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"Kurs podstawowy jzyka chiskiego HSK1. Efektywny chiski" |
"Jest to przyspieszony kurs jzyka chiskiego dla pocztkujcych oraz dla tych, ktrzy chcieliby zda egzamin HSK1. Kurs prowadz dwie osoby: Kamil, czyli Polak, ktry nauczy si chiskiego oraz Xiao, czyli Chinka i nauczycielka jzyka chiskiego. W kursie wsplnie si uzupeniamy; otrzymuj w nim Pastwo spojrzenie na jzyk chiski ze strony kogo, kto si go nauczy jak i kogo, kto od urodzenia w nim mwi. Kurs jest przeznaczony dla Polakw i tumaczone jest w nim wszystko z punktu widzenia kogo, kto posuguje si jzykiem polskim. Do kadej lekcji kursu doczone s fiszki w aplikacji Quizlet, dziki czemu mog Pastwo w wygodny sposb (na telefonie lub komputerze) wszystko powtarza. W kursie mona, jednak nie trzeba uczy si chiskich znakw."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-068 Oracle Database 12C RAC & Grid Infrastructure" |
"This course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of110hand-selected questions, the current major certification examand limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get aGood Score at least 80% on the Official1Z0-068 Oracle Database 12C RAC & Grid Infrastructure Administration CertificationExam."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Desain Grafis untuk Pemula" |
"Banyak orang bermimpi ingin membuat desain kualitas top pakai software desain grafis. Tapi sayangnya, proses menggambar desain yang bagus itu membutuhkan ilmu khusus karena tantangan terbesar adalah menguasai penggunaan Bezier atau Pen Tool. Nah itu dia...! Video course ini merupakan tutorial terlengkap dan paling komprehensif mengajari Anda menggambar langsung (LIVE) menggunakan dua software paling terkenal di Indonesia: CORELDRAW dan ADOBE PHOTOSHOP.Kalau Anda termasuk orang yang ingin belajar cepat-bisa menggambar dan mendesain, maka video course ini perlu Anda ikuti. Mengapa? Video course ini menampilkan step-by-step, langkah demi langkah, menggambar menggunakan CorelDraw dan Photoshop. Video course ini langsung mengajak siswa membuat gambar desain yang top, tidak murahan, dengan memanfaatkan seperangkat tool standar yang ada di CorelDraw dan Photoshop, terutama penggunaan Bezier dan Pen Tool.Pembahasan meliputi:- Cara menggambar monster lucu- Cara menggambar rusa sederhana- Cara menggambar tulisan Jago Photoshop- Cara menggunakan tool untuk desain grafis (100% pasti dipakai)- dan lain sebagainya!Video course berdurasi 10 jam ini cocok dipelajari bagi siapapun yang tertarik dengan dunia desain grafis! Jika Anda tidak puas, maka video course ini dilengkapi program REFUND tanpa syarat! Tapi kami yakin kalau Anda senang dan mendapat banyak manfaat dari video ini sebab materinya tidak ecek-ecek. So tunggu apa lagi ...! Jadilah desainer grafis yang TANGGUH."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"PowerShell - Maitrisez les bases fondamentales" |
"PowerShell est un langage de Scripting qui vous donne la possibilit d'automatiser les tches courantes. Il est multi-plateforme et il est compatible avec Windows, Linux et MacOS !Au cours de cette formation, vous apprendrez matriser les bases fondamentales de ce super langage de scripts dvelopp par Microsoft.Vous matriserez la syntaxe des commandes et vous apprendrez devenir autonome grce l'aide fournie avec PowerShell. Grce des exemples concret, vous aurez des notions solides sur PowerShell.Vous apprendrez les bases du langage PowerShell et vous comprendrez la logique fondamentale du scripting.Ce cours sur PowerShell vous permettra de dvelopper vos propres outils et d'automatiser les tches. A la fin de cette formation, vous aurez une bonne comprhension de PowerShell et vous comprendrez la logique des commandes et du langage.Ce cours est parfaitement compatible avec Windows PowerShell qui est la version intgr Windows. A la fin de cette formation, vous aurez toutes les bases pour commencer utiliser PowerShell avec confiance."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mum's 28 Day Ab Challenge" |
"Mums are you looking for a challenge to prove yourself? Do you love the look of toned flat cores of other people? If there was a way to develop a strong, toned and flat core in 28 days would you love to be apart of it? The Mums 28 Day Ab Challenge will get you this result. If you are looking to have a flat toned and beautiful core this is your program. If you question the results I am happy to say that myself and the amazing women and mums that have gone through this program on camera will show you their results from each week. It is truly remarkable. What is more is it can be done in the comfort of your own home and the program gradually increases with difficulty as you go so you won't be overwhelmed. These are achievable workouts that begin with as little as 13 minutes and build in duration after 2 weeks. Please do not take on this challenge if you are a man as you will not be accepted into the private Facebook group for women only."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Excel 2016 - Bsico e Avanado" |
"O curso APRENDA EXCEL 2016 - BSICO E AVANADO apresenta os recursos bsicos e avanados do gerenciador de planilhas da Microsoft. As vdeo aulas e atividades propostas o capacitaro a criar, organizar e formatar planilhas, trabalhar com dados e frmulas, e aplicar formatao e formatao condicional. Tambm so estudadas funes como, SOMA, MDIA, MXIMO E MNIMO, entre outras, que otimizam a realizao de clculos. So abordadas tambm, questes relativas proteo de elementos da planilha e ao uso de frmulas que fazem conexes entre planilhas. Alm disso, voc aprender a representar dados em grficos e preparar a impresso das planilhas. Tudo isso com o auxlio de atividades complementares disponibilizadas para baixar. Nas aulas de Excel avanado, voc aprofundar seus conhecimentos sobre esse poderoso software de planilhas eletrnicas da Microsoft, aprendendo a trabalhar com funes matemticas, estatsticas, lgicas e financeiras, entre outras. Alm disso, so apresentados recursos avanados para funes de pesquisa, texto e banco de dados, bem como o uso de frmulas, dados externos e tabelas dinmicas. Voc tambm aprender a classificar, filtrar, validar e estruturar dados, proteger planilhas e arquivos, criar e executar macros interativas e utilizar as opes da Guia Desenvolvedor. Para auxili-lo, muitas atividades complementares e arquivos-modelo disponibilizados voc baixar e exercitar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"A new way to interview." |
"TheTopScore Top5system teaches job candidates how to create tailored answers to the most demanding interview questions. Whether you are preparing for your first interview or the most important interview of your life, theInterview Rule Book Training Coursewill teach you:How to answer real questions while using theTopScore Top5 systemThe ""Rules"" for a successful interviewHow to use your life and work experiences in your next interviewHow to prevent losing your thought process in the middle of an answerAs interview coaches,Mike Zolin and Rob Christensenhave successfully prepared hundreds of candidates for highly competitive interviews. Theyve combined their knowledge into this comprehensive interview guide in order to help you successfully attain a career in any industry.Dont leave your next interview up to chance. Learning this proven five-step system will be the difference between acing your next interview or continuing to invest time, money and energy into the job search process. If dominating your next interview is your goal, theInterview Rule Book Training Courseis for you.Introduction to the training course:TheTopScore Top5system teaches job candidates how to create tailored answers to the most demanding interview questions. In addition, our TopScore Interview Coaches will provide you with information on:How to answer real questions while using theTopScore Top5systemThe ""Rules"" for a successful interviewHow to use your life and work experiences in your next interviewHow to prevent losing your thought process in the middle of an answerModule 1:Getting StartedYou will learn how to prepare for your next interview. We will teach you about the application process and provide an in-depth look into different types of interviews you might face during this process.Module 2: Preparing for your next interviewPreparing for your interview starts by clearly identifying your job-search goal. There is no such thing as being over-prepared. In Module 2, we will cover topics such as learning the job description for which you are applying, as well as explain what a TopScore strategy is and how to apply it. We will also talk about ways to make a good first and second impression.Module 3:TopScore Top5 SystemApplying theTopScore Top5system is crucial for crafting memorable answers in your interview. Understanding and implementing our proven system will guide you during your interview and set you apart from the competition, giving you a confidence to carry your momentum through the interview. Mastering our system will help you:Be more preparedBe less stressedPrevent ramblingGain the confidence you need to succeed.Module 4: Tips for a successful interviewOne of the biggest challenges TopScore has identified with those preparing for an interview is failing to recognize what the interviewer is evaluating. After learning theTopScore Top5system, you must practice the implementation of the system. We are huge proponents of the mock oral interview.Module 5:How to craft a TopScore AnswerOur instructors will provide you with example questions and answers that typically get asked during an interview. While this course willnotgive you answers to 100 different interview questions, we will show you where to start. It's up to you to stand out during your interview by utilizing theTopScore Top5system.Final Thoughts:After completing the course you've distinguished yourself from 99% of your competition. The final factor that will determine your success ispractice. Use this course to guide you through conducting mock interviews and for preparation exercises."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"French - The Present Tense" |
"A detailed and thorough overview of all different types of verbs and their conjugation in the present tense in French. The course starts with a review of the meanings of the present tense and of what conjugation is, before going into details about ER, IR, RE and irregular verbs. Each lesson is followed by a quiz to put into practice the previous points. The course is colorful and animated to keep you engaged."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
verbe_francais |
", , , , , . , , , , , . . 1-2. (Dbutant-intermdiaire)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Motivao Expressa. Truques das pessoas altamente motivadas" |
"Os livros que tratam de PNL - Programao Neuro Lingustica, bem como as obras que abordam a Inteligncia Emocional tm em comum o estudo da motivao do ser humano. Com este curso acontece a mesma coisa, pois aborda o tema baseado nos argumentos das principais autoridades, sem contar os ""truques"" praticados pelas pessoas altamente motivadas dos quais voc ir conhecer e utilizar para manter-se motivado e alcanar as suas metas."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"GMAT Reading Comprehension- A guide to absolute beginners" |
"1) 3 hours of comprehensive coverage covering all the minute details of GMAT Reading Comprehension2) Solving 3 real time GMAT passages by comprehending the passage para to para and representing it pictorially by paraphrasing technique and applying it to solve the complex GMAT questions ( Unique method) 3) Diluting complex concepts of GMAT Reading Comprehension and making it easier so that even an amateur can understand it4) Applying the concepts of movies to GMAT reading comprehension and making it more interesting and fun5) Extensive coverage of examples wherever required to get a good grasp of the concepts6) Most importantly the transferable skills one gets to crack GMAT Critical Reasoning by learning GMAT Reading Comprehension thereby preparing for GMAT Reading Comprehension will automatically make you to crack GMAT Critical Reasoning Section with ease."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Focus Mastery" |
"Learn how to manage all the things you want to get done in your professional and private life; how to establish new habits and how to keep the balance and improve your quality of life.It has never been more difficult to manage our private and personal lives. As compared to one generation ago, technology is not the bottleneck any more, we are. Our computer needs almost no time to boot or to do even the most complex tasks, and email, phones, WhatsApp and other channels keep us connected to the world 24/7. People have never struggled more under this pressure and workload than today. The average time of sleep has been reduced below a healthy minimum, and the number of people with burn-out or depression has increased steadily. Often people need to numb themselves with alcohol and other drugs to unwind after a crazy day. I myself have struggled under this enormous pressure to get things done and to balance my private and professional life. 10 years ago, with almost zero previous work experience, I started my own company that required me and my co-founders to take out a pretty big bank loan for which we were personally liable. It was a high-risk bet and the odds were stacked against us. Latest medical studies have shown that young entrepreneurs are the group with the most severe problems to sleep even worse than executives of multinationals which I can personally confirm. So, I needed to find a different way a way to help me get on top of the craziness a way to make sure I focus on what is most important and allow my mind to let go of the things that are less important. Do you know this feeling? It is the first of January and you have a New Years resolution that you want to kick off? Doing more sports, eating healthier, doing meditation, or learning a new language. I tried it year after year and it was always the same pattern. The first week was great, the second week was not so great anymore and latest by week 5 I had dropped the resolution. I thought This is just not for me. Im not strong enough or focused enough. I can never adopt new habits.""But then I found a whole new approach that changed my life. I was never really big into sports and often had a couple of kilos too much while not being very strong. With the power of habits I have lost weight, I exercise three times a week, I eat healthier and I feel much more energetic, strong and much happier than before. With all the approaches I found I thought I wish, I had known this ten years ago. But you know the Chinese saying: ""The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.""In the meantime, I have shared my knowledge with hundreds of people in workshops, seminars and through personal coaching. Now, for the first time, I have put everything that I have learnt over the years into this course, in a way that is easily understandable and you can implement from day one. You dont need to be an extra motivated, a super head-strong person and you also dont need any special skills to do it. I will also share many tips, tricks and hacks that will help you increase your productivity without any additional effort. And I offer to answer all your questions that arise from this course so that together we can build an increasing body of knowledge for all of use to benefit from. The year is coming to an end the next year is starting. Make 2019 the best year of your life and give yourself the present of this course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Study Skills for School Learners" |
"This course helps you understand how your brain works, assesses your preferred learning style, and teaches different study techniques. The course helps improve comprehension, summarising and memory/recall. If you are finding it difficult to study or if you just want to improve your study tool skill set, this course is for you. We have included a really helpful workbook where you can practice what you have learnt. We suggest you print the workbook before you start."
Price: 550.00 ![]() |
"Python for beginners with exercises" |
"This course is for everyone who wants to learn Python right from the start. No prior knowledge is required to get started. It will get you up and running quickly on your python Journey.This course is a great course for beginners who want to start their journey in the world of programming and it also works for experienced programmers who want to learn python to advance their careers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Fit Girl's guide to healthy weight loss & control." |
"In this course you will learn how to lose weight and and control that weight loss through healthy and sustainable lifestyle changes. This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle that promotes health and wellness. This course is built upon the method through which I was able to lose over 50 lbs and keep it off for 30 years."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"As Fue La Revolucin Francesa" |
"En este curso te voy a ensear todo lo que fue el conflicto de la Revolucin Francesa. Desde sus orgenes y causas en la Francia del siglo XVIII hasta su estallido, desarrollo y desenlace en 1799 con el consulado de Napolen Bonaparte. La Revolucin Francesa supuso un antes y un despus en la historia de Europa, suponiendo una seria amenaza para el absolutismo imperante en el continente, y tornando las balanzas de poder. Por eso, desde un lenguaje ameno y sencillo, analizaremos y desglosaremos paso a paso el conflicto y sus consecuencias.Ms de 8 horas de contenido en las que aprenders cmo era la Francia del Antiguo Rgimen, qu la llev a la crisis de finales del s.XVIII, cmo y por qu se dio la Revolucin, cmo esta fue evolucionando, y qu consecuencias tuvo la misma tanto en Francia como en Europa, llegando estas an hasta nuestros das."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"- Resin Art" |
"- , ! - . ! , , , , , , , . , . - ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Job Interview Preparation" |
"If you are a fresh graduate or a professional with less than three years of experience and struggling to get a job, this course is for you.This course is designed by our experts to help fresh graduates and young professionals between 0 to 3 years of experience crack job interviews in the first attempt.The course lists down 50 carefully selected questions that are frequently asked by interviewers and a majority of candidates fail to answer the same. Each of the questions is explained in detail along with the traps that the candidate can fall into. The videos also explain the best possible response to each of these questions. Over the last few years, we have seen that candidates who took this course have a much higher chance of cracking the interview than those who are unprepared for answering the interview questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Life after marketing: find and do work you love" |
"How old were you when you chose your current career? How have you changed since then? If I told you that you'll still be in the same job in 10 years time, how does that make you feel?If you've been plagued by a feeling that what you do for a living just isn't 'you' any more, but feel overwhelmed with the task of finding a new career that ticks all your boxes (and even knowing what those boxes are), then this course is for you.I will lead you through a tried and tested process that I've developed with my clients over the last three years - and which I've taken the most valuable lessons from my own career change journey. At the end of the course you will know what you want to do and will have a clear road map for how to get there.You'll get all the benefits of working one to one with me, without the usual price tag and at a time, place and pace that suits you and your commitments. If you're serious about changing your career, this is the best investment you can make: it will save you months, or even years of circular thinking and action paralysis, all for the price of a new jacket.Stop overthinking this and take action today!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"How to create brands that people love" |
"This course is packed with real life examples and tools that Ihave used with leading brands such as Red Bull, Nike, Samsung, HSBC, MetLife, AXA and other smaller businesses. I will share the same methodology and templates that clients paid thousands of dollars for. Even if you havezerobranding experience, this course will take you frombeginner to mastery. Here's why:The course is a taught by former strategy manager at Prophet, an award-winning branding consultancy with offices around the world (e.g., New York, Chicago, San Francisco, London, Berlin, Hong Kong, Shanghai).The course has been updated to be2019 readyand you'll be learning the latest branding concepts, tools and methodologies that are used by leading corporate brands such as Marriott, Uber, MetLife.This course is focused on helping you to be smart - develop a brand strategy that you can use for other creative work such as brand identity (design work) and marketing executions. The curriculum was derived from 10 years of business consulting experience with high stake business impact and pressure to deliver. You'll save yourselfover at least $200,000by enrolling, but still get access to the same exercise materials and learn from the same brand strategist that clients paid a million US dollar for (yes, that's the most expensive project that I have sold at Prophet...)The course isconstantly updatedwith new content, with new projects and modules determined by students - that's you!We'll take youstep-by-stepthrough engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a brand leader who can take your business or the one you work for to the next level."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks bsico para principiantes" |
"Curso dirigido a estudiantes, profesionistas y personas interesadas en aprender SolidWorks desde cero para modelar piezas 3D, partiendo del diseo de croquis y del uso de operaciones bsicas para generar volumen. No es necesario tener conocimientos de diseo, solo se requiere una PC con el programa instalado y un mouse."
Price: 1395.00 ![]() |
"Algebra lineare - Il primo corso in italiano" |
"Algebra lineare(chiamata anche Matematica Discreta) uno dei corsi pi ostici per gli studenti universitari di primo anno. In questo corso spiegher gli argomenti principali che costituiscono le basi per comprendere appieno la materia. Con un metodo pratico di learning-by-doing, mediante l'esecuzione di molti esercizi guida, l'algebra non sar pi il tuo incubo, ma diventer una delle materie pi belle che affronterai nel tuo percorso universitario.S E G U I T E la nostra pagina Facebook e Instagram AlgebraFacile"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Gestin de proyectos con MS Project" |
"En este curso, no solo encontraras una gua completa para la creacin, programacin, seguimiento y consulta de tus proyectos a travs de la herramienta, si no que tendrs la posibilidad de conocer conceptos, mltiples opciones y ayudas que podrs aplicar todo esto bajo buenas prcticas en la gestin de la planeacin de proyectos. Bienvenido!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Electricidad Bsica" |
"Analicemos como funciona le electricidad, la manera correcta de manipularla y hacer conexiones, y aprenders tambin como realizar circuitos para diferentes tipos de necesidades. analizaremos teora pero tambin podrs ponerte a prueba con varias practicas reales.Y al finalizar del curso seras capas de realizar modificaciones y arreglos en tu propia casa."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to manage your anxiety and accelerate your career" |
"This course will teach you how to identify and manage the root cause of your anxiety. You will develop the skills to feel confident instead of anxious during a job interview. Ultimately, this course will teach you how to ditch your anxiety in order to get the job of your dreams."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"High Availability cluster with PROXMOX and CEPH" |
"This course will help you to build your first High Available and Scalable Cluster which will be easy to extend with extra storage space or add extra compute power with NO downtime. The cluster will remain up, even in a case when one or more servers go completely down.This course includes essential knowledge and skill which will help you to build your first production ready redundant cluster with Proxmox and Ceph. Both Proxmox and Ceph are proven by time technologies. Proxmox is a Virtualization platform which includes the most wanted enterprise features such as live migration, high availability groups, and backups. Ceph is a reliable and highly scalable storage solution designed for performance and reliability. With ceph storage, you may extend storage space on the fly with no downtime at all! My goal to show that Ceph is not a black magic box, but a smart solution which can be easy to install and manage This is an introductory course which aimed to help to obtain essential skills and knowledge to build your first High Availability Cluster.If you heard or even tried OpenStack, but found it either too complicated for your environment, then the most likely you will enjoy this course as it is aimed for small deployments."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word 2016 from l e t t e r s to WORD -in Arabic" |
"( ( ""..."""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Testes unitrios e TDD com PHP e PHPUnit" |
"O curso Testes unitrios e TDD com PHP e PHPUnit vai te ensinar as melhores prticas em testes unitrios usadas no mercado e nas grandes startups. O curso totalmente prtico e usa como base uma aplicao real. Cada conceito explicado com cdigo e em um contexto especfico de negcio. De maneira geral vamos explorar:Importncia dos testes unitrios nas empresasConceitos tcnicos dos testes (PHPUnit, Mocks, Table driven tests, Code coverage, TDD e muito mais)Onde, quando aplicar e como diferencia-los de outros tipos de testesOrganizao de cdigo e boas prticas de escritaTDD (Test Driven Development)Alm do contedo do curso, te convido para um networking e troca de experincias. Utilize o frum para apresentar novos desafios e vamos discutir juntos!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"German for You A1: Grammar for Beginners & 100+ A1 Exercises" |
"I will explain all the important basics of German grammar, starting from scratch with the sentence units. Bit by bit, we will put them together. You will see examples for each topic and practice, in-course and with section quizzes.In the grammar part, you will get in-course translations for the German example words and sentences . The grammar explanations are all in English.There's a pronunciation section after the grammar sections for students who haven't really dealt with German yet. If you are mainly interested in the grammar you can skip that last section before the practice part.Practice sections: There's a vocabulary sheet attached to the first lecture of each exercise section. The exercise sections always end with a dictation. So after that, you will get a new sheet for vocabulary, so you can prepare for the next set of exercises.The words and sentences will be read out then with pauses, so you have time to repeat everything. This is an important part of this course and it will improve your listening and speaking skills. Even if nobody is listening, keep repeating what you hear. You will get a wide variety of exercises: fill in the blanks, Q&A, dictation etc. The topics cover all the material on the A1 level in preparation for an A1 exam (based on the Start Deutsch 1 exam).The practice sections are in German with optional English subtitles."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"2019 Facebook Ads Marketing Course" |
"1) Subscribe to my Youtube channel. Search for a channel called ""Planet Marketing - Francisco Meza""2) Also, if you need me to set up your Facebook Ads, go to my website planetmarketing dot com. I charge a $500 one-time setup fee.My name is Francisco and I run an internet marketing agency. The reason I made this course was to help small businesses who cannot afford to hire my marketing agency. In this course I describe what types of campaigns to choose from, how to set up these campaigns, create ad sets, find your target audience on Facebook, and finally how to create ads. This course is specifically about ""Sponsored Ads"". You'll be leveraging Facebook to drive sales via phone calls, leads (emails with name, phone number, email), or to get people to walk into your door. This course is for SERVICE based businesses and companies with a STORE FRONT.Youll notice that I didnt create dozens of videos with a bunch of fluff. If you follow my steps, youll be able to get your ads in front of the right people. I also go into a little more advanced stuff like re-marketing. For instance, for those of you who clicked on any of my Facebook Ads (Sponsored posts), be prepared to see more of my ads on Facebook. I'm adding more videos to this course soon. You'll always have access to these any new videos.If you can get just a few campaigns profitable, you can have multiple streams of revenue coming into your business. For many people, this can be a game changer. Also, if you do this correct, you can duplicate your campaigns across other cities, states, or even countries like I do. Image this. What if one of your campaigns were so successful it paid for your mortgage every month? Or maybe it pays for a nice vacation once or twice per year. Everything we have done in the past has led us to exactly where we are today. You might be only one marketing campaign away from success!!WARNING: OCCASIONAL F* BOMBS ARE INCLUDED IN THE COURSE!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
PythonGUITkinterGUI |
"PythonGUITkinterPyQtPyGTKKivyPCGUI wxPythonwxPythonGUI"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |