Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Robtica y optimizacin inteligente con Octave o Matlab" |
"Ests interesado en implementar optimizacin inteligente en diferentes aplicaciones? Entonces este curso es para ti!Al terminar el curso, entender cmo funciona y cmo puede utilizar PSO para resolver sus propios problemas de optimizacin. Si est familiarizado con otros lenguajes de programacin, es fcil traducir el cdigo .m y reescribir el cdigo PSO en otros lenguajes de programacin.Como bono, este curso incluye plantillas de cdigo .m que puedes descargar y usar en tus propios proyectos.Realizaremos aplicaciones como:Identificacin de sistemas SISO (modelo dinmico de procesos de una solo entrada y una sola salida)Identificacin de sistemas MIMO (modelo dinmico de robots o sistemas de mltiples entradas y salidas)Ajuste ptimo de parmetros de controladores PID con multiobjetivosControl de posicin optimo de un brazo robtico de 2DOF"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Robtica con Arduino: Diseo de controladores de movimiento" |
"Te gusta el grandioso mundo de la Robtica?Entonces este curso es para ti!!!!Aprende a disear algoritmos de control para diferentes tipos de robots mviles, areos y brazos robticos, utilizando Octave o Matlab para realizar pruebas simulados y luego implementarlas experimentalmente en Arduino en un Robot Diferencial.El objetivo de este curso es entender paso a paso el procedimiento de diseo de diferentes algoritmos de control utilizando mtodos como la teora de Lyapunov, Mtodos Numricos y lgebra Lineal, para tareas de posicin, seguimiento de trayectoria y camino.Como bono, este curso incluye plantillas de cdigo de Arduino, Matlab y Octave que puedes descargar y usar en tus propios proyectos. Una vez adquiera cualquiera de los cursos no solo estar presente en los vdeos sino que tambin podrs preguntarme todas tus inquietudes acerca del curso.Este curso presenta el diseo de los siguientes algoritmos de control.Control de posicin sin orientacin basada en LyapunovControl de posicin sin orientacin con saturacin de velocidades basada en Lyapunov Control de posicin con orientacin basada en LyapunovControl de seguimiento de trayectoria basada en LyapunovControl de seguimiento de trayectoria basada en Lyapunov con saturacin de velocidadesControl de seguimiento de trayectoria basada en Mtodos NumricosControl de seguimiento de trayectoria basada en lgebra LinealControl de seguimiento Camino en 2D (dos dimensiones)Control de seguimiento de Camino en 3D (tres dimensiones)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Breath of Life" |
"Breath of Life is an uplifting and insightful journey to greater balance and wellbeing. Each lesson examines one of the 7 dimensions of wellness that contribute to OPTIMAL health and also presents a unique MY DAILY BREATH section where you can explore and learn to implement simple + effective practices for living your best life!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Pass the 11 Plus Exams for Grammar and Private School" |
"This is a one-in-a-lifetime course that will help your son/daughter- student, into understanding the maths behind many 11 plus past papers. I will go through every past paper available, and will go through every single question to make sure your student know the reasoning behind the answers. This will be very, very useful for the upcoming exams. As a Maths tuition tutor, with many students attaining grammar school places as well as academic scholarships to private institutions, I know what the student needs in helping the student to succeed.This course prides itself on working on simplicity and understanding. Without knowing the basic, core concepts, students often struggle to work on harder questions at the end of exams. My course will cover the easier questions and build up to the harder questions- like an exam question. This course primarily uses the Past Papers developed by the schools themselves because there is no better resource than the ones developed by the school itself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Dicas Incrveis para sua Marca" |
"Ol! Rodrigo Lima aqui!Esse minicurso foi criado para servir como notas de conferncia digital para uma palestra realizada em julho de 2019 no Rio de Janeiro. voltado para empreendedores donos de negcios que esto buscando por novas ideias para se posicionarem de forma diferente no mercado. tambm um contedo que funciona independente como base de pesquisa para pessoas que desejam empreender e no sabem por onde comear."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Excel Essencial" |
"Este curso foi elaborado para apoiar os alunos, profissionais e estudantes das diversas reas, na soluo de problemas do seu dia-a-dia, tendo como base a histria de 30 (trinta) anos de experincia do autor. Visa prepar-los, desde a construo do raciocnio lgico da situao especfica, at a sua aplicao prtica no Excel. Por que devo conhecer bem o Excel?No h uma s empresa que sobreviva sem planilhas eletrnicas;O Excel possui mais de 90% do mercado mundial de planilhas;Aumenta geometricamente, a cada dia, a procura por profissionais com domnio em Excel;Apesar de suas e dcadas de mercado, a grande maioria dos usurios no conhece, sequer, frmulas e funes bsicas. V alm e destaque-se!.Nesse contexto, buscaremos esclarecer algumas dvidas comuns a todos, como, por exemplo:O que essencial saber de Excel? O que preciso saber para ter fluncia em Excel? Preciso de autonomia! O que estudar? No tenho muito tempo, mas preciso aprender!O curso Excel Essencial abrange tpicos definidos a partir de anos de observao e pesquisa, abrangendo conhecimentos que, quando bem sedimentados e aplicados, garantem plena capacidade dos usurios no uso do Excel.Acreditamos que o Excel no deva ser conceituado apenas como uma ferramenta para elaborao de planilhas, mas, sim, como uma poderosa plataforma de desenvolvimento de solues empresariais com avanados mecanismos de controle."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Mapas Personalizados no Excel" |
"ObjetivoNosso objetivo com este material transmitir informaes, como ponto de partida consistente para que todos possam criar seus prprios mapas dinmicos em Excel, ampliando as opes de demonstrao de resultados e enriquecendo as apresentaes produzidas. Dessa forma, valoriza-se o profissional e se abrem as janelas para de um mundo ilimitado de opes.Exemplificamos, aqui, utilizando mapas, porm, ressaltamos que podemos extrapolar o raciocnio para, por exemplo: o corpo humano e suas partes; automveis; aeronaves; plantas empresariais, enfim, todo e qualquer elemento que possa ser dividido em partes menores.Mapas dinmicosH uma frase muito dita, h dcadas, no Brasil e com equivalentes em outras partes do mundo: Uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras. Quando pensamos em demonstrar, de modo simples e eficaz, alguma informao, sempre pensamos em ilustraes, grficos, smbolos e, cada vez mais comuns, mapas, principalmente os mapas temticos.Um mapa temtico um mapa baseado numa carta topogrfica que representa qualquer fenmeno geogrfico da superfcie terrestre. Um mapa temtico tem sempre objetivos relacionados com a exposio da relao, densidade ou variao espacial de objetos reais ou grandezas estatsticas.Mapas temticos so representaes de informaes sob uma perspectiva geogrfica, transformando o Espao-Territrio em elemento de anlise espacial de dados, apresentando informaes extremamente especializadas.Por exemplo, podemos demonstrar as vendas por cidade, por regional, por pas ou continente, representando cada elemento com uma cor ou textura diferente, dependendo de seu valor.Existem inmeros sistemas especializados em gerao e gerenciamento de mapas e dados estatsticos, chamados SIG (Sistemas de Informao Geogrfica).Porm, podemos utilizar o Excel como ferramenta alternativa para a apresentao de resultados em mapas, de modo simples e com baixo custo. Exploraremos, neste material, as tcnicas necessrias para obtermos esse resultado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Basic Graphic Design for Print On Demand (POD) and Merch" |
"This course teaches basic graphic design principles and examples specifically as they apply to t-shirt and print-on-demand design. It is geared toward beginners and those who may have been designing for a while but feel they're just winging it and would like some real training. This is not abstract theory; rather, you'll see real-life examples of good and bad design and how to make a ""meh"" design better.Sellers are entering the print-on-demand field in record numbers. Most have no graphic design training whatsoever. This course gives you a foundation for creating sellable designs, which will put you ahead of 95% of the competition. This can make or break you in the POD field; I want to help you make it!I use Photoshop and Illustrator to teach this course. However, the principles you'll learn are not software-dependent, which makes it super flexible and applicable to anyone in print on demand, even if you're designing primarily on mobile."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Webentwickler von A bis Z (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP ...)" |
"Profitiere von meiner Expertise. Ich bin Fabian Bitter und bin 12 Jahre im Bereich Webentwicklung ttig. Ich habe fr alles gearbeitet was Rang und Namen hat und viele groe Projekte umgesetzt. Mein Fazit: Geht nicht - gibts nicht. Und genau nach diesem Leitfaden nehme ich dich mit auf eine Reise in die fabelhafte Welt der Webentwicklung. Erlebe eine Express-Ausbildung wie du sie in keinem anderen Kurs finden wirst.Vorkenntnisse bentigst du keine. Lediglich Interesse und Lernbereitschaft solltest du mitbringen. Durch die lebhafte Gestaltung meiner Lernvideos probiere ich dir so einfach und kompakt wie mglich alles beizubringen. Wir fangen an mit den absoluten Basics. Also dingen wie funktioniert das Internet, was passiert im Hintergrund wenn du eine Webseite aufrufst bis hin zu komplexen Webanwendungen mit Datenbanken und PHP. Du erlernst sowohl die Kunst der Frontend-Entwicklung. Also die Programmierung und Gestaltung des sichtbaren Bereiches einer Webseite. Aber auch die Backend-Entwicklung. Also die Entwicklung des unsichtbaren Teils einer Webseite der sich hinter den Kulissen auf dem Server abspielt. Du weit nicht was ein Server, PHP, ein Frontend oder ein Backend ist? Absolut gar kein Problem denn bei mir lernst du wirklich alles!Kein kleingedrucktes. Kein leeren Versprechungen. Ich lasse Taten sprechen und bringe meine Expertise auf den Punkt gebracht an dich weiter. Und das im Schnelldurchlauf. Nehme jetzt Teil an meinem Kurs und lerne mit Freude und Spa an der Ausbildung alle Grundlagen die du bentigst um Webentwickler zu werden. Am Ende wirst du in der Lage sein komplette Internetseiten zu erstellen. Entweder fr dich oder fr Kunden (falls du dich entscheidest in dem Bereich ttig zu werden). Aber auch falls du gerade in einer Ausbildung steckst und einen Crahskurs brauchst damit du wieder hinterherkommst ist mein Lernangebot genau das richtige fr dich.Ich hoffe ich konnte dein Interesse wecken. Vielleicht bis Gleich - bei mir im Kurs. Jederzeit abrufbereit. Du musst es nur wollen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"concrete5 - Eine vollstndige Einfhrung" |
"In diesem Videotutorial erlernst du das Content Management System concrete5 zu bedienen. Das besondere ist, dass es sich um das erste vollstndige deutschsprachige Video handelt! Denn die Community von concrete5 ist hauptschlich englischsprachig unterwegs. Concrete5 zhlt durch seine einfache und innovative Bedienung zu den beliebtesten Redaktionssystemen weltweit und hat sogar schon mehrere Awards gewonnen. Trotzdem kann es schnell sehr komplex werden wenn man doch mehr als eine Standard-Seite erstellen mchte.Und genau darber handelt dieses Video. Ich nehme dich mit auf einen kurzen Lernausflug und bringe dir das gesamte System bei. Angefangen bei der Installation bis hin zu wirklich jeder einzelner Backend Seite. Wir durchleuchten jede einzelne Ecke und jede einzelne Schaltflche. Ich bin Fabian Bitter und concrete5 Experte. Ich habe ein Buch ber Concrete5 verffentlicht, habe zahlreiche Projekte mit concrete5 realisiert, bin Entwickler von zahlreichen Marketplace-Erweiterungen und habe alle Zertifikate gemacht, die man nur machen kann. Du bist also bei mir genau richtig!Kurz und knapp: Wenn du keine Lust hast dir alle Informationen mhselig von englischsprachig Quellen zusammen zu suchen ist dieses Video das richtige fr dich. Den hier erlernst du alles in unter drei tunden - kurz und einfach erklrt - und das alles in deutscher Sprache. Lehne dich zurck und schau dir das Video bis zum Schluss an. Ich bin mir sehr sicher das danach alle Unklarheiten aus der Welt geschaffen sind und du in der Lage bist dieses Wundervolle System zu bedienen und auch anspruchsvolle Webseiten zu verwalten."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NEU: Amazon AWS fr Anfnger (Deutsch)" |
"Amazon S3, EC2, Elastic IPs, RDS, Policies, IAM und CloudFront. Falls das gerade noch wie chinesisch fr euch klingt, verspreche ich euch das Ihr nach meinem Video all diese Amazon-Dienste kennen werdet.In diesem deutschsprachigen Video richten wir einen Webserver auf einer EC2-Instanz ein, konfigurieren einen externen RDS-Datenbankserver mit MySQL, erstellen einen S3-Server um statische Dateien auszulagern und konfigurieren ihn richtig.All das und noch viel mehr geballt in nur einer Stunde Lernvideo unterteilt in kurzen und knackigen Kapiteln.Und das beste: Wir fangen komplett von vorne an. Angefangen mit der Einrichtung eines Amazon AWS-Kontos bis hin zur fertigen Konfiguration und Installation einer Webanwendung auf der neuen AWS-Umgebung.Ihr bentigt eine Kreditkarte fr die Einrichtung. Es wird von Amazon 1$ fr die Verifikation abgebucht. Es werden auch Prepaid-Kreditkarten akzeptiert. Alle Services die in diesem Videokurs durchleuchtet werden, sind Teil des Free-Tier-Programmes und sind somit 1 Jahr lang kostenfrei und haben keine vertragliche Bindung. Somit handelt es sich hiermit um ein Praxistutorial zum mitmachen.Ich freue euch euch in meinem Kurs zu sehen und wnsche euch viel Spa beim angucken und mitmachen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Belive de A a Z - faz Live streaming como um Pro" |
"Fazer vdeo em directo pode ser uma excelente ferramenta para potenciar a tua marca pessoal ou o teu negcio, digo-o por experincia prpria. No entanto, podes pensar, complicado, requer muito tempo de preparao, no sei como o fazer.Nao te preocupes, neste curso, vou-te explicar passo a passo como podes atravs do Belive, preparar directos em menos de 10 minutos, e depois, encantares a tua audincia.Acompanha-me neste curso e v como podes brilhar com vdeos em directo!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Belive de A a Z - crea vdeos en directo cmo un Pro" |
"Usar herramientas para hacer vdeos en directo puede ser un reto muy grande y una barrera para ir ao aire. Belive, es una herramiente qu a la vez es muy sencilla de utilizar y te permite crear escenas muy profesionales en la pantalla.En este curso, te explico y enseo todo lo que puedes hacer y como hacerlo, para qu en menos de 5 minutos, tengas todo listo para salir al aire y brillar delante de tu audiencia!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Implement GDPR AI - Data Governance Control Framework" |
"Accessing Data Privacy Risks and knowing whether an organization is compliant with certain legal parameters are two things that can bring any company down when they are oblivious of what should be done.Hence, this course will be showing you how you can implement Data Governance Control Framework for setting a couple of things right in your organization. On this course, you will be given in-depth lessons on General Data Protection Regulation, Cyber-security, e-Privacy Laws and SCA Regulations, IBM AI tools for governing as well as mitigating risks compliance, Business Continuity.Our instructors are well-experienced and true professionals in every sense of the word. Their method of interaction is what can be appreciated by any class of students. Our experience in the field of data cannot be overemphasized and our achievements speak volumes. We have spent quality time and plenty of years to build our knowledge and track record on Data Governance Control Framework, intimating us with the necessary knowledge in this field of study. We have got the best assessment methods for evaluating our students performance in the course of their learning, and our teaching techniques are nothing short of absolute brilliance.Above all, the benefits of going through this course are simply enormous. Participants will be fully entrenched in the know regarding how they can identify the right tools for leveraging AI Data Governance Control Framework. Participants should at the end of the day be able to establish the vulnerability status of an organization on data privacy risks. Also, they will have been introduced to the respective IBM AI tools necessary for operating a reliable Cyber Security Framework. Run through this course content and become extra impactful to your organization by understanding the nitty-gritties and deploying the essentials of AI Data Governance Control Framework for optimizing productivity and minimizing avoidable losses.Our success chart will be incomplete without including our students in our freebies package. We offer free CV review for all of our participating students.CTA: You can reach out to our service desk for more information today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Implementing General Data Protection Regulation Before AI" |
"Accessing Data Privacy Risks and knowing whether an organization is compliant with certain legal parameters are two things that can bring any company down when they are oblivious of what should be done.Hence, this course will be showing you how you can implement the General Data Protection Regulation by setting a couple of things right in your organization. On this course, you will be given in-depth lessons on General Data Protection Regulation as well as mitigating risks compliance.Our instructors are well-experienced and true professionals in every sense of the word. Their method of interaction is what can be appreciated by any class of students. Our experience in the field of data cannot be overemphasized and our achievements speak volumes. We have spent quality time and plenty of years to build our knowledge and track record on Data Governance Control Framework, intimating us with the necessary knowledge in this field of study. We have got the best assessment methods for evaluating our students performance in the course of their learning, and our teaching techniques are nothing short of absolute brilliance.Above all, the benefits of going through this course are simply enormous. Participants will be fully entrenched in the know regarding how they can implement the General Data Protection Regulation. Participants should at the end of the day be able to establish the vulnerability status of an organization on data privacy risks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Implement GDPR, ePrivacy and SCA Regulation Before AI" |
"Accessing Data Privacy Risks and knowing whether an organization is compliant with certain legal parameters are two things that can bring any company down when they are oblivious of what should be done.Hence, this course will be showing you how you can implement the General Data Protection Regulation by setting a couple of things right in your organization. On this course, you will be given in-depth lessons on General Data Protection Regulation as well as mitigating risks compliance.Our instructors are well-experienced and true professionals in every sense of the word. Their method of interaction is what can be appreciated by any class of students. Our experience in the field of data cannot be overemphasized and our achievements speak volumes. We have spent quality time and plenty of years to build our knowledge and track record on Data Governance Control Framework, intimating us with the necessary knowledge in this field of study. We have got the best assessment methods for evaluating our students performance in the course of their learning, and our teaching techniques are nothing short of absolute brilliance.Above all, the benefits of going through this course are simply enormous. Participants will be fully entrenched in the know regarding how they can implement the General Data Protection Regulation. Participants should at the end of the day be able to establish the vulnerability status of an organization on data privacy risks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
selfsupportbypositiveemotions |
". : :1- 2- 3- 4- . :1- : .2- : .3- : .4- ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como fazer um TCC nota dez na metade do tempo" |
"J encontrou um instrutor de curso de TCC que tirou 10 em seu prprio trabalho? E um instrutor que tirou 10 em trs monografias? Voc prefere ser instrudo por um professor que atuou em 50 bancas de TCCs ou um ex-aluno que fala a sua linguagem e tirou 10 em todos os trabalhos de concluso de curso que realizou?A maioria dos estudantes desperdiam o dobro do tempo para elaborar uma monografia que carece de vrias revises. Isso no falta de talento ou capacidade. Basicamente um esforo que no foi aplicado no lugar correto. Nesse curso ensino onde voc deve investir sua concentrao para ter um TCC campeo e sem perder tempo. A satisfao reside no esforo e s alcanada quando h plena certeza que voc fez o seu melhor"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mhendisler in Detayl Catia Eitimi - Audi R8" |
"Kupon talepleriniz iin adresine mail gnderebilirsiniz.Bu eitimi, Catia ile tasarmn temellerini renmek isteyen mhendisler ve tasarmclara ynelik hazrladm. Kursun toplam sresi 10+ saattir ve Trke dilindedir. Kurs, Audi R8 marka arac modelleme zerine kuruludur. Eitimin ilk ksmlarnda yzey modelleme, Catiann ileyii ve sklkla yaplan hatalar detayl olarak ele alnmaktadr. lerleyen ksmlarda oluturulan yzeyleri anlama, gelitirme ve yzey modellemede karlalan hatalar giderme zerinde durulmaktadr. Tantm videosunu izlemenizi tavsiye ederim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Longevity Training -Principle #1-Long Lived People Exist" |
"Welcome to the Longevity Training Series-Book One-Long Lived People Exist. This is the first course of 10 on the 10 Principles of Personal Longevity. In this course you will learn about long lived persons around the world, and how this might be possible. The idea is to open your mind to the possibility of living much longer than you ever thought possible. The records are of real people. Some are alive today."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Longevity Training-Principle #2-Your Soul's Purpose" |
"This book is a transcription and reproduction of the training course materials from Course #2 What is your Purpose in Living? from the Longevity Coaching Training Server.Except for being printed instead of Audio/Visual, it is the same content presented in that course.This second course and this book are designed to give you a full introduction into the second of the 10 Principles of Personal Longevity Define Your Purpose in Life.The second principle is all about the concept that if you plan to live a long time then you really need a solid purpose and goals to do so.Without a will to live we will die early and will not enjoy what remaining life we do have. The objective of this Course #2 Book is to learn how to develop your own Life Purpose and Goals to help make a long life both more feasible and more enjoyable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GTU Maths-3" |
"This Course Made for specially GTU (Gujarat Technological University) students, based on that we have covered full course of GTU maths-3 .topics cover are as below ,1.First Order (ODE)2.Higher Order (O.D.E)3.Laplace4.Power Series5.Fourier Series6.Partial Differential Equation (PDE)we have also added Basic Of Differentiation and basic of Integration for better understanding of Basics Mathematics."
Price: 2880.00 ![]() |
"Preparing Your Child for High School" |
"Over the years as a counselor, Ive found that one of the most difficult transitions for parents and students is the one from junior high to high school.This course is designed to help parents and students transition successfully into high school. Some of the topics will include:Myths/Misconceptions of High School, Understanding New Expectations, Strategies for Success, and more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding the Navier-Stokes equations" |
"Greetings, fluid mechanics enthusiast! Welcome to the course Understanding the Navier-Stokes equations. My name is Leonardo, or Leo for short, I am a civil engineer with master in fluid dynamics with over 6 years of experience in computational fluid dynamics (CFD).On this course, you will learn the physical and mathematical principles of the famous Navier-Stokes equations, one of the equations that changed the world! You'll learn how to derive them, understand the meaning of each term and how to apply these equations to solve fluid dynamics problems.First, we will derive the Navier-Stokes from the Newtons Second Law, by analyzing the forces acting on a fluid and how a particle of fluid is accelerated.In the second section of the course, you will learn more about the many forms and notations used in textbooks and scientific articles to express the Navier-Stokes equations, such as the famous Einstein Notation or Summation Convention.On the third part of the course, we will cover in more detail the stress term in the Navier-Stokes equations and the behavior of tensor variables.Boundary conditions will be covered on the fourth part of the course. We will talk about how they appear in the context of fluid dynamics problems and how to recognize them.On the fifth and final section, which is a more practical one, we will obtain exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations by solving boundary and initial value problems.Understanding and solving the Navier-Stokes requires a lot of knowledge from other fields, so by taking this course you must have basic knowledge from calculus, mechanics, linear algebra and differential equations. However, if you are somewhat rusty in those subjects, do not be frightened! We will review the main topics from these areas if necessary.The notes used in each class are available for download in the course page.Did not like the course? Was it too hard? Too easy? Well, do not worry! You have 30 days to obtain your money back. Once bought, you have lifetime access to the course.I hope I got you interested in understanding the Navier-Stokes equations with me. See you in the first class!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a programar videojuegos como en la universidad (C++)" |
"Aprenderemos a programar videojuegos con C y C++. El temario que se da en este curso es el mismo que se da en un ao entero en una universidad especializada en videojuegos, por lo que todo lo que se aprende es til ya sea para programar videojuegos profesionalmente o por simple vocacin. Iremos de un nivel Bsico a Intermedio/Avanzado"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"15 min Gymnastics for Back Pain Relief and Spine Recovery!" |
"The program is based on chiropractic methods, which were adjusted for self-practicing.This means that impact of this technique on the body of each specific practitioner will be different strictly corresponding to the body condition at any given moment. Adherence to this detailed instruction will eliminate any complication risks or injuries.Along with main chiropractic methods this technique contains some additional exercises from other treatment methods and systems, which are also adjusted to the principles of this technique and properly specified in details herein.There is one more important part in this course. It is focused on abdominal muscles girdle buildup exercises, which will protect your vertebral column from backsets and new injuries.This technique is characterized by the broad spectrum influence on your body, so that you will be able not only to help your vertebral column and joints to recover, but also to improve your general physical form.The efficiency of this technique is confirmed by my personal long-term experience of practicing thereof as well as by the results of people who also use it.Youll only have to learn this technique once but the knowledge you get will be used by you during the entire life, helping you to understand better your body, feel yourself physically vigorous and active and to minimize the communication with doctors."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ALGEBRA LINEARE - Dalla teoria alla pratica!" |
"OFFERTA!! PER 5 GIORNI (FINO IL 25.09.2020) IL CORSO A 9,99 USANDO IL SEGUENTE CODICE A2F96C8078F4E4A5F087Chi segue questo corso sar capace di affrontare ogni problema di algebra lineare. E gli studenti di Informatica, precisamente, saranno capaci di cominciare a capire Machine learning. Appena finisco il corso di Algebra Lineare, comincio un altro corso, quello di Probabilit e Statistica. Sono tutti e tre importanti sia per gli esami a livello universitario, sia per l'ambiente lavorativo per chi vuole un posto su questa sezione!Su questo corso vedremo, come si passa dalla teoria alla pratica. L'Algebra lineare e come un' algoritmo, se non si capisce il primo passo, si perde il prossimo! E' tutto collegato, non si pu cominciare dalla diagonalizzazione se non si sa calcolare il determinante di una matrice ecc.Tutto questo lo vedremo insieme non solo tramite dai video del corso, ma sar sempre alla vostra disposizione tramite chat, email e un gruppo privato su Telegram, dedicato su questo corso, dove verranno pubblicati tutti gli aggiornamenti o correzione."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"FONDAMENTI DI INFORMATICA - Dalla teoria alla pratica!" |
"OFFERTA!! IL CORSO DI FONDAMENTI DI INFORMATICA A SOLI 9,99 FINO IL 18.09.2020 APPLICANDO IL CODICE FDA2BF213FCFAE490E4ETutti i conceti importanti per l'esame di Fondamenti di Informatica e di Informatica Computazionale! In questo corso troverete spiegazioni sia di teoria (parte necessaria) sia tanti esercizi per poter sostenere un'esame.Espressioni RegolareAutomi a Stati Finiti DeterministiciAutomi a Stati Finiti Non DeterministiciAlgoritmo per i passagi da NFA a DFAMacchine di TuringTeoria della Computabilit"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MERN stack in action: How to set up" |
"This course is designed for everyone who interested in MERN stack development using MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS and NodeJS. After this course you can develop a MERN stack application from scratch.You also learn how to develope a Restful API using ExpressJS web framework , built based on NodeJS , you learn how to connect and interact with MongoDB through Mongoose, a popular ORM library"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SHRM-CP practice exams" |
"SHRM CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL (SHRM-CP) HR professionals who implement policies and strategies, serve as point of contact for staff and stakeholders, deliver HR services, and perform operational HR functions, should take the SHRM-CP exam.Earning your SHRM-CP credential makes you a recognized expert and leader in the HR fieldand a valuable asset to your organization, keeping you and your organization more competitive in today's economy. This professional distinction sets you apart from your colleagues, proving your high level of knowledge and skills.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 339 questions ***"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SHRCM-SCP practice exams" |
"SHRM CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL (SHRM-SCP) HR professionals who implement policies and strategies, serve as point of contact for staff and stakeholders, deliver HR services, and perform operational HR functions, should take the SHRM-SCP exam.Earning your SHRM-SCP credential makes you a recognized expert and leader in the HR fieldand a valuable asset to your organization, keeping you and your organization more competitive in today's economy. T his professional distinction sets you apart from your colleagues, proving your high level of knowledge and skills.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 253questions ***"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |