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"Domine os Instagram Stories: Destravando o Medo de Aparecer" |
"At 2018 eu era o cara mais tmido que voc pode imaginar.Aparecer falando em um vdeo era algo inimaginvel, mesmo eu sabendo que era algo muito importante pro crescimento do meu Instagram.Procurei em diversos cursos algo que pudesse me ajudar a destravar essa vergonha de fazer um vdeo falando.No encontrei 1 curso sequer que fosse ESPECFICO para resolver este problema!Resultado: tive que me virar sozinho e isso me fez demorar mais de 1 ANO pra conseguir finalmente aparecer nos Stories!Pensando nisso, criei o primeiro curso que te ensina a aumentar seu engajamento usando os Stories, criar sequncias de Stories que Influenciam e Vendem e, principalmente, ensina uma metodologia infalvel para voc PERDER O MEDO de fazer Stories de vdeo!Incrvel, n?S que eu vou alm: Vou te ensinar a DOMINAR as funes dos stories, criar uma histria para engajar sua audincia e se comunicar do jeito certo no Instagram.Voc vai aprender a usar Enquetes, Perguntas, Sliders para criar Stories impossveis de serem ignorados."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Computer Basics - Windows 7/10 - Desktop IT Support Training" |
"Computer basics / desktop support training course which assumes that you have some previous knowledge of the fundamental basics on how to use a computer and covers the basic IT essentials of desktop support issues that can come up in a company computer network on a daily basis, assuming your PC is running Windows XP, 7 or 10, covering everything from installing missing printers to troubleshooting problems with email messages. Some examples of included modules are as follows:Physical ChecksWhen Your PC is SlowIdentify Your Operating SystemHostnames and IP addressMonitor Settings Overview"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Active Directory Administration for Helpdesk Technicians" |
"Active Directory has been around since Windows 2000 and is the largely the same for anything above this, i.e. Windows Server 2008, 2012 and 2016.This is a key skill for any IT professional / helpdesk technician and is used almost universally in large companies that have an IT helpdesk. In this active directory course, you will learn the following:* How to manage active directory user accounts, groups and organisational units with the active directory users & computers console* Best practices when setting and resetting active directory account passwords* How to use the active directory search facility to easily find what you are looking forAlso, there are a couple of shortcuts included in the course which you should find useful."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Group Policy (Active Directory) for IT Helpdesk Technicians" |
"Group Policy management and administration within Active Directory on Windows using the Group Policy Management console, covering topics such as:* Creating and managing group policies* The significance of local computer policies in relation to group policies* An explanation of user password policies* Group Policy Preferences* Starter GPOs* Replication and how the SYSVOL folder worksAlso included in the course are sommon command line tools used in real world environments for setting up, analysing and troubleshooting group policies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1st scripts in BASH from Scratch" |
"Did you know that programming in UNIX Shell is more effective than programming in other languages for system admins? The Shell is extremely powerful tool. I love the Shell because it automates 80% of routine admin tasks. The Shell scripts enables to take care of system, and notice you only if something wrong happen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Artificial aplicada para Empresas e Negcios" |
"Com Inteligncia Artificial, voc pode desenvolver trs projetos principais para qualquer negcio:Otimizar processos de negciosMinimizar custosMaximizar receitasBaseado nessas necessidades, neste curso voc aprender passo a passo como construir inteligncias artificiais em trs estudos de caso que envolvem cada uma dessas reas! Com isso, teremos trs partes neste curso:Na Parte 1 (Otimizao de Processos de Negcios), vamos construir uma IA para otimizao de fluxos em um armazm de comrcio eletrnico usando o algoritmo Q-Learning da rea da Aprendizagem por ReforoNa Parte 2 (Minimizao de Custos), vamos construir uma IA mais avanada que minimize os custos no consumo de energia de um data center em mais de 50%! Esse projeto bem parecido com o que os pesquisadores do DeepMind do Google fizeram para economizar milhes de dlares no consumo de energia eltrica! Neste estudo de caso vamos usar o algoritmo Deep Q-Learning, unindo as rea de Aprendizagem por Reforo e Deep LearningNa Parte 3 (Maximizao de Receitas), vamos construir uma IA diferente que ir maximizar a receita de um negcio de varejo on-line, fazendo com que ele tenha mais de 100% de retorno se comparada com uma estratgia que no usa inteligncia artificial. Neste projeto, vamos usar o algoritmo Thompson Sampling tambm da rea da Aprendizagem por ReforoSe voc pretende conseguir um emprego bem remunerado ou criar seu prprio negcio de sucesso com inteligncia artificial, este o curso que voc precisa!Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardamos voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tensorflow 2.0: Gua completa para el Nuevo Tensorflow" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Tensorflow 2.0!Se acaba de lanzar TensorFlow 2.0. El lanzamiento introduce muchas caractersticas que simplifican el modelo de desarrollo y los procesos de mantenimiento. Desde el punto de vista educativo, potencia el entendimiento de la gente simplificando en gran medida los conceptos complejos. Desde el punto de vista de la industria, los modelos son mucho ms sencillos de entender, mantener y desarrollar.El Aprendizaje Profundo o Deep Learning es una de las reas de mayor crecimiento de la Inteligencia Artificial. En los ltimos aos, se ha probado que los modelos de Deep Learning, incluso los ms simples, pueden resolver tareas difciles y complejas. Ahora que la novedad del Deep Learning ha pasado (seguro que ya has tomado algn curso mo sobre esta materia), la gente empieza a querer utilizar su poder y potencial para mejorar sus productos.El curso se estructura de modo que se cubren todos los temas desde el modelado de redes neuronales y su entrenamiento hasta su puesta en produccin.En la Parte 1 del curso, aprenders sobre la infraestructura tecnolgica que utilizaremos a lo largo del curso (Seccin 1) y lo bsico de la librera TensorFlow 2.0 y su sintaxis (Seccin 2).En la Parte 2 de este curso, indagaremos en el apasionante mundo del aprendizaje profundo. Durante esta parte del curso, implementars varios tipos de redes neuronales (Redes Neuronales Artificiales [Seccin 3], Redes Neuronales Convolucionales [Seccin 4], Redes Neuronales Recurrentes [Seccin 5]). Al final de esta parte, en la Seccin 6, aprenders y construirs un ejemplo de Transfer Learning que da unos resultados impresionantes en clasificacin de imgenes de perros y gatos con una red neuronal entrenada por Google.Al acabar la segunda parte del curso y ultimar el aprendizaje de cmo implementar redes neuronales, en la Parte 3 vers como hacer tu propio broker resolviendo el problema de compra-venta de acciones en tiempo real utilizando Aprendizaje por Refuerzo, especficamente el Deep-Q Learning.La Parte 4 va sobre TensorFlow Extended (TFX). En esta parte del curso aprenders a cmo trabajar con datos y crear tus propios flujos de datos para subirlos a produccin. En la Seccin 8 comprobaremos si el dataset tiene alguna anomala utilizando la librera TensorFlow Data Validation y, despus de aprender cmo comprobar anomalas de un dataset en la Seccin 9, haremos nuestro propio pre procesado de flujo de datos utilizando el paquete TensorFlow Transform.En la Seccin 10 de este curso aprenders y crears tu propio Fashion API haciendo uso de la librera Flask Python y un modelo pre entrenado. A lo largo de esta seccin, obtendrs una imagen ms completa de cmo enviar peticiones a un modelo a travs de internet. Sin embargo, en esta etapa, la arquitectura alrededor del modelo no es escalable a millones de peticiones. Entramos en la Seccin 11. En esta, aprenders a cmo mejorar las soluciones a la seccin previa utilizando la librera TensorFlow Serving. De una manera muy sencilla, aprenders y crears tu propio API de Clasificacin de Imgenes que soporta millones de peticiones al da!ltimamente se est volviendo ms y ms popular tener un modelo de Aprendizaje profundo en aplicaciones Android o iOS, pero las redes neuronales requieren de mucha energa y recursos. Aqu es donde la librera TensorFlow Lite entra en juego. En la Seccin 12 del curso aprenders cmo optimizar y convertir cualquier red neuronal para que sea apta para un dispositivo mvil.Ya para acabar con el proceso de aprendizaje y la Parte 5 de este curso, en la Seccin 13 aprenders a cmo distribuir el entrenamiento de una Red Neuronal a mltiples GPUs o tambin a Servidores haciendo uso del paquete TensorFlow 2.0."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Attention Games for Dogs: In the Streets" |
"I was walking down the street with my dog when I saw it. A squirrel. I crossed my fingers, hoping that she would not see it. I tried to get her attention so I called her name. But it was too late, she saw it! ?. She started to whine and lunge on her leash. I called her again and tried to entice her to come back to me, but there was simply no way to get through to her. There we were, standing, both upset and frustrated, her because she could not get to her squirrel, me because my dog was completely ignoring me. Ive rarely felt so powerless, with my lunging dog, my cookies and my ridiculous attempt to calm my girl and get her attention back.That was a few years ago. Last season, I was walking one of my dogs at sunset. Because it was late in winter and it was twilight out, hungry deer were also present looking for food. My high prey drive border collie wanted only one thing, to let her inner-wolf out. Suddenly, my leash broke! My dog was free and there were deer a couple of meters away from us. We had both seen them a second ago. And what did my dog do? She instantly looked at me! I did not have to ask her anything, I calmly told her to sit and she instantly obeyed. I walked the meter and a half that was separating us, gently grabbed her collar and made a make-shift leash with the two broken pieces. We continued our walk as if nothing had happened. Her eyes were still on me and she pranced around a bit, trying to get me to play with her. I smiled and decided to indulge her, afterall, wasnt she the best girl?!Both these stories happened. They are both true. So what changed? Its simple! I started to play attention games with my dogs! Today, when I walk down the street, my four dogs, two border collies, one shiba inu and one pembroke welsh corgi ranging from 11 months to 6 years old, all have their eyes on me. They want to engage, and ask me to play with them. If they are sniffing and doing their doggy things, I know Im always in the corner of their eyes. They wait for one thing, that I call them. If I do, instantly they are at my feet, wondering what I want and what fantastic games we are going to play.Attention Games for Dogs: In the Street is the class for you if you want your dog to beg you to engage with them, if you want to transform your dog from a squirrel-obsessed tractor to the calm and behaved pooch you always dreamt about, or if you want to have fun with your dog and see that sparkle in her eyes each time you ask for her attention. The games are so easy and simple that you wont even realize that you are training. Whether you are a beginner who just wants to have fun with your dog, or if youre a savvy dog trainer looking for new ideas, youll have a blast playing these games!Dont beg, just play!Having a shiba inu, you know you're going to have to work hard to have it's attention. Eve's lessons really helped me and my young shiba to bound closer and I can now have much of her attention outside, with still some work to do. - Aude Provost and Ahsoka, 1 year old shiba inuMy dog used to look at everything except me. With Eve's attention games, I achieved to get a terrier who looks at me, listens to me and has a good focus, while having fun! - Eve Goulet and Peanut, 8 month old welsh terrierEve's class really helped me with my high prey drive dog. I worked hard on her lessons with my dog and it paid off. He is now more focused and more engaged with me ! - Lane Boss and Chekov, borzoi, and Loki, greyhound."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Investir sans un sou en poche" |
"Avec la formation ISUSEP, vous allez pouvoir vous construire un capital sans aucun apport pour ensuite le diversifier dans des concepts trs puissants. Vous pourrez aussi tout simplement mettre en place un revenu passif ou un rcurrent 3 ou 4 chiffres.Il est tout fait possible pour tout le monde d'investir en partant de zro.C'est ce que va vous dmontrer cette formation. Comme toujours, ACTION !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Metaphysics |
"This course is an introduction to the question of metaphysics and philosophy. I am currently working on a new version for the sound which will be updated soon. What to not expect This is not a course where you will find quizzes. There is nothing to test here. Rather, we center the course on asking the question itself as to what metaphysics, including any attempt to abolish metaphysics, is.This question cannot be settled formally. If we thought that the question of metaphysics could be formally settled there would be no need for this course. By putting formality into question it would be nonsense to expect formal responses or answers to questions from the readers/listeners. We read what the formal institutions and formal texts have to say on the topic and question such formalities ourselves. This course asks that you, yourself, ask the questions and move to the development of the questions. Giving you answers is not what I seek. Formality can be easily found online in large databases such as Wikipedia or the Stanford Online Encyclopedia of Philosophy. These databases are not to be read to find answers and definitions. We aim to explore the origin and the settling of these answers and definitions as the emergence of metaphysical formality. Questions and answers as a metaphysics of formality If you want answers or quizzes do not take this course. Our quiz is the question itself: ""What is metaphysics""? The asking and unfolding of this question will show us if we, ourselves, are already intertwined in a metaphysical framework that does not even allow us to see what metaphysics is. The question is obscure precisely for this reason: because we are already moving within a metaphysical framework that we blindly call ""reality"" and the ""real"". Centering the questionIn what is sometimes stated to be a critical historical event leading to a philosophical divide between the continental and the analytic schools of thought, the theme of the nothing was raised by Martin Heidegger. We center the discussion on the debate that took place between Heidegger and Carnap. Carnap proposed to eliminate metaphysics fully by invoking logical formalism and the scientific method.This historical discussion allows us to center the question of metaphysics with respect to: The foundation of mathematics, including the program of David Hilbert Gdels Incompleteness Theorem Tarskis theory of truth The computationalist view that the mind can be emulated via computation The opponents of computationalism, such as Penrose Self-reference and paradoxes such as Russells paradox Some of the latest claims of quantum mechanics such as the subjective fact Self-reference and identity Meta-theories such as realism and the views of Karl Popper in method Nihilism Ontology, metaphysics and ""the given""The question on work and technologyRecently one of our papers entitled ""Should Humans Work?"" has been accepted for publication in Telecommunications Policy as a paper for their special Edition ""Artificial Intelligence: Economy and Society"". We provide a pre-print of the paper here in this course even though in February 2020 the paper will be made open source and will be freely accessible online. In the paper we avoid detours to metaphysical claims invoking ""a higher good"", ""dignity"", etc. that always run prior to first clarifying what such claims are in fact invoking. In order to understand our paper it is necessary to understand what it means to ""speak metaphysically"". The paper ""Should Humans Work?"" speaks of how the advance of technology is derailed and is guided by the metaphysics of ""objective or scientific truth"" only, where the human is present for the object of production. This is a metaphysics that is not even perceived or hinted at by science. Science guides the metaphysical modern humans that think they can do without that which precedes and always moves in advance of any scientific object or scientific advance. This is something that runs always prior and must always operate and be given for technology to be guided by technological advance. A quick look at Artificial Intelligence conferences gives us a hint as to what it means to be alienated from that which feeds us. See for example the coming AI TechConnect 2020. The focus of modern technology is on the produced product under a guidance that seeks production without understanding the metaphysics that must always run prior to both the product and any producing. That modern technology negates what allows it to essentially be what it is, is only a precondition of its metaphysical demanding character. That which we can do without is nothing, yet it must be operating and indeed in a way that it seems to be and empty nothing so we can do without it. Technology cannot see what it is as what operates in productive production has no use for it. Thus, it is precisely this which technology perceives as useless and as a ""nothing"" which allows the technological modern human to focus on technology. The technological product simultaneously guides technological advances through this negation by facilitating the negation of what always operates in technology and by opening up a clear path toward production as a target that sees nothing else, not even itself. It is, so to speak ""unconscious"" of its own unconsciousness, yet always consciously targeting something. In this sense, it is conscious and it is not, something that formal logic must also negate. I hope that my discussion on formal logic does not simply teach what logic is, but rather why logic itself must operate via something which logic cannot understand, and indeed can dismiss as a nothing, while at the same time constantly feed from. The idea behind contrasting and entering into a conversation with the discussion that took place between Carnap and Heidegger is not based on the requirement that we will take sides, but rather on the requirement that we, ourselves, will put ourselves into question in terms of what we call logic and what might otherwise dismiss as metaphysics. It might turn out that we eventually realize what and how metaphysics regulates our thinking while seemingly attacking it. Finally, a talk discussing reason and what thinking means was given at the AI World Forum in Toronto (2019) and can also be accessed here."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Essential Oils and Aromatherapy" |
"About the course -In this introductory course you will learn all about the wonderful benefits of essential oils and aromatherapy. The course is designed to give you a solid platform to understand essential oils and the benefits of natural medicine without being cumbersome or overwhelming. It will however provide a lot of valuable information that can be used in all aspects of your life from how to incorporate aromatherapy in your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. The course covers -The history of essential oilsThe chemistry of essential oilsEssential oil safetyHow to properly store essential oilsHow to choose high quality oils (not all oils are created equally!)How to use essential oilsProper application and dilution methods...and so much moreAdditionally you will receive -Dilution chartDiffuser recipesDIY recipes for skincare and beautyNatural home cleaning recipesVitaflex charts (where to apply oils)Are you ready to get started living a healthier, happier and more natural life? Let's get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"C# Asp.NetMVC ile E-Ticaret Sitesi Uygulama Gelitirme Kursu" |
"KAMPANYA - 1 ! 24TL'ye BIR KURS ALANA BIR KURS BEDAVA. KAMPANYA - 2 ! 32 TL'ye BR KURS ALANA K KURS BEDAVA . (kampanyalardan yararlanmak iin rnein kampanya 1den yararlanmak istiyorum x kursu almak istiyorum yannda y kursunu istiyorum. ya da kampanya 2den yararlanmak istiyorum x kursu almak istiyorum yannda y ve z kurslarn da istiyorum diye indirim kuponlar iin mesaj atabilirsiniz. NOT: kuponsuz kampanyadan yararlanlmamak !! ) Bu Kurs sonunda Statik olan bir web sayfasn Dinamik hale getirmeyi renebileceksiniz. E-Ticaret sitelerinize bir admin paneli ekleyip btn ynetici ilemlerinizi (rn ve kategorileri ekleme/silme/Gncelleme, gelen siparileri dzenleme, sipari durumunu gncelleme, gelen bildirimleri) bu panelden kontrol edebileceksiniz. Neden bu kursu tercih etmeliyim: nk bir E-Ticaret sitesinde olmas gereken hemen her ey bu kursta mevcut, E-ticaret Anasayfasnda dier bir ok kurslarda olmayan slayt ksm ve sitede bulunan rnlere kolay eriim iin Site ii Arama kutusu mevcut ayn ekilde ynetim panelinde de rnlere dardan resim ekleme var ayrca kullancnn yapm olduu sipariler admin sayfasna bildirim olarak geliyor. Bunlar nasl yapldn renebileceksiniz. Mobil uyumlu bir Tasarm sz konusu. Bir E-Ticaret sitesi (Web Sitesi) kurmak isteyenler ya da yolun banda olup, doru ekilde kurgulama yapabilmek iin, bir e-ticaret sitesinin tm nemli sayfalarnn, yani anasayfa, Admin Sayfas, kategori sayfas, rn sayfas, k sayfas ve dier unsurlarn sahip olmas gereken temel paralar listelemeye altk."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C# Programlama Dili :Sfrdan ileri Seviye C# renin" |
"KAMPANYA - 1 ! 24TL'ye BIR KURS ALANA BIR KURS BEDAVA. KAMPANYA - 2 ! 32 TL'ye BR KURS ALANA K KURS BEDAVA . (kampanyalardan yararlanmak iin rnein kampanya 1den yararlanmak istiyorum x kursu almak istiyorum yannda y kursunu istiyorum. ya da kampanya 2den yararlanmak istiyorum x kursu almak istiyorum yannda y ve z kurslarn da istiyorum diye indirim kuponlar iin mesaj atabilirsiniz. NOT: kuponsuz kampanyadan yararlanlmamak !! ) Bu satrlar okuduunuza gre programlama ile yakndan ilgilisiniz demektir ve elbette ki C# dilini daha nce duymu olmalsnz. C# dilini ve onunla yakndan ilikili olan .Net Platformunu duydunuz ama ne olduunu tam olarak bilmiyorsanz ya da ne olduunu biliyorsunuz ama inceliklerini renmek istiyorsanz, doru yerdesiniz demektir. * Bu Kursta C# dilini renmeye balayacaksnz ve C# rendike zevk alacanz ve bu konuda derin aratrmalara gireceinizi dnyorum. Neden bu kursu tercih etmeliyim: nk C# ile farkl uygulamalar gelitirmeyi reneceksiniz. * Bu kursta SQL/SQL veri taban deikenleri, tablo oluturma ve DML komutlarn (select, insert, update,delete) reneceksiniz * C# ile SQL Server balants nasl kurulur? renmi olursunuz. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Google Blogging from Basic to Expert in Hindi / Urdu" |
"RequirementsThere is no requirements or prerequisites for this Course. You just need to have Basic Computer Knowledege and InternetDescriptionSpecially Designed by 8 Years Experience Professional Blogger. After this Course, if you have any confusion and if you need any help then you can directly contact us via E-Mail ( We are always here to help you.Learn By DoingThe course is hugely interactive with projects, checklists & actionable lectures built into every section.Learn step by step how to create and manage blog from scratch.Follow the steps on screen to get results at work, for own blog or for your client blogs.In this course, Subodh condenses more than ten years of trial and error into a simple blueprint designed to help you build a successful blog. You'll learn all the essentials, including:How to build a BlogHow to write amazing blog content that readers will love and shareHow to promote your content to ensure people actually see itHow to turn your blog into a business that generates revenueWhy would you want to build a blog? Well, there are many different motivations, but here are a few of the most common:Build a business: A blog can be the centre of a low-overhead, location-independent, lucrative business. There has never been a better time to do thisthe Internet has made it cheaper and easier than ever before for anyone to start a business.Grow an existing business: Content marketing is one of the best ways to drive your business forward, and a blog is a tried and true format. Many of the world's biggest companies and brands are now using digital content to market their products and services, so you'll be in great company if you do the same.Share Your Ideas: Blogging is a great way to share your ideas to world and open new paths for strange person who might be inspired by you after reading your Blog. Always remember, you have suprise gift of your ideas for this world.Showcase your expertise: If you want to position yourself as a thought leader or expert, blogging is an excellent way to do it. A blog can be a powerful asset if you're trying to build a personal brand, get a job, sell services, or launch a career in public speaking.Build Relationships: Blogging is a great way to become an active and influential member of your community, which can help you build relationships with people you want to reach.If you're thinking of starting a blog this year, there's never been a better time. Then This Course is specially design for you with latest google blogger updates.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadWho this course is for:This course is designed for everyone, its doesn't matter who are you and whats your experience. Might be you are working professional person, or might be you are student or might be you are homemaker. You can go with this course to learn from basic to expert level of blogging. Whether you're just getting started or looking for ways to take your blog to the next level, this course is for you."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Spanish for beginners: fast learning course." |
"This beginners course offers you all the necessary elements to acquire a solid foundation of Spanish. When you finish this course, you' ll have gone from not knowing any Spanish to be able to travel to Spanish speaking countries and communicate with an increasing number of people. Keep in mind that Spanish is a global language on the rise, currently spoken by more than 570 million people around the world.We've included over 56 lessons, more than two and a half hours of video in HD quality, pictures and slides for visual reinforcement, over 40 PDFs with all the essentials of Spanish grammar, quizzes, and 10 downloadable audio files, to help you practice your Spanish anywhere, anytime.The course is structured in two sections:1) Grammar and basic vocabulary: Articles, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, greetings, numbers, colours, food, free time, etc.2) Practice activities: You will practice how to pronounce Spanish properly with the help of two native Spanish voices. You will learn blueprint sentences to use in your daily life or while traveling and you will practice conversations in real life situations to help you put all the concepts learned in context.We recommend you watch and review the videos as many times as you need to, since the constant repetition of sounds, concepts and information is paramount in the learning process of a language.In many lectures, there are downloadable resources at your disposal to facilitate the assimilation and consolidation of the content. All these resources will support your journey throughout the course.We hope you enjoy the course and we are confident that you will have reached your Spanish goals when you finish it."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Golden Ratio Logo Design Master Class" |
"The Golden Ratio Is a Mathematical Ratio. It's Natural And Historical Things. But if It Used in Design, It Gives The Design a Natural Eye Catching Professional Look. So, In This Tutorial I'm Talk about This Most Important and Interesting Topic In-depth and Also Explain Advance Theory Of Golden Ratio and How To Use It in Graphics Design."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Keys to Success" |
"The Keys to Success Course is a concise but power packed course that reveals the hidden beliefs that are undermining the achievements you desperately seek. Learning and practicing these methods will transform the way you think and live. This course is specifically designed for individuals, like you, who recognize that changing how they think is the key to achieving their dreams. This lecture comes with a thorough outline and engaging assignments, that will assist even the most accomplished person to rethink how they think and handle their business, relationships, net worth, and health.This segment is a brief lecture explaining how the way we think hinders progress, why it needs to change, and how to change it. At the conclusion, there are several questions geared towards causing the individual to dig deeper. So, if you want to Blow your Mind, and begin transforming your life, THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Crer votre CV simple et efficace en franais" |
"In this course we will work together and build of your Curriculum Vitae, authentic, simple but effective. Do you want to study in France? You will need a student visa. Wanna work and have experience in a French-speaking country, you will also need a working visa. Therefore, its important that the university or the company admits you. They will ask you for your resume written in French. This training will focus on several important points in order to allow you, at the end of the chapters to write your own CV.French language B1 min. required."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Planifier et rdiger son contenu web" |
"Cette formation vous permettra de mieux dfinir votre identit afin de mieux vous positionner dans vos stratgies sur les rseaux sociaux et dans la rdaction de vos infolettres.Vous aurez un accompagnement en vido avec des conseils et exemples pour chaque section du ebook, en plus d'une section bonus pour faire des choix d'lments visuels et graphiques pour votre site web (et rseaux sociaux)."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Registro de Marcas" |
"Si te interesa saber como registrar tus propias marcas, ahorrar dinero y poder generar un ingreso adicional ofreciendo este servicio en tu comunidad. Este curso en video es para tEn este curso bsico aprenders los fundamentos para que puedas registrar tus propias marcas ante el IMPI (Instituto Mexicano de Propiedad industrial). El marco terico de la propiedad intelectual.Los 3 mitos del registro de marcas en Mxico. La clasificacin internacional de marcas. Cul es la clase de tu marca. Hacer diagnsticos de viabilidad de marca."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Data Science Python" |
"Gain the necessary skills to become a data scientist with our 8-week course. Here we will be walking you through a crash course in Python, introductory practices using pandas, matplotlib and seaborn. There are assignments every week to help reinforce your learning. This course will help you achieve your dream of becoming a Data Scientist. Enroll today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
-30WEB |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
LP |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Elementor (HTMLCSSLP&)" |
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
"Master of Industrial and Organizational Psychology" |
"In modern culture where all society depends upon the industry the Industrial Psychology is important field for any professional. The study of this psychology helps you to handle the team carefully and manage the issue smartly. We learn the following things in this course :-Most IMP : Workplace motivation, workplace conflict, conflict resolution, employee training, employee mentoring and coaching practices.1) Work diversity, multicultural factors2) Occupational Stress3) Violence at workplace, workplace harassment, bullying, burnout issues4) various aspects, various attitude, stereotype, prejudices and discrimination practices5) Creativity, Problem solving and corporate counseling6) Team work, Team building, co operation, organizational development7) Parallel learning structure and behavioral modeling8) Personality assessment , leadership skills"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMI-PMP-Project Management Professional - 35 Contact Hours" |
"Welcome to Project Management Professional PMP certification training from Vnnergy LLC. (Course Valid for PMP Certification exam till 31st December 2020)Vnnergy LLC is a Project Management Institute (PMI) Global Registered Education Provider (REP 4893). This course qualifies and is approved to meet the 35 Contact Hours requirement, necessary to register for the PMP exam. The PMP certification is the global gold standard for project management professionals. Keep abreast of the changes in the project management practices updated in PMBOK guide - 6th edition and pass the PMP exam on your first attempt with Vnnergys latest PMP course. The course covers new trends, emerging practices, tailoring considerations, and has a greater emphasis on strategic and business knowledge, and a new section on the role of the project manager."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Chinese painting / Sumie course : painting bamboo" |
"Bamboo is the most familiar subject in chinese culture and art ,it belongs to the one of four gentlemen .In this lesson I will teach you every detail, step by step, as I teach in my studio. I will show you how to use the brush and ink .and teach the technique of bamboo stalks, leaves and branches, also the composition of the painting .At the same time, I will tell you which are the problems that beginners are easy to make and how to avoid them,This is a summary of my years of teaching experience.About the tutor:Ioanna Lin was born in the South of China. She lives and works in Greece .She studied Drawing and Art History at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. She holds a Master of Arts degree from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and was a Lecturer at Guangdong Baiyun University. Initially, her works focused on traditional Chinese painting, while she was involved with modern Chinese Calligraphy and contemporary painting with various traditional techniques like paper ink, watercolour, and modern techniques using a variety of materials.she has done a lot of exhibition in Greece and abroad. Her studio has taught lots of students for years.Facebook page : ioanna art studioInstagram: ioanna lin"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Diseo slidos Catia V5 R21 Sketch Part Design automotriz 3D" |
"CUPN DESCUENTO: ""CatiaV5_11"". Aplicalo y tendrs un GRAN descuento!Este es un curso de Catia V5 centrado en el mdulo de Part Design, aqu vas a aprender todo lo necesario para modelar piezas industriales en Catia V5. Antes de nada, si piensas comprar mas cursos de los que tengo relacionados con Catia V5 y sus mdulos (10 cursos y subiendo), te recomiendo solo comprar este otro curso:""Diseo Industrial Automotriz Curso Catia V5 Premium +28h"" Bscalo por ese nombre y cmpralo introduciendo el cupn ""CatiaV5_11""Tendrs un buen descuento sobre el precio base, ademas si me escribes despus de comprarlo, te dar un regalo de bienvenida de alto valor!Ademas todos los nuevos cursos que voy subiendo cada semana, los aado sin coste a ese curso, es decir recibes actualizaciones peridicas sin coste extra.Cmpralo introduciendo el cupn ""CatiaV5_11"" y tendrs un buen descuento sobre el precio base, ademas si me escribes despus de comprarlo te dar un regalo de bienvenida de alto valor!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Si lo que buscas es una formacin ms profunda y supervisada en Catia V5, y tienes tiempo para dedicarle 6 o 8 horas a la semana, entonces te recomiendo el Master en Catia V5 de masterCAD, lo puedes encontrar en la web de masterCAD, en el Master de Catia V5 encontrars: Todo el material que hay en este curso de Udemy y adems:Ms ejercicios resueltos y piezas reales de la industria.Explicacin mas detallada de comandos y temario visto en mayor profundidad.Revisin y correccin de todos tus ejercicios, comentados y con las indicaciones para mejorar en el diseo.Mentor personal disponible las 24h, para responder todas tus dudas acerca de Catia V5.Varios canales de comunicacin con tu mentor: Whatssapp, Telefono, Slack, Zoom, presencial.Certificado Oficial de masterCAD al finalizar cada mdulo.Bolsa de trabajo de Catia V5, tanto para Espaa como para Mxico.Lgicamente, el curso externo es mas caro pero la inversin merece la pena, si quieres ms detalles:Mxico y LATAM:mastercad punto com punto mx / catiav5Espaa y UE:mastercadespaa punto esAdems si eres autnomo o una empresa en Espaa, la formacin en Catia V5 puede salirte gratis para ti y tus empleados, si quieres ms informacin de como conseguir esta subvencin del Gobierno de Espaa, entra a nuestra web (mastercadespaa punto es) y escrbenos.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Si slo quieres el mdulo de Part Design, compra este curso tambin con el cupn y te dar un estupendo manual de Catia V5 de regalo.Si te gustara tener todas las clases de este curso y la de los mdulos de Drafting y Assembly en DVD, puedes comprar mi DVD ""Diseo y Modelado con Catia V5 3 mdulos"" en Mercado Libre:Bscalo en Mercado Libre por el siguiente nombre:Dvd Diseo Y Modelado De Piezas Automotrices Con Catia V5Tambin te recomiendo mi otro curso de Catia V5 dedicado al mdulo de Drafting (creacin y acotacin de planos), lo puedes buscar por su nombre:Planos con Catia V5 Drafting Drawings automotriz GD&T 2020Por qu deberas comenzar este curso hoy?Curso acelerado de Catia V5, donde en muy poco tiempo, vas dominar el diseo de piezas complejas con Sketch y Part Design.Enfoque industrial para el sector automotriz, normativa de Volkswagen, Ford, Toyota...Directo al grano, no pierdo el tiempo en lo obvio.Video profesional HD 1080p con alta calidad de audio. 100% claro!Acceso posterior a cursos adicionales de Catia V5 (Drafting, Assembly Design, Elementos Finitos, Ingeniera Inversa, Diseo de Moldes, GD&T, Superficies...) con descuento.Si es necesario tambin tendremos sesiones de Skype y TeamViewer.Vas a aprender la metodologa de diseo y normativa que exigen los grandes fabricantes de automoviles y sus proveedores para trabajar con Catia V5.Quisieras ms detalles antes de inscribirte?...Mira ahora gratuitamente nuestra primera clase/presentacin del curso! o las 2 clases que tenemos en abierto, una bsica y otra avanzada.Extras solo por inscribirte:Acceso a coleccin de manuales de Catia V5 de alto valor educativo.Resolucin de dudas en el mismo da, comunicacin directa via Whatsapp o mail.Certificado oficial y constancia con valor curricular de masterCAD al completar el 100% del curso. Si no tienes el Catia V5 instalado, no te preocupes, escrbenos un mensaje en cuanto te inscribas.Los videos son multiplataforma, es decir puedes verlos en la computadora, en el laptop, en el celular, en la tablet y en cualquier lugar donde te encuentres."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diseo superficies automotriz Catia V5 R21 Shape Design 2020" |
"CUPN DESCUENTO: ""CatiaV5_11"". Aplicalo y tendrs un descuento!Este es el mejor curso Online de Catia V5 centrado en superficies que puedes encontrar, debido a que en un tiempo relativamente corto, vas a tener acceso a conocimientos que lleva aos adquirirlos, explicados de manera prctica, clara y sencilla. Antes de nada, si piensas comprar mas cursos de los que tengo relacionados con Catia V5 y sus mdulos (10 cursos y subiendo), te recomiendo solo comprar este otro curso:""Diseo Industrial Automotriz Catia V5 Premium 6 mdulos +28h"" Bscalo por ese nombre y cmpralo introduciendo el cupn ""CatiaV5_11"", tendrs un DESCUENTO sobre el precio base, ademas si me escribes despus de comprarlo, te dar un regalo de bienvenida de alto valor!Ademas todos los nuevos cursos que voy subiendo cada semana, los aado sin coste a ese curso, es decir recibes actualizaciones peridicas sin coste extra.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Si lo que buscas es una formacin ms profunda y supervisada en Catia V5, y tienes tiempo para dedicarle 6 o 8 horas a la semana, entonces te recomiendo el Master en Catia V5 de masterCAD, lo puedes encontrar en la web de masterCAD, en el Master de Catia V5 encontrars: Todo el material que hay en este curso de Udemy y adems:Ms ejercicios resueltos y piezas reales de la industria.Explicacin mas detallada de comandos y temario visto en mayor profundidad.Revisin y correccin de todos tus ejercicios, comentados y con las indicaciones para mejorar en el diseo.Mentor personal disponible las 24h, para responder todas tus dudas acerca de Catia V5.Varios canales de comunicacin con tu mentor: Whatssapp, Telefono, Slack, Zoom, presencial.Certificado Oficial de masterCAD al finalizar cada mdulo.Bolsa de trabajo de Catia V5, tanto para Espaa como para Mxico.Lgicamente, el curso externo es mas caro pero la inversin merece la pena, si quieres ms detalles:Mxico y LATAM:mastercad punto com punto mx / catiav5Espaa y UE:mastercadespaa punto esAdems si eres autnomo o una empresa en Espaa, la formacin en Catia V5 puede salirte gratis para ti y tus empleados, si quieres ms informacin de como conseguir esta subvencin del Gobierno de Espaa, entra a nuestra web (mastercadespaa punto es) y escrbenos.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Si slo quieres el mdulo de superficies, compra este curso tambin con el cupn y tendrs un BUEN descuento sobre el precio que marca, adems te regalar un estupendo manual de Catia V5 de regalo.Por supuesto, al usar el cupn obtendrs un buen descuento sobre el precio base del curso ;)Tambin te recomiendo mi otro curso de Catia V5 dedicado al mdulo de Drafting (creacin y acotacin de planos), lo puedes buscar por su nombre:Planos con Catia V5 Drafting Drawings automotriz GD&T 2019Si ests buscando un curso bsico de Catia V5 Part Design, puedes hacer mi otro curso de Udemy, llamado: Diseo slidos Catia V5 R21 Sketch Part Design automotriz 3DPor qu deberas comenzar este curso hoy?Curso acelerado de Catia V5 mdulo Generative Shape Design, donde en pocos das, vas dominar el diseo de piezas complejas con Catia V5.Enfoque industrial para el sector automotriz, normativa de Volkswagen, Ford, Toyota...Directo al grano, no pierdo el tiempo en lo obvio.Video profesional HD 1080p con alta calidad de audio. Sonido 100% claro!Acceso posterior a cursos adicionales de Catia V5 (Drafting, Assembly Design, Elementos Finitos, Ingeniera Inversa, Diseo de Moldes, GD&T, Superficies avanzadas...) con descuento.Si es necesario tambin tendremos sesiones de Skype y TeamViewer.Vas a aprender la metodologa de diseo y normativa que exigen los grandes fabricantes de automviles y sus proveedores para trabajar con Catia V5.Quisieras ms detalles antes de inscribirte?...Mira ahora gratuitamente nuestra primera clase/presentacin del curso! o las 2 clases que tenemos en abierto, una bsica y otra avanzada.Extras solo por inscribirte:Acceso a coleccin de manuales de Catia V5 de alto valor educativo.Resolucin de dudas en el mismo da, comunicacin directa via Whatsapp o mail.Certificado oficial y constancia con valor curricular de masterCAD al completar el 100% del curso. Si no tienes el Catia V5 instalado, no te preocupes, escrbenos un mensaje en cuanto te inscribas.Los videos son multiplataforma, es decir puedes verlos en la computadora, en el laptop, en el celular, en la tablet y en cualquier lugar donde te encuentres."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Catia V5 Superficies Avanzadas CAD Diseo Automotriz Sketch" |
"CUPN DESCUENTO: ""CatiaV5_11"". Aplicalo y tendrs un GRAN descuento!Este es un curso avanzado de superficies con Catia V5 (mdulo Generative Shape Design), grabado en Full HD 1080p, donde en unos pocos das y partiendo de conocimiento bsico del diseo de superficies con Catia V5, vas a lograr convertirte en un experto en el mdulo Generative Shape Design. Antes de nada, si piensas comprar mas cursos de los que tengo relacionados con Catia V5 y sus mdulos (10 cursos y subiendo), te recomiendo solo comprar este otro curso:""Diseo Industrial Automotriz Curso Catia V5 Premium +28h"" Bscalo por ese nombre y cmpralo introduciendo el cupn ""CatiaV5_11"", tendrs un ENORME DESCUENTO sobre el precio base, ademas si me escribes despus de comprarlo, te dar un regalo de bienvenida de alto valor!Ademas todos los nuevos cursos que voy subiendo cada semana, los aado sin coste a ese curso, es decir recibes actualizaciones peridicas sin coste extra.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Si lo que buscas es una formacin ms profunda y supervisada en Catia V5, y tienes tiempo para dedicarle 6 o 8 horas a la semana, entonces te recomiendo el Master en Catia V5 de masterCAD, lo puedes encontrar en la web de masterCAD, en el Master de Catia V5 encontrars: Todo el material que hay en este curso de Udemy y adems:Ms ejercicios resueltos y piezas reales de la industria.Explicacin mas detallada de comandos y temario visto en mayor profundidad.Revisin y correccin de todos tus ejercicios, comentados y con las indicaciones para mejorar en el diseo.Mentor personal disponible las 24h, para responder todas tus dudas acerca de Catia V5.Varios canales de comunicacin con tu mentor: Whatssapp, Telefono, Slack, Zoom, presencial.Certificado Oficial de masterCAD al finalizar cada mdulo.Bolsa de trabajo de Catia V5, tanto para Espaa como para Mxico.Lgicamente, el curso externo es mas caro pero la inversin merece la pena, si quieres ms detalles:Mxico y LATAM:mastercad punto com punto mx / catiav5Espaa y UE:mastercadespaa punto esAdems si eres autnomo o una empresa en Espaa, la formacin en Catia V5 puede salirte gratis para ti y tus empleados, si quieres ms informacin de como conseguir esta subvencin del Gobierno de Espaa, entra a nuestra web (mastercadespaa punto es) y escrbenos.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cmpralo introduciendo el cupn y tendrs un buen descuento sobre el precio base, ademas si me escribes despus de comprarlo te dar un regalo de bienvenida de alto valor!Si slo quieres el mdulo de Generative Shape Design, compra este curso tambin con el cupn ""CatiaV5_8"" y te dar un estupendo manual de Catia V5 de regalo.Por supuesto, al usar el cupn obtendrs un buen descuento sobre el precio base del curso ;)Tambin te recomiendo mi otro curso de Catia V5 dedicado al modulo de Drafting (creacin y acotacin de planos), lo puedes buscar por su nombre:Planos con Catia V5 Drafting Drawings automotriz GD&T 2019Por qu deberas comenzar este curso hoy?Curso acelerado y avanzado de Catia V5 mdulo Generative Shape Design, donde en pocos das, vas dominar el diseo de piezas complejas con Catia V5.Enfoque industrial para el sector automotriz, normativa de Volkswagen, Ford, Toyota...Directo al grano, no pierdo el tiempo en lo obvio.Video profesional HD 1080p con alta calidad de audio. Sonido 100% claro!Acceso posterior a cursos adicionales de Catia V5 (Drafting, Assembly Design, Elementos Finitos, Ingeniera Inversa, Diseo de Moldes, GD&T, Superficies avanzadas...) con descuento.Si es necesario tambin tendremos sesiones de Skype y TeamViewer.Vas a aprender la metodologa de diseo y normativa que exigen los grandes fabricantes de automviles y sus proveedores para trabajar con Catia V5.Quisieras ms detalles antes de inscribirte?...Mira ahora gratuitamente nuestra primera clase/presentacin del curso! o las 2 clases que tenemos en abierto, una bsica y otra avanzada.Extras solo por inscribirte:Acceso a coleccin de manuales de Catia V5 de alto valor educativo.Resolucin de dudas en el mismo da, comunicacin directa via Whatsapp o mail.Si no tienes el Catia V5 instalado, no te preocupes, escrbenos un mensaje en cuanto te inscribas.Los videos son multiplataforma, es decir puedes verlos en la computadora, en el laptop, en el celular, en la tablet y en cualquier lugar donde te encuentres."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |