Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Oracle 12" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 13" |
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 14" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 15" |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 16" |
"OracleRMANRecovery Manager==========================*RMAN*RMAN*RMAN*RMAN*"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 17" |
"Recovery Manager==========================RMAN*RMAN*****,*******RMAN*RMAN*RMAN"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 18" |
"Recovery Manager==========================Oracle******Oracle*AWRAWR.*AWR*Oracle*statspack***AWR*ADDMASH"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 19" |
"Buffer CacheBuffer Cache==========================*Buffer Cache*Buffer Cache*Buffer Cache*Buffer Cache*Buffer Cache*DBWn"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 20" |
"Shared Pool==========================**AWR*LibraryCache*LibraryCache*LibraryCache*Result Cache"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 21" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 22" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 23" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 24" |
"SQL*LOADERORACLEORACLESQL*LOADER ==========================SQL*Loader**SQL*Loader**SQL*Loader****** SQL*Loader*LOB*"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Video Marketing Success" |
"Video Marketing Success is all about attaining that edge over your competitors and learning the easy Action-by-Action steps to marketing you, your services, your products and your business using video with the device you already have in your pocket.Welcome to Video Marketing Success.Were at a unique time in life where its never been easier or cheaper to make promotional videos and market your business to existing and new customers.We are so fortunate to have in the palm of our hands this amazing device called a SMARTPHONE - pretty much a TV production studio at our disposal anywhere, anytime.Technology has advanced at a cracking pace and we all have to push ourselves to keep up and its this exciting time in the Information Age that we can take control of our destinies by making promotional videos and putting your business in front of your target market with the click of a few buttons, that gives you a significant edge over your competition.Were here to help you do just that. That's because the presenters of this course have over 64 years combined Broadcast Television and Advertising Expertise as well as experience providing Digital Marketing Services and owning their own business.So that means you get a unique training course in all aspects of Video Marketing for your Business Profits.We help a lot of clients to promote themselves, their services, products and businesses by teaching them to market more effectively. Utilising your Smartphone, we show you how to make effective marketing videos that will drive more business your way and increase your Internet exposure.Why Use Video?Video is a great cost effective way to promote and market your services, 78% of people watch online video every week, imagine capturing some of that traffic and directing it to your site and converting that to sales. It wouldnt take much to make a positive impact on your bottom line.Its in the quiet times that you need to UP your marketing game and win back customers and sales. A lot of businesses drop the marketing of their services when things are quiet instead of lifting their game and promoting what they have to offer.Weve had clients say, Im not spending any money on marketing because business is really quiet at the moment. Its at these times when you should be doing the opposite and now you can do so using video with even the smallest budget (...yes, even zero!).Learn How To Make Quick And Easy Promo Videos To Drive Consistent, High Value, Dependable Business To Your Site Every Day With The Video Marketing Success Course. Your customers are using search engines every day to find services and products you offer, but if they cant find you, then youre missing out on sales and business that your competition will be claiming.It doesnt take much to change all that.With the Video Marketing Success Course, you get a crash course in the skills and techniques you need to promote your business, educate your customers and win back lost business and drive consistent and profitable traffic to your website and convert them to sales.By investing some of your TV watching on your marketing; youll have access to over 2 hours of Action-by-Action instruction on taking your business up a notch, or as many notches as you like. You can ask us anything, as many questions as you like as you navigate the course.You get lifetime access and a money back guarantee.You dont need to be a professional presenter, you just need to follow our guidelines and the easy Action-by-Action steps.YOU DONT NEED ANY PREVIOUS EXPERIENCEIn this course youll learn:How to use video effectively for your business marketing;Learn how to use your Smartphone to create a variety of promotional videos;How to use some affordable equipment to achieve better audio;How to check if you have enough light for your video to look professional;How to Present Yourself on Screen and have the professional edge;How to frame your videos so they please the eye and engage viewers;Learn the ways of delivering your message with various script formats;How to produce enthused testimonials;Learn the best way to promote products;How to Setup a Youtube Channel for effective marketing;How to make the most of Social Media and the Web for sharing your videos. and much more! Unless you already possess these skills to market your business, you may continue to miss out on sales to your competition and the opportunity to grow your business.Your investment in this training course is far less than our live group workshops or one-on-one personal coaching - and you also receive the reference videos for easy access anytime you need them.Once youve completed this course, youll have the skills and techniques that will enable you to create quick and easy promotional videos that result in more traffic to your website or social media pages and calls to your business.We walk you through each module Action-by-Action showing you how easy it is to make promotional videos and have fun doing it.We thank you for investing your time in our course. We know it can be a little scary to push yourself but thats why were here imparting our professional knowledge and experience so that you can have the power to take the next deliberate step to a more profitable business.You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so why waitBy clicking the TAKECOURSE button, you'll join our course 100% risk free!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Computer and Video Game Theory for Independent Developers" |
"During this course you will learn all about the skills and mindset needed to develop computer games as an independent or hobbiest game maker. We will cover such topics as:Coming up with a good idea for your gameSome BIG questions to ask yourself to ensure your game will work how you want it to workLearn a little about the psychology of your gamers so they keep playingThinking differently so your games run efficientlyThe hardware your games will run on, taking advantage of their features and avoiding their limitationsA little about the importance of maths with examples showing whyEverything you need to make your own ""Fruit Slice"" game, including the pseudo code, mechanics and maths.Finishing and testing your gamesHopefully you will come away full of ideas and with the ability to plan your games better, whether you are a beginner or already working in the industry."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Java () : Oracle" |
"Java ? !, ! , . , , , Java . Java , , . Android , Java. Android Java., ? , - Java. , - Java. , . - . Java Programmer I . . . , . . , ? ! , , - . 35- , 52 Java. . , , , ., . . . ! Java . . , - 8 --. , , ! udemy, 30 . ! ! ??? !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye izim Kursu: Temel Sanattan Dijital izime" |
"izim renmek iin ihtiyacnz olan tm video dersleri bu eitimde bulabilirsiniz. Profesyonel izimler ve karakter tasarmlar yapmak iin ihtiyacnz olan tm bilgileri batan sona renin. Kat ve kalem kullanarak, temel sanat eitimi ieriinde yer alan; izgi ve form, obje, perspektif, k glge, obje, figr, desen, kompozisyon, illstrasyon, stilizasyon gibi ihtiyacnz olan her konuda kendinizi gelitirin. Sonrasnda dijital ortamda grafik tablet kullanarak, hem Photoshop hem de Sketchbook programlar ile dijital izimler yapn, karakterler tasarlayn ve detayl renk kullanm ile profesyonel izimler yapmaya balayn."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
Photoshop |
" 3 . , . : Photoshop (3 ) (5 ), (5 ) () (6 ) , , (7 ) , (3 ) , (3 ) (9 ) , (7 ) ! (4 ) . , .. (4 ) . (7 ) . (4 ) . (3 ) . (3 ). (5 ) (3 ) (3 ) . (8 ) 1 ! (1 )"
Price: 4799.00 ![]() |
"Las Vanguardias del Arte." |
"QUIERES APRENDER LOS SECRETOS SOBRE LAS DISTINTAS VANGUARDIASVivir desde la perspectiva de sus principales artistas representantes, la evolucin de esta corriente artstica y sus preceptos. Aprende quines eran Matisse, Kirchner, Mir, Kandinsky, entre muchos otros. Tambin disfrutars de explicaciones guiadas al tiempo que te deleitas con las principales obras de estos reconocidos artistas.QU INCLUYE ESTA FORMACIN?11 lecciones en vdeo donde aprenders una por una todas las corrientes artsticas surgidas en Europa desde el ao 1900 hasta el inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.CON ESTE CURSO APRENDERS:El verdadero significado de la ruptura de estas vanguardias del siglo XX con el arte que se haba estado realizando hasta ese momento.El contexto formal, esttico y poltico de estos movimientos.La influencia del mundo fragmentado y en conflicto de la Europa de principios del siglo XX sobre esta generacin de vanguardias.Las claves de cada una de estas vanguardias: expresionismo, cubismo, futurismo, dadasmo, y surrealismo."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn to code in easy steps" |
"Hello and welcome to this introduction to coding course. In this course we will be covering the following Introduction to computational thinking decomposition and abstraction Developing code input output model algorithms Developing code - pseudo-code Developing code flowcharts Developing code high level languages Creating readable code Introduction to python Programming structures modularity Data typesThe course will enable you to build your knowledge and skills in easily absorbed, manageable steps. The first lesson, computational thinking, will provide the essential building blocks for structured problem solving. You will learn the essential concepts of decomposition and abstraction. This will be reinforced by completing a worksheet. The second lesson will build on your prior learning by introducing algorithms and the input output model. You will be asked to complete a number of tasks to embed this learning. The remaining lessons will proceed in a similar fashion with targeted quizzes, activities and homework tasks to reinforce what is being taught. By the end of the course you will have learned the basics of how to write quality programs using algorithms, flow diagrams and pseudo-code. You will be able to use this knowledge to tackle more advanced programming courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundementals of Singing - Become a Great Singer" |
"The Fundamentals of Singing course was designed to agglomerate all the main singing techniques (which may seen really complex in some moments) and break them down, turning them simple and practical. If you are starting to sing or want to upgrade your technique, this is the place for you.Here you will learn:- How to correctly breath from the singer's point of view- How to sing with projection and comfortable volume effortless- What are the vocal registers and how to expand them- HOW TO SING HIGH NOTES WITH NO PAIN!- How to interpret songs and transmit emotion through your singing to the audience- Interpretation tools as vibrato, crescendos, attacks, releases, tone embellishments- How to phrase: What to target"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aromaterapia para o dia a dia - farmacinha pessoal" |
"Conhecimentos bsicos sobre a Aromaterapia, com informaes e instrues para aprender suas diferentes formas de aplicaes, e com o aprofundamento da ficha tcnica de 8 leos essenciais (Lavanda, Gernio, Tea Tree, Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang e Olibano), sugeridos para compor uma farmacinha pessoal por serem versteis, seguros e contar com uma ampla lista de benefcios."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Complete Forex Trading- At Price Action Tricks and Tips" |
"Forex trading is the act of buying or selling currencies. Banks, central banks, corporations, institutional investors and individual traders exchange foreign currency for a variety of reasons, including balancing the markets, facilitating international trade and tourism, or making a profit.Forex, also known as foreign exchange, FX or currency trading, is a decentralized global market where all the world's currencies trade. The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily trading volume exceeding $5 trillion.In this course I explain step by step from bigining with live trading examples and videos,i will teach you how to start from creating account and demo practice so you can learn from starting to advance level thats called price action formulla's"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"One Forex Secret Strategy of EURO/USD 100% Proven" |
"This is a tested and Proven Strategy you can't find it anywhere because Im first time going to reveal it , I show here step by step with many examples and also I show two continue lives Trade Using this Strategy,Its Just Simple and Great way of earning big profit at H1,H4,Daily and weekly time Frame,without any risk,Just start Earning and stop to below your account anymoreMust Follow my instructions and the Important thing be patient for your turn This Strategy Great work at EURO/USD pair, You can use it at all others pair but cauz of flexibility of this pair I advise you to use it first at EURO/USD If you have any question feel free to ask me ,Thanks, Rizwan Azim"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Comment installer un LMS Open Source - Part 1" |
"Le e-learning pour tousDans cette formation, vous apprendrez mettre en place une plateforme pdagogique Open Source.La diffusion de la connaissance n'a jamais t aussi simple.Que ce soit au sein d'une cole, d'une entreprise, d'une organisation, etc., installez un Learning Management System (LMS) facilement.Rem:Cette formation n'est cependant pas un cours sur l'utilisation de ces LMS, il a pour unique objectif de vous aider les installer et vous assurer de leur bon fonctionnement.Cette formation est la version franaise de la formation intitule How to install an Open Source LMS - Part 1"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
PowerPoint |
Price: 4200.00 ![]() |
"How to stop DRIVING TEST stress" |
"A driving test is such an important moment in your life.Because when you pass, it opens up to a different life and life style:Freedom to move about and go when and where you wantJobs you couldnt do beforeResponsibilities that you are ready forBecoming a part of the real world and leaving that of the child..If you can drive a car, you can pass a test. If you dont pass a test, but can drive, it is most likely down to stress. The stress that makes you feel out of control, nervous about normal situations and shaky with fear for unexpected situations. If you can drive and if you can deal with your driving test stress, you will pass.This course will give you all you need to reduce or even eliminate your test.This course is a no-brainer for anyone who wants to pass his test.You have invested a lot of money so far, you can invest a teeny weeny bit more to make sure you are successful and pass."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Modelagem em Canecas" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender a modelar 5 canecas de um uma forma muito simples e prtica, em aulas didticas e cheias de tcnicas. Para cada modelagem disponibilizado um desenho (molde) com todas as medidas de peso e dimenses.Modelagens: 1. Caneca cachorro2. Caneca coruja3. Caneca cachorro fofo4. Caneca LOL surprise5. Caneca noivinhos"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Creative Fundamentals of Floristry: Contemporary Bouquet #1" |
"This is the first module of Georgie's signature floristry course. The Creative Fundamentals of Floristry Design, Module One. In this module you will learn how to design a creative hand tied bouquet of flowers. You will have access to the step-by-step videos and a stunning workbook to show you exactly, how to create your own masterpiece at home."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creative Fundamentals of Floristry: Contemporary Bouquet #2" |
"If you're searching for a career change, let it be with Flowers...... In this Module you will learn how to create a Stunning contemporary hand held bouquet of flowers!This course is perfect for anyone who is passionate about LEARNING A NEW approach to flowers, wanting to learn new skills and also how to properly combine flowers and colours to influence peoples perception. You will have access to the step-by-step videos and a stunning workbook to show you exactly how to create your own Floral Masterpiece from the comfort of your home!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL Essentials: The Beginner's Guide to SQL Language" |
"The course has everything you need to start writing your own SQL queries.The SQL language seems simple - and that's true. However, some topics can cause mistakes - things like NULL values, duplicate rows and missing rows, etc. This course covers the frequent mistakes, and how to avoid them.You will learn SQL syntax applicable to most relational databases. In the practice exercises you will use PostgreSQL, but the knowledge is easily transferable to other databases: PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Teradata and so on. The standard SQL is the same in all ANSI-compliant SQL databases.The course has English subtitles (closed captions) hand-made for you (NOT auto-generated)!Check out the free preview videos for more information! The course is concise - to save your time.I'll be happy to see you inside the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |