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"Build 20 SpriteKit Games for iPad and build 15 Websites!" |
"This course was funded through a massively successful Kickstarter campaign.Learn to make 20 games with SpriteKit and learn to build 15 websites. This course shows you how to build practical cash earning projects from scratch.Learn to code in 4 different languages!One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to. This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately. You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level. Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future. You will get full lifetime access to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store. I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations. I have over 150k students worldwideWho is this class for?People who want to improve their technical skillsComplete beginnersPeople who want to make money. I show people the tools on how to make money through various methods of passive incomePeople who want to get ahead of the pack by learning online. How you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build 64 iOS9 projects in Swift. Build 50 apps and 14 games!" |
"This course was funded through a massively successful Kickstarter campaign.BUILD 64 iOS projects to enhance your career. Add these projects to your LinkedIn or resume. Start your career in software development today. Did you know that software developers can make up to 200k a year? This course is for complete beginners. If that sounds like you, then enrol today!SOURCE CODE AND TEMPLATES INCLUDED!One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.You can use the projects you build in this course to add to your LinkedIn profile. Give your portfolio fuel to take your career to the next level.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You will get full lifetime access to this course for a single one off fee. John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real world examples.What makes you a good teacher?I have released over 40 games and apps that have done very well in the app store.I run a company called Mammoth Interactive so I am actively in the field building apps and making moneyI have been teaching since 2002I personally love learning online and my life is much better because I have learned online rather than a classroomI am one of the top 10 highest grossing Udemy teachersI have been a Udemy instructor since 2011.I make sure people learn how to make money from their creations.I have over 150k students worldwideHow you will make money by learning new skillsLearn practical skillsLearn about how leverage your new skills to greater wealthLearn through practical examplesWhy should you learn online?There is an online education revolution taking place. You may have heard about it in the news or heard it from a friend. Either-way, education is going to be changed forever. In this short course I talk about how Online Education hasMotivated meHelped my careerHelped me as a teacherImpacted several lives around the planetI promise that this course will be better and more effective than reading books. I show how to master technology through the use of video. This course will give you everything you need to thrive in our technological society."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Spring Framework con Java: Aprende de forma definitiva." |
"Aprende los conceptos de este fantstico y potente Framework.Obtn unos conocimientos slidos en SPRING con este curso para programadores con nivel medio de Java.Inversin de ControlSpring CoreProgramacin Orientada a AspectosAcceso a datosSpring MVCTodo el poder de la programacin en Spring ahora a tu alcance.Conocers e identificars las caractersticas de los mdulos principales de Spring. Integrars y configurars Spring Core en una aplicacin Java, y utilizars el mdulo de datos y MVC en el desarrollo de una aplicacin Web.Este curso incorpora sesiones de vdeo y explicaciones mediante documentos PDF, as como un examen final para que puedas evaluar todo lo que has aprendido.Los ejercicios que vamos explicando a lo largo del curso, sera interesante que t los intentases antes de ver la solucin, ya que a programar se aprende programando.Actualmente, Spring es una de las tecnologas ms demandadas en la empresa de hoy en da. Con nuestro curso estars preparado para afrontar los retos de utilizar Spring en los desarrollos en que trabajes."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo de videojuegos 2D con Game Maker Studio" |
"Aprende los conceptos y herramientas bsicas para desarrollar videojuegos 2D. Podrs vivir bien de forma autnoma con esta actividad.Desarrolla videojuegos 2D y vive de ellos, sin jefes, sin horarios, dirigiendo tu propia vida.Este curso est desarrollado de forma totalmente prctica, creando un videojuego sencillo para ilustrar todos los temas presentados.Con tests de aprovechamiento del curso, para que controles tu avance.Grupo SYNCROM tiene dos divisiones dedicadas al desarrollo de videojuegos para Android desde 2013. Este curso es fruto de toda la experiencia de todos estos aos.Usamos el mejor motor de desarrollo 2D del mercado: Game Maker Studio, que lo podrs descargar de forma gratuita.Profesores expertos en desarrollo de videojuegos, de Mxico, Argentina y Espaa.Este curso te ofrece todo el poder de tuimaginacin para poder disear tus propios videojuegos.Aprender a desarrollar videojuegos es una actividad dentro del mundo de desarrollo de software muy diferente a la creacin de software de gestin general, como hacen las mayora de los programadores.Si eres programador de aplicaciones de gestin, tendrs que aprender nuevos conceptos, y pensar de forma diferente como hasta ahora lo habas hecho.Si nunca has programado nada, te iniciaremos poco a poco en este mundo con el estupendo entorno de desarrollo que es Game Maker Studio.Este motor de desarrollo de videojuegos permite compilar a varios sistemas, como Windows, Android, iOS, Ubuntu, etc. Los mdulos de exportacin a estos sistemas son de pago, pero podrs descargarte una versin gratuita para Windows.Si ves que esto es tu vida, como ya lo hemos visto muchas personas, podrs dedicarte a hacer juegos para Android, o para iOS, y vivir de ello, sin jefes, sin horarios, sin presiones.Esto no ser sencillo. No decimos que lo sea. Pero cualquier persona puede hacerlo, si decide tomrselo en serio, como un trabajo. Pero estar trabajando ciertamente en algo realmente gratificante y divertido.Al finalizar el curso, sers capaz de crear tus propios juegos. Es cierto que al principio sern sencillos, pero a medida que vayas consolidando los conocimientos, cada vez sern ms complejos y con ms funcionalidades.Como CEO de Grupo SYNCROM no me queda otra cosa que desearte que aprendas mucho y que sea hoy el da en que empieces a cumplir tus sueos.Hace ya unos aos tuve una visin: Hacer videojuegos para Android.Hoy en da, esa visin se ha convertido en una rama fundamentaldentro de la estrategia de la empresa, con dos divisiones creadas para ello, y conprofesionales de diferentes zonas del mundo (Europa, Asia y Latino Amrica).Este curso ha sido desarrollado por personas que van a formar a personas, por profesionales que van a formar a profesionales, por gente con mucha ilusin y pasin por los juegos, que esperan formar a otros como ellos.Te esperamos a t.Aprende a crear videojuegos y frjate un futuro profesional."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"ASO fcil para Google Play: Posiciona tus apps y videojuegos" |
"Aprende los conceptos ASO para lograr que tu aplicacin o juego est en los primeros puestos en Google Play.Este curso va directo al grano. No usamos 15 vdeos ni 20 transparencias para hablar de un concepto, sin que vamos al grano, porque el tiempo es oro. Y queremos que aprendas ASO de forma fcil y sobre todo rpida.Syncrom Entertainmentes uno de los pocos estudios espaoles que saca rendimiento econmico a sus juegos. Te ensearemos cmo lo hacemos con este curso.Completa gua de todos los aspectos ASO On PageCompleta gua de todos los aspectos ASOOff PageAlgunos indicadores ms que no suelen ser conocidos, pero que inciden de forma muy poderosa en el posicionamientoExplicaciones claras y directas al grano. Nada de dar 100 vueltas a la misma idea para ""rellenar"" contenido.Todo lo que mostramos en este curso ha sido testado en nuestros propios juegosSomos uno de los pocos estudios espaoles de desarrollo de videojuegos que saca un rendimiento econmico a esta actividadY te enseamos cmo t tambin lo puedes hacerTodo el poder del ASO al alcance de la palma de tu mano. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de tomar este curso, con temario actualizado a 2016.ASO son las siglas de App Store Optimization, y no es ni ms ni menos que una serie de tcnicas a seguir para optimizar la posicin que una app ocupa dentro de la tienda de aplicaciones, tanto en los TOPS como en las bsquedas particulares.Este curso est orientado a la tienda de aplicaciones de Google, es decir, a Google Play. Hay muchos cursos que hablan de la App Store de Apple, y otros que hablan de las dos. Nosotros hemos querido hacer un curso exclusivamente para optimizar Google Play. De esta forma no te perders en explicaciones que no desees, si no te interesa el mundo Apple, ni tendrs que pasar de ciertos temas. Todo lo que contamos es til y prctico, y todo, orientado a Google Play.Este es un curso nicamente en vdeo, aunque tambin te hemos dado acceso a un PDF que contiene todo el temario del curso.Al finalizar el cursosers capaz de posicionar tus propias appsusando tcnicas ASOy conseguir crear un modelo de negocio rentable con el que poder vivir con un sueldo bueno, siempre y cuando tus apps sean tambin buenas :-).Nosotros somos especialistas en Google Play. Tenemos ms de 90 juegos lanzados la mercado, y toda la experiencia que nos han dado estos juegos la hemos plasmado en este curso, que estamos seguros que ser te ser de utilidad.Adems, iremos actualizando el curso poco a poco con ms captulos, y modificando aquellos que se queden obsoletos, ya que este mundo se mueve muy deprisa, y hay que moverse con l."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu propio puesto de trabajo con ideas innovadoras" |
"El paro es nuestro enemigo.T puedes crear tu propio puesto detrabajo. Te doy 21 actividades cortas diferentes a desarrollar, y una idea de negocio muy buena para montarte por tu cuenta. Cambia el chip impuesto por la sociedad.Si despus de tomar este curso sigues sin trabajar es, sinceramente, porque t quieres.Cuando me decid a crear este curso lo hice pensando en todas esas personas que no tienen forma de trabajar, por la razn que sea, eso me da igual. Desgraciadamente, hay mucha gente sin la dignificacin que da un puesto de trabajo, sin la posibilidad de encontrar un empleo. Y eso es porque a esa gente nadie le ha ayudado a cambiar la forma de pensar.En este curso encontrars la salida a esta situacin. Te mostrar muchas actividades cortas que unidas te podrn dar un buen sueldo, y te ir mostrando tambin varias ideas de negocio que te puedan dar un buen rendimiento al mes. Eso s, NO ESPERES UN CURSO QUE TE ENSEE A GANAR DINERO FCIL. Esto no existe. El dinero se gana trabajando.Este curso est dividido en 4 grandes secciones:En la primera seccin os hablo de mi historia personal de emprendimiento. Busco ayudar a todas esas personas que estn ""que si que no""en el pensamiento de ser autnomos o de montar su propia empresa, a dar el gran paso. nimo a todos.La segunda seccin es la que ayudar a ms personas. En ella os doy 20 actividades que podris desarrollar sin demasiados problemas o trabas, para que comencis ya, desde hoy mismo, a generar un dinero que se convertir en tu sueldo y en tu propia salida laboral.La tercera seccin, es la que he dedicado a las actualizaciones del curso. En esta seccin ir describiendo nuevas tareas que me parezcan interesantes. Me podis mandar vuestras ideas y las evaluar con gusto. Si son seleccionadas, grabar un vdeo con su explicacin.La cuarta seccin est dedicada a las Ideas de Negocio. Estas ideas son ideas para montarte por tu cuenta, pero poniendo todo tu tiempo en ello. No son actividades cortas, como las de la 2 seccin, sino que son actividades para estar a ""full time"".Deja de estar sin hacer nada. Ponte a trabajar. Cambia de mentalidad. No hay nada gratificante es estar sin trabajo.Al finalizar el cursosers capaz de generar tu propio puesto de trabajologrando cambiar tu mentalidad sobre las actividades que generan dinero, y llegando a ser, sin ninguna duda, ms inteligenteque la gente que contine en el paro.Actualizar el curso con nuevas actividades y nuevas ideas de negocio, a medida que vaya encontrando temas buenos sobre los que hablar."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Estudios en Ecologa y Evolucin con ArcGIS 10" |
"En este curso empezaremos desde cero, conoceremos los principios bsicos para operar con la informacin geogrfica, llevar a cabo un proyecto SIG y manejar ArcGIS y MaxENT.Adems estudiaremos distintas fuentes que proporcionan informacin sobre Biodiversidad y variables ambientales, requeridas para realizar los Modelos de Distribucin de Especies. A parte de otras fuentes de informacin geogrfica que ofrece ArcGIS y que nos facilitarn el trabajo a la hora de presentar nuestra informacin o resultados.Tambin, dedicaremos un espacio para conocer los principales geoprocesos y herramientas que nos permiten operar, analizar y crear nueva informacin, raster y vectorial. Y analizaremos y conoceremos como trabajar con la aplicacin ArcCatalog, que es el mdulo de ArcGIS que facilita organizar y administrar la informacin geogrfica de cada proyecto SIG.Crearemos Modelos de Distribucin de Especies (SDMs) por medio de MaxENT, que nos servirn de base, para realizar otra serie de anlisis que incluiremos dentro del ArcToolbox de ArcGIS, como anlisis de endemicidad, riqueza o conectividad de paisajes.Conoceremos el mdulo de ArcGIS conocido como Model Builder que nos permitir disear metodologas SIG por medio de cadenas de geoprocesos y herramientas, como compartir estos anlisis para otros usuarios o guardarlo para aplicarlos a otras reas de estudio.Finalmente, estudiaremos las herramientas de ArcMap disponibles para crear y compartir nuestros resultado por medio de mapas."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Sprite Kit with iOS7 and Xcode 5" |
"Owner and lead instructor of, Justin Dike teaches this course on Sprite Kit programming with Xcode 5 and iOS7. He brings his practical, easy style of teaching now to Sprite Kit, Apple's own 2D game engine. This introduction to Sprite Kit course is truly meant for beginners of all kinds. If you've never programmed before, be sure to watch the first section and get some of the basics under your belt. Following that, we will pick apart the Sprite Kit starting template, then move on in the final section to build a quick game."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Everything iOS9 (but updated for 10!)" |
"**** UPDATE - We've included source projects updatedfor Swift 3. The code changes from Swift2.2 to 3wereVERYminor changes (as you'll see from the code)! With that said, here's our original description forthe course with plenty of references to Swift 2 and Xcode 7...This series of videos will focus on iOS9-related topics. All of these use Swift, SpriteKit, Xcode 7/8 and apply in most cases to both iOS and tvOS. There is no recommended viewing order for these topics. Jump right into any of the topics below:On-Demand Resources in iOS9In this video tutorial we will discuss the Swift code related to loading On-Demand Resources, or simply ODR. ODR can drastically reduce the initial size of your app, and allow your users to only download what they need, when they need it. For example, you could hold off loading images / sounds for level 2 of a game if the player will still stuck on level 1.Take Photos and Access the Camera Roll then Use them in a Sprite Kit Game!Learn how program a SpriteKit and Swift 2 based app that allows user's the option to add pictures from their camera or camera roll into the game or scene, mask the images, then adjust the layout of the picture within the mask (zoom in / out, move it, rotate, squash and stretch it). The edited masked-image can then appear in ANY other scene throughout the lifespan of the app (it's saved as an NSUserDefault).In-App Purchasing for iOS or tvOS AppsLearn how to sell Consumable and Non-Consumable Products in your iOS9 or tvOS, Swift 2-based Sprite Kit App.NSUserDefaults with Swift 2 (and how to save the location of nodes)In this tutorial, we'll look at saving various types of data to the NSUserDefaults. The NSUserDefaults is great for information that you want to exist even if the app is closed and reopened. As long as the user does not delete the app entirely, the data is still there (the data is basically like a property list that is saved at runtime). So we'll look at saving String objects, Ints, Bools, Arrays and finally a Dictionary (where objects are moved at runtime and their location is saved for the next time the app is run).Keyboard Input with Swift 2 for iOS and tvOSThis video tutorial will teach you how to open a view to enter keyboard input, close it and save the entered values as an NSUserDefault. Along the way you'll also see how to include placeholder text (to easily adjust the width / height, font, and font size of the input area), include custom fonts for the input text, and test the values of the input text. For example, you could include a Parental Gate in your app that prompts parents to enter a specific value, like 12 + 3, then test to see if they typed in 15. This code has been test on both iOS and tvOS devices.Parsing a property list with Swift 2In these videos you will learn how to parse a property list with Swift 2 and organize data (Strings, Numbers, Arrays or Dictionaries with native Swift types). Plists are useful for just about any iOS / tvOS app, but in this particular example, we will create hypothetical level data (an Array of Dictionaries), and discuss reloading the same GameScene class while ""leveling up"" each time.NSNotifications with Swift 2In this Swift 2 video tutorial, we will work with NSNotifications to call functions / send data between classes without breaking good MVC pattern (for example, having subviews send info to parent views). In our example, we'll make the GameScene post a notification to the GameViewController. We'll even pass dictionary data using the userInfo parameter.Helper Classes with Swift 2In this short video tutorial, we'll look at creating static variables and functions in a Helper class with Swift 2. This Helpers class will be accessible to any other class in your app, so it's great for reusable functions and saving certain variables. This is similar to working with Singleton classes, and for good measure, we'll even create a Singleton class to show you the subtle differences.Game Center - Achievements and LeaderboardsIn these Swift 2 video tutorials, we will work with Game Center to post scores to a Leaderboard and note progress toward unlocking Achievements. This of course involves setting up both a Leaderboard and Achievement in iTunes Connect, then authenticating the local player, and all the code involved with posting to Game Center. As always, you'll learn every step of the code. The finished project is SpriteKit and Swift 2 based."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn tvOS for Game Development" |
"***** ALLSOURCEPROJECTSHAVEBEENUPDATEDFORSWIFT3How to Create a tvOS Template for any SpriteKit GameIn the first section we will create a tvOS template for navigating between scenes (Home, Features, Team Standings), and discuss ways to pass data around classes, save data using NSUserDefaults, swipe between menu options and much more. By the end of this course you will have a template you can begin any of your future tvOS apps with.How to Create a Side Scroller Game for tvOS or iOS - Session 1In this series you will learn how to create a retro 2d-style side scroller game from scratch for the new tvOS or for iOS. The project will be initially developed using the tvOS template, then you'll see how to take most of the same code and use it for an iOS app. We'll cover all the essentials to making a side scroller: building a physics-based environment (with platforms, vines, pipes, collectibles), programming a an easy character to move using swipes, adding the HUD (for things like Score or a Lives label), sound and much, much more. Toward the end of this session we'll also discuss how to add a tvOS target to an existing iOS project and share code / assets between the two targets.How to Create a Side Scroller Game for tvOS or iOS - Session 2The epic saga continues in this second session all about how to make a 2D side scroller for tvOS or iOS. We'll look at turning our GameScene into more of a ""game engine"" by incorporating a property list to change variables on a per-level basis. We'll also talk about scoring, moving platforms (that carry the player), ""dead zones"" to kill the player, restarting from continue points, inventory, and much more!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Player vs Player tvOS Games" |
"***SOURCEPROJECTFILESUPDATEDFORSWIFT 3 (see change notes below)In the first section of videos, you'll learn how to find connected controllers, define which buttons do what, set player indexes (i.e. Player 1, Player 2, etc) and work with a basic character.In section 2, you'll learn the Swift / Sprite Kit code to work with multiple Extended / Standard Gamepad controllers (as well as the Micro Gamepad controller), to go head to head versus players in the same room. After we look at the finer points of connecting and disconnecting controllers and getting each in the right player slot, we'll discuss how to control who is who in any type game, and even go into a one-player mode where the CPU takes control of the second player. This way your two-player game can also be enjoyed by single players. We'll also discuss adding a Pause menu to your game, where players can go back to a Main menu or keep on playing.Now that we've covered all our bases in terms of controlling each player and dealing with controllers disconnecting and reconnecting, section 3 allows us to have some fun. This session we'll loosen things up a bit and just talk game play. Topics include collision detection, decrementing health, losing lives / restarting rounds, and other topics worthy of a good two-player game!***CHANGE NOTESFROMSWIFT2 to 3We've included updated source files for Swift 3. If you choose to follow along, line-by-line with the video code, you should have no problems, as Xcode 8 will auto-suggest the correct code for Swift 3."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master Typescript : Learn Typescript from scratch" |
"This course is all about exploring TypeScript and how it makes use of Object Oriented Programming concept to create large web applications in a manageable way.The course is for aspiring web developers as well as professional web developers who want to enhance their skillset. Those who have basic knowledge of server side programming with OOP like C# or JAVA will find it more easy to write TypeScript code which gets compiled to JavaScriptThe course demonstrates the practicality of TypeScript by creating a Shopping Cart ApplicationHere's what you will be learning in detail about TypeScript1. Introduction to TypeScript2. Prerequisites & Installation 3. Understanding Interfaces in TypeScript 4. Understanding Classes5. Understanding Modules 6. Understanding Functions 7. Generics 8. Declaration Merging 9. Type Compatibility 10. Creating a Shopping Cart using TypeScript and jQuery So let's get started with TypeScript"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Master NodeJs : A Practical Approach To Node JS" |
"This course provides you with a practical approach to Node.js. The main focus of this course is to get you familiar with Node and ensure that you are ready to build cool new web applications using Node in no time.In this course we will be covering fundamentals of JavaScript first so that it becomes easier to understand the different concepts and syntax that one uses in Node.JSIn this course we will covering following topicsFundamentals of JavaScript and HTML 5 Communication APIFundamentals of Node.jsCreating and Publishing ModulesUsing Node Package ManagerCreating a Webserver using NodeLearning how to use ExpressUnderstanding how to work with Databases like MySQL and MongoDBDeploying our Web application on Heroku, Azure and Amazon EC2Learning how to make use of Socket.IOCreating a cool chat applicationLearn how to implement authentication using Express,Mongoose and PassportA brief introduction to MEAN Stack and creating a hello world MEAN applicationSo what are you waiting for let's get started with Node"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Master Mean : Learn the fundamentals of Mean Stack" |
"This course provides you with a practical approach to MEAN Stack. The main focus of this course is to get you familiar with MEAN Stackand ensure that you are ready to build cool new web applications using MEAN Stackin no time.In this course we will be covering fundamentals of JavaScript first so that it becomes easier to understand the different concepts and syntax that one uses in MEAN Stack.First we discuss what MEAN is all about and its pre-requisites1. We take you through the fundamentals of JavaScript so that you feel at ease when we discuss MEAN concepts2.Next we see how we can install MEAN Stack on different Platforms like Windows,MAC and Linux AWS EC2 Instance3. Once we are through with the installation we proceed with Express and see how we can work with it here we cover all the basics of Express like Express Templates, Partials,sharing content across routes, using Express Generator and Exploring Express Middleware4. We then start with developing a course based website to explore all the concepts that we discussed so far as well we explore how we can create models for mongodb using mongoose and do basic and advance validation using mongoose5. We also cover Authentication using Express and Passport6. We then Explore how to work with AngularJS where we see how to configure client side routing, creating controllers, fetching and binding data using Ajax and Angular, Creating a custom Service and understanding Route Parameters and Form ValidationsAs this course is about MEAN Stack so we have covered AngualrJS in that respect only if you want to learn only about AngularJS then you should be looking at other amazing courses available on this platform7.Finally we learn how to deploy our solution on production, here we will be covering Heroku deploymentWe also see how we can use Gulp to minify scripts for our AngualrJS SPASo what are you waiting for let's get started with MEAN Stack"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Master Meteor - Meteor JS From the Ground up" |
"Now covering the latestMeteor version1.4This course provides you with a practical approach to Meteor. The main focus of this course is to get you familiar with Meteor and ensure that you are ready to build cool new web applications using Meteor in no time.In this course we will be covering fundamentals of JavaScript first so that it becomes easier to understand the different concepts and syntax that one uses in MeteorIn this course we will be covering following topicsBasics of JavaScriptSpacebar Basics [if,with,each,template helpers]Meteor BasicsTemplates, Collections, Publishing Event HandlingPublisher Subscriber FunctionalityRefarctoring our codeUsing BootStrap and Exploring Shadow DOMAuthenticationSessionServer MethodsRoutingDeployment on Meteor and AWSHow to Reset Meteor DatabaseSo what are you waiting for let's get started with Meteor"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Mongo DB : All About MongoDB" |
"Learn the MongoDB from scratch. Covers the latest version 3.2This course provides you with a practical approach to MongoDB. The main focus of this course is to get you familiar with MongoDB and ensure that you are ready to build cool new web applications using MongoDBin no time.In this course we will be covering fundamentals of MongoDBfirst so that it becomes easier to understand the different concepts and syntax that one uses in MongoDBIn this course we will covering following topicsIntroduction to MongoDBInstalling and Running MongoDBUnderstanding Replica SetsExploring Mongo ShellNoSQL terminologyWorking with MongoDB DatabaseQuerying CollectionsWorking with MongoDB OperatorsExploring Count,Sort and LimitCRUDOperationsIndexingWorking with PHPand MongoDBThere's only one thing that you have to do apart from watch the video and that is to type the queries on your ownSo what are you waiting for let's get started with MongoDB"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Raising SuperLearners: Prep Your Kids for Lifelong Learning" |
"The world is changing. Fast.Whether you look towards science, technology, health, politics, or culture, one thing is universally clear:Todays Children Will Grow Up In A Totally Different World Than They Were Born IntoBut with such rapid and unprecedented changes to the way that humans live, how can we, as parents, teachers, siblings, or mentors, prepare todays children to succeed in life?How can we groom children for the future if we have no idea what it will look like? In all truth - there is only one way:Prepare Them To Learn Anything & Everything Faster & More EffectivelyIn Raising SuperLearners, you'll jointhe creators of one of Udemys most successful and highest ranking courses of all time, Become a SuperLearner, a blockbuster course that has helped over 100,000 adults from all over the world read faster, remember more, and learn more effectively.In this all-new course, they've created a comprehensive methodology, designed and adapted to help groom the next generation of SuperLearners. Based on years of refinement and research done Dr. Lev Goldentouch and hiswife Anna, and time-tested with theirown gifted children and students, this course gives you the tools, frameworks, and exercises to help prepare your children for lives rich with curiosity, enjoyment, and enthusiasm for learning. From adjustments to your attitudes and belief systems, to specific games and exercises to play with your children, this course offers parents both new and experienced a look into the minds (and homes)of two parents who've made a living out of giving kids a ""leg up.""Additionally, the course will explore these methods and strategies from the perspective of the child. It will compare and contrast the techniques to the techniques used by Jonathan Levi's parents to transform him from a failing student with learning disabilities to a successful entrepreneur and self-made millionaire, by assessing various examples, and hearing, for the first time ever, how they influenced Jonathan's own development.The course is comprised of easy-to-view lectures and fun exercises that you, as a parent, teacher, or adult, can practice with the children in your lives to accelerate their learning, without suffering or boredom on either side. We look forward to seeing what your children will achieve!So enroll today and learn how you, too,can begin Raising SuperLearners."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Become a SuperLearner 2: Learn Speed Reading & Boost Memory" |
"One of Udemy's Top Selling Courses of All Time - New & Improved Version 2.5!Don't accept imitations!After over 50,000 satisfied students in our original course, Become a SuperLearner has been updated, upgraded, and improved from the ground up. This course will teach you how to hack your learning, reading, and memory skills, empowering you to learn anything and everything faster and more effectively. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply embarking on a new hobby, you are forced to grapple with an ever-increasing amount of information and knowledge. In fact, it's believed that one week's worth of the New York Times contains more information than people 100 years ago encountered in their entire lives. We've all experienced the frustration of an ever-growing reading list, struggling to learn a new language, or forgetting things you learned in even your favorite subjects. Anyone can develop SuperLearning skills! This course is about improving your ability to learn new skills or information quickly and effectively. We go far beyond the kinds of ""speed-reading"" (or glorified skimming) you may have been exposed to, diving into the actual cognitive and neurological factors that make learning easier and more successful. We also give you advanced memory techniques to grapple with the huge loads of information you'll be able to process. You'll learn how to input and retain information in a whole new way - a faster, better way The core of this SuperLearning course involves 3 ""Super Skills"": Speed-reading with high (80%+) comprehension and understandingMemory techniques for storing and recalling vast amounts of information quickly and accuratelyDeveloping the cognitive infrastructure to support this flood of new information long-termHowever, the SuperLearning skills you'll learn in this course are applicable to many aspects of your every day life, from remembering phone numbers to acquiring new skills or even speaking new languages. How this new course will change your life and triple your learning speed: The sad irony is that in order to learn most of these superlearning skills and memory techniques in the past, you had to read dozens of books and psychological journals. Or, you had to hire an expensive private tutor who specializes in superlearning. That's what I did. And it changed my life. Fortunately, my instructors (experts in the fields of superlearning, memory techniques, and speed-reading) agreed to help me transform their materials into the first ever digital course. That course, Become a SuperLearner 1.0, took the internet by storm, becoming one of the top courses in the history of Udemy, and resulting in a bestselling book and top-ranking podcast. How is it different from SuperLearner 1.0?Over the last 2 years and 50,000+ students, weve had tens of thousands of data points and pieces of feedback, helping us improve both our methodology and our teaching practices. This new course has more (and better) content than ever before, including:Completely re-written lectures emphasizing clarity and engagement!All-new lectures on topics never before covered!Hands-on demonstration videos for every major conceptDramatically improved video and audio qualityInteractive worksheets to print and completeEven MORE supplemental resources!We can confidently say that this is the best, most comprehensive accelerated learning product weve ever released on Udemy.The course will require 2-3 hours of memory and speed-reading practice and training per week, and last roughly 7-9 weeks. It won't be easy - but if you put in the work, you are guaranteed to succeed. In addition to the lectures, there is an additional 1.5 hours of supplemental video content from TED, YouTube, and other sources which are considered part of the course curriculum. SuperLearner and ""Become a SuperLearner"" are registered trademarks of SuperHuman Enterprises, LLC."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Become a SuperHuman: Naturally & Safely Boost Testosterone" |
"Heres a thought experiment:If you could create a magic pill to improve your body in any way, what would you make the pill do?If youre like most people, you might want the pill to...Help you lose weightMake you more attractive to the opposite sexEnhance your brain performanceSpeed up healing and recoveryCombat depression and reduce anxietyBut heres the kicker:What if I told you that this pill actually exists?Wouldnt it be awesome if you could get this pill in a natural, safe, legal, and sustainable way?Well, SuperFriend, today youre in luck.Enter: Becoming a SuperHumanBecome a SuperHuman is an all-in-one course that will teach you how to hack your diet, exercise, and habits to safely boost your testosterone the motivation, fitness, health, and happiness superdrug.In my early 20s, I discovered that my low testosterone levels were negatively impacting my life.From low energy levels to unimpressive results in the gym, I knew that I had to do something.So, using my SuperLearning skills, I went through MOUNTAINS of information to develop a safe, healthy, legal, and sustainable regimen to increase my testosterone.And the results were amazing.I now have more vigor and energy, a stronger physique and even more success with the opposite sex and in my career.And, lucky for you, Ive packaged everything I know about safely and naturally boosting your testosterone into one action packed course Become a SuperHuman.Become a SuperHuman has 33 lectures of high-quality video content, all designed to help you develop a clear ""action plan"" for improving your health from the ground up.When you enroll, youll get immediate access all the knowledge you need to get the incredible benefits of boosted testosterone, helping you:Save thousands of hours of research and get straight to the meat: the important things you need to know to improve your healthLook and feel healthier, happier, and more full of vitality as you watch your body transform and reach it's true potentialDevelop a clear ""action plan"" for improving your health from the ground up, including diet, exercise, sexuality, and daily habitsJoin a community of like-minded ""biohackers"" who share their experiences and encourage one another to achieve the best resultsTrack your results with a convenient progress tracking worksheet, and keep track of everything you need to know in one convenient place...and much, much more.Look:Losing weight, enhancing your brain, speeding up healing and recovery, and combating depression doesnt have to be hard.Contrary to all the crazy solutions out there, you can make some simple and proven tweaks to your lifestyle to naturally increase your testosterone that will help you take care of all of the above.Simply click ""Enroll Now"" to start your journey today!Medical Disclaimer: The information in this course is intended for educational purposes only. Jonathan Levi & SuperHuman Enterprises, Inc. assume no responsibility to persons or property as a result of use or misuse of the information contained within. Always consult a health professional before making any changes to your health regimen."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Creating a Meaningful Life & Developing Habits of Happiness" |
"We all want to live a lifeof meaning, joy, and fulfillment. But lets be honest its not easy!Finding our passions, defining our purpose, and balancing all the many aspects of a complete and rich life this stuff takes work!In this course, the product of over 2 decades of university-level workand thousands of lives changed, were going to give you the strategies, tools, and frameworks to create the meaningful life of your dreams.Fortunately, there are powerful, hands-on exercises you can do to discover your life's purpose and achieve your dreamsThis isnt some fluffy course about motivation and inspiration. Its an intensive, step-by-step action plan to help you...Build the foundation of a happy and meaningful lifeUnderstand the science of happiness and how to apply itDiscover the purpose and mission of your life - and pursue them!Create wellness and balance in all 8 of lifes core elementsDevelop the wisdom and self knowledge to be your true selfUnderstand the role of change and harness it to propel yourself forwardReframe negativity and obstacles to avoid getting stuckDevelop powerful and effective goals to help accomplish your dreamsUncover your core values and learn how to live them to the fullestMap out and design your life for meaning and happiness - deliberatelyBuild the powerful support system and the nurturing environment that helps you achieve greatness...and much, much more!For the first time ever, you can Create a Meaningful Life in the comfort of your own home!Join top-rated university professor Linda Levine and Jonathan Levi, one of Udemy's all-time bestselling instructors, in this first-of-its kind online course.Throughout the course, well use the same hands-on techniques and exercises used by the worlds top life coaches and university professors alike to help you define and attain a truly meaningful life. You'll learn about powerful, life-changing tools such as...The Wheel of LifePersonal MissionStatementsCore ValuesCognitive ReframingSMART GoalsLife DashboardsVisionBoardsHappiness Habitsand many other techniques for increasing happiness and fulfillment!Its going to take hard work - and were going to push you out of your comfort zoneBut through this course, were going to get there together.Whether youre mostly satisfied with your life, or deeply in need of a change, this course is guaranteed to improve your life in measurable and remarkable ways.We cant wait to see what youre able to achieve - but as youll learn - designing the life of your dreams is about taking actionSo click Enroll Now and join us on this incredible journey, so that you, too, can Create a Meaningful Life."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Free your Self: Sharpen and Expand your Mind with Meditation" |
"With simple daily practise you can make your life into a positive one: Stay confident and happy throughout your dayImprove your mental focus and stabilityIncrease your awarenessLearn to handle anxious, depressed, negative feelingsBecome a constructive person in your relationships Mental Precision is the ability to see the details of the situations you find yourself in accurately. Awareness is the degree to which you notice and connect with the people and actions around you. Developing both is key to this positive approach to life. Most courses in meditation focus on mental precision you have likely heard of this as mindfulness and only to a beginner degree. This course provides both beginner and advanced instruction in both mindfulness and expanded awareness. It will grow with you and be a resource you will come back to again and again for the rest of your life. Reclaim your Life by Learning and Practising these Meditation Techniques Develop mental stability Learn to stay present all of the time Learn to stay open whatever the situation Re-connect your mind with your body Increase your self-awareness Reduce your fear Improve your confidence The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation are Well-Supported by Studies Expanding awareness is just beginning to be studied in Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology and will likely be the next big buzz. But the brain and psychological effects of a regular mindfulness practice have been studied for many years now. A regular practise has been shown to Reduce Stress Reduce Anxiety Reduce Depression Reduce Addictive Tendencies Improve Concentration Improve Attention Improve Memory Improve Sleep Provide Emotional Balance and Stability Increase Positive Emotional States Help Children and Adolescents Handle Intense Emotions Diminish Age-Related Neural Degeneration A downloadable pdf of these studies is just one of the many resources you will have at your fingertips if you sign up for this course! Course Overview The course is designed in a multi-tiered way so that it can serve many different needs, both beginner and advanced, without bogging anyone down with long, boring videos! 1. The core is a series of easy to follow instructions into four different meditation techniques, progressing in difficulty from those that develop mental precision to the final module for expanding awareness. 2. The background module is filled with short, topic-specific videos that provide more in-depth treatment of some of the nuances of meditation, posture, location, eyes, and so on. You dont need to look at these to get started; these are here for those people who have extra questions. 3. The background module also includes longer videos and mp3s that are designed to be a conceptual guide to meditators as they progress through different levels of awareness and begin to have different questions about their experiences. Again, if you just want the core, its a stand alone set of instructions. In addition to the content videos, each instruction module includes loads of guided meditations, both as videos and as downloadable mp3s, for you to use as you develop your practise. Supplemental videos of challenging physical activities, for example some yoga poses, to use for your active meditation practise are continually being added. Pick and choose which aspect of the course you want to focus on. When you start out you might just want simple instruction, but after some months or years, you will have more questions. This course will grow with you and is designed as a lifelong companion meditation practise. Why Am I Teaching this Course? I had been trying to meditate on and off for a large part of my life and never had much success. Then, some years ago, because of my research in cognitive science and philosophy of mind, I became interested in mindfulness from a theoretical perspective. I really learned to meditate then and havent looked back. After receiving lots of student feedback from my course Brain Training++ and from students at the university where I teach, I realised that a course like this one is needed! I have tried to present everything I have learned tips that work for me and for others, motivation to keep at it, and background concepts that help make sense of the changes you will experience in a way that is accessible to everyone AND that goes much deeper than most meditation courses do. If Youve Ever Asked any of these Questions, this Course is for You!How could meditating make me happy? How could meditating ever make my life more meaningful? Should I be trying to empty my mind of thoughts during meditation? What is the difference between thinking about something and being aware of it? Is there a difference? What is going on in my brain/mind when I am in the flow of the moment? Is there a difference between being in a flow state and being mindfully aware? What are thoughts anyway?Can we ever get rid of thoughts completely? Basically, if you have ever wondered about some of the mental experiences you are having, both on and off the cushion, this course offers videos and MP3s of more in-depth discussion of the phenomenological effects of meditation, of what these experiences mean in the context of your life, and how these changes can move you toward developing a more personally meaningful, happy life. What You will Learn in this Course Four meditation techniques, each designed to develop a particular aspect of mind: stability, precision, presence, and finally awarenessWhy meditation affects our brains/minds positively, from a neurological levelWhy meditation affects our brains/minds positively, from a psychological levelThe brain/body effects of an on-going meditation practiceThe psychological effects of an on-going meditation practiceConcepts of mind and consciousness that will give you the tools to think more deeply about your own experiences, not just during meditationLinks to resources, both online and paper, on meditation, mind, neuroscience, including an up-to-date list of the current studies of meditations effect on the brain, body, and mindIntroduction to various physical activities to meditate during yoga, martial arts, dance I will keep adding classes as I receive suggestions Developing these aspects of mind will pay you back tenfold with an increase in ... happiness, good feelings, calmness, confidence, control, mental focus, memory, problem solving, creativity, groundedness. What you Will Get from this Course A Happier Life Mental Precision Mental Focus Mental Presence Mental Calmness Mental Stability Mental Awareness Self-Awareness Body Awareness Self-Confidence Courage Other-Awareness Compassion for Others A Happier Life If you only ever take one meditation course, this is the one to take because it will grow with you when you are ready to move on to the next step, or have new questions, it will all be there waiting for you."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Rapid Prototyping: Build a demo in 1 hour" |
"If you're in the design industry, changing career path or you're an entrepreneur... Anybody who needs to create prototypes for mobile and web, to show your clients, co-workers or investors how the real world-app will look and feel like, this course is definitely yourbest choice!You'll learn how to design your prototypes in collaboration with teammates in a very user-friendly platform, which will lead to a more efficient way to work and get things done!You'll learn how to design from scratch a mockup and prototype, which will later become the foundation of more projects and practice so you can become proficient designing in no-time!In this course we focus on learning from the basics of prototype design, why it's so important, what things you need to take into consideration before even drawing, a bit of theory and a practical hands-on project so you can design whatever you want and use your phone and PC to make it work in minutes!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing 2020: Complete Guide To Instagram Growth" |
"**BRAND NEW CONTENT & UP TO DATE 2020! - COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE!**Instagram is a powerful and fun social tool that allows you to market your business to hundreds of new customers everyday! There are over 1 Billion Instagram users, and learning simple strategies to gain targeted followers can significantly increase your businesses revenue.Instagram is a simple & effective way to connect to new customers:Create an attractive, powerful and professional Instagram business profileConnect with 500+ targeted users every day on InstagramBuild strong trustworthy relationships with your Instagram followersUse the proven marketing skills and the follower funnel technique to convert followers to paying customersKeep up with all the new features Instagram are continuously implementing to grow your business and account OVER 50,000 amazing HAPPY students have taken THIS courseInstagram is a small time investment for a huge customer return!Once you spend just a few hours learning the powerful proven Instagram marketing techniques, you will see why we are the recommend course. We have easy to follow step by step techniques to grow your followers and market your business.Your time will pay off by reaching thousands of new customers, and building a strong, trustworthy relationship through Instagram will skyrocket your brand awareness to a level beyond your expectations. You will have the tools to create quality content, grow your Instagram followers and market your business to these hyper-targeted customers.When making a purchasing decision, people online use your social media presence as a measure of the quality, and trustworthiness of your business. Nothing speaks trust and quality louder than having a thousands of targeted, real, and loving Instagram followers on your profile (of which you can contact at any time!) Your profile will be professional and compelling and you will be using stories, live streaming and all the other new features Instagram releases.Instagram for Business Contents and OverviewThis Instagram course is designed for anyone who want to learn how to use Instagram to grow their followers and business. We are constantly keeping up with all of the new features and changes implemented and you have lifetime access to the course.In this course, we start with the very basics and you will learn how to create a powerful, professional Instagram profile for your business designed to effectively appeal your target customer. Even for people who have already established an account, it is imperative to know that you have done this in the optimal way for Instagram growth and marketing!You'll then learn, using the incredible Instagram promotional marketing strategies, how to gain hundreds of followers, comments and likes for your business account every single day. All the time we are here to answer questions.What sets this apart from other Instagram management & marketing courses is that by the end of this course - you will know all the strategies for you to grow your followers and convert your successful Instagram statistics into sales, customers and loyal fans!By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you effectively build a strong community of Instagram followers, convert them to paying customers, and finally sell them your products and services. You'll also receive practice activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources to guide you through the entire process. From setting up your Instagram account, gathering a strong relevant following, to increasing the profit of your business.Looking forward to seeing you on the inside ;)- Benji Entrepreneur Academy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Snapchat Marketing: Attract New Customers & Grow Your Brand!" |
"**BRAND NEW UPDATED - NOVEMBER 2015 COMPLETE COURSE!**Snapchat is a powerful and fun social tool that gives you a new strategy to access potential customers for your business! With 100 million daily active users and 400 million snaps per day the opportunity to grow your brand is huge! (Especially when almost no other businesses are using these strategies!)Snapchat is a simple & effective way to connect with customers:Know how to navigate, and Understand Snapchat PsychologyConnect with a New Audience and Potential CustomersBuild strong trustworthy Relationships with your Snapchat FollowersUse Advanced Strategies to Sell Your Products and ServicesSnapchat Marketing is a small time investment for a huge customer return!Once you spend a couple of hours learning the powerful Snapchat marketing techniques in this course, it will pay off with reaching thousands of new customers, and building uniquely strong trustworthy relationship with them. Snapchat will skyrocket your brand awareness, and trust with your customers to a level beyond your expectations.Right now Snapchat is a unique and incredibly powerful Social Platform for your Brand to dominate with very little time spent. You have daily access to an entire new world of your customers where you can connect, entertain, and passively sell them your products or services.Snapchat Marketing Contents and OverviewThis Snapchat Marketing course contains over 20 lectures and 2 hours of content. It's designed for anyone with an interest in growing your brand, customer base, and revenue through social media.In this course, you will learn the how to create a Snapchat profile for your business designed to effectively appeal your target customer.You'll then learn, using various promotional streams and strategies, how to gain hundreds of followers, comments and likes for your business account every single day.By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you effectively build a strong community of Snapchat followers, convert them to emails, and finally sell them your products and services.You'll also receive practice activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources to guide you through the entire process. From setting up your Snapchat account, gathering a strong relevant following, to increasing the profit of your business.I am looking forward to seeing you on the inside ;)- Benji"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ghostcodes for Snapchat Followers: Find 1000's of Customers!" |
"**BRAND NEW UPDATED - JUNE 2016COMPLETE COURSE!**Ghostcodes is the Brand New Snapchat App that Will MakeThousands of People to organicallyDiscover Your Account and Follow You On Snapchat!Snapchatis a powerful and fun social tool that gives you a new strategy to access potential customers for your business! With 100 million daily active users and 400 million snaps per day the opportunity to grow your brand is huge! (Especially when almost no other businesses are using these strategies!)Snapchat Marketing is a small time investment for a huge customer return!Once you spend a couple of hours learning the powerful GhostCodemarketing techniques in this course, it will pay off with reaching thousands of potentialnew customers, and building uniquely strong trustworthy relationship with them. Snapchat will skyrocket your brand awareness, and trust with your customers to a level beyond your expectations.Right now Snapchat is a unique and incredibly powerful Social Platform for your Brand to dominate with very little time spent. You have daily access to an entire new world of your customers where you can connect, entertain, and passively sell them your products or services."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Retrospectivas en la prctica" |
"Las retrospectivas son reuniones que se realizan en el entorno de proyectos e iniciativas organizacionales. Son muy frecuentemente utilizadas por los equipos que utilizan mtodos giles, pero pueden fcilmente incorporarse a equipos que utilicen metodologas tradicionales e, incluso como una herramienta para la operacin diaria.El objetivo de estas reuniones es lograr la mejora incremental, tanto en los aspectos tcnicos, como en los interpersonales.La retrospectiva suele estar guiada por un facilitador. Adems de regular el espacio de dilogo, el facilitadorsuele incorporar dinmicascon el objetivo de potenciar la exploracin y generacin de alternativas para la mejora.En este curso veras el por qu de la retrospectiva, cual es su estructura, tips y tcnicas para llevarla adelante del modo apropiado.Esperamos que te genere mucho valor!Saludos,El equipo de KNOWMENT"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Validate. Sell. Build. The Guide to Insanely Great Products!" |
"Want to launch your new product or service but worried it will flop?Currently working on your business idea and struggling to get it off the ground?This course walks through proven strategies for... Validating an idea from scratchReverse engineering ideas and features of your business based on what your market wantsBuilding an email list from scratchPreselling a productThis standalone module is the first section of The Monetize Your Expertise Program which retails for $997 on my home site."This course is kinda live-changing...did not expect this" - Russell S. The framework of this course works great for any industry or product, but those who are interested in creating online courses will find extra benefit from it.Grant Weherley, The Online Course Guy and Bestselling Udemy Instructor"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding and using Oracle PL/SQL programming language" |
"This course will give and overview of the OraclePL/SQL programming language.This course is a must have for anyone considering learning more about databases and database managementWhether as a DBA or Database application developer, PL/SQL is foundations to understanding how Oracle works and how to change data within the database.We cover all the fundamental aspects of the language and use real world example to manipulate databases.Topic covered Include:-Explanation of PL/SQL- Language Syntax, Sections, Operators, Assignments and Variables- Using PL/SQL toautomaticallydoupdates, inserts and deletion of records of an Oracle Database- PL/SQLCursors - to bring in large data sets to work with- PL/SQL Loops - to loop through tables of data- PL/SQL Exceptions - to trap and handle coding exceptions both user and machine generated-PL/SQL Triggers - to have the table automatically change data based on the other data- PL/SQL Functions - to return a frequently used value and avoid duplicate coding- PL/SQL Procedures - to get anonymous blocks into reusable coding procedures- PL/SQL Packages - to put PL/SQL objects together to quicker retrieval"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Siemens S7-1200 PLC & HMI from Scratch using TIA" |
"This course is specifically for the people who wants to kick start their training inSiemens PLC &HMI. We are using Siemens S7-1200 PLC and KTP 400 HMI along with SiemensTIA- Total Integrated Automation software for making tutorials. You will find high quality videos tutorials along with copy of presentation and PLC codeused in the course.We are teaching programming in Ladder Logic with touch of FBD- Functional block Diagram. Later in HMI section we have interfaced Siemens S7-1200 PLC with HMI to learn monitoring and control of PLC parameters.Following is the pattern of the course:Introduction lecture of the commandExercise Example of the commandFactory I/OIndustrial Application Example in real 3DDynamics environmentQuiz to evaluate your performanceCopy of presentation and PLC code(if applicable) with every lectureAfter learning this course, you would be able to install and program SiemensPLC and HMI in your project or industrial application. This course covers the basic fundamentals commands of PLC.If you buy the course today, the updates would be included in the course for free.About Us:NFI is anIndustrial Automation Training Academyexists to bridge the skill gap betweenIndustries&Engineering Colleges. We train students/professionals in Automation skills that can help them in securing their path to success. NFI provides quality education in the field of industrial automation control systems that are being installed across industries. The course material is designed in a way that helps students in acquiring knowledge of these systems and use revolutionary thinking to keep the productivity and profitability high while reducing downtime of machines and troubleshoot the systems fasterNFI offers E-Learning Industrial Automation Courses to facilitate the students & engineers far across the world. NFI usesmotivational Learning tools&software&Self learning Video tutorialfor flexible & easy learning."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Full Body Detox" |
"In this program you will learn:Where toxins hide in your personal care products like shampoos, creams and cleansers.Natural alternatives to toxic skincare productsSimple, easy recipes for skin and beauty care solutionsEach video is delivered in 3-7 minute pieces, so that it is easy for you to follow along with the material. You will also receive a downloadable manual/ebook.Upon completing this program you will know:How to keep you and your family safer by knowing how to detox your personal care routineHow to make simple, easy and money-saving body care solutions!How to keep your body and skin beautiful and healthy using natural things, most of which may be in your home right now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Detoxing" |
"In this program you will learn:Where toxins hide in your personal care products like shampoos, creams and cleansers.Natural alternatives to toxic skincare productsSimple, easy recipes for skin and beauty care solutionsEach video is delivered in 3-7 minute pieces, so that it is easy for you to follow along with the material. You will also receive a downloadable manual/ebook.Upon completing this program you will know:How to keep you and your family safer by knowing how to detox your personal care routineHow to make simple, easy and money-saving body care solutions!How to keep your body and skin beautiful and healthy using natural things, most of which may be in your home right now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |