Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Brahmavidya Meditation - a highway to self-realisation" |
"This meditation is something different. It is a full-length spiritual soaking90% of the duration and the last 10% of the duration you will be left alone to sink deeper and deeper in the newly-imbibed ideas. Stillness of the mind, or a blank thoughtless mind is not the aim of this meditation. It is a spiritual soaking and you will revel in the Himalayan heights of Upanishadic thoughts not commonly heard of. That-Twam-Asi (You are That) (I am That) sounds something abstract, doubtful, distant; but this meditation makes it perfectly clear to you that YOU ARE THAT. A person who has serious questions and doubts about spirituality can get all his answers in this meditation. Some-one actually told me: I feel I am re-born, after this meditation. A person who is ripe enough to receive Brahmavidya knowledge about Brahmam (that itself is knowledge about Self ) will attain Self-Realisation, Athma gnanam, Brahma gnanam -- in this nearly 1 hour of meditation. ""The ultimate peace and security is in Self-knowledge"" says Nisarga Datta."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Brain Health - special yoga" |
"There are some mudras that work like magic. There are mudras to improve the efficiency of pituitary gland, to improve the co-ordination between the right brain and left brain, to prevent the shrinkage of brain, mudras that achieve an angioplasty in three sessions of 5 minutes each, that cures urine infection in 15 minutes. There are breathing patterns that produce serotonin hormone in the brain, cleanse the brain cells, create alpha waves in the brain. Bhastrika pranayama is the worlds best brain tonic. These are some of the inclusions in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sicurezza Informatica - Corso per principianti del dark web!" |
"La sicurezza informatica e la protezione dei dati sono temi ora pi che mai attuali e importanti. Spam, pishing, truffe e violazione della privacy: sono solo alcuni dei pericoli che puoi incontrare sul web. Scopri con questo corso come proteggerti dalle minacce informatiche, come navigare in modo sicuro e come salvaguardare la tua privacy e quella della tua famiglia."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor Professional" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo atender demanda de conhecimento tcnico para a execuo de modelagem de peas, montagem de conjuntos mecnicos e elaborao de folhas tcnicas utilizando uma das mais conhecidas ferramentas CAD, o Autodesk Inventor, por meio de mtodos simples e objetivos dentro do contexto de projetos mecnicos."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"You 2.0 From Serendipity to Synchronicity" |
"I believe that we all truly want to experience life to its fullest, but many times will feel as though we are falling short and missing the mark. Often this causes us to feel depressed and out of place. Our lives seem to be on a very ""serendipitous"" like path. It's like things just happen and luck and hope are the things we hold on to struggling to survive and not thrive. Well, the goal of this series of talks is designed to move you from a life of serendipity to one of ""synchronicity"", where things begin to fall into place at the right time and the right place! ""You 2.0 From Serendipity to Synchronicity "" was created through many years of coaching individuals to be the highest and best expression of themselves. Now is the time for your to take action and grab ahold of what is happening around you. This program will help you to become a much better version of yourself- You 2.0!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico de psicologa - principiantes" |
"Todos hemos escuchado hablar del trabajo psicolgico, pero sabemos en realidad en que consiste? Actualmente es comn ver en los medios de comunicacin representaciones o referencias errneas del trabajo psicolgico, sin embargo, esta es para muchos la nica referencia, lo que impide acercarse con un profesional capacitado en caso de ser necesario.En este curso realizaremos una revisin histrica del surgimiento de la Psicologa, a fin de conocer sus principales autores y objetivos, as como las posibilidades de trabajo actual. De esta manera sera mas sencillo comprender la evolucin de este trabajo e identificar las necesidades actuales. Al finalizar, tendrs una visin mas amplia del trabajo psicolgico y sus posibilidades, surgiendo as un campo mas amplio y respetuoso para este trabajo."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"TPL Crash Course for BMC Discovery" |
"Learn how to master the basics of TPL from a beginner to intermediate!The course assumes that you have basic knowledge of infrastructure and software architecture as well as familiarity and experience with BMC Discovery, particularly from an administration point of view.The course will cover activities such as:Run active commands to retrieve information from serversModel Software and Business Application InstancesTest and debugging issues with the TKU and your own custom patternsThis is a great opportunity to take your Administration knowledge of Discovery to the next level and actually develop value-add extensions and Application Models for your company."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Medicina Ortomolecular NFN Suplementos" |
"Conocer conceptos bsicos de medicina ortomolecular con el fin de concientizar y tomar riendas en nuestra salud para lograr prevenir enfermedades, a su vez conocimientos importantes de nutricin y suplementos para ayudar a otras personas, es para nosotros un compromiso darte herramientas necesarias para que logres obtener mejor calidad de vida bajo tu propia responsabilidad Los suplementos son vitales para nuestra salud en conjunto con la buena alimentacin equilibrada, salir del sedentarismo y activarse con ejercicios, esto en conjunto con buenos suplementos como Vitaminas, Aminocidos, Minerales, Protenas, Hierbas, Productos naturales de buena calidad y si es en extractos estandarizados que nos garanticen rpida absorcin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design Sprints: validar mi idea en 5 das" |
"Si hay una constante hoy en da es la velocidad con la que suceden las cosas. No ha habido un momento en la historia de la humanidad como el actual, en el que todo evoluciona a una velocidad de vrtigo y en el que los ciclos de innovacin sean a la vez tan rpidos y tan cortos en el tiempo.Esta velocidad de cambio hace que muchas empresas no puedan atender a las demandas cambiantes de sus clientes y/o usuarios. Ya que estar enfocado en los objetivos de negocio es diferente a innovacin, en cuanto a esfuerzo, equipos, objetivos, mtricas y tiempos. La noticia es que tenemos que ser buenos en ambos, lo que denominan organizaciones ambidiestras, pero, cmo hacerlo?Metodologas como Lean Startup estn cambiando muchas cosas, no slo como los emprendedores/intraemprendedores se aproximan a la bsqueda de un modelo de negocio o a la solucin de un reto sino al sano ejercicio de experimentar, medir y aprender. Junto con otras como Design Thinking o Agile Development trabajan siempre en un entorno incierto e inestable, donde las reglas son tan dinmicas y tan imprevisibles que es difcil pronosticar con xito cualquier estrategia o evento. La nica certeza es que no podemos dejar de aprender.Al principio de cualquier proyecto sabemos que lo ms crtico es entender y que lo que determinar el xito la velocidad de aprendizaje. En este curso te vamos a ayudar a aprender en 5 das la mayor cantidad de informacin que sea relevante para tu proyecto, reto o modelo de negocio para realizar las investigaciones necesarias para resolver aquella duda de debo realizar este proyecto? Si quieres entender a tus clientes, si quieres conocer lo que realmente quieren, dar una salto de la idea al testeo de un prototipo, a la construccin de un modelo y a la realizacin de experimentos en el mundo real, y en tan slo en cinco das, este es tu curso!Aprende el proceso que utiliza Google Ventures para resolver retos y clarificar proyectos que lleva a cabo. Hemos depositado toda nuestra experiencia en los ltimos aos en consultora y formacin en grandes organizaciones en procesos de innovacin gil y lo ponemos en tu mano."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a hacer los Mapas de Poder y Alianza de t empresa" |
"Este curso ensea a utilizar una tcnica que es parte del conjunto de herramientas de la Planificacin Estratgica, especficamente del rea prospectiva. Tendrs cmo resultado los mapas de poder e influencia de t organizacin y el manejo de una nueva tcnica muy til para el anlisis de entorno. Adicionalmente aprenders conceptos tiles para estructurar situaciones y escenarios."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Avoid Becoming A Victim: Safety Teaching For Women" |
"I'm about to get very raw and real with you. At the tender age of 17, I found myself the victim of an attacker. I had known this attacker for a couple of years, and thought that he was harmless. Thankfully, I was a very strong young lady, as I had always been athletic. I was able to fight him off, all without knowing any self defense, like I do now. My situation could have turned out much worse. That event changed me for life. It showed me that I needed to stop being naive and to think smarter. Several years later, I became friends with a young woman that I'll call ""Sheila"". One evening, Sheila decided to make a late night, grocery store trip. As Sheila was putting her groceries in the trunk of her car, in full view, of a the parking lot, a man came up behind her. He held a weapon to her and forced her into the car. (Your survival chances go down by some 75% if an assailant ever gets you into a vehicle). Without going into details, Sheila survived that, but spent many years in therapy, and surgeries.My desire is that events as described above, or worse, never happen to you.Years down the road, I took up Krav Maga. I've trained financially disadvantaged women in self defense techniques. But, that isn't what this course is about. The purpose is to teach you how to hopefully avoid having to resort to the physical act of having to defend yourself. Even if you come out the victor, it will still leave you emotionally scarred for sometime to come. The goal here is to teach you new skills to help you to avoid becoming someone's victim. You no longer have to live in a large city to find yourself in danger. Danger lurks all around. I want you to learn how to stop being gullible, and putting yourself in situations that could cause you great harm. Learn clever techniques, and how to think ahead, thus, hopefully, avoiding danger. As I add or change courses, you will always have lifetime access to any new updates. There are no additional costs associated with this course. I have, however, included some suggestions on safety products that may or may not be of interest to you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos da Gesto de Riscos" |
"Curso voltado para os profissionais das reas de gesto de riscos, auditoria, compliance, controles internos e seguros. O curso apresenta os fundamentos bsicos de gesto de riscos e um framework bsico para identificar, mensurar e mitigar riscos com diversas ferramentas tradicionais, entre elas a Matriz de Riscos e Bow-Tie Analysis."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Codeigniter ile Sfrdan Admin Panelli Site Yapyoruz" |
"Codeigniter ile Sfrdan Admin Panelli Site Yapyoruz. Bu eitimi izledikten sonra gnde 2 site kodlayabilicek duruma geleceksiniz. Codeigniter ile Sfrdan Admin Panelli Site Yapyoruz. Bu eitimi izledikten sonra gnde 2 site kodlayabilicek duruma geleceksiniz. Codeigniter ile Sfrdan Admin Panelli Site Yapyoruz. Bu eitimi izledikten sonra gnde 2 site kodlayabilicek duruma geleceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Zen Gardens Meditacin" |
"Con este programa aprenders a meditar, si ests iniciando en el camino de la meditacin. Conocers los beneficios que te otorga la meditacin. A su vez podrs hacer de la meditacin una prctica diaria. Y si eres un meditador experimentado podrs agregar herramientas a tu prctica de meditacin que potenciarn tu desarrollo personal y emocional.nete a Zen Gardens Meditacin y experimenta una nueva dimensin de paz y tranquilidad en tu vida.Namast."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Create a Fashion Website Using Bootstrap, Jquery and SASS" |
"In this course I will teach you how to create a professional website using Bootstrap, Jquery Framework and SASS. After finished this course you can create a professional website by yourself and you will have more knowledge and skills to develop websites and then you can to sell that websites or go to work in companies."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Python Learn by Python Projects & Python Quizzes in 2020" |
"Python Programming course & full Guide for Python Programmers & Python Coders in a simple and easy way with Python Examples, Python quizzes, Resources & Python Projects to master Python 3 from zero to hero in this course.What you will learn in this course ?In this course you will learn how to Install Python 3.In this course you will learn how to use python IDLE.In this course you will learn how to choose Python IDE to learn coding.In this course you will learn how to Install Anaconda for Python coding.In this course you will learn how to use Online Jupyter for Python Programming.In this course you will learn to install Pycharm for Python Programming.In this course you will learn how to use Pycharm for Python coding.In this course you will learn how to use Python IDLE.In this course you will learn how What the difference between Variables & Operators in Python.In this course you will learn Operators Types in Python.In this course you will learn Python Data Types.In this course you will learn String Functions & entries in Python.In this course you will learn how to use Input String Function in Python.In this course you will learn Python Data Structures.In this course you will learn how to create Lists & lists operations in Python.In this course you will learn how to create Dictionaries & Dictionaries operations in Python .In this course you will learn how to create Tuples & Tuples operations in Python.In this course you will learn and when to use For Loop in Python. to create Sets & Sets operations in Python.In this course you will learn how and when to use Control Flow and Loops in Python.In this course you will learn IF Statement and control flow in Python.In this course you will learn how and when to use For Loop in Python.In this course you will learn how and when to use While Loop in Python.In this course you will learn how to Handle Errors in your Python programs.In this course you will learn how and when to use Python Functions.In this course you will learn how and when to create functions in Python.In this course you will learn how and when to use Lambda Expression in Python.In this course you will learn how to create and use to Python Modules.Lear how to use Python to open files.Learn coding in Python by examples in this course.Apply what you will learn in Python through exercises in this course.Learn Python by doing through Python Projects in this course.Python Project (CCG) to master what you will learn in this course.In this course you will learn how and when to use Object Oriented programming(OOP) in Python.Second Python project in Python Object Oriented Programming.Recap files to review what will learn in Python in this course.Why to master Python Programming Language by this course ?Python is a high level programming language, strong, elegant, and easy to learn.Python is Faster than R programming language when used for data science.Python Has lots of libraries which facilitate its use for data analysis.Python is Objective oriented programming Language so you can use objects when coding in python.Python is Free open source programming language.Python can be used for a large variety of programming tasks, such as for desktop applications, game programming and mobile development all of that can be done using Python programming Language.Python is a cross platform language, which means that code written for one operating system, such as Windows, will work well on Mac OS or Linux without making any changes to the Python code."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python & Python OOP with Exercises& Projects in2020" |
"Python Programming Basics and Python Object Oriented Programming Guide for Python Programmers & Python Coders in a simple and easy way with Examples, quizzes, Resources & Python Projects to master Python from zero to will learn:Object Oriented programming(OOP) in Python:1. Simple classes in Python Object Oriented programming.2. The constructor in Python Object Oriented programming.3. Dunder methods in Python Object Oriented programming.4. Inheritancein Python Object Oriented programming.Advanced OOP in Python:5. Multiple Inheritance in Python Object Oriented programming.6. Encapsulation in Python Object Oriented programming.7. Polymorphism(Overriding) in Python Object Oriented programming.8. Decorators(@classmethod vs @staticmethod) in Python Object Oriented programming.9. Built-in Decorators(@property) in Python Object Oriented programming.Projects:First Python Project (CCG) to master what you will learn.Second Python Project X-O Game Classes to master what you will learn.Also, this course covers Python basics:How to Install Python 3.How to use python IDLE.How to Install to use Pycharm as Python IDE.How to use Jupyter notebook(I python).What the difference between Variables & Operators.Operators Types.Python Data Types.Lambda Expression.String Functions & entries in Python.How to use Input String Function.How to create Lists & lists operations in Python.How to create Dictionaries & Dictionaries operations in Python .How to create Tuples & Tuples operations in Python.How to create Sets & Sets operations in Python.IF Statement and control flow.For Loop.While Loop.Error Exception in python.What are Python Functions.How to create functions in Python.Python Modules.How to open Files in Python.Why to master Python Programming ?Python is a high level programming language, strong, elegant, and easy to learn.Faster than R programming language when used for data science.Has lots of libraries which facilitate its use for data analysis.Objective oriented programming Language so you can use objects when coding in python.Free open source programming language. Python can be used for a large variety of programming tasks, such as for desktop applications, game programming and mobile development.Python is a cross platform language, which means that code written for one operating system, such as Windows, will work well on Mac OS or Linux without making any changes to the Python code."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Chatbot thu ht 10.000+ khch hng vi chi ph 0 NG" |
"Bn ang bn hng online trn facebook, sinh vin mun khi nghip, hay nhn vin vn phng mun kim cng vic lm thm online?th bn hng trn facebook l la chn s 1 hin nay Vit nam.NhngBn khng bit bt u t u, khng bit qung co, khng bit thu ht khch hng, khng bit chm sc khch hng, ...v rt nhiu th au u gp phi khi bn hng.Th y l kho hc c thit k dnh ring cho bn, hng dn bn chi tit t c bn n nng cao, cch xy dng mt chng trnh bn hng hon chnh s dng chatbot, chm sc khch hng t ng, theo di khch hng, tip th li, c bit cng thc viral thu ht 10.000+ khch hng vi chi ph 0 ng."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Core Java Concepts - Practice Questions - Set1" |
"This course contains practice questions from Core Java concepts - Declarations, Access Types, Object Orientation standard techniques along with explanation of correct answers. Further assistance will be provided if students face any difficulty and/or need more clarifications on top of what is already provided. Different practice tests will cover more core java concepts in turn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Core Java Concepts - Practice Questions - Set2" |
"This course contains practice questions from Core Java concepts - Object Orientation, Assignments standard techniques along with explanation of correct answers. Further assistance will be provided if students face any difficulty and/or need more clarifications on top of what is already provided. Different practice tests will cover more core java concepts in turn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PicsArt Full Guide:Basic to Advance In Photo Editing" |
"Yes,Everyone know that Photoshop is complicated . But If I Tell you , that you can even edit or retouch your photos better than Photoshop that too easily in a minute or two and most importantly in your smartphone . Yes you have clicked on the right course. This course will help you be a pro in editing and retouching photograph from PicsArt( a professional photo editing app) ........Requirements:- 1- A Smartphone (Android, iOS ) .2- No prior knowledge required.3-Internet connection (For better Editing)You will learn the following from this course:-1-People after purchasing this course would be able to edit their photographs from their mobile phones like a pro.2-Learn how to erase and replace background.3- Learn the secrets for retouching a photograph.4-Edit photographs like Photoshop from your mobile phone.5- Learn How to make professional Youtube Thumbnails.6- Know the process of creating a professional logo.7- Know the process of creating a professional Noen effect.Enroll Now!!!!!Sincerely Your Instructor-Sajjad Alithis course is for All Beginners to advance"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
macarons-with-low-sugar-content-english-subtitles |
"Coup de Coeur Online - - . : 5 3 , , _______________________________Master class on macarons by Coup de Coeur online school is not just a recipe, it is a ready variant for business or additional income.With this course you will get:Working recipes and technologies for 5 macaron fillings and 3 recipes for macarons shells, according to which youll be able to create your own recipesThe ready-made pattern for macaron packagingRecommendations on how to create a selling in social media pageInstructions on how to set up the project on macarons selling in a minimal amount of time and with a minimum budgetSurpass your clients expectation suggest them the best macarons they have ever tasted."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Business Statistics I" |
"Welcome to Business Statistics IThis course has been designed from Scratch to Advanced level.Learn about Statistics including important statistic business terms.Presenting Data & Data Distribution Central Tendency including Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Harmonic Mean, Geometric Mean, Winsorized Mean, Trimmed Mean, Quartiles, Deciles & Percentiles.Detailed Data Distribution Measures of Dispersion including absolute measures of dispersion and relative measures of dispersion , Range, Coefficient of Range, Quartile Deviation, Coefficient of Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation through Mean, Median and Mode, Coefficient of Mean Deviation Median Deviation & Mode Deviation, Standard Deviation & Coefficient of Standard Deviation, Variance & Coefficient of Variation. Learning Skewness and its measures & KurtosisLearn Correlation simple, Ranked and combined, Regression simple and Multiple.Regression, including scatterplots, correlation coefficientNumbers simple and composite including simple and chain index, weighted and un-weighted index & Consumer Price IndexTime series Analysis including semi average method, moving average, 4 quarter moving average centered, least square method, decomposition, ratio to moving average .YOU'LL ALSO GET:Lifetime access to Become a Data Science for Business Statistics IFriendly support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion available for download30-day money back guaranteeStudents, I hope you will enjoy the course as much as I have wile designing the course. Students if you have any questions related to topics mentioned above kindly leave in the comments feedback section below.Enroll Now to start the journey!Best RegardsIftikhar A."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Compositing Photoshop - Mixer 3D et prise de vue relle" |
"Dans ce tuto sur Photoshop et Autodesk fusion 360 (Facultatif !), vous allez crer un compositing, savoir un photomontage homogne d'images de provenance diffrentes (ici, un rendu 3D et des images relles).Pour raliser cela, vous commencerez par une initiation sous Autodesk Fusion 360 (gratuit !) afin de crer un objet 3D (les modules anti-gravit) ; en utilisant des techniques de modlisation HardSurface sans, toutefois, la complexit habituelle des logiciels 3D. Il ne sera nullement ncessaire de connatre le logiciel dans son intgralit pour cette formation. (Cette partie, pour les rfractaires la 3D est optionnel, le fichier 3D et le rendu final vous tant fournie !) Dans un premier temps, nous paramtrerons l'image de rfrence (calibration de la taille au mm prs !)ainsi que les prfrences de navigation afin que tout le monde puisse partir sur les mmes bases. De l, vous commencerez la modlisation proprement parl. Fusion 360, va vous permettre de raliser celle-ci l'aide d'un minimum d'outils, en un minimum de temps (ici environ 40 minutes). Enfin, une fois votre modle ralis, vous lui appliquerez, matriaux, textures et lumires afin d'effectuer au final, un rendu.Et tout cela, uniquement dans Fusion 360. Enfin, dans la partie sous Photoshop, pour que vous puissiez votre tour raliser vos propres compositings, il sera ici question d'apprendre des bases : Comment dtourer rapidement votre sujet principal Incruster des textures et dtails, afin d'augmenter l'intgration Utiliser le contenu prise en compte (afin de retoucher rapidement un lment indsirable sous Photoshop 2019) Crer des lumireset bien d'autres choses encore !Tous les fichiers source ainsi que le montage final (au format .psd Photoshop) vous sont fournis pour que vous puissiez aborder cette formation dans les meilleures conditions possibles. De plus, je suis votre disposition, via la messagerie, pour rpondre vos questions, alors n'hsitez surtout pas.Fusion 360 Student :Pour terminer, sachez qu'une version gratuite de Fusion 360 valable sur une dure de 3 ans reconductible est disponible sur le site d'Autodesk. Une note explicative d'enregistrement et d'installation vous est fournie avec les sources.Bonne formation tous !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Falar em Pblico" |
"Um curso 2 em 1. Aprenda a falar em pblico e supere o medo de falar em pblico. Descubra os caminhos para superar a vergonha, a timidez e outros limites e potencializar suas qualidades e habilidades sociais. Sim, este um curso para voc! Falar em pblico muito mais do que aprender tcnicas, um encontro com suas capacidades e motivaes mais profundas e aqui voc ver que possvel superar os limites."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ionic 4/5 - Crer une application de shopping [2020]" |
"Etes-vous audacieux/audacieuse ?Actuellement dans le monde dInternet, il y a une application mobile pour presque tout : pour les Soins de Sant, pour les Rencontres Amoureuses, Shopping etc. Le dveloppement dApplication Mobile nest plus le mme quauparavant. Le processus comprenait jadis le design, les fonctionnalits, le cot et le temps ncessaires pour construire lApplication pour chaque plateforme. Il fallait la fois connaitre Java pour dvelopper pour Android et aussi Swift pour IOS. Chose qui rendait la tche difficile un seul programmeur.Jai commenc par la programmation web (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular) et trs vite jai eu envie de crer mon application mobile. Et lide dapprendre deux langages diffrents pour 2 plateformes diffrentes ne me rjouissait pas. Cest alors que jai appris lexistence de Ionic.Ionic est un Framework open source, bas sur Angular, qui permet de dvelopper en HTML, CSS & JavaScript des Applications mobiles multi-plateforme ( la fois pour Android & IOS ) pour le mme code source.Voil pourquoi jai cr cette formation : Pour vous permettre de crer vos applications mobiles grce aux connaissances que vous avez dj (la programmation web).Je suis dveloppeur web, jadore Javascript et ses Frameworks / librairies. Je matrise notamment JQuery, TypeScript, Angular, Ionic, React, React Native, Meteor, Electron, NodeJs etc. Et jai appris avec exprience quil est plus facile dapprendre programmer grce un projet qui nous plait. Voil pourquoi ce cours est orient projet. Nous allons apprendre utiliser Ionic en crant une Application de shopping du mme style que Vinted . Et en plus comme bonus la cl, je vous offre 2 Cadeaux : Une formation introductive Git et un Ebook gratuit qui rsumera toute notre formation (code compris).Grace Udemy, cette formation est garantie satisfait ou rembours pendant 30 jours et cela sans aucune conditions. Si le cours ne vous plait pas, cest simple, on vous rembourse. Alors inscrivez-vous Maintenant.Cette formation vous permettra de :De crer une application de shopping qui permettra l'utilisateur de vendre des articles et d'entrer en contact avec ceux qui vendent pour acheter.De matriser les composants dIonic 4 tels que ActionSheetController, ToastController, LoadingController, Pull Refresh etc.De matriser les plugins dIonic 4 tels que Camera, ImagePicker, DeepLinks, File Transfer, Social Sharing etc.De persister des donnes dans MongoDB laide de Loopback (framework Node.js).Jai eu la chance, ds mes dbuts en dveloppement web, dapprendre lexistence dapplication mobiles hybrides.Alors nattendez plus, cliquez sur le bouton et inscrivez vous maintenant et on se retrouve de lautre cot pour commencer. Bienvenue dans cette formation Ionic 4."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"React Clone Netflix (+ Redux, React Router & Firebase) 2020" |
"Es-tu audacieux/audacieuse ? Es-tu pret atteindre ta libert financire grace React ? Veux-tu apprendre utiliser le framework javascript le plus populaire ce jour ? Ou mieux encore tu as les bases mais tu dsires maitriser le framework ? Tu as surement dj entendu parl de React. React est un framework JavaScript open source maintenue par Facebook. Soit dit en passant, React est aussi consider (par beaucoup) comme tant une Librairie javascript. Il permet de crer des applications Web monopage (single page application), via la cration de composants. A mon avis les problmes avec React, c'est : qu'il est tellement simple utiliser;il nous laisse le libre choix de dcider de tout ce que l'on veut pour notre application et cela de A Z. Voil pourquoi on s'embrouille facilement dans son propre code. Pour ma part, mes dbuts j'ai commenc par la programation web (HTML, CSS et Javascript). Et trs rapidement je dcouvre Angular (Framework javascript dvelopp par Google). Je dcide d'en faire mon framework favoris puisqu'il utilise Typescript, et qu'en plus Ionic utilise Angular. Alors lorsque j'entendais parl de React, je me disais ""bof, ce n'est qu'un framework javascript de plus... je ne suis pas oblig d'apprendre tous les frameworks du monde"". Mais j'avais tord de rfchir de la sorte parce qu'un jour j'ai lu sur le web que Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Whatsapp, Pinterest et j'en passe utilisaient tous React. C'est alors que je me suis pos la question de savoir pourquoi tous ces grands noms ont-ils choisis React au lieu d'Angular (par exemple) ? Pour rpondre cette question je me suis dit ""Je vais apprendre React pour me faire ma propre ide..."" Et j'ai rapidement dcouvert les 6 tapes pour penser en React.T'es tu dj demand comment mettre en place les 6 tapes pour penser en React dans un Projet rl ? Voil pourquoi j'ai cr cette formation : Pour te permttre de crer tes applications web avec React et cela de faon structure (en suivant les conseils des crateurs de React).Je suis dveloppeur web, jadore Javascript et ses Frameworks / librairies. Je matrise notamment JQuery, TypeScript, Angular, Ionic, React, React Native, Meteor, Electron, NodeJs etc. Et jai appris avec exprience quil est plus facile dapprendre programmer grce un projet qui nous plait. Voil pourquoi ce cours est orient projet. Nous allons apprendre utiliser React en crant notre Propre NETFLIX et par dessus le march permettre nos utilisateurs de nous payer via PayPal pour pouvoir suivre des films en ligne.Grace Udemy, cette formation est garantie satisfait ou rembours pendant 30 jours et cela sans aucune conditions. Si le cours ne te plait pas, cest simple, on te rembourse. Alors inscris-toi Maintenant.Cette formation te permettra de :Crer ton propre NETFLIX (application de sevice de video en streaming) en React; Gagner de l'argent grce ton application en permettant tes utilisateurs de te payer, en intgrant le payment via Paypal;Faire le difference entre les differents cycles de vie d'un composant et dans quel cas les utiliser;Ecrire et crer des Functional Components, Class Components et HOC et dans quel cas utiliser chacun;Enrichir ton application grace ce aux clbres packages react-player, react-fontawesome, react-firebaseui, reactstrap;Rcuprer une liste de films partir de l'API themoviedb;Rcuprer les dtails de chaque film toujours grace themoviedb;Rechercher un film particulier en passant par themoviedb grace une barre de recherche...A la fin de cette formation tu seras en mesure d'utiliser avec aisance : Les composants ReactLes propsLe JSXReduxReact Router (React Router DOM)Les evenements onClick, onMouseEnter et onMouseLeavereact-paypal-express-checkoutles composants d'ordre suprieurreact-playerreact-fontawesomereact-firebaseuireactstrapl'api themoviedbun systme d'authentification via les rseaux sociauxla scurit dans l'applicationAlors nattends plus, clique sur le bouton et inscris-toi maintenant et on se retrouve de lautre cot pour commencer. Bienvenue dans cette formation React."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Authentic Japanese Cooking: How to Cook Japanese Home Dishes" |
"Japanese cuisine is world famous for its healthy and delicious food. In this course, you'll learn how to cook Japanese dishes from scratch, but in a quick and easy way. Delight your family, friends and kids with these authentic Japanese dishes! A Japanese Mom of three young kids will show you the easiest way to cook Japanese dishes from traditional to fusion style."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Pilates Comprehensive Course (from a Pilates Instructor)" |
"What do Lady Gaga, Madonna, Cameron Diaz and Tiger Woods have in common? Pilates!In this simple course divided into easy to follow 8 week increments (lifetime access) for all levels, you will learn:Pilates breathing techniquesProper body movementHow to train your core muscles Good posture Pilates exercises to promote healthInstructor Chika learned Pilates at the University of Nevada, and has taught Pilates in 5 countries over the last 13 years, and has helped students from 11 to 80 years old:Knee painBack pain & Sciatica Nerve PainStiff shouldersPoor postureToned body"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"DevExpress ile .Net ortamnda Kolay Programlama" |
"Bu kurs ile hzlca ve pratik bir ekilde nasl programlama yaplr bunu reneceiz.Kursu alacak olan rencilerin c# ve mssql tarafnda balang seviyesinin biraz stnde olmas gerekmektedir.DevExpress aralarn kullanp, .Net ortamnda, MSSQL ile hzl bir ekilde programlama tekniklerini kavram olacaz.Sizin talep ve grleriniz dorultusunda, bu projeyi gelitirmeye devam edebiliriz. Anlalmayan yerler olursa, soru&cevap ksmnda iletiime geebiliriz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Read like a writer and write a short story" |
"Learn how to read and write a short story by analysing texts from both international contemporary and classic authors as varied as Anton Chekhov, Richard Yates, Shirley Jackson, James Baldwin, Kurt Vonnegut, Flannery O'Connor, Katherine Mansfield, Margaret Atwood and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.By the end of this course you will have:1. Learnt how to critically analyse and appreciate a short story for its technique in delivery;2. Prepared the first draft of your own story;3. Read a range of stories by international authors; 4. Been making notes of your own observations, experiences and emotions to help you write; and5. Experimented with different aspects of the writing craft.Sign up if you love reading short stories, have always wanted to be exposed to a more diverse range of authors and want to write one of your own."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |