Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Ultimate Guide to Successful Forex Trading" |
"Learn everything you need to succeed in trading the financial markets! In this course I will provide you with very specific knowledge about forex trading... knowledge only a real trader can know.The course provides a lot of lucrative information about professional trading and includes half a dozen downloadable tools and material. I teach you how to analyze the markets, what to look for and how to enter trades the professional way, I take it always a step further by teaching you how to manage your risks and plenty of special information is provided which you cannot find anywhere else on the internet except in this specific udemy course!Everything that is presented in this course is usable in live trading environments, this is a no-nonsense course and every lesson holds specific information that you can apply to trade the markets. The course is done for general educational purposes and it can seriously assist you when trading the markets. This course is a MUST ATTEND for anyone who is serious about trading the markets with REAL money.This course is for you if...You want to trade the markets professionally You want to learn key trading skillsYou are serious about your financial future and goalsYou are ready to invest a few minutes a day to learn and improveThanks for considering this course and I can't wait to hear your feedback!Seize those pips!Dennis Popivoda"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende HTML5 & CSS desde Cero" |
"En este curso encontraras video tutoriales acerca de Diseo Web con HTML5 y CSS usando una metodologa de aprendizaje sistemtico. Cada video de principio a fin, contiene en su justa medida, los detalles que necesitas aprender para manejarte a nivel profesional en el area que desees, sin dejar cabos sueltos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Industry-based Google Adwords PPC Advertising Masterclass" |
"This comprises of *Basic + Advance + Industry-based* Training. Witness the Magic Of Classroom Training ONLINE. Promote any Business Online through Google's Ad Network. After this training, you will independently promote any business through -Search Ads, Display Banner Ads, YouTube Ads, App Campaigns, Shopping Ads,RemarketingDynamic Search AdsThis is 100% Industry-based Training with real Business examples. Learn from Mentor with 6+ Years of Industry Experience and 4+ Years of Training Experience. Compare the Syllabus covered by Academy 37 with the Course Syllabus offered by any Classroom Or Online Training."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"jQuery Course For Beginners" |
"This course is designed to help you get started and dive in deeper with jQuery, to add to your skill set and unlock new abilities with your web development! I've distilled years of experience with development into step-by-step instructions for you to follow and upgrade your front-end development knowledge to the next level! Feel free to ask any questions at any time., I will gladly help you out! The course also has a money-back guarantee so I will personally refund you if youre not satisfied with the skillset youve acquired in this course. Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:-The basics of console log-Variables-Effects Hiding and showing stuff -Click, alert, targeting- DOM manipulation (Remove, Change text, Get text, Change HTML, Prepend Append, Add: Remove Class Writing, CSS Directly, Grab Values From Inputs, Input Text To Page, Input Copy To Another Copy-jQuery Traversing (Next, Prev, Find, Parent, Each, Each Gotcha -- What Happens If We Target Directly Instead Of Each)-Timing Events (Set interval, Set Timeout)- And some more advance stuffSo? What are you waiting for? Click to join the course and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"FOREX - The Only Way You Ever Need To Trade + Live Support" |
"Get Enrolled NOWATDISCOUNTEDPRICE!!!LIVESUPPORTWILLBEGIVEN.We will aim to upload more content to create a never ending course to learn from.Sections to come:New to trading sectionFull price action master classNews TradingCandle master class+ Much More.Improving course for new and advancedtradersCourse DescriptionYou have arrived at this course becauseyou need thatextra help with your trading?Or maybe youre a new trader and looking for thenext level?On this journey Iwill explain in great detail how to use new chartingsetups, and instructions on how to createa template. Also il be showing you the in's and out's of using profitable systems,these will be appliedto any market condition.Im here because Im the creator of thiscourseon Udemyand I love to share my secrets with you.Welcome to this trading courseI've written this course for the traderthat has experience but wants a little more i.e. a system thats easy and really works for them.Live support will be given.I will be adding new content all the time to this course so you guys will always have something new to learn.From new to pro in only a few weeks of practiseIt can take a lifetime to be a master at anything this short course is aimed at cutting down the rubbish and giving you everything you need straight away.Dont be the one to get left behindIf you are having problems with anything live support will be given.Ready to rewrite your career and make that second income lets go.Youll get access to every part of this series and all new material..Right now your learn how to.Have the complete knowledge on using a outsourced charting provider for charts and setting up templates.Learn a simple and profitable system to use on any time frame or currency.Learn how to manage risk with a template.What else will you get?A friendly, informal community of tradersto support you every step of your learningPersonal contact and support from me - ""Stephen""PDF& templateLifetime access to course materialsA deep understanding Of how this system worksWhat are the requirements?a little pre-knowledge is required and the will to succeed- Just know howto place a trade on a broker.New tradersIcan send you all the details of any broker your looking at,help you set this up and show you how to place your first trade.A PC or Mac is requiredInternet connectionWhat am I going to get from this course?Knowledge of a systemHow to use trading chartsRisk management planUnlimited supportNew content when addedFull detailsWho is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn to tradeAnyone who wants to generate new second incomeAnyone who wants to have a career and better lifestyleAnyone who wants to become financially freeAnyone who wants to start their own business from the comfort of there locationLooking forward to helping you on your journey.""STEPHEN"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Jewellery Design in Rhino: Intermediate level" |
"In this course, you will learn how to design jewellery by using CAD software ( Rhino 3D ). This course covers the skills needed to become a CAD designer. The projects help you convert sketches to 3d models and bring them to the real world by using 3D printers and casting. Activities in this training allow you to practise the materials. These are the skills that are possible to influence possible employers and clients.Here you will learn intermediate and advance modelling tools. So, if you do not have jewellery background or CAD modelling, we suggest you watch the fundamental modelling jewellery in rhino course published on Udemy by Hamed Arab."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Oil Painting For Beginners - Learn Underpainting Techniques" |
"Do you struggle on starting an oil painting in a way that will end in a satisfying result?Join artist and instructor Waltteri Reunamo for an inspiring 43-minute-class on learning how to do an foundational underpainting and drawing for your oil paintings. Doing an solid underpainting is one of the best ways for you to learn how to paint values for any genre of painting and ensures the success for applying color on top of it in later stages. The approach of drawing and applying underpainting has been used through history all around the world by all types of painters with different skill levels, from beginners to professionals. I have included demo's for both underdrawing and underpainting with commentaries! See how I first do a preliminary drawing, fix it on the canvas and then paint the underpainting on top of the drawing. Join in now and learn the Art Of Underpainting!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso Edio de Vdeo para EAD com Camtasia Studio 9" |
"Se capacite para o mercado profissional que mais cresce na rede mundial de computadores, seja por oportunidades profissionais ou iniciativa empreendedora, este curso ser um diferencial na vida de muitos profissionais.Voc poder ganhar uma boa renda extra e em muitos casos essa poder vir a ser sua atividade principal e um diferencial na sua qualidade de vida pela renda que poder ganhar.Desenvolvemos treinamentos sobre o Camtasia Studio desde sua verso 9.Os conhecimentos das verses anteriores so bem proveitosos nas verses mais atuais, algumas novidades visam otimizar o trabalho do editor, mas com certeza o Camtasia Studio um pr requisito para quem deseja trabalhar com educao a distncia ou comrcio do conhecimento de qualquer forma.Abordamos de forma objetiva cada tpico sem nos estendermos mais do que preciso para otimizar o tempo de aprendizado do aluno, tornando o estudo bem objetivo e o aprendizado mais agradvel.Com certeza o diferencial sobre a experincia em educao a distncia que adquiri desenvolvendo vdeos para o segmento ao longo de mais de 9 anos no segmento so um diferencial prtico para o aluno que adquirir esse curso, alm de que o professor Andr Rossiter muito atencioso com os alunos, um diferencial no Udemy ou qualquer treinamento online.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Capacitao em Tecnologia para Empreendedores. 5 Cursos em 1" |
"Voc ir aprender a fazer ilustraes (Adobe Illustrator)para divulgar os seus cursos, tambm ser abordado a produo de udio livros ou edio de udio com audacity, voc ir aprender a trabalhar com edio de vdeo (Adobe Premiere)para produzir os seus cursos, no poderamos deixar de abordar a produo de ebooks com o adobe indesign para que o professor ou info produtor faa ebooks para vender ou implementar os seus cursos.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word Time Saving Tips To Boost Your Productivity" |
"Don't Just Use Word, Learn Tips & Tricks of the World's Most Popular Word Processing Application to Use Word Well!FAQs:Iknow how to type. Why would Ispend time learning Microsoft Word? This course is designed, not to make you a better typist, but to help you become a better Microsoft Word user. To work faster, with less stress, and better results.But all Ido is type, how will this course help me? Just by learning a handful of keyboard shortcuts, and tricks of the mouse,you can cut the time it takes to type your document. Also, you might find a few dozen lectures that you never knew you needed to know.With today's changing business environment, it's always better to know more than less.I have been using Microsoft Word for a long time. What could Ipossibly learn? When Itrain courses to a live group, at least twice an hour Ihear, ""Oh, I've been doing it the long way this whole time."", or ""I didn't know you could do that."".Will that be your experience?Ido not know, but take a look at the course lectures to see what topics are covered. You also have 30 days to see if the course is right for you.Can I use this course with my version of Microsoft Word? As long as it is not Microsoft Word 2003 or earlier, yes.Just note that this course was created on a PCusing Microsoft Word 2016.SKILLSYOUWILLGAIN:By the end of this course you will be able to quickly make selections in your document by using both keyboard shortcuts and the mouse.Working with long documents? Learn how to NAVIGATE QUICKLY, how to CREATE A TABLE OF CONTENTS in 4 seconds or less, and the wonders of the NAVIGATION PANE. You will learn time saving tips on FORMATTING, and you will see how to CREATE, MODIFY, AND RESTRICT THE USE OF STYLES in your Microsoft Word documents. You'll learn some tricks with TABLES and LISTS. How to CREATE FILLABLE USER FORMS. How to CUSTOMIZE WORDS USER INTERFACE, and CREATE YOUR OWN KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS, and a few other tips and tricks that will boost your productivity. WHATYOUCANDO:Become a better Microsoft Word user, and enroll today. With Udemy's 30-day guarantee, you have nothing to lose and only new Word skills to gain."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Mastering the OPI-c & ESPA - English Speaking Exams" |
"This Mastering Oral Proficiency Interview Computer (OPI-c) Course prepares participants for the 40 minutes, 15 question speaking exam. It focuses on the skills and techniques required to test participants conversational ability by helping them to respond in a cohesive and coherent manner. This course covers the Self Introduction, Describing People, Describing Place and many survey topics.The materials covered will provide test takers with all the necessary strategies, tactics, phrases and vocabularies to achieve a significantly high score in the OPI-c exam. All the material in this course is written by an experience English as a Second Language OPI-c instructor with very high success rate. This course can also be taken by SPA(Speaking Proficiency Assessment), IELTS and TOEIC test takers who are preparing for the speaking and listening exams. WHAT YOU GET FROM THIS COURSE?Over 4 hours of contentPractice Tests with answersSample questions with answersVocabulary buildingPhrases to assist with answers"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maya - Modeling Lowpoly Cartoon Fishinag House" |
"Learn how to make low poly Fishing House in MayaOne of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.You will get fulllifetimeaccess to this course for a single one off fee.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 150 Mobile Games with more than 25,000,000 downloads in iOSand Google Play.I run a company called SevenBulls Games, so I am actively in the field building games.I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroom.Who is this class for?People who want to improve their skills in Maya.This courseis NOT for complete beginners.People who are interested in Game Development for Mobile Devices.I promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society.Special Credits to Stephan's Sketchbook: Strange Water Home for concept art."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Der Weg zum Erfolg - Wie Sie Ihre Bestimmung finden?" |
"Kennen Sie die Snooze-Taste ?Das ist dieTaste, die Sie jeden Morgen bettigen. Die Ihnen 5,10 vielleicht sogar 15 min lnger den Schlaf gewhrt.Diese Taste fhlt sich gut an, weiter liegen zubleiben fhlt sich gut an, doch warum?Warum knnen wir ""dieses Gefhl"" nicht vom Leben kriegen?Dieser Kurs beinhaltet Fragen wie z. B.:~Wie schaffe ich, meine Bestimmung zu finden?~Was erwarte ich vom Leben eigentlich?~Welche Dinge machen mich in Wirklichkeit glcklich?& ~Wie schaffe ich es meinenTraum zu leben ?Diese Reise beinhaltet Strategien und Methoden zu Realisierung Ihrer Trume.Wir werden uns mit essenziellen Fragestellungen der Selbstverwirklichung beschftigen. ~Mein Leben ist endlich, doch das Leben an sich nicht, ich bin hier um etwas""von wirklichem Wert""auf dieser Erde zu hinterlassen.~~Adam J. Jackson Die ersten 10 Teilnehmer erhalten mit dem Code ""JAXINARTS"" kostenlosen Zugang."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Beer and Beer Tasting" |
"Craft beer is everywhere nowadays. Do you wanna know more about it but don't know where to start? This course is here for you!We'll take a look at the following topics surrounding beer and craft beer:Beer definedBeer ingredients and what role they playThe Beer production process, with an explanation of its 10 different phasesHistory of beer, from the very beginning to these last few yearsBeer styles, with a macro-categorization and a few examplesAn overview of how beer tasting works and some tips on how you can start playing with it and improving at itLastly, a real beer tasting, to put everything in practiceWhat do you get with the course?Lifetime access. No limits.iPhone, iPad, and Android accessibilityCertificate of CompletionSlides from the course lectures in pdf format and a few useful linksCourse transcriptsMy personal email for any beer questions you may have, or also to share recommendations you have for adding content to the courseWhy should you take this course?It's fun, as beer is!To be more confident when drinking beer at your favorite pub/brewery/taproomSo you'll enjoy your beers even more, with more complete drinking experiencesTo move your first steps in the craft beer world, eventually becoming a beer geek (you may need to grow a beard)How is the course structured?Informative video lectures in the form of powerpoint slides with voiceoverIt's structured to be informative, light and fun. Even more so with a good beer. Cheers!Lastly, a couple of special thanks to all the main resources that helped me learn so much about beer, I think you can find them helpful too!Brewing Bad, my favorite Italian blog on homebrewingRandy Mosher's books, sooo good and beautifulThe Beer Bible book, by Jeff AlworthUnionbirrai, the Italian Craft Beer association with which I started my tasting coursesThe Good Beer Society, another Italian association with which I completed my courses and started teachingThe BJCP organizationMoBI, Movimento Birrario Italiano, for working so hard to spread BJCP in Italy and helping homebrewers and craft beer grow in our countryall the great and helpful people you can find in our wonderful world of craft beer"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Start a Business Recycling Vintage Furnishings" |
"My Making Money Recycling Vintage Furniture Course covers all aspects from searching for the furnishings you want to enhance for the open market, right through to presenting the item for sale & marketing it, followed by a detailed description including videos, links, documents, images & ongoing support, on how to build up a successful recurring client base Vintage Recycling business. The materials included are videos, tutorials, images & lessons, on every detail needed from start to finish. You will know all you need to know once you have finished the course to successfully start your own hobby or business. It is entirely up to you how long it takes to complete this course - it could be tried & finished in a matter of a week or you may want to take longer; once again this is a personal choice. The Layout of this course is extensively detailed, equipped with video tutorials, images & written information, including links to sites of 'descriptive know how', with everything you will need to successfully start producing Recycled Vintage Furniture for a Living. This course is fun, full of detail, easy to understand & follow, & full of important knowledge, that you may not otherwise personally be aware of, to successfully produce recycled Vintage Furniture."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Etsy 101: How to Create and Sell SVG Cutting Files on Etsy" |
"Learn How To Create SVG Cut FilesStart an SVG Cutting File Business TodayCourse Summary:In my course How to start an SVG Cutting File Business, I will be taking you step-by-step through the process of setting up your brand new Etsy shop, from your products to your about page and everything in between. You will learn through easy to follow tutorials that will teach you how to use the recommended software, determining your pricing, keywords and Etsy SEO, as well as marketing your business once it's all set up.You've waited long enough to turn your small business dream into a reality. Don't waste any more time doing endless research into finding the best items to sell on Etsy. I've been there and I'll show you exactly how to create a beautiful Etsy shop that you will be proud of.Learn Everything You Need to Know About Selling SVG :Have you ever wondered how SVG Cutting files are created?Have you ever wanted to know exactly how they're supposed to be used?This course teaches you how to master the creation processYou will also learn how to about the best software to use, and the best practices of creationYou will also have the opportunity to develop passive income on Etsy and beyond!In this course, you will learn:The Basics of SVG Cut Files CreationThe best Softwares to use (at no extra cost)How to set up an Etsy ShopHow to analyze the SVG Cutting Files Market on EtsyHow to identify competitors on EtsyHow to measure and monitor your shop's progressHow to utilize social media to grow your Etsy BusinessPurchasing gets you lifetime access to the content and unlimited support.Who should take this course?Anyone interested in SVG Cutting Files and/or stationary productionsAnyone interested selling on Etsy without physically shipping products to their customersAnyone interested in learning a new skillAnyone interested in selling digital products on EtsyAnyone interested in creating a stream of passive incomeAnyone looking to start a new business on EtsyWhat are you going to get from this course?You will learn the complete the process of creating your SVG Cutting Files from start to finishYou will learn how to identify some of the top sellers in the SVG Cut Files MarketYou will learn how to position your shop and your SVG Shop for successYou will learn how to set up your Etsy shopYou will receive a kit with tools, resources and templates to help you get startedStudent reviews: I really needed this course. It's worth the money! Trissha, you're so inspiring! Dina E.Very simple instructions. I've managed to get 34 sales in my first week! Great course! Rita H.Good course. I appreciate the fact that everything is so easy to comprehend Rick F.Are You Ready to Get Started? Register Today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wondershare Filmora Masterclass A Complete Guide to Filmora" |
"Wondershare Filmora Masterclass 2019 A Complete Guide to Video Editing Software Wondershare Filmora If you're looking for some simplest-to-use but powerful video editing tools, Wondershare Filmora Video Editor should be the first choice! This course is a course of complete video editingwithWondershare Filmora.It will take you from the very beginning to Professional video editor.Open Wondershare Filmoravideo editing softwareand learnthe various panel windows to editclips together, creatingtitles, audio work, color correction advance video editing technique,exporting and much more!I personally use Wondershare Filmora for my video editing because it is easy & fast with user friendly interface. There is no complexity like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro & Adobe After Effects software. Why would you need this? Wondershare Filmora is a really Amazing and user friendly video editingsoftware. You will able to create YouTube Into, Lower Thirds easily using filmora video editing pre-made tools, Motion Graphics & templates. I will talk about everything you need to know in order for you to make your video unique. Express Your Creativity To The Next Level. Deliver Your Message with a BANG! Create Professional High Quality Video Presentations. Make Fantastic Videos for School, Home, Work, Sales, Office , Shows Suitable For All Industries!Thanks for your interest in this course, hope youre as excited to get started.Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Race, Rebellion, and Revolution in the Caribbean" |
"Although Caribbean history is often neglected in security studies/international relations, the rebellions that transpired here have profoundly shaped our world. This course explores the racial, economic, and political underpinnings of revolutions in the Caribbean. You will learn: -What makes rebellions successful-What makes rebellions fail-Challenges to Eurocentric historical perspectives -Historical trends that are applicable to making predictions on modern governments"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Intro to International Relations" |
"This course closely mirrors the Intro to International Relations class that Itook at the University of Texas. This course has many references to outside readings. Imy lecture videos refer to these outside readings, so your experience will be greatly enhanced if you have read the material. Ido supplement my course with downloadable articles, which are especially useful for people unable to attain the readings. The books referenced in the readings are:Oliver Stuenkel, Post Western World (Polity, 2016).Gibert Rist, The History of Development (Zed Books, 4th ed., 2014).J.R. McNeill and Peter Engelke, The Great Acceleration (Belknap, 2014). Jack Lule, Globalization and Media (Rowman and Littlefield, 2nd ed., 2015)."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Consumption in Latin America" |
"This course explores how consumption patterns in Latin America have been influenced by regime change, inflation, and cultural transformations. While the focus of this course is Latin America, many of the readings cover concepts that are applicable to economics more generally. We will discuss theories of consumption (conspicuous consumption, ethics-oriented consumption, gift-giving, etc) and their real world applications."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Colonial Latin America" |
"This course covers the development of Latin America from a variety of perspectives. We start in Spain, shortly after the end of the Spanish Inquisition. Then, our journey moves across the Atlantic, to explore the evolution of caste, social order, and labor systems in Latin America. Finally, we observe the making of rebellion, and the colonies' road to independence. Whether you are a student at the University of Texas (this class is made to mirror Colonial Latin America at UT Austin) or simply interested in how Latin America came to be as it is, Ihope that you take the time to explore the material in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intro to International Security" |
"If you are an aspiring government leader, analyst, or military leader, then this class is for you. In this course, you will review a wide breadth of academic articles, and develop the analytical skills necessary to perform meaningful and accurate governmental analysis. Come prepared to read! The material is dense, and not for the light of heart. Yet, if you are willing to dedicate the time and energy that the material deserves, you will grow as a critical thinker and as an analyst."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Social Psychology" |
"Welcome to the course! This class was designed to mirror PSY319 from the University of Texas at Austin. I follow the syllabus, and refer to the book that was used for this course. The videos and lecture notes help to offset the effects of not having the book, but you will receive the maximum benefit if you do purchase the book. In this course, you can expect to cover topics such as > How your relationship with your mother affects your romantic relationships > The psychology of prejudice > Self-handicapping> Cognitive DissonanceAnd so much more!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Foundations of International Relations" |
"This course covers a variety of topics in international relations, including: > Theories of Immigration > The Impact of Foreign Aid> Why States Comply to International Agreements And so much more! This class assumes a basic level of understanding about international relations. It is modeled after the second sequence international relations course at the University of Texas at Austin, therefore, I strongly suggest that you take ""Intro to International Relations"" before taking this course. The course is very reading intensive, and demands a great deal of critical analysis. Due to the nature of international relations, there are no clear and quick answers to the problems that will arise in the material. Even as our ideas develop and mature, new interpretations of history, liberty, and justice arise with every generation. With that, Ihope that you decide to further your education by partaking in this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Trading con Ondas de Elliott" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de Trading con Ondas de Elliott En este curso aprendern la famosa Teora de Ondas Elliott y su aplicacin a la prctica para invertir como un Trader profesional Explicaremos los conceptos tericos fundamentales y cmo llevar dichos conceptos a la realidad para obtener beneficios en los Mercados financieros. Invierte en Acciones, Forex, Criptomonedas y Futuros entre otros activos financieros. Qu tiene de especial este curso?Este no es un curso tradicional, aqu aprendern una ESTRATEGIA DE TRADING AVANZADA y sumamente poderosa. La estrategia se basa en operar los movimientos de mayor probabilidad de xito basndonos en las estadsticas.Material exclusivo!!!!Qu son las Ondas de Elliott?La teora de las Ondas de Elliott fue descubierta en 1920 por Ralph Nelson Elliott. l descubri que los mercados financieros no se comportan de manera catica, sino que se mueven en ciclos repetitivos que reflejan las acciones y emociones de los seres humanos. En otras palabras, Ralph Nelson Elliott descubri que el comportamiento de los mercados no es aleatorio, sino que sigue un patrn determinado, que se repiten una y otra vez.Adems... Acceso ilimitado al curso de por vida Pregunta todas tus dudas al Instructor 30 das de garanta con devolucin del 100% del dinero[nete a la comunidad #AFT junto a +4,000 alumnos]Listo para comenzar?TE ESPERAMOS!Academy for Traders"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Install WordPress On Google Cloud" |
"Create a Free Account on Google Cloud PlatformIn this section we will learn to configure a free Google Cloud Platform accountInstalling WordPress on Google Compute Engine using Google Click to deployIn this section you will learn to Install WordPress on Google Compute Engine using WordPress Google Click to deployCreate External IP Address for WordPress InstallationIn this section we will learn to configure a an External IP Address for your WordPress InstallationCreating DNS - Domain Name Servers in Google Cloud PlatformConnecting Google Cloud DNS with Domain Name Registrar's DNSConnecting WordPress Installation with our Domain NameUploading, downloading, cloning and migrating WordPressWordPress Issues solved & Finalizing InstallationRestoring old WordPressSolving issue ""File not found""Provide permissions to WordPressUpdate DatabaseChange WP Admin credentials using PHPmyadminRegenerating HtaccessHow To Install WordPress On Google CloudHow to earn some $$$ Using What you learned in this Course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Language Hacking: How to Learn a New Language as an Adult" |
"This Course teaches you how to go about Learning Languages as an adult. You will learn how to find your purpose for learning a language, how to use this as motivation, how to maintain your drive, and how to identify what to learn, what to concentrate on, and how to measure your achievements and points to be improved upon. In short, everything you need for learning any new language!Learn a New Language at Any Age!One of the biggest fallacies in language learning today is the idea that only young kids can learn new languages, and that, once you've reached a certain age, you shouldn't even bother learning a new language. Unfortunately, many of us believe this because we've observed this first hand. We learned a language when we were young, or we know someone who grew up with more than one language, but when we try to learn a new language as adults, it seems to be a never-ending process with no improvement. This Course demonstrates A) why this fallacy is incorrect and B) how you can learn a new language at any age!""If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.""- Nelson MandelaContent OverviewThis course is structured to serve as reference material, as well as a guide for your specific language learning journey, no matter what your native tongue or your source language may be. As such, the material is created to be as actionable as possible. It starts with the basics, delving deeper and deeper into what it means to learn your new language. After this you will find other notes, things to keep in mind, and also many Tips and Tricks!At the very end, you will find a downloadable Template you can fill out in order to create your own schedule for your Language Learning Journey. The very last lesson will walk you through this Template. Learning another language is like becoming another person. Haruki MurakamiSee what other students have had to say:""it puts my challenges to learning a new language in the proper perspective"" - Cory Hartz"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sudhir's Guitar KickStarter" |
"By the End of this Course you will be able to Play Many Songs, also Learn New Songs Yourself. You will be able to start entertaining yourself, and your friends and family. You will learn the Indian Notes Nomenclature. Western Chords. Western Notations. You will also learn some songs, which I will keep adding to the list as I keep recording them.Get Started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Os Segredos do Forex para Iniciantes da Teoria a Prtica" |
"Esse pequeno curso completo para aqueles que querem conhecer o melhor e maior mercado do mundo, o Mercado Forex, que trabalha com transaes de moedas 24 horas pro dia todos os dias da semana, sem fechar.Um mercado que movimenta trilhes de dlares por dia, onde investidores como Warren Buffet e George Soros so gurus.Aprenda a abrir uma conta numa corretora internacional, criar um conta treinamento com dinheiro virtual para testar estratgias e robs automticos sem a necessidade de gastar nada com isso.Um curso composto de 4 Mdulos e mais alguns extras para entender como voc pode trabalhar em casa e viver de mercado forex e outros pelo resto da sua vida."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como Emagrecer e Nunca Mais Engordar" |
"Este curso pra quem quer emagrecer de forma consciente de dentro pra fora e ter resultados vitalcios, este curso quebra o padro que existe no mundo de trabalhar o exterior primeiro, aqui ns vamos trabalhar o interior primeiro e depois o exterior de forma correta, e vamos fazer isso atravs de 3 mdulos:1 - Mente Magra - Neste mdulo voc ir trabalhar tcnicas avanadas de coaching de emagrecimento que vo te ajudar a acessar seu subconsciente e reprogramar sua mente para uma mente magra.2 - Produtividade - Neste mdulo voc ir trabalhar a gesto de tempo, ir perceber que tem tempo de sobra e tambm vai otimizar seu tempo no para treinar como tambm para aproveitar a vida.3 - Alimentao - Neste mdulo voc vai aprender muita coisa, vai ver como funciona a industria do emagrecimento, qual o verdadeiro segredo do emagrecimento, vai aprender sobre macro protenas e tambm sobre jejum Intermitente e muito mais."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |