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"How to select and cut in Photoshop" |
"One of the most important things to master in Photoshop, is selecting objects or persons, and then cutting them out, so you can replace the background or move them to another image.I will take you from the most basic tools, like the magic wand and lasso tool, to the more advanced tools like the pen tool and layer masks. You can follow along, by downloading the images used, and try it yourself, before you go on to the next tool.The class is for both the newbies of Photoshop, but also the ones who knows a bit more about Photoshop.Hope you enjoy this class. Make sure to follow me for more Photoshop tricks :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Insegnare con Arduino" |
"Il corso permetter di imparare l'utilizzo della piattaforma Arduino e del relativo linguaggio di programmazione attraverso la costruzione di coinvolgenti progetti pratici. Oltre al video corso, sono infatti incluse le dispense teoriche corredate con le schede guida ai progetti utilizzabili direttamente in classe. Oltre 50 esercizi che gli studenti potranno svolgere completano l'offerta.Ecco i progetti proposti: il dado multicolore con il led RGB, la calcolatrice, il semaforo con chiamata pedonale, il cronometro con display, una stazione di rilevamento della temperatura, il passaggio a livello con il servo-motore.E' particolarmente indicato per docenti della scuola Secondaria di Primo e Secondo Grado che intendono proporre l'utilizzo della piattaforma in classe. Il corso perfettamento adatto anche agli appassionati di informatica, elettronica, robotica e studenti."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking for Beginners: Develop Innovative Ideas" |
"Think of a problem or challenge you had to solve at work recently. How did you approach it? Did you find yourself overwhelmed with the number of possible solutions? Were you unsure how to even start? Design thinking can help.Design thinking is a five-step human-centered process for creative problem solving. It was popularized by the Stanford and IDEO, and has been used by organizations around the world to solve knotty problems. It is all about understanding your user's needs and solving the right problem. By using this human-centered design approach, you can develop products and services that truly help your user.This course is meant to serve as an introduction to the principles of design thinking and touches on ways you can implement it in your workplace. The material is best suited for students who are new to design thinking or want a refresher on the core concepts. Luckily, design thinking can be applied to almost any field; no matter what your profession, design thinking can help you discover and implement the best solutions to problems you encounter. In this course, you will:Apply the 5-step design thinking process to a design challenge in your organization.Empathize with your users through interviews and observations, in order to take a human-centered approach to a challenge.Define your core problem by synthesizing and analyzing information gathered during your empathy work.Ideate solutions to your problem by brainstorming using ""How might we..."" statements.Prototype your ideas rapidly to identify the best possible solution for your problem.Test your prototypes with users to gather feedback on your proposed solution.Pitch design thinking to your team or organization using storytelling.You will spend the duration of this course completing your own design thinking project, solving a design challenge of your choice. Each section contains activities that help you apply each step of the process to your design challenge. I've also provided a workbook for you to complete as you progress through this course with all the templates you need to complete your project. These can also serve as resources as you bring design thinking to your own day-to-day work!My name is Laura Pickel, and I'll be your instructor in this course. After learning design thinking as a student at the, I've continued to both use and teach design thinking at a variety of organizations, including IDEO, Lyft, SAP, and the I love helping people learn about the power of design thinking and hope you will be one of them!If you're ready to develop breakthrough solutions to help and delight your users, enroll in this course today!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"R Basics - Programmierung und Datenanalyse" |
"Dieser Kurs dient als Einstieg in die Programmierung und Datenanalyse mit R & RStudio. In dem Kurs lernt Ihr im ersten Schritt Grundlagen der R-Programmierung. Danach erfolgt, eine Einfhrung in die, aus Sicht des Autors, wichtigsten Pakete fr die Datenanalyse. Ihr lernt das ""tidyverse"" und ""data.table"" kennen. Die in dem ersten Kapitel eingefhrten Mglichkeiten zur grafischen Darstellung von Daten werden durch ""moderne"" Bibliotheken, wie ""ggplot2"" und ""plotly"" ergnzt. In Kapitel 4 lernt ihr u.A. die Grundlagen von Web-Applikationen mit dem ""shiny"" package kennen. Im Fokus dieses Kurses steht die Vermittlung von Konzepten und Techniken, und weniger die Statistik. Es werden keine Vorkenntnisse in der Programmierung bentigt. Dieser Kurs eignet sich fr alle, die einen Einstieg und in R bentigen und Datenanalysen durchfhren mchten. Dieser Kurs eigent sich zudem als Einstieg in das Feld ""Data Science"" mit R."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Ser Ms Efectivo en las Ventas- Mtodo Success in Sales" |
"La venta requiere de constancia, perseverancia y un mtodo para lograr los objetivos planteados. En este curso de siete pasos, revisaremos qu hacer en cada paso de la venta para tener xito. Ms de 1000 vendedores han sido entrenados por Mara Laura Pieiro en este modelo, con resultados excelentes. Es sencillo y requiere de atencin, deseos de aprender y mejorar as como de practicar la informacin que aqu se presenta. La venta es un proceso medible y sistemtico. Quien sigue los pasos aqu expuestos, logra avanzar. Prubelo y le aseguro que lograr Muchos xitos!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"114 Essential Advanced Verbs (Business & TOEFL Exam Words)" |
"Welcome to my advanced English verbs course! Start learning practical English verbs that you can use immediately! Let's go!--Why advanced verbs?Using advanced vocabulary is extremely important (imperative) if you want to get (receive) a high score on the TOEFL exam or excel in your job/academic program. But what vocabulary is important? Which English verbs do people actually use? And which verbs are the ones that you can use effectively to improve your English speaking and writing abilities?In this course, I move beyond (transcend) the random vocabulary lists and provide you will a set of must-have (essential) verbs that you can begin using right away (immediately) in your practice exams.As shown above, these online English lessons will show you how to begin looking for opportunities in your English speech and writing to use (integrate) advanced verbs.Moreover, I will provide you with REAL definitions of words (not awkward dictionary definitions). This course will help you begin thinking about these verbs in the way that native speakers do: conceptually.After taking this English course online, you will have more tools available to you. You can have confidence that you know a set of useful verbs that will elevate your speaking and writing in English, especially when preparing for the TOEFL exam, a test at university or a presentation at work.--Why only verbs?In my experience as an instructor, students do best when focusing on one category of vocabulary at a time especially students who are preparing for the TOEFL exam. By concentrating on essential verbs, you can passively learn the English grammar structures that you need to support you in putting the verbs in use.Knowing essential English words is great, but if you dont have the English grammar to create the sentences that you need to express your ideas then the vocabulary isnt going to help you during the TOEFL exam or at work. This course gives you both without added work or effort. --- If you want to cram hundreds or thousands of verbs, then this course is NOT for you. This course focuses on practical advanced English verbs that you can use at school, at work, and in daily life. - If you are looking for a ton of homework, quizzes, and exams, then this course is NOT for you. This course teaches by example. - If you are still a beginning or early intermediate English Learner, then this course is NOT for you. This course focuses on upper intermediate to advanced English verbs. --Best wishes on your English journey!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint para Todos 1, Aprender ou Reciclar" |
"Este Curso de PowerPoint, visa ensinar aqueles que no tm qualquer conhecimento de PowerPoint, querem aprender a usar este programa de apresentaes.Uma vez, que aborda temas como Pedagogia da Apresentao, melhor forma de a fazer, Como apresentar em Pblico, e termina com apresentaes avanadas, tambm ptimo para aqueles que conhecem o funcionamento do programa fazerem um reciclagem, para consolidar os seus conhecimentos. um curso fundamentalmente prtico, mas com uma componente terica muito importante que vai sendo ministrada ao longo do curso, duma forma suave e agradvel.O Segundo curso, trar algumas tcnicas ainda mais agradveis para serem utilizadas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Walking Bass Workshop Pt I - The Blues" |
"Learn to play and construct your own jazz walking bass lines.Learn jazz harmony and chord sequences found in the Blues and many Jazz Standards..Improve your technique playing written out walking bass exercises.Train your ear and recognize common root movements found in Jazz.Improve your compositional skills by hearing and writing out your own bass lines.Build the confidence to play in a jazz ensemble."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Walking Bass Workshop Pt II - Rhythm Changes" |
"Take your knowledge of walking bass lines a step further following on from Walking Bass Workshop Pt I The Blues by learning the classic jazz standard Rhythm Changes.Rhythm Changes, like the Blues is an important part of the jazz repertoire and played by all the greats.Learn to walk swinging bass lines over chord substitutions and alterations to this timeless classic while learning jazz harmony and theory. Improve your technique and train your ear to hear more complex jazz chord progressions and root movement."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Walking Bass for Guitar" |
"Learn to walk bass lines and play shell voicing for solo guitar using the classic jazz standard The Blues.Expand your knowledge of jazz harmony while following examples of walking bass lines with shell voicing. Improve technique and fretboard knowledge by. following the playalong examples.Prepare yourself to play unaccompanied playing chords and bass lines unaccompanied.All examples show standard notation as well as guitar tab."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"XML and XSD: a complete W3C-content based course (+10 hours)" |
"XML and XSD: a complete W3C-content based course (+10 hours)The complete XML/XSD content from W3Schools, with much better explanations and practical examples w/ Eclipse IDE - 2019Definitions Overview:""XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. The World Wide Web Consortium's XML 1.0 Specification of 1998 and several other related specifications - all of them free open standards - define XML. The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet. It is a textual data format with strong support via Unicode for different human languages. Although the design of XML focuses on documents, the language is widely used for the representation of arbitrary data structures such as those used in web services. Several schema systems exist to aid in the definition of XML-based languages, while programmers have developed many application programming interfaces (APIs) to aid the processing of XML data.""""XSD (XML Schema Definition), a recommendation of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), specifies how to formally describe the elements in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document. It can be used by programmers to verify each piece of item content in a document. They can check if it adheres to the description of the element it is placed in. Like all XML schema languages, XSD can be used to express a set of rules to which an XML document must conform in order to be considered ""valid"" according to that schema. However, unlike most other schema languages, XSD was also designed with the intent that determination of a document's validity would produce a collection of information adhering to specific data types. Such a post-validation infoset can be useful in the development of XML document processing software.""What you'll learn from this course:- You will learn all the theory about how to use XML language correctly, as well as all about its general and specific syntaxes, according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) official recommendations.- You will learn all the practice about how to code your XML files, using the elements, attributes and types - default and custom ones - from the referred XSD schemas, as well as how to test the correctness and validation of your XML instances against their referred XSD docs using Eclipse IDE automation.- You will adventure into the complete theory background about how to create your own XSD schema documents and master the details about XSD general and specific syntaxes, according to W3C official specifications.- You will practice, through tens of examples, how to code your own XSD files, using the 3 design methods suggested by W3C, as well as how to take advantage of all main base elements, attributes and types (default W3C library/namespace) to create your own personalized XML/XSD components.- You will have pretty clear what default and custom namespaces are, as well as prefixes, both at the XML instances as at the XSD documents. You'll learn how to import and include multiple XSD documents into one same XSD and also how to refer to multiple XSD documents from one same XML instance, nice and easy... even using your own personal brand as the prefix for customizing your code (in my case: danielpm1982).- All this course's theory, as well as the good practices and techniques used, are based on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and W3Schools contents, here with much better and complete explanations and practical examples.- After doing this course, you'll understand much easier all the document types used at Web Services development, or any other application that uses XML and XSD (or WSDL).- All source codes are available at my GitHub, as well as attached to each practice lecture, as a zip file. You can easily download, study, reuse and test them yourself, for learning purposes, and even create much better examples. This is how you learn: starting from the basics and evolving, through practicing, until proficiency. All at your own pace and time and re-watching any lecture as many times as you want.- Additional content, as WSDL and JSON theory and practical lectures, as well as lectures with sample Web Services projects, demonstrating the real world applicability of XML, XSD, WSDL and JSON, will be added incrementally within the next months, at this same course. But you can finish this course with the current content, as it is, and receive your Udemy Certification on that and if you want, you may return later, watch the future extra content lectures (WSDL and JSON) and, at the end, receive another Udemy Certification with the updated content and course name. All students will be notified when any future content is added.- This course is already composed of more than 10 hours, a workload greater than almost all other same-topic courses at Udemy.Prerequisites:- If you wanna practice, you should have Eclipse IDE installed on your PC or notebook. But you can just watch the theory and practical lectures, at any device with internet access, in case you have no computer available at that moment.- No programming languages or frameworks are required for this course.- No silly or useless tests will be imposed onto you. You will know you got the content right when you implement your own code and test it successfully, as done at our practical lectures. Simple as that and with no pressure!Whom this course is for ?- Any human being who wishes to learn XML and XSD for future use in any of their many market applications, specially at, but not limited to, Web Services development.What are the references of this course ?- The main reference source is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is the creator and worldwide maintainer of the specifications (REC) of XML language and related technologies (XSD, WSDL, etc). All related links, with W3C content, are attached to each theory lecture description.What's the difference between taking this course and simply viewing W3Schools material at their own site ?Although the content is almost entirely referenced on W3C publications, this course offers much better, organized and understandable explanations about the content, and also a much greater set of examples, using Eclipse IDE, from the easiest to the most complex ones. At W3Schools site, for instance, you only find very simple snippets of code.What's the difference between taking this course and the other XML/XSD courses at Udemy ?- No objection at all to those who may take more than one course. But this one has an innovative methodology, is more organized and complete (over 10 hours of theory and practices already), as well as it has much better examples, explained step by step, without any hurried 2-3 min lectures. It covers IN FULL everything that W3C suggests about XML and XSD.- This course is organized similar to university or college lectures, with an average of 1h per lecture. The organization is oriented towards the content itself and not short time limited lectures. I think prioritizing the content on the curriculum organization contributes way better to cohesiveness as well as to the organization and consolidation of the content in anyone's brain. 2-3 min classes end up being a big confusion resulted from a too high fragmentation level of the content. Students always criticize on other courses that everything's too hastily delivered, as if the students already knew the subjects. Here, and differently from that, you'll see it's all nicely and easily delivered, and you won't get lost on the content, even if you never heard about XML or any structural or programming language before. You're free, though, to plan your own individual learning schedule. Just take note of the subject you last saw, and then continue from there when you want.- Finally, this course is divided into Theory and Practice lectures. You'll, thus, have multiple chances, from multiple explanation perspectives, to learn or complement the acknowledging of each topic, subtopics, practices, and so on. And, of course, at your own time, pace and individual needs. The access to this course will be forever yours (it doesn't expire) and you'll be able to review any lecture as much as you want. A big advantage of e-learning recorded lectures compared to live face-to-face attendance lectures.Welcome to the course !! I hope you have a great learning experience !!Please, don't forget to give me some good reviews (stars) at Udemy - if you agree, of course - so that I can be motivated to create many other programming courses, and turn them into best sellers. Thanks in advance ! :DAlso, be my guest to suggest anything about this course through the platform or by email.Best Regards,Daniel Pinheiro Maia, BSc.Oracle Certified Java ProgrammerBachelor in Computer Information SystemsBrazil."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Python 3 do Bsico Ao Avanado (com projetos reais)" |
"Este , sem sombra de dvidas, o curso de Python 3 mais completo que voc vai encontrar na atualidade. So mais de 85 horas de contedo, mais de 290 aulas sobre os assuntos relacionados mais variados da linguagem (do bsico ao avanado) e inclui uma seo bnus sobre expresses regulares.-Curso de Python 3 do Bsico Ao Avanado (com projetos reais)Iniciando em programao e quer aprender Python 3 do bsico ao avanado? Este curso completo e para voc!Programador experiente em outra linguagem de programao e quer aprender Python 3? Este curso tambm completo e pra voc!Mesmo que no tenha trabalhado com programao antes (ou se j um desenvolvedor experiente), vou te guiar em todos os passos at que comece a criar seus prprios scripts, programas, sites e/ou automatizaes em Python (na verso 3).Vamos iniciar do zero, desde a instalao do Python 3 at as partes bem mais avanadas da linguagem, como mdulos de terceiros, bases de dados (MySQL, SQLite, etc...), web scraping, padres de projeto GoF (Design Patterns), expresses regulares (RegEx) e muito mais. Alguns dos mdulos que abordaremos j so consagrados no mercado, como Django, PyQT5, Selenium e vrios outros.Criaremos projetos reais do zero, como um conversor de vdeos usando Python e ffmpeg, um gerador e validador de CPF (voc vai aprender a validar CNPJ tambm) usando PyQT5, realizar clculo de redes IPv4, um blog e um e-commerce bsicos nos nossos projetos finais usando Django. Tambm faremos deploy da nossa aplicao em um servidor com Linux no Google Cloud Platform, ou seja, voc vai ter que colocar a mo na massa para subir e configurar um servidor Linux e suas chaves SSH junto comigo (claro que te guiarei em todos os passos). Este curso est dividido da seguinte maneira:Para nvel iniciante: Lgica de programao (partes bsicas de Python 3)Para nvel intermedirio: Programao procedural (funes, repeties e partes relacionadas)Para experientes: Programao orientada a objetos (no modo Pythnico) - Inclui seo especfica de POO com Padres de Projeto GoFMdulos teis: inclui aulas de mdulos especficos do Python e de terceirosBases de dados: inclui aulas relacionadas com bases de dados no PythonDjango: Criaremos alguns projetos (sites) utilizando o Django.Testes no Python (com TDD bsico)Bnus: Expresses Regulares (Regex - re)Design Patterns (Padres de projeto - GoF) - Programao Orientada a Objetos AvanadaTambm vamos falar sobre interface grfica com PyQT5 e QT Designer, criao de sites com Django e muito mais.Ao terminar esse curso, voc poder conseguir sua sonhada vaga no Mercado de trabalho como desenvolvedor ou desenvolvedora, j que todos os nossos projetos so voltados para a prtica e no apenas teoria.Venha aprender a linguagem que mais cresce neste ano agora!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso de JavaScript e TypeScript do bsico ao avanado 2020" |
"Curso de JavaScript e TypeScript do bsico ao avanado - Atualizado para 2020 - O curso mais completo sobre todas as nuances do JavaScript voc voc vai encontrar na atualidade.Aprenda Javascript moderno (ES6+) para front-end (com Webpack, babel, React, React Hooks e Redux) e back-end (com Node, Express, MySQL / MariaDB e MongoDB) e se torne um(a) desenvolvedor(a) full stack. Este curso inclui JavaScript e TypeScript, voc vai aprender ambas as linguagens.FundamentosInicialmente, o aluno aprender a utilizar recursos nativos do JavaScript sem a necessidade de utilizar frameworks ou bibliotecas adicionais (Javascript puro, conhecido como Vanilla JS).NodeJS, Frameworks e bibliotecas Apresentarei o Node JS, Express e o MongoDB (noSQL) para trabalhar com Javascript no Back-end. Apresentarei frameworks e bibliotecas que so padro no mercado atualmente, como Express (servidor Web) e Mongoose (para modelar bases de dados MongoDB). Tambm apresentarei em detalhes o sistema de mdulos do NodeJS.JS ToolingFalaremos do Babel e Webpack, o que nos permitir utilizar o sistema de mdulos do ES6 em navegadores mais antigos que no teriam suporte para tal.Projeto #1Tambm vamos criar um projeto realizando um CRUD (create, read, update e delete) na base de dados mongo com sistema de login real usando sessions (posteriormente com JWT).Deploy (Linux)Ao longo do curso, o aluno aprender tecnologias adicionais ao JS, como: criar um servidor web com NGINX para fazer proxy reverso com Node; gerenciar projetos node com o pm2; configurar um servidor linux no Google Cloud Platform (GCP), adicionar certificado SSL/TLS (HTTPS) com letsencrypt gratuitamente, configurar um repositrio com o Git (e comandos adicionais do git em geral), configurar chaves SSH no servidor e computador pessoal, TypeScript do bsico ao avanado e muito mais.TypeScriptUma novidade neste curso o TypeScript, o aluno no precisar comprar outro curso para aprender essa linguagem que est to em alta no momento.SeguranaTambm tive o cuidado de focar bastante na parte de segurana de todos os servios utilizados ao longo do curso, com isso o aluno poder fazer deploy de suas aplicaes sem medo. API RestCriaremos uma API Rest utilizando MariaDB/MySQL (SQL) e o Sequelize, com sistema de login que utiliza JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Nesta seo, o aluno aprender ainda mais recursos que so padro de mercado, como: editorconfig, eslint, prettier, JWT, middlewares e mais.ReactNa seo bsica de React JS, criaremos uma lista de tarefas utilizando class components e functional components (com classes e funes). Tambm utilizaremos o localStorage do navegador para salvar os dados da lista de tarefas, fazendo algo muito similar ao que faramos com bases de dados.Na seo avanada do React JS utilizaremos React Hooks, Redux + Redux Saga e muito mais. Tambm vamos consumir a API Rest que criamos em aulas anteriores. Criaremos um sistema de Login com JWT e o axios e faremos um CRUD (create, read, update e delete) na base de dados MySQL/MariaDB da nossa API Rest.Expresses RegularesVoc vai aprender a criar suas prprias expresses regulares (regex). Melhor que isso, voc vai entender o que est fazendo com suas expresses regulares.Princpios SOLIDO curso tem sees especficas sobre os pilares da programao orientada a objetos (POO) e princpios SOLID (S.O.L.I.D), que so parte extremamente importante na formao de qualquer programador, independente da linguagem de programao escolhida.Testes com o JestTestes automatizados so de extrema importncia para qualquer desenvolvedor. Abordaremos testes unitrios e testes de integrao utilizando o jest.Design Patterns (Padres de projeto)Uma outra novidade deste curso que temos uma seo inteira sobre padres de projeto (Design patterns). O foco aqui aprender os padres de projeto da GoF (que so os mais clssicos e mais relevantes atualmente).Listagem do contedo principalLista do que ser ensinado nas sees:Instalao dos programas utilizados ao longo do curso (Node, Visual Studio Code e mais)Javascript bsico (variveis e coisas bsicas de programao)Javascript com lgica de programao (estruturas condicionais, de repetio e mais)Javascript orientado a objetos (classes, funes construtoras, factory functions, e mais)Javascript funcional (sees especficas para funes, arrays e objetos)Javascript assncrono (com promises, ajax, axios e fetch API)Webpack e Babel (para uso de recursos modernos em navegadores mais antigos)Node.js (bsico de Node + Express e MongoDB)Projeto agenda (Um projeto real utilizando tudo o que foi descrito anteriormente)Deploy - Criar, configurar e manter um servidor Linux (inclui configurao de vrias tecnologias diferentes)Api rest - Criar uma API Rest do zero usando Express, JWT e o Sequelize (com MariaDB/MySQL).React JS Bsico - Nesta seo, criaremos uma lista de tarefas utilizando o React JS e o localStorage do navegador. React JS Avanado - React Hooks, Redux + Redux Saga, Autenticao com JWT, Redux Persist e muito mais.Bnus: Expresses Regulares (Regex)TypeScript - Voc no precisa comprar outro curso para aprender TypeScriptPrincpios da programao orientada a objetos e princpios S.O.L.I.D (SOLID)Testes automatizados com o JestBnus: Padres de projeto (Design patterns)RecomendaesRecomendo que o aluno conhea o bsico de HTML e CSS para absorver melhor o conhecimento. (este curso no inclui HTML e CSS)."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao TVPaint Animation Pro" |
"O Aluno ir aprender as ferramentas essenciais para animao tradicional utilizando o programa TVPaint. O conhecimento introdutrio vai desde: instalao, configuraes, interface, atalhos, painis, pincis, customizao, seleo, transformao, personalizaes, esboo de personagem, linha do tempo, trabalhar com cenas, dicas para animar, exportao vdeo e finalizao. O programa TVPaint essencial para criao de animao tradicional."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Peace with Food: Life Beyond Diets" |
"Peace with Food is a beginners course about intuitive eating.Intuitive eating is a beautiful way of eating that's natural to all of us. We were all born eating intuitively, before we got caught up in dieting world. Food was just a delicious fuel. Unfortunately, as we were growing up, many of us learned ""food rules"". We have learned how we ""should"" eat, what foods are acceptable, what foods we must avoid because they are ""junk foods"" etc. We've learned that the only way to be ""healthy"" is to restrict our food intake and restrict the variety of foods we are eating.However, these restrictions and ""food rules"" are creating unhealthy relationship with food. Around 75% women suffer from disordered eating, and most of them consider it a normal behaviour because we live in a diet culture where restrictions are applaused.This course will help you challenge the diet culture, challenge all the limiting beliefs you may have learned about food. It's designed to help you understand what it means to have a healthy relationship with food, and to help you start your food freedom journey. With intuitive eating, you will be free to create your own version of health, where all the foods you love are a part of your eating world.Now is the time to step off the scale and step into your power!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
instaboginya |
", , , , , - -, - : 1 - - - , - , , , - - 2 - (, , , )- (, )- - - , , - 3 - , , - - - - - /, - (/ , ) 4 ()- ( , ? , )-"
Price: 4299.00 ![]() |
"Visual Effects Producing 101" |
"With todays VFX production getting demanding and ambitious - yet the schedule and budgets are getting tighter, its apparent that the next generation of Producers need to be VFX savvy more than ever to manage and deliver the shows on time and on budget.Increasingly independent filmmakers utilising visual effects in their films by tapping into VFX teams globally are realising the need to have a VFX producing hat on in order to do this successfully.This is a course taught by an experience VFX Producer for anyone interested in the field of visual effects production management or who is currently looking to make the step up into VFX producing whether you are an VFX Co-coordinator, assistant or even a VFX Artist looking to make the transition into the VFX management side of things.By the end of the course you would have had the knowledge and hands on experience with tools such as ftrack to do just that.NOTE: This course will not show you how to make CGI shots or animation, it will teach you how to be a producer / manage teams for the VFX in short films, feature films and TV. DISCLAIMER: The version of ftrack used in this Course is older than the version currently available (but the same principles apply), if you would like to use ftrack as part of the course, please request for a demo from the lovely team at ftrack via their site (ftrack dot com) and mention the VFX Producing 101 course."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
spinturns |
"- , , . 10- 20 , . . , , . 4 - , , , . , . , . , . , , . , . , , ."
Price: 2799.00 ![]() |
"Problem Solving Basic Tools" |
"In this course you'll learn how to face all problems in your manufacturing enterprise, finding the right solution and saving time and money. You'll be able to build the new standars that will improve not only production output, but also quality, safety and maintenance key performance indicator.The tools explained in this course are the result of decades of experience of the best multinational companies and are taught by the most prestigious consulting companies."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"MindManager 2019 fr Windows" |
"Erlernen Sie die wichtigsten Befehle und Funktionen der MindManager 2019 fr Windows Software. Nach diesem Seminar sind Sie in der Lage, Gedanken, Ideen, Flussdiagramme, logische Konzepte, Prozesse und Planungen mit MindManager 2019 zu visualisieren.Sie knnen Informationen einfach verknpfen und bersichtlich als Mindmap, Liste, Organigramm, Zeitachse oder Flussdiagramm darstellen. Sie erkennen und verstehen die vielen Mglichkeiten der Software und knnen diese erfolgreich in Ihrem Arbeitsumfeld und fr Ihr Selbstmanagement und Ihre Aufgabenplanung umsetzen."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Bootstrap 4 Beginners Course with 100+ examples" |
"Learn how to create a responsive website with Bootstrap 4 concepts and take your website development skills to the next level. Bootstrap is a must today for responsive web development on different screen sizes. The course covers Bootstrap components with live running of code. With that, every lesson is thoroughly explained with a lot of examples displaying the screen size to give a thorough understanding.Note: We don't believe in creating slides and just reading it. The flow would be step-by-step and the explanations would include a tutorial-like format, to make it easier for beginners to understand with simple text structure of the concepts, components and Bootstrap class. With that, we have also created some quizzes to polish your Bootstrap skills.The course begins with the introduction and then move towards setting up Bootstrap to run the first example on a web page. Then the Bootstrap components and concepts are covered. While learning, you will get an opportunity to work on various hands-on exercises and understand the role of responsive web design with the flow. **Course Highlights**26 lessons2h 40m video with live running examples and visible screen size (web page size)100+ examples20+ downloadable resources15+ Quizzes to polish your skills after learning from the lessons"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Maliyet Muhasebesi" |
"Deien snav sisteminde Staja Giri snavnda Maliyet Muhasebesi sorular birden fazla aamadan geerek zlecek ekilde sorulmaktadr. Bunun iin de hem konulara, hem de test tekniine hakim olmak gerekmektedir. Derslerimizde Maliyet Muhasebesi ile ilgili tm bilgiler sorular zerinden ve test teknikleri kullanlarak verilecektir. Konularn sorular zerinden anlatlaca derslerimizde balangtan ileri dzeye kadar gerekli tm bilgiler verilecektir. Derslerde sadece 100 soru zm olmayacak, her konu ile ilgili sorulabilecek alternatif soru trlerine de yer verilecektir."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Mali Tablolar Analizi" |
"Deien snav sisteminde Staja Giri snavnda Mali Tablolar Analizi sorular birden fazla aamadan geerek zlecek ekilde sorulmaktadr. Bunun iin de hem konulara, hem de test tekniine hakim olmak gerekmektedir. Derslerimizde Mali Tablolar Analizi ile ilgili tm bilgiler sorular zerinden ve test teknikleri kullanlarak verilecektir. Konularn sorular zerinden anlatlaca derslerimizde balangtan ileri dzeye kadar gerekli tm bilgiler verilecektir. Derslerde sadece 100 soru zm olmayacak, her konu ile ilgili sorulabilecek alternatif soru trlerine de yer verilecektir."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Affiliate" |
"( ( -: .. * ( ) * * * * ( ( ( ) .. .. .. .. .. .. ( .. ( + 1 6 ( ( * * ( ("
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Adult Sex Education 101" |
"This course explores, on an adult level, what we should all know before engaging in sexual activity for reasons other than to breed. It moves beyond the reproductive systems and teaches the anatomy of pleasure, explores consent, communication, intimacy and much, much more. Sex should be pleasurable for all participants. With very limited resources available; humans are continuing to engage in sexual activity but the quality of the activity is poor. Dare I say, sex should be healthy and pleasurable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Gamification - Create your Own!" |
"This course is geared towards the beginner who wants to learn more about Gamification. It has been created with the purpose of taking you from ground zero all the way to being able to create your own gamified systems with ease.Designed with Application in MindThis is not one of those courses that have countless hours of boring theory. Each lecture has been crafted to teach some actionable principles that you can begin implementing right away. All the knowledge that you will acquire in this course will be put to the test by the time you finish! This way, not only do you build a strong foundation of theoretical concepts, but also first-hand practical experience on how to apply them in real-world contexts.A formula to create your own Gamified SystemsWith this course you will get a framework that gives you a step-by-step formula to make your own Gamified systems from scratch. The framework has been designed to make the creative process feel fluid, robust and rewarding. The framework tackles many aspects of Gamification that beginners tend to struggle with and removes much of the guess-work, so that you can let your creativity fly! The framework is versatile and it can be adapted to suit the needs of a wide range of gamification projects - so your imagination is the only limit.Think of the framework like a toolkit for creating gamified systems. It contains a wide range of techniques, lenses and mechanics and a Manual for how to use each tool.Discover the secret recipes of successful Gamified systemsIn this course, you will learn about how companies like Google and Target have used Gamification in their organizations. You will discover why Duolingo is the most popular language-learning application in the world and learn about how you can improve your marketing campaigns, ecommerce stores and even your own life with the power of Gamification."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aulas fceis: Aprenda violo gospel (nvel 1)" |
"O Curso de Violo Gospel Nvel Zero fruto de mais de 12 anos de ensino, e centenas de alunos que experimentaram na prtica os efeitos de uma didtica eficiente que desmistifica muitas coisas acerca do aprendizado do violo.Os desafios do ensino e as particularidades de cada aluno fizeram com que este mtodo se tornasse o mais rpido, eficiente e prtico caminho para o desenvolvimento das habilidades necessrias para todos os que desejam tocar violo de forma satisfatria.A didtica a favor de quem estuda:Aprenda acordes e exercite a mudana entre eles usando pontos de referncia que tornam os movimentos mais fceis de serem assimilados;Junte o ritmo - depois que os acordes esto fluindo hora de adicionar as batidas (ritmo) explicado de forma visual utilizando recursos que facilitam a assimilao dos movimentos e quais partes da mo deve ser usadas para produzi-lo.Faa exerccios que simulem as situaes encontradas em todas as msicas que sero estudadas ao longo do Nvel I, para que na hora de execut-las junto com o professor, todos os caminhos que voc ir percorrer estejam fluindo.Tudo isso repetido a cada aula, a cada novo acorde, a cada nova sequncia e a cada novo ritmo."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Trades Maiores: O curso definitivo (Major Triads for Bass)" |
"Este material foi estruturado a partir de necessidades diagnosticadas em pesquisas realizadas com baixistas de diferentes estilos e niveis de conhecimento.Uma das maiores dificuldades observadas e o olhar para uma determinada cifra e ver nela apenas a nota principal (tnica), criando desta forma uma viso limitada do acorde. Na maioria dos casos, se o acorde for maior ou menor, toca-se a tnica, e se tiver notas de tensao nao importando quais sejam, a nota referencia continua sendo a tnica.Muitos baixistas iniciam sua trajetria musical tendo que acompanhar uma musica sem antes haver se preparado para tal. Logo, ouve sol e toca sol, ouve la e toca la.Este o princpio da formao da viso tonal: uma imagem, a forma de tocar e distribuir notas (que levara tempo de estudo e dedicao) para se desfazer e poder ver os acordes de outra forma.No h nada de errado nisso, pois de fato, uma linha de baixo precisa ser feita tendo como base a tnica, mas considero importante o baixista desenvolver uma viso mais ampla da estrutura dos acordes.Os formatos de estudo e aplicao contidos neste livro foram utilizados inmeras vezes e aprimorados para que se chegasse a este resultado.Todo trabalho deve ser feito seguindo os passos sugeridos. O tempo de assimilao essencial para o bom aproveitamento deste material.Lembre-se: A msica no pode ser tratada como uma cincia exata, portanto, nunca substitua um conceito seu por algo que foi sugerido ou apresentado por algum.Busque incorporar novas ideias s suas ideias, lapidando desta forma a msica que est dentro de voc."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop dla kadego" |
"Photoshop to najpopularniejszy program do tworzenia grafiki komputerowej.Korzystaj z niego profesjonalici i amatorzy.Dziki umiejtnoci jego obsugi bdziesz mg:tworzy proste i bardziej zaawansowane projekty graficzne,poprawi wygld zdj,zmieni niepoprawnie ustawiony kadr,stworzy plakat, broszur lub wizytwk,pozby si niepodanych elementw ze zdjcia.Co otrzymasz dziki temu kursowi?Musisz przygotowa grafik do wykorzystania w prezentacji firmowej. Bye na imprezie firmowej i zdjcia Czonkw Zarzdu s za ciemne a musz by powieszone w gablocie w gwnym holu. Chcesz wydrukowa pamitkowe zdjcia z wakacji ale warto by je troch poprawi (kadr, ostro, wyrwna). Masz kilkaset zdj i chcesz wykona ""na nich"" kilka takich samych operacji. Te i wiele innych propozycji czeka na Ciebie w tym kursie.Chcesz zaistnie w social mediach. Instagram, Facebook i inne Twoje profile rozgrzej si do czerwonoci gdy wrzucisz do nich podrasowane fotki.Ju nie bdziesz musia/a si prosi o podretuszowanie zdj gdy zmieniajc prac wstawiasz zdjcie do CV.Do dziea. Magiczne zdjcia wymagaj Twojej rki."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Power Point dla kadego" |
"*** Power Point dla kadego ***Niezbdna wiedza o Power Point, projektowanie slajdw, przygotowanie prezentacji biznesowych i wiele przydatnej wiedzy! Jeste uczniem? Jeste Studentem? Jeste pracownikiem? Jeste Pracodawc?Ten kurs jest dla Ciebie!!!Stworzysz od podstaw atrakcyjne prezentacje Power Point.Zobacz, co zyskujesz dziki Power Point dla kadego: Umiejtno obsugi podstawowych narzdzi Power Point.Wiedza, gdzie zastosowa bardziej zaawansowane funkcjonalnoci Power Pointa.Po uruchomieniu szkolenia bdziesz mg/a pobra pliki graficzne zdjcia aby na nich pracowa.S one w pliku zlokalizowanym w ostatnim punkcie spisu treci kursu i trzeba ten plik rozpakowa na twardym dysku.Jeli skorzystasz z tego kursu teraz to staniesz si prawdziwym profesjonalist Power Point!Skorzystaj z okazji. Nie zostawaj w tyle za innymi."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Word dla kadego" |
"Kurs Word dla kadegoto kompendium wiedzy jak powiniene posiada aby bez problemw obsugiwa ten topowy edytor tekstwPoprawne formatowanie dokumentw tekstowych wiadczy o jego autorze.Nie pozwl, aby le uksztatowany dokument przyczyni si do zej opinii o Tobie.Napisa tekst to jedno a sprawi aby by od bardziej czytelny to drugie.Tematy poruszane na tym kursie s obowizkowymi w znajomoci Word'a.Nie marnuj czasu na mozolne ukadanie tekstu, ktry Ci ""nie sucha"" :)Poznaj tajniki edycji tekstu na wyszym poziomie."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |