Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
zyclxsmc |
":Understanding SurfacesSolid-Surface Hybrid ModelingBasics Surface ToolsPlaner SurfaceVolume ScaleIntersection CurveRuled SurfaceOffset and copy SurfaceTrim SurfaceExtend SurfaceUntrim SurfaceDelete Hole SurfaceFilled SurfaceDelete FaceMove Face ToolReplace FaceCutting with SurfaceHybrid modelingRepairing Imported GeometryTypes of surfacesFace curvesBlends and PatchesApplications"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IBM Integration Bus with Practicals" |
" The course is designed to understand the core functionalities of IIB, and the importance is given completely on practical exercises. The ESQL programming gives the knowledge to build any business logic and do the transformations. Different routing techniques are explained including publishing and subscribe. Message modeling gives the knowledge to create a model for any kind of message and use it in message flows. Event-based communication is explained along with the Record and Replay mechanism. Detailed and the different ways of logging techniques are explained that will help to identify and resolve the error much faster.Section: Coding Exercises This section will be updated regularly as and when the code is ready for the new requirements which are helpful in realtime projects."
Price: 8000.00 ![]() |
"Detailed Red Leather Bag in Substance Painter" |
"In this course Im going to be showing you my process for creating a highly detailed new and worn out red leather bag. Well discuss and demonstrate from scratch the entire process step by step. No steps are missing.No smart-material are used its all procedural and hand-painted textures from single base material layer for the leather bag"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Course On Gaining JV Partners For Traffic" |
" This is a digital marketing course which includes 22 baby step by baby step videos in which you will learn exactly how to gain joint venture partners to drive high quality traffic to your product in order to make online sales. The digital marketing course is most suited for total beginners who are new to gaining joint venture partners Your class project will be to gain a big joint venture partner who will promote your product Because I am fully aware that one of the biggest problems that beginners encounter when they try to make money online is ""Information Overload"" I have kept each video only a few minutes long, so you will not be overwhelmed by information. In this digital marketing course you will discover exactly how to: 1.The number one reason why so many people FAIL to gain JV partners. 2. Why you should NOT contact every successful guru in your niche for a JV. 3. What are the TOP places that I go to find JV partners. 4. Why joint venture traffic is the BEST kind of traffic there is. 5.How to create an AMAZING relationship with the gurus in your niche. 6. The WRONG way to contact a guru for the first time. 7.The 4 RIGHT ways to contact a guru for the first time. 8. How to literally FORCE the big gurus in your niche to contact you. 9. My 'COPY & PASTE' emails that you can send to your potential JV partners. 10. Real life cast studies of successful JV partnerships that I have created in the past, and that you can learn from to create your own successful JV partnerships TODAY. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How A Blogger Can Create An Online Business By Selling Blogs" |
"This is a course which includes 20 baby step by baby step lessons in which a blogger will learn exactly how to create a blog from scratch, and sell it for profit on auction. The class is most suited for a blogger and for total beginners to blogging who are new to building and selling blogs and to website flipping. Your class project will be to create a a blog, put it on auction, and sell it for profit Because I am fully aware that one of the biggest problems that beginners encounter when they try to make money online is ""Information Overload"" I have kept each video only a few minutes long, so you will not be overwhelmed by information. In this blogger training you will discover exactly how to: 1. HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST NICHE FOR YOUR BLOG. 2. HOW TO REGISTER A GOOD DOMAIN NAME FOR YOUR BLOG. 3. HOW TO PURCHASE AN HOSTING PACKAGE. 4. HOW TO COMBINE BETWEEN YOUR HOSTING PACKAGE AND YOUR DOMAIN. 5. HOW TO INSTALL WORDPRESS. 6. HOW TO INSTALL A THEME FOR YOUR BLOG. 7. HOW TO CLEAN YOUR BLOG. 8. HOW TO INSERT PLR CONTENT TO YOUR BLOG. 9. HOW TO PUT YOUR BLOG ON AUCTION. 10. HOW TO TRANSFER YOUR BLOG TO YOUR BUYER. 11. HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY WITH YOUR BLOGS. 12. HOW TO INSTALL A GREAT PLUGIN TO YOUR BLOG TO ADD MORE VALUE. 13. HOW TO INSERT UNIQUE CONTENT TO YOUR BLOG. 14. HOW TO GET UNIQUE GRAPHICS FOR YOUR BLOG. 15. HOW TO PROMOTE OTHER PEOPLE'S PRODUCTS THROUGH YOUR BLOG. 16. HOW TO PAY LESS MONEY FOR OUTSOURCING BY HIRING FILIPINOS. 17. HOW TO INSERT CONTENT TO YOUR BLOG THROUGH A PLUGIN. 18. HOW TO GET TRAFFIC TO YOUR BLOG. 19. HOW TO MAKE EVEN MORE MONEY BY SELLING CLICKBANK WEBSITES. 20. HOW TO INSERT ADSENSE ADS TO YOUR BLOG. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Website Flipping - Increase Profits On Flippa Website Sales" |
"This is a course which includes 12 baby step by baby step lessons in which you will learn exactly how to make more income from website flipping on auction sites - while giving the most amazing customer support.This method will work on Flippa and on other flipping websites sites. The class is most suited for total beginners who are new to website fipping Your class project will be to increase the money that you earn from a website buyer. Because I am fully aware that one of the biggest problems that beginners encounter when they try to make money online is ""Information Overload"" I have kept each video only a few minutes long, so you will not be overwhelmed by information. In this website flipping training you will discover exactly how to: 1. The Proper Way To Contact A Buyer After The Sale 2. How To Transfer The Domain To Your Buyer 3. How To Open, Set , And Submit A Clickbank account for Your Buyer 4. How To Set A Mailing List For Your Buyer. 5. How To Edit Your HTML Files For Maximum Profit. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Computer GraphicsCourse - How To Make Web Graphics For Site" |
"MAKE COMPUTER GRAPHICS FOR A WEBSITE A course ware on designing, layout and distribution of site graphics. Identify the graphics use and specifications Headers and footerseCoversBanners and buttonsDimensions of the imagesColor useFont use Designing the header and footer Designing the eCover Designing the banners and buttons Making GIF images for banners Slicing the images for web use Exporting the images web format Making the templates Packaging the files for distribution Compressing files (zip or rar)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Prezi Presentation Video Course For Educators And Students" |
"HOW TO MAKE A PREZI PRESENTATION FOR EDUCATORS AND STUDENTS A course on designing and making zooming presentations with Prezi. 1. Creating a Prezi account From the website Download the iPad app (optional) Create a New Prezi 2. Making the Prezi Presentation Plan out your presentation. Start making one (4 ways)Customizing your PreziAdding contents to your PreziAdding GIF animation 3. Editing the Prezi Editing and Manipulating the contents 4. Setting up for a Prezi presentation Inserting Frames to create ""slides""Creating Paths 5. Downloading and Presenting your Prezi "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn 3D Complete from Scratch in Blender Cinema 4D Unity C#" |
"Learn Cinema 4D, Blender 3D and also C# with and forUnity from a award winning Instructor. Learn all about how Cinema 4D and Blender 3Dworks and also how youcan create and animateyour first 3d Models, Characters and more. Learn how you can create fantastic 3D Scenes, Motion Graphics, Simulations and many things more!In this Tutorial Series i will teachyou, how easy it can be to start with your own work inside of Cinema 4D and Blender.Cinema 4D is a mighty Software which is in using in a wide Range of Industries. Blender is a mighty Software Package too, and the best Thing here is - it is complete Free! Unity is a Fantastic Game Engine, but not only for Games, you can create with it also fantastic Product Simulations and Presentations!With Cinema 4D and Blender you can create for example your complete own Architectural Design, Motiongraphics or also complete3D Movies and that all in a very short time.At the End of this Course you will have all the Basic Knowledge you need to create your own fantastic 3d Projects.Who is this class for?People who want to improve their technical skills in a professional 3D Application but also for allbeginnersPeople who want to make moneyby learning new skillsWhy should you learn online?Udemy is an online education platform where revolution taking place. You may have heard already about udemy in the news, or over ""google"" or you heard it already from a friend. Education is going to be changed forever.I promise that this course will be better and much more effective than reading books.What you need?You need to have an internet connectionand the C4D-Trial you can download for free on the Maxon Homepage. Blender and Unityare availablecomplete for Free.What you will learn?You will learn C4D, Blender and Unity from Scratch andhow you can create for example your first Furnitureand other3d Models likeCharacters and more - and you learn also also how you can createSimulations and Animations and so much more!Copyright Information:MAXON and CINEMA 4D are registered trademarks of MAXON Computer GmbH"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Python para Todos - Aprenda a criar diversas aplicaes" |
"Este curso para quem no sabe programar e quer ingressar no mundo da programao e tambm para quem j programador e deseja aprender uma nova linguagem.Voc desenvolver dezenas de aplicaes no decorrer do curso.Este curso aborda desde conceitos bsicos como preparao do ambiente, criao de programas simples, definio de variveis, estruturas condicionais, funes, passando por Orientao a Objetos, testes automatizados, threads, criao de aplicaes com acesso a banco de dados, criao de aplicaes com interface grfica, programao para dispositivos mveis, processamento distribudo e aplicaes web.Voc tem sua disposio todo cdigo-fonte usado no curso anexado s aulas, alm de materias em PDF para complementar o estudo, podendo baixar todo cdigo-fonte de nosso repositrio no Github.Currculo do curso:Seo 1 - IntroduoApresentao do cursoPor que Python?Seo 2 - Instalao do PythonQual verso utilizar?Instalando o Python no WindowsInstalando o Python no LinuxSeo 3 - Executando o primeiro cdigoUsando o interpretador do PythonCriando o primeiro arquivo e executando pelo terminal ou prompt de comandoUtilizando o IDLE ShellEscolhendo e utilizando uma IDESeo 4 - Conceitos bsicosBlocos de cdigoObjetosComentrios de cdigoOperaes matemticasSeo 5 - Variveis e tipos de dadosNomes de variveis e atribuioVariveis numricasVariveis do tipo lgicoVariveis do tipo stringTipagem esttica e dinmicaEntrada de dados e converso de dadosAprendendo mais sobre stringsSeo 6 - Estruturas condicionaisAprendendo If, elif e elseSeo 7 - Estruturas de repetioFor e RangeWhileSeo 8 - Estruturas de dadosListasTuplasSetDicionriosSeo 9 - Funes, mdulos e pacotesIntroduoVariveis locais e globaisParmetros de funesMdulos e pacotesFunes recursivasValidao de entrada de dadosExpresses LambdaFuno TypeSeo 10 - Aprendendo ainda mais sobre stringsVerificao de strings e converso para maisculas e minsculas Contando e pesquisando elementos em uma String Posicionamento de strings Separao, Substituio de Strings e Remoo de Espaos em Branco Validao por tipo de contedoFormatao de strings e nmerosSeo 11 - Programao FuncionalSeao 12 - DecoradoresSeao 13 - GeradoresSeo 14 - Orientao a ObjetosConceitos bsicosIntroduo, paradigma de orientao a objetos. Definio de objetos e classes.Classes e representao UML.Classe, objetos, namespace, sombreamento de atributos e self.Herana.Herana Mltipla.Polimorfismo.Classes abertas.Encapsulamento.PropriedadesDescritoresSobrecarga de operadoresColeesMetaclassesAbstract Base Class (ABCMeta) e abstractmethodSeo 15 - Mensagens e tratamento de erroMensagems de erroTratamento de errosSeo 16 - DocumentaopydocSeo 17 - Biblioteca padroSeo 18 - Bibliotecas de terceirosSeo 19 - Melhorando seu cdigoSeo 20 - Testes automatizadosSeo 21 - ThreadsSeo 22 - Trabalhando com arquivos e diretriosSeo 23 - Banco de dados - MySQLIntroduo a Banco de Dados e ao MySQL. Instalao do MySQL no Windows.Instalao do MySQL no Linux.Trabalhando com o MySQL WorkbenchConectando ao banco com MySQL Connector/PythonExecutando instrues SQL com PythonCriando um cadastro simples, sem interface grficaSeo 24 - Banco de dados - MongoDBSeo 25 - Interface grfica com PyQt5Interface grfica, Qt, Introduo ao PyQt5.Componentes de interface grfica.Utilizando o QtDesigner para desenhar as telas.Multi-thread.Criando uma aplicao com interface grfica e MySQL.Seo 26 - Interface grfica com wsPythonSeo 27 - Interface grfica com TKinterSeo 28 - Google SpreadSheet - Trabalhando com planilhas do GoogleSeo 29 - Processamento numricoSeo 30 - Processamento distribudoSeo 31 - Plataformas portteisSeo 32 - Desenvolvimento de Aplicaes Web com FlaskSeo 33 - Desenvolvimento de Aplicaes Web com DJangoSeo 34 - Desenvolvimento de Aplicaes Web com PyramidSeo 35 - Criando Chatbot para Facebook MessengerSeo 36 - Ambientes virtuaispyenvvirtualenvvirtualenvwrapperSeo 37 - Trabalhando com e-mailsSeo 38 - Desafios diversosSeo 39 - CriptografiaSeo 40 - Programao de redesSeo 41 - Traduo e reconhecimento de falaSeo 42 - API RestReferncias bibliogrficasAs referncias bibliogrficas esto informadas na descrio da aula ""Apresentao do curso"".AVISO: O CURSO EST EM ANDAMENTO, FREQUENTEMENTE TEREMOS NOVAS AULAS!!!!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"For the first time in German language history, real keys" |
"This course is a small sample of my discoveries in German language, and i will add more videos to this course each time i find more hundreds people buy iti discovered a lot of key of this great language, and i mentioned in this course to one of it.i want to see how much clever people appreciate the high studies that give you the easier way to dominate languageswhen i see you appreciatei will give you more than you imagine"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Street dance con Domo le basi" |
"Imparare a ballare e studiare danza con domo campione italiano e vertifight 12 ed europeo due volte ai mondiali a rappresentare lItalia dove arrivato tra i primi 8 questo corso prevede lezioni su tre stili hiphop electrodance e house con lezione di teoria e pratica lobbiettivo del corso e imparare a danzare specialmente in freestyle cosa fondamentale per ogni ballerino mi auguro che vi possa essere utile e di convivere con gli amici se vi piace"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Herkes iyi bir hayat kalitesi iin egzersiz yapmak ister. Fakat kimimizin ne bu egzersize ayracak zaman, ne ekonomik imkan ne de bilgi ve tecrbesi var. Sizlere en gncel ve doru bilgiyi aktarmak zere bu eitim kursunu sunuyorum. Doru ekilde egzersiz yapmak herkesin hakk ve bu kursta sizlere elimden geldiince tecrbe ve bilgilerimi aktarmaya, daha iyi bir hayat kalitesi oluturmanz iin yardmc olacam.Bu kursta herkesin bilmesi gereken temel bilgileri ve ne?, nasl?, nerede?, kimle? sorularn tek tek cevaplyorum. Sektrde nnze kacak durumlar sizlere aklamaya alacam.yi seyirler.LERDEK KURSLARDA NSAN VCUDUNUN TEMEL YAPISI LE LGL BLG AKTARMAYA ALIACAIM, TAKPTE KALIN!NDRM KUPON KODU :"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crochet para principiantes" |
"Siempre has tenido curiosidad por el ganchillo, pero te parece algo muy difcil, quiz no te inspiran los proyectos pasados de moda, o parece que no sabrs hacerlo, buscas vdeos, pero no encuentras nada completo que te permita hacer tus primeros proyectos en crochet...hasta ahora! En este curso te voy a ensear lo que a mi me hubiera gustado saber cuando empec en esto del ganchillo, con explicaciones claras, para que veas que es algo sencillo!!No des ms vueltas descifrando tutoriales, no pierdas ms tiempo, porque aqu lo tienes todo, desde el primer nudo, hasta rematar una labor, tejer en rectngulo y en crculo, con los puntos ms sencillos de los cuales derivan todos los dems.Adems vamos a llevar a cabo lo aprendido tejiendo un proyecto original, un bolso convertible en mochila del que te sentirs orgullos@.Te animas a aprender crochet conmigo?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practice Java by Building Projects" |
"If your goal is to GETHIRED,then you need to PASS THE INTERVIEW!As a trainer for over 6 years, one of the most commonquestions Iget asked is ""I'm new to programming, how can Iget better and prepare for a jobinterview?""My answer is ""Practice, practice, practice!"" I created this course to help people see the core Javaconcepts in action. This will help you understand the ideas and know how to apply them in an application.The BESTway to prepare for a technical interview is to get practice building applications and applying core principles of object-oriented design.I've designed this course to accomplish that objective.Many people failinterviews because:They don't grasp object-oriented programming conceptsThey can't apply object-oriented design in an actual programThey haven't practiced developing theirapplications by handThey haven't debugged their code and overcome challengesThis course is designed for someone who simply wants to get better at understanding and applying Java design and object-oriented programming. It is perhaps the most effective thing you can do to prepare for your job interview. Forget about flashcards, forget about quizzes. Start practicing!In my Practical Java course, you will build realistic projects from scratch. We will approach each program analytically and outline our approach to implement the solution. Then, piece by piece we will write the code to create a fully functioning application.Understand client scenarios and requirementsApproach each problem analyticallyWrite our solution outlineImplement code step-by-stepApply core principals of object-oriented designEveryone hoping to start out in Java needs to practice! It's not enough to learn and watch, but you must try yourself! So enroll in this course and get typing!Note:this course was build for someone who has some working knowledge and familiarityofJava or application design. If you are new to Java, I recommend enrolling in my ""Become aJunior Java Software Developer"" course first."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teach Your Child to Read in 8 Weeks" |
"Some time, usually between the ages of 5 and 6, most children begin to read. Watching a child transition from a nonreader to one who can both entertain and educate herself with a book is, for many parents, one of the milestones and miracles of family life.Learning to read accurately, fluidly, with good comprehension and stamina is also a crucial set of skills for school success. Schools know this. Thats why in the best ones, the early years of primary education are devoted to teaching kids to read using scientifically proven methods to ensure that all kids are reading at grade level. Start teaching your child to learn to read now and give your child an incredible advantage when starting school. Watch your childs confidence soar as they learn to read with Rugzby.A comprehensive learn to read programReading with Rugzby and Riley created by a highly experienced team of reading specialists, writers and developers to help children become fluent and proficient readers. The multi-award winning early learning resource supports your childs learning to read journey with carefully designed online leveled 1-12 e-books that are easy to follow, self-paced, and highly engaging for young learners.Learning to read at homeHome is where so much of your childs learning takes place. It is where they feel most confident, happy and supported. Studies prove that children who come from homes where reading is prioritized are already way ahead of their peers. The home is the ideal place to lay the building blocks for long term reading and academic success.Reading with Rugzby and Riley provides your child with an educationally sound and highly enjoyable learn to read program that is not only fun and effective, but also easy to integrate into your daily routine.This learn to read course includes:* 3 videos teaching essential reading skills*5 leveled reader books that will teach your child to read sight wordsThe perfect beginning to set your child on their journey to becoming a reader."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics Of Probability : Learn With Probability Examples" |
"This course, ""Introduction To Probability Basics"" is all about explaining absolute fundamentals of probability in the simplest way possible.We will cover below probability topics (which normally creates confusion) in detailSample spaceFavorable outcomeProbability formulaExperimental ProbabilityTheoretical ProbabilityComplementary eventsDice problems related to probability Flipping coin problems related to probabilityDrawing cards from a deckProblems related to Drawing balls of different colors from a bagThis course consists of all-video lectures and we will solve probability questions together. We will take step-by-step approach and I will explain you all the basic probability concepts in a layman terms. We will see what exactly is the meaning of probability? by taking different probability examples. And I guarantee you that you will love and master probability basics by end of this course.What-if the course is total crap?You can get a full refund within 30 days and no question asked, if you didn't like the course.So enroll now risk-free and master probability basics."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Professional Presentation Skills - Impress Your Audience" |
"In this course, you will learn how to make engaging and inspiring presentations, using the presentation secrets of public speaking experts and international keynote speakers. Present Your Ideas, Projects Or Sales Pitch With Impact And Impress Your Audience. Craft a strong and clear message Project a confident, and dynamic presence Design crisp and good-looking slides Use powerful body language to reinforce your message Grasp the attention with storytelling elements Stay clear of presentation pitfalls and clichs Powerful presentation skills at your fingertips to make a strong impression. Whatever your career path, presentation skills are critical to your success. Sooner or later youll have to give a presentation to your manager, colleagues, clients or prospects in order to reach your goals. Armed with the vital presentations skills in this course you will be able to make your next presentation outstanding. Mastering the right presentation techniques can help you get that job promotion or convince a new client. Content and overview In this course I will show you how you can be a successful and confident speaker. First we will look at the single most important part of making a successful presentation: the right preparation. You will learn how successful speakers like Obama prepare. A compelling presentation basically tells a story, so you will learn how to use powerful storytelling elements to craft a strong message. You will learn how to start and end your presentation and grab the attention of the audience from the very first second. You will get vital design tips to make your Powerpoint presentation clear, crisp and outstanding. How to use (and not use) images, clipart, bulletpoints, graphs, charts, fonts and other design elements to craft stunning slides. With clear examples of how to improve your slides and sources for free photos, backgrounds and templates. Finally, you will learn how to become a confident and convincing speaker, how to use body language to reinforce your message and how to make a strong impression."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Overtuig als spreker met boeiende presentaties" |
"De cursus ""Overtuig als Spreker"" gidst u door alle onderdelen van een succesvolle presentatie.Hoe zorg jeervoor dat je boodschap duidelijk is en blijft plakken? Met welke technieken kan jeverhaal visueel en non-verbaal versterkt worden? Hoe overtuigend en met impact presenteren naar klanten, directie, of collega's tijdens een vergadering? In deze e-learning leer je van presentatie expertshoeeen publiek te inspireren en tegelijkertijd welke valkuilen jeabsoluut moet vermijden voor een geslaagde en succesvolle presentatie."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Comment convaincre votre public - Boostez vos prsentations!" |
"Vous voulez parler en public avec confiance et vous exprimer avec impact.Vous voulez livrer des prsentations puissantes pour convaincre vos clients, vos chefs ou vos collgues.Dans ce module de formation en ligne, vous apprendrez les outils et les techniques pour vous exprimer avec impact devant votre public. En mme temps, nous vous montrerons les piges viter afin de russir votre prsentation.Le module est compos de 4 parties, selon les sujets les plus importants de votre prsentation. 1. La prparation Sans une prparation approfondie, votre prsentation naura aucune chance de russite. Nous allons vous donner quelques conseils pour avoir une structure forte et un contenu convaincant. 2. Crer le contact avec le public Si vous voulez faire passer un message, il faudra crer un bon contact avec votre public. Ce chapitre va vous donner des trucs et astuces pour renforcer ce lien. 3. La forme Le prsentateur joue bien entendu un rle crucial, mais des slides bien rdigs et bien structurs ne peuvent que renforcer le contenu de votre histoire. Vous ne serez pas tonn si je vous dis que cest justement l quil y a anguille sous roche. Dbusquons cette fameuse anguille! 4. Attentes et questions du public Sentez votre public! Il faudra connatre ses attentes, mais aussi se rendre compte que sa capacit de concentration est relativement limite. Comment allez vous traiter ses questions? Plus vous vous renseignez sur eux, plus facilement vous pourrez adapter votre message leurs besoins. Ce cours contient un grand nombre dexemples concrets et des vidos qui vont vous expliquer exactement comment vous y prendre. Et ce nest pas tout! Vous recevez un guide pdfindispensable pour des prsentations qui tiennent le haut du pav."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Mediatraining - Een gids om uit te blinken in de pers" |
"Hoe gaat u professioneel om met de media en de pers? Wat zegt u tegen journalisten die om een deskundige uitleg vragen? Hoe brengt u uw boodschap doeltreffend over?In deze mediatraining nemen we een kijkje achter de schermen van een redactie. We kijken als het ware in het brein van de journalist en simuleren live interviews op basis van rele cases. Hoe komen we tot een boeiend interview, waar alle partijen een goed gevoel aan overhouden? En hoe zorgt u er voor dat uw bedrijf of organisatie optimaal in de media komt? U leert het tijdens deze interactieve en praktijkgerichte training.Volgende onderwerpen komen aan bod:1: Overzicht van de mediawereldStructuur en eigendomsgroepen: kranten, tijdschriften en audiovisuele mediaWelke zijn de machtige spelers?Welk medium moet je benaderen voor welke doelgroep?2: Wat is nieuws?Hoe maak je je boodschap nieuwswaardig?Waarnaar is een journalist naar op zoek?3: Het persberichtAlgemene tips en tricks over het schrijven van een persbericht.4: Hoe werkt een redactie?Hoe en door wie wordt er beslist, op een redactie?Wie contacteer je best?Kan je beter een persconferentie organiseren of niet? Op welk tijdstip?Met welke deadlines werken journalisten?5: Interviews voorbereidenWelke soorten interviews bestaan er?Hoe bereid je je voor op een interview?6: Het interviewHoe geef ik een journalist voldoende informatie, maar laat ik niet het achterste van mijn tong zien?Hoe reageer ik op vervelende vragen?Hoe buig ik een negatief interview om tot een positief verhaal?Hoe leer ik doeltreffend en gericht communiceren in een journalistiek interview?Hoe kan ik mijn boodschap bondig n concreet formuleren?Hoe breng ik mijn expertise op een bevattelijke en gedoseerde manier over?Hoe onderbouw ik mijn standpunt met heldere argumenten en in quotes van 25 sec?Hoe ga ik om met stress tijdens het interview?De kracht van de non-verbale communicatie: waar moet ik zeker op letten?7: Camera- en/of microfoontrainingLive oefeningen voor de cameraDe oefeningen helpen u om uw boodschap effectief en efficint te communiceren naar een breed publiek.De optimale voorbereiding op een journalistiek interviewTips om u te focussen op uw centrale boodschapHoe uw kernboodschap bondig n concreet te verwoordenUw expertise op een heldere manier toegankelijk maken voor een breed publiekTechnieken om uw standpunt te verdedigen in een kritisch gesprekHoe omgaan met stress tijdens een interview8: CrisiscommunicatieHoe reageer ik als de pers voor mijn deur staat of aan de lijn hangt?Opstellen van een actieplan voor doeltreffende crisiscommunicatieStrategische benadering van een crisis of crisismomentenDos en dont's: de te vermijden valkuilen, aan de hand van concrete voorbeelden9: CrisismanagementHoe houden we een crisis in bedwang?Invloeden op de interne n externe communicatieEen 10-stappen-plan.Hoe kunnen we ons voorbereiden?10: Wat wanneer ik klachten heb?Deontologie van de journalist: Waaraan moet hij of zij zich houden?Waar kan ik terecht met klachten?Hoe houd ik een goede band met de pers?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mediatraining - Un guide pour faire la une" |
"Comment grer professionnellement les mdias et la presse ? Que dire aux journalistes vous demandant des explications spcialises ? Comment communiquer votre message de manire efficace ? Le journaliste est la recherche d'un expert ET de quelqu'un sachant bien communiquer. L'expertise ne suffit pas, autrement dit. Un orateur ennuyeux peut paratre dans un article passionnant, mais la tlvision, cela ne marche pas. Comment raliser une interview passionnante, o toutes les parties sont contentes du rsultat ? Et comment faire en sorte que votre entreprise ou organisation paraissent de manire optimale dans les mdias ? Vous apprendrez cela grce cette formation interactive et axe sur la pratique.Les sujets suivants sont abords:1: Le paysage mdiatique Structure et groupes mdiatiques : les journaux, magazines et mdias audiovisuels Quels sont les acteurs puissants ?Quel canal mdiatique approcher pour quel groupe cible ?2: A partir de quand parle-t-on de nouvelles?Comment rendre un message digne dintrt et dactualit pour la presse ?Que recherche et que veut un journaliste exactement ?3: Le communiqu de presseDes conseils et tuyaux pour crire un bon communiqu de presse.4: Comment travaille une rdaction ?Qui prend les dcisions et comment les dcisions sont-elles prises ?Qui vaut-il mieux contacter ?Est-ce prfrable dorganiser une confrence de presse ou non ? A quel moment ?Quels sont les dlais les journalistes travaillent-ils ?5: Prparer une interviewQuelles sortes dinterviews existe-t-il ?Comment se prparer une interview ?6: LinterviewComment donner suffisamment dinformation un journaliste, sans toutefois tout lui dvoiler ?Comment ragir des questions ennuyeuses ?Comment rorienter une interview ngative en une histoire positive ?Comment communiquer de faon efficace et cible lors dune interview journalistique ?Comment formuler un message de manire concise et concrte ?Comment faire passer mon expertise de manire comprhensible et dose ?Comment tayer mon point de vue avec des arguments clairs et sous forme de citations de 25 secondes ?Comment grer le stress lors de linterview ?La force de la communication non verbale : quoi faut-il absolument faire attention ?7: Media training (avec camra et/ou microphone)Exercices devant la camraLes exercices vous aident communiquer votre message un large public de manire efficace et effective.La prparation optimale une interview journalistiqueConseils pour vous concentrer sur votre message clComment exprimer votre message cl de manire concise et concrteRendre accessible votre expertise de manire claire un large publicDes techniques pour dfendre votre point de vue lors dune conversation critiqueComment grer le stress lors de linterview8: Communication de criseComment ragir lorsque la presse se trouve devant ma porte ou est au tlphone ?Elaborer un plan daction pour une communication de crise efficaceLapproche stratgique lors dune crise ou des moments de criseChoses faire et piges viter laide dexemples concrets9: Gestion de criseComment contrler une crise ?Influences sur la communication interne et externeUn plan en 10 tapesComment se prparer ?10: Que faire lorsque jai une plainte ?Dontologie du journaliste : quoi doit-il/elle se tenir?A qui et o madresser lorsque jai une plainte ?Comment entretenir de bonnes relations avec la presse ?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Communicatievaardigheden |
"Communicatie lijkt zo eenvoudig maar dat is het helemaal niet.We hebben eigenlijk nooit echt leren communiceren en in de meeste gevallen gaat het wel goed, maar soms gaat het ook de verkeerde kant uit. En dan krijgen we misverstanden, frustratie, conflicten In deze e-learning krijg je concrete tips en tricks om je communicatie doeltreffender en efficinter te laten verlopen.We leren technieken rond het geven van constructieve feedback, hoe omgaan met kritiek of emoties, hoe je een moeilijke boodschap overbrengt en hoe je zelf op een assertieve manier je doel kan bereiken. Volgende onderwerpen komen aan bod in deze communicatietraining:Inzicht in uw eigen communicatiestijl en die van anderenOvertuigend communicerenDe kracht van non-verbale communicatieHoe anderen overtuigen?Hoe een zelfzekere indruk maken?Toepassing van enkele assertiviteitstechniekenOmgaan met verschillende soorten gesprekspartnersConcreet en specifiek communiceren: zeggen wat u bedoeltActief en gericht luisterenHet belang van empathie bij uzelf en bij de gesprekspartnerEmotioneel intelligent communicerenOmgaan met weerstand en moeilijke personenFeedback geven en ontvangen"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Communication Skills" |
"Communicating is something we do all the time. Talking, listening, interacting, it all seems so simple. But is it? Efficient communication does not happen without effort. In this practical communication course you will learn the most important skills and tips about effective communication, how to effectively convey your message, use the right communication style and build sustainable contact with others."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Techniques de communication" |
"Communiquer parat si simple, mais rien n'est moins vrai. Cette formation vous apprendra prendre conscience des capacits de communication les plus importantes dont nous avons besoin dans notre travail au quotidien. Vous apprendrez utiliser un style de communication efficace, avec attention pour le langage corporel, faire passer votre message et dvelopper un contact durable avec les autres.Les sujets suivants seront abords:Comprendre votre propre style de communication et ceux des autresCommuniquer de faon convaincanteLa force de la communication non-verbaleComment convaincre les autres?Comment donner l'impression que l'on est sr de soi?Application de quelques techniques d'assertivitFaire face diffrents types d'interlocuteursCommuniquer de faon concrte et spcifique: dire ce que vous voulez direL'coute active et cibleL'importance de l'empathie, la vtre et celle de votre interlocuteurLa communication motionnelle intelligenteGrer la rsistance et les personnes difficilesDonner et recevoir du feedback"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Curso Online de Neuromarketing" |
"Uma viso muito objetiva sobre o Neuro Marketing, aulas animadas sobre experimentos no segmento, vdeos de debate sobre utilizao prtica dos conhecimentos relacionados ao Neuro Marketing.O aluno ainda ganha orientaes em vdeo sobre estudo complementar pelo debate dos melhores livros do segmento, onde alm de indicar livros trazemos alguns insights sobre os ensinamentos que estes trazem. O aluno pode ver que de forma frequente trazemos atualizaes em vdeo e dicas adicionais para completar os estudos de nossos alunos e ajuda-los a alcanar o seu potencial mximo.O treinamento ainda trs de brinde orientaes profissionais sobre gatilhos mentais na persuaso.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Curso Adobe Premiere Pr CC. Tratamento de Cor do Vdeo" |
"Esse curso de nvel intermedirio no que toca as habilidades e capacitaes de um editor de vdeos e vai tratar por meio de vdeo aulas no formato HD (alta definio) tratamento de cor do vdeo.Professor Andr Rossiter se destaca em treinamentos para o mercado audio visual e s contrata e interage com profissionais certificados e com experincia no mercado para que o curso se torne o mais didtico possvel.....Esse esmero na produo dos treinamentos e seleo de profissionais que faro parte do projeto tem ajudado a desvendar talentos desde 2008!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Spring Batch (auf Basis von Spring Boot)" |
"Spring Batch ist eines von vielen hervorragenden Werkzeugen aus dem Spring Framework. Es kommt leider viel zu selten zum Einsatz. Ein Grund kann darin liegen, dass die Lernkurve am Anfang etwas steiler verluft als sonst bei Spring blich. Das einfachste Hello World Beispiel fllt schon locker eine Bildschirmseite aus.Doch diese erste Hrde sollte dich nicht stoppen dieses Framework zu lernen. Hast du einmal deine Datenverarbeitung mit Spring Batch modelliert, dann stehen dir unzhlige Optimierungsmglichkeiten zur Verfgung. Jeder, der sich einmal mit ernsthafter Batch Verarbeitung auseinandersetzt, wird frher oder spter auf die Probleme stoen, die andere dieses Framework bereits gelst hat. Diese sind fr mich primr Zustandsbehandlung und Fehleranalyse. Zustnde ordentlich zu speichern ist viel schwieriger als man anfangs denkt. Fr einen langlaufenden Prozess, der alle Aufgaben hintereinander ausfhrt und nie stoppt gibt es keine Probleme. Aber sobald Unterbrechungen, Wiederholungen, Parallelitt oder asynchrone Aufrufe hinzukommen, dann ist hchste Denkanstrengung gefordert, um eine stabile Lsung zu bauen. Und wenn dann noch Fehler im Live-betrieb auftreten, die es schnell zu lsen gilt, dann wnscht man sich ein gutes Werkzeug, um schnell Korrekturen auszuliefern.Ich habe fr diesen Kurs die aktuellste Dokumentation durchgearbeitet und auf deren Basis mehrere Praxisbeispiele ausprogrammiert. Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt die einzelnen Features in kleinen Unit-Tests, mit denen du selbst experimentell alles lernen kannst. Und in den Praxisbeispielen lernst du dann, wie alles zusammenhngt.Alles was ich dir hier vermittle, sind Dinge die ich in meinem Arbeitsalltag auch so umsetzen wrde. Meine Kollegen und ich haben hohe Ansprche an die Qualitt unserer Arbeit. Ich versuche diesen Aspekt auch in den Aufbau der Quelltexte fr diesen Kurs einflieen zu lassen, damit du praxisnahe Beispiele lernen kannst."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Tesouro Direto sem nunca ter investido" |
"No cursoTesouro Direto Para Quem Nunca Investiu voc ir aprender a investir no Tesouro Direto, o investimento perfeito para quem quer sair da Poupana e comear ainvestir de verdade.Anos atrs, quando abriconta nas maiores corretoras do pas e estudei muito cada opo de investimento, cheguei a concluso que o Tesouro Direto o melhor caminho para quemnunca investiu antes no vale contara Poupana, claro.(Assista a primeira aula e descubra que, ao longo dos anos, voc perdeu dinheiro naPoupana, por isso ela no considerada um investimento.)Voc ir perceber que investir no mesmo produto que grandes fundosno to complicado quanto parece alis, ao longo da vida somos bombardeados de anncios que mostram que sempre necessrio ter ""algum"" (como um analista)pra nos ajudar com investimentos, sendo que na verdade extremamente fcil administrar voc mesmo seu patrimnio.E o mais interessante: aplicaes no Tesouro Direto partem de R$ 30,00. Isso mesmo, a partir de Trinta Reais voc j consegue colocar seu dinheiro para render no mesmo lugar que os super-ricos e fundos especializados.OTesouro Direto um investimento garantido pelo TesouroNacional, instituio monetria soberana no Brasil, e a opo de diversos fundos de renda fixa.Assista a primeira aula gratuitamente por tempo limitado e veja como aprender a investir no Tesouro Direto pode mudar o rumo da sua vida financeira."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Talking Tenses - Complete English Grammar" |
"This course will help you to review and understand all the English tenses and how they are used in everyday situations. Instructions are presented in video format and you can practice what you have learned in the quizzes and assignments. The course helps beginner - elementary level English students to review and consolidate their knowledge of the tenses to improve accuracy in their speaking or writing. Your English Instructor, Denise from London, United Kingdom, explains all of the English grammar tenses with useful examples for you to use, practice and improve your knowledge and understanding of English in general everyday conversation. The course will continue to be updated and expanded with more video lectures and content in future. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Planificacin Estratgica. Direccin Empresarial." |
"DESCRIPCINAprenda como se hace un Plan Estratgico. Conozca los grandes beneficios que su organizacin lograr. Aprenda la metodologa de una manera clara, fcil, y con ejemplos. Aplicando los conocimientos de este curso brindar xito de largo plazo a su negocio. El contenido del curso esta estructurado en forma lgica El curso es equivalente a un seminario de tres das con diapositivas, grabaciones de voz e imgenes. El curso comparte un buen ejemplo tomado de una consultora que apoya la explicacin de la metodologa. Los contenidos estn a cargo del Ing. Salvador Guerrero, y la voz esta a cargo de la Ing. Indra Mara Bendaa, ambos con Mastra en Administracin de Empresas. Este es un curso enriquecedor y agradable.El curso esta diseado para personas que tienen contacto por primera vez con el tema.CONTENIDOS DEL CURSOINTRODUCCIN. Que es un Plan Estratgico, como se hace, y cuales son sus mltiples beneficios. DEFINICIN DEL NEGOCIO ESTRATGICO. Desarrolle el auto conocimiento sobre su negocio. ANLISIS DE LA SITUACIN DEL NEGOCIO. Analice los ambientes internos y externos de su negocio. SELECCIN DE LA ESTRATEGIA. -Escoja cual estrategia es la que le conviene a su negocio. PLAN DE TRABAJO. -Ponga a trabajar su estrategia y disfrute de sus beneficios. EL DOCUMENTO. -Publique un buen documento que le permita socializar su Plan Estratgico. SOBRE EL AUTORSalvador ha trabajado con xito como Asesor en Planificacin Estratgica en organismos internacionales como el SNV Servicio Holands para el Desarrollo, la Universidad Tecnolgica Centroamericana y como profesional independiente, realizando Seminarios-Taller exitosos para numerosas organizaciones por lo que conoce bien como hacer un buen Plan Estratgico.Estudi Ingeniera Industrial en el Instituto Politcnico Nacional en la ciudad de Mxico con un Postgrado en Administracin de Empresas en el ITESM en Monterrey, Mxico, especializado en Planeacin de Largo PlazoTambin es instructor certificado por Chiquita Brands Internacional, la Fundacin Nacional para el Desarrollo de Honduras y Dale Carnegie Internacional y ha sido Profesor de reconocidas universidades en Mxico y Honduras. Tiene valiosa experiencia laboral en organizaciones de excelencia como Dole Food Internacional y Chiquita Brands Internacional.Salvador es casado, con cuatro hijos, con nacionalidades mexicana y hondurea y actualmente vive en la costa del mar caribe en Honduras, Centro Amrica mientras se dedica a proyectos de capacitacin y consultora. VENTAJAS DEL PRODUCTOEste es un producto completo, prctico y aplicable, explicado en forma simple y clara. Usted ser capaz para realizar su propio plan estratgico para su beneficio profesional y el beneficio en sostenibilidad, calidad y rentabilidad de sus negocios.An y cuando se explica en forma sencilla, el nivel de enseanza es similar al que se estudia en un Postgrado o Maestra.Este producto tiene una garanta incondicional de treinta das."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |