Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Your Best Birth - Childbirth Education Series - Vietnam" |
"An original Birth Education Series taught from a Birth Doula's perspective.During this 6+ hour course, we will cover the following:Preparing for the birth of your babyCreating a birth plan to achieve your ideal birthUnderstanding the birthing processCoping with pain during laborSupporting the laboring motherAdvocating for the laboring mother and her baby before, during and after the birthUnderstanding the pros and cons of common interventionsRecovering from ChildbirthBreastfeeding your newborn babyThis course will also contain additional information specific to women giving birth in Vietnam.This course is perfect for those who can't commit to a live class due to scheduling conflicts or time restraints, those that don't have classes available to them in their town/city, or are looking for a non-clinical birth education class to supplement what is offered at their hospital."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Essential Business & Management Skillset" |
"Ever wonder what skills does it take to get to a Senior Management position within your organisation? Ever wonder what are the management skills possessed by leaders at many of the top firms across the industries such as McKinsey and BCG etc?What if you could take charge of your own career growth and identify the areas you need to develop in thus allowing you to be in a position to earn a six-figure salary? With this course you will learn to:,Create your own personal growth planBe in control of your day to day operationsDevelop your career and yourselfUtilise powerful negotiation skillsLearn techniques and tools used by Senior Managers and Consultants across the industrySenior Managers and Consultants are involved in identifying the problem areas within a company and then suggesting and implementing key changes to improve the performance of those teams and divisions.Successful senior managers and consultants are not only in great demand within the industry thus ensuring they are always sought after by employers but they also earn well over a six-figure sumTopics included in the course are, at a high level:Identifying areas for improvementHow to be in control of your dayBe a master negotiationHow to be an effective communicatorProblem Solving skillsRisk AnalysisProcess Improvement and many more!Act now and take charge of your career and embark on the road to reaching your career goals!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn COMBINATORICS the Arts and Crafts of counting" |
"About this CourseIf you want to learn code and science behind counting, this course is for you. In this course we will learn systematic and a logical way of counting to solve problems that require a huge counting. After this course you will be able to solve problems of type ' in how many ways this can be done "" or ""find the total number of ways of..."" . Well begin and build with the basic principles of counting, and as we proceed, well develop some advanced techniques which can help us answer a lot of complex counting related problems and ultimately count the uncountable! We will also establish the fundamentals behind counting and develop smarter way of counting.This course will cover Fundamental Principle of CountingBasic Counting Techniques.FactorialArrangement of Objects.Selection of Objects.Permutations including Circular PermutationsCombinationsApplication to Number TheoryDivision into GroupsArrangements in GroupsArrangement of identical Objects.DerangementMultinational TheoremNumber of Rectangles and SquaresExponent of Prime p in n!And many many many problems.Who this course is for:Anyone with an interest in learning permutation and combinationsAnyone with preparing to take a standardized test like GRE, SAT, ACTAnyone taking a college or high school course in combinatoricsLet us begin! Happy intuitive learning ! "
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Affinity Designer par la pratique" |
"Affinity Designer est le concurrent direct de Adobe Illustrator, il permet de raliser des illustrations vectorielles et des interfaces graphiques de manire trs intuitive.Le but de ce cours est trs clair : vous rendre autonome avec Affinity Designer.Pour y parvenir, nous n'allons pas faire un cours classique o je passerais en revue les diffrents outils du logiciel. Nous allons plutt miser sur la pratique. Nous allons crer plusieurs illustrations ensemble mais pas n'importe quelles illustrations. Chaque illustration a t pense pour couvrir une fonctionnalits ou un outil particuliers de Affinity Designer.Ainsi la fin de ce cours vous serez capable de raliser vos propres illustrations avec Affinity Designer.PS : Les fichiers sources vous sont fournis"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Dao Tai Chi Form - Square Yard - nach Lishi" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die ersten 4 Sequenzen der Lishi Dao Tai Chi Square Yard Form, um mit flieenden weichen Bewegungen in tiefe Ruhe und Balance zu kommen und dabei deine Lebensenergie zu strken. Du wirst die Form fundiert und inhaltsvoll lernen, damit du sie jeder Zeit und berall fr dich ben und anwenden kannst.Lishi Dao Tai Chi ist Meditation in Bewegung.So ist der Kurs aufgebaut:Einleitung > Traditionelles und Hintergrundwissen, Lishi als ganzheitliches authentisches bungssystem der Daoistischen Bewegungsknste Grundlagen des Tai Chi Chuan > Stellungen, Stnde und Oberkrper-Technik bergnge, Techniken und Ausfhrungen der einzelnen Sequenzen bungsteile/Praxis zum Mitmachen nach jedem Kapitel mit MusikuntermalungSpiegelform Du lernst hier auf eine neue Art und Weise diese alte Daoistische Bewegungskunst Lishi online zu studieren. Sie wurde frher nur im Geheimen praktiziert und innerhalb der Familie weiter gegeben. Lishi ist vor einigen Jahren von der Daoistischen Akademie in Peking mit Sitz im White Cloud Tempel als authentisch daoistisch zertifiziert worden und wird seit dem auch einem greren Publikum als bungsstil geffnet. Ziele von Lishi sind die Harmonie von Krper und Geist, groe Zufriedenheit, Selbsterkenntnis und Verstndnis fr die Welt. Lishi ist krperlicher Ausdruck daoistischer Philosophie. Ergnzend zu diesem Kurs hast Du die Mglichkeit in unseren Kursen Dao Yoga-Tai Chi-Qi Gong 1 und 2 Bewegungsabfolgen, Flows, zu erlernen, in denen auch diese Square Yard Form eingebunden ist. Zustzlich werden viele Einzelbungen im Detail erklrt, die strkend und entspannend zugleich sind.Laotse sagte: Eine Reise von 1000 Meilen beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt, mach mit uns zusammen den ersten Schritt in diesem Kurs."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso para aprender a invertir en la Bolsa de Nueva York" |
"Necesitas alcanzar tu independencia financiera?Ests buscando calidad de vida?Quieres tener ganancias sostenibles en la Bolsa de Nueva York?En 46 videos aprenders a ganar dinero en la Bolsa de Nueva York.HAGAMOS UN TRATO:Tupones tu compromiso a aprender yyote enseo mi mtodosimplede ganar dinero en la bolsa, lo aplicas y empiezas a generar PROFITObjetivos: Aprender a invertir en la Bolsa de Nueva York en poco tiempoDesarrollar tu estrategia y plan financiero para lograr calidad de vida tuya y de tu familia.Incorporar los hbitos de un buen trader en tu da a da.."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Listening - Tips & Tricks Practical Course" |
"This Practical Course was created to give students comprehensive knowledge about the IELTS test, get them acquainted with different types of questions as well as some tricks and tips students can use in order to gain better marks, and give them an opportunity to practice doing all the tasks of the exam."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Art for Beginners & Kids: 8 Drawing & Mixed-Media Projects" |
"Are you looking for a beginner's art course for your child (or yourself)?Do you want a fun activity for you or a child that teaches a fun and valuable skill?If you answered yes, then A is for Art is the perfect art course to enroll in. This course contains 8 fun projects that teach a wide-range of drawing, painting, and mixed-media art skills. Each project is fun, easy, and uses simple supplies so anyone can participate!While I designed this course for kids - perfect for an after-school or home school activity - anyone who wants to start drawing, sketching, painting, and creating art can have fun with this stress-free and relaxed art course.YOU'LLLEARN SEVERALARTSTYLESYou'll use a variety of art techniques in this course. Don't worry - it'll be fun and easy. You don't need any prior experience, and we use easy-to-find supplies that don't break the bank! Here are some of the skills you'll learn:Drawing & SketchingWatercolor PaintingMixed-Media ArtOil Pasteland more!WHATARETHEARTPROJECTS?Each project contains an introduction, supply list, and printable to help you get started. Then you'll dive in and follow in real-time, as I create the entire project. You can follow along and do the project while you watch, easily pausing or rewinding if you need.The 8 projects you'll do are:'Entertaining Elephants''Precious Pears''Cup O'Joe''Brewster the Rooster''Spectacular Sea Turtle''Happy Hummingbirds''Bashful Burro''I Scream - Ice cream'ABOUT THEINSTRUCTOR:My name is Lori Lee Ebiner. I have been teaching beginner art classes from my art studio for many years. Now, I'm excited to share my passion for art online, and help kids and beginners learn from around the world. My goal is that this course is a stress-free and fun way to learn how to draw, paint, and more! If there is any way that Ican improve this class, I'll be available to answer any questions you have, using the course's Q&A tab, so feel free to pop in and ask a question, or just say hi once you've enrolled. I am always open to listening. Just send me a message, and I'll do everything I can to help you out.OURHAPPINESSGUARANTEEWe back all of our courses with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you enroll and realize this isn't the course for you (or your kid), we'll refund your entire purchase within the first 30-days.There's really no reason to hesitate! ENROLLTODAY &WE'LLSEEYOUINSIDETHECLASS!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist" |
"The Electronic Health Records Program is designed to provide students with the skills necessary for entry-level positions in a medical office, hospital, insurance office, or any type of medical facility utilizing EHR. Students will be exposed to real-world exercises using software to create patient records, lab reports, notes, and code setting. Additionally, students will gain a solid understanding of the legal aspects of patient confidentiality and disclosure of medical records.The completion of a certificate-level program does not typically qualify a student for employment. Completion of this program may assist students who have no previous medical experience or work-related experience improve their chances for entry-level employment."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Teach and Learn Gymnastics Skills" |
"Whether you're a coach, PE teacher, parent or even a budding gymnast yourself, this course contains everything you need to know about developing and teaching the essential gymnastics skills. This course will provide you with insightful coaching tips, born out of years of teaching and coaching experience. High quality clips guide you through a multitude of floor skills under the expert tuition of Gemma Coles, Head Coach of Head Over Heels Gymnastics. The clips break down the skills in detail with slow motion features for the more advanced skills. The featured gymnasts range in ability and provide achievable gymnastics results whether you/your pupils are new to the sport or advanced gymnasts."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Como Aumentar Seus Clientes como Design" |
"Neste mini treinamento voc vai aprender a como aumentar as suas vendas em poucos dias atravs de duas tcnicas. Esse mini treinamento vai te ajudar muito na sua carreira, na parte financeira, e no conhecimento que ele vai te proporcionar, e atravs dele o seu trabalho vai ser muito bem valorizado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Moroccan Kitchen : How to cook Tajin of lamb and chicken ." |
"This course is about how to make the morocan famous and healthy Tajin . There are many kinds of tajin but in this course i made 2 types of Tajins with vegetables , one with lamb and the other with . this dish is very healthy because it includes natural ingredients . Tajin is also rich of vitamines that our body needs everyday .if you are an owner of a restaurant then adding Tajin to the list of your food will add a great value to your restaurant as many people around the world are eager to taste Tajin, I hope you will try to make it , it is easy and simple . Enjoy and feel free to contact me if you do not understand anything"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Los Robos de Datos de Tarjetas y los Estndares del PCI" |
"En este curso te ayudo a comprender los riesgos sobre los datos en la industria de pagos con tarjetas y qu consecuencias pueden traer para los negocios. Este es un curso en el cual quiero brindarles lo que he aprendido en mi experiencia enfrentando robos de datos por parte del crimen organizado en entidades financieras. El objetivo es permitirles definir el camino ms adecuado para afrontar un proyecto de seguridad de los datos de tarjetas en base a los estndares de seguridad del Payment Card Industry (PCI), contarles de los obstculos que se van a presentar y brindarles informacin para que puedan superarlos desde un inicio. Lo ms comn es que cuando iniciamos un proyecto de proteccin de los datos de tarjetas, nos enfocamos totalmente en los aspectos tcnicos, empezamos planificando el cumplimiento de todos los requisitos de los estndares del PCI. Pero cuando ya estamos en el proyecto nos damos cuenta de que se nos empiezan a presentar obstculos, empiezan a aparecer otras prioridades o quizs no se prioriz adecuadamente y esto trae por consiguiente que no nos otorguen los recursos y el presupuesto necesario, lo cual puede implicar que el proyecto se haga interminable. Ya nos ha ocurrido esto? Tal vez si. Y esto principalmente ocurre porque no dimos el primer paso que es el ms importante, sensibilizar a la Alta Direccin para lograr darle visibilidad al proyecto como una prioridad de empresa. Decirle a la Alta Direccin que es un requerimiento normativo por cumplir puede no ser suficiente, es necesario mostrar cul es el impacto al negocio si llegase a haber un robo de datos. Por esta razn, hay algo muy importante que trabajo en este curso y se resume en una frase ""La seguridad de los datos de tarjetas no es un asunto tcnico sino una preocupacin importante del negocio"". En este curso te brindo el conocimiento necesario para que puedas realizar todas las tareas iniciales y tener el camino completamente allanado antes de que inicies con la planificacin de un proyecto tcnico de cumplimiento con los estndares de seguridad del PCI. Asimismo, te brindo informacin, metodologa y casos para que puedas sensibilizar a la Alta Direccin en el ms profundo nivel de conciencia. Adems, podrs obtener una visin y entendimiento amplios del panorama actual de amenazas sobre los datos de tarjetas y los estndares de seguridad de datos del PCI.En lo que he podido ver en diferentes organizaciones del medio latinoamericano, la Alta Direccin no ha sido adecuadamente sensibilizada en cuanto a la seguridad de los datos y por esta razn lo consideran como un aspecto tcnico que deben resolver las reas de TI. Lamentablemente llegan a darse cuenta de que realmente es un tema relevante para el negocio cuando les ocurre un robo de datos con un impacto grande. No esperemos a que eso ocurra. Trabajemos en relevar la seguridad de la informacin y darle el ms alto nivel de visibilidad dentro de la organizacin y as tambin darnos una mejor imagen y posicionamiento como responsables de seguridad de la informacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gradle Fundamentals" |
"Gradle is an extensive build tool and dependency manager for programming projects. Gradle can automate the building, testing, publishing, deployment and more of software packages or other types of projects such as generated static websites, generated documentation or anything else. In this course students will learn the core concepts of Gradle and how to use Gradle to manage building, testing and deploying your Java application. We will first go through some Gradle fundamentals and how to build a Java project with Gradle, add a dependency to a project, and create a library module. We'll also get into the Gradle project structure, Gradle tasks, Gradle in the cloud, and more.Students will learn by doing, by working through exercises designed to build on the presented material and explore."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master en Vba Excel (Desarrolla macros y crea aplicaciones)." |
"El curso de Master en VBA (Desarrolla macros y crea aplicaciones) cuenta con mas de 150 clases, tambin cuenta con exmenes en donde podrs comprobar lo enseado en cada una de las secciones.Mediante actividades prcticas vas a adquirir y fortalecer tus capacidades para el desarrollo de tus propias soluciones, una vez que aprendas lgica de programacin (la cual es opcional) contaras con las bases suficientes para aprender otro lenguaje de programacin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Chocolate Cake, Cookies and Chocolate Biscuits (chocobis)" |
"Learn how to confidently feed yourself and your family nutritious, delicious cookies, whether for everyday occasions or holidays!If you want to makedelicious dessert, but you don't know howto start and you lack of any skills in the kitchen? This course is going to help you to make a perfect cakes and desserts. Become creative with interesting flavor and texture combinations.How to make the best chocolate cake !How to make the best chocobis !Be able to make wholesome, delicious cookies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intensive English Course: Intermediate to Advanced Level" |
"Do you want to speak better English quickly?In this intensive English language course, I teach you strategies to improve your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills so you can live, work and study in an English speaking country. Every unit contains listening, speaking, reading and writing activities as well as lectures on various topics. I also teach you how to use online resources to enhance your English ability. At the end of this course, you will be able to write and read well, participate in conversations confidently and express your ideas clearly and effectively. Every week, we will add new content so there will be a lot of new learning material in the future!In addition, after you purchase this course, you get:opportunities to talk and share ideas with other students.opportunities to develop your listening skills. to learn academic level English vocabulary and phrases.professional reading and writing practice.unlimited speaking practice (when you upload your mp3 to the site, I will give you feedback!) (Preparing for a speech at school or work? No problem! I will listen and give you feedback.)unlimited writing practice (when you upload any writing from work or school, I will check it and give you feedback!) (Do you have a presentation for school or work? No problem! I will check it for you.) Good luck! There is no better time than now to improve yourself. Get started!Sincerely,Dr. William Clifton Green"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Postando Filme e Srie no The Movie Database" |
"Aprenda a postar filmes, sries e animes no The Movie Database, para ter conteudo atualizados de todas os filmes, sries e animes no seu site, fique na frente com contedos de entretenimento atualizados na internet e quando voc postar seus contedo no seu site no ficar esperando algum postar por voc, ou para quem simplesmente busca conhecimento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Dbuter un montage vido avec iMovie en partant de zro." |
"Dans ce cours pour dbutant, nous allons apprendre crer un montage dynamique et agrable regarder avec iMovie.Que ce soit pour rendre un film de vacances palpitant, devenir YouTubeur ou crer la promo vido de votre association, je vous explique, en crant une vido concrte, comment utiliser iMovie et obtenir un rsultat prt pour une fire diffusion.A quoi sert le montage ?- Supprimer les passages ennuyeux ou rats- Ajouter des titres- Ajouter une ambiance sonore- Faire des plans de coupe pour plus de dynamismeVous avez un Mac et une souris ? Vous ne savez presque rien faire part surfer sur le net, copier des fichiers et envoyer des emails ? Vous tes prt !Non, je ne vous ferai pas un cours magistral pour vous expliquer la thorie de tel ou tel obscur bouton. Oui, nous allons directement aller la pratique, ainsi vous apprendrez progressivement et concrtement comment faire.Vous n'avez pas encore film ? Aucun problme, je vous fourni des lments prts l'emploi pour pouvoir vous amuser sans tarder. Car oui, c'est amusant lorsqu'on sait s'y prendre.Enfin vous saurez monter un film avec aisance, et aurez le niveau suffisant pour suivre le cours de techniques avances...Le cours est en qualit Full HD (1080p), donc n'hsitez pas le visionner sur votre tlviseur si vous avez une chromecast par exemple. Mettez la qualit du lecteur UDEMY sur ""auto""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blue Print: How to Automate Your Marketing" |
"What does every business owner want? More leads and sales automatically!In this course, business marketing automation expert G. Thomas Holland walks you through the 5 steps any business needs to take to turn their current marketing efforts into a automated marketing machine.In this course you'll learn why:Setting your goals correctly can help you avoid many mistakes,creating a proper sales funnel increases the average value for each client,what is the basic component of marketing automation and why you need a CRMtool to execute it,how a story from Van Halen can help you become a better manager,and understanding the 3 different types of traffic to your business will help you convert each type more effectively."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master in GST" |
"Learn GST in most simple Video lectures for Easy & In-Depth understanding of the subject can watch Any time ...Any where.Comprehensive & Easy to learn study notes.Online Quiz to test your knowledge at the end of each topic.Topics Covered : - Introduction Scope of Supply IGST (Place of Supply) Time of Supply Value of Supply Input Tax Credit Registration Tax Invoice Accounts & Records Returns Payment of Tax Refund TDS & TCS Job Work Ecommerce Transitional Provisions Eway Bill Liabilities in Certain Cases Assessment & Audit Advance Ruling Appeals & Revision Recovery Inspection, Search, Seizure Offence & Penalties"
Price: 5120.00 ![]() |
sakae_001 |
"#1 #2#3#4#5#6#7#8#93#10#11#12#13 #14 #15 3#163#17 #18#19#20#21 #22 3#23#24#25 #26 #27 3#28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 3#35#36 #37 #38#39 NG"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"En este curso analizaremos las causas ms comunes de problemas que llevan al divorcio pero tambin daremos la solucin para no solo evitar los problemas sino tambin tener un matrimonio firme, algunos de los temas sern Sexo, mejorar la comunicacin, orden de prioridades, necesidades de ellas que los hombres necesitamos saber y necesidades de ellos que las mujeres necesitan saber, diseo original del matrimonio, hijos, trabajo, suegros, etc, todo el curso tiene sus soluciones basadas en la Biblia ya que fue la Biblia la que salv mi matrimonio y sigue salvando millones a travs de sus principios, no importa de que religin seas o si no tienes religin prueba estos principios en tu matrimonio y vivirs los increbles resultados!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS Basics - For beginners and intermediates" |
"Introduction to AWS. Best practices on your account, security issues, IAM (identity &access managemnt), how to create users, roles and assign policies to them.Overview on the Networking services, VPC, subnets, security groups, Route53 and CertificateManagerComputingServices: EC2 (from launching the first instance to setup a webserver), Lambda and preview on other services like ECS and EKSStorage:S3 and Glacier, hosting a static website on S3 an moreManagementTools: CloudWatch, CloudFormation, TrustedAdvisor, SystemsManager"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Aprende chino con Eva Hu, tu profesora nativa [Nivel bsico]" |
"Sabas que en chino una palabra puede cambiar su significado segn cmo la pronuncies?Es por eso que para aprender chino es muy importante tener una profesora nativa que pueda ensearte tanto las claves del idioma como su pronunciacin correcta desde el buen comienzo. Pero no te preocupes!:DSoy Eva Hu y voy a ser tu profesora nativa de chino, te apuntas?En este curso que he preparado te ensear chino bsico, de forma divertida y desde cero, no necesitas ningn conocimiento previo! Al finalizar el curso sabrs el vocabulario y las estructuras bsicas para formar frases en chino y podrs leer, pronunciar correctamente y escribir tus primeros dilogos y textos: presentarte, hablar del da a da, salir de compras, comentar tus gustos e intereses... Tambin te introducir a la pronunciacin y escritura china. Adems, todas las clases estn llenas de ejemplos prcticos, frases y dilogos cotidianos, para que puedas poner en prctica todo lo que aprendas de forma inmediata.Por supuesto, si tienes cualquier duda o necesitas que revise algn texto o ejercicio estar siempre disponible a travs de esta plataforma. Nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"From A Non Programmer To Full Stack .NET Developer" |
"This course assumes no previous experience. It's intended for beginners who are preparing for their software engineer career. Here's why this course guides you to the right path, even if you have no or little programming experience. I am following THE SAME PRINCIPLES AND STEPS I took when I learned programming for the first time. I mean it. I'm teaching exactly the same things I learned 8 years ago! It worked for me and that's why I am 100% sure it's the perfect choice for you. I was just like you knowing almost nothing. I had no idea how web or mobile applications are being built, what tools to use and how to combine these technologies, but after a few years, I am now a Senior Full Stack Developer. Everything presented here is already tested on me and more others and it works.My first advice for you is ""dont be scared, but at the same time don't expect it to be very easy"". Life is not all beer and skittles and for sure I am not here to lie to you that by only taking this course youll become an awesome developer. Think of it as a great and unique opportunity, a starting point to learn something new. You have to stay motivated and work very hard to master programming.Have you ever wondered how developers are creating amazing web applications? Do you have whatever it takes to be one of them? If so, this course is for your. Otherwise, please don't buy it, because I want to create a community full of people willing to learn and improve themselves. I'm not here to just sell you a course. I want to share my knowledge and ease this new path you're going to take. This is what you get by signing up today:Engaging Video TutorialsExercisesQuizzesWeb Development Resources (including the complete Movie Management dot net application we are building throughout the course)The eBook From A Non Programmer To Full Stack .NET Developer 2019 for FREE, which contains the course content written in a friendly format with a lot of images and explanations so you can be able to learn web development even when youre not in front of a computerLifetime support from me in any problem regarding backend or frontend software developmentA great an unique opportunity to make the first step in becoming a full stack web developer in 2019And it's risk-freeThe course its a must, if you want to start acquiring full stack developer skills and I am 100% confident youll love it, but I want to let you know that Udemy has a 30-days return policy and if it feels that programming is not for you, you can request a refund. Sign up today, risk-free!However, in your career as a junior developer, you will probably feel this a few times and I recommend you to think very well before taking a radical decision.What does it mean to build a web application from ground-up ?*concepts like Database, SQL, No-Sql, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, UI, Frontend, Backend, LINQ, REST, API, Web Development, Hosting, IDE, T-SQL, etc., are well explained during the course Create a database (Sql vs No-Sql) Create an UI, the frontend (HTML, CSS & JavaScript) Create an API Create a layer responsible with the logical processing of your application Create a layer responsible for executing operations against our database Enable local hosting Test the application Profit! :)This course helps you to:Improve your logical thinkingImprove your problem-solving abilitiesImprove your searching skillsUnderstand how software applications workFind a nice and well-paid jobImprove your self-confidenceAfter completion, you will be able to:Understand the basic concepts of C#Understand the basic concepts of Web DevelopmentUnderstand the basic concepts of Full Stack .NET Development processBuild a web application using the methods presented during the courseUnderstand basic concepts of databases and queriesLearn more complex algorithms by yourselfParticipate at interviews for junior software engineer or internships at international companies Most recent private feedback *for the public feedback, see the 'Reviews' section""you're absolutely right, I've done a course on before this one. I'm a self-taught looking for my first junior .net job. I really love the part on the Architecture of the webApp and how different layers work together. You made me really understand the big picture of webApp. Great job simplifying hard stuffs for us Cosmin. By the way see the word ""dependency injection"" all over the internet which I don't really understand. How can I apply it to the VideoManagement App?"" - Romaric Nzekeng""Man, you are GOD SEND. I found only 2 .NET full stack videos how to make app from start to finish and the first one was old 2 years and already too old because things changed by then, code and everything looks different, and the way he explains is too complicated.This course is perfect because I need something simple to show me which database to pick, how is whole stack connected, to give me feel why I even need API.Materials for learning are so thrown around internet that I have no idea where to start from, it's so frustrating on top of many errors I get.. and I can't see myself doing any other job no matter the salary.I have degree in programming but on college we only learned programming languages, database and very basic things about rest of, it is not enough for me to apply for a job.This course will be my huge starting point so I can know what I must specifically focus on later to improve my skills.Thank you so much for making this, and for explaining in such a simple way, unlike those crazy definitions I find on internet when I want to learn something.I will contact you when I get my first job haha :D"" - David KonicVery good explanations with handy images and clear and straight code methods. It was really enjoyable to watch the entire course, catchy and interesting. - Adrian Boulescu""Good, covering all basic stuff, iam going through this course to refresh my self"" - cvk Krishna""This course handles every piece of knowledge that a beginner needs to know about full stack development. With a background in mobile and back end development, I can say that this course is great for beginning your training as a .NET full stack dev."" - Bogdan Munteanu""A perfect ELI5 for beginners"" - Calin ChituBackground music provided by Xiodine"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
".NET Core for Absolute Beginners" |
"This course will guide you through the fundamentals of .NETCore programming platform and C# - the programming language that is most frequently used with it..NETCore is what is becoming the main programming technology in Microsoft stack that is actively being developed. Therefore, knowing this platform will open up many opportunities for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Os 10 Elementos" |
"A ideia de trazer a informao sobre os 10 elementos para esta realidade, no intuito de simplificar algumas das questes mais profundas de nosso ser, tais como:Quem somos...Onde estamos...E para onde iremos...Podendo aplicar este conhecimento a toda e qualquer criao pr existente, e possibilitando assim, infinitas novas possibilidades de criao.A mente o limite, pensou, criou!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SPSS renin" |
"Elinizde verileriniz var ve aklnz karksaTestler hakknda net olmayan bilgileriniz mevcutsa.nceden rendiniz ama baz konular tekrarlamak istiyorsanz.SPSS,'i duydunuz ama ad sizi korkuttuysa :)Gelimek, gelimek istiyorum diyorsanz.SPSSile tanmak istiyorum diyorsanz.Bu bana muhakkak lazm olur diyorsanz.yada Flt deil belki ama bir SPSS kursu ka para be durumuna geldiyseniz :)Doru Yerdesiniz. Sizi SPSS'in temellerini renmeye derse doru alalm."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Bolsa para principiantes" |
"Antes de nada, te agradecera que echaras un ojo a mi perfil, quiero que sepas a quin compras y por qu compras. Considero muy importante conocer el detalle de las cosas que un@ invierte su dinero y su tiempo, por eso quiero que antes de proceder puedas tomar una decisin firme de adentrarte en el mundo de los mercados financieros. En este curso encontrars toda la informacin necesaria para invertir en Bolsa y/o en Forex de una manera prudente y comprensible para todas aquellas personas que se inician.Aprenders como incorporar una fuente de ingresos adicional a tu vida y comprender de una manera muy clara los mercados financieros.Adems, se comparte una gua de 40 pginas donde te resumo los puntos ms importantes del curso, a parte de otros materiales descargables (Hojas de Excel, material de apoyo, etc.). Por otro lado y no menos importante, gracias a otro ""BONUS"" de este curso, se te dar acceso a la plataforma Visual Chart con 15 das de tiempo real de manera gratuita pudiendo ver hasta 5 posiciones de los mercados. De esta manera podrs familiarizarte con esta plataforma que te ayudar en tu anlisis tcnico. Es decir, te acompao desde 0 y paso a paso para poder sentarte desde tu casa y poder aprender todo lo necesario para ganar dinero en bolsa.Mi objetivo primordial es ahorrarte mucho tiempo y dinero, ya que se ha estructurado este curso de una manera entendedora para que resulte de lo ms cmodo aprender cmo y cundo comprar o vender acciones (entrar al mercado). Y sobretodo, aportando toda aquella informacin TIL para poder iniciarte y darte consciencia de los riesgos.He resumido de manera breve, toda aquella informacin importante para que puedas tenerla a mano siempre que necesites. En referencia a la parte prctica, te explico como poner una orden en real paso a paso y ver como se ""mueve"" el mercado con esta operacin, indicando los criterios que utilizo para entrar al mercado. Me gustara aadir un punto importante que en otros cursos (durante mis inicios) echaba en falta, me refiero a ejemplos REALES. He aadido una seccin donde aparecen ejemplos reales con sus respectivas explicaciones para que puedas ver y corroborar lo que menciono. Empieza a entender los conocimientos necesarios para obtener una rentabilidad de tu dinero, crear una fuente de ingresos adicional y poder obtener un extra en tu da a da."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Excel de 0 Hro devenez vous aussi un expert" |
"Dans ce cours je vais vous apprendre les outils afin que vous puissiez devenir un expert dans Excel VBA peut importe votre niveau. Celle nous allons le faire en 3 Chapitres. Un chapitre Dbutantdans ce chapitre nous allons voire les base de Microsoft Excel comme:travailler avec les celluleschanger les couleurstravailler avec les pagestravailler avec des formules et fonctionimprimer une pageUn chapitre Avance ici nous allons voir des fonctions et des outils plus perfectionner comme: les fonctions de recherchetravailler avec des tableauxtravailler avec des tableaux coirs dynamiquecrer un graphiquecrer des listesnommer des plages et travailler avectravailler avec les filtresUn chapitre PROla nous allons voir du lourd car nous allons travailler avec du VBA : travailler avec les variablescrer des bouclestravailler avec des conditionscrer un formulaire(Userform)travailler avec des tableaux(array)traitement d'erreurChaque chapitre est partag par un cours thorique et un cours pratique ou nous allons crer une simple facture et que nous allons par la suite transformer dans une facture full automatis. alors n'attendez plus et rejoignez moi dans ce cours"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |