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"Say Goodbye to Anxiety the Fast Easy Way" |
"THis content is a breakthrough approach to Become Anxiety Free NOW!Discover theMOSTsurprising reason why you feel so stressedSoulLifeSerenity Intuitive StressRelief and Relaxation is an Online Program To Help You Become Stress Free where I show you how to eliminate stress, anxiety, overwhelm and pressure so you can relax, be more confident,have more funand achieve your dreams.My program is easy, innovative and introduces new ways to overcome anxiety for good not just band-aid or manage it. The energy is changing and many are becoming more susceptible to the symptoms of anxiety. I help them not just to manage their anxiety, but to dissolve it."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Iniciacin a Bitcoin y las Criptomonedas" |
"El curso se compone de 9 captulos que te ayudaran a entender qu es bitcoin, como funciona y cuales son los aspectos ms importantes a la hora de comprar, vender y guardar Bitcoin y las criptomonedas de forma segura.Qu es Bitcoin?Cmo funciona?Aplicaciones de la Tecnologa BlockchainCmo comprar BitcoinsGuardar criptomonedas de forma seguraCarteras mvilesCmo comprar otras monedasOrganizar y hacer seguimientoQu comprar y cmo vender"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Become an Azure DevOps Hero" |
"Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment using Azure DevOps! This course isn't just a bunch of theory on how we think you should deploy software; there are no power point slides. This is a hands on deep dive into how to deploy a three tier application through multiple environments with quality gates. We have developed a three tier application that we will deploy throughout this course and by the end of this course you will know how to deploy Azure SQL Databases, .net core apis and React front end applications.Once you have finished this course you will be able to apply this knowledge to your own projects and ship products to production quicker than ever before.We will teach you how to spin up azure resources with the click of a button and deploy infrastructure for a full stack application in minutes.But most importantly we are going to teach you how to schedule your releases so they go live when you are asleep.In this course you will get online support so if you have any questions you can post them in the discussions and we will get back to you within 24 hours"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Guided Meditation for Spiritual Awakening process" |
"God helps those who help themselves. Self help is the best help. One must at all times try to support oneself and not rely on other people to come and assist. One should have faith that our problem will be solved through some external forces, or good person or God. This course explains without losing hope how to conquer obstacles that present before ones life. Course includes many modules, such as what is meditation, Concept of Mediation, Pre-requisites for meditation, Preparation before meditation, various types of Guided Meditation pieces, what is Spiritual Awakening, the power of prayer &more. In detail, you will see that these modules are inter-connected. Though I already tried to cover almost all the subjects related to spirituality, I want you to do more research on it from your side with your unique perspective and vision. If you will go detail in each subject you will have more urge to know about that subject. When you will start this subject I want you to sit with pen & paper is your effective tool which you require before start this course. Trust on your Spirtual Teacher & on your own intuition is the key to unlock your hidden potential! All the best!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Hundepsychologie von A bis Z" |
"Entdecke dieunterschiedlichen Rassen und ihre Eigenschaften.Verstehe dieUnterschiede zwischen Hund und Wolfaus evolutionrer Sicht.Analysiere das Verhalten in sozialen Situationen, umbessere Entscheidungenzu treffen.Lerne Verhalten von Hunden vorherzusagen.Lerne wie du als Menscheindeutig mit Hunden kommunizierst.Bekmpfe Verhaltensprobleme(wie Aggression, Territorialitt, Bellen) an der Wurzel, also da wo sie entstehen - im Gehirn.Der Hundepsychologie Kurs bietet Ihnen die Chance komplexes psychologisches Wissen an Ihren Umgang mit Hunden einzubringen. Komplexes Wissen wird in diesem Kurs fr jeden verstndlich aufbereitet und zugnglich. Beispiele wie Sie das Wissen in Ihren Alltag integrieren sind praxisnah und dem Stand der aktuellen Wissenschaftlichen Forschung entsprechend. Nach diesen 7 Stunden Kursinhalten wirst du dazu in der Lage sein nach kurzer Analyse das Verhalten von Hunden sicher vorherzusagen und zu begrnden. Du wirst es schaffen Situationen artgerecht zu definieren und durch psychologisch artgerechten Eingriff zu beeinflussen. Die Kursinhalte sind in 20 Themen gegliedert:1. Hundepsychologie - Was ist das?2. Evolutionspsychologie - Vom Wolf zum Hund3. Die Entstehung von Bewusstsein4. Neuropsychologie des Hundes5. Die verschiedenen Hundepersnlichkeiten6. Das Paarungs- und Revierverhalten von Hunden7. Sozial Psychologie8. Telepathie und Tierkommunikation9. Die fantastischen Sinne des Hundes verstehen10. Die optimale Psyche eines Hundehalters11. Hundesprache und Ausdruck12. Aggression13. Vom Jungen zum Alten Hund - Die Erziehung14. Motivation von Hunden15. Emotionen von Hunden16. Kognitionspsychologie und Kognitive Prozesse von Hunden17. Wie Intelligent ist Ihr Hund?18. Lernen und Verhaltensanalyse19. Wie Hunde lernen?20. Das Gedchtnis von Hund und MenschMit Hilfe neuester psychologischer Forschungsarbeiten wurde dieser Kurs aufgebaut, um Hundepsychologie fr jeden zugnglich zu machen.Wrde dies einen groen Unterschied im Umgang mit Hundenfr den Rest deines Lebens bewirken?Aus der Erfahrung unserer Kunden knnen wir sagen Ganz sicher!Online Hundepsychologie von A bis Z ist einintelligenter, praxisnaher und nachhaltig wirksamer Kursim Umgang mit Hunden.Fr Welpenbesitzer, Ersthundebesitzer und erfahrene Hundesportler der Online Hundepsychologie Kurs bietet fr jeden hilfreiche und relevante Informationen. Der Kurs wirdauchals Weiterbildung frHundetrainerempfohlen, um Hundebesitzern psychologisches Wissen besser bermitteln zu knnen.Entwickle Meisterschaft in dem Umgang mit Hunden.Erfahre deine bestehenden Hunde-Bekanntschaften auf einem neuen Niveau von Verstndnis, Kontrolle und Achtsamkeit.Behandle Verhaltensaufflligkeitenmit einem von dir erstellten psychologisch korrekten Trainingsplan.Dieser Kurs vereint die detailliertenEssenzen aus den letzten Jahrzehnten der Hunde-Psychologie-Forschung, privat und aus der Arbeit von tausenden Forschern.ber 50 Videos mit wesentlichen Lektionen aus der Wissenschaft, Hunde richtig zu verstehen, zu analysieren und zu kontrollieren. Neuestepsychologische Erkenntnisse vereinen sich mit traditioneller Weisheit.Lauschen Lesen Umsetzen VerstehenHundepsychologie von A bis Z ist gut in deinen Alltag integrierbar.Du hrst die jeden Tag eine Lektion an und setzt sie sofort um. So reift deine psychologische Kompetenz im Umgang mit Hunden auf einespielerische und gleichzeitig profunde Weise.Einfach, klar, praktikabel.Tiefgrndig und dabei oft auch humorvoll und berraschend.Integral konzipiert. Es sprichtKrper, Gefhle und Verstandan.Nachhaltig wirkend. Wir setzen nicht auf einmalige Spezialeffekte, sondern auf eine Vernderung deiner psychologischen Wahrnehmung.Lass dich verzaubern, inspirieren und sanft herausfordern!Der erfahreneHundetrainer und Psychologie-Student Rene Plchlzeigt dir Schritt fr Schritt wie dieWissenschaft der Hunde-Psychologieaufgebaut ist.Der Kurs hat 7 strukturierte Themengebiete, die aufeinander aufbauen, mit dem Ziel Hundepsychologie zu Verstehen. Der Kurs baut auf dieallgemeine Psychologie der Menschenauf und wird auf die Hundepsychologie spezialisiert.Das schnste Geschenk ist es dieBindung und das Vertrauenzu unseren Hunden zu strken!Ich freue mich auf dich!Ren"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Drawing Comics - Anatomy and Figure Drawing" |
"Let me ask you something. Do you ever struggle with anatomy?Maybe you're not completely sure where the muscle groups go, so you just kinda guess instead - and hope it's right.Or do you ever get people who leavefeedback on your work,simply stating ""You need to improve on your anatomy"" and then forget to tell you how, or where to even begin?You might be motivated to learn anatomy, but just feel so overwhelmed by the thought of how long it's going to take to learn every single muscle from memory.If that's you,Ed Foychuk's newcourse""How To Draw Comics Anatomy""might just be just what you need tohelp you solve those anatomical obstaclesonce and for all.When it comes to drawing characters in comic books, animation, story boarding or concept design, understanding anatomy is critical to drawing people that look accurate.Every muscle carefully clicks into the body like an interlinked jig-saw puzzle to power the human machine. They propel each movement with momentum - tensing, twisting and pulling to execute our desired, physical action.It's a complex system to say the least.But learning anatomy is necessary to truly harness the power of dynamic figure drawing.If you can hack the intricate, underlying system of muscles within the human body- to understand how each muscle connects to the next; it's size, form and purpose, the level of confidence you possess in your figure drawing abilities will sky rocket.In fact, you'll have complete control over the way you draw your characters.Imagine, being able to draw your characters in any pose, from any perspective, knowing that theiranatomy is properly structured, without ever having to second guess yourself.That's what this course aims to give you in 14 lessons, spanning over 6 hours of intensive anatomy training.When you get this course you'll watch example after example as to how the muscle structure of each part of the human body is broken down, analysed and reconstructed.Each demonstration is specifically designed for you to follow along with, with easy to follow steps that clearly show you how to givethe basic foundations of your figures sound anatomy.How To Draw Comics Anatomy covers suits such as:Simplified SkeletonTorsoBreastsBackShouldersNeckArmsLegsButtHandsFeetStructuresAdding ClothesLine of ActionPlus you'll also learn how to construct a proportionally accurate, simplified skeleton to serve as the foundation of your character's anatomy.On top of that you'll get a PDF companion included in this course which is to designed to compliment the video tutorials your instructor, Ed Foychuk has put together. And while it could be of some help on it's own, it really is made for you to follow along with the video lessons."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"STAND OUT! Resume Course" |
"TAKE YOUR RESUME FROM ESSENTIALLY NOTHING TO TRULY STANDING OUT!40% of resumes are of low quality.50% of resumes are ""really good.""Even if your resume is ""really good,"" it is not standing out to resume readers. To get more and better interviews, you need a resume that truly STANDSOUT!This course will help ensure that your resume grabs the attention you deserve."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduo programao em Java" |
"Este o curso ideal para quem est iniciando seu aprendizado em Java. Voc vai aprender os principais fundamentos da programao em Java com explicaes claras e objetivas e exemplos prticos utilizando um mtodo testado e aprovado em sala de aula. Voc aprender a programar em Java do zero, passando pela instalao e configurao do ambiente de desenvolvimento utilizando JDK, JRE e a instalao da IDE Netbeans. Em seguida voc aprender a criar seus programas usando aplicaes prticas com variveis, constantes, entrada e sada de dados com scanner, estruturas de deciso, loopings, arrays, arquivos, tratamento de exceo, classes e objetos.Em pouco tempo voc estar dominando uma das linguagens de programao mais usadas no planeta e com grande apelo no mercado de trabalho.Aprenda Java agora!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Linguagem C - direto ao ponto" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a programar em Linguagem C de forma prtica e direta. As explicaes tericas so claras e objetivas. Voc vai desenvolver seus conhecimentos atravs de exemplos prticos e exerccios. Se voc estudante universitrio, este o curso certo para voc aprender rapidamente e desenvolver seus projetos em C."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Curso de formulacin orgnica." |
"Hola, soy Daniela! te invito a que accedas a mi curso de formulacin orgnica. Es un curso donde no slo encontrars explicaciones muy precisas y simples sobre los diferentes componentes de una molcula orgnica, tambin encontrars ejercicios prcticos y material muy til para tu aprendizaje.Hice este curso teniendo en cuenta las dudas que tienen mis alumnos a la hora de nombrar y formular compuestos qumicos por lo que es un curso muy completo y fcil de entender.S un experto en formulacin orgnica!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cavaquinho: possibilidades e estratgias" |
"O curso Cavaquinho: possibilidades e estratgias, tem como objetivo apresentar o instrumentos aos alunos e as suas possibilidades de aplicao em vrios gneros musicais, tais como: samba, pagode, chorinho, msica popular brasileira, black music, salsa entre outros. Alm de estratgias para o aperfeioamento no instrumento, possibilitando aos usurios uma aprendizagem de modo fcil e significativo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCIE Evolving Technologies V1.1" |
"This course is for anyone who's studying for the CCIE written exam and feels that he or she could take some help with regard to Cloud, Network Programmability and IoT related topics. These are areas that most network engineers do not work on in their day to day lives.Each student will also get complementary access to our Evolving Technologies V1.1 Quiz on CCIEin8Weeks (reach out to us via our CCIEin8Weeks website).Each exam topic has an Exam Essentials, which you can refer to if you are looking for key exam related takeaways and more in-depth details respectively."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Get out of Debt 3 Alternative Ways Become Debt Free" |
"How To Get out of Debt 3 Multiple Ways , Pay off debts with Why and How to live debt free lifestyle Personal FinanceYou want to get out of debt, you might already know some of how to go about it BUT missing a few things that you don't know or can't understand, if you get your psychology correct, your WHY and HOW then you will be on a faster path to better financial life depending on where you are it's different for everyone and getting out of debt is subjectivein this course, you will learn many things of which you can put some ideas into action to see results if you have 6 figs or more income, its little easier to pay off faster than someone whos minimum wage with high debt to income ratio,depending on how much debt and which type of debt and time plan Money, Debt are subjective, someone making 100K income but living paycheck to paycheck is very different than someone making 50k and living balanced frugal life with savings for investing is a different life There is no right or wrong, its about your own financial habits and educate yourself so you can live better You will also learn one key big AHA of Save Money versus new Opportunity that can open your eyes to new perspectivesTraining will include both How to of many financial details including several WHYs which are far more important than howIFyou GET YOUR WHY CLEAR and more CLEAR then your how to is a lot easier to follow, and you will start making changes quickerwhere are you born is not something everyone else can choose but how you are with your finances, habits is something you can choose and change with education and invest in yourself You will learn 3 alternative ways on how you can pay off debt These 3 ways are completely in your control and you can start making progress immediately based on what you like You don't always have to save to pay off debts,You can use creative thinking with resourcefulness Learn what else you can do, get what you want like pay off debts and be debt free You will also Learn personal finance fundamentals in 5 categories of your expenses and how to plan for your ideal money life Learn how to save money with percentage thinking big picture viewThis can show you how to pay off debt and live debt free lifestyle You want to get out of debt, that's the challenge you are in, it's simple but not easy getting out of debts, being debt free is 80% psychological and only 20 percent how-to details,First, you believe it's possible to get out of debt, even if it's just high-interest credit card debts That's why you here reading this, so congratulations for trusting yourself it's possible and starting a new journey of getting closer to debt free life Getting out of debts is a process not a one-time event like winning the lottery so you have to look at your habits and make small changes there first you will learn in HOW Three high-level view of numbers you need to keep in mind to review again and you can use these in any way learn motivational strong mental reminders to pay off debts you are already sold on you need to pay off debts you will learn a few more reminders to keep in your mind in why to get there fasterlearn 7 mistakes of debt thinking and how to see an alternate perspective of these 10 ways to Feel Good about Yourself, review these when you feel bad about yourself or facing challengesuse them to feel betterone word to stop using in your life and use this other word instead, once you use this other word and agree to this one powerful command, it will help you in your journey of getting out of high-interest debts faster Regardless of your current budgeting finance skills this course will help you with alternate ways of looking your total personal finance situation, help you more aware of your own psychology why of your personal finance including budgeting and finance fundamentals IMAGINE your life debt free how does it feel or your life could be what if using this training you are able to pay off debt faster, use creative thinking and find at least one good idea worth $1000 from this isn't it good to live debt free life?owe no credit card debts owe nothing to anybody?as you take this training, you will now get excited about getting closer to debt free goals when you get this training, you are on fast track than othersThis training will help you in your debt free journey This training will work for you and help to pay off debts a lot faster depending on which of these ideas you put to workmake yours a life of success and debt free with this course help This Training is for you if you want to get out of high-interest debtsif you want to be good with managing finances if being debt free and managing your finances well is your goal then Get this Training and it will work for you moving you closer to your goals in your financial area of life BONUSLearn empowering questions to pay off debt faster and take massive action"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Take Action Now 60 Powerfull Action Words for Productivity" |
"Take Action Now with 60 Powerfull Action Words for ProductivityUse 60 Powerfull Action Command Words To Take NOW ActionStart Finish Projects ,Be Productive ,Do More Using Secrets of Psychology Start Finish What You Want To Do And Build Action HabitsPowerful words are words that empower people to communicate at a higher awareness level with greater clarity and precision.Your words are Powerfull Make Powerfull Command words work for you Words have the power to change your mind ,thoughts, feelings and actions Use this to overcome Procrastination or start new habit or make action more consistent and daily habit These Command words go into your subconscious and work for you if you are taking training,learning new ,you might have taken some where you need more action on what you already know ,learnt ,or in general life you need to take more action or your should do list This can help you in taking more action in what ever ACTION Means to you by using ""Take Action Now"" Training You will be affected on an emotional, not just an intellectual level some of these are my own words and others quotes by very successful people this is good collection of all action powered word commands that will make you act even if you remind yourself of 7 or 3 of these depending on your situation you will act more after listening to this recommended to listen to this Take Action to program your subconscious mind Take what I am teaching you and let these words work on youand you will be astounded with the actions and results after listening to Section 3 ACTION 7 timesI do want you to listen to this as often as possible as by Taking ACTION you get to see progress and feel good about yourself I want you to ask yourself the following questions:How bad do you want to master taking consistent action in your life?Am I willing to stop settling for less than I what i could get out of life I hope you responded favorably to the aforementioned questions. Imagine how good you would feel knowing that you could take lot of action and reach your goals and get success In life few things help you and also help others taking action is one of those which helps you and by taking action you can also help othersthis is something i was using myself some of these words are quotes by very successfull people and well known in historyI made several of these words for my self so i could remind myself and program myself to start projects ,finish projects ,build action habits and now you can do the sameThis works for me and will work for you you get all these in quick consumable video/audio that you can listen repeatedly suggest listening to section 3 ""60 command words to NOW ACT"" atleast 3 times these command words will sink into your mind and you can feel the words making you want to do more of what you should be doing ,what you want to do This course will help you in taking more action work on your subconscious directly and you feel empowered to take more action and more results Heres what covered section1 ->intro about fundamentals of taking action ,Taking Action and Being,dont skip section2 ->asking powerfull word questions ,dont skipsection3 ->60 command to ACT NOW ,Listen atleast 3 times This can be used for either health ,money, relationships in your life This works on your inner communication on how you talk to youself and feel about yourself you might have taken few udemy courses but did not finish trainingdid not take action on them you would like to be more effective with your trainings you would like to have better life in your financial,love,health areas by taking more actionDo you want to take more action Do you want to get more out of trainings Then this course is for youGet this Training and it will work for you moving you closer to your goalsImagine your life with success and living your ideal life as you wish when you finish this training ,you will find yourself seeing results As you take this training ,you can see yourself acting more when you go through this course ,you will find yourself taking more action and see results in your life You will find positive energising words and questions that will boost your life actions,habits,resultsyou will be also effected on emotional level What if you take action and start,finish your projects ,do the thing that you are avoidingImagine all the results you get by taking action on your want to do ,should do after you go through this course just few times Take now Action and get this training The more you listen to ""60 command words to NOW ACT"" Lecture ,the more action you will be doing Looking back from 3 months , you will be glad you took this training Bonus 3 ways to motivate yourself video Two Bad Words to Avoid using and what are the two words you must use to replace these words you might be using without being aware Who is the Target Audience?Udemy Students who would like to finish courses,Take Action on what they already know todo or start new actions, start,finish projects anyone who want to start your own business part time or full time as this will help in action"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Topoloji Optimizasyonu - 3B Bask ve Katmanl retim" |
"Merhaba,Kursumuzda temel olarak, 3 Boyutlu bask makinelerinin gelimesi ve yaylmas ile birlikte byk bir neme sahip olan Topoloji Optimizasyonu anlatlmaktadr. Topoloji Optimizasyonunda kullanlan yntemler, algoritmalar, programlar, paket yazlmlar ayrntl olarak gsterildii gibi pf noktalar da hassas bir ekilde anlatlmaktadr. Topoloji Optimizasyonunun yannda Sonlu Elemenlar Analizi'nin nasl yaplaca, nasl analiz ortam hazrlanaca, lattice yaplar, meshleme, STL dosya alma, STL dosya verme, meshli paray yumuatma gibi konular detayl olarak anlatlmaktadr.Bunlarn yannda yaplan almalar 3 boyutlu yazc ile baslarak nemli husus ve noktalar gsterilmektedir.Kursumuzda hangi konular reneceksiniz?OptimizasyonMhendislik problemlerinin optimizasyonuOptimizasyon AlgoritmalarTopoloji Optimizasyonu nedir & kullanm yerleri nelerdir?Topoloji Optimizasyonu AlgoritmalarTopolojik Yaplar ve ekillerSonlu Elemanlar AnaliziSTL veriler ile alabilmeizim & Tasarm yapabilmeTasarmlar ayrntl olarak analiz edebilmeStatik ve Dinamik Analiz3 Boyutlu Bask yapabilme3 Boyutlu Bask ayarlarYapay Zekaya girirnek Python kodlar yazabilmeT-Splines ve Nurbs'ler ile alabilmeKursumuzda Hangi Programlar reneceksiniz?Ansys WorkbenchAutodesk Fusion 360Autodesk MeshmixernTopologyUltimaker CuraAnsys Discovery Live"
Price: 389.99 ![]() |
"JUnit 5: Java Unit Tests for Beginners" |
"If you want to apply for your first job as a Java Developer but have never written a unit test before this is the right course for you.According to statistics, nearly 80% of all Java developers write unit tests with JUnit, and my developing practice proves it. It is a basic skill required by most employees, so if you want to start your Java Developer professional career, you have to master JUnit.COURSE OVERVIEW In this course, I'll teach you the practical basics of JUnit 5 the latest version of the most popular Java unit testing framework.Ill introduce only the essential theory behind unit testing, and then dive straight into the code to get you started as quickly as possible. Ill use an example of a simple, yet practical Java project to show you a variety of unit test types. You'll also learn the best practices and coding standards for unit tests based on my developing experience.This course comes with additional exercises to help you review everything you have learnt from my video lectures. Ill also provide you with a sample solution to the exercises so that you can compare your answers. As a bonus, you will get a one-page cheat sheet for a quick JUnit 5 reference.COURSE ADVANTAGES concise my short video lectures focused on the most important info help you save time and learn maximally effectively, based on practice instead of useless academic theory, you learn the best developing practices drawn from my work experience, reasonably priced compared to stationary developer bootcamps, the course is much cheaper, so you save not only time but also money, available anywhere, anytime the online form lets you run the course in the most convenient place (at home, work or in a caf) and time (while commuting by metro or relaxing at home after work), so you can adjust it to your agenda, accessible on desktop, mobile and TV you can display my lectures on the device of your choice, so you dont have to stick to your PC, certificate of completion after completing the course, you will receive a printable certificate that will make your resume more attractive.Intro video music courtesy of Bensound"
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"A Course in School Geometry - With Animated Theorem Examples" |
"We learn by example, the static examples provided in text books can fall short in explaining mathematical concepts. In this course, the provided examples come to life through animation and ensures that you have the best possible learning experience.Theorem 1 - With Proof.The measure of the three angles of a triangle sum to 180 degrees.Theorem 2 - With Proof.An exterior angle of a triangle equals the sum of the two interior opposite angels in measure.Theorem 3 - With Proof.Opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal in measure.Theorem 4 - With Proof.The opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal in measure.Theorem 5 - With Proof.In a right-angled triangle the square of the length of the side opposite to the right- angle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides.Theorem 6 - With Proof.The measure of an angle at the centre of a circle is twice the measure of the angle at the circumference standing on the same arc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Wire Wrap Tutorial" |
"This is the first out of a three part series, Beginner, intermediate, and advanced, of wire wrap tutorials.If you already have your own tools, wire, and gemstones It is not required to purchase the kit to complete this course. However it is highly suggested that you purchase the kit which includes a 5 piece tool set, wire, stones, and a ruler, because it has everything you will be using during the course.In the course you will learn the basics about the pliers needed to wrap, the different wire sizes and what they are used for, how to make drawings before making wraps, and some tips and tricks I have learned that makes wire wrapping easier.You will learn two different basic wire wrap styles and you will go threw step by step making those two wraps."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Astrology Reading Course" |
"Are you aware of the energy vibrations around you and would like to have a system that explains it all?Astrology is an ancient Science that can be used to give insight and awareness of the energy clashes and compatibility of those in your life. The benefits of Astrology include having affirmation during difficult times, and learning how to organize your life around the best cycles according to your birthday."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAP S4 HANA - Become a Visionary IT Leader of Your Company" |
"SAP ERP has been known to be a rigid and expensive tool with an outdated user interface. This course is designed for aspiring leaders and architects of SAP teams who want to change and positively influence this reputation. The course will help you become a visionary leader of SAP teams who is looking to create a positive impact for the company you are working for. S/4 HANA provides a unique opportunity to architect a new enterprise system with a new mindset towards providing a competitive advantage for your organization. S/4 HANA gives SAP professionals a new way to think about system design. In order to take full advantage of this long awaited opportunity we must change how we design and deploy the S/4 system and most importantly we must learn how to lead a much more agile SAP team. Students of this course will learn how tobecome an agile minded leader of SAP teams,develop a new vision for your S/4 HANA team that is focused around faster and more reliable project delivery,align your team around the new mission, including your managers, leaders, and your own team members,align all other aspects of the IT organization behind the new way of thinking about SAP."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"MOS EXCEL EXPERT 77-728 Exam Preparation (Solution Based)" |
"This preparation course is for the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for Excel, at the expert level, 77-728. If you think you are ready to take the Microsoft exam and get certified, these practice tests will prove that you know your stuff. Take these tests before taking the real ones to identify your weaknesses, or give you the confidence to spend the money tosit for the real test.In these practice tests, you'll download a set of worksheets and be asked to perform tasks to prove that you know the advanced elements of Excel. The questions are based on the official exam requirements, and were prepared by Umer Farooq - a certified MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Excel expert and MOS Master.These questions are tough. They're based on what you might see in the real exam, and every effort has been made to simulate the exam environment.There is also a project-based test that are a very close simulation to the project-based portion of the real exam.You'll get lifetime access to these questions. No 30-day expiry on these ones. Once you buy this, it's yours. Take your time and prepare for the exam, and use these tests to prove you're ready."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Project Initiation" |
"If you want to enhance your project efficiency, boost its success, and achieve your goals and benefits, you need an effective tool to define and keep your project in-line with high-level strategies and goals.Charter is that essential tool that can do this for you and protect your project in its challenging life-cycle. In this course I will show and help you prepare an effective project charter and use it to achieve your desired goals and benefits."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Certify Mediums & All Learn Spirits Communications Healing" |
"This is lifetime access to my course that's a one-time payment. As well as free on my group where we will practice at I will mentor you at and as well free to put your services to be advertised for lifetime on my website. I am making a place where our clients will go to, to find us legit readers as well as legit paying clients. That is where your name will be on for the certified practitioner mediumship list. (((If you purchase this course and the three courses that go with this one. If you purchase these courses through my ETSY SHOP ONLY.))). You will receive a coupon to purchase what you need for your service work through my Etsy shop. Things like smudge bundles, crystals, organic candles, herbs, resin, incense, altar cloths, oracle cards, and much more that you can provide for yourself or your clients that is needed for your service works. Such as to provide with mediumship or oracle card readings etc. I have protection metaphysical tools and much more. So you get a discount when you purchase this course and all of these three courses. So, you will get three coupons one for each course for this mediumship course since it is three in total to buy. If you need something that i am either out of stock or don't have listed in my Etsy shop. Please let me know and i can order it and make a listing for you. Your discount coupon will be for 15% off on minimum orders of $30.00. I can change this at anytime the percentage and the minimum amount to what seems best flexible with all my students. ((REMIND ME to please to make this coupon for you once you have purchased this course through my ETSY SHop through there messenger there..)))You will also get a lifetime discount to my Etsy SHOP with a coupon for 10% off each order after you have used the three coupons from purchasing all three courses on my ETSY SHOP. Please also remind me to make you a coupon for this! ;)To purchase this course through my Etsy shop is at Mystic Realms Readings.You can also purchase this course through my Etsy shop at Mystic Realms Readings. You have options there. You can receive this in a package bundle of a PDF file emailed to you and a package in the mail of the course material that I print out and put in a binder and options of me to decorate or not with a bookmarker or not and you choose the decor you want or have me surprise you. The decor is of no additional cost to you. Or you can choose just PDF or just mailed to you with the same options as above. (( I am working on editing and putting the course on my Word to put as a PDF file. It is April 30th, 2020 that i am writing this. Within the weeks it should be in my Etsy shop to purchase with all three options available. Each of my courses will go there. Same options and all. It is just taking a bit of time to get them all there and some created. If i forget to erase this section I'm sorry. But do check to see what i have available if that appeals to your interest loves. ))((This is supposed to be the third course to take but until the advanced one is made this will be the second to take then the advanced last. Once advanced made then this will be the third to take. Unless i change it some reason. I will update then if so. ))In this course, I teach for all levels such as anyone wanting to learn how to heal and communicate with their departed loved ones. And for mediums wanting to learn how to help offer more healing to their clients and communications with spirits for their service works. And for the ones who take all three of my courses for this. ( I have out now the beginning like level of the mediumship course that I am talking about. And I am working now on the advanced for mediumship course.) You will receive after taking all three if becoming or adding more Certified Certifications or to be on my free website certified psychic medium directory list. After taking all three courses you will become a certified practitioner of mediumship. With the initials after your name of C.M. stands for certified medium. And you will be able to put a Certified Practitioner in front of your name with taking my courses.I am accredited through WMA World Metaphysical Associations and I show all my certifications and where my name is on their website all shown in this course. I also have written which will be the same in all three courses a Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct and how you can sign it before receiving your certifications. However, if I decide to add an extra course or so for these those will also need to be taken to receive the C.M. certification and usage of the C.M.In this course, I teach what will help with your mediumship services and your business to understand other effective methods as well as learn to understand the forgive and forgiven process when a loved one is ready to cross over. So, it is healing for our client and their departed loved one. So, this will help with your clients if you are working with helping clients to cross over and ascend. So, this is more of clients grieving and or activity since their loved ones passed or whatever reason, but it is to heal. It is to heal the client with their departed loved one so both are healing together. Or yourself whether you are a medium or not. Both of yall will heal together.Now that I have my beginning level of mediumship published, I will work and complete this one further and keep updating along the way as I grow. But once I complete this one for now then I will finish working back on the advanced so all three of these courses will be up.In the beginning, course that I have out now. Teaches the basics of starting out as a medium with a bit more info. So, you will be able to start learning and practicing with that course. You would practice in our group or with me. Just message me and let me know where and how you would like to practice. We will figure this out together.You will also have access to our Facebook group to practice in as well as advertising and selling your business through my group the other course is advanced and more how to do the work like spirit entity detection and release and house cleansing crossing over spirits detecting the levels of the spirits if earthbound or ascending or ascended. And much more in these courses, that is needed for your clients to become a professional mediumship practitioner. Or for you to personally do for yourself when needed if needed.In the Facebook group after you have practiced some with us you will receive your certificate through me. However, if you are taking this through my Udemy you will receive their certificate of completion which is also great for anyone who just wants a certificate from taking this course. But for the professional and usage of C.M. and practitioner, those certificates are through me.This course helps with the grieving process of losing a loved one and will help teach the healing process of ascension you two will go through together. I also make aware of others in this course. Because this is involved with many and not just us when we lose our loved one. So, it helps to give insights and more for a helpful purpose.This course is for anyone who has departed loved ones in any way regardless of this process I speak of is for all of us. Departed loved one for me means anyone you hold near and dear whether its family or a friend or even a friend you consider as family. In any way, this is what I mean by departed loved one.This also can be for those who are seeking justice and cannot seem to find any peace or comforts or any healing. In here I mention ways that could be why it might be that and how you too can achieve healing in that aspect as well as with your departed loved one. I explain the process through it how it works most of this course I did channel and sections like these I did channel to help provide some extra information and helpful tips but mostly how I was guided how it works to help an understanding of what might be. And some are from either my personal experiences or from others.I explain how harmful it is to not heal. However, time is needed as well as when both you and your departed loved one are ready for this step. It cannot be forced. But you will have the info if ready or when ready you will have this info to go back onto and work on then with them. At least having the awareness into helps. Either can come back and try from this course or you will be guided your way how it will be done but just having this info helps you understand how the process works so you might not even have to come back its already there in your memory and there guiding you through it with your departed loved one.I also mention different realms and what could be holding back blocking any communication or making it harder to communicate with your departed loved one. As well as ways to help open your senses with foods and crystals oils herbs. I also mention some about the Clair senses and chakras. As well as few personal examples to help describe the topics I am talking about. And I also break down how synchronicity signs work not just for communicating with your departed loved ones. But as well as for your own soul path. So, if you feel this course resonates with you then give it a go. Thank you for taking the time out interested in this course! I Am sending yall much love and gratitude and thanks! <3 :)Until I have the last mediumship course made. This is the order to take these courses. The last one will not be on udemy it will be with my other three as well on my etsy shop at Mystic Realms Readings. Once you have taken all three you will receive your certified practitioner certificate with the C.M. the other two won't have the C.M. In order to take is. (1.) Certified mediumship with certificate and practitioner list.(2.) Certify mediums and all learn spirits communication healing.(3.) Advanced mediumship....I don't have a full name yet for the third course. But soon will start working back on that course. ((I will continue to update all of my courses as i evolve myself. But mainly for what you my students need? Please let me know how i can improve further each course that you take from me? I need to know what you would like to have added or what you feel will be best not only for yourself but for others as well. If you have any questions please message me and i will answer as soon as i see them and when i am available. Thank you. ))"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Herkes iin Finansal Trev Aralar" |
"1- Finans dnyasnn nemli aralar olan trev rnlerini etkin ekilde anlayacaksnz2- Bireysel yatrmclar iin trev rnlerle alakal tm nemli detaylar bulabileceksiniz.3- Slaytlarn zerinden gidilen derslerde nemli slaytlara e zamanl ulaabileceksiniz.4- Gerekli yerlerde notlar alarak hem tasarruflarnz artrabileceksiniz hem de eitimi etkin bir ekilde tamamlayacaksnz.5- zellikle para birimlerinde oluacak art ya da d sizin maliyetlerinizde arta neden oluyorsa, bundan da korunmay reneceksiniz. 6-Trkiye'de yatrm yapan yatrmclar iin fazlasyla aklayc olan bu eitimin izleyen herkese katks salayacak muhteem bir ierie sahip olacaksnz."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Drawing & Sketching Course: Ultimate Drawing & Shading Art" |
"Drawing learning is the foundation of art and the background of learning all of the painting techniques.In order to make progress in drawing, continuous training is required that reinforces the eyes and hands and aligns them to transfer them to the worksheet. The advantages of using graphite pencils in the drawing and the technique of shading with a pencil can be seen in the availability and cost of the tools used. This feature allows you to work and enjoy with the simplest tools, with a pencil and a sheet of paper, whenever and wherever you want to draw. Even more expensive gadgets such as brushes can be replaced with more simple tools like cotton and ear cleaners.Working with pencils can easily be repaired and runs on a variety of paper and cardboard materials. Graphite pencils are one of the simplest artistic products that most famous brands such as Faber-Castell, Staedtler, Derwent, and ... produce various types of pencils with various degrees of difficulty.In this course, we get to know some general ways and principles of sketching, we'll get to know the types of equipment of sketching, we learn how to make volumes on the simple geometrical shapes, and also we introduce the hyper-real sketches and learn how to do them.We start the sketching with some simple shapes like a flower, tree, house, horse, etc. And we shade each one of them with graphite pencils.In the second phase of the course, we want to do hyper-real sketches and shadings from a real photo. In this phase, the sketch of all parts of the face like eyes and eyebrows and eyelashes, lips and teeth, and nose will be taught. And after sketching each one of them the way of shadings and how you should make volume will also be taught completely.At the end of this course and completing the exercises, the students should be able to:1. Know the types of equipment for primary and hyper-real sketches.2. Know different types of pencils and how to use them.3. Shade with different tonnages4. Make volumes simple geometrical shapes.5. Sketch the simple shapes and also know how to make volume on them with different kinds of pencils and different ways of shadings.6. Use the brush in hyper-real sketches in the correct way and be able to sketch all parts of the face and learn how to shade them"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Zwyciska Sprzeda" |
"Sprzedawco! Przedsibiorco!Czy:- Czujesz, e mgby podnie swoj skuteczno?- Masz otwarto i ch rozwoju?- Chciaby lepiej radzi sobie w negocjacjach cenowych?- Chtnie zwikszyby swoje obroty, przychody i zarobki?- Pragniesz szybciej budowa porozumienie, zaufanie i lepiej komunikowa si z Twoimi klientami?- Chciaby lepiej radzi sobie z wyjanianiem wtpliwoci i rozwiewaniem obiekcji klienta (np. za drogo, musz to przemyle, zastanowi si, chc porwna z ofert konkurencji itp.)?- Chciaby skuteczniej finalizowa transakcje?- Odczuwasz czasem presj czasu oraz masz poczucie przecienia obowizkami?Jeeli chocia na jedno powysze pytanie odpowiedziae ""TAK"", to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie.Czego jeszcze dowiesz si z tego kursu?- Zapoznasz si z procesem sprzeday i dowiesz si jakie jest jego praktyczne zastosowanie- Dowiesz si jakie 8 kluczowych kompetencji handlowca decyduje o jego sukcesie lub porace- Przyjrzysz si czynnikom psychologicznym wpywajcym na postaw sprzedawcy oraz klienta- Skrystalizujesz swoje wartoci i wyznaczysz cele, ktre podnios Twoj sprzeda i podnios jako Twojego ycia- Przyjrzysz si swoim przekonaniom i nawykom, ktre wpywaj na Twoj prac- Poznasz wpyw zdrowego trybu ycia i zadbanego wygldu na Twoje wyniki sprzedaowe- Dowiesz si dlaczego znajomo produktu(w), rynku i fachowo jest kluczowa dla procesu zakupowego Twojego klientaPonadto nauczysz si:- Jak nigdy nie mie problemu z brakiem potencjalnych klientw?- Jakie s mechanizmy percepcji oraz jaka jest rola zmysw w sprzeday?- Jak budowa dobre relacje? - Jakie s mechanizmy wpywu i perswazji?- Dlaczego znajomo typw osobowoci moe zrewolucjonizowa Twoje wyniki sprzedaowe?- Jak przeprowadzi Klienta od ""nie"" do ""tak"" pomimo (albo dziki) jego obiekcjom i wtpliwociom?- Jak prosto, szybko i skutecznie finalizowa transakcje oszczdzajc czas swj i klienta?- Jakie metody i narzdzia planowania pomog Ci osign wicej w krtszym czasie?Jeeli chcesz rozwin si w powyszych obszarach zapisz si na kurs TERAZ.Do zobaczenia!"
Price: 594.99 ![]() |
"Learn Machine Learning Using Azure Custom Vision" |
"Learning about Machine Learning these days is easier than it was before,thanks to cloud services that support training of models in the cloud and exporting them offline.In this course we are going to use Azure CustomVision service to upload,train and test trained model where we will also export the model offline and run it using python and at the end you will be able to understand how Machine Learning works!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Django by building a Marvel Superhero Gallery" |
"This is a very practical course where we take a list of requirements from a marvel MCU to build a gallery application using Django 2. We will take a basic html/css Bootstrap 4 theme and turn it into a real working application with an admin area to manage resources including images, captions and categories."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Verb Tenses: Speak English Clearly and Correctly" |
"This is a course for English learners who are beginning to study English grammar for the first time or for more advanced students who need to review their verb tenses. I show you how to form and use tenses in the past, present and future so you will be able to communicate better in English."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Day Lesson" |
"Over one hour of essential basic guitar skills with simple video instructions.Basic common chords,picking,fingerstyle,basic strum rythm and the introduction of the pentatonic scale.All that is needed is a guitar and the will and an open mind to learning.Play songs in no time but still recieve a solid foundation of guitar theory.(Something that many miss out on.Even after years of playing).Around 20-30 mins practice after each lesson.Lesson duration.5-10mins. Learn to play in no time.Play as you learn,learn as you play!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
how_to_make_meringue |
"(#^^#)Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10"
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |