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"MikroTik RouterOS - Tneles" |
"Este curso de Tneles y otros son presentado por el instructor internacional Luis O. Barbosa TR0261 lo cual te proveer todo los conocimientos desde lo ms bsico a lo ms avanzado en la tecnologa MikroTik RouterOS. El curso completo te ayudar a configurar, administrar, mejorar y proveer soluciones utilizando la tecnologa MikroTik para distintos ambientes como Proveedores de Internet, Ingenieros de Redes y Telecomunicaciones, Integradores y Administradores e Ingenieros de Sistemas de Informtica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MikroTik Routing OSPF" |
"Este mdulo de Routing OSPF y otros son presentados por el instructor internacional Luis O. Barbosa, Ingeniero de Redes y Sistemas Cloud con mas de 15+ de experiencia lo cual te proveer todo los conocimientos desde lo ms bsico a lo ms avanzado en la tecnologa y productos MikroTik. El curso completo te ayudar a configurar, administrar, mejorar y proveer soluciones de enrutamiento utilizando el protocolo de enrutamiento OSPF en los operativos MikroTik RouterOS para distintos ambientes como Proveedores de Internet, Ingenieros de Redes y Telecomunicaciones, Integradores y Administradores e Ingenieros de Sistemas de Informtica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"8 Reasons Why Teams Fail - How to Overcome Team Failure" |
"This course is designed for managers that are having challenges with team management and getting them to scale or perform together. In the course we will highlight 8 common reasons why teams fail in the workforce. The 8 reasons that we will go over are: GoalsChanging objectivesMutual accountability Management supportRole clarityTeam leadership Team priorityTeam based payOnce you have completed this course you will have a better understanding of what common challenges hinder teams and how to overcome those challenges as a manager."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Manager" |
"This course is designed for individuals who are looking to go into management or have been at an organization for a long time and don't know how to get promoted into management. The course breaks down key areas on how to stand out and take command of management oriented opportunities. Implementing the lessons in this course will definitely get you closer to the goal of becoming a manager."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Songwriting AND music production for self-produced musicians" |
"Get all the fundamental notions that you need to go from an empty score, to a professional sounding mix. Learn what makes a great melody, Great! Streamline your songwriting process with useful hints and techniques. Avoid the usual pitfalls and mistakes when making digital recordings. Learn how to use a Digital Audio Workstation to write your music. Apprehend the Art of Mixing by understanding key concepts that can make or break a mix. And all of this, from a musicians perspective stripping away non-essential technical details and concentrating on what a musician needs to know to write music using the latest technology, arrange, record and generate a professional mix."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"What every java developer must know about software testing" |
"In this course you will implement the game Tic-Tac-Toe from scratch in javaYou will ensure high quality of the game implementation using: - Test Driven Development (TDD)- Behavior Driven Development (BDD)- Unit testing- Integration testing- Smoke testing- System testing- End-To-End testing- Regression testing- Acceptance testing- Non functional testsYou will become Hands-on experience with the following testing frameworks: - Junit- Hamcrest- Mockito- Selenide- Cucumber- JaCoCoYou will become Hands-on experience with alternative frameworks: - TestNG- AssertJ- Jmockit- Selenium- Jbehave - EclEmmaYou will learn to persuasively discuss and explain the common software testing concepts and why software testing is necessary."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"100 SQL Problem Scenario and Solutions - Volume 1" |
"This course provides hands-on experience to enable participants to thrive in a working environment that benefits from SQL developer knowledge and skills.Job scenarios are included to expose students to practical SQL developer experience. These lessons serve to increase confidence and experience to prepare students as an SQL developer.Divided into several logical segments for easy learning, 100 SQL Problem Scenario and Solutions provides a platform for those who want to understand how to apply SQL to business logic. This course is designed to accelerate your SQL writing skills and shorten the learning curve.I will continue to enhance this course with the objective being a comprehensive training and learning reference for aspiring SQL developers world-wide.Thank you for making the decision to take 100 SQL Problem Scenario and Solutions.What youll learnDeep understanding on how to build and read simple to complex queriesAbility to analyze business logic using queriesAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Must have basic understanding of SQLBe able to understand a select statement Who this course is for:Beginner to intermediate SQL developers"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking" |
"Cansado de ouvir sobre Design Thinking e no saber o que ?Aqui eu te ensino essa metodologia e como j aplicar amanh na sua empresa ou organizao!O curso conta com um passo a passo simples, desde a Imerso, passando por Ideao, Prototipao e Implementao, alm de definies fceis que te ajudaro a entender o Design Thinking!APRENDA: - O QUE DESIGN THINKING? - ETAPAS DESIGN THINKING - COMO IMPLEMENTAR O DESIGN THINKING NA SUA EMPRESAETAPAS SIMPLES E DIDTICAS :*Mdulos dinmicos e linguagem clara de cada conceito;*1 caso ""ao vivo"" de como iniciar a Imerso;*Todas as etapasdo Design Thinking divididas em 3 Mdulos!Neste curso, voc aprender:O que o Design Thinking;Como iniciar seu projeto de criao de ideias com Design Thinking aos negcios;A importncia da empatia;Analisar e sintetizar dados;Como realizar um Brainstorming e um WorkShop de Cocriao;Caso prtico de criao de Storyboard;Aprender sobre a importncia de prototipar para a gerao deideias de forma prtica e rpida;"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets using CSS3." |
"DescriptionThis course is the only course that has 5 beautifully designed exercise projects and 5 online quizes as well as 6 hands on lecture projects that are also available on codepen for inspection. Without CSS, every web page would be plain text and images that flowed straight down the left side of the page. With CSS, you can add color and background images and change the layout of your page your web pages might even feel like works of art! PrerequisitesWe recommend that you completemy Learn HTMLcourse before learning CSS but its not mandatory.Why Learn CSS?Without CSS, every web page would be plain text and images that flowed straight down the left side of the page. With CSS, you can add color and background images and change the layout of your page your web pages might even feel like works of art!OutcomesYou will learn many aspects of styling web pages! From setting up the correct file structure, to editing text and colors, to creating attractive layouts, you'll be able to customize the appearance of your web pages to suit your every need!What will you build?You will build many beautiful web pages to practice your new CSS skills: a professional website for an author, a recipe website, a portfolio site, a landing page for a design firm, and many others!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Born To Succeed: How To Achieve Success." |
"Everyone has a different idea of what success looks like for them. For some, success is passing a difficult class, for others it could be putting the finishing touches on an old car theyve been rebuilding for the last year, while others view success as finally landing their dream job. The following strategies will show you how to work the middle, so you can become a success at anything.Learn the steps that will put you on the road to success. Time is of the essence, so you will want to begin as soon as possible if you want to reach your end results and achieve your goals. With these simple strategies, youll find that you can achieve more in six months than you have in the past several years of your life."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"ES6 javascript" |
"ES6javascriptjavascriptjavascript ES6ReactES6ES6"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda artesanato para o Natal" |
"Sempre um bom dia para criar...Este curso proporcionar ao aluno a satisfao de fazer um projeto para enfeitar sua casa, ou presentear pessoas queridas.Trabalhar com artesanato, o aluno abrir portas para um novo negcio rentvel e um novo estilo de vida.Descubra o que o artesanato pode trazer sua vida:Combate o estresse e a depressoAumenta a sensao de bem estarDesenvolve a criatividadeMelhora a autoestima a melhor maneira de sair da rotina ..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Medicina Senchi 1 (Termopata)" |
"Las medicinas tradicionales de la India y de China son complejas, por lo que se necesitan varios aos de cada una para entenderlas. Con la Medicina Senchi no solo las aprenders de manera sencilla, bien explicadas y en tiempo record, sino que aprenders cmo se deben combinar estas medicinas para hacerla una sola medicina bastante potente para enfrentar cualquier tipo de enfermedad, ya sea crnica o aguda."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Job Interview Success: Think Like a Hiring Manager" |
"Master your interviewing skills by thinking like a hiring manager. With this comprehensive course, you will learn how to identify the interviewers intentions behind common interview questions. I will walk you through steps to identify anticipated questions and articulate the response the interviewer is looking for. As a successful career coach, Ive helped many overcome common interviewing obstacles over the years, Each module of this course was designed with these experiences in mind. We will cover:Boosting your confidence so that you can appear self-assured, competent and qualified.Preparing before the interview. Doing the groundwork is vital!Structuring your interview responses to highlight your strengths.Identifying your top success stories and how to incorporate them into your interview.Planning for common interviewing formats - screening, virtual and in person.Following up after the interview.I will also provide demonstrations on how to answer some of the most commonly asked interview questions, including difficult questions.In addition, Ive provided many downloadable exercises including a list of 80+ common interview questions along with exercises to help you prepare.Keep in mind, interviewing is a life skill. You are more than likely to go through a few interviews throughout your life. The good news is, you have full life-time access to this course, so you can come back to it at any time!If youve gone through multiple interviews only to find the job slip through your hands, youre not alone. This course was designed with you in mind. My intention is to help you get back on your feet and land the job of your dreams!Sandra Williams, M.S.Founder of Bound and Rebound Career Coaching Services"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Certificado de PNL,CRM y VC; convirtete en Vendedor Experto" |
"La ventas actualmente son una ciencia y un arte, donde el saber estrechar relaciones y conectar con diferentes clientes ayudan al crecimiento personal y profesional. Conocemos metodologas como las ventas consultivas, el cual nos ayuda a entender las verdaderas necesidades de nuestros prospectos, la PROGRAMACION NEUROLINGUISTICA (PNL), tambin juegan un papel muy importante a la hora de concertar con los clientes, de cmo gestionar el estado emocional y establecer comunicaciones verbales y no verbales, identificando los ambientes y tipos de anclajes para trasmitir emociones correctas que ayuden al cierre de ventas.Las metodologas y procesos enseados en este curso Certificado como Vendedor Experto, se pueden aplicar en cualquier tipo de negociacin como presentaciones one to one o llamadas telefnicas, convirtiendo a los vendedores menos experimentados en profesionales en las prcticas de las ventas hasta convertirse en una persona experta como influenciadores, motivadores y generadores de oportunidades.Las metodologas que utilizaremos ayudaran a generar un buen feedback positivo lo cual ayudara a mejorar el nivel de comunicacin, identificando las palabras claves del contexto del negocio. Si deseas conocer todo sobre las ventas, debes establecer objetivos claros que ayuden a la generacin de estrategias que permitan alcanzar con xito el propsito del curso, sabrs que existen diferentes pensamientos y estilos evaluando sus fortalezas y debilidades. Por ese motivo es necesario que comprendas en que puedes estar fallando con el nimo de continuar dando un giro a tu vida y dar inicio al crecimiento personal y profesional.Este programa no solo te ayudara a comprender la importancia de saber vender, te ayudara a tener una visin a nivel personal, encontrando una conexin con tigo mismo que te motive a comprender las verdaderas necesidades de tus clientes tambin te ayudara a comprender la importancia de trabajar en equipo logrando cambios positivos para tu vida Aprender lo siguiente en este curso: Identificar las nuevas tendencias y los cambios entre vendedor y comprador Comprender las diferentes habilidades que poseen los mejores vendedores Gestionar tu estado emocional Entender los caminos de un experto Como atraer las emociones y conectar con tus clientes Automotivacin Gasto de energa bajo tcnicas de feedback Identificaras los ambientes para establecer una buena relacin con tus clientes Retroaccionar a tu cliente por medio de procesos de anclaje Comunicacin asertiva Presentacin y conexin con tu empresa CRMY mucho mas...Este curso se ha basado gracias a la experiencia y dedicacin en el mundo comercial, donde por 10 aos se han observado las diferentes transiciones y evoluciones del seller y el buyerperson, gestionando diferentes empresas que luchan por ayudar a sus equipos comerciales a ser generadores de lderes con calidad de servicio Este curso certificado de PNL, CRM y Ventas Consultivas contiene elementos de todas las principales empresas de ventas bestseller`s. Si no te encuentras satisfecho con el curso, tienes derecho a un reembolso los primeros 30 das despus de la compra.A quin est dirigido? El curso est dirigido a todo aquel que desea mejorar sus tcnicas de ventas, desde lo ms bsico hasta lo mas experimentado Comnmente los practicantes las ventas PNL, CRM y Ventas consultivas consisten de consultores, docentes, empresarios y vendedores. Sin embargo, esta ciencia puede ayudar a cualquier individuo que desee enfocar su energa en mejorar sus habilidades y lograr las metas que siempre ha deseado. Al tomar este curso, recibirs conceptos y principios claves de ventas, procesos paso a paso que te permitirn explorar tus valores, creencias, hbitos y estrategias, con el fin de reconocer cuales de ellas estn limitndote. Personas que buscan el camino de COACH y liderar equipos de trabajo Empresarios, vendedores, managers y comerciantes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Edicin artistica photoshop" |
"En este curso aprenders a editar de forma creativa y divertida imgenes en el programa de Photoshop adems de que este curso es de muy fcil aprendizaje te dars cuenta que con los ejercicios prcticos que se resuelven en cada video aprenders una nueva forma de usar photoshop.*Edicin*Manipulacin de imgenes*trucos*enseanza divertida*atajos de teclado*aprendizaje completo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a hacer tu Blog" |
"En este curso podremos aprender a usar de manera fcil y sencilla blogger, desde cero hasta crear una pgina profesional, estas e el curso correcto.En este curso aprenders a:*crear una nueva cuenta*insertar imgenes, vdeos y texto*que es una entrada y una pgina*como colocar una plantilla*como es editar una plantilla*insertar gadgets*conocer la interfaz*modificar el texto*editar etiquetas*como modificar nuestro blog para empresas*como insertar entradas creativas*insertar vincularlos*generar ingresos con adense"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power Point divertido para Intermedios" |
"Hola Como Estas?Bienvenido a este cursoEn este curso aprenders nuevas formas de utilizar las herramientas que nos ofrece power point para crear diapositivas mas creativas e interesantes, de tal forma que tendrs un conocimiento mas amplio y exacto sobre este programa, te aseguro que con este curso lograras un aprendizaje divertido y diferente y aprenders nuevas cosas como:*agregar hipervinculos*agregar comentarios a tus diapositivas*conocers como editar tus diapositivas*agregar plantillas profesionales*conocer la interfaz de mayor forma*hacer presentaciones mas productivas y profesionales*conocimiento agradable"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Power Point divertido para Principiantes" |
"Hola como estas?En este curso aprenders de forma fcil y sencilla a usar power point desde cero logrando un aprendizaje completo y divertido, desde conocer el programa de office, insertar y conocer todas las herramientas que nos proporciona para hacer diapositivas espectaculares, te convertirs en una persona con nuevas habilidades que te permitirn desarrollarte mejor tanto en el mbito escolar y laboral as como aprenders lo siguiente:*conocer la aplicacin*editar diapositivas*plantillas editar*insertar msica*insertar vdeos*insertar tablas*grabar la pantalla"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power Point divertido Expertos (creaciones prcticas)" |
"Hola. Como estas?Te presento que aprenderemos con este curso.En este curso podrs aprender nuevos ejercicios creativos que te ayudaran a formalizar tu conocimiento dentro del programa de power point, por lo que es de suma importancia que tomes este curso si quieres conocer ejercicios prcticos que favorezcan tu desarrollo de habilidades dentro de los programas de office, as como tambin vamos a visualizar dentro de este curso una forma creativa y muy divertida de aprender nuevas cosas entre estos nuevos conocimientos tenemos practicas como:*hacer una revista digital*hacer un peridico*hacer la animacin de una ruleta*como hacer un logo*radio multimedia*como realizar una tarjeta de presentacin*como hacer un efecto piano*como realizar un juego didctico"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator iniciando en la ilustracin" |
"Bienvenido a este curso.Este curso esta dedicado para ti que empiezas a sumergirte en el mundo de la ilustracin, donde conocers, diversos temas sobre las herramientas bsicas que nos ofrece illustrator, en hora buena has elegido un curso el cual te dar las bases para empezar a utilizar este programa famoso para hacer ilustraciones profesionales, podrs hacer muchas cosas con este software proveniente de Adobe, si te gusta plasmar en dibujos digitales, o hacer pop art, ilustraciones para libros o revistas, o quizs quieras colocar tus diseos en artculos impresos como playeras, gorras o tazas, este es el programa ideal ya que trabaja a base de vectores que no se distorsionan y dan una presentacin inigualable.En hora buena disfruta de este curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Publish App in Google Play." |
"About The CourseThis is a course which will take you tour of online app publishing from scratch.Course for both the beginner and intermediary.News course in its own area.Published app in android and earn money.Exclusivelyon UdemyStructuredLearning - Grouped by Sectioned LecturesYoudon'tneed to know any software knowledge or anything to take this courseAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included forfreeGetcertifiedfrom Udemy after completion"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chinese Grammar: knowing six verb tenses in one hour" |
"In this course, you will know six basic Chinese grammatical tenses both in positive form and negative form: Past tensePerfect tenseProgressive tenseContinuous tenseChanging tense Future tensesSpecific grammar structures will be introduced and lots of examples will be given. And you will be given homework to practice. Beside, you will get to know six situation that we don't use"", which many foreigners feel confused. After this course, you will able to describe action verbs in correct way!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Garden Design Course" |
"A COMPLETE STEP BY STEP SYSTEM FOR CRUSHING IT INGARDENDESIGN EVEN IF YOU ARE A COMPLETE BEGINNER!A comprehensive and practical course in garden design to launch your new career. The Ultimate Garden Design Course is uniquely tailored and designed to prepare you for a career in the garden design industry. This course combines practical landscaping and creative design skills in a relatively short format. Throughout the course you will be trained to think like a designer, as well as expand your knowledge.Garden design is the art and process of designing and creating plans for layout and planting of gardens and landscapes. It is more than selecting plants for a project, it is the integration of all the elements and spaces that affect our outdoor living environment. In this course you will learn the objectives and principles that are essential for developing strong designs. So, GET THE COURSE NOW to take advantage of this.COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK!Id like to remind you that when you buy this course, your purchase is RISK-FREE! Either youre satisfied, or you get your money back. By the way, Im convinced that this is the best course on the topic youll be able to find online, because its the result of years of experience,and is taught by a professional!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Energy To Heal Yourself & Your Animal" |
"Reiki Energy is your inner light and the purest expression of your essence and self. This meditative technique of healing has taken the world by storm. Whether you are a newcomer to the field of energy medicine, an experienced practitioner or an animal lover committed to learning everything you can about your companions as well as your health, our Reiki Energy To Heal Yourself & Your Animal course will open your eyes to a new level of healing and well-being.This course will take you through the basic information of Reiki Energy and how it works with human and animals. You will also be provided with the knowledge you need to begin performing Reiki self-treatments and Reiki meditation methods to create an energetic balance of health & well-being for you and your animal.Get enroled in this amazing course and have the confidence of performing Reiki in preparation, self-care and improving the well-being of the animals around you. HERE ARE A FEW OF DULSANEA'S COURSE TESTIMONIALS ""Dulsanea has taught me to tap into a power and energy that I can use to overcome any adversity in life. The spiritual insight and enlightening meditations created an overwhelming sense of peace, happiness, and understanding, all while bringing closer healing energy and overall sense of total well-being"". -Jarret Y.""Im already a Reiki Master and I learned a lot from this course!! Dulsanea was there all the way with any questions and always supporting me throughout. Our Catchild Riley will be 16 in April 2019, he shares a nice collection of crystals with his brother Morgan. I use when using Reiki.The info was great exercises to heal myself while healing my pets!"" - Jamie R.""This course is extremely easy to understand the concepts of Reiki. Dulsanea is able to facilitate the learning experience in a way that one can understand and want to learn more.""- Mary D.""Good explanation of the basics for the inexperienced person."" - Selene S."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Technological Adaptability" |
"Given how big a part technology plays in both work and life in general, not only must we know the technology of today, we must be able to adapt to the many new technologies quickly. That ability to adapt is a skill all on its own. Though it is intertwined with technological know-how, it is a skill on its own that can be learned with practice. This course will lay out the basics of that skill of technological adaptability while providing exercises that will help the student start building the skill."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instagram c'est 1 milliard d'utilisateurs et 12 millions en France. En 2019, il sera le mdia social de rfrence.Cette formation s'adresse au dbutant qui veut l'utiliser en toute srnit, avec les techniques pratiques par les professionnels.En suivant tape par tape les vidos, vous maitriserez cet outil en seulement 2 heures.Je vous donnerai aussi des conseils personnaliss pour vous aider progresser.Vous serez tellement l'aise sur Instagram que vous pourrez mme former votre tour d'autres personnes ? Et vous pouvez compter sur moi pour rpondre toutes vos questions.NB : Les captures d'cran ont t ralises sur un iPhone. Si vous avez un tlphone sous Android, des diffrences mineures sur l'application Instagram peuvent exister."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Votre projet entrepreneurial patine ? Vous avez l'impression de pdaler dans le vide ?Peut-tre qu'il vous manque tout simplement un... plan stratgique.Ce qui diffrencie un entrepreneur ""amateur"" et un entrepreneur succs est la mise en place d'un business plan qui servira de feuille de route.7 INGRDIENTS POUR RUSSIREn tout temps, vous devez avoir en tte au minimum ces 7 lments en tte :Projet: faire un point sur notre destination, notre pourquoi, qui on veut aider...Produits: quels produits je vends (ou devrais-je vendre) ?Positionnement: comment je me dmarque face mes concurrents, mme quand ils sont ""meilleurs"" que moi ?Ressources: qu'ai-je disposition pour avancer dans mon projet ?Communication: comment vais-je etre visible sur le web et atteindre mes clients?Projections: comment planifier les prochaines phases de mon business ?Prochaines tapes: concrtement, que vais-je faire les prochaines semaines pour obtenir des rsultats ?En suivant ce cours en ligne, vous trouverez la rponse ces questions.Les 2h que vous prendrez pour suivre ce programme de A Z sera le meilleur investissement que vous puissiez faire."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn cursive handwriting" |
"This course deals with the basics of cursive handwriting,the basics you need to know to overcome the old wrong habits of handwriting, so you will know the start and end point of letters drawing , you will practice the letter with couple of words as examples for each letter. As an average you need about 20 mins of daily practicing, and your handwriting will be improved far away in just a couple of weeks, a period of time which is short enough to make the people around you surprising by your new handsome handwriting."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Coding and Programming with Java" |
"Daniel takes you through the different fundamentals of programming, teaching valuable concepts and allowing you to visualise your programs. By the time you have finished this course you will be able to design and program your own computer game or simulation! This introduction is easy to follow and allows you to go through at your own pace. Once you have completed it you will be able to go into any computer programming language with the fundamentals already under your belt."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Take your Excel Skills to the Next Level" |
"This course is for the busy bee out there. We know that time is valuable and we want to help get you started in Microsoft Excel in as little amount of time as possible. If you know how to open excel but get scared looking at all the buttons and functions. You are in the right place. Join us and when it is over you will be able to get started in Excel and understand some of the basic terms and layout of Microsoft Excel. You don't need a college degree to understand Excel but it sure seems like it most days. My team and I simplify the process for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |