Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Wie Du, Dir auch mit kleinen Betrgen ein Vermgen aufbaust" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst Du genau gezeigt bekommen, wie Du handeln kannst und das vor allem erfolgreich, sicher und nachhaltig. Du entscheidest mit welchen Handelswerten Du handelst.Es werden in diesem Videokurs vor allem verschiedene, sinnvolle und nachhaltige Strategien beschrieben, die Du nicht nur fr Devisen, Derivate und Indizes anwenden kannst, sondern auch mit Aktien, Edelmetallen, ETPs (ETFs/ETCs) oder auch weiteren Handelsinstrumenten, wie beispielsweise ""ETNs"" anwenden kannst.Wichtig ist natrlich das Risiko zu streuen, dies geschieht mit verschiedenen Devisenpaaren und/oder mit weiteren Handelswerten, wie beispielsweise Aktien Indizes.Wenn jedoch mit anderen Handelswerten (beispielsweise mit Indizes), als mit Devisenpaaren gehandelt wird, sollten diese Handelswerte immer beim Marktschluss ausgeschalten werden.Beim bernachthandel von anderen Handelswerten, als Devisenpaaren kann es zu hohen Verlustgeschften durch eine 1zu1 Hedging Strategien Software kommen.Auerdem sollte darauf geachtet werden, mit einer mglichst geringen Hebelwirkung und einer Hedging Strategie zu handeln.Achte bitte auch darauf das Devisenpositionen auf 1.000 (0.01 Lot) genau berechnet werden knnen. Beim DeutschlandTop30 sind das im Durchschnitt (derzeit) 11.500 bis 12.000 Punkte, das bedeutet wenn 1 Punkt, 1 Euro entspricht sind das 11.500 bis 12.000 Euro, mit einem 12-fachen Hebel, bentigst Du somit 1.000 Euro Eigenkapital um eine DeutschlandTop30 Indize Position offen halten zu knnen. Derartige Informationen erhltst Du in diesem Videokurs.Da der Hedge nicht immer, vollstndig 1zu1 bestehen sollte mssen die jeweiligen Hedging Strategien noch mit perfekten Marktbekundungen verbunden werden. Auerdem solltest Du wenig(er) Geld in gehebelte Derivate anlegen. Die 1zu1 Hedging Software Strategie, ist in diesem Videokurs direkt enthalten. Bei dieser Strategie kann auch nur Long oder Short gehandelt werden und somit muss keine 1zu1 Hedging Strategie umgesetzt werden.In diesem Videokurs lernst Du sinnvolle und nachhaltige Strategien, zum manuellen Handeln und/oder aber auch zum vollautomatischen Handel kennen. Diese Strategien sind allesamt, mit der mitgelieferten Handelssoftware Strategie umsetzbar. Die Details werden Dir, direkt in diesem Videokurs genauer beschrieben.Schaue Dir, diesen Videokurs in aller Ruhe, aber aufmerksam an. Nutze auch unbedingt die Textdateien fr Dein Wissen, bevor Du mit dem Handel startest.Herzliche Gre und viel Erfolg."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deine Internet Business Mglichkeiten" |
"In diesem Videokurs wirst Du sehr wichtige, auch rechtliche Informationen erlernen, die fr Dein Internet (Online) Business relevant sind.Auerdem mit dabei in diesem Videokurs, sind ausreichende Online Business Mglichkeiten.Du weit noch nicht so genau was Du machen knntest?Das ist auch kein Problem, denn in diesem Kurs erhltst Du viele Anregungen und auch Hinweise, wie Du mit Deinen Interessensgebieten in Deinem eigenen Online Business voll durchstarten kannst.Mache das Jahr 2017 zu Deinem Grndungsjahr und starte noch 2017 voll durch. Auch wenn Du schon ein Online Business betreiben solltest, ist dieser Kurs etwas fr Dich, denn es gibt sehr ntzliche und wissenswerte Informationen fr Dich.Erweitere Dein (Online) Business, baue Dein Business, als Nebenjob auf und vielleicht schaffst Du es schon bald, Dich damit selbststndig zu machen (wenn Du das, so machen mchtest). Also kannst Du, vor allem, Deine (Online) Business Ideen als Nebenjob ausfhren und/oder auch (frher oder spter) hauptberuflich.Viel Spa beim Videokurs ansehen und viel Erfolg mit dem Gelernten.Herzliche GreMarco"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fotografien richtig und erfolgreich verkaufen" |
"In diesem Videokurs kannst Du alles herausfinden zu der Nische (Themenkategorie): Fotografien richtig und erfolgreich verkaufen. Du wirst verschiedene Mglichkeiten erlernen welche Mglichkeiten es gibt, Deine selbstgemachten Fotografien vollautomatisch (nach Deinem Upload/hochladen) zu verkaufen.Im Kurs enthalten sind auch Hinweise, wie Du Motiv- und Projektideen finden kannst. Dieser Videokurs wird durch viele verschiedene Hinweise, Tipps und Tricks ergnzt, die Dich erfolgreich machen, indem Du Deine Fotografien perfektioniert zum Verkauf im Internet anbieten kannst.Auerdem erhltst Du eine Vertriebsrckwrtsformel, indem Du recherchierst in welchen Fotokategorie Themen (Motive) eine besonders hohe Nachfrage besteht (beispielsweise Natur oder Stadt und mit oder ohne Models).Rechtliche Informationen, beispielsweise zum Bildrecht und Objektschutzrecht von Gebuden und dergleichen wird ebenso angesprochen, damit Du immer auf der rechtlich sicheren Seite fotografierst.Du bekommst alles, was Du fr einen erfolgreichen Start, fr Dein Online Fotografienverkauf bentigst.Dieser Kurs ist allgemein fr jeden Mitmenschen geeignet, denn die Digitale Kamera bernimmt einen Groteil der Arbeit (es mssen keine Fotografien mehr entwickelt werden). Die Technik vereinfacht Dir alles.Dieser Kurs ist fr Profi Fotografinnen und Fotografen, aber auch fr Hobby Fotografinnen und Fotografen und sogar fr alle Mitmenschen die mit dem Fotografieren beginnen mchten, absolut geeignet. Alles wird verstndlich erklrt.Ein Tipp: Fr Fotoblogger/innen und Reiseblogger/innen ist dieser Kurs ebenso geeignet. Vor allem dann, wenn alle oder einige Fotografien verkauft werden sollen, denn dies ist eine zustzliche Einkommensquelle, um den Blog weiter zu unterhalten und die Reisen und/oder Fotoprojekte (re)finanzieren zu knnen.Ich wnsche Dir, das aller beste, nach diesem Videokurs hast Du alles was Du bentigst um erfolgreich Fotografien verkaufen zu knnen.Viel Spa beim Videokurs anschauen, viel Freude mit Deiner Fotografie und vor allem einen erfolgreichen Verkauf."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Erstelle ein erfolgreiches Forum, um Mitglieder zu erhalten" |
"Ein Forum kann Dich einerseits dabei untersttzen, wenn Du schon ein Online und/oder auch ein Offline Business fhrst, um noch erfolgreicher zu werden und um mit Deinen Kunden/Fans besser in Kontakt treten zu knnen.Auf der anderen Seite, kannst Du schon alleine durch die Neugrndung eines Forums, ein eigenes Online Business auf- und ausbauen.Das beste daran: Dieser Videokurs beschreibt Dir alles ganz genau und ausfhrlich. In diesem Kurs erlernst Du vor allem den kostenfreien Auf- und Ausbau eines Forums. Auch wenn im Bonus weitere Tipps und Tricks, zum kostenpflichtigen Marketing enthalten sind.Schaue Dir diesen Videokurs einfach genau an und starte mit Deinem Forum.Schreibe Dich jetzt ein. Viel Erfolg."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mental Core Training (MCT)" |
"Learn how to use the most powerful meditation techniques and exercises to train your incredibly powerful 'Mental Core'. This will enable you to truly develop yourself in any way you desire to achieve the outcomes you decide for yourself.Try the free stuff first, see how it can work for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing: Persuade Buyers On A Minimal Budget" |
"Between January 2013 and December 2016 I sold about $400,000 worth of products online. For almost 3 of those 4 years I was either pregnant or playing mum to a little baby so Icould only work part time.Learning how to market was the key in generating this kind ofrevenue. Effective marketing helped me to achieve my dual goal of spending LOTS of time with baby AND earning money at the same time. I paid for childcare when I worked and the balance between being mum and running a business was very fulfilling.If you'd like to market more effectively on a minimal budget this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Canal do Youtube: Estratgias para o Sucesso" |
"Neste curso voc aprender, de maneira didtica, as tcnicas para alcanar os resultados de sucesso para o seu canal do Youtube.Nosso curso abordar desde o Planejamento do Canal at a Anlise de Resultados e Estratgias de Publicaes de Contedo, sempre com foco nos seus resultados, ajudando voc a diferenciar o seu canal e o seu contedo dos demais canais do Youtube.Voc ainda aprender truques e segredos que faro o seu canal decolar rapidamente no ranking do Youtube."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Git e Github - Bsico e Intermedirio" |
"Bem vindo ao curso de Git e Github. Nesse curso voc vai aprender o porque de usarmos uma ferramenta para controlar verses de um projeto, bem como sua instalao e configurao. As vantagens de usar o Git e a real diferena entre Git e Github que ainda causam muita confuso.Esse curso para voc que nunca utilizou um Git ou que utiliza mas no domina os conceitos e a forma que o Git trabalha."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Excel Grficos Avanados Curso Completo" |
"Com este treinamento definitivo, voc vai aprender a criar vrios tipos de Grficos no Excel de forma fcil e descomplicada.Grficos so um poderoso recurso do Excel e com este Curso completo, voc vai aprender como criar e formatar vrios tipos de grficos inclusive os avanados, criar grficos interativos utilizando filtros e os novos grficos do Excel.No perca tempo e matricule-se agora mesmo. Trabalhar com o Excel fundamental para quem deseja atuar no mercado de trabalho, o Excel uma ferramenta muito importante na administrao de qualquer negcio, alm de ser um fator decisivo na hora da contratao.Ao final do Curso, voc vai estar mais preparado para o mercado de trabalho ou vai aproveitar o poder dos grficos na analise dos dados do seu negcio."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curs de educaie financiar Maestrul Financiar" |
"Maestrul BanilorTraining n dezvoltarea mentalitii financiare i a managementului banilor personali.Vrei s dobndeti o gndire corect n privina banilor?Vrei s obii mai muli bani i simi totui c ceva te blocheaz?Vrei s ai un sistem organizat prin care s i gestionezi banii?Dac ai rspuns cu DA la ntrebrile de mai sus sau vrei s devii o persoan responsabil de educaia ta financiar, atunci merit s citeti mai departeCe CTIGI i la ce este util acest training?Dobndeti claritate n legtur cu utilizarea banilor ti.Identificm nivelul tu financiar intern. (Termostatul financiar).nelegi cum funcioneaz banii i care e rolul lor n viaa ta.Afli care sunt blocajele n legatur cu banii i care sunt tiparele financiare.nelegi cum s ctigi bani ntr-un mod autentic din misiunea i pasiunea ta.Obinem bunstare i echilibru ntre cheltuieli i economii, investiii i banii de distracie.Te ancorezi n mentalitatea omului prosper, nvei cum s primeti i s accepi sume mari de bani n viaa ta.Descoperim obiceiurile financiare bune pentru tine, care s te ajute s devii un om bogat.Facem un plan de educaie financiar cu rezultate pe urmtoarele 6 luni.Dobndeti o metod testat prin care TU s te foloseti de bani i NU banii de tine.Primeti un sistem clar prin care s gestionezi banii i s obii libertate financiar.Ce PIERZI dac nu devii Maestrul Banilor?Rmi blocat la acelai nivel i vei munci mai mult dect e nevoie.Iroseti timpul i resursele financiare din cauza limitrilor interioare.Ai o energie joas din lipsa banilor i proasta lor utilizare.Ai conflicte ntre banii pe care i ctigi i lucrurile pe care le doreti.Faci cheltuieli excesive i fr valoare real pentru tine.Trieti situaii de haos i dezechilibru n viaa ta.Te simi vinovat (sau ruinat) din cauza banilor sau a cheltuirii lor.Nu ai siguran financiar pe termen lung i eti stresat din punct de vedere financiar.Obiceiurile i convingerile negative despre bani te blocheaz n a duce o via frumoas.i pierzi stima de sine i energia personal prin aciuni ne-ecologice ncercnd s obii mai muli bani.** Acest TRAINING este de tip INTENSIV & INTERACTIV. **Este RECOMANDAT pentru Liber profesioniti, Antreprenori, Manageri i Proprietari de afaceri mici i mijlocii.Ce conine Maestrul Banilor?INTRODUCERE. Ne cunoatem ntr-o discuie de 15 minute.Modulul.1 Facem analiza situaiei actuale.Modulul.2 Convingeri financiare.Modulul.3 Exerciiu de visare activ.Modulul.4 Identificarea oportunitilor.Modulul.5 Potenial & Misiune.Modulul.6 Analiz i claritate n privina banilor.Modulul.7 Prosperitate.Modulul.8 Evoluie inteligent financiar rapid.Modulul.9 Tipuri de venituri, cheltuieli i datorii.Modulul.10 Sistem de gestionare al banilor.Ce primeti dac plteti integral acest curs.CADOU de final, Materiale n format PDF, Exerciii din domeniul afacerilor i al educaiei financiare, Diplom de participare, Acces online pe via."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Makeup 101 - Learn Makeup Online - Become a Makeup Artist" |
"Ever wonder what is the perfect trick to blend the foundation? Are you not getting the eyeshadow blending on point?Welcome to our exclusive online makeup course where we will be teaching the basics of makeup and showcasing the in-depth product knowledge step-by-step.The course is absolutely perfect forbeginners, alreadyestablished makeup artistsor anyone who wants to learn makeup and possiblybecome a Makeup Artist. We cover everything, so even if youve never done makeup in your life, youll be able to quickly jump in. Learn our personal favourite techniques of doing a soft look in this online course and be a part of this amazing online learning platform."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Power BI Voltado para RH - do Zero ao DASHBOARD" |
"Neste curso voc profissional de RH/DP, ter a oportunidade de Aprender esta poderosa ferramenta de BI. Voc vai aprender na prtica com exemplos reais do seu dia a dia na rea de RH como usar os registros e dados como aliado na tomada de deciso. Voc vai ver como criar paginas de relatrios que agilizem seu processo de conferencia da folha de pagamento e demais processos do ciclo de pessoal. Ao final do curso voc ter aprendido como criar painis de indicadores funcionais e voltados para gesto de pessoas. Este curso foi criado para ajudar voc auxiliar, assistente ou analista de RH/DP a melhorar sua qualificao e criar um diferencial no mercado, apresentando melhores resultados por meio da analise estratgica dos processos de gesto de pessoas."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Tratamento de imagens (Photoshop)" |
"Saiba como editar uma fotografia e seja um profissional da rea.Neste mini curso vou te mostrar todo meu fluxo de trabalho que uso diariamente em minhas edies fotogrficas, e o melhor que vou te mostrar isso numa situao real de trabalho.Usaremos o Lightroom em conjunto com o Photoshop, irei te mostrar o jeito correto de usar e sincronizar os dois programas para que eu fluxo de trabalho seja amigo do seu tempo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Speak Publicly with Confidence!" |
"This course is designed with detailed information to help the student first overcome that nagging fear of standing in front of an audience to speak. Then immediately after getting over this fear through practical action examples presented in the course, the student will learn all the basic blocks of public speaking. The last part of the course focuses on how to apply the skills acquired to persuade and inspire. The course ends with a bonus lecture on how to give effective evaluations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Facebook Marketing in one hour - Hindi / Urdu" |
"Digital Marketing is one of the most sought after skills of today. Businesses around the world have realized the traction of social media and almost every business understands that it should have a social presence. While small business owners find it hard to employ trained social media marketing managers, it becomes an opportunity for budding entrepreneurs and small agencies that can help businesses set up and run their social media. The best part is that such contracts are monthly and recurring contracts which provide a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to establish a business.The main objective of the training is to teach the necessary skills required to execute a digital marketing strategy for a small business. The training starts off with Facebook and quickly takes you through the complete skill set required to start a Facebook page and run a Facebook Campaign in one hour.BONUS OFFER:All learners who finish the course would now get 30 minutes consultation on their digital marketing project whether it's their own business or a client project or even a project undertaken for learning. Get expert advice and help brush up your skills even further. Message us when you finish the course and we will let you know the procedure to claim the consultation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Performance Web" |
"Aprenda a otimizar a performance de carregamento das suas pginas com vrias tcnicas de otimizao, veja diversas tcnicas diferentes para cada arquivo para diminuir o trfego de suas pginas e tornar suas pginas da Web mais rpidas em todos os dispositivos.Fazer um site com boa performance muitas vezes um desafio enorme para desenvolvedores, visto que hoje tudo se movimenta to rpido, alguns segundos a mais de espera podem significar a desistncia do visitante."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"GIS & ArcGIS: ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcGlobe & ArcScene" |
"Are you thinking like this...You have huge interest on GIS but didn't get any proper learning material or course from Internet.You are searching for cheap course of GIS but having huge detail material, lectures, topics and materialYou like detail discussion of each topic.You want to know not only ArcMap, but also other softwares inside ArcGIS including ArcScene, ArcCatalog and ArcGlobeYou are searching for Cool and enjoyable lectures of ArcGIS with magical tricks description on each interfaces.You want make yourself confident to start Web GIS and advanced GISYou want to learn step by step process of ArcGIS task and tools.Then This course is for you, Because this course...Has huge Learning MaterialIs cheap course with 37 lectures, 5 quiz tests and 1 final projects work and each lecture contain many topicsContain depth discussion of each topic with HOWand WHY discussion.Will make yourself Zero to HERO in ArcGIS with ArcMap, ArcGlobe, ArcCatalog, ArcScene.Gives you enjoyable tools and magical tricks of tools inside ArcGISfew lectures discussed about Web GIS map, GIS servers and Use of Advanced GIS those will give you basic knowledge of Web GIS.All Lectures are based on Step by Step Process with practical doing video. Because we believe in Learning by Doing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Math Skills For Allied Health Students" |
"This course delivers an introduction of basic college Math. Students review a range of mathematical principles as they relate to basic algebra, computation, geometry and statistics. Part II will cover interest, real state, budget, conversion from the U.S. to the S.I system of units, Geometry and basics statistics. TAKE OUR PRECALCULUS CLASS TOO COMING SOON!Additional topics include every day math such as ratios, interest, discounts, percents AND FRACTIONS!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Writing Expert - Learn what you've been missing" |
"Enrolling on this course course will allow you to benefit from my 12 years of experience teaching English. This course boasts: - Variety - to keep you interested (and awake!) - Writing practice - to put all you have learned into practice - Corrections on your writings from an experienced IELTS teacher (me!) - Someone to ask all your burning questions (also me!) - Specific vocabulary and grammar that is guaranteed to be useful, no matter what IELTS throws at you- Quick Quizzes - to activate your new knowledge- Assignments to hone your skills - Analysis of what examiners want - so you don't waste precious study time on things that won't help you achieve. Right now I truly believe it's the best six hours you could possibly spend in terms of IELTS preparation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Premiere Pro CC for Beginners: only 50 minutes!" |
"#1 This is the shortest fast-track course of the newest Premier Pro (Premier Pro CC 2017) on the internet#2 Only 50 minutes and you will know everything that matters in Premier Pro#3 The series is fast-paced; it teaches the basics and its 99% practical#4 You dont not need any video knowledge in order to learn Premier Pro with this course#5 Dont waste months trying to find a good video tutorial... you dont have time for that#6 Going through the eleven amazing videos, you'll also learn some advanced solutions#7 Youll no longer need to ask around for help or pay someone to make your video#8 Your teacher Dan is from the USA; speaks perfect English, you will easily understand him"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo dibujar un bodegn. Dibujo artstico del natural" |
"En este curso aprenderemos cmo dibujar bodegones, o naturalezas muertas, a partir de objetos de nuestro entorno cotidiano. Comenzaremos realizando una composicin, aprenderemos distintos mtodos para abordar el dibujo y finalmente los aplicaremos, desde el encaje hasta el detalle pasando por todo el desarrollo intermedio explicado de forma sencilla. Adems, utilizando el bodegn como pretexto, aprenderemos conceptos propios del dibujo artstico como encuadre, proporcin, encaje, tonos y valores, o contraste, que nos van a ser de utilidad para la representacin grfica de cualquier imagen del natural."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Top Herbs For Your Health: Herbalism & Natural Medicine!" |
"Hello and welcome to my new course ""Top Herbs For Your Health: Herbalism & Natural Medicine!""I am Kevin Kockot, and I am happy to welcome you to this course!You are interested in the topic of How to use Herbs and Spices To Support Your Personal Health And Wellbeeing and you would like to be inspired with practical input to learn how to find how to apply the herbs and spices for optimal benefits?Then I am optimistic that this course is the right one for you!I'm Kevin Kockot (M.A. prevention and health promotion) and for many years I worked as an entrepeneur where I give lectures and seminars on topics of prevention and health promotion. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Several working hours were going into the preperation of this content, that I made for the FREEusage for you!>>> My goal is to help you living a healthy and self-determinded life!>>> What kind of content do you find in this course? Take a look at the chapters of this course!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Which topics can you expect from this course?1. Herbs in this course (overview)2. What am I going to talk about in this course?3. What does ORAC mean?4. Turmeric 5. Cumin 6. Ginger 7. Cinnamon 8. Black cumin seed and oil9. Fenugreek 10. Rosemary 11. Basil 12. Oregano 13. Garlic 14. ORAC comparisonIf you have any questions - feel free to message me anytime!:)Best regards, Kevin"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The ""HAKE"" watercolor painting wonderbrush and how to use it" |
"When I started painting in watercolors many years ago the first brush I bought was the Hake brush,inexpensive but absolutely necessary for washes,trees,foliage,skies,seascapes,the list goes on and on,in this course I will paint an actual picture using just my hake and you will see just how useful this brush is.You can paint along with me and learn all the techniques for yourself,most art suppliers stock hake brushes and the one and a quarter inch or 30 mm brush is all you need,these cost about $5 USD or the equivalent,five dollars for a lifetime of pleasure!So come on and join me,see you soon David"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Drumming: Rhythm & Beats" |
"Introduction to Basic Drumming: Rhythm Beats Interactive Play-Along Our interactive drumming video lessons show you everything from basic hand drum techniques to more challenging interactive rhythms.Our instructors, Brianna & Steve, will guide you each step of the way. These videos are identical to the exercises we provide in our live classes. By taking the course online, however, you can take advantage of these additional benefits:You do not need to leave the comfort of your home.You can access them as often as you would like, 24/7!You can go at your own pace, pause if you need a break, check on your dinner in the oven or rewind sections that need review.You can watch the videos on your computer, your large screen TV or watch and learn right from your iPad. When on the go you can even access us from your cell!Interact with others taking the course from a far Make requests for songs to play along with Increase hand/eye coordinationLower stressMost importantly, It's FUN!you can benefit from each class....and the best part is: you can do this with or WITHOUT a drum. Our very first video will outline what you most likely have right at your fingertips right NOW!With Respectful Beats, you will have access to learning interactive rhythms, the basics of counting, subdividing, basic call and response, song accompaniment, suggestions on making a drum investment, fun facts and riddles, and other bonus content and guidance. Be sure to check in throughout each week...we have a lot to share.At the end of this course, you will find yourself with greater coordination and concentration. You will also be prepared should you choose to join a community drum circle or further your drumming adventure. Thank you for taking a small step into the world of rhythm. I hope you enjoy it!Sincerely,Steve Benedetto, Owner Respectful Beats"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to match your bank statement with Cash book?" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount.Hello Friends,We all know that every business involves rotation of cash or money due to various expenses and incomes.Many a times theres a difference between records maintained by the bank and the records maintainedby the business in relation to cash involved.You may be wondering how is that so? And what Is done in order to tally these records?This course on, ""Bank Reconciliation Statement"" is a summary of banking and business activity that reconciles an entity's bank account with its financial records. -What you will learn? Why and how to prepare bank reconciliation statement with different practice quizzes.-Who can take this course?This course is beneficial to you weather you are a student, professional or businessman who wants to have proper knowledge of all the fundamentals of accounting. We believe that anyone can learn accounting with a proper guidance!-Benefits of taking this Course:This course will give you the glimpse of how to reconcile cash book with the bank book with the help of:Explanatory videos ensures complete concept understanding.Downloadable resources helps in applying your knowledge to solve various problems.Quiz video helps in testing your knowledge.In short it is an interesting course fulfilling all the student's needs.So hurry up and enroll now!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Violo na Prtica e Sem Enrolao + 4 Ebooks Grtis" |
"Curso de Violo: Aprenda na Prtica e Sem EnrolaoMtodo para voc desbloquear e conseguir dar os primeiros passos para tocar violo. O curso direcionado para alunos que queiram aprender de forma rpida, simples e prtica. Tambm indicado para alunos que j tentaram aprender violo, mas esbarraram em algum obstculo que impediu o seu progresso. Nosso objetivo que voc vena seus limites e aprenda a tocar violo de uma vez por todas.O curso visa a intimidade com o instrumento e o desenvolvimento de habilidades que ajudaro voc a tocar violo de forma fcil e agradvel!Sobre o Professor:Anderson Paiva toca Violo e Guitarra desde os 15 anos de idade e tem mais de 20 anos de experincia de mercado como Msico e Professor.Tem como influncia os grandes mestres da guitarra da dcada de 60 e 70 e tem como conceito os timbres orgnicos e um estilo vintage, com foco no sentimento e criatividade.Ao longo de sua experincia desenvolveu um mtodo prtico e descomplicado de fazer o aluno desenvolver uma alma artstica e se soltar das amarras da teoria musical.Contedo do Curso de Violo: Introduo ao Violo- Partes do Violo (corpo)- Cordas, Casas e Mos- Afinao Teoria Musical- Notas Musicais - Acordes Principais - Melodia, Harmonia e RitmoBatida- Batida - Munheca - Tic Tac Primeira Msica- Trocando de Acordes- Contando o Tempo- MsicaAprimorando a Batida- Uniformidade da Batida- Suavidade da Batida- Cordas Proibidas Outros Tipos de Batidas- Batida Avanada- Batida Alternada - Dicas de Palheta Segunda Msica- Introduo- 1 parte da Msica- 2 parte da Msica Concluso- No desista nunca- Toque para os amigos- Ame a msicaBnus - 4 E-books Grtis:- E-book Completo: A Ddiva da Msica- E-book Completo: A Histria dos Gneros Musicais- E-book Completo: O Fascnio da Msica e Seu Lado Teraputico- E-book Completo: Jamais DesistaApostila:- Apostila Completa do CursoDepoimento dos Alunos:Roberto K. ""Didtico e muito fcil de seguir.""Alex R.""Excelente, gostei de sua espontaneidade!""Renato C.""Mtodo bem didtico!""Adilson A.""Gostei muito do professor, uma excelente didtica...""Aprenda voc tambm a tocar violo na prtica e sem enrolao. Inscreva-se agora!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Conflict Resolution training" |
"NEW practicing material: Practice test, to help you explore and apply knowledge. Very important to prepare you for real case situations and job interviews. Composed of multi-choice questions and with right solutions, backed with further reasons and explanation of the right choice.In this conflict resolution training, you'll the whole spectrum of conflicts and how to positively resolve them.Very often conflicts arise very silently and unnoticeable. If you don't tackle on time they will keep growing and escalating.This course will allow you to read the signs and anticipate before they escalate to bigger proportions.These are some of the areas/lessons I'll address in this course of conflict resolution:- Difference between problem, disagreement and conflict- Aspects of a conflict (Danger/risk vs opportunity/possibility to improve)- Causes of a conflict, Signals of a conflict- Perceptions and how we process info, leads to conflicts- Behavioural styles and their impact in conflicts- Steps to clarify a conflict- Conflict styles and outcomes- Communication is key to conflict resolution- Best practices on conflict resolutionBy the end of the course you'll have a deeper understand of how conflicts arise and grow, how to anticipate and how to tackle them on a win-win outcome.At the end of the course you'll have a section with support material and templates, downloadable.You'll also find a slide pack explaining how this course is relevant to your career."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Chronic Care Management For Care Coordinators" |
"Chronic Care Management (CCM) is defined as the non-face-to-face services provided to Medicare beneficiaries who have multiple (two or more), significant chronic conditions. In addition to office visits and other face-to faceencounters (billed separately), these services include communication with the patient and other treating health professionals for care coordination (both electronically and by phone), medication management, and being accessible 24 hours a day to patients and any care providers (physicians or other clinical staff). The creation and revision of electronic care plans is also a key component of CCM. The designated CCM clinician (MD, PA, NP) must establish, implement, revise, or monitor and managean electronic care plan that addresses the physical, mental, cognitive, psychosocial, functional andenvironmental needs of the patient as well as maintain an inventory of resources and supports that thepatient needs. Thus, the practice must use a certified EHR to bill CCM codes. Only one clinician can bill for any particular patient therefore it may be necessary to coordinate withthe sub-specialists who may be providing a significant amount of care and treatment to one or more ofthe patients conditions. It will be important that the patients understand only one of their likelymultiple physicians will be able to bill for CCM services."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Leveling up to ES6" |
"Hey there! I'm Cody Seibert, and welcome to my courseLeveling up to ES6!Why you should learn ES6ES6 is a feature set provided on top of the javascript library to provide developers with a collection of awesome new features. ES6 will make your codeclean andconcise, and it will make your life easier as a developer.It also has additional functions and features that were not even possible in prior versions of javascript. Amajority of the latestbrowsers now support most, but not all, of the ES6 features. Keep that in mind since most web applications are compiled using Babel.js to provide support for all browsers and older version of browsers.A majority of the latestlibrariesand frameworks are now being written in ES6, so you don't want to get left behind.OverviewIn this course, we are going to overview a majority of the latestfeatures provided in ES6. The strategy I use to introduce these ES6 features is by first (when applicable)showing you how you might have used similar approaches in ES5 and then refactoring the code to resemble ES6. I'll explain why andwhenyou should be using these features. After finishing this course, you will be great at using these new ES6 features in your day to day programming endeavors.What you will learn:You will learn how, when, and why to use a majority of the latest ES6 features after completing this course. Some of the features including:const - to declare constant variableslet - block scoped enabled variablesblock scoping - now your blocks can have variables and functionsscoped onto themarrow functions - simplify your code and prevent typical issues related to lexical this in javascriptgenerators - an awesome new way to write iteratablecodeclasses - no more having to use some complicated prototype and function hackery to create classesMap - an easier to use data structure than just using objects or arrays to create mapsSet - an easier to use data structure for keeping track of a set of entriesPromises - an awesome alternative to using callbacksAsync / Await - yet a better solution for writing synchronous code instead of callbacks and promisesstring interpolation - your strings will now be beautifulspread operator - an awesome helper function for concatrest operator - a cool operator for passing arguments to and from functionsANDMORE....Who this course it for:This course is for students who already have a decent understanding of programming and using javascript. If all of the following apply to you, I recommend this course:you already havea decent understand of how to use javascript and would consider yourself an intermediate javascript programmeryou should alreadyunderstand a majority of javascript ES5 features such as functions, objects, prototypical inheritance, variables, hoisting, loops, arrays, strings, already know howto use a code editor or website such as jsbin or codepento play around withES6 yourselfWho this course is NOTfor:This course is NOTa complete beginners guide to learn programming in ES6. If any of the following are true for you, I'd suggest taking some time to increase your skillset before returning to take this course:unaware of how to install and usenode and npmunaware of how to install and use a text editor (in this course we use VS Code)consider yourself a complete beginner at programmingconsider yourself a beginner at javascriptthe pace ofthe free preview videos is too fast for your learning styleThis isn't to say you shouldn't consider my course sinceI cover a lot of good information, but just be aware you might feel lost without having some previous knowledge already.Additional Information:A majority of this course will be taught via VSCode with the Quokka plugin, both of which Iwill cover how to setup. We will also be using the latest version of Node 8.x to run our ES6 examples."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video libro para aprender a vivir feliz" |
"APRENDER A VIVIR FELIZ, es un curso en el que a travs de un vdeo libro, tu podrs obtener herramientas valiosas en distintas reas esenciales de tu vida. Aqu podrs encontrar una historia de vida y de superacin que te permitir orientar tu desarrollo y superacin personal, en reas como por ejemplo: el manejo de tus finanzas personales o inteligencia financiera, el desarrollo de tu inteligencia emocional, tu desarrollo espiritual, tu liderazgo personal, tu bienestar y salud fsica, la comunicacin y otros temas que te ayudarn en tu proceso de mejora personal.Adntrate en esta experiencia y utiliza las vivencias que aqu se narran, para poder vivir de una manera libre y menos dolorosa."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la programacin en C. Un enfoque prctico." |
"En este curso aprenders los fundamemtos de programacin en C., que tipos de lenguajes hay y conceptos del entorno de programacin Visual Studio.Veremos tipos de datos bsicos, condiciones, estructuras de control como bucles y arrays.El lenguaje C es un lenguaje versatil y portable que podreis usar como base para otros lenguajes como Java, C++ o C#.Al finalizar el curso podrs descargarte el Ebook con el contenido del curso en formato EPUB para que puedas visualizarlo en PC, movil o tablet."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |