Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Crash Course to Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"In this beginning editing course, professional video editor takes you through the basic skills using Adobe Premiere Pro. You can be editing on a Mac or a PC with any version of Adobe Premiere Pro (cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, etc) to learn in this course. This FREE course will cover everything you need to know to start video editing:Adobe Premiere Pro OverviewStarting a ProjectOrganization and SubclippingTimeline and Basic Editing Toolsand much more!Get a FREE trial version of Adobe Premiere Pro (click here).I look forward to teaching you! Let me know if you have any questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Evernote 2.0" |
"I created this course because I receive more questions from viewers, friends and even family about Evernote than for any other topic!Everyone wants to be more organized, more efficient and more together.Evernote is the tool I use at the heart of my personal productivity system, and I have poured everything I know about Evernote into this course!If You:Need to be more organized but don't have time to figure it out for yourself.Want to become more productive, more organized but you can't seem to get it together.Are looking for the fastest way to learn and implement Evernote in your life.Develop an Evernote Habit! Let me help you to learn the right way, the easy way, the best way!Experts tell us it takes AT LEAST 21 days to foster a good habit.Commit to embracing Evernote for a monthBy the end of the course you will have all the skills you need to use Evernote effectivelyBy the end of the month, Evernote will be an integral part of your success!Evernote Means You Always Know Where Your ""Stuff"" IsEvernote Means:knowing where to put everythinghaving everything at your fingertipsknowing you can find it again when you need it, where you need it.Learning the Evernote WayEvernote is unique, because it is not tied to a single device or place. It goes with you everywhere, and you can access it on all your devices.Once you embrace Evernote as your digital partner, you will never wonder where you have stored a piece of information.You will never have to say to someone, ""I will get back to you on that.""Video Training at it's bestLessons will be delivered as videos, with supporting documents. The videos are engaging, informative and information dense."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Host a Great Webinar" |
"Right now, inthe era of booming online businesses, Webinars have become the standards of newmarketing culture. Webinars are taking the digital marketing world by storm. Itis considered as next big thing in internet marketing as it offers real timeconnectivity and interaction between the presenter and the audience. They offerconvenience, as anyone with an internet connection can access them. They helpwith promotion of your products and services as you can offer in depth, realtime explanation of your product or service which will result in much higherconversions.They will helpyou increase your credibility and create brand awareness among your prospects.They are mostcost-effective solutions to and they help you reach bigger audience and createbigger lists of leads.All successfulmarketers and million dollar companies are using this marketing structure andraking in 7 figures.However,planning and creating webinars effectively can be quite challenging. Mostpeople understand the wonders of webinar marketing but they terribly fail atthem because of the lack of awareness of the strategies involved with it. It often feelsquite daunting at the mere thought of creating and establishing authoritythrough webinars. But there ishope. If you make yourself ready to absorb new knowledge, take a moment out ofyour comfort zone and make yourselves ready to action, you can definitelysucceed at webinars. It is not a get rich quick idea and you will not turnmillionaire overnight. But, with the correct mindset and proper usage of thetools available, you can really make your business succeed and completelytransform the marketing structure of your business, for good.I have createdthis course to help you succeed with webinar marketing. You will learn the INsand OUTs of this marketing method. I have covered almost everything oncreating webinar packages, marketing webinars the proper ways and perfectmethods to do follow ups after the webinars. We will understand and make use ofsome webinar packages like Gotowebinar, Webinars on Air, Any Meeting, GoogleHangouts, Webinar Jam and a few others.You will begiven all the tools and techniques that help you in creating outstandingpresentations for your webinars.You can join meanytime in the discussion area and I will help you get through any hurdles thatcome in your way. This course comes at complete 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Sothis is a NO RISK option for you try out this course and grab success withwebinar marketing."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
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"Cmo ganar dinero con YouTube Actualizado 26/4/2017" |
"Con este curso obtendrs una visin general del funcionamiento de YouTube y las bases para tener un canal de xito en YouTube, crear contenidos de calidad y conseguir suscriptores.Nos dirigimos a pasos agigantados hacia una Internet Audiovisual, el consumo de vdeo ha crecido de forma sorprendente en los ltimos tiempos y la tendencia es que a partir de ahora, siga este camino. Tenemos que aprovechar este momento y prepararnos con el fin de poder ofrecer a los usuarios de Internet lo que estn buscando y lo que van a buscar en un futuro muy prximo: Vdeos.Cuando acabes este curso, podrs empezar a crear un canal de xito en YouTube."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Success Tips: Boosting Confidence, Wealth & Productivity" |
"Over 136,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesFeatured in ""Entrepreneur"", ""FoxNews"" and ""Business Insider"" magazinesWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardOverall, 14,000+ TOP Reviews Speaker at international stages such as DNX, MindvalleyU, DigitalK and WeFest JapanExplored 76 countries while running entrepreneurial venturesCo-authored the international bestseller: Ignite Your Life for MenHere is what some students said about this course:""Yes this is exactly the kind of info I need to reach my full potential in the workplace."" - Jack Rexx""I've been following Jimmy for quite a long time and he never fails to over deliver, even when it comes to a free course. Success leaves clues and these strategies will give you the results you want and deserve, no matter who you are and what you want to achieve. But enough talking, GET this course now ;)"" - Edmund Piunow""The course provides easy and practical tools to apply in a daily basis to become more productive and achieve my goals. Thanks!"" - Arturo LloydWould you like to learn how to set and achieve exciting goals? Do you want to become more confident, boost your self esteem and get more things done? What about the ability to notice the positive side of things?Finally, would you like to learn how to climb your personal Everest?Welcome to this course on strategies for success.It may sound a bit counter intuitive, but the truth is that success is predictable. You become your habits. How you think, what you do on every day basis and people you surround yourself with have a huge impact on your level of success. Many people look at the ones who made it and say: that businessman was lucky, that model has good genetics, that investor is from a rich family. The reality is that they are simply making excuses. Instead of working hard on their goals, they work harder on finding the reasons why they cant be successful.However, there are certain things successful people do on every day basis that most people are simply not willing to do OR they have no idea that they should do them. Your life is ending one minute at a time and there is no point of reinventing the wheel. In this course you will learn proven strategies used by top performers and I will show you how you can implement them to climb your, personal Everest.Im excited to have you onboard and let our journey begin.- Jimmy"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Outsourcing Mastery: How I Became A Successful Entrepreneur" |
"You have a lot of goals and ideas. You are confident they will work. However, finding the time of day to make those goals and ideas happen is close to impossible. Open time quickly gets filled up with other tasks that steal our attention from our best goals and ideas.How much would your life change if most of the tasks that take up your time were done by other people? Imagine not having to schedule social media posts, edit videos, or do other tasks that you know take up too much of your time.That is possible with outsourcing. Ever since I started outsourcing most pf my tasks, I have found more time to create training courses. The overall result has been a profit in less time than ever before. Outsourcing saves me over 40 hours of my time per week. For a small investment, I now buy back 40 hours of my life every week. This is how entrepreneurs become successful. We often praise the top entrepreneurs for their work ethic. While their work ethics are exemplars for all of us, they hire people to do most of their tasks. The most successful entrepreneurs only work on their most important work. Any work that does not matter as much gets outsourced to save them more time.In this course, you will discover how to outsource your business and repurpose your newfound time towards making a profit.If you are ready to take your business to the next level, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Happiness Quickly And Easily So You Can Thrive" |
"You have had moments of happiness in your life. Some moments in your life were happier than others. Upon reflecting, it is easy to think about different events in your life in which you experienced happiness. You enjoy feeling happy, but you want to feel happy more often.How much would your life change if you could be happy all of the time? Imagine feeling closer with your friends and family. Imagine you putting forth your work into the world that you are proud of. Those are two of the many benefits of long-term happiness. Long-term happiness is not a myth. It's a possibility if you know how to get there. You don't need money or material goods to life the Happy Lifestyle. Making a few simple changes in your life and developing new habits is the path to long-term happiness.In this course, you will discover how to boost your happiness on a massive scale so you can thrive.If you are ready to take your happiness to the next level, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How To Create An Effective Social Media Strategy" |
"With over 1 billion people on social media, you know it is one of the most powerful platforms in the world. It has transformed many businesses and provided a type of social interaction that we have never had before. Social media is a platform that when used properly can give you a massive audience.So how do you get that massive audience? The answer is with an effective social media strategy. Crafting an effective social media strategy lets you know how you can achieve rapid social media growth in a short period of time. How many followers can you gain from implementing an effective social media strategy? I have used the methods I discuss in this training course to grow a social media audience of over 300,000 followers. If you want results from your social media efforts, then get the advice from a social media rockstar.I have seen many opportunities, but none of them are as powerful as social media. If you choose to ignore social media, you won't gain any social proof or accumulate a massive audience that you can communicate with at any time.But worse of all, you are losing to the competition. The people crushing it in your competition are using social media to gain credibility for themselves and their products. They are getting their followers to give awesome testimonials and promote their content. Social media has a strong grip-hold over us. It has impacted the way your customers communicate with one another and buy products.It is increasingly important to not just use social media for your business, but to grow your audience on a massive scale. If you ignore social media for your business, then the competition is leaving you behind. On the other hand, taking social media seriously would give you credibility and social proof that could potentially outshine even your top competitors. This course will help you to gain that advantage.If you are ready to take your social media audience growth to the next level, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Create Udemy Courses Part-Time or Full-Time - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.You have many ideas for awesome Udemy courses, and you want to turn those ideas into realities. You want to put in the work, but one thing always stops you: time. Other obligations get in the way which results in less time for Udemy. As a part-time instructor, it is difficult to juggle Udemy with work and family.But this is something that deep down within your heart, you know you must do. You have such a strong desire to teach others and create your own courses. You want all of this to be done at the comfort of your home. The 9-to-5 job may bring in revenue, but the job is a pair of golden handcuffs at best. Empowering others is something that you love to do, but how can you make it happen part-time? I am a full-time high school student who finds time in his day to make Udemy happen. I am a firm believer that age is not a limit to success which is why I decided to start early.I may only be on Udemy part-time, but I am living up to my passion. I enjoy creating courses and adding videos to my existing courses. The mission behind this course is for you to discover how, regardless of your schedule, you can make Udemy work for you. Unlike most of the other successful instructors, I know what it means to truly be a part-time instructor. I am a part-time instructor every day who also writes blog posts and sends posts to my 300,000+ social media followers all on the side. In this course, you will discover how you can become successful on Udemy regardless of whether you are a full-time or part-time instructor.If you are ready to take your business to the next level, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Developing New Habits And Eliminating Bad Ones So You Thrive" |
"You have ambitions that you think about every day. You envision your ideal life and strive to make that envision a reality. Regardless of what types of goals you are pursuing in your life, you need to develop habits that will help you get there.Habit development allows us to make certain tasks become effortless. For better or for worse, habits already play a strong role in our lives. Some people can effortlessly write blog post after blog post while other people struggle to get their goals done.What you accomplish in your lifetime is dependent on the habits you build. Your habits define who you are and who you become. The most successful people in the world are led by the right habits. The biggest misconception about habits is that we are born with our habits. The way we are is the way we will always be. However, habits can be changed and morphed at any time, but only if you know how habit development works.In this course, you will discover how to build the right habits in your life and eliminate the habits that are slowing you down.If you are ready to take your habit development to the next level, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Blogging Made Quick & Easy: Save Massive Amounts Of Time Now" |
"You want to become a successful blogger. You write blog posts and publish them on your blog, but for some reason, that's all you have time for. You find it difficult to promote your blog posts to your audience. You find yourself spending so much time working on your blog that you don't have time to explore new opportunities.For a long time, I was trapped within this vicious cycle. I was writing blog post after blog post and promoting them. However, at the end of the day, I would never have time to do anything else. I had no time to create an email list, grow my social media audience, or create products. I made the mistake of focusing too much of my time on my blog. The people who make this mistake often write content that gets little to no traffic. I don't want you to be one of those people. And when I struggled with my blog, I certainly didn't want to become one of those people either!I responded to this vicious cycle by making my blogging process as efficient as possible. I changed the way I wrote, published, and promoted my content. The result was getting significantly more work done in a significantly less amount of time. I now have the power to write a 1,000+ word blog post in less than 30 minutes that I can share with over 350,000 people at any moment. Making my blogging process as efficient as it is today is the main reason I can be an entrepreneur at 17 years old.In this course, you will discover how to save a massive amount of time by changing how you write, publish, and promote your content.If you are ready to take your blogging lifestyle to the next level, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Leveraging HootSuite For Social Media Productivity & Success" |
"If you want to use HootSuite to achieve more social media success, then you may benefit greatly from taking this course.You want to leverage HootSuite to boost your social media productivity. You are looking for any way to decrease the amount of time you spend on social media so you can focus on other areas of your business. I want you to take some time right now and envision how different your business would be if your social media activity was on autopilot. Imagine if your audience grew on its own, content was scheduled on its own, and any time you used social media, you used it in the most productive way possible.This is how the successful entrepreneurs use social media. The secret to using social media successfully is to not spend much of your own time on any of the platforms. That way, you have more time to write blog posts and create blog posts that can serve the audience you are trying so hard to build.If you do not change the way you use social media, then you risk social media taking far more time than it should. You won't have any extra time to grow your business let alone keep it going.At one point, social media took too much of my time. The result was that even though I was gaining hundreds of followers and getting results from social media, my revenue didn't even budge. I was not able to create products.All of that changed when I changed the way I used HootSuite. I had been using HootSuite before, but utilizing HootSuite for productivity allowed me to rediscover hours of extra time every day that since then have been repurposed into other areas of my business.The way I responded to social media taking too much of my time is the main reason I am able to create more products.In this course, you will discover how to save a massive amount of time by using HootSuite to turbocharge your social media productivity.If you are ready to take your social media growth and time management, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Work at Home and Run a Business That Works All Day" |
"*Last Updated August 2018*Ever wonder how different life would be if you could successfully work from home? I'm not talking about surviving or having a business on the side when you aren't going through the 9-to-5 grind. I am talking about making a full-time income from the comfort of your home regardless of whether you are awake or sleeping in your pajamas.You want that lifestyle. You want to spend more time with the people who matter to you the most. You want to love your work and make a living from it.Maybe you still go through the 9-to-5 grind but want to escape. You are limited on your time but are hungry for success. You have such a strong desire for success that you can't begin to put it into words.However, you don't know how to get started. The vision looks grand but the steps to getting there are blurry.This course lays out the steps that will be critical as you strive to work from home full-time. The best part about this course is that you can implement these tactics and become successful regardless of whether you already work from home or have the 9-to-5 job.In this course, you will discover how become successful working from home. You deserve to feel comfortable in your working environment and to pursue the work that you love to do. You can be your own boss.But only if you are ready to take action. If you wish to pursue the path towards successfully working from home from people who have made it happen for themselves, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"High Performance Mastery: How To Become A Better You" |
"We are all achievers. We accomplished many goals in order to reach where we currently are. However, not everyone feels happy with their progress, and you may be one of those people. You may not be happy with your job or a relationship or something else in your life. Since we are all achievers, we have the ability to accomplish goals.To get the results you want to see in your life, you have to go from ordinary achievement to a higher level of achievement.Maybe you want to start a business on your own or be more friendly to the important people in your life. You wish the change could happen immediately, but you know it will take time to make the change happen.Changes happen at their own paces, but by reaching a higher level of achievement, that pace gets accelerated. That higher level of achievement explains why some people can write a bestselling book in less than a month and why other people launch successful product after successful product.It's time for you to become one of those higher achievers and get all of your goals done. If you don't, then you will continue standing face-to-face against the goals that have taken up space on your to-do list for far too long.Reaching the higher level of achievement isn't a matter of putting in more work. Reaching the higher level of achievement--where the magic happens--is a matter of working and living smarter.In this course, Michael and I will reveal what you need to know to become a higher achiever. You can accomplish that seemingly impossible goal twice as fast as you thought you could. You can make a full-time income by pursuing what you love. You can be a better person to the people who are important to you.But only if you are ready to take action. If you wish to pursue the path towards the higher level of achievement, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Entrepreneur Course For Massive Success In 2019" |
"If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, then you may benefit greatly from taking this course.Ever ask yourself if you could become a successful entrepreneur and free yourself from the 9-to-5 grind? Chances are you have asked yourself this question dozens of times. The entrepreneurial desire is burning within you. You want to spend more time chasing your dreams and spend less of your time at the job you hate.But every time you ask yourself this question, you always come across the same roadblocks.You want to become an entrepreneur, but you wish you had the expertise. You wish you knew which opportunities to leverage, how to incorporate entrepreneurship into your current lifestyle, and access to a mentor.Basically, you want to know where to start and how to continue on the entrepreneurial journey. Most people go into entrepreneurship with blindfolds wondering where to begin and how to expand. Those blindfolds don't work.In fact, those blindfolds are one of the main reasons why 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs' businesses crash and burn in the first 18 months. If you do what the majority does, then expect the results that the majority of people get. What would happen if your business crashed and burned in the first 18 months? It's scary to think about.It's been well over 18 months since I became an entrepreneur. Not only is my business standing, but it is also thriving. Through intense trial-and-error, I discovered the path to entrepreneurial success.And in this course, I will reveal what you need to know to become a successful entrepreneur. You can get out of that job you hate. You can build a thriving business based on something that you love to do. You can be your own boss.But only if you are ready to take action. If you wish to pursue the path towards entrepreneurial success without wearing the blindfolds, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Write Kindle Books Ridiculously Fast: 1 Book Every Month!" |
"If you want to write Kindle books fast, then you may benefit greatly from taking this course.Ever want to publish your own Kindle book? Self-publishing has changed the entire landscape. You no longer have to pursue a publisher and win their approval. Now all you have to do is win your own approval and start typing your Kindle book.But a big problem quickly emerges: a lack of time combined with a lack of direction. What do I write about? How do I find the time to write a complete Kindle book?You still hold onto the dream of self-publishing your first book, but the time combined with no experience holds you back. Maybe you try to learn on your own, but when you pursue the path on your own, you must endure years of frustration before you know what works.That's just the nature of the game. If you go all in with blindfolds, then it takes you much longer to end up on the right path.Most people only give themselves two options:Give up on your dream of self-publishing your own bookGo through years of frustration to discover what worksBut I am going to give you a third option. I am going to reveal everything that works for me as an author so I can write Kindle books rapidly. I am going to reveal exactly how I was able to write over a dozen Kindle books. I currently use these tactics to self-publish one Kindle book every month. And the best part is that it's not a huge time burden. I still have time to create one Udemy course every month and spend my time with the people who matter to me the most.Most people either quit or do a lot of stumbling before they write content rapidly. You can go on the road less traveled and discover exactly how you can write one Kindle book every month.But only if you are ready to take action. If you are ready to pursue your dream of building a Kindle Empire, then click ""Take This Course"" now."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make a Chat App! (Firebase : Swift in Xcode)" |
"In this 15 video course series, I will take you from square one, and help you make your own complete chat application for the iPhone/iPad using Swift 2 in Xcode. We'll be using Firebase.comto host the information inside of the app (profile pictures, usernames, messages, etc) which is freeto try out. (See promo video for more details)Testimonials!Anonymous - Awesome tutorials. I like that you are straight to the point. Half way I am usually thinking... 'Aww but how would I do this', then you nearly always end up answering it anyway. Thanks heaps for all the great help you give the programming community. Keep it up mate.Netronelson - excellent video... pace was great, not too much jargon. nice and clear! (from a non-techs guy).Abdullah Callo - Thank you very much, all of your tutorial are very informative, clear and easy to follow."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Course Marketing Strategies: Build a Business Teaching" |
"Do you need help marketing your courses?Do you need more money to become financially stable?But, you don't have a lot of time and money to invest?Studentsget access to cutting-edge training courses and passionate support communities that help them start a side businesses more quickly and easily.This course provides everything you could need to start and grow a home business.We've discovered principles, strategies, and technologies that produce real, measurable business results without the expensive costs.How do you measure success or failure?How much they profit per month.How much it cost to start, grow, and maintain the business.How much time and effort it took to start, grow, and maintain.So you've just launched your course.Perhaps you're like many, who expected instant sales and instant success, butit didn't turn out to be like that.What now?In this course, I go through practical strategiesyou should consider marketing your course. I've seen thesework for myself andothers. So thesemake good strategiesfor you to start searching for your audience and bring them to you.I'm not expecting all of the strategies will be a perfect fit for everyone. And certainly not expecting you to add 8 more hours of work per day to your already full plate! But start with one new marketing approach, try it, and then add a second if you find the first one working!Everything in this course ispractical. The videos show you what I and others do on those platforms. Anyone can do this, and nothing is complicated, or requires special skills, or deep pockets.So sign up today, and get started building your authority on your course topic!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Create an Online Class & Make It a Best-Seller" |
"Hi, my name is Matt Bernstein, successful Udemy instructor with over 175,000+ students across 198 countries. Discover valuable strategies from a successful Udemy instructor.Learn from someone who is doing what they are teaching!This is not theory, everything you will learn in this course I have done and continue to do so you can be assured it works.See how I make money teaching on Udemy and then duplicate the same steps to create a successful online business.Based on my successes, I let you look over my shoulder as I explore my own Udemy account, showing you precisely what I do.So different than other courses - Unlike other courses about this same subject, I have walked the walk. I have done and continue to do what I am teaching. This is not some rehashed cookie cutter content.You will WATCH OVER MY SHOULDER as I show you STEP BY STEP how to create a thriving business teaching on Udemy JUST LIKE I HAVE DONE!This Udemy Profits course is not just boring lectures with no substance. You will gain access to a complete STEP BY STEP guide to starting and building a successful side teaching business.Every step is shown right on the screen!At the end of the course you'll learn how toIncrease your Udemy revenue by following this step by step guide.Build multiple streams of income by uploading your existing content to other sales channels.Build additional income from affiliate websites that sell your course at a discount.This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 5.1 for Beginners" |
"This course will be a project based course that will have a final product, a website, while each lecture touches on a new feature of the Laravel technology. We will build a basic blog website where you will learn how routing works, how database is integrated, forms, authentication, security and much more. All you need is a computer with an internet connection, at least to download the proper files at the beginning. You will get the most out of the course by reading the Laravel documentation, which goes into more details then I can go through in a video lecture due to time constraint. But I will cover the most important things. You will also benefit by taking the information I teach and try to apply it to your own custom website. Start small and if structured correctly, you will be able to keep adding more to your application easily. This is called scalability."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"iOS 9 y Swift2 crea apps iPhone desde Cero con servicios web" |
"Bienvenidos al curso DESARROLLO DE APLICACIONES IPHONE iOS9 con Swift2 Este curso inicia realmente desde CERO, incluso es apropiado para NO PROGRAMADORES es decir toda persona que desea emprender un proyecto de construir APPS iPhone y/o iPad.Este Curso integra el desarrollo de un aplicativo iPhone con tu BACKEND basado en codigo libre PARSE SERVER, el cual permite manejar los contenidos dentro del aplicativo en forma dinmica, es decir el cambio de precios, productos o informacin en general se administra desde tu servidor, Y TE ENSEAMOS A INSTALAR en forma prctica y facil.Este curso ES SINGULAR, no tiene parecido a ningn otro curso, y te garantiza que aprendiendo a crear el APP PROTOTIPO, no solo podras hacer otros similares, sino estaras preparado para crear nuevas aplicaciones con mayores caracteristicas, por que aprenderas a interpretar informacin directa desde APPLE.La demanda de aplicaciones iOS es grande y bien remunerada, no dejes pasar esta oportunidad y emprende este curso que no solo tendrs un buen mtodo didactico, sino tambin un buen soporte.Muchos xitos a todos y Dios les bendigaFredy AsenciosInstructor"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create Stunning Black & White Images with Nik Silver Efex" |
"This course will teach you how to convert your color images to black and white and make them look fantastic. In this course you will learn Google's Nik Silver EfexPro 2, which is now free, and isconsidered to be one of the best black and white image conversion software.The course is 100% video tutorials plus the software you need for the course is free. The course should only take aday or two to complete and there is a project for you to complete to show off your new skills.This course has a getting started section that will explain how all Nik plugins work and then a detailed section about Silver Efex.You should take this course if you want to learn any of the items listed below and if you want to improve your black and white photography.You will learn to:Make exposure adjustmentsContrast adjustmentsUse presetsSave presetsImport/Export presetsHow to create your own B&W recipe from scratchHow to emulate the look of different types of filmHow to add film grainHow to add bordersBasically to create a stunning B&W image."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to MBA by GoLearningBus" |
"Taught by founder of WAGmob and GoLearningBus. Get a simple introduction to MBA via a set of videos and quizzes. Instructor has both MBA and real life business experience.This course provides a quick summary of essential concepts in MBA via following:Introduction to MBA,Accounting- Introduction,Economics- Introduction,Finance- Introduction,Basic Principles of Management and Business Strategy,Human Resource Management,Investment Introduction,Leadership- Introduction,Management Information System Introduction,Marketing- Introduction,Operations Management- Introduction,Project Management- Introduction,Sales- Introduction.Entrepreneurship - IntroductionAfter this course you can decide to pursue your own MBA or start your own business.Only for beginners who want a refresher course in business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Construir con xito Alianzas Estratgicas" |
"A travs de un proceso paso a paso comprobaremos las claves fundamentales para negociar y desarrollar una Alianza Estratgica con xito, independientemente del tamao de nuestra organizacin, alertando de los posibles obstculos que pueden llevar al fracaso. Dirigido a emprendedores, directivos, profesionales o estudiantes que se plantean ahora o en el futuro alcanzar sus objetivos a travs de slidas relaciones de colaboracin con otras organizaciones. Incluye una gua prctica con las preguntas esenciales para preparar el proceso de negociacin de una Alianza."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |