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"Conceitos sobre Active Directory" |
"Curso sobre Conceitos do Active Directory, considerado pr-requisito para analistas e administradores que gerenciam ambientes Microsoft. Esse treinamento traz um contedo rico de informaes que agregar muito no seu dia-a-dia e no seu desenvolvimento profissional. Falo sobre os conceitos, estrutura do active directory (fsica e lgica), dns, protocolos e portas, ferramentas de gerenciamento, banco de dados e log, FSMOs, etc.Costumo dizer que o conceito a base de tudo para que voc possa trabalhar e administrar qualquer tecnologia ou produto. Excelente guia de orientao para pessoas com qualquer nvel de conhecimento, seja iniciante at mesmo os mais seniors.Durante o treinamento eu fao demonstraes daquilo que eu abordei e discuti. Essa demonstrao realizada em servidor com Windows Server 2012 R2.Segue abaixo os tpicos que so abordados de maneira detalhada e clara neste treinamento:Tpico 1: Conceitos do Active DirectoryTpico 2: Estrutura do Active DirectoryTpico 3: Estrutura lgica do Active DirectoryTpico 4: Estrutura fsica do Active DirectoryTpico 5: Operaes Mestres do Active Directory (FSMO)Tpico 6: Global CatalogTpico 7: Banco de dados e Logs do Active DirectoryTpico 8: Administrao de objetos no Active DirectoryTpico 9: Protocolos e Portas utilizados no Active DirectoryTpico 10: DNS (conceito, tipos de registros e zonas, etc.) e Concluso.Desde j agradeo e espero que gostem."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Symantec Sponsored Kinsley & Munge - IPv4" |
"Learning through entertainment being rewarded for your educational efforts to achieve. Be the first to correctly answer the different IPv4 Kinsley and Munge Bit Butts questions and win $25 or more. Added bonuses in contests. (Please disregard Kinsley's mom's messages at the bottom of the chalk board in the Bit Butt contests- she wouldn't let us erase them). ***** How well do you know IPv4 address allocation/translation? Smart enough to solve the NEW Symantec sponsored Kinsley and Munge Lecture on IPv4 challenge. Four contests weekly shown below where learning through entertainment being rewarded for your educational efforts to achieve (prize money will increment weekly for unsolved IPv4 challenges). Sign up and see if you can outsmart Kinsley and Munge's IPv4 Bit Butt challenges. Lecture 0111(7): Kinsley and Munge's - IPv4 Bit Butt's Who Am I? ($25 Gift card of Choice) ***NEW CHALLENGE COMING SOONLecture 1000(8): Kinsley and Munge's - IPv4 Bit Butt's Blitz Round. ($25 Gift card of Choice) ***NEW CHALLENGE COMING SOONLecture 1001(9): Kinsley and Munge's - IPv4 Bit Butt's Where Do We Belong? ($25 Gift card of Choice) ***NEW CHALLENGE SOONLecture 1010(10): Kinsley and Munge's - IPv4 Bit Butt's Grab Bag. ($25 Gift Card of Choice) ****NEW CHALLENGE SOONChallenge awards fluctuate from $25 - based on time windows set by Kinsley- so keep an eye out (When you see FLASH by challenge above)RULES:1. The amount of the Bit Butt achievement award will vary from $25 and up.2. The window when that Bit Butt challenge will vary in time intermittently from a few hours to days. The correct answer must be submitted within that OPEN window time frame. Please keep an eye out.***Kinsley will be deciding on amount along with windows of opportunities to send in the answer (he threw a temper tantrum so we let him). Usually his generosity is determined from such factors as difficulty in solving the challenges along with mother issues that he still has.PROMO CODES AVAILABLE********MORE Kinsley and Munge's genius (Kinsley told us to write that) contests coming soon. Sign up and be the first to be notified to get the jump on the rest of the field to claim your prize.Congratulations from the Symantec Team. Past winners of Kinsley and Munge Contests :JoJo Maxson received a $100 Amazon gift cardShannell Meek received a $100 Amazon gift cardNabeel Imran received a $100 Direct Pay XoomAlan Arnold received $100 Amazon gift card (5x)Robert Carson $50 Amazon gift card (3x)Alan Arnold $35 Amazon gift card (2x)Alan Arnold $25 Amazon gift card (4x)Paula S. received $25 Amazon gift card (2x)Rajashree received $25 Amazon gift card (2x)Francheska Brooks received a $25 Amazon gift card (2x)Joseph Cox received a $25 Amazon gift cardAniketh Preeth Narayan receive a $25 PayPal(#x) denotes number of winsWinner can select to receive their reward from the choices listed below:Gift Cards- From any retail outletDirect Pay- PayPal/XoomIPv4 Who Bit Butt's Who Am I Contest (Win $25 or more) In this example we have a binary address where underneath we will give a few hints to solve. You will need to guess the correct ipv4 address in numeric format based on those clues. The first person to translate the correct IPv4 subnet address translating to numeric that matches where that lost host ip address belongs and sends to us in Q&A wins. Good Luck!Example: IPv4 00001010.00000101.00000000.00000000 (translate to numeric) Hint 1: The bit kept nagging us so we finally made him a gateway for that subnet block of /24Answer: (first correct answer wins $25 or more) IPv4 Bit Butt's Blitz Round Contest (Win $25 or more)In this example we have a list of binary along with ipv4 numeric addresses where the first person to translate all the addresses correctly and send it to us in Q&A wins. Good Luck!Example: IPv4 to binary)IPv4 00001010.00000101.00000000.00000011 (translate to numeric)Answer : 00001010.00000101.00000010.00000001 and sent to us in Q&A (first wins $25 or more)IPv4 Bit Butt's Where Do We Belong Contest (Win $25 or more)Left side of the board contains the host ipv4 address in numeric IPv4 and on the right side are ipv4 subnet address blocks that are in binary. The first person to translate the correct subnet address to numeric that matches where that lost host ip address belongs and sends to us in Q&A wins. Good Luck!IPv4 Bit Butt's Grab Bag Contest (Win $25 or more)This contest is a mix taken from the other previous 3 bit butt contests as shown above. The first person to correctly answer and send to us in Q&A wins. Good luck!Contest Rules: Send your answer in the Q&A section to us. Win $25 or more for being the first person to correctly submit the correct answer to any of the Bit Butt's contest in Q&A. Funds will be added every week to a contest if there is still no winner. Each round will consist of 4 contests with one student as a winner per each contest giving 4 different students an opportunity to win each round. Additional awards will be given to the student with the fastest average time submitting the correct answer as well as the student who has answered the most contests correctly. Udemy/VI/Symantec are not responsible for lost or undelivered entries submitted in Q&A. Persons within the fore mentioned organizations, relatives, and vendors are excluded from entering the contest. Remember, only Norton can prevent Cyber Viruses!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete RPA course for RPA Business Analysts" |
"Robotic process automation is said to be the newest gold rush. If your company has started investing in robotic process automation technology this is great news. But if not, you're employer may already be a fair way behind many of your competitors - which means your company is dying. If youre in a company that isnt very far down the RPA road, this most definitely presents an excellent opportunity to you!We'll look at:What is RPA and it's benefitsWhat are the Myths and ChallengesHow to identify, assess and prioritise RPA opportunitiesHow to map and measure the process, and analyse the data to estimate ROIStreamlining the process with Lean tools and techniquesThe correct governance process and documentsBuild an automation roadmapSide-by-side comparison on the top vendors (UiPath, Blue Prism and Automation Anywhere)The role of an RPAbusiness analyst (including 2 case studies)How to test the botHow to use your RIA(RPA identification and assessment)data packAfter you've finished it will be time to update your CV and start using your RIA toolkit !The goal of this course is to teach you how to set up an RPA team, identify and assess opportunities, implement bots and become a superstar in your company! Alternatively when you complete this course, you'll have so much knowledge on RPA you'll blow everyone away (that's the interviewers and the other people interviewing for the position) This is a place for all RPA and Ai bots. Use our courses to succeed at implementing RPA and Ai"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Tromba base per Principianti" |
"La tromba uno strumento meraviglioso, pu darci veramente un sacco di soddisfazioni! E' per molto importante avere una guida all'approccio. Impostazione del labbro, soffio e respiro ci cambiano la vita e ci facilitano tutto il resto dell'apprendimento! Classica, Blues, Jazz, Reggae, Rock, ecc... : questo corso vi porterad un punto di partenza tale che potreteintraprendere qualunque genere."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Strategy For The Buying Cycle" |
"As a business owner and marketer, you may have heard digital marketing buzzwords thrown around and are tempted to hop on every new online marketing bandwagon. Does every business really require a Facebook page, programmatic advertising or even a mobile app to secure new leads and repeat sales? This course focuses on fulfilling business objectives effectively and cost-efficiently by mapping them to the target audiences buying behaviour in their user journey. Perfect to get you started in digital marketing, or to take a step back, reassess your current digital marketing and fill the gaps in your online consumer touchpoints."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP Lockbox Training" |
"Learn the Lockbox Process in SAP. Learn how to configure Lockbox in SAP, Understand BAI2 file format, create a Lockbox file, Test end to end Lockbox processThis Course on Lockbox includes: Lockbox Business Process Lockbox configuration in SAP Update Customer Master Data in SAP for Lockbox Payments Understand Lockbox file format. Lockbox file comes in BAI2 file format Create a Lockbox file in BAI2 format for testing purpose Test End to End Lockbox Process in SAP configured and developed by you. This course includes 12 video lectures which explain the Lockbox process in SAP, Detailed steps toconfigureLockbox in SAP. Detailed steps todevelopLockbox file in BAI2 format. Steps to update Customer master data with MICR number. In addition, course includes supplementary material to understand and create Lockbox file After completing the course, you will understand Lockbox process in SAP, you will be able to configure Lockbox in SAP, Update customer master data with MICR number, Create lockbox file in BAI2 format and Test Lockbox process."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
leafletJS |
"Leaflet Leaflet LeafletJavaScript Leaflet LeafletLeaflet tyepheadsLeaflet JS Leaflet JS "
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Digitale Portrts zeichnen fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene" |
"Lerne menschliche Gesichter ohne Vorkenntnisse zu zeichnen, um schne Kunstwerke fr Hobby und Beruf zu erstellen und deine eigenen Ideen auf Papier zu bringen.Meistere das Zeichnen von Portraits in verschiedenen StilenDas wirst du lernen bzw. erreichen:grundlegende Zeichentechniken lernen oder verbessern (Formen, Perspektive Basics, Licht, Schatten, Farbe, Anatomie, Proportionen, Komposition...)Portrts nach Vorlage zeichnenPortrts komplett aus dem Kopf zeichnenRealistische Portrts zeichnenStilisierte Portrts zeichnenSelbstportrts zeichnenMnnliche und Weibliche Gesichtsmerkmale zeichnenAnatomie des Kopfes verstehen und zum Zeichnen nutzeneinzelne Gesichtsmerkmale zeichnen (Augen, Nase, Mund, Ohren, Haare, Haut)Emotionen gekonnt zeichnenverschiedene digitale und mixed media ZeichentechnikenPhotoshop-Tricks lernenInspiration fr deinen eigenen Portrtstil findenBest Practises: zahlreiche bungen, um dein Wissen anzuwenden und deine Zeichenfhigkeiten zu verbessernund vieles mehr!Bringe deine Zeichenfhigkeiten auf das nchste LevelEgal ob als Hobbyzeichner, Illustrator, Game Artist / Concept Artist / 2D/3D Artist, Character Designer oder Grafikdesigner: berall sind Zeichenfhigkeiten im Portrt-Bereich gefragt.Im Kurs erfhrst du Schritt fr Schritt und im Detail, wie du solche Portrts aus dem Kopf und in verschiedenen Stilen erstellst. Damit kannst du dein Hobby enorm verfeinern, es zum Beruf machen oder deinen bestehenden knstlerischen Beruf mit besseren Portfolio-Arbeiten auf das nchste Level bringen.Inhalt & berblickSowohl als Anfnger oder bereits fortgeschrittener Knstler erfhrst du hier alles, was du zum Thema Portrt zeichnen wissen musst.In einer Einfhrung wird dir erklrt, aus welchen Massen ein Kopf besteht und wie du die komplexen Anatomie-Strukturen in einfache Formen herunterbrechen kannst.In einzelnen Lektionen ber die Gesichtsmerkmale und Emotionen wirst du mehr Detailwissen erwerben, um realistische Portrts zeichnen zu knnen.Anschlieend zeige ich dir in zahlreichen verschiedenen Beispielen, wie du das erworbene Wissen zusammenbringst, Kpfe konstruierst und individuelle Portrts aus dem Kopf zeichnest.So wirst du nach Abschluss des Kurses in der Lage sein, eigene Portrts komplett aus dem Kopf, in verschiedenen Stilen und in jeder Perspektive zeichnen zu knnen.Auerdem wirst du auch grundlegende Zeichentechniken erworben haben, um auch andere Dinge zu zeichnen und deine Portrts abzuwandeln. Egal ob Cartoon-, Alien-, oder sonstige Portrts: du wirst alles auf das digitale Papier bringen knnen. Der Kurs ist zwar auf das digitale Arbeiten ausgelegt, aber viele der Techniken lassen sich auch auerhalb von Photoshop bertragen.Dabei gebe ich dir zahlreiche bungsbltter, Zusatzmaterialien, Bearbeitungstricks in Photoshop und Geheimtipps an die Hand, damit du dich schnell verbesserst und nie mehr in Kreatiefs gelangst.Wenn du den Kurs komplett beendet hast und wirklich aufmerksam bearbeitet hast, wirst du mit Sicherheit ein sehr guter (Portrt) Knstler sein.Der Kurs beinhaltet ber 60 Lektionen und ber 4 Stunden on demand Videomaterial."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lean Six Sigma White Belt training I go4sixsigma" |
"In Lean Six Sigma White Belt Course you will learn what is process definition, what is Lean and what is Six Sigma. You will also find out what are certifications steps from White Belt to Master Black Belt level.You will learn your first Lean Six Sigma tool: SIPOC to be able to describe any process.Please send screen you completed the course to and your Certificate will be prepared within 14 days. The cost of Your Certificate preparation is just $9Anna Grabowska-GrabiecLean Six Sigma Master Black"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fotografa de retrato intimista con luz natural" |
"Fotografa la intimidad de las personas con el mnimo de recursos y el mximo de creatividad y emocin.Esta es una Masterclass de la fotgrafa de retrato documental Ro Puebla, descubre como dar alma a los retratos con la luz natural.Aprenders mis fuentes de inspiracin, y referencias.Veremos el material mnimo necesario para enfrentarnos a nuestro proyecto de una manera segura, y como improvisar con esos elementos tenemos.La preparacin de la sesin desde el principio hasta el finalComo moverte en una sesin de retrato, organizando el espacio, como trabajar sin posados,resaltando la naturalidad ante todo.Establecer un dilogo profundo entre t y la persona, acting y emocin.Usaremos mis herramientas de retoque y mi flujo de trabajo para hacer una imagen mediocre algo brillante.Esta es una clase para fotgrafos aficionados y entusiastas creativos, que quieran adquirir nuevas tcnicas creativas, de iluminacin, composicin y postproduccin fotogrfica para emocionar con sus retratos.En este curso aprenders01.Mi trabajo basado en la emocinTe explico los fundamentos de un tipo de retrato mucho ms emocional y sensorial, basado en la intimidad y la cotidianidad de las vivencias de las personas.Nos vuelca en esas vivencias como excusa para emocionarnos y emocionar a los dems. 02.Inspiracion referentes de donde salen las ideasDiseamos los ingredientes bsicos que tiene que tener una imagen, para aplicar nuestro estilo y nuestras seas de identidad. 03.Concepto que idea y como transmitirlaVeremos como una ecuacin matemtica como sacar la frmula esttica de nuestro proyecto fotogrfico, tomando como referencia algunas de nuestras imgenes preferidas. 04.StorytellingCrearemos nuestro storytelling, porqu hacemos lo que hacemos y cmo lo contamos.Herramienta fundamental para transmitir con nuestros retratos, desde un punto emocional y no mental, porque no olvidemos que lo emocional permanece y lo mental desaparece. 05.Toma de decisiones estticasHaremos un recorrido por los factores estticos ms importantes que van a influir en nuestras imgenes y que puedan combinarse para que cobren sentido.06.Elegir tus sujetos acting.Cmo elegir a nuestros sujetos, claves para realizar un acting sin posados y mis trucos de roll play. 07.Captar la luzExplicar como usar la luz natural para transmitir intimidad y espontaneidad en tus retratos, con los recursos de luz del momento y las localizaciones que nos vamos encontrando.Veremos ejemplos de algunos de los esquemas de iluminacin que mejor funcionan. 08.ReiluminacionVeremos un ejercicio sencillo como ejemplo de reiluminacin, donde una de tus imgenes pasar de ser mediocre a algo brillante. 09.Como elegir una paleta de colorHaremos un repaso por todas las fuentes, que ser de donde extraigas tu paleta de color. Compondremos la nuestra propia y la que definir nuestro estilo. 10.Busqueda de ngulos y composicin finalCompondremos de manera intuitiva, veremos composiciones en las que nunca habas pensado pero que sern la base del trabajo artstico de los fotgrafos ms consagrados.El tringulo, la santsima Trinidad de la composicin, entre otras.Los espacios negativos. 11.Shooting con luz naturalVivirs en vivo un shooting real con luz natural, donde describo en voz alta como voy dirigiendo a la persona en funcin de la luz que recibe. Controlando la fuente de luz al mismo tiempo que la composicin y el acting.12.Postproduccin Blanco/Negro y ColorVeremos ejemplos de postproduccin en blanco y negro resaltando la texturizacin de la imagen y potenciando el drama, y el alto contrastesiempre con una retoque natural, limitando el exceso de manipulacin en la imagen.Practicaremos algunos ejemplo, como conseguir crear una doble exposicin con acabado analgico desde nuestro archivo digital., hare un retoque de una imagen donde utilizaremos el humo como recurso esttico, contrastando por zonas para darle un intensidad a nuestro retrato, realizaremos retoque creativo pictrico."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fotografa artstica de embarazo: Autorretratos" |
"Quieres documentar este momento para siempre, el embarazo es una de las etapas ms especiales que yo he vivido y las ganas de recordarlo siempre!. Pero quiz, no te sientes a gusto posando delante de otros o simplemente quieres hacerlo en la intimidad de tu hogar. Te gustara entender como hacer esas fotos con luz tan bonita y evitar que te salgan movidas, oscuras y luces inadecuadas.En este curso, he querido proporcionarte todas las herramientas necesarias, consejos de iluminacin y composicin, para ponerte delante de la cmara de una manera espontnea y natural. Aprenders ha hacer tus propios autorretratos de embarazo.El curso se basa en un estilo de fotografa sencilla e intimista, donde se documentan situaciones cotidianas y especiales.Este curso sale de mi propia experiencia delante de la cmara durante mi embarazo y esas ganas de plasmar estos meses que pasan tan rpido. Desde mi propia casa te guo para que tu tambin aproveches tu espacios, tu luz, con los mnimos recursos. Te sentirs orgullos@ de lo que puedes llegar hacer!(Este curso est dirigido a futuras mams, paps y familiares que quieran aprender a hacer sus propias fotos de autorretrato de embarazo en casa y exteriores. No est dirigido a fotgrafos profesionales que requieran formacin en fotografa de embarazo ni personas con un amplio conocimiento en fotografa y postproduccin)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of java programming language" |
"Learn the basics of java from ground up, using the basic building blocks available in the languages which are the programming constructs like operators,control statements etc and see why java is popular among the other programming languages.This course aims at providing the fundamentals of java programming along with demo and practice programs."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Machine Learning Made Easy : Beginner to Advanced using R" |
"Want to know how Machine Learning algorithms work and how people apply it to solve data science problems?You are looking at right course! This course has been created, designed and assembled by professional Data Scientists who have worked in this field for nearly a decade. We can help you understand the complex machine learning algorithms while keeping you grounded to the implementation on real business and data science problems. We will let you feel the water and coach you to become a full swimmer in the realm of data science and Machine Learning. Every tutorial will increase your skill level by challenging your ability to foresee, yet letting you improve upon self. We are sure that you will have fun while learning from our tried and tested structure of course to keep you interested in whats coming next. Here is how the course is going to work: Part 1 Introduction to R Programming.This is the part where you will learn basic of R programming and familiarize yourself with R environment.Be able to import, export, explore, clean and prepare the data for advance modeling.Understand the underlying statistics of data and how to report/document the insights.Part 2 Machine Learning using RLearn, upgrade and become expert on classic machine learning algorithms like Linear Regression, Logistic Regression and Decision Trees.Learn which algorithm to choose for specific problem, build multiple model, learn how to choose the best model and be able to improve upon it.Move on to advance machine learning algorithms like SVM, Artificial Neural Networks, Reinforced Learning, Random Forests and Boosting and clustering algorithms like K-means.Features: Fully packed with LAB Sessions. One to learn from and one for you to do it yourself. Course includes Rcode, Datasets and other supporting material at the beginning of each section for you to download and use on your own. Quiz after each section to test your learning.Bonus: This course is packed with 5 projects on real data related to different domains to prepare you for wide variety of business problems.These projects will serve as your step by step guide to solve different business and data science problems."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bash Shell Programming from the Ground Up" |
"You'll finish this course with a solid grasp on the Bash shell, it's programming environment and syntax. In addition you'll learn many essential Linux commands. The course essentially follows the outline of the Bash Reference Manual and the Bash manual page but it's easier to follow due to a hands-on approach and many examples."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"PhotoShop CC 2020 - NewBorn, Gestantes, Books, Casamentos" |
"Ol, meu nome Mauricio Pires Kalfelz, tenho mais de 12 anos de experincia em edio de imagens, tanto de PhotoShop quanto LightRoom, e por mais de 8 anos fui fotgrafo social, o que me ajudou sobremaneira em melhorar minhas edies.Esse curso para todos, iniciantes e profissionais da rea de edio de imagens, mas, principalmente, para quem fotgrafo ou edita para fotgrafos e tem um dia-a-dia corrido, precisando de uma edio rpida e com qualidade profissional.Tempo dinheiro, por que no dirio de um fotgrafo ou de um profissional de edio no temos o tempo hbil para passar horas para editar uma foto, na verdade no podemos nos dar ao luxo de passar nem 10 minutos em uma foto, tempo dinheiro e o fluxo de imagens sempre enorme.No curso usarei o PhotoShop CC 2020, todavia se pode utilizar qualquer verso do PhotoShop da CC 2018 em diantepara o curso sem problemas algum.NewBorn, tratamento completo desde as diferenas de tom na pele at a remoo das bolinhas, manchas. Iremos deixar as fotos como um sonho.Gestante, eu mostrarei tcnicas de como diminuir ou aumentar partes do corpo, bem como tratamento de estrias e manchas, alm de tudo o mais para deixar a foto sensacional.15 Anos e Casamentos, principalmente sobre cor, luz, sombras, HDR e formas de valorizar cada cenrio, levando as fotos ao seu potencial mximo.Configurar o Photoshop, os atalhos, os actions (que nada mais so do que uma sequncia de passos previamente gravados que podem ser executados a qualquer momento, em qualquer imagem).HDR, tcnicas de como usar sem abusar, contudo forando a imagem ao seu mximo.Recortes, tanto de corpo quanto de cabelo; chega de procurar, darei a ferramenta definitiva.Cmera RAW do Photoshop, com imagens em JPG ou RAW, a poderosa ferramenta.Seleo de objetos e os truques para ser efetivo.Ferramentas novas do Photoshop CC 2020.Vamos trocar Trocar o cu de fotos, adicionar gaivotas em Book na praia, adicionar efeito de luzes desfocadas em fotosVeremos muito mais coisas no decorrer do curso.Photoshop em Ingls, mais todos atalhos e menus esto no mesmo local do que em portugus.Voc vai aprender mais de uma forma de edio de pele, de remoo de manchas, de remoo de espinhas, clareamento de dentes, diminuir e aumentar medidas corporais, efeitos de sombras para dar volume, devolver foco em imagens desfocadas, tratamento de cor, tratamento de luz e sombras, recorte de cabelo, criar actions."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Technical Writing: How to Write Software Documentation" |
"Is the ability to provide relevant information about using your software essential for your customers? Do you find yourself spending hours and hours trying to explain how to use the software? Or are you getting feedback from your clients that your documentation is hard to be followed, inconsistent or maybe even.... confusing? If you answered with ""Yes!"" to any of these questions and you are willing to invest the time and energy needed to go through this practical course than this course is for you! This course has been cited by CNBC in the article about ""The 20 hottest job skills companies are looking for right now""By then end of this course:You will be able to describe the processes and principles for writing. You will be able to explain the process for preparing, organizing and delivering software documentation for the users of software products.You will be able to create instructional images and graphics needed in your documentation. You learn and practice how to create software documentation in a GitHub wiki following the instructor's templates for writing.In addition:You will find out also which are the core principles for writing software documentation that really helps.You will have the change to try out GitHub wiki editor and Oxygen Author DITA XML tools for writing. You will learn about the importance of graphics and which tools you can use to create instructional graphics with ease.In the end, you will find out more about what is metadata and its importance in software documentation. In the end, you will have the chance to create your own documentation project and receive personalized feedback on your work from the trainer!In the course of the years, the core activities of the technical writing professionals have been constantly evolving. We've started off as technical writers, focused solely on technical writing. We transformed into information developers, that also take into account the graphical aspects and design of the content. Today, we need to bundle together the writing skills, design and graphics, video creation, multimedia, metadata and software development to meet the expectations of our users. All these assets, put together can be described together as user assistance.For several years now, JPDocu School of Technical Writing has been designing and delivering training on user assistance for:- technical writers (information developers)- information architects- software developers The instructor, Jordan Stanchev, a User Assistance Development Architect has personally trained hundreds of people in the classroom, online courses, universities and internally at a Fortune 500 company! Jordan says: ""The goal for me has always been to deliver practical information, to make sure my trainees get ready for delivering real content, right after the course is over. I am so proud of my students who come back to me and share how they have started their first job as a technical writer or how they have advanced in their career using what they have learned in my courses!That's the reason I have started devoting my time to teaching technical writing skills, on top of my regular job as a User Assistance Development Architect.""What will you learn?As this course is designed for beginner technical writers, usually students in IT and covers the following subjects:- What is technical writing all about? - What are the basics of technical writing? - Which are the main principles that you should follow to construct build your documentation?- Which are the common terms you will hear and use in the IT technical writing world?- How to write technical documentation using GitHub wiki? You will, later on, use this material for creating your portfolio that you will want to add to your CV when you apply for a technical writer job or promotion to a senior developer. - What is information architecture from a technical writing point of view?By then end of this course, you will know how to get started writing your user guides, which best practices and rules to consider, which tools to use for writing.In addition:- You will also find recorded webinars to give you the feeling you are in the university classroom together with other students doing the actual exercises of the course. - You will have access to a closed community group, where you can learn together with other students in technical writing.- You will have the chance to participate in live webinars with the instructor, to get guidance and answers to questions you may have.- Downloadable workbooks in the sections to help you as you go through the content and practice what you have learned.What is NOT COVERED in this course?Learning technical writing as a beginner technical writer will take you at least 2 semesters at the university and lots of writing practice. It is not possible to provide deep-dive information on all possible technical writing subjects in a 4-6 hours course. You will know the basics, though!- Technical writing is a skill and discipline that requires writing. Do not expect to become a technical writer by listening to a couple of lectures. You will have to write and communicate in this course. This is not a course for listening but a listen and do it! type of course.- This is not an English language course. I will not provide you with details on how to write in English. - There are so many tools you can use for writing. In this course, I do not go into details on tools you can use for writing, but directly suggest using only 1-2 of them to get you started. - Some lectures do not provide a perfect audio experience. There are webinar recordings from classroom sessions, lectures recorded at different times and using different equipment. You may hear classroom noises or imperfect audio recordings. Feel free to reach out to and ask for clarifications or for newer versions of particular lectures. Still, if it is the information about technical writing that you want and you can handle non-perfect audio - this is still your course. - We do not cover API documentation in this course. API documentation is a type of software documentation that you still have to deliver, but at present, this course does not talk about that. How much time will it take for you to go through this course?Short answer:Section 1: Getting Started with Technical Writing - 10 minSection 2: Documentation in the Software Development World - 10 min Section 3: Principles of Technical Writing - 1-2 hourSection 4: Software Documentation Development in Oxygen Author - 10-30 minSection 5: Software Documentation Development in GitHub - 1 hourSection 6: Using Graphics and Images in Software Documentation - 1-2 hourSection 7: Strategies and Information Architecture - 40 minSection 8: Final Assignment - 1 hourBonus: Webinars - 60 to 90 min per webinar in this sectionDetailed answer with explanation:Section 1: Getting Started with Technical Writing and Section 2: Documentation in the Software Development WorldWe start with a quick and direct overview of the end-to-end documentation creation processes.Basically, when you go through the introduction section, you should get a basic understanding of what technical writing in software documentation is all about, as well as the main assets (deliverables for your customers) that you create using the technical writing skills and techniques. This is the software documentation, images as well as instructional videos and multimedia.It could take you approximately half an hour to go through the material and do the exercise in the section.Section 3: Principles of Technical WritingThe next section begins to build upon what you have learned in the introduction section. They're the most important lecture is the one on Principles of Technical Writing. It is a simple page, but do not underestimate it - this will be your recipe for success as a technical communicator and a technical writer going forward.Going through the section and briefly touching upon the main subjects of the principles of technical writing, the tools and the time you need to spend performing the exercises all together can take around 1 hour of your time.Do not underestimate the importance of this section - here almost every lecture comes with a workbook to use with exercises to perform. Section 4: Software Documentation in Oxygen AuthorTry out one of the most popular CMS for writing XML-based software documentation. Oxygen Author is a very popular tool for writing in DITA XML or your company propitiatory XML.In this section, you will try out this tool and create documentation using it.Section 5: Software Documentation in GitHubThis section touches upon a very important subject - how to provide documentation for a GitHub project. I talk about one of the possible options, I would dare to say the most simple one, to provide documentation in GitHub.The section demonstrates how my students build entire documentation projects. They work in teams on these projects and can write pages and pages of docu and guides using this simple wiki-based writing approach. If you take a look at some old educational emails I have sent, you will see the direct links to some of the small but impressive documentation deliverables they have created in their own pages.In terms of time you will need to spend here, yes, it would take you like an hour to go through this section, but it can take you like another hour to create and set up a GitHub project, to find my samples in there, understand the templates I propose that you use while writing, and really doing the writing job.Section 6: Using Graphics and Images in Software DocumentationHow important is the graphics creation skill for technical writers? I would say, A LOT! This section talks about the rules for creating graphics in software documentation. Also, I touch upon tools that make it easy to create graphics, without having to become a graphic designer.It will take you approximately 1-2 hours to go through this content and perform the exercises. Section 7: Strategies and Information ArchitectureThen comes the next section - on information architecture and metadata for technical writers. It opens the door for you to take a look at the basic knowledge that an information architect (think about it as a very experienced technical writer) need to have to begin doing his or her job. This section is more like an overview of the metadata concepts and possible scenarios that you can enable as a technical writer. No special exercises in this course, as this goes a bit far ahead of what a regular technical writer is supposed to do.In terms of time to spend, you will need like 30 min to go through it.Section 8: Final AssignmentThis is your chance to shine! Based on what you have learned so far, design and develop a user guide to demonstrate your skills! You will have the chance to receive personalized feedback on your work!Use this final deliverable together with the certificate you will obtain for completing this course in your CV to demonstrate that you are a Technical Writer that knows how to write software documentation! Bonus Section: What's New?See the Release notes of this course, with the changes that have been done over the content, as we introduce new content in it. This demonstrates the same strategy like the one you would use for your software documentation: to announce to your customers the changes to the software as they are delivered. When creating this course, we've applied the same approach, continuously improving the content based on students' feedback and the latest development in the field of technical communications. Bonus Section: WebinarsHere the really fun part begins. You will find several recordings of live seminars I do with JPDocu School of Technical Writing students. You can listen to these recorded sessions and participate as if you are really in the classroom together with me and the rest of the class. I think this can be a very cool experience. On top of that, we deep dive into subjects, that were only briefly touched upon in the previous sections.Each recorded session takes 60-90 minutes, including the work on the exercises in each session. As part of the course here, I invite my students to participate in such live webinars, which you can see in our closed Facebook group. Here is what students say:Karina Delcheva, Technical Writer""I find Jordan's course perfectly structured (as you would expect of a specialist in the field) in a way that helps you grasp the concept of technical writing. It helped me quickly develop practical skills through exercises with easy to follow instructions and examples. The Facebook page of this course provided me with a supportive community and additional webinars held by the lecturer, which is a great asset for acquiring more diverse skills needed by a technical writer. Now I feel prepared to apply for my first technical writing job.""Grace Tan, Technical Writer""In my pursuit of moving to a technical communicator role, Jordan's beginner course Technical Writing: How to Write Software Documentation has put me in the right direction. The course is well-structured and the instructor has shown expertise in this field. It is great to be in touch with the standard and best practices in technical writing as well as the common tools that are used nowadays. I also had fun working on hands-on activities and getting myself familiar with different tools.""So, enroll now and see how easy and simple it is to deliver the ultimate help for your customers!P.S. This course comes with a 30-day full refund policy - no questions asked!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Use Essential Oils for Health & Wellness" |
"Hi I'm Elena Pellicano. Founder of Elena Pellicano Essentials, working as an aromatherapy and wellness specialist for 21 years. And today I am here to share what I believe are the top ten essential oils from around the world and how best to use them.In less than an hour, you'll be much better equipped to use these 10 essential oils to enhance your life and the health of your whole family.Those essential oils are:Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Rosemarie, Geranium, Cedarwood, Oregano, Peppermint and Vanilla. Knowing what the most useful and diverse oils are is one thing, but a second vital piece of information is knowing where the best oils come from.An important distinction I'll be stressing is that I have personally traveled to many countries in search of the places where the best varieties are produced and I'll share this in my videos.Once you know where your 100% pure oils are coming from, you can be sure it's going to work in the best way possible.Because by far, one of the biggest problems with people who are using essential oils to treat some health issue have is the oils they bought are not authentic, have been diluted and inferior to the real oil. In my experience, its not that YOU (the new user) did something wrong, or that some teacher told you a fairy tale about the powers of essential oils, its simply the oils you are working with are not pure enough to combat the problems which they are supposed to.As we go through each oil, I will clearly indicate the recommended dosage (and with which carrier oil if applicable). Separate written recipes are also available within the course for easy reference."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Debug your Apps with Android Studio" |
"*** Nearly 3 hours of content ****** Over 50 comprehensive lectures ****** Sample projects included, with a mix of stand-alone and course projects ******We have over 1200 happy students on our courses****** Fantastic course which includes many practical challenges and focuses on student engagement. ***This course is a great introduction to debugging for Android App developers. If you write Java code then you will undoubtedly encounter problems. Whether your program is not working as expected, or it is crashing, in this course we look at ways of debugging your Java code.We will look at debugging by simple use of the system logcat window, utilising its string filter and debug level facilities. We will look in detail at the Google's Android Studio debugger, a free in-built debug tool that has many functions available to you to help solve your Android app development issues.You will come to see that the tools available within Android Studio and the Android Studio debugger, are invaluable in helping you to fix any Java program issues that you may have. It should come to be used alongside your Android App development efforts.We will set you, as the student, some tasks which can be done inside a Java Spike project but we will also use a simple app calculator BugCalc throughout the course, with which we will set you challenges for you to partake if you wish to. During the course we will identify and fix the deliberate outstanding issues with this calculator and end up with a working Android app.So, where to start?Once the course is underway, we are going to take you through the basic Android Studio logcat window logging functions. Along the way, we will look at using Googles Android Studio debugger. We investigate potential workflow problems, together with app crashes. We introduce the call-stack which greatly assist you to work through your app crash issues methodically and thoroughly. Finally, we will look at Exceptions and errors and the ways in which to handle them.As always and most importantly, YOU are in charge of the pace at which you wish to learn.Mobile Android apps are a now vast industry, grown out of all proportion in recent years, and so the skills for Android app developers to create fantastic Android apps are highly sought after. We want to help YOU to create reliable and robust Android apps using Android Studio and its debugger.Each section we give you project for you to download and use in conjunction with the lectures. Over the duration of this course we address all of the problems with the example BugCalc Java app. Nearly 3 hours of lectures examining many common features of debugging your Android app coding.So, what are you waiting for? Build a fantastic grounding in Android App debugging within Android Studio and produce robust and reliable programs."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Oracle SQL" |
"The Course contains practical video lectures, Quizzes and practice notes The covers complete Oracle SQL fundamentals.After completion of this course, you will be able to get Oracle SQL certification.After completion of the course learner will easily start Oracle PL/SQL course.After successful completion of the course, learner can write SQL queries for various RDBMS (Oracle, MySQL, MS-SQL server, DB2 etc.The Lectures of the course are in easy and practical methods "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step: Highly Available, Scalable & Secure AWS Stack" |
"A look at core Amazon Web Services (AWS) services with an emphasis on implementation and skill development. You will start with a simple web application on a single Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instance and improve the stack step by step by adding high availability, fault-tolerance, scalability, security and ease of deployment. The course has 8 modules and a capstone project, code, and commands required for the project are included.You will learn about these AWS services - Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), Elastic Block Store (EBS), Relational Database Service (RDS), Simple Storage Service (S3), DynamoDB, Identity and Access Management (IAM), ElastiCache, CloudFront, Elastic Beanstalk and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).You will use these important aspects of AWS:- Infrastructure: AWS Regions and Availability Zones.- EC2: Amazon Machine Images, EBS Snapshots, Application Load Balancers, Sticky Sessions, Auto-Scaling Groups.- Databases: RDS Read Replicas, RDS Multi-AZ Deployment, Memcached clusters.- Network: Public and Private Subnets, VPC Service Endpoints, Security Groups, NAT Gateways.- Security: IAM Roles, IAM policies, S3 bucket policies, S3 Access Control Lists, CloudFront signed URLs.- App development: AWS SDK.You will implement theseAWS best practices:- Configure separate root and data EBS volumes.- Create snapshots of EBS data volumes.- Create Amazon Machine Images of your app servers.- Use multiple instances and multiple zones.- Centralize sessions, content and the database.- Use auto-scaling groups for your app servers.- Off-load database requests to read replicas or to in-memory databases.- Use a Content Distribution Network to deliver content to users around the world.- Use signed URLs when delivering private content.- Configure security using the principle of least privileges.- Use an automation platform for frequent deployments.You will understand AWS best practices for typical web app functions:- Session management.- Content delivery.- Content security.- Databases."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS: Get Started with EC2 Load Balancer & Auto-Scaling Group" |
"Understand and get started with LB and ASG, two key platforms in AWS's EC2 service. Understand how these platforms help us achieve high availability and scalability at low cost. Implement a load balancer.Implement an auto-scaling group.Test your implementation using a simple app. Try 3 different ways of scaling the auto-scaling group - manual, using scheduled policies and using auto-scaling policies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Tableau 2020 NEW Course For Non-Technical Backgrounds!" |
"Hi Everyone and Thank YOU for visiting this course on learning Tableau. Have you ever wanted to learn Tableau but thought ""Hmm! But I'm no data analyst, and I don't understand data!"" ? If so then this course is for you! When designing ""Tableau For the Non-Technical Backgrounds"" I kept in mind that folks just like you across an organization or fresh out of school that do not understand the technical lingo of a Data Analyst and other technical roles need to work with data too! And they also need to learn a super hot industry skill that they are now seeing more and more everywhere. Welcome to my course on Tableau, where I approach each and every lecture with one thing in mind - That not everyone is a data analyst, but everyone loves cool looking visual dashboards they can present and impress their teams with. I have committed to this style of teaching technical topics to non-technical folks for over 10 years and across the organizations I've worked at, have gotten great feedback on my teaching style. This is what brought me to Udemy where I could share my non-tech savvy teaching style with the world, So if you're someone who's wanted to learn a new technical skill, but have no technical background, or are brand new to the world of data, then this course was specially designed for you!Note from your instructor: I care about the success of each and everyone of you and this message is to say Thank you for letting me pursue my dream of becoming an instructor on Udemy. I will be launching courses in the future and I believe that my students come first. Because of this I pledge to keep my courses as affordable as possible allowed by Udemy, Always. Thank you from your instructor,Waqar Ahmad"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"New SAT Reading Practice Test 1 & 2 Explanation" |
"In this course, we apply the skills learned in my New SAT Reading 800: Guaranteed Results course. See how you can easily apply my techniques to each and every question in the first 2 reading tests of the official SAT practice tests.You will learn the following.Cover each question in the Official SAT Reading Practice Tests 1 and 2.Explain how to choose each answer choice.Understand why each incorrect choice is wrong."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"New SAT Writing Practice Test 1 & 2 Explanation" |
"In this course, we apply the skills learned in my New SATWriting 800: Guaranteed Results course. See how you can easily apply mytechniques to each and every question in the first 2 writing tests of theofficial SAT practice tests.You will learn the following.Cover each question in the Official SAT Writing Practice Tests 1 and 2.Explain how to choose each answer choice.Understand why each incorrect choice is wrong."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Ubuntu Linux Server Administration Course !" |
" Welcome to "" The Complete Ubuntu Linux Server Administration Course ! "" Master the Latest & Fastest Growing Ubuntu Linux Server and Become a Cash Earning System Administrator .Linux is an Operating system which was developed in early 1990s by Linus Torvald at University of Helsinki in Finland . Then it was further joined & modified by group of thousands of computer geeks all around the world .Currently there are lots of Linux Distributions are available in the market like Redhat , Centos , Debian etc . But now Ubuntu server is becoming more popular in these day's because it is easy to use & free . Following are the main sections of the course which contains different tutorials in detail. This course consists of 13 different sections and with over 9.5 Hours of HD videos in time Lenght . MAIN SECTIONS OF THE COURSE : - Introduction . Basics of Linux commands & File Structure . File Management . Process Management . User & Group Management . Disk Management . Network Management . Setting up your own Web Server . Setting up your own Mail Server . Setting up your own DNS server . Securing your Server . Miscellaneous useful stuff . "
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Cassandra ve Big Data Dnyas" |
"Big data, IOT, NoSQL, Machine Learning, deep learning gibi kavramlarn teknik olarakanlalr hale getirmeyi,Daha nce hi databasekullanmam olsanz da, Big data dnyasna giri yapabilir ekilde bilgi aktarmn.En ok kullanlan Database ler, Mimarileri ve yaplar, birbirlerine grefarklar, stnlkleri ve dezavantajlarn anlatmay,Big data database'i olarakCassandra zerinden bigdata uygulamalar yapabilir duruma gelmenizi,Cassandra'y kurulumdan itibaren temel sorgulamalarn nasl yapldn, data import/export yapabilir duruma getirmeyiamalar."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Swift 4 & Unreal Engine - Learn Xcode, Make Games" |
"""This course is excellent. The explanations are comprehensive. The instructor is professional, friendly, and experienced. This will be fun and valuable to my personal toolbox."" --Art in MemphisWant to make apps and learn to code? InBeginner's Swift 4 & Unreal Engine - Learn Xcode, Make Games, you learn todesign and code practical apps from scratch!And learn how to code and make games in the popular Unreal Engine. Learn by building actual games.No experience necessary.Even if youve never coded before, you can take this course.Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. Please note that we reuse this material in similar courses because it is introductory material. You can find some material in this course in the following related courses:Learn to code by building 6 games in the Unreal EngineComplete Unreal & Android Development: Build Games & CodeComplete 6 Games in Unreal Engine 4 and 20 in Construct 2Unreal Engine Game Mechanics Mastery & MakeHuman 3D ModelingComplete Developer Masterclass: Learn Angular 2 and UnrealMaster Unreal and Xamarin: Build Professional Games and AppsUnreal Engine 4 & Android Development: Make 6 Games, 12 AppsiOS 11 & Swift 4.0 - A Beginner's Guide with ProjectsC# Unity and Swift 4 Masterclass: Make Games and AppsXamarin Start to Finish Android & iOS Apps (& Learn to Code)Code in Kotlin & Java for Android and Complete 5 iPhone AppsFinish 26 Games & Apps Quickly (GameMaker: Studio & Xcode)Swift 4 and ELM Masterclass Make iOS 11 apps and web apps!Learn UI Mobile App Design & Game Mechanics in Construct 2The Ultimate iOS 11 & Swift 4 Course. Learn to Build Apps!One of the best features is that you can watch the tutorials at any speed you want. This means you can speed up or slow down the video if you want to.This course is project-based. You follow along with your instructor to build real projects.The best way for you to learn how to make your own app is to follow project-based training content.By taking this course,you learn practical, employable skills immediately.You can put the apps you make in this course in your portfolio!Your purchase includes the eBook ""Build 6 Games in Unreal"" by Mammoth Interactive (normally $25.99).Your teachers will teach you practical skills usingreal-world examples.Take this course to build your portfolio now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create 6 low poly rock models! Blender for 3D environments" |
"Learn withdigital artist Kevin Liaofrom Mammoth Interactivehow to use Blender tomake low-poly art. You draw 6 3D models of rocks for use in game development or other creations of your choice.This course is perfect for beginners. We begin with a thorough introduction to the Blender interface. Blender is a powerful (and free) program that can be used to make art assets. The art you make in Blender is easy to add to games or other projects.Even if you're not an artist, you can makebasic art models.What is a Compact Course?A Compact Course is designed tomaximize efficiencyand teach you a specific skill in an afternoon.Rather than going through a long course for a long amount of time, this course gives you avisible accomplishmentand new skill in a matter of hours.Why take a Compact Course?If you prefer a teaching style that is akin to a bootcamp but with less cramming and more focus on aclear learning goal, try this Compact Course.When you have a free afternoon, spend it efficiently by learning a new skill that you can put on your resume, with a finished project you can add to your portfolio. Before you know it, your showcase will grow with all the projects that will have built up over time.Taking daily steps to grow your toolkit will ensure that you remain a lifelong learner. As they say, there's no such thing as a small step. Every action you take will impact the rest of your career.Feel free to leave us any questions in our Q&A section. Please leave this course a rating. We love hearing from you!The source file of the art assets we make is included in this course.Enroll today to join the Mammoth community."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IT Security Gumbo: Vulnerability Management Analysis" |
"The IT Security Gumbo: Vulnerability Management Analysis gives the students the insider of the Vulnerability Management Experience Program. The student will learn uncovered techniques in remediation and mitigation process of vulnerabilities. The students will learn to uncover threats and exploits instantly in cloud based and non-cloud based environments. The students will also learn how to accept or deny risk based on critically and also will be equipped with the knowledge of interpreting this information to technical and non technical professionals. The Vulnerability Management Experience: The Prequel is recognized as a CEU based course. This course is a great foundation to begin or continue to grow in your IT Security and/or Penetration Testing career. "
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Network Security" |
"By the end of this course you will be fully aware of the wired and wirelesscomputer networks basics, devices, network based vulnerabilities and protocols in a step-by-step pace. You will also reach the professional level innetworks security in terms of concepts,technologies, and tools. The course requires no background or pre-requisite, yet you will be able to understandall the up-to-date terminologies in the networks security during the lectures.Thiscourse is organized as follows:Section 1: Introduction Lecture1: Introduction Section 2: Understanding the OSI Model The functionality of the OSI Model Lecture2: OSI Model Lecture3: Data Encapsulation and De-Encapsulation Lecture4: TCP/IP Model Quiz 1: Section 2 Review Quiz Section 3: Internet Protocol The functionality of the Internet Protocol Lecture5: Introduction to the Internet Protocol Lecture6: IP Addressing Lecture7: IP Address Classes Lecture 8: Reserved IP Addresses Lecture 9: Public and Private IP Addresses Lecture 10: IPv6 Addresses Quiz 2: Section 3 Review Quiz Section 4: Transmission Control Protocol The functionality of Transmission Control Protocol Lecture 11: Introduction to Transmission Control Protocol Lecture 12: TCP Three-Way Handshake Quiz 3: Section 4 Review Quiz Section 5: User Datagram Protocol The functionality of the User Datagram Protocol Lecture 13: Introduction to the User Datagram Protocol Lecture 14: TCP and UDP Ports Lecture 15: Address Resolution Protocol Lecture 16: Host-to-Host Packet Delivery Using TCP Lecture 17: Wireshark Quiz 4: Section 5 Review Quiz Section 6: Vulnerabilities Network Vulnerabilities Lecture 18: TCP/IP Vulnerabilities (Preview enabled) Lecture 19: IP Vulnerabilities Lecture 20: ICMP Vulnerabilities Lecture 21: TCP Vulnerabilities Lecture 22: TCP Session Hijacking Lecture 23: UDP Vulnerabilities"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |