Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Bu kurs size yazlm , yazlmn temellerini retecektir. Ayn zamanda bu kurs sayesinde hangi alana ynlenmeniz gerektiini ve hangi dili renmeniz gerektiine karar vereceksiniz. Elimden geldiince bu kursta sizi skmadan elendirerek anlatm yapmaya altm ve srekli sorduunuz sorular eliinde kursa ierikler ekledim. Keyifli ve gzel bir kurs oldu. Aklnza Taklan her soruyu bana iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"This course contain all the aspects of how to get an amazing muscle pump in your every workout. A detailed description of useful techniques, mechanisms & science involved is elaborated in this video. A topic i.e pump mechanism, workout, nutrition, hydration, supplements & free EBOOK is a part of this course structure."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"10 steps towards more energy for busy parents" |
"Do you have enough energy to get through your day? Children often seem to have boundless energy, while us parents usually need to struggle to keep up.We are two parents who have been there - stressed and exhausted, just surviving each day as best we can. However over many years, we have learned how to better be aware of and influence our own energy. People now often comment on how much energy we have and ask us ""How do you do it?"". This course is the answer to that question, where we condense many years of learning into short, easy to understand ideas that you can implement into your own life.We will take you through 10 simple steps, each filled with many practical ideas to help you influence and increase your own energy. This course is designed with busy parents in mind, where we break valuable knowledge down into short videos you can watch anytime, anywhere. While cooking the dinner or collapsed on the bed- join us via your laptop, tablet or mobile. Whether you have a newborn or teenagers, we will give you plenty of ideas and resources. By the end of this course, you will have a deeper understanding of how you can have a more positive influence over your own energy levels each day.We both believe parenthood is a crazy but amazing journey. It can also be fun and you can have more energy to enjoy it. Any questions please feel free to message us. We look forward to sharing our energy and ideas with you.Renee and Steffi"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Piano fcil para Principiantes" |
"Es un curso de iniciacin en el piano, donde el estudiante sin previo conocimiento de msica, empear por aprender los conceptos bsicos para entender las partituras y cifrados para luego poder interpretarlos en el piano. Luego pasaremos a otra seccin donde veremos como poder tocar msica popular y entender los acordes necesarios para acompaarlas o interpretarlas con su meloda."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maya Calendar - Unlock the secrets to your life" |
"In this course we will learn the mayan astrology dreamspell calendar from its basics to depth, the maya is a timeless tool to describe our personal path in life including our strengths gifts guides shadows and challenges and life's purpose, we will learn how to read the calendar and synchronize our daily lives with it and how to read our personal charts or friends and family charts and to see how they relate to us in our lives, what are the differences each of us holds, and how to combine signs in order to see the purpose powers and challenges of every relation and relationship in our lives or in general. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Projeto de PCB com o Altium Designer" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a usar os principais recursos do Altium Designer para projetar placas de circuito impresso, usando como exemplo prtico uma placa compatvel com o Arduino(R) Uno Rev 3.Neste curso voc ir aprender a- Criar o diagrama esquemtico- Criar os seus prprios componentes (e incluir modelos 3D)- Associar informaes de compra aos componentes- Criar uma biblioteca de componentes integrada- Gerar uma a lista de materiais personalizada- Verificar o projeto do diagrama de forma automtica- Criar a placa de circuito impresso- Posicionar os componentes e realizar o roteamento- Criar classes de sinais e definir filtros de visualizao- Especificar e configurar as camadas da placa- Definir as regras de fabricao e roteamento- Verificar o projeto da placa de forma automtica- Gerar os arquivos de fabricao*Arduino(R) uma marca registrada."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Get Ready to Tell Your Lived Experience Story about Suicide" |
"In this course people who have had personal experiences with suicide learn to prepare for safe and effective storytelling about how they lived through it. Lived experiences with suicide include grieving a suicide loss, living through a suicide attempt, living with suicidal thoughts or feelings, or being a caregiver for someone who has been suicidal. The lessons contained here help people weigh the benefits and consequences of disclosing your story and how best to prepare yourself for the often hard work of developing a safe and effective narrative."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"C# for Beginners - Coding From Scratch" |
"Learning to Program in C# and .NETThis course in C# and .NET doesn't require any prior knowledge in programming as I will guide you through every step you need to become productive in the C# language. My ambition with this course is to firmly ground all theory in code that you and I write in the editor together.Building the Hangman gameAs we'll pick up new skills along the way, we will keep adding code to our hangman game - an application that we will write from start to finish throughout this course!A Word on PlatformsThis course was written for .NET Core, but if you're using .NET 5 or later, everything still applies as later versions of .NET is just a continuation of .NET Core. I'll be using the Visual Studio on Windows, any version of Visual Studio (Community, Professional etc.) will do fine.100% Money-Back GuaranteeThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, go through the lectures, do the exercises, and if you're not happy, ask for a refund within 30 days. All your money back, no questions asked."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Powerful Vision Boards" |
"During this4 Module Courseyoull learn how to stop playing small and start setting AND achieving some serious goals!Ill teach you how toeffectively create a powerful visual representation of your dream life and then give you the steps to implement, to bring it into your reality(which is what a lot of the fluff and woo woo trainings out there leave out)Ill give you the exact same Vision Board process that myself and my clients have used to achieve our goals and manifest amazing things over and over again.MODULE 1 - INTENTIONThis module is broken down into four easy steps to ensure you are setting super specific goals which will supercharge your chance of ACTUALLY achieving them.(P.S Its not enough to cut out some pretty images of nice cars, fancy vacations and thin happy looking people from magazines and put them up on your wall..)MODULE 2 - CREATIONThis is the Module where youll get creative! Turning your goals from the previous Module into an actual visual representation of your dream life. Ill show you how you can make both a physical Vision Board and a digital one for your desktop or phone, so you can continue to manifest your goals on the go. MODULE 3 - IMPLEMENTATIONSo youve created your Board, now what? This is what a lot of the fluff trainings out there dont teach you and is the main reason why Vision Boards havent worked for you before.In this Module youre going to learn to implement some daily habits while using your Vision Board, to help you remain in a state of momentum, confidence, power and positivity so that you can achieve every goal youve set.MODULE 4 - ELEVATIONThis is where you take your manifesting process to the next level!Youre clear on your goals, youve created your Vision Board and youve been implementing the steps so its actually a useful tool and not just taking up space on your wall, now its time to supercharge the effects of your Vision Board with some powerful manifesting techniques and understand how to get your Board working for you over and over again!By the time you have gone through the course, you will have a system that you can use again and again to manifest ANYTHING you want into your life."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Get Published Workshop Write, Publish, & Market Your Book" |
"Have you always wanted to write a book? Or maybe, youve got a manuscript laying around collecting dust, and you dont know what to do next? Whatever part of the process youre on, it can feel confusing and like a staggering amount of work to move forward. Its no wonder most people never even begin writing.The publishing world has changed dramatically in recent years. Traditional publishers are incredibly hesitant of novice writers. Most will no longer accept unsolicited manuscripts, so you would have to find a literary agent to represent you. Meaning as an unknown you could spend years and years trying traditional publishing between trying to find representation and having them try to pitch your work to the publishing companies. On top of that, aligning with the right publisher is crucial to ensuring your book is properly marketed to the right audience. And, after all of that, if you are lucky enough to manage to even get a literary agent and they manage to sell your work to as publisher youre only going to get a tiny sliver of the profits. Heres the good news Self-publishing is an incredible avenue to get your work to your readers fast, with wide spread distribution, that allows you to take the lions share of the profits for the book you put all the work into creating! With self-publishing youre in control, but that also means you are in charge of your own marketing campaign. Dont let that scare you away! With social media and online sales booming, you can reach your ideal reader audience easier, and at much less cost, than with traditional marketing. You just need to learn how!Over this 3-week course youre going to Learn How to effectively begin writing your book How to create disciplined habits to finish your book How to edit and polish your book so its ready for publication Why reviews are the life-blood of self-publishing How to write an effective book description How to write a gripping back cover Why your book cover is your most important investment How the self-publishing process works Best practices for Ultimate exposure How to use inexpensive pay-per-click campaigns to drive traffic Social Media Marketing Free marketing practices Inexpensive marketing options Importance of an author web site"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to C++" |
"We will go through basics of C++ using a Visual studio IDE. This course is being taught to computer science grads as well as children as young a 8 years. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE is required.This is one of the many series of videos that will be uploaded, we will start with the basics and cover concepts like inheritance, derivation , polymorphism."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kurs Selenium Java od podstaw" |
"UWAGA ! W najbliszym czasie naley spodziewa si aktualizacji kursu ! Kurs Selenium WebDriver w jzyku polskim. Testy w kursie tworzone s przy pomocy jzyka programowania Java. Kurs nie wymaga znajomoci jzyka programowania. Wprowadzenie do programowania stanowi cz tego kursu. Z tego kursu dowiesz si jak:- zainstalowa wszystkie niezbdne narzdzia- lokalizowa elementy na stronie i wykonywa na nich akcj- sprawdza stan elementw- pisa testy automatyczne w jzyku Java- tworzy raporty z testw- czyta dane z pliku- odpala testy jednoczenie"
Price: 609.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Mindset in 21 Days & Start Making Money Online" |
"In 2008 I wanted to die. I thought about suicide almost every day.My mom had just died from colon and liver cancer.There were many things that helped me, of course.But, you'll never guess that a small postage stamp helped me to live my best life ever. In this course, I will go over the 21 things that helped me and I know can help you too.Topics include:10-step process to Goal-settingHow Incredibly Successful People ThinkHow to Overcome FearHow to Deal with a Difficult Boss/ Bully at workHow to Get Everything You Want in LifeHow to Think PositivelyHow to Kill ProcrastinationHow to Slay DoubtHow to be Truly Happy & FulfilledHow to Defeat Depression & AnxietyHow to Stay FocusedHow to Have more ConfidenceHow to Handle Money7 Steps to Increase Your InfluenceHow to Create Side-Hustle IncomeHow to Create Bullet-proof HabitsHow to Learn FasterHow to Expect More & Get MoreHow to Boost your Self-EsteemHow to Delay GratificationBonus:MP3 Audio of each topicMindset Mastery Action GuideHow to Write a book in 21 daysThe Confidence Manifesto"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oficina Treinamento Marcenaria" |
"Nesse nosso treinamento te conduziremos pelo fantstico e gigantesco universo da marcenaria (partindo da construo de uma serrinha de bancada de custo acessvel - o que tratar esse primeiro treinamento - demais tpicos abordaremos em tutoriais futuros e desvinculados deste), e temos a certeza de que a cada nova descoberta, certamente ser um novo e entusiasmado encantamento. Te conduziremos em prticas e fantsticas experincias, firmadas em fundamentos de cunho, pauta, princpio e amparo tcnico e profissional, onde, em pouco tempo, certamente voc ser capaz de realizar praticamente qualquer projeto desse universo, com notrias caractersticas tcnico-profissionais que at voc mesmo se surpreender com o seu resultado. Comearemos do modo mais simples e elementar possvel, e aos poucos avanaremos em evoluo contnua, de modo prtico e de fcil entendimento, trilhando por todo o universo da marcenaria, que gigantesco - praticamente abordaremos o universo da marcenaria de A a Z (isso em tutoriais futuros e desvinculados deste)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Compulso Alimentar Estratgias mentais para eliminar" |
"Sistema deVdeo Aulas Profissionaisfcil de usar.So5 mduloscom exerccios prticos de reprogramao mental e com estratgicas mentais para que voc consiga eliminar qualquer compulso.O segredo para ter sucesso com nosso Treinamento fazer todos os exercciose colocar tudo em prtica. Para que voc consiga um Emagrecimento Definitivo fundamental que voc Elimine qualquer Compulso Alimentar.No perca mais tempo e acesse hoje mesmo o curso!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Palmistry for Beginners: How to Read Like a Pro" |
"Chiromancy, or Palmistry as it is also known, is one of the oldest forms of Divination. It is also one of the most misconstrued. Practiced throughout the world in many forms, Palmistry may seem daunting. However, this course gives the individual a basic foundation in the art of Chiromancy. Palmistry can give you key information about people and their life choices. At the conclusion of this course, the student will be equipped with an understanding of the fingers and their correspondences, the thumb major lines, major mounts, and other signs seen within the palm. Students will also be prepared to begin their practice immediately and will be able to enroll in Advanced Chiromancy to be offered in the near future. Not only does Palmistry give good insight to an individual's nature and lifestyle, it is an extremely useful tool when used along side other forms of divination such as Tarot.In this course, students will learn:Finger Correspondences Major Mounts and their meaningsMajor lines and their placement and meaningHow to select which hand to read"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Easy Facebook ads course for Real Estate Professionals 2020" |
"Welcome to my Easy Facebook ads course for Real Estate ProfessionalsJoin Now! You'll learn how to quickly deploy Facebook ads that will generate Buyer and Seller Leads. This program contains 12 Buyer ad templates and 3 Seller ad templates that have been tested in markets everywhere across the U.S and they crush it and results have been phenomenal for thousands of agents everywhere. This course is for beginners or seasoned pro's that want a little more content and ads for their tool box.Put the power of a full blown ad agency in the palm of your hands and generate leads for a fraction of the cost of portal or agency leads. SEE YOU ON THE INSIDE!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Curso de FL Studio para Iniciantes" |
"Este um dos cursos mais completos e prticos de FL Studio para iniciantes, existentes na internet, que j instruiu mais de 200.000 pessoas por todo mundo, com uma taxa de aprovao de 99%. Contm atualizao para a verso 20 e totalmente em portugus. Para alm de uma explicao muito detalhada do funcionamento da aplicao e da didctica tecnolgica e produtiva envolvida, este curso oferece ainda aulas de introduo produo musical e beatmaking. Poder encontrar neste curso tambm, contedos relacionados com controlo MIDI, Gravao, Mixagem, Sound Design, Mastering, Hardwar, Teoria Musical e Android (FLStudio Mobile). Ao adquirir este curso, receber formao tcnica da mais alta qualidade e estar apto a produzir e misturar msica como um profissional. Nmero de aulas: 11Durao total do curso: 6 HorasTipo de Acesso: VitalcioProdutora: KV Music Beats>>>>use o cupon KVMUSICBEATS2 para descontoContedos Gerais:Audio Settings, ASIO Drivers, Direct Drivers, BPM (Batidas por Minuto), Buffer Lenght, Channel Rack, Transporte, Auto Close, Automation Clips, Detached Plugins, MIDI Settings, Fill each X steps, Audio Clips, Make Unique, Master Bus, Pattern Clips, Mixer, Pops e Clicks / Underruns, Song Parttern Double, Playlist, Piano Roll, File Settings, Sample Packs, Browser/ Biblioteca; Importao de samples externos para o projeto; Introduo Teoria Musical; Arranjo Musical, Mixing/Mistura, Equalizao; Compresso; Reverb; Delay; Distoro; Mastering; Gravao de udio; Interface de udio (noes bsicas); Microfone Dinmico (noes bsicas); Tags Vocais; Controlo e Mapeamento MIDI; Mac Support; Time Signature; Consolidate Clips; Playlist Arrangement; Plugin Delay Compensation; Nova Toolbar; Criao e evoluo de vrios instrumentais; Outros detalhes. FLStudio Mobile, iOS e Android."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Cinema 4D + Corona: Creating Photorealistic Interior" |
"In this course we will start by modeling our Interior in Cinema 4D using Blueprint. Designed for Elementary Cinema 4D users, you should have a basic understanding of the Cinema 4D user interface. You'll learn how to Model and Create Amazing Photorealistic Interior images. Here's more about what you'll learn in this Course.How to create Interior with Blueprints. How to Model Parquet Floor.How to Model Sofa with real Cloth Simulator Marvelous Designer.How use Dynamics in Cinema 4DHow to Model Coffee table, Chair, Vase with Candies, Flowers.How to Model PlantsHow to set Corona Renderer Lights, Materials, Textures.How to Render and Color Correct Photorealistic Images with Post Production Technics.6.5 Hoursof video from start to finish.Creating 3D Interior Rendering with Cinema 4D and Corona Renderer.If you have trouble to create Photorealistic results. After this Course you will be able easy Create any complicated Interiors.In Download file you can find every scene, I saved for you each scene after each lesson. So you can skip any lesson and open any scene you want and continue with it. Or you can compare your scene with original and find mistakes any time you want. After 6.5 hours of this course, you will have the knowledge to create fully Pro Photorealistic Interior Design scenes, with lights, materials, cameras with amazing depth of field, color correction and post-production setting technics. I really like to create Delicious Images, and this year I really tried hard to create this course with the maximum knowledge that I have and I will show you all my Professional Secrets Skills. That's why i invite you to join this Amazing course.See you in the Class!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"All CSS Selectors" |
"After this course, you will be able to build simple and complex CSS3 Selectors. This skill will allow you to reduce the amount of HTML and CSS on your project by 25% or more.CSS Selectors are especially useful for Web Developers who work with legacy projects and needs to make changes in style-sheets that can affect the whole application and its functionality.I've asked my colleagues and 10 of 10 software engineers know CSS3 Selectors on an expert level. Test automation engineers will also benefit from this course. When you are writing integration tests - your goal is to find elements in DOM tree and interact with them or verify their appearance. It is hard to convince engineers to apply some changes just because you need them for tests. With complex CSS Selectors, you can find any element in your web-page.I welcome you to my course and hope you will add CSS Selectors to your skill set. There are many quizzes and coding exercises so you will have a lot of practice."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Intermediate Android Development and Kotlin" |
"Why Am I Making This?I wanted to make this course because when I was first learning mobile development, I tried going online and finding beginner videos and courses. What I found is that, they were great at teaching surface concepts as a starting point, but in and of themselves, they werent enough to explain how to build an app beyond a certain point of complexity. So, if youre coming off of a beginner tutorial, you have some prior knowledge of Java and you understand some Android concepts such as the activities and lifecycles, then this is a great next step to further deepen your skillset and really stand out when applying for a job or trying to make a quality app by yourself.What Are We Going to Make?Were going to be making a Google Notes clone with the following features:1.Make tasks that are broken down into todos2.Todos can be checked off as completed or incomplete and appropriately displayed3.Notes will be displayed on a separate view from tasks and todos4.Both notes and tasks will be stored in a SQL databaseBuilding this app is a great way to learn good software architecture and object-oriented principles. For example, well be able to reuse a lot of our code within the adapters and the view models when displaying a task list and a notes list if properly architecture.Also, this is just the no frills version of the app. Along the way after teaching each concept, Ill have assignments followed by solutions on how to add deeper complexity into the app such as adding coloured tags for tasks, or making a list for only active tasks. By the end of it, youll have a clean and material design adherent app that you can customize to your delight and use as a reference point to implementing your own app idea.What Is Different?Apart from learning new trends in Android such as Kotlin, Google Architecture Components, and MVVM, Ill also introduce you to a few popular libraries and tools that are widely used in industry to allow greater team collaboration and reusability of code.1.Dependency Injection If youve ever heard of Dagger or Toothpick as a library and wondered why its so cool, this will teach you!2.Coroutines One of the biggest advancements in Kotlin is the ease of multi-threading and writing concurrent applications. Whether its making a database query or waiting for a network request, what used to be a very complex task in Java without the use of a third-party library is now fast and built into Kotlin. This is also one of the few courses to explain how multi-threading and concurrency works which is transferable to almost any field of programming, not just mobile development!3. Google Architecture Components- Learning how to use pre-made templates for ViewModels will facilitate the MVVM architecture which greatly helps simplify code and speed up development time and using the Room SQL Database Library will enable developers to persist data at ease.4. JUnit and Mockito Testing is a vital part of programming when working in the industry where apps need to be reliable and robust to serve a large number of users while keeping testing time as low as possible."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Almanca Balang Kursu A1.1" |
"Los geht's Liebe Leute ihr seid herzlich Willkommen.Ich heisse Mehmet Ali und wir werden alle mit mir Deutsch lernen.Trkiye , Balkesir doumlu. Almanca retmenlii okuyan bir renciyim. Diller ile ilgilenmeyi ok seviyorum. Hedefim udemy ile alp bir sr renene almancay retmek ve bundan haz alyorum. Btn herkese teekkr eder iyi almalar dilerim.Trkiye , Balkesir doumlu. Almanca retmenlii okuyan bir renciyim. Diller ile ilgilenmeyi ok seviyorum. Hedefim udemy ile alp bir sr renene almancay retmek ve bundan haz alyorum. Btn herkese teekkr eder iyi almalar dilerim.Trkiye , Balkesir doumlu. Almanca retmenlii okuyan bir renciyim. Diller ile ilgilenmeyi ok seviyorum. Hedefim udemy ile alp bir sr renene almancay retmek ve bundan haz alyorum. Btn herkese teekkr eder iyi almalar dilerim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
karta_meechty |
"-: :8 ;:;:6 ( ); ; ; ; , ; 9 ; ( ); ? , -, Life With Sense -. , , , , ! , - , ... , , . ? !, - , ! , :, ! !. . , . , , , ! . ? , ! :) - . ( ) , , . 9 , 9 . , -. , . . ?, , ;, ;, , ;, ;, , - . !, , , , ! : , ! , . . , , . , : , , , , / / / , .. , , . ! :) , . ( , ). - , ! 1-3 , , . / ? , , - , . 1990 . , ( , ). : , . , , ( ). , . / , , , WhatsApp+7 988 144 26 23 ( , ). , : . - 500 . , Instagram(: Instagram). :@vperedk_mechtam. ! :)Instagram"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"User Privacy Management - Approach & Best Practices" |
"Increasing user awareness along with regulations such as GDPRmean that companies should make privacy a very important topic to consider when building digital products.This course is targeted at engineering management, product managers and software developers to understand why privacy is so important, the different regulations around privacy and the best practices to adopt during the design and development phase of software products.The course deep dives into design both from a user experience and product architecture point of view, and looks at several practical techniques that can be leveraged by software teams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Installation de Lizmap sous Windows( Qgis server, Qgis)" |
"Configuration & publication de la cartePour pouvoir mettre en ligne sa carte, lditeur configure les options de publication (chelles, fonds de carte, metadonnes) avec leplugin Lizmapdans son application QGIS. Il ralise ensuite une synchronisation scurise de son dossier de travail avec son serveur en intra- ou extranet.Visualisation des donnesLorsque la synchronisation est termine, la carte QGIS est alors accessible sur Internet lidentique. Elle est consultable sur lapplicationLizmap Web Clientau travers des navigateurs majeurs (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer).ce cour contient l'installation du plugin lizmap sous windows en 5 tapes : 1) Installation et configuration du serveur apache 2) Installation et configuration PHP 3) Installation et configuration QgisServer 4) page d'accueille de lizmap en deux environnements prod/preprod 5) Postgres/postGis 6) lizmap"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maya 3D" |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"PMP Certification Exam Prep : 500 Practice Questions" |
"If you are looking for a Udemy course that tests you on the PMP Exam topics thoroughly, look no further! This course features 500 questions that were carefully researched and created to help you review what you have learned and to also test yourself as you would be tested on the actual exam. Contents of this course: 300 questions sorted on individual knowledge areas of the PMBOK - an excellent accompaniment for after-chapter revisions during your PMP Exam preparation. 1. Also includes questions on the Project Management Framework and questions on Professional Ethics. 2. Questions are similar in structure, style and difficulty-level with the actual questions that appear in the PMP Exam - therefore, you get wider exposure in fewer questions. 3. Detailed explanations for all answers providedA full-length exam of 200 questions simulating the actual PMP Certification Exam that will test you on the same number of questions of similar difficulty over a 4-hour timeframe. Disclaimer: All 500 practice questions featured in this course are also featured on the latest editions of the author Roji Abraham's two popular books on the PMP Exam titled Be a PMP Ace in 30 Days and 300 Practice Questions for the PMP Exam. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"A Programao neurolingustica a arte e a cincia da excelncia. Com as tcnicas propostas o aluno poder colocar em prtica , ampliando os seus sentidos e tendo como resultado a de expanso da conscincia. E com a expanso da conscincia ter uma melhor viso do ambiente e das pessoas, proporcionando assim uma melhor comunicao consigo mesmo e com os outros. Com a prtica, despertar o seu potencial.A PNL a chave para destravar o que te impede de avanar e escolher o melhor caminho para seu crescimento,desenvolvimento e felicidade."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Pasif Gelir: Amerikal iletmelere SEO hizmeti satn" |
"Amerika'daki milyonlarca kk iletmeye ulap onlardan Google sralamalarn ykseltmeniz karlnda deme alabilirsiniz. Peki nasl olacak bu i? Bu kurstaki bilgilerle bunu yapmak ocuk oyunca olacak.SEO bilmeden SEO hizmetinden para kazanabilirsiniz. Baz kk detaylar kullanarak sitelerin google sralamasn ykseltin ve bundan gelir elde edin.Mteriye nasl ulalr ve anlama nasl salanr onu reneceksiniz. Ardndan deme alp, SEO hizmetini nasl vereceinizi reneceksiniz. Ve ilem bu kadar. Mteri bulmak iin ise baz aralar kullanarak gnde binlerce mteriye ulaabileceksiniz.Ek gelir iin gnde 1 saatten fazla zaman harcamanza bile gerek yok.Yeterli emek vererek nemli lde bir ek gelir elde edebilirsiniz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ESL - Intensive English Course as a Second Language Level I" |
"This is an Intensive English Course, designed especially for Spanish Speaking people. In this course you will be able to learn all the basis of the English Grammar to speak properly. You will be able to write, read, ask and answer questions. This is Level I, however, you will learn fast, if you follow my instructions, and be ready to use the language immediately. You will find this course clear and easy to understand and fast enough to start using it in your daily life almost immediately. Once you have master this course, you can take the Level II Course to be able to further your education. Table of ContentFront of Page 1Table of Content 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Introduction 7LECTURE 1 8Chapter 1 9 Greetings Alphabet ColorsDays of the Week 10 Months of the YearSeasons 11 FaceFace Continued 12Chapter 2 13 ArticlesPersonal Pronouns 14 AdjectivesChapter 3 15Verb to Be Preposition ReadingReading 16Quiz and Exercises 17 - 18Chapter 4 19 Verb to Be Negative Form Interrogative and Negative FormExercises 20Chapter 5 21 Nouns Singular and PluralRules for Plural 22 Common Words & Plural Forms QuizSummary 23LECTURE 2 24Chapter 6 25 Time Exercises AM and PMAdverbs Time Related 26Chapter 7 27 There is Affirmative Interrogative Negative FormQ&A 28Quiz 29LECTURE 3 30 Chapter 8 There are in Affirmative Negative Form Q&A ReadingExercises 31 QuizChapter 9 32 Many, Any, Some Much and Many ReadingQuiz 33Chapter 10 34 Infinitive Imperative Let and LetsQuiz 35 Exercises ExercisesLECTURE 4 36 Chapter 11 Present Continuous ReadingQ&A Exercises 37 Quiz QuizQuiz 38 SuggestionsLECTURE 5 39 Chapter 12 Verb to Have Affirmative, Interrogative and NegativeReading 40 QuizChapter 13 41 Regular Verbs Reading Present TenseInterrogative and Negative Form 42 ExercisesContractions 43 Exercises using ContractionsLECTURE 6 44Chapter 14 45 Past Tense Interrogative Form QuizChapter 15 46 Possessive Adjectives Q&A ReadingQuiz 47Chapter 16 48 Whose Question Pronouns Why and Because Q&AExercises 49 Exercises using What Exercises using Where Exercises using When Exercises using WhoExercises using Whose 50 Exercises using WhyLECTURE 7 51 Chapter 17 Possessive Case ReadingQuiz 52Chapter 18 53 Possessive Pronouns Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns QuizChapter 19 54 Emphatic Pronouns Personal and Objective Pronouns How to use Objective PronounsExercises 55 QuizLECTURE 8 56Chapter 20 57 What Like? Quiz ExercisesChapter 21 58 Verb Like Reading ExercisesChapter 22 59 NumbersLecture 9 60 End of Course"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA programming - Arabic language" |
"... :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |