Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to activate your glutes with in depth exercise tutorials" |
"Welcome to the course that everybody needs! The gluteal muscles are not only an eye catcher, but they are necessary for a healthy, functioning body. The gluteal muscles stabilise our hips and knees while improving overall posture. Any movement involving standing, walking, running, sitting up, climbing, all include the gluteal muscles. You can't get from A to B without them and that's why I have designed this course because the FUNCTIONS of this muscle group are often overlooked when people are trying to exercise and this can lead to injury and an inefficient body. In this course you will learn the scientific functions of the glutes, what their benefits are, and how we can apply them in step by step exercise tutorials. So let's get your glutes fired up, your fitness through the roof, and stand with confidence knowing your glutes are doing the job they were designed for! I'll see you in the first video! Cheers, Jaspar."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Python do bsico ao avanado + inteligncia artificial" |
"Aprenda Python na prtica com exerccios reais do dia a dia.Neste curso mesmo voc que nunca programou na vida sair capaz de desenvolver seus prprios programas com interao a banco de dados, interfaces grficas, fazer anlises de dados em massa, desenvolver redes neurais para solucionar diversos problemas como classificao de imagem, agrupamentos, previses e muito mais.No perca esta oportunidade nica de se tornar um especialista em Python."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Processamento de Imagens com Python e OpenCV" |
"Neste curso o aluno sair capaz de entender conceitos avanados na rea de viso computacional, podendo utilizar de tcnicas como suavizao, limiarizao, histogramas, manipulao de vdeos em tempo real para reconhecimento de faces, olhos e objetos.Com os conceitos de Deep Learning, a crescente em carros autnomos, desbloqueios de smartphones com padres faciais, monitoramento de rodovias, analise de frutas etc, a rea de viso computacional vem sendo muito explorada por grandes empresas no mundo, como o Facebook, Instagram, Tesla Motors, LG e muito mais,se voc tambm quer estar por dentro dessa rea desenvolvendo projetos prticos esse curso para voc"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Dealing With the Loss of a Loved One" |
"Certified NLP Practitioner, Life Coach and Author, Kim Halerwich-Clark delves into the emotional torment of grief and works towards coping methods to ease the suffering of those dealing with loss. Her unique perspective on grief gives her students practical exercises and coping techniques to assist them with the grieving process. She explores the idea of existence after death of the physical body and shares her story of healing after losing her only son in 2015. Join in on her journey of survival, if you have lost a loved one or work with clients who are struggling with loss."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Get Out of Debt - Transform Your Financial Destiny!" |
"If you are ready to transform your financial future, you have arrived at the brink of a new life.You will discover how you can take the money you are already earning and redirect it, so that youcan transform your financial destiny!How would you feel if you could pay off all your debts in a matter of years, just by focusing your money in a new way?Kim Halerwich-Clark is the Author of seven personal development books, a Certified NLP Practitioner and Life Coach, who is dedicated to helping her clients overcome the challenges that face us every day. Her teaching style is enthusiastic and she keeps her students engaged by offering compelling information that you can put into practice right away. Transform Your Financial Destiny is a course designed for all ages and individuals who find themselves relyingon credit, regardless of yearly income levels. Even if you don't partake in accumulating debt, you will findthe information in this course enlightening and beneficial.Society has not sufficiently been taught ways to manage our finances and we can become bound to ourpoor money decisions that affect us for years to come. It is through taking back your power and discoveringhow easy it can be, to set a ""Plan in Motion"" that will lead you towards financial success and freedom. All ittakes is one decision to change the course of your life and it starts today. If you choose to take action anddiscover ways to become financially empowered, you will set your sail upon new oceans. You will learn an easy-to-implement method of removing debt from your life, once and for all. You hold the keyto deciding your own fate when it comes to financial independence. You control how the rest of your life plays out,but I am here to guide you down the correct path to the life you've been dreaming about. I encourage you to takea stand and decide you will no longer be a victim to your financial situation. You have the opportunity to turnthings around and put yourself in the driver seat towards making a different strategy work for you.After this course, you will feel relieved as you put your new plan into action right away and stress will alleviate.You will begin to worry less about finances and become excited about your transformation that is underway. Within a short period of time, you will start to see results and that will continue to motivate your desire to becomethe financially sound person you've always wanted to be."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Quest For Happiness in 30 Days or Less" |
"Certified Hypnotherapy NLP Practitioner, Reiki Master, Life Coach, and Author, Kim Halerwich-Clark unravels the internal self that is responsible for current behaviors and patterns that no longer serve your overall well-being. Her goal is to guide you through the process of breaking down barriers that have blocked your path towards a happier life.Once your personal walls have been torn down, you will emerge into a version of yourself that will be thrust into a more satisfying and emotionally fulfilling role in this world.You will discover your worth by realizing the internal power that you possess on a core level."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reforma Laboral Mxico 2019" |
"Soy Ricardo Landero y juntos blindaremos a tu empresa y clientes en material laboral.La Reforma Laboral 2019 vigente en Mxico supone un cambio de paradigma para el que muy pocos bufetes, gerencias y profesionales estn preparados.En este curso conocers todo acerca de las nuevas relaciones individuales, relacionescolectivas y cambios procesales que impactarn en tu presupuesto."
Price: 795.00 ![]() |
"Unity C#, Firebase: Multiplayer Oyun Altyaps Gelitirme" |
"Bu eitimde ama, oyun dnyasnda ve bulut teknolojisinde gncel konular takip ederek multiplayer zellii olan mobil tabanl oyunlar gelitirmeniz iin gerekli ierii salamaktr. Eitim sresince kullanlacak olan programlar, programlama dilleri ve teknolojiler, sfrdan kurulum ve A'dan Z'ye ihtiya dourabilecek temel bilgi seviyesi siz katlmclara aktarlmaktadr. Bu balamda ierikte u konulara deinilmektedir:Unity3D Oyun MotoruGoogle Cloud Platform: FirebaseFirebase: AuthenticationFirebase: Realtime DatabaseFirebase Unity SDKVisual StudioC# Programlama Dili Temel BilgiMultiplayer Oyun AltyapsFirebase NoSQL Veritaban YapsTic Tac Toe Multiplayer Oyun Yapm"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Curso de VBA Excel (Visual Basic for Applications)" |
"Visual Basic for Applications es un lenguaje de programacin orientado a objetos y desarrollado por Microsoft. Su utilidad principal es automatizar tareas cotidianas, as como crear aplicaciones y servicios de bases de datos para el escritorio. Principios de programacin y automatizacin de clculos, organizacin de datos y tareas de visualizacin de informacin de Microsoft Excel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Write Like A Pro!" |
"This course is designed to help you master the art and skill of writing while getting clear with your message. Also included is how to find your own writing uniqueness with the sound knowledge of the right strategies that can help you expand your writing capacity, sustain your flow of ideas as you maximize the amazing skill of storytelling and idea generation strategies.All that would be required at this point is that you have the desire alone to write and create compelling contents.Entrepreneurs, aspiring writers, content creators including digital marketers would find this course very useful."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro: Learn audio mixing for your videos/vlogs" |
"Thanks for joining this course! Welcome onboard if you are looking to upgrade your audio quality in your video editing career. I am Jyi, a full-time audio post mixing engineer that has worked on reality smaller projects such as Youtube videos and vlogs, to bigger scale projects such as commercial videos, reality TV shows and everything in between. I have the chance to work closely with video editors and videographers over the years. This allows me to be able to understand the difficulties faced by my fellow video editor friends, and to come up with a course tailored for video editors or YouTubers like you. After this course, you will be able to mix the audio for your video projects when your budget doesn't allow you to hire an audio post mixing engineer. Yes, you are able to mix videos in Premiere Pro as well, with just a little practice. However, there is still a huge difference still, to mix audio in dedicated audio softwares/DAWs such as Cubase, Pro Tools, etc. Hire one if you are in a big project and you will know the difference, trust me! Hence in this course, we are focusing on smaller scale video projects of yours. Let's hop on to the course, shall we?This course will walk you through the whole process of mixing a real-life example of a video project in Adobe Premiere Pro.EP1: Arrange and Rename TracksFile management is important when you have a huge chunk of tracks to keep track. This good habit will be beneficial in the long run and you will see that you can work more efficiently and more effectively. EP2: Levelling TracksThis is a good start in understanding your audio mix. Getting a good balance just with volume/gain can save you lots of time in the future.EP3: What is EQEP4: What is compressionEpisode 3 and 4 walks you through the most fundamental idea in mixing, which is EQ and compression. With this knowledge in mind, you can dive deeper into other audio topics in the future.EP5: CrossfadeThis is a feature in Adobe Premiere Pro. It allows us to crossfades all the cuts that we've done during the video editing process. The tiny details of crossfading the audio cuts will make your video sounds so much more professional and cleaner! EP6: Adaptive Noise ReductionIf your recording has noise in it, don't worry! This episode will teach you how to clean up the noise in your audio. EP7: DeclipperClipped audio is quite common when you are working on smaller projects with lesser budget. The audio received might be from a camera source and a distorted audio is a common problem faced. We work on fixing the clipped audio in Adobe Audition, since Adobe Premiere Pro doesn't have the function yet while we are producing this course. EP8: Two Methods of MixingA short walkthrough in showing few different ways to balance your audio mix in Adobe Premiere.EP9: Before MixingListen to your audio before we start mixing and try to identify the problems that you hear. Understanding the bigger picture is a good approach instead of simply jumping into mixing blindly. EP10: Essential SoundThis is a feature in Adobe Premiere Pro that allows us to assign the audio type and make quick and easy mix to your project.EP11: MixingHere comes to ""main course"" of the course! All the preparations from the previous video come in handy when we are in this step. Watch this video and see the thought process that's going through when mixing. Apply it or tweak it to suit your project.EP12: MasteringMastering might be a little new to most video editors, in this course we touch on simple mastering techniques to make your video sounds competitive to the other videos out there!PS: Special thanks to WebTVAsia in allowing me to use the video project as an example."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Vence los ms grandes bloqueos que te impiden comunicarte de manera autntica y confiada, con las tcnicas, conceptos y herramientas que aprenders en este curso.La comunicacin es una de las habilidades humanas fundamentales para interactuar eficazmente con el mundo. Cuando es bien aplicada, nos representa una va al xito tanto en lo personal como en lo profesional, adems de ayudarnos a construir una sensacin interna de seguridad, permitindonos expresar nuestras ideas y sentimientos, generando un impacto positivo e influencia en quienes nos escuchan.En este curso, Livier Ziga, comunicadora profesional de radio y televisin, compartir contigo todas esas herramientas que a lo largo de sus 15 aos de trayectoria ha recopilado y aplicado frente a cmaras y micrfonos, tanto como en su vida personal, logrando construir un lazo de confianza con audiencias al rededor del mundo, al mismo tiempo que reforzando sus vnculos personales ms estrechos.Bajo la premisa de que las herramientas que aprenders van ""Ms all del micrfono"", conseguirs:- Superar los nervios y parlisis al tratar de expresar tus ideas y sentimientos ante grandes audiencias o en tus relaciones e interacciones ms intimas.- Mejorar tu dilogo interno para reforzar tu confianza personal para comunicarte con mayor seguridad.- Dominar los conceptos que te ayudarn a persuadir a los dems de manera poderosa y dejar una huella especial con tu mensaje.- Aprender tcnicas y ejercicios que te ayudarn a hablar mejor e influir en las personas.Y ms!Con estas lecciones breves y prcticas, en poco tiempo sers capaz de implementar nuevas herramientas de comunicacin eficaz en el contexto que desees y mejorar tu vida."
Price: 870.00 ![]() |
magic-classic |
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Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"complete course on vedic maths in telugu" |
". , , , , , & . . . . "" "" ."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Python ile eytan rnekler" |
"Kursu 25TL'ye satn almak iin kupon kodu;DAEMON-1222Python ile Casus Yazlm Gelitirme Eitimine Ho Geldiniz ! Bu eitim sayesinde casus yazlm gelitirme temellerine sahip olacaksnz. Python ile soket temellerini alp istediimiz bilgisayarn komut satrna eriebileceiz. Gnmzde internet bu kadar nemliyken istemci-sunucu ilikisinin nasl ilediini reneceiz. Eer ebeveynseniz ocuunuz bilgisayarla neler yaptn renebileceksiniz.Eitim Setinin erii:Eitimde, python ile keylogger gelitirip girilen her bir karakteri dosyaya kaydedeceiz.Bu log dosyasn kendimize mail olarak gndereceiz.USB logger ile flash belleimizdeki istediimiz trdeki dosyalar arka planda kopyalayabileceiz.A temellerini alacaz.stemci ile otomatik olarak sunucuya balanmay greceiz.stemcinin olduu bilgisayarda arka planda komut satrna erieceiz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Hotel Management Fundamentals - Hotel Management Operations" |
"What is the hotel management? How does the hotel industry work?Register for this course and get your answers today!This hospitality course is the EASIEST WAY to learn practical hotel management. If you are about to start your first hotel job and/or interested in hotel management strategy, this course is what you need. I made it as useful as possible for you to have a complete understanding of hotel operations. The unique delivery style will help you learn every hotel department through its functions, systems, reports, relations, and professional terminology. You will be able to understand practical hospitality management basics, pick the right hotel department for your career and learn how to become a manager.When I started my first hotel job as a restaurant server, I did not know much about hotel management structure and professional terminology that is essential to your career progress. However I've learned cash handling procedures, POS system, inventory, PAR level and a night audit. There were even more terms for me to learn as I moved forward towards my career goal of being a hotel general manager.Long story short.Now allow me to explain to you the structure of this course:Part 1: Course IntroductionPart 2: Hotel Operations - Front Office, Food & Beverage, Housekeeping, Sales & MarketingPart 3: Test Yourself - QuizzesPart 4: Additional MaterialsPart 5: Final NoteStudying hotel management will help you uncover other hospitality and tourism job opportunities within your home country as well as around the world. All you have to do now is register for this course so that you can make an informed decision about hotel management career and hospitality industry in general."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Start a Business Without an MBA - Business Idea Generation" |
"Do you know that the MBA has nothing to do with business success??? A lot of people started their companies without a university degree!This course is not ""an entire MBA in 1 course"" kind of thing.The idea of this course is to help you make the first step towards your very first business. You will learn how to generate and test your business ideas to maximize your chances of success. This class has a few projects that are featured within a course itself. Please take this course to get detailed instructions.You wont be able to find anything similar on the entire internet. I made it as useful as possible for you to have a complete understanding of how you can prepare yourself to start your first business and succeed.This course is about Entrepreneurship Fundamentals and Business Success for beginners."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To TikTok Marketing - TikTok Ads For Beginners" |
"Keep up with the worlds fastest growing social media app, build your own channel and setup your first TikTok Ads campaign.What is TikTok Marketing? How Can I Promote My Business With TikTok Ads? What Marketing Tools Are Available On The TikTok Platform?Register for this course to get your answers and start advertising your business with TikTok Ads today.--If you find this course useful please share your feedback so that I can make this course even better."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Le courage de dire" |
"A la fin de cette formation, vous serez capable :de reconnatre l'importance de vos contributions,d'exprimer votre avis,de dire quelque chose de difficile,de ragir face l'agressivit verbale.Dans cette formation, vous apprendrez grce :5 textes courts9 vidos10 exercices pratiques4 quiz courts3 ressources tlcharger dont un journal d'apprentissage pour vous aider progresser3 articles de blog lire1 pisode de podcast couterVoici le menu (environ 4 heures de formation, tout compris):Section 1 Introduction (24 minutes)Section 2 Comment changer? (17 minutes)Section 3 Me convaincre; j'en vaux la peine (42 minutes)Section 4 Acqurir les outils: m'exprimer (34 minutes)Section 5 Pratiquer (71 minutes)Section 6 Bilan (36 minutes)La pdagogie utilise combine la rflexion personnelle, le partage d'expriences et les exercices pratiques.Je vous attends avec impatience!Vincent"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Html Ve HTML5 Dersleri 2019" |
"Sfrdan Html ve Html5 konusunda tm gerekli hereyi en ince ayrnts ile anlatm bulunmaktaym. Anlatm olduum konular:HTML nedir, HTML Etiketleri, HTML 5 Etiketleri ve UygulamalarBu eitimle web tasarmna ilk adm atabilirsiniz. Eitimde temel HTML etiketleri detayl olarak anlatlmakta ve yeni HTML 5 etiketleri tantlmaktadr. Ders videolarn ksa ve acklayc olarak sizleri bunaltmadan anlatmaya zen gsterdim.Derslerde yapm olduumuz hatalar yorum yaparak sorarsanz elimden geldg kadar yardmc olmaya alacam.Bu srete ben sizlerin yannzdaym.Tek temennim sizlere faydal olmak.Sayg ve sevgilerimi sunuyorum...."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
chinese_for_everybody |
"- . , , . , , . . - :1) ;2) ;3) 400 ;4) ;5) 6) "
Price: 4799.00 ![]() |
"Helm - The Kubernetes Package Manager - 1 Hr Crash Course" |
"Welcome to Helm The Kubernetes Package Manager Course. The course focuses on detailing the use of Helm to manage the Kubernetes deployments. You will learn on how to use the custom charts, reuse the available charts and much more. There are 2 main sections on how to use the stable charts and on how to make custom charts.The ideal student for this course would be DevOps engineers or software developers or sysadmins or anyone who are dealing with Kubernetes projects or have an understanding about Kubernetes and would like to apply the deployment best practices using Helm and to understand more about Helm.Pre-requisites: - You already have a Google Account and have access to Google Cloud Console- Billing account enabled that can be use in this projectStep 1: Create a Google Cloud Project OR select and existing ProjectStep 2: Create a Kubernetes Cluster (select Kubernetes Engine menu item from the left side navigation -> Create Cluster -> Choose default settings)Remember to delete the cluster after use. There is a free 300$ credit provided by Google Cloud for new users."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality Business" |
"Sei incuriosito dalle tecnologie immersive (realt virtuale e aumentata) e vuoi saperne di pi prima di utilizzarle nel tuo lavoro? Sei capitato nel posto giusto.Al termine di questo corso avrai preso confidenza con i principali elementi della tecnologia e avrai le basi per effettuare scelte per la tua professione.Questo non un corso tecnico: non insegner a programmare e a realizzare le esperienze.Questo un corso di business in cui affronter gli aspetti manageriali della implementazione della tecnologia.Essendo tecnologie abbastanza nuove procederemo un passo alla volta introducendo solo i concetti essenziali.Verr privilegiata la chiarezza espositiva al rigore che sarebbe d'obbligo in una lezione universitaria "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Throughput Accounting and Lean Accounting" |
"The purpose of management accounting is to support decision-making and performance management in an organisation.As accountants, therefore, we must have a wide range of tools and techniques that we can use to support the needs of our organisations. Throughput Accounting and Lean Accounting are both examples of flow accounting that provide tools for process-orientated organisations.Throughput Accounting is designed to support management accounting in organisations that are implementing the tenets of the Theory of Constraints.Lean Accounting, like Throughput Accounting, focusses on improving the flow of work through a business process and provides a variety of flexible tools to measure, manage and improve performance.This course covers the Theory of Constraints, Throughput Accounting and Lean Accounting to give learners a thorough grounding of the main issues. Topics covered include: What is the Theory of Constraints? What is Throughput Accounting? The Performance Measures of Throughput Accounting What is Lean Accounting? The Seven Aims of Lean Accounting Lean Performance Measures Performance measures and decision-making in Lean Accounting Accounting Transactions in Lean Throughput Accounting, Lean Accounting and the Financial StatementsThere is a lot to cover and I have made it as clear and accessible as possible. Other than an interest in business finance and performance management, there are no pre-requisites for this course. I hope you enjoy it."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Innovation Masterclass - Creating an Innovation Culture" |
"Markets, and business practices, are changing much more rapidly than in the past. You may think things are ticking along nicely but a tsunami of change is coming, and your organisation is bound to be affected robotics and AI, 3D printing, 5G, big data, and more.Our Innovation Masterclass is about creating a culture for organisational innovation. It covers action you can take to innovate in four aspects of your organisation: Products and Markets Business processes Workplace practices Business modelsIn addition, the course provides a four-step model to boost innovation in your organisation, and looks at some of the main global trends that are changing markets and business practices.Jump-start up your organisations innovation efforts with the Innovation Masterclass."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Problem Solving and Decision Making Creatively" |
"There is a well know saying which states:If you continue to think like youve always thought, youll continue to get what youve always got.It is easy get stuck in a decision-making rut. We gather the same old group together and come up with much the same solutions to problems that we have done before.The danger is that our competitors are thinking more creatively. Markets and business practices are changing fast, and organisations need to be more creative in their approach to problem-solving and decision making.The purpose of this course is to help you, and your team, think more creatively in its problem-solving efforts. The topics covered include:The different thinking styles people use when making decisionsTools to help in creative problem-solving and decision makingThe Benefits Realisation approach to problem-solving and decision makingA structure for creative problem-solving and decision makingTop tips for creative problem-solvingHow to start thinking outside of the boxBetter thinking brings better results. Develop more creative approaches to problem-solving and decision making in your organisation with this course now."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to product management (explained visually)" |
"With this course, we want to teach product managers about the complete process that is required to deliver successful products. We provide a cohesive overview of all the activities that need to be performed, and how they relate to each other. We give detailed instructions on how your team can operate on a weekly basis.We also deep dive into common things that can go wrong, how to spot them, and most importantly, how to avoid them. This helps you ensure your product team is running as good as it can and delivers a valuable product to that is solving your customer's problems."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
Diksiyon |
"Ses nefes ve diksiyon bal altnda toparladmz bu eitim videosunda, oyuncularla uygulamal olarak desteklenen en etkili almalar derledik. Sinema ve tiyatro oyuncularnn da sklkla kulland bu almalardan etkili ve akc bir konumaya sahip olmak isteyen herkes faydalanabilir. retmenler avukatlar, sat ve pazarlama alanndaki tm meslek gruplar, oyuncu adaylar, yurt dnda yaayan Trk'ler.Bunun dnda baz konuma bozukluu olanlar ( kekemelik pelteklik) gibi, yada seslerinin srekli kslmasndan mzdarip olanlar, bu eitim videosunda faydalanacaklar ok ey bulacaklar."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Lash lift full tutorial" |
"This lash lift course is addressed to beauty therapists, eyelash technician and anyone who is interested in learning new skills.This course in presented in english and by fully qualified technician who runs beauty and aesthetic clinic.This tutorial is presented in real time and it's very easy to follow even by beginners.Full manual will be presented at the end of the video and will be able for download."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"How To Close Sales From Stage: Grow Your Speaking Business" |
"Are you a professional speaker or would you like to become one?The fastest and most reliable way to make a big impact, get invited to perform more speaking gigs and scale your business fast is to become a ""platform"" speaker, i.e. closing sales from stage by making an offer that your audience can't refuse.In this course you will learn exactly how to: Position yourself as a high-ticket closing speaker Identify your ideal audience so that they will feel compelled to buy from you Structure your story and convey your message effectively following a must-know 9-step sequence Consistently inspire your audience to take action Get more speaking gigs Attract the right people to your events Follow up effectively to close more sales and get more clients Determine your pricing structure to maximize your profits Make irresistible offers and close high-ticket sales from stage Create a plan to become a professional highly paid speaker"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |