Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC - Seria Web Developer - cz 1" |
"W kursie bdziemy budowa nasz pierwsz aplikacj ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC z Visual Studio 2017. Ten kurs ma na celu da ci praktyczny sposb, aby dowiedzie si jak najwicej o ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC. Zbudujemy pen aplikacj w Visual Studio 2017. Dowiesz si jak robimy konfigurowanie witryny. Zobaczysz, jak zastosowa wzr MVC, tworzy model, repozytorium, budowa widoki, pracowa z prawdziw baz danych i wiele wicej. Niektre z gwnych tematw, ktre omwimy, to budowa w peni dziaajcej aplikacji, zaczynajc od Plik -> Nowy Projekt. Dowiesz si o nowych funkcjach ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC, takich jak :Tag helpers, dostp do danych w bazie danych, przy uyciu Entity Framework Core 2, omwimy ASP.NET identity, aby umoliwi uytkownikom uwierzytelnianie w naszej witrynie. Pod koniec tego kursu bdziecie wiedzie, jak zbudowa w peni dziaajc, rzeczywist aplikacj przy uyciu ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC w Visual Studio 2017. Seria Web Developer :cz 1: Budowanie pierwszej aplikacji ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC z Visual Studio 2017cz 2: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery Szybki Start dla .Net Corecz 3: Budowanie aplikacji ASP.NET Core MVC Entity Framework Core, Bootstrap, i Angular... Kod rdowy dostpny na github: mariuszjurczenko/Komis"
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"C# Seria Programista - cz 2" |
"Programowanie obiektowe to fundamentalna cecha jzyka C #. Tematem tego kursu bdzie programowanie w jzyku C #, a dokadnie wszystko co powiniene wiedzie o programowaniu obiektowym. Po podaniu specyfikacji nowej funkcji lub nowej aplikacji zacznij od zidentyfikowania klas z wymaga lub specyfikacji. Programowanie obiektowe reprezentuje encje i koncepcje aplikacji jako zbioru klas. Nastpnym krokiem jest przeanalizowanie zidentyfikowanych klas i podzia obowizkw w zalenoci od potrzeb. Chodzi o to, e aplikacja powinna zosta rozoona na czci z minimalnym nakadaniem si funkcji. Jeli kada klasa ma jeden cel, atwiej jest pisa, testowa, a pniej znajdowa t klas, gdy trzeba j zaktualizowa lub rozszerzy. To sprawia, e kod jest atwiejszy do modyfikacji i dostosowania do nowych wymaga i przyszych wymaga. Nastpnym krokiem jest przyjrzenie si zwizkom. Relacje midzy klasami definiuj sposb, w jaki obiekty utworzone z tych klas mog wsppracowa w celu wykonywania operacji aplikacji. Ostatnim krokiem jest wykorzystanie ponownego uycia. Sia programowania obiektowego ley w obietnicy ponownego uycia. Poprzez wyodrbnienie podobiestwa midzy zestawami klas do oddzielnej klasy, masz wicej kodu wielokrotnego uytku. Rozbudowane ponowne wykorzystanie istniejcych, sprawdzonych klas nie tylko skraca czas opracowywania, ale take prowadzi do bardziej niezawodnych aplikacji. Przykadowa aplikacja zostaa ponownie wykorzystana poprzez klas bazow z wykorzystaniem dziedziczenia. Nastpnie zademonstrujemy ponowne uycie poprzez bibliotek komponentw klas oglnych. I wreszcie, zobaczymy ponowne uycie interfejsw. Interfejsy zapewniaj czysty sposb interakcji aplikacji z innymi klasami, komponentami, aplikacjami lub systemami. Kurs opisa rwnie cztery filary lub cechy programowania obiektowego. Abstrakcja, enkapsulacja, dziedziczenie i polimorfizm.Abstrakcja opisuje jednostk w prosty sposb, ignorujc nieistotne szczegy. Zmniejsza zoono, koncentrujc si tylko na tym, co jest wane dla celw konkretnego zastosowania. Enkapsulacja polega na enkapsulacji lub ukrywaniu danych implementacji w obrbie klasy. Dane s przechowywane w polach w klasie i dostpne dla reszty aplikacji tylko za pomoc metod pobierajcych i ustawiajcych waciwoci. Kod jest rwnie hermetyzowany w klasie i dostpny tylko poprzez interfejs klasy. Ukrywanie danych moe chroni dane przed nieautoryzowanym dostpem lub nieprawidowymi danymi. Ukrywanie implementacji pomaga zarzdza zoonoci i uatwia konserwacj. Implementacja moe zosta zmieniona w dowolnym momencie bez wpywu na aplikacj. Dziedziczenie pozwala klasom pochodnym lub klasom potomnym na ponowne uycie caego kodu z klasy podstawowej lub macierzystej. W demonstracji stworzylimy klas bazow encji, ktra zawieraa standardowy zestaw waciwoci i metod sprawdzania poprawnoci. Kada klasa encji odziedziczya po tej klasie bazowej, aby ponownie wykorzysta jej funkcjonalno. Ale w niektrych przypadkach nie chcemy ponownie korzysta z caej funkcjonalnoci klasy podstawowej, wic moemy przesoni jej czci tak, jak zrobilimy to za pomoc metody sprawdzania poprawnoci. Polimorfizm jest koncepcj, e pojedyncza metoda, taka jak metoda sprawdzania poprawnoci, moe zachowywa si inaczej w zalenoci od typu obiektu, ktry j wywouje. Tak wic sprawdzanie poprawnoci obiektu zamwienia moe zachowywa si inaczej ni obiektu klienta, ktry sprawdza poprawno, a obiekt klienta moe zachowywa si inaczej od sprawdzania poprawnoci obiektu produktu i tak dalej. Metoda o podanej nazwie moe mie rne ksztaty, a aplikacja okrela, jaki ksztat metody naley zastosowa w momencie wykonywania. Ide polimorfizmu opartego na dziedziczeniu jest to, e klasa bazowa moe definiowa metod, a kada klasa pochodna moe przesoni t metod, aby zapewni wasn definicj i implementacj, zasadniczo zapewniajc wasny ksztat tej metody. Ide polimorfizmu opartego na interfejsie jest to, e interfejs moe definiowa metod. Kada klasa moe nastpnie zaimplementowa ten interfejs i zdefiniowa wasn implementacj dla tej metody, zasadniczo zapewniajc wasny ksztat dla tej metody. Seria Programista C# :cz 1: C# Podstawy programowania cz 2: C# Podstawy Programowanie obiektowego w jzyku C#cz 3: C# Najlepsze Praktyki Podstawy jzykacz 4: Wprowadzenie do kolekcji C#cz 5: C# Generics...Kod rdowy dostpny na github: /mariuszjurczenko/Kaczorek"
Price: 534.99 ![]() |
"Impara a lavorare con After Effects 2020 in tempi da record" |
"Leonardo Ezequiel Olivito in arte lolivito, esperto di motion graphics, VFX, format televisivi e produzioni video, autore per Reduser del manuale Animacin y efectos especiales con Adobe After Effects disponibile per tutti i paesi del Sud America, spiegher come trasformare la tua creativit e le tue idee in animazioni professionali per i tuoi video."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate 2020" |
"Welcome! I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam.[May 2020 Update]: 50+ videos have been updated to keep up with AWS UI changes. [July 2019 Update]: Few lectures refreshed, including EC2 placement groups.-----------------------------------The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but how to administer it and troubleshoot issues, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass. Rest assured, I've passed it myself with a score of 980 out of 1000. Yes, you read that right, I only made one mistake! Next, I want to help YOU pass the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate certification with flying colors. Important: It is highly advised that you first pass the Developer or Solution Architect certification first.This is going to be a long journey, but passing the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam will be worth it! This AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate course is different from the other ones you'll find on Udemy. Dare I say, better (but you'll judge!)It covers in-depth all the new topics on the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate SOA-C01 examIt's packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS inside and out as a SysOpsIt teaches you how to prepare for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam AND how to prepare for the real worldIt's a logical progression of topics, not a laundry list of random servicesIt's fast-paced and to the point It has professional subtitlesAll 400+ slides available as downloadable PDFConcretely, here's what we'll learn to pass the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam:EC2 For SysOps: Placement Groups, Shutdown Behavior, Troubleshooting, AMI, CloudWatch MetricsSSM - Systems Manager: Manage EC2 at Scale, Automation, Run Command, Secure Shell, Parameter StoreHigh Availability and Scalability: ELB Load Balancers (SysOps), Auto Scaling (SysOps), CloudWatch MetricsElastic Beanstalk for SysOpsCloudFormation for SysOps: including cfn-init scriptsEBS & EFS: Operations, Troubleshooting, CloudWatch metrics, RAIDS3 in depth: ALL you need to know about S3: MFA, Default Encryption, Policies, Access Logs, Athena, Glacier, CloudFront, Snowball, Storage Gateway, and moreDatabases: RDS, Aurora & ElastiCache - Security, Backup, Snapshots, Performance, Metrics, Troubleshooting, ScalabilityMonitoring, Audit & Performance: CloudWatch, CloudTrail, ConfigAWS Account Management: Health, Organizations, Billing and Cost Monitoring and ControlSecurity and Compliance: over 10 servicesRoute 53: Practical hands-on guide to using Route 53 in the real worldVPC: Complete guide to building fully operational and 2019-ready VPCTips to ROCK the examThis AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge: There are many hands-on lectures in every sectionThere are quizzes at the end of every sectionThere's an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate practice exam at the end of the course We'll be using the AWS Free Tier most of the timeI'll be showing you how to go beyond the AWS Free Tier (you know... the real world!)-----------------------------------InstructorMy name is Stephane Maarek, and I'll be your instructor in this course. I am an AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Developer, and AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate, and the author of highly-rated & best-selling courses on AWS Certifications, AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation & AWS EC2. I've already taught 160,000+ students and received 50,000+ reviews.I've decided it's time for students to properly learn how to be an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate. You are in good hands!Take a look at these student reviews: ""Got 93.8% on the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam after taking this course. Highly recommended!"" - Vasiliy S. ""Best AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate material on Udemy. Detailed explanation and good example. I already bought a few from other sources including acloud guru, but this beats the pack."" Olasunkanmi G. ""Stephane did it again!!! The course is extremely high quality. The lecturer's rhetorical abilities are extraordinary. He has a lot of practical experience and teaches you what you will need in practice and what is needed to pass the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam. He raised the bar for what it means high-quality course to an absolutely different level."" - Marko S. ""The slides are worth the cost of the course alone! Over 450 slides and were an awesome last-minute preparation tool I used to identify any gaps I had before taking the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam."" - Antonio C.---------------------------------This course also comes with: Lifetime access to all future updates A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Join me in this course if you want to pass the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Exam and master the AWS platform!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"InDesign CC para Decoradores, Interioristas y Arquitectos" |
"InDesign CC para Decoradores, Interioristas y Aquitectos. Diseo Editorial con Adobe InDesign CC. Curso Completo.Aprende a crear un porfolio creativo y libro de autor creativo con el programa por excelencia para diseo editorial. Instructor: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta Luca FernndezContenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Atrvete a adentrarte en la revolucionaria metodologa del mundo editorial con el programa ms potente en maquetacin.Esta formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en el diseo editorial, aprenders a crear publicaciones profesionales, podrs disear Libros, revistas, peridicos, plegables, trpticos, cartas, etc. Compartir todos los trucos de diseo que he aprendido en los ltimos 15 aos de diseo. Mi objetivo es que termines este curso con todas las habilidades necesarias para comenzar a hacer de forma profesionaldocumentos con Adobe InDesign CC.Adems aprenders paso a paso las herramientas del software de forma prctica, a travs de distintas actividades tiles para tu actividad como profesional. Elaboraremos un Curriculum Portfolio CV Creativo, compuesto por una portada, un ndice, un curriculum vitae y tres secciones, arquitectura, interior y product designs donde las imgenes tendrn un gran protagonismo, aunque dejaremos tambin parte de la composicin para el texto. Veremos como insertar logotipos y numeracin de pginas.Tambin crearemos un Libro de Autor Creativo donde poder mostrar todos tus trabajos y proyectos, adems de ver como disear nuestra portada y nuestro lomo para mandarlo a la imprenta. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente como diseares grficos.Y terminaremos con un mdulo donde aprenders la Finalizacin y Salidas de Nuestro Proyectos Editoriales., con la formacin aprenders las tcnicas, los trucos y consejos que necesitas para comenzar a diagramar y disear pginas con esta potente aplicacin.Adobe InDesign es un software diseado por Adobe, utilizado para el diseo de documentos y paginar, peridicos, revistas, libros y cualquier material de publicacin que se nos ocurra. InDesign es un programa fcil de comprender y dinmico, nos permite crear cosas tan interesantes y prcticas como un diseo de pgina que incorpore elementos como ttulos, textos, imgenes e incluso enlaces para visualizacin posterior en pginas Web. Tambin nos permite configurar nuestras propias plantillas, crear hojas de estilo para evitar el establecimiento de parmetros como la fuente, el tamao y otros muchos accesos directos que posee InDesign para acelerar el proceso de diseo y hacer la vida del maquetador un poco ms sencilla. Es una de las aplicaciones ms importantes para la creacin y el diseo editorial. Permite realizar desde proyectos sencillos como volantes y trpticos, hasta diseos mucho ms complejos como libros, revistas y peridicos. Permite crear por ejemplo revistas para impresin o documentos PDF interactivos con elementos multimedia.Si est buscando aprender Adobe InDesign desde cero, ha venido al lugar correcto. Perfecto para diseadores, empresas y emprendedores, fotgrafos, autores y negocios en lnea, este curso lo lleva de principiante a usuario avanzado en solo unas pocas horas.Al finalizar este curso, estars en capacidad de usar InDesign de forma eficiente y profesional en el diseo de cualquier tipo de proyecto editorial, desde publicaciones pequeas y sencillas hasta publicaciones de gran tamao y complejidad. Iniciaremos conociendo todos los aspectos bsicos de la aplicacin tales como su interfaz, herramientas y funciones principales. Despus, aprenderemos a usar tcnicas avanzadas de trabajo con pginas estndar y pginas maestras, luego usaremos tcnicas avanzadas para trabajo con grficos as como tcnicas de edicin de elementos; posteriormente aprenderemos a realizar composicin tipogrfica precisa y pasaremos a trabajar, durante tres captulos, con estilos: desde lo bsico hasta lo ms avanzado; despus aprenderemos a trabajar con tablas: desde su creacin e importacin hasta la aplicacin de formato con estilos; finalmente aprenderemos a usar tcnicas avanzadas para el trabajo con documentos extensos tales como variables, referencias cruzadas, notas, texto condicional, tablas de contenido y libros, entre otras.La metodologa usada est basada en ejemplos prcticos, por lo cual ste curso incluye los archivos de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlos y practicar cada uno de los ejercicios y talleres incluidos.Al finalizar esta formacin estars en disposicin de crear revistas para compartir en lnea o venda en lnea a travs de Apple, crear libros para vender en Amazon. Hay muchas posibilidades!Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Natural remedies to treat hair loss. You should try" |
"Referred to as crowning glory, tresses are a direct expression of an individuals personality and style. Excessive hair loss can be a troublesome problem, often causing worry and affecting self-esteem. However, if diagnosed right, you can control hair loss with certain home remedies that are natural and effective in saving your locks.In this course i will show you someof this remedies using herbs."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Italian Level 1: Master Speaking Italian (2 courses in 1)" |
"Italian is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. You can hear Italian spoken all around the world. Learning Italian will increase your employment opportunities regardless of where you are located in the world.What makes this course unique?This course is designed like a trip throughout Italy. We will virtually travel Italy while learning the Italian language. This course is two courses in one. The first course is an Italian language course. The second course is an Italian travel guide which provides essential tips and tricks for travelling throughout Italy, including:How to order coffeeTypes of Italian coffeeHow to buy train ticketsTop tourist sites to see in Milan, Rome, Florence, Venice, and other citiesEating at a restaurant in ItalyThe two courses are fused together to complement each other and ensure you get the most out of this course!A Mastercourse to improving your Italian skillsThis course focus on several key skills that many courses neglect:Practice with new vocabulary.Understand useful Italian phrases in context.Develop an understanding of Italian culture and heritage.Discuss events in the present and describe yourself in a practical way to new Italian friends.These skills will prepare you to become more fluent and more capable in the Italian language, while preparing you to travel around Italy.Contents and OverviewThis course is a beginner level course. It assumes that you have no knowledge of Italian - we start from the ground up. This course contains several modules which are designed to show you around Italy and highlight the coolest sites to see, while also teaching you important Italian language skills so that you can communicate while in Italy. In this course, we will venture together to:RomeFlorenceCinqueterreMilanVeniceand more!This course, taught by an experienced, bilingual Italian professor, is comprised of video lectures and learning activities (quizzes) to help solidify your learning. You can progress through the course as quickly or as slowly as you wish. You can learn Italian online free of having to go to a physical classroom. Taking this online course is a convenient way to learn the language in you free time or on the go."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"7 Tweaks To Keep Your Website Looking Great!" |
"This Is A Beginners Level CourseIf you want to create a website that stands out from the other 1 Billion Websites then take this course!.If the number of websites on the internet does not bother; Nielsen estimated in 2013""The average person doesnt venture very far across the web, only visiting 96 separate domains per month""Question is how can you get your website to become one of the 96 that would be visited by your niche?You will agree that slapping a few coded pages online will not cut it. You will agree that it will require a great deal of thought and the right applicationWhat this course does is to cut through the chase and give you the ""Must Do"" elements that draw you towards creating a perfect site. If you are not doing this basics and you start pursing SEO strategy and Blackhat methods - it will amount to a waste of time and resources. Believe me I have been there!This is a No Fluff Simple and Actionable course that can save you time and money!Start building or rebuilding your website today!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"12 Surefire Hacks To Writing Your First Book!" |
"Have you ever wanted to write a book but don't know where to start? Maybe you started years ago but abandoned it because the whole process looked daunting. Perhaps you have written your book and now - What Next?If you answer yes to any of the above questions then this course is for you. It teaches how to write a great book that can win on the most popular publishing platform.Over the past 3 years I have written over 20books (big and small books) and published them on various platforms.These books have enriched my life in many ways and blessed the lives of so many people too.I think everyone can andshould write a book; why not you?Sign up and get started Now!Boomy Tokan"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Time Management Success" |
"Like many people I struggled with Time Management and Productivity for many years. It was an immense area of frustration for me because I tried all the strategies which, workedfor a while;then everything seemed to go back to how it was.I desperatelysearched for a lasting change.I found it about12 months ago when I instituted new thinking patterns and actions into my everyday living. I can honestly say that right now, my productivity has increased and I feel in control of my time and activities.The good news is that, I am still improving and will be getting better and better;but I am miles ahead of where I was.So in this Simple No-Fluff Actionable course I will be sharing with you the same strategy that has been responsible for transforming my time management and productivity arena into a vibrant daily achievement lifestyle.If you want toFeel in controlExperience high levels of confidence and accomplishmentGet more out of every 24 hour period of your lifeThen sign up to this course Now.I will see you on the inside!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Start A Successful Business: The Best Questions To Ask!" |
"Do you havean idea for a businessyou really believe will work? Are you looking forsimple, actionable information that will take you to the next levelin your entrepreneurial journey? Do you want to convert yourhobby into a business? Are you thinking aboutquitting the 9-5 grind and one day running your own successful business?If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then I can confidently say you have come to the right place._____________________________________________________In this course I have put together the 7 Tough Questions you need to ask and answer before you start your business. I have answered them in a way that allows you to understand them quickly and enables you to take action!As you go through this course you will discover why these questions are critical and then learn the solutions so that you will no longer be held back from the success you desire._____________________________________________________For easy referencing I have divided the information into the following sections:The questionHow the answer is critical to your successWhy it is better to solve the issue Now! The simple actionable solutions available to you.Whatever is not answered, inbox me and I will update the content.I seriously want to help you get to the next level.So take this course and let us start the journey together._____________________________________________________To remove any risks on your part this course comes with my no questions asked30 Day Money Back Guarantee.So what are you waiting for click take this course right now!What are the requirements?Internet connectionWillingness to take actionPen and paper to take notesWhat am I going to get from this course?Start your own business with confidenceConvert your hobby into a businessGo to the next levelGet the answers you need to start your own businessCreate the necessary action plansUnderstand the road to successAvoid the common mistakes people makeSave time and moneyCreate a road map that worksGain the confidence and Know-how to start your own businessUnderstand how a startup worksRelate with your business in an insightful mannerWhat is the target audience?Anyone thinking about leaving their 9-5 job one day to run their own businessAnyone who has an idea they want to make into a successful businessIf you have a hobby you want to convert into a businessYou are fed-up of losing many and wasting timeYou are looking for simple actionable processes"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bible: Titus - 7 Lessons We Can Learn For Today!" |
"Review From Other Books Book of 2 Peter""I had read Book 2 Peter after your teaching. Thank you. I wish that I could read the rest of the books in Bible thoroughly in future"". - Cynthia JosephineBook of Philippians! The instructor has a notable passion for sharing the Book of Philippians! (All the Books of the Bible) That passion drew me to seriously consider his engaging presentation. The instructor challenged me to see myself through the eyes of my Lord and Savior - not the eyes of the world! I learned many valuable teachings about the Book of Philippians by taking this course.. - Matt HayesBook of PhilemonWow! Boomy Tokan really knows his stuff! Wonderful in depth insights into the letter to Philemon with practical applications. I'm going to listen over again. Excellent course. Highly recommended!!! - Neresa Maye----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most Christians have a wrong impression of the Book of Titus by mistakenly concluding it is written only for Pastors. This myth is further popularized because it is generally Church Leaders who quote from the book! Nothing could be far from the truth. I want us to realize that the Book of Titus is written towards all Christians and as we learn from these 7 Lessons the point will become clearer. However this book of the Bible is just as power packed as any other because the Word of GOD is the power of GOD onto salvation! Hence we approach it with the same reverence, determination and desire to learn more from the HOLY SPIRIT.Our objective here is to enjoy a brief history of the book then dive into at least seven lessons we as individuals can learn from in the our generation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Book of Titus illustrates profound truths about:God's plan for every individualLeadershipSternnessFamily valuesObediencePassionAchievementGracePurpose----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I sincerely hope that just as the Paul commended David's service in his generation we can also fulfill GOD;s purpose in ours as we learn from the Book of Titus.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get Started Today - Click Take This Course Now!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bible: 1 Timothy - 7 Lessons We Can Learn For Today!" |
"Review From Other Books Book of 2 Peter# Excellent teaching very timely and expertly done. - Colin Cousins # I had read Book 2 Peter after your teaching. Thank you. I wish that I could read the rest of the books in Bible thoroughly in future - Cynthia JosephineBook of Philippians! # The instructor has a notable passion for sharing the Book of Philippians! (All the Books of the Bible) That passion drew me to seriously consider his engaging presentation. The instructor challenged me to see myself through the eyes of my Lord and Savior - not the eyes of the world! I learned many valuable teachings about the Book of Philippians by taking this course. - Matt HayesBook of Philemon# Wow! Boomy Tokan really knows his stuff! Wonderful in depth insights into the letter to Philemon with practical applications. I'm going to listen over again. Excellent course. Highly recommended!!! - Neresa Maye----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nearly everyone in the world has heard that ""The love of money is a root of all evil"" - that verse is from the last chapter of the book of 1 Timothy! Almost every Christian I have spoke to have heard about this young man who followed Paul called Timothy.In this book study you have the opportunity to go deeper, increase your knowledge of God and learn how to deal with pressing issues that confront Christians today.In addition you will learn 7 Lessons that you can apply to your life so that you can walk and talk as the child of God he has called you to be! Hence we approach it with the same reverence, determination and desire to learn more from the HOLY SPIRIT.Our objective here is to enjoy a brief history of the book then dive into at least seven lessons we as individuals can learn from in the our generation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Book of 1 Timothy illustrates profound truths about:God's plan for you and the ChurchMoneyCare of the weak Family valuesObedienceLeadershipAchievementGracePurpose----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I sincerely hope that just as the Paul commended David's service in his generation we can also fulfill GOD;s purpose in ours as we learn from the Book of 1 Timothy.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get Started Today - Click Take This Course Now!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"New: Learn 3D today with Blender and Cinema 4D" |
"Course Requirements:- Interested in 3D !- Student Version of Cinema 4D R19/20 and upIn this Course you will learn, how easy it is to create realistic Scenes inside Cinema 4D and Blender 3D!Who is this class for?People who are interested in 3D and also all who want to improve their technical skills in a professional 3D Application but also for allbeginners People who want to make moneyby learning new skillsWhy should you learn online?Udemy and EduJack are online education platform's where revolution taking place. You may have heard already about udemy or EduJack in the news, or over ""google"" or you heard it already from a friend. Education is going to be changed forever.I promise that this course will be better and much more effective than reading books.What you need?Basic understanding of Cinema 4D.You need to have an internet connection and the C4D Student Version and a free Copy of Blender 3D.What you will learn?You will learn ""fast and efficient"" how you cananimate 3D Objects/Characters in Cinema 4D and inBlender 3D!Copyright Information:MAXON and CINEMA 4D are registered trademarks of MAXON Computer GmbH"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de tarot - Guia para iniciacin a la lectura de cartas" |
"Este curso ofrece contenidos bsicos pero muy tiles, aprenders a desarrollar tu intuicin y descubrir el poder de las cartas Las cartas nos dan mucha informacin pero no sabemos interpretarlas, en este curso te doy unas pistas en las que t tendrs que decodificarlas, porque cada uno tenemos nuestra manera de ver su significado, y tu !si puedes!En el curso trataremos:Los arcanos mayoresLos arcanos menoresLas diferentes tiradas que podemos hacer Como influyen los colores, los gestos..El tarot en la salud, en el amor,en el dinero...El tarot es una herramienta que te ayudar en tu vida diaria,Podrs consultar al tarot las dudas que tengas, s tu propio vidente."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Effective Listening For Business" |
"An effective and efficient management in business are management that are informed to take decision base on effective listening, even in general if you fail to take good decision and even people see you as somebody who is not wise. This course focus on using effective listening as a key to better organisation so both employer's and employee's need to take it serious, because customers can be satisfied when the company listen to their concern's and position themselves to deliver the right product/ service to satisfy them.Listening have enormous benefits at the work size that even affect productivity and salespeople point of view good listen can even enhance their communication with the customers and even have competitive advantage. It is very important we need to adopt the right strategies to listen effectively in organisation or in general context, Business have enormous advantage if listening is taken as a key issue in analyzing the business context. barriers to listening is something which need to be taken serious because it have deep implication to affect business."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Hanuman Chalisa" |
"Namaste!This course provides a metaphorical visual meaning of Hanuman Chalisa.Keep this spiritual powerful prayer in mind for when you're going through a hard times.The series of (40+3) verses recounts the story of commitment and devotion of God Hanuman to Shri Rama.Our understanding of the divine has various manifestations, but its true nature lies within the realization of one-self.Hanuman serves the highest expression of devotional values and is the purest embodiment seeking god.He is presented as a perfect and appropriate example of being a seeker, a sage, a das, a disciple, a servant of greater man and cause, a believer, a doer, a warrior, and his greatness lies in using his strength for the service of others.Welcome to the course The Hanuman Chalisa - A Devotional Hymn, that teaches authentic and accurate pronunciation of each word and covered all the couplets, verses / mantras in the form of lectures.Included 49 Lectures, 127 downloadable resources, and 06 hours on-demand video.All the Lectures are illustrated with images, graphics with numerous examples.Topic Covered:1. About The Hanuman Chalisa.2. Composer of Hanuman Chalisa.3. About Lord Rama.4. Introduce to you the benefits of Chanting the Shri Rama Mantra.5. Included the guided meditation techniques to phrase the God Hanuman and Shri Rama.6. About Lord Hanuman and his physical appearance.7. Skills in Lord Hanuman.8. Various prayers (Mantra) included phrasing God Hanuman.9. Included Lord Hanuman many devotees spread around the world.10. Many stories included getting rid of distress,depression and anxiety with the help of graphics.11. Hanuman Chalisa Language.12. Meaning of Awadhee Language.13. Awadhi Translation with English - English Sentence and Awadhi Translation.14. 10 Famous Names of Hanuman with their meanings.15. Methods to Pray Lord Hanuman (Step by Step).16. Top 20 Benefits of Reading Hanuman Chalisa.17. Meaning of Word Chaupai and Doha.18. Scripted in English and Awadhee Language.19. Word by word meaning of each Chaupai (i.e. 40-Verses).20. Brief Meaning of each verse (including three couplets 40+03).21. Three World (LOK / YUG) Meaning - According to Hindu Cosmology.22. Explained the term Janayu (Holy Thread).23. Explained the Great Epic Ramayana (24,000 verses divided into seven parts).24. Introduction of Bheem and his strength (The Mahabharata character explained).25. According to Vedic Literature - Sanjeevani is a magical herb explained.26. Under Chaupai 11 - Lord Rama congrats Hanuman for his divine work.27. Explained about the Bharat and Lakhamann The ideal brothers in Ramayana.28. Introduction of THE FOUR VEDAS29. Explained all the four kumaras (Manasputra), Ancient Spiritual Leaders, Introduction of Bramhaa, Nagas(God Shiva - Vasuki is the King of all Snakes)30. Explained the term/word God of Death, God of Wealth, and God of Directions.31. This Course also included about the UNESCO World Heritage Site Hampi / How to reach there?32. Included the Introduction of Vibhishann and his great qualities.33. Explained About King Ravan, his Qualities, and the Great Blunder.34. According to Hindu Mythology - Calculation of Sun from the Earth also explained in this course.35. Explained the methods to enter Deep Devotion Path to become the spiritual person.36. Under Chaupai 24 / Explained the methods to challenge the Evil Spirits/Black Magic with three simple steps and given the examples of Negative Energy.37. Explained the examples of Pain and Tensions in ones life and how to solve it smoothly.38. Under Chaupai-28, Explained the 5 Basic Desires of Human Beings.39. Explained the Common Challenges We All Face in our life: Family relationships. Disappointments in love and friendships. Financial crises and Health issues. Career disappointments- Included Preparation of Job Interview as Hanuman Chalisa Helps in Career. Trust God Hanuman and see the miracle.40. A summary is included at the end of each Lecture.To read the Hanuman Chalisa, I have attached two separate pdf document scripted in English and Original Awadhee Languages, which is uniquely designed for you and provided for FREE, you do not need to buy anything. You just need to take the print out and keep it with you.Before moving forward some of the questions might crop in your mind regarding The Hanuman Chalisa.Lets figure it out.Who is Hanuman ?Hanuman endows us with the Atma-Shakti or self-power to realize our highest potential and accomplish what is magical. Worshiped by many who wish to gain courage and strength in their lives, Almighty Hanuman is probably one of the most celebrated and revered figures in Hindu Mythology.(Pavan Putra) Hanuman was an incarnation of Lord Shiva and is considered to be an exemplification of strength, devotion, and perseverance.Hanuman was greatly devoted to Shri Rama.Our highest Prana is to reach out and merge into the immortal Prana, which is to dedicate ourselves as Hanuman to Rama.Hanuman grants all yoga siddhis extending to the highest self-realization.Hanuman is the conduit of the power of Rama as the universal self.Rama represents the self who guides all nature - through which the wind blows, out of which the Sun and Moon move, which holds the Earth in place through gravity.The yogi works through that cosmic Vayu and universal Prana, in attunement and harmony with the whole of life.The true Bhakta or devotee surrenders to the Divine will which is the motivating force of Vayu. Vayus vibration is Om or Pranava, the primal sound behind all creation.The Upanishads teach us that Vayu is the directly perceivable form of Brahman, the Cosmic Reality.To become Hanuman we must awaken to our inner nature as a portion of cosmic consciousness. Each one of us has the power of the entire universe within us.What is Hanuman Chalisa? Hanuman Chalisa is the mantra to invoke Hanuman the god of incredible positive power and wisdom. It has 40 poetic verses and 3 couplets. It is a poem written by Goswami Tulsidas in the Awadhi language. The word Chalisa is derived from Challis in Hindi, which means 40, as the Hanuman Chalisa has 40 verses. Hanuman Chalisa Starts with-Sri Guru Charan Saroj Raj Nij Man Mukur Sudhari Baranau Raghuvar Bimal Jasu Jo Dayaku Phal Chari And End withPavan Tanay Sankat Harana, Mangal Moorati Roop Ram Lakhan Sita Sahit, Hridaya Basahu Sur Bhoop Hanuman Chalisa is the most popular mantra recited by millions of Hindus across The Globe.By reciting Hanuman Chalisa you worship God Hanuman and anyone who worships Hanuman is granted fortitude (immense courage when in trouble or pain) and strength. It is a kind of spiritual healing prayer as it nullifies the negative energies around you.It is best suited for people suffering from a psychic disorder like anxiety, depression, and mental health issues.Reading Hanuman Chalisa help you to create the spiritual healing energy in you.There is no specific time set to recite Hanuman Chalisa though, it is best recommended to recite it early in the morning just after having a bath so that you start your day on a positive note.If time doesn't permit you can also recite Chalisa just before going to bed or simply go-ahead with the schedule that suits you the best.While, during any time of day if you feel low, depressed, or scared; simply close your eyes, try to concentrate, and recite Hanuman Chalisa and that should help you for sure.Anyone can recite Hanuman Chalisa regardless of his eating habits.Your thoughts, deeds, and intend are the ones that matter the most.Reciting Hanuman Chalisa under the influence of alcohol or drugs is something that is not recommended by any means.So I have tried to teach word by word and phrase by phrase meaning of each Doha and Chaupai.Also, the lessons have a lot of downloadable resources with extra notes which you can download and read.So Friends what are you waiting for...Get enrolled now....!I really hope you will enjoy chanting this amazing devotional prayer with me because it has been a clear proven fact that devotees who chant the Hanuman Chalisa ensure that God Hanuman keeps them safe and secure through lifes ups and downs.Jay Shri Ram ... :-)Amit Mishra"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 - Arabic" |
"Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 - ArabicThe easiest way to learn modern web design, HTML5 and CSS3 step-by-step from scratch. Design AND code a huge projectReal-world skills to build real-world websites: professional, beautiful and truly responsive websitesA huge project that will teach you everything you need to know to get started with HTML5 and CSS3The proven 7 real-world steps from complete scratch to a fully functional and optimized websiteDownloadable lectures, code and design assets for the entire project"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Buizenframe stoelen stofferen" |
"In deze cursus behandelen we zeven buizenframe stoelen. Hoewel ze misschien in eerste instantie op elkaar lijken, zijn er toch verschillen. Zoals, de bevesting van de zitting en rugleuning. Met name de hoe je de achterkant van de rugleuning op diverse manieren vast kunt maken wordt uitvoerig uitgelegd. Ook het vervangen van schuimrubber wordt op verschillende manieren behandelt."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Pratik ve Hzl Bir ekilde Yan Flt renin - Balang" |
"Yan Flt Kurs'um yeni balayanlar iin bir rehber niteliinde olup asla akademik bir dzeyde deildir. Bu dersler sayesinde Flt'nzn montajn , sklmesini gam 'lar ve deiik teknikleri grenecek siniz. ilerleyen zamanda yaynlanacak olan orta seviye flt derslerimiz iin bir hazrlk aamas olacaktr. Derslerimi dikkatli izlemenizi ve dinlemenizi neririm. Ayrca Anllatm baz ipular ve teknikleri hemen hergn tekrarlamanz neriyorum. Tm rencilere baarlar dilerim."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"5 Email Marketing Automations Every Business Needs - [2020]" |
"This course is focused on teaching you the 5 email marketing automations every business needs. And when I say EVERY business, I really mean it! Every business has somewhat of a similar sales cycle. Variations here and there but at the end of the day it boils down to something like this: Generate Traffic (Digital or Actual foot traffic)Capture LeadsNurture Leads into Potential CustomersSell, Up-sell or Cross-sell (Would you like fries with that?)Request Feedback and TestimonialsAsk for ReferralsIf you have a similar cycle or would like to implement a cycle like this, this course is for you. Anyone can build the automations listed in this course, no previous skills required here! You will learn everything you need in the course itself. At the end of the course you'll have what it takes to create an email strategy that works with your business and your customers buying cycles. A little bit about me...For the last decade I worked for one of the world leading email marketing companies. I started with the company as a support representative and gained the technical experience of the industry while also learning to build emails, using best practices. As I grew with the company, I was offered the position of head of marketing. Over the years I helped thousands of organizations grow their business with email marketing and automation, through seminars, workshops and online webinars. This course is backed by the thousands of businesses that have already benefited from the power of these automations. I've included many of the tips and discoveries I've learned over the years, helping others.If you are looking to implement marketing automation into your business, this course will provide you with everything you'll need to get started with automation."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Tableaux croiss dynamiques de A Z avec Excel" |
"Voulez-vous aider votre entreprise ou organisation prendre de meilleures dcisions? Vous souhaitez faire progresser votre carrire car vous apportez une relle valeur ajoute l'organisation? Voulez-vous conomiser des centaines d'heures par an en crant des rapports et des graphiques? tes-vous prt avoir un impact parce que vous comprenez les modles et les tendances des donnes de votre entreprise? Voulez-vous matriser les tableaux croiss dynamiques Excel? Ce cours est fait pour vous!Ce cours complet contient des illustrations concises mais une couverture dtaille des sujets qui profiteront aux dbutants et aux utilisateurs avancs d'Excel. En seulement quatre heures, vous apprendrez utiliser efficacement les tableaux croiss dynamiques d'Excel, y compris comment:Crer et formater des tableaux croiss dynamiquesSlectionner, dplacer et effacer les tableaux croiss dynamiquesPersonnalisation d'un tableau crois dynamiqueRegroupement, tri et filtrage des donnes Effectuer les calculs dans des tableaux croiss dynamiquesUtilisation de graphiques croiss dynamiques et d'autres visualisationsAnalyse des sources de donnes disparates avec des tableaux croiss dynamiquesPartage de tableaux croiss dynamiques avec d'autres personnesDcouvrez l'une des fonctionnalits les plus puissantes d'Excel qui vous permettra d'approfondir les donnes de votre entreprise et de rpondre des questions complexes en quelques clics de souris seulement. Apprenez analyser de grandes quantits de donnes, crer des rapports utiles et impressionner la haute direction ou les employeurs potentiels.La plupart de ceux qui disent connatre les tableaux croiss dynamiques Excel n'ont vraiment qu'une comprhension des bases. Aprs une heure d'apprentissage de ce cours, vous dpasserez probablement leurs connaissances et la fin du cours, vous matriserez mme certains des aspects les plus complexes des tableaux croiss dynamiques.Tout au long du cours, vous pouvez suivre les nombreux exemples concis qui illustrent la puissance et les fonctionnalits des tableaux croiss dynamiques l'aide des feuilles de calcul incluses. De plus, des exemples de devoirs sont fournis pour vous permettre d'appliquer ces mmes concepts un autre ensemble de donnes afin que vous sachiez que vous matrisez les concepts."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Essential Ansys Tutorials for Engineering Students" |
"This course is designed for students who just started Engineering in University, and they want to learn more about FEA software. The course begins with fundamental engineering problems like Truss, Torsion and bending, Simply supported beam, Composite beam, Bracket static analysis, 3D analysis of truss and Buckling of the column. In these tutorials, you will learn how to do hand calculation for each problem and compare results with FEA simulation. The second part of this tutorial is related to Auto-contact in ANSYS software. You will learn how to import complex geometry in CAD software and import it into ANSYS and use Auto contact feature. Moreover, you will learn how to model your geometry in Design modeler and assemble them in the workbench. The last part of this tutorial are some advanced engineering problems like delamination, debonding, double lap joints and the useful ACT extension to choose the correct material. ""All rights reserved,Any unauthorized broadcasting, public performance, copying or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright"""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Improvisando com Modos Gregorianos" |
"Este curso oferece a oportunidade para os guitarristas estudarem os modos gregorianos em sua plenitude, focando nos padres, tcnica e aplicao dos mesmos sobre as diversas formas sobre os acordes dos campos harmnicos maior natural e menor natural. Num primeiro momento a aplicao se dar pelo mesmo tipo de escala e acorde e num segundo momento por aplicaes amodais onde os modos podem ser aplicados em tipologias de acordes diferentes. As tcnicas e os padres possibilitam desenvolver a destreza e a possibilidade de expanso das mais variadas digitaes de forma consistente, alm da viso instantnea dos shapes modais.O curso oferece ainda playbacks para a prtica e aplicao das escalas, onde o aulo tem um cenrio harmnico real para o seu desenvolvimento tcnico, harmnico e meldico."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Learn Swift:From Beginner to Advanced Swift -25 hours video!" |
"Why I Created a course Learn Swift As a developer whose first programming language is Swift, I've taken online courses from major platforms. However, I have been frustrated by a lack of detailed explanation from instructors. They tend to focus on final products, thus missing out the fundamentals. I was confused by which design principles to follow, and why. Soon after I've been blogging for the last 5 months, I've discovered this isn't the only problem of mine. I've received hundreds of emails and questions regarding how to write code that does not violate principles such as DRY, modularity, and readability. As a result, I've decided to create this course dedicated for my younger self. I believe it all comes down to the fundamentals which I lacked in the beginning.QuestionsDo you know why Swift engineers have implemented optionals? Do you know what completion handlers and how to design one for your project? Do you know retain cycle within closures and delegates? Do you know the difference between autoclosures, trailing closures, and @escaping closures? Do you know how to create custom operators. Do you truly understand the statement, ""Swift is a protocol oriented programming language"", and know how to use default protocols such as Equatable, Comparable, Sequence, and Iterator Protocol. Lastly, do you know the difference between normal and recursive enums? If you can't answer all of these questions, I recommend you to take this course and start learning with me. Course ResourcesGroup Chat Lecture NotesSource CodeExplanations Supporting Tutorials Contents and OverviewIn this course, you will be lead through setting up Swift locally, the basics of the language, how it compares to other common languages (including Objective C), and how to get started on new projects.The course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Swift, so that you can begin experimenting right away. Upon completion, you will understand the foundations of Swift code and will be able to develop custom applications. You will also get experience working with Xcode's new .playground file. Course material is regularly refreshed to include all of the newest updates and information, and since youre granted lifetime access upon registering, you can rely on this course to keep your Swift skills on the cutting edge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco SDWAN Viptela Deployment Basic Lab Architecture" |
"What is SD-WAN ? Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) is an overlay architecture that overcomes the biggest drawbacks of traditional WAN. SD-WAN builds a secure, unified connectivity over any transport (MPLS, Broadband, LTE, VSAT etc.)and provides simplified operations with centralized management, policy control and application visibility across the enterprise.Significance of Viptela The Most Deployed SD-WAN in Global 1000 Companies .With SD-WAN built on the Viptela Fabric, enterprises can provide secure connectivity everywhere, deploynew services and applications faster, and drastically simplify operational complexity in the WAN.In this course you will find explanation of Viptela Fabric & how to deploy control plan with lab & Data plan (Theory ) ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Docker para entornos de desarrollo" |
"Montar entornos de desarrollo es pesado. Compartirlos lo es todava mas. Por esto todo el mundo utiliza Docker.Ya sea para un proyecto propio como para la empresa, aprende a montar entornos de desarrollos de un modo fcil y simple. Todo mediante un ejemplo de caso real.Qu aprenders en el curso:Usar Docker, de cero hasta un nivel avanzadoAprende mediante un ejemplo realTodos los conocimientos son independientes a frameworks, lenguajes, plataformas y herramientas; justamente es el punto fuerte de Docker!Mejora 10x el setup y mantenibilidad de tu entorno de desarrolloSi ests dudando en aprender Docker (mediante este curso u otro) pregntate: Por qu es lder en el marcado y se est utilizando tanto? Porque una vez lo entiendes, no hay vuelta atrs y todo son ventajas!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
".NET Core 3.1 Web API & Entity Framework Core Jumpstart" |
"The .NET Core framework is getting better and better and more important in the web development world nowadays.Almost every request I get for new web development projects is asking for knowledge in .NET Core, including Web API and Entity Framework Core.So, knowing the fundamentals of back end web development with .NET Core can be highly beneficial to your career. And thats where this course comes in.In a short period of time, you will learn how to set up a Web API, make restful calls to this Web API and also save data persistently with Entity Framework Core, Code-First Migration, a SQL Server & SQLite database, and all three types of relationships in this database.We will get right to the point, you will see every single step of writing the necessary code and by the end of this course, you will have what it takes to say yes to all the .NET Core project requests from any recruiter.The only tools you need in the beginning are Visual Studio Code and Postman - both are available for free.We will use Visual Studio Code for our implementations and Postman to make calls to the Web API. Both tools are available for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. And since .NET Core is cross-platform, you can follow this course on any of these operating systems. (I know, Microsoft and cross-platform, it still surprises me, too.)Later, we will also utilize SQL Server Express and the SQL Server Management Studio to manage our database. These are also available for free.By the end of this course, we will also have a look at how to configure the web application to use a SQLite database and also seed data for that database.The back end application were going to build is a small text-based role-playing game where different users can register (were going to use JSON web tokens for authentication) and create their own characters like a mage or a knight, add some skills and a weapon, and also let the characters fight against each other to see who is the best of them all.What You Will LearnIntroductionCreate your first Web API call in less than 10 minutesInitialize a Git repository for your source controlWeb API CoreThe Model-View-Controller (MVC) patternCreate models and controllersAttribute routing (with parameters)The HTTP request methods GET, POST, PUT & DELETEBest practices for your Web API like a ServiceResponse class and Data-Transfer-Objects (DTOs)Map your models with AutoMapperEntity Framework CoreObject-Relational-MappingCode-First MigrationSQL Server ExpressHow to use a DataContext and a proper ConnectionStringAll previous HTTP requests with Entity Framework Core to save your data in a SQL Server & SQLite databaseData Seeding: Insert data with a migration programmaticallyAuthenticationToken Authentication with JSON Web TokensClaimsSecure controllers with the Authorize attributeAdd roles to the usersAdvanced Relationships with Entity Framework CoreOne-to-one relationshipsOne-to-many relationshipsMany-to-many relationshipsInclude entities with Entity Framework CoreGet the proper relations between entitiesMore Than Just CRUDStart automatic fightsFilter and order RPG characters by their highscoreYour InstructorMy name is Patrick and I will be your instructor for this course. Im a web developer for over a decade now, I have worked for big corporations and small teams, as an employee and a contractor and I just love to see the way Microsoft is going with .NET Core and how important it gets day by day.To this date, I was able to run five courses on web development here on Udemy about ASP.NET, single-page applications, and Angular, with a total of over 45.000 unique students and about 4.000 reviews.If you have any questions, feel free to connect.And if you still have any doubts, you have a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.So, I hope youre ready for your new skills and your new projects! ;)Im looking forward to seeing you in the course!Course image: practicuum/Shutterstock"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"REST API Automation With REST Assured - A Complete Guide" |
"**COMPLETE GUIDE FOR REST ASSURED WITH REAL-WORLD API'S, THROUGH COVERAGE ON FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT**In the 21st century, almost all web applications use web services to communicate or interact with each other. Most modern-day web services are built on Representational state transfer (REST) architecture; REST has gained a lot of popularity and it will continue to do the same due to its simplicity in comparison with other technologies.It is very important for software QA engineers, automation engineers, and software developers to understand the importance of Web Services testing and more importantly how to automate these tests. Automating Application Program Interface (API) tests are critical and crucial for most projects due to the fact that API tests are far more stable, reliable and fast. In this course, you will be provided with the tools and techniques needed to be successful with REST API automation. We will be focusing on the important topics listed below:Introduction to REST Assured, which is a popular open-source library used for API test automation. Learn to write tests for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE operations using a sample application provided in the course Understand and use JSONPath, XML Path (with Groovy syntax) to assert and extract the response Simplify writing JSONPath by using Root path feature Practical examples demonstrating different Rest Assured topics (Request Specification, Response Specification, Logging, Parameters, File Download etc.) Logging Request and Response information based on test status Avoiding writing repetitive code by using Request/Response specification concepts Adding multiple assertions to a single test Soft Assertions in Rest Assured File Download File Upload using the multipart method Work with real-world examples such as Walmart Search API, PayPal Payment Service Use PayPal Web Service to learn different concepts like Authentication using OAuth 2.0, passing of access tokens to different requests, and executing GET, COMPLEX POST requests Use OAuth 1.0 authentication with Twitter to create Tweets, read tweets using Rest-AssuredAuthenticating into applications which implement Form Authentication using Spring Security Authenticating into applications that implement Form Authentication using Spring Security & CSRF token implementation. Sending Soap Requests using Rest-Assured Sending requests via Proxy Server Parsing HTML Data using JSOUP Library Using JSONAssert Library to assert on complete JSON responses Learn to use setup & configure Allure Reports Provide beautiful DisplayNames, Descriptions, link information in your reportsAdd detailed test step information & attachment information in the reportsFRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT WITH JAVA, JUNIT, ALLURE REPORTSContinuous Integration(CI) with Git, Github & JenkinsAt the end of this course, you will feel at ""Rest"" and will be ""Assured"" to take up API Testing, API Automation and successfully execute it in your organization!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"REST Assured API Automation,Allure Reports - An Introduction" |
"In the 21st century, almost all web applications use web services to communicate or interact with each other. Most modern day web services are built on Representational state transfer (REST) architecture; REST has gained a lot of popularity and it will continue to do the same due to its simplicity in comparison with other technologies. It is very important for software QA engineers, automation engineers and software developers to understand the importance of REST testing and more importantly how to automate these tests. Automating Application Program Interface (API) tests is critical and crucial for most projects due to the fact that API tests are far more stable, reliable and fast. In this course, you will be provided with the tools and techniques needed to be successful with REST API Automation using Rest Assured Library in Java & JUnit. We will be focusing on the important topics listed below: Learn how to create collections & environment variables in POSTMAN Understand and use POSTMAN to send requests (using GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD operations) Introduction to REST Assured, which is a popular open source library used for API test automation Learn how to setup a REST Assured Maven project Learn to write tests for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests using REST AssuredLearn to use setup & configure Allure Reports Provide beautiful DisplayNames,Descriptions, link information in your reportsAdd detailed test step information & attachment information in the reports****You will be provided with a Students Application, that you can run locally on your machine********The course will introduce you to Bestbuy API playground(which contains ~50,000 products) application which can be run locally All the code is available for download & instructor support will be provided to questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"REST API Automation:REST Assured,Serenity BDD Framework" |
"In the 21st century, almost all web applications use web services to communicate or interact with each other. Mostmodern dayweb services are built on Representational state transfer (REST)architecture; REST has gained a lot of popularity and it will continue to do the same due to its simplicity in comparison with other technologies.It is very important for software QA engineers, automation engineers and software developers to understand the importance ofWeb Servicestestingand more importantlyhow to automate these tests. Automating Application Program Interface (API) tests is critical and crucial for most projects due to the fact that API tests are far more stable, reliable and fast.To achieve this goal, using a Solid Robust Framework is very much necessary.Serenity BDD is an open source test automationframework which comes integrated with many popular libraries like Selenium, JUNIT, JBehave, Cucumber BDD, Rest-Assured which can be used to build a powerful API Automation framework.We will be focusing on the important topics listed below:Build reusable methods,utility methods & organize them in packagesCreate Data Driven TestsExecute tests in ParallelGroup/Run Tests using TagsLearn to generate Test DataCreate Cucumber Scenarios,Steps,Tags & integrate with Serenity BDDCommit code to GithubCreate a CI environment by integrating project with Jenkins & GithubAt the end of this course you will be able to build a robust API test automation framework using Serenity BDD & Rest-Assured combined with GIT & JENKINS"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |