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"3D Studio Max e Unity - Realidade Aumentada do Zero" |
"Neste curso ensino do zero passo a passo a criar uma aplicao de Realidade Aumentada utilizando o software de modelagem e animao 3D Studio Max 2016, onde fao a modelagem, configurao dos materiais, animao, exportao do modelo 3D para a engine Unity, onde iremos construir nossa aplicao de Realidade Aumentada que posteriormente pode ser executada nos sistemasiOS e Android e publicadas na AppStore e Google Play.Depois vamos utilizar a extenso Vuforia SDK para o Unity3D para trabalhar a integrao com a cmera e o marcador cilndrico ou cnico (recurso especfico da Vuforia para trackear objetos com este formato, no caso do curso, iremos utilizar um objeto que uma caneca com uma determinada estampa, vejam no video de demonstrao do curso).Ao final do tutorial, o aluno ter desenvolvido uma aplicao completa de Realidade Aumentada, com o marcador cilindrico da Vuforia.Esta sequencia de aulas pode ser feita por qualquer nvel de aluno, do mais iniciante ao mais experiente tanto em Unity quanto em 3D Studio Max, pois ensino passo a passo como se deve fazer toda a modelagem, explicando as ferramentas do Editable Poly at a parte de animao, e posteriormente montando e configurando todo o projeto com a Unity e Vuforia.Prepare-se para a nova onda das Cmeras 3D, SmartGlasses, CardBoards. e VR-Sets, pois o futuro da tecnologia est na Viso Artificial e Realidade Aumentada. No futuro tudo vai funcionar com base em cmeras, gestos e reconhecimentos de imagens e padres de movimento.Esquea o teclado, o lance o reconhecimento de rosto e voz, aprenda agora a dominar estas tecnologias para utiliz-las bem no futuro e sair na frente desde j.A Realidade Aumentada uma das 10 tecnologias mais promissoras do planeta, o futuro claro e as possibilidades so infinitas.Vamos trabalhar!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Circuits e Arduino Bsico" |
"Aprenda do zero como funciona o universo da eletrnica, dos circuitos integrados, e dos componentes eletrnicos.Neste curso mostro de forma bem clara e intuitiva como so os primeiros passos e conceitos na rea daeletrnica e microcontroladoresArduino, utilizados para criar todo e qualquer tipo de equipamento eletrnico que vemos a nossa volta hoje em dia.O curso destinado aos meus alunos que j conhecem a rea de desenvolvimento de games e aplicativos, e ainda no tm nenhuma noo de como funciona a eletrnica e os microcontroladores e componentes eletrnicos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3D Studio Max - Dicas Avanadas" |
"Neste curso, reuni as dicas e informaes mais importantes que aprendi durante os mais de 10 anos que trabalhei com o 3D Studio Max para animao, desenvolvimento de personagens para games e filmes digitais.Nesta sequencia de aulas, mostro como configurar o mais corretamente possvel a interface e ambiente do 3D Studio Max 2016, tambm ensino boas prticas em relao a manipular as cenas, criar setups para animaes e configurar as janelas e atalhos do programa da forma mais produtiva e correta possvel.Ao trmino deste curso, o aluno ir aprender as melhores formas de se trabalhar, e salvar futuramente horas de trabalhoevitando o desperdcio de tempo ou tarefas desnecessrias.Esta srie de aulas melhor aproveitado pelos usurios que j so bem ambientados com o 3D Studio Max e que possuam ao menos um bom conhecimento e domnio do programa."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aumente sua Produtividade em Computao Grfica" |
"Durante este curso vou ensinar para vocs quais so as melhores ferramentas para se produzir contedo digital para internet, e-Learning, animao, jogos e aplicativos. Alm de ensinar as melhores prticas para se trabalhar com grande volume de arquivos,imagens e vdeos.Indico este curso tanto para quem est iniciando quanto para quem j tem alguma experincia e deseja conhecer as minhas formas de trabalhar e produzir material digital.Durante os ltimos anos, produzi um grande volume animao 3D para televiso e internet, criei dezenas de jogos e aplicativos para sites e celulares, jogos e aplicativos para treinamento corporativo e ensino distncia, centenas de personagens3D para jogos e filmes(modelagem, setup e animao).J lecionei aulas presenciais de animao 3D durante mais de 9 anos, e agora trabalhofocado na produo de contedo online para cursos de tecnologia, sempre fui apaixonado pelo conhecimento de cincias e computao, e acredito que sempre tivevocao para ensinar.Estes so os assuntos que veremos neste curso:Quais so os melhores softwares para se produzir Animao 2D e 3D, Render de Imagens e Produtos, Jogos e Aplicaes para dispositivos iOS e Android.As melhores ferramentas online e plugins do Google Chrome para auxiliar na produo de contedo.Boas prticas para trabalhar com arquivos, pastas e listas no Windows e Mac OS.Ferramentas para Automatizar os Processos no PhotoshopAdobe Scripting, a linguagem de programao para criar Ferramentas e Plugins para os programas da Adobe comoPhotoshop eAfter Effects.MaxScript, a linguagem de programao para criar plugins e ferramentas para o 3D Studio Max, e as idias de se trabalhar com scripts em softwares d 3D.After Effects e as boas prticas para se trabalhar com grande volume de vdeos.Neste curso vou mostraras grandes dicas e macetesque descobri para produzir este grande volume de contedo durante estes anos, e mostrar de onde vem a minha inspirao e criatividade para criar todos estes projetos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Script - Automatizando Processos em AdobeScript" |
"Bem vindo ao curso deAdobeScript!Meu nome Tito Petri, e h muitos anos dou aulas sobre os melhores softwares de animao 3D, computao grfica, e desenvolvimento de aplicativosegames.Se voc utilizaos programas da Adobe como o Photoshop, Illustrator ou After Effects, vai se interessar bastante neste curso.Vamos aprender utilizar Scripts e Programao para criar Ferramentas e Plugins para o Photoshop (que tambm pode serutilizado nos outros softwares da Adobe).Em muitos momentos, nos deparamos com a necessidade de se produzir grandes volumes de imagens, cones, telas ou capas em nossos trabalho.Isso pode fazer nosso trabalho se tornar chato erepetitivo, e fazendo esta tarefa manualmente,estamos sujeitos acometer algumerro.J trabalhei muito tempocriando slides e capas para aulas online, botes, telas e elementos de interface para aplicativos. E durante esse tempo aprendi a criar processos bem interessantes para automatizar a gerao desses grficos.Quando aprendemos a aplicaros scripts neste processos, entendemos que o trabalho pode se tornarmuito mais interessante, inteligente e prova de erros.Hoje possuo mais de 1500 video aulas publicadas na internet, um canal do YouTube com mais de 500 videos, j produzi centenas de personagens animados em 3D e j publiquei uma tonelada de material educativo para e-Learning e treinamentocorporativo. Isto seria impossvel sem a ajuda dos meus plugins, ferramentas e scripts mgicos =)O QUE VAMOS APRENDER COM ESTAS AULAS?.Primeiros passos e conceitos sobre Lgica de Programao.Ferramentas e Actions para executar comandos automticos no Photoshop.Primeiros passos na programaodosScripts da Adobe.Criar e manipular grficos, componentes e camadas de umPSD atravs de um script.Criar uma ferramenta para inserir contedo em um arquivo PSD.Criar mtodos para exportar o PSD em diferentes formatos de imagem.Conhecer a estrutura de arquivos JSON, para alimentar o contedo em um PSD.Criar uma ferramenta para gerar Slides baseado em um arquivo de dados em textoSe quiser aprender atrabalhar de forma inteligente, aumentar a sua produtividade etornar o seu trabalhomais divertido, este curso para voc!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Realidade Aumentada e Games 3D com ARKit e SceneKit" |
"Bem vindos ao curso de ARKit, a recm-lanada ferramenta da Apple para criar aplicativos de Realidade Aumentada para os dispositivos iOS.Neste curso vamos aprender a criar jogos e aplicativos em RA utilizando o framework nativo do iOS, o Xcode e a linguagem de programao oficial da Apple, o Swift.Augmented Reality, o tipo de aplicao que envolve o uso de uma cmera, onde atravs de algoritmos de reconhecimento de formas e padres, criam-se sobreposies de grficos camada da cmera, misturando-se a realidade elementos virtuais.Com a ARKit, possvel se criar facilmente aplicaes de AR em 2D e 3D, integrando a ferramenta aos j conhecidos frameworks grficos da Apple como o SceneKit, SpriteKit e Metal.Neste curso vamos aprender do zero a utilizar tanto o ARKit, como o SpriteKit e o SceneKit. E vamos criar jogos e aplicativos bem interessantes misturando todas estas ferramentas e tecnologias.Sabe-se que a Realidade Aumentada uma das maiores tendncias tecnolgicas do mundo. Em alguns anos, os smartphones iro sumir, e dar espao aos dispositivos de vestir (wearables) como culos e relgios. Estes dispositivos por sua vez, no tero mais telas com teclados ou mouses, ento toda interatividade ser realidada atravs do reconhecimento de imagens pela cmera.Sabendo disso, a nada esperta Apple, adquiriu recentemente vrias companias gigantes que estudavam e desenvolviam solues em torno de AR, e o ARKit o primeiro resultado do trabalho destes profissionais.Quando trabalhamos com tecnologia, devemos olhar sempre frente e entender o que estar sendo feito nos prximos anos. Entendam estas idias e dominem agora as tecnologias que mandaro no mundo de amanh."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo do Android Oreo (8.0) - Aprenda com 12 Apps" |
"Curso Completo do Bsico aoAvanado!O curso que ensinou Desenvolvimento Android amais de 15mil alunos agora em uma verso totalmente reformulada e atualizadapara o Android Oreo!J pensou em se especializar em desenvolvimento Android? Que tal ser um dos profissionais mais cobiados do mercado em apenas 4 semanas?12Apps Completos desenvolvidos do Zero!O curso todo desenvolvido baseado em projetos reais. Vamos construir aplicativos clones de grandes apps famosos, como WhatsApp, Twitter, Flappy Birdevrios outros!Comearemos baixando e instalando o Android Studio e configurando o nosso emulador. Em seguida, entenderemoscomo funcionam as Views, os Layouts, a linguagem Java e a lgica de programao emprojetos. Portanto, no necessrio que voc saiba programao para fazer este curso!Ao fim do curso, voc ainda aprendea publicar seu App na Google Play.Teve alguma dvida durante a aula? Voc ter um frumtotalmente exclusivopara fazer qualquer pergunta relacionada ao curso, que responderemos com o maior prazer!E a? O que t esperando pra comear a criar seus apps de sucesso? Inscreva-se agora mesmo e comece a criar aplicativos incrveis com o Android Studio!Vantagens de se tornar um alunoAcesso vitalcio ao curso:assista quando e quantas vezes quiser.Download dos vdeos:atravs dos Apps Udemy para Android/iOS voc pode fazer download dos vdeos e assisti-los offline.Certificado reconhecido:a Udemy oferece certificao de concluso do curso, especificando o curso e a carga horria realizada.Ateno:Ainda estamos fazendo upload das ultimasaulas deste curso! Por favor, seja paciente! E caso veja algum erro ou tenha algumproblema, entre em contato conosco que resolveremos o mais rpido possvel!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk 3D Studio Max 2018 para Iniciantes" |
"Saber criar Modelos e Animaes Tridimensionais, hoje uma grande habilidade que pode ser facilmente aplicada na rea de produo de jogos e filmes digitais, desenvolvimento de apps para celular, impresso 3D, robtica, realidade virtual e realidade aumentada e outros diversos segmentos de educao, entretenimento, sade, publicidade e treinamento corporativo.Sou o Tito Petrie ensino o 3D Max h mais de 10 Anos e j treinei milhares de alunos presencialmente e online para mexer com o programa.Criei este curso buscando uma soluo mais eficiente para as pessoas que desejam iniciar os estudos em Animao 3D, mas no tm acesso, disponibilidade ou dinheiro para fazer um curso.Seguindo estas video aulas, em 3 horas voc ter conhecido o principal do programa, para comear a criar seus prprios modelos 3D e projetos no Autodesk 3d Studio Max 2018.As aulas enfocam sempre a maneira mais prtica e eficiente para se trabalhar com o 3D Studio Max e vamos aprender muito sobre como utilizar corretamente os atalhos e recursos do programa para assim iniciar do zero, e ter domnio do software da maneira mais rpida,proveitosa e divertida possvel.Ento faa o download da Verso Educacional Gratuita do Autodesk 3DStudio Max, e junte-se (tambm gratuitamente) a este curso para adquirir mais uma grande habilidade para sua vida.Espero que este treinamento te ajude na busca do seu Grande Sonho e Objetivo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3D Studio Max 2019 - Mapeamento UVW e Textura do Personagem" |
"Neste curso ensino todoo processo de Abertura de Malha de uma geometria de um personagem etambm o processo de Texturizao de um Personagem Completo, utilizando apenas o 3D Studio Max e mais nenhum Software!Iremos primeiro aprender as ferramentas necessrias para se fazer o mapeamento UVW (os Modificadores UVW Map e Unwrap UVW do Autodesk 3D Studio Max) e na sequncia fazer todo o mapeamento de um personagem completo.Durante o processo mostro as melhores maneiras de otimizar o trabalho de abertura de malha de um personagem, para economizar tempo e obter o melhor resultado possvel no processo.Tambm ensino a Ferramenta de Pintura do 3D Studio Max e faremos juntos a textura de um personagem para ser utilizado em aplicaes real-time deJogos e Realidade Virtual 3D.Este curso destinado aos alunos que j tm algum contato com o 3D Max (ou alguma ferramenta de Modelagem e Animao 3D) e pretendem aprender mais sobre o processo de Criao de Personagens 3D para Jogos e Filmes de Animao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3D Studio Max Character Studio e Skin para Rig de Personagem" |
"Neste curso vamos aprender em menos de 2 Horas a fazer todo o processo de Rigging do Personagem, para posteriormente ser utilizado em Animaes para Jogos e Filmes.Vamos aprende utilizar o Sistema de Animao de Personagens do 3D Studio Max, o Character Studio e o deformador Skin para deixar o modelo do personagem prontinho para receber os movimentos da animao.Este processo pode parecer complicado e tedioso para muitos alunos principalmente aos primeiros contatos com a ferramenta. Atravs deste curso eu quero te mostrar que configurar o personagem para animao, um processo simples se for feito com mtodo e dando ateno pequenas observaes que muitos tutoriais ou cursos esquecem de ressaltar.Os alunos que terminarem este curso tero a grande habilidade de fazer um rigging de um personagem para games ou Filmes em pouco tempo, inclusive ajustando com preciso o Skin do modelo para que o resultado final da Animao 3D fique muito mais preciso e legal!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3D Studio Max - Ferramentas de Animao" |
"Neste curso vou te ensinar em poucas horas, todas as Principais Ferramentas para se fazer animao no Autodesk 3D Studio Max 2019.Antes de partir para os complexos e avanados setups de mquinas e personagens, recomendo que voc entenda metdicamente todas as ferramentas de animao que o programa possui. isto inclui:Sistema de Animao e KeyFramesEditor de Curvas e seus Principais RecursosPrincpios da Animao TradicionalConstraints e Controles de MovimentosHierarquias e Sistema de BonesControles de Movimento Inverso (Inverse Kinematics - IKs)Space Warps e Deformaes de GeometriasExpresses MatemticasEditor de Parmetros e Wire ParametersMaxScript BsicoSe voc pretende desenvolver a parte de Animao para Jogos e Filmes, Efeitos Especiais ou Animao de Personagens, no deixe de assistir este curso, onde voc aprender os fundamentos de todas estas ferramentas....* O Curso Intermedirio e para absorver bem o contedo, o aluno j deve ter algum contato com o programa. Para quem ainda no conhece NADAsobre o Autodesk 3D Studio Max, recomendo que assista antes o meu Curso Bsico de 3D Studio Max, disponvel GRATUITAMENTEaqui na plataforma Udemy.Bons Estudos!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Modelagem do Meu Primeiro Personagem com 3D Studio Max 2018" |
"Saber criar Modelos e Animaes Tridimensionais, hoje uma grande habilidade que pode ser facilmente aplicada na rea de produo de jogos e filmes digitais, desenvolvimento de apps para celular, impresso 3D, robtica, realidade virtual e realidade aumentada e outros diversos segmentos de educao, entretenimento, sade, publicidade e treinamento corporativo.Sou o Tito Petrie ensino o 3D Max h mais de 10 Anos e j treinei milhares de alunos presencialmente e online para mexer com o programa.Criei este curso buscando uma soluo mais eficiente para as pessoas que desejam iniciar os estudos em Animao 3D, mas no tm acesso, disponibilidade ou dinheiro para fazer um curso.Seguindo estas video aulas, em menos de 2 horas voc ter desenvolvido o modelo do seu Primeiro Personagem em 3D, utilizando o Autodesk 3D Studio Max 2019.As aulas enfocam sempre a maneira mais prtica e eficiente para se trabalhar com o 3D Studio Max e vamos aprender muito sobre como utilizar corretamente os atalhos e recursos do programa para assim iniciar do zero, e ter domnio do software da maneira mais rpida,proveitosa e divertida possvel.Ento faa o download da Verso Educacional Gratuita do Autodesk 3DStudio Max, e junte-se (tambm gratuitamente) a este curso para adquirir mais uma grande habilidade para sua vida.Espero que este treinamento te ajude na busca do seu Grande Sonho e Objetivo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Adobe Photoshop CC para 3D e Design de Games" |
"Este curso destinado aos estudantes de Modelagem e Animao 3D & Desenvolvimento de Games que gostariam de aprender o essencial para usar o Adobe Photoshop CC.Em pouco tempo vou te ensinar os primeiros passos no programa, os principais comandos e apenas as ferramentas essenciais que voc precisa entender do Adobe Photoshop CC para trabalhar com as suas imagens digitais e utilizar para Criao de Mapas e fazer a Texturizao de Objetos ou Tratamento de Imagens e Ps-Produo.Curto, simples e objetivo, este curso far com que o aluno entenda tudo o que necessrio para pilotar sozinho o programa.Aprenda Rapidamente:Primeiros Passos no Adobe Photoshop CCInterface e Manipulao de Objetos e CamadasPrincipais Comandos e AtalhosPrincipais Ferramentas de Edio e Tratamento de Imagens"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Buffer overflow Exploits (Arabic) OSCE Preparation" |
"Offensive Security Certified Expert -Egg Hunters-Encoders-Structured Exception HanderThe course is mainly for professionals who are preparing for Offensive Security Certified Expert exam. It explains the exploitation exercise covered in the toughest module in the course (8th module). This course is not for beginners and students are expected to have basic hands-on experience of the exploitation process and techniques."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"C# SQL Server" |
"C# SQL SERVER Workshop Windows Forms Application SQL Server ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Make Projecting Animals Pendants and their Molds" |
"Kathryn says, ""Comprehensive course. Takes you from conditioning the clay to completing a pendant. Lots of information for beginners and I like that the project does not need lots of special, hard to find 'stuff' to complete.... The demo's are done at a comfortable pace, you can work right along with Maha... The mold making is done without using the somewhat expensive, two part mold making products, and it's something you already have on hand! ... The video camera is well positioned, you can see everything that she is doing. The audio is at a comfortable level and she is easy to understand. In my opinion that is a very good course for a beginner and still has information that someone at an intermediate level would find useful."" . ccCourse Description:When I first sculpted an elephant pendant; like the one you can see when you preview the course video, I was so excited being able to make it out of such a raw material like polymer clay. But at the same time, I couldnt imagine that Ive to do the same work over and over again every time I need to make this same pendant for someone. So I needed to figure out how I can repeat making a pendant like this with minimum effort and time.Then, it came to me the idea of making a mold out of the shape itself. And by doing so, I was able to make replicates out of the same shape easily and rapidly. And this is what Ill teach you to do in this course.By the end of this course, youll be able to make three projecting pendants and their molds using polymer clay; a pendant with an elephant, a butterfly and a swan. And by making the molds, youll be able to make as much replicates as you wish in an easy and a productive way. Not to mention, that youll be able to apply what youll learn for making your own jewelry designs using polymer clay.So the course will explain to you a three step process for designing a 2D projecting pendant; first, making the original shape, then making a mold out of it, and finally making a replicate.And before starting to teach you this process, Ill give you the basic knowledge about polymer clay, so if youre a beginner youll have it all in this course. And if youve a prior knowledge about polymer clay, you can skip the introductory section of the course. And maybe youd watch it later!One final thing, this course is not like any other free online tutorials; as youll have my experience and all what Ive learned from my mistakes, and that will save you much time and effort. Plus, youll have me answering all your inquiries. I hope youll enjoy this course and find it useful. Now, preview some of the course's videos and if you have any questions you can send to me."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Elaborao de Currculo Profissional" |
"O Curso tem como objetivo ensinar aos alunos todas as tcnicas de elaborao de currculo para o profissional conseguir emprego. Veja o cronograma abaixo.O que voc aprendeComo elaborar um currculo profissionalComo enviar seu currculo para as empresasQuais informaes colocar no currculoQuais cuidados ao enviar seu currculoComo procurar vagas de empregoOs seguintes motivos de reprovao na seleo de empregoComo funciona uma triagem de currculoComo dobrar suas chances na seleo de empregoAs primeiras perguntas da seleo de empregoComo se comportar nas dinmicas de grupoComo preparar uma preparao para a seleo de empregoManual de elaborao curricularPorque seu currculo no chamado para seleo de empregoToda seleo de emprego comea pelo currculo profissional"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Virtual Gestin por procesos 1" |
"En el curso virtual Gestin por procesos 1, nos enfocamos a aprender los conceptos bsicos, conceptualizar, relevar y mapear procesos para finalmente, hacer propuestas de mejora de un proceso especifico.ste es un curso integral (terico prctico) con ejemplos prcticos sobre casos reales, en los que yo he desarrollado, propuesto e implementado gestin por procesos. El curso de Gestin por procesos 1 se aplica para empresas industriales y de servicio, sin embargo mi experiencia laboral est principalmente enfocada en empresas de servicio, en el sector Bancario (procesos de negocio de productos personales y empresariales, e institucional) yen el sector Hotelero (Gestin por procesos en Cadenas de hoteles), si te parece interesante conocer casos en rubros de servicios, te puede servir este curso y mi perfil de coach para ayudarte a poder resolver los problemas en tus empresas, y las soluciones que quisieras proponer."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Do Your Egg" |
"Join instructor, Shayli Vere, on her quest to assist the modern world with its stress load by teaching others how to clear their energetic bodies with Radiant Meditation Techniques. Radiant Meditation techniques are based on centuries-old knowledge and teachings for the energetic bodies and chakra system, but Vere has added a Theta Soundtrack and Focused Fast modern meditation techniques, and Tech Friendly, in a format that we can easily adapt to our busy lives. The Complete Do Your Egg Meditation Series is a chakra based meditation series under her Radiant Meditation Structures. The 'Egg' is referring to the body's auric fields, that if healthy radiate like an egg or bubble surrounding the physical body. 'Do Your Egg' is referring to the meditation techniques and process of clearing your Auric Fields, and energetic clusters we call Chakras, through Shayli's guided meditation techniques. In 'The Complete Do Your Egg Radiant Meditation Series' you will be learning how to clear your emotional, physical, and energetic body, by chakra. You will learn how to practice these techniques on the spot, while you are going through your life and day, not once a week for 90 minutes at some yoga gym or rec center. These meditations are downloadable and Tech Friendly, again helping you with your modern busy life, and overstressed body. We maybe can't change our pace of life, but we can change how we react to it. We can learn how to Let it all go!Shayli designed this course to also be Easy and Tech-Friendly! You will learn how to react differently to the world's stress, and how you can Process your Stress differently. Meditation isn't new, but using the Theta Soundtrack to get you a little faster to that zone is new. Theta is that spot between reality and sleep, Vere has put all of her guided meditations onto Theta soundtracks that she created. Forgive its quality. Vere has stated that she could not redo this series because it would lose the magic of the recordings. As an artist, Ms. Vere has spent much of her attention, on the question ""Where does your Creativity Come From? She then meditated for three years to clear her own 'energetic Auric Fields' This series is the outcome of her study and was her answer to how artists or other creative thinkers or ideas occur. You are a well working receiver. All age groups. Great for Mid Life Changes! Male and Women all like Radiant Mediation. DO YOUR EGG and connect to your Radiant Life!This online, guided meditation course includes Video discussions on our spiritual and meditation path Questions for you to ponder in your Meditation Journal Downloadable Do Your Egg Meditations recordings mp3's Pre-recorded video classes Written exercisesBe sure to complete all the quizzes.Each Step in The Complete Do Your Egg meditation clears and targets different energy points or chakras in the body. Here we can balance our energies, free those issues in the way of our clear aura. Step One is focusing on ego, self-esteem, sexuality, personal power, creativity, and personal security. Step Two We focus on freeing the Heart and all its blockages, We learn how to shift our focus from living in the ego's fears and issues to living by your true heart. We can heal the old hurts and fears blocking our happy future. Step Three focuses on our Higher chakras and Higher Expression, freeing and connecting our intuitive abilities, connecting creative flow, or collective consciousness. Here Shayli finds her answer to Where Creativity Comes From?. Step Three is critical in understanding ourselves and connecting our ability to hear your intuitive voice. Note on Creativity. All three steps are needed to connect to the creative stream or collective consciousness stream After completing the Radiant Meditation Complete Do Your Egg Meditation Course, many find their depression lifted, their hearts open, they are more balanced and easy-going about life and its journeys. We can find ourselves more creative and expressive. "" When creating this course, I also saw how busy everyone was and always on their iPhones. I want to help our disconnection from the world but from our own inner peace, creativity, and power. We can connect to our inner power to create our own Radiant Lives, ourselves, using these techniques and principles. It is up to us, this or any result requires SOME commitment. Just Start. You get what you put in. What you put in a day can be as little as 6 minutes though or you can really change your life, get committed, and integrate meditation into your being. This course is like a bridge getting us from where we are to where we know we need and want to go. This course can just help you find a little peace or a lot. I created this online course and now you can access any time your need to all of the meditations, video lectures, and written exercises. These can be done quickly or in-depth. You will learn modern meditation techniques but also get a basic understanding of your chakras and our issues relating to them too!Radiant Meditation Series for beginners to advanced meditators. In Radiant Meditation we learn to radiant or free our energetic body. These are unique techniques where we work with creative and intuitive connections. We free the power of our imagination, we do not try to quiet the mind but free it from its issues and chatter. The meditations take us through our chakras and their issues. You just move on when you are ready to move on to the next meditation or complete step. Learn about your energetic body, creativity, and intuition. Learn how to ground properly with the earth and connect with your own spirit and path. Many have released depression, freed the mind from negative harmful thoughts and beliefs, they have ignited their hearts, passions, and expression. Many have connected deeply with their creative spirit and expression, expanded their views and perceptions about life, their life, and all life. Many have had spiritual and spirits experiences learned about their intuitive abilities, how to hear their inner voice or higher self, and how to communicate safely with our higher self and then other spirits and entities.Disclaimer: This series of guided meditations are created from my own personal practice, experience with meditation, and education in Metaphysics. Although I am not a health professional I have seen the benefits of these meditations in others and myself. Use it at your own risk and discretion.I am a Certified Meditation Teacher and Lightworker, currently finishing my Doctorate of Metaphysics Science. My thesis is Radiant Life and Meditation, this Course and Radiant Life Manual as well as my personal life's research of the creative intuitive connections. I have seen and lived my own great results but this is a self-help course. The results are up to us. I am here as a metaphysical and meditation teacher. If you need specific advice for mental health please seek a professional who is licensed or knowledgeable in that area.It is advised that you use Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or IE 9 or 10 while taking your courses as it may interfere with making a comment on your courses. Please send me an email if you can't comment. I am just an email away! Shayli"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Sports Betting: 27+ Traps That Cost You Money" |
"This course covers more than 27 traps that cost sports bettors a lots of money. These traps are not only in soccer betting but in every sports. Join now so that you can avoid them.You don't need advanced betting knowledge to join this course. All you need to know is how to make a sport bet."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dash - The Cryptocurrency Guide for Beginners 2020" |
"If you have peaked interest in digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum but want to know what else is available you will LOVE this course! Learn everything you need to know from a beginners perspective and get hands on instructions with wallet setup and much much more! WhatDash ConceptsWallet setup and optionsWallet SafetyPlaces to Buy DashPlaces to Sell DashGovernanceThis Course covers the basics about Dash in order to start you on your journey with Dash Digital Cash!Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to see you in this course!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Buffer Overflow Exploits (Arabic) OSCP Preparation" |
"***Note***: For questions and practice exercises, please refer to Nakerah Network main website.Buffer overflow attacks exploit vulnerabilities in an application due to mishandling of occurrences of data buffers being presented with more data than they were intended to hold. This course explains the basics needed to understand the criticality of buffer overflow vulnerabilities and how they could be exploited by attackers to take complete control of a remote system.The course starts with simple introduction about computer main components/structure and how they components work together to do preliminary functions. Then we move to seeing these interactions in reality by inspecting simple application execution inside a debugger and how the debugger can help inspection different sections of computer memory.After that we delve into functions and how do they get executed inside computer memory (stack) in addition to having a quick look into stack layout and architecture. This is followed by explaining fuzzing basics and how fuzzing could be used to trigger buffer overflow condition without having any visibility over the application source code. A popular fuzzer caller Spike is being used during this demonstration in addition to inspecting network traffic generated by Spike using Wireshark sniffer.Once buffer overflow condition is triggered, a proper payload will be created that would overwrite EIP register to hijack application execution flow. After that, Metasploit (the popular exploitation framework) is used to generate shellcode that will be placed into computer memory to execute arbitrary commands of attacker's choice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Docker For Absolute Beginners" |
"Are you just starting out with Docker? Awesome. This course starts out assuming you're new to containers and have no prior experience with Docker.This course is aimed at absolute beginners who would like to learn how to get started with Docker as quickly as possible. With 5+ years of experience as a software engineer, you can count on me to explain what is worth knowing in a simple and practical way that is easy to understand. When you watch me show you commands, you will feel comfortable trying them and confident in your understanding of Docker!This is one of the few Docker courses fully step by step, and I will happily assist you every step of the way as you familiarize yourself with the absolute basics Docker!Here are some of the many cool things you'll learn in this course:Installing Docker on Mac/Windows/LinuxUnderstand the concepts behind DockerUnderstand the difference between Virtual Machines and Docker containersLearn the benefits of using DockerUnderstand what containers and images are. Create and run docker containers and images.Build/Publish your own custom application imagesUnderstand the basics of running docker containersUnderstand and practice various docker commands.Understand the layered file system of docker images and containers.And so much more...I am grateful for the students who have taken the time to provide us with such positive reviews!Thank you for reading this and we hope to see you introducing yourself in the course soon!I wish you the very best of luck with your studies and I hope that we shall have some fun together in this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"(Android JAVA)" |
". . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CSS & CSS3 Tutorials" |
"HTML5 CSS3 UI UX . . , . "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"In 30 Minuten zum eigenen Streaming Server fr Zuhause" |
"Lernen Sie in diesem Kurs / Howto wie Sie einfach Ihren eigenen Streaming Server mit PLEX fr zuhause mit einem Raspberry Pi erstellen, um Ihre Videos bequem von einem USB-Stick, einer Festplatte oder einer NAS ber das lokale Netzwerk auf Ihre Fernseher streamen zu knnen. Als Fernbedienung kann dazu einfach ein Handy oder ein PC verwendet werden. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Speak Arabic" |
"Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and one of the official languages of the United Nations and it helps those who learn it to develop their careers.This course is designed for beginners who want to master Arabic and speak it in various daily subjects. Because the language is a means of expression and communication between people according to a specific system, this course cares about speaking first and then grammatical rules. We present the topics first and practice them, and then we present the grammatical rules in an easy and clear manner.In this course, you will learn how to introduce yourself to others, how to ask the other person about his name, country and nationality, how to make the nationality of any country, how to talk about your family members and ask about brothers and sisters. You will also learn some jobs, numbers and colors, and how to describe yourself and describe others, such as: tall and short and slim and fat and strong and weak and young and old.........You will also learn how to talk about your house, your house address, and the rooms and features of the house.All this in an easy and clear way, with the grammar and the difference between feminine and masculine in Arabic. You will also learn the definite nouns in Arabic, the structure of the sentence in Arabic, especially the rule of the nominal sentence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ICAO Level 4 : Preparation for the test." |
"This course is specifically designed to develop the technical skills and understanding necessary for Pilots, Flight Instructors, Air Traffic Controllers, Airline Companies and Ground Staff to pass a required ICAO Level 4 test.As the ICAO Level 4 test is a worldwide requirement it would be deemed necessary for all aviation professionals to have a solid understanding of the basics of the test.This course provides the essential details to assist the aviation professional the skills to obtain level 4."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Advanced Level Physics Concepts (A2) - Part 1" |
"This course deals with concepts in Newtonian Mechanics in three interrelated areas of study comprising Uniform Circular Motion, Gravitation and Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). For you to understand these concepts you need a knowledge of General Physics especially the concepts of Linear Motion, Dynamics, Work Energy and Power. Good knowledge of these concepts is assumed and although I may review these concepts before introducing any new concept, it would be advisable for you to have studied them at greater depth.A good grasp of Mathematical manipulation is assumed. Knowledge of Calculus is kept to a minimum and where it is used, I will spend more time outlining the concept for its use.Throughout the course, I have put great emphasis on the understanding of the underlying concept as I believe that Physics is a conceptual subject. Once you understand the concept being taught then you can tackle any question that requires application of that concept. Consequently I have spend more time investigating all features that lead to this concept rather than looking at individual applications of the same. Applications of a concept become much simpler once one has a clear incite of what is being tested. It is more like being able to read the mind of the examiner from the keywords that the examiner uses in the question.Physics mainly consists of definitions of new physical quantities. I spend a significant amount of time on investigating these definitions as I'm convinced that without proper grasp of the origin or the root of a concept, one will always struggle with how it is applied. Consequently in my lectures I desist from regurgitating facts. I endeavor to make my student see the origin of that fact. To this end, I will appeal for patience from fast learners or those who have in-depth knowledge of the concept, as sometimes I may appear to teach very basic concepts. This is usually intentional as I'm relying on my long term experience of teaching to avoid pitfalls or stumbling blocks to the understanding of the intended concept. In addition, the fast learner is always glad they headed my advice as they get to see where they went wrong way before I conclude the lecture. In all my lectures I endeavor to view the concept from the learners perspective. Where there is a need to state or to import a fact into the discussion, I will clearly state where I have covered it before so that one can easily make reference. I hope this is something you will find helpful in my course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Beach Body Series: Fat Burning and Muscle Gaining" |
"There is no theoretical information in this course. Do the exercises and get results.What is the Beach Body Series?BBS is an elite fitness program which consists of toolless exercises that can be done with bodyweight, which can be applied easily at home, park or anywhere, with 25-35 minutes daily interval training which aims high fat burning and balanced development of all muscles of the body.It includes a 21-day training plan. Every day with a different workout, your body is constantly shocking. In this way, your muscles become faster and your fats burn faster. When 21 days are over, you start again. It is a form of training that is created with time and not with numbers again, so you will fight against yourself and you will do a more intense training when you return to every 1st day.erisinde bulunan antrenmanlar bir sistematie gre vcudunuzun tamamn altrr. Karn blgenizin ekillenmesi iin zel ekilde dzenlenmi antrenmanlar bulunmaktadr.Strength, durability, flexibility and body composition develop through the approach of training and systematic loading.Beach Body Series What Is Not?BBS is not a bodybuilding training.This program can be done at home, do not have jogging or walking.No tools are needed in this program, all you need is your body.What will happen when you apply the Beach Body Series?Thanks to BBS 'training, long-term contraction relaxation cycles in the muscles, glycogen reserves stored in the muscles are rapidly consumed, and the body is forced to use subcutaneous fats as a sole source for fuel. This is due to the positive effect on testosterone and growth hormone, the more fat is burned, the muscles develop in a balanced manner.You can use this series to burn fat or loose weight. Your body quickly takes shape and you get the view of the beach body, which is very popular today.EnduranceThe interval training approaches in the content and the fight against time, not against the number, will increase the overall strength of your body. In short, your ability to work longer will increase.StrenghtThese exercises increase strength. With the help of strength training, the secretion of hormones such as growth hormone, testosterone hormone increases, so fat burning and muscle development are positive. The rise in the level of these hormones allows us to be psychologically more robust and to take a more decisive attitude visually.Heart and Blood Circulation. With the cardio effect of the exercises, our circulatory system is strengthened. You will be able to make running and walking easier. When we wake up in the morning, we can see that the heart rate is lower.Flexibility. Flexibility and mobility are increased by the chosen exercises and the flexibility work planned as training. This allows us to perform faster muscle development and exercise at a larger ROM margin. Our daily movements become easier and our pain is reduced.Umut VarolCertified Personal Fitness TrainerTactical Athlete Fitness Trainer"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Strategies For Market Share Increase" |
"As individuals born and grow, companies also want to expand and grow to command a market share, market share is the percentage of market that an organisation have base on a measure of what their competitors have by industrial experts assessment. it's very important every good organisation know and identify it's market position in the market because this will help the company know the strategies to apply, it's vital for management when to apply the necessary growth strategies to aid market share. International marketing play a vital role in helping organisation expand and grow, it the firm need to know the best strategies to choice at any point in time . The pointers to increase market share need to observe and apply when need be.The differentiation strategies separate one firm from another, it is important management analyse and find which strategies is best and working for them. Bench marking and strategic wear - out need to observed carefully."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |