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"Aprenda a gravar vdeos e fazer apresentaes engajadoras!" |
"Gravar videos tornou-se um desafio comum no dia a dia de empresas de todos os segmentos. cada vez mais comum, que ocolaborador que se destaca em alguma rea sejaconvidado a gravar videos:seja para um treinamento interno, para informar uma nova prtica ou compartilhar conhecimento.Alm disso, h aqueles que toparam um novo desafio, como apresentar um canal noYoutube, Instagram ou em outras redes sociais. Se voc uma pessoa inteligente, ou interessante, fatalmente chegar o momento que voc precisar gravar um vdeo.Foi pensando nisso que criamos este curso ""super completo"". Aqui traremos ocombo de dois contedos: ""Tudo que voc precisa saber para falar em pblico"" +""Tudo que voc precisa saber para gravar videos"".E porque juntamos os dois contedos em um nico curso? Porque para que voc saiba se comunicarna frente das cmeras, fundamentalque voc saiba se comunicar atrs delas: em apresentaes corporativas, reunies, palestras etc. Com a juno destes dois contedos, voc saber TUDO que precisa no s para gravar videos de maneira profissional, como tambmpara se tornar um excelente comunicador em todos os tipos de situaes.Prepare-se, este curso ir mudar completamente seu entendimento sobre comunicao, e alm disso,far com que voc esteja preparado a gravar vdeos com segurana e profissionalismo!NOTA: Se voc estiver em dvida sobre qual curso online da The Speaker comprar, no compre os dois cursos. Este curso contm todo o contedo do nosso outro curso, com adio de aulas especficas sobre videos. Na dvida, sugerimos quecompre somente este."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Practical Customer Development" |
"EVERYONEISLYINGTOYOUThey say you shouldn't ask your mom whether your business is a good idea, because she loves you and will lie to you.This is technically true, but it misses the point. You shouldn't askanyone if your business is a good idea. It's a bad question and everyone will lie to you at least a little. It's not their responsibility to tell you the truth. It's your responsibility to find it.IT'S WORTH DOING RIGHTTalking to customers is one of the foundational skills of both Customer Development and Lean Startup. We all know we'resupposedto do it, but nobody seems willing to admit that it's hard to do right and easy to screw up.This course is going to show you how customer conversations go wrong and how you can do better. It's a quick, practical 2 hours of videos and workshops that will save you time, money, and heartbreak.DESIGNED FOR TEAMSWhile you can certainly benefit from this course as a solopreneur, the 4workshops within it aredesigned to be done together with allthe key decision makers from your team:product, sales, strategy, and any others whose jobs depend on understanding the customers.You'll finish with a customer learning plan, an audit of your recent key meetings, and a simple bare-bones process for capturing and spreading your customer insight in the future.Hope you'll join us!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"anto di gola Trova la tua voce della Natura" |
"Se volete imparare il canto di gola, se volete provare, se volete sentire la grande forza di questi suoni. Potete accedere al mio corso online su come apprendere il canto di gola da casa.Nel lemie lezioni, spiegher nel dettaglio come cantare, come respirare, come esercitare la giusta pressione sulla gola e, chiaramente, come cantare due note nello stesso momento.Ci sono molti esercizi e spiegazioni e ci vi aiuter a compiere un primo passo nell'apprendimento del canto di gola."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Grtlak Mzii. Online master klas" |
"Bu ustalk snfnda size boaz ark sylemeyi nasl aklayacam. Pratik altrmalar ksa srede Karrgyraa, Khoomei ve Sygyt gibi boaz arklarnn posta stillerini renmenize yardmc olacaktr. Boaz arksok eski bir tr vokal sanatdr. Bu kursta, gemiini dokunmak mmkn olacak.Bu kurstadoann sesini bulmanza yardmc olacaktr.Boaz arksi Trk halklar arasnda ok popler."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4 - Meistere modernes Webdesign mit 5 Projekten" |
"+++ Der neueste und umfangreichste deutschsprachige Kurs zu Bootstrap +++Modernes Webdesign muss nicht schwer sein! Dank Frontend-Frameworks wie Bootstrap ist es sehr leicht toll aussehende Webseiten zu gestalten. Und das beste? Diese sind gleich Mobil-optimiert (mobile-first) und fr alle Bildschirmgren responsive. Mit diesem Komplettkurs lernst du optimal, wie du Bootstrap selbst wie ein Profi einsetzt. Und das Schritt-fr-Schritt, um dein Wissen kontinuierlich aufzubauen.Dieser Kurs startet mit den notwendigen Grundlagen zum Einrichten von Bootstrap und dem essentiellen Grid-System, das Bootstrap zu Grunde liegt. Es folgen einige der wichtigsten Elemente, um mit deren Kenntnis richtig durchstarten zu knnen. Danach wirst du anhand von insgesamt 5 Praxisprojekten nahezu alle Elemente von Bootstrap kennenlernen. Und das gleich in relevanten Anwendungsfllen wie einer Landingpage fr eine App. Der Kurs schliet damit ab, dass du dein Wissen mit einigen weitere Bootstrap Bausteinen wie den Tooltips vervollstndigst. Die fnf Praxisprojekte bestehen aus folgenden Seiten:Portfolio-Webseite fr einen DesignerBlog-Startseite hnlich wie WordpressProdukt-Landingpage fr eine AppShop-Checkout mit Empfnger- und ZahlungsdatenDashboard mit Kunden und TrafficinformationenIn ber 10 Stunden Videomaterial und mehr als 50 Lektionen werden wir hauptschlich die Praxisprojekte gemeinsam erarbeiten. Darberhinaus lernt ihr auch alle (nicht in den Projekten verwendeten) Elemente von Bootstrap kennen, sodass ihr es vollumfnglich einsetzen knnt. Egal ob euer Ziel der private Einsatz, der berufliche Einsatz oder nur etwas Spa ist: dieser Kurs lsst dich Bootstrap 4 selbstbewusst anwenden.Bootstrap 4, das steht fr das State-of-the-art HTML- und CSS-Framework fr modernes Webdesign. Erlerne es noch heute!Zu den beinhalteten Bootstrap-Bausteinen, die du alle im Kurs kennenlernen wirst, gehren:Alerts - Meldungen z.B. zur Warnung oder ErfolgsmeldungBadges - Badges fr Texte und ButtonsBreadcrumb - Leichte Orientierung im den Tiefen des ContentButtons - Eines der Grundelemente von Bootstrap 4, Klicks der Nutzer steuernCard - Die Universal-Komponente, in Gruppen oder alleineCarousel - Moderne SlideshowCollapse / Accordion - Inhalte kompakt bereithalten und bei Bedarf ausklappenForms - Formulare fr Login, Kontakt oder mehrJumbotron - Stylische UI-Elemente, z.B. als Hero HeaderModal - Content-Overlay-Box bzw. Popup-Lsung von BootstrapNavigation - Kreative Navigationssysteme als Navigationsbar o..Pagination - Seitenzahlen fr Seiten, Blogs und ArtikelPopovers - Klick-Alternative mit mehr InhaltTooltips - Ein must-have fr viele Webseiten oder Apps, hnlich dem PopoverProgressbar - Optisch ansprechende Ladebalken oder DiagrammeScrollspy - Inhalte dynamisch scrollenAuerdem lernen wir die folgenden Grundelemente kennen:Text / TypographyTabellenBilderCodeFr uns selbstverstndlich: Zu allen Projekten und Lektionen sind alle Materialen und Links zu den notwendigen Informationen enthalten."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing: How To Create A Lead Generation Ad -2018" |
"You already know Facebook's advertising platform is one of the mostpowerful advertising platforms available.One of the most underutilized but more powerful tools of Facebook advertising is the ability to capture leads through micro targeting. While likes and video views are good, leads, whether it be email addresses or names and addresses are gold. Harness the power of Facebook and create a compelling lead campaign that you can use to grow your email list. I'll walk you through Step by step on how to setup a lead generation campaign How to review the analytics after a campaign has run How to download the leads in either a CSV or Excel spreadsheet. The setup of a privacy policy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Secrets :How To Launch & Monetize Your Channel -2018" |
"Learn how to start a YouTube channel to market a product or service and generate ad revenue. Join experienced YouTube optimizer Yassine Sebbar as he shares his strategies for succeeding on the world's largest video platform. This course shows marketers and content creators how to market and monetize videos on YouTube, where more than 6 billion hours are watched monthly.First, learn how to create a channel and attract subscribers. Then find out how to brand your YouTube page, create engaging playlists, and customize content to draw in more viewers. Discover tried-and-true SEO techniques to optimize videos for search engines, and find out how to join the Partner Program, which earns you money by allowing advertisers to display ads on your videos. Finally, Yassine shows how to use YouTube Analytics, explaining which statistics to focus on in order to better guide your content strategy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"KeePass - Zadbaj o bezpieczestwo w sieci" |
"Kady z nas ma gdzie jakie konto. Wdobie internetu jest to nieuniknione. Wraz z rozwojem techniki zwiksza si ilo zagroe w sieci. Duo osb nie zdaj sobie sprawy z niebezpieczestwa jakie czekaj na nieostronych internautw.Pierwszym krokiem do zwikszenia swojego bezpieczestwa jest wiadomo tych zagroe.Wiele osb ma t same hasa do wielu serwisw w tym take bankowych. Dodatkowo t hasa zazwyczaj nie s zbyt silne. Hakerzy maj tego wiadomo i j wykorzystuj. Oczywicie serwisy bankowe s dobrze zabezpieczone. Haker skupi si na pozyskaniu hasa ze sabo zabezpieczonego serwisu. Pozyskane w ten sposb haso moe suy do dalszej inwigilacji i ataku na nasze konto bankowe.Jak si w takim razie przed tym zabezpieczy?Nigdy nie bdzie 100% pewnoci co do bezpieczestwa naszych danych. Natomiast moemy utrudni hakerom zadanie, aby zmniejszy opacalno przedsiwzicia. Najlepiej do kadego serwisu mie inne haso oraz eby byo one odpowiednio skomplikowane i nie zawierao danych personalnych. Tylko jak zapamita a tyle hase?Tutaj z pomoc przychodzi menader hase - KeePassKeePass jest programem open source - czyli o otwartym kodzie. Wielu specjalistw sprawdzio program pod ktem bezpieczestwa. KeePass na swojej stronie ma wiele przyznanych nagrd za swj standard bezpieczestwa. Europejska komisja FOSSA przeprowadzia audyt bezpieczestwa KeePass - nie znaleziona adnych powanych defektw bezpieczestwa.To wanie czyni KeePass jednym z najlepszych i godnych zaufania menaderw hase."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"KeePass - Keep your password safe" |
"Each of us has an account somewhere. In the Internet age it is inevitable. With the development of technology, the number of threats in the network increases. A lot of people do not realize the dangers that await unwary Internet users. The first step to increasing your safety is to be aware of these threats. Many people have the same password for many websites, including banking. In addition, these passwords are usually not too strong. Hackers are aware of this and use it. Of course, banking services are well secured. The hacker will focus on obtaining a password from a poorly secured website. The password obtained in this way can be used for further surveillance and attack on our bank account.How can you protect yourself in this case?There will never be 100% certainty about the security of our data. However, we can hinder the task of hackers to reduce the profitability of the undertaking. It is best to have a different password for each website and that it should be sufficiently complex and does not contain personal data. Just how to remember so many passwords? Here comes the password manager - KeePass. KeePass is an open source program. Many specialists checked the program for security. KeePass on his site has many awards for its security standard. The European FOSSA commission has carried out a KeePass security audit - no serious security defects found. This is what makes KeePass one of the best and trustworthy password managers."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Harmonia Funcional II" |
"Segunda Parte do ""Curso de Harmonia Funcional I""Um curso terico que conta com videos aulas objetivas e feitas na medida certa, onde ensina passo a passo todos fundamentos avanados da harmonia. O contedo do curso utiliza o que h mais atual ensinado nas melhores escolas de msica do mundo. Um verdadeiro curso de harmonia funcional no formato EAD com muito exerccios em cada tpico do curso, destinado a todos os instrumentistas e msicos em geral.Aulas compostas por videos explicativos e muitos exerccios prticos e tericos.Se voc msico, quer definitivamente aprender a teoria da harmonia, esse o curso ideal.Inscreva-se j!!!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to run better company meetings (Updated for COVID-19)" |
"A one hour meeting of 6 people = a loss of 6 hours of productivity. Minimum. How do you keep your team interacting, keep communication flowing, encourage discussion and ideas, without causing your business' death by meeting?There is no secret, but there is a system. This course is your step by step guide to:Determine when a meeting should happen, versus when a memo will doEnsure your team members arrive prepared and ready to workIncrease the productivity of your meetings, while reducing the time you spend in meetingsThe lectures will walk you through the steps to perform before, during, and after your meeting. Worksheets provide tips and templates to use for your own business. Reviews""Thank You Rebecca We shall have many more effective Meetings"" ""Very well structured and delivered. I've got a long experience with meetings of all kinds, and was happy to be reminded of some points which can easily be overlooked with time when routine settles in. I truly enjoyed that course and put it to good use already. Very happy and grateful :)"" ""The info was very compact and valuable, examples were great, i'm satisfied with this course :)"""
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis de Malware Fundamentos" |
"Durante el curso aprendern temas relacionados con el malware, adems podrn levantar su propio laboratorio de anlisis con las herramientas que recomendamos dentro del curso. De igual forma conocern diferentes tcnicas y herramientas utilizadas en los diferentes tipos de anlisis de malware. Tendremos laboratorios de prcticas y todo el material para descarga para que puedas realizarlos."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"""NOVO"" curso de Dashboards PROFISSIONAIS no Excel" |
"O Curso de Dashboards PROFISSIONAIS no Excel o mais completo e atual da categoria.Seu objetivo capacitar o profissional, apresentando tcnicas para a criao personalizada de painis de Dashboard utilizando somente recursos nativos do Microsoft Excel.Comeando pelos conceitos Bsicos indo at o nvel Avanado na construo de painis de Dashboard. O curso apresenta as seguintes caractersticas: So cerca de 13 horas de videoaulas.Mais de 30 modelos atualizados de painis, com exerccios para praticar Suporte e planto tira dvidasO que equivale a 24 horas de curso presencial.E a principal VANTAGEM: voc estuda no seu ritmo, no seu tempo livre, no conforto de sua casa ou em qualquer lugar que voc queira, podendo assistir as vdeo-aulas quantas vezes voc quiser. E se precisar, conta com o suporte tira dvidas.Com exemplos REAIS, sem ENROLAO, 100% PRTICA.So mais de 30 MODELOS para voc APRENDER. PASSO a PASSO. Com os conceitos e tcnicas de DESIGN DE PLANILHAS mais recentes, (ano 2020).E ainda voc recebe TODOS os modelos PRONTOS e uma base vazia para voc PRATICAR.Acompanhe as demonstraes, faa os exerccios prticos e com CERTEZA, Voc vai se tornar um profissional que conhece e DOMINA as tcnicas na construo de painis de Dashboard profissionais utilizando como base o Microsoft Excel."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Electric Circuits" |
"In this course one can learn series combination of resistors, voltage divider rule, parallel combination of resistors, current divider rule, wye delta conversion or star delta conversion of resistive circuit, Wheat Stone balanced bridge circuit, Kirchoff's voltage law and Kirchoff's current law, nodal analysis, loop analysis, supernode analysis, supermesh analysis and active and passive elements in the circuit.All the topics have number of solved examples to have better understanding of the subject."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Priorities of a modern basketball team" |
"A basketball player is built and judged on his ability to execute physical plays but winning as a team is being on the right side of a sequence of strategic choices deciding which actions to execute to create the most success.We try to build from scratch the things needed to succeed in a high level team competition such as representative basketball. We focus on the priorities and then branch out into the details. One of the main emphasis of the course will be understanding the value of specific situations to inform strategy and decision making, which will depend crucially on a combination of two factors which are in our control: the first is a substantial understanding of one's teammates and the other is a solid understanding of the game itself.This will give you a good foundation to understanding the deepest theories in basketball analytics.Plans and goals for individual skill development are also set for the player to do on their own."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing: tecniche e strategie" |
"*** CORSO Instagram Marketing + 2 Video Guide per realizzare post sponsorizzati su Instagram (una per utenti base e una per utenti intermedi)*** NUOVE lezioni IN ARRIVO!Instagram uno strumento davvero potente! Che ti consente di far conoscere la tua attivit a centinaia di nuovi potenziali clienti 24H su 24H.Esistono oltre 1 miliardo di utenti attivi su Instagram (dato in costante crescita) e conoscere strategie efficaci per ottenere dei follower davvero interessati al tuo business, pu aumentare in maniera significativa i guadagni della tua attivit.Instagram oggi uno dei modi pi efficaci per connettersi con nuovi clienti:Crea un profilo aziendale Instagram professionaleCostruisci relazioni solide con i tuoi follower Resta al passo con tutte le nuove funzionalit che Instagram sta implementando ogni giorno, per far crescere la tua azienda e il tuo accountCon Instagram non occorre un grande budget per avere un grande ritorno di clienti!Ti basteranno poche ore per imparare le tecniche di marketing che ti consentiranno di crescere su questo fantastico social.Ti condurr step by step nel tuo viaggio di crescita e apprendimento.Dopo questo corso avrai gli strumenti per creare contenuti di qualit e spingere la tua attivit verso clienti iper-mirati.Il tuo profilo diventer professionale ma allo stesso tempo interessante e avvincente se utilizzerai storie, live streaming e tutte le altre nuove funzionalit di Instagram.Instagram contenuti e panoramicaQuesto corso progettato per chiunque abbia meno di 10.000 follower su Instagram e vuole imparare come usarlo per farli crescere nei giusti tempi e aumentare le sue possibilit di guadagno.Sarai costantemente aggiornato su tutte le nuove funzionalit di instagram e le sue modifiche.Avrai sempre accesso illimitato al corso, ai quiz, ai compiti e alle slides.Inizieremo con le nozioni di base e imparerai come creare un profilo Instagram potente e professionale per la tua attivit, progettato per attrarre in modo efficace il tuo cliente target.Hai gi un account? Allora devi assolutamente sapere se lo hai costruito in modo ottimale ed efficace.Se hai dubbi o domande sono qui a tua disposizione! Risolveremo insieme ogni problema. Ci che distingue questo dagli altri corsi di gestione e marketing di Instagram che alla fine di questo corso conoscerai tutte le strategie per far crescere NEL TEMPO E ORGANICAMENTE le interazioni sul tuo account ottenendo followers davvero INTERESSATI ai tuoi prodotti e/o servizi.Non solo numeri ma risultati concreti!Riceverai Quiz, compiti e risorse utili per arrivare alla fine preparato e sicuro di te! Non vedo l'ora di vederti attivo e pronto a seguire le lezioni!Ti aspetto a bordo.ChiaraQual il pubblico target?Questo corso su Instagram adatto sia alle Aziende che ai singoli utenti con account personale che sono NUOVI su Instagram o quelli che hanno MENO DI 8000 follower. In questo corso potrai imparare le strategie di marketing utili per far crescere il tuo account nel tempo.Questo corso necessario per tutti coloro che desiderano far crescere gradualmente e senza trucchi i propri follower su Instagram, che desiderano diventare esperti negli strumenti di marketing relativi a questo social e vogliono tenersi aggiornati su tutte le nuove funzionalit di Instagram.Questo corso NON adatto se: il tuo unico obiettivo aumentare il numero dei follower in poco tempo senza sforzi concreti (questo corso non contiene pozioni magiche e segue i tempi logici del marketing applicato), NON adatto se sei un utente esperto che utilizza quotidianamente da anni questo social.Ti Sconsiglio di approcciarti a questo corso se NON hai VOGLIA e TEMPO di applicare tutte le tecniche contenute nelle lezioni, perch solo queste potranno aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi. "
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre le Pinyin (la prononciation du chinois mandarin)" |
"En chinois, c'est possible de comprendre un caractre sans connatre sa prononciation. Si vous voulez apprendre le chinois parl, vous devrez savoir lire le Pinyin.Pinyin a veut dire ""peler le son"", on l'utilise pour connatre la prononciation d'un caractre.Dans ce cours, je vais vous apprendre le pinyin et sa prononciation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Logo, Flyer, Poster Et Autres : Tout Crer Gratuitement" |
"Vous pouvez dcider de crer vous-mmes vos propres supports ou dpenser de grosses sommes d'argent pour leur conception. Mais quelle que soit votre option, sachez au moins que des outils sont disponibles . C'est le cas de Canva Design qui est un logiciel puissant, disponible en ligne destin et trs pris pour la conception graphique. Aucune connaissance de base en graphisme n'est ncessaire pour faire le job.Apprenez Canva Design pour vous librer et librer le potentiel artistique qui sommeille en vous.Prenez en main votre identit visuelle au profit de votre propre activit et de votre prsence dans les rseaux sociaux.Etes-vous prt(e) ?Il est clair que vous n'avez rien perdre en essayant de devenir autonome.Vous pouvez vous lancer ds aujourd'hui et raliser vos propres supports.Informations importantes savoirSi cette formation ne vous satisfait pas, vous pouvez alors obtenir de Udemy un remboursement sous 30 jours ;Une fois que vous avez rejoint la formation, vous en aurez accs vie ;Vous aurez aussi accs gratuit toutes les mises jour que je pourrais apporter aux contenus de cette formation ;Enfin, vous pouvez menvoyer des messages personnels avec toutes vos questions ou suggestions concernant la formation. J'y rponds avec plaisir afin de vous accompagner dans votre projet."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Basics Of Pro Songwriting" |
"Ready to Drastically Improve Your Songwriting?Whether youve never written a song in your life, or youve been writing for years and want to step up your gamemy video course will have you writing songs like the Pro's.So there are countless books, videos, and classes that teach songwriting. What makes my video course better, or even different? Good question. All of these other sources can teach you how to write a song. Whats a verse, chorus, bridge, etcand yes, I will certainly teach you all of these things.But in addition to the basics of songwriting, I teach you the basics of PRO songwriting. Ive been a professional and successful songwriter for over 10 years and in this course I show you the exact method my colleagues and I use to write commercial songs every day. The exact same songwriting method that has been used to write countless #1 hit songs on the pop, country, christian,and rock charts!Ill also identify the most common mistakes songwriters make that instantly turn off industry professionals. If youre currently making these mistakes, I can almost guarantee you wont have success. SorryI dont make the rulesbut I know them, and now you can too!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Web Design became child's play Thanks to Weebly" |
"In growing digital world, web presence has become almost mandatory, if you are not there it is pretty difficult to find you, Every one seeks information online therefore being there strengthens your image and product, but even today web design seems a costly product to small businesses, freelancers.With help from this course any or everyone can make their own website or at least can use it to present their work in form of a portal, be it a small businessman, a school student, College students, upcoming designer, entrepreneur who wants to save on building websitesHow To build A Website With Drag And Drop Using Weebly With No CodingIf You Always wanted to Build A Website ,but was worried about learning the technical skills on web programming languages like HTML, CSS. Than this course might do wonders with you. Weebly doesn't Require you to have any coding knowledge to create , Stunning & Beautiful Websites within a hours. In this Step-By-Step website development Course I'm going to focus upon training you on the fundamentals of using the drag and drop features of online website builder, Weebly.This Course will help you in following waysYou will be able to build websites/ digital portfolios without hiring someone and spend money.You will be able to build websites (as many as you want) from scratch without spending much of your precious timeYou will be able to build websites without spending hours of time to learn any web coding languagesYou will be easily able to manage, edit and update your website as and when you need, saving lot of time in follow up and making coders understand your requirementYou will be able to create a website for free with weebly without paying for any hosting and domain charges and only need to pay if you wish to have a domain without weebly branding, and if you need to use the premium features.What you will be LearningCreating an Account with WeeblyChoosing a ThemeChoosing a domain / SubdomainWeebly DashboardAdding A PageAdding Page ComponentsAdding Headers and Titles To Your WebsiteAdding A Slideshow of ImagesAdding Galleries To Your WebsiteAdding Youtube Videos To Your WebsiteAdding Files To Your WebsiteChanging the Font of Your WebsiteAdding Buttons and LinksAdding A Map To Your WebpageCreating a Custom Contact Form For Your VisitorsAdding Divider Lines & Spacer Elements for As Organized WebsiteAdding Social Icons To Your WebsiteConfiguring Social Icons About Me:Well, I'm Rikhil Nagpal, I am a Consultant, Educator and Design Evangelist and i have seen many designers/ Small business owners and Entrepreneurs following up coders to build their websites and ultimately things don't work as per their choice rather objective of developing website becomes goofed up and they are unable to spend large sum of money to hire top notch website designers.when I discovered Weebly it seemed like a blessing to me. I learnt the website creation process using the easy to use drag and drop features of Weebly within a day and trained many designers to use this platform for their benefit Using the Weebly's WYSIWYG(What-You-See-Is-What-You Get) website editor, it is very easy to add elements to your web pages and preview the changes instantly. I am Helping people to develop their websites through weebly since 2010. Come Let's join hands together to develop your skills to build stunning website completely designed and built by you"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kid Entrepreneurship - Business Launch Plan (6th-12th grade)" |
"GET THE FULL COURSE AT - K I D E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P . C O M- This Udemy Course is limited and does not include the full content available. Go to our website to purchase the full course. Our entrepreneurship programs teach students the 21st-century skills theyll need to succeed in the worlds changing economy.Through story-based learning and gamification, your students will learn how to survive as an entrepreneur.16 Day Online ProgramHere are just some of the skills students will learn:How to identify opportunities in the marketplace.How to differentiate your product/service.How to develop a target market.How to develop a marketing strategy.How to identify costs and develop pricing.How to develop a business model.How to present a business idea to an audience.And much more."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Closing More Sales - 'Your Customer Can Sell to Themselves'!" |
"Thank you for taking the time to look at my course information. I'd like to tell you a bit about what this course will help you with and how you will benefit from implementing the ideas, skills and techniques contained in the programme.Ideal StudentIf you currently work in a sales environment and want to increase your skills beyond the basic sales process, then this is the right course for you. You should be motivated to improve your sales performance and keen to enhance your skills and knowledge to achieve this.Or, you may be someone who wants to move into a sales role and want to get some great ideas about how sales works at a higher level.What needs will this solve for you?Many sales people tell me that their current skill level is holding them back from selling more product or service to their current customer base or that they are not converting enough of the prospect customers that come their way. This sales training course has been designed to help sales people to take that next step in their language, behaviours, sales structure and disciplines.Course HistoryI have been selling for over 30 years and training sales people through my Sales Development business, for 15 years. Over this time I have trained more than 7500 sales people, face to face, working with over 750 companies. This course was developed 7 years ago in response to my customers telling me that they wanted something beyond the basic sales skills that would really have a great impact on their sales success. I have delivered this course with great success more than 50 times in the last 7 years and the feedback I get from my delegates is fantastic. The majority of them report an instant uplift in confidence, behaviours and skills, leading to a real increase in sales, profit and commissions. The course has been refined and developed over this time and everything that you will learn has been proven to work in multiple business sectors. If you implement these skills effectively, you will earn more money!So, why should you enrol?It's simple. You will learn new skills that will help you sell more product, more profitably, more often. You will develop behaviours that will earn you more commissions and achieve greater success.Are these ideas unique?Nothing is unique in sales training. Most skills that you will hear are an adaption of something else. However, the methods that I teach are different, putting a new perspective on the key selling skills, bringing you more success.Course OverviewThis sales programme will assist all sales people to improve their skills, knowledge and understanding of the following areas:Planning the sales appointmentSetting realistic objectivesConducting effective sales meetingsAdvanced questioning techniquesEffective product presentationOvercoming objections and closing salesCommunicating at all levelsDeveloping your customers reliance and respect for youUltimately, the key outcome is to provide you with the skills and abilities to achieve you sales targets consistently through a better sales management and communication process with your clients and within you business."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan leri Seviye Vue.JS Eitimi ve Uygulama Gelitirme" |
"Nereye bakarsanz bakn (Google Trendleri, Github da Star, Tweet says) VueJS JavaScript Framework dnyasnda ykselen bir deer. VueJS inanlmaz bir Framework!!Frontend Frameworkleri, bize Reactivity verdii iin inanlmaz popler. Mobil Uygulamalardan bildiimiz mkemmel kullanc deneyimi, artk bu frameworkler sayesinde bu mkemmel kullanc deneyimi tarayclarda da mmkn. phesiz ki Frontend dnyasnda en fazla cret denen gelitiriciler, bu tarz JavaScript Frameworklerine ( VueJS gibi ) hakim olan gelitiriciler. Bundan dolay JavaScript Framework'leri bu alanda ok deerli. Angular2 ya da ReactJS biliyor olabilirsin, VueJS bu iki frameworkn en iyi zelliklerini kendi bnyesinde birletirir. Ayrca VueJS ile kk Widget tasarmndan byne, Enterprise Seviyesinde uygulama gelitirebilirsin ve bunu yaparken VueJS in olduka kolay yapsyla elenebilirsin.Eer bu 2 framework hakknda bir bilgin yoksa da endielenme sakn. nk bu kurs dier iki framework ile ilgili herhangi bir bilgi iermiyor. Kurs ierisinde VueJSi sfrdan renmeye balayp, VueJS uzman olana kadar kodlamaya devam edeceiz.Kursun inde;VueJS nedir? Nasl Ortaya kt? Neden Kullanlr?DOMetkileimleriKoullar ve Liste Render lemleriDinamik CSSve Style lemleriDerinlemesine Vue InstanceDevelopment ServerWebpackComponent YapsComponent'ler Aras letiimGelimi Component KullanmDirective KullanmFilter ve Mixin ile almakAnimation ve TransitionVue Resource ile HTTP Request YnetimiVue Router ile Single Page Application Yapm (SPA)Vuex ile State ManagementAWS zerinde uygulamay Deploy etmekAxios ile HTTPRequest YnetimiVuelidate ile Input ValidationVueJS Uygulamalarnda Auth lemleriVueJS ile Firebase Kullanmve ok daha fazlasn detayl bir ekilde reniyoruz. Ayrca Kurs iinde seni hemen hemen her blmde en az 1 tane dev bekliyor. devler seni, rendiklerini daha iyi pratik yapman ve VueJS konseptini daha iyi renmen iin olduka nemlidir.Tabiki sadece devlerle kursumuz bitmiyor. Kurs boyunca birbirinden gzel ve elenceli, retici 6 uygulama yapyoruz. Bunlar;Canvar Av OyunuAn Defteri UygulamasStok Al Verii UygulamasFilm Arivim UygulamasTODOList UygulamasTicket Sistemi Uygulamasgelitiriyoruz. Bu kadar ierik varken neden hala kursun aklamalarna bakyoruz :) Hadi hemen kursa katl ve VueJS'in saysz avantajlarndan yararlanp, gelitiriciler arasnda 1 adm ne kmaya hemen balayalm!!######### Bu Kurs senin iin mi?#########Bu kurs hakknda eer bir bilgi varsa, bir bakalm bu kurs senin iin mi?Bu kursa ak olacak 4 tip renci vardr:1.renci:Biraz JavaScript tecrbesine sahip olan ve JavaScript ile neler yaplabileceine kar ilgisi olan. JavaScriptin gzel Web Uygulamalarn yapabildiini ve varolan Web Sayfalarnn zelliklerini ykseltebildiini duymu ve okumu olan. VueJS senin tercihin :)2.renci:Dier Frontend Frameworkleri (Angular2 veya ReactJS) hakknda tecrbesi olan ancak bu frameworklerden kaynakl olarak hayal krkl yaan ve alternatif arayan. VueJS senin aradn olabilir.3.renci:Backend Framework ya da dilleriyle tecrbesi olan ama Frontend dnyasna girmek isteyen. VueJS mkemmel bir seim. VueJS ok elenceli bir frameworkdr. Native JS kullanr ve olduka gldr.4.renci:Angular 2 seni hayal krklna m uratt. Bir Frameworkn 2 saat kurulum aamas iyi midir? Bence deildir. te VueJS bunu size kantlayacaktr :)Hadi VueJS e derinlemesine girelim!"
Price: 209.99 ![]() |
tehniki-i-metody-obucheniya-personala |
", . , , (e-learning, Bitrix24, YouTube ). :1. . .2. .- .- .- .- .3. .- .- .4. .- .5. .6. .7. / .- .- .- .- .- .- .- .- ().- .- .8. .- . 20- - .- -/-. .- .- -.- .- , .- () = E-learning. ( ).- YouTube. .- Bitrix24 + Google Forms.- -.9.- .- """": .- ""Comfy"": . , .- ""EVA"": .10. :1. .2. .3. .4. .5. ( .pptx).6. (1) .7. (2) .8. (3) .9. (4) .10. .11. .12. 360 .13.- .14. ().15. .16. . .17. -.18. .19. """": .20. ""Comfy"": . , .21. ""EVA"": .:4 . ."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Make Any type of Website in 10 Min & Earn Money from Fiverr" |
"Make Business Website in 10 Min & Earn Money from Clients :-Make Any type of website example:- Blogging, eCommerce, Portfolio & Business in 10 Min & Make Money by Sell to Clients.You can easily Make Professional Website & You can make money through Sell to Clients.This is the perfect place to start.This complete course is designed for beginners like you who have never built a WordPress website (or any website for that matter).WordPress is the perfect tool for creating a fully customized website for any purpose. Whether you want to create a blog, a personal portfolio, ora business website to sell your products and services,you can do it with WordPress.While WordPress might seem scary from the outside, once you get started, it's fairly intuitive.Everything from hosting to installing a theme, then actually building your first pages can be learned in the first few lessons of this course.With this course, you don't need to actually pay for hosting to practice with WordPress. I'll show you how to create a free temporary site so you can follow along.Why learn from me?I've been building WordPress websites for years. Just like you, there was a time when I was a complete newbie! I was honestly scared of starting a WordPress website because it seemed so daunting.Now I love WordPress!I wouldn't recommend using any other web-building tool.I still remember what it is like to be a beginner, and I've kept that in mind while creating this entire course. I walk you through every process step-by-step to make sure you understand things clearly. And if there is ever anything that is confusing, just let me know and I'll create more lessons that explain or walk you through myself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strategy Unplugged" |
"Hang on tight! Strategy Unplugged is an extensive, yet accessible course that will give you a new perspective on strategy. With 24 video lectures, you have nearly 3 hours of focused content presented by Sid Peimer with his entertaining dry sense of humour and more than 20 years experience in strategy - from start-up to blue chip. Lecture 1 : Expectations Everyone agrees that strategy is important, but no one agrees on what it is. Here Sid sets the stage for your journey. The veil begins to be is lifted off the mystique of strategy, and you begin your journey with a practical definition of the word 'service'. In 200 BC Archimedes proclaimed: Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world. Strategy Unplugged is both the lever and a stable platform to allow you to move the world. Lecture 2 : Occam's razor We encounter just a hint of basic mathematics to learn the concept of Occam's Razor. This concept, or rather principle, was proposed as early as the 1300s by a Franciscan friar who lived in the English county of Surrey in a village called Ockham. His name was William of Ockham, and as a logician he proposed the following: Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate. The spelling has changed somewhat over the years, but the maxim has survived - for very good reason. Lecture 3 : What qualities a strategist? Sid tells a fascinating story about the moon landing, and that Neil Armstrong actually did not say "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". To become a strategist requires no formal education - all it takes is a change of perspective, because when people ask for a strategy, all they are asking for is your perspective. Lecture 4 : Military heritage Although there are a substantial number of military strategists (as there have been a substantial number of conflicts), we begin with Sun Tzu, also looking at the contributions of Frontinus, Guibert, Von Clausewitz, Liddel Hart and General Forrest. Lecture 5 : Strategy enters our lexicon In the previous lecture we investigated the roots of military strategy from the ancient to the modern. Strategic thought obviously did not stop there, and neither did strategic folly. Wherever there is conflict there is strategy, and it will always be documented. But for our purposes, a branch emerges into the business world, and that is the one we take here. We look at the contributions of Andrews, Chandler, Ansof and the Boston Consulting Group. Lecture 6 : Modern strategic thought In this lecture we cover the contributions of Michael Porter, looking not only at the 5 forces model, but also his concept of generic competitive strategies as well as the value chain. There are certain constraints to the 5 forces model, and to compensate for these we have the resource based view of the firm which is also covered in this lecture. Lecture 7 : Contemporary theories Our primary focus here is on the work by Henry Mintzberg where we learn about deliberate and emergent strategies. Modern Strategy has become a smorgasbord of opportunity for modern authors, consultants and academics. If you come up with a hot concept, you get yourself a great book deal with the chance of getting onto the bestseller list, not to mention the lucrative speaker circuit. However we isolate one exemplary example which is Blue Ocean Strategy by Kim and Mauborgne. Lecture 8 : Towards a definition Here we begin our journey towards a definition of strategy that meets the requirements of Occam's Razor. We encounter Plans, Goals, Visions, Missions, Objectives and Tactics - and put them into perspective relative to strategy. Defining strategy is not a straightforward process, and here we encounter the first stage in the process of arriving at a practical definition. Lecture 9 : The 55/5 rule In our previous lectures we built up 2 stages of the definition of strategy. The first:strategy is what you need to do to win; the second: strategy is what you need to do to meet your objectives. We also dropped the term goals from our strategic statements, and we would be replacing it with something absolutely crucial which we cover in this lecture based on the 55/5 rule (which has been ascribed to Einstein): "If i had one hour to save the world, i would spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem, and 5 minutes thinking about solutions". Lecture 10 : A definition at last This is a brief lecture where we consolidate what we have covered to arrive at a definition of strategy that satisfies Occam's Razor. Lecture 11 : Supply and demand The main reason that strategies fail is that people did not do what we expected them to do. here we are not referring to staff and implementation, but to the market that we are trying to influence. Although the market does respond in a logical way at times following the dictates of a standard demand curve - and why retailers have sales, it is irrational to think that people make rational decisions in their best interests all the time. That brings Behavioural Economics to the fore. Lecture 12 : The balance sheet in the brain This lecture introduces the role of the autonomic nervous system and mental accounting that makes us behave in ways that are unexpected - although if you know the biology and psychology behind it, the market's behaviour is not that surprising. We review research by Donald Dutton, Arthur Aron, Richard Thaler, and Daniel Kahneman and the late Amos Tversky's Prospect Theory. Lecture 13 : Decisions Here we delve a little deeper into the consumer's mind, and then take a journey towards insights. We encounter System 1 and System 2 thinking as well as Gerald Zaltman's model of the limbic pathway. By then end of this lecture you will have a clearer idea of the interplay between emotion and reason, and how that affects our decisions. Lecture 14 : Defining insights Having insight into how people will behave is obviously an immense asset, and why organisations spend substantial resources doing market research. We've seen that the economic man model is extremely limited and that we really need to get inside the minds of those whose response may determine the success or failure of our strategy. This is a short lecture that focuses on defining the word 'insight'. Lecture 15 : Insights revealed We look at two well-documented case studies. Firstly the initial failure, and then success of Febreze by Proctor and Gamble. The second case study is as different as you can get, taking us deep into the Colombian jungles to change behaviour based on an insight. Lecture 16 : Positioning Someone who really understands the concept of positioning is Victoria Beckham. In her autobiography, Learning to Fly, she states Right from the beginning I said that I wanted to be more famous than Persil Automatic. She certainly knows the basic tenet of positioning: and that is the fact that positioning is relative. In other words the most important phrase in that sentence is more important than. We flesh out the definition to satisfy Occam's Razor, and also look at positioning on more than one dimension. Here we look at the fascinating introduction (and subsequent demise) of Zima beer. Lecture 17 : Segmentation We begin this lecture with a quote from Leo Burnett: I cant give you the formula for success, but I can give you the recipe for failure: be all things to all people. So if not being all things to all people is a predictor of failure or success, segmentation is an important aspect of any strategy. We look at the fascinating case of Target getting too close to its customers. Lecture 18 : Numbers and fumbles This lecture brings to the fore things that you don't think about when looking at data. Such as the emotional aspect of numbers. We cover the New Coke debacle, false causality in the Hebrides, coconut oil in cinema popcorn, a bit of teven Covey and some interesting stats on brand polarisation from the Harvard Business Review and Ronald Regan's mastery of strategy in his debate against Jimmy Carter. Lecture 19 : Strategic Intent Strategic Intent is not a new concept, but was formalised in an HBR article of that title in May of 1989 by Gary Hamel and CK Prahalad. Strategic intent has not entered the everyday lexicon of strategic planning. The reason I think is that it lies outside all the formal methodologies and processes of planning. We are more familiar with a planning process that focuses on what we can do, resulting in a feasibility sieve through which all plans go, to arrive at something that suits us 100%. The problem is what suits us 100% may not be suitable for strategies that will give us global leadership or some other stretched goal. And I use the term goal in the sense of a 5-year time horizon. Strategic intent is like a marathon or a 5-year plan but the big difference is that it is run in 400 m sprints. Lecture 20 : The innovation blind spot This lecture looks at ecosystems which failed new product launches. An innovation blind spot cost Philips Electronics US$2.5 bn in the form of write-offs. They brought out the magnificent HDTV in 1980; unfortunately they were 20 years too early. The hi-definition cameras and transmission standard - which were needed to make HD deliver - failed to arrive in time. However, this was somewhat less painful than Pfizer's $2.8 bn write-off from Exubera - a 'sure winner'. Michelin tyres also hit an innovation blind spot with the introduction of their run-flat with which Sid shares his personal experiences. Lecture 21 : Lessons from Hollywood - storytelling for strategists As strategic planners, we tell stories all the time. We tell people about markets, what people in those markets are experiencing, what they like, what they don't like, what they're buying into or not, or why the presentation is two weeks late :). Nearly everything we communicate is in the form of a story, so it is prudent to get to know the three-act structure intimately, as all presentations have, or should have, a beginning, a middle and an end. Lecture 22 : Selling your strategy Constructing an elegant strategy, only to fall down at the last hurdle is the epitome of frustration. Contrary to popular opinion, strategies seldom sell themselves, no matter how exceptional that may be. This lecture, to put it succinctly, is about getting your message across. Lecture 23 : Thriving on strategy This is about you as an individual. We look at the concept of 'hardiness' and the myth of talent. Because strategy is essentially about the future, one cannot claim to be 'correct' at its construction. The factors that have proven to reduce the stress involved are covered, and taken together with the ability to change and give perspective, as well as plenty practice and a good mentor makes for a more enjoyable and valuable process. Lecture 24 : A brief farewell courtesy of William of Occam This is, as the title suggests, a very short lecture that just revisits the 55/5 rule and reminds you of the definition of strategy that was built up in the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Teams para Educadores" |
"O avano da internet e das tecnologias da informao ampliaram as possibilidades de ensino e aprendizagem das escolas. Pode-se agora aprender em qualquer lugar atravs dos dispositivos conectados internet e com qualquer pessoa que posta contedos de qualidade.Os professore inovadores tm disposio gratuitamente as interfaces da Microsoft para educao. Basta que o educador e os alunos possuam email institucionais, cadastrem-se no site da Microsoft educao e ganhe acesso gratuito ao Office 365 para educao. Neste curso vamos conhecer uma das mais incrveis ferramentas para disponibilizar seu contedo de aula e organizar seus trabalhos em grupo, o Microsoft Teams. Com ele possvel criar turmas de alunos, disponibilizar contedos, tais como arquivos, vdeos, links e tarefas. Tambm possvel concentrar o acesso a todos os aplicativos do Office em um s lugar, organizando assim facilmente com segurana suas aulas digitais e a produo de seus alunos.Voc tambm aprender como voc pode conseguir um certificado do Office Teams da Microsoft.Como bnus, voc aprender os princpios do ensino hbrido e da sala de aula invertida.Venha comigo nesta grande aventura, que desenvolver a autonomia na aprendizagem, a responsabilidade do trabalho em equipe, o letramento digital, a criao e o compartilhamento de contedos digitais para seus alunos.Inscreva-se agora para inovar e expandir suas possibilidades de ensino atravs da internet."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Urban Krav Maga: Defending Yourself on a Bus" |
"Things are different when you're attacked sat down, and on a moving vehicle. Techniques and strategies have to be adapted, hence the need for this unique course. We cover:Pre-emptive responses to threats from a potential aggressor;Responding to a variety of punching attacks with immediate counter attacks to quickly neutralise the attacker;Knife threats and attacks, how to survive and take the attacker out quickly;Chokes, strangles and other grabs, initial response, how to break the hold and retaliate;How to exit the scene quickly and remove anyone trying to obstruct your path;Improvised weapons, basically how to use your door or car key as an effective weapon. Remember, the techniques here can be applied with modification outside of this context they are not just specific to fighting on a bus."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"33 life changing hypnosis bundle" |
"GET 33 WONDERFULHYPNOSIS AUDIO TO HELP YOU GENERATE WONDERFUL CHANGEQuit alcohol , live in abundance ,learn faster ,manage your anger ,beat anorexia,be more assertive , be beautiful beautification ,have charisma ,be creative ,fix your eating disorder ,be full of energy , be ready for exams , face lift ,beat fear of public speaking , beat fear of success ,beat fear of rejection ,give 100 % of yourself ,be happy , unlock your inner genius , lose weight , attract money ,awaken your inner genius , lose weight ,be motivated for success , attract money , be motivated for exercise , be peaceful ,learn to play guitar faster , have postive mindset , self-confidence ,quit smoking , be more social ,time management ,be younger , find your soulmate .These hypnosis audio will help you in all aspect of your life :-social life and romance-health energy and well being-productivity and finance-youth and beauty-bad habit management-unlocking your inner geniusstart a better life and enjoy the benefit of all these wonderful changes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Plot First, Write Faster" |
"This course is for beginning writers who'd like to learn how to plot and write fiction more efficiently.The course covers the following subjects:Basics of story structureThree-act structure and The Hero's Journey plot templatesCreating plot lines and weaving in subplotsFollowing storytelling devices used in screenwriting to assist in creating fiction plotsRecommended books on plotting stories After taking the course, you should be able to:Create a basic three-act storylineKnow when and how to use subplotsApply the three-act structure and Hero's Journey so as to make your writing time more productive.Identify each major sequence of events in your story and know where they should appear in your storylineIdentify key moments that serve as plot points or turning points in your storyDeviate, as needed, from The Hero's Journey template, as ideas occur to you while writing the story"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Revit MEP Essential Training (Hindi Urdu)" |
"In this Revit MEP 2017 training course, expert author Mohammad Gulshadteaches you the basics of using Revit to design mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. This course is designed for all beginners and advance level, meaning no previous Revit MEP experience is necessary.This course is for them want :-HindiUrduLanguage so this is a best opportunity for you that is course is in your own language. It's is so useful for you to understand.You will start with a tour of the 2017 user interface, including how to customize the interface and use keyboard shortcuts. You will then learn how to use the basic creation and editing tools, such as copy and paste, rotate, mirror, and extend and trim. Youwill learn how to start a new MEP project from scratch, explaining the various views, spaces, and zones you will be working with. This video tutorial also covers topics includingHVAC, hydronic piping systems, and plumbing and fire protection systems. You will also learn about electrical systems and electrical panel schedules. Finally, you will learn about documentation,and how to present your finished projects.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to create your own projects in Revit MEP 2017 or any version you are using. Working files are included."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |