Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"PMP EXAM Insight - Want to pass PMP exam from the first try?" |
">>>>> Save extra $5 (first 100 students only) - use BUYMEACOFFEE8 for $5 USD discount <<<<<You want to advance in your career. You have a project management experience and want to earn more money. You believe that acquiring PMP (r) designation will help you with that. Well, the official statistic confirms that candidates with PMP(r) certified earn more. Blah, blah, blah more fluff about the exiting a life of project managers. If it would be a TV commercial, you would see a young professional working on his/her laptop at the beach drinking some expensive cocktail with an umbrella. This is not a reason I created this course. I am tired and frustrated with most PMP(r) preparation materials. Most of them give students the wrong impression to treat the PMBOK as gospel and drill you into memorizing all the processes, glossary and etc. The worst part I meet a lot of good project managers with great execution experience who cant pass the exam. In comparison, you probably worked with good test-takers, but useless as project leaders and you cant stand being in the same meeting with then. Being a Project Management professional is not about remembering the terminology or processes. Its about your ability to interpret the framework and apply it in real-life situations. I created this course to help people with good project management experience to get their PMP(r)s and replace those annoying AMMM. lets have another meeting leaders. This course is something most of the instructors dont tell you because its not a part of PMBOK(r). Its based on student feedback and their success stories. I am really hoping that having this knowledge will help you to ace your exam and get to the next step in your project management career. >>>>> First 100 students this month will save $5 of the course - use BUYMEACOFFEE8 for $5 USD discount <<<<<"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Personality Psychology: Big 5 Traits" |
"**WELCOME TO AN INTRODUCTION TO PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY: THE BIG 5 TRAITS** This short course is designed to introduce you to the world of personality psychology. It has been tailored to provide a detailed introduction for anyone who is curious about the topic. No previous psychology knowledge or training is required. In this course, you will learn about modern day personality psychology with a focus on the Big 5 Traits. This personality model is the most dominant and commonly explored personality theory in psychology. The model is comprised of 5 unique traits which are believed to capture most of what we call 'Personality'. This Big 5 Traits Include:OpennessConscientiousnessExtraversionAgreeablenessNeuroticismIn this course, you will complete lectures on: An Overview of PersonalityAn Overview of the Big 5 TraitsSeparate Lectures on each Big 5 TraitA Lecture on Personality ChangeIn addition, you will have the opportunity to take a short personality test to see how your personality scores compare to a larger group of people. This course is taught by Psychology Insights, a team of professional researchers, psychologists, and universality lecturers. We see this course as an excellent starting point in your journey to learn more about human psychology! We are excited to offer it and hope that you will enroll!Thank you very much!Psychology Insights"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python ve Django ile Sfrdan Web Gelitirme Kursu" |
"Python ve Django ile web gelitirme eitimine hogeldiniz. Bu kursta bir web gelitiricisi olmak iin ihtiya duyduumuz eyleri renecek ve web gelitirme dnyasna admmz atacaz.Bu kursa balamak iin herhangi bir n bilgiye ihtiyacnz bulunmuyor. Django renmek iin ihtiya duyacanz temel HTMLve temel Python bilgisini de yine bu kurs kapsamnda bulabileceksiniz.Django Nedir?Django, Python programlama diliyle oluturulmu ve web gelitirme alannda kullanlan bir frameworktr. Basit kurulumu ve kullanm, detayl hata raporlar ve sunduu kolay arayzlerle kendini dier frameworklerden ayrtrmaktadr. Gnmzde web gelitirme ksmnda Djangoyu kullanan baz sitelere bakacak olursak; nstagram, Pinterest, Disqus, Bitbucket gibi byk kurulular dikkatimizi ekmektedir.Peki Neden Web Gelitiricisi Olmalym ?Tm Dnya genelinde byk bir i potansiyeline sahip bu alanda kendinizi gelitirebilir ve bir kariyer sahibi olabilirsiniz.sterseniz freelance olarak alr, kendi mterilerinize hizmet sunabilirsiniz.Hayal ettiiniz kendinize ait web siteleri ve projeleri hayata geirme frsatna kavuabilirsiniz.Bu kursun programn hazrlarken zellikle nasl balayacan bilmeyen ve yol haritasn henz izememi arkadalar dnerek hazrladm. Kursumuzda web gelitirme uzmanlna giden ""7 aamal yol haritas"" bulunuyor. Bu yolu takip ettiinizde ne yaptnz bilerek ilerleyebilirsiniz.Bu Platformda Sorular Cevapsz KalmazKurstaki eitim sreniz boyunca takldnz yerler olduunda hem birlikte eitim aldnz arkadalarnz, hem de ben size yardm etmek iin hazr bekliyor olacaz. Kurs ieriiyle ilgili hi bir soru cevapsz kalmaz."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Dal Marketing Operativo alla comunicazione d'impresa" |
"Mentre con il corso ""Dal Marketing Strategico al Marketing Operativo"", hai imparato a tradurre una strategia in concrete azioni di marketing, Con questo corso imparerai come da un piano di Marketing Operativo ben strutturato si pu ricavare una comunicazione creativa ed efficace; attraverso la traduzione delle azioni pianificate nel piano di marketing, in comunicazione, potrai avere una conoscenza delle regole principali che governano una comunicazione creativa, che viene tradotta in Advertising o in altre forme di comunicazione sul web."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Database Management System : MySQL and Database Modelling" |
"This course is designed to people from all backgrounds (IT and non-IT) who are willing to learn all about Databases and System analysisAfter this course you'll be able to : Analyse a system and Build Entity-Relationship Diagrams, and build the logical model.Normalise your database tables (until the 3NF).Implement your ER-Diagram into a physical database using MySQL ( Build your own Database).You'll be able to read, write and understand SQL queries and Complex SQL queries (Nested SQL queries).Use most important Pre-built SQL functions.Use join statements in SQL.The course is updated regularly, you can always ask questions and give feedback.Bonus content such as other DBMS will be added regularly.The course is aimed to be brief, not lengthy. lengthy courses shows lack of engagement. the course is designed in a way that each lecture is short and brief as possible. after each a quiz or notes are shared for interactive learning. This course have short lectures, but they are large in quantity. they are focused and direct to the point in order to avoid the distraction of the learners."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Professional Life-Coaching Diploma from Beginners - Advanced" |
"About The CourseThis course has been written by Anne-Marie Mayers Clapp.This Life Coaching Diploma provides a broad understanding of personal growth and coaching principles for those wanting to enhance their life, start a new career or broaden and update their skills within the Life Coaching profession and take their business further.The Soul Awakening Academys Life Coach Diploma certificate comprises the very latest aspects of Positive Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as well as Performance Coaching, all of which, when combined, will allow you to offer your clients the tools with which to achieve the clarity and understanding of their needs, wants and desires in life.By taking this Life Coach diploma you will become an effective Life Coach equipped with the right tools to help your clients become clear of their needs, wants and desires in life. This is the course to provide you with the right knowledge and skills to become a more successful Life coach.If you think you have the qualities to become a Life Coach, put them to better use with this course. Are you naturally compassionate, always ready to give a sympathetic ear, have an ability help people find solutions to their problems? If these characteristics describe you, then you have the potential to become a successful Life coach.This course is aimed at developing these qualities. You will be guided by an experienced coach in this journey of self-discovery. Each module in this course has a personal growth & developmental aspect to it.This course teaches coaching from a person-centred & traditional perspective that has scientific and researched approaches. It is a course that touches on deeper issues for anyone with a motivation for counselling, psychotherapy, and healing. It will help you improve the capacity to integrate coaching in listening, talking, and therapy interventions with different clients.In this course, you will experience personal expansion which will improve your confidence in applying your knowledge and skills.This course will empower you to deal with different people and issues. It will reward your efforts to work as a Life coach with growth and expansion in this exciting field of work.This course provides you with the necessary tools and techniques to apply in any niche whether personal or business. You will be able to successfully coach other people and guide them to achieving their potential in life.This is the course that will help you become a highly effective coach with the ability to make a positive and lasting change in your life and those around you.This is what this course will teach you:Developing life-changing skills to teach your clients how to define and achieve their life goalsThe GROW model and how it can be applied to different areas in lifeEmpowering a coaching relationshipDefining values and beliefsUsing SMART goals and how to apply them for better successHow to build rapport in communication and how to be a better communicatorSelf- discoveryBecoming a successful life coach as a careerThe tools and essentials you need a Life coachYou are not under any pressure to complete the online work within any time frame and we would suggest that you work through the material at a pace that suits you and fits in with your current lifestyle.What You Will NeedYou will need a pen, paper and access to your laptop/computer/iPad.The activities throughout the course are for your learning and you will not be required to send them to your tutor unless otherwise stated.What to expect:Each module contains a written & video MP4 version making this appealing to all styles of learning. You may download and use all the course materials & resources. Each module will have videos to help enrich your learning."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Final Cut Pro 10.4 - Devenir indpendant !" |
"Dans ce cours vous allez obtenir des bases solides avec le logiciel Final Cut Pro :La formation se dcompose en trois grandes parties : Premire partie : Introduction et dcouverte du logiciel, comment se prsente l'interface d'un logiciel de montage. Cette partie a pour but de vous crer des repres avec celui-ci et de survoler rapidement les fonctions prsentes.Deuxime partie :Dcouverte de plusieurs mcaniques du montage vido sur FCPX : -Importation de mdias-Les textes / gnrateurs / polices-Les transitions / effets-Les sons-Les vitesses-La colorimtrie / LUTs-Les keyframes-Les fonds verts / noirs-Importer des effets-Les paramtres d'exportation-La compression vidoTroisime partie :Mise en place de toutes les notions vues prcdemment pour poursuivre en crant votre propre montage vido."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Polite Puppy Dog Training Class" |
"Want your puppy to be a model housemate? Enroll in our online Polite Puppy training course and teach your dog proper house manners. By taking our Polite Puppy program you will be preventing and/or solving the following in-home problem behaviours: door dashing, counter-surfing, incessant barking, and other rude or pushy behaviour. With your dogs refined house manners not only will they be better behaved in your home, they may even be invited to someone elses.Who should take this dog training course?Dogs and owners that are new to positive reinforcement / clicker training. Perfect for your new puppy, or recent adopted rescue.What will you learn?Clicker training basics Sit, Down, Hand Target and Name ResponseGo to Your Mat/SettleStayDoggie Zen/Leave-ItBoundary Training/Wait patiently by the doorCrate trainingBarking: Resolve any issues with barkingFormat of the course:Your Treatpouch puppy training course is presented through video and online content. Youll get direct coaching and feedback from us via questions you post in our discussion forum. We are committed to your success! You are not just buying access to view a course, but instead, interact with two professional dog trainers.What's Not IncludedPlease note, that the scope of the course is limited to the syllabus. We will answer questions related to the exercises that are covered in this program, not every possible dog training question that might be out there.About's TrainersJulie PoslunsAfter graduating from a correction-style dog training program in 2003, Julie got a new puppy a Pug Beagle X (Puggle) named Tyson. At 8 months Tyson started barking and lunging at people, at 10 months he became leash reactive towards dogs, by 1 year he had full out aggression towards puppies. When Julie realized that she had not learned proper techniques to deal with aggression punishing Tyson for his behaviour made him lash out with greater intensity, she started looking for new ways to help her dog. Clicker training brought a new light to Tysons aggression and gave Julie a skill-set to manage his behaviour. This inspired Julie to learn about positive reinforcement training and set her on the path to becoming a professional positive reinforcement dog trainer.Julie is a Certified Pet Dog Trainer, Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) through the Certification Council for Pet Dog Trainers (CCPDT). As the owner of a successful dog walking company in Toronto, Julie sharpens her training skills daily when she is out on her group walks. When shes not dog walking you can find her teaching tricks to her own dogs.Both her dogs have titles in Rally Obedience and Freestyle but her greatest accomplishment is being able to bring her Puggle out with her on group walks. is her way of sharing with the world both the power of positive reinforcement training and the joy that comes from working with your dog.Julie is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Animal Behavior, at Memorial University, in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.Andre YeuAndres passion for dog training began when he rescued his beagle, Duke, who suffered from on-leash reactivity and dog-aggression. Andre quickly discovered clicker training and the power of positive reinforcement, and through patience and care was able to help Duke overcome his fear and dislike of other dogs.Dukes success gave Andre the confidence to volunteer and foster with a number of animal rescue organizations in the city. While each foster dog presented new challenges every dog could be helped through clicker training.In 2009, Andre decided to open When Hounds Fly! in Downtown Toronto, to make positive reinforcement training convenient and accessible to members of the community, and to improve the quality of life for dogs and dog owners in the downtown core. With the success of his school and the transformation hes seen in the neighbourhood dogs, Andre decided that it would be a worthy cause to offer people the benefits of positive reinforcement based training regardless of where they live. Through Andre hopes to improve the lives of dogs and their people all over the world.Andre is a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner (KPA CTP), a Certified Pet Dog Trainer, Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA), and a Truly Dog-Friendly Trainer. He grew up in Vancouver, has a bachelors degree in commerce, with honors, from the University of British Columbia, and lives in Toronto with his partner, Hyedie Hashimoto, and their rescue beagles, Duke and Petey."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Maya e Arnold Render: Criando objetos para animao." |
"Neste curso voc aprender todo o processo de produo de um modelo que pode ser usado em animaes 3D. Mostrarei todos as etapas da produo comeando com a modelagem, iluminao, mapeamento, textura e finalmente a renderizao de uma imagem em alta resoluo do projeto.Esse no um curso bsico e necessrio que voc tenha um conhecimento prvio no Autodesk Maya.Desenvolva seu conhecimento em 3D com um curso direto e objetivo, vejo voc na prxima aula."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Curso Maya e Arnold: Criando Moto Cartoon." |
"Ol sejam bem vindos ao Curso Maya e Arnold Criando uma Moto Cartoon. Nesse curso voc vai produzir por completo a moto mostrada na imagem de apresentao do curso passando por todas as etapas da produo, modelagem, criao e aplicao dos materiais, iluminao da cena, configurao do render e exportao de uma imagem em alta resoluo, tudo de forma prtica e direta.Esse um curso de nvel intermedirio preciso que voc tenha os conhecimentos bsico no Autodesk Maya, com relao a manipulao da vista, o bsico de modelagem, texturizao e render."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Start Investing in Foreclosures Today!" |
"For as long as people have been borrowing money to buy houses, there have been foreclosures! As long as there have been foreclosures, people have been trying to make money from buying them! Does that sound like something you would like to do?There is a lot of misinformation out there about investing in foreclosures. Some people DO make LOTS of money and others are not so fortunate. Foreclosures are not as easy as the Internet and reality TV make them out to be! This course will give you an insiders view into the foreclosure buying process and arm you with VALUABLE information from an expert in the field! NO SUGAR-COATING! NO FALSE HOPE! NO UNSUPPORTED CLAIMS OF WINDFALL PROFITS! I promise you an honest look at the business and common sense advice to help you make the best decision! I hope you not only learn something, but enjoy the process too!CLICK THE GREEN ""TAKE THIS COURSE"" BUTTON TO THE RIGHT & GET STARTED TODAY!No Risk Involved. This course also comes with a 30-DAY No Questions RequiredMoney Back Guarantee From Udemy. Get Started Today !! See you in the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de Mdias Sociais para Pequenas Empresas" |
"No esteja nas mdias sociais s por estar. Voc no quer investir tempo sem obter resultados, no ?Ento, tenha uma estratgia bem clara do que vai publicar e onde quer chegarcom isso.Este curso pode te ajudar a percorrer esse caminho pelas mdias sociais.Ele foi desenhadojustamente para empreendedores que no tem um time de marketing ou gestor de mdias sociais e para aqueles que ainda no comearam a produzir contedo nas mdias, ou tem apenas um conhecimento introdutrio.Ento, vamos aprender a fazer juntos uma boa gesto das mdias sociais?"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"SSIS Eitim Videosu Serisi" |
"Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)Bu eitim videosu serisi olduka kapsaml bir ekilde hazrlanmtr. Eitim serisini bitiren kiilerin SSIS aracn btnyle kavrayp ""ETL Gelitirici"" nvanna sahip olarak piyasada bu dorultuda i bulmalar hedeflenmektedir. Kursda ileyeceimiz konu balklarndan bazlar aadaki gibidir:SSIS Servislerine GiriSSIS Paketlerinin GelitirilmesiSSIS zerinde trigger tetiklemeLoglamaHata Ayklama ve Hata YnetimiCheckpoint ve Transaction YnetimiMkerrer Kayt lemleriStaging Tablo Kullanarak Verileri YazdrmaDinamik klasr oluturmaSequence Container KullanmData ConversionEvent HandlersPrecedence ConstraintsYeni videolarn yklenmesi halen devam ediyor..Faydal olmas temennisi ile.."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Entity Framework Eitim Videosu Serisi" |
"Entity FrameworkBu eitim videosu serisinde Entity Framework konusunu detayl bir ekilde iliyoruz. Kurumsal dnyada karl olan ayrca i ilanlarnda'da ska karlatmz bu teknolojiyi tm detaylar ile farkl yaklamlarlaele alyoruz.Anlatlan konularn tmn rnekler zerinden yapyoruz, buda ilediimiz konular hzl ve pratik bir ekilde renmemizi salyor. Ayrca eitmenimiz her seri ncesinde, ilgili konularadetayl bir ekilde hazrlk yapt iin eitimi alanlarnfazladan vaktini almadan konunun esas fikrinin kar tarafa hzlca aktarlmas salanyor. Eitimde yer alan konu balklarndan bazlar u ekildedir :* Database First, Code First ve Model First Yaklamlar,*Tablo Ad, Kolon Ad ve FK Alanlarna Mdahale (CF),*Entity Framework ile Stored Procedure Kullanm,* Entity Splitting* oka - ok ilikiler* Self ReferencingFaydal olmas temennisi ile.."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"A-ZWeb Servisleri Eitim Videosu SerisiWeb Api, Wcf2019" |
"Web Servisleri (SOAP)Bu eitim videosu serisinde Web Servislerini(.asmx) detayl bir ekilde iliyoruz. Anlatlan konularn tmn rnekler zerinden yapyoruz, buda ilediimiz konular hzl ve pratik bir ekilde renmemizi salyor. Ayrca Eitmenimiz her seri ncesinde, ilgili konularadetayl bir ekilde hazrlk yapt iin eitimi alanlarnfazladan vaktini almadan konunun esas fikrinin kar tarafa aktarlmas salanyor. Eitimde yer alan konu balklarndan bazlar u ekildedir :*Web Servislerde Session State Kullanm*[WebMethod] Property Kullanm*[WebMethod] Overloading*Javascript Kodlaryla Web Servis armaYakndaWCF ve WebApi eitim videolar da yklenecektir. Bunun iin video ekimleri devam etmekte..Faydal olmas temennisi ile.."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"MVC Eitim Videosu Serisi" |
"MVC Nedir ?MVC(Model-View-Controller), yazdmzuygulamanni mant ile (business logic) kullanc arayzn birbirinden ayrtran,uygulamann farkl amalara hizmet edenksmlarnn birbirine girmesini engelleyenyazlm mimarisidir. Kodun farkl amalara hizmet eden yaplarn birbirinden ayrarak, kodu daha rahat gelitirilebilir ve test edilebilir hale getirmi oluyoruz.Neden ASP.NET MVC Tercih Etmeliyim?MVC ile istemcinin isteine karlk retilen kt zerinde ok byk kontrol imkan vardr. Bu sayede her alanna mdahele edebildiimiz ve istee en uygun ktnn retilebilmesi salanmtr.MVC ile tekrar kullanlabilir (reusable) kod retmek mmkndr. MVCnin katmanlar birbirinden ayrld iin her bir katmann baka projelerde kullanlabilmesi salanmtr.MVC ile istemcinin istek gnderecei adresler zerinde ok byk kontrol imkan vardr. Bu sayede adresin ierik ile tam bir iliki ierisinde olmas salanmtr. Arama motorlar iin adres-ierik ilikisi nemli olduu iin uygulamann bulunabilirliine katks yksektir.MVC ile test edilebilir uygulamalar gelitirme ok kolaylamtr. Katmanlarn birbirinden ayr olmas ve Test Driven Development yapmay kolaylatrc mimarisi sayesinde test edilebilir uygulama gelitirilebilmesi salanmtr.Bu Eitime Kimler Katlabilir ?Programlama dilleri ile ilgilenen ve web tabanl projeler gelitirmek isteyen programclar katlabilir."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Grow your accounting business: how to overcome the 5 threats" |
"There are 5 trends that each accountant or owner of asmall-medium sizeaccounting firmhas to be aware of.Why?Because if you don't choose to face those trends now, you will be forced to do later. Unfortunately, for most, it will be already too late.The accounting industry has been here for quite some time.But, for social, economical and technological reasons, the industry is about to change.In this course I am going to show you:The 5 threatening trends that the accounting industry has already started feeling and that will affect it most in the next yearsThe effect those trends will have on your business if you are anaccountant or an owner of a small-medium size accounting firmA simple, no-cost and easystrategy that we have taught to thousands of small business owners in order to help them overcome the 5 threatsI created this course and this descriptionkeeping in mind how busy most of you are.In 30 minutes you will know everything you need to know in order to protect your business fromthe 5 trends.Let's start!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master your CPD... in 3 minutes a day" |
"I have spent many thousands of pounds on my CPD over the years- so you don't have to! For just a few pounds investment I'll show you a surprisingly simple system to 'Master your CPD' to progress your career - in whatever way suits you - so you can reap the rewards you deserve. Looking to demonstrate to your employer that you are committed to personal progression, then this course is your 'go-to' companion.OK, you work hard in your job but this course is about working hard on yourself so that that personal development can last a lifetime so you can reap the rewards you deserve. From a clear understanding of what CPDmeans, competencies defined and competency frameworks outlined, the course shows you all the core non-technical skills every professional needs to prosper. Is shows you how to assess yourself - and how managers can assess their staff - yet capture all your audit and your plans on two sheets of A4 paper.By the end of this course you can:Understand what Continuing Professional Development is all aboutUnderstand the competency framework for qualified professionalsDevelop a dozen approaches to broaden opportunities for learningUndertake a personal Development Needs Analysis in key areas of competencySummarize an Audit of yourself and your development opportunitiesDevelop a bespoke Personal Development PlanKnow how to work towards a better life / work balance"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to evolve a legacy iOS Application written in Swift" |
"In this pair programming screencast we show how we would tackle a legacy iOS app and incrementally introduce good software practices (such as TDD, Refactoring, Continuous Integration).This series is for intermediate iOS developer that already ship an app into the store but want to learn more advanced software practices.This simulates the scenario where you inherit an existing iOS application and you want to add more value step-by-step."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Project Based SQL Course: Code like a SQL Programmer" |
"No more watching other people do SQL with no context or practice problems! This course was designed to give you experience actually working on SQL problems, ensuring that you learn all the skills necessary to propel your programming careers.This was my experience when I was learning SQL myself: I found tons of places that would show you how to write basic SQL statements, but hardly anywhere when it came to finding places that would show me real databases and fitting projects to practice those skills.After working for years as a programmer, I made this course to give determined students a place to simulate the work environment by creating a complex database and assigning projects that will test your creativity and SQL knowledge learned throughout the course."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"How To Study the Bible and Enjoy It" |
"In this course students will be on a journey of discovering how to study the Bible in a scholarly yet accessible way. They will learn key concepts, definitions, and how the Bible came to be in written form. This course will equip students with a critical mass of knowledge to ensure their ability to study the Bible responsibly."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre le Trading Forex - guide complet A Z" |
"Apprendre chasser les opportunits sur les marchs financiers chaque jour Le guide Complet de A ZVous tes intress par le trading ?ce cours s'adresse a vous ! ( mme que vous ne savez rien sur ce domaine )je vais vous guidez tape par tape jusqu vous touchera des gains sur le march de forex grce a une trs puissante mthodologie ! ( Forex, indices, stock, xauusd, Usoil )Ce cours est destin pour les dbutants et Amateurs !"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de Ilustrao e Animao para Games" |
"Ol! Tudo bem?Seja bem-vindo a mais uma biografia sem graa de um instrutor! Meu nome Gustavo Marcondes, e sou mais um daqueles caras apaixonados por games! Toda minha formao inicial foi toda voltada para psicologia educacional. Sempre sonhei em utilizar os jogos para incentivar a nossa sofrida educao. Num primeiro momento escrevi meu primeiro livro (O LIVRO DAS LENDAS - Ed Zouk), um RPG para ser usado como reforo escolar durante as aulas. Sempre fui um apaixonado por games. Tive a oportunidade de fazer alguns cursos fora do pas que me auxiliaram muito na melhor compreenso de programao, msica e desenhos para games 2d. Ento aliei a psicologia educacional com as tcnicas destinadas a games 2D. Convivendo sempre com as redes sociais percebi que a maioria dos contedos apresentados na net estavam voltados para a programao de games. Como sempre fui encantado por arte, resolvi lanar um canal (GAME TEACHERS) com a inteno de ajudar aqueles que no tinham nenhum conhecimento em desenho para games 2D. Ensinar do zero com uma metodologia nica. Nos meus cursos, omeu objetivo principal que voc no s aprenda a desenhar para games 2D, mas que se divirta no processo! Pra isso, utilizo em meus cursos, o mtodo que se baseia nos seguintes princpios: - Aprender na prtica muito melhor e mais prazeroso do que com aulas tericas chatas! - Aulas no precisam de enrolao. Quanto mais enrolao, mais confuso e perda de tempo! - No adianta saber algo se no souber explicar. Por isso, minha didtica tenta ser sempre a mais clara possvel! Se voc totalmente leigo em arte, no sabe nada de desenho, mas sonha em aprender, est no lugar certo. Se voc j tem certo conhecimento em desenho , mas quer diversifica-lo... esse curso tambm para voc!Agora chega de conversa e vamos ao que interessa!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------English* THIS COURSE WILL BE UPDATED WEEKLY WITH MORE LESSONS, TEACHER'S TIPS AND COMMENTS *Hello! All right? Welcome to yet another bland biography of an instructor! My name is Gustavo Marcondes, and I'm one of those guys who are passionate about technology! All of my initial training was all turned to educational psychology. I always dreamed of using the games to encourage our education. At first I wrote my first book (O LIVRO DAS LENDAS - Ed Zouk), an RPG to be used as a tutor in class. I've always been a fan of games. I had the opportunity to do some courses abroad that helped me a lot in the best understanding of programming, music and drawings for games 2D. So I combined educational psychology with techniques for 2D games. Always living with social networks I realized that most of the contents presented in the network were directed to the programming of games. As always I was enchanted by art, I decided to launch a channel (GAME TEACHERS) with the intention of helping those who had no knowledge in drawing for 2D games. Teach from scratch with a unique methodology. In my courses, my main goal is that you not only learn how to draw 2D games, but have fun in the process! For this, I use in my courses, the method that is based on the following principles: - Learning in practice is much better and more enjoyable than with boring theoretical classes! - Lessons do not need curling. How much more coaxing, more confusion and waste of time! ""There's no use knowing anything if you can not explain. Therefore, my didactics try to be as clear as possible! If you are totally lay in art, you know nothing about drawing, but you dream of learning, you are in the right place. If you already have some knowledge in drawing, but want to diversify it ... this course is also for you! Now enough talk and let's get down to business!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Construct 2: Crie 6 Jogos Completos" |
"Ol pessoal!Meu nome Diogo Pimenta, curseiAnlise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas na FATEC.Trabalho como Instrutor de Programao, Robtica e Games na Escola Happy Code em So Pauloe tambm trabalho com Desenvolvimento de Jogos 2D h alguns anos. E este o meu novo Curso de Construct 2 aqui na Udemy em parceria com a EBG - Escola Brasileira de Games.No se preocupe se nuncaouviu falar desse programa ou se no sabe absolutamente nada sobre como criar jogos.Nesse novo Curso de Construct 2, voc vai aprender a criar jogos do zero.Alm disso, vai conhecer toda a interface e ferramentasdessa Engine fantstica que vem crescendo muito nos ltimos anos. No precisa ter medo! Te garanto que no fim de cada aula desse curso, voc ir aprender algo novo. Logo nas primeiras aulas, vou te mostrar como criar 2 Menus para Jogos: Um Menu Bsico e um Menu Personalizado.Para resumir, vou citar todos os jogos que voc ser capaz de criar nesse novo Curso de Construct 2:>> JOGO PONG>> JOGO BREAKOUT>> JOGO FLAPPY BIRD>> JOGO DE NAVE>> JOGO DE PLATAFORMA 2D>> JOGO DE CORRIDA (Baseado em um exemplo do prprio Construct 2)Isso mesmo! Voc vai aprender a criar 6JOGOS COMPLETOS DO ZERO nesse novoCurso de Construct 2. Mas no pra por a!Tambm vou mostrar como funcionaa Lgica de Programao do Construct 2, como adicionar eventos e aes para agilizar o processo de desenvolvimento de jogos digitais, eno fim, mostrarei como criar as Animaes e Movimentos de um jogo clssico do SuperNintendo, o Super Mario Bros.Tudo isso, na verso gratuita do Construct 2. Ento, o que est esperando para criar seus Jogos agora mesmo?Embarque nessa viagem junto com a gente e sinta o mesmo prazer de milhes de pessoas em Desenvolver seus prprios Jogos Digitais!!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Criao de Personagens Heris: Arte para Games 2D" |
"*** ESTE CURSO SER ATUALIZADO SEMANALMENTE COM MAIS AULAS E TER UM TOTAL DE 43 ***Ol! Tudo bem? Seja bem-vindo a mais uma biografia sem graa de um instrutor! Meu nome Gustavo Marcondes, e sou mais um daqueles caras apaixonados por games 2d!Toda minha formao inicial foi toda voltada para psicologia educacional. Sempre sonhei em utilizar os jogos para incentivar a nossa sofrida educao. Num primeiro momento escrevi meu primeiro livro (O LIVRO DAS LENDAS - Ed Zouk), um RPG para ser usado como reforo escolar durante as aulas. Sempre fui um apaixonado por games. Tive a oportunidade de fazer alguns cursos fora do pas que me auxiliaram muito na melhor compreenso de programao, msica e desenhos para games 2D. Ento aliei a psicologia educacional com as tcnicas destinadas a games 2D. Tambm sou autor de dois cursos disponveis aqui na Udemy: Da Criao Animao: Aprenda a desenhar e animar games 2D e Dos Cenrios aos Personagens: Criao de Arte para games 2D.Convivendo sempre com as redes sociais percebi que a maioria dos contedos apresentados na net estavam voltados para a programao de games. Como sempre fui encantado por arte, resolvi lanar um canal (GAME TEACHERS) com a inteno de ajudar aqueles que no tinham nenhum conhecimento em desenho para games 2D. Ensinar do zero com uma metodologia nica.Agora meu desejo ampliar e aprofundar tudo que j havia sendo ensinado nos mais de 80 vdeos do canal. Em meus cursos, meu objetivo principal que voc no s aprenda a desenhar para games 2D, mas que se divirta no processo!Pra isso, utilizo em meus cursos, o mtodo que se baseia nos seguintes princpios:- Aprender na prtica muito melhor e mais prazeroso do que com aulas tericas chatas!- Aulas no precisam de enrolao. Quanto mais enrolao, mais confuso e perda de tempo!- No adianta saber algo se no souber explicar. Por isso, minha didtica tenta ser sempre a mais clara possvel!Se voc totalmente leigo em arte, no sabe nada de desenho, mas sonha em aprender, est no lugar certo.Se voc j tem certo conhecimento em desenho , mas quer diversifica-lo... esse curso tambm para voc!Agora chega de conversa e vamos ao que interessa!EnglishHello! All right?Welcome to yet another bland biography of an instructor!My name is Gustavo Marcondes, and I'm one of those guys who are passionate about technology!All of my initial training was all turned to educational psychology. I always dreamed of using the games to encourage our education. At first I wrote my first book (O LIVRO DAS LENDAS - Ed Zouk), an RPG to be used as a tutor in class. I've always been a fan of games. I had the opportunity to do some courses abroad that helped me a lot in the best understanding of programming, music and drawings for games 2d. So I combined educational psychology with techniques for 2d games.Always living with social networks I realized that most of the contents presented in the network were directed to the programming of games. As always I was enchanted by art, I decided to launch a channel (GAME TEACHERS) with the intention of helping those who had no knowledge in drawing for 2d games. Teach from scratch with a unique methodology.Now I decided to expand and deepen everything that had already been taught in the 80+ channel videos. In my courses, my main goal is that you not only learn how to draw 2D games, but have fun in the process!For this, I use in my courses, the method that is based on the following principles:- Learning in practice is much better and more enjoyable than with boring theoretical classes!- Lessons do not need curling. How much more coaxing, more confusion and waste of time!""There's no use knowing anything if you can not explain. Therefore, my didactics try to be as clear as possible!If you are totally lay in art, you know nothing about drawing, but you dream of learning, you are in the right place.If you already have some knowledge in drawing, but want to diversify it ... this course is also for you!Now enough talk and let's get down to business!SOBRE O CURSO:O curso se baseia em ensinar o Processo de Criao dos ASSETS necessrios a produo de games 2D.Num primeiro momento ser apresentado uma tcnica de criao de personagens que vai te habilitar a escrever a histria do personagem de forma que possamos obter uma viso clara de suas caractersticas tanto visuais como psicolgicas. Isso ser de grande ajuda na criao da arte do personagem heri.Num segundo momento ser apresentado a tcnica de moldagem vetorial, capaz de transformar formas bsicas nos mais diversos personagens. Tambm conhecer e aprender a usar o software Gravit Designer e sua interface extremamente simples e intuitiva, o qual usaremos em todo o processo de criao.Num terceiro momento voc vai aprender tcnicas para criao de personagens heris dentro de cada uma das vrias classes j existentes como: RPG, Aventura, Ciberntica, Sete Mares, Ninjas, etc. Cada classe ser finalizada com um aula exclusiva de exerccios, onde ser mostrado acabamentos e outras possibilidades de variaes dos personagens.A cada passo voc ter explicaes claras e objetivas sobre tudo que est vendo. Seria como se eu estivesse ao seu lado numa conversa informal."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Creating Amazing Property Video (Using Your Smartphone)" |
"Luke Power's mission is: ""To create and empower one video expert within your property based business"". This course has been designed to do just that.More about the course:5 hours of high quality video lectures. A series of 11 comprehensive and high quality video lectures designed to take your video skills from 0 to 100. Take a look at the free content and Lecture ONE to get a real feel for the course, its aims and Luke's teaching style.Whether you run a large Real Estate Agency, commercial portfolio, or just one holiday property this course will take you from complete novice to Property Video expert in a clear, fun and engaging way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gli enigmi della Primavera di Sandro Botticelli" |
"Il primocorso di storia dell'arte dove il protagonista un capolavoro del rinascimento fiorentino: la Primavera di Sandro Botticelli.Il corso suddiviso in quattro sezioni: nellaprimaci immergeremo nelcontesto storico artistico della Firenze di fine Quattrocento, nellasecondaanalizzeremola vitadi Sandro Botticelli e le sue opere, nella terzasveleremo i misteri legati al dipinto ed infine entreremo nel dipinto alla scoperta dei dettagli: i gioielli,le acconciature gli abiti rappresentati dal Botticelli.Siete pronti per iniziare ilviaggio e diventare dei veri conoscitori dell'enigmatico dipinto del Botticellidalla ""bellezza stregata""?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"High Energy Taoist Tai Chi and Taoist Yoga (Lishi)" |
"Tai Chi is often seen as an exercise for older people but the truth is it has massive benefits for people in their twenties and thirties too. If you live a busy lifestyle, recognise that you should be taking better care of your health, want to feel more energised to do the things you lovethen this course is for you.Learn Simple Exercises That Boost Your Energy and Make You Feel Great Every DayIn addition to Tai Chi, you will learn some simple Daoist exercises that will help you relax your body, calm your mind, boost your energy and build your confidence.You will learn:+How to warm your body up the Tai Chi way (Gentle and nourishing)+How to breathe properly if you want to relax and boost your energy+The basic animalstances of the Lishi Daoist Tai Chi+Daoist Yoga for increased flexibility+Qigong Energy Work exercises+Tai Chi for a high energy lifestyle+A simple exercise for helping you sleep+The beginnings of moving meditationRelax and StrengthenYour Mind and BodyI have been practising the Chinese exercise system called Lishi (pronounced ""Lee"" ""Sher"") for twenty years and in that time I have seen remarkable changes in the energy levels and happiness of thousands of my students lives. You will immediately feel the benefits of the exercises and can start making a positive difference in your life very quickly.If you want to take better care of yourself and enjoy even higher energy levels than you do nowthen makingthese exercises part of your daywill do it for you.Course OverviewI have structured the course for beginners so that your knowledge builds progressively. We will start with a gentle warm-up so you can start to feel good from gentlymoving allthe muscles and joints of your body.Next we will look at how to breathe properly in a way that maximises your oxygen intake, calms your emotions, relaxes you mind and body andboosts your energy. I guarantee this will be different from the way that you breathe right now.The foundations of Tai Chi and all of the other Taoist exercises of Lishi are the stances. I teach you seven basic stances in a fun way that will strengthen your legs and make the following sections easier to enjoy.Daoist Yoga is different from other forms of yoga because it encourages you to always keep moving and never hold postures. We move in and out of the postures smoothly and fluidly. This develops suppleness in a much more natural way and helps you to embody the principles of flowing with life.We do some standing energy cultivation exercises (Qigong) which are very simple to do but not necessarily easy so I have created 3 different videos to help you progress, strengthen your stamina and build up your energy.With the firm foundation of the previous exercises in placeyou are now ready to learn the first three sequences of the Tai Chi Form. We will look at the stance-work, the hand and arm positions and the breathing so that you can co-ordinate all three,perform the moves fluidly and start to experience moving meditation.The course is designed to give you an introduction to the exercises without overwhelming you with technical detail. If you enjoy the exercises, feel the benefits andstart making them part of your life I outline how you cango deeper and further into these exercises to get even more benefit from this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Basic Russian in 30 minutes" |
"Hi. Welcome to the BASIC RUSSIAN course where you will learn the alphabet, basic Russian phrases and grammar. Im Svetlana, a girl form Belarus with a passion to help you learn English/ Russian.I have a Bachelors degree in linguistics so I can understand all of the challenges that come with learning a foreign language.This course is made for absolute beginners and requres no prior knowledge of Russian. By the end of this course you will be able to hold a simple conversation in Russian, talk about your family and thing you have and dont have. Sounds interesting? Sign up for the course and enjoy leaning this fascinating language."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gramtica Inglesa Bsica: Os tempos verbais." |
"Este curso destina-se a trabalhadores ou estudantes, falantes de portugus, com conhecimentos da lngua inglesa de nvel A2 e que necessitem de uma consolidao dos tempos verbais bsicos para poderem desenvolver a sua capacidade comunicativa. Neste curso, sero abordados os seguintes tempos: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Will Future , Be going to Future . Cada mdulo do curso corresponde a um tempo verbal, onde ser explicada a sua estrutura nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, bem como, o seu uso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sales and Marketing for Freelancers (Updated for COVID-19)" |
"This course will teach you how to find your first clients as a freelancer/entrepreneur. It will also teach you how to then use these clients to find better quality clients so that, over time, you can plan to be working with your ideal client(s) in the long run. In other words, this is your complete guide to sales and marketing as a freelancer.Your first clients will help you earn money. Your next clients can help you earn a living. But you still don't want to be earning a living if it is with clients who don't pay you enough/take advantage of you/etc. The good thing about having clients is that you can leverage them to get better quality clients. This is what good sales and marketing is about.This is for Freelancers and EntrepreneursWhile employees in a company may find many useful tips here, this course is geared toward people working for themselves. So all you freelancers and entrepreneurs out there. Whether you are just starting out (selling to your first clients) or have been in the game for a while (but wish to raise the standard of client you deal with), then this sales and marketing course will have useful material for you.****See what other students have had to say:""This course was perfect for me. I love to learn by watching and then doing. It was great to be able to watch a segment and then put it straight into practice. Highly recommend this for people wanting the basics of sales & marketing. Just what I needed, enough information without the overload. AWESOME!!!!!!!!"" - Wendy Smith""This course is helpful for people wanting to start on becoming freelancers and self-employed individuals. This course is also helpful for freelancers that are having difficulties on getting clients.""- John Adriel Benolirao""Very thorough and very knowledgable""- Melania Rossi****This is not purely Academic!This means that you should not be taking this course from start to finish before starting out, but rather you should be applying the sales and marketing methodology and lessons as soon as you learn them. One of the biggest mistakes freelancers make is to delay getting started because they don't feel ready yet. So I designed this course to help you get started right away. So hopefully, by the time you reach the end of the course, you will already be making sales as a freelancer.This Sales and Marketing course is for All Freelancers!Whether you are a programmer, a freelancer writer, a photographer, a freelance teacher or even a freelance lawyer (yes, they exist), then this course is for you. My background is as a freelance translator, but I gear this information for all freelancers.This is also NOT platform specific. So this isn't only for Upwork or any other specific platform. Although the concepts can certainly be used on these platforms."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |