Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Ruby desde cero" |
"Este curso est estructurado para entender Ruby y cimentar las bases para desarrollar aplicaciones en este poderoso lenguaje. Es un curso explicado desde cero, sin tanta saturacin de terminologas y tecnicismos, lo cual te ayuda a entender fcilmente su sintaxis.Ruby es poderoso y puede usarse en desarrollo web, desarrollo de aplicaciones de escritorio y mviles, crear juegos y adems, forma parte de uno de los ms populares framework, Ruby on Rails."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"You can draw... Christmas!" |
"Learn how to draw cute Christmas characters in the easiest and most fun drawing course.Perfect for beginners, parents and grandparents who want to have fun learning to draw together.It really is very simple, starting with the most simple shapes I'll show you how if you can draw a square, a triangle a circle and some squiggles you can draw these Super-cute Christmas characters.Packed with over an hour of content, follow step-by-step instructions, Super-Tips and bonus features.So grab a pencil and let's get started :)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Noes de PCM e prticas de manuteno" |
"Neste curso voc entender o que PCM, um setor muito importante nas grandes industrias, tambm vai aprender sobre algumas praticas de manuteno utilizadas para gerenciar este setor.Este curso uma oportunidade para estudantes e profissionais que querem, ou esto iniciando uma carreira na rea de manuteno, seja eltrica, mecnica, civil, etc. Ele traz alguns conceitos bsicos sobre organizao e planejamento de manuteno, pois a manuteno no se trata somente de ""estraga e conserta"", os equipamentos precisam ser gerenciados e para isso existem tcnicas de manuteno, como por exemplo, manuteno corretiva, preventiva e preditiva."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Product Management" |
"## ## PM"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Visual Studio Code (2020)" |
"This course has been completely re-recorded in 2020 to make sure you get the latest content!In just a few years, Visual Studio Code has become the most popular editor for Web Development. In short, it is open-source, cross-platform, full of functionality, and has an amazing community behind it. Many of the biggest names in Web Development have already made the switch, and so should you! If you're looking to learn the ins and outs of VS Code while increasing your efficiency and proficiency as a developer, this course is perfect for you. Whether you're brand new to Web Development or a seasoned veteran, there's something for everyone."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Strategies to Inspire Your Writing Muse" |
"This course was created by writers, for writers. Do you love to write but struggle with your inspiration or motivation? If so, this is the course for you! Jeannie Hall, a Self Love Coach for Writers, demonstrates multiple strategies, tools and techniques to help pull you out of your creative funk. Certified in both NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Jeannie will demonstrate usable, practical processes that will help you feel better about both your writing and yourself."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a pintar una flor de Malvon con acrilicos" |
"Aqu una flor muy linda, trabajada en doble carga, flotados y colores simples pero brillantes. Si les gusta pintar flores, y el medio es acrlico, con practica y tcnicas muy sencillas van a lograr resultados sorprendentes. Los invito a tomar esta clase, que junto con el tutorial y los vdeos instructivos, les sera muy fcil realizar.La forma de pago es muy simple a travs de PayPal, segura y rpida."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Este clase a distancia (online) grabado en alta calidad de video (Full HD) vas a aprender: A aplicar luces y sombras con acuarela, lapices de colores o acrlicos, para crear volumen en tus ilustraciones. Descubrirs algunos trucos para identificar figuras geomtricas en las plantas y flores para que te resulte ms fcil dibujarlas. Observars las partes de las plantas a detalle, lo que te ayudar a identificar las partes indispensables que necesitars integrar en tu composicin. Podrs encarar tu diseno de dos maneras diferentes: aplicando directamente el medio o utilizando grafito para aplicar la tcnica de grisalla.- Sobre los materiales a utilizar, como usarlos y cuidarlos.- A bocetar el diseo con un modelo real, como armar una composicin.- Hojas: como pintarlas- Ptalos: distintas formas, pliegues y texturas.- Esfumado con lpices de colores- Tcnica de nervaduras, esfumadoNO SE REQUIEREN CONOCIMIENTOS PREVIOS."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Simple Iniciacin a la Programacin con Ejemplos en 2D y 3D." |
"Hola chicas y chicos de todas las edades !Internet est lleno de cursos de programacin de todo tipo, pero generalmente enfocados para programadores. Hay una gran escasez de cursos bsicos sobre programacin de computadoras para no programadores. Por ejemplo si eres bilogo y quieres un curso sencillo y prctico sobre programacin te puede ser difcil encontrar un curso adecuado enfocado a no programadores.Otro ejemplo puede ser el de un estudiante de 15 aos que quiere ver cmo la programacin de computadoras le puede ayudar a comprender mejor sus estudios de biologa, fsica, historia, etc; ya que se supone una computadora debera ser una herramienta que puede ayudar en la comprensin y desarrollo de cualquier rea de la ciencia o el arte. Entonces la programacin de computadoras debera poder ayudarte en tus estudios. Este curso intentar ser un primer paso en esta direccin.S, Cualquier chica o chico con 14 aos o ms cuenta con los conocimientos necesarios para llevar este curso.Este curso pretende ser una sencilla introduccin prctica a la programacin para no programadores. Personas que tienen inters en iniciarse en la comprensin de este interesante y entretenido campo, desde un punto de vista prctico. Este curso es un primer paso para personas que mediante la programacin desean tener una mejor comprensin de las reas de su inters.Este curso, aunque es inicial, muestra unos primeros pasos a sencillas tcnicas detrs de grficos y animaciones 2D y 3D. S, se puede estudiar las bases de estas tcnicas an a pesar de ser un curso para principiantes, algo que es difcil de encontrar, tambin, en Internet a la fecha de hoy. Esto puede hacer las cosas ms entretenidas e interesantes. As, con este curso, te puedes ir aproximando y hacerte una idea inicial de cmo funcionan las animaciones, simulaciones o videojuegos 2D y 3D. S, en vez de la poco interesante salida de texto por consola, usaremos ejemplos 2D y 3D.Adems, tambin, usaremos algunos aspectos bsicos de C++. Aspectos bsicos que son muy similares y comunes en C# o Java. As vers que en sus bases son muy similares y no son nada del otro mundo. Por todo esto intentar no entrar en aspectos tericos. Internet est lleno de aspectos tericos que pueden confundir a los principiantes pero que puedes revisar si as lo deseas. En este curso tratar de mantener todo lo ms simple posible. Con ejercicios sencillos y prcticos para un aprendizaje intuitivo. Con informacin suficiente para que se entienda el concepto prctico y para que las lecciones sean cortas y dinmicas. Y as ser fcil mantener el inters. Espero que este curso sea de utilidad a los que prcticamente saben muy poco o nada de programacin de computadoras y desean tener una sencilla introduccin a este campo con ejercicios simples y prcticos.Este curso es fruto de mi experiencia prctica enseando, desde cero, programacin con ejemplos 3D a ""newbies"" o principiantes en programacin de computadoras. Por ejemplo uso este curso para animar a adolescentes a iniciarse en este campo y para que despus, en cursos ms avanzados, puedan aplicar este conocimiento a la comprensin y estudio de sus reas de inters. Entonces este curso puede servirte como un, muy til, estmulo inicial.Este curso no es terico, es prctico e intuitivo. Aprenders casi sin darte cuenta. No te preocupes si a la primera no captas bien un concepto, en las sucesivas lecciones se volvern a repasar para que poco a poco vayas comprendiendo. Lo importante es que se te quede una idea global de lo que estamos haciendo en cada leccin y que esto te estimule a seguir. Tu misin como ""newbie"" o principiante es divertirte con este curso. A la fecha de hoy es bastante difcil encontrar cursos introductorios a la programacin con todas estas ventajas.As que este puede ser el inicio de una aventura muy entretenida.Si todo esto te parece interesante entonces... Nos vemos en la primera leccin ! Gracias !Nota : Aquellos que ya tienen alguna base en programacin revisen el ndice para que vean si este curso les puede ser de utilidad."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
python(Pythonweb |
"PythonPythonPythonPythonPythonPythonmysqldjangoajaxTornadopython python4--Python---Python--Python---PythonPython1.mysql2.django3.django04-Python4.ajax5.django6.django7.python-Tornado8.Django9.django10.Git GitHubPythonITPythonITPython"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
python(Python) |
"PythonPythonPythonPythonPythonPython PythonPythonTkinterPythonpythonpython python4--Python---Python--Python---PythonPython 1.Tkinter2.Python3.Python 4.Python socket and threading5.Python-Scrapy6.pyqtwindows gui7-PhotoshopPythonITPythonITPython"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
python(Python) |
"PythonPythonPythonPythonPythonPythonLinuxFlaskredisnode.jshtml5+css3pythonpython4--Python---Python--Python---PythonPython 1.Mongodb2.Flask3.bootstrap4.Linux5.Redis6.7.MeteorApp8.-9.Bottle Web10.-selenium11.python+web12.Javascript 13.MemCache14.Python 15.16.Python3.X17.paramiko18.Python-Zabbix19.Python - matplotlib20.Python Pexpect21.Echartshighcharts22.Gevent23.pandas24.Fabric25.PythonITPythonITPython"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build a Complete Secured Php Registration and Login System" |
"PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a server-side scripting language designed for Web development, and also used as a general-purpose programming language. This training is focused on the concept of getting a user input using a web application form (registration and login system), validating and sanitizing the inputs, storing the inputs in a database, and making use of the data stored when needed. The tutorial focuses on functionality of a web form."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sowo o mobbingu, czyli Twoja wyprawa na Mobbi Dicka" |
"Kurs zawiera bardzo duo materiau praktycznego, ktry dostarczy Tobie wiedze o zachowaniach mobbera, Twoich moliwociach i szansach oraz otoczeniu czyli organizacji, ktra jest terenem dziaania. Nie wysyamy Ciebie na samobjcza misj! Gwarantujemy, e dziki naszemu kursowi podejmiesz trafne i korzystne dla Ciebie decyzji.Kurs zawiera wiele testw , filmw i wicze.Jest napisany przystepnym, prostym jezykiem.Zaprawszamy!!!Wojciech warecki Marek Warecki"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Self Publish A Book (English)" |
"This is a beginner course for self publishing a book with an example of self publishing in Indonesia, a Southeast Asian country. We are going to explore the ideas and tools for writing, marketing strategy including author site, social media, and Medium, how to develop plot, character, setting, and style, how to design cover, blurb, and price, and finally well discuss publishing and distributing a self-published book."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cara Menerbitkan Buku Self-Publish (Indonesia)" |
"Ini adalah kelas pemula untuk menerbitkan buku self publishing dengan contoh penerbitan buku self publishing di Indonesia, di ASEAN. Kita akan mempelajari cara mengembangkan ide-ide dan menggunakan alat-alat untuk menulis, strategi pemasaran melingkupi website penulis, media sosial, dan Medium, cara mengembangkan plot, karakter, setting, dan style, cara mendesain cover, blurb, dan menentukan harga, dan kita akan membahas penerbitan dan distribusi buku self-publishing."
Price: 490000.00 ![]() |
"Build Amazing Social Confidence And Talk To Anyone" |
"The goal of this course is to: Get rid of your social anxiety Make you feel more confident about yourself Improve social interactions Make new friends Create long-lasting relationships Increase overall happiness Succeed in dating Succeed in work/business and in life!Here's a secret that I want to share with you.What's good about confidence is that it has a huge scope. Once you increase your overall self-confidence it has a domino effect on every aspect of your life. If you commit to all the concepts and the exercises that I'm going to share with you, I can guarantee you that it will literally change your life for the better.Low self-confidence isnt a life sentence. Self-confidence can be learned, practiced, and mastered just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better. Barrie Davenport"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Evde Spor ve Diyet Program" |
"7 yllk tecrbelerime dayanarak bir, evde ve spor salonunda yaplabilecek program oluturdum. eer sizde hayalinizdeki vcut'a sahip olmak istiyorsanz, Bu Programn ierisinde spor ile alakal herey ksa net ve z bir ekilde anlatlmaktadr. hi bir eksiiniz yada fazlasnn bulunmadn temelli edebilirim. her kitleye uyabilecek mkemmel bir Spor programdr. En Hzl en etkili ekilde yeterli beslenme ve Motivasyon arttrclarda dahildir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master Linear Algebra for Data Science & Machine Learning" |
"Interested in increasing your Machine Learning, Deep Learning expertise by effectively applying the mathematical skills?Then, this course is for you.With the growing learners of Machine Learning, Data Science, and Deep Learning.The Common mistake by a data scientist is Applying the tools without the intuition of how it works and behaves.Having the solid foundation of mathematics will help you to understand how each algorithm work, its limitations and its underlying assumptions. With this, you will have an edge over your peers and makes you more confident in all the applications of Machine Learning, Data Science, and Deep Learning. As a common saying:It always pays to know the machinery under the hood, rather than being a guy who is just behind the wheel with no knowledge about the car.Linear Algebra is one of the areas where everyone agrees to be a starting point in the learning curve of Machine Learning, Data Science, and Deep Learning.. Its basic elements Vectors and Matrices are where we store our data for input as well as output.Any operation or Processing involving storing and processing the huge number of data in Machine Learning, Data Science, and Artificial intelligence, would mostly use Linear Algebra in the backend. Even Deep Learning and Neural Networks - Employs the Matrices to store the inputs like image, text etc. to give the state of the art solution to complex problems. Keeping in mind the significance of Linear Algebra in a Data Science career, we have tailor-made this curriculum such that you will be able to build a strong intuition on the concepts in Linear Algebra without being lost inside the complex mathematics.At the end of this course, you will also learn, how the Famous Google PageRank Algorithm works, using the concepts of Linear Algebra which we will be learning in this course.In this course. you will not only learn analytically, but you will also see its working by running in Python as well. So, with this course, you will learn, build intuition, and apply to some of the interesting real-world applications.Click on the Enroll Button to start Learning.I look forward to seeing you in Lecture 1"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"KineMaster, Powerful Smartphone Video Editing (Android, iOS)" |
"Welcome to this KineMaster course, where you will learn how to edit your videos professionally using your handheld device - be it a tablet or a smartphone.After completing this course, you will be able to edit your videos efficiently using KineMaster's user interface and the tools it provides.We will progress gradually, starting with the simplest video editing techniques all the way to advanced ones, such as color keying, animations, alpha channels and audio effects.To achieve this, we'll be using a pre-recorded game footage and apply various transitions and effects to make for some great video highlights.At the end, we will also look at some undocumented functionality of KineMaster which may affect your ability to successfully produce videos and how to overcome these.I hope that you will enjoy this course and that it will become a valuable milestone in your video editing career."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Yarm Saatte Satranclarn Bamszl" |
"Kursumuz hibir bilgi birikimine gerek olmadan temelden profesyonele ve 7'den 70'e herkesin satran oynayabilecei bir seviyeye getirmeyi amalamaktadr. Eitimin ieriinde de greceiniz zere her trl satran program , web sitesi ve mobil uygulamada da oynayabilmeniz iin alt yapnz oluturuyoruz. Bu eitimle birlikte hem satran oynamay reneceksiniz hem de hzl bir ekilde karar vermeye balayacaksnz."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam SAA-C02" |
"Gear up for AWS solution architect associate level exam SAA-02 with latest practice questions.These practice exams are the last preparation mile for someone who is appearing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect examination (SAA-02). These practice exams are designed based on the latest SAA-C02 exam patterns. For every question there is a good amount of explanation provided both for correct and incorrect response along with reference articles and documentation wherever applicable. If you go through all the practice test and understand the reasoning for the right answers, we assure your certification exam clearance in first attempt.More than 325 practice questions which will provide you deep insights around the questions that appears in AWS real exams and make you mentally ready to attend for AWS certification exam with full confidence of clearing it with a 100 % success rate. If you are not satisfied for any reason there is 30 days money back guarantee. I wish everyone ""Happy Learning"" and ""Best Of Luck"" for your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02) exam!!!NOTE: We have recently updated our practice questions based on the SAA-C02 patterns"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Incoterms: El lenguaje del Comercio Internacional" |
"Todas las operaciones de Comercio Internacional en el mundo estn reguladas por los trminos Incoterms, es por eso que conocerlos y entenderlos es muy importante para el xito de una operacin de compra-venta internacional.El proceso logstico de hacer llegar las mercancas desde el pas del vendedor hasta el pas del comprador, abarca muchas etapas, y es necesario tener controlado todo el proceso; es por eso que los Incoterms son tan importantes y constituyen el lenguaje del comercio internacional.En este curso, abarcaremos desde el origen de los Incoterms, comprenderemos la funcin que cumplen y las regulaciones que comprende en las exportaciones y las importaciones. Adems estudiaremos a detalle cada uno de los Incoterms y veremos con ejercicios prcticos las obligaciones y responsabilidades del comprador y del vendedor. Por ltimo, analizaremos de manera real el uso correcto de los Incoterms y calcularemos el precio de exportacin e importacin de mercancas bajo estos trminos.Nos vemos en el curso!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Journaling your way to a more confident, self aware you!" |
"Self love and self care can be an ongoing journey. Its all about unraveling yourself and then unraveling yourself further to learn more and more about you. Its not always easy but it is SO rewarding and Im happy youre here. If you are looking at this course, then it means you are ready to bring out the vibrant, amazing person you already are!Journaling is one of the most amazing ways to really figure out who you are. It has personally helped me discover myself on a deeper level, and not only that, it has helped me change my perspective about a situation to look at it with compassion as opposed to a problem. When youre journaling you are figuring out the answers on a more subconscious level. Did you know that humans have about 70,000 thoughts per day? This is crazy talk. Did you also know that 80% of our thoughts are subconscious? Even more crazy! What would happen if we could live more consciously and be aware of our thoughts when they come up? Better yet, how to deal with them when they seem overwhelming? Writing it down means that you are actively getting those thoughts out of your head. You are making space to be more open minded because those thoughts are no longer dancing around in your mind. Taking this course will help shine light on areas of your life that need to be reflected on so you can shine into your most vibrant, amazing self!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crie um Game de tiro FPS no Blender 3D (verso 2.79)" |
"Blender, tambm conhecido como blender3d, um programa de computador de cdigo aberto, desenvolvido pela Blender Foundation, para modelagem, animao, texturizao, composio, renderizao, edio de vdeo e criao de aplicaes interativas em 3D, tais como jogos, apresentaes e outros...E Neste curso resumido e objetivo voe aprender a desenvolver um jogo de tiro em primeira pessoa utilizando apenas o Blender.Modelagem Low PolyCriao de inimigosInteligncia artificialCriao de partculasAnimaoCenriosTexturasIluminao+Download do game criado durante as aulas"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to shoot like a Pro Hockey Player !" |
"Learn how to shoot and score like an elite hockey player ! with just a few hours of video and lots of practice ! ill teach you the fundamentals and some advanced tips and tricks to have you scoring more goals in no time ! Broken down in an easy step by step video guide along with written explanations with common problems and solutions holding your shot back from its full potential so dont wait join today and unlock your full potential !!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Anime Drawing Course How to draw FACE" |
"*Attention* The content will be delivered in Thai. However there is an English subtitle for it :)During promotion price, the access to the group will not be available.What you will become after the course...You will be improved because of practical and concise tricks that you can implement right away after watching. The content will not be too theoretical and boring as I would like to focus on 'practising right after watching' which is the most important elements of all! You will save your 10+ years of trials and errors as I have already summed up my 10+ years of experiences in this course!It's a super discounted real practical class as you will have a real teacher corrects your work. I believe that if you only watch the video, this won't help anything. I therefore create a facebook group which you can join on my facebook group called ctclockwisescoursecamp to send homework and ask about anything. Homework can be sent at any time you want. However, I would encourage you to follow the schedule I have provided in the group to see the result faster.Former Students ReviewsI have watched this so many times! I just knew that my picture does not have any variation in line weight at all... I will definitely use your techniques! Your instruction is really great and clear. - Giggle YansriI really like how you explain everything in really clear and concise ways. I also have never known that the pressure of the line is really important! Everything is so smooth and not boring at all. Thank you! - Naveeta U-maI do like how you put in so many details on each step! I was nervous at first when I saw the homework xD but you did make it sound easy! - It's really nice how you demonstrated everything you explained and used an easy-to-look-at table for the important lines! Another thing I like a lot about this video is showing your old drawings as examples for mistakes and giving us a checklist.- Luu Pandanerd"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere 2020 para Iniciantes: o bsico INFALVEL" |
"Curso de Adobe Premiere CCAprenda de forma simples a editar vdeos em um dos programas mais utilizados do mundo. Voc aprender diversos truques e conceitos da edio de vdeo. Assim como atalhos e configurao de vdeo para apresentar seus projetos em qualquer plataforma. Neste curso iremos passar pelos mais importantes passos para uma edio completa de sucesso. Voc vai descobrir como fcil criar um contedo relevante e de qualidade atravs dessas ferramentas. Com criatividade e aplicando os ensinamentos deste curso, seus projetos vo ficar incrveis.Para pessoas que possuem canal no Youtube, este curso ser tudo que voc precisa para iniciar na carreira e fazer com suas prprias mos, do seu jeito, seus vdeos para internet.Aproveite esta oportunidade para aprender de vez este software to famoso Adobe Premiere CC com tantas ferramentas, recursos que vamos descomplicar neste curso."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"How To Change The Way You View Yourself In 5 Weeks" |
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.It's time to take a hard look in the mirror and ask, ""Am I happy with what I see? or ""Am I happy with how I feel about myself""?How you view yourself has the greatest impact on everything you do in life, and your emotions and experiences influence how you view yourself. Many of us have been made to believe less of or even the worst of ourselves.In this course, I'll show you the sequential tools and strategies of improving the way you view yourself, aggressively engage in who you truly are and care less about what other people think of you. In this course you will learn how to use your emotions and experiences to work for you and not against you.Are you ready to take on that challenge?If so, let's go!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Stellar Communication Skills: Become a Master Communicator" |
"The whole idea of this course is so that you can communicate in a clear and effective way so you leave nothing to chance. If you communicate in the ways taught in this course you'll get more out of your relationships and business. Communication is a skill like any other skill and once you learn about how to properly do it you'll see a lot of problems that you have in your life become less hectic therefore situations are more manageable. This course will also make you aware of your own communication blockages and biases so you can better address them and find ways to work through them so you can open doors to new opportunities."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |