Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Black Belt Confidence" |
"This programme will give you the confidence to achieve your goals and be the success you dream of, whatever your situation or your current circumstances. The confidence to do new things, to express yourself, to be successful in business. The confidence to take on anything, to overcome setbacks and ultimately become the person that you are destined to be.If you think that life is slipping away, passing you by, now is the time to give yourself a lifetime of confidence.WHAT YOU GET:40 short videos in eight modules. Each module has a clear theme and is easy to follow.PDFs which make a workbook that you can use as your very own reference tool.Interactive quizzes to test and help you embed your new knowledge!You will learn:- How to be more present and more connected with what is around you- How to take full personal responsibility, so that you create your own destiny- How to have a system that you control, to achieve any goal you set- How to replace negative limiting beliefs with positive empowering ones- How to know your strengths and maximise them- How to be resilient and maintain a positive attitude at all times- How to commit 100% in everything you do something, to ensure you are successful- How to use the power of humility to empower yourself and othersPeople who have gone through the programme have said afterwards:""There is nothing in this world I can't handle""""I'm the happiest I have ever been.""""I feel a lot stronger.""""I believe I am good enough.""""I am more willing to go for new ideas and develop my business.""""I have more confidence in myself.""This programme is based on the 59 successful strategies that Black Belts use to be successful in their daily lives and are covered in my book Black Belt Thinking. The tools and techniques in this programme took me 20 years to master; you can have this level of confidence NOW.You can start having the confidence of a Black Belt today!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Spanish for Yoga Teachers" |
"This course provides the essential vocabulary, verbs, and sample phrases for leading a yoga class in Spanish. The course includes the necessary body parts and quizzes, names of postures, and directional cues. There are a series of videos and downloadable materials including audio and visual files for students to learn the basics for instructing a yoga class in Spanish. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Reduce Childrens Asthma Attacks: A Community Masterclass" |
"Captain Fearless is a 9-year-old girl who battles Wheeze Monsters with just her inhalers, spacer, bicycle bell and her magic goggles. The Big Bad Wolf has developed asthma and needs childrens help to know which inhaler to take and when, to blow the piggies house down.Heather Henry, a multiple award-winning nurse, presents BreathChamps: a unique, evidence-based and creative programme, for children aged 4 to 12 years to learn about asthma in fun ways.Maybe the children you know arent taking their medications correctly, maybe they dont turn up for reviews, maybe they're missing a lot of school as a result. Maybe they and their families just dont understand their asthma or take it seriously. This course is for clinicians in primary and community settings and enthusiastic local people, who are weary of seeing children with asthma suffer unnecessarily. Asthma becomes a shared problem for clinicians and local people and so becomes about working better together and making it fun!There are 3 underlying principles, called the 3 Ds:Democratise: The motto is It takes a village to raise a child with asthma. So BreathChamps is about cascading asthma knowledge through the whole community. Everyone has strengths and skills to contribute and everyone looks out for children and knows how to keep them well.De-medicalise: Parents, carers, schools and community groups learn by sharing stories, games and crafts that explain the fundamentals of asthma in ways that are easy to understand, remember and repeatDestigmatise: Children with asthma become heroes that battle Wheeze Monsters, rather than patients who are passive recipients of care, or worse, feel like victims. All children learn about asthma, not just those with the condition, so they can help each other.This is a game-changing programme, giving a host of practical tools that directly address the recommendations of the largest review of asthma deaths in the world: the National Review of Asthma Deaths, 2014. The programme introduces and applies a range of evidence-based interventions including asset based community development, group consultations or asthma parties, behavioural science, play therapy and improvement science.From simply handing out stories during routine consultations to hosting parties and community events, this course offers clinicians the help they are seeking and offers local people the chance to shine and improve their own wellbeing in the process.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International LicenseTo view a copy of this license, visit the Creative Commons websiteImages have written (parental) consentStock images credit: Pixabay"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English That's Not Safe for School: Swear Words" |
"Learn to understand and use four of the most common English swear words.That's a bad word! You can't say that! You hear words and expressions all the time that are avoided by teachers because they are considered inappropriate for classroom instruction, yet they are an integral part of American English and culture. How will you find out what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them - if you wish - properly? This course will professionally and objectively expose these common words and phrases to interested students. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Premium de Laravel 5.8 desde cero" |
"En este Curso aprenderas todo lo necesario para hacer:CRUDs en LaravelAutentificacion DobleManejo de los Controladores y RutasCreacion de plantillas Blade (Vistas)Relaciones (Uno a Uno / Uno a Muchos / Muchos a Muchos)ModelosPublado de Tablas / FakeFactoryValidacion de FormularioUso del AJax en LaravelExportacion e Importacion de datos en Excel / CSVEnvio de CorreosIdiomas en Las paginasPaginaciones Simple y MultiplesGoogle Captcha para los formulariosY mucho mas....El contenido de este curso excede con creces las 25 horas acadmicasSe incluye material de apoyo para reforzar el conocimientoExplicacin detallada del proyecto principalEjemplos adicionales para complementar el cursoEl curso esta orientado en dos partes:rea Practica:Contiene los ejercicios del cursos de forma guiada en material audiovisual para que el usuario siga cada uno de los pasos de manera pedaggica.rea terica:Consiste en un material de apoyo para reforzar el conocimiento del Framework Laravel en cuanto a comando, sintaxis y conceptos.INDICE DE CONTENIDO00 Introduccin01 ndice02 Presentacin del curso (video)01 Conceptos Bsicos 01 Que es Laravel (video/texto) 02 Concepto MVC (video/texto)02 Instalacin y Configuracin de Laravel 03 Instalacin del Wamp server 3.1.7 Pasos para instalar Wamp Server (video/texto) Configurando Variable de Entorno de PHP (video/texto) Puesta en Marcha del Wamp (video/texto) Links de Recursos para bajar (texto) 04 Instalacin de Visual Studio Code (video) Links de recursos visual studio code (texto) 05 Instalacin de Composer (video/texto) 06 Instalacin de Laravel para nuestro primer proyecto (video/texto) Instalacin de Laravel desde composer Crear nuestra carpeta de proyecto Laravel Saber la versin de Laravel usada Probando la instalacin de Laravel ejecutando el server Probando la instalacin de Laravel desde la ruta publica Instalacion de una versin de Laravel especifica Configurando el URL Virtual del Hosting en WAMP Server (video/texto) 07 Estructura y contenido de las carpetas de Laravel (video/texto) Descripcin detallas de las carpetas en Laravel (texto) 08 Configurando Laravel A) Configuracin de MySQL en Laravel (video/texto) Creando un usuario en PhPMyAdmin Creando la Base de datos (cursos) Configurando el archivo .env Probando la conexin desde tinker B) Explicacin del archivo ENV (video/texto) C) Archivos de Configuracin en Laravel (texto) ARCHIVO: app.php, auth.php, broadcasting.php, cache.php, database.php, filesystems.php, hashing.php, logging.php, mail.php, queue.php, services.php, sesin.php, view.php D) Corregir error de longitud de cadena (video/texto) 09 Extensiones de Visual Studio Code para Laravel (video/texto) Material Icon Theme DotENV Path Intellisense HTML CSS Support IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML Auto Close Tag Bookmarks PHP IntelliSense Laravel 5 Snippets Laravel Artisan Laravel Blade Snippets 10 Configuracin de visual Studio Code (video/texto) Ajustar el visual estudio para que siempre abra una nueva pestaa de archivo Como desactivar el modo previsualizacion de visual studio code Deshabilitar la autoReveal del Explorador03 La creacin de una aplicacin: 10 Ejemplo de Catalogo de Cursos con Laravel (video/texto) 11 El comando Artisan (texto) --version, list, help, serve, down, up, key:generate, env, app:name, tinker, db:seed, route:list, make (auth, controller, factory, mail, middleware, migration, model, seeder, request, rule), migrate, migrate ( fresh, refresh, reset, rollback, status) 12 Comandos de Laravel (texto) dd(), return, view(),return view()->with();,$request->session()->flash(), Session::flash(),$request->server(), Auth::check(),Auth::user()->id, all(),first(),find(),pluck(),where(),where() con like, count(),orderBy(),limit(),offset() 13 Autentificacin Bsica con Laravel (video/texto) Ejecucin del php artisan make:auth Ejecucin de la primera migracin: users 14 Creando Tablas con Migrate (video/texto) Concepto Contenido de un archivo migracin Convenciones en la migracin Creacin de una migracin Status de las migraciones Ejecucion de las migraciones Eliminar todas las migraciones Instalar tabla migrate Refrescar y reinstalar migraciones Refrescar migraciones Rollback en migraciones (reversar una migracin) El parmetro --step El parmetro path El parmetro seed Schema Builder (explicacin) (texto) Creando las Migraciones para el ejercicio Cursos (video/texto) 15 Ajustando parametros namespace APP_NAME y APP_KEY (video/texto) 16 Creando Modelos (video/texto) Creando los modelos para ejercicio Cursos 17 Poblando las Tablas usando Seeder (video/texto) Concepto del Seeder Creacin de un seeder Ejecucin de un Seeder Creacin de los Seeder para ejercicio Cursos (video/texto) 18 Relacin en los modelos (video/texto) Concepto de modelos Modelo Uno a Uno (ejemplo y explicacin) Modelo Uno a Muchos (ejemplo y explicacin) Modelo Muchos a Muchos (ejemplo y explicacin) Creando modelos para ejercicio cursos (video/texto) 19 Poblando las Tablas usando Faker Factory (video/texto) Concepto Configurando el Faker Factory Creando un Faker Listado de Tipos de datos manejados por el Faker Poblando con Faker en Relacion uno a muchos Poblando con Faker en Relacion uno a uno Poblando con Faker en Relacion muchos a muchos Poblando con faker ejercicio cursos (video) 20 Configurando la cola del seeder en DatabaseSeeder (video/texto) 21 Usando el comando Tinker (texto)04 Manejo de plantillas Blade (vistas) 01 Conociendo las vistas (video/texto) Creando nuestra primera vista Llamado de las vista Creando una ruta para la vista Enviando un dato desde una vista Enviando dato con el mtodo with() Enviando dato con el comando compact() Subcarpetas en view Recibiendo datos desde la URL Valores opcionales en una URL 02 La carpeta public (video/texto) 03 Instalacin de una plantilla web (video/texto) Descarga, Instalacin y prueba Personalizacin de plantilla general del proyecto Instalando la Fuente FontAwesome Usando el helper @extends(),@section(), @yield() Usando @section() de bloque y @section() para lnea de datos Usando subcarpetas para almacenar las vistas Personalizando rea de alumnos Creacin del rea administracin (dashboard) Usar el helper url() , route() Usar el metodo de rutas resource y resources Usar el comando artisan route:list Manejo de varios niveles de subdirectorios en las vistas Usando el helper @csrf (evitar ataques en el form) Creando un controlador con el parmetro --resource 04 Manejo de Vistas con Blade el sistema de plantilla de Laravel (texto) Consideraciones para crear las plantillas Comando {{ }} Comando {{!! !!}} Comando {{-- !!}} Comando @{{ }} @verbatin @endverbatin @php @endphp @csrf @method() @for @endfor @foreach @endforeach @while @endwhile @break @continue @forelse @empty @endforelse @if @else @endif @switch() @case() @default @endswitch @isset @endisset @auth @endauth @guest @endguest @include() @extents() @section() @yield() 05 Manejando las rutas (Route) (texto) Ejemplo de Rutas Consideraciones en las rutas Metodo GET Metodo POST Metodo PUT Metodo DELETE Resource Resources View() Redirect() Name() php artisan route:list05 Controladores (texto /video) 01 Creando Controladores (texto/video) Controladores sin mtodos El parmetro -- resource El parmetro model El parmetro invokable Creando Controladores en Subcarpetas Creando Controladores desde los modelos Usando Recursos parciales de los controladores Creando controladores para el ejercicio curso06 Autentificacin01 Integrando El sistema de Autentificacin Laravel al Proyecto (video/texto)02 Integrando la Doble autentificacin (video / texto)07 Creacin de CRUDs 01 Que es el CRUD (texto) 02 Elaboracin de READ data (texto/video) Read para pgina principal (texto/video) Usando el controlador CursosController.php Usando Consulta de registros con ::all() Usando Consulta de registros con ::all()->where() Usando Consulta para id con ::find($id) Usando en view()->with(compact()) Usando @foreach @endif Usando @if @endif Usando Metodo first() Usando {{ asset() }} Usando {{ url() }} Read para Area alumnos (texto/video) Usando Auth::check() Usando Auth::user() Usando mtodo first() Usando paginate() Read para Area Administrador (texto/video) Usando count() Usando @if @else @endif Uso de paginate() y links() Uso de pivot 03 La Paginacin de tems (texto/video) Paginacin para la web principal (texto/video) Haciendo paginacin simple Paginacin para la web alumnos (texto/video) Haciendo paginacin simple Paginacin para la web Administracin (texto/video) Haciendo paginacin simple Haciendo doble paginacin 04 Formularios en Laravel (texto) @csrf @method() action() route() redirect() session() back() url() Metodos usados en el CRUD de Laravel y sus rutas Ejemplo de un CRUD 05 Subir archivos e Imgenes (texto) Ejemplo para subir un archivo 06 Validacin de variables sin contenido (texto/video) Usando el isset() Usando el empty() 07 Elaboracin de CREATE data (texto/video) Create Administrador (texto/video) Usando en ruta mtodo name() Usando Session::has() Session::get() $request->input() save() Session::flash() Redirect()->route() $request->session()->flash() Almacenar una imagen subida Usando is_null() Create Alumnos (texto/video) Haciendo una consulta desde una vista Asignado una variable de session desde una vista Usando return back(); Usando orderBy() para ordenar consulta Usando DB::table() Usando where() 08 Elaboracin de UPDATE data route::put Usando @method('PUT') Usando empty() 09 Elaboracin de DELETE data (video/texto) route::delete Mtodo delete() Usando confirm() @method('DELETE') Usando detach() @isset() @endisset()08 Validaciones 01 Validacin al Crear registros (video/texto) Usando Clase Validador: Tipos de validacin (required, alpha_num, min:, email, unique:, same:, max: $validator->fails() Usando: back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); Usando: $errors->has() Usando: old() Usando $errors->any() y $errors->all() 02 Manejo de los Middleware (texto) Creacin de un middleware Registrando el middleware Usando el middleware para todos los mtodos del controlador Usando el middleware para una ruta especifica Middleware para grupo de rutas Ejemplo Middleware de uso global Ejemplo Middleware para una ruta Ejemplo Middleware para grupo de rutas 03 Acceso de rutas por Autentificacin / Middleware Creando el Middleware Registrando el Middleware Asignando Middleware a la ruta Codigo del Middlware09 Importacin y Exportar Datos 05 Importar y Exportar en EXCEL (texto) Usando Maatwebsite ver 3.1 Instalacin Configuracin Creando archivo de prueba en Excel Creando Ejemplo de importacin / Exportacin 06 Importar y Exportar en CSV (texto) Creando archivo de prueba en CSV Creando Ejemplo de importacin / Exportacin10 Envos de Correo 01 Configurando el correo para enviar desde Gmail (texto) 02 Composicin de Correos (texto) Correo Texto Plano Correo con plantilla Email con mailables11 Extras 01 Usando JQUERY para Consultas Asincrnicas (texto) Ajax para Listar Ajax para Crear Ajax para Editar Ajax para borrar 02 idioma de la pgina (texto) Configuracin del idioma por defecto Verificar los recurso de idioma Creando subcarpetas para los idiomas Creando los archivos de traduccin El controlador y los idiomas Permanencia en la seleccin de un idioma Traduccin de palabras o frases cortas 03 Ejemplo de doble autentificacin (texto) 04 Usando captcha de laravel-google-captcha Instalacin del captcha ""buzz/laravel-google-captcha ~2.2"" Configuracin para uso local Visita de la pagina google para configuracin de llaves para uso en desarrollo. Creacin y ejecucin de una prueba captcha con un formulario 05. Instalando el Git 06. Pasos para subir el proyecto a repositorio Github 07. Pasos para instalar el proyecto Cursos desde repositorio Github12 Instalando Paquetes composer en Laravel Librera para convertir nmeros en letras"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Art for beginners" |
"You have always wished to be an artist, but don't know where to start. Start from the very beginning, guided by an experienced artist. Learn about the basics, such as the materials you need, the basic techniques - and then move on to more advanced methods. At all times, I will be available to advise and comment. You can interact with me and receive personal advice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SCAN: Wake up your inner trend watcher!" |
"Did you ever wonder how you can explore the future? Trend research is a powerful method to detect change at an early stage. It will help you to explore possible futures in the making. Insights in emerging trends provide a much needed kickstart for any innovation process.In this course you will focus on trend scanning: finding signs of change. The lectures will prepare you to master 'the art of looking sideways' and open up your way of looking at the world. During this course you will activate your senses to become more aware of your surroundings. You will learn where to look for signs of change and execute your own 'scan plan'.This course will also take you into the nitty gritty of scrutinizing all your trends spots and selecting the most relevant ones using the 'trend spot selection checklist'. Finally, you will also learn about ways to file the information and reflect on which system works best for you.Are you ready to open up and explore the future? Wake up your inner trend watcher today and enroll in this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Java for the Real World" |
"So you've just got your first Java development job out of school or you're an experienced developer using Java for the first time. You know how to write code, but do you understand the Java landscape, tools, and frameworks used in real world applications?This course bridges the gap between understanding Java the language and understanding the Java ecosystem. You will get an overview of the major tools and frameworks in use today from a Java professional with over 10 years of industry experience.After completing this course, you will have the knowledge to jump into your first application with confidence.Note: I have manually corrected 100% of the captions to help Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and English as a second language learners."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de LOGO para emprendedores muy fcil y rpido (ADOBE)" |
"Si eres emprendedor, con ste curso te ahorrars mucho dinero y dolores de cabeza. Disea tus propios logotipos, tarjetas de presentacin y hojas volantes como un profesional.He creado un curso rpido donde te comparto todos mis trucos de diseo que he aprendido en mi carrera como emprendedor, luego de aprender las herramientas y su aplicacin te obsequiar un Bonus de plantillas que podrs personalizar hasta conseguir el diseo que andabas buscando para tu negocio."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"200 Abnehmtipps" |
"Es werden 200 Abnehmtipps vorgestellt, von dem man sich die geeignetsten auswhlen kann. Meine gesammelten Erfahrungen habe ich in dem Kurs ""200 Abnehmtipps"" zusammengefasst. Das gute an sovielen Tipps ist, dass man sich einige davon aussuchen kann, die individuell geeignet sind zum Abnehmen. Ich selbst habe durch einige dieser Tipps 20 Kilo abgenommen und das beste, ich kann es auch nalten."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"GMAT Quant Basics by CrackVerbal" |
"We are CrackVerbal, India's fastest growing Edu-Tech company that focuses on helping people make smarter career choices.During this course you will understand the basics of GMAT algebra section and then few advanced methods to solve algebra questions easily.This course will also divulge in providing you with sure and tested methods on how to handle complex Algebra questions and score maximum on GMAT algebra."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Sonorizao em Igrejas" |
"Este curso direcionado para quem est iniciando e quer ajudar no ministrio de sonorizao em sua igreja, mas no possui conhecimento.Este curso fornece informaes suficiente para que a pessoa interessada possa manusear o som de sua igreja, mesmo sem formao tcnica.Entenda como voc poder ganhar novas almas para Jesus e ajudar a mant-las na igreja atravs do ministrio de sonorizao.Contedo do curso online:1- Apresentao2- Ministrio e FundamentosA importncia do trabalho de sonorizao de igrejasFundamentos do udioEquipamentos Bsicos (caminho do som)Cabos utilizados em sonorizaoConexes e interligaes entre equipamentos3- EquipamentosMicrofonesMesa de udioAlto-falantesCaixa Acstica4- QualidadeNvel AdequadoOs fatores que influenciam na sonoridadeMicrofoniaEliminao de RudosComo equalizar"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Tai Chi 5 Minutes a Day Beginners Course" |
"Have you tried Tai Chi and said it was too hard for you? That is because your body has never moved that way. In this course you start to learn simple Tai Chi movements that you can easily follow. Once you master these simple movements that are derived and based on the Tai Chi principle you will be ready to take a more advanced course because your body will know how to move. This course is based on my hugely successful Youtube Tai Chi 5 minutes a day course. What are getting extra is the option to download all the videos and the theory pdf files on important Tai Chi prinicples to deepen your understanding of the practice. You are meant to practice one video per week everyday even if it is short the regularity of practicing everyday is what makes the difference. Once you are finished this course you can keep practicing these videos or you can get in touch with me for more like these or more advanced Tai Chi courses."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Songwriting magic and craft" |
"Songwriting Magic will educate and inspire you. It will give you the skills to write better songs, songs unique to you. The time has come to write the songs you will always be proud of.Songwriting is a form of magic; as songwriter Chiara Berardelli says, 'the magic does not come from some mysterious outside force, the magic comes from you'.Learn the techniques used by professional songwriters, interviewed exclusively for this course. Including, Ivor Novello winner Boo Hewerdine, Duglas T Stewart (BMX Bandits - reputedly Kurt Cobain's favourite band), Michael Rooney (Primevals), Martha L Healy, Lizzie Reid, Chiara Berardelli, Carol Laula and more. You will learn to create song structure, melody, chords progressions, lyrics and song arrangement.You will learn how hit songs are written. Discover the system used by todays most successful songwriter; based on the science of attention.You will learn the techniques I discovered that helped me find 'my own voice' as a songwriter (from my 40 years experience writing over 400 songs). Learn to write the songs that only you can write.You will continue to learn by listening to my recommended list of Podcasts and mobile and tablet Apps.Learn how writings songs enabled me to travel the world, win awards, get played on the radio, write with Pop stars, Jazz singers and indie rock artists, have a number 1 (UK Americana, Reverb Nation) and release critically acclaimed albums. Learning to write songs has changed my life - it can change yours."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Agitadamente - Os primeiros passos rumo meditao" |
"Tenho certeza de que voc j se interessou pela meditao, mas por algum motivo nunca iniciou na prtica. E porqu?Por que d preguia em ler sobre esse tema, verdade! Por que existem milhares de tcnicas de meditao e no se sabe por onde e como comear! Este curso foi desenvolvido por algum que j foi do mundo corporativo, e que hoje atua como instrutor de Yoga e facilitador de meditao. Tem a sincera inteno em despertar, de forma prtica e criativa, a curiosidade pela meditao, mostrando que possvel e acessvel a todos. Vamos atravs de vdeos, prticas respiratrias simples, bom humor e criatividade conhecer seus benefcios e vantagem!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Satran A-Z (23+ Saat) Komple Set Trkiye ampiyonundan!" |
"Piyasada bulunan en kapsaml, gncel, akc ve elenceli satran eitimine ho geldiniz. Bu kurs 120.000 Abonesi bulunan Satran TV Youtube Kanal tarafndan hazrlanmtr.15 yldr profesyonel olarak satrancn ierisindeyim. Trkiye ampiyonluum ve Trk Milli Takmyla lkeyi temsilen gittiim satran olimpiyatlarnda kategorimde Dnya 2'nciliim, 100'lerce renciyle almann deneyimi ile sizi skmadan, keyif alarak satranc ve dnme aritmetiini reten kaliteli ierikler hazrladm.Bu eitimde, satrancn en batan ileriye nasl bir oyun olduunu, oynarken nelere dikkat etmemiz gerektiini, hamle ezberlemeden nasl yararl hamleleri hesaplayabileceimiz,, oyunu oynarken psikoloji, zaman ynetimini nasl yapmamz ve nasl karar vermemiz gerektiini inceleyeceiz. Tm videolarn en ince ayrntsna kadar grnt ve ses kalitesine dikkat edilerek hazrlandndan pheniz olmasn. Keyifli satran yolculuumuza balayalm."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Digital Design from Scratch" |
"VHDL is a powerful programming language for developing FPGAs, but is useless without an in-depth understanding of digital design. This course provides the student a comprehensive working knowledge of both of these in parallel. VHDL describes digital logic, and, as such, is an ideal vehicle for developing a deep understanding of the functional power available in modern FPGA devices."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sevillanas (Flamenco Sevillanas guitar)" |
"Flamenco Sevillanas Flamenco guitar flamenco"
Price: 800.00 ![]() |
"SEO para WordPress: de Cero a Ninja (Curso Definitivo)" |
"Este Curso de SEO orientado para WordPress vas a aprender las mejores prcticas para posicionar tu sitio web, marca o empresa frente a tus competidores, y es un curso que parte desde cero a avanzado. El Curso est estructurado en 6 mdulos acompaados de teora y practicas con ejemplos reales. Todos los ejemplos, son en vivo, y estn basados en sitios web reales y que tienen xito.Todo las estrategias de SEO que vas a aprender en este curso, estn basado en WordPress, as que si ya tienes conocimientos esenciales de este gestor de contenidos, tendrs mejores opciones para posicionar tu sitio web en Google.Aqu vas a desarrollar las siguientes capacidades:Estrategias para posicionar un sitio web en WordPress.Poner a prctica las mejores recomendaciones para Posicionar un sitio web.Copiar ejemplos reales de sitios web que se han posicionado.Crear una investigacin de palabras claves para aadir dentro de tu sitio web.Crear estrategias de promocin para llegar a ms personas.Durante este curso he especificado ejemplos reales con sitios web que funciona actualmente, y te ayudarn seguir las mejores practicas para posicionar tu sitio web. Cada tema tiene una teora y una prctica para que puedas fundamentar muy bien los temas que estn tratando cada leccin; as sern ms fciles de seguir las lecciones. Inscribete ahora y posiciona tu sitio web desde cero."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Moodle LMS Eitimi" |
"Moodle LMS sistemleri ile online kurslar yaratmanz ve uzaktan eitim sistemleri oluturmanza yardmc olacak bir eitim hazrlamaya altm sizler iin. Eitimin devam, sorularnz ile ekillenecek olup, Moodlea ait bir online ktphane oluturulacak ve her eyiyle bir moodle eitimi ortaya kacaktr. zellikle BTE rencileri iin hazrlanan bu kurs, online eitim sistemleri ile ilgilenen herkes iin faydal olacaktr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Biology is one of the most fascinating natural sciences, as it is the study of life. How more interesting can it be, to study a course which we are an active participant in. We shall be studying life from the most primitive entity(virus) that ever lived to the most advanced evolved life on earth. Every section as well as Lecture promises to be great.Expect to get:smarter versatile More confident ConvincedEquipped after each lectureLet the wonderful adventure begin...The Best is in you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Quality Assurance Starter Course" |
"This course will introduce the students to the Software Quality Assurance, Defect tracking, Project/Software development methodologies. Learn in-depth about applying Agile principles to the software development. Learn about Software Development Lice Cycle (SDLC) and Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). This covers the manual testing concepts. If you want to explore and learn more, I will be doing courses on test automation using UFT and Selenium soon."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"English for Greeks -" |
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Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Desenho Fundamental" |
"Ol, somos da Pictoria, uma escola online de desenho e queremos te apresentar nossso primeiro curso: Desenho Fundamental. Aqui voc aprender todas as tcnicas essencias para ter uma base slida de desenho. Assim, poder focar com muito mais confiana em mang, quadrinhos, ilustrao, games, arte clssica, moda, design de produto e at tatuagem. Chega de perder tempo aprendendo tcnicas soltas, sem lhe dar a base certa. Aqui voc aprender como as tcnicas fazem parte de um todo, como elas se relacionam e s assim, conseguir ter resultados concretos. Alm de um currculo muito bem estruturado, que respeita a lgica natural do desenho, temos um material didtico (caderno de exerccios) para que voc possa praticar bastante. Se no ficar satisfeito em at 30 dias, poder pedir seu dinheiro de volta. Isso para mostrar nosso compromisso que temos em lhe garantir um aprendizado de qualidade. Convidamos voc a experimentar o nosso curso, e garantimos que esses 30 dias vo passar voando!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to Design for Manufacturing in Engineering" |
"Uncover important inside industry knowledge and skills most graduate and junior engineers are missing when they enter the product engineering and design industry and discover how you can start to bridge those gaps.In this introductory course we will identify 3 key areas graduates and junior engineers can start to work on straight away to develop their product design skills and boost performance in your engineering departments"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Materiales avanzados para render realista" |
"Este curso esta dirigido a personas que tengan conocimiento en modelado 3D o que busquen ampliar su conocimiento en la aplicacin de materiales a sus modelos 3d, logrando interpretar materiales del mundo real al mundo 3D.Conocers trucos y tcnicas que te ayudarn a lograr un resultado realista en tus escenas 3D."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Intensivo de Planificacin Estratgica" |
"En este curso aprenders a mejorar tu organizacin y carrera recibiendo los conocimientos brindados por este curso, podrn analizar y resolver problemas de una forma eficiente. Para ello aprenders a manejar herramientas que te brindarn altos niveles de informacin y claridad a la hora de tomar decisiones. Ademas podras aprender a llevar el control y evaluacin de tus actividades para tener una retroalimentacin adecuada para el funcionamiento sustentable de tu organizacin."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Like a Madman" |
"How to Draw Like a Madmanis a coursewhere studentswill learn about, examine, and draw from the power of genius. If you are looking for a spark of genius or I dare say madness in your drawing, youve come to the right place. This course blends biography and practice of three of the most gifted and imaginative draftsmen in art history.Students will explore Gericault's incredible talent for rapidly capturing details, the oddities ofBosch's fiery imagination, and Goya's visual banquet of ghouls and ghastly sights. Each of these artists offer a tantalizing visualfeast of immense skill, with a side of madness."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Trading the Foreign Exchange Markets" |
"In this course you will be introduced to the world of Foreign Exchange(FX) trading. The course is designed for newcomers to the market as well as more experienced traders. I trade just price and do not use indicators. I run a specialist algorithmic trading company as well working in a bank and being called upon to provide my opinion on the FX market at seminars. This course will help you to understand what you need to be doing which is different from other traders in order to succeed in FX."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Negociao de Alta Performance: da teoria prtica" |
"Negociar uma atividade multidisciplinar presente nos mais variados contextos. Com prtica e bom senso, qualquer pessoa consegue ter razovel sucesso em situaes cotidianas. Em cenrios complexos, porm, a negociao pressupe o conhecimento e a aplicao de conceitos mais sofisticados. Dominar os fundamentos dessa prtica constitui uma importante vantagem em situaes de conflito e dissonncia. Neste curso, os participantes tero acesso a um conjunto de tpicos que, aplicados ao trabalho, permitiro um desenvolvimento consistente de suas habilidades negociais.As aulas vo direto ao ponto, traduzindo o que h de mais sofisticado no campo da negociao em uma linguagem acessvel e aplicvel. Ao todo, as 15 aulas do curso podem ser realizadas em menos de duas horas e certamente entregam uma enorme densidade de contedo com uso super eficiente do seu tempo."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Chat Bot for Slack" |
"Course DescriptionLearn the basic conceptsand functions that you will need to build slackbotwith the popular programming language node.jsBuild a strong foundation in slackbotwith this tutorial for beginners.Understanding of slack messaging platformBot programmingExtend Slack by building smart slackbotA Powerful Skill at Your FingertipsLearning the fundamentals of slackbot puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Slack and building slackbot is free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and is built in node.js.Jobs in bot development are plentiful, and being able to learn Slackbotwill give you a strong background.Conversation as a platform (CaaP) is becoming very popular. Alexa, Siri, IBMDeepBlue and Watson are some famous example of worldclass bots. Learning Slackbotwill help you become a bot developer which is in high demand.Big companies like AirBnB, Linked In, Raptor and Yoalready moved to Slackas their preferred messaging platform. Their employees claimed that using Slack helped them reduce email clutter by 48%.Content and OverviewThis course teaches you on how to build SlackBot using open source node.jsframework. Slackbot offersmodular way to extend slack messaging by building smart answers that respond to useful commands. You will work along with me step by step to build following answersA chart answer that would take data from user and respond with visualization of data.A github developer statistics answer that will display top contributor statistics for specified git repo.A team events answer that will display 10 upcoming events for the team.You will also learn how to use oAuth and experiement it with Google Calendar APIs.This course will teach you entire slackbotstep by step. By the end of this course you will be very comfortable in using slackbotto build powerful botapplications.What am I going to get from this course?Learn Slackbot programming from professional trainer from your own desk.Over 24lecturesteaching you React.jsprogrammingSuitable for beginner programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.Offers challenges to studentsto enable reinforcement of concepts. Also solutions are described to validate the challenges."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |