Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Mechanical Design for Beginners" |
"For aspiring mechanical designers, this course introduces you to concepts ranging from how designers select materials for a given application all the way to building your products with safety in mind. This course contains university-level subject matter deconstructed to apply more directly to the things we encounter every day. With quizzes accompanying each topic, students will be challenged to apply their knowledge as they work through the course material."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to Zero Waste Living" |
"Embarking on a zero waste lifestyle can feel daunting and overwhelming. The Beginner's Guide to Zero Waste Living was created to make such a big lifestyle shift simple and straightforward. This course covers all the essential aspects of going zero waste, both in your home and when you're out and about. Each lesson provides you with practical, easy, and affordable ways to remove single use plastic and use zero waste alternatives.The Beginner's Guide to Zero Waste Living is perfect for anyone whos heard of the zero waste movement and wants to do their part to help the environment but doesnt know where to begin and for anyone looking for a refresher on zero waste living."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Linux |
"LinuxLinuxLinux()2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. 2-5. (if, case, switch)2-6. (for, while, until)2-7. 2-8. 2-9. read_only2-10. PID, trap2-11. DEBUGLinuC(LPIC)101()3-1. 3-2. Linux3-3. GNUUnix3-4. LinuxLinuC(LPIC)1024-1. 4-2. 4-3. 4-4. 4-5. 4-6. 1LinuxLinuxPCLinuxLinux2Linuxfor, while, if, case, switch, trap3,4LinuC(LPIC)101,LinuC(LPIC)102LinuC(LPIC)LinuC(LPIC)LinuxLinuC(LPIC)1LinuxITITLinuxLinux"
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
":IT +" |
"ITITIT IT*) IT2019/10/2091. IT 1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 2. IT 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 3. IT 3-1. () 3-3. () 3-3. ()4."
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
:++Python+SQL |
"ITPythonSQLPython(date, datetime, decimal) python 3.8 ITITAI/1. 2. 3. 1. Python2. SQL(2020/06)"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Python 3.8!!0numpy, pandas, SQLAlchemy" |
"PythonPythonPythonnumpy, scipy, pandas*) Python3.8PythonPythonifforPythondate datetime, decimal, random, math, osos, sys, csvjsoncsv, jsonlogging, collections, gzip, re, numpy, scipy, pandasPythonPythonPythonPythonnumpy, pandasSQLAlchemy"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Arbeite schlau - statt viel und ineffizient" |
"Du mchtest mehr Freizeit habenweniger Arbeiten und gleichzeitig mehr schaffen?Ich zeige dir in meinem Online-Kurs wie du schnell und einfach mehr Freizeit fr die Bereiche hast, die dir wichtig sind.Was kannst du erwarten? Einfache ToolsSchritt fr Schritt AnleitungenTemplates, wie du deine Produktivitt steigerst.Du wirst du durch diesen Kurs mehr Freizeit in deinem Leben haben, als du jemals zuvor in deinem Leben hattest.Klingt gut? Dann schreib dich ein!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como montar uma Loja no Instagram com pouco investimento" |
"Voc sempre pensou em ser empreendedor?Quer trabalhar por conta prpria?Percebe que voc est a um passo de tornar essa deciso uma realidade?Mas cuidado! no fique esperando o momento perfeito para comear, geralmente as pessoas almejam mais tempo livre, juntar mais dinheiro ou at mesmo um estmulo a mais para montar o negcio prprio.Acontece que sem ao esse momento ideal nunca chega, para atingir seus objetivos preciso comear.E se eu te disser que voc pode iniciar a sua empresa online no Instagram com pouco investimento financeiro?Mas tambm no adianta simplesmente comear a sua loja no Instagram no escuro, sem qualquer direcionamento, afinal ter sucesso na internet requer seguir uma estratgia de sucesso e com resultados comprovados na prtica.Apresento ento o curso ""Como montar uma loja no Instagram com pouco investimento"", na qual eu vou compartilhar com voc dicas para criar um perfil comercial, tcnicas de vendas, como fazer um post atrativo, como parcelar as compras, a melhor maneira de calcular o frete, como gerar engajamento, conseguir seguidores reais e muito mais.Tudo isso aplicado com princpios da PNL e do Coach que vo te dar a motivao necessria para voc colocar em prtica as dicas deste curso e criar a sua loja com muita prosperidade. H 2 anos trabalho com um E-commerce muito bem sucedido no Instagram, toda minha experincia com vendas na internet ser compartilhada com voc agora... seja muito bem vindo(a)."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Online T-Shirt Business, die Typographie-Strategie" |
"Was ist ein T-Shirt Business.In diesem Kurs erfhrt man alles wichtige was man zum Thema T-Shirt Business wissen muss.Wie die richtige Einstellung sein muss um erfolgreich zu sein erklre ich Dir genau. Zudem gebe ich euch meine Typographische Strategie mit auf dem Weg. Mit Dieser Strategie ist es mir gelungen, einen lukrativen passiven Nebenverdienst zu erzielen und das ohne jegliche Vorkenntnisse! Ihr erfahrt in diesem Kurs wie ihr kostenlos hochwertige und Trendige Designs erstellen knnt und wie ihr sie Organisch am besten verkaufen knnt. Da Werbung nicht fehlen darf in einem guten Unternehmen, gehe ich auch darauf ein und zeige euch wie ihr das ohne kosten hin bekommt!Kurz gesagt seit ihr mit diesem Kurs gewappnet, langfristig einen Cashflow (Geldstrom) zu generieren und das immer und immer wieder!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio : 9 ans d'experience en 2 heures !" |
"Bonjour toi, futur crateur de musique ! Je m'appelle John et je suis Compositeur de musique/Beatmaker temps plein ! Cela fait 9 ans que je manipule le logiciel FL Studio et dans ce cours je t'ai rsum tout ce qu'il te faut pour que tu puisses commencer crer les musiques qui te correspondent ! Pour faire cela, pas besoin de solfge ni de cours thoriques sur la musique, je te donne les astuces qui te permettent de crer n'importe quelle suite d'accords et de la transformer en une vraie chanson !Ma volont travers ce cours est de te donner tout ce dont j'aurai eu besoin l'poque pour commencer et voluer trs vite ! En plus, la fin de la formation tu as mes coordonnes qui te permettent de m'envoyer toutes tes questions concernant la cration de musique et l'industrie musicale ! J'insiste vraiment sur ce sujet car je sais quel point c'est cool d'avoir quelqu'un sur qui on peut compter quand on dbute, et mme par la suite !Je t'ai cre aussi un ensemble d'extraits musicaux (pack de samples) duquel tu pourras bnficier gratuitement l'achat de ce cours, la valeur moyenne de ce genre de pack tant 15 -20 euros sur internet ! J'utilise la version de dmo d'FL Studio pendant ce cours, du coup mme si tu n'as pas encore fait le pas d'acheter le logiciel tu peux savoir si celui ci te convient. PAS DE PANIQUE, si tu as dj la version complte de FL Studio, cela ne fait aucune diffrence, le cours va t'apprendre tout ce dont tu as besoin galement. LA SEULE DIFFERENCE tant qu'avec la version complte on peut ouvrir les projets que l'on a sauvegard !Je te souhaite une bonne formation et je te dis bientt par message ! :)JohnIntro music : Happy and Joyful Children by Free Music Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported CC BY 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Pytest and Allure" |
"pytestpythonfixturesetup/teardown; :conftestpytest.mark.parametrizepytest-ordering, pytest-rerunfails, pytest-assume pytest -x pytest-xdist, pytest-html, pytest-sugar......allurepytestallurepytestallureweb"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Online Business Grundkurs" |
"Du wolltest schon immer wissen was das Grundgerst eines eigenen online Business ist? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Hier werden dir die Basics gezeigt, was du alles wissen musst um digital so richtig durchzustarten! Der Kurs gliedert sich in verschiedene Bereiche und vermittelt die Grundlagen des online Marketings, damit du direkt loslegen kannst.Das wirst du lernenPlane, erstelle, optimiere und skaliere dein erstes eigenes online BusinessBestehen fr den Kurs bestimmte Anforderungen oder Voraussetzungen?Du brauchst einen Computer mit guten Internet ZugangBringe ein Notizbuch und einen Stift mitFr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs:Angestellte, Selbststndige oder Unternehmer die ein eigenes online Business aufbauen mchten und sich die Basics in diesem Bereich aneignen wollen"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MS Project & Gesto de Projetos" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender os Conceitos de Gesto de Projetos, utilizando como base o GUIA PMBOK V5, tambm como usar o MS Project para planejar e controlar os mais diversos projetos. Voc vai concluir o curso conhecendo todas as funcionalidades da ferramenta, e o melhor de tudo, que voc vai poder saber em quais casos usar cada uma delas. Se voc j sabe o bsico, voc pode revisar alguns pontos, e focar somente nos mais avanados. Se voc nunca usou, vai terminar o curso com um conhecimento muito acima da mdia no mercado.O curso est dividido em 2 partes: Introduo aos Conceitos de Gesto de Projetos e MS Project Completo do Bsico ao Avanado. Em diversas sees do curso, ficar disponvel PDF's com exerccios, e tambm projetos prontos da ferramenta. Extremamente didtico e profissional, garanto que o aluno que concluir o curso, bem como as atividades e exerccios propostos, poder atuar na rea de gesto de projetos sem maiores dificuldades.Voc faz o curso no seu tempo e termina quando quiser. Alm disso, voc vai at onde voc achar que deve, sem precisar aprender nada que no agregue sua vida e carreira!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"30 Day Self-Love Challenge" |
"Whatever you are working onwhether its your physical health, mental health, relationships, or careera healthy sense of self-love is an essential tool for your journey. Without it, everything is more difficult. Instead of blaming yourself or blaming circumstances, you can access the peace and happiness you deserve.What Is Self-Love?Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others. ~DAVID R. HAWKINSThe idea of self-love is often misunderstood. People believe that self-love is the same as narcissism or that self-love only comes to those who are lovable. Lets take a moment to clear this up.Self-love, like love for any other person, is the natural outcome of taking the time to understand, accept, heal, appreciate, and nourish the person you are (as opposed to the person you think should be).Self-love is self-understanding. Self-love is self-awareness. Self-love is self-care.Building self-love is not a matter of becoming lovable, nor is it a matter of becoming better than others. Its about connecting to yourself in an authentic, sustainable way and doing everything you can to nourish that connection.How Will Self-Love Help You?When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasnt healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habitsanything that kept me small. My judgement called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-loving. ~KIM MCMILLENSelf-love changes livesfor better when its there and for worse when its absent. Here are some of the ways that having self-love can impact your life:Confidence. Self-love helps break your addiction to the approval of others because your own approval becomes the most important thing.Accomplishment. Loving yourself means developing an awareness of your skills and talents and cultivating the courage to pursue them.Physical health. Taking time to understand your bodys needs and capabilities is essential to developing long-term habits of caring for your physical health.Mental health. Loving the person you see in the mirror is the only way to help that person through any kind of distress. When you take the time to understand yourself, you can actually help instead of just trying to shut yourself up.Self-forgiveness. Seeing yourself with eyes of love is the only way to forgive yourself for the mistakes youve made in the past so that you can stop being held back by the person you were and start appreciating the person you are.Healthy relationships. Cultivating love for yourself will give you the essential practice you need to build relationships based on love rather than need.Leadership. If self-love is difficult for you, then persevering on this journey will help you develop the ability to love when its difficult, which is your one-way ticket to compassionate leadership and helping others.Patience. Self-judgment tries to convince you that if you just fix that one last thing, you can earn your own approval. Self-love will teach you to accept self-discovery as a lifetime journey. Like this, you will not only overcome chronic perfectionism, you will also develop deep, resilient patience for the process of change and the way of life.Just imagine how different your life could be if you took the time to cultivate a better relationship with yourself. Why not begin today?Join the 30-Day Self-Love ChallengeYou have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasnt worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. ~LOUISE L. HAYThis challenge was designed to help revolutionize your relationship with yourself through daily tasks that dig deep into the mental, emotional, and behavioural patterns that govern how you feel and think about the person in the mirror.The 30 days of the challenge are divided into three sections:Cleansing. For the first 10 days, you will develop an awareness of what has been holding you back in the past and begin to remove those limitations.Appreciating. For the next 10 days, you will cultivate gratitude, understanding, and appreciation for who you are in the present.Growing. For the last 10 days, you will develop skills and insights that will help you become who youre meant to be in the future.Im also inviting all participants of the 30-Day Self-Love Challenge to a private Facebook group that we lovingly call the tribe. This space is incredible. All the participants have come together in the name of self-love, compassion, and self-awareness to create a safe, supportive haven for self-discovery. This group is the perfect place for you to make new friends, receive the support you need, and share your story with the people who will be most inspired by it.As for the program, all the videos will arrive into your email inbox daily after you sign up. Each video is filmed in a different spot in beautiful Costa Rica, so you can enjoy the beauty of nature while learning to enjoy the beauty within you!This is going to be a fun and powerful process, and Ill be with you every step along the way.In a nutshell, youll receive:30 video tasks of deep, intensive, life-changing tasks that will transform your relationship with every part of youyour body, your inner guidance, your inner gremlin, your emotions, your thoughts, your dreams, your fears, your past, your passion, and your purpose.Lifetime access to a community of like-minded people on the same journeypeople who will understand why youre doing this, what you want, and where you want to go.Lifetime access to all the videos, so you can go at your own pace and repeat the challenge whenever you want!What Participants Are SayingAll though Im not on social media of any description, tendencies to be a loner who is an introvert. Vironikas self-love challenge was awesome. Helped me heal on a number of levels. Im definitely more comfortable in my own skin. Social situations dont freak me out as much. Gave me more confidence in myself. Its not age specific. Im 55 and found the experience priceless. Cant give this course descriptions that do it justice. Totally awesome. Find out for you, your worth it!BRIAN KRETSCHMANNVironikas 30 Day Self Love Challenge was filled with heart, wisdom, and challenges that were both fun and deep. Her authenticity gathered a group of strangers who became a loving, supportive community. The challenges are timeless. I will be doing them again and again.LYNNET MCKENZIEEveryone at some point needs a bit of a handhold to make that first climb out of the pit of self doubt. For me this challenge as constructed by Vironika handed me a great vantage point to not only start my climb back up but to also create perspective to set a safe route back to the top.ERIK H.Thanks Vironika! Love it. Love you. Love our tribe. Thanks for all the gifts Ive received due to the challenge. Ive received: wonderful new friends, community, a safe place to share my accomplishments not just hard times. A community free from judgements or criticism. Ive received applause and encouragement of my dreams. Ive got friends wholl chat with me at 3 am! I feel better about myself and more comfortable in my own skin. I have a bit more courage. I now fit in somewhere. The more I connect, the more risks I take, the more happy to be alive Im feeling. Never had this experience before! Its mind blowing! Im filled with gratitude!!!!!!BETTE C.Vironika appeared at the perfect moment in my life when I was lost within myself. Her daily challenges has allowed me to reach depths Ive never discovered, face my deepest fears and gain clarity. I could feel a huge shift in my perception of everything. Now I am not afraid to just be myself and shower myself with love. Ive never felt more genuine and authentic in my life!KENNETH L.Vironikas 30 Day Self Love Challenge needs a new name : how about Vironika Knows Whats Up! I have to admit I was a bit nervous in the beginning of this, mostly because I am not a by video learner. I generally prefer the whole PDF thing. I am now SOLD on YouTube challenges/courses Whether she was speaking of authentic desires or acceptance and change, she had my attention with every single video. And she is amazing and a natural on camera. The content was incredible and nothing short of brilliance. And the varying scenic outdoor places she had us on tour with were all incredible and made me a better person Vironika has helped me see that I am worth something. Blessings to her, and anyone that comes across her. If you are in her life, then count your stars, because this woman is a rare gem. And we are all better people because of knowing her.RENEE AVARD-FURLOWThe cost of this Challenge is worth your weight in gold. You wont regret registering for this Challenge or register for someone else as a gift or just because! Id like to also include that this has been the most loving, enriching, and therapeutic group Ive ever belonged to and I have new friends here that will last a lifetime Its so liberating to be able to be so open, honest and authentic without judgement. Now that is liberating & priceless!SHARON L.The 30 Day Self-Love Challenge is a unique and beautiful experience. There is so much about self-love on the Internet these days and to be honest, I couldnt quite grasp the whole idea. But Vironika makes it so simple to understand and put into practice. Her videos are priceless because she has a warmth and honesty about her that makes you feel calm and centered and more able to accomplish what you want to. It has also brought me many new friends that I treasurepeople really care about each other in this tribe. It truly is like a family and Vironika is our loving mother.SHEILA BERGQUIST"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
4-urxsic |
"4-7 , . - . 20 . , , , ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Vagina thrush" |
"Vagina thrush is focused on the cause prevention and treatment of the infection caused by fungus which affects three quarters of women one time or recurring in their life time. As most women encounter this problem it can be a daunting challenge and also affect their confidence. The cause will explain and advice what to do when met with such a dilemma."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step Affiliate Marketing Course Clickbank-Maxbounty" |
"I am waiting for you to learn financial freedom from the beginning with affiliate marketing. This course will benefit you with the two most profitable affiliate marketing platforms in the industry. Clickbank registration process, payoneer registration process, payment info, online bank account opening, find and examine products via clickbank, create free advertising channels, maxbounty membership transactions, maxbounty phone approval, CPA marketing, affiliate marketing free tools, affiliate marketing keyword analysis, advertising types and all the topics in the sub-group."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ferramentas da Qualidade para soluo de problemas" |
"Este um curso intensivo sobre as ferramentas bsicas da qualidade aplicadas com foco na resoluo de problemas e identificao de oportunidades de melhorias.Essas ferramentas de qualidade tem a grande vantagem de serem simples, de fcil entendimento para todos os colaboradores da empresa. Alm disso, so ferramentas de gesto poderosssimas que tem a finalidade de definir, mensurar, analisar e propor solues para alcanar o bom desempenho nos processos.So tcnicas utilizadas pelas maiores empresas do mundo nas ltimas dcadas. Por isso, o conhecimento dessas ferramentas essencial para qualquer pessoa que desejar trabalhar com gesto, qualidade ou na rea de produo.Alm disso, o curso introduz filosofia de melhoria contnua, com conceitos e ferramentas que vo te ajudar a buscar sempre pelo melhor desempenho, caminhando em busca da perfeio.Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta""E se eu no gostar do curso? Ns devolvemos seu dinheiro! Essa mais uma garantia de qualidade e um incentivo a mais para voc comear j! Aps a compra voc ter 30 dias para testar o produto, e se no gostar, basta solicitar o reembolso.Se voc tambm pretende seguir em busca da sua melhor verso, matricule-se agora!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting Design Your Life Goals Course Masterclass" |
"Goal Setting Success Masterclass. Are You Ready To Design Your Life & Create A Compelling Future For Yourself?Most goal setting courses and programs are focused on showing you how to set and achieve a new goal. This course is different. In this course you are going to learn a step by step process for developing a plan for your life so that your future becomes compelling.Based on the Goals Magic System developed 20 years ago and used by more than 20,000 people worldwide, the Design Your Life course will show you not only how to set and achieve more goals, but how to live your life with purpose, focused on achieving a larger vision for your life.We break the process down into the steps you need to take in order to truly understand yourself and what you want out of life.The starting point is in taking an honest assessment of where you are in life right now. From there we start to chart a new course as you develop a bigger vision of what is possible in your life. This bigger vision then starts to crystallise into specific focus goals. Your focus goals are then broken down into manageable and attainable steps and milestones.You will want to register for this course right now if:* You want more out of life than you are getting right now* You are sick of having no direction or plan for your better future* You know you have unlimited potential for greater things but not sure where to start* You believe passionately about the power of goal setting but don't know how to unlock its power* You can see yourself achieving more success but you lack direction* You desire to have more success and freedom in life so you can live life on your terms* You have tried other goal setting courses but been disappointed with them* You want to achieve greater results in all areas of your life* You know that with the right plan and step by step process you could become unstoppable* You are ready right now to rise up and say YES to lifeStep By Step Goal Setting TemplatesWhen you register for this course you will not only learn everything you need to know to design a compelling future for yourself through our unique goal setting system, but you will also be getting the goal setting templates to use to make it easier for you.These goal setting templates from the Goals Magic System were designed 20 years ago after years of researching into the field of goal setting, goal achievement, NLP and human behaviour and performance modification.They have been tried and tested by thousands of people from around the world. Now its your turn.When you make the decision to get registered right now you are going to learn:* How to analyse your starting point and understand your current reality* The key to activating your Dream Machine to switch on the creative side of your mind* Developing a future vision for each area of your life* Identifying the key areas of your life to set goals in right now* The correct time frame for goals - Long term vs short term* Creating FOCUS goals and how to state them correctly so that your UNCONSCIOUS mind responds* Breaking your focus goals down into manageable steps * Deciding on the first steps you need to take to get yourself into momentum* Understanding and developing empowering beliefs and values* Creating an Identity that will drive you forward towards the success you desire* Get clear on your Passions, Mission and Ultimate PurposeLet's face it you only get one shot at life.So you want to make the most of it. You don't want to go through life living as a wandering generality without any direction right?It is far better to live your life with purpose and a focused mind. This Design Your Life course will help you unlock your full potential.Come and join us by registering right now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking for Kids and Teens" |
"There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience. Alexander GreggPublic speaking has always been that skill that many people are afraid to pursue. What is the reason behind the fear of mastering public speaking skills? Why are so many members of the younger generation these so afraid of speaking in public? We are here to answer your questions!Our course aims to guide your children on a step by step guide on how to conquer that fear and becomes a better speaker in the future. After all, a good speaker expresses himself well and we all aim to be someone like that. This course will mainly focus on the tips and tricks on how to become a better speaker on stage and in public for children and teenagers. It seems like the trait of speaking professionally in public is more and more desired in the market and people who can express their ideas really well are the benchmark for our students. We aim to help the students reach to a level where they can be confident in their own shoes and elevate their self esteem.The objectives of our course are mainly the following:Gain confidence with effective and fluent speaking.Develop strong eye contact.Better communicate with others.Develop impressive critical and creative thinking skills.Develop impressive leadership skills.Students of the age of 7 years old until 17 years old are highly recommended for this programme. We aim to help youths in becoming more confident and well-elaborated when expressing themselves to the public."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Christian Public Speaking" |
"Do you feel like God is calling you to speak, teach, or preach by teaching a faith-based topic, Bible study, or sermon, sharing your story of transformation, or motivating a group of people on a particular issue? In this engaging course, filmed during the live workshop, ""Faithful to Speak,"" you'll learn Dr. P's secrets to designing and delivering a dynamite talk. Dr. P is a Christian speaker, university professor, and professional coach and consultant with a Ph.D. in communication, passionate about inspiring you to be a life-giving communicator."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to make a first person view (FPV) drone" |
"Building your own super fast first person view (FPV) drone can be a complicated task, but we've made your drone build super easy and fun by helping you through the process with our course.We'll show you the how and why of choosing appropriate parts as well as building best practices. We not only run you through a high-end drone build capable of speeds of over 100mph, but give you the skills to build whatever you like for your next drone build."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Como conseguir 14 horas por semana ou mais em apenas 1 hora" |
"Infoproduto de como conseguir 14 horas por semanaBnus #1: Como produzir mais tendo uma mente inabalvel.Esse bnus um vdeo fruto de um workshop que est sendo liberado pela primeira vez.Bnus #2: Ativando seu poder interno e descobrindo seu propsito.Esse bnus em vdeo vai mostrar para voc como produzir intencionalmente os 3 hormnios que so o combustvel para viver e como descobrir seu propsito. Tambm est sendo liberado pela primeira vez.Bnus #3: Como ter foco e realizar metas claras.Com esse bnus voc ser ""pego pela mo"" e aprender de uma vez por todas a realizar o que deseja para sua vida.Vai assumir o controle da sua vida.Bnus #4: Os 3 segredos do sucesso financeiro.Esse bnus em vdeo vai lhe apresentar o que so os 85%. Os 3 pilares de pessoas que triunfaram na vida de forma cientfica. Essa palestra foi dada em um evento com 6.898 inscritosBnus #5: Neurocincia. Explicando o que foco e como desenvolver.Esse bnus um material em PDF que est sendo liberado pela primeira vez e voc ir aprender sobre o SAR, e como treinar seu crebro.Voc vai sair dessa aula sabendo exatamente o que fazer com seu precioso tempo.VANTAGENSEu consigo te ensinar em uma hora, uma maneira inovadora e simples para voc conseguir 14 horas por semana ou mais.Sei disso porque j fiz isso inmeras vezes... Voc no precisa acordar as 5 da manh, ou pensar que precisaria de 48 horas por dia ou ser uma mquina de realizar tarefas.Basta usar o ""mecanismo SOE""Olha eu sei que isso pode parecer muito bom de mais para ser verdade, mas se eu no tivesse visto isso acontecer com meus clientes, eu tambm acharia, Aumento de produtividade, aumento de foco, disciplina. Voc se tornar uma mquina de realizar tarefas com qualidade de vida. Vai diminuir a sua procrastinao, seus nveis de estresse e de ansiedade."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Defining the Vision and Scope for a Software Project" |
"This class gives a detailed review of the process to define the vision and scope for a software development project.The format outlined in this course can be used for any size project with medium to low complexity.Upon completion of this training, you will be able to analyze vision and scope documents received from stakeholders and determine if additional information is needed prior to moving forward with requirements elicitation activities. You will also understand how to complete the vision and scope document yourself and when that may be necessary."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Business Analysis Communications Level 1" |
"Ever wonder how some business analysts are so confident and always seem to have it together? I'll show you how to be confident in communicating with stakeholders and gain their trust and respect.Eliciting requirements from stakeholders is the most important part of a business analyst's job. Everything you do, everything you document is based on those requirements. In order to achieve success in this area, you must have excellent communication skills.Master Specific Communication Techniques to Set Yourself Apart from the Growing Crowd of Business AnalystsKnow what questions to ask and how to ask them to get detailed requirements from stakeholdersLearn the techniques you should be using to respond to stakeholders in order to facilitate positive discussionIdentify listening filters that are keeping you from hearing and understanding the complete message from stakeholdersIn this course, we'll fix - together - the bad communication habits that are keeping you from getting detailed requirements - even the ones you don't realize you have!To get the most out of this course, you should have an understanding of what the business analyst job function is."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Business Requirements Elicitation Level 1" |
"About This ClassDo you walk into requirements elicitation sessions already sweating because you can't stop worrying about what you might miss, or if someone will think you're not a ""good"" BA?Eliciting requirements from stakeholders is the most important part of a business analyst's job. Everything you do, everything you document is based on those requirements. Everyone else on the project is relying on that documentation to do their part. Scary, right? Well, it doesn't have to be.Master specific elicitation techniques to set yourself apart from the growing crowd of business analystsLearn the elicitation techniques you should be using to get the correct information from your stakeholdersBe confident you are asking the right questionsGet detailed requirements and minimize requirement gapsWhat will you learn in this course?An overview of software developmentAn overview of the recommended steps to business analysisHow to obtain detailed requirementsPrioritizing RequirementsBrainstorming requirements techniqueInterviewing requirements techniqueSurvey requirements techniqueWorkshop requirements techniqueConflict resolutionA requirements session exampleWho should take this course?Current business analysts that are not confident in requirements elicitation meetingsBusiness analysts that are consistently missing requirementsIndividuals that want to move into the business analyst careerRequirementsTo get the most out of this course, you should have an understanding of what the business analyst job function is.I also recommend you complete the Mastering Business Analysis Communications course prior to starting this course. While it is not required, it will set the stage for what you are learning in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Royle Hypnotherapy, NLP Hypnosis & Complete Mind Therapy" |
"FAST TRACK HYPNOSIS, NLP & HYPNOTHERAPY COURSEWith JONATHAN ROYLEIn this brand new Multi-Media Package filmed and released in July 2019, International Television & Celebrity Hypnotist Jonathan Royle reveals the True Inside Fast-Track Secrets to Mind Therapy Hypnosis, NLP & Hypnotherapy Success.By way of 17 videos with a combined duration of just over Two Hours of Accelerated Hypnotic Learning, along with a supporting 52 minute Audio MP3, 9 PDF training manuals and access to Numerous Bonus training videos with another 6+ Hours of dynamite content, you can and will quite literally be able to become a truly Confident and Competent Hypnotherapist in Less than a week.As well as learning every Insider Success Secert of treating people with Hypnosis on an individual one to one basis, you will also discover exactly how to run Hugely Profitable Group Hypnotherapy Treatment Sessions. That may sound like an highly exaggerated claim, however Royle is confident that even the complete Novice can (and will) become proficient in the Art of helping people to overcome their Habits, Addictions, Fears, Phobias and many other issues from A through to Z within a single approx 60 minute treatment session.Even experienced Mind Therapy Professionals will learn many new invaluable hints, tips, techniques, Secrets & Strategies that the vast majority of Hypnosis Trainers quite simply don't know and, which are GUARANTEED to make you a far better therapist.The main video training consists of these 17 videos:01) Introduction 2 Mins & 31 Seconds02) Advertise to Get Clients 9 Mins & 40 Seconds03) Booking Your Clients in & Pre-Session Work 10 Mins & 17 Seconds04) Get Rapport & Keys to Hypnosis 9 Mins & 42 Seconds05) Hypnotic Trance Induction Suggestion Tests 13 Minutes & 13 Seconds06) Hypnotic Trance Induction How To Hypnotize 9 Minutes & 50 Seconds07) Deepening the Level of Trance 10 Minutes & 26 Seconds08) Ego-Strengthening Therapy & Voice Tones 3 minutes & 41 Seconds09) Carry Out The Necessary Therapy 7 Minutes & 14 Seconds10) Implant the Major Post Hypnotic Suggestions 5 minutes & 43 Seconds11) Awakening the Client from Trance 5 Minutes & 11 Seconds12) Video Testimonials & SUDS Technique 5 Minutes & 54 Seconds13) Abreactions, Health & Safety and Duty of Care 7 Minutes & 25 Seconds14) The Biggest Secrets Revealed 5 minutes & 44 Seconds15) Royles Complete Mind Therapy Approach 7 Minutes & 9 Seconds16) Royles Complete Unconscious Reprogramming of Emotional Disease & Distress 3 Minutes & 23 Seconds17) Final Thoughts & Further Resources 6 Minutes & 5 SecondsThe Bonus Videos - With Over Six Hours of Content: Within the package you will gain access to a PDF within which are links towatch an additional Six Hours of Training Videos which cover all areas ofNLP, Therapeutic Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Success Techniques.Plus You get Nine PDF Training Manuals:Combine Study of the videos with the manuals included in this download package and you will soon become a far more Confident, Competent and Skillfully Successful Hypnotic Exponent than you perhaps ever dreamed possible. Bonus TOP SECRET Fast Track Success Tools..Within this download package you will also find several Accelerated Learning Fast-Track PDF Secret Tool's which, used as instructed in the training videos will enable you to be giving Professional Standard, Safe, Ethical and Highly Effective Hypnotherapy Treatment Sessions in less than a week from purchasing, assuming of course you actually watch all the videos and do exactly as Royle will teach you in this truly unique course.World Class Training From One of the World's Leading HypnotistsJonathan Royle has been a Successful Hypnotist for over 30 years at date of release of this package (July 2019) and the content of his training materials is unequaled, hence they are approved, endorsed and accredited by:*The United Kingdom Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy UKBCH*The Mind-Care Organisation UK Ltd*Personal Development Associates (USA)*The Association of Complete Mind Therapists*International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine IPHMGrab Your copy of this package today before we raise the price to one that reflects the true value more realistically, as currently you should be able to recoup back your investment in next to no time."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Speak Beautifully. Reveal the power of your voice." |
"How can voice make your life better? It helps you communicate feelings, wishes and creative ideas to the world. Create a bigger impact!Voice muscles and throat are connected to the center of emotions in the body. The better we know this area, the freer we express emotions. Make your life brighter! Beauty-bonus. We pay a lot of attention to the way we look, but rarely think of the way we sound. That's a pity, because a pleasant voice always creates a pleasant impression. Become more attractive!This course is worthy of your investment, because it's designed to develop the power of your voice. You will:Learn the key factors of keeping the throat energetic center balancedReveal the natural sound of your voice Find out how to take care of your voice properlyHeal any disbalance in the throat center with the simple practicesSound better and more beautifullyOriginally the program was created for the learners of English as the second language but can obviously benefit every one who wants to enrich their lives with the new possibilities, as it presents the universal knowledge about voice."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"12 geniale Fotografie- und Bildbearbeitungstechniken" |
"In diesem Videokurs lernst Du meine speziellen Techniken, die ich beim Fotografieren in der Stadt nutze, um herausragende Fotos zu machen!Dabei erklre ich Dir Schritt-fr-Schritt in Lightroom und Photoshop, wie Du genau vorgehen musst.Durch die schrittweise Erklrung knnen auch Anfnger die fortgeschrittenen Techniken kinderleicht umsetzen!Das erwartet Dich im Kurs:Allgemeine Tipps fr Lightroom und Photoshop - Teil 1: 12:27 Min/ Teil 2: 8:45 MinTechnik 1: Langzeitbelichtungen fotografieren - 11:36 MinTechnik 2: Langzeitbelichtungen digital erzeugen - 5:59 MinTechnik 3: Lighttrail-Stacking - atemberaubende Nachtaufnahmen - 8:14 Min.Technik 4: Mitzieher fotografieren - 8:47 MinTechnik 5: Der Zoomeffekt - 8:07 MinTechnik 6: Digitale Geschwindigkeitseffekte - Teil 1: 4:20 Min/ Teil 2: 10:32 Min)Technik 7: Personen entfernen / Median-Stacking - 7:10 MinTechnik 8: Einen Zeitraffer erstellen - 12:21 MinTechnik 9: Einen Hyperlapse fotografieren und bearbeiten - 8:54 MinTechnik 10: Der Tilt-Shift-Effekt - 7:11 MinTechnik 11: Eine Doppelbelichtung erstellen - 10:10 MinTechnik 12: Himmel austauschen - 11:34 Min+ 1 geheime BONUS Technik - 8:54 Min.Technik 11 ist meine liebste Technik! Darin zeige ich Dir, wie du eine Doppelbelichtung digital erstellen kannst. Mit diesem Effekt erschaffst du wahre Kunstwerke, die aussehen wie Kinoplakate!Aber auch Technik 7 ist verblffend, gerade fr belebte Pltze, die NIE leer sind. Du verrechnest mehrere Fotos mit einer speziellen Technik und lsst wie durch Geisterhand alle Menschen verschwinden - der Platz ist leer!Bei Technik 3 wirst du berrascht sein, wie einfach du deine Langzeitbelichtungen in der Stadt noch eine ganze Ecke beeindruckender bearbeiten kannst. Ich sag nur so viel: Hol dir die Lichtstreifen mehrerer Fotos in EIN Bild!Dieser Videokurs ist DEIN fotografischer Werkzeugkasten! Schnapp Dir eine Technik, verbinde sie mit einer interessanten Bildidee und das Ergebnis wird einfach grandios!Ich wnsche Dir ganz viel Spa beim Lernen.Dein Eike"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Google meu Negcio e os Segredos do Posicionamento Local" |
"O Curso de Google Meu Negcio e os Segredos do Posicionamento Local (tambm conhecido como SEO LOCAL) tem por objetivo ensinar os segredos para posicionar um negcio localmente na ferramenta de pesquisa do Google. No curso sero abordados os tpicos gerais do Google meu Negcio, assim como tambm dicas especficas (segredos especficos baseados em experincia) para o bom posicionamento local. Um dos destaques do curso o Grfico que mostra a equivalncia de porcentagem da importncia de uma lista de itens que fazem a diferena no posicionamento local. Se o aluno conseguir atingir a melhor porcentagem na execuo desta lista proposta do Grfico de equivalncia, o resultado ser facilmente alcanado com o Google meu Negcio.Este curso tambm indicado para quem possui lojas virtuais, pois atualmente o Google meu Negcio serve tambm como uma forma de referncia para saber se uma loja confivel, isto baseando-se em seus comentrios e avaliaes, portanto ter uma ficha 100% perfeita no Google meu Negcio de extrema importncia."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Taller de automaquillaje" |
"Prepar este curso super completo y a un precio super accesible para que todas puedan accerder a un material de calidad sin tener que pagar de ms, si bien es cierto que los talleres de automaquillaje presenciales tienen sus costos debido al hotel, coffe break, bolsitas con regalitos ( los cuales no siempre son los indicados para nuestro tipo de piel), etc son gastos que realmente no son necesarios para una clase de calidad, es por eso que te ofrezco un taller super econmico desde la comodidad de tu casa donde tenes muchas mas ventajas que al pagar un taller de $2500 pesos como al que yo asist.Ventajas de un curso online:- precio accesible- siempre vas a estar en primera fila, no como a mi que me toc en el fondo en el taller presencial que asist.- acceso ilimitado : vas a poder ver los videos la cantidad de veces que quieras y donde quieras!!- atencin personalizada: vas a poder hacer preguntas y van a ser respondidas.En este curso aprendern todo lo necesario para realizarse en ustedes mismas un maquillaje perfecto tanto para el da a da como para una noche especial.No hay un lmite de edad solo ganas de aprender!Este curso est pensado para todas las amantes del makeup que quieran tener un conocimiento ms formal y para todas aquellas que quieran aprender a realizar un hermoso maquillaje para ir a trabajar, estudiar y salir de noche."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |