado y como identificarlas. Te explicamos de forma sencilla qu son las velas japonesas, te contamos un poco de su historia y analizamos algunos de los ms importantes patrones de velas japonesas. Con estos conocimientos sers capaz de hacer tus propios anlisis tcnicos y hacer tu propia estrategia de trading. Esto te dar el conocimiento, las armas y la confianza necesaria al momento de comprar y vender tus criptomonedas.En la seccin 3, aprenders qu es Blockchain de forma sencilla y por qu es tan importante esta revolucionaria tecnologa en la cual se basa el Bitcoin. Adems explicamos qu es la minera y qu oportunidades representa para nosotros. Queremos que este curso sea lo ms integral posible y que realmente aprendas qu son y cmo funcionan stas tecnologas.Finalmente, agregamos una cuarta seccin especial, dedicada a temas de trading un poco ms avanzados. Cubrimos el tema de indicadores tcnicos, los cuales bien utilizados, nos ayudan a predecir los cambios de tendencia en el mercado y cerramos con una clase maestra donde analizamos brevemente todos los temas del curso y te mostramos cmo se aplican en la prctica. En esta clase maestra, te enseamos la mayora de nuestros trucos :)El anlisis tcnico lo puedes aplicar incluso en otros mercados, como el trading de opciones binarias (Forex), o las acciones, materias primas, etc.Con estos cuatro aspectos, una persona de cualquier edad y background educativo puede obtener un gran beneficio en su vida financiera y tecnolgica diaria. Hicimos este curso con la idea de que la mayor gente se pueda beneficiar de los conocimientos adquiridos. En este curso buscamos combatir los mitos de las criptomonedas y del Bitcoin y decir la verdad de este mundo para que ms gente conozca los beneficios, se una y las adopte. Que las pueda comprar de manera informada y que obtenga y vea beneficios en su vida personal.Como comentario final nos queda decir que al tomar este curso, te llevas totalmente GRATIS nuestro libro Top Traders el cual est a la venta en Amazon. El libro es complemento perfecto para el curso, es por esa razn que lo quisimos dar gratis a nuestros alumnos, para que puedas sacar el mayor provecho del material y puedas empezar a poner pronto en prctica lo aprendido.Gracias y te esperamos!"
Price: 2070.00 ![]() |
"The Piano Academy" |
"Learning to play piano in the traditional sense can mean months before seeing the results of your hard work. This online course gives you IMMEDIATE ACCESS to a complete ACCELERATED EDUCATION and training program enabling you to go from novice to a pianist and build up a wealth of knowledge along the way in 3 EASY STEPS.This course is not only for the beginner, but also for the HIGH-LEVEL ACHIEVER who wants to leverage piano playing to be more productive, achieve more, and level up in life. This COMPREHENSIVE course will unlock the FOUNDATIONAL TIPS AND TECHNIQUES to playing piano in 3 easy steps. Included in this course are substantive lectures, supplemented with targeted and easy to follow quizzes and homework assignments to reinforce the information learned and get you closer to playing the pieces you've always wanted.No other course is more EFFICIENT in teaching you music theory, scales, and chords in the most accessible, clear, and straightforward way! I have created this course so that you don't have to sit behind a computer watching lectures for hours on end, but can instead take prompt action developing your new skills.Playing the piano has been one of the most enjoyable activities I have ever experienced. I have met the most amazing people from it. If you are interested in becoming a pianist or want to expand on the skillsets you already have, I believe that this will be a great place to start. In this course, I am laying it all out for you to understand the most essential pieces of information that has worked best for me.Thanks so much!Heather Bowen"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Smart Notebook for beginners to mastery." |
"Master the Smart Notebook software and everything it has to offer. Impress yourself, colleagues, and administrators with your knowledge of Smart Notebook. Or land your dream job with the help of this course. This, engaging, and easy to follow course will guarantee you results! Only a few well developed, and organized lectures have been designed to be practical for all user levels, from beginners to experts"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
professional-course-that-teaches-you-ms-dos-system |
"5 : ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Praktyczny kurs Excel 2016 / 2019" |
"W trakcie trwania kursu poznacie histori wieo upieczonego pracownika biurowego, ktry wanie przyj si do swojej pierwszej pracy. Nasz bohater, jak kady na jego miejscu, chciaby zaprezentowa si z jak najlepszej strony, a e zdarzyo mu si ""pochwali"" na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej znajomoci Excela bd mu zlecane zadania zwizane z tym wanie programem. Zadania te bdziecie rozwizywali razem z prowadzcym w oparciu o dodatkowe doczone do kursu materiay.Dodatkowo przyswoicie sobie wiedz potrzebn do zdania egzaminu z moduu B4 ECDL BASE w jednym z orodkw ECDL w Polsce i otrzymania tym samym certyfikatu ECDL Profile. Certyfikat ten uznawany jest w caej Unii Europejskiej.. . . a wszystko to rozpocznie si od uruchomienia programu, pierwszego wpisanego tekstu do komrki, pierwszego spostrzeenia, e arkusz Excel swoim wygldem przypomina troch zeszyt w kratk.Jeli posiadacie starsze wersje programu Excel od razu informujemy, e wiedza prezentowana w szkoleniu jest na tyle uniwersalna, e bdziecie mogli j wykorzysta pracujc take na starszych wersjach programu np. Excel 2010."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"WooCommerce Native Apps(Android/iOS) in 5 Minutes" |
"Convert your Existing WooCommerce Store to Beautiful Native Apps in just minutes. Why Native App?When was last time you clicked on a Promotional Email? Push Notifications from Mobile app have shown 10 times more open rate than Email Marketing CampaignsBuilding a loyal customer is crucial for success of your E-commerce business. Mobile app provide a direct channel between you and your customers.Never lose customers via cart abandonment. Notify them through App notification with discount code to make immediate purchases. 80 percent lesser cart abandonment on mobile app compared to webstore.Reduce checkout time and thereby reducing friction for your users. Mobile app checkout only takes 26 seconds or lesser. This has increased growth of many E-commerce businesses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video Editing Course" |
"In this video course you will learn how to edit your videos, add subtitles to your videos, add external audio files, trim or adjust audios, add images and much more. You do not need to have any kind of qualification to learn this course. All you need to know is how to use a desktop/laptop and basic understanding about the internet and videos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creeaza pagini web in WordPress folosind Visual Composer" |
"Modul de utilizare Drag & Drop simplifica punerea in pagina, astfel incat o pagina web completa si cu un layout profesional poate fi gata in doar cateva minute.CONTINUT 100% RESPONSIVECu Visual Composer (WPBakery Page Builder), putem crea pagini web 100% responsive. Astfel, coninutul va fi vizualizat in mod optim pe toate dispozitivele, de la telefoane mobile, la tablete, laptopuri si computere desktop. Visual Composer adopta sistemul de grile al Bootstrap (cel mai utilizat framework responsive). Cu WPBakery Page Builder avem o flexibilitate avansata a layout-ului responsive prin care putem controla modul in care sunt dispuse coloanele pe variile rezolutii de dispozitive si ascunde sau inlocui elemente din vizualizarea la anumite rezolutii.ELEMENTE INCLUSEPeste 50 de elemente preconfectionate: putem insera automat in pagina galerii de imagini si articole, iconite Font Awesome, butoane, CTA, imagini cu efecte si filtre CSS, videoclipuri, harti, fonturi personalizate din Google Fonts, etc.Putem folosi WPBakery Page Builder CU ORICE TEMA (gratuita sau premium) in WordPress."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Total Strength: Power Vinyasa Yoga" |
"Total Strength is a Power Vinyasa Yoga course designed to empower you by strengthening the mind body connection through invigorating movements and conscious breath. Unlock new depths to your practice through guided flows targeted at improving stamina, strength, core activation, and flexibility while synchronizing the breath with movement. BY THE END OF THE COURSE YOU WILL HAVE- Developed a deeper understanding and appreciation for your body and breathe- Toned and strengthened the core, hamstrings, quads, arms, shoulders, neck, and hips - Deepened focus and concentration- Improved respiration, energy, and vitality- Improved flexibility and posture- Eased stress, tension, and anxiety- Learned Key Foundations for advanced postures- Learned to move through transitions with confidenceWith 20 classes ( each ranging from 15-25 minutes ) each one meaningfully thought out, these classes are bite-sized, quick, and fun; designed for the busy bee who's always on the go but can't start the day without a little sweat. We'll create a foundation of strength and stability though safe, efficient ways that build your body at a challenging but approachable level. The perfect blend of sweat and serenity, these courses will leave you feeling invigorated, nourished, and STRONG."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Qi Gong and Meditation for health - LEVEL 1" |
"In this course you will find stretching, breathing and meditation exercises to improve the three treasures of health (Sam Bao).The cultivation and improvement of the three treasuresphysical system (musculature, tendon and bone system)respiratory systememotional systemis one of the secrets best kept by the Chinese culture, NOW AT YOUR REACH, through the Lo Han Kung system.In this course I offer you the possibility ofknow your body through the body awareness that you will achieve with the stretching and breathing exercisesregulate your breathing and use its benefits to calm your mind and relax your musculatureknow yourself and focus your goals with energy and optimism through meditation exercisesIf you are looking to IMPROVE YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE this is your way.The course also includes the possibility of a channel for questions and doubts about the exercises.With a realistic approach through HD videos, you will be provided with the secrets of ancient Taoist and Buddhist Qi Gong preserved in the legendary Shaolin Temple.This is your course with a step by step program, created by Sifu Luis Lzaro so that any interested person is able to learn Qi Gong and Meditation."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn Moroccan Arabic in 3 days ( Easy )" |
"Hi My name is achraf and In this course you will be learning how to speak and understand darija or morocvan arabic without any issus by teaching you all the basics and the things that you will need on you trip to morocco to enjoy your jurney without thinking of the language barrier and giving you the knolwedge that you need to have a nice and enjoyebale trip to morocco."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Automating Enterprise Infrastructure - Terraform and Packer" |
"Welcome to the course is on building Enterprise Grade Infrastructure using Hashicorp tools - Terraform and Packer.This course is build on latest Terraform Version : 0.11.8 and AWS Provider Version : v1.39.0.I will keep on updating this course as new features of Terraform and Packer are released . You can also use this course as an Terraform Automation Reference material . If you know the basics of Terraform then feel free to directly jump to the relevant section . I will also push and update code to GitHub for your ready reference .Terraform supports 100+ Providers so it's easy to support multiple cloud providers using same IaC ( Infrastructure as Code ) tool.We will be mainly covering AWS provider to start with .About this Course:Terraform Basic - Introduction, Syntax, Interpolation etc.Terraform CLI - Console, Graph, format.Building AWS Infrastructure - Getting StartedBuilding AWS Infrastructure S3 , EC2 ,VPC etc.Using TFVAR Files to maintain multiple AWS Environments.Scaling Terraform Resources using Count Parameters and ELB.Terraform Remote States.Building Architectural Components using Terraform - AWS ELB.Terraform Modules.Creating a Custom VPC using Terraform Modules.Introduction to Packer.Using Terraform and Packer together for automation.Automating Security and Service Discovery using Terraform - Hashicorp Vault and Consul Clusters.Automate Kubernetes (EKS ) Cluster using Terraform .Automation Mindset - Using Shell Scripts , AWS CLI , Packer and Terraform altogether."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teaching Grammar for Business Essays" |
"Its fairly easy these days to access the materials you need to teach students how to plan essays, write introductions or conclusions, develop paragraphs or make citations - but rather more difficult to find materials that focus specifically on the key grammar that your students require (often at a sentence level) for the three fundamental processes of academic business writing: being objective, building information, and connecting ideas. This course seeks to fill that gap. By the time you have finished, you will have the classroom techniques and all the materials you need to teach, within a business context, the most relevant aspects of these 12 features: cautious language, defining language, passives, impersonal subjects, noun phrases, relative clauses, verb clauses, linkers, conditionals, cause and effect, comparison and cohesion/signposting. After a brief introduction, describing the rationale for the course and how it works in detail, two or three of the 12 items above are covered in each of the next five sections of the course, under these headings: Being objective in a business essay: grammar for functionsBeing objective in a business essay: key grammar itemsBuilding information in a business essayConnecting ideas in a business essay: key grammar itemsConnecting ideas in a business essay: grammar for functionsEach of the main lectures acts like a suggested lesson plan. What I do is to take you through the stages of the lesson, giving you all the material that you need on the accompanying slides, or pages as I call them, including examples, exercises with answers, lists of key language, and activities for your students. (With longer exercises and activities I show you the beginning, and you can download the rest in the lesson planning resources at the end of each lecture.) There are also printable revision worksheets for your students at the end of each section.So you dont need to copy anything down as you watch, in fact, because all of the material you see on the pages (as well as the endings to longer exercises and activities ) is available in the downloadable, adaptable lesson planning resources for you to use in a way that suits your own physical or online classroom: copying key language onto a whiteboard, for example, or printing it off for your students, or displaying it by computer. As you progress through the course, you can use the knowledge you gain in three immediate ways:1) check your own understanding of the grammar items by trying the student exercises that you see on the slides (or their longer versions in the resources) before you look at the answers;2) when you've watched an individual lecture, use the resources to create a lesson plan that will work for your students;3) try teaching some of the items to your students before you complete the course - the experience you gain may be helpful when you come to watch the next new lecture.Please note:1) this course focuses exclusively on students grammatical control, often at a sentence level. It doesnt deal with study skills or essay development in general.2) All of the material is set within a modern business context, covering areas such as human resources, marketing and finance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spoken Grammar: a Guide for English Language Teachers" |
"Review in TESOLANZ Newsletter, July 2020: ""Overall I found this a highly interesting course which opened my eyes to many lexico-grammatical points I hadnt thought about before. In my opinion, taking this course would benefit all teachers of ESOL at Intermediate level and above, enriching their teaching of both grammar and speaking."" (Dr Katherine Quigley, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington)Review in IATEFL Voices, July/August 2019: ""I was truly impressed by the author's knowledge of the subject matter and his clear explanations in the videos. ... I think the information in this course would be great for providing teachers with the 'meat' to design a conversational speaking course that would be both practical and engaging for higher-level students."" (Hilary Livingston)Review in ELT Planning blog, July 2019: ""Other things I like about the course: Everything! I think this course is essential for anyone taking, or thinking of taking, a Dip TESOL. It is a great way to enhance your subject knowledge and offers some nice practical ideas to integrate the teaching of spoken grammar into your lessons."" Rating: 5/5Review in EL Gazette, January/February 2019: ""This guide would be useful on the electronic devices of all language teachers I know, and at any stage of their career, who have a distinct interest in teaching English as it is really spoken."" (Wayne Trotman)___________________________________________________________________________________________Spoken grammar is the term for new items of conversational grammar recently described for the first time by grammarians processing vast amounts of spoken English by computer. It includes features such as tails:Its a great place to visit, Barcelona. vague category phrases: Shall we go for a walk or something? and spoken discourse markers: Listen, can I call you back? Were about to have dinner. If you want to learn more about spoken grammar and teach your students a range of useful items in this recently-researched area, where few materials are currently available, then this is the course for you.By the end of the course, youll have the classroom techniques and all the materials you need to teach the following 15 items of spoken grammar: heads and tails; declarative questions; ellipsis; hyperbole; interjections; cleft structures and binomial phrases; vague categories; vague placeholders and quantities; vague lexical bundles; spoken discourse markers; response tokens and questions; special uses of so and do; synonymous language and dependent clauses. After a brief introduction, describing the rationale for the course and how it works in detail, three of the 15 items above are covered in each of the next five sections of the course, under these headings: Word order and ellipsis Emphasis Vague language Marking spoken discourse Response language The 15 lectures that focus on these items act as lesson plans. What I do is to take you through each stage of the lesson, showing you the material you can use with your students on the accompanying slides (or pages as I call them), including dialogues, exercises (with answers), explanations of key language and activities such as role plays and simulations. (With longer dialogues and exercises, I show you the beginning, and you can download the rest in the lesson planning resources at the end of each lecture.) You dont need to copy anything down as you watch, in fact, because all of the material you see on the pages (as well as the endings to longer dialogues etc.) is available in the downloadable, adaptable lesson planning resources for you to use in a way that suits your own physical or online classroom: copying key language onto a whiteboard, for example, or printing it off for your students, or displaying it by computer. As you progress through the course, you can use the knowledge you gain in three immediate ways:1) check your own understanding of the grammar items by trying the student exercises that you see on the slides (or their longer versions in the resources) before you look at the answers;2) when you've watched an individual lecture, use the resources to create a lesson plan that will work for your students;3) try teaching some of the items to your students before you complete the course - the experience you gain may be helpful when you come to watch the next new lecture.Please note that: 1) this course doesnt deal with other aspects of grammar - verb tenses, for example - that are important for conversation, but already well covered in traditional teaching materials; 2) learners using the material in the course should be at intermediate level or above."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Desenvolvedor Desktop com Java e C/C++" |
"Comece aprendendo do ZERO ou se j possui conhecimento use como guia de pesquisa para programar. Bem vindo ao curso de desenvolvimento para desktop,nesse curso voc aprender os principais conceitos para se tonar programador e se empregar como ou abrir sua prpria Startup .Ser apresentado todo conceito e principais funes das linguagem java,c e c++ e outros fundamentos de programao ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Matlab for scientists: a beginners course" |
"This Matlab course will help you to get started in your career as a student, researcher or scientist working with Matlab. Whether you need to pass an exam or apply data analysis on behavioral or physiological data, this course is definitely made for you. You will master the basics of Matlab in no time. You will be able to automate repetetive tasks and visualize your data in less than two hours. Very concise videos make it possible.To introduce myself: I am a researcher myself (PhD student in sleep research, nice to meet you), who has worked and taught Matlab for more than 3 years now. I have realized how important it is to master Matlab to analyse your data yourself. Especially as a person completely new to programming, learning Matlab can be a quite exhausting experience. In this course, however, you will learn from application-based material, which is both concise and fun. I created this online course so that your Matlab journey is both as smooth and delightful as possible.So have a nice trip, let me guide you through Matlab wonderland and enjoy the ride!P.S.: This course will be continously improved with the feedback you give. I'm sure I can still learn a lot in respect to producing high-quality videos. As your enrollment guarantees access for all your life, you will benefit from it yourself, as well."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Certified Scrum Master Exam Prep : Scrum Practice Tests" |
"PSM I:Scrum Practice EXAMS - Get Ready for the certification - Scrum Master Certification Preparation Exercises - Agile FrameworkProfessional Scrum Master ( PSM I ) Quiz's - Agile Framework - Be prepared for Scrum Master CertificationI have selected and created relevent questions to help you prepare effectively for the certification exam.Explanations are provided at the end of each QUIZ to have better understanding of every aspect of Scrum. Feel free and I encourage you to ask me questions if you find anything confusing or not enough clear, I'll be glad to give more explanation.Be sure that all the answers are right and verified. Please prepare for scrum master certification and have the knowledge and foundation of the agile - Scrum approach before taking the exams. Good preparation will allow you to have a better view of your level of preparation for the scrum master certification exam#certifiedscrummasterexamprep #scrumcertification #scrummasterpracticetest"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Master :Get Ready for Certification Exam in 30 minutes" |
"Agile is becoming famous and very needed in IT Project management. The Scrum framework is the most common agile approach.In this course I'll be giving you a very precise and concise information to have enough skills and knowledge about Scrum Framework.You should be ready to pass the Scrum Master exam certification and ready to work with this framework and be part of the Scrum Team of your organization.I will present all the Scrum concepts and make it very clear to understand. At the end, I will summarize the whole framework and re-explain the whole implementation of Scrum framework step by step.I will also provide you with tips and the most common information questioned by the scrum organization in their Scrum Master certification exam.My objectif is:To make Scrum Framework very simple to understand.To make it very clear to differentiate with the traditional methodologyTo give you all what you need to implement Scrum in real working lifeAnd to make you READY to passe the Scrum master certification exam.You can ask me questions about every concept, I will always answer your questions and give you more explanations.Scrum Master course's content:- Introduction about agile and IT project delivery- Scrum team: where you can find every relevant detail about every scrum team member - Scrum artifacts: Scrum use many artifacts to help the implementation of the agile approach - Scrum event: this is how scrum works and how the agile development cycle function I am also providing a step by step explanations of how scrum framework works and is used concretely- Other concepts about scrum: this is where I add other concepts to make this scrum master course complete with all the information you will need WITHOUT GOING INTO DETAILS- Tips to help you PASS THE EXAM of scrum master certification: I give answers of most common questions - Mock exams to help you evaluate your preparation levelThis course is to help you prepare for scrum master certificationIt's a 30 minutes courses, so I made sure you can know everything but without going into detailsIt's a perfect course for beginners or whomever wants to learn about scrum approach and know about all the concepts, aspects of this agile project delivery mode."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a vender en Amazon FBA con poco dinero." |
"Por qu debera comenzar el negocio de Amazon FBA?Amazon se encargara del envo, el almacenamiento, las devoluciones, el servicio al cliente y todo lo que tiene que hacer es enviar sus productos a las bodegas de Amazon desde China o desde tu pas. Una vez que sus productos hayan sido vendidos, Amazon depositara sus ganancias en su cuenta bancaria cada 2 semanas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy To Create Facebook Ad Funnels That Convert" |
"Facebook Ads allow you to target your exact customer with a customized advertising message. No other advertising platform allows the laser targeting options that Facebook Ads offers.Unfortunately, many business owners find the Facebook advertising process complex and confusing and do not take advantage of the enormous opportunities Facebook Advertising offers.In this course I teach you how to create an easy but highly effective Facebook Ad funnel that can generate targeted leads for your business.I walk you through a step by step process of setting up your Facebook Ad Funnel and how to use targeted content to use in your ad to bring targeted people to your website and to turn them into leads for your business.I also show you an easy way to get quality content created if you don't want to create it yourself."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Local SEO: Create & Run Your Own Local SEO Campaign" |
"When it comes to finding a local business, almost everyone turns to the internet in order to find and evaluate a local business. The questions is - when consumers search online can they find your business or only your competitors?Having a strong online presence for a local business can literally make or break their business.97% of consumers searched online to find a local business in their area. (Hubspot) 88% of consumer local business searches on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours. (Nectify)97% of people find out more about a local company through the internet before making a decision in 2018. (BrightLocal)Would you love to have a strong online presence and have a rock solid Local SEO strategy but don't have the money to hire an expensive marketing agency? What if I told you that you could run your own highly effective Local SEO campaign in just a few hours a month, while saving you thousands each month that you would have to pay a marketing agency for the same results?Most small business owners that try and run their own Local SEO campaigns fail because they do not really understand all of the aspects that make up Local SEO or only focus on a single element.Local SEO isn't rocket science, but there are a lot of different parts that make up Local SEO and you need to understand what they are and how they work together. Once you have mastered the fundamentals, consistency is they key to excelling at Local SEO and luckily, this only takes a few hours a month once you lay the initial groundwork.By the end of this course you will walk away with the following:You will learn how Local SEO works and what specific parts you need to concentrate onHow to optimize your website, Google My Business listing and 3rd party review sites so you can get more visibility online and start generating online leadsHow online reviews work, which ones are important for your specific business, and how to setup an easy but effective review systemHow to create a killer content strategy that none of your competitors are doingHow to keep your Local SEO optimized and growing with just a few hours of maintenance each monthHow to analyze your local data in Google Analytics and Google My Business in order to make smarter marketing decisions"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Flavors of India: Non-Vegetarian Recipes" |
"Welcome to Indian Cooking Tutorial!Do you want to learn Indian cooking from scratch without spending too much time? You can find many recipes on YouTube but my course is a one stop for homemade favorite recipes.We will learn the following:Rice Dishes:Hyderabadi Mutton BiryaniHyderabadi Chicken BiryaniHyderabadi Mutton Tahari- Instant pot recipeIndo-chinese Chicken Fried Rice Curries: Green chilli beef curry Nihari (Goat trotters soup)- Instant pot recipe Sauted minced meat- Instant pot + Over the stove recipe Red chicken curry Chicken 65- Restaurant style Seafood dishes:Honey Garlic Shrimp Salmon with steamed Brocolli Tortillas: Homemade whole wheat tortillas (Rotis)Target students for this course: This course is targeted for students who want to cook variety of Indian Non-veg dishes. Students who are ready to join the art of Indian cooking. Persons who want quick access to recipes for reference.You have come to the right place "" Flavors of India"" that will teach you step by step instructions to make nutritious recipes with the use of Instant pot/Stovetop cooking.Why this course?Easy and guided cooking tutorials.Learn about Indian spices &herbs.Create homemade essential blends that are needed flavorful Indian recipes/dishes.Perfect for People who love to cook and enjoy Indian recipes with family and friends."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Han Yu Pin Yin With Our Social Learning Group" |
"The key to learn a language is to practice, practice and practice in a Social Learning Environment. In this course, you will not only learn to pronounce each initial paired with finals and master the four tones, but also practice the pronunciations in our Social Learning Group via Facebook and WebChat. Is that EXCITING! The course is for anyone who wants to master Han Yu Pin Yin.After completion of this course, you will be able to:Build up the solid foundation in your first step during your Chinese learning JourneyPronounce Han Yu Pin Yin correctly which will make great contributions in your future Chinese learningAnd master the pronunciations of about 500 Chinese wordsDon't wait, join us today!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"-Rusa reniyorum" |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |