Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Elite Literary Book Group: The Great Gatsby" |
"These courses are built for AP Lit students and teachers; however, anyone eager to enlighten their mind and soul by studying or re-studying classic literature may enjoy taking this literary journey with me. I explore each novel through various literary theories and lenses and help students understand the relevance of the text. Learn what makes a novel a ""classic"" and why these novels are considered a part of the literary cannon and as such required for the study of AP Literature."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How To Play Poker Like A Pro And Start Winning At Hold'em" |
"This Poker Course was created SPECIFICALLY for BEGINNER players.It is tailor-made for someone who has little or no experience with poker and wants to learn the fundamentals, the most basic principles that allow you to win money when playing with casual (no strategy, just fun) players.My idea was to condense my knowledge of these basic principles into 21 quick lessons which altogether take just under 140 minutes to watch so that it's easy to complete this course and learn to be a WINNING player.The lessons are quick and well prepared so they will teach you the theory really well, but I believe that if you want to really master these fundamentals, you ABSOLUTELY positively have got to PRACTICE them.As with all skills in life, you can't become a PRO unless you spend some hours practicing the craft. The way I designed this course is that after each and every lesson, you should spend at least 30 minutes actually PLAYING POKER, so that not only can you crystallize the knowledge you're getting from the lessons, but also at the same time you can get some actual experience of playing real money poker.So if you only play the minimum 30 minutes after every lesson, it should take you about 13 hours to FINISH this course and I believe if you do it this way and put in the FOCUS and WORK, you will become a WINNING player in less than 2 weeks (if you do 2 lessons per day), so that's pretty good. Obviously you won't be able to beat pro players, but you will understand the game and know what's needed to get to that higher level (basically just practice on and off the tables) and you WILL be able to EASILY BEAT recreational players and most players you'll find on micro stakes tables online.So, do you want to become a Poker Hero?Great! Get the course now and start crushing :)11/19/2019 - Added 40 minutes of bonus material"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan After Effects renin" |
"Ltfen kursa girmeden nce unu bilin bu kurstaki anlatlanlar fikir yoluyla iletim salamakda gei presetleri indirtip srkle brakla yaplan editlere benzemeyecek ve yalnzca el emei olacak. Fikirleriniz sizde ebediyen durucak tek eydir. O yzden hayal gcnze bal olarak geliim salayacaksnz. Daima kendinizi gelitirmeye odaklann ve farkl eyler deneyin hata almakdan korkmayn hata aldnz'da bir eyleri tam anlamyla reniyor olacaksnz."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Professional Freelance Travel Journalist Course" |
"Whether you love to travel, watch the news, spend your days watching documentaries galore, or you are serious about a journalism career that respects truth, renowned freelance investigative, digital, and travel Journalist, author, designer, professional marketer and sales expert, documentarian, historian, genealogist, and teacher, Andrea McGurran, shares her personal experiences of past, modern, and 21st-century journalism that will both astound you and guide you.This course teaches you the true meaning of travel journalism as the umbrella of all forms of journalism, and how to survive in the world of investigative and other forms of journalism. Andrea teaches you valuable techniques and skills that enable you to draw on the powerful responsibility that being a journalist can give you. If contributing to the truth about the world around you is important, this is a serious course that goes beyond over almost 4 decades of intensive personal contributions, to give you the insider view and understanding of how to be a journalist in the 21st century. Andreas amazing history and vast knowledge of the media, publishing, travel, tourism, and marketing industries combined, molds together masterfully with information-rich, exciting and career-building assignments, which present a once in a lifetime chance to learn from one of the worlds renowned and memorable journalism professionals.Andrea firmly believes in responsible journalism, as the life-blood of modern democracy, and has made truth, ethics, and professional research the pillars of a vast career in magazine and book publishing, the news industry, business journalism, sales and marketing, and the biggest area of travel journalism industry that is the corporate world. Andrea exposes the rot that has begun the downfall of the newspaper and traditional media outlets worldwide, showing what it really takes to survive, make a career, and earn a livable living, freelancing in a lifetime of evolving media, from the Cold War 80's to the rise of globalized mass terrorism through 2019.Andrea's background over four decades - not limited to:1. One of the global founders of online magazines, before the Dot.Com Crash2. Created, ran, and contributed to 3 top online magazines (news (9-11 to middle of 2nd Afghanistan War), cooking, history, etc.) with Webseed Publishers (US), 3. Journalism - business, news, travel, culinary, political, home and garden, etc.4. Ghost author - ghostwritten/designed multiple books and e-books (history, cooking, sports, travel guides, philosophy dictionary, etc.) for varied clients5. Author - cookbook and science fiction novel6. Content writer - Forex, general business, political lobbying, SEO, recipes, product reviews, travel, DIY, how-to, history, etc.7. Resume writer - multiple resumes and job hunting articles for professionals8. Website creation (HTML, CSS, SEO, etc.), design, contributions, and IT management - news magazine, history magazine, cooking magazine, varied professional websites, and FOREX websites9. Marketing and investment senior management - corporate and government level brochure writing and sales negotiator (military, mining, aerospace, oil and gas, etc.) ($multi-millions)10. Professional fundraising - major event advertising and banners; fundraising for major charities ($multi-millions) (Old-Timers' Hockey Challenge shows, History of Rock 'n' Roll show, etc.); and B2B charity management11. Event coordinator and management - major events (military-related, non-profit, etc.)12. Academic essays and dissertations - globalization, world history, faith and history, world terrorism, etc.13. Filmmaker - history documentaries14. Publisher - varied books15. Publishing consultant - publishing/media services directory; direct sales from cold leads (exceeding % achieved as standard in Silicon Valley)Being a world industry leader, Andrea clearly clarifies the true reasons for the collapse of the traditional modern media, the rise of fake news, the demise of traditional investigative journalism, and the dangerous impact and influences that the changes in the media from the 1980's to 2019 has had not only on world politics but democracy itself. Andrea shows decisive methods for ensuring that democracy does not itself become a redundant part of history. She recognizes the vital need for a push for changes in 21st-century media to rebuild a respect for impartiality in storytelling, and truth in modern reporting, whilst reviving the tried and true attributes of mid-20th-century journalism respect of privacy and law, general ethics, and respect for national security. She believes that the sudden lack of funding from governments for the media has been in part due to the trail of misinformation being bandied around by poorly trained journalists and that the educational venue shift to post-secondary institutionalized journalism has taken away the true purpose and structure of journalism. These alone, she shows, are responsible for the decline of public faith in modern reporting.Andrea shows how freelance travel journalism, a digital journalism giant, is the umbrella of all forms of journalism, and reviving investigative journalism. She shows how digital freelancing has become the new cottage industry of the 21st century, where fact - not fiction, not assumption, not gossip, and not rumor - can be properly delivered to the public in real-time globally within mere hours, even minutes.Andrea has brought on board the professional assistance of her husband, whose background in the music and writing industries lend themselves beautifully to this course. His knowledge as a professional writer, author, poet, voice talent, and musician, throws in the additional delights of the ability to get into character and gives those amusing voices that have made this course not only informative but endearing and fun. Comic-relief sure helps when studying!Discover how modern digital travel journalism, and all its subsidiaries (news, etc.), is flourishing, from one of the worlds pioneers of global digital journalism- Have a clear understanding about how 21st-century, digital travel journalism, freelance, and employed really work- Get tried and proven steps and skills to start a journalism career today online, without the senseless costs, asked for by post-secondary institutions- Discover how to source ideas, develop those ideas, and create those stories that will make your career and the future press shine again- Learn to create travel articles, travel podcasts, and travel videos, and get published while you are still doing the course- Make travel copy in all its forms, dance off the pages of the Internet, that will attract a global market and global following to your work- Learn how to market yourself, your work, and most importantly how digital journalism is an easy place to make a living- Discover why major traditional media and publishing are struggling to survive in the digital ageCourse OverviewAfter being given an introduction into the modern world of 21st century journalism, a brief history, and Andrea McGurrans professional background, you will get to the meat of the course, understanding what the media is today, its pros and cons, what the differences are between employed and freelance journalists, and how the very destructive forces that caused the demise of traditional journalism, can be altered by you to make your journalism career sing.Andrea takes you through a course that you would normally find only in skeleton form in modern post-secondary institutions. She delivers considerably more information: the job skills; insider techniques; and tactics that only seasoned professional digital journalists, global marketers, and skilled investigative journalists of the highest levels can share. Experience speaks volumes from a professional that is very much active in the 21st digital journalism world.As you are whisked through an amazing collection of lectures and assignments, you will see your career being molded before your eyes. Most students will go from nothing to published before the course is finished.NOTE: THIS COURSE'S VIDEOS HAVE BEEN DELIBERATELY SET UP IN THE FORMAT AND WAY THAT THEY ARE TO SHOW STUDENTS THE POSSIBILITIES OF WHAT THEY CAN LEARN HOW TO DO FROM THIS COURSE. THE USE OF PARTICULAR MUSIC (SPECIFIC TO PROFESSIONAL EXAMPLES PROVIDED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE CONTRIBUTORS BELOW), GRAPHICS, VIDEOS, INTROS, ETC. ARE THERE FOR A PURPOSE, WHICH IS DEVELOPED WITHIN THE COURSE. ANIMATION IS USED DELIBERATELY AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF EDUCATION.THE SYSTEM OF RATING IS RUN BY UDEMY AND NOT THE COURSE OR INSTRUCTORS. THE RATING SYSTEM IS ASKING YOU ABOUT THE COURSE SO FAR, NOT ANYONE ELSE'S ASSIGNMENT AND NOT ABOUT UDEMY IN GENERAL. THIS IS A FULL-LENGTH COURSE, WHICH ONCE YOU HAVE COMPLETED IT, WILL ENABLE YOU TO BEGIN A NEW CAREER. THIS COURSE IS NOT A QUICKY.Special contributionsAndrea wishes to make special mention of those who assisted, gave support, and provided photos and video footage for the creation of this course, that added an even more professional flavor to its value:1. Lonely Planet (US)2. Rick Steves (and production team)3. VOA News4. TV Senado (Brazil)LEARN, DISCOVER, DEVELOP, CREATE, SELL, AND BUILD YOUR DIGITAL JOURNALISM CAREER TODAY!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Produtividade e gesto do tempo" |
"Farto de andar sempre a correr de um lado para o outro? Preso numa rotina que no permite fazer mais do que responder a solicitaes? Sem ter tempo para dedicar a assuntos do teu interesse? Sem ter tempo para viver a vida que desejas viver?Descobre como ganhar tempo extra no teu dia. Aumenta a tua produtividade e torna-te um gestor do teu tempo.Aprende a focar-te naquilo que mais importante para ti, aprende a evitar aquilo que rouba o teu tempo. Planeia os teus objetivos e caminho de sucesso e utiliza as tcnicas aqui descritas para os alcanar. Nunca tarde para comear! A aprendizagem e a mudana podem ser empolgantes s por si! Agora imagina onde podes chegar ao obter resultados!Este curso foi elaborado tendo como base as recomendaes pedaggicas do IEFP e apresentado de acordo com prticas aprovadas por Certificado de Competncias Pedaggicas.Os contedos deste curso so uma compilao da aprendizagem de mais de 15 anos de atividade profissional diria, de gesto de um departamento tcnico e de gesto de equipas, num ambiente constantemente pressionado pelos prazos impostos pelo mercado, na dureza laboral caracterstico do setor industrial. Se possvel gerir o tempo nestas circunstncias, ento no tens desculpas para no poder gerir o teu!Porque s tu que tens o controlo do que fazes com a tua vida, vais ver que podes resgatar o teu tempo de novo para ti!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Write Your Life Story" |
"Writing your bio can be a painful, exhilarating, grueling, eye-opening, scary, self-fulfilling experience, but hopefully, in this course you will find the creativity, conviction, and confidence to tell all. People write their memoirs for various reasons. You have your own: to build a legacy, to commemorate a Loved One, to express yourself, to identify hidden emotions, to understand and to be understood, to educate, to facilitate healing, to reinvent yourself, to boost your obituary! Heres the bottom line People write because their lives matter! You matter! This course, given by a professional ghostwriter/writing coach, guides students, step-by-step, on 1) what to write, and 2) how to write about the many events that make up their life; from ideas, prompts and techniques, to a point where they hold a comprehensive life story in their hands, ready to treasure and share. This is when you may need a pen for autographs! To help students facilitate their writing, a writing guide and template are available for download. Also included is a free, one-year membership to the Biography Timeliner, the ultimate writing template. This course helps you embark on a journey to the depths of your mind and gives you all the answers to what your unique story truly is A Masterpiece!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Conhea o primeiro curso criado pelo Canal e Site Excel Forever. Curso com 12 captulos, 216 pginas de contedo, mais de 80 vdeos curtos e objetivos, suporte aos alunos e diversas outras ferramentas de apoio. Com exerccios para todos os captulos, todos os cursos Excel Forever so voltados para a vivncia prtica. Este curso far voc aprender Excel de forma espontnea, com um professor que pratica Excel a pelo menos 17 anos em reas de Finanas e Controladoria."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Office 365 migrao Hbrida" |
"Curso desenvolvido para atender alunos que est buscando conceitos avanados do office 365 e tambm voltado para quem quer buscar um avano na carreira. Neste curso, focamos em atender, os pre-requisitos e todos os passos para uma migrao Hibrida bem sucedida.Roteiro do Curso:1- Tenant Trial Office 3652- Instalao do AD dentro Azure trial3- Import dos usurios 4- Instalao dos pr-requisitos Exchange 20135- Instalao do Exchange 20136- Configurao interna do Exchange 20137- Instalao do certificado Exchange 2013 como fazer certificado trial8- Configurao do DNS externo /interno mx,Txt, CName9- Instalao do ADFS10- Federao do domnio 11- Instalao do ADConnect12- Instalao do Hbrido13- Migrao de uma conta no Windows 10 para office 36514- Migrao de lote de 20 usurios para office 365 15- Virada do MX para office 365.16- Finalizao do curso dicasNovidades na Compra do Curso ganhei simulado da Prova 70-347"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn Chinese Calligraphy without Knowing Chinese" |
"This course is designed for Non-Chinese speakers to start exploring the Chinese Calligraphy. The course covers three major scripts (styles) of Chinese Calligraphy including Seals Script, Clerical Script, and Regular Script. For each script, the course starts with the basic strokes and then applies those strokes to write characters. By the end of each section, the student will be able to produce a cornerstone project."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SEO in arabic" |
"SEO 2019: . . > > > > > SEO . / / ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Drawing course For every one, draw Names Magically" |
"The entire idea of the course is in the first section, represented in step 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. In a pure one hour of a clear content.First thing in step_1 you will learn how to draw the letters in the right way and how to make the appropriate grids for the name.Then in step_2 you will know what is known as the depth or pulled lines, which represent the third dimension for the drawing.And the short_cut lecture is optional to save the time, as it illustrate another fast way to do step_1 and step_2.Then in step_3 you will learn the required shading ways and tips to draw a similar drawings.And in step_4 you will understand how to add the shadow for the name.And finally step_5 which is a very important step, as you will learn how to view and show your drawing in the right way."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Secretos de un Corredor de Seguros" |
"Mi nombre es Juan Carlos Fernndez Alemn, tengo 22 aos en Corretaje de Seguros, tengo ms de 20.000 plizas vendidas en el mercado local e internacional, vengo de 3 generaciones en el corretaje de seguros y hoy quiero hablarte del mercado asegurador.Hemos diseado este curso para que tu puedas triunfar en el mercado asegurador, un mercado super competido y espectacular, porque te permite viajar y codearte con gente importante en cualquier parte del mundo.Ac te vamos a dar todas las claves para que tengas xito, para que tu carrera sea mucho ms fcil y puedas lograr las metas con una cartera de seguros slida que se renueve todos los aos en un 90%.En este curso te vamos a dar todas las herramientas, desde la presentacin personal, las redes sociales, cmo crear tu marca, cmo ser exitoso, cul son las claves para serlo, qu tienes que saber de seguros y de reaseguros. Todas las dudas te las vamos a aclarar en este curso y te vamos a decir, cmo hacer networking, cmo hacer rapport, cmo llegarle a los clientes, cmo cerrar ms clientes y cmo renovarlos.Inscrbete ya en este curso!Este es el mejor curso para vendedores de seguros."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Easy Weight Loss in Six Steps" |
"Have you tried diet after diet? Would you love to really discover why losing weight is tough! This course is about looking at the real reasons you overeat, love those second helpings or eat when bored, stressed or feeling down. Gain some of my best tried and tested tools, used over the last ten years, with my private clients and groups. I'm sure you know which foods are healthy. This audio course will start you on a journey to understanding better why you make unhealthy choices. You will need to do some short weekly assignments. You will gain skills about your thoughts, stress and time management along the way too. Get ready to be (gently) challenged and enjoy learning about how to change long held eating patterns. This course , which is in audio format, also includes some visualisations to help you shifts patterns and start making different choices around food."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Data Structures" |
"This course will introduce to students how to implement data structures like trees, linked lists, hash tables, stacks, queues etc from scratch taught in JavaScript. We will also practice some problems utilizing the data structures. Each problem will come with a thorough explained solution. We'll also be visiting topics like space and time complexity.This course is still a work in progress and topics will be added incrementally!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video Curso Prctico Para Vivir En Un Estado Feliz Positivo" |
"En este video curso prctico aprenders todo lo necesario para tener una actitud positiva en la vida. Te enseare las herramientas tanto fsicas como mentales para que domines tus estados emocionales para mantener un estado interno de control antes las circunstancias de la vida.Despus de que finalices el video curso te sentirs ms segura y plena; vivirs ms consciente y feliz ya que tendrs en tus manos los recursos necesarios para afrontar la vida con una actitud ejemplar.Haz el video curso hoy y mira todos los videos.GraciasMucho amor y bendiciones para tiYas Empodera"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Inversin en Acciones y Bolsa de Valores (De 0 a Avanzado)" |
"Ya sea que quieras aprender a invertir en la Bolsa o incrementar tus conocimientos financieros en uno de los activos ms representativos de los portafolios de inversin actuales: las Acciones. El curso comienza desde 0 pero iremos incrementando el nivel juntos para cubrir un temario muy completo: Perfil del inversionista, estudio de la economa e industria, estrategias e instrumentos de inversin, anlisis de estados financieros, razones financieras, tcnicas de valuacin, etc. Todo combinando la visin terica y prctica de un excasabolsero, explicando de forma muy visual para que los conceptos avanzados sea fciles de entender."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Crack the PTE Exam - Speaking" |
"Are you struggling with the PTEAcademic Exam, failing to score your desired scores. Well I was also like you however, I always knew that success comes faster to those who work smart than who work hard. I did my thorough research on the PTEexamination and was able to successfully nail it by scoring a 90/90. Now I have made this course to help you with the same. Also, throughout this course you can ask me any questions and doubts on this forum or by personally emailing me on"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
german-grammar-a1-a2 |
"1 - 2, . , . 9 , 8 , 9 , . . : , -, , . , , . !"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Data Warehouse Projects: A Short Course for IT Executives" |
"2nd Edition now available!Data warehouse projects can be expensive and complex. If an organization does not currently have a data warehouse, the value of building one may not be clear. This course will teach you how to manage a data warehouse project in a timely, cost-effective manner that is on budget and will demonstrate value to the business from day one.This course is designed for people who manage IT projects. If you are not an IT manager but are interested in learning how to build a data warehouse, this course can serve as a solid introduction to data warehousing.You will learn how to manage the people and processes necessary to bring an enterprise data warehouse to initial operating capability. You will be taught common data warehouse terms so you can effectively communicate with technical resources. You will be introduced to the documents necessary to design and build a data warehouse. You will gain knowledge about common pitfalls to avoid. You will learn who you need to hire to work on the project and how to select those people.Updates in the 2nd edition include:Links to external resources have been added to the relevant lectures.New lectures added after the initial publish date have been fully integrated.Entire class has been re-recorded using professional voice talent."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Project manage your life, it is that easy" |
"This course is linking the best practices of project management to real life challenges we face every day. The goal of the course is to show you how you can use them, to put your personal wishes, desires, dreams into workable mini-projects.I am aiming to include self-reflection exercises to make it as personal as possible, and by the end of the course you should be able to understand, adopt, put into practice all the steps without even having to think about it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como vencer o luto e a dor de perder algum querido" |
"A morte faz parte do ciclo da vida, mas nem por isso um acontecimento fcil de superar. Aps a morte de um ente querido , voc precisa entrar no poo do luto. No entanto, s vezes ficamos presos dentro desse poo e parece impossvel sair! Opoo, na realidade, um tnel! Deve ser percorrido, entramos e temos que sair. No entanto, o nosso medo de sentir, de experimentar e aceitar a realidade, a nossa falta de esperana, nos fazem perceb-lo como um poo onde nada tem sentido.Aceitar no esquecer: significa continuar vivendo, buscando novos caminhos e novos sonhos.Ningum est preparado para essa perda to grande e irrecupervel! O luto faz parte e um processo de cura interior e aceitao! Neste curso vai encontrar passo por passo as etapas que vai enfrentar e como lidar com a dor e vencer essa batalha e recuperar sua alegria de viver!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Edicin de imgenes con Gimp 2.10 Principiante a Avanzado." |
"Si ests involucrado en diseo grfico, fotografa, Ilustracin o las ciencias, y requieres otras opciones para manejar grficos, este curso es para ti. GIMP es una herramienta para retoque, composicin y autora de imgenes. Creado por integrantes de la Universidad de Berkeley bajo el compromiso de que siempre sea de distribucin libre. 20 aos despus. Su muy esperada y ahora aclamada versin 10.8, se ha convertido en una aplicacin muy potente y sofisticada, adems de funcionar en mltiples plataformas. Es un perfecto reemplazo con todas las caractersticas de calidad frente a opciones comerciales, como Photoshop o Photo-paint. Despus de la inversin en la capacitacin para usar esas herramientas, -y adems tener que cubrir el costo de adquisicin de las licencias- es complicado moverse a una nueva opcin, por mucho que se desee. He estructurado este curso en una serie de secciones con un aproximado de 5 horas de videos y tutoriales. Adems de ejercicios prcticos y material til. Recorreremos desde cero las grandes posibilidades de esta herramienta y que al terminar puedas usarla con completa comodidad para hacer tu trabajo de edicin digital con la calidad que deseas, o ms."
Price: 1320.00 ![]() |
"Create a basic options menu with Unity and Playmaker" |
"This course will teach you how to make a basic options menu using playmaker. With what you learn here you will be able to set your own resolutions of any size, languages and sound volumes as well as other options. You will be able to set your view distance, clipping distance as well as set HDR and MSAA for your games. With what you learn from here you can make variations of these options for your game as well as learn in depth about playmaker and it's unique coding."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Easiest Way To Make Money Online: Asking Questions" |
"Quora is a question and answer website that has recently created a Partner Program so that people who ask questions can get paid for doing so. This course shows you the types of questions you should ask to make thousands of dollars through the program. There are several lectures that are separated by different techniques/methodologies that can be applied to make a lot of money through the program. The videos show one of the Top Partners in the program."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda SOA do zero - Curso essencial de ESB" |
"V direto ao ponto, ganhe tempo! No perca dezenas de horas com detalhes do SOA que voc encontra facilmente na documentao do fabricante. Aprenda os principais conceitos do BUS; casos de uso reais, os principais fornecedores, quando usar e quando no usar o ESB. Se voc tem dvidas de qual produto utilizar para integrar os sistemas da sua empresa, esse curso vai ter ajudar com isso!A idia apresentar os conceitos bsicos do ESB com foco no que realmente utilizado no mercado.Detalhes da soluo de dois dos principais fornecedores de ESB: Oracle OSB v12 e Mule ESB v3.E por ltimo, vrios tutoriais que ensinam a desenvolver servios corporativos reutilizveis com SOAP e REST.Todos os fontes das solues dos labs esto disponveis no github!ATENO: o Mule ESB (anypoint studio) tem uma nova verso 4.X e tem mudanas significativas em relao a apresentada nesse curso v3.8. O conceito parecido, mas para quem quer aprender especificamente a ltima verso do mule ESB, esse curso no recomendado!"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Essencial - Lei da Atrao na prtica" |
"A proposta que tenho para lhe oferecer simples e objetiva: pare essa busca por frmulas mgicas da transformao pessoal ou das manifestaes instantneas e comece a praticar! Porque de teoria com certeza todos ns j estamos cheios. Cheios de muita informao e pouco conhecimento. Porque, como j diziam os Abraham, palavras no ensinam, experincias de vida sim. E a, pronta(o) para praticar? E ainda, ser o seu prprio guia?"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Japanese Course for Absolute Beginners (Letters, Alphabet)" |
"""Japanese Course for Beginners (Alphabet)"" is designed for Japanese beginners to master Hiragana and Katakana (Japanese Letter), the most essential and fundamental part of Japanese language. With a strong foundation of Hiragana and Katakana, students can go further learning of Japanese (N5 level to N1 level).Distinct from the traditional teaching method, this course not only enables you to master how to pronounce and write each Japanese letters, but also provides you with various supplementary knowledge:English-based instruction creating a totally foreigner- friendly environment especially for beginners;the proper ways to do self-practice after class;the downloadable PDF learning material of each section with corresponding writing practice;culture note session that explains aspects of the culture and everyday life of japan, and deepens your understanding of Japanese culture;vocabulary builder that enables you to practice pronunciation and acquire a basic level of Japanese words on completing the whole lectures;the learning of daily phrases that are frequently used in daily life in Japancomprehensive guidance that helps you to avoid common mistakes students tend to make to each Hiragana and Katakana.Each of your comments and questions will be carefully handled and students are totally welcome to discuss anything related to the course.The upcoming N5 and N4 course is being recorded and will be available soon! N3, N2 and N1 courses are also scheduled."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Quick Guide to Laravel Framework 6 for Absolute Beginners" |
"Hello and welcome to this course.This course is an introduction to laravel, we are breaking down all of the basics of Laravel to get you start doing projects with confidence.If you are looking to get started with laravel then this course is for you.the course has practical examples that are quick & easy to follow.RequirementsNo programming experience needed - Knowledge of basic HTML , CSS and PHP an added advantage. step-by-step on how to get all the software installed and set upWho this course is for:Any one interested in starting his journey in doing project with laravel.Web developer who has never done project with laravel before.By the end of the course youll be able to build laravel projects with confidence.The Finished Course Project is Available on Github"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to Stata" |
"This is an introductory course to Stata. The course assumed to previous knowledge of the software nor any statistical knowledge. The course does not teach statistics. The goal of the course is to teach students about the basic functionality of Stata and how it can be used to analyze large data sets. The course contains two projects for students to work on. It also provides a step-by-step approach in covering all of the material where I go through the commands one by one. In addition to the video lectures, I have included the scripts of the lectures so that students can also study and revise the material without having to watch videos. Although Stata comes with many data sets, this course utilizes my own data sets in order to explain to students the thought process involved in collecting data."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Konfliktmanagement fr Fhrungskrfte und Unternehmer" |
"Jeder kennt Konflikte, Konflikte sind allgegenwrtig. Sie gab es schon immer und sie wird es immer geben. Kennst du jemanden der keine Konflikte hat? Ich nicht. Und wenn es so ist, dass Konflikte sowieso da sind, warum nicht lernen, damit professionell umzugehen. Es wird dir dein Leben erleichtern, sowohl geschftlich als auch privat. Dein Team wird produktiver werden. Wusstest du, dass Konfliktkosten mehr als 20% der Personalkosten eines Unternehmens ausmachen? Gemeinsam ndern wir das! In diesem Kurs lernst du: Wie gehe ich als Fhrungskraft mit Konflikten um? Welche Mglichkeiten gibt es, gesundes und produktives Arbeiten zu frdern? Wie entstehen Konflikte? Welche Konfliktstufen gibt es? Wie nehme ich festgefahrene Dialoge wieder auf? Wie kann ich Geld sparen durch Konfliktlsung? Wie kann ich stressfreier durch den Alltag gehen? Wie kann ich als Fhrungskraft souverner und zufriedener sein?"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Understanding the complexity of the gut and how to fix it" |
"Did you knew that your gut health is related to all other nowadays diseases? Almost 80% of general health comes down to optimal gut health. However, most of us becoming sicker and sicker and our immune systems become weaker and weaker. We are currently facing an epidemic where most young people seem to deal with headaches, menstrual cramps, anxiety, acne, bloating, stomach pain, heartburn, cancer and many more like gluten and lactose sensitivity or even worse. The main cause is often overlooked, resulting in more trouble until the body is at a certain moment that nothing seem to work anymore. Gut health is the most overlooked topic when it comes down to health and illnesses and needs to be addressed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |