Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Fly Fishing - The Ultimate Guide (2020)" |
"This course is for anyone who is between the beginner to intermediate level. If you know nothing about fly fishing, then this course is for you. If you know quite a bit about fly fishing but want to improve your knowledge and skills, then this course is for you.I am Tom. I have been fly fishing all my life. At one point I was in your situation. I saw others on the river who were catching fish over and over. I wanted to be like that. From that point on I have devoted my life to learning the art of fly fishing. You can spend countless days and hours researching what to do. There is so much information online that sometimes learning can be quite confusing. That is why I created this course. I am giving you a couple of hours of EVERYTHING you need to know on how to start fly fishing. Don't waste days sifting through garbage on the internet. Don't get me wrong, the internet has amazing information on fly fishing, but one method may be taught 10 different ways so it can be hard to decide what is right. This course will give you thousands of dollars of value and years and years of experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn financial principals that will get you unstuck" |
"In this course we will talk about how to start a budget. We will talk about the 3 mayor steps how to get on budget. I will help you, we will walk through the steps towards well done organized financial plan.Here is a glimpse of what you will see. You will learn how to:Fund an emergency fund6-9 months of savingsHow to plan for retirement"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become a Tarot Mystic: Learn the cards and share your wisdom" |
"What is a Tarot Mystic?To me, a Tarot mystic is someone who combines the meaning of the cards with a deeper level of spiritual understanding. We are spiritual beings living in physical form, and we are here to live inspired lives and to expand in consciousness. But the journey is not easy. There are lessons to learn and pitfalls to avoid, and the spiritual expansion comes from the wisdom we gain from all of our life experiences. Using Tarot as a ToolThe Tarot is a tool that can help us walk through life with greater ease by clarifying what is really going on. The clarification can happen in two ways; by interpreting the meaning of the cards, or even better, by sharing your understanding of what each card means on a certain level of consciousness. The insight about this came to me as a Spirit download where I was shown how the Tarot is connects to the Chakras. Did you know that each card from 1-10 creates a story that shows what lessons we are here to learn? I'll tell you all about it in the course... The Story of the CardsOnce you know the story of the cards, you'll never have to memorize them again, because the story will help you remember the meanings. If you wish, you can also combine the Tarot with oracle cards, as well as birth card combinations and primary life challenges. This is where you become the mystic. The Tarot mystic can reveal wisdom and insights that you don't normally get from an ordinary Tarot reading because the mystic has connected the dots and discovered the bigger picture.Achieve a New Level of Confidence and SkillIn this course I take you on a spiritual journey where the Tarot is your guide and the journey represents life itself. By the time you finish the course, you'll have all the tools you need to create unforgettable, one-of-a-kind readings for yourself and your clients. By learning the cards, asking the right questions and creating unique spreads for each client, you'll find that the Tarot is the perfect tool for reflecting the truth they are seeking. All we have to do is connect the dots, and this course will give you the confidence and skill to do exactly that. So dive in, and you'll discover a whole different side of the Tarot..."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"How to heal your broken heart from an abusive relationship" |
"Doctors sometimes re-break your bones so that they heal right. This heartbreak of yours can be that re-break of your emotional self so that you can set your life right and actually heal the way you had always needed to heal.From this course you will learn how to heal your heart. You will also find a real authentic life. You will find authentic happiness. You will know how to be your best self. You will know how to get on the best life path for you. You will, after doing this self-work, also know how to find relationships that are empowering and authentic.You will gain the ability to right your whole life in ways that you had not known before. You will find happiness in ways that you had never known before. You will experience self-confidence and self-acceptance in ways that you had never really known before. You will more consistently feel comfortable in your own skin and like and love who you are in ways that you had never done before. You will know how to be responsible for your own feelings and your emotional well-being and know how to let go of things that dont serve you.You will know the difference between emotional rights and emotional wrongs."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Basics in Character Creation" |
"So you want to get into drawing right? well this is the perfect course for you its a 5 section course that goes in depth on explaining the simple break down of drawing. Trust me anyone can draw all you need to do is be willing to put forth the time and effort and you will be well on your way to becoming the artist you have always dreamed of. :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cheat Sheet for Food Handlers Certificate" |
"All possible questions that will appear on the final exam for the food handlers certificate. Without this certificate you will not be able to work in many restaurants and you will have to have a passing score of 80% in order to take your picture for you food handlers card."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint : Les secrets dune prsentation russie" |
"Ce cours vise essentiellement vous donner les rgles suivre pour russir sa prsentation, ce cours ne comporte pas que de la thorie, puisque nous allons raliser ensemble une prsentation qui a pour objet de prsenter une entreprise, l'objectif est qu'au lieu de vous expliquer les fonctionnalits de manire thorique, nous verrons directement sur l'exercice comment pouvoir les utiliser bon escient, vous serez ainsi capable la fin de ce cours de raliser une prsentation en ayant en tte les diffrentes possibilits qui s'offre vous grce aux fonctionnalits apprises."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Content marketing per le imprese turistiche" |
"Una delle ragioni principali per cui le imprese turistiche perdono clienti ogni anno dovuto al fatto di non saper ""cosa"" e ""come"" comunicare col proprio pubblico di riferimento.Grazie a questo corso riuscirai a potenziare la comunicazione del tuo brand per distinguerti dalla concorrenza, aumentare i potenziali clienti e fidelizzare quelli clienti gi acquisiti. Perch ti servir questo corso:L'errore che molte aziende commettono quello di descriversi come ""leader di settore"", di raccontare quello che fanno senza focalizzarsi sul cliente. La creazione di una strategia di contenuti pu aiutare la percezione del valore per creare fiducia, coinvolgere e legare le persone all'azienda (e al brand) e giustificare anche i prezzi. Per superare la concorrenza e fare in modo che le persone si ricordino dell'azienda, che tornino a visitarla, occorre sapersi differenziare e sapersi raccontare sfruttando le potenzialit del content marketing per le imprese turistiche. Cosa imparerai con questo corso:Con questo corso teorico-pratico potrai imparare le logiche dell'acquisto, a creare contenuti testuali di impatto secondo la tecnica dello storytelling e del copywriting, ma anche a creare un'immagine da affiancare al testo per attirare l'attenzione.Cosa troverai in questo corso:Nel corso di Content Marketing per le Imprese Turistiche troverai lezioni teorico-pratiche, esempi pratici. Il docente ti illustrer l'evoluzione del web come nuova forma di informazione e comunicazione anche per le imprese turistiche. Ti condurr alla scoperta del content marketing e degli strumenti per creare contenuti efficaci utilizzando lo storytelling, il copywriting e il visual design. Attraverso gli esempi pratici e l'analisi del testo fatta dal docente, imparerai la struttura da adottare per i tuoi testi e imparerai a pensare come un vero copywriter focalizzandoti solo sul cliente. A chi rivolto questo corso:Il corso di Content Marketing per le Imprese Turistiche rivolto a:imprenditori che si occupano personalmente della comunicazione della propria impresa turistica;studenti che vogliono approfondire il content e visual marketing;professionisti che si occupano gi di content marketing e vogliono aggiornarsi;aziende che vogliono formare i propri dipendenti sul content marketing.Esercitazione finale di fine corso:Gli studenti che avranno terminato il corso potranno inviare un'esercitazione (facoltativa) al docente per mettere in pratica quanto realmente hanno appreso durante le lezioni."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learning barber's pace in a different way" |
"in this different course the instructor had taught before recording the video to beginners that one them is me. We do this work to know what problems and questions arise beginners .The most problems arise beginners are similar. In this way our students havent no more questions about what we teaching to them .and if they want to be like our instructor they just have to practice a lot."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
business-voicetraining |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
jazzsession |
"iReal ProAmazing Slow Downer"
Price: 8400.00 ![]() |
goodvoice |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"R programming for (social) scientists" |
"Have you ever wanted to created those pretty interactive plots or analyze the data using CFA, SEM and other sophisticated procedures, but you gave up because it seemed to complicated? Especially since you'd have to ""code"" something? Join this course and learn some of the most sophisticated statistical procedures in a relaxed environment that makes it look completely easy and understandable. Regardless if you're starting from scratch or just want to revise some concepts - this course will turn you into an analyst in no time! All codes and videos are available for you to download, so you can implement these procedures directly on your data. Of course, if you want :)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Remember - Memory Course" |
"Remember Complicated Formulas, Bullet Points, Acronyms, Numbers, Exam Material, Names, and Much More With Simple Yet Robust Techniques Used By the Brightest Minds In The World. No More ""Repeat It Until You Remember It"". If You Struggle to Remember, It is Not Because You are Not Intelligent, It is Simply Because You Have an Untrained Memory."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intensywny kurs hiszpaskiego przed wyjazdem" |
"Hiszpaski na poziomie A1 dla podrnikw. Intensywny kurs wideo z wiczeniami. W cigu 10 lekcji przejdziemy przez cay poziom A1. Na tak intensywnym kursie nauczysz si wszystkiego co niezbdne, eby porozumie si bez problemu podczas twojego pobytu w Hiszpanii lub Ameryce aciskiej. Poniej plan kursu:Plan10-godzinnego kursu hiszpaskiego przed wyjazdem1.Co ju wiemy o hiszpaskim?Alfabet, wymowaKraje, narodowo, zawodyPrzedstawianie si: kontakt, podstawowe informacje, zainteresowaniaKoniugacjeRne rodki transportu, komunikacja w podry2.Czas teraniejszyW hoteluRodzaj mski i eski, rodzajniki okrelone i nieokrelonePytajnikiLiczby3.Rnica midzy ser/estar/haberPogodaRnica midzy qu i culStopie wyszy i najwyszyOkrelanie: mucho, poco, bien, mal4.UbraniaRodzinaZakupy, w sklepieKoloryZaimki wskazujceZaimki dzierawcze5.Czasowniki gustar, encantar, interesarRnica midzy tambin i tampocoCzasowniki zwrotneTypowy dzie podczas podryPodr pocigiem i autobusem, kupowanie biletw6.Dni, miesice, pory roku, godzinyWygld fizycznyCharakterCzasowniki nieregularne w czasie teraniejszymNa lotnisku7.JedzenieW barze i restauracjiSupermarket, zakupyForma bezosobowa seCzsto, powtarzalno8.Opis miasta i dzielnicyPoruszanie si po mieciePytanie o kierunki i miejscaUmiejscowienie przedmiotwTransport publiczny9.Rnica midzy saber i poderWynajem samochodu, poruszanie si samochodemCzas przeszy: Pretrito PerfectoCzas przyszy: Futuro Prximo10.Podsumowanie caej wiedzyOmwienie problemw i wtpliwociTest sprawdzajcy"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Raise Money through Crowdfunding for your Small Business" |
"This course focuses on how entrepreneurs and small business owners can use crowdfunding to raise money for their small business. Crowdfunding success rates are about 50%. This course uses academic research to increase the chances for success. This course walks you through the steps to set up a successful crowdfunding campaign, from choosing your type of campaign, to setting the target goal, creating rewards to attract more funders, choosing the best platform (kickstarter, indiegogo, etc.) , creating a budget based on your costs for your project AND fulfilling rewards so you don't LOSE money, creating a marketing plan unique to your business and project, and how to keep the loyal customer base after the crowdfuning campaign ends."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power Automate vs Azure Logic Apps, which tool should I use?" |
"There is a lot of confusion when it comes to choosing to use Power Automate (Microsoft Flow) or Azure Logic Apps. As a result, there are a lot of opinions out there, but not many of them are objective. In this course we will deep dive on the feature sets of both technologies and then provide prescriptive guidance through real-world examples.Update - August 14th, 2019 I have added 2 additional lectures that can be found in the New Content - Added after the original publishing of the course section. The 2 lectures include content about 2 new features found in Microsoft Flow (Copy to my clipboard) and Azure Logic Apps (Secure Inputs/Secure Outputs). You will find this section towards the end of the course. Enjoy!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"10 Tips For Building Effective Power Automate Flows" |
"You have experience with Microsoft Flow, but you feel like you are a few tips away from being more productive and building more reliable, effective flows. In this course we will share some of our expert knowledge to accelerate your Microsoft Flow journey and help you build epic flows! In this course, Jon and Kent will walk you through 10 tips that include best practices on topics such as sharing, error handling, organizing your flow actions and improving the overall supportability of your flows."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"10 Advanced Tips for Building Effective Power Automate Flows" |
"Jon and Kent released their first course called '10 Tips for Building Effective Flows' in August 2019. Well, the duo is back and this time they are going to ramp it up a notch and discuss more advanced flow tips and tricks. In this course, learn about popular Flow Expressions, Custom Approvals, Condition Builder, improving flow performance through Concurrency, Retry Policies, Trigger Conditions and much more!Also, look for some bonus content, so technically this is really 11 Advanced Tips for Building Effective Flows course!Enjoy!Jon and Kent"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
solidworks-simulation-professional-tutorial |
" 3 "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Temel MATEMATK" |
"kursumuz sayesinde hayat daha iyi anlamlandrma ve kiisel geliim adna yeni bir adm atlacak. bu ilk videomuz, bundan sonra eitimin toplumdaki yeri, 0/3 ya aile eitimi, 3/6 ya aile eitimi, 7/12 ya aile eitimi, 12/18 ya aile eitimi. ders alma teknikleri. temel matematik kursu. okuma kursu. Trke dil bilgisi kurslar. Verimli zaman kullanma, verimli ders alma kurslar yklenecektir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Afiliado de Sucesso iniciante." |
"voc vai aprender a se cadastrar nas plataformas e ver as tendencias no mercado e tambm escolher o produto certo para voc promover, s depende de voc agora!!!! logo apos esse mini curso eu estarei lanando o curso completo para voc deseja iniciar no mercado digital e aprender do zero at fazer um site profissional no curso e divulgar os seus produto no Facebook e youtube , aplicar gatilhos mentais e fazer as pessoas querer o seu produto e no o de outro produtor ou afiliado o curso afiliado de sucesso completo eu vou te pegar pela mo e televa a um outro nvel do marketing digital."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Afiliado de Sucesso do iniciante ao Avanado, passo a passo." |
"Curso voltado para quem esta inciando no mercado digital e quer se tornar um profissional como afiliado.Aqui voc ir encontrar , tcnicas de vendas , criador de sites,como anunciar ,escolher o produto certo, 100 ideias para comear o seu trabalho .voc ira aprender como usar gatilhos mentais e conseguir vender todos os dias com essas tcnicas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Grow Rich With Property Investing?" |
"If you are the kind of person who is excited but struggling or fearful of investing in property then this course will empower you to generate passive income and build wealth through investing in property the right way. Even if you are an experienced investor you will gain a lot from this course.Principles and strategies in the course will show you how easy and simple it is to gain financial freedom through property investment. This course will reveal the hidden truths that will help you retire with the help of real estate investing within a very short span of time.Praveen Kumar your course instructor has 40 years experience in property investing. He has helped hundreds of students get started on the property ladder and find financial independence. Y"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
plan-your-newyear |
": : 10 ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Engineered to Excel" |
"If youve been struggling in certain areas of your life for a long time and dont know how to break through, then this course is for you. Maybe you struggle financially, no matter what you try. Or maybe youre very successful professionally, but you cant enjoy your success because you feel like somethings missing. Whether you keep finding yourself in toxic relationships, or your family has struggled with dysfunction for years, we all have areas of our lives we want to improve.Once you understand how you were engineered to excel, youll be able to break those negative patterns in your life and establish patterns for success instead. This step-by-step guide will show you how youre wired and teach you the spiritual keys to success that are at your disposal.If youre ready to go from a caterpillar to a butterfly and create the life of your dreams, get ready to do your spiritual work. The exercises at the end of each section are designed to help you eliminate the negativity from your past and excavate the most successful version of yourself. When you start seeing all the positive results, youll be so glad you invested in your transformation."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Docker(Spring Cloud)" |
"Docker Linux DockerDockerDockerSpringCloudDockerregistry1Docker2Docker3DockerMySQLRedisTomcat4Dockerfile5SpringBoot+SpringCloud67Rancher"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
Spring(XMLAnnotation) |
"SpringSpring2003 Java Rod JohnsonSpringJavaSE/EEfull-stack() Spring4 FrameworkIOCAOPSpringJDBCTemplate1SpringXMLIOC2SpringXMLDI3SpringIOC4SpringDI56SpirngXMLAOP7SpringAOP89SpringXML10Spring"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Hibernate ORM (XMLAnnotation)" |
"HibernateJDBCPOJOormhibernateSQLJava HibernateJDBCJavaServlet/JSPWebHibernateEJBJ2EECMPHibernate5JPAHibernate"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Spring MVC" |
"Spring MVCSpringFrameWorkSpring Web FlowSpring Web MVC Spring MVC SpringWEBSpringSpringMVCMVCStruts1Struts2SpringMVCSpringMVCStruts2SpringMVCSpirngHibernate1SpringMVC2SpringMVC3SpringMVC4SpringMVC5SpringMVC6SpringMVC7SpringMVC+Spring+Hibernate"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Spring Security" |
"Spring SecuritySpringSpringBeanSpring IoCDIInversion of Control ,DI:Dependency Injection AOPSpring Security4Spring SecuritySSMSpring BootSSM+Spring SecuritySpringBootSpringSecurity"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |